Was She Dreaming?? free porn video

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The gentle buzzing of his cell phone awakened him from his daydream. The warm feeling of anticipation that had been consuming him for the last hour seemed to explode when he glanced down at the phone. The name on the caller ID brought a smile to his face. His heart rate rose as her image drifted into the eye of his imagination. The feeling of excitement and anticipation rising to nearly a fever pitch within him as he reached for his phone, his thumb poised over the screen ready to connect to the caller.

A gentle touch on the screen and the phone connected. Raising the phone to his ear in anticipation he spoke a single word. "Hello?"

Through the speaker came the familiar voice that never ceased to excite him.

A tired voice replied. "Hi Babe, we're done for the day. The mechanics are here going over my machine prepping it for tomorrow. I'll be there in less than an hour."

As her familiar voice wafted from the speaker he can see her dressed in the utilitarian work clothes that keep hidden the beauty beneath. The ill-fitting clothes hiding her inviting 5' 3" frame. The swell of her firm 34B breasts, taught belly and toned thighs along with a well-defined ass sculpted from years of sports and fitness training. All of this covered by the softest skin he has ever felt in his life. The thought of her rounded face, inviting brown eyes and soft, full lips forming the most inviting smile he has ever seen completes the picture.

The most endearing feature is a cute button looking nose that seems to draw your eyes to it. She does not have the stunning beauty of a fashion model. No, she has a comfortable, girl-next-door look that can disarm any man she puts her mind to.

Shaking himself from the vision he answers after the briefest pause to the tired sounding voice.

"Hey Babe, that sounds good. You sound tired?"

"I am. It's been a long day trying to catch up from the rain."

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm starving. What were you thinking for eats?"

"I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"Not tellin'. You'll see when ya get here."

"Well ... It better be good. Otherwise, I'll have to kick your butt."

"Trust me, you'll like it."

"Okay, Okay ... I'll be there as soon as I can."

"See you soon. Love ya Babe. Bye"

"Love you too. Bye."

With that his phone went quiet. The anticipation was now building even quicker within him by the second. He knew she would be tired and hungry after being out in the heat all day. He'd seen it before. She operated heavy construction machinery all day long. It was something her operating engineer father got her into right out of high school. She loved it and it made her happy, even if it wasn't a traditional job for a woman.

When the call ended he leapt to his feet. It was now time to put his planning into action.

It had been a busy day for him. He rose when her alarm sounded. He made her lunch and prepared her cooler for the day. Shortly after she left for work he went for a run to his favorite destination to the beach at the end of his favorite trail that follows alongside a nearby lake. It's was one of the favorite parts of his day. He loved running and working out. I helped him keep his 6'2", 225 pounds of well-defined muscles in shape for his favorite pastime, competing in triathlons.

His tanned skin covered the hard muscles and his face sported the chiseled features that gave him the look one finds on the finest ancient Greek or Roman statues. The jet black hair complimenting his dark brown eyes finish the look that causes many women to turn their heads as he passed. Often one would try and run with him but they all faded quickly while trying to keep his rigorous pace.

He moved with a grace and ease that allowed him to work up a good sweat pushing his body to its peak performance level and maintaining it for as long as he wished. He felt good. He felt strong. He felt powerful as he finished his run looking down at his watch noting he had cut 2 minutes from his last time. He was pleased.

He made himself a mental list and started working on it once back at the house. He checked on the chicken he placed in marinade last night making sure everything was okay with it. He double checked confirming he had everything he needed for his planned meal tonight.

The meal consisted of her favorites. It was nothing fancy. That was part of what he loved about her. She was happy with the simple things. Expensive cars, fancy restaurants, jewelry, clubs and clothes did not appeal to her. She was happy with a walk on the beach holding hands one day. While the next she could dress for a fancy dinner on the town and turn heads all night long with ease.

