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"A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy."
- Guy Fawkes (1570-1606)
Catholic Conspirator on the gunpowder plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament
"Assassination has never changed the history of the world."
- Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
Since President Gerald R. Ford signed Presidential Executive Order #1471-736, the United States of America has been prohibited from recruiting, hiring, training or fielding assassins. A civilized country does not send highly-trained killers to distant shores to enforce foriegn policy.
However, there exists inside the government of the United States a small cadre of men who believe that this was a poorly motivated decision, and that there will always be circumstances where the direct application of violent physical force is the best solution to certain problems. Monies set aside by Congress for the intelligence agencies are buried deeply inside so called 'black' budgets, numbers and programs and projects so highly classified that only a handful of people know of their existence, purpose and scope.
The National Security Agency, (NSA) perhaps the largest and most secret of all the agencies that make up the alphabet soup of the US intelligence community, has a budget higher than that of any other single government entity, excepting only the Pentagon. The NSA is charged primarily with gathering, processing, analyzing and summarizing SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) and ELINT (Electronic Intelligence), information gathered by the super-secret spy satellites and listening posts scattered around the world. The NSA Headquarters at Fort Gorge G. Meade in Maryland contains the single highest concentration of computing power in the world. Within the walls of those buildings lie several high-powered Cray supercomputers who do nothing all day but process and analyze SIGINT and ELINT from around the world. It has been rumored, and it has also been denied, that the NSA monitors every single telegram and telephone call leaving or entering the borders of the United States, looking for keywords such as "nuclear" and "espionage".
As with all of the intelligence agencies, secret, top secret and top secret-plus programs and projects are secured by a process of compartments. A person with a top secret clearance for one project may not have a need to know about another, and thus, is denied access to that program or project. The fewer people that know of a project or a program, the more highly classified and sensitive it is.
The GOLDEN ROPE Project, started in the late 60's, remains the single most highly classified project ever undertaken by the NSA. The various directors of the project, six in all, have been one of only two men who have ever understood the scope and content of the project.
Named after the mythical rope that Wonder Woman carried, the golden lasso that made anyone under its influence tell the truth, GOLDEN ROPE was designed not to gather ELINT or SIGINT, but the rarest of all intelligence sources, HUMINT, or Human Intelligence. HUMINT was what the CIA and DIA specialized in, the agents-in-the-field rodeo that had marked the more dramatic and secret moments of the Cold War.
GOLDEN ROPE had been designed in two stages. The first stage, the most important stage, was developing a way to get an agent-in- place close to the particular subject. The method had to be foolproof and fast. Studies were made, statistics analyzed, computer models designed and run. The solution, when it was hit upon, was simplicity itself. It was remarked (by a rather junior agent,) that most of, if not all, of the people that the NSA wished to target for infiltration were men. And men all had one weakness: Women. A highly-trained woman, familiar in the skills of seduction and sex, could get closer to a particular subject faster than any other type of agent. Using women to get close to men for intelligence purposes was nothing new. Dating back to the times of the Roman Legions, women had been used throughout history to betray the men they took to their beds.
But this was going to be different. The GOLDEN ROPE project had the full support of the entire NSA machinery. A woman could be completely briefed on her subject before move one was made. She would be aware of every single possible facet of her target. She would be able to become any woman that was needed: A seductive temptress, an innocent waif, a die-hard slut...whatever the particular tastes of a specific target, a woman could become that person and thusly get close to the target.
The second stage was turning the women into the perfect assassins. She couldn't use a gun or a knife, unless one was already handy. She couldn't risk being frisked and being found carrying a weapon. She had to be expert in all forms of martial arts, all styles of bare-handed and unarmed killing. A master of various poisons and toxins, ways to kill without leaving a trace.
The third and final stage was indoctrination. The woman had to be completely loyal to the NSA and their objectives. Towards that end, she had to be completely psychologically stable, intelligent, capable, and above all, sexy. She had to have a cold heart and the ability to kill on a moment's notice. Finding such a woman was the hard part of the entire project.
Two tacks were taken. The first was to find hardened criminals, women who had killed before and were eager to kill again. The concept was to take them, and through a variety of drug therapy and intense psychotoxic manipulation, turn them into government- sponsored assassins. Sadly, that project failed. The women failed the most important test: They were psychologically unstable at their basic levels.
A second idea was suggested, discarded, and then approached again, discarded again, and finally accepted. It was almost unthinkable on its surface, but the more the powerful men who ran GOLDEN ROPE thought about it, the more sense it made. Instead of finding a woman that fit their specifications, why not create one? Not in the sense of genetic engineering, but taking a woman...a girl, really, in her early stages of development, and turning her into the perfect agent-in-place, the perfect assassin, the perfect embodiment of what GOLDEN ROPE stood for.
Various attempts were undertaken with women in their late teens and early twenties. Each failed. The age was backed up to 16, and the project was attempted again, this time with limited success. It was finally decided that in order to generate the perfect GOLDEN ROPE agent, a very, very young girl would be needed, someone who had only begun her psychological development. Someone who had no moral frame of reference. Someone who could be molded from the outset, created in the image of the project.
She was found. At the age of eight, Jill Tanaka was discovered living in an orphanage outside Chicago. The daughter of an American GI father and a Japanese woman who died giving birth to her, Jill had been at the orphanage since her father had died in a training accident at Fort Polk. Her intelligence tests were off the scale. Her tested IQ was in excess of 160. At the age of eight, she already spoke three languages: English, Japanese and Spanish. She had learned Spanish by watching cable TV.
