- 3 years ago
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The Cult had no power to control who might walk through the doors, unwittingly seeking admission. As a result, the members had no choice but to ask those who didn't 'measure up' to leave. The criteria were pleasing looks and a similar personality, race and ethnic background being quite unimportant. Those who refused to leave were shunned, and ultimately gave up and left. Young women were required to meet an additional requirement: public sexual submission to the leader of the group. This is the story of one young woman who agreed to meet that requirement.
The virgin Princess, Carolyn was her name, was clad all in white, with lace coverings that barely shielded the charms of her nubile youth. She shivered nervously as she knelt for the first time ever before the awesome King whose name was only whispered among her peers, the mighty Phallus. Phallus, the name, the title, the description of the one from whose dual-purpose slit would emerge the fabled cream of slippery sperm, thought tasty by some and spat out by others. Phallus, the one whose blood-filled purple crown and hard veined throbbing shaft would soon tear asunder the frail membrane that differentiated the maiden from all those around her. Phallus, the powerful shaft that if she were lucky would soon transport her across that mystical border where she had previously needed female help to cross, to the long dreamed of world of Orgasm by a male, the big O.
Her breasts were those of a Princess, measuring a fetching 34B, delightfully putting curves into any garment she wore. At the moment, they were unencumbered by unneeded support, allowing her nipples to expand comfortably when, as then, her mind contemplated the mighty Phallus. Those pointed eraser sized fountains (future tense — they were not yet primed to produce any milk when suckled by venturesome friends) had often grown in arousal under the fingers or lips of her peers, male and female alike. Yet Carolyn's only phallic experience had been visual, magazines, DVDs, even (though he didn't know that she had seen it) the sight of her brother's fully engorged member in their mother's mouth, but she had never felt the sensation of touching the sacred scepter of the male of the species.
King Phallus, six feet one inch on a medical chart but nine inches where it counted, sat on a ratty, cum-encrusted old couch. He waited before her, unencumbered by the linens worn in more public settings, unprotected save by the twin sperm-producing testicles hiding in their shriveled crinkled sac, sentinels whose function was not to protect but to send Phallus into combat over and over again for their own release. A small drop of their product formed at the slit in the crown of Phallus, a visual 'sound of trumpets' signaling, along with his own fully erect height and his expanded girth, that the King was ready for battle.
The young men and young women of the Court stood back, allowing the King, Marcus his given name, and the Princess Carolyn as much room as possible. The men's eyes were fixed on the comely lass, barely clad as she was, delightfully suckable breasts about to explode from her flimsy bodice, a firm ass, hidden by flaming red bikini panties, presented to the assemblage, her face smooth, wholesome, approaching beauty. They anxiously awaited the moment when Carolyn's face would be impaled on the Phallus before her. Each man had his hands and arms somewhere about the body of the young woman next to him as he dreamed of the time when the group of many would flitter away into groups of two or more, conjoined in lust in various rooms. And in various positions.
The women on the other hand watched abstractly, some even talking among themselves as their gentlemen fondled. Each of them had once been a Princess, virginal as Carolyn, submitting themselves to the sensual pleasures of a previous King du jour, possibly even the young man whose hands were then fondling her charms, and to the visual pleasure of all of the others. Some remembered the thrill of that moment, when all eyes were focused on her entry into communal sexual womanhood. Others remembered it with disgust, a stupid and embarrassing ritual, even as they watched one of their sisters experience the same thing, even as they felt their own young man's hands fumbling over their bodies in a (mostly vain) attempt at arousal.
Every one of them, King and Court alike, would be shocked to learn, as they would before the evening progressed too far, that Carolyn was truly a virgin, not merely in the ritual sense of the assembled group but in her real physical sexual existence. Or non-existence, if you will. All of the previously virginal women of the Court had been deflowered and then used (read: fucked) many times before their ceremonial submission before the group. Carolyn was perhaps the first bearer (wearer?) of an intact hymen in the last three or four years of the group's assembly.
A deep voice barked out from above Carolyn's head.
"Suck it, cunt."
