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Hello to all. I am sandip and this is my first online tale. Its real and recent .all those who want to share views and sentiments are welcomed. Real meetings will be rewarding for shy as well as bold people. My story starts: Kareena is my secretary and, I think, even from the very first day she came to work for me, it was obvious that there was going to be a very strong mutual attraction between us. It was strange, but I think she had I pegged from the beginning. Quite a few times, in those first months, she’d looked at me with those big, teasing, sexy brown eyes of hers and commented on ‘a woman’s place’ in the scheme of things, or said something to the effect that she liked ‘masterful’ men. Not unnaturally, being the way I am, the thought intrigued me and, after one such thought provoking conversation, and feeling in a ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ sort of mood, I decided to call her bluff, or rather, find out if it really was a bluff. Finding a suitable moment, I called her into my office to collect some paperwork. I think she already had a hint of what was on my mind. In any event, she sat very quietly and attentively as I said my little piece. Quietly, yet authoritatively, I told her that the flirting game had gone on long enough, and it was now time that she got what was coming to her. Had I made a mistake, I wondered. Would she go for it, or was I about to lose an excellent secretary? She said nothing, just looked at me seriously as I ordered her to meet me that night after work, dressed as I was about to instruct her, and have dinner with me at a nearby modern restaurant. To my incredible relief and excitement, she meekly agreed straight away. I could hardly believe my luck. This was every dam male’s dream come true. Trying to sound casual, I arranged to meet her at 7.30 and told her that she was to wear her sexiest underwear, stockings, high heels, a tight short skirt, silk blouse and, the clincher — no bra. I stressed the last point strongly and I could perceive a certain look in her eyes as she nodded her head shyly. Was it excitement? I hoped… no, I knew… that it was. I went to pick her up at the appointed time and was pleased to see that she was punctual. Also, she was dressed, at least on the surface, just as I had instructed. Of course I would have to wait to see if she had obeyed every instruction, but I had to admit she looked just fantastic, the short skirt showing off her long, long legs to full effect. As soon as she took her coat off in the restaurant, I could see that she’d obeyed my instructions about leaving off her bra. Every time she moved, her fabulous breasts moved excitingly under the silk of the blouse. She saw me looking and blushed. I think it was probably the first time she had ever gone out in public like it. I made no comment and we sat down at our table.

The early part of the evening went well and we got along just fine. We ordered and enjoyed a really good meal and sat for a long time, drinking coffee and brandy, just enjoying each other’s company. After a while, the conversation drifted inevitably towards the real purpose of our meeting, just as I had hoped. “Tell me!” she asked me, seriously. “Are you always so dominant with women? Do you really enjoy it? Most of the men I’ve met have been the exact opposite.” I smiled. “Yes… to both your questions. But, what about you? Are you really as submissive as you’ve led me to believe…? I mean sexually, of course?” She colored immediately at my blunt question. “I think so,” she whispered. “At least, in my dreams I am. I’ve never met anyone like you before, so I’ve had no actual experience.” I leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek, very gently. “I’ve made some preparations at my place,” I whispered. “Do you trust me enough to go with me and find out?” She gave me a nervous smile and I saw her hand tremble briefly. I leaned over and kissed her, gently. “What’s the matter? Having second thoughts, now that I’ve called your bluff?” I asked. She shook her head. “No… I’m just a bit nervous,” she admitted. “Yes, but will you come?” I pressed. She stood up. Her hands were still trembling, but she had a determined look on her face. “Yes… I’ll come,” she whispered. On the way to my flat, she sat quietly in the passenger seat of the car, and made no protest when I pulled up her already short skirt to expose her bare thighs above the stocking tops. I kissed her again. “Leave your skirt as it is!” I ordered, taking hold of the steering wheel. “You have nice legs and I want to look at them on the way home.” “All right,” she whispered. Almost as soon as I got her in the house, I took hold of her to kiss and caress her. I squeezed and fondled her breasts and ran my hands all over her fabulous body without receiving any protest. I was hard. I had been so for most of the evening. Somewhat reluctantly, I pulled away and took hold of her by the shoulders. “Now then, Karenna,” I whispered. “This is where we see what you’re really made of!” Without argument, she allowed me to pull her gently to the middle of the room. I saw her trembling as I reached into my coffee table drawer to take out the silk scarf I had placed there earlier. “What… what… what’s that for?” She faltered. “What do you think?” I replied. “I’m going to blindfold you. Now do be a good girl and shut up!” Obediently, she became silent and I moved behind her to draw the scarf tight round her eyes, before securing it at the back of her head. “Now then,” I said quietly. “I want you to clasp your hands at the back of your neck! Quickly, now!” Her lip trembled but she obeyed. “There you are,” I said, reaching out to cup her bra-less breasts over the silk blouse. “Isn’t that a nice feeling?” She tried to speak but, before she had a chance to say anything, I had my tongue in her mouth and was kissing her fiercely. She was tense at first, but my passion seemed to excite her and, in what seemed no time at all, was soon kissing me back with similar fierceness. I continued to kiss, my tongue now fighting a duel with hers, and slowly, began to undo the buttons on her blouse.

