Wendy Ch. 11 free porn video

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Wendy Ch 11 Brenda

“See if the have a room number 9,” Wendy said with a wink when I got out of the car at a promising looking motel. It was still early in the day, no problem.

We had time to tour the greenhouses before lunch. The Bresdons were congenial hosts, serving a simple but nourishing fare, sparing us from left over turkey and pumpkin pie. They were in their thirties, just getting their start in the nursery business and anxious please.

After lunch, Wendy presented a freshly printed contract for our review. Not having had the opportunity to see it, I was furious. Glaring at her, I attempted to convey my discontent with her presumption that what she had prepared would be acceptable, to the Bresdons, to me.

To my surprise, the agreement was simple and straight forward with plenty of latitude for changes as the seasons changed. She had incorporated my suggestions and, unbeknownst to me, had spoken with the Bresdons to get their input. We selected the suitable plants for our area, plugged in tentative quantities and worked out a flexible delivery schedule. Within two hours the contract was ready to sign. Wendy distributed copies to each of us, placing mine and her copy in the expensive briefcase she always carried.

We had finished early and had several hours of daylight to explore the area. The

Bresdons wanted us to come back to have dinner with them but we made some excuse, not revealing that we had reserved a room at a local motel. We spent the rest of the day

touring the area. This was only the second time Wendy and I had been together, outside of her apartment. Thanksgiving with Marcie didn’t really count.

“Can you pick up some things for me at the drug store? I forgot to bring shampoo.” Wendy said as soon as we got to the room.

“I brought some,” I said, not wanting to leave her.

“I need some other things, here’s a list,” she said, handing me a folded piece of paper.

“Okay, I’ll walk, it’s just up the street,” I agreed, thinking the walk would do me good. I had eaten more than usual a nearby restaurant.

“No, take the car, that way you won’t be gone so long,” she reasoned.

The drugstore was only three blocks away. Puzzled, I took the car keys, wondering, ‘what’s the rush?’

I saw it as soon as I open the car door and the overhead light went on. A green silk scarf, folded in half, lay on the seat.

At the drug store I took a shopping basket and unfolded the paper that she had given me. It was a short list: Shampoo! No brand name. I replaced the shopping basket and left the store.

Stepping inside the motel room I was not surprised to see her standing in front of the bed. She wore the dress that we had used to re-enact the night with Mrs. P., the one with thirteen buttons down the front. Naturally, the front of the dress was open and I could see that Wendy had nothing else on. She took the scarf from me and tossed it to the side, a flirtatious grin on her face. I must have had a foolish grin on my face, knowing what was going to take place.

I turned toward the door, tentatively, as if to leave. Wendy grabbed my hands and thrust them to her breasts and her mouth to mine. I mumbled a half hearted protest. My belt buckle opened and I felt my pants slip down my legs. She stopped me when I moved my hands on her tits, I was enjoying myself too much. I was expected to try to leave. When I lifted my hands she caught me in a bear hug, clutching me to her.

She reached for my shorts and I pushed off of her, noticing that her nipples were at full attention.

“Call me Peaches,” she said, now covering my hands with hers. We struggled, pushing back and forth. Using her weight to her advantage she held her place.

“Okay, Peaches, I don’t think we…..”

“You skipped the chess part, tell me about your king and my queen,” she prompted me to get me back on track.

“My pons,” I began, squeezing her tits, “are guarding your rooks,” squeezing again. Her look told me to play it straight.

Looking down at my cock, “my king is showing signs of defeat, see the pre-cum? It knows it’s about to be captured.” Wendy did as I suggested, looked at my cock, then smiled at me.

“Now look at your queen. You can tell by the moisture and open lips that it

anticipates the conquest. It looks eager to capture my king. Peaches, I think it’s checkmate.”

With that, she took me by the shirt collar and drug me to the bed, falling backwards. Anticipating her move, I managed to lose my pants on the way but my shorts remained attached, making me stumble and fall on top of her.

The dress did not ripe on the first try. Undaunted, Wendy stretched both sides of the dress and tried again, bring both knees up in a jerking motion. I heard the back of the dress split up the middle. I thought of the screen door at room number 9 back at White’s Court. Was that cigar smoke I smelled? I was tempted to look over my shoulder to see if the huge husband was watching us.