In 1983, Jill Tanaka, age 8, was 'adopted' by two 'parents' sponsored by the NSA. After that, she was taken to the GOLDEN ROPE training facility located in the sprawling Skunkworks base in the middle of the Nevada desert. For the next ten years, she was instructed by the best in the business. Upon her graduation from the program, at age 18, Jill (code-named MEDUSA) was a sixth-degree black belt in Akido, an expert with a wide-variety of small arms, an expert knife fighter, an adept pharmacist, and more than qualified as a sexual temptress. Her mixed heritage had turned her into a seductive, gorgeous young woman. Her hair was long and straight and glossy black, so dark it was almost blue. Her wide set almond-shaped eyes showed a hint of her Western ancestry, as did her full, rounded bosom and long, slim legs. The Asian influence on her looks only contributed to her overall beauty.
Jill Tanaka, at the tender age of 18, was both gorgeous and deadly, and she was about to undertake her first official mission.
Chapter 1NSA Training Facility MJ-9
Tonopah Test Range, Tonopah, Nevada
Monday Morning
Deputy Director, Operations for the NSA Walter P. Stark studied the dossier on his desk. It was thick, covering just over ten years of the subject's life, and was complete in every conceivable way. If he cared to check, Stark could flip to the back and see how often Tanaka had a bowel movement. That, however, did not interest him. What did interest him was the mission had had planned for her.
The door opened and Takana stepped through. Stark had to fight to catch his breath. The official black-and-white glossy clipped to the inside cover of her dossier did not do the woman justice. She was beyond gorgeous.
She strode into the office as if she owned the place. Dressed in skintight leather from head to toe, she looked like a walking wet dream. Her long hair was worn in a saucy, bouncy ponytail that swished from side to side as she walked. Her long, slim legs were encased in sheer black stockings, and the tight leather skirt she wore was to tight, Stark imagined that he could see the garterstraps holding the stockings up. Her black heels only added to her already impressive height and Stark had to fight the overwhelming feelings of arousal he felt welling in his groin.
"Good morning, sir," Tanaka said, taking the seat in front of the desk. She crossed her legs, and Stark had the treat of listening to the sleek sound of her stockinged legs rubbing together.
"Good morning, Jill. Do you know why I've called this meeting?"
"No, sir."
"We have something we want you to do for us."
"Of course, sir."
"Are you familer with Toshi Yumura?"
"President and CEO of Yumura electronics, the sixteenth wealthiest man in the world, worth somewhere in the area of five or six billion dollars American. Married, two children."
"That's correct, Jill. We want you to get close to his son, Yoshi. The NSA is getting ready to release specifications on a new data encryption algorithim. It will make the fiber-optic computers of the future impenetratable by forigen powers, but open to our systems. For obvious reasons, this is a matter of national security. We have some intelligence that indicates that Yumura electronics may have gotten their hands on our encryption algorithim, which means they can reverse engineer a chip that would break our codes. Again, for obvious reasons, we cannot allow this.
"Now," Stark said, opening another folder on his desk, "Unlike his father, Yoshi is very western. He lives in Los Angeles, running the US subsidiary company of his father's firm. If anyone would know if Yamura Electronics has the plans, it would be Yoshi. We want to put you in place next to him." Stark closed the folder and passed it to a silent Jill, who opened it on her lap and quickly scanned the pages, memorizing everything she read. In addition to her other skills and qualifications, Jill had a photogenic memory.
She closed the folder and silently handed it back to Stark. "What's my in?" she asked.
Stark stroked his chin and swivelled in his chair. "You tell me. From what you read, how would you get close to him."
Jill didn't pause or blink. "Yoshi likes...trashy women. Especially Eurasian women. He likes artists and musicians. I suggest that we get some studio musicians and create a fake band, and go on the road. We can get booked into clubs that Yoshi frequents. Nature will take its course from there. If that doesn't work in the require timeline, I can run into him at another social function. All I need is five minutes with him to plant the seed of desire." Stark knew that was true. He'd seen the tape.
One of Jill's training exercises had taken place inside another secret NSA facility, near Pave Creek Montana. The exercise had been part of her sexual training, and the entire session had been videotaped. Her target, or subject, or whatever you wanted to call him, had at one time been a Catholic priest. Long retired, he had been told that he was to hear the confession of one of his old parishoners who had been a long-time deep cover agent who was near death from cancer. Jill had been the one that had entered the confessional specially constructed for this exercise.
Jill had performed incredibly well. She had spoken in low tones to the priest, telling him of all the horrible, sexual things she had to do in the performance of her duties. The invisible camera that had been placed inside the confessional had revealed the old priest's excitement, and later, after they had exited, it had taken Jill only six minutes to get his pants down, his cock out, and into her wildly sucking mouth.
The fact that the priest had committed suicide three days later had not impacted Jill's grade on that exercise one iota.
"Very well, Jill. Standard sterile practices. If you get made, we don't know you. You never existed. You have twelve weeks to get the information." He handed her a third folder. "All your contact information is in this file. Read it, memorize it, then destroy it. You're dismissed."
Jill Tanaka stood and took the proffered folder and turned smartly on her high heels and left the Deputy Director, Operations, National Security Agency staring at her twitching ass as she left his office.
Chapter 2"There are two levers for moving men: Interest and fear."
-Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821)
Los Angeles, California
Two Days Later
Jill Tanaka studied her new digs with satisfaction. The rent had been paid, in cash, for the next six months, courtesy of the NSA Special Funds Account. It was a loft above an abandoned warehouse, just the place for a struggling musician. The place had been steam- cleaned and then painted blank, stark white everywhere. It looked like the sort of place you might film a "Docker's" commerical in.
