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Damn it! The little creek had been flooded from the violent rain. The placid little mountain stream, usually a pleasant, quiet little trickle, was a churning, heaving white water rapid. Foam was splashing up to, onto and sometimes over the old log and timber bridge; our only way out of Randy and Constance's mountain retreat. It was a nightmare scene now caught in my headlights. The forest surrounding us was so dark the hundred foot tall old growth firs crowding the road couldn't be individually distinguished; then this insane travesty of a creek. I had waded there two summers ago. It wasn't ankle deep.

Without light of some kind it would be impossible to move in the rain forest until after daylight, many hours away. When that bridge went, it would be a long hike in that forest.

The bridge was definitely going to go! And soon!

I sat for a moment watching the froth leaping into the air higher than my head from the madly churning rapids. What scared me wasn't the water reaching to less than a foot of the bridge, it was the water now more than an inch deep over the bridge approaches and rising almost visibly.

The creek was just inches below the bottom of the bridge. Eight hours ago I could easily have stood atop any of the shoulder high boulders littering the streambed, and been unable to reach the bottom of the bridge.

Time to forget the beer run Constance and I were on and get back to warn the other guests.

Constance looked scared sitting beside me, clutching my arm. "Peter, I've never seen it this high before! We've never had water over the road." She had to speak loud to be heard over the drum of water thundering onto the roof of my fire engine red Jeep Grand Cherokee.

It had been raining steadily for several days, but shortly after my fiancée Sibyl and I arrived at the party the skies opened and began pouring buckets. I'd never before seen rain like this around Seattle. Sure it rained, but almost always a soft gentle rain. Hard, driving, knock down the cornfield rain like this just didn't happen here; until this afternoon.

Randy, Constance's husband, was giving a weekend party in the mountain 'cabin' that had been in Randy's family for generations. The land around it was all National Forest with no private buildings now being allowed. Except that Randy's great grandfather built a cabin here years before on land he bought before this was declared a National Park. Hell, it might have been his great, great grandfather. In any case, it was a classic case of "Grandfathering" as Randy told us ad naseum. The pun was long dead, but the fact remained. His family, and the branch of the family directly descended from the old man, had a legal right to keep a private cabin on this national land.

The law did not define what it considered a cabin, and over the years it had grown considerably. The main "cabin" was now an eight room, two story house. It was log construction, which was the only thing that came close to making it look like a cabin. In the city it could have been considered a small mansion.

Loosely connected to the main cabin, and connected with covered walkways which according to the law made them all "one building", were four smaller four and five room "cabins". They had been built to house married children and their families. Each had a bathroom with composting toilet, a sitting room and several bedrooms. Kitchen and dining room facilities for the complex were housed in the main cabin.

Sibyl worked for the firm Randy's family owned, and at one time Randy had been her supervisor. Sibyl had told me that Randy had an important job in the company but everyone knew he wasn't going any higher. He was too much of a playboy, too impetuous, and his judgement had proven skewed when he overcame those obstacles. I'd seen some of the chances he took personally, and understood why the staid family establishment had no desire to see him running things. If I had been one of them, I would have been unwilling to have him running the accounting department, which was his job.

It was a trick turning my Jeep around on the lightly flooded road, but I managed and in moments we were back around the bend and parking in front of the main cabin. We had been gone less than fifteen minutes, and several puzzled faces were looking out at us from the windows.

After a jury-rigged beer cooler Randy had devised had been carried away by the river, Constance and I had been commandeered into making a beer run. Sibyl had been in a corner chatting with Randy when the grumbling grew too loud and she or he volunteered my services to drive into town to replenish the supply. I wasn't too keen on going, but this was a weekend party, after all, and taking the two hours out to keep the party going didn't seem too much of a hassle. Randy insisted I not pay for the beer, and donated Constance's services to ride along and use their credit card.

Sloshing through the parking area, we picked our way to the front door through the BMW's, Mercedes, and even one Ferrari. Inside Constance went one way, and I went the other passing the word for everyone to evacuate. We estimated the bridge was going to be washed out, probably within three or four hours. Anyone that had anyplace to go for the next several weeks had best move their sweet patooties and get over that bridge before it disappeared. It was twenty-five miles to what we in Washington State call civilization, and with this flood coming out of the sky it wouldn't be a pleasant stroll.

