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Redistribution: No restriction except that the story may not be changed/edited and the title, author’s name and email, and request for feedback must remain intact.

My Josh is a man of strong principles. That’s what first attracted me to him. Well, OK, that and his six-five frame, broad muscled shoulders, tight butt, gray-blue eyes and a respectable bulge between his legs. He was just the yummiest strong-principled man I had ever seen.

I met Josh at an ecological protest rally. I had ducked out from work at the diner where I waitressed to go down to the Washington Monument that afternoon. Seeing on television those poor little baby seals being clubbed to death right in front of their mothers just broke my heart. I mean, how could anybody be so CRUEL? Josh was opposed to the seal slaughter, too, but he was at the protest for lots of other reasons having to do with the corrupt capitalist system, the rapacious (what words he knew!) corporate establishment, and things like that.

I just nodded and gazed through those goofy glasses into his eyes in the little coffee shop after the rally. I could feel myself getting wet as Josh talked passionately to me about pollution, resource degradation (another one!) and why it was best that married couples not have children. Huh? He explained that a baby born in a rich country would use up an immense quantity of resources in a lifetime. That’s why we had to stop the world’s population explosion.

Ah, population explosion! Now there was a subject that engaged my attention. I had always known I wanted a big family. One look at Josh and I knew I’d never find a better set of genes. I began planning for Josh to help me start a little population explosion of my own.

Besides being yummy, as I have said, Josh also turned out to be brilliant (I’ll bet you could already tell) and, when I got him a little drunk, quite funny. Best of all — JACKPOT! — Josh was a totally normal healthy male that I could turn on like pushing a button. It’s no credit to me, any girl as top heavy as me with long raven curls and my tiny waste could have done the same, but I got him first.

Josh was a little apprehensive on our second date when I coyly suggested he could come up to my apartment for a little while. He might not have done it except during the movie, when I picked up his hand and put it up inside my blouse, he felt a nice hard set of tits and no brassiere. Playing with my nipples had him almost as horny as it had me.

It probably wasn’t necessary, but I didn’t take any chances. Just before coming back from the kitchen with a cold beer for Josh, I ran my hand into my (surprise!) dripping pussy and painted the glass rim with my secretions. Nothing like the smell of a horny twat to get a guy’s engine in gear. I had prepared for this evening by wearing a short but not too tight skirt, a frilly blouse, and no panties. Of course I didn’t expect a really nice boy like Josh would have his hands up between my legs as we sat on my couch, but then I didn’t intend for him to be really nice boy very much longer.

You don’t need a blow by blow, do you?. He drank and sniffed. I snuggled. He felt — really well. My blouse came off and my titties got kissed. His pants came down and his prick got fondled. He diddled. I came. I spent the night fucking his brains out. When I felt him get hard again after coming in me a third time, I knew this was the man for me.

He was happy but embarrassed the next morning to realize what he’d ‘made me’ do. (To this day the lovable hunk thinks he seduced *me*!) I was in love, I really was. It took me about another two months of fucking Josh’s eyeballs out, oops, of ‘letting him go all the way with me’ for him to realize he wanted to marry me.

The positive pregnancy test helped a lot.

Josh was upset. Not that he wasn’t in love with me by then or that he didn’t think he could support me. (He knew from the start I wasn’t the career-girl type.) No, he was upset because in principle he was against couples having babies. For nine months I heard anguished laments about CO2 buildup and specie extinction and resource depletion, (I was learning the lingo), but there was never any thought of abortion. We agreed on that 100%.

I was about seven months pregnant before we could get the wedding organized. All of the groomsmen were Josh’s friends, nice, serious young men like him, so there was none of the ribaldry you might expect at a wedding where the bride’s belly arrived at the alter before she did. Of course all the bridesmaids were *my* friends and so several groomsmen lost their virginity after (one during) the wedding reception. In the following months Josh and I started getting invitations to weddings and baby showers, not always in that order.