From a pocket on the dress she produced a condom, already out of its wrapper. She unrolled it on my stiff cock, and drew me to her.

She pushed forward, taking me, straining, bucking, consuming me. I pushed forward and felt a jab in my ribs, reminding me that she was to do the work. I let her

thrust upward to receive my cock. She encircled my butt with her legs and held me within her range.

“Call me Peaches,” she ordered and I did.

“Peaches, you’re fucking the shit out of me,” I said, feeling the sting of her fist on my rib, stunning me. Silly me, for thinking I had praised her efforts.

Peaches was working hard, evidenced by the perspiration on her brow and the sound of grunts, coming from deep in her abdomen. I held my butt above her, letting her have her way with my cock. When her legs left my ass and her arms slacked I knew that she was tiring. I let her bring me down for a long kiss, then looked over my shoulder to make sure the jealous husband had not entered the room.

My first hard thrust was met with the expulsion of air as if I had knocked the wind out of Wendy…ah..Peaches. She tried to bring her legs up to give me better access but it was no use, they were limp. She clutched me with her arms as I hammered her.

“Call me Pea….call me Pee…”

I knew what she was trying to say, “Peaches, are you getting what you wanted? Is this what you wanted?” I was working hard, hoping the rubber would stand up to the abuse I was giving it.

She ran her hands through my hair, then dropped them to the bed, exhausted.

“Peaches? are you all right?”

She looked up at me through glazed eyes, a slim smile on her lips.

I was tiring also. Slowing, I pushed hard, making every thrust count because my balls told me there would only be a few more. Somehow, Wendy…ah Peaches, held on till I made the final plunge, releasing my cream into the rubber.

“That’s something else ‘we are NEVER going to do again,’” Wendy said when we had come to our senses, tugging on my flaccid cock with each of the seven words. I had gotten up to remove the rubber, then took my place beside her on the bed. She lay there with her arms still in the sleeves of the dress. Otherwise, she was uncovered.

“What’s that?” I asked, guarding my cock between my legs so she could not get hold of it again.

“That hard fucking you gave me, I liked it better last night on you couch, you know, slower, more contact.”

“I know,” I said, kissing her. “I like it better that way too.”

“And another thing,” she said, reaching for my cock. I spread my legs and let her have it.

“NEVER call me PEACHES again,” she said, emphasizing NEVER and PEACHES,

We lay on our backs for a long time, both practically naked. She turned
her head to me. “I was just thinking, I’ve had more organisms with you in the past two days than I had with that jerk I let fuck me in law school.”

“How touching,” I said sarcastically and immediately covered my cock before she could get her hands on it.

We got cleaned up and ready for bed. Wendy wore a short skimpy thing that passed for night-wear. We got beneath the covers, she wanted to talk.

“Was that what caused the break up with Mrs. P.? You and Peaches?”

“Not exactly,” I said.

I was mad at myself, pissed for letting Barbara seduce me, embarrassed because I had been afraid that her husband would catch us, catch me fucking his wife. I went home and called Mrs. P, making an excuse that I couldn’t make it to her house because I had been detained. She was disappointed but that’s all, she believed me. It would have been okay.

“But it wasn’t okay, why not?” Wendy asked, from the darkness in the room.

The next day was the wedding, followed by a reception. I picked up Mollie and her grand parents, took them to the wedding, then to the reception. The old folks wanted to leave early but Mollie put up a fuss. I pacified her by offering to dance with her. This was acceptable but when the first song was over she wanted to dance more. I agreed to one more dance and the same thing happened. I had to reason with her, comparing her to a twelve year old spoiled child.

Having gotten Mollie and her grandparents home safely, my job was done and my time was my own. I stopped at the cottage to drop off my car and to change clothes. It was only 6:30 p.m. and hours till darkness and safe passage into the arms of Mrs. P.

The phone rang. Brenda told me she had volunteered to be the house sitter while Tad and Marcie were away, her husband having left for home. This was news to me. Why would they need a house sitter at this time? It wasn’t going to be their permanent home. They were to live in Capital City most of the time, the house on Elm Street was to be their weekend home. Brenda had instructions for me:

We were to pick up Tad’s car at the airport and bring it back to the garage. Brenda sounded nervous as she described the task to me. “You can drive me in your car and I’ll drive Tad’s car home,” she paused, “or I can drive you there in Marcie’s car and you can drive Tad’s car back,” another pause, making me wonder what difference it made, “or you can drive Marcie’s car there and back, I’ll drive Tad’s car.”

