- 2 years ago
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It was my only and much-younger brother who finally got me to talk about Jill. Jill, the incredible girl, who was, as was I, barely a teen when the tragedy happened.
In retrospect, my parents, perhaps with wisdom that I never appreciated, did not challenge my immensely private way of grieving. Also, maybe showing the temporal nature of teenage life, my classmates—many of whom were Jill's as well—almost never spoke her name when I was around.
Jill's teachers, and her ninth-grade homeroom teacher had been mine as well, also never spoke of her, at least in my hearing. But in retrospect, one teacher remembered Jill in a way I did not realize at the time. Jill was to sit in the fourth row, second seat from the back, this I knew because our ninth- and tenth-grade homeroom teacher assigned seats in alphabetical order, and our class, tenth grade, was unchanged from ninth grade. But, when school started, Miss Babbage left Jill's seat vacant. And vacant it stayed the full year. None of my classmates, at least in my hearing, ever asked "Why?" December 16, which would have been her birthday, there was a tiny sprig of forget-me-nots in the smallest and daintiest of bowls, on her desk. I remember feeling tears in my eyes when I saw them. Maybe our teacher put flowers and that bowl there, maybe someone else did, I never knew, or asked.
In our high school yearbook are photographs of three students who might have graduated with us, had they lived. Jill was one of them, even though the tragedy happened just before she would have been in tenth grade. My parents saw the yearbook, saw the photograph. They said nothing. Maybe they knew the photograph was identical to the one I had in my wallet in ninth grade, tenth grade, eleventh grade, twelfth grade, and yes I have it there now. In fact, I hope my brother will see to it that that photograph will be in the wallet in the suit coat pocket of the suit ... in which I will be buried. In fact, now that he knows the story of Jill, I will ask him to be sure that Jill's picture is buried with me. He might tell my wife, if I do marry, why that would be so important. For I think any woman I marry ... will not see that picture.
But the narrative that caused me, Hal, to say to Jim, my barely-teenage brother, "You know, Jill did that once to me," had yet to be shared with me when Jim began that narrative, a breathless account of an unexpected but clearly enjoyed first date with the very lovely Ginny.
As Jim started his narrative, the wind howled and drove snow swirling about; occasionally a few flakes forced their way into the house, for a strong wind can find chinks in almost any home, especially a January wind in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. Once inside, the snowflakes disappeared; the fireplace and a very efficient furnace effectively concealed that the two brothers were in one of the few buildings near the lake that was used twelve months of the year.
Shadows from the fireplace danced about in a room that otherwise was as dark as the night; an occasional spark would fly past the screen, startling Jim, who would snuff each out before any could singe the wine-colored rug. Although an heirloom clock had just chimed midnight, the younger brother was very much awake, and anxious to relate the evening's events.
"When I first saw her, I didn't think she was my type. Long blonde hair and freckles. She is pretty, and she knows it." "She" was Virginia, barely a teen, but already with several boys noticing her. For her, the evening began as a lark, a chance to flirt with a new boy, and spite her current boyfriend at the same time. New to the ways of dating, and visiting his brother for only a week, Jim did not know this. Hal knew otherwise, but made no comment.
"At first," Jim continued, "my fear was that I'd freeze to death. The whole thing seemed kinda' dumb, being with this girl and a bunch of strangers. But I guess you were right—a sleigh ride is fun."
Two brothers, talking in front of a slowly-dying fire. The younger one, Jim, almost fourteen. Just at the stage when he'd glare at you if you called him "Jimmy", but slow to react if addressed as "James" or even "Jim". Thick blonde hair, a bit disheveled, like his erratically changing voice often hard to control. Glorying in a week of freedom from parental control, and obviously enjoying this chance to be with his only brother who, as Jim remembered him, seemed to be an adult even before Jim entered kindergarten.