Not surprisingly, Josh fell in love with Courtney the minute he picked her up out of my arms and for a while the environment didn’t come up in our conversations very often. Josh was so sweet about washing Courtney’s diapers, since he insisted on cloth, not disposable. Soon, however Josh found his principles challenged when his wife was no longer too sore to start demanding nightly reamings again. I told him not to worry, I was breast feeding Courtney, but Josh didn’t trust Mother Nature to keep me from getting pregnant again. He thought I should go on the pill.

I promised him I would go see my gynecologist, but dallied long enough that when I finally did, she just sent me straight home, saying, ‘Next time come see me *before* you start screwing him again.’

This time Josh was *really* upset. Not only had he violated his principles again, but with a second child we would have to move to a bigger apartment –more green space consumed in urban sprawl, energy used for hot water, more heating and cooling. My second pregnancy was an ecological disaster!

You can bet that Josh was more careful after Rachel was born. This time he refused to put it in me until I was safely on the pill. I put it off a long as I could hoping he would get tired of just eating me and getting blow jobs (fat chance!), but eventually I went back to see Janet. (I knew I was going to become best friends with this woman.) She duly prescribed the pills, but, after I made her understand exactly what I had in mind, she grinned and explained *all* the possible side effects.

Would you believe it? I suffered from almost every one. Sweetie that he is, Josh suffered along with me from the cramps, the headaches, the hot flashes and the nausea until he agreed that I just couldn’t keep taking the pill. (I had never started.) With some fanfare I flushed the offending chemicals down the toilet. Josh was very sympathetic and said by the time I became fertile again in a couple of weeks, we would think of something. As he held me and comforted me, I felt the most delicious erection, so I knew what he was thinking of. I needed a lot of comforting that night, about four times, I recall. I felt much better the next day.

I reckon Steven must have been conceived during that night of intensive comforting. I was shocked, *shocked,* to discover that a woman’s fertility returns so quickly after going off the pill. Josh was incredulous, but Janet explained everything to him.

When I came home from the hospital this time, Josh was adamant about protection and sent me to get a diaphragm. It was a couple of weeks of no-penetration sex (bo-ring!) before Janet could fit me with the rubber baby barrier. There was a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she admonished me, ‘Now don’t let your lovemaking get *too* vigorous. If he bangs you too hard, this thing can become dislodged. Then, instead of keeping the sperm out, it keeps it in.’

Good advice, but impossible to follow. I had been without real sex for so long that I just went wild. When I was on top, I bounced up and down on Josh’s thick prong like a kid on a trampoline. When he was on top I cried out for him to pound my pussy harder. He is a good pounder and he did promise to *obey* at the alta
r. Josh had several mounts of guilt-free sex until the inevitable happened. I had Josh going at me really good one night when I felt the damned thing slip out of the way. One of Josh’s sperm wasted no time in finding one of my eager eggs and we were on our way to having Beth.

By now Josh realized that he could no longer afford to work for ‘Save the Planet’ and had to get a ‘real’ job. Fortunately, he found a pretty well-paying position with the EPA. (He was such a brilliant attorney, he had his pick of jobs.) We bought a three bedroom house out in Oakton, a suburb of Washington, DC. That really violated his principles and he hated having to drive to work in an *automobile* instead of taking public transport. But at least he cut the grass with a rechargeable electric rather than a gasoline mower.

Naturally, Josh no longer trusted diaphragms so he resolved always to use a condom. I laid in a large supply that I purchased at the Fair Oaks COSTCO hyper mart. Believe me, I got an envious look from the checkout girl when she saw twelve boxes of twenty on the counter. Then her eyes got big and she silently nodded when she noticed Courtney pushing Beth in her stroller with Rachel and Stevie tagging along.

You’ve heard the expression, ‘You get what you pay for?’ Well, I got a great bargain buying the condoms in bulk, but they were not of the highest quality. I noticed that after Josh had been going at me for fifteen or twenty minutes, the condom got a little loose around the base of his cock. Especially when I was on top — we both like that position — and I was holding on to Josh’s prick to keep it properly aimed, it seemed there was a danger my hand could easily pull the condom off by accident. Wouldn’t you know, the very next time I was middle of my cycle that’s exactly what happened! We didn’t discover until the next morning that Josh had been going at me bareback all night long.