The entire place had been decoated from Government storage facilities. It had the practiced, casual look of a place that had been lived in for several years. The three neighbors in the building were actually fellow NSA operatives, all of them paid to back up Jill's stories and to keep an eye on her. The floor immediately above Jill's held an apartment complete with a suite of electronic eavesdropping equipment. Every square inch of Jill's apartment was wired for video, sound, thermal imaging and voice stress-testing. Anything done, said, whispered...even thought inside the apartment would be recorded, fowarded to Fort Meade and analyzed by faceless, nameless technicians, the final results and conclusions delivered to Stark's desk.
Sighing, Jill decided to take a shower. Her first gig was the next night, at a place called "X-MEN" in La Jolla. Intelligence said that it was a place Yoshi frequented. A little pressure applied through a double-blind NSA front had gotten "MEDUSA" booked as the headline act the next night.
Shrugging off her half-length leather jacket, Jill kicked off her shoes and contemplated the mission ahead. Getting close to Yoshi would not be a problem. Getting him to make love to her, also, would not be a problem. Jill knew exactly which buttons to push on a man, any man, to get him excited, to make him want her. After all, she had learned her lessons well. She had been taught by the best.
Unzipping her short, tight leather skirt, Jill remembered some of those lessons with a smile. Her entire life, her upbringing and training and education, had been focused towards turning her into the perfect woman, the talented seductress, the perfect sexual partner for any man.
The leather bustier was next, and Jill stood in her stockings, garter belt, black silk panties and matching black silk bra. Jill was well aware that the technicians on the floor above her were getting an eyeful, but she didn't care. Let them look. Probably the only thing they're capable of.
Jill padded into the bathroom and started the shower. The bathroom quickly filled with steam, and Jill waited until then to shed her underwear and stockings. She knew for a fact that only the thermal imaging unit (a CyberDyne XM2 Mark V model,) would be able to penetrate the curtain of steam she'd thrown up. Let the technicians watch her if she was working, Jill thought, but not when I'm on my own time. Not if I can help it.
She washed quickly, liking the sensuous feeling of the hot water sluicing off her body as she soaped herself. Jill took enormous pride in her large-breaste, slim-waisted body, and knew that she turned both men and women on. In her private life, away from the NSA, she liked to dress to impress. When her assignments, like this one, allowed Jill to dress close to the way she normally did, it made everything that much easier.
Jill exited the shower and wrapped a large fluffy towel around her body and returned to her bedroom. Slipping on an oversize T-shirt to sleep in, Jill slid between the sheets and was asleep in minutes.
Oddly enough, her dreams were about her fourteenth year, her sixth year at The Compound. The year she began her sex education courses.
Stark was still an Assistant Deputy, Operations Directorate when Jill was fourteen. The GOLDEN ROPE project has been his brainchild since its inception. Funded with money intended for and diverted from other projects, Stark was sure that he was four short years away from seeing his efforts bear fruit.
They had decided to wait until Jill was aware of her sexuality before introducing her to the ways and means of adult physical love. When the close-circut TVs monitoring her bedroom caught the young girl openly masturbating, it was decided at the highest levels that it was time to teach her the ropes...and the whips and the chains, as the joke went.
They started off with erotic novels and short stories. The reading material covered the entire gamut of adult sexuality. She was encouraged to read and ask questions, and let her instructors know which works made the largest impression on her. By far, the nastier the matierial, the stronger Jill's reaction to it. She loved reading about gang bangs and rapes and bestiality, group sex and lesbianism. Anything what was off the beaten path, anything that was perverse and dirty and nasty, she loved. The stranger the sex, the more she got off on it. A medical doctor was brought in, and he explained all her sexual organs to her, even going to far as to point out her clitoris and what it was used for. Seeing the look of glee on Jill's face when she was told that not only was she allowed to masturbate, but encouraged to do so as often as she liked, Stark knew that he'd found his temptress for sure.
Jill became overtly sexual. She began mimicking the characters she read about in thought, word and deed. She dressed to highlight her developing body, trying at every turn to excite and arouse her instructors and mentors. Many of the men assigned to teach Jill hand- to-hand or weapons found themselves on the receiving end of a little fourteen year old sexpot who desperately wanted their approval and affection.
When Jill turned fifteen, it was decided that her virginity would be taken. There were long discussions about how this was to take place, and it was finally decided that Jill herself would be allowed to pick whom she wanted. To everyone's surprise, Jill picked one of her bodyguards, an Air Force enlisted man who had been Jill's shadow for more than two years. When the twenty-six year old Sergeant was brought into Stark's office and informed of his 'duty assignment,' it was rumored that you didn't need a KH-11 spy sattelite to see his smile from twenty-two thousand miles up. He agreed to do exactly as instructed and break the future assassin in as a woman.
That tape, widely copied and distrbuted throughout the base, was a favorite jack-off fantasy for the men of GOLDEN ROPE, and more than a few of the women. Jill was perfect in the role of teenage seductress. She had worn a black t-shirt with the logo of some heavy- metal band on it, and strategically torn blue jeans when her bodyguard came to tuck her in on the fateful night. She had been given official permission to attempt to seduce him, and the young enlisted man had been given permission to let her.
They sat and talked for a while, mostly about nothing. Jill was giggling and smiling and acting coy, and the enlisted man was slowly moving closer and closer to the young girl. When they first kissed, it was a tender and perfect moment that never failed to move anyone who watched the tape. What followed was also tender and moving, and undeniably sexy.
The EM undressed Jill slowly, revealing her perfect, virgin body to the camera and the excited eyes of the monitoring technicians. She was an eager, hungry lover, willing to do anything that might bring her or the young sergeant pleasure. He taught her well, using patience and gentleness, and brought the girl to her first orgasm with another person.
After that night, Jill had been unsaitable. She wanted sex constantly, and wasn't too picky about who she invited between her sheets. Understanding that a rather loose sexual morality was desired in an agent of this kind, Jill's handlers subtely encouraged this, and even went so far as to keep her bodyguard phalanx full of constantly rotating good-looking young men. Jill bedded them all, and they all left the assignment with wonderful stories about a Japaneese-American temptress who did things to them between the sheets that they had never imagined in their wildest dreams.