It was a gorgeous Friday near the end of July. The sun was out. It was hot with a slight breeze. The kind of day that made him glad he was a teacher giving him the summer off. This gave him the time to complete his surprise for her. He set about finishing off his list. By the time his phone rang he had cleaned the house, the bathrooms, done the laundry, prepped their evening meal and showered. The meal was a few minutes away from being finished. Now all that was left was the waiting, the waiting for his special guest.

The hum of the overhead garage door opener signaled her pending arrival. The sound of her car in the garage confirming she was home. Within moments the garage door opener sounded again followed by the distinctive snap of the access door latch as it closed. He could see her as she walked down the hallway weighed down by her cooler, lunch box, purse and work bags. The dust and dirt on her face along with the sweat line on her shirt confirmed it had indeed been a long day. He hurried to help her with her load. But she shooed him away saying. "Don't come near me I stink."

He stopped and let her unload everything she carried before moving in to hug and kiss her. Again she tried to stop him saying "I'm gross. You don't want to hug me."

He ignored her protests as he wrapped her gently in his strong arms lifting her up with practiced ease and kissing her telling her. "Yes I do. Now come here."

She giggled and kissed him back saying. "Put me down ya brute. I'm going to take a shower."

He still held her up to him telling her. "Nope ... Dinner is ready now and it will be cold by the time you're done with your shower. Besides, I'm hungry too. We're eating now."

With her shoulders slumped, tilting her head, and giving her best pretend whine she said "But I stink."

Still holding her off the floor he told her "I don't care. You're hungry, I'm hungry and the food is ready. Sit your ass down at the table and we'll eat before it gets cold."

"What did you make?" She asked as he set back down.

Moving about the kitchen as he prepared the plates he listed of the menu for the evening meal. "I marinated and grilled some chicken, made your favorite rice dish and couple of other things to go with it. I also grabbed a bottle of your favorite wine. I also have a special treat."

All she could think to say was "But I stink sooo bad!"

He firmly told her "Sit down, shut up, eat and enjoy."

"Ohh Kaaayyy..." she said "If I have tooo..." Drawing the words out and sounding like an exasperated little girl.

"Yes you do. Now eat."

As they ate the exchanged how their days went. He listened as she told him about the "jerk" foreman and the off-color joke one of her coworkers told followed by the latest work gossip. He told her about the changes with his job for the new school year and his plans for the next race he wanted to enter. They shared the mundane things couples do that helps them feel like they are connected to each other. They laughed and teased each other in the intimate and familiar way that only a couple can do as they finished their meal.

After finishing the main course she wanted to run off and take a shower. He still wouldn't let her go. He had picked up an apple pie from her favorite bakery in town. Her eyes widened in anticipation like a young child when she saw the box. In no time at all she was savoring her favorite sweet delight topped with whipped cream. As she delighted in the treat he cleared the dishes and started cleaning up. She took her time finishing the pie. When he stopped for a second and glanced at her she was looking at him with a suspicious eye. Finally noticing he asked her. "What?"

"What do you mean? What" she answered.

"You keep giving me the evil eye."

"I'm trying to figure out why you're doing this."

"This what?"

"This ... The cleaning the house. My favorite diner. My favorite wine. My

favorite desert. What are you plying me for? Do you have something planned with your friends?"

"No ... Nothing like that at all." he responded. "I knew you had a long week and you'd be tired when it was over. That's all."

Still suspicious she said "I don't believe you. But thanks anyways. It was really good."

He answered her with a humph and went back to clearing the mess. As she brought her plate to him she asked. "Can I go take a shower now Master?"

He was finished with cleaning up and her plate was the last thing he needed to load in the dishwasher. He told her. "Yes Stinky ... You can go take a shower."

She picked up a wet dish rag and tossed it him telling him. "I'll give ya Stinky."

He laughed and shooed her toward the bathroom with the threat of returning the wet wash cloth at her telling her. "While you're taking your shower I'm going to run to the gas station and pick up lottery tickets for tonight's drawing. I forgot to get them when I was out earlier."

