Kelly's Ordeal free porn video

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Kelly Monaco's Corvette screamed down Interstate 10 through Mississippi at well over 100 MPH. She was in a hurry to get to New Orleans and complete her five hundred plus mile journey and get into bed at the plush hotel she had booked for the night. It was a steamy night in the south and she kept the air conditioning on high trying to beat the heat and humidity as she listened to a CD of her favorite music.

It seamed like forever ago that she had left Jacksonville Florida after attending a press junket for Playboy. The magazine was going to re-release her original photo spread from 1997 in a future issue, and she was helping promote it. She was in such a rush to get to New Orleans, where she had an obligation for her soap opera General Hospital that she had not even bothered to change out of the outfit she wore for the event in Jacksonville. She wore an off the shoulder peasant blouse that was transparent enough to see the black, silk, strapless bra she wore under it to support her D cup breasts. The mini skirt she wore was so short, that as she sat in her car right now, the tops of her black stockings and her garter belt straps were clearly visible; her black silk panties were trying to make an appearance as well. The 5" spiked heels she had worn were lying on the floor tucked just under the seat she was in. Simply put Kelly looked hotter than the air her powerful sports car was racing through.

It was after 10:30 PM and her mind wondered. She recalled the scene at the event earlier and how gorgeous all the other playmates had looked. She recalled a handsome writer that had attended too. The image of the chiseled features of his face flashed in her memory. The way his shirt hugged his broad chest and muscular arms, had made her want to ask him to escort her to a quiet place in the hotel and make her feel like a woman. However, her more practical side had won out and she just made pleasant conversation with him until she had to leave.

The recollection of her memories was having an exciting affect on her now, as she raced down the quiet lonely highway. She reached down between her legs and began to rub her tingling pussy through her delicate panties. She could feel the small patch of coarse pubic hair through the thin material, and she slid her finger lower, pressing it between her aroused pussy lips until she could feel the hardness of her clit. She rubbed it in circles, making her already moist pussy even wetter. She moaned lowly and spread her legs slightly wider. She wanted to close her eyes and really pleasure herself, but knew at this speed, that was not a bright idea.

However, it did not keep her from continuing the molestation of her burning pussy. She could feel her nipples stiffen, and she wanted to pinch them. Once again, she resisted, not wanting to take her other hand off the wheel as it barreled down the highway. It was not long before she moved the gusset of her panties to the side and slid one, then two fingers inside her dripping pussy. She diddled her clit with her thumb as she continued to finger fuck herself. She moaned loudly knowing no one was near to hear her.

Her pleasure built and she moved her hand faster, and faster. The wave of ecstasy was rapidly approaching, and she braced for the inevitable. Her legs stiffened and she quickened the pace of her hand. Her nipples tingled as they pressed against the bra that held them. She was just about to erupt in sheer delight when she noticed a car broken down on the side of the road.

She pulled her hand from her pussy and lifted her nylon clad foot off the gas. She looked around for someone, incase they needed help. The car was still steaming, so she knew it was not abandoned. She almost came to a stop, but not seeing anyone; she pushed down the accelerator and pressed on.

As she got back up to speed, she decided she needed to finish what she had started before she was interrupted. She again slid her finger back inside her love tunnel and shivered at the feeling. Then, once again she was interrupted.

Along the right side of the road was a woman. Kelly figured this had to be the person whose car she just passed, so she covered herself and slowed again. She rolled the window down as she approached the woman. As she got closer she could tell it was a black woman, and she was not a small woman. Kelly brought the car to a halt as she ran down the passenger window the woman leaned on the car and looked into the window.

"Thank you so much for stopping, darlin', I was afraid I might get raped or even killed walking out here in the middle of the night like this." She said with a big smile and a little chuckle.

Kelly barely heard what the woman said; because the only thing she could see besides the woman's plump little face was her massive tits. The entire window seemed to be filled with tit flesh, as the woman was wearing a very low cut top and her cleavage must have been a foot long.

Snapping out of her trance, Kelly replied, "No problem ma'am, can I give you a lift somewhere?"

"Would you be that kind? Please, I only live a few miles from here."

"Well, it's not a problem get in." Kelly told her.

