Transform My Didi
- 3 years ago
- 39
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I'm not sure where to begin. I'm a CSI agent and thought I'd tell you about one of my cases. For those who don't know; CSI stands for Crime Scene Investigations. Our agents are usually the second people on the scene. We're right after the police or sheriffs department finish their initial walk through. It's our turn to start taking in the evidence to help in anyway we can. We try to prove innocence or guilt on the evidence.
I'm Jim Lee and I usually team up with Bobbie. Her name is Roberta but she prefers to be called Bobbie by her co-workers. She is one nice looking woman, but when it comes to work, she's all business.
We were at the office when a call came in. Two people were shot to death in a motel room. The suspect was found at the scene with gun in hand. Bobbie and I headed over to the motel. This looked like one of the easier cases. It's not every day the suspect is standing there holding the murder weapon when police arrive.
When we got there, we talked to the lead officer. He told us that they got a call of a shooting. When they arrived they went into the room. The door was unlocked and slightly opened. On the bed was a white woman with a black man on top of her. They were having sex and in fact, he was still in her. He was still lying on top of her, both dead. Two bullet holes, one in his neck and the other in the back of his head. The woman lay beneath him with two bullet holes in her face also. Apparently there were three shots fired and the bullet that went through the male victim's neck went clear through him and into her chin area.
The officer also told us that the suspected shooter was standing there with the gun in his hand and dropped it when they entered the room. He looked at the officers and said he didn't do it. He wouldn't say anything else. He was in shock or bewildered. Of course they did their usual cuffing and read him his rights. He refused to talk.
As we were talking, another officer was bringing the suspect out of the room in cuffs. I looked up and saw that it was a friend of mine, Mark. His shirt was covered in blood. He saw me and said, "Jim, I didn't do it. I didn't do it."
My stomach dropped. We went to high school together. I knew his wife Susan was on the wild side and the last time I saw Mark he told me it looked like he was headed for divorce court if he didn't kill her first. He didn't have to worry about a divorce now.
The cards looked pretty stacked against him. Maybe he was crazy and his mind blanked out, I don't know, but the evidence would hopefully tell us the truth. Him at the scene, gun in hand, bloody clothes, his wife in bed with a black man. Boy, how could he deny all that! Maybe he was thinking of going for an insanity defense.
Bobbie and I started in on our task of gathering information. Quickly but thoroughly, we went over the two dead bodies on the bed. An ambulance was there to take them away as soon as we were finished with them. The man was indeed still inside of Susan, and it looked like he climaxed as he was shot. You always read stories about it but very rarely ever see it. She wasn't quite so lucky. Her face, what was left of it, showed total horror. The police were right. The first shot went through the man's neck and into her lower face around her chin. It looked like a second shot was fired into the back of the man's head and was still lodged in his skull. A third shot was fired into the forehead of Susan.
We finished gathering evidence and went outside to look around. We followed procedure and looked for witnesses and tire tracks and whatever else we could find. While we were inside we found a camera on the floor at the end of the bed and took it with us also. Mark's car was there and we had it towed to our garage. We called the jail and told them we wanted all of Mark's clothes to check for residue from the gunfire. Three shots at close range should leave some residue.
I got a call from the lead officer who said that Mark kept saying he didn't do it and that I was the only one he would tell his story to. Man, I didn't want to get involved in this mess. All the evidence was pointing at Mark, an old friend. What the hell was I supposed to do?
I agreed to listen to his story. I did tell him that his whole testimony would be taped. I was still obligated to do my job correctly. I also told him that I always go by the evidence and right now it was getting overwhelming against him but that I still keep an open mind till all the evidence is in. I also told him that if or when it goes to trial that I would have to testify as to the evidence. It would include everything he told me now also. I asked him if he still wanted me to hear his story.
He said, "Yes, Jim, I trust you to do the right thing," and began telling his story.
I turned on the recorder and sat back and listened.
Mark's story:
I didn't know what to do. I caught Susan cheating over and over and was now trying to figure out how to respond. We haven't been getting along for quite a while. We were married five years before the problems began. We had two kids, Mark Jr. and Kayla.