After about six months of unfettered sexuality, the GOLDEN ROPE project leaders decided that Jill needed some coaching. She was doing fine on her own, but her sexual practices had been limited to the basics of screwing and mutual oral sex. Nothing exotic, nothing out of line or unusual. Unfortunately, men of great power also tended to have sexual quirks, and so it was decided that Jill needed to be aware and comfortable with a variety of sexual acts and practices.
Several Thai whores were brought in, B-girls notorious for their ability to do anything that a man requested, and act like they enjoyed it and were only dissapointed that they hadn't thought of it first. They took Jill under their collective wings and taught her everything she needed to know. Inside of a year, Jill had learned quite a lot about being an adept sexual partner. She had also learned to control her sexuality when she was on one of her practice missions. She was taught that it was more important for her to appear certain ways at certain times than it was for her to give free reign to her own unique, unbridled sexuality.
Jill woke the next morning feeling refreshed. She took a fast shower and dressed simply, in Levi's and a t-shirt. She threw a leather jacket over that and headed out the door. She had an address that Stark had given her, a recording studio downtown, off LeBrea. The Jeep Wrangler that the NSA had provided her for this mission was topless that morning, and Jill drove quickly, loving the power of the machine under her hands and feet.
The address turned out to be another faceless, nameless wherehouse. A single video camera, mounted on an L-brace, scanned the doorway, fixing Jill with it's electronic Cyclops eye. She stared at it for perhaps ten seconds before hearing the electronic buzz of the lock's selnoid. Stepping through, Jill was greeted by a large, hulking man with arms the size of tree trunks. He didn't look too bright, but Jill was sure that he was assigned to Operations, not Analysis. Smiling at her own private joke, she followed the man into the interior of the warehouse, and was surprised to see that the place did house an elaborate, high-tech recording studio, complete with 64-track two-inch decks, various other electronic sound equipment, and a sound mixing/production board that looked like it had been lifted from the bridge of the Starship Enterprise.
In the rehersal/performance room were three men, all dressed in the current fashions of the grunge music element. Long, dirty, unwashed hair, flannel shirts, torn, stained jeans, the whole routine. A drum set and two guitars were set up, and a lone mircophone stood on a stand in front of the band.
They eyed her suspiciously as she walked in, her cowboy boots making loud clunking noises.
"Jill," she said, not offering her hand. The three men stood and introduced themselves as Billy, Sam and Joel. Joel was the lead guitarist, Billy the dummer, and Sam held played the bass.
"Well," she said after the introductions were over, "Let's get to it. We play tonight at X-Men and we've got a lot of practicing to do."
The band climbed into and behind their instruments and tuned up quickly. They were obviously professional and had played together often before today. The dummer tapped his sticks together four times, and the band launched into the opening chords of a hard rock tune that Jill instantly recognized. Stepping to the mike, Jill came in at the appropriate time and let loose with her voice, matching the chords and melodies of the band perfectly. It was as if they'd been playing together for years.
The band went through dozens of tunes, finding the rhythm and getting used to one another's style. After several hours, they figured they had it down, and Jill left to return home and prepare for her premiere as the lead singer of her new band. After some debate, it was decided that the name of the band would be "The Pickle Factory." Jill smiled at her own private joke and left the bandmates to pack the equipment and move it to the club in La Jolla.
She drove home quickly, eager to get the assignment underway. She had no doubt that she could get close to Yoshi, if he was at the club. Everything, at this stage of the operation, was dependent on Yoshi's appearance at the club. If he didn't show up, Jill would have to move to Plan B.
Whatever that is, she joked. As she drove, Jill aware of the machinations going on behind the scene, the secret deals being made and solidified. As she turned onto Sunset and drove towards the freeway, she knew that the band that had been scheduled to play this week at the club were being informed by their manager that he had gotten them a better gig in San Francisco, and that they were to be at the airport in an hour. The manager was then calling the club and informing them that the band had cancelled, had run out on their contract. After listening to the club owner's tirade for ten minutes, the manager said he had heard of another band and that he just happened to have the number of their manager.
Planning. Everything was planning. Steps had been taken, monies paid, people reached and forced to operate to the whims of the nameless, faceless men who actually controlled the machinations of government. The first band's manager had a hefty deposit in his bank account, enough money for him to retire for the rest of his life on. Normally, deposits of that size were to be reported at once to the Treasury Department, and then to the IRS. Neither had occured. A phone call here, a voice mail there, a telex, and a memo, and the rules had been neatly circumvented 'for the convience of the government,' as the parlance went. The reach and control and power of the men at the reigns of the NSA never ceased to amaze Jill.
Two phone calls later, her band, "The Pickle Factory," was scheduled to play at the club where Jill hoped her target would appear that night.
When she got back to the loft, one of the technicians from upstairs was waiting for her. Sitting on the couch, he was looking around nervously while tapping a slim brown manilla envelope against his knee.
"Message for you," he said, standing and handing the envelope to Jill. She turned it over and saw that the seal was still intact. She nodded, and the technician turned and left. Jill took his place on the couch and carefully slit the envelope open with one long, painted nail.
Jill noticed that the message was coded. Concentrating, she remembered the day's code sequence. With a pencil, she quickly decoded the message into word blocks. Once fully translated into plaintext, the message simply said: GREEN BOX PHONE PICTURE PEN KNIFE CAMERA.
