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Celeste's pick as one of the 20 best of August 98

"Synopsis: The guy doesn't want to overpopulate the world, but he really likes to fuck his wife. For her part, she wants to have a very large family. She finds ways to get pregnant ... again and again and again ... In its own way this story is as "repulsive" as the pedophile and incest stories. I mean, it really isn't a good idea to overpopulate our planet, is it? But I laughed my head off while I read this story and then went in and did the big nasty with my husband."

My Josh is a man of strong principles. That's what first attracted me to him. Well, OK, that and his six-five frame, broad muscled shoulders, tight butt, gray-blue eyes and a respectable bulge between his legs. He was just the yummiest strong-principled man I had ever seen.

I met Josh at an ecological protest rally. I had ducked out from work at the diner where I waitressed to go down to the Washington Monument that afternoon. Seeing those poor little baby seals on television being killed right in front of their mothers just broke my heart. I mean, how could anybody be so CRUEL? Josh was opposed to the seal slaughter, too, but he was at the protest for lots of other reasons having to do with the corrupt capitalist system, the rapacious (what words he knew!) corporate establishment, etc.

I just nodded and gazed into his eyes in the little coffee shop after the rally. Josh talked passionately to me about pollution, resource degradation (another one!) and why married couples should not have children. Huh? He explained that a baby born in a rich country would use up an immense quantity of resources in a lifetime. That's why we had to stop the world's population explosion.

Ah, population explosion! Now there was a subject that engaged my attention. I had always known I wanted a big family. One look at Josh and I knew I'd never find a better set of genes. I began planning for Josh to help me start a little population explosion of my own.

Besides being yummy, as I have said, Josh also turned out to be brilliant (I'll bet you could already tell.) and, when I got him a little drunk, quite funny. Best of all --JACKPOT! -- Josh was a totally normal healthy male that I could turn on like pushing a button. It's no credit to me; any girl with 36D's and a 25 inch waist could have done the same, but I got him first.

Josh was a little apprehensive on our second date when I coyly suggested he could come up to my apartment for a little while. He might not have done it except during the movie, when I picked up his hand and put it inside my blouse, he felt a nice hard set of tits and no brassiere. Playing with my nipples had him almost as horny as it had me.

It probably wasn't necessary, but I didn't take any chances. Just before coming back from the kitchen with a cold beer for Josh, I ran my hand into my (surprise!) dripping pussy and painted the glass rim with my secretions. Nothing like the smell of a horny twat to get a guy's engine in gear. I had prepared for this evening by wearing a short but not too tight skirt, a frilly blouse with no bra and no panties. Of course I didn't expect a really nice boy like Josh would have his hands up between my legs in the movie, but then I didn't intend for him to be really nice boy very much longer.

You don't need a blow by blow, do you?. He drank and sniffed. I snuggled. He felt -- really well. My blouse came off and my titties got kissed. His pants came down and his prick got fondled. He diddled. I came. I spent the night fucking his brains out. When I felt him get hard again after coming in me a third time, I knew this was the man for me.

He was happy but embarrassed the next morning to realize what he'd "made me" do. (To this day the lovable hunk thinks he seduced me!) I was "in love;" I really was. It took me about another month of fucking Josh's eyeballs out, oops, of "letting him go all the way with me" for him to realize he was in love with me, too.

The positive pregnancy test helped a lot.

Josh was upset. Not that by then he didn't want to marry or that he didn't think he could support me. (He knew from the start I wasn't the career-girl type.) No, he was upset because in principle he was against couples having children. For nine months I heard anguished laments about CO2 buildup and species extinction and resource depletion, (I was learning the lingo), but there was never any thought of abortion. We agreed on that 100%.

I was about seven months pregnant before we could get the wedding organized. All of the groomsmen were Josh's friends, nice serious young men like him, so there was none of the ribaldry you might expect at wedding where the bride's belly arrived at the alter before she did. Of course all the bridesmaids were my friends and so several groomsmen lost their virginity after (one during) the wedding reception. In the following months Josh and I started getting invitations to weddings and baby showers, not always in that order.

Not surprisingly, Josh fell in love with Courtney the minute he picked her up out of my arms and for a while the environment didn't come up in our conversations very often. Josh was so sweet about washing Courtney's diapers, since he insisted on cloth, not disposable. Soon, however Josh found his principles challenged when his wife was no longer too sore to start demanding nightly reamings again. I told him not to worry, I was breast feeding Courtney, but Josh didn't trust Mother Nature to keep me from getting pregnant again. He thought I should go on the pill.