The first BMW fired up, and drove off ten minutes later. In the meantime, I was getting worried because I couldn't find my fiancée...

I had pretty much covered the main cabin when I realized the party had spilled over into the 'attached' cabins. On my way out to let those folks know about the bridge, I figured I'd find Sibyl.

There were a few couples sitting, chatting and dancing to the stereo in the first cabin but no Sibyl. After checking all the rooms there, I moved on to the next, which was locked and empty. Not finding Sibyl there it occurred to me she had probably been in the john, so I quit worrying. Knowing it was better being over zealous than sorry later, I continued on to check out the last cabin, which also looked dark and empty.

The din of rain on the tin roof of the last cabin made it impossible to hear as I approached and for a moment I puzzled over why this cabin was roofed with tin instead of cedar shakes like the others, then forgot the problem. I was certain it was empty, it was certainly dark, but if I didn't check it out I'd be fretting about it all night. The sitting room was empty and dark. Stepping to the barely seen hall entrance I saw the door to the first bedroom was standing open, the room empty. However, as I hesitated before leaving I noticed a dim red glow showing under the door of the second bedroom at the end of the short hallway.

I felt uncomfortable about opening it, this was a party after all. However the noise on the roof was too loud for anyone in the bedroom to hear me even if I used a bullhorn. The hallway was pitch black except for the dim glow under the door, but suddenly I knew someone was in there. I stumbled over a woman's shirt lying in the hallway. I picked it up, and spotted a pair of women's slacks lying in front of the closed door.

Even in the almost nonexistent light coming from the glow under the door I knew the shirt and slacks. Not thirty minutes before I had been admiring them on Sibyl as she stood chatting with Randy. That had been just before she enthusiastically agreed to my taking the Jeep into town. That was just before Randy asked his wife to go with me on the two-hour drive.

I stood a moment, wondering what to do. It embarrasses me now to recall it, but I almost left the whoever was in that room there as Constance and I evacuated everyone else. I almost left them to hike their way out in the morning. The distance and the damage being done to the sodden forest would make it a miserable two or three day walk. Maybe even a dangerous one. That thought was the one that decided me against trying to ignore what was going on.

Instead I carried Sibyl's shirt and slacks with me as I slowly opened the door to the bedroom.

A small lamp stood on a bedside table, washing the room with a dim red glow. Half way between the door and the bed lay Sibyl's white, frilly, almost transparent bra, torn in half. Almost under the bed were the remains of her panties. I recognized the underwear. They were a lingerie set I gave her as a personal and secret birthday gift Wednesday. For a ridiculous moment all that filled my mind was the thought that I had never seen Sibyl wearing the set; along with the non sequitor that it had cost me $110.95; plus tax.

Snorting I focused my attention on the bed.

Not much was to be seen. The couple was almost lost in a soft mattress, and surrounded by a hugely fluffed quilt. The only thing to be seen were two shapely female legs, spread wide, sticking up in the air and waving back and forth. Between them a large, fat male ass was rising and falling.

They had no clue I was there.

I turned and left.

Bundling up Sibyl's slacks and shirt so they couldn't be identified, I hustled to the main cabin and out to my Jeep. I shoved Sibyl's clothes in the back and out of sight before running back inside to snatch up her coat and purse from the room where all the coats had been left. Most of the coats were already gone.

Armed with Sibyl's coat and purse, I marched back to the scene of the ongoing crime.

Stepping just inside the bedroom, I looked around and spotted Randy's clothes. They were neatly folded and stacked tidally on a chair against the wall. The thought crossed my mind that Randy was ever the accountant, keeping everything neat and orderly. Grimacing, I realized his interest in neat and tidy was for those things he considered important. My fiancée's clothes, and by extension my fiancée, had been shredded and tossed helter-skelter. It was easy to understand what he considered unimportant; like my Sibyl, like a liaison with any woman.

Scooping up Randy's things up I carried them outside where I tossed them up onto the roof out and of sight; socks, pants, underwear, shirt, the whole shebang. As I hefted his pants I noticed the weight of his wallet and keys but didn't stop to take them out. They went up with the pants.