That, in and of itself, made no sense to anyone but Jill and Stark. The message gave her operational permission to execute the first step of the plan. Reaching into her purse again, Jill removed a small, unlabeled vial of clear liquid. It was the inert portion of a binary poison called DIXIE PEACH 12. A binary poison is a pretty ingenious way to kill someone. It is administered in two portions; first the inert half, which is colorless, odorless and completely untraceable. It can be mixed into a drink, into food, into anything that the victim might consume.
The second half, the activator portion, is also completely colorless and odorless, and has the added advantage of not having to be consumed. The activator portion can be dissolved and then applied to a piece of clothing that the victim will wear. All he has to do is touch it do his skin; the chemical is absorbed through the sweat glands, and the victim will die within minutes of an apparant heart attack. The combination of the two chemicals is completely untraceable. Although Jill was an expert in all forms of hand-to-hand combat, martial arts, and was able to kill with guns, knives, pens, credit cards, feathers, practically anything within reach, as well as her bare hands, Jill preferred the binary poisons. They seemed a little more humane.
If, after about ninety days, the second, activator portion of the poison wasn't adminstered, the inert portion dissapated in the body.
Chapter 1: Phone Call I was at home, playing online chess when my phone started to ring. It was Jill. I felt blood rushing to my face. My heart was already galloping. I hadn't seen her more than three months. Back then she told me that we should stop dating and should just be friends. It was very hard for me, but there was nothing I could do. "I need your help, George," she said. Her voice was strange. As if she had problems breathing. And somehow tremulous. That frightened me. "Jill,...
It was my only and much-younger brother who finally got me to talk about Jill. Jill, the incredible girl, who was, as was I, barely a teen when the tragedy happened. In retrospect, my parents, perhaps with wisdom that I never appreciated, did not challenge my immensely private way of grieving. Also, maybe showing the temporal nature of teenage life, my classmates—many of whom were Jill's as well—almost never spoke her name when I was around. Jill's teachers, and her ninth-grade homeroom...
This story really starts back when my oldest daughter Jill was 14. She was easily a B-cup and she was rightfully rather proud of them. She was already quite a tease and she was rather good at it. She would be wearing a low-cut spaghetti string top and while sitting next to her mother and talking to me she would “accidentally” drop something and make sure I watched her while she bent down to pick it up. Over the years she stepped up her games. She had a favor nightshirt that had a teddy-bear...
This as about a friend and I have changed the name to protect her.......I found out in high school that Jill's dad has been having sex with her for years. She told me the whole story how it happened. He used to sneak in her room and undress her and lick her flat tits and rub her pussy. She was about nine when it all started. Then he would lick her pussy and suck on her clit. As time went on he did more with her. He taught her to stroke his cock and soon was licking it. Then she learned to suck...
Reddit Jilling, aka r/Jilling! Yeah sure masturbating to porn feels great; it's an excellent anti-stress practice, boosts your immune system, and is free, but what about reversing the roles once in a while? No, I'm not talking about letting people watch you have sex while they masturbate (although that is a pretty kinky thing), I'm talking about watching porn that isn't some POV video of some dude having sex with the woman of your dreams.I'm talking about watching porn that shows nothing but...
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It was Tuesday evening and Jill headed off to the gym for her usual workout. She was quite proud of her figure and she had every right to be, at 5'3" and 110 pounds, Jill was a petite girl with all the right curves. She went into the locker room to change, dropping her gym bag on the bench as she opened her locker and unbuttoned her shirt. The room was quite cool and as she slipped her bra off, her nipples became quite erect and she shivered a bit before she dragged the jeans down her legs...
Jillian was beautiful. She had only one flaw, she was home-schooled and way too innocent. As her first boyfriend it's my job to Re-educate her, let's begin. I met her at a friends house, we talked a little. When I first saw her I just knew I had to have her, she was about 5'6" and at first look too skinny. She was tan even though it was winter, her raven black hair was down, brushing her shoulders, her eyes a beautiful brown. She was petite with small breasts. After the day we met we saw each...
I laid wide awake in my bed. I don’t know what it was but for the strangest reason I couldn’t sleep. My long brown hair was sprawled out across my pillow and my gorgeous brown eyes stared at the ceiling. I heard the birds outside begin to tweet. Although it was still dark outside, I knew morning was coming. I then heard the front door close downstairs and immediately I squeezed my eyes together as tight as I possibly could. I laid there pretending to be asleep, thinking that my stepfather was...
TabooI have long been an enthusiastic participant in phone sex especially during the days when I travelled a great deal. Travel simultaneously limits and expands opportunities. On the plus side is the provision of long distance relationships and opportunities for honing one’s proclivity for talking dirty. The negative side should be obvious and flows directly from the positive. Still, the s**ttered moments of sheer exhilaration should not be denigrated. One morning of a trip, a friend called me...
“Well now you do.” I said trying to be friendly but praying that she would just leave. “Indeed.” She said turning her silver eyes back to me. “Well,” she said after a moment, clapping her hands together, “I’m sure I will be indulging I’m your company soon enough but I have other matters to attend to.” And with that she was gone, her bright orange hair leaving an after image in my mind’s eye. After a few minutes Ashley said, “Holy god! We have to live with her for a whole...
Wiggling my naked body and sliding against the silky sheets across the large bed, I burrow my face in the pillow, just breathing him as I close my eyes, almost hearing his voice with that rough morning sound that makes my core melt, whispering, “Good morning, my petal.” I smile, squeezing my thighs as I reach for my phone to look for his first message of the morning. Sliding my finger across the screen, I lightly run my lavender-varnished fingernail over the photo of him and I; James in...
