Experiment 37 free porn video

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The sun jumped above the horizon and immediately cast its burning gaze over an ordinary Australian street in an ordinary Australian town. A hot dry wind whipped through the trees and whistled under the eaves. Air conditioners began to sing their daily buzzing song. In house after house, the occupants stirred from their restless slumber and began their preparations for a new day.

The third house from the end of the street was no different. The three occupants got out of bed and went through their usual routine in a similar way to most of the street's inhabitants. One significant difference was that one of the three came to breakfast entirely naked. Ten-year-old Sally Dunstan was the nudist in question. Her blue eyes sparkled beneath the fringe of her short blond hair. The purity of her fair skin was only marred (if you could call it that) by a fading inked pattern representing a chain of flowers that curled around her navel and then climbed up to the centre of her chest.

The complete absence of Sally's clothes was in direct contrast to both of her parents, each of whom was fully dressed.

Sally had adopted naturism as a result of spending the previous week with her friend Mona Puretti and the extended Puretti family at a cabin out in the bush. The Puretti family were all confirmed naturists and they were always active and noisy and emotional and affectionate. Their radically different lifestyle had forced Sally to start seriously thinking about her own life at home.

When Sally came into the kitchen, her father frowned when he saw that Sally wasn't wearing any clothes. He didn't say anything because he didn't know what to say.

"Good morning, Daddy," said Sally with a cheerful grin.

"Er!" said Sally's father.

She walked straight up to him and embraced him in a tight hug. Sally's father looked disturbed and held his hands out to the side. Sally let him go and stood back which was a relief to her father.

Then Sally turned to her mother, who immediately held her hands up as if to stop her daughter's inevitable approach.

"Good morning, Mummy," said Sally. "Did you sleep well?"

"Goodness! Sleep? Well..." stammered her mother. Anything else she might have been going to say was cut off when Sally ignored the outstretched hands and wrapped her mother in a tight embrace.

One of the waving hands came in and awkwardly patted Sally on the back of the head.

Then her mother put the heels of each hand against Sally's shoulders and pushed Sally lightly away. Sally didn't resist and stepped back from her mother.

Grinning cheerfully at her parents, Sally took a small towel and carefully draped it on her chair before sitting down. She rubbed her hands against each other and looked at the table.

"Mmm! Breakfast," exclaimed Sally. "Come on, sit down. It's breakfast time."

Both parents took their places and they all started serving themselves muesli and pouring milk into their bowls. Both parents poured themselves a cup of tea and Sally had a glass of juice. Sally chatted cheerfully, saying anything that came into her head, as her parents served themselves in silence. She took every opportunity to reach out and pat her father's arm or rest her fingers lightly on her mother's shoulder. Despite her best efforts, her parents basically ignored Sally and focused on each task as they did it, except that with each contact they would lean slightly away or twitch and brush nervously at the intruding hand.

Finally it was time to eat and Sally was forced to keep her hands to herself and stop her monologue in order to start eating her own breakfast. A silence fell over the table, broken only by the occasional tinkling as spoons lightly touched against bowls and the chink of teacups being lifted from, or replaced on, their saucers.

Sally looked back and forth between her two parents. They were each engrossed in the apparently serious task of eating their bowl of muesli and drinking their morning cup of tea. Sally looked down at her own half-eaten bowl of muesli, stirred it with her spoon and then looked back at her parents.

The silence was normal. Every meal in the Dunstan household was the same. Sally wanted to change that but she didn't know how. She sighed loudly and stirred her muesli again, making sure to clatter her spoon noisily against the sides of her bowl.

"Sally," scolded her mother.

"What?" chirped Sally.

Sally's mother opened and closed her mouth and then did it again. Finally her mother turned back to her muesli without saying another word.

Sally carefully took a spoon of muesli into her mouth and chewed it. She swallowed the last of her mouthful and gave her muesli another stir, but this time a little more quietly.

"Hey Daddy," said Sally. "Did you know that there are other breakfast foods? Apart from muesli, I mean."

Sally's father sighed and put his spoon down. He turned and looked at her but found the sight a little disturbing so he took his glasses off and cleaned them. Now that Sally was reduced to a pink blur he found that he could talk to her quite normally so he left his glasses off.

"Yes, I do know there are other breakfast foods apart from muesli," he said. "The Kellogg's company alone produces approximately 15 different trademarked breakfast cereals, along with a number of other food choices. But they are an American owned company so if you want to buy shares in Kellogg you will need a broker who specialises in purchasing shares on the US stock exchanges."

"Oh!" Sally blinked at her father. "I don't really want to buy shares in the Kellogg's company."

"Sanitarium also make breakfast foods, but they aren't a publicly listed company, so nobody can buy shares in Sanitarium," said Sally's father. "Sanitarium is entirely owned by a church. There are some smaller breakfast food companies that are publicly traded, though I wouldn't currently recommend any of them due to their current high levels of debt."

"I don't really want to buy shares in any food company," said Sally. "I only have twenty-seven dollars and sixty-five cents."

"Then why are you interrupting breakfast with questions about cereals?" asked her father.

"We always eat muesli for breakfast," said Sally. "I was thinking that maybe we could try a different type of cereal."

"We eat muesli," said Sally's father.

"Yes, but why?" asked Sally.

"Because that's what we always eat for breakfast," said Sally's mother, putting her spoon down so she could join the conversation.

"Yes, but why?" asked Sally.

"Because that's what we have in the cupboard," said Sally's father.

"Because we like muesli," said Sally's mother.

"Yes, but... " Sally stopped herself and sighed. "I was thinking that maybe next time we could try buying some other type of cereal, just to see whether we like it."

