- 4 years ago
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Redistribution: No restriction except that the story may not be changed/edited and the title, author’s name and email, and request for feedback must remain intact.
My Josh is a man of strong principles. That’s what first attracted me to him. Well, OK, that and his six-five frame, broad muscled shoulders, tight butt, gray-blue eyes and a respectable bulge between his legs. He was just the yummiest strong-principled man I had ever seen.
I met Josh at an ecological protest rally. I had ducked out from work at the diner where I waitressed to go down to the Washington Monument that afternoon. Seeing on television those poor little baby seals being clubbed to death right in front of their mothers just broke my heart. I mean, how could anybody be so CRUEL? Josh was opposed to the seal slaughter, too, but he was at the protest for lots of other reasons having to do with the corrupt capitalist system, the rapacious (what words he knew!) corporate establishment, and things like that.
I just nodded and gazed through those goofy glasses into his eyes in the little coffee shop after the rally. I could feel myself getting wet as Josh talked passionately to me about pollution, resource degradation (another one!) and why it was best that married couples not have children. Huh? He explained that a baby born in a rich country would use up an immense quantity of resources in a lifetime. That’s why we had to stop the world’s population explosion.
Ah, population explosion! Now there was a subject that engaged my attention. I had always known I wanted a big family. One look at Josh and I knew I’d never find a better set of genes. I began planning for Josh to help me start a little population explosion of my own.
Besides being yummy, as I have said, Josh also turned out to be brilliant (I’ll bet you could already tell) and, when I got him a little drunk, quite funny. Best of all — JACKPOT! — Josh was a totally normal healthy male that I could turn on like pushing a button. It’s no credit to me, any girl as top heavy as me with long raven curls and my tiny waste could have done the same, but I got him first.
Josh was a little apprehensive on our second date when I coyly suggested he could come up to my apartment for a little while. He might not have done it except during the movie, when I picked up his hand and put it up inside my blouse, he felt a nice hard set of tits and no brassiere. Playing with my nipples had him almost as horny as it had me.
It probably wasn’t necessary, but I didn’t take any chances. Just before coming back from the kitchen with a cold beer for Josh, I ran my hand into my (surprise!) dripping pussy and painted the glass rim with my secretions. Nothing like the smell of a horny twat to get a guy’s engine in gear. I had prepared for this evening by wearing a short but not too tight skirt, a frilly blouse, and no panties. Of course I didn’t expect a really nice boy like Josh would have his hands up between my legs as we sat on my couch, but then I didn’t intend for him to be really nice boy very much longer.
You don’t need a blow by blow, do you?. He drank and sniffed. I snuggled. He felt — really well. My blouse came off and my titties got kissed. His pants came down and his prick got fondled. He diddled. I came. I spent the night fucking his brains out. When I felt him get hard again after coming in me a third time, I knew this was the man for me.
He was happy but embarrassed the next morning to realize what he’d ‘made me’ do. (To this day the lovable hunk thinks he seduced *me*!) I was in love, I really was. It took me about another two months of fucking Josh’s eyeballs out, oops, of ‘letting him go all the way with me’ for him to realize he wanted to marry me.
The positive pregnancy test helped a lot.
Josh was upset. Not that he wasn’t in love with me by then or that he didn’t think he could support me. (He knew from the start I wasn’t the career-girl type.) No, he was upset because in principle he was against couples having babies. For nine months I heard anguished laments about CO2 buildup and specie extinction and resource depletion, (I was learning the lingo), but there was never any thought of abortion. We agreed on that 100%.
I was about seven months pregnant before we could get the wedding organized. All of the groomsmen were Josh’s friends, nice, serious young men like him, so there was none of the ribaldry you might expect at a wedding where the bride’s belly arrived at the alter before she did. Of course all the bridesmaids were *my* friends and so several groomsmen lost their virginity after (one during) the wedding reception. In the following months Josh and I started getting invitations to weddings and baby showers, not always in that order.
Not surprisingly, Josh fell in love with Courtney the minute he picked her up out of my arms and for a while the environment didn’t come up in our conversations very often. Josh was so sweet about washing Courtney’s diapers, since he insisted on cloth, not disposable. Soon, however Josh found his principles challenged when his wife was no longer too sore to start demanding nightly reamings again. I told him not to worry, I was breast feeding Courtney, but Josh didn’t trust Mother Nature to keep me from getting pregnant again. He thought I should go on the pill.