I promised him I would go see my gynecologist, but dallied long enough that when I finally did, she just sent me straight home, saying, "Next time come see me before you start screwing him again."

This time Josh was really upset. Not only had he violated his principles again, but with a second child we would have to move to a bigger apartment -- more green space consumed in urban sprawl, energy used for hot water, more heating and cooling. My second pregnancy was an ecological disaster!

You can bet that Josh was more careful after Rachel was born. This time he refused to put it in me until I was safely on the pill. I put it off a long as I could hoping he would get tired of just eating me and getting blow jobs (fat chance!), but eventually I went back to see Janet. (I knew I would become best friends with this woman.) She duly prescribed the pills, but, after I made her understand exactly what I wanted, she grinned and explained all the possible side effects.

Would you believe it? I suffered from almost every one. Sweetie that he is, Josh suffered along with me from the cramps, the headaches, the hot flashes and the nausea until he agreed that I just couldn't keep taking the pill. (I had never started.) With some fanfare I flushed the offending chemicals down the toilet. Josh was very sympathetic and said by the time I was fertile again in a couple of weeks, we would think of something. As he held me and comforted me, I felt the most delicious erection, so I knew what he was thinking of. I needed a lot of comforting that night, about four times, I recall. I felt much better the next day.

I reckon Steve must have been conceived during that night of intensive comforting. I was shocked, shocked, to discover that a woman's fertility returns so quickly after going off the pill. Josh was incredulous, but Janet explained everything to him.

When I came home from the hospital this time, Josh was adamant about protection and sent me to get a diaphragm. It was a couple of weeks of no-penetration sex (bo-ring!) before Janet could fit me with the rubber baby barrier. There was a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she admonished me, "Now don't let your lovemaking get too vigorous. If he bangs you too hard, this thing can become dislodged. Then, instead of keeping the sperm out, it keeps it in."

Good advice, but impossible to follow. I had been without real sex for so long that I just went wild. When I was on top, I bounced up and down on Josh's thick prong like a kid on a trampoline. When he was on top I cried out for him to pound my pussy harder. He is a good pounder and he did promise to obey at the altar. Josh had several mounts of guilt-free sex until the inevitable happened. I had Josh going at me really good one night when I felt the damned thing slip out of the way. One of Josh's sperm wasted no time in finding one of my eager eggs and we were on out way to having Beth.

By now Josh realized that he could no longer afford to work for "Save the Planet" and had to get a "real" job. Fortunately, he found a pretty well-paying position with the EPA. (He was such a brilliant attorney; he had his pick of jobs.) We bought a three bedroom house out in Oakton, a suburb of Washington, DC. That really violated his principles and he hated having to drive to work in an automobile instead of taking public transport. But at least he cut the grass with a rechargeable electric rather than a gasoline mower.

Naturally, Josh no longer trusted diaphragms so he resolved always to use a condom. I laid in a large supply that I purchased at the COSTCO hyper mart. Believe me, I got an envious look from the checkout girl when she saw twelve boxes of twenty. Then her eyes got big and she silently nodded when she noticed Courtney pushing Beth in her stroller with Rachel and Stevie tagging along.

You've heard the expression, "you get what you pay for?" Well, I got a great bargain buying the condoms in bulk, but they were not of the highest quality. I noticed that after Josh had been going at me for fifteen or twenty minutes, the condom got a little loose around the base of his cock. Especially when I was on top -- we both like that position -- and I was holding on to Josh's prick to keep it properly aimed, it seemed there was a danger my hand could easily brush the condom off by accident. Wouldn't you know, the very next time I was middle of my cycle that's exactly what happened! We didn't discover until the next morning that Josh had been going bareback all night long.

Josh is a really smart man (Didn't I already say that?) and he figured out the problem with the cheep condoms. Although we had only been using them about a month, he said just throw away the remaining hundred or so. I guess he couldn't figure out how to recycle them. While my belly was getting big with Roy, Josh had time to find a little place in Vermont that supplied custom made condoms guaranteed not to slip off. I really enjoyed helping Josh get his penis hard to measure for the plaster cast that was required for a nice snug fit.

What a difference quality makes! When we started fucking again a few days after I came home with Roy, I could tell there was no way these hi-tech jobs were coming off. I showed Josh just how glad I was that he could fuck me as often as he wanted without worrying about his principles There was only one problem. For some reason these new condoms were a little thicker and seemed to have too much friction. I decided they required a little external lubricant. Of course I used what we have the most of in our house -- baby oil.

Now don't laugh. You may think that everybody know what baby oil does to latex, but Josh didn't. Besides, I had his cock in my mouth at the time and I don't think he was paying a lot of attention to what I was rubbing between my legs. The next morning we found the expensive condom in tatters and that's the story of how little Ruth came into this world. Josh just shook his head in consternation as to why these accidents always seem to happen a few days after I've ovulated.