Kelly watched as the portly black woman opened the door and slid into the seat next to her. She wore a skirt as well, although not nearly as short as Kelly's. Her thick legs were covered with nylons, and she wore a pair of knee high leather boots that Kelly would never imagine a woman of her size would wear. The heels were as narrow as Kelly's, but had to be at least an inch taller. As she settled into the seat, Kelly got another look at her massive breasts. The top she wore was skin tight and Kelly could see the roll of the woman's belly as her tits rested on it. Kelly didn't understand how or why, but for some weird reason she was immediately attracted to this woman. As they began to drive, Kelly could feel the confidence of the large black woman in her passenger's seat grow.

The black lady was quite sexy in her own right, and came across as one of those woman who lived by the moniker, "large, and in charge."

Kelly found out through small talk that the woman's name was Leticia, and she had been returning from a night out at a local dance club.

"The talent was lacking tonight," She told Kelly. "So I decided to come home and give it a shot again tomorrow."

The confidence of this woman was astonishing to Kelly. How a woman with a body like hers would think that she could "judge" the talent and decide if she wanted to be with those men just blew her away. It was mesmerizing to Kelly. She wasn't sure if it was the woman's demeanor, or the fact that Kelly was so horny from masturbating, but somehow, Kelly found herself strangely attracted to this woman.

Kelly just couldn't keep her eyes off the woman's chest either. Kelly knew her own breasts were a D cup, so she knew this woman had to be an EE or bigger.

The woman just kept looking at Kelly oddly, and she couldn't figure out why. Then it all became clear as a bell. "Dancing with the Stars!" Leticia screamed, breaking a long silence. "You're that soap star, Kelly something."

"Monaco." Kelly told her with a bit of an unseen blush.

"Yeah, Kelly Monaco, that's right." Leticia said "Oh Darlin', my husband, and his brothers are in love with you. They watched every episode of that damn show, just to see you and them damn big tits of yours"

And while Kelly's blush may have been invisible in the darkened car she couldn't avoid the burning of her flesh, "Thank you," she replied. It didn't even register that Leticia had been at a club scouting the talent when she had a husband at home.

Suddenly Kelly realized they had been driving for over 20 minutes since she picked up this stranger, and had made so many turns, she was going to have to use her navigation system to get back to the highway.

"Leticia, are we almost to your house? I have a ways to go tonight still, I am going to New Orleans." Kelly told her.

"Oh lordie no, my driveway is just a few more blocks." She said.

About a mile down the dark narrow two lane road they were driving on, Leticia told her to turn. Kelly turned and about 50 feet later, they were on a dirt road. Driving slowly, it took them a few minutes or so to reach Leticia's house. It was a broken down shack in the middle of nowhere. Kelly was a bit scared, so as she crawled to a stop and Leticia let herself out, Kelly wanted to just leave.

Leticia was only half out of the car when she asked Kelly if she would please come in and meet her husband and his brothers.

"Oh I really can't." Kelly told her. I have to get to New Orleans."

"Oh please, Darlin', it would mean so much to all of them." Leticia plead sincerely. "It would mean a great deal to me too." Then she flashed a big white smile and winked at Kelly.

Again Leticia's charm melted Kelly, and her resistance ebbed with it. She felt a need to please this woman, and so she accepted. She turned off the car, slipped on her heels and closed the door, leaving her keys inside. She didn't plan on staying long. Then she followed Leticia toward the door of the crude cabin.

The cabin which appeared spartan on the outside was even more so on the inside. Kelly couldn't help but the help the cabin's motif was early American depression. The cabin was simply a large room divided into different living areas.

"Look who picked me up on the side of the road after my car died." Leticia spouted to the three large back men sitting on the couch watching a ball game.

The men all turned and immediately sprung to their feet when they recognized Kelly. They all rushed to her and extended their hands to shake hers. She instantly notice how big all their hands were and how firm their grips were. None of them wore a shirt because of the heat, and it didn't go unnoticed by Kelly how nice, Roger and John bodies were. Grady, Leticia's husband, was a bit larger and somewhat softer that his brothers but still he was as handsome as both of them.