I walked the few blocks to Marcie’s house, thinking I could cross the street to Mrs. P after we had picked up Tad’s car.

Brenda had changed from the light beige dress I had seen her wear at the wedding and reception to sandy colored shorts and a sleeveless white top. She sat with one leg over a sandal covered foot, the bare knee and thigh pointing in my direction. I couldn’t help notice the summer tan on her arms and legs, a shade darker than her shorts, wondering how far the tan extended. She was 30 and a mother of two, I had no business wondering about how such things.

I did, however, wonder what was behind the house sitting job. Tad had given me a tour of the house a few days before, pointing out the fuse box and various utility shut off valves. He showed me where he kept a list of telephone numbers to call in case of emergency, adding, “you’ll probably know what to do,” as he patted me on the back. He gave me a key saying, “you don’t have to stop by every day.”

Now I had a house sitter to contend with. Had she been planted there to spy on me sneaking into Mrs. P’s house across the street? Or was it something more? Why hadn’t Marcie said something? Probably too busy, I thought, dismissing it, wondering if Mrs. P had spotted me stopping by the house across the street and driving off with Brenda in Marcie’s convertible. If she had, how would she take it? If she had…….

“The Ape Goes Wild In the Picnic Area,” Brenda said, breaking the silence.

“Huh?” I said, looking at her.

“That’s what’s playing at the drive-in,” she said, pointing to the sign in front of the outdoor movie theater. “Do you like the drive-in?”

How was I suppose to answer that question? The drive-in was a place to take a date and make out. I had never done that. My experiences at the drive-in was going with a car full of guys who made fools of themselves, making noise and disturbing older people who came to see the movie. We got kicked out once.

“I don’t know, I haven’t been there very much,” I said, hoping she would drop the subject.

“That sounds like the kind of movie that gets the girl in your lap,” Brenda said, grinning at me.

“I’ll bet it is,” I grinned back at her, picturing a scene in the movie. The big hairy ape lifts a table full of food and waves it at the guys, holding them at bay while he selects the girl he wants to carry off into the woods. ‘That would get your date in your lap,’ I thought.

I shook myself back to reality, knowing that Brenda was watching me.

On the way back I read the drive-in sign. In addition the ape movie there was a second feature, “Mister Geeters Goes to School.” I wondered who Mr. Geeters was, probably another ape. In my rear view mirror I saw that Brenda was pointing to the sign, motioning for me to read it. A line of cars was waiting to get in. It was getting dark and the movie would start soon.

It was getting dark. I set my plan, park the cars in the garage, then cross the street find Mrs. P waiting for me in her sewing room. Just thinking about her made my dick stir in my pants.

I could see that she was going to have trouble getting Tad’s car in the garage. What difference does it make? It can sit out one night, I’ll take care of it tomorrow. Still, that was the whole idea. Tad had wanted us to bring his car home and park it in the garage. I had parked Marcie’s car was over too far, I would have to move it over, park Tad’s car beside it, then I could be on my way.

“Are you leaving so soon? Do you have a date or something?” Brenda wanted to know when we had the cars arranged in the garage.

“No, no…ah…no,” I lied.

“It’s just that it’s dark in the house, would you come in with me till we get the lights on?” She sounded sad, lonesome maybe.

I would give anything to have those precious moments of my life back. To make a different decision, to tell her not to be a baby, to go inside with her, to tell her not to be a baby, to go inside with her? If I had another chance, which would I do?

“Sure,” I said, we’ll go inside and find the bogy man.”

I went through the house and turned on all the lights. Brenda followed me, turning them off. When we got to the front hallway I turned and headed to the back door.

“Check upstairs please,” she looked up at me. What a lovely woman, I was thinking, wondering what was going on with her.

We went through the upstairs rooms, turning lights on and off. ‘Is Mrs. P watching this from across the street? What must she be thinking?’

Heading back down the stairs I started to laugh, thinking of the absurdity of what we were doing. Forgetting that Brenda was behind me I laughed out loud.