Onlookers, the women that is, winced in sympathy with the young virgin. Not that any of them minded sucking cock; they were all experienced fellatrices, and virtually all of them were quite adept at bringing an aroused penis to a speedy ejaculation. After all, it was the simplest sex act of the spectrum, not even requiring one to remove her clothing. A tissue to spit the cum — if she didn't care to swallow — was all she needed. But it was the tone of the command that rankled, even more than the use of that filthy word. It was a word that they themselves used, in the heat of foreplay or passion, to describe their own womanly openings. But it was not a word to be used to describe the woman herself.
The harsh sound brought Princess Carolyn back to reality. Her eyes blinked as she absorbed the fact that this was to be her initiation into the Cult of the Fourteenth Floor, the highest floor in the tallest dormitory building of the entire University. Residence on that floor, and thus admission to the Cult, was offered solely to "Legacy" students, those accepted into the University largely on the basis of the fact that a parent or sibling had preceded them into the august ivied halls, and had later remembered their days at the University with generous contributions.
In Carolyn's case, her antecedents at the University consisted of both her father and her brother Danny, eight years her elder. It had been her brother, seven years earlier and already a member of the Cult, whose fingers and lips, in that order, had inaugurated her nipples into the delights of heterosexuality during a school holiday week. She had been only ten, and in awe of her brother. Had their mother not had the prescience to walk into her room, her hymen would have been torn asunder that night, and who know where it all might have led. Mother had become a human chastity belt for Carolyn ever since, and fortunately her brother had been able to avail himself of the services of the female membership of the Cult to relieve his carnal needs at school.
This entire motherly protection business had left Carolyn quite confused. A mere week or two after her mother had walked in on Danny and her, Carolyn had been in bed, trying to fall asleep, when she had heard noises from Danny's room. Knowing that their parents had already gone to bed, Carolyn guessed that Danny had sneaked some girl into his room, and not to do homework for a creative writing course either. Possibly for some other sort of creativity, she thought, but not one that the professor would grade. She tiptoed down the hall and peeked in through the barest of cracks in the door. Oh yes, Danny, flat on his back on the bed, indeed had some girl in there, on her knees with his penis in her mouth. Only the girl was Mom!
Transfixed, Carolyn watched in awe as their connected body parts moved apart and together like a reciprocating engine, her head and his hips moving apart and then coming together. This continued for several minutes until Danny suddenly grabbed the back of his mother's head and held it tightly, groaning at the same time. They stayed motionless for a few seconds and then Mom pulled her head off of Danny's penis. Young Carolyn could see some white cream oozing out of the corner of her mother's mouth, and a smaller amount pooling at the top of her brother's penis. Her naked mother bent down to kiss her brother's mouth, the cream flowing between them. At that point, Carolyn sneaked back to her room. It was only when her fingers tired of the attempt to bring herself off did Carolyn finally fall asleep.
By the time that she arrived on the Fourteenth floor, however, Carolyn had already promised herself that once her virginity was gone, the barrier of her hymen removed, (and Mom no longer in control of her physical setting) she would give her body next to her beloved brother, and she didn't give a fuck what her brand new sister-in-law Sally might say.
The Princess leaned forward toward King Phallus. Her fingers spread the piss slit and a small drop of pre-cum oozed out. With a quick flick of her tongue it was gone, tasteless and forgotten. Her eyes roved over this new sight, a real life version of what she had only (except that once) seen in pictures. She reached out and touched it, felt the flesh, hard yet soft with blood coursing through it. Her hand briefly recoiled at the warmth of it, sensing a burning on her fingers though the temperature in reality was not far removed from the homo sapien average of 98.6 degrees.
She giggled to herself inwardly, thinking back to the evolution portion of her high school biology class, realizing that she held the phallic member of one homo sapien who was really a homo erectus.
Marcus laid a hand gently on the back of her head, not pulling, not steering, merely reassuring Carolyn that her mouth was close to where he wanted it to be. To be more precise, where he and every other male in the room wanted it to be. As for the females, watching another girl sucking someone else's cock generally leaves them unmoved. What the heck, each of them felt herself to be expertly able to handle that task; they didn't need lessons from the new girl.