Hal was in his early thirties, a bit over six feet, reddish brown hair, no glasses, and his sideburns stopping right where they did during his pre-shaving days. Right now, he was quite pleased with himself, for that sizeable age gap had not prevented instant rapport with the brother he had seen so seldom. An only child for so long, Hal had paid little attention to the squalling bundle that had just begun to take steps and mouth incomprehensible gibberish when he had left for college. Visits home during and after college had been few, and Hal's brother had remained a stranger.
Feeling a bit guilty, Hal had invited Jim to visit him during Jim's mid-year school vacation. With a co-worker and his son who was Jim's age, Hal and Jim had gone bowling the night before. Out of the comradeship that had developed during bowling had come the invitation to go on a sleigh ride. Hal had reason to be pleased with himself, for the breathless haste with which his brother recounted the night's experiences was clear indication that Jim had had a really good time.
Basically, there are two types of sleigh rides ... no I don't mean using or not using a team of horses—the one Jim went on was tractor powered, a neighbor of Hal's co-worker providing tractor and driver. One type is couples in splendid isolation, with innocent caresses (and some not so innocent) only sometimes interrupted by conversation from couple to couple. The other type, and that was the one Jim experienced, is conversation that usually includes the entire group, and only the boy-girl seating indicates that this was a gathering of couples, instead of unpaired friends.
"Ginny, did you bomb the math?" one fellow asked.
"Nope," she replied, "it bombed me. It is bad enough to try to figure out how old a 12-year-old was X years ago, but when someone tries to tell me that 11 could equal three, I'm all at sea."
Ginny, the name Jim's date used in place of the hated Virginia, had had the misfortune of being far above average in almost every subject but mathematics. As a consequence, she was struggling with algebra. Of course used to the decimal system, she found it difficult to deal with binomial numbers. Shy though Jim was, he couldn't resist an opportunity to show his mastery of math.
"Ginny, that's simple. Eleven is three because you work in powers of two." And for a few moments he explained how to figure according to the binomial, or any other base system. At first annoyed that even on a date she could not escape algebra, she soon realized that the boy beside her was explaining things so clearly she quickly grasped the principles involved. Jim sensed this, and somehow found the courage to do what the other boys had done long ago: he slipped an arm around his date.
"Hey! What's going on back there? You two having a private conversation?" The voice was that of Tom Banks, Jim's friend from bowling Jim and Ginny had been talking low enough that sounds, but not words, could be heard.
His curiosity piqued, Tom turned around to look at them, then couldn't repress a hearty, "Well I guess we got some action in the back row!" when he saw Jim's arm around Ginny.
Embarrassed and flustered, Jim pulled his arm back. "It's all right," was Ginny's unexpected response. With her right hand, she took Jim's right hand, returned it to the shoulder it had just left, and then snuggled closer to him. Jim, at first fearful to even touch Ginny, was very pleased that an oft-hand remark about math and a chance wisecrack had somehow conspired to place a pretty girl's head on his shoulder.
Snow fell gently as the sleigh continued down narrow unpaved roads. The crest of a hill loomed ahead; beyond it the dark of a moonless night was occasionally invaded by headlights from cars speeding down the interstate a mile distant. In unspoken deference to Jim, conversation basically avoided school subjects and nobody mentioned that Ginny had agreed to this quickly arranged and very blind date only to spite another boy. Blankets, and yes a bit of cuddling, only slightly cancelled out the winter's chill, so Jim was glad when the tractor pulled into a nearby driveway. A porch light was soon on, and a cheery voice invited the couple in for hot chocolate before the trips home. The house, Jim realized, was Tom's, the voice that of his mother.
In the presence of a parent, some of the magic of the sleigh ride disappeared. Tom and his date sat primly apart on the soft, other couples occupied nearby chairs. Hot chocolate was drunk, proffered cookies sampled, then enjoyed.
Eventually sensing the lag in conversation, Mrs. Banks got up from the couch she had been sharing with her son and his date. She walked to the closet, put on her coat, then her overshoes. She opened the front door, walked down the steps, then returned. She took off her boots, walked back to the living room, and mumbled, "I thought I had the car keys."