He could hear her muffled voice from down the hallway saying. "OK. I'll be out by the time you get back."

With that he heard the bathroom door close and the shower being turned on a couple of minutes later.

It had been a long, dry day at work for her. The dust had been kicked up all day by the machine she was running. She was covered from head to toe with dirt.

Quickly she unbuttoned her shirt peeling it off of her shoulders. A quick reach around to her back and her bra was sliding down her arms on its way to being tossed in a pile with her shirt. Next came her pants as she undid the zipper then guiding them down her toned legs. She deftly removed her socks as her feet cleared the pants. All that was left was her panties. She tried to slide them down but they wouldn't move. They felt like they were painted on. She had to peel them off of her firm ass and rounded hips. Once cleared of her gorgeous ass they quickly landed in the growing pile of dirty clothes.

She looked at herself in the large mirror over the sink. She could see the sweat and dirt marks on her face and around her neck. She turned and picked up the pile of dirty clothes to put them in the hamper. As she picked them up she wrinkled nose saying to herself "Yup, you do stink."

Returning to the mirror she could see her pubic hair starting to grow back. As she raised her arms, the mirror confirmed she would need to take care of them too. Looking at the visible stubble on her legs she knew she would not be out of the shower by the time he got back from the gas station. He was right. It had been a long week and she was in need of some "My time." to take care of things.

She grabbed a couple towels and set them next to the shower as she reached in turning it on letting it warm up and adjusting the temperature she wanted. Once she had the shower adjusted she stepped inside and closed the shower door. The streaming water felt wonderful.

As she set about her shower routine she could see the dirt and grime running off of her making its way to the drain as she rinsed herself under the soothing stream of water. She quickly lathered up a rag and started washing. As the rag passed over her nipples she felt a warm rush between her legs sending a small shiver up throughout her body. Thinking to herself "I must be hornier than I thought." she gently tweaked both nipples again confirming her thoughts as her body reacted. She washed her arms, back, abs and legs working her way up to her pussy. As she washed between her legs the warm feelings began to rise even further. She started rubbing the outside of her lips squeezing her clit between her fingers gently. As her breathing started to quicken she stopped. She scolded herself saying "She needed sex with her man, not a quickie session alone in the shower."

She finished washing the day's dirt from her body. After a thorough rise she grabbed the shampoo bottle squeezing a large dollop of the thick liquid into her hand before vigorously scrubbing the remaining dirt from her scalp and rinsing. She grabbed her scented conditioner using a generous amount on her hair letting it sit while she started primping the rest of her body.

As she set about shaving her under arms and legs she was humming one of her favorite songs she heard on the radio on her way home from work today. Carefully she shaved herself smooth between her legs admiring the large puffy lips of her pussy as she hummed away. She couldn't help but give her pussy lips a firm rubbing while running her middle finger up and down her slit dragging it over her clit causing her to jump in excitement. She hoped he would be back by now so she could make love to him when she got out of the shower. After clearing her thoughts she finished removing the remainder of the growth from around her pussy. With the shaving done she rinsed again and exited the shower.

She dried herself off with the large soft towels. After that she started on her hair brushing the auburn tresses removing any tangles from them. She retrieved a lotion bottle from the cabinet taking the fresh smelling liquid and rubbing it all over her pubic area felling its soothing effects. She couldn't resist rubbing her clit while inserting a finger, working her pussy some more. She was horny and she was wet with desire and it was really hard to stop rubbing her pussy.

Admiring herself in the mirror she felt normal again. She was horny and looking forward to a long love making session with her man. It was now time to find him and seduce him. She knew it wouldn't take much. He had always been more than willing and capable when it came to fulfilling her desires. With that she hung one towel up and wrapped herself in the other large one. She was going to screw his brains out wherever she found him in the house.