As she held it, she softly laid a kiss on the crown, her warm exhale surrounding it. Though Carolyn was inexperienced in such matters, a blow job is for all intents and purposes an instinctive act; she knew what had to be done. Her hand gently pulled the shaft toward her, as her tongue washed the crown and her lips dried it off. The sound of Marcus breathing told her that she was performing well.
She lifted his shaft so that it was perpendicular to the floor, exposing the veined underside for her to lick, slowly up and down, up and down. Her eyes were drawn to his hairy, crinkly sac hanging down, large enough to be a suitable accompaniment in size for King Phallus. Yet as beautiful as was the cock in her hand, Marcus' balls were comparably ugly — as would be every set that Carolyn would ever view for the rest of her life. Such an important organ for humanity, those little testicles producing the sweet cream necessary for procreation — and for blow jobs — and yet so totally unattractive.
Her fingers gently caressed the sac. Try as she might, Carolyn's fingers were unable to contain either one of the squirming balls as they oozed away at the slightest touch. She lifted the sac toward her mouth, licking all over before taking the entire unit into her mouth. She heard the sharp intake of his breath as Marcus gasped and tightened before slowly relaxing as his fear subsided, the universal moment of exquisite terror of every male when he feels that his balls might be in jeopardy.
Princess Carolyn smiled inwardly at the incongruity of sucking her...
What should she call Marcus? How should she think of him? King? Oh no, that's just play bullshit. Lover? Hell no, she barely knows him. Boy friend? Same answer. Consort? Well, the word goes with Princess, but this prick had called her a cunt. She restarted her thought.
Princess Carolyn smiled inwardly at the incongruity of sucking that prick Marcus' balls before sucking his cock. She supposed that she had not been the first woman in history to service...
Again her mind digressed, this time at her involuntary thought of a word. It was the correct word, unfortunately. She was servicing this no good bastard between whose legs she knelt, and the realization disgusted her. She was abasing herself for the sole purpose of joining the elite Cult of the Fourteenth floor, and she hated herself for it.
Carolyn had known all about the Cult years earlier. She had been sitting on her bed in her pj's, listening to Danny tell all about college life. When he had gotten to the part about the Cult, her ears had perked up, and she had felt moisture in her pussy for the first time. As he talked, she had gotten hot, physically and mentally, and had pulled her top off over her head, giving him a view of her nipples that he had never in fact tried to spy upon. It was Carolyn herself who had brought Danny's fingers and lips to her fledgling breasts. She had been ready to let him deflower her, to take her childhood. She knew that she could have coaxed him — she still didn't know the word seduce — without difficulty.
And she would have succeeded, easily, had not their mother walked in. When she had stopped screaming, she had confined Carolyn to an in-home nunnery, or so it had felt, until the day she left for college. Carolyn wondered idly how her high school days might have been different had she had the opportunity to enjoy a sex life in those earlier years.
So this was to be the beginning of her sex life, blowing Marcus in front of the entire population of the Fourteenth floor. And the contents of her stomach began to curdle as she resolved to get it over with. She would blow him, she would spread her legs for his cock and then she'd be a full-fledged member of the Cult, free to accept or reject the sexual blandishments of any of her fellow residents, of whatever gender, free to invite anyone, any non-member of whatever gender, into her bed without question at any time (save for Initiations and scheduled Orgies, which were themselves optional for members).
Carolyn's mouth released the crinkled sac and immediately gobbled down the Royal Phallus. She knew that it was too long for her to swallow completely and she used her hand at its base to prevent the crown from intruding down her throat. She had no doubt that without protecting herself in that manner, Marcus would feel entitled to deep-throat her, and she resolved never to give him that pleasure.
To get it over quickly, Carolyn began to suck at the cock like a hungry baby at the teat, as though to satisfy herself with the milk from the nipple with the hole in the middle. She sought no satisfaction from the forthcoming discharge, in fact didn't even stop to think that Marcus would get great satisfaction from her efforts. She thought only that she must skip the niceties that her friends spoke about, the licking, the puffs of warm air, the humming of pleasure, the bringing him close and then slowing down. All she wanted was to get him off and move on to the next step in the ritual.