“What’s so funny?” I heard he say. Stunned, I turned to see her looking up at me.

“Ah….it was…..ah…it was nothing,” I stammered.

“It must have been something, now tell me what’s so funny,” she had a hand on my arm and she was standing close, imploring.

“I was just thinking about the drive-in, you know, what was playing and what you said.” I was just talking, not thinking what I was saying, making something up so I wouldn’t have to tell her the real reason I had been laughing.

“Tell me what your were thinking,” her voice was soft, inviting.

I had to think of something. But what?

“Better still,” she had an idea, I could see it in her eyes, “show me,” she said, looking around.

We were in the drawing room where the men had gathered the night before. There were lingering smells of stale cigars and brandy. She picked out a love seat and sat down.

“You sit here,” she directed me to have a seat next to her. I sat down.

“There’s the screen,” she said, pointing to the wall on the other side of the room, “now we’re at the drive-in, you tell me and show me what you were thinking that made you laugh.”

“Okay,” I said, “but then I have to get going, tomorrow is Monday and all that.”

She nodded agreement.

I looked at the far wall and raised my hands, imitating a director illustrating what was about to happen on the screen.

“Aren’t you forgetting something? You’ve brought a date to the drive-in, right?”

It was dark in the drawing room. I was able to make out her wide laughing eyes.

“Want some popcorn or something?”

She laughed for several seconds. “Let’s try this again, you’ve brought a date to the drive-in, do you let her sit way over here?”

The love seat was not long. We were already sitting side by side, what was she saying? Wanting to get it over with, I put my arm around her and pulled her close.

“That’s better,” she whispered snuggling close to me. “It’s just like being at the drive-in. The movie is about to start. Now, tell me what we are watching.”

She had a different aroma. Her hair tickled my cheek and I’ll swear, no I mustn’t think that….I’ll swear that her hand on mine was being pulled to her….I must not even think that…

With my free hand I placed the characters on the screen. “Three young couples are placing their food on a picnic table in a clearing. They are attractive and having a good time.”

“Describe them,” Brenda whispered. She had turned her head and I could feel her breath on my cheek. My hand was still captured by hers, dangerously near her breast. ‘Should I tell her there is a lady waiting for me, just across the street?’

“Those two,” my hand pointed to the right hand side of the screen, “are Dick and Jane.”

“How original,” Brenda laughed, playfully moving my hand.

“Dick is opening a package of chips and Jane is pestering him.”

“Pestering him, how is she pestering him?”

I whispered in Brenda’s ear, “Jane is pinching Dick and tickling his stomach.”

“Where is she pinching him?”

Whispering in her ear,” on his butt.”

“Whoa, this is a family picture, we can’t have that,” Brenda had moved away from me, still clutching my hand.

“Don’t worry, the kids are asleep in the back seat by now.”

“Oh,” she said, sighing and snuggling close to me, pulling my hand down even farther. I could feel the swell of her breast, round, soft.

I took a deep breath and crossed one leg over the other, trying to hide my growing cock. I decided to speed things up so I could go to my woman who, by now, must suspect something was up. She would have been right.

“Besides Dick and Jane, Pete and Petra and Sam and Samantha are getting ready to sit down. Wait, I think something is happening.”

Brenda looked at me in mock surprise. “What, what can it be?”

“Oh, it’s nothing, Sam is just going to the edge of the clearing to take leak.”

Brenda jumped in shock, gave me a look of warning, then slammed back into me, bringing my hand back to her breast. ‘Had it grown, had the nipple stiffened?’

“Suddenly, an ape appears at the other end of the clearing, making the girls scream. Sam, who is zipping up his pants, turns to see the ape pick up the table, making the food fly in all directions. The other two guys, Dick and Pete, try to stand their ground but then the ape swings the table at them, they run squealing into the woods. This leaves the ape and the three girls and Sam of course. Sam is not sure what to do. The girls are making such a racket that it confuses the ape. He can’t decide which one to carry off as he had planned. He doesn’t like the sound of the screaming. Then he notices that Sam is not making a sound. This is very appealing to the ape. Sam, of course, sees that the ape is attracted to him, He tries to flee but the ape soon catches him and carries him off.”