Tom, who had been gathering up coats, took the hint and began the search. Eventually, the keys were found, and a slightly-flustered mother again put on her boots, opened the front door, and walked down the steps towards the family station wagon. The car door was opened, then was slammed shut; the engine started, stalled, started again, and then roared.
"She does that every damn time," Jim said Tom had said, and both Hal and Jim laughed at the image.
"Com'mere, you." Expecting, perhaps wanting those words, Tom's date paused in the hallway after the others, coats on, traipsed out to the station wagon. One kiss, and a few whispered words. Then, hand-in-hand, they too left the house, carefully trod the path made by five pairs of boots, and climbed into the car. As if maternal proximity mandated caution, hands were folded in laps.
"Ginny's house was the third stop. I thanked Mrs. Banks for driving us home—I'm getting pretty good at that stuff. The light," Jim remembered, "was on."
The classic situation, Hal thought. Porch lights scare away porch kisses, and the inevitable parental reception scares away any action in the living room.
As Jim closed the car door, he realized that the shyness had returned. He walked behind Ginny, not touching her, afraid even to think about trying to hold hands. But as she climbed the one star leading to her porch, Ginny paused, sensed how close to her Jim was, and linked her fingers within his. At the door she stopped, Jim later remembered, turned around, and faced him.
"Hold my glove," she said as she opened her purse to find the house key. Scrounging around in her purse, she found the key, and silently handed it to Jim. From Jim she took her glove, placed it in a coat pocket.
His hand trembling, Jim tried to insert the key into the lock—upside down!
"Not that way, silly, this way." Her ungloved hand on his, the two of them together correctly inserted the key, unlocked the door, and let it open slightly. Jim took the key out of its lock and placed it in Ginny's ungloved hand.
"Then she slipped the key in her purse, let the purse slide down her left arm, and looked at me a moment. 'Good-night, mathematician', she said, and put her hand on my cheek, just briefly. Then she turned and was gone. I don't think I said anything!"
Hal sensed that the story was over, and for a second could not understand why shivers ran through his entire body. Was he just feeling sorry for his brother, apparently so taken by a girl who probably considered him just a new face, to be seen, then forgotten? Or was there more to it than that?
Suddenly, he remembered his brother's words—"She put her hand on my cheek, just briefly." And then he knew.
"Jill did that once."
"Huh, who did what?" asked Jim, genuinely puzzled.
Hal took a deep breath. He had said her name, out loud. Then he realized his brother was much too young to have heard anything about Jill.
"I was your age," Hal said. "Jill was in my homeroom and a few classes. We really liked each other, and then I—everyone—lost her. And the last time we talked, I think I let her down. And I never told her I was sorry. And I never said goodbye ... I never thought I would lose her the way I did. And maybe I could have saved her. But I didn't." The agony, the hurt, in Hal's words changed everything, for it was the younger brother who tried to think of some way to comfort his brother ... words, a touch, something. Finally, he said, "Hal, tell me what happened."
Hal could have said, "This was before you were born. Mom, Dad and I went on vacation. When we came back, she was gone. I even missed her funeral."
Instead, he said, "Yes, maybe it is time to talk about Jill. I don't think I have said her name out loud, all these years. Just kept everything bottled up. Mom and Dad probably realize this, or maybe they think I have forgotten her. Okay, add a log or two to the fire, and I will tell you about Jill."
Without a word, Jim added several logs to the fire, sat down in front of it, and listened ... for an hour or more. And then he understood.
Hal began sharing some of his memories of the lovely Jill. Not every memory, for many are forever locked within the deepest recesses of his heart. But he shared enough that, Hal felt, his brother might realize why, almost two decades after he had lost Jill, he had not forgotten her.
Jill, Hal remembered and haltingly told his brother, had arrived in his high school a few weeks after Christmas, just past the 20-week marking period. Where she had come from he learned later, but soon after he first saw her in the halls he sensed there was something very special about her. Jill—for he had quickly learned her name—had dark brown eyes, a pert nose, plus lips, cheeks, and a chin that combined to give her a low-keyed beauty that, Hal, at least, found irresistible. Her chestnut brown hair was combed back, wavy, and almost reached her shoulders. Like occasional, very fortunate, eighth grade girls, her shape augured well for pleasing proportions before many months would pass.