Josh is a really smart man (Didn’t I already say that?) and he figured out the problem with the cheep condoms. Although we had only used about a hundred since I bought them a month before, he said just throw away the remaining ones. I guess he couldn’t figure out how to recycle them. While my belly was getting big with Roy, Josh had time to find a little place in Vermont that supplied custom made condoms guaranteed not to slip off. I really enjoyed helping Josh get his penis hard enough to make the plaster cast that was required for a nice snug fit.

What a difference quality makes! When we started fucking again a few days after I came home with Roy, I could tell there was no way these hi-tech jobs were coming off. I showed Josh just how glad I was that he could fuck me as often as he wanted without worrying about his principles. There was only one problem. For some reason these new condoms seemed to have too much friction. I told Josh they required a little external lubricant. Of course I used what we have the most of in our house — baby oil.

Now don’t laugh. *You* may think that everybody know what baby oil does to latex, but Josh didn’t. Besides, I had his cock in my mouth at the time and I don’t think he was paying a lot of attention to what I was rubbing between my legs. The next morning we found the expensive condom in tatters and that’s the story of how little Ruth came into this world. Josh just shook his head in consternation as to why these accidents always seem to happen a few days after I’ve ovulated.

Well, now Josh gave up on condoms, too and said we would just have to use the rhythm method. He signed us up for a course that explained how to count the days, take my temperature every morning (I *loved* the way Josh did that!) and examine my vaginal discharge for the telltale sighs of ovulation. I figured out that the best way for Josh to examine me was with his tongue. I could usually come about three times during each morning examination!

The method really worked for several months, although it was hard on both of us to go for over a week sometimes without the old fashioned banging we both loved. Josh was always taking a ribbing at work for having six kids, so he was determined that we should be out of the baby business and for a few months we were.

But nothing in life is without risks. I read in a health magazine that Josh subscribes to, that one should always drink water at bedtime and I really recommend it. I don’t know if it improves your metabolism, but a full bladder makes early morning sex *sooo* much better. It also makes you go the potty early in the morning and I like to wash, not just wipe after peeing. I learned the hard way that this really screws up the examination for ovulation as it both removes the mucus that Josh was always looking (OK, tasting) for, as well as cools off the vagina and masks the slight rise in temperature that tips you off that an egg is on the way. I sometime think Jennifer with her jet black hair like me and cool blue eyes like Josh is our most beautiful accident.

Josh had moved up in the EPA by now — he was GS something or other — so we could afford the bigger house. Fortunately we found a really big run-down mansion in Arlington that was actually closer to downtown that the house we were living in. Josh was happy to be able to take the Metro to L’Enfant Plaza. We were able to renovate it to accommodate our growing family. I oversaw the redesign and had the builders fix up one bedroom for the older girls — Courtney and Rachel, one for the older boys — Steve and Roy, one for younger girls — Beth and Ruthie, and I though a baby room next to Josh’s and my master bedroom would be handy. Well, I told Josh it was a ‘sewing’ room but we kept Jenny there while I was nursing her.

Our wedding anniversary is always like a national holiday at our house. Josh had just gotten another promotion at EPA and I decided to make our eighth something special. For some reason we couldn’t celebrate it on the exact date, but I selected an alternate day and pulled out all the stops. I had arranged for my best friend Marge to take all the kids except baby Jennifer for the night. I told Josh to expect something special for just us two.

Josh’s eyes almost popped when he arrive that night and saw me in my high heels, a daring red miniskirt, and see through pink blouse. OK, I admit my hips and bust are both larger than when we were first married, but after Jenny was born I worked really hard to get my waist back down to almost the same. The bulge in Josh’s pants told me he liked the results.