To the on-looking assemblage, of course, and to Marcus himself, it appeared that Carolyn's fervor was based upon some special need to have him explode his cum into her mouth. She hadn't thought of that, and wouldn't have cared if she had seen that point of view. For her, it was simply a matter of 'cum, you bastard, cum and get it over with', though her mouth was too busy to utter those words aloud.
But her mouth did the job. Trying as hard as he could to hold back his ejaculation, still Marcus' balls were no match for Carolyn's suction, and he soon blasted into her with a grunt and a series of throbs, each throb spurting the cream of his vile lust. Carolyn's lips formed a tight entrance to her mouth, keeping all the cum inside, allowing none of it to ooze onto her face.
"Swallow it, cunt."
Again that disgusting word from the young man between whose legs King Phallus dangled. Again Princess Carolyn returned to the moment. She had never in her life been called a cunt, had rarely even used the word, and then only as a crude biological descriptor. She remained on her knees, her mouth full of Marcus' discharge. Her first thought, to her dismay, was that it really didn't taste that bad. Maybe she should just gulp it down and move on.
Then she thought again about her surroundings. She was on a dorm floor known to be devoted to sexual activities of all sorts, all combinations, all openings, anything goes. She was willingly participating in her ritual initiation into the communal debauchery. She had been looking forward to the sex, had even secretly practiced fellatio on more than one banana. She had known that Marcus would ejaculate his seed into her mouth and was pleasantly surprised at the acceptable taste. She was quite prepared to swallow. And she looked forward to her first carnal coupling, to the bloody tearing of her cherry and to the powerful thrusts that had previously only been done by her fingers. She was ready for womanhood.
And yet she had always thought, always really known, that sexual congress must be a two-way street, with each participant giving pleasure and consideration as well as receiving it (ignoring for the moment the singularity of pleasure in on-your-knees fellatio.) What Carolyn heard though was a tone of superiority in Marcus' gruff voice, the droit du seignor, the right of the Nobility to take her virginity the night before a young woman's marriage, implicit in his soon to be rupture of her (supposed) hymen. And Carolyn wasn't ready to spend her college life with a bunch of young men who treated women like shit.
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This is my fourth story in my journey of discovery of being bisexual, and the the joys of gay sex. I started with an old friend, Simon, that turned out to be bi too, then I was seduced by one of the gay landlords of my local pub, Tim, who then arranged a threesome for me with him & his partner John. This is the story of how Simon, Tim, John & I got together for one hell of a debauched party session, with me basically at the centre of their attention, lucky old me.So, Simon was coming...
She joined me at the bar, we had a couple of drinks and then went back to my room--I undressed her, kissed her, and we took out her toys--we started playing with them, I inserted one in her pussy while my tongue was busy on her clit, I pushed my fingers into her ass, and then I took the dildo and put it back into her pussy, told her to play with her clit, put some lubrication on my cock and turned her on her side--I put my fingers into her ass, withdrew them and put my cock at the entrance...
Group SexThis a continuation of the Jessica series. Stories are not stand alone so please read the series in sequence for cast of characters and events. *** We left the mall and walked to my car. I unlocked the car and tossed my purchases in the back. After we were in the car I turned and said, "Hi Curtis Williams, my name is, Jessica Summers." "Well I'm very pleased and honored to meet you, Jessica Summers! I was wondering when we were going to be able to use our given names." I started the car and...
InterracialCaptain Kim Milowsky. I first met Army Captain Milowsky when she was an ROTC cadet at Fort Knox. A lot of time has passed since I had forged a special bond with the young cadet and now, she was an Army officer and assigned to my Support Battalion at another Army post. I had to be very careful, because Army regulations are very clear about relationships and sexual harassment. The Army Brass does not like for Officers to engage in any conduct that might call their decision-making...
Office SexA Mother's Revenge Chapter 2 Chapter 1 written by Kellie Cliffe Chapter 2 written by Hawlk It's only been three weeks but it's seemed like forever. "The all-new Joe" has come back to fuck my daughter every day... Wait a minute... Did I just say MY daughter?! Oh, God no, no... I keep becoming more and more like Charlie's mom, and less like Joe. Maybe it's Maddy's mind control. I have searched the house for some clue as to how Maddy switched us, and have found it: a spell book....
Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Maine bikaner ki hot maal ko choda.Ye story uski chudai ki hai..Ye baat kareeb do saal pahle ki hai.Mera bikaner mein net ka paper tha.Main paper dekar jaldi hi railway statoin ki taraf aaya pr 4:30 wali train nikal gai.Ab raat ko 9 bje train mein aana padega…Thoda udas ho gya.Fir bahar hotle mein nasta krne gya.Fir idhar-udhar ghuma.Raat ko wapas station pr aaya.Train aa gai.Main fatafay ek dibbe mein chadh gya. Main uper wali seet pr bag rakh diya.Niche...
Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His thing was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His thing clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off.Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers, put on the jockeys, and put the boxers back on over...
Using the Useless It was well past midnight and the hospital department, where comatose patients lay, was sodden with silence. The hospital attendant, a young man called Simon, had just finished mopping the corridor and was now resting on a wooden couch. Born in Eastern Europe, he moved to the US a year ago, because he realized he won’t be able to raise a family with a teacher’s salary. The life was hard but he could at least pay his bills, which was very important to him. Simon didn’t like...
Their phones stared ringing off the hook almost immediately. They were never shy about communicating to the press, especially with the well known figure skating writers--people like Jared Hurstell of the NY Times, Fred Rausch of the Chicago Tribune, Tina Bowman of USA Today, and Jim Pitman of their hometown Boston Globe. All these people, and others, had Warren and Sophia's phone numbers. And, those who didn't were calling Stephanie Langson, the USFSA's director of media relations--and she...
Is it me? Part 2 “Rude Betrayal” That November, just after Bonfire Night, 2 things happened which led to even bigger changes in my young life. We had had home made toffee, a rare treat back in the early 60’s, and my “Uncle Erich” came into my life. “Uncle” Erich was not my real Uncle, though he was one of my God Parents, and had lived close to us once before, but my dads work had led us to move away. Erich had found a job in Aldershot with the Royal Army Dental corps, and we were not too far...
Matt stood in the electrical aisle at the Walmart in Centerville comparing the attributes of dimmable versus non-dimmable LED light bulbs. He had a list of items to pick up, all in the nature of cleaning or maintenance on the house. The LED bulbs were slated for the canned ceiling lights in the cathedral ceiling part of the living room. He’d already rented a twenty-foot folding ladder to be able to reach the fixtures, several of which had dead bulbs and no way to easily reach them. Now, he...
“I take it that’s bad then?” Sparks asked, startled by John and Calara’s shocked reaction to the mystery ship. “Who are the Kirrix exactly?” “They are kill on sight to all species in the Galactic League” John explained briefly. “They’re a parasitic insectoid species that use other life forms to incubate their young. When their larvae hatch, they eat their way out of their victims!” he said, his mouth twisting with disgust. “I can’t believe these pirates would capture slaves for them. That’s...
The Day Tucker Became His Sister - Aftermath By Wolverine Six months after Peter and Dash defeated the Entity, life around Tucker's house had finally come as close to normal as it would ever be. Nothing would ever be the same as before, but no one could expect that. Tucker finally accepted the death of his father, who had died at his hands. Fear still possessed much of him though. Tucker knew that somewhere within him were a mindless slut and an agent of darkness. Whitney, or...
March 26th, 1886 I sat on one of the pews in the First Temple of the Panarii and looked at nothing in particular. There seemed very little point to moving myself from where I sat – and there was no better place to sit and think than here, in the quiet of the temple. The building itself was large and rectangular, with enough room it seemed for the whole city of Caladon to take their seats here to be lectured at. However, other than the sheer size of the place, it remained fairly...
It was March and I received an email from Stacy, ‘the chief’s’ secretary, saying he wanted to see me. Now apparently this was unusual for John to want to see any of us lower staff he only speaks to managers or supervisors, so I was a little bemused. I walked round to Stacy’s desk and asked her if there was a problem and she said “He wants to see you”.She knocked on his door and he bellowed “Come in” as we walked in his face lit up when he saw me, as he stood up from behind his desk he said...