The four of them all took pictures with Kelly and asked for her autograph, as they gushed over her. Grady even went to his room and brought out his old Playboy with Kelly in it from 1997, and asked her to sign it.

Trying her best to hurry things along Kelly eagerly granted all there wishes.

"I have every issue back to 1989." He told her.

Everything was going great until Kelly informed them that she really had to go. It was now approaching midnight, and she still had a long road a head of her. In that instant everything seemed to change.

"You can't leave without showing us those big Playboy titties of yours." Grady told her opening his Playboy to a page with Kelly's naked body on it. The other men's eyes lit up with the though of seeing Kelly's large D's in the flesh.

"No, I'm sorry, I can't. I really should be going." Kelly replied.

"Come on, what's the difference, we can all see them right here." Grady told her, holding the magazine up to her face. "Let's see those things for real."

"No, really I need to go." Kelly said again, turning to leave in a hurry. But before she knew what happened, Kelly found herself on the floor, with both of her cheeks were burning like all hell.

She looked up as Leticia stood over her with her hands on her hips, "Bitch, when my husband tells you he wants to see your tits, you show him your tits! You understand?"

Leticia had bitch slapped Kelly so hard on both cheeks the force had knocked her to the floor. Kelly looked around for an escape route or a friendly face but she found neither.

"Don't even think about running bitch, and go ahead and scream all you want, closest neighbor is almost a mile away," Leticia smirked

Kelly just looked up and rubbed her face trying to relieve the pain.

"Maybe, you would prefer the alternative, I could let him or all of them rape your ass." Leticia told her referring to her brothers as well.

"No, no, I'll show them my breasts." Kelly meekly replied.

"Bitch, cans like those are not breasts, they are tits. Now say it right." Leticia ordered.

"I will show them my tits." Kelly said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"That's not good enough. Beg me." Leticia demanded as she delivered another opened handed bitch slap to Kelly's left cheek. Kelly gasped as the burning sting swirled though her brain.

The room filled with male cat calls as the men urged Leticia on.

"Beg me to let you show my husband your tits you rich uppity cunt." Leticia told her.

"Please, let me show your husband my tits." Kelly pleaded meekly, hoping that she could show them to the men, and she could be on her way.

"That's not begging bitch, convince me." Leticia commanded as she propelled another powerful bitch slap towards Kelly's reddening cheek. Her domination was incredible. Not only did Kelly know Leticia was her boss, she could tell by the way all three of the men stood and waited for Leticia to do as she wished, that she was in charge of them too.

"Please, Leticia, please let me show your husband my tits. I really want to let him see them."

SLAP, the back of Leticia's hand stung Kelly's left cheek.

"Who the fuck do you think you are cunt, getting all familiar with me like that? Sluts like you address ladies like me as Mistress, or Miss Letty, or My Queen, Understand?"

"Yes Mistress." Kelly replied.

"You are nothing but a skinny, white slut aren't you, showing your body in Playboy, and Maxim, and wearing those slutty dresses on that fuckin' dance show? I caught my husband jacking off while watching you dance one night on that show. Then he had the nerve to ask me to fuck him after. You skinny white sluts are always trying to take our black men from us. You are nothing but a fuckin' white slut aren't you?" Letty asked.

"Yes Miss Letty." Kelly replied, not wanting her to get any madder.

"Yes, what Miss Kelly Monoco?" Letty demanded to know.

"Yes, Miss Letty, I'm nothing but an uppity white slut," Kelly responded weakly.

"Now ask again slut!"

"Please Mistress; please allow me to show your husband and his bothers my tits."

"Fine, go ahead, but I think that your little titties will not be enough. I think we need to see it all, they would like a little show, wouldn't you guys?" Letty asked.

All of them just nodded their heads like little kids asking their mom for a treat.

Kelly slowly got to her feet and stood in front of everyone. Reluctantly she began moving her hips and rubbing herself over her clothes. She started with her tits, rubbing them seductively and squeezing them together. She was surprised to find her nipples were hard. She continued this for a few moments, and then ran her hands down her flat hard stomach and around her narrow hips. She turned so her back was facing everybody and stuck her ass out as she ran her hands over the skin tight mini skirt. She rubbed her ass for a few moments, sticking it out even further.