Grimly I returned to the bedroom. There the woman's legs were now wrapped around the fat ass, which was making short, hard, happy thrusts downward. Over the cacophony of the rain I could barely hear a woman's screams.

Flipping on the overhead light, I stood lounging against the door as first Sibyl's face and then Randy's popped up over the top of the quilt, looking at the doorway. Their eyes dazzled by the sudden glare of the overhead light and interrupted, as they were, in the middle of an orgasm, neither immediately recognized me. Randy's face turned ugly, and I could see, and almost hear, his obscenities and screams demanding I turn out the light and leave.

Sibyl was first to identify their intruder. Her face went from an embarrassed scarlet to a pale mask of fear as I watched her sweet lips mouth, "OH! OhmyGod! Oh no!" Then she began struggling to get free of the heavy burden lying atop her naked body.

Of course it was impossible. Nature did not mean for a woman whose body was accommodating an erect male member inside it to be able to break free from that accommodation without the cooperation of the owner of that member. Up to then Randy had seen no reason to consent to said withdrawal. He violently wanted the light out and the intruder to leave but saw no reason to interrupt mastering the piece of fluff lying under him.

It was comical later on, recalling the exact instant Randy recognized why Sibyl was struggling to free herself from his member. He rolled suddenly to the far side of the bed, his face pale, his mouth hanging open. It only took him a moment though before he decided to try to brazen it out.

As his bluster began, still completely unheard over the roar of rain on the tin roof, I stalked to the bed. Taking my fiancée's arm I yanked her off the bed and stood her, nude and upright, beside me. She was in shock, trembling as I wordlessly stuffed first one arm, then the other into the raspberry red, full-length London Fog raincoat she had worn to the party.

In one stride I was at the end of the bed to pick up her shoes where they had been tossed. I scooped up her destroyed underwear and shoved them in her arms along with her purse and shoes before taking her hand and hauling her after me barefoot down the hall. Clutching her shoes, purse and underwear to her breast with the other hand, her raincoat flapped open with every step, revealing her nudity.

Outside the tin-roofed cabin we could again be heard but I was silent as I hauled a barefooted Sibyl along behind me.

Sensing, or perhaps hearing his footsteps over the rainfall, I spun around to confront Randy as he ran up behind me. He reached to grab my shoulder, and I knocked his hand away.

"Not another move, slimeball. Got it?"

He stopped and looked at me uncertainly, no longer confident or belligerent while standing there naked. He had found his shoes, but nothing else, even socks.

"Where are my clothes, Peter?" he mumbled.

"I put 'em away, slimeball. Before we continue this discussion you should know that the bridge across that little creek up the road will be washed out real soon. 'Most everyone else has already left so they won't be trapped here. I suggest you make tracks, too. Get some of your other clothes, slimeball. It will take you a while to locate those you took off to ball my ex-fiancée."

"I don't have any other clothes here! We don't keep things here; things can mildew. Come on, where are they buddy?"

"Damned if I'll tell you. That's your problem, not mine. And you sure as hell aren't any buddy of mine. Any friendship we had, you fucked, understand?"

His shoulders slumped, and that was the moment Constance stepped out onto the covered walkway where we were standing. She saw Randy standing there, wearing only his shoes with the shoe strings dragging on the ground and froze, both hands covering her mouth and her eyes flitting between Randy, Sibyl and myself. Glancing down, I saw Sibyl's raincoat hanging loosely, giving glimpses of her nudity with every movement she made as she stood on one foot trying to slip on her second shoe.

Breaking out a momentary trance, Constance told me, "We should get out of here, Peter. Most of the others have already gone. One of the guys is an engineer. He drove down to look at the bridge, then came back to tell us we don't have a couple of hours until it goes. He said it might wash out any minute."

"I'm on my way, Constance. Take slimeball with you, I'll have enough trouble in my car already."

She nodded before turning back into the main cabin calling over her shoulder, "Randy, get your naked ass moving. I'm leaving as soon as I get to the car. If you aren't in it, you stay here."

I followed after her, still clutching Sibyl's hand. She was crying softly.