“Is that the end?” Brenda asked.

“Not quite, Dick and Pete return to find Jane and Petra and Samantha sitting at the picnic table having salvaged some of the food. They join the girls and finish the picnic. THE End.”

We sat on the love seat for several minutes, silently staring at the blank wall. I was thinking of a way to make my exit when Brenda spoke.

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Sex With Office Colleague Wanting To Do MBA

Hi All, my name is Ravi. I am 32 year old male living in Bangalore, and am 5′ 7″ in height. I have been working in management here for a long time after my MBA. I also stay fit by going to Gym. I am married but believe that it should not stop us from having some fun now and then. Women are such beautiful things made by God, and there are so many of them!! I can be reached at Let me tell you about an office girl I enjoyed with few months back. My company is based in multiple locations in...

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Thank You Sir

She didn’t know exactly how it happened. It just did. And she knew she had to fight him, hoping to lose, fearing to win. It didn’t make sense, but it was absolutely vital to her. He repeated the order he had just given her. She stared back at him; and then, within one quick move and screaming “No”, she pulled away from him and made for the door. He caught up on her before she was able to touch the handle and pushed her against the door that meant leaving him, leaving “it”, leaving what she had...

4 years ago
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RebelChapter 57 Captured

The men who captured me were a mix of Scots and Germans under the command of a young Englishman with an aristocratic look and a sadistic streak. His mixed and motley company had been out stealing horses when they found me late one morning disporting myself in a barn with a young maiden who had been around the track a few times. We were so busy with our efforts to please each other that neither of us heard the horsemen approach until they were in the barnyard. The girl squealed, slithered out...

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Weekend cottage with friends Pt 1 Dinner Party

There’s a bit of an introduction but it helps with this and the other parts of the story. We’d known Sam and Anna for years and had occasional sexy dalliances when we lived nearer each other, but my job took us 200 miles away and we subsequently rarely met up. This weekend however we’d arranged to meet halfway; to rent a cottage and catch up on the past. They’d asked if they could bring along another couple of ‘sexy friends’, as Anna described them, to which we readily agreed. I was delayed...

Group Sex
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Note : This story is completely fictional! AM 21 years old ,living with my family sis & dad.my sis sandy is hot sexy girl,every male in collage knew her she's fucken sweet she's 19 .mam & dad travels alot,they both work in the same company. we lived in a very larg house full of green & have a nice pool.Our maid called roba,she's 40 years old,rounded ass big breast..when mam & dad r away she come & sleep with us to make sure that every thing is clean, wake us up to go to collage,making food...

3 years ago
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Role Playing II Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors

Role Playing II - Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors F/f, bondage, D/s, gothic, romantic, slavery The temple was dark and cold, the trail of spiders clearly visible in shadowedcorners. The stone ceiling was so low that a tall man would have to crouchto walk around. The floor was covered with dust and crawling insects. Deep in the bowels of the earth, it had been forgotten for long aeons. Scholarsmight recall the foul rituals once carried out here, the summoning of monstrousdemons and foul...

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Discovering Joy

This is fiction, mixed with one of my fantasies. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The second chapter will be coming next weekIt took thirty five years but I have finally had a major fantasy come true. Let me tell you my story;I recently celebrated my sixtieth birthday. The wife and I live in a small town that is roughly three hours from her parents and all our c***dren. This arrangement allows us a lot of privacy and we do take advantage of it. Our sex life is active...

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A Little Stinger

A Little Stinger By Miss Anonna It was a beautiful day down at the river but I had soaked up enough sun and gathered my things to head back to the car. I opened the door, tossed my towels in the passenger seat and plopped down to head home. “Ow! Shit!” I hollered and jumped up so quick that I bumped my head really hard on the car. “Dammit!” I hollered again and nearly cried. I was so pissed off and figured that I had sat on a bee so I frantically searched for the little bugger but to no avail....

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Patchwork People XXVI The great escape

XXVI. The great escape. One could imagine a thousand things going wrong, but there was no hitch at the hospital. Their quickly improvised charade worked like a charm. Walt's performance as Phoebe's concerned but understandably angry father was spot-on. Marcia, in her supporting role as distraught mom, hadn't had to act at all. There were the usual papers and forms to sign, a brief interview with a representative from the Chupadero police department and another with a representative...