Teen dream Tera Link takes plenty of naughty snaps of herself to show to Ricky Rascal. Ricky is suitably impressed and rewards Tera with a deep kiss. Reaching up to pull out Ricky’s hardon, Tera uses her mouth to respond in a much more carnal way than kissing. A lusty blowjob and handjob is the perfect foreplay to get this hot little thing nice and warmed up for a fuck fest! Peeling off her panties, Tera lays back while Ricky makes magic with his tongue sliding up and down her bare fuck...
xmoviesforyouWith their mission to Celestra completed, Alex and company take time out to 'soar' with the Pixies before tackling their next mission of... "Landing The Big One" Episode 8 South of Bikini Season 5 Copyright 2016: R.G. Beyer E.S. Atlantis, Standard Year 258:01:26 "Hey, mom. You get some rest?" My daughter, Reggie asked, as I walked out...
Hi, this is Varun I’m a normal 6ft tall guy from Lucknow. Here’s a story was written by for all the ladies who want to enjoy and want a romantic hot session!? please do send your comments and feedback at Lying on the couch with you sitting on my lap I was playing wid your hair watching your favourite romantic movie I could feel you getting hotter as the couple in the movie start making out I look at your face and you look on me we could see the lust in our eyes but we don’t want to go fast I...
I guessed that Uncle Dar really was tired. After Ellen and Nancy pushed him into his room, they came out alone. I called Janny on the intercom to tell her that he was in bed and might need some help, as he didn't seem to be feeling well. She and Erica showed up a few minutes later and went in. Janny came back out right away and told me to call an ambulance. She said, "It's his leg. The infection is back and it's all red and swollen. Send one of the girls to get my bag and call George...
Fay came and sat next to me on the sofa and took my hand in anticipation. Lotti approached Sofi, footsteps silenced by the thick carpet. Sofi nearly jumped out of her skin when Lotti lightly touched the nape of her neck with her crop. Sofi now knew that there was a fourth person in the room but didn’t dare look round. I could see her body tense waiting for the next touch.Lotti’s blood-red kimono had gone revealing what she wore beneath. She looked stunning and scary in a corset, the...
Ab tak aapne is story mein padha ki park mein aadmi ek aurat ko chodne wala tha.Maine ghar aaker reena ko bta diya.Chhat pr uska ghar dikhai de diya.Reena bhi chudai k liye tyar thi.Wo bahut pyasi thi.Isne mujhe nanga kr khud bhi nangi ho gai … Fir uski chudai shuru ho gai.Ab aage ki story … Maine speed kam kr di.Slow sex shuru kr diya.Lund uski chut se nikal kr dheere dheere ander ghusedne lga.Uski chut ki diwar se ragad kha kr lund tan gya.Sara lund uski chut mein chala gya.Fir aaram se bahar...
Piper Perri is back and this time she goes all out in this spectacular display of non-stop spinning hijinks. Watch as this pint sized 20 year old participates in a fun game of ‘mouth vagina roulette’ before embarking on a gravity defying sexcapade you won’t want to miss. Including multiple standing positions, the inverted 69, as well as multiple rotations from reverse cowgirl to cowgirl with continuous penetration, this is one fun filled spinning adventure that only the...
xmoviesforyouSmiling and in a post orgasmic daze, Joanna uploaded the file to her laptop. Her long blonde locks kissed her breasts and her legs were splayed open, displaying the wet trembling slit in between. Today was a special day. Her boyfriend, Alejandro, was out of the state for a business trip but that didn't stop her from remembering that it was his birthday. He had only been gone for two days and would be gone for the next two weeks or so. The location was high up where cellular reception was hard...
MasturbationHannah Jenkins was a married woman aged fifty-three although she prided herself that she usually looked considerably younger. She was very curvy and maybe just a touch overweight but regularly caught the eye of males of all ages. Her marriage to Charles was more or less in name only because they both got sexual pleasure elsewhere and currently Charles was shagging a twenty-two-year-old secretary. The couple was quite wealthy as they owned various businesses and a number of properties.It was a...
ThreesomesAfterwards in the cell Robin handed me the dildo, ?You know what to do man, come on?? I looked at the menacing object between his fingers and it did nothing to make me feel better. At each end were spiralled spikes that protruded outwards. Not just that but it must have been around nine inches long. ?Please man I’m not putting that thing in my ass, no way man seriously.? He looked at me with a menacing glow, his face lighting up red within the room.?Get down on the floor now and fucking put it...
Monday I walked into the office thinking all was pretty darned good in my world. It was, really. The major parts of the power distribution system were 'hot', had real live electricity on them, and we had no problems. I thought I was hanging around the project, just waiting for the big generators to make electricity, basically making sure the documentation package: drawings, equipment manuals, reports, the myriad details of 'this is what we built for you', and training the owner's staff...
______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew his hand over his brow, and the screech of the ref's whistle signalled the...
I had played with myself all day. I had used my vibrator and played with my nipples but I needed a real pussy to lick and nice set of tits to suck. I got in my car and drove to 2nd avenue where the street girls hung out. I knew what I was looking for, a young girl with nice big tits. Then I saw here standing there in a low cut tight top with nice big tits. I pulled my car to her and asked if she wanted to go for a ride. She jumped in and I drove to a vacant lot. I asked her how much for her to...
When I got back from the camping trip, I had changed much. The outside world didn't know anything about that, of course, and the outside world hadn't changed much at all. And, since the normal world expected me to be the same, it treated me just like it would have if that camping trip had never happened. The work was still there, much of it what I would have had to do had I stayed home, and which nobody else had done while I was gone. There was still no time for dating, though I did get to...
Beverly and I grew up together on the same street in the 1960s and 70s. Neither one of us had siblings. We had known each other since we were small c***dren. We played with the other k**s in our lower middle class suburb. The summers were always the best because we were out of school, it stayed light so late, and we could stay out after dark. Beverly was about 18 months younger than I, but it was obvious when we hit puberty that she was "growing up" a lot faster than I was. By the time we...