They parted easily and, soon, I was running my hands freely over the magnificent, naked breasts. I felt the nipples harden under my touch and was encouraged enough to bring her hands down from her neck briefly, so that I could slide the blouse down her arms and off. I stepped back and regarded my prize. Oh God, she was beautiful. Without being asked, she once more clasped her hands at the back of her neck and thrust out her chest. Fabulous! The sight was almost more than flesh and blood could stand. Bending my head, I sucked and chewed on the nipples as she sighed and moaned with pleasure. Now, for the first time, I let my hands wander to her thighs, gently sliding her skirt up to her waist. Then I allowed my right hand to drift back down over her stomach to her crotch which was, I quickly discovered, very, very wet. Her French knickers were satin, as was the matching, tiny suspender belt. I pulled the knickers to one side and slid my fingers across her clit. She shuddered and gave a soft moan, opening her legs a little to allow me easier access. The sound encouraged me. It was a moan of pleasure. Easily inserting my fingers into her soaking vagina, I moved them gently about inside her. “Oh God!” she whispered, rocking her hips back and forth. “Don’t stop… please… that’s gorgeous.” It was clear in my mind that now was the time to introduce the leather and chain bondage equipment I had previously made ready and placed in the next room. She was so turned on now that she’d obviously forgotten all about her previous nervousness. “Stay just as you are!” I commanded. She obeyed me implicitly, remaining perfectly still as I stepped back to regard her semi-nude body. “You are beautiful,” I told her. “Now be a good girl and just stay there! I shan’t be long.” With a confident smile, I then moved quickly out of the room to fetch my box of tricks. I was back within moments to find that she hadn’t moved a muscle. “Good girl… well done!” I commented. I put the box down at her feet and reached up to trace a feathery path up her inner thigh with my fingers. As my finger tips brushed her clit, she shuddered violently and groaned. “Now then,” I said briskly, taking hold of a pair of handcuffs, “hands behind your back – quickly now!” “Why… what are you doing?” she gasped, as she obeyed. I chuckled. “Just being masterful… as you wanted,” I replied snapping the cuffs around her wrists. Turning her around, I kissed her again, and began to caress her body as before. This time the difference was noticeable. Karenna evidently liked the sensation of being ‘cuffed’ and helpless. Three times I took her to the edge of climax, each time just stopping short of the fulfillment that, by now, she was desperately craving. Sighing and moaning, she begged to be allowed to climax, but all to no avail. I wasn’t going to let her ‘come’ yet. Now that I had her in my power, I was going to make her earn her release. Now I stepped back from her and removed her skirt and those gorgeous, satin, crotch soaked French knickers. I picked up a pair of elbow restraints and, pulling her arms close, fastened her into them. This, of course, had the desired effect of making her thrust out her tits even more. None too gently, I tweaked her nipples and she gasped. “Well?” I demanded, grasping her erect clit between my thumb and forefinger. “Are you enjoying it?” She was still gasping, little whining noises coming from the back of her throat. “Oh! God! Oh God… yes… yes. Please… don’t stop… don’t stop! Please… please… will you fuck me? Please…