"Holy hell, could you imagine splittin' that ass?" Grady asked his brother.

"Oh yea!" John replied as they both broke into a horny chuckle.

Kelly continued, grabbing the hem of her skirt and pulling it up exposing the tops of her stockings and her perfect heart shaped ass. She rubbed the flesh, feeling the heat it radiated. The heat between her legs was quickly returning to the horny state she had known just before picking up Miss Letty. She pulled the cheeks apart and wiggled her cute ass procotively hoping that the show would be enough for the big black men.

"Oh my!" Grady moaned. "I am going to wreck that ass."

Panic raced through Kelly's mind and her whole body got hot. She didn't like the sound of that. She thought she would be able to show them her tits and then leave. She now wondered if that was really an option. She decided to continue with a shred of hope that she could get out of this situation with no further harm. She turned back around and showed them the front of her panties. As she rubbed them like she did the rear, she felt the moisture she had left from masturbating in the car earlier. The feel of that made her a bit excited, until she realized where she was.

"You horny fuckin' white slut!" Letty snapped. You are all wet aren't you? You love teasing these horny black men don't you?"

"No Miss Letty, that's not why I'm wet." Kelly tried to explain. "I was..."

"Shut up bitch!" Letty hissed as she approached. She got right up next to Kelly and grabbed her wet pussy through her panties. She rubbed it roughly, causing Kelly to involuntarily moan. Her pussy began to flow. She didn't understand, but somehow the power this woman possessed, made her lose all control of her senses. She stood there as this fat, black woman molested her in front of her family, and she enjoyed it. Suddenly she felt something tug on her shirt, and she heard a rip. Her blouse was torn completely off her body and Letty discarded it on the floor.

"My husband wants to see your Playboy titties cunt, now show them to him." Letty demanded.

So as Letty continued to attack Kelly's dripping cunt, Kelly reached back and undid her bra. She let it fall to the floor and then she heard all three of the men hootin' and hollerin' vulgar cat calls at her.

Letty had Kelly's panties completely soaked by now, and she continued to stimulate her, "Your slutty white cunt is on fire bitch. Teasing theses black men is really turning you on isn't it bitch?"

"No... , you ... are ... rubbing..." Kelly tried to get out what she wanted to say through the waves of pleasure that were running through her.

"What do you mean no? Your pussy is making my hand wet, see?" She said, pulling her hand from her pussy and rubbing the wetness all over Kelly's face.

Kelly didn't want her to stop rubbing her steamy pussy, and she let out a disappointed groan.

"Well boys, looks like we got a racist white bitch on our hands, we may need to teach her a lesson. Rodger go get the strap."

As Roger exited the room Letty again addressed Kelly, "Ya know how we deal with lit' rascist white bitches in this part of the country bitch?"

Kelly realized she was in deep trouble and she tried to explain again, "No Mistress, I'm no racist, I just meant..." Yet even as she desperately tried to explain the perverted desire building between her legs burned hotter than ever

"I know exactly what you meant cunt. You meant that you are too good and too white to ever be turned on by black men. Now we gonna make you wish you never been born."

Roger returned to the room, and in his hand he held a two foot long leather razor strap. Kelly panicked. "No Mistress, I didn't mean it like that. I was just trying..."

"Shut the fuck up I said." Letty barked. "Now, since you seem to be so fucking proud of your big old white tits, we'll start there. On you knees, NOW, bitch!"

Kelly knelt in front of everyone as tears began to trickle down her lovely soft cheeks. Letty took the strap from Roger and without saying a word, raised her hand high and smacked it hard across both of Kelly's firm D cup tits.

"Stop your crying bitch. You gots a lot of learnin' to do, and I'm gonna do the teachin'."

The pain of the strap was immense, and before she could even take a breath, the sting of another lashing, hit her.

"You gonna learn to respect black people, if I have to whip your slut ass all night, or maybe you call us niggers." Letty told her.

Kelly was completely blubbering now, as tears streamed down her face.

Smack! Another lashing across both full tits.

"No" ... sob, sob..."Mistress" ... sob..."I don't use ... sob, sob..."that word."