Well, now Josh gave up on condoms, too and said we would just have to use the rhythm method. He signed us up for a course that explained how to count the days, take my temperature every morning (I loved the way Josh did that!) and examine my vaginal discharge for the telltale sighs of ovulation. I figured out that the best way for Josh to examine me was with his tongue. I could usually come about three times during each examination!

The method really worked for several months, although it was hard on both of us to go for over a week sometimes without the old fashioned banging we both loved. Josh was always taking a ribbing at work for having six kids, so he was determined that we should be out of the baby business and for a few months we were.

But nothing in life is without risks. I read in a health magazine that Josh subscribes to, that one should always drink water at bedtime and I really recommend it. I don't know if it improves your metabolism, but a full bladder makes early morning sex sooo much better. It also makes you go the potty early in the morning and I like to wash, not just wipe after peeing. We learned the hard way that this really screws up the examination for ovulation as it both removes the mucus that Josh was always looking (OK, tasting) for, as well as cools off the vagina and masks the slight rise in temperature that tips you off that an egg is on the way. I sometime think Jennifer with her jet black hair like me and cool blue eyes like Josh is our most beautiful accident.

Josh had moved up in the EPA by now -- he was G-thirty something or other -- so we could afford the bigger house. Fortunately we found a really big run-down mansion in Arlington that was near the Orange Line. We were able to renovate it to accommodate our growing family. I oversaw the redesign and had the builders fix up one bedroom for the older girls -- Courtney and Rachel, one for the older boys -- Steve and Roy, one for younger girls -- Beth and Ruthie, and a baby room next to Josh's and my master bedroom. Well, I told Josh it was a 'sewing' room but we kept Jenny there while I was nursing her.

Our wedding anniversary is always like a national holiday at our house. Josh had just gotten another promotion at EPA and I decided to make our eighth something special. For some reason we couldn't celebrate it on the exact date, but I selected an alternate day and pulled out all the stops. I had arranged for my best friend Marge to take all the kids except baby Jennifer for the night. I told Josh to expect something special for just us two.

Josh's eyes almost popped when he arrive that night and saw me in my high heels, a daring red miniskirt, and see through pink blouse. OK, I admit my hips and bust are both larger than when we were first married, but after Jenny was born I worked really hard to get my waist back down to almost the same. The bulge in Josh's pants told me he liked the results.

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A hens night with a difference

Three weeks to go. Three more weeks, and Maria would be walking down the aisle to start her new life with Anthony Capello. The man she’d met and fallen head over heels in love with, only nine months ago. He was perfect – tall, broad shouldered, dark, intelligent, wealthy. And she’d been delighted when he’d proposed, on one knee, with the most exquisite diamond ring, when they’d been going out a mere three months. Sure, Maria had been surprised at some of Anthony’s traditional views on things...

2 years ago
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Cornfield ChroniclesThe Following Night

Cornfield Chronicles-The Following Night Once there, I could barely contain my excitement and barely had the chance to walk ten steps before a guy followed in pursuit. Certainly liked the man who pursued me. I walked along the edge of the corn and knew not where I headed, I just picked a spot and walked into the corn. Luckily I wandered to one of those clear and lit places. The man who pursued me into the corn looked to be a wordless specimen. He cut his eyes at me in a way I knew I had better...

3 years ago
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Summer Lesbian Lovin

Elizabeth Suson walked along the golden white sandy beach of North Spain barefooted feeling the slight breeze through her long black hair. She worked in a dead end job in North London in a office and was glad to get away to paradise. She had to get away from all the grief work had given her when everyone found out she was a lesbian.Elizabeth walked to the end of the beach as the sun was beginning to go down. She saw a black bag on one of the rocks and sat down on the sand and looked out to sea...

2 years ago
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Johanna 81

It was Fall 2016 in New York and I had nothing to do – I’d finished my law degree, but I had no job, no income, and had not taken the summer bar exam as I had spent it tending to Mom in her last days. The next sitting was in Spring 2017, and I had to pay for rent and groceries till then. Mom’s estate was still going through probate, so I could not access any funds from it. Mom had provided me with basic support through law school, but I could not have survived without the substantial...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 40 Not Out Of The Woods

December 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Sunday, after church, Clarissa, Elizaveta and I went to Tasha’s apartment to spend the afternoon with her and Nik. Tasha and Elizaveta prepared dinner together, and had a quiet conversation in Russian, while Nik, Clarissa, and I talked. From their body language, I got the impression that «бабушка» Natalya was giving Matushka Elizaveta advice. My first thought was that I should be very afraid, but that thought was fleeting, and I realized that if there was...