As you know, Jim, Susan and I got married fresh out of high school. I started work in one of the local factories and she works for her dad in an insurance agency. Her dad is wealthy but not to the rich standpoint. He's well known in our area and pulls a lot of weight. He didn't mind Susan and I dating in high school because I was the popular high school jock and of course he told everyone that I was dating his daughter.
As luck would have it, I broke my leg in the last football game my senior year. Any chance of a scholarship was gone. I wasn't that smart for any academic type scholarships so college was out of the question. My parents wanted to try and fund my education but I told them not to waste their money. I really didn't know what I wanted to do anyway. After graduation and my leg healed, my dad got me on at the factory. It was hard work but paid well. I did my best since my dad got me the position. He passed on just last year. I really miss him. He was too nice and too young a man to die so early in life.
Of course after Susan's dad found out I wasn't furthering my education he told Susan that he didn't want her dating me - until she turned up pregnant. He was pissed. There wasn't much he could do about it. Susan and I got married before she started showing very much. Her dad wanted her in a white dress. Of course once the baby was born everyone figured it out. Either the baby was three months premature or Susan was pregnant before she got married. Big fucking deal; it happens a lot.
We were happy and got a small place and settled down. Of course Susan's dad and I never got along. I wasn't good enough for his precious little girl. We went on and life seemed good. We had our arguments like all couples but her parents were always interfering.
She said she wanted to work instead of staying home with the kids. She started working for her dad as a secretary for his agency. My mom babysat the kids. Susan hadn't worked for three months before our love life took a hell of a dip. She was always too tired or not feeling well.
One morning she was getting dressed and was putting on a somewhat short skirt. She wasn't wearing any underwear.
"What the hell is going on? Now you don't wear panties?" I asked.
She didn't look disturbed at all. "No, I stopped wearing them six months ago. For some reason I kept getting a yeast infection about every three months and when I went to the doctor, she told me to go sans panties. Since I've done that I haven't had a yeast infection."
"What about periods and times like that?"
"Of course I have to wear them then, but I wear a pad and then it's only for a week. What do you think I do; show my ass to the world? Most of the women I know don't wear panties unless they have to."
I didn't know what to think. I always thought most women wore panties. It's not like I check every woman's ass out looking for a panty line. I knew I would from now on.
Our sex life didn't improve and all I could picture was my wife running around showing everyone her ass. I did talk to a couple of women that I was friends with and asked them if they wore panties. They laughed at me until I told them I was serious.
"Well, Mark, to be honest with you I both do and don't. When I wear shorts or pants I usually don't wear them. If I wear a skirt or dress, yes, I definitely do. I know guys are going to try and look up my skirt and I guess I don't always sit ladylike."
Carol was probably my best female friend. If I hadn't been married, I know I would have liked to date her. She was always nice and friendly. She was one of the few women I could talk to about my problems.
"Thanks, Carol, I appreciate your honesty, and yes, I try and look up your skirt too. You have blue panties on today," I laughed.
Guys do that; I don't know any that don't. Maybe all guys are pigs, but a girl in a short skirt or dress will always get my attention. So what about Susan? I wonder if she told me the whole truth.
I'm always reading these stories about cheating wives. It's seems to me that working women are at a greater risk of having an affair. Granted, stay at home moms can cheat to, but working women will get hit on daily. They would seem to need to be stronger in their marriages to fight the onslaught of being pursued. If women also went without panties and men noticed, wouldn't they get hit on more often?
So I was thinking, if you take a young pretty woman like Susan, in not the greatest marriage, and her out there all day with men ogling her ass sans panties, our marriage was in deep shit. I needed to do something to try and win her back.
When she got home from work I told her my mom would watch the kids and we could go out to dinner. She kind of grumbled but agreed to go. It didn't go well. All she talked about was herself, her new friends at work and how much fun they were. This got me to thinking. Here I was working hard my whole life and I could never describe being at work or the people there as fun. Why would her place of employment be so much different?
She didn't wear panties out to dinner either and we sat at a table. I tried to watch her eyes and noticed her looking around a lot. There were men in booths behind me and I think they were getting a show. I knew then that we probably couldn't salvage our marriage. I knew deep down that she was fucking around on me for quite a while now.