I promised him I would go see my gynecologist, but dallied long enough that when I finally did, she just sent me straight home, saying, ‘Next time come see me *before* you start screwing him again.’
This time Josh was *really* upset. Not only had he violated his principles again, but with a second child we would have to move to a bigger apartment –more green space consumed in urban sprawl, energy used for hot water, more heating and cooling. My second pregnancy was an ecological disaster!
You can bet that Josh was more careful after Rachel was born. This time he refused to put it in me until I was safely on the pill. I put it off a long as I could hoping he would get tired of just eating me and getting blow jobs (fat chance!), but eventually I went back to see Janet. (I knew I was going to become best friends with this woman.) She duly prescribed the pills, but, after I made her understand exactly what I had in mind, she grinned and explained *all* the possible side effects.
Would you believe it? I suffered from almost every one. Sweetie that he is, Josh suffered along with me from the cramps, the headaches, the hot flashes and the nausea until he agreed that I just couldn’t keep taking the pill. (I had never started.) With some fanfare I flushed the offending chemicals down the toilet. Josh was very sympathetic and said by the time I became fertile again in a couple of weeks, we would think of something. As he held me and comforted me, I felt the most delicious erection, so I knew what he was thinking of. I needed a lot of comforting that night, about four times, I recall. I felt much better the next day.
I reckon Steven must have been conceived during that night of intensive comforting. I was shocked, *shocked,* to discover that a woman’s fertility returns so quickly after going off the pill. Josh was incredulous, but Janet explained everything to him.
When I came home from the hospital this time, Josh was adamant about protection and sent me to get a diaphragm. It was a couple of weeks of no-penetration sex (bo-ring!) before Janet could fit me with the rubber baby barrier. There was a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she admonished me, ‘Now don’t let your lovemaking get *too* vigorous. If he bangs you too hard, this thing can become dislodged. Then, instead of keeping the sperm out, it keeps it in.’
Good advice, but impossible to follow. I had been without real sex for so long that I just went wild. When I was on top, I bounced up and down on Josh’s thick prong like a kid on a trampoline. When he was on top I cried out for him to pound my pussy harder. He is a good pounder and he did promise to *obey* at the alta
r. Josh had several mounts of guilt-free sex until the inevitable happened. I had Josh going at me really good one night when I felt the damned thing slip out of the way. One of Josh’s sperm wasted no time in finding one of my eager eggs and we were on our way to having Beth.
By now Josh realized that he could no longer afford to work for ‘Save the Planet’ and had to get a ‘real’ job. Fortunately, he found a pretty well-paying position with the EPA. (He was such a brilliant attorney, he had his pick of jobs.) We bought a three bedroom house out in Oakton, a suburb of Washington, DC. That really violated his principles and he hated having to drive to work in an *automobile* instead of taking public transport. But at least he cut the grass with a rechargeable electric rather than a gasoline mower.
Naturally, Josh no longer trusted diaphragms so he resolved always to use a condom. I laid in a large supply that I purchased at the Fair Oaks COSTCO hyper mart. Believe me, I got an envious look from the checkout girl when she saw twelve boxes of twenty on the counter. Then her eyes got big and she silently nodded when she noticed Courtney pushing Beth in her stroller with Rachel and Stevie tagging along.
You’ve heard the expression, ‘You get what you pay for?’ Well, I got a great bargain buying the condoms in bulk, but they were not of the highest quality. I noticed that after Josh had been going at me for fifteen or twenty minutes, the condom got a little loose around the base of his cock. Especially when I was on top — we both like that position — and I was holding on to Josh’s prick to keep it properly aimed, it seemed there was a danger my hand could easily pull the condom off by accident. Wouldn’t you know, the very next time I was middle of my cycle that’s exactly what happened! We didn’t discover until the next morning that Josh had been going at me bareback all night long.
Josh is a really smart man (Didn’t I already say that?) and he figured out the problem with the cheep condoms. Although we had only used about a hundred since I bought them a month before, he said just throw away the remaining ones. I guess he couldn’t figure out how to recycle them. While my belly was getting big with Roy, Josh had time to find a little place in Vermont that supplied custom made condoms guaranteed not to slip off. I really enjoyed helping Josh get his penis hard enough to make the plaster cast that was required for a nice snug fit.