Waiting for the brideThat Saturday evening I regarded myself in the mirror. I was alone at that moment; everybody was waiting for me at the church, including my loving Victor, the groom.Oh, yes; it was the day we had been waiting for so many time; our wedding. The night before some of my girlfriends had dragged me to a bachelorette party and the time ended with my pussy and asshole filled with some stripper`s semen. It had been very painful but also wild: I had given my anal cherry up to that...
Saturday….Saturday…again its Saturday, one day of the week maybe I hated most when I was in class 9. You guys must be thinking why so? Well Saturdays were my nightmares…. morning 9 am I have to be ready as our old godforsaken driver would whisk me up and drop me at Nirmala Aunty’s Place at Southern Avenue. Nirmala Aunty, my mom’s best friend, drop dead gorgeous, extremely well educated, filthy rich, and last of all head mistress of a famous girls school, with a matching temper. I was...
IncestCharlotte followed a blonde nurse named Annie to the hospital wing, staring at her perky ass the entire way. She was acutely aware of the pressure inside her belly and the tight, achy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Annie led her to a semi-outdoor area tucked under the eaves of the building. A screened porch allowed fresh air and sunlight in, but there were many holes in the metal mesh. "We brought the sickest people out there," Annie said. "The Captain thought the fresh air would do...
Glenn Jefferies was in a funk that had lasted over two years. It had been just about that long ago that her husband of thirty five years passed away suddenly do to a massive heart attack, and wow at a still young fifty six, Glenn had lost all her zest for life, and was just going through the motions. Her sex life was nil, and since she hadn't had a date of any kind, there was little chance of any male attention. Her only sexual release was from the middle finger on her left hand, so every week...
Group SexIf you are a nice guy then you are a Renaissance Man. Never put yourself down as average or guy next door. Nothing wrong with being a nice guy. You can role play, but inside women will sense a player vs a man.Women who do play or desire sex here are not sluts despite what they may post. That is just a label...they are still women inside. Just as not all who are on here are perverts, but mostly real men and women who either find it an escape or way to hook up and satisfy their needs. If a woman...
Detective Andrews knocked on the third door of his rounds, flicking his notebook open in preparation for the inevitable elderly man to open the door. The whole street seemed to be old people, and while they all offered nice tea and biscuits, they were rambling conversationalists.He was sick and tired of listening to them tell him about the victims 'lovely son' and 'wayward daughter'. The daughter was always a particular focus, with commiserations delivered about how smart and wonderful she...
CheatingI came slowly to with the feeling of something against my rearend. It took a few minutes to remember where I was and who I was with.Then Knew what the feeling was. It was Danny and he was pushing his hardcock up against my ass crack and letting out a soft sexy moan. His legwas over my hip and he was locking me in place, Not that I had any desireto escape from his at all. I pushed back onto his hard cock and with hisarm he pulled me closer to him. I aid Danny if I let you do this to meyou got to...
Vivian was cold, her arm hurt, and she was scared. Very scared. She peered upward, out of her cylindrical, stonework prison to the blue sky above. The sky brought her no comfort, it only seemed too taunt her. Reminding her how close and yet how far away she was from freedom. “Vinnyyyyy!” She called out for her brother, hoping she heard him. In truth, Vincent wasn’t far away. His instincts had told him something was wrong, that his twin sister was in danger. He was right, and knew so once he...
IncestTony was a normal healthy 15 year old student at Hazlehurst Grammar. He was the school heartthrob for most of the senior girls. He excelled at sports, and he was captain of the school football team, which played in the local school league. He was tall for his age and very fit with a quite muscular body. But Tony unknown to him, was also blessed with a larger than normal cock for his age, and the first he knew about it was when some of his team mates took notice, and started teasing him after...
We’ve talked about it for months, and now it is finally going to happen. Mike is out of town on business and you, Bob, and I are going to get together for a little fun. We start out with you sitting on the couch between us. The lights are down low, soft music plays in the background, and a nice fire burns across the way. We sit there talking and drinking wine, both of us have an arm around you and you are snuggling and cuddling and kissing with both of us. As the wine starts to take effect and...
Group SexThis is a true story.My name is Jane, not that it really matters. I’m a 40-year-old wife with 2 boys, 12 and 13 and a husband. My husband and I enjoy a full sex life and have occasionally played with other couples. I am good looking and in shape, but I am not sure about the MLIF category.We recently went on a Caribbean cruise. The four of stayed...
Fashion is our Name – Part 5 – Helen Becomes More Than a Nanny Chapter 12 – Another Story in the Woods Downstairs at the Inn, after the incredible night with Anne and the other women, I made a fire to warm up the lounge, and got out children’s games from the cabinet. They came running from the kitchen with Anne still trying to wipe their faces. ‘William and James, this is my friend Adrian. He will show you some of the games they have here at the Inn.’ Her eyes pleaded with me, and I...
I was immersed into reading stories on ISS and burning with desire when Sunita (my maid) entered the room. She had been cleaning my house and serving me food for the last 3 years and I must say sometimes I did see her from the corner of my eyes. But today I was turned on and my penis would not be satisfied with anything but a real vagina. And there she was right in my room within my reach and I had to have her. Sunita is about 35 years of age, short, wheatish and lean with curves at the right...
Pure Steamy Lust By Blueheatt I stopped my sister-in-law Janice in the kitchen. We smiled our sexiest smiles at each other. We just stood there . We slowly stepped very close to each other, we checked to see that no one else was watching us. She was 58, long blondish hair, always done up in the back with curls hanging down, big 36D tits and hot legs. I whispered hot in her ear: (&hellip,. your so fucking hot and I want to fuck you so bad, I would love to lift your hot little red skirt up...
the two sisters anne and nicole, started to get scared, they wanted more privacy.on this particular island campground spot there were old abandoned cottages.why not check them out.,just as soon as my sister got some close back on.as we went towards the cottages karen started to get personel with me.she wanted to know more about me.she acted like she wanted a steady boyfriend, i only wanted to have fun.i just told her what she wanted to hear. she was six years older then me, and was probably...