"Lyin' white bitch." Another lash!!. I know when you're in your circle of white cackling bitches up there in New York; you all talk about how us niggers are not as good as y'all, don't you?"

Another lashing. Kelly's tits were now bright red and the marks from the strap were all completely visible across her perfectly round tits. When she was done whipping her tits, Letty went to the kitchen and returned with two clothes pins. She opened each one and snapped it closed on one of Kelly's erect nipples. The pain shot through her sensitive nubs, and Kelly yelped.

"Now we gonna teach you some fuckin' respect for us niggers." Letty said, as she turned around and lifted her skirt, exposing her big, round, black ass. Kelly could see the thong running up her ass crack, and couldn't believe someone this large would ever wear one of those. Then, Letty bent over and spread her ass cheeks. "Now kiss my fat black ass you white whore."

Kelly knew there was no resisting. She leaned in and planted her lips on the g-string running up Letty's ass. Then she sat back again.

"Not like that slut. Get your white whore tongue in there and lick my ass hole. Show this nigger some respect."

Kelly leaned in again and stuck her tongue out and licked between Letty's ass cheeks. She could taste the sweat from when Letty had been dancing earlier, and she almost gagged.

"Move those panties bitch; get your tongue in there real good. Show me how much you respect me, by cleaning my ass with your uppity, white, whore tongue."

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Kellys First Time

I was the summer of my 19th birthday, and college parties were the norm. I had been in a few relationships with guys, but they never seemed to work out. There was always one problem or the other. I often found out they were cheating on me, and this really upset me. My name is Kelly and back then I was sort of innocent to the ways of the world. I had dark hair that I always kept short, my brown eyes are big and round, that helped that innocent look I had about me. I had just finished yet...

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Kellys 20th birthday

BY: KellyOn my 20th birthday, I had a home party. It was just my dad, brothers and me. Afterwards, my brother asked dad if he could take me to a party as a birthday present. He said no at first, but after I pleaded with him and brother # 2 promised to watch me like a hawk, he agreed. We jumped in the truck and drove a mile or so. I was wearing A bra, thong and a dress. The dress was thin cotton and showed the outlines of my bra. My brother told me to give him my bra and panties. I did as he...

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Lisas ordeal

I finished typing my last email and no sooner had I clicked the send button I was shutting my machine down and gathering up my things. Pressing the intercom button I bid my boss Mr Stevens, goodnight and headed for the stairs. As I walked through the deserted office I slung my handbag over my shoulder, wrapped my coat around me and tied it in place. I hated working really late as the silent empty office block took on a sinister air about it for some reason.Pushing open the door to the stairs I...

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Kellys Awakening Pt 1

Chapter 01: Hubby has a Secret This was my first ever attempt and based on a true life experience I had. Please feel free to comment, as I’d love to know what’s good and what’s not. For more than 25 years now I have had a very pleasant and privileged life with my husband and two children, in a nice small town in an even nicer large house. My husband’s work, being what it is, means I have not had to work my entire life, but I do like to help out in the community when possible, usually with the...

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Kellys Awakening Pt 2

Chapter 02: Now I get a secret of my own This is a continuation to the story ‘Hubby has a Secret’, it’s best to read that first. ‘WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME?’ Since that day my husband Mike told me about his fetish for nylons there has been a change in me. I’m not saying it has been a bad change, I’ve had fun, but it’s like I’m someone else. Best I explain from the start. So, there I was making dinner. My son, Daniel, was in Mike’s study chatting to him about an up coming rugby match he...

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Kellys awakening

I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. ‘Hi Madam, we’re here to fix the water leak like you requested,’ said the first guy. I looked at this young man standing in front of me, his slim but strong figure, his glistening tanned skin, muscular arms and chest.. and the same for the guy standing behind him. In fact, they looked quite similar, perhaps brothers even? Suddenly I realized that they were waiting for an answer while I had been lost in my thoughts about the rather delicious...

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Kellys First Time

‘Do you like them?’ she wanted to ask him. However, she knew she couldn’t seeing as she was his tutor and that was it. Okay, so what if he is a sweet kid. So what if he’s only 19 years old. She was 39. She was way out of his league. Although she was only semi-attractive and faintly pudgy, she could be sexy too, if dressed right she knew. Then she thought ‘what’s he going to do anyway?’ Say he wants to feel me out? ‘Come on kid’ she told herself, that isn’t going to happen in a million years.