"We have a regular groceries order," said Sally's mother. "They deliver it each week. I don't like having to change the order. It increases the possibility of them getting it wrong if I change the order. I don't like it when they get the order wrong."

Sally took another mouthful of muesli and chewed it thoughtfully.

Sally's father, deciding the conversation was over, put his glasses back on, picked up his spoon and resumed eating.

Sally's mother picked up her spoon, frowned, and then put it down again.

"Why do you have twenty-seven dollars and sixty-five cents?" asked her mother. "That sounds like a lot of money for you to have."

"I have twenty-seven dollars and sixty-five cents because you gave me thirty-five dollars at Christmas and so far I've spent seven dollars and eighty-five cents. Also I found a fifty cent coin on the pavement."

"Goodness!" said her mother. "I hope you washed it."

"Of course I washed it," said Sally. "I wash all of my coins. You never know where they've been."

"Well, good," said Sally's mother. Not knowing what else to say about that, she picked up her spoon and resumed eating.

Sally chewed and then swallowed another mouthful.

"Daddy, why does a church own a breakfast food company?" asked Sally.

Sally's father looked at the spoonful of muesli that had been approaching his mouth and then sighed and put it back in his bowl. He took off his glasses again and turned to Sally.

"Churches are big business. Some of them have a lot of investments in a variety of fields. The Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company happens to be only one of the companies owned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church. I am unclear as to why they own it except to say that I gather it is highly profitable for them."

"Oh!" said Sally. "I was picturing the little church down by the park. Mrs Dunnelly from over the road said that she's on the committee that runs that church. She organises the church fete each year to raise money for the church. I was trying to picture somebody like Mrs Dunnelly deciding to buy a breakfast food company with the money from the church fete."

"I believe that the church building down by the park, and the land it is on, is owned by the Uniting Church of Australia. The building and the land would be worth quite a good deal of money. Mrs Dunnelly and her committee only manage the proceedings within the building," said Mr Dunstan. "According to their advertisements, the money from the church fete either goes to charity or is used to support their day-to-day activities. Now could we please end this discussion so that I can get back to eating my breakfast?"

Sally smiled cheerily at her father, which he saw as a smear of white in the otherwise mostly pink blob. He turned back to his bowl of muesli, put his glasses back on and picked up his spoon.

She didn't do it deliberately but the next time Sally spoke happened to be just as he was bringing the spoon loaded with muesli towards his mouth.

"Did you know that today is Saturday?" asked Sally.

Sally's father grumbled quietly to himself as he carefully returned his spoonful of muesli to his bowl.

He turned and scowled at Sally. Since he still had his glasses on, that meant he was immediately greeted by quite a clear and precise view of her irrepressible grin and the expanse of her skin that was visible above the table – which is to say her naked chest and her naked shoulders and arms as well as her neck and face. He knew he wasn't supposed to look at a girl's breasts, except that Sally didn't have breasts so he wasn't entirely sure whether that rule applied to her. His father had given him a number of useful rules for dealing with people and one of them was that he shouldn't look at a girl's breasts. It was a simple rule and he generally found it an easy rule to follow.

His father had given him a separate list of rules for dealing with Sally, but unfortunately that had been back when Sally was an infant so a number of them dealt with making sure he didn't drop her if he was holding her and to make sure she wasn't left wearing a wet or dirty nappy. Well, Sally wasn't wearing a nappy so happily he could follow that rule without much effort.

Unfortunately, Mr Dunstan's father had died before he could change or add to the list of rules as Sally got older. Mr Dunstan had been left to work out his own rules for Sally and that had been an ongoing source of concern for him. For instance, this business of Sally being naked – he knew that when she was younger he had been allowed to help her change her clothes and give her a bath. Her being naked at those times was logical and therefore it followed that it had been okay for him to see her naked. But she'd been able to change her own clothes and have her own bath for quite a few years now and that meant that he wasn't supposed to help her change clothes or help her bathe anymore. But he wasn't sure what that meant for the rule about seeing her naked. It was all terribly confusing.

Mr Dunstan looked down at his bowl of muesli and then back at Sally. Even when she was wearing clothes, he would normally be able to see the skin on her neck and face so he couldn't work out why he was finding that part of her skin as disturbing as the rest of her this morning.

"Daddy!" said Sally. "I asked if you knew that today is Saturday."

He blinked and looked away – looking in several directions around the room before his eyes landed on the calendar that hung from the kitchen wall.

Carefully he took his glasses off again before looking back at Sally.

"Yes," he said, sounding a little terse. "Yes, I did know that today is Saturday."

"Well," said Sally. "Saturday after breakfast is when we always have our family meeting."

"Yes," said Mr Dunstan. "I am aware of that. I am, after all, the one who instituted the practise."

Meetings were an important way for an organization to function effectively. The family was like a small organization. Therefore a regular meeting of the family was important. That had been his own idea and he thought it was a good one.

"I just wanted to remind everyone that we should have our family meeting after breakfast," said Sally. "Because it's Saturday."

"It's marked in the diary," said Sally's father. "None of us will forget it. Now, I would like to get back to my breakfast rather than continuing this discussion. Breakfast time is for eating breakfast. Meeting time is the appropriate time for discussion."

Mr Dunstan polished his glasses and put them back on and then picked up his spoon and carefully resumed eating his muesli.

As he ate, George Dunstan was puzzling over Sally's behaviour and his reaction to it. Sally didn't usually try to talk so much during breakfast. But even on the odd occasion when she did, he hadn't become annoyed with her before. He was definitely feeling annoyed. He wondered why that was. Sally didn't usually annoy him. She often confused him, but she rarely annoyed him.