With one hand holding the loosely wrapped towel she opened the bathroom door. She turned and started down the hallway towards the living area of the house.

Before she knew what happened she felt herself being grabbed roughly from behind. One arm trapped her left arm to her side and the hand was over her mouth. The other arm had reached around her pinning her right arm to her stomach as she was lifted off of the ground. Her back was pulled tightly to a large chest her feet losing contact with the floor. She kicked and squirmed but could not break free. Almost instantly there was a harsh, menacing voice at her right ear. The voice was barely above a whisper. But it was clearly understandable as it said "If you don't want to be hurt stop fighting. Is that understood?" She slowly nodded her head and stopped struggling.

She was afraid. She could feel the stranger carrying her towards the master bedroom. He was carrying her with ease as he walked backwards. Once in her bedroom he stopped for a moment. As he stopped the arm around her stomach released. She started to struggle to get free but the arm quickly returned around her with a very tight jerk. She relaxed again and the arm released. As it did she felt something being pulled over her head. Suddenly she realized she was being blindfolded. She struggled again only to have the arms tighten once more against her chest making it hard to breathe forcing her to relax again.

When the blindfold was put in place her other senses suddenly seem to become more acute. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. She could feel his heartbeat on her back. She could smell the musk of the cologne he was wearing and the fragrance of the soap he had used to bathe with. She could feel his skin against her legs. She could feel the urgency of his manhood as it pressed against her. It was placed firmly between her ass cheeks. She could feel the moisture that was leaking from the end of it. It was hard and unforgiving. She could hear only distant sounds coming through window. She knew there were no close neighbors. She would not be heard if she tried to scream for help.

She could feel him moving her towards the bed. As they got to the bed he put her down and her feet were now touching the floor. She was now standing between his legs. His very hard cock was now up against her back. She could tell he was much bigger than she was. As soon as he set her down he removed the towel from between them. During the struggle it had fallen open and he dispensed with it easily. Once the towel was gone he immediately pressed himself to her again. She could feel his skin contacting her confirming her suspicions that he was naked.

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The Next Day With Sherrie and John

After I kissed Ben good bye, I returned to the kitchen. John and I continued talking. Twenty minutes later Sherrie entered. She asked if Ben was still sleeping. I had told her that he had to leave, but that I would be staying another night. Her face lit up. She leaned in and kissed me while grabbing my tit. She grabbed a cup of coffee and joined the conversation. Sherrie was talking to John about getting food at the store. I had interrupted to let them know that I wanted to pick up a few things...

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Reality or PerceptionChapter 5 Number Four Sherrie

Well, the boat docked and we all parted before going ashore. Rachael told me that Jack would be there to pick her up and she would just as soon not have him see or meet me. He would probably get very suspicious when he saw me. I agreed, kissed her privately before we left the deck and wished her well. I reminded her of my numbers and told her to keep them safe. She promised to call in a week, just to update me. I watched her walk up to the railing on the top deck to join Susan and Mickey. I...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 10

Now they were going to have to move their operations away from North and South America, and the question was: where to, next? The obvious place was Europe, but was that the best choice? They could take a hint from World War II and use the UK as a staging area. They now knew that the Wasps were relatively easy for them to defeat when they had plenty of poison, so they were highly confident of victory no matter which way they went first. The combination of Europe and Asia would take a while to...

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Mom Catches Me Having Sex With Our Maid Sheetal

Hello Readers. This is Rohan again. My maid Sheetal is a 45 year old woman. She has dark skin tone and is a little chubby. She has hanging boobs like most women of her age. She took my virginity and we have been having sex since then. She is very adventurous and this quality of hers landed me into trouble. She would often insist me on having sex with her when my parents are in the house. We had done that on several occasions and were never caught. Last week my parents had to go to a wedding for...