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House of Ordeals

Brutal, non-consensual multiple rape fantasy story. Contains extreme graphic sexual sadism, obscenity, torture, snuff and offensive content. All characters are above 18 years and above. None of this is real. The arrival home. It’s nearly two in the morning. The black van cruised down twisted streets, surrounded by the monoliths of silent factories and warehouses. This district is deserted by night and filled with noise and smoke in the day. Down to the end of the farthest street,...

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Sisters Fate Emilys Ordeal

With all of that - here is part two. Emily’s Ordeal Rosalyn went to bed early that night, by 11pm she was sound asleep hoping that a good night’s rest would help ease her pains and also give her some clarity as to what she was going to do about Billy and his friends. There was no way they were going to get away with this! A sound night of sleeping wasn’t in the cards though. Billy came to her room around 2am. His parents had long since gone to bed and were fast asleep. Billy pulled...

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Violas Mechanical Ordeal

Viola’s Mechanical Ordeal Viola had been corresponding with Lydia who she met on the internet. Now she had agreed to meet her in person. She rang the bell of the small house. A middle aged woman with dark red hair answered the door. She greeted Viola with a heavy Russian accent."Hello Viola. I am Lydia. It is very nice to finally meet you in person. I am so glad you could come by and help us out.".“I am glad to help. So, tell me more about this new product you are testing?" Viola asked“Well my...

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Joanies Ordeal

I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free.This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasant flashbacks from last night began to surface and sent tingling sensations all over my body, concentrating between my legs. I reached down and slowly massaged my tender clit.I was sitting in my boyfriend's car outside...

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Joanies Ordeal

I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free. This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasent flashbacks from last night began to surface and sent tingling sensations all over my body, concentrating between my legs. I reached down and slowly massaged my tender clit. I was sitting in my boyfriend's car...

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Miss Blossoms Ordeal

Miss Blossom’s Ordeal        ?Well, well, what have we here??        Linda Blossom knew that voice.  It was the voice of Mark Conrad, the insuperable little creep from Information Management who had asked her out on a date last week.  If offering to buy her dinner and ?fuck her into next Wednesday? could be considered a request for a date.        When she’d seen him last week, his face had inspired only disgust and contempt in her, along with a sharp twinge of unacknowledged fear at the...

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Frau Greta Von Yurts Gestapo Ordeal

GESTAPO SS-LIEUTENANT Hans Von Yurt stood at ramrod stiff attention before the desk of his Commandant, SS-Oberf ührer Otto Stemp and watched and listened as the man ranted and raved, banging his fist on the desk for emphasis. He had rarely seen the man this angry. So far, SS-Lieutenant Von Yurt had no idea why the man was yelling at him about some traitorous woman who had sided with the Jews. The SS-Oberf ührer soon corrected that lack of his knowledge in the conversation. "THE...

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Utopia for One Chapter 2 Trial by Ordeal

Any young man, unsure of his next opportunity and with his dick rigid would have given Sarah what she wanted, but he was not just any young man. He had an eternity stretching before him with an endless supply of high quality pussy. Sleep was now his priority. While his cock was easily aroused and his supplies of jizz plentiful, his mind had had enough for now. The last fuck of Sarah had been technically good; long, hard and ending with a womb filling blast of semen, he had not enjoyed it...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Chapter 4 The Mages Ordeal

Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Four: The Mage's Ordeal By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Fireeyes – Southern Edge of the Deorc Forest, The Kingdom of Valya I smiled as I watched my fire, witnessing what the wyvern's saw dancing amid the red-orange tongues. My three wyvern slaves had tracked down Angela and her party. The first wyvern dived at the naked Angela. She was a ravishing creature: red hair, large breasts, flawless skin, tall and sexy. She stood over the bound form of the...