Melody Dunstan was recalling the unease she had endured when her previous brand of muesli had been abruptly taken off the market. She had agonised for quite some time before ticking the next available brand of muesli on the list for the grocery order and hoping that it would be adequate. It had taken over a week before the different taste of the new brand had stopped tasting wrong. Now she was quite comfortable with this brand and she shuddered at the thought of having to go through all of that again.

And now Sally wanted to try some other type of cereal instead of muesli. Melody didn't understand why anybody would want to deliberately put themselves through so many changes when it wasn't necessary. But then, Melody didn't understand a lot of things that Sally did. This morning, Sally's behaviour was particularly disturbing to Melody – in addition to the nudity, that is. She wasn't sure what was different but she definitely felt disturbed.

Sally scraped the last of the muesli from her bowl and ate it, apparently oblivious to her parents' inner turmoil. She put her spoon in her bowl and sipped her juice, glancing back and forth between her parents. They were both eating silently, each completely absorbed in their own activity.

The contrast between meals with her parents and meals with the Puretti family couldn't be more stark. The Puretti meals had been noisy and turbulent. For the first couple of days, Sally had felt overwhelmed, despite the Purettis doing everything they could to make her feel welcome. Such chaotic meals had been so far from anything in Sally's experience that she didn't know how to act. Gradually Sally had adapted and by the end of the week with the Purettis, she had been a little more comfortable and was able to join in with the variety of conversations that flowed constantly and noisily around the table.

It had actually been something of a relief for Sally to get back to eating with just her parents. But she did miss the conversations and her attempts to start one this morning had been less than a roaring success.

The rest of breakfast proceeded in silence as each member of the family was absorbed in their own thoughts.

Once breakfast was finished, the family worked together in a well-practised routine to quickly clean the dishes and return the kitchen to its usual spotless condition. Then Sally's parents moved into the front room and sat on the sofa while Sally went skipping down the hallway to her bedroom. She pulled an exercise book off the shelf above her desk and checked that the title on the front cover said "Family Meetings." Next she took her ruler and collection of coloured pens out of her desk drawer. Then she skipped back down the hallway to join her parents in the front room.

Sally sat down on the floor behind the coffee table that sat neatly in front of the sofa occupied by her parents. Carefully Sally put the ruler down parallel to the edge of the table. Then she lined up her pens above the ruler. Finally she put the exercise book down and opened it, flipping through the pages until she found the first empty page.

With her ruler and her red pen she carefully ruled a margin exactly 2.5cm in from the side of the page. Swapping between black, green and blue pens to distinguish between different sections, she started to write in her careful, primary-school-neat cursive script.

Family Meeting Saturday January 28th

Present: George Dunstan, Melody Dunstan, Sally Dunstan.

"I'm ready," said Sally. "First item on the agenda is Dad's report."

The agenda had been designed by her father and was written out on the front page of her book but they had done this often enough that Sally didn't need to refer to it.

"Hmm, yes, well," said Sally's father, taking his glasses off. "I seem to have covered everything yesterday during dinner. As I told you yesterday, my trip was very successful. I visited a number of businesses that I do reports on and was able to interview a number of people involved in running those businesses."

Mr Dunstan continued, providing some extra details about his journey and then went on to say that next week he would be returning to his usual routine of working in his office at home every day.

Sally carefully made notes in her book about her father's week. She rather proudly used neat dot points the way she had learned in school the year before rather than attempting to write it all out in sentences. It meant that she could more or less keep up with what her father was saying, rather than having to leave sections to fill in later. Sally had been very proud when her father had first suggested that she could write out the record of each meeting instead of him doing it each time. At first she had found it to be a lot of work, but now that she knew how to do dot points it was much easier.

When her father had finished his report and Sally had finished making her notes, she looked up.

"Is there any discussion about Dad's report?" she asked.

Her parents both shook their heads.

Sally frowned. There was usually some discussion. Even Sally didn't have anything to say. Then Sally realised that the discussion about her father's week had happened the previous evening at dinner. There didn't seem to be much point in repeating it all.

Sally changed pens to a different colour and carefully printed a new heading.

"Okay, the next item on the agenda is Mum's report. It's your turn, Mummy."

Mrs Dunstan scowled down at the floor. "I went to that conference in Adelaide. It was awful."

Sally took a moment to realise that her mother wasn't going to say any more. She looked down at her book and wondered how she was supposed to summarise her mother's report into dot points without actually writing out everything. She changed pens to go back to the colour she was using for dot points and carefully wrote:

==> Conference, Adelaide, Awful.

"And last night you had sex on a towel with Daddy," Sally finally added.

Sally's mother looked at Sally and then at her husband and then nodded. "Yes."

"And was that good?" asked Sally, hoping to have something more to write.

"Goodness," said Sally's mother. "It was sex."

Sally stared at her mother who just sat there and fiddled with her fingers. Sally's mother was usually more talkative than this and Sally was disappointed at the short answers she was getting. Realising her mother wasn't going to say anymore, she shook her head.

"I'll take that as a yes," said Sally, finally.

Then she carefully wrote:

==> Sex, on a towel, with Daddy, good

Sally stared at the two dot points she had written for her mother's report and compared it to the eight she'd written for her father.

Swallowing her disappointment, Sally fell back on the routine of the meeting.

"Is there any discussion about Mum's report?"

Sally's parents shook their heads.

Sally sighed to herself. This meeting was going much faster than normal. Family meetings had always been something she looked forward to each week because it was the one time when they all really talked to each other and she enjoyed that. Maybe having discussions at other times weren't such a good idea if they were going to ruin family meeting time.

Sally changed pens and put a new heading.

"Okay then, it's my turn to give my report."