2 years ago
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Meri Maa Chudi Gali Ke Ladke Se

Hello friends, mera name shiv hai .Mai mumbai me rahta hu. Ye story meri maa ki hai ,maine kabhi socha v nahi tha ki meri zindgi me aisa v ho sakta hai . Is ghatna me meri zindgi ko puri tarah se badal diya ….To maine socha ki apni real story ko kisi ke sath share karu…. To friends ab story batata hu….. Ye avi 1 month ki bat bat hai……… Meri family me hum 3 log hai …Mai ,meri maa ,aur meri choti bahan ……..Mere papa ki death aaj we 8 sal pahle ek road accident me ho gayi thi …. Mai us time 10...

4 years ago
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The office party

Basically you are a girl who is 20 years old. You have always wanted to get to know your coworkers better. And that means on an entire different level. You have always been confused about who you are and the way to find out is by testing the water. At work you notice the little sexual hints dropped throughout the day such as an ass grab here and there or not to mention the stares with sexual tension in their eyes. You want to know where all of this could go.

Group Sex
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Return To Service

Return To Service It felt just the same, yet ultimately different being in that cock-house again after almost a year. I burned with the excitement of what I had possibly missed, and felt eager for a return to service when I’d see something unfamiliar and wanting to look my way. Not a minute after the thought subsided that very thing to happened, and let me tell you, the man had me ready with just a look into his brown-as-my-own eyes. I smiled as he stood there and looked long at me. Almost as...

1 year ago
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Dress Conservatively

“You’ll have a great time! With a presentation and two poster sessions your visibility is going to sky rocket and you should have no problem swinging a postdoc at a good lab.” Sarah sat on Chloe’s bed, chatting as Chloe packed for the conference. “You’re the star of the lab and everyone keeps saying that your latest results will get into Science, so you’ve got it made. You should be able to get time to relax - you’ve had your nose to the grind stone for four years.” Sarah continued to babble...

2 years ago
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A New Start in Life Part 7

A New Start in Life 7 Hi again thanks for your reviews, I will incorporate some of the idea's but as far as a working holiday in Australia, I don't know enough about that beautiful country to carry that off without making some momentous mistakes. As long as I get comments and suggestions who knows how this story will progress, I have, in my mind a rough idea which way the story will go. As for less shopping? What girl doesn't like to shop, especially a 'new girl' who has to build her...

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A densely populated city street. Rush hour. Lazily, I walk down the strip mall, caring little about the latest fashion on display. What interests me far more is finding the few passers-by that are not absorbed by compensating their mental voids with ephemeral, cheap material possessions and pretentious status symbols. Granted, I give a poor target for a consumption-oriented free-market economy. This thought of outrageous rebellion against the establishment puts a faint yet self-content smirk on...

Oral Sex
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Ass cheek

Hi friends, my name is Vishal from Mumbai. I am 28 yrs. Old and owner of good size dick; all of 8″ long. This is the true event that occurred 4 months back. We friends -4 couples in all decided to go to panchgani, where one of our common friend has a bungalow. That common friend gave us bungalow keys to stay there. We eight of us drove down there in my car which I was driving. It was tiring not only for me but all of us and therefore decided to hit the bed the moment we reached there. Since the...

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IrresistibleMy wedding day... I suppose all brides cry on the day of their wedding. But maybe not for the same reason my bride was crying...---------------------------------------------------------Becca and I had been engaged for nearly a year. Being that we both came from prominent families we had a huge wedding planned. All of New York society would be in attendance. Her father tried not to show it but he was incredibly perturbed at how much he had to shell out for this huge wedding."I don't...

1 year ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 18

Jerome was true to his word. He told some friends about Daisy’s tight pussy and she got more dates. Her pussy made more money for her Daddy. One night after her Daddy picked her up after a date, she noticed that there were two other girls in the car. And one of them was Tricia! “Latoya, I think that you know these girls. Your Daddy has been growing his stable to increase the business. You girls are all sisters now.” Daisy got in and sat besides Tricia. “Daisy, you told me how wonderful it...