Hal and Jill had different homerooms, but, after 20 weeks, Hal's first period class was taught by Jill's teacher and vice versa. The result of all this was that the two classes marched down otherwise deserted hallways to get to their new first period classes. Passing the same students day after day helped break down barriers otherwise present in a school system that grouped classes by ability and, until ninth grade, scheduled classes not according to student, but according to the classroom.
For his first 20 weeks of eighth grade, Hal learned more than he wanted to know about the business world in "Introduction to business", while Jill's classmates has been introduced to "science", partly earth science, but occasional coverage of Archimedes and his lever, pyramid building, and even a bit of celestial navigation.
It was during those journeys down otherwise deserted halls that Jill noticed Hal, for his dusty red hair and pale blue eyes reminded her of an older boy she had dated in Ohio the previous summer. Although they passed each other in the halls five mornings each week, they did not speak at first, for Hal was afraid of the inevitable ribbing his acid-tongued friends would start if they realized that he had noticed this attractive new girl. For her part, Jill was not so interested in Hal that she would make the first move.
Apparently, Jill came from a musical family, and her talents were soon noticed by the music department, for Jill auditioned for, and received, the role of Cousin Nettie in "Carousel". Cousin Nettie, of course, sang the hauntingly beautiful "You'll Never Walk Alone" as her way of cheering up Julie Jordan when Julie was in the depths of despair. When the school put on "Carousel", though, Jill was just a girl in the hallway, so Hal had no reason to go to that musical, or any musical. Never, after the tragedy, though, would he hear that song without thinking of her, in fact doing his best to hide his tears, if anyone was around to see them.
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I have always thought, that to tape a girls night out, would be a ball-buster, for guys listening-in.I am talking about professional ladies, graduates with professions like doctors and lawyers, part-time actresses and models, hot blooded ladies who, with a few drinks, tell what it really is like and what goes through their minds when confronted with certain situations.Case:1 Amber, is a medical graduate who became a GP, after working 15 years in the city hospital. She is married to another GP...
I put the word out that I was looking to host large group classes in town and one of my friends picked up on it. She got with some of her friends and eventually got a group of around 25 or so students that showed up on a regular basis. Teaching this class a couple times a week would be enough of a pay day to keep my finances in order and even have fun on the side. I was thrilled to say the least. The classes went pretty well. However, I was having problems getting to some of the more...
Friday afternoon I had stayed at home, having some paperwork at my desk.My sensual wife was laying out at our pool tanning under the warm sun.I was busy and focused on my own task, when Tadeusz, a black guy who worked with Ana, brought her some other papers for her to sign. I sent him outside to talk with my wife as I finished my own business…A while later I went to the kitchen for a glass of water and I glanced out the window to see what they were doing. Tadeusz was sitting in a lounge chair...
I saw her by the keg, she was already tipsy and she was going up for more. Earlier that day her boyfriend broke up with her and now it seemed as if she was trying to drink his memory away. Last time she did that she almost died of alcohol poisoning. If I hadn’t rushed her to the hospital, she’d already be dead. She was Kelly, my best friend and crush for a long time now. I had been there for her throughout high school and part of middle school. Kelly had long blond hair, deep green eyes, and...
EroticDaisy Stone thinks Ramon’s pool game is a little lack luster. Let’s spice it up and bet with our asses! If he wins, he gets to fuck her ass but if she wins then its the strap on for Ramon! Ramon plays his best game ever and sure enough he cums out on top and is ready to fuck that sweet little ass! Daisy spreads open her ass cheeks letting Ramon tongue fuck that sweet tasting ass before going balls deep! If there is one game Ramon is great at it is drilling that tight and sweet ass!...
xmoviesforyouHi readers, This is shubh from Delhi. I am 25 years old, athletic body, hgt-5’9″ and have a cock of 5.5 inches. Am working with a reputed mnc in Gurgaon. This story is about me and my gf having sex after we broke up. This is my first story here in iss so your comments and reviews are welcome. Females interested can contact me at . Coming down to the story. I have been living in Delhi from my childhood. This story took place 4 yrs back during my graduation in Dehradun. My GF’s name was Anju....