I want you so bad.” “Not yet,” I replied, squeezing her clit between my fingers. “You’ve got quite a lot to go through before I do that.” “Yes… anything,” she gasped. “You can do anything to me. But please… promise me! You will fuck me, won’t you? Fuck me hard?” I smiled. “Oh yes, I’ll promise you that. Later… if, you’re good. Now be quiet!” I selected a ball gag and, stuffing it into her mouth, fastened it tightly at the back of her head. I liked the look of it in her gaping mouth. Already, she was beginning to drool. I stepped away from her and looked her over at my leisure. She looked fabulous. Standing there wide legged, naked – except for the high heeled shoes, sheer stockings and that wispy suspender belt – blindfolded, gagged, arms fastened so tightly behind her back that her magnificent tits stood out as if begging for attention, she was all that a man could ever have dreamed about. I reached out to play with her clit again. “Nnnnnnnnngh …. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggghhhhh,” she went, the soft noise muted by the ball gag stuffed in her distended mouth. Then I made her close her legs and, bending down, buckled on the ankle to wrist restraints. Then I undid the handcuffs and elbow strap and forced her to kneel. She caught her breath in a silent sob as I buckled the straps tightly around her wrists to hold her in position. Drooling around the ball gag, she knelt in front of me, blindfolded and completely at my mercy. I selected a vibrator from my box. It was time for her next experience. Handling her firmly, I tied a rope tightly around her waist, centering the knot on her stomach so that the free end hung down to the floor in front. The vibrator I had chosen was huge and, with her legs fastened together, it wasn’t very easy to work it into her soaking pussy. I succeeded at last, however, and, pulling the free end of the rope between her legs, I made sure that it separated her pussy lips to force the vibrator right inside, before I tied it off at the back. Then I switched on. The effect was incredible and beautiful at the same time. Kareena, tied helpless, began to contort her nearly naked body desperately, as if she was trying to screw the vibrator…or perhaps encourage it to screw her. Swiftly she built to a climax, exploding into it with muffled cries and groans as I allowed it to mature. I did not switch off the vibrator. Soon she was coming again…and again…and again! The time passed and still she writhed, the sweat pouring off her magnificent body as she built to semi-continuous, multiple orgasms that racked her pinioned body time and time again. Slowly, as, out of control, she performed her kneeling belly dance for me, I removed my clothing. My palms were sweaty now. I could feel them, cold and clammy, as I clasped my monster erection, rubbing my foreskin slowly back and forth. It was no good. I couldn’t wait any longer. I just had to have her now! Quickly, I removed the rope and vibrator, callously disregarding her moans of protest and replacing the plastic monster with my fingers. Even this provoked another, minor orgasm and I marveled at her stamina. I removed her gag and blindfold, but left her tied and kneeling in front of me. She stared up at me, wide-eyed. Sweat had made her mascara run, but even so she looked beautiful. “Ohhhh… you wonderful bastard,” she gasped, her eyes fixed on my monster erection, wavering before her face. Before I could say anything, she had her drooling mouth firmly fixed around my cock, licking and sucking me to the most gigantic orgasm I had ever experienced.

I don’t think I had ever produced so much ‘come’. It just surged into her mouth, filling it and overflowing to dribble out of the corners and down her chin. Even so, she managed to swallow most of it, and still managed to lick the last drops from my cock. “That was good,” I said, breathing hard. “I needed that.” I looked at her and smiled. “And now you can have what you were begging for earlier.” She lifted an eyebrow as she looked at my slightly flagging erection. “Can you do it again so soon?” she asked. “If you can, it’s all right. Anything you want is okay by me.” I laughed. “Well, to be honest, this doesn’t happen to me very often,” I admitted. “But old John Thomas there is still hard and as I feel as if I could go again.What do you think? Shall we have a go?” She looked up at me with those marvelous, sexy eyes. “You’re the boss,” she breathed. “Whatever, you want!” I didn’t bother to release her wrists and ankles. Instead I took her ‘doggy’ fashion right there on the rug. After my earlier wonderful climax, I took a long time to come and, although I might have been wrong, it seemed to me that she orgasmed several more times herself, before eventually, I collapsed across her in an exhausted, breathless heap. “Oh God” You’re absolutely bloody wonderful,” she gurgled, as I released her from the straps. “I’ve dreamed about something like this happening to me. I just loved everything you did…even when it hurt. It’s so sexy not being able to resist. Being absolutely helpless and at your mercy. Will you do it again to me sometime…please?” I was breathing hard myself, but I managed to gasp my answer. “What a silly question,” I whispered. “Of course I’m going to do it again. And not ‘sometime’. Tonight! Just let me catch my breath and I’ll show you what else I’ve got in my box! Don’t think you’re going to get off just as easy as this!” What followed was a bondage experience to end all bondage experiences. For the rest of that evening, and into the early hours of the next morning, I experimented with tying my gorgeous, willing bondage slave into positions that, previously, I had only dreamt about. Kareena loved every minute of it, and so, needless to say, did I. Well that was it. Kareena’s first real introduction to bondage! Suffice it to say that our relationship has gone from strength to strength ever since. For comments and appointments:

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To Hurt Is To Become Chapter 3 Day 3

To Hurt Is To Become: Chapter 3 Day 3 By InnocentGuilt 'Damn, not this place again.' Bill thought. 'Hello stupid brain wake up. I know this is just a dream. End the nightmare already.' "So you think that this place is just a dream." A voice appeared. "Here we go again. All you stupid voices appear and then try to brainwash me. Fat chance. Now let me wake up so I can go on with the rest of the day." "So little that you do know yet you think you know everything. Human...