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Girl from work

I work with this girl name Angie. She is little bit over weight, no problem with that. She has big tits, D cup I believe. She is only 39 yrs old and has grey hair, wears glasses. She is married with two boys. Angie is a hard worker, we work at a restaurant. I'm a cook and she does prep work. She has a nice ass. She is little bit quiet, we talk some. Once in a while I walk her to her car. I only see her in her work uniform. We had a meeting, everyone had to go to. Angie had a nice shirt, looks...

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PornMegaLoad Minka Win Minka8217s Bra Tits And Pussy

Beginning with the March 2007 edition, SCORE magazine started regularly running the SCORE Girl Bra Giveaway Contest. Denise Derringer was the first to donate her personally autographed bra. Since then, over 30 lucky SCORE readers have opened their mailboxes to find a giant bra personally signed by their favorite covergirls and centerfolds, from Summer Sinn to Merilyn Sakova. In “Win Minka’s Bra, Tits & Pussy,” a reader is overjoyed to read that he has won the 44KK bra of...

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MARCH 2007 The sun had been up for almost two hours before I woke up on the floor of the living room.  The cobwebs in my head cleared as I registered where I was.  I was lying on my side and could feel the warmth of Belinda's naked body against my chest.  My arm was draped across her.  In front of her was the sleeping form of Marcella.  We'd had an amazing night. I sat up and yawned as quietly as I could.  Staring down at the two of them, I smiled in silence.  During all of the...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 24 A Wild and Crazy Guy Girl

Cathy’s Bedroom, Bryanston 1:45pm, Monday, February 19, 1979 “He did what to you?” Cathy excitedly asked as she brought her hand up over her mouth when she realized how loudly she asked Lynette a follow-up question. Lynette flopped back on Cathy’s queen sized bed, rested on her side and propped her head on her bent elbow and hand after Cathy’s inquiry. She loved seeing Cathy’s gleeful mannerisms after she gave her a Reader’s Digest version of what happened with Mike last night. “Well, uh,...

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Slutty Bhabhi Wants To Be Fucked

Hi! My name is Rudr and i am a regular reader of ISS, but now i would like to have the pleasure of sharing my experience. The story is about how i fucked my bhabhi. Well, she, Shewta; wife of my brother, Raghav; who is in distant relation. It happened that i along with my parents lived as tenants of Raghav in present city for my education. She is truly sensual and stunning. She was married 6 years ago and recently had one daughter. In her house she lives with husband and daughter on first...

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KinkySpa Jane Wilde Cute brunette Jane Wilde gets a cream pie after a good massage

Jane Wilde is a receptionist at a local massage parlor called the Kinky Spa. Today is going normal until she receives a call from a client that wants to cancel their massage. Unfortunately, she has to break the news to Tommy, but he brushes it off and says that he might as well still massage Jane to not waste that time, right? She accepts and she even decides she’ll accept the “full service” treatment from him. This includes a rub down and some deep fucking and sucking. She...

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Fucking myself in the shower

“I’ll be out in a couple minutes. Just keep an eye on the baby, please!” I tell my husband as I close the door to the bathroom. I lay my towel and purple silky underwear on the sink counter and I go turn the shower on to hot water. As the bathroom gets steamy from the hot shower I plug in my I pod and turn on some relaxing music. I slowly get undressed. I slide out of my tight blue jeans and kick them to the side. Then I push my plain white cotton panties down my creamy white thighs and down to...

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Wistful Dreams

Not a story; just my thoughts. I wish I had a pussy of my very own. I wish that I had been born female but since that didn't happen I love to fantasize about a day that I would find myself to be the woman of my fantasies. My breasts would be large; at least a C cup but no larger than a DD. My pussy would always be tight and my body firm though I wouldn't want to be tall. I would be a very beautiful woman, stunning in fact. My clothes would always be sexy, with silky bras and...

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JamesDeen Harlow Harrison Get Used By Strangers

James Deen is making all of Harlow Harrison’s fantasies come true. The huge boobs tattooed pet slut has a special desire to be used as a cum dumpster. She wants a group of stranger to have their way with her body and to feel like nothing but a worthless whore. James has organized a special night for his pet. He strips Harlow naked and has her display her big boobs and firm ass. He then offers her body to the strangers to run through her one at a time in any way they see fit. By the end of...