The table was set with the good silver, two candles illuminated the dining room, and I had put on a CD of our favorite love songs. We sipped wine and held hands across the table. I told Josh I loved him more that ever and that I thought he was the smartest and handsomest man in the world and the best lover I could ever dream of. Josh told me he was still crazy about me, that I was the prettiest, sexiest woman he had ever met, and that he’d marry me again in a heartbeat.

We didn’t eat a bite of the dinner I had prepared, we just fell into each other’s arms, sobbing our love for one another. My skirt never left the living room and my makeup was ruined even before we got to the top of the stairs. We were both tremendously aroused and almost tore off each other’s clothes. Never had we made love with such animal passion. Josh must have fucked me three times before we fell asleep clinging together like two love-sick pythons. My wonderful husband screwed me once more and ate me twice the next morning before we reluctantly got out of bed and went downstairs to have last night’s dinner for breakfast. We were in the middle of one last quickie on the living room couch when Marge brought the kids back around noon. (Close call!) Darling Jennifer, as usual, cooperated by sleeping through the night.

Days later we were still basking in the glow of that wonderful night. Josh called me from the office several times a day to tell me he loved me and I sent *him* flowers. His friends at work teased him, but we both knew they were just jealo
us that after eight years and seven children, Josh and I were still in love like newlyweds. I don’t think either of us gave a moment’s thought to the fact that our anniversary celebration coincided with my fertile period. Jeff was our anniversary present.

Although my periods are as regular as clockwork and as difficult as it was for both of us, Josh decided we had to expand the ‘safe,’ no-sex period around my ovulation date to make sure there wouldn’t be any more slip ups after Jeff. And when Josh makes a decision based on his principles, nothing gets in his way. Several times during the ‘dangerous days’ I got so horny I would come on to him. He was steadfast, however, and gently put me off, usually by eating me to a couple of nice orgasms that, for a while, left me content just to be cuddled by my strong-minded, high-principled husband.

You would think that we had all the bases covered. Well, not quite. It was one of the *worst* nights almost exactly two weeks since my period when I am always really hot. I had almost raped Josh when we went to bed, but he pacified me by sucking my tits really nicely and giving me a good finger fuck that sent me off to dreamland. I still must have been really horny, though, because I had the most erotic dream. In it I sat up and looked down at Josh who was asleep beside me. He was on his back breathing gently and the outline of his penis was evident through his pajama.

Stealthily, I reached into his fly and retrieved the organ I love so much. Gently, so as not to awaken him, I took his cock into my mouth and began to suck him. Even asleep, his cock responded to my warm wet mouth and was soon hard and erect. The sight, or rather the feel, made my pussy wet. I was in a crazy rut. Without thought, I straddled Josh and lowered my pussy over his rampant prick. Just having it in me almost made me come, but I started slowly sliding my cunt up and down Josh’s fabulous love pole.

I guess by this time we were both half aware that this was no dream. We were really doing it! But the delightful sensation of Josh up in me was too good to interrupt. I guess he felt the same way, because he grabbed my ass and started to jamb me down forcefully against his groin even as he bucked his prick up into me. I came first, but only moments later I felt what seemed like gallons of Josh’s come blast into my hungry vagina. I awoke some time later still on top held in a warm embrace by my sleeping husband, his cock soft, but still nestled inside me. Oh, I love that man!

I guess it’s a good thing Josh and I are trying our best *not* to have any more children since we seem to have so many without trying. Little William was the result of our sleepy adventure. We had another nine months to figure what to do next. With me staying pregnant most of the time, Josh and I probably have sex a lot more often than most couples our age. Once Josh has knocked me up, he feels free to fuck me like a bunny rabbit, well, at least a couple of times a night. I can hardly believe that some women say they don’t want it more than once a week or even less. I guess they are just not as crazy in love with their husbands as I am with Josh, or am I oversexed?

Well, after Billy was born, Josh decided he would have to sleep on the sofa on our *verboten* nights. This, plus strict avoidance of sex during the two weeks on either side of my ovulation seemed to do the trick. Almost a year went by without me getting pregnant, a record for us. Of course I still get really horny during those two weeks, too horny it turns out.