What a difference quality makes! When we started fucking again a few days after I came home with Roy, I could tell there was no way these hi-tech jobs were coming off. I showed Josh just how glad I was that he could fuck me as often as he wanted without worrying about his principles. There was only one problem. For some reason these new condoms seemed to have too much friction. I told Josh they required a little external lubricant. Of course I used what we have the most of in our house — baby oil.
Now don’t laugh. *You* may think that everybody know what baby oil does to latex, but Josh didn’t. Besides, I had his cock in my mouth at the time and I don’t think he was paying a lot of attention to what I was rubbing between my legs. The next morning we found the expensive condom in tatters and that’s the story of how little Ruth came into this world. Josh just shook his head in consternation as to why these accidents always seem to happen a few days after I’ve ovulated.
Well, now Josh gave up on condoms, too and said we would just have to use the rhythm method. He signed us up for a course that explained how to count the days, take my temperature every morning (I *loved* the way Josh did that!) and examine my vaginal discharge for the telltale sighs of ovulation. I figured out that the best way for Josh to examine me was with his tongue. I could usually come about three times during each morning examination!
The method really worked for several months, although it was hard on both of us to go for over a week sometimes without the old fashioned banging we both loved. Josh was always taking a ribbing at work for having six kids, so he was determined that we should be out of the baby business and for a few months we were.
But nothing in life is without risks. I read in a health magazine that Josh subscribes to, that one should always drink water at bedtime and I really recommend it. I don’t know if it improves your metabolism, but a full bladder makes early morning sex *sooo* much better. It also makes you go the potty early in the morning and I like to wash, not just wipe after peeing. I learned the hard way that this really screws up the examination for ovulation as it both removes the mucus that Josh was always looking (OK, tasting) for, as well as cools off the vagina and masks the slight rise in temperature that tips you off that an egg is on the way. I sometime think Jennifer with her jet black hair like me and cool blue eyes like Josh is our most beautiful accident.
Josh had moved up in the EPA by now — he was GS something or other — so we could afford the bigger house. Fortunately we found a really big run-down mansion in Arlington that was actually closer to downtown that the house we were living in. Josh was happy to be able to take the Metro to L’Enfant Plaza. We were able to renovate it to accommodate our growing family. I oversaw the redesign and had the builders fix up one bedroom for the older girls — Courtney and Rachel, one for the older boys — Steve and Roy, one for younger girls — Beth and Ruthie, and I though a baby room next to Josh’s and my master bedroom would be handy. Well, I told Josh it was a ‘sewing’ room but we kept Jenny there while I was nursing her.
Our wedding anniversary is always like a national holiday at our house. Josh had just gotten another promotion at EPA and I decided to make our eighth something special. For some reason we couldn’t celebrate it on the exact date, but I selected an alternate day and pulled out all the stops. I had arranged for my best friend Marge to take all the kids except baby Jennifer for the night. I told Josh to expect something special for just us two.
Josh’s eyes almost popped when he arrive that night and saw me in my high heels, a daring red miniskirt, and see through pink blouse. OK, I admit my hips and bust are both larger than when we were first married, but after Jenny was born I worked really hard to get my waist back down to almost the same. The bulge in Josh’s pants told me he liked the results.
The table was set with the good silver, two candles illuminated the dining room, and I had put on a CD of our favorite love songs. We sipped wine and held hands across the table. I told Josh I loved him more that ever and that I thought he was the smartest and handsomest man in the world and the best lover I could ever dream of. Josh told me he was still crazy about me, that I was the prettiest, sexiest woman he had ever met, and that he’d marry me again in a heartbeat.
We didn’t eat a bite of the dinner I had prepared, we just fell into each other’s arms, sobbing our love for one another. My skirt never left the living room and my makeup was ruined even before we got to the top of the stairs. We were both tremendously aroused and almost tore off each other’s clothes. Never had we made love with such animal passion. Josh must have fucked me three times before we fell asleep clinging together like two love-sick pythons. My wonderful husband screwed me once more and ate me twice the next morning before we reluctantly got out of bed and went downstairs to have last night’s dinner for breakfast. We were in the middle of one last quickie on the living room couch when Marge brought the kids back around noon. (Close call!) Darling Jennifer, as usual, cooperated by sleeping through the night.