Once in the main cabin I stopped to let Sibyl tie her shoes. As she stood up the lights went out, except for a small emergency, battery powered light by the door, as Randy flipped off the power before following Constance out the door. She never looked back to see if he was following.

Sibyl and I sloshed out to my Jeep. Stopping at the car we saw Randy's naked ass flop down in the passenger seat of their Mercedes. Constance didn't wait for him to buckle the seatbelt around his naked middle before she had the car moving. Looked to me like he hadn't even closed the car door tight before she drove off.

My Jeep was the only vehicle left.

Wasting no time I backed around and headed out. Turning the corner and glimpsing the bridge I certainly understood the engineer's concern. It couldn't have been forty-five minutes since Constance and I had turned around there. At that time there was an inch of water over the road. Now it was at least five inches deep and rising. We watched Constance drive the Mercedes over the bridge, the car throwing rooster-tails up behind it.

When we reached the bridge white froth from the creek was covering the roadway and bridge. Driving over it I felt the bridge sway.

It was a silent drive back to the city, with Sibyl hunched up against the passenger door, staring out the window. Once we were well past the bridge I had handed her the shirt and pants I'd stowed there earlier. She wasted no time struggling into them. Driving slowly because of weather conditions, not sure what else might have been happening along our wilderness route it, was an hour before we reached the main highway.

Sibyl finally broke the silence, "Peter, we have to talk. I don't want to lose you. I know it didn't look like it, but I love you. Please, can we talk? It wasn't what it seemed."

"Sibyl, we do have to talk. But in a moving car, like this, isn't the place. I have to be able to see you; look into your eyes. And maybe we should let a few hours go by first."

"Peter, we have to talk. I agree sitting here in the car isn't the place, but we have to start tonight. I can't let you have all night to brood about what you saw without telling you what happened. Give me a chance to talk. Please! We can go to my place, or yours, or someplace. But we have to start talking tonight! Please?"

Nodding my head, I drove on, heading for her apartment. Not another word was said until we walked into her place forty-some minutes later.

Sibyl made coffee, which she badly needed. Dragging her out of her sin nest it was very obvious to me, who knew her so well, that she was "under the influence". Now she was coming down, and the recipient of an early stage hangover. The tension between us didn't make it any easier.

I sat down at her kitchen table, figuring this a more suitable venue for the discussion than the living room where we had enjoyed so many tender moments. She brought the coffeepot with her, then sat down catty-corner to where I was sitting. Fixing her eyes on her coffee, she waited.

Leaning back in my chair, I sipped my coffee and also waited.

Finally she began in a small voice, "You know I dated Randy before I met you, Peter. While I was working in Randy's department, he and I spent a lot of time together. Nothing permanent, but if he or I didn't have a date on Saturday, we would call the other and often got together. Until I met you, some of the people around us thought we were a couple. The week after I was promoted to supervise my new department I met you. From that time on I have never dated, nor wanted to date, anyone else. You were my man."

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Wednesday came, and so did Mark Welch, to the club. He paced around looking at the objects hanging on the wall. He scoffed and muttered things under his breath. Finally he said he could do a deal, but he was a bit short of the necessary funds. I knew handing over the money would make me the buyer, and it wasn’t a good idea, but I made him think I hadn’t thought of that. Eventually I agreed to get him the cash. The one thing he wouldn’t agree on was me accompanying him to Spain. I didn’t want to...

3 years ago
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Go Ahead

Whenever I need to use a public toilet, I invariably go into one of the cubicles even if the entire row of urinals is empty. This used to be because, having had some bad reactions from women at the large size of my manhood, I was self-conscious about exposing my genitals to other people and preferred to hide myself away.These days, that no longer bothers me at all. Since I've never had a bad response from men on that score, I've become far more confident about revealing my large penis to my own...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Cross Dressing Led To Sexual Heaven 8211 Part 1

Addiction lets you do anything.. I addicted to cross dressing, addicted for the femininity.. Hi, I am 24 old close door part time cross dresser from Mumbai, regular reader of ISS. Narrating my own story for first time. I am good and beautiful looking, 5’3” height, perfectly slim as like every “women” wants to be and every man feels to hold, as I kept it with having exercises and yoga because I feel sexy with it.. I started cross-dressing when I was only 12. I haven’t knew it was called as a...