Josh had to leave town because of a major oil spill off the coast of Oregon during one such ‘dry spell’. We both felt this was good luck as we wouldn’t be tempted. As fate would have it, Josh’s little brother Richard was on school break at the time and had come to Washington to visit friends and see the monuments and other sights. I never get tired of showing visitors around our beautiful city.

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"Oh no!" I said, with panic in my voice. Both Tim and Jackie came running. "Good! Now that you're here," I said, confusing both of them, "you can behave. Jackie, that means you, too." She gave me the evil eye. "I mean it. Keep a civil tongue or leave." "You know Theresa would never forgive me if I did that," Jackie said. "Yep, I know," I said smiling. She didn't think it was funny. "Jackie, you have only heard one side of the story between Theresa and Tim. There are...

3 years ago
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“You have been my true husband for the last 5 years or did all those passionate moments when I received your seed not count as a wife doing her duty?” She said back, now looking up at me. I smiled and shared a passionate kiss with her. As I felt her warm tongue I thought about the past. Karina was 19 years old when I met her when she came to serve as my aid. Karina had married one of my fighters, but she was barren and could bare no children. Her husband would be away months at a time and...

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Annies WayChapter 5

Spencer’s definition of ‘free of Ron’ was somewhat different from everybody else’s but they didn’t need to discuss that. “But what if everything doesn’t work out? You’re not putting Annie in danger. She has been through enough; I won’t let you get her hurt.” “Mr. Geyer, I can promise you that no one will hurt Annie. I will protect her. I would never do anything to put her in danger.” Spencer took her hand and she turned to look at him. The trust he found in her eyes was surprising. After...

2 years ago
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Feminist SororityChapter 6

Brandon had shifted his focus from studying to finding out where Amy’s rooms were ever since Brandon had found out he did not have to go to class. He had asked around now that the girls had talked to him more since the rule about the not talking with him and Jason no longer applied. Despite having gotten closer to the girls of the sorority they were still quite secretive. It had also been days since he had seen Jason. At first, he brushed it off as nothing, but then he remembered that this...

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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 6

Was there anything better in this grazy galaxy (the g makes it alliterative!) than being petted by your vampire fiancee while shapeshifted to look like a super fluffy kitten? Yes! And that would be being petted by your vampire fiancee while shapeshifted to look like a super fluffy kitten while your friendly neighborhood space princess gives you exposition and also you have hot chocolate. I nosed at the cup, not wanting to shift into a form that could drink from it yet, even as Cindi took her...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e12 Linda

Series 4, Episode 12: LINDA We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then a grim street of residential blocks – skinny kids running around as exhausted looking single mothers carry the shopping home ... Then a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer handbags. Now we’re on a country road, there’s a building 50 yards away in the distance – high fences all...

3 years ago
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The System

*Warnings: amateur writer, watched Star Wars movies like one time each, will be a lot of changes and edits if people point anything out. *Writers message- So I’m the one who created this story but I made it hoping others would also add to it. This is my first story and any thing else I’ve written were only assignments from school so I apologize for grammar and pissing you off. This is pretty much all I had to say so I hope this isn’t to bad( for all of us.) Planet Wolgan- Home of the Lost I...

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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 3

- Brian - I pressed the cabin door's announcement plate at exactly 1800 hours. I've always found it pays to be on time even if you know the other party never was which I didn't know this time. After a moment or two the door opened a crack and I could see Jeremy peeking out and up at me. When he saw who it was, the door opened all the way and he gave me the "come here" sign. I could hear his mother shouting from somewhere deeper in the cabin, "Jeremy! Did you get the door?" "Hello?"...

2 years ago
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XSFGCChapter 9 Skid Marks

Emma Frost sat on the front edge of her desk, arms crossed, leaning forward, enjoying the display her cleavage provided to her small class of students. As always, she was in white and as was her preference when teaching, she wore a thin gossamer long sleeved, collared shirt. Today, the sleeves were neatly folded, inversely to just below her elbows, but as always, only the bottom two buttons were buttoned, allowing all of her expansive cleavage to be seen. Looking over her students sitting in...