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Sheetal the prostitute

Sheetal and had opened up a part of me I never really admitted I had. My life with my wife Rupali was your typical, wholesome life. We loved each other and our infant son. We shared household chores. I worked hard and provided for the family while she stayed at home and took care of the house and our son. Despite our hectic lives we made love to each other a couple of times a week and maintained a healthy sex life. Nothing had changed there, but now Sheetal had added another more devious...

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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie 4

Boonie Baby's Whore Warren came to assist her getting up, he winked at her. Knowing what that wink meant, she clumsily got up spreading her thighs, pausing seconds, twisting on unbalanced legs. She made sure everyone in every direction got flashed. As she stood, Warren told everyone to give them a minute of privacy and grab a cigarette break outside. Sherrie said, “I know what my Baby wants”. She turned around, got on her knees, using her own dripping cum to lubricate her hole, she waited...

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Gary Becky Sheep for the Shearing

"If God didn't want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep." Calvera – The Magnificent Seven Paul Simmons is brilliant, generous, a kind and loving man. Yet he is the antithesis of all that. A passionate man who possesses all he can, holding on to what he covets with a tightly clasped fist until he no longer wants it. Including people – his secret side isn't really a dark side, still, he is a controlling man who has taken what belongs to others. Fulfilling needs locked up deep...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 9

The brains back at Auburn had finally doped out how to make an antigravity belt, and they built a couple of prototypes to test their theories. It turned out that the secret of the system was not all that exotic, after all. Given a few more years and Earth scientists would have come up with the principals, so they had little trouble modifying the design to fit human tastes and idiosyncrasies. All of the fighter-jockey types wanted a single-seater fighter where they could strut their stuff....

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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

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COCKWASHED By Katharine Sexkitten cockwashed verb "kok.wah-shed" believing that there is no greater joy in life than worshipping cocks, leading to giving into the desires to suck cock and be fucked by cock, by frequently being exposed to it or repeatedly being shown that it is true and thereby realizing ones true place in life. other tenses: cockwashing, cockwasher, cockwash I have been cockwashed. It's like being brainwashed, but as opposed to some radical...

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Goa Beach With Sheetal And Lots Of Tease 8211 Part 2

That night after returning back to our room after dinner, I couldn’t stop thinking about Sheetal’s sexy body. I wanted to fuck her again. I wanted to suck her juicy lips and caress her soft breasts. I went inside the bathroom and took out her soft silky panty. I put it on my dick and started to slowly rub it on my dick. The feeling of her soft panty on my penis made me go mad, and I masturbated like crazy. I wanted to play with her body. If you look at Sheetal and even if she doesn’t know you,...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 6

The Oolsans were welcomed into the new interstellar family that was forming. They did not have much more to contribute beyond the sample of Inklus' piss, since their body shape did not lend itself well to fitting into a spacetub. Nevertheless, they were given equal rights along with everybody else and were provided with replicators so that they could move into a more comfortable living standard. The invading Wasps had been easily eliminated, since they had just arrived and had not had time...

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Night Out with Sheetal my adorable princess

Sheetal, age 24, round face, height 5 ft 4 inches, fair is a pleasing personality. Working in MNC at Delhi, living in a common PG for girls. Is a friend of mine and we had chat on xhamster few times here. It is her who actually inspired about to write here, so am writing, with of course, her name changed. Yes, so, once casually chatting here we met here and just shared some hi and hellos. We did chat about fantasies, some sexual encounter in life and all that. I came to know that Sheetal had...