Days later we were still basking in the glow of that wonderful night. Josh called me from the office several times a day to tell me he loved me and I sent *him* flowers. His friends at work teased him, but we both knew they were just jealo
us that after eight years and seven children, Josh and I were still in love like newlyweds. I don’t think either of us gave a moment’s thought to the fact that our anniversary celebration coincided with my fertile period. Jeff was our anniversary present.
Although my periods are as regular as clockwork and as difficult as it was for both of us, Josh decided we had to expand the ‘safe,’ no-sex period around my ovulation date to make sure there wouldn’t be any more slip ups after Jeff. And when Josh makes a decision based on his principles, nothing gets in his way. Several times during the ‘dangerous days’ I got so horny I would come on to him. He was steadfast, however, and gently put me off, usually by eating me to a couple of nice orgasms that, for a while, left me content just to be cuddled by my strong-minded, high-principled husband.
You would think that we had all the bases covered. Well, not quite. It was one of the *worst* nights almost exactly two weeks since my period when I am always really hot. I had almost raped Josh when we went to bed, but he pacified me by sucking my tits really nicely and giving me a good finger fuck that sent me off to dreamland. I still must have been really horny, though, because I had the most erotic dream. In it I sat up and looked down at Josh who was asleep beside me. He was on his back breathing gently and the outline of his penis was evident through his pajama.
Stealthily, I reached into his fly and retrieved the organ I love so much. Gently, so as not to awaken him, I took his cock into my mouth and began to suck him. Even asleep, his cock responded to my warm wet mouth and was soon hard and erect. The sight, or rather the feel, made my pussy wet. I was in a crazy rut. Without thought, I straddled Josh and lowered my pussy over his rampant prick. Just having it in me almost made me come, but I started slowly sliding my cunt up and down Josh’s fabulous love pole.
I guess by this time we were both half aware that this was no dream. We were really doing it! But the delightful sensation of Josh up in me was too good to interrupt. I guess he felt the same way, because he grabbed my ass and started to jamb me down forcefully against his groin even as he bucked his prick up into me. I came first, but only moments later I felt what seemed like gallons of Josh’s come blast into my hungry vagina. I awoke some time later still on top held in a warm embrace by my sleeping husband, his cock soft, but still nestled inside me. Oh, I love that man!
I guess it’s a good thing Josh and I are trying our best *not* to have any more children since we seem to have so many without trying. Little William was the result of our sleepy adventure. We had another nine months to figure what to do next. With me staying pregnant most of the time, Josh and I probably have sex a lot more often than most couples our age. Once Josh has knocked me up, he feels free to fuck me like a bunny rabbit, well, at least a couple of times a night. I can hardly believe that some women say they don’t want it more than once a week or even less. I guess they are just not as crazy in love with their husbands as I am with Josh, or am I oversexed?
Well, after Billy was born, Josh decided he would have to sleep on the sofa on our *verboten* nights. This, plus strict avoidance of sex during the two weeks on either side of my ovulation seemed to do the trick. Almost a year went by without me getting pregnant, a record for us. Of course I still get really horny during those two weeks, too horny it turns out.
Josh had to leave town because of a major oil spill off the coast of Oregon during one such ‘dry spell’. We both felt this was good luck as we wouldn’t be tempted. As fate would have it, Josh’s little brother Richard was on school break at the time and had come to Washington to visit friends and see the monuments and other sights. I never get tired of showing visitors around our beautiful city.
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AnalThe following story is COPYRIGHTED. The author, CRUDEDUDE, reserves all rightsto this work. It may be freely distributed online, posted and archivedelectronically, only in its entirety, including all header material. It may notbe changed or altered without the authors permission. It may not be sold inwhole or in any part, or as part of an electronic document, printed material,voice recording or any other manner without proper copyright clearances beingobtained from the author. I have...
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HardcoreAs I sat there, stairing at the hot scene I could feel Jon walking up behind me. I looked up, little emarassed, and started to stand. "Stay where you are? Don't like the movie?". I said hell yes, you two are hot. I then felt Mary slip next to me on the couch, and her lips slightly pressed against my ear and said "we loved playing for you". I turned toward her, and we stared in one anothers eyes and kissed. I could feel my pulse race and the blood begin to flow back into my cock. I then...