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Little FoxChapter 12

Little Fox left the helicopter, crossed the lawn and entered into the White House yawning from the fatigue overwhelming her. She refused any offer for food or drink. All she wanted was rest. Still she walked up the stairs to her bedroom. Fern and Angela were on duty when she appeared carrying her high heels with her fur slung over her arm. She managed a smile at the agents. Her purse was hung over her neck like it was a horse's oat bag. The last ten days of campaigning on the Left Coast has...

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Brendi Lyn Ch 05

‘He shouldn’t treat the new ones so bad,’ someone whispered. ‘They need to build up to such pain.’ Another unknown hushed voice added. ‘He wants them to learn he’s master.’ A third voice. ‘That doesn’t mean he needs to beat them half to death. She doesn’t have the tolerance for pain that we do, none of us would’ve even thought twice about that many lashings.’ I squirmed and my back was icy fire. ‘You other girls get out of here, she doesn’t need masses of people around her.’ The first...

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She had to do it

Introduction: Teen makes a mistake that shell soon lament. She had to do it Karen sat in the class, stared down at the chemistry paper at her desk. She abruptly skimmed through the assortment of question but couldnt remedy any of them. She was getting panicky, she glimpsed at the wall clock but she didnt look at the time. She dropped her gaze to the proctor who was just below. She had to excel in this exam, or else she is not getting that car her father promised for her sweet sixteen. She...

1 year ago
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Life with a demon

I walked to the old fashion bookstore that you would see in movies, the building had paint peeling off and was made of wood. I walked into it to hear a chime from the bell above the door and the gentleman at the counter saying, "Welcome, I hope you find whatever you are looking for." I nodded and went more into the store. I was looking at the book until one caught my eye. I pulled it out from the bottom of a stack and looked at it for a few seconds until the stack fell on me. A few minutes...

2 years ago
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Fun With Neighbor Staying In Opposite House

Hello all, I am reading sex stories on this site since long . Also posted a story long back and appreciated by all. Thanks to all. This is my second story which happened around a year back when I was staying in indirapuram. I usually come home late evening from office after work and on call even after coming back from office so usually be at balcony. I forgot to tell you about my self, I am alok and would be at 30 years old having 7-8 inch long penis. While looking at hot aunty or specially...

3 years ago
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After the Fun

Katie and I went home from the contest. She was silent the whole trip. I didn't know what was on her mind, but I knew that she was in deep contemplation. Was it the photo session? She seemed to get excited with her nude photos and containment on the examination table. I know that I sure did, should I have interceded to end her ravishment? Maybe so, but I was as caught off guard as she was, and her overwhelming went off so smoothly that it was half done before I knew what was taking place....

2 years ago
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Borderlands the sexequal part 3

As Axton shoot off again Roland was getting annoyed and said ' look man athena's one hot piece but theres a time and place for that besides I got a job I want you to handle'. Ya about that i'm on vacation man cant you get one of the others to do it Axton said as he was straightening himself out, you and Athena are the only people close enough to the spot I want you to check out. So whats the job Athena said as she whiped the cum off her face and tits, well word is theres a vault key running...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 4

The house was quiet. Everyone was sleeping with the exception of Annette. In order to take the late watch, she had slept through the afternoon and evening. It made sense for her to take that watch as she could give them the most warning that something was about to happen. A very happy Annette swayed through the night watching the approaches to the town. She almost missed the three men on motorcycles, but saw them in time to give a reasonable warning. Going into the living room, she shouted,...

4 years ago
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My Desire to Breed a Married Woman Chapter Two

The next day was Saturday so both Cathy and I took advantage to stay in bed longer. The only problem with that was that Cathy had something on her mind besides sleep. She was propped on an elbow staring at me when I woke up so I asked, “Yes? Can I do something for you, Sweetheart?”“I would say so, but only if you wake up first.”“I think I am awake if I am asking you what you need, don’t you?”“Maybe. I need you to make love to me because I am worried how we will find time if you are breeding...