Sally looked down at her book. She had so very much to say and she didn't think she'd be able to write dot points and say it all at the same time. She decided that it would be okay to fill in the dot points for her report after the meeting.

"Well, last week I went to stay with Mona and her family for the week in their cabin out in the bush. It was a very interesting week and I had a lot of new experiences. One of those was being a naturist, which means that I spent the entire week naked..."

Sally proceeded to tell her parents some of the highlights of her week. Both parents listened attentively, though her father never actually stopped cleaning his glasses.

Sally ended up not saying as much as she had intended about the week. Some of it she had already said and she felt silly repeating it. And it occurred to her as she was talking that most of the events that she had found fascinating were completely foreign to both of her parents so mentioning them would require a long explanation of what was involved and they would probably end up not understanding anyway.

As a result, Sally ended rather abruptly by saying " ... and then we came home. And since I liked being naked I decided to stay that way."

Thinking she was finished, her parents stirred and her father put his glasses on.

"Oh!" said Sally, suddenly remembering something she had to add to her report.

Her parents immediately sat back into the sofa and her father took his glasses off again.

"I start back at school next Tuesday after the summer holidays. I'll be starting Grade 5 and my new teacher will be Miss Little. I'm going to miss Mrs Shoram. She taught me a lot of things, including the proper way to run and write up experiments and how to write dot points. But I'm looking forward to having Miss Little as a teacher."

"School?" said her father. "Will you be going to school like ... er..." He waved his hand at her body.

Sally looked down at herself and giggled but then she frowned.

"Daddy, you're supposed to wait for me to finish my report before the discussion."

Mr Dunstan leaned back and nodded. "Quite right. I wrote those rules so I should adhere to them. Please continue."

Sally opened her mouth and then closed it again. Then she tried again.

"That's the end of my report. Is there any discussion of my report?"

"Yes," said her father. "Will you be going to school naked?"

Despite knowing what her father was going to say, Sally giggled again as a picture of herself, standing naked in front of her class, flashed through her mind.

"No Daddy. I don't think that's allowed. I have to wear the school uniform."

"Well, good," said her mother.

"Does your uniform still fit you?" asked her father. "You appear to be a little taller than you were last year."

"I checked all of my uniforms and tried everything on last weekend before I went away," said Sally. "I'll have to buy a new shirt because one of my old ones is damaged. And I have to buy a new pair of bathers. But everything else still fits me. I intend to go to the school shop on Monday to buy the new shirt and bathers."

"Will they put that on your school account?" asked her mother.

"Yes, Mum. We just have to fill out what I need on the form and you sign it. I have the form in my room, so you don't need to come with me to the shop."

"Well good," said her mother.

"Perhaps they should let you go to school naked," said her father. "It would reduce the expenses."

Sally giggled and then stared at her father – amazed that he had made a joke.

"Good one, Daddy," said Sally.

Her father blinked. "Good what?"

"That was a good joke, Dad."

"What joke?"

Sally stared at her father for a moment and then shook her head. "Never mind. Is there any more discussion about my report?"

Both parents shook their heads.

"Okay then. The last item on the agenda is general business. Does anybody have any general business?"

Both parents shook their heads.

"Well, I have one thing. It's something I learned about last week."

"And what was that?" asked her father.

Sally took a deep breath.

"The thing is, Dad," said Sally. "You know how you told Mr Puretti that I had to join in the family activities?"

Her father nodded.

"Well, Mr Puretti said that an important family activity was getting cuddles before bed-time. Every evening, all the kids sat on the lap of one of the adults and got a cuddle. So Mrs Puretti told me to sit on her lap and get a cuddle. Well I did that and within about two minutes I started crying. Soon I was crying so hard that I thought I was going to melt away into a puddle."

"You were crying?" said Sally's mother. "While Mona's mother was holding you?"

"Why were you crying?" asked Sally's father. "Were you sad? Did somebody hurt you?"

"Maybe you had colic," said her mother.

"Nobody hurt me, nobody said anything mean, I didn't know why I was crying. I just started crying. It was very confusing. It was very upsetting to be crying when I didn't know why I was crying."

"That seems strange," said Sally's mother. "Usually when you cry, there is a reason. You cry when you are sad and you cry when you are hurt. When you were a baby, you cried when you were hungry but you seem to have stopped doing that. You've never cried without a reason. Mother said that if you cried and I couldn't find a reason then you might have colic and I should take you to a doctor."

"There was a reason, Mum. It's just that I didn't know what the reason was at the time."

"Oh!" said Sally's mother. "I'm glad there was a reason."

"So why were you crying?" said Sally's father.

"Mr Puretti explained it to me," said Sally. "It turns out that there's such a thing as touch deprivation – or some people call it touch starvation. Babies need to be held and cuddled a lot or they don't grow up right. Most people, no matter how old they are, need to be touched regularly by other people or their minds can get strange."

"I've never liked people touching me," said Sally's father. "It makes me feel very uncomfortable. And I don't like touching other people."

"Yes, Dad, but you're different. Most people like to be touched – as long as it's done nicely. According to Mr Puretti, they don't just like it, they need it."

"I've never liked people touching me, either," said Sally's mother.

"You're different too, Mum. You're different the same as Dad. That's probably why you get on so well together."

Sally frowned and looked back and forth between her parents.

"You two touch each other," said Sally. "Not often, but sometimes."

"We don't touch each other very often," said Sally's father.

"Why?" asked Sally.

"Because neither of us like being touched," said Sally's mother.

"The other night when you were dancing, you were touching then," said Sally. "That didn't seem to make you uncomfortable."

Both of Sally's parents looked surprised. They looked at each other and then back at Sally.

"But that was dancing," said Sally's father. "You have to hold each other like that when you dance. That's one of the rules for dancing."