2 years ago
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A life time friend

If you want to learn more about Sara, Oliver, or I.  Please feel free to check out my other stories. As with all my works.  I changed the names, and when it happened. Was it true or wasn’t it? I will leave that to you to decide. A lot of this is setup for a longer mulit-part story. Sara and I had a pretty open relationship. We are both bi.  For me our dog Oliver gives me more dick then I need most of the time.  Sara is very happy with the relationship Oliver and I have. She has said it more...

1 year ago
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Easter changes

This is based on a story about me, the author and is a reflection of me in size and style. Nick was 19 and at college in England. He’d lived there for 7 years after emigrating with his family. He was small at 5”7 and only 60 kg. He was very slim and was a great looker, although quite feminine. He used to run for the school so was fit as well and had several girlfriends in the past few years but none of them were stable. He’d always had a fetish of black silk stockings and whenever he had sex,...

2 years ago
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Annas Shower With Mommy

The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed.As Anna walked into the...

2 years ago
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Beth and Sam 3

  Beth Sam and Steve    3                       Continuation of family relationships   Sam had already spoken to Steve about masturbation and tried to convey positive feelings about it. We watched for signs that Steve had experimented, but it was another year or so before I started to notice telltale stains on the sheets and unusually long periods in the bathroom. Then I started picking up cum-stained towels in his bedroom regularly, so we knew that the little...

2 years ago
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Bought and Paid ForChapter 2

Things happened fast in the next two days. Tuesday morning I received a call from Shannon saying Susan had passed away unexpectedly due to a blood clot. Mark and Mary were handling it well, but wished I was there for them. I immediately made reservations to fly out and was with them before evening. Shannon met me at the airport and was relieved to be able to pass some of the burden onto my shoulders. In the morning I made all of the final arrangements, those that Susan hadn't made herself....

1 year ago
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Cal My Wife and the Card Game

I was playing poker with three of my friends and had lost almost all of my money. My wife was really pissed off at me for losing so much money. Two of my friends called it a night, and that left me and Calvin. Calvin had been the big winner that night, and my wife asked him to give me back the money I'd lost. He looked at her for a few moments, then looked at me and said, "I'll make you a deal." He said that he'd give me a chance to win it back, if my wife would ante up one piece of clothing in...

4 years ago
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Meeting With Indian Sex Stories User

Hello, My dear readers, Janaki here. I am really grateful to the readers who reached out to me, connected with me, helped and suggested me where I need to improve. Thanks a lot. This is a real story of how I got connected with an ISS user. I would not like to share the user’s name so I will be using “Nikhil” as his alias. I knew Nikhil as we used to chat, later I came to know that he is also an ISS member. It’s been 5 months since our regular interaction through the internet. After reading my...

1 year ago
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First Taste of Chocolate Blacken

Caroline finished peeing and paused for a moment as her finger perused her nether regions. She was more than a little wet and she felt a bit naughty, but in a good way. She was having fun talking and even flirting with her new friend Tony. He wasn't really her type physically, not that she was looking. She was, after all, married and wasn't really attracted to black guys but he was a nice guy and he wasn't bad looking if she was truly honest.She finished up, washed her hands and went back to...

2 years ago
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New Jock TalesChptr 4Me and Mrs Jones

Me and Mrs. Jones--- Meeee and Mrs. Jo-ones---we got a thing---goin on. Well, actually it was Mrs. Clark. She lived over on the west side, in a semi uppety neighborhood. Mark had called and asked if I would like to come with him to clean her pool—said he would throw me a few bucks, and of course we could swim a while while we were there. I said ya, sounded great. We arrived around 2:00 that afternoon, and went right to work. Mrs. Clark wouldn't be home for a couple of hours, so...

2 years ago
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The LibrarianChapter 2 A Gathering of Players

Lesa greeted each of the arrivals Wednesday afternoon and escorted them into the spacious study to the right of the front entrance. Jake Caulfield and Ralph Peterman were the first to arrive, followed shortly by Marvin Clark and Leslie Owens. Lesa was asking what everyone wanted to drink when the other four girls arrived together, apologizing for getting lost. Janet Olson had missed a turn while chatting with Sasha Morgan, Misty Nokamura and Sara Johnson. With the exception of the...