Wife Lovers
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JulesJordan Alexia Anders Exotic Caramel Skinned Honey Alexia Anders Gets Dicked Down With A Huge Facial

Alexia Anders delivers her unique brand of petite and pouty in this scene from The sexy starlet with the big brown eyes and flowing long hair enlivens an outdoor stoop. Her body sets off ornate see-through lingerie with flesh toned stockings. Her greyhound frame is a treat to enjoy during tease. Adept at staring through the camera, Alexia beams when she makes her way onto a bed. She treats us to a little self-pleasuring as the camera focuses on her pussy. Next she sets her...

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Fucking My Best Buddys Mom

You don't necessarily start out planning to fuck your best friend's mother, but sometimes that's just the way things turn out. I'd known Eddy's mom for several years and it was only when I got into high school that I began to pay more attention to how sexy and hot Eddy's mom, Angie, really was. We were actually sophomores when it happened. Eddy and I had been buddies for years and we'd both taken opportunities to spend the night at each other's houses from time to time. It was in about...

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A Great Date

I was so excited to sign online and see a message from my sexy college boy. We hadn’t spoken in a while and I guessed that we would never get the chance to finally meet. Many a night had I masturbated thinking about his lovely cock, though I had only pictures to please me. It turned out that he had been thinking about me too. ‘I can’t get you out of my mind,’ he said. ‘I need to meet you. Let’s go on a date sometime.’ He knew that I wanted so badly to have a sweet man take me out on a real...

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Driving out to Vermont and finding the lake

Introduction: We are getting ready to head to Vermont. We are leaving early in the morning and it is still dark outside and it should remain that way for about an hour before the sun starts to rise. We are both wearing jeans and I am wearing a t-shirt while my wife is wearing a tank-top and a sweatshirt. I have on a pair of boxers and my wife is wearing simple white panties and a black bra. I finish putting our bags into the care and then go around to the other side to give our son a kiss...

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The Birthday Gift

Introduction: Wife gets a birthday gift The Gift I tucked the present birthday inside the dresser drawer turned out the bedroom lights except for a single bedside lamp then looked at my watch. Paulene would be home any minute now so I better take my place in our walk in robe. Id been planning this night for several months and I was getting a bit nervous as I looked at my watch again. I heard the car pull up into the garage. This was it. There was no turning back now. My hands were shaking as...

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Goodnight Daddy Part 3

After a couple hours the doorbell rang, Joy answered it. Joy walked back out to the patio "look who is here," Joy said. From behind Joy, Cora's friend Lexi emerged, "Hi Mr. Grant," she says as she smiled and gave a quick wave. "Oh hey Lexi," I replied as I quickly scanned her sexiness in her extra short jean shorts and tank top, "Cora's not here, she is working," I claim. Joy replied "yeah I told her, but I suggested she should just hang out with us, Cora shouldn't be too...

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Matt and Me 4 The last time

Matt and I were together for almost a year, we started out as friends then discovered there was more, but even good things come to an end. Matt had called me over around noon on a saturday, when I got to the apartment he was dressed in ripped blue jeans and a white t-shirt that clinged tight to his muscular body, and his tight jeans (it was the 90's) showed off his amazing cock! He stood there and let me drink him in as I looked up and down, but fixed on his bulging package in front. I broke...

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Shades of She

Sometimes I wish She would not surface. I long to control Her, to be able to keep the cork firmly in its bottle despite the dark pressure, and only release my dirty genie when, and if, it suits me. Just once, it would give me immense satisfaction to have the strength to make Her stay inside when it mattered. No intrusion. No rabid hunger. To enjoy moments of intense highs at my own pace. Moments like this one, my back shoved unceremoniously against the wall, eyes to the heavens while...