"Mr Puretti said that old-time dancing was a ritualised way of touching and holding other people. It allowed people to have physical contact at a time when society wouldn't let anybody touch each other in a casual way. He said that nowadays boys do it by wrestling on the floor and playing sports and dancing in the mosh pit where they all cram in together and jump up and down. He said that's how boys overcome the way today's society stops boys from casually holding and touching each other."

"Well!" said Sally's mother. "Wrestling?" She shivered. "Goodness!"

Sally giggled. "It's just as well you didn't have any boys, Mum. The Puretti boys pushed and shoved and wrestled all week. Mona said they're not hurting each other, that's just their idea of fun."

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Fucking his sister

Last week i was at my friend Derick's house and we were bored and decided to drink a bit. We watched tv played some games usual crap to waste time. Eventually we went to bed. He went to his room and i went to the empty guest room. It was still kinda early so i wasn't that tired, but the booze always makes me horny. So i started playing with myself a bit until i was stiff as a rock. I slowly rub my cock, closing my eyes and letting my imagination wander. All of a sudden i hear the door creak...

2 years ago
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Triple Bitch Dare

The Thriller B's Triple Bitch Dare ( a sort of triple-dog dare ) Elizabeth Owen, Bette to her friends, had been the youngest of three Triple Dog Dare Daredevils at her high school. She was 15 years old when the trio started pulling dares and pranks. The other two, Beverley Evers and Barbara Lane, were a year or so older. Barb lived in the house just behind Bette's and Bev lived just a few blocks away. Ever since tenth grade, the three girls had become best buds and for years they giggled at...

3 years ago
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The Complexity of Two Twins

Jamie & Naomi: 15 years old. Breast 36B. Height 5 “6”. Blond hair. Pale blue eyes. Lillian “Lily”: 18 years old. Breast 34C. Height 5 “7”. Brown hair. Brown eyes. “I saw Lily kissing her boyfriend,” Naomi had told me. “So,” I shrugged. Although we were identical twins, I was the tomboy, which meant I had no intention to listen to her gossip. “I just thought-“my sister stopped talking mid sentence. I looked over in time just to catch her pounce. She had the advantage being...

2 years ago
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Sex With Mami

Hello every one, I am Akshay Sharma of class 12th and I live in New Delhi with my parents. I am tall, 5’11, average and fair. Last Saturday I planned to visit my mama and mami who lived 20 kms from my house My mama is about 28 years of age. He had been married to mami since 8 months. My mami is about 26 years old and a very beautiful lady. She is slim and has long hairs. She is quit fair and very friendly. I arrived to their house and they welcomed me. We talked and had tea. Mama told me that...

3 years ago
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A Perfect Life

I entered the room, the flickering candles illuminating her body. Sensual shadows and erotic curves entranced my mind. The perfume of cinnamon and nutmeg filled my senses. She moved slightly, her hands bound to the bed head, her face masked and gagged pressed to the down filled pillow. Her body curved as she knelt with her ass in the air, legs parted, cheeks firm and round. I could take my pick, and neared the edge of the bed, the height so well judged that my erect member so easily sought its...

2 years ago
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Becoming Melissas Cuckold Pt 09

I spent the next few days trying to get anything at all out of Melissa. I had so many questions about what she and Diana had discussed in private, but it didn’t take long before I realized that I was pushing my luck. Melissa was was losing patience with me so I backed off.Instead I moved on to trying to find out more about this party that we’d be going to on the weekend. I didn’t want to anger her after pressing her about the other things, so I made it sound like I was trying to prepare myself...

2 years ago
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Sexy Cousin Sister Ke Saath

Mera nam shreyan hai mai pune ka rehne wala hun meri age 18 hai mai muscular body wala hu with height of 5.9 feet. Mera lund 6 inch se thoda bda aur 3 inch mota hai jo aunties aur ladkiyoko satisfy krne ke liye kafi hai.Any aunty and girls from pune who want to enjoy with me mail me at mai sab kuch krunga jo aap chahe to chalo shuru krte hai .Is khani ki heroine hai nisha fair in colour with big boobs and ass height of 5.5 feet her ass is sexy enough to make anyone’s mouth open. Bat tanki hai...

3 years ago
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Best Secretary A Man Ever Had

‘Just fucking great.’ I thought to myself as Henrietta left my office to go back to her desk. This had to be Frank Johnson’s idea of a joke again. He was the main boss for our section and handled personel also, I had been slowly climbing the corporate ladder and had gotten to the point of actually having a secretary. Vice President the sign read, with my name on it. Another of Frank’s ideas, a title like that got respect when speaking to a potential customer, at least that is what he...

4 years ago
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Sheila relents

I've had some fun with my widowed neighbour, shagging her and then about a month ago shagging her and her friend June. The day after the session with Sheila and June Sheila told me she'd never done anything like that (3some) before, and after that she became very standoffish with me. She would hurry back indoors if she was outside when i came home or left my house. I saw virtually nothing of her for those 4 or 5 weeks until yesterday. My car was in the garage for a service so i walked home from...

3 years ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 16 The Gathering

What is a rift? The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. A rift is exactly that, a straight line between two points. A link between worlds can always be drawn. The only factors to consider about rifts are their starting point and their ending point. A rift is opened at one point, leading into the void. A second opening is created from inside the void. What is the void? The void is a place that has no location. There is nothing in the void, hence its name. It is emptiness...