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Olivias Ordeal

She can still hear the judge’s words, "90 days in the woman's unit at the county jail". She can still hear her lawyer telling her what a great plea bargain deal he got her. Great deal for whom, she thought, him? He gets paid and gets to go home to his wife. I'm the one going to jail. After what seemed like an eternity, the van finally arrived at the main prison entrance. The driver said something into the radio and Olivia could hear the main gate squeal loudly as it slowly rolled...

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Susans Ordeal

Susan's Ordeal.I was awaiting my Master to return from hisDay at the office..I had readied myself as her requested..I stood against the wall of the living roomDutifully attired in red wig, black dressLong gloves and seamed nylons…I had applied my makeup and used my deepestRed lipstick to coat my lips….My legs ached from wearing the six inch heelsHe ordered me to wear…I do hope heWould allow me to take them offOr at least sit…as I found these heels veryPainful…and almost impossible for meTo walk...

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SLUT ANN My toilet ordeal

SLUT ANN’s Toilet OrdealMy name is Ann, well actually, it's been Slut Ann most of my life. My body has ruled me always. My nipples would itch, then when I played with them or scratched them, a charge would go through my body and make me crazy, insanely horny. It’s like the beginning of a huge orgasm that stays with me until I cum. The type of horny where there are no limits.We were very poor, so clothes weren't replaced regularly. As a result, I wore old then panties where the liner was wearing...

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Jens Ordeal

Jenny's Ordeal I was feeling rather horny today so I decided to drop in on a littlesubmissive slut I had dated for a few months. Her name was Jenny. She was38, about 5' 8", and 140 pounds. She was pretty with long brown hair. Alittle bulge around her waist, but a luscious, tight, and round ass! Ivisited her off and on, per her desire to keep seeing me, even though Ifelt a long term relationship wasn't viable between us. Don't get mewrong, the sex was great, but there was a spark missing...

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Billies Ordeal

Billie’s Ordeal by Andy G.Billie did not know what else to do. There was no one else she could call. It was only been two weeks since she buried her husband of 15 years and now she was alone. She was 38 and had no one left. Her father had died years ago and her mother died the previous year. Since she was an only c***d Billie inherited her mother’s estate. She and her husband moved into her very nice home and were happy until he died. Now she was alone and did not know what to do.She...

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The Ordeal

The Ordeal Janet Stickney [email protected] Mike, Kevin, and I grew up together, and we were almost like brothers. Mike was the one with the wild imagination and our practical joker. Kevin was a little less crazy, and always did what Mike wanted to. I was the follower. I usually went along with them, rarely voicing any concerns. That's how I ended up this way. All of us were 15 when it all fell on our heads. Mike is tall and husky, blond hair and blue eyes; Kevin is the...

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Olivias Ordeal

So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing d**gs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...

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The Ordeal

Again I can't take the credit for this one.The OrdealIt was the Friday night after Thanksgiving one year ago tonight. Like many people who do self-bondage, I had been planning this for some time. I had discussed certain aspects of my bondage with a friend who lives across town. We discussed how she'd like to find me, in what position and what she would like for me to be wearing. I sent her a checklist with choices for 1) position 2) what kind of gag 3) clips, if any 4) other torture items to be...

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Olga's Ordeal (chapter 1)Olga could hear muffled screams. Far away, but penetrating her eardrums." Not there. Please.....Please. What do you want?"She shivered not so much from the cold, but from dread. A certain dread that it would soon be her turn. The last 24 hours had been a nightmare. First, the handcuffs, then the humiliating removal of all her clothing, and the final shame of the brutal cavity search by the smiling female guard. The screams of the unknown prisoner had become...

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Kyles ordeal

Kyle's ordeal By Lucille Trish had never thought that shopping for lingerie could be so interesting, but it was. November was almost finished and she took a break from Christmas shopping. She was shopping for herself now. Walking though the aisles of different style bras at Victoria's Secret had sparked a wicked idea in her head. She never wore very sexy styles of lingerie but looking at the bright pink padded cups and purple, blue, imported silk and elaborately embroidered styles...

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Olivias Ordeal

So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the twenty minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing drugs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...