Quickie Sex
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A Hot Evening

I found myself with my cock softening in Liv's hand watching my jism slide and run across Stella's lovely, rounded Asian skin, making its way across her belly, her mons, slit and arsehole as she lay with her legs splayed on the floor in front of me. Liv, my lover and Stella's neighbour, had just wanked me off to a rapid climax over her latest conquest. Liv looked up at me with a grin and said, “Now then, time for you to regain your strength.”What a woman! Firstly she eased me back onto the...

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All Things Come Ch 06

January Christmas had come and gone. We’d been merry, eaten and drunk to excess, faithfully done our lessons, gone out in the days and done simple touristy things. I didn’t know Vienna well and Uli had delighted in showing me her city. We’d held hands as we walked, kissed each other goodnight, and I’d gone back to my habit of not wearing clothes unless I was cold or in company, but we hadn’t had any further sexual contact. On the other hand we had talked a hell of a lot. Her curiosity about...

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The CureChapter 53

The Misty Cloud took up station on the new Imperial border in the Zelnotian sector as both Janta and Mutra began preparations to begin a scouting mission through the Hegemony of Tarsil, an insular reclusive conglomerate who, it was rumoured, took intrusions into their territories seriously enough to destroy any vessels their highly advanced detection equipment could track. This was the first ever scouting mission planned for the Hegemony, as, until the annexation of the Zelnot Republic, the...

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Hells Brothel part 6

For Mia, the customer requested that she'd be completely naked and trained to lick her soon to be mistress' cunt and asshole. Insuring this was easy enough. Whenever a slut finished being fucked by their abuser, we would drag Mia along and make her clean out their fucked holes with her tongue. At first the young southern blonde found doing so deeply humiliating and would often treat us to tears of degradation but eventually she became rather good at licking out cunts. She even pleasured...

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African Prince 3

Chapter 3Mikey sat on the couch watching TV. He heard a car doorin the driveway and he looked at the clock. It was10:00pm. His Mom was back already? He got up and walkedto the front door. Just as he was reaching for thehandle to open the door, it turned; the door opened;and his Mom came in. The look on her face was nothappy. She said hi matter-of-factly and walked pastMikey. He wasn't sure what to think."What's the matter Mom? He wasn't good-looking afterall?" Mikey asked, not sure if joking...

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The Camp Nurse part 6

by NightShade [The continuing adventures of Chris Mattson, RN at an all-girls cheerleading camp high up in the mountains out west. Only Chris is a male. Let the fun continue.] I was out for a long time. I don’t remember any visitors that night, but I do have a vague recollection of a soft, warm body or two cuddling next to mine in my bed. Come to think of it, I don’t remember getting out of the canoe and into the bed. I was, however, rousted out of bed every 6 hours for Diane’s...

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Reluctant Wife Gets Blacked

At 55, Bob Mitchell was an unhappy camper! For the last six months, he hadn't been able to keep an erection long enough to satisfy his young wife. His dick would get hard, but wouldn't stay that way. At first Viagra had helped, but now, even that potent d**g no longer worked.Sitting alone in his study, he was trying to think of when his problem had begun. He knew what was wrong, but not how to do anything about it. When sexually excited, his dick began leaking pre-cum, not only pre-cum, but...

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A guy and his 19 Unstoppable

"So," Yasmen started, "the mighty warrior has finally come up against a power you not only don't understand, but you can't defeat." "Grandmother are you making fun of me? Making light of the problem I am having?" Rashala said a little shocked. Yasmen stopped smiling a moment getting serious, No my dear I am sorry, you have always seemed to be aloof above everything, it is good to finally see you starting to feel." "Feel? I don't understand." Rashala said a confused look on...

2 years ago
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Going to university

Hey, this story is slightly different. It is not confined to one sexual desire/subsection or whatever you call it. every option will have behind it what you can expect behind it for instance (m/f) will mean the next scene will contain sex between a male and female. (...) will mean that that scene does not contain sex. you may add threads (please do) but do read the instructions first. Have fun :-) In this story you will follow students trough their years at North U. in the Netherlands. This...

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