4 years ago
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Ambers learning sex Vol 1

Some time around 1:30 in the morning I was a waken to movement of my blanket and sheet being lifted up and cool air running over my entire body then a small warm body cuddle up next to me, I then realized that I'm not dreaming that it's only my little 7 year old sister Amber; jumping into the bed with me because she has had a nightmare. Something that in those days happened at lease once a week. Telling her every things o.k I quickly feel back to sleep, 30 minutes later I...

1 year ago
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Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations,… Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations, summer school, lack of friends, the weather; something. Now, however, everything seemed to be falling into place. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson had moved out near the desert in California...

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Nan Mom and Me Pt6

Please bear with the start of this chapter as it describes events over the intervening years………….. After a couple of years, Mom and I decided to have another baby before she was too old.  We had a boy this time and named him Joseph Daniel; he was nicknamed JD by the kids at school. When Mom brought him home, our lives continued on the same track.  Whenever Mom would feed JD I was always there to help drain the excess milk from her beautiful teats..  We also kept up the routine of Mom lying on...

3 years ago
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The Christmas Party Part 2

I returned to the kitchen table and took a seat after pouring myself a double of Jack Daniels on the rock to calm my nerves."I thought you fell in," was my brother's greeting upon my appearance."Hey, something I ate something that just didn't sit well. By the way, I would not go down there for about an hour," I lied.My admission for my lengthy bathroom visit brought on a whole new discussion on stomach disorders. Even though I gave the impression that I was listening to every word, my mind was...

1 year ago
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Mr Black and Ivory Ch 1 The Meeting

Mr. Black was a 40 year old dark black skinned older male who had started talking to me via chat room. We recapped on our fetishes, his being fat white ass and sissy white boi's. Mine being everything! But slowly starting to enjoy black cock with the help of Mr. Black and the sissy hypno/hardcore IR porn. He enchanted me with his stats of 40 years old, 200lbs. , 6'2, nice chocolate skin, 9in. fat thick veiny black cock. I was amazed when he told me his sexy stats! Especially when I was only...

2 years ago
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Meeting the Maddisons 6

When mum got home from work Dad and I told her a few guests would be coming around that night. She'd had the two inch butt plug in all day while she was at her office, keeping it hidden under her navy blue skirt. We suggested she take a long shower to get ready. Sally and her friends would be coming over around 8. Dad had bought some nibbles and drinks and I spread them around the living room and kitchen. I was a bit nervous at the prospect of lots of men coming to our home to start mum's gang...

3 years ago
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At His Mercy

The slave was naked but for black stiletto heels, black leather cuffs holding her wrists tightly together behind her back and her leather choker collar with its shining silver letters. Miss Kitty turned up the slave’s chin with one fingernail so the girl looked her in the eye. “What does your collar say girl?” The slaves deep blue eyes were wide. She was nervous and aroused. “Fuck me.” Miss Kitty smiled and slapped the girl hard across her upturned buttocks making the girl wince and totter...

3 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 53 SM03Eta Day 8

Steve kissed Mary, Danielle, Yoshi, and Li goodbye, and left their quarters. He entered the transport chamber, and asked to be transported to SM03-Tau, as instructed by his invitation. There was no detectable difference from his previous transports, but he was much more nervous this time. The prospect of meeting 'himself' was quite unsettling, but he knew he needed to go. The possibility of getting more information about their situation was enough to make the trip worthwhile, no matter how...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Jessie Lee Evil Oil

Jessie Lee shakes her wet ass and bouncing, glistening tits. This fishnet-wearing, tatted-up beauty is all oiled-up and waiting for something stiff and sticky to fill her in. And Jessy Jones has JUST the right rock-hard cock that her dick-starved slit’s been waiting for. Jessy’s going to use that massive and throbbing fuck-stick to blast Jessie’s oily holes, and Jessie’s going to use her dripping tongue and tight snatch to milk his fat balls. Together, they’re...