I decided not to even talk to her about it anymore. I had lost my respect for her. Some things you just know; all I needed now was proof. I felt so sorry for our kids. I spent more time with them and the three of us always did things together. They always ran up to their mom when she came home and told her about their day.
She always told them the same lies; "Boy, I sure wish I could have been there but mommy has to work."
I wanted to hit her in the face so fucking bad, but I had to think of the kids. It's bad enough they had a mother that was a tramp without having a father in jail. Now, here I am anyway for something I didn't do. Dammit!
For the next few weeks I watched her closely. Whenever she called and said she had to work late, I would have my mom watch the kids and follow her. She was always going out with men from her office. I started taking my camera along and took pictures of her and her friends. She always ended up at motels and I took pictures of them going in. I never got pictures of them having sex, just going into the motel. I'm sure they weren't cleaning rooms.
I knew the marriage was over. After the first time seeing her with another man going into a motel, I started planning my divorce. I no longer approached her for sex. Seeing her just made me sick. Every time I looked at her, I pictured her in bed with someone else. It just made my stomach churn. I often wondered how many fingers and pricks were in that bare-assed pussy.
One time I remember telling Susan that if I ever caught her cheating on me I'd kill both her and the son of a bitch she was with. She just yelled back at me that she wasn't afraid of me. She said that marrying me was the biggest mistake of her life. She told me what a lousy lover I was.
I asked her, "How would you know unless you've bedded down with someone other than me? We were both virgins when we met. So I guess you have been sleeping around."
She was nervous now. She was trying to figure out what to say. Finally she came out with some lame excuse about what she read in some damn magazine and how her friends told her how good their sex lives were.
"Well, fuck you and fuck your magazine. If I find out you have been cheating on me, you're a dead woman. Tell your friends the truth. You would have to fuck me once in awhile if you're going to compare me."
I know this really makes me look bad. First I threaten her and then her showing up dead with me there. But honest I didn't do it.
Susan told me last week, "Mark, I haven't been cheating on you, but I want out of this marriage. You're crazy and I don't love you anymore. Just take your things and go. I'll tell my dad to get us a lawyer and we'll file irreconcilable differences. You can have your stuff and go. Just stay out of my life."
I asked her, "What about the kids? You're not taking my kids. I don't give a fuck who your parents are. They don't do anything for our kids. I want custody and my mom loves them and I know will help me take care of them. Besides, when you go out with your boyfriends, who's going to watch them?" I asked.
I remember her turning away from me that day and walking away. I know she loved the kids but to what extent? She wasn't willing to give up her new sex life for them and if I had the proof, I knew I could get custody. I have her going into motels with a number of men from the office. I wanted to get one of her in the act of committing adultery. My lawyer told me that would be all the proof I needed to get my kids. No court would have awarded her the kids or alimony with that kind of evidence.
Yesterday, I heard her talking on a phone to a guy when I got home. She didn't know I was there, so I just listened. She mentioned a time and motel so I walked back out of the house and came back in through the front door making some noise so she would hear me. When I walked in she quickly hung up the phone. I asked her who she was talking to and she said her mother. I already knew that was a lie. I figured I'd follow her and go to the motel and break into the room and get the pictures I needed. I would take them to my lawyer and apply for my divorce.
After Susan left the house dressed like a slut, I took our two little kids to my mom's and asked her to keep them for the night. I figured after I broke into the motel room that there would be a confrontation and one of us wouldn't be coming home tonight. So, I had mom keep the kids out of harms' way.
It took time to get the kids ready and pack them an overnight bag. I grabbed my camera and we left. I dropped the kids off at mom's and I probably got to the motel about a half hour later. I really didn't have a good plan. I'm not a weak man so I figured if there was a fight, I could handle myself okay. I really wasn't thinking that clearly. I can see that now.
I located the motel and their room. It was an end room. I was sitting in my car holding my camera when I heard three shots fired. I looked up and saw someone leave the room quickly. I got out of my car with my camera and headed toward the room. I didn't hear any sounds coming from the inside and slowly twisted the door handle and it opened. I pushed the door open and saw a black man lying on top of Susan. He must have been having sex with her. They looked like they were both dead with blood coming out of them onto the bed and floor.