At 23 Cass was still broken hearted over the breakup of her relationship to her first older lover , it was only a few weeks since it and since then she had committed herself fully to her work but the last thing she needed at that time was to be half way across the country for a meeting the following day .she sat sipping her wine in the hotel bar and thank fully it was quiet as she went through her paperwork for the next day's meeting . by 10pm there was only her and a gentleman left in the bar...
I had just reached the office and was checking my mails when I got a call from my ex-girlfriend. She was back in city after many days. After normal talks, she asked me to meet today. I said that I had lots of meetings today so it will be difficult to meet today. But after talking to her I decided that we will meet at 12:30 at a mall near her place. Then after one hour, she again called up confirming the program. I managed to convince her to go to my home and talk comfortably. Meanwhile, I...
Don't Tell Daddy By Morpheus ([email protected]) Carefully Elizabeth O'Neal soldered the wire into place, then stared at what she'd been working on, trying to remember what she needed to do next. Sitting up she stretched out, then looked around the basement of her house where she'd been working. She had her dark brown hair held back in a pony tail at the moment, so it wouldn't get in the way while she worked on her invention. Picking up the schematics, she tried...
It was getting late and we had all had quite a bit to drink. Everyone had gone except for you, me, and Jason. We were still out in the boathouse throwing darts. Jason and you were flirting a bit and it was making me horny. So when Jason went out to take a piss, I followed him. While out there I asked him if he would like to join us in a 3-some tonight and he said SURE! I told him I'd work on getting you naked and then anything goes from there. With that we went back in. On your next turn at...
BisexualHi indian sex stories dot net readers Manoj was an engineering student. He was in 2nd year. He started reading ISS stories and once replied to me after reading one of my stories. He started chatting with me. He was more curious to know about my experiences and wanted me to mentor him on the technical side as well as the personal side. I am also from a software background and senior professional, which impressed him to get closer to me for my mentorship. One day we met in a mall for lunch. He...
Kyle Mason, a masseur, is getting frustrated with his colleague, Hime Marie. It’s just that he keeps losing clients to her and can’t figure out why! It doesn’t help that she gloats about it ALL the time, which only makes him even more competitive. After losing a third client to Hime in a week, and hearing her read off even more of her glowing reviews, he finally confronts her. There’s NO WAY an amateur like HER is legitimately earning those reviews. Insulted, Hime...
xmoviesforyouMegan woke up on her 18th birthday, excited about the day ahead. She got out of bed and looked in the mirror. Megan was an attractive redhead with a great body, but she never saw herself as attractive, in fact she thought she was ugly. Megan put on a t shirt and jeans and went down the stairs, where her mother was waiting for her. "Happy birthday!" Her mother shouted. "There's something I need to tell you. Take a seat" Megan thought this was an odd thing to say, but she obliged her...
FantasyNew characters appearing in the next two chapters: Gerald Ward Saoirse's Father, 5'-7" tall, 165 pounds, 40 years old, brown hair and gray eyes Maureen Ward Saoirse's Mother, 5'-2" tall, 120 pounds, 36C-27-36, 34 years old, long red hair, green eyes The storm had subsided by the morning of our third day here, and it even managed to warm up a little that day, as the sun was out for most of the day. The snowshoes and toboggans had been transferred here from Mount Sterling via...
Indru en sontha murai pennai eppadi thanimaiyil kanavanaaga vaazhnthen enbathai ungalidam intha tamil kama kathaiyil pagirugiren. Thinamum niraiya kama kathaigalai padithu vitu ippozhuthu enathu kama kathaiyai pagirnthu kolvathu santhoshamaaga irukirathu. En peyar muthu vayathu 26 aagugirathu, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Naan oru engineer ippozhuthu Bangaloreil velai seithu varugiren, mathathirku 4 naal thodarchiyaaga leave ketu vitu varuven. Appozhuthu thaan en sontha mama penudan thodarbu...
Whoa! Angelic Charly Summer flaunts her beauty in a stunning, pink-studded bikini. The long-haired brunette plays with her shaved snatch for first-class director/performer Mick Blue. ‘Today, we’re gonna do some naughty things,’ the gorgeous girl purrs seductively. Tawny Charly takes Mick’s big cock in her sweet mouth. He captures the blowjob POV-style as she lewdly bobs on his knob. The uninhibited lass slurps Mick’s ball sack and tongues his bunghole in a tasty...
xmoviesforyouIt has been another long day at the office. Lawyers work long, long hours but after a while, you get accustomed to the grind. Well, not really. At the end of the day, you’re just simply tired and worn out and all you want to do is get home, relax, get comfortable before going to sleep and waking up in the morning to face another twelve to fourteen hour day.I enter the lobby of the New York City condominium where I live and, as is my custom, stop at the Concierge Desk.“Anything for me today...
ToysIntroduction: A tale of lust, love, and longing, spanning a few weeks and dozens of lives. Jim meets most of the family next door: Cindy and her teen daughters. No first person sex in this one – but some interesting discoveries over dinner. Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal,...
We’ve been friends for almost 3 years now. There have been a lot of late night talks, hours of advice giving, and even some plain old fun. Remember when we first met? I was still married and very miserable. You stood by me every step of the way when I got divorced. You are the one I always ran to crying. Even when I thought I shouldn’t, you let it be known that with you was where I belonged. I remember sitting on the couch curled up with my head on your shoulder as you ran your hand through...