"What is that," she cried, fearing it was a bug, or worse, a person. She sat up leaving Sue smilingly dozing. "Oscar, you dolt. What are you doing here? You should be out servicing Julie again," she laughed in relief. That awoke Sue who also sat up to see what had happened to her lover. "Ooooooo, he's back. And look, Alice, his penis is still sticking out!" she squealed. Sue hopped off the bed and once again knelt beside the big dog, fondling her old friend, by now. "Go get...
Hii friends, ye meri pehli kamukta kahani h .Mera naam ankit h, dikhne me smart aur body athletic hai,lund ki size 6 inch .Ye kahani kuch months pehle ki h , apni maa k bare bta du wo dikhne me gori bade bade boobs badi si gand kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jaye aisi hai wo. Mere dimag me apni maa ko chodne ka khayal isd ki story padh k hi aaya tha. To ab sidhe story pe aata hu .Mere ghar me 3 log rahte hai mai papa aur maa. Maine apni maa ko chodne ka kabhi nahi socha tha meri koi gf nahi thi to...
Julie Sloan kissed her date. “I’m sorry Tom. I’ll get this straightened out and call you tomorrow. OK?” “Sure thing.” Julie shut the apartment door and spun on her roommate. “Why are you being such a bitch? All we were doing was making out.” She eyed the young woman’s posture. “Wait a second. You’re jealous.” Terri’s face reddened. “Honey, you’ll find a boyfriend.” The red head’s face turned almost purple, tears streamed down her cheeks. “Oh shit!” “Please don’t throw me out. I’ve...
In August, 1968 I,d just returned from serving five years overseas in Japan, Okinawa, Vietnam and West Germany and had only been working Minuteman Missile Security less than a month. Now and then a colleague and I would buy cigarettes and snacks from a shop in Lakota, North Dakota not that far from my base of Grand Forks during my three days working then three days off. One afternoon while my colleague bought stuff and I remainedin our vehicle to keep an ear out for the radio and any calls we...
It's a Friday afternoon and I get home from work at the office to the smell of a roast cooking in the kitchen so I walk in that direction to try and find my wife, Correna. Correna is a five foot seven white woman with 34B breasts and the cutest little ass I have ever seen. She is 27-years-old and we have known each other for ten years and have been married for two. When I reach the kitchen, I find an empty room with a roast in the oven so I start looking around the house. I check everywhere....
Oral Sex‘IS MEL AROUND?’ IV. They ate and chatted about family things, enjoying their time together as if there were nothing extraordinary about the situation. Both of them were surprised how comfortable they’d become with their arrangement in the short time they’d been together. After they cleared the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher, Bert reached out, pulled Carla into his arms, and covered her lips with his. Her arms went around him, and once again his hands moved onto her bottom,...
The first time I laid eyes on my future sister in law, the first thought I had was that she was the most beautiful woman I had ever met. I was 12 and she was 15, a few months younger than my older brother who had just gotten his driver's lisence. They had been dating for about a week when he brought her over to watch a movie at our house. She was short and petite, but despite her age and stature, she already looked like a full grown woman. Her breasts, just b-cups i would later learn, looked...
For a sexy muse and philosopherChapter 1"I'm so sorry, I got a little lost," you say brightly, breezing into the suite like sunshine through a just-opened curtain. "I tried to use my phone for directions but these one-way streets can be a little tricky, then parking was crazy, et cetera et cetera." You drop your gym bag on a chair and turn to smile at me. "You're Jay, right? I got the right room?" Your smile creeps up a notch. "Or do you just hang out in hotel suites with lights aimed at a...
ExhibitionismCarol and Zach decided to wander through the various shops in the resort town near their cabin. The stopped in antique stores, gift shops, novelty stores and other tourist shops and then encountered one that was a little more risque than any of the others. In fact, it had a sign on the front saying no one under 18 would be admitted without a parent - and then it was not advised. They both got a kick out of the various graphic plaques, signs, and postcards. In the back corner of the store was a...
(Anu), 21 years old, from Kerala. I live with my mother and younger brother. My father died when I was still young. My brother's name is Sanjay (Sanju) he is 18 years old. Both of us were liked normal sister and brother. We used to fight with each other. My mother got govt job as my dad while he was in govt. service. Since mom goes for work, me and my brother used to get time to spend together. I forgot to mention about myself. I had a good figure of 32-26-30. I was fair in...