I looked down and saw a gun. I don't know why but I picked it up. I was like in a trance or something. Staring at my wife dead on the bed with this black man on top of her. I don't know how long I stood there but a police officer told me to drop the gun and to lay face down on the floor and put my hands behind my head. I did drop the gun as well as my camera and laid face down in some of their blood. I couldn't speak; no words would come out of my mouth.
I finally got out the words, "I didn't do it." I was then taken outside and that's when I saw you, Jim. Please help me!
There it was: his side of the story. Believable? I didn't know. I told him I would go through the evidence and we would see what happens. I asked him about the person he saw leaving the room. He told me it happened too quickly, he didn't see anything but a figure running quickly out of the building. He didn't even know if it was a man or woman. They did have on dark clothing.
While I was there at the jail, I did run a test to see if he had discharged a gun lately. It came out negative but he had taken a shower after he was put in his cell. The residue, if any, could have possibly washed away.
When I got back to our lab, Bobbie asked me how it went. "Do you believe him, Jim?" she asked.
"Bobbie, I go by the evidence; it doesn't lie. I hope he told me the truth for his and his kids' sake, but the evidence will have to tell us more. For now it's not in his favor."
Bobbie said that the blood on Mark's shirt belonged to both victims. According to the photographs and the police report he got the blood from lying face down when the officers told him to lie down on the floor. He wasn't anywhere near the victims. Whoever shot them did it from the end of the bed.
I told Bobbie that I thought the camera belonged to Mark. He said he was taking it in to take pictures of the sex act for adultery purposes. She had already sent them to the lab to get developed. We would probably have the pictures tomorrow. We also had to find out whose gun it was.
While Bobbie and I were talking, we agreed that the suspect, Mark or someone else, had to know the time and place of the meeting. Bobbie did tell me there was no residue on Mark's clothing. She did say he pissed himself, probably when he saw the bodies on the bed. Hmm? Maybe there is something here. We doubt he would have pissed his pants and then pulled out a gun so quickly that they didn't even stop fucking. Maybe, just maybe Mark was telling the truth.
The next day was a madhouse. The District Attorney was already on our backs. He had gotten a call from Susan's dad and said he wanted Mark put to death. We tried to explain to the DA that we had a lot of evidence to go through.
"He was caught in the room with the murder weapon in his hand. What more do you need?" the DA asked. The DA's name was Brett.
"Brett, we have a few things that don't come together yet. Nothing big but still unanswered, you could get shot down in court if a good attorney gets this case unless we get the answers," I said.
"Like what?" Brett asked.
"His finger test doesn't show he fired a gun recently. There was no gun powder residue on his shirt. His fingerprints on the gun were over top of another set of prints, which we couldn't retrieve. The time line is bad. Who let him in the room? He walks in the room, pisses his pants, takes a gun and shoots the victims, all the while holding a camera in his other hand. He stands there for what we figure is seven minutes holding the gun till the police arrive. Reasonable doubt, Brett, his attorney just needs reasonable doubt. Give us a few days and we will see what we can find."
"Damn! I thought this was an open and shut case," cried Brett.
Bobbie stared at me. "You know, after everything you told Brett, I don't think Mark did it," replied Bobbie.
"If he didn't, I wonder who did. We need to see what is on the camera. Also, we need a list of other people who stayed at the motel the last two nights. Maybe there might have been a witness. By the way, do we have any information on the male victim?" I asked Bobbie.
"His name is Tony Williams, early forties, married and works at the same insurance office," replied Bobbie.
Since Mark's mom had temporary custody of the kids she was allowed to keep them till this case was over. Susan's parents really didn't want anything to do with them.
The next day Bobbie came in with all the pictures. Mark had a digital camera with over a hundred pictures on it. All of them were of Susan with different men. There had to be at least twenty different men. Our first thought was that maybe she was a prostitute. Eventually we figured out she just liked to have sex with different men.
In a number of photos the men were taking liberties before even going into the motel room. It was a wonder Mark didn't go off the deep end. He told us later that he kept thinking of his kids to keep his sanity.