4 years ago
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Ive Got You Babe

I put on your favorite nightie - you know, the black satin one with lace attempting to cover my breasts. I sit with legs spread at the head of the bed. I pat the bed between my legs beckoning you over. You are naked and come to the bed and lay down on your back, with your head nestled between my legs. The top of your head butts up against my naked pussy. I place the blindfold over your eyes, and my fingertips work their magic on your temples. Around and around my fingers swirl while applying...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My Cousins Girlfriend

It was a fall weekend and some friends were throwing a party when their parents left to go out of town. I first meet Vickie while she was dating my cousin. Vickie had emerald green eyes with red hair and a beautiful smile. Vickie's breasts were a small A cup. Vickie had a great looking ass. She probably weighed no more than 105 pounds and stood 5'0" tall. My cousin Mike had been dating Vickie for 2 years while they were in high school. Vickie and I never had much of a conversation other then...

First Time
2 years ago
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The ArcherChapter 7 I Will

Jay groaned again, this time in frustration. He wanted to make love to her, softly, tenderly and here he was, fumbling it because he'd already done too much this morning. His arm was throbbing. Lee pushed Jay back up till he was sitting, with a frown. She smiled at him and stood up. He didn't look at all like a happy camper. That was until she pulled off her shirt in one swift motion by grabbing its hem. She dropped it over his face. When he reached up with his good hand to pull it off,...

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Black And Male in Canada

The name is Stephen Joseph Magloire. My friends call me Stevie. I’m a big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Toronto, province of Ontario. I recently moved there from the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. I find myself missing my old hometown of Brockton more and more. There is no city like the city of champions, folks. You see, I don’t like Canada. And I am really pissed that they beat the U.S. in Men’s and Women’s Hockey in the 2010 Olympics. If we had beaten...

4 years ago
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IIT Mumbai Mein Meri Sex Life

Hi. This is Daksh Kashyap, studying in IIT BOMBAY. This story is continuation of my last story-. Par even you didn’t read that, you will like it. Any girl can contact mein on for sex chat/phone sex/real sex.please send your feedback also. So finally mera admission IIT Mumbai mein ho hi gaya. Main shuru se Pooja ko chodte aaya hu to mujhe sex karne ki adat lag gayi. Par IIT mein 1:10 ka ratio tha. Girls itne kam the aur mere branch mein sirf 2-3 girls hi dikhne mein achi thi. So main kafi udas...

3 years ago
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The Cuckold HUSBAND

My wife and I have been married for 20 years and we never, and I mean NEVER had sex with anyone other than each other, at least after we were married. We have a large family and they are all in college now and live away from home. The house is empty except for us and we generally had a boring life and had sex maybe two times a month. I work and my wife writes novels for a romance publisher. She is a beautiful woman with an awesome body, long legs and tits and an ass to die for. I'm lucky to...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Chapter 7 Flowering Passion

Book Nine: Blossoming Danger Chapter Seven: Flowering Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knave Angela – Drakin Castle, The Haunted Forest Dust danced through the beams of sunlight as I raised my big, heavy tit to my mouth and licked at the salty cum staining my mound. I moaned, savoring the flavor of the swarthy orc's jizz. My tongue dragged across my pale flesh to my pink nipple coated in a glob of his cum. I sucked it into my...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 24

Once it began to get dark, I was to make sure I could be seen moving around in front of the cabin by anyone using a good pair of binoculars or a telescope. When I went back inside things were supposed to go rather smoothly. I would slip out the back door, using the natural cover and darkness to hide me, while my protectors set up to welcome any guests that might show up. Once tonight was over, if they didn't come for me, we would do it again the next night and again until they showed up. I...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 15 2 Kinky Girls

It had been a week since Mom and I spent the 4 days at the spa and hung out with my old babysitter Laci and for a while it was back into our old routine of working and coming home. Day after day I kept thinking about how her warm wet pussy felt wrapped around my cock while the feel of a sexy thong rubbed against my asshole.I came home one day to find my mom was packing a bag. I asked her what she was doing and she told me that she was going out for the weekend to visit an old friend from high...

3 years ago
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A Mum Becomes Submissive

It had been a long day.A long frustrating day.I showed houses all day and didn't even get a bite of a sale.My feet were sore and I was cranky as I got home.I was walking up the stairs to my bedroom to get out of my business wear and stockings when I heard sounds that were undeniably the sounds of sex... coming from my son's room.As I got closer to the door, I heard Nancy, my son's girlfriend, demand, "That's it baby, ream my asshole."I froze.Nancy took it in the ass?My son fucked Nancy's...

1 year ago
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Night Games0

you never know what can happen late at night in an old subarban neighborhood Thud Thud Thud, that was the only sound that hit her ears as she walked through the endless rows of houses in her neighborhood. For some reason, she had so much energy tonight. At 15, she had the body of someone almost ten years older than her age. She stood 5’4” and was dark skinned with black hair, and, coming straight from her house, she was wearing only tight sweat shorts and a tight...

3 years ago
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Strange Fruit

© Copyright 2002 By most people's standards I live a kind of quiet almost sedated life. I guess that's partly because of my Uncle Tim. He came to live out the last days of his life with us when I was 13. Uncle Tim had a problem with alcohol. He drank too much of it, 'cause his liver was rotted out (so my Mother said) and every time he took a drink he got the tremors, started picking up pennies that weren't there; that kinda stuff. Anyway, I don't touch the stuff, never have, and...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 18

It took about two weeks to find a schedule that the boys were happy with and I could maintain. Most mornings, Ivan woke me with breakfast and a breakfast fuck. The other three rotated who got me for lunch and dinner depending on my schedule on any given day. We established house rules on hygiene, cum-sharing and other essential things. One rule was on clothes in the house. The boys wanted to be nude most of the time, but I nixed that. We set 'clothing optional' areas of the house -...