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
I walked down three blocks to the neighborhood grocery three or four times a week to keep my produce and meats fresh and that afternoon was one of those days. I didn't buy much at each time, just a loaf of bread, some steaks and some fresh salad veggies today, so I could carry it easily and not have to drive my car. It gave me a reason to get out of the studio and get some fresh air, at least as fresh as it got in the city. Checking out just ahead of me, I spotted Ms. Martinez and her three...
Since Floyd introduced me in his “Boxer Walker” story, I decided to post a little story of my own as a sequel. It has been several months since I had met and first made love to Floyd. I have been quite busy with my practice and have also been busy with other erotica as well since I am an OB/GYN in private practice. Some of the things I have found that have really given me some outrageous orgasms has been experiences and adventures I have found out from some of my patients. I found I can...
For a few years now my wife and I have enjoyed watching porn together, either through the internet on our laptop or by DVDs on our television. Although she doesn’t like to watch anything extreme, no violence or coercion for example, just pretty standard heterosexual stuff, she obviously gets turned on when we watch. She knows I sometimes indulge without her, like when she’s out shopping and recently coming in from being at work she asked me what I was looking at. I explained I was reading a...
Straight SexThursday afternoon. I came back from work and found my wife at home. She had made a wonderful lemon cake and the moment she saw me she started making coffee. The table was set in no time and was happy to relax sipping from my aromatic coffee and having small bites from the delicious lemon cake.‘I have to finish my project and will need your assistance to prepare the final file for the presentation.’ She said.‘Okay. Call me when you’re ready.’ Was my answer then I turned on the TV and started...
A priest blesses a couple for their wedding. The next day the priest meets the wife in the shopping center alone. He asked "Where is your husband?", and she replied i left him back home because he prefers to watch TV sports.The priest asked again, are you going back to him sooner or later? The wife said yes, i can't leave without him.The priest looked and smiled in a funny way just to say "You get married one day, leave your spouse next, try to get back to fuck your spouse and possibly do that...
It was just after sunset as Ray parked up. He didn't know what Dan wanted with the hi-viz and barriers but he knew better than to ask. He had received the call just over half an hour ago to meet him at this location so here he was. Dan jumped into the back of the car as Ray was about to get out. "Don't get out" "What's up?" "Have you brought the hi-viz?" "Yeah, also the tent and barrier are in the boot" "Good, put one on and grab the stuff in the boot" "Where are we...
I want to thank Farmgal who’s sexiness inspired this erotic and steamy tale. Thank you Farmgal, I enjoyed writing my sexy fantasy of seducing you. Stephanie was attending the check out register at Victoria’s Secrete when an extremely sexy woman strolled into the store. Stephanie’s heart beat faster and her eyes locked on this sexy woman as she sauntered towards the display of the new line of sexy panties and bras. The woman’s eyes locked with Stephanie’s for more than a few seconds. Stephanie’s...
Ruth came home from work. Obviously she and Bronwyn had discussed the swingers club night. The details sounded great. Lots of drinking and lots of fucking. Ruth then shocked me, asking me about anal sex. Apparently Bronwyn had said some guys were into it. We had never done anything like that and Ruth wanted to know what it would feel like to have a cock rammed up her arse. I was not turned on by the thought but was willing to at least try it. Ruth had been told to douche so her anal tunnel was...