1 year ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 11 Fucking Big Idiots

"Pounds sound much, much less remiss," the leader of the five said. Bobbie began to laugh and Sir William nodded. "Of course, I misspoke," I answered in a deadpan voice. "I meant to say a hundred and fifty pounds. I laughed. "All remissions have been wiped out, Mister Hundley. The slate is clean. We shall be on the alert for any other intrusions into your privacy during your stay with us." He nodded and turned to leave. "Please tell your manager to advance you the funds and put...

3 years ago
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LongshotChapter 5

My lessons began to diverge from Zuri’s a year after our first dive in a takamakura. While my sister continued to learn whatever interested her, my sessions increasingly became focussed on urban planning, stellar cartography, environmental stewardship and resource allocation. The more I resisted the flow of information, the more overt the lessons became, like fighting a remorseless current. Eventually, it was easier to give in. In reward the infinite space within the takamakura began to...

1 year ago
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Valentines Date

Valentine’s DateValentine’s Day, the day that love is in the air. When couples go out of their way to show how special the other is. Trill and Minami were no different. Trill had planned an elegant Valentine’s Day dinner for Minami. He told her to dress very elegantly for the dinner. Trill was wearing khaki slacks and black suit jacket. He wore a black dress shirt with a red vest and red tie. Minami did not disappoint Trill. She was wearing a purple, floor length, satin gown. They had a...

3 years ago
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NeverWorld Chapter Two

NeverWorld Chapter Two Althea Smallwood found herself drifting off as the lawyer representing the group of fairies would not stop lecturing her about his clients "God given rights". She wanted to close her eyes and put her head down. She even considered taking a recess but wanted to end this case now. She tried what the other justices had suggested. She had pinched herself, she had tried chewing gum, she had pushed her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Nothing was going to keep...

1 year ago
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Tears in a Dry Land Ch 08

Sophia expected him to lead her downstairs to his bedchamber, but instead, she found herself guided towards the far end of the roof garden. A coarse, whitewashed wall, about twice the height of a man rose up over that corner of the fortress. It had the look of a watch tower, or a guard room with a heavy wooden studded door set in the wall. For a split second, she wondered if she had pushed too hard. Was he going to punish her for her outburst, incarcerate and leave her there until she learned...

3 years ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 8

The skinny dip was a tremendous amount of fun for each of the people involved, from Angie Sloane to her parents to her boyfriends, Allan Dumont and Ray Lassiter, to her girlfriend Charmaine, among many others. Swimming in the nude just had a certain cachet to it, very cosmopolitan and natural all at once. Seeing each other au naturel like this only inspired more lust in each of the group, plus it was liberating to walk around openly in the buff. More than a few of the participants seized the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 127

Fascinating! A flight for a little over 1 minute. Eagle eyes help. The eagle is looking for it's handler. An Eagle's flight from the tallest building to his handler below. You can see him/her fold his/her wings in and then drop like a bullet to his trainer. On Saturday, 14th March, an eagle was fitted with a camera ... And "Eaglecam" and took flight from the world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa, in Dubai. Here is the film. What surprises me is how smooth the flight is with no...

2 years ago
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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 5

You lay back and have me sit between your legs with my head on your chest. You look at Beth and say, “Why don’t you and your sister show us what you do when you’re together?” Julia smiles and says, “Oh, we like to put on shows.” She has Beth kneel over our legs on her hands and knees as she slides on the strap on and grabs a dildo. She lubes the dildo and her sisters ass then slowly starts working it inside. Once it’s buried in her ass, she positions the strap on at her sisters pussy and starts...

1 year ago
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The uncovering Pt1

Chinese. Brown hiligts5'-4"Skinny and dicate frameSize 0Perky titties Has only dated white or native Cock worshiper You wouldnt know she was such a slut. Quiet, shy chinese girl. It started when she when she wanted to break up. There were k**s involved.She said she wanted to be single again to break the ice one night. Iater found out she was rekindling a c***dhood relationship online and looking for any excuse. I buckled down and won her back. Among other efforts i proposed to her that she...