3 years ago
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Sexual Encounter With Sheetal An Office Colleague

Hi this is Rajeev here from Delhi/NCR. Am 6 feet tall, fair, well built handsome guy with a 7 inches cock. This is my first story on this site. I am sharing one of my real life sexual encounters with a friend of mine. This event happened about a year back. It involves me and a colleague of mine in an ITES company in Delhi. Her name was Sheetal (name changed). At first we were not very friendly, but we had a change in the seating arrangement in our office, and she landed just next to my seat...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 6

A reconnaissance flyover toward Tallahassee produced a startling result. There was what appeared to be a new pyramidal spaceship under construction! Judging from its appearance in the recon photos, it was only about 10% complete. The wasps could be seen working on it oblivious to the presence of human soldiers less than 100 miles away. The question was immediately raised: should they try to stop construction on the pyramid or should they allow construction to continue in hope of capturing it...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 7

Capturing a Wasps' pyramid undamaged was too good an opportunity to miss, so Ann put all of her resources into the task. She left a holding force to occupy the territory already occupied, but moved all of her other forces into place near the Georgia pyramid. This took two days of nail-biting tension, because they didn't know what would happen if the troops were spotted by the Wasps. Very tight air cover was flown by tubs to keep any Wasp well away from the troop concentrations. The Wasps...

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Horny housewife sheela1

Dear readers, this story is not mine i ve just taken it from net and it mostly belongs to curly bhojrani. So due credit must be given to the original author for a fabulous story which is one of my all time favorite [meaning never fails to give an erection]regards vicky kumar alias bicks…My name is Sheela, I am married to Vinod Agarwal who now heads the south east region of a global tele company. I read with my friend Curly, stories posted in Hindi Internet Love Stories and enjoy how the writers...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 7

A fleet of 2,000 space tubs could cover a width of 2,000 miles when they were lined up side by side. Their FLIR had no trouble covering a width of half a mile on either side, so they were able to sweep for hidden nests very effectively and very efficiently. Hadron IV was a small planet with very few mountains, so it was swept in only three days. A few nests were found, but they were easily destroyed and the question was now raised: "Now what?" Very little destruction was vented on the...

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Crusher 2

I want to thank Waldo for his kind permission to write a sequel to his excellent tale and Steve Z for his editing. I recommend reading Crusher as a prequel if you have missed this excellent story CRUSHER 2 : Who's who? by Eric It was strange, it couldn't be more strange, being in my mother's body, Wesley thought with grim amusement. He looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, long red hair and great figure, and smiled. 'It's Mother to the life. God, I hope she won't...

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I met Sheetal at the local Costco. I was there with my wife Rupali. She loved buying stuff in bulk. I guess I should be thankful to have a wife who is so frugal with my money but the idea of buying diapers by the caseload hardly fills me with the same kind of excitement as it does her. I love Rupali; ours was a love marriage though with the consent of both our parents. We both grew up in India and met in college here in the US. That's where we fell in love and decided to get married. We held...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 3

One of the rescued men was a licensed radio engineer who worked part time at the University radio station. He suggested that they use the radio station to broadcast for anybody who wanted to join them to show up at the dining hall. The station was still operable because he could hear the carrier. He said that they could make a tape which would loop back on itself and send a repeating message up to about one minute long. Bill agreed to make such a tape and he and the engineer left for the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 8

The Xytal must have supplied most of the technology used by the Wasps. The humans reached that conclusion because the almost "magical" power supply was used to power so many of the marvels used by the Wasps. Nobody could see the Wasps having the intelligence to adapt that power supply to other gadgets. The only significant item for which the humans had not found a service manual was the pyramid, itself. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Every one of the thousands of books in the...

1 year ago
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Shelia pays off bet

Shelia pays off betChapter 1Shelia’s Bar and Fetish shop was the hub of the BDSM community in South Florida.  Also many folks came from other parts of Florida, as she had a reputation for the finest B&D  fetish wear and equipment in the state.  Shelia Bobbs was 35 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5’10? and about 140lb.  She was very popular and her close friends also knew she had a dungeon up in her loft for their enjoyment.  It was a Monday night in April, when Racheal entered the bar with...

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Bangalore Sex Tale 8211 Sheetal

Hi all sex lovers. This is Shyam from Bangalore. Thanks for your comments for my first experience with Maria. Now I am going to share how I had my second sex with one of my class mate. After having sex with neighbor Maria for next six months I did not get any chance to have sex. And when I entered my 12th std a new girl called Sheetal had joined our class. Sheetal was from Punjab and as her father had got transferred, they had come to Bangalore. Sheetal was little overweight for her age and...