3 years ago
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This is the second of the two stolen chapters of a seven part series. I am reprinting it and I then intend to post the final five parts showing all seven chapters with their true authorship.A SLAVE’S TALE 2.“I abhor unjustified cruelty but a crime cannot go unpunished as I am sure you will agree. When you were thrashed did your last Mistress use your bottom?”“No Miss. I rebelled before she got that far Miss.”“Good, then we will make use of that. You understand what this punishment is for and...

2 years ago
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Moms date with her new friend

Mom is always sex hungry.Dad visits us once in 2 yrs and that too he will be here for 3 months.That time he fucks her for sake but never satisfies her as he couldnt last longer.I have seen mom fingering herself at night and screaming for sex.But she never shows it out that it will be issues.I was a adddict of social medias and i use every thing.Even dating apps.I still a virgin havent had a gf.Mom and me went for a get together and she dressed so nicely and she was wearing...

3 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 49

After seating themselves, a waitress appears. “Sir, we generally don’t allow dogs in our restaurant,” she says, shooting a glare at Sandy. “Unless she is some kind of service animal, she can’t be in here.” Alan grins. Technically Sandy is a service animal, she services me. He wishes he could tell this woman that the dog is more than just a service animal, but that would get them both tossed out and they would have to find somewhere else to eat. “I’m under doctor’s orders to take a trip. I...

1 year ago
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DchasChapter 20

As Alpha1 carried Sarah's Clan back to the Enclave, they reviewed the time spent on the ship that day. Over the last several weeks, they had returned to the ship many times. Each trip was a little different but their first stops were always to see how Amy's Clan was progressing and then to see how the crew was doing with the maintenance. Also, on each trip they usually managed to spend some time on the bridge. Normally this was to review the documentation on their area of responsibility....

1 year ago
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Getting It on With SamanthaChapter 13 Bringing A Dream Into Reality

Samantha and Pete had enjoyed one last weekend of totally unhibited sex play with each other before he'd gone off to serve in the Army for a hitch. That weekend had been the highlight of 3 years of the most unbelievable and sexiest fucking and loveplay that any girl and boy ever experienced. And no one was any the wiser to the relationship between Samantha and Pete. They'd kept their secret well. No one but Pete and Samantha had ever known that in addition to being a brother and sister...

1 year ago
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My Uncle and Me 3

(Read parts 1 and 2 first...)(Part 1 - https://xhamster.com/stories/my-uncle-and-me-1-750797)(Part 2 - https://xhamster.com/stories/my-uncle-and-me-2-760888)My apologies if this one is a little more exposition than usual - this is just the way it happened, and I'm trying to be true to the order of events. I'd really appreciate comments, and if you do get bored, just search for the text -=[ GOOD STUFF ]=- to jump to the "good...

1 year ago
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Private Eveline Dellai Anal Addicted Dance Instructor

Blonde and sexy, Eveline Dellai is next up as one of our teachers in Private Movies, Hot Dancers, and today, this horny star has come to give a private one-on-one lesson to the lucky Angelo Godshack! Eveline always makes sure to have a close relationship with her students, and there’s no better way to establish a connection than with a hot fuck! So watch this beauty in action on www.private.com as she gets down and dirty with all the pussy eating, cock sucking, and ass pounding anal you could...

2 years ago
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A Bathroom Fling

Introduction: Anna is a 17 year old who is graduating high school, and is tired of fucking guys who do nothing for her… Until she meets Derek. Anna was a girl who was classy on the outside but dirty on the inside. She was 17, and graduating high school. She had hazel eyes, was 57, with long brown hair and a big ass. Her waist was tiny but her rack was awesome, with firm d-cup boobs and nipples the size of quarters. Anna was familiar with boys, and she wasnt a virgin, but she barely had actual...

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Wet lesbian experience part two

We get dressed and ready to go out. We have the cab driver circle around the block, as look for a nice restaurant. As we search, we see a adult novelty shop and decide to check it out. Looking around we both think maybe buying a vibrator or dildo would probably add some fun to our plans later. We find a double dildo, called the two timing tom. and two small vibrating bullets with remote controls. Whew...I could only think to myself, I hope this night out goes fast because I almost can't wait...

2 years ago
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The Rastplatz Slut

A Rastplatz Slut Hi, my name is Francois and I would like to use this forum to tell you about what happened to me last week, when I travelled with my car through Germany. I stopped at one of these highway rest areas, so-called Rastplatz, in order to stretch my legs. I was on the road for several hours already and still I was only half way to my destination, Dresden, in eastern Germany. It was one of these typical German rest areas, with no shops just some parking spaces and some tables and...

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Neighbor Becomes His Whore

It is a neighborhood of small homes on small lots so seeing what is happening in the neighbor’s house is easy. As a part time professional photographer I work at home quite often. I had some work to editing some photos on the computer when I saw the light go on in the bedroom next door and then neighbor lady and some man enter. My room was dark, to work on the pictures, and so they never noticed me and did not pull the shades. Well it seems she was having an affair and it got hot and heavy...

3 years ago
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Garden Party Huntress

I step out of my bath, drying myself in a large, soft towel. It is wrapped around my shoulders, my hands clasping the top corners as I dry myself; my cheeks, my neck, down the swell of my breasts and under them, my armpits and then sides. I run my hands down my torso, holding the plush white cotton to my skin as my long, thin fingers slide across my flat belly, my belly button, down my tummy. I slip the towel down my shoulders, cradling it with my cheeks as I dry my hips, the soft fibers of the...