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Two shit loving lesbians share their love for scat

100% fiction! Holly was a lonely girl with a taboo and often disgusting. She loved to be shit on. This included even it! And never thought she would find anyone else with the same perverted nature as himself. That was until one fateful day she decided to do some research online and he stumbled upon Katie. Katie too thought she would never find anyone else with the same desires as herself. So when Holly saw that Katie wanted to find someone with the same fantasy she was desperate to contact him....

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Disaster ReliefChapter 11

I packed my stuff and headed for the airport. One of the benefits of living in a small town is you can get through airport security in a reasonable period of time. Then, when you change in Atlanta, you make up for the quickness, but it's more pleasant behind the security screen than out front. When we flew out of Atlanta, I booted up my laptop and read about a hundred emails that described the anger in the fire ant hill I was about to enter. The company was moving to a performance-based...

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A Week of Denial Wednesday

Over the bridge, right onto Sophia St, left onto Amelia St., right again onto Prince Edward St., and finally right into the driveway. The drive home today was even worse than yesterday. My balls are so sore that every pothole made me grunt in pain, but now I’m home and ready for whatever Amanda has planned. At least ready as I’ll ever be. I looked through the window as I walked to the door as usual, but I did not see Amanda. In fact, the lights were not even on. I opened the door and still did...

Oral Sex
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All his life he had dedicated his existence to science. Until the military became interested in his work. He could never understand why everything always came down to money or war. Sure he had made numerous millions himself, but that was to help further scientific research. But now he realised he wanted to make a difference in a different way. On this gloomy morning he was making his third exuberant decision. He would help another person who was in need. The hard part was who. Then when he...

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Craigslist ad to get my ass and balls sniffed

When I was younger as weird as it may seem, I always enjoyed my own scent. As a teenager I would go play basketball and come home and jerk off before I would take a shower and got use to the scent of a sweaty male body (mine). Every girlfriend I had I enjoyed the scent of their asses. 69 was my favorite position besides doggie =-). There was one GF (several years ago) that I had the love to sniff my balls for whatever reason, which got me turned on. Every since that point I've been hooked....

2 years ago
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Great Fun With My Naughty Bhabhi

Hi all the ISS surfers, I am a new reader of these stories but I in no time read a bunch of stories here especially in Incest which made to share one of my own experiences before moving to the story I would like to introduce myself. This is Aditya nick name used of 21 from Old Delhi with fair colour, college boy body, blue eyes and 5.11 feet height. We are five members in our family-Dad, Mom, Bro, Me and my Bhabhi. Since, this is my first attempt so if there would be any mistakes please...

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This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Message begins. Hiya, lad. I miss you so much, and I wish you could be here now, but I’ll have to wait. Do you know, all I have on right now is my knickers. They are white cotton knickers with a thin band of lace around the top. They cover the glorious curves of my large cheeks, and hide the aroused blushing my skin is racing with. And I’m thinking about you. I wonder, would you like to see me? Do...

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As we drove away from the movie theater, your hand slipped into mine. So comfortable, so frighteningly familiar. You mention where you want to go and squeeze my hand. I navigate our city and where I used to only see geometric miscellany, something about your warmth changes everything.Every block, apartment complex, business, and stretch of industry is vibrant on that night. Angles, hues, and shapes I've never seen until you. We flew by those night streets, a surreal blur of towering buildings...

First Time
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Roadtrip Rendezvous MF Creampie

Roadtrip Rendezvous MF Creampie Sunday midday, I pulled into a dirt parking lot near San Miguel; mine was the only car at this remote location. I was there for a rendezvous with Lina, a fiery Latina with delicious thick nipples, a sweet ass and the smoothest waxed pussy. Coincidentally, we were traveling North and South on the same weekend; so we planned to meet as we both passed each other traveling along 101. There is a nature preserve roughly at the midpoint between us, that looked remote...

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mothers carer part two

I lay in bed many nights thinking about what had happened that morning always ending up wanking over this event. I somehow knew this wouldn’t be the last time something like that would happen, i wasn’t to wait much longer to find outIt was three weeks later when i made sure i was about when sue came for her daily routine looking after mum , sue seem very pleased to see me again, once again she went straight up stairs to mother, i could hear her chatting to mother even if mother couldn’t chat...

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