Daya Knight is an ebony bracefaced teen who does not want to go to school. Not because she feels sick or anything though, because she doesn’t want to get made fun of for her awkward metal braces. She tries her best, but can’t work up the courage. She sneaks back in the house only to get seen by her stepbrother. Shes scared he will tell mom and dad, but hes actually a lot more understanding and consoling. He explains to Daya that she has so many beautiful qualities that no one will even notice...
xmoviesforyouI was stunned. And when I say stunned, I mean absolutely shocked…freaked out by what I discovered the other morning. I saw the name and never once thought twice about it. Her first name is Sarah. Yeah, I know a Sarah. A sweet, young 18 year old, still in high school, always carried a smile on her face, and she has a very cheery personality as well. She says hello and when she does, she’s smiling. She is respectful of everyone and she’s also a very intelligent young lady. I came upon her...
Oral SexLost in the Woods Ch. 1 © 2011 All Rights Reserved ‘Hey, everybody! I want to tell you about a volunteer opportunity before we get started.’ Willow Oakton gave a mental roll of the eyes before turning her attention to the speaker. Holly Stone was hosting the book club this month, and so she had the floor. Whenever Holly had a ‘volunteer opportunity’ to discuss, it tended to result in everyone else volunteering while Holly supervised. ‘What is it this time, Holly?’ This was from Ivy Blackwood....
Vacation Fun – Chapter 2 – The Next MorningWith the curtains closed only a little light shined through the windows, but is was more than enough for Sam’s eyes to take in every curve of Carly’s body. Carly always looks so peaceful when she’s asleeep, and now Sam could freely lay in bed and stare for as long as she wanted or till Carly woke up.Before Carly climbed into bed just a little after midnight she striped down to only her underwear, slowly Sam started tracing patterns on Carly’s bare arm...
Cindy and I had worked together for years. We had been peers for several years and became good friends, then I became Her manager. Our friendship continued but many coworkers were certain we were having an affair. We weren’t having an affair, but ate lunch together nearly every day and shared the most intimate parts of our lives with each other. She was and still is my best friend and the only one I have ever felt comfortable sharing every detail of my life with. One day we happened to be...
I didn't get up until past ten the next morning. I dressed and went downstairs. "He's not dead after all," Mom said from the den. "Just tired," I mumbled. I still wasn't fully awake. Sara kept staring. "What?" I mouthed. She shook her head. I poured a bowl of cereal and joined my family in the den. "Everything okay, Sam?" Mom asked. "Yeah, Mom." "Make sure you get enough rest." "I will." Sara smiled again. What was with her? I watched TV. Dad had the early game on...
The Care and Keeping of Hu-CowsINTERNATIONAL Rules & Regs.Please note, the SFL do not refer to our cow slaves as slaves,primarily, because as hu-cows, they are Tax deductible, as cow slaves, they are not.Hu-cows are human females maintained in the production of human milkoutside of the traditional time of lactation for their own offspring.They are kept as milking livestock for the convenience, pleasure andpotential profit by their owners.Hu-cows are considered to be and are treated as...
It was late when he bundled Nathan and Aaron into the car. Thank goodness their curiosity regarding his new friend had been easily fended off. After being answered with 'hmmms' and 'huhs' a few times, the brothers talked quietly in the back seat. David paid them no mind; he was in his own world. His talk with the friendly barkeep had taken quite some time. No matter what the outcome, he owed Mack Sullivan a life-debt for helping him work through his dilemma. 'Mack was correct, ' David...
The men returned from their bathroom breaks.”Now I want all you guys to stand as you did before,” Karen directed. They lined up oldest to youngest, about two feet from the girls. They sat on the couches and chairs, still naked, looking ready to fuck. “Okay ladies, are you all still in agreement with our plan?” She asked, looking at the others. They all said yes. Dan looked at Karen, wondering what on earth she had planned. “Okay, so what’s next, I’m afraid to ask?” Dan joked. “All you guys...
I have a friend I met on Xhamster who's name is Kathy. Kathy is a very hot redhead with light complexion that has the most wonderful fantacy she told me about. Her fantacy begins with her stoping after work for a drink at a local bar to unwind after a stressful day at work. She is sitting at the bar sipping her drink when she noticed someone beside her ordering a drink. As she looked his way out of curiousity, her eyes met his and then she immediately noticed his warm smile. He said Hi to Kathy...