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asian slave seeking new owner

Yellow CockmeatNicknames: slut, bitch, whore, cum dumpMy Motto: I am your oriental sex slave and I enjoy been sexually torturedObjective: actively seeking a new ownerGender: FemaleDate of Birth: 12/11/1986Place of Birth: Shanghai, ChinaPhysical Appearance:Height:1.55mWeight:110 lbbra size: B+Waist size: BPublic hair: waxedTattoos: nonePiercings: 4 earrings through her cunt lips with locks attached (has since been removed)I especially enjoys:Ass to mouth, forced posture (such as kneeling,...

1 year ago
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The twins

Note : This story is completely fictional! When her father was done fucking her Jenny crawled in bed and ask."Do you want to have sex with me now daddy?""As soon as I rest honey" he said."Frank wore himself out on me" giggled Betty."Daddy likes you best""Why don't you girls quit arguing and eat each other's stinky cunts?"When his daughter was finished licking Betty's pussy Frank got a hard on and fucked her."Oh god daddy I'm going to climax" gasp the girl.Frank grabbed her breasts and squeezed...

3 years ago
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Becoming a slut pt 1

One day while looking through my email I found a response from someone close in age saying they would like to experiment too. For a few weeks we kept emailing each other back and forth talking about hooking up with each other. He told me that a big turn on would be if I was wearing women's clothes. I got excited by that idea because I always liked getting dressed up in my mother's or sister's clothes and acting like a little slut when no one was home. We decide that we should exchange...

2 years ago
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The Education of Annie

The Education of Annie By Cassandra Morgan For most of his days days at Polk High School, he had been invisible. And now everyone was going to see him. As her. Annabelle Turner -- Annie -- moved from the drop-off circle to the imposing gray brick building, her gait slowed by the sheer terror of the moment. Inside, her emotions swirled -- she felt free and terrified and nervous and pretty and embarrassed and excited and a thousand other things as she moved. Her heart was...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 18

Rebecca cuddled tightly against me when we got back in bed. She threw her arm across my chest in a very possessive way, which got me thinking that her personality would be changing as fast as her body, once the pregnancy got well underway. I needed to drop by the library and read up on the hormone attacks, cravings, and what else I should be prepared to deal with, as my sweetheart experiences pregnancy at thirty-five. Colleen would need a great deal of extra attention, as Rebecca would be...

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Wife of the Party

Wife of the Party by captv8tdChapter 1The man and woman stood side by side, motionless other than for the slow rising and falling of their chests as they breathed.  Another woman slowly circled the pair, running her eyes up and down their bodies and taking in every detail.“You performed well last night, Steve,” commented Monique as she reached down and cradled his erect cock in her palm.  The naked man blushed slightly.  Even though he had been owned for over two years, it was still...

2 years ago
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Amanda Likes Japanese Girls Part 4

by Vincent "Look. You made the school newspaper," Amanda showed Hina the sports page as they sat next to each other on a bus heading up I-39. They were going to spend Memorial Day weekend at Amanda's family's dairy farm near Dakota. The headline said, "Cute coed brings luck to Badgers softball team." The full color picture showed Hina blowing a kiss to Emily in the on deck circle. "I think I can even see your red panties." "Oh, no you can't. Let me see." Hina grabbed the...

1 year ago
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My First Soulfucking

by Randi ParkwoodI met him at work. His deep blackness overwhelmed me. We flirted for days. I finally knew he would have me. One night after work he took me to a hotel across the street. I was actually going to let this black God fuck me. I was soaking wet and trembling as he slid his tongue into my mouth.Naked, on the bed he opened my legs and his huge incredibly muscled body loomed above me. His unbelievable cock was rubbing against my dripping shaved pussy. It was massive. I'd never seen a...

3 years ago
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Mount Erin 3

Erin was still panting from her first body-quake in the strong hands of Pete.Pete untied her, while he still held her with his other arm. With a slight sliss in his whisper, as if he would be Marlon Brando, Pete told her:"Time to turn around, hot honey. And allow some colour up your front."The same procedure started all over. Pete tied her arms behind her back, as Erin leaned against the young tree with her back now. He took his time with her.Pete first made sure her nipples became little Mt....

3 years ago
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The Beautiful Officemate

I had always eyed her from the day I joined my new company just seeing her in her tight jeans and watching her ass move man I needed that ass we soon got close and were a lovely pair, We started of the regular petting sessions me kissing her lovely lips and she responded very well always opening her mouth wide to welcome my tongue. I would scoop out the saliva from her mouth with my tongue and taste it, and she loved to do the same, soon I was asking for more and so was she but had been fucked...

2 years ago
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Hot Housewife Next Door Fucked In Her Kitchen

I was transferred to my new office in Pune for a short duration of 6 months. I was staying at a 2 BHK flat with a roommate. The main road across our flat was always packed with traffic. It usually took me hours just to get to the office as I worked a night shift. Just across my flat, lived a family of 3. They were married last year and were quite young and had a newborn daughter. Our flats were designed in such a way that I could see their kitchen through ours. Since I used to cook, I...

4 years ago
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Husband finds out wife has been cheating on him

Carol’s job was hosting a Christmas party. She decided to wear a skirt and no panties. I was turned on by the idea. The company party was being held at a hotel about a half hour from where we lived. She said that they expected about 30 people to show up.We arrived at the hotel that evening. The parking lot was almost full but we found a place towards the back. We entered the lobby and made our way to where the event was taking place. As we entered the room, one of Carol’s co-workers, Darnell,...

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SandiChapter 2

It's been 2 weeks since your encounter with Ryan and his friends at the bar, but you can't stop thinking about it. Even after you have sex with your husband, you can't stop thinking about it. You're insatiable and as you lay in bed at night, your mind plays the scenario over and over. You still feel the soft hands of those men moving over your body, squeezing your breasts and nipples, their tongues in your mouth and between your legs. Try as you might to sleep, you can't. You get up and...

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