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Derek and Amy

We're holed up in a nice little hotel room in the middle of nowhere. No one around here knows us and no one will bother us. Tonight's all about us. Once we get settled in I send him off to take a shower. Now that I'm sure he's busy it's time to get to work. Digging out my bag I lay out the outfit I've had prepared for a long time. The panties are black silk, as soft as butter. There's a black garter belt to go over them to help keep up the black stockings. The garters are ones that I've had...

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The Slave PrincessPart 4

Darkness and silence,Anguish and lonelinessReign in my cloistered heart.I am the sea’s foundling,The orphan of the windsAnd Nature’s long-lost child.-The Canticle of Menkeret.The Lady Itelyssia, wife of our master Lord Heshuzius, may not be the most intelligent, beautiful or dynamic of women, neither is she particularly pragmatic or imaginative, but she does exhibit a degree of kindness rare amongst the Darrakhai. Compassion and imagination are indeed uncommon amongst the warlike Darrakhai, my...

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Behind The Castle Doors

  Nikki POV   As I walk home late, the rain pours down on me in icy sheets that chill me to the bone. The only thing running through my head is why am I so stupid for walking down here. I hear a crash from behind me. I do something more stupid then walking down the alley. I turn around, as I do some ones arms wrap around my waist. The arm wrapped around my waist is strong and muscled. The guy pushes me up against the wall; I finally get a look at who it is. My jaw drops when I see that it is...

1 year ago
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drunken aunty

So you know now that we had been told it was bad to do our work, and it frightened us into no doing it, we must have waited two wks or more, not only was we turned on all the time, but our balls were starting to ach.Also found out why he was staying there a lot, she liked a drink, and every Thursday evening she had a few bottles of wine, but as I was staying he never did the things, but this time was different.He said had to test the water so to speak to see how drunk she was, he told her his...

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Cindys Choices 2

Cindy's Choices 2 - The Verdict Mark laid helpless in his bed, unable to move at all. "How could it have gone so wrong? Thanks to that computer program I had the girl I crushed on in high school, and a enough money to last me the rest of my life. And now, I cant so much as raise my head from the bed!" Time passed, and he could hear Cindy talking on the phone to someone. Once her conversation was finished, he could hear her go into the kitchen, and soon he could smell coffee being...

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GangBang by BBC Sissy Slut

I'm really a pretty normal for the most part. Normal in the sense that I'm not unlike most people. I love music, albeit heavy metal, I love clothes and shopping, although most of my wardrobe is made up entirely of black dresses, band shirts, fishnets and cute thigh highs. I love to read and write, I love hanging out with friends and going out to concerts or the occasional night out drinking. I mean, I'm a transgender girl but I'm cute and passable and I think I blend into a crowd pretty...

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Tink playing doubles

After more than a day and a half of being machine fucked by phalluses powered by the mass of the entire ship and her crew (Tink and the cask) and a full day of rest, Tink walked on rubbery legs. She didn’t think it seemly to ask Master why he’d done this to her. Was it punishment? Pleasure? Hook came to his cabin and Tink quickly stripped naked and assumed her inspection posture, kneeling in her appointed place. “Good day to ye, Lightning Bug,” Hook said brightly. “And a good day to ye as well...

3 years ago
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Ms Ann breaks another Black Buck

Ms Annbreaks another Black Buck Ms Ann breaks a Militant Black Buck 2007 Please note I am not a professional writer so if every I is not dotted or T not cross don?t get upset. This story contain use of the N word if you are offended do not read this story it is my fantasy  Main Charters John Hall white head of the mind control center of Mississippi State Prison Ms Ann Hall Voluptuous white wife of John Hall Black Inmate LATIF Jackson Pan African Movement Several White male guards...

1 year ago
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Bait and Switch Ch 5

Author's note: This chapter contains a small amount of i****t. If this bothers you, then you have been ignoring the note at the beginning of the last 4 chapters. The i****t in this chapter is small, but subsequent chapters will contain more, and more explicit depictions of familial relations. All characters are over eighteen, as I can't abide k**dy-porn. If all this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch.==============================Standing in the cool white...

1 year ago
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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Three

Christina could only moan into my hand as I began plunging into her wanton pussy.  I was sure to keep the noise to a minimum so as not to attract unwanted attention.  But with that in mind, I whispered in her ear, "I'm going to remove my hand now, and it will be up to you whether they come over to watch and maybe participate."Christina kept her mouth closed as a near-continuous soft hum emanated from her tightened lips.  As my cock plunged eagerly into her snug vagina, I slathered up two...