4 years ago
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My Mommy Is Great Whore

Hi guys this is Harsha 24,m, from Chennai. I first of all want to thank this wonderful website, it gives pleasure of sharing our real life incident with our fellow friends and enjoy. I love this website more than anything else. My native is from Rajasthan and we settled in Chennai very long back before my birth. My sex life was started very long before while I don’t know anything about cock, pussy or sex plays. In my family it was just me and my mom Sunitha. we don’t know...

4 years ago
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Maggie a New LifestyleChapter 4 The Daughterrsquos Neighbors

Pam and Jim had, of course, met their next-door neighbors, a couple about five years older than themselves. They had developed into “intimate” neighbors not too long after the “training” which had opened up Pam and Jim to the richness of a polyamorous lifestyle. Peggy was a stay-at-home mom with two kids in school so was looking for activity to keep her occupied. One afternoon she was in the back yard and heard unmistakable fucking sounds from the other side of the fence. She found a crack...

2 years ago
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Knowing My Destiny

Knowing My Destiny By Mistress X This is the story of one Halloween when a long held tradition changed my life. I was laying on the couch on Halloween afternoon when I heard shuffling at the door. "I got the costumes!" yelled Mike as he finally wrestled his way inside. "Well it's about time," Steve complained as he came down the stairs. "Hey Pete, get in here so we can see what he got." I rolled off the couch and shambled over as Mike pulled three adult Halloween costumes from...

1 year ago
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Christmas Day Night Sex At Church

Hi, friends I am anush prem, sorry for the delay. First of all, I am thankful for all the mails which I received after writing my previous stories. I came to know that many female mature ladies are eagerly wanting to have a lustful session either through hangout or a one night stand. I am glad and ready to help you or ease you from your sex desires. You can contact me through Now coming to the story this happened during the Christmas night in our church which I visit frequently during the...

2 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 3

"Good news, everyone," the Assistant Director stood in front of the cast and held up a text on his cell phone to show everyone, "the air conditioning will be back on tomorrow. I'm sorry for the heat today, but you all did a great job, regardless. Ms Weldon is giving notes to the other cast, but she'll be in to talk to you all as soon as she's done in there. Having said that, I have a few notes of my own..." John, Rose and Gloria shared a bench in the parking lot. They'd all moved...

1 year ago
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A Short Blonde with Big Boobs and Loose Morals

I asked my husband what he wanted for his brithday. “I don’t know babe, how about a small blonde with big boobs and loose morals…” he replied. What was a girl to do?... My husband’s 45th birthday was around the corner and as usual he had not made much fuss about it. The kids had all grown and moved away - the most he got from them was a chat on Skype and maybe a card. I found him in the garage tinkering with his new remote control helicopter. “Martin it’s your birthday in two weeks’ time....

3 years ago
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How i lost my virginity part 2

Allright let's continue and get it to the good details :)The stranger was kneeling behind me and spreading my asshole, he just spitted in it and good feel his warm spit inside of me. I loved that feeling, it make me forget that i was actually going to have a guy in his 40's fuck me up the ass. It didn't matter anymore at that point , i was way too horney and got passed the blockade in my mind.Stranger : Can i finger him a bit ?Esther : Sure no problem, he's all cleaned up.The stranger gently...

2 years ago
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Ifa Se Hawasi Pyaar

Hello dosto, salaam namaste. Mera naam Ammu hai. I am from Andhra pradesh. Ye meri pehli real story hai. Umeed hai, ki aap sab ko meri kahani pasand aayegi. Ye last year ki baat hai. Ifa ka divorce ho gaya tha, kyuki uska husband na-mard tha. Main aur Ifa bahut puraane dost the. Jab maine usse baat ki, uski life ke baare me. To wo bahut khush thi apne divorce se. Main usko vampire bulata tha, aur fir hum dono ne milne ka plan banaya. Fir hum log CMR Central Vizag mein “Pagal” Telugu movie dekh...

1 year ago
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The Double Date That Didnt End Ch 2

****** SHANE ****** After that Christmas Eve, everything changed for the four of us. Connor, Tracy, Ria and I became inseparable; “The Double Date That Didn’t End,” we liked to joke. Each of us still had our own friends and our own lives outside of one another, of course, but in that never-ending double date, we found something that we’d all been missing out on for a long time—a family. Connor became like a brother to me, Tracy became like a sister to me, and Ria… She and I fell for one another...