Alex stood wearing only her favorite black lace bra and same colored boy shorts looking through her closet for something to wear. There was someone she was trying to impress at the Christmas party so she wanted to be sure to look extra special. She took out a small, short black, strapless dress with ruffles. She had only gotten the chance to wear it once. “This is the one,” Alex thought as she picked up a pair of silver heels with straps on them to go with the dress.“Hey, honey do I look OK?”...
Love StoriesI should have never cut through the park but I was in a hurry to get to my girls house. Just thinking about the pussy I was going to get caused my cock to start to get hard. So wrapped up in my thoughts of the fucking I was going to get I never realized anyone else was around until they grabbed me and stuck a gag in my mouth. They pulled me off the path and into a spot surrounded by high bushes. I noticed there was some sort of old table setting in the middle of the place."Quit struggling or...
Four Conversations--------------------------------------------An ADULT tale writtenbyMiss Irene ClearmontCopyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2013---------------------------------------------Four Conversations---------------------------------------------First---------------------------------------------?Do you love me???Of course! Do you doubt it???Can you prove it???I thought that I did, every day.??How???What do you mean ?how?? I married you when you asked me, I work every day to give you the...
As Liz grew into a lovely blond haired senior in high school, her thoughts started to wander to boys. All she wanted in life was a husband, a home, and a bunch of children to love and cherish. As fate would have it, she would meet her future husband while walking down a country road. Dan was 22yrs old and fresh out of the Navy and the 17yr old blond girl had all the right curves [36-26-36] and an innocence about her that drew Dan to her. While Liz was head over heals for Dan and thought of...
A whole week. A whole damn week! It was his fault actually. Not only he had let her go but he had even pushed her to go when she didn't want to. How dumb was he anyway? She hadn't called. Not even Hannah. Not even Maddy. Maybe she had her own problems, maybe her parents required most of her time but that was no excuse, was it? Alex was finding it hard to believe that she couldn't even pick up the damn phone! He paced his study, irritated beyond belief. He didn't know where she was. That...
Alwyn and I were cooking breakfast together the next morning. Alwyn spoke up, "I'm curious about something, General Winterhorn." I was at the stove with my back turned when she asked the question. At first the name didn't register with me; I thought someone else must have walked in to join us for breakfast. But then I abruptly realized Alwyn was talking to me. I almost dropped my bacon pan in surprise. Alwyn continued on with a sly smile. "When you took over your country--why did you do...
Maria Barber was proud of her position. Although she was still only in her second year as a student librarian she was given almost free rein in the running of the college library. She had built up a position of trust with the college and she didn't see why she should put that at risk simply because some over-eager student was keen to get their hands on some volume or other. "I'm sorry," she said. "The book is on our controlled list. That means I can't issue it without a signed...
Scene Five I was out of town on business the entire next week and my return flight wasn’t scheduled to arrive until 8:30 Friday night. I hadn’t gone three nights in a row without fucking since Kerri and I met and I wasn’t looking forward to it. However, I decided to use it to my advantage. Before I left, I told Kerri to check her email every day at noon and at midnight for any instructions I may have for her. I sent her stories from various websites that covered a wide variety of sexual...
Introduction: Couple Loving . . . Hello my love, Ive come to your office to steal you away for a long lunch. As we walk outside I suggest a walk in the park. So as we stroll hand in hand along the winding pathway the air is cool and we snuggle closer. Despite the cool weather the birds are chirping, the squirrels and rabbits are scurrying about. Around the next curve we come upon a play ground where the children are playing. I suggest that we sit and watch for a while. You say yes Id love to so...
The family lounged around the pool after having played in it for the past hour. Naked and wet from the water, Ed was happy at having his wives and husband alone with him while Betsy was at the park with Mary Gold and her daughter. He could tell the wives had something on their mind and were waiting for the right moment to initiate a discussion. After sharing looks with her other two wives, it was Linda who broached the subject they had been avoiding all morning when she asked, “What do you...
Hello to all. I am sandip and this is my first online tale. Its real and recent .all those who want to share views and sentiments are welcomed. Real meetings will be rewarding for shy as well as bold people. My story starts: Kareena is my secretary and, I think, even from the very first day she came to work for me, it was obvious that there was going to be a very strong mutual attraction between us. It was strange, but I think she had I pegged from the beginning. Quite a few times, in those...