This is true story. It happened about a month ago.It was Thursday night, and my husband and I were going to the pub to have a few drinks with a close friend of ours. Mark has been a friend of my husband’s since before we were married, and has been a frequent lover of mine over the years. We arrived at the place — a “faux-English” pub we go to often downtown — around 8:30 and Mark was already there, seated in a cozy booth. He rose to greet us and gave me big hug, sliding his hands inside my coat...
Enishi: Huh? (He stands at the doorway of the hut, now empty.) Enishi: Tome? Tomoe... ? That's strange. Where could she have gone? (thinking) She couldn't... she couldn't have passed me on the way into the forest? (Kenshin charges through the still-falling trees.) Sumita: He's chosen one of us as a target. After he's settled him, he'll go for the other. Mumyoui: But that's exactly what I wanted! The space above his head is clear! (He leaps from tree to tree and stabs downward...
Curled up on the back porch eyes closed, Major enjoyed the warmth of the afternoon sun. Ears twitched at a very faint rustle, SNAP! In a flash the canine's long legs propelled him swiftly towards the huge silver maple, the squirrel wise to the dog's tricks quickly ascended the tree chittering at the hapless dog. Major his jaws snapping jumped up the tree and loudly protested the angry rodent's presence in 'his' domain. The squirrel climbed higher up into the branches. He looked down and...
“Alright, alright… I’m awake.” Sam said in a low, morning voice. “It’s already 8:45 AM!” His father shouted from across the hall. “Come on, you heard your dad.” Mom said in a much lower voice. Mom exited the room, and went to wake up Katie, Sam’s older sister by 1 year. Sam and Katie were really close at childhood; puberty separated them a bit but they still talked all the time. And Katie was a very attractive 19-year-old, she acquired the same incredible genes her mother had. She had a...
I was able to finish Chapter 6 after two days of torrid writing ... letting the story take me wherever it wished. As I wrote, my cock generally remained in a state of abject distress, and a precum drool was my constant companion. Lucky for me, I had a full box of tissues and time to devote to my muse. When the last word had been typed, I took the time to actually reread what I’d produced in that testosterone-filled blur of creation and was able to catch and correct both major and minor...
Introduction: There is no reason for Sara to go home REVELATION Hope against hope, Clem quietly descended the staircase. Would the call and his movement have awakened her? To his joy, she appeared to still be sleeping soundly. Sarah had turned a little. Her legs were together, but she had turned her upper body such that her top now faced his easy chair. Her white blouse had fallen open completely, revealing even more of the satin camisole. It was a beautiful pose. It reminded Clem of a...
After learning that my wife and daughter had set me up so cleverly, my first impulse was to be a bit upset. I mean, we guys like to at least maintain some sort of semblance of being in charge. You know, it helps us keep it up to think that we are calling the shots. On the other hand, I was getting all the hot, wet, tight pussy I could handle these days and it seemed like I might be viewed as unsporting and ungrateful if I attempted to regain what had previously passed as control around my...
Hi fellow ISSians, Boys take your cocks out of your jocks and Girls put your hands inside your pants because im sure you’re gonna enjoy this story :) This story is about a famous director Leo who helps out a cute 19 yr old girl named Amelia ;) an become a star in Bollywood. Down that muddy line, poor Amelia was walking that night think about her bleak future. She was done with petty stage acts and small commercials, she wanted to go up there – where the spotlight would always be on her....
Helen was sitting in between Simon and myself watching a new dvd slowly wanking our cocks back to life,the dvd we were watching was a Bi one 2 guys and and 1 female ( Helen had sent me to Oxford that afternoon to buy a new dvd for tonight )Helen asked how I had enjoyed Simon giving me my first male BJ,I told them both I really enjoyed it Helen said it was one of the most sexy things she had seen.On the dvd it got to the part when the girl got hold of one of the guys cock and was guiding it into...
That is right! Being a man and being able to take another man's cock and give your cock to another man has got to be one of the manliest things ever!Just the other night I was sitting in the bar and accidentally rubbed up another man who was standing behind me. I apologized and didn't think anything of it. Later on that night I went to the bathroom and who do you think follows? The man I rubbed up against by mistake. Well....turns out it wasn't a mistake bc he said to me "no need to apologize."...