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With my cock still in my hand, I pushed forward and guided my cock into her waiting mouth. As soon as the hard, mushroom head of my cock was in her mouth, she clamped down with her soft lips and her tongue went to exploring it. It felt heavenly. I'm sure this girl gives a great, tender blowjob and I might have to get one from her, but this one was about dominance, submission and punishment. Tender and soft were not n this evening’s equation. With my cock in her hot mouth, she began to bob...

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JapanHDV Miyu Shiina Art student posing nude with her legs spread open

Miyu Shiina loves art and is a very good artist. You might remember her from this fantasy of hers. She loves to draw and really loves to draw the human body. She is enrolled in classes that are helping her develop her talent. The teacher has approached her and asked her to help out with next weeks class and model for it as they are low on models. She will be modeling nude and her classmates will be able to depict her in the poses that they have seen on the historical art they have been...

2 years ago
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Coven Encounter

Coven encounter "I should have known before I even tried that the coven had thought of everything," I thought to myself. I had stopped on my way home and bought makeup remover, nail polish remover, a pair of hair clippers, and a set of male clothes, but they all proved useless. The makeup and nail polish survived my attempts to remove them without so much as a spot, and while I was actually able to cut my hair, it regrew in seconds. The clothes were much the same. I could...

2 years ago
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Spring Break at the Beach Part 2

When we got home from the beach that night, the atmosphere was much quieter than the night before. We dawdled around in the kitchen, chewing on bits of food we had in the fridge. I didn't talk much, as I was still incredibly anxious about my day at the beach. I was having all kinds of strange thoughts that I never had before, and my body still felt kind of warm. From the vibes of our conversations it was pretty clear that the guys wanted to get the talking out of the way, go in their...

3 years ago
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Abroad Encounters With Anamika Blowjob 8211 Episode 3

Hi Friends, authors and readers and of course Indian sex stories team. I am Vijay as most of them knew a Chennai boy at present in Nepal. Aged 34. First of all thank you for the feedback for my previous three stories i have narrated which actually is a real life incidence. Today I am going to narrate the third episode between myself and Anamika. These episodes are not the continuation of the previous ones but i have divided my encounters in different parts and different incidences. To know...

3 years ago
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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Absence Makes Our Lust Grow Hotter “This evening I need to pack for my cross-country business trip,” I continued my Sept. 23 email reply to Eric. “I'm going to leave for the airport about 6:30 tomorrow morning. We’ll be apart for just 6 days, until my return on Sunday the 28th. But after FINALLY getting to touch those special parts of each other, those 6 days are going to seem like 6 years to me! “Hope to hear from you tonight. Then, I'll go to sleep with sweet dreams of us....

Love Stories
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My Mom8217s And Father8217s Property Dealings

By: Preetikul Hello! All nuts and cracks again Preeti Kulkarni had brought you an arousal of my Mom’s late father’s (my grandpa) property settlements. After all the games with Mr. Shinde and Preetam that week was blank as Mom was busy in her office work. On Monday, 27th June 2011 Mom woke up early from her bed and finished all her work to reach her office an hour before. I questioned Mom why so hurry, so she said that she was having a deal back in our house with a non-regular politician from...

4 years ago
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Jungle Juice Part Two

A shiver of desire passed through me as I thought back to my afternoon encounter with Jamir. The salty aftertaste of Jamir’s semen lingered in my mouth and throat. I had never cheated on my husband before, and yet, beyond the guilt, I regretted that Jamir didn’t fuck me. How bad a woman have I become?When I got back to the hut, I found Jack inside. He was angry with me going to the river with Jamir, although he had no idea what happened there. Before he could start to question me, I had pushed...

Wife Lovers
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 01

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

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Jim becomes the Adminstrator

Chapter 1Being the first day for the new administrator, the main office is a little tense. Lisa sees Jim Smith walking down the hall, and she hopes that nothing happens to place a bad reputation of this institution. She knows that Jim will learn that the students are not going to get further than this, but then some may go on. Jim greets those in the office, being just Lisa and Connie at present. Lisa does show him his office, as Debbie and Sara enter the office. Lisa knows that those two are...

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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 10

As we got inside Michelle came out of their bedroom wearing just a really sexy bra and panties and she had what looked like my collar and leash in her hand. Interestingly tonight she did not wear hers. "Mich is a Domme tonight and will do the punishment. I'm just going to watch" came the explanation. Red must have read my mind questioning the absence of the collar. "Strip down here and then kneel in front of Red for sentencing for your cheeky behavior this morning." I did what I was...

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