Hello everyone, I am Riya back with the next part about sex on the terrace. Read the previous ones if you are new, as this is a direct continuation. As I laid in bed with Vikas and Rahul, I did not realize when I fell asleep. My eyes opened after some time. I looked at the clock, and it was 11:45 PM. Both of them were still asleep. Vikas’s hand was still above my waist. I had an urge to pee, so I tried to get out of the bed without waking either of them up. It was difficult. I was in the...
11:40a.m. (at home) Saturday The next morning I woke up to extremely sore. It felt like I’d been riding a horse all day long and slammin’ my pussy against a rock or something. I felt like I was walking bow legged. I could hardly sit down. Thank god it was not a school night. I fixed myself an egg and went back up to my room. The phone rang and I answered it. “Hello” “Jori?” Sarita called. “Yeah, what do you want.” “What’s the matter girl?” she questioned. “I talked to Black this morning after I...
EroticDaily life for my wife and me is tipical. Every so often she will get honry and go out on a week night for some side sex but usally we are just regular folks. I starting this whole cuckold life style years ago by telling my wife how I would like to see her fuck other guys. At first she thought I was just joking around. Then one night we had a few friends over for some drinking and swimming. Around midnight everyone started leaving , one of my buddys said he was in no shape to drive so I offered...
Sexy babe Bobbi Dylan has a dark confession to make. There is nothing more thrilling than getting taken advantage of by someone you don’t even know; and not just a bring a guy home from the bar kind of way. Bobbi wants so badly to be fucked by a complete strange; maybe some guy breaking into her home and finding her helpless while she lays on her bed. Well Bobbi gets that and more when she is surprised by a masked robber who forces his cock into her mouth and soon Bobbi is sex driven...
xmoviesforyouAnthony, umbrella in hand, watched the dock master slug slither off in one direction, the monkey driven bus with its cargo of Earth tobacco driving off in another. Rain, unchanged in the hours since they first braved the elements, fell in sheets around him. Again, he thanked whatever gods ruled this world for the lack of wind. "So..." Hannah stood next to him, umbrella actually a bit under his, causing its runoff to just miss his arm. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Are we staying here?...
A rare find, that beautiful crimson hair. That color was usually the result of cheap dye and a childish personality, desperate to prove individuality by opposing normality. It was a rare gift from nature, every strand like melting rubies, when most so-called redheads possessed only a diluted orange hue. But hers was like blood, drawing the eyes of all those around her, including Noah’s. Of all the women he had seen, met, and knew, even intimately, hers was the most purely crimson. It was...
Davie and his Mom Kate had barely talked about what had happened a few days ago when they had gotten so carried away having sex, she had forgotten her sister, his Aunt Joy was coming over for a visit. She caught them as he had his come running from Kate’s pussy. The two of them standing there panting and naked. Tongues in each others mouth. Most people would have been repulsed by what they were up to but Aunt Joy took it in stride, even slapped him on the naked ass and hugged her sister...
Every time I think of this story it makes me hard still so hopefully I can type it all out with stopping to bust one out. Now I’ve been hooking up with girls since high school and was straight till I saw my first shemale when watching porn one day when I was maybe 16 and it started my bisexual curiosity that lasted till about 2 years ago. I got out of a long term relationship with a woman and well I was a free man so I downloaded tinder banged out my sorrows for a while. I’ve jerked off to gay...
I am Raj 25 year old guy with a very decent body shape and complexion to attract any female. My aunty, Subba Lakshmi is 37 year old bubbly woman, with chocolate color complexion, and healthy body shape, gifted with amazing very nice to hear voice. She teaches in public school and lives with her old mom in Delhi. She possesses excellent communication and interpersonal skills. She has Suji, 13 year old daughter studying in boarding school. I went to Pinni’s house to live there as I got a job...
I didn't want to ask him, but I felt badly not saying something. Mai didn't care, but Yami agreed with me that I couldn't just leave. Still, as I watched Kaiba and Yami duel at the shop, I couldn't help but think I was hurting a friend. Yami glanced at me and frowned. I knew exactly what he was thinking. His expressions are exactly my expressions. We may not think the same things at the same time, but we do show the same thoughts in the same way. Which is why I call him my other self and...