2 years ago
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Adult Education

I come awake as I hear the driver calling my name. It had been a long flight to where ever this place was, followed by long drives. This was all after the incredibly long application period. I rub my eyes still not sure if I made the right choice, I got a full boat, but I had never heard of this place. It was amazingly well reviewed with a crazy big endowment but there was almost no info on it. Not even a class picture, or photo of the campus. Then again it's not like I was drowning in other...

2 years ago
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Anne Marie Kitten Slutwife for young cock

Introduction: Another, more recent sexcapade of my fabulous slut of a wife You guys all know that Anne Marie is a self-admitted slutwife. You know that she very rarely misses the opportunity to get her mouth, pussy and ass stuffed with new cock. Most of the time however, her sexploits are planned out in advance (such as when she gets together with my best friend) or at least when we go out looking for action. Some of the hottest times though, seem to come completely out of nowhere, and that was...

3 years ago
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How to Talk to Girls Chapter 3 The Girl in the Mirror

Chapter 3: The Girl in the Mirror Leah gave Zach a disappointed look as they followed his mother quietly up the stairs. He tried his best to avoid eye contact with her glare. What was his mom thinking? If she was going to mess with his life today to teach him some kind of a lesson about girls, why couldn't she at least have just changed Liam's memories and turn him into a full on girl that he could talk to for a few minutes and then be done with it? Instead, she had practically seduced...

2 years ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 27 The White Witch of Walden Conflict and Resolution

"Surrender and sleep!" I ordered. Brenda immediately slumped to her left against Dee's shoulder, while Dee closed her eyes and let her right cheek settle against the top of Brenda's head. Willie, sitting to Brenda's right, collapsed across her lap and nestled the side of her face on Dee's thigh. It made quite a picture. Maxine, wagging her tail, walked to the couch and started licking Willie's face. She didn't move. I decided that no instruction was necessary for this hypnosis...

2 years ago
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Transformation into a slut

Before you read my complete, and utter humiliation as a woman, let me give you a mental picture of my situation before I met Master John. I was a 20 year married housewife, with two beautiful daughters, a good husband, and a big house in the suburbs. Everything that a prim and proper college educated woman could ever wish for. Now, I am no longer a woman, just a five-foot, big titted, (40 ddd) fat, (size 14) fuck pig. I don’t even have a Christian name; I am called CUNT, nothing more. It all...

3 years ago
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Morning Stud

I wake up next to my stud. He’s snoring gently. I’m so hungover. My asshole is so sore but still a little needy despite the absolute pounding I took all night. But before too long I start rubbing my asshole as I survey his impressive morning erection. I lube my middle finger in my mouth and slowly start to frig myself as I move my salivating mouth toward his crotch. Mmm... so musky. In addition to his own manly scent, I of course, smell my own cunt on him. He really had his way with me last...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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College life spring semester 3

*******************After we screamed `Happy Birthday', Corey had the oddest look on his face."There's one little problem. My birthday was yesterday.""Oh well... who cares?" Kris shouted.I walked up to him and threw my arms around Corey's neck. "Corey, I won'tlie to you but I forgot..." Tears flooded my eyes."It's okay, Matt.""I still feel awful and hope this will make up for it," I said."It sure looks like it will," Corey stated and wiped the tears streamingdown my face. We shared a long kiss...

3 years ago
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Drugged Into SinChapter 8

It was several days before Jimmy went to see Christine again. He couldn't forget what had happened, how she had made love to Price and seemed to enjoy it, and how he himself had been humiliated by another one of the girls. He knew that he was involved in a tangled situation that would be extremely difficult, if not impossible to get out of, but he had to try and he had to try to get Christine out of it also. Price called him again after a few days and told him that they had arranged for...

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Being alone in the desert

I’m in my final year at university, where I’m studying archaeology. My life lately is filled with studies and lectures and research. There’s almost no time left for a social life, so to relieve the pressure I have to jerk off a lot, and fantasize. The fantasy I’ve had a lot lately, one that I’ve honed and shaped to a fine edge, began with a picture of an archaeology dig I found in one of my textbooks a few months ago. It’s a picture of an area in the...

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