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Sheetal ki chut ki aag mere peshab se bhuji

Hi all. This is my real life story. It’s very hot. So loosen your underwear’s & let the CHUTS become wet & LUNDS become erect & tight. Start rubbing your pussies all you sexy girls & put your fingers inside & start moving …. No start fucking your wet & hot pussies. Right If now you are set, I will tell my real life story for your sexual pleasures & fantasies. It so happened that once during my exams a very good friend of mine whose name is Sheetal, had requested to study with me turn by turn...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 8

The attack on Loki II started off the same as the attack on Loki IV, except that there were few SAM sites to deal with. Instead, they had spotted where the Wasp fighters had launched, and those places faced the full fury of the spacetubs' attack. Again, the destruction wrought by the kinetic warheads was awesome to behold! Massive craters were left whenever more than one of the rockets hit in the same place. The first rocket penetrated the ground, and that absorbed a significant portion of...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 9

There was no question in anybody's mind that Freya must continue scouring the galaxy for Wasps. Until they found otherwise, they had to assume that they were the only beings capable of halting the Wasp menace and cleaning up after them. That was the thought when the first of the unmanned spacetubs (very logically called USTs) was delivered to Freya. The USTs had the same capabilities as the regular spacetubs, except that they were flown by pilots who were located on Earth and were...

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Sheryl and her perfect life

I happen to think that every high school as that perfect couple. That pair that seem as though they were made for each other. They are inseparable, look great together, do everything together and every other couple wants to be just like them. In my school that couple was Paul and Sheryl. I had known Sheryl for six years, which is a long time for someone in high school. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school and I use her as my benchmark for the perfect woman to this day. She was the...

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My Wife Sheetal

By :Annasam I was 6 1”’, slender in build, 170 lbs, brown hair and brown eyes, now, have put on an extra 15lbs somewhere along the way. My wife, Sheetal was 5’1″ tall, 107 lbs and also slender but well proportioned very nice legs and smallish breasts, with large protruding nipples. We had just moved to Delhi, Noida. I had just been assigned to Fort Benning and Sheetal was looking for employment but decided to baby sit to supplement our income. Our new friends, Divya and Jai were about our age...

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Sheryls Experience at the Edgewater

Sheryl's Experience at the Edge I first met Sheryl several years ago when I was trolling theAOL chat groups as, Spanksalot. Ever since my divorce I had beentalking advantage of my business travel schedule to meet withcouples as a third. Lately, I had been introduced to some mildbondage and Dom/sub games with an older couple I had been partyingwith. I found that I liked to spank and sometimes Dom a wife whilethe husband watched. And I found many other couples who liked toplay this...

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Sheela Ki Maa

Hi friends, shivam here, Banglore me rehne vali kisi bui aurat ko meri zarrorat mehsoos hogi to muje bass ek baar msg kare on Aapne meri last desi hot sex story padhi aur bohat sare response bhi diye, isliye mai apni kahani ka agla instalment leke aapke samne aaya hu,aap sab to mere aur sheela ke najayaz rishte ke bare me jante hai, hum dono ne kai mahino taktak apna ye khel jari rakha, kabhi sheela ke ghar me, kabhi mere ghar me, kabhi kitchen me, car me, terrace pe, koi bhi aisi jagah nahi...

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Vishwas And Akila 8211 Part I

Hello folks, after reading some stories in the IndianSexstories.net, I felt like coming up with something as a contribution. I am no regular reader of the site, but certain content made me re-read them. I am no good story writer, but still, trying to come up with something. So here is imaginary story that revolves around two people Vishwas and Akila. Please forgive me if there are (certainly, they exist) any mistakes in this long story. Everything in this story is imaginary and is a work of...


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