1 year ago
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Caught Out Chapter 3

Life is never simple. Many like Jim think that life is like mathematics that when you put two things together out pops a predictable result. Certainly, usually, there is a result but unlike mathematics, the result is never predictable when dealing with life and with other people, even with people you think you know.Jim finished cooking the steaks. He took them off the BBQ, cleaned it down then wandered back into the house. When he had seen Amy and Rod had disappeared from the lounge chair where...

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A Dog Orgy

It was a night much the same as many others. I was sitting home, lonely, horny, and wondering what to do about it. There was no one to call and nowhere to really go, so I decided maybe a nice long walk might help. It was a quite hot night so I just threw on a tee shirt and some loose shorts. There is a park fairly close by me that I decided to go to and walk around for a while. I made it to the park in about 15 minutes and began walking around there. The park had a track which went around the...

2 years ago
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Young Dumb And Full Of Cum 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, my name is Karthik, working guy and 23 years old. This incident happened when I was 21 or so. I had just finished college and started working in Chennai. It was not my hometown and so I got myself a room near my office, I had 2 roommates. I had night shifts so I had the house to myself all day. Just like any other guy that started living on his own, I was alone and horny, all the time. I knew I was bisexual. No one in this town knows me. I had no fear of having a casual encounter, guy...

Gay Male
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Hijabi to Whore Part 4 Iqra goes Public

Iqra woke up to the noise of her sister banging on her room door"Wake up It's already past noon" She shouted"I'm up" Iqra shouted backShe finally opened her eyes and got out of the bed. It had been a rough week and it everytime was like when she had her periods but this time it was different as because of those stupid periods she couldn't have sex so it made her even grumpier than she would normally be but it was about to change today as her periods ended. She was pissed that they continued...

2 years ago
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Davids landlady Part 2

this is intended to be read after Part 1. It was 2 weeks after David's fearsome thrashing by Mrs Robinson as they ate breakfast together on Saturday morning. "It's such a lovely day today David I'm going to spend the day gardening, I could do with some help if you have nothing else you want to do" said Mrs Robinson. "I'd be delighted to help" David responded as they cleared the breakfast things and went upstairs to dress for their task. David wore an old pair of trousers and a T shirt which...

1 year ago
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BBW Chubby In Jalandhar

Hi friends, I am sunny from jalandhar because of my desi readers I will narrate this story in Punjabi. Hanji…So jayada tar log mainu nai jaan de ethe mai apne bare das dinda a…..Mai sunny from jalandhar, 23 yrs old. Meri baki stories desi category ch ne. Kyonki mainu mature aunties and bhabia jayada pasand aandia mai apni ek client nu date karke wapis aa rea c. Mai bike te siga near b.M.C chowk jalandhar. Signal red c, traffic v theek thak e si te time kuch raat de 9.00-9:30 hone. Mere right...

Gay Male
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Hard Fuck Of My Reader Neha

This is raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and a business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor, and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 6″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly. First thankyou all for such great responses to my stories. You guys can also follow me on facebook and chat with me on hangouts. Just drop me a mail and I will add you. Many people have been having trust issues...

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we meet francis for rmore fun

Introduction: the second nights gangbang Hi , This is Sue, biguys wife again, with biguys help this is what happned the second night we met Francis. Last night I was used by my lover and a load of guys, tonight was going to be just as good I hoped, with more guys using my body than ever before, Lunch time the next day Francis rang, he was the very well hung guy who had fucked me last night, to say he was staying over an extra day, just so he could meet me again, so did I want to meet him...

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MilfBody Nina Elle The Hottest MILF Gym Bod

Big titted Nina Elle does not need a man to make her feel like a boss bitch. She hits the gym almost every day to make sure her curves stay right and her body stays tight. The results are clear because everywhere this MILF goes, she turns heads. But today, the fitness hottie wants to treat herself, so she has our stud show her a good time. He whips out his meaty prick and slips it between Ninas lush lips. She gobbles it hungrily, squeezing her boobs together so he can titty fuck her while she...

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Cheer Leading

Cheer Leading By Teaser The sun was already setting on this brisk, late fall Saturday afternoon. The wind whipped up the leaves that had fallen early. Outside of a slightly seedy motel, two very attractive young ladies in cheer leader uniforms fought with the finicky lock on an old weathered door. As the brunet fiddled with the lock, the blonde looked around cautiously and fought to keep her modesty as the wind tugged at her short skirt. "Now remember Ty, keep your mouth shut....

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