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Annas Ordeal

Captain Romerro picked up his phone Anna?s? OrdealCaptain Romero picked up his phone. An agent in a town some four hours away by road had some good news. Anna Lubec had been seen leaving the house of a known rebel. Carlos menez was part of a group suspected of killing an officer of the secret police. Romerro ordered his agent not to lose sight of the girl, advising that a kidnap squad would be mobilized. So his informant had been right, and that little slut was using her imagined immunity...

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Lord Harringtons Ordeal

This story began as a prologue for a much longer story that was never completed – so I just continued with this part instead.Lord Harrington’s OrdealLord Harrington was laid naked on a long, thin table, his arms secured to the sides by steel rings and his legs spread wide and secured high in the air to a metal bar suspended from the ceiling.  Carol was stood between his open legs, gently scraping her long fingernails around the tip of his throbbing cock. ?I do hope that you’re going to give me...

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Pennys Ordeal

PENNY’S ORDEALThis was not just another day for Penny. Today she would be doing what her Master had told her, and to be honest, she was both excited and fearful of it. It had started, she thought, as a joke on her Master’s part, but over the ensuing days she realised that He had meant it, and today, she was going to do it.A chance remark that He would love her to be tied up, and walk back to her house, in the night, naked and tied, no release until she arrived home. They had both laughed, but...

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French Womans Ordeal

French Woman?s Ordeal Part 1By Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:It was a hot day in Pattaya, Thailand. It was summer time. The locals were running around, with hats on their heads, and here they watch the Western tourists, walking around. Foreigners from Scandinavia love Thailand?s heat.Claire was walking around. Claire was an attractive woman, originally from Bretagne, somewhere in the West Coast of the France, that faced the Atlantic Ocean. She stood at 6 feet tall, with...

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Misha8217s ordeal

I was contacted by Roy to write a story based on his (supposedly) real life experience so am obliging. This is not my story so please forgive me if I get carried away a bit. Roy’s sister Misha (23) is married to Sri, an engineer in PWD, Sri happens to be one unscrupulous fellow, he has the appetite for taking bribes and using his power to get to the people. He had been exploiting the machinery for over 2 years and was in no ones good books. But that didn’t deter him from asking for bribes from...

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 18 Set up for another ordeal

"I'll wring the bastard's neck. I'll squeeze his balls until he squeals," I fumed as I dragged Roger up the stairs into Government House. Sumala followed at a discrete distance. Ignoring Shelumba I barged straight into Major Entembe's office. He looked up in surprise but before he could open his mouth, I started, "I didn't think that even you could be such a cruel bastard. Treating us like animals! Why? Haven't you made us suffer enough? First you make us walk all the way there and...

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Sammies Ordeal

Note : This story is completely fictional! Right before I entered my teens, my mother passed. Ever since, I have lived with my two older brothers and my father. My mother did not have a happy life; my father was always drunk and made a hobby out of beating and raping my mother. My brothers always tried to spend as much time as they could away from home. I guess they could not handle what was happening. However, being the youngest sibling, I had no choice. I was trapped. This story is not meant...

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Kellys Exploration

A yearning was growing inside her. A yearning that was very unfamiliar. As she stared at the magazine rack her eyes kept drawing back to the one with the picture of a girl strapped to a wooden cross and a man dressed in black with his head covered holding a paddle in his hand. The title read BDSM Lifestyle. She grabbed the magazine along with a current edition of Cosmo, paid the cashier and headed home. Kelly was a housewife, 38 years old and kept herself in good shape. When she got home she...

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Stacies Ordeal

She was having a subdued argument with her male companion, something about him having roving eyes and she accused him of cheating on her. When her boyfriend went to the bathroom, Stacie left the restaurant. I followed. She headed to her car, a white 2001 Saturn Coupe, which was coincidentally parked in a dark alley in front of mine. As she opened her door, I approached her. I could smell her perfume just before I clamped my hand tightly over her mouth and nose and held a knife to her slender...

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The Quadruple S Ordeal

The only reason she was here was because of a job opportunity that was too good to pass up. Elizabeth had been a runner since high school, and was one of the best in track and field who ever graduated from her large school. That was last year. So far this year, job opportunities were slim. As college took up most of her time, she needed a simple job she would enjoy. This is when she spotted her dream job in the classifieds. “WANTED: Athletes to test running and sporting shoes of...

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