We headed over to the Insurance agency where Susan worked. Many of the men in the pictures were employed there. We were greeted by Mary Brandt. She was the receptionist, mid-forties, dressed overly sexy for an insurance office, but very nice looking for her age. She paged Mr. Davis, Susan's father who tried to tell us about wasting our time. We had the killer and needed to prosecute him. We asked Mr. Davis if we could talk to him in private. He took us into his office and we sat down.
"What the hell is this all about?" asked Mr. Davis.
"Well, Sir, there is a slight chance that Mark might not have been the killer. We have to close a few doors before filing the charges. We have photos of your daughter with other men. Unfortunately we have to talk to them and many of them work here," I replied.
"Bullshit! You have your damn killer," he screamed at me.
I took some of the photos of his daughter with a few of the men in the agency with them going into motel rooms. "Here, Mr. Davis, I didn't want to bring this up but we have more pictures of your daughter with other men."
"I can't believe this was going on in my own business, my own daughter. These son-of-bitches are going to pay."
"Mr. Davis, we need to talk to these men. What you do afterwards is not our business, but we need to talk with them all now."
Mr. Davis called his secretary and she led us to a room and had twelve different men from the agency come in one at a time and talk with us. They all said about the same thing. Most of these men were either married or divorced; none were single. Makes you wonder how many divorces might come from this one woman's sex addiction. Why are so many men so weak?
"She started strutting her stuff in front of everyone. Hell, she was a good looking piece of ass. She would sit at her desk and spread her legs, showing off that pussy. How can anyone not take advantage of her? On top of everything else, she was the boss's daughter. That alone made it worthwhile." A number of responses were very similar to that one.
"She was always showing off her pussy. What's a guy to do?" said some.
A few men denied having sex with her till they were shown the pictures of them going into a motel with her.
A couple even said they wouldn't talk to us without an attorney present. We explained that we were just checking out leads but if they felt they needed an attorney present that we would oblige, but it would be made known and probably throw out a red flag. Most talked to us after that.
One guy, Bill, was in love with Susan. He wanted her to divorce Mark and he was going to divorce his wife and marry her. He was really mad when he found out most of the office had relations with Susan. When he found out she was having a date with Tony, he was really pissed. He loved her and she was going to have sex with a black man. Of course no one admitted to the shooting. We really did wonder about Bill. He was almost off the deep end. He was definitely on our short list, along with Mark, of course.
They about all asked if we were going to tell anyone about their actions with Susan. We just told them that we had a private report but that their boss knew about the situation. We knew it would be one messed up office after we left.
We still hadn't found any evidence to clear Mark. Actually he had all the more reason for revenge.
Our next stop was Tony's house. We needed to talk to the black male victim's wife. Tasheeka Williams was her name. A good looking black woman in her thirties. She came to the door in a somewhat sexy nightgown and a silk robe. "Can I help you?" she asked.
"Mrs. Williams, we are with CSI crime team and have a few questions to ask you about your husband, Tony. First, we would like to convey our condolences. We know this is a bad time for you, but we have to gather whatever information we can as early as possible. May we come in?"
She looked a bit nervous but invited us in. We asked all the basic questions, including, of course, her whereabouts the night before.
"Look," she said. "Tony and I were talking about getting a divorce. We weren't getting along very well. He started cheating on me and I kicked his ass out a few days ago. I didn't kill him and besides didn't they catch the guy with the gun in his hand?" she asked.
"Yes, there is a suspect but we aren't sure he is the killer. We have to check all the evidence. Where were you last night, Mrs. Williams?"
Right then a man came through the hallway. "What's going on, Tasheeka? Who are these people?" the man asked.
"They're investigating Tony's murder. They want to know where I was last night," Tasheeka laughed.
"She was in bed with me fucking up a storm, if it's any of your fucking business," the big man replied.
"May I ask your name, sir?" I asked.
"'Angel White, if it's any of your fucking business. Tasheeka and I were here all night. Go check our fucking bed sheets if you want. Stupid fucking Tony gave up Tasheeka for that fat ass Tamara. What a fucking fool."
"Tamara? Who's Tamara?" I asked
"Tony's new girlfriend, or at least was. Didn't she get murdered at the same time with Tony?" Angel asked.
"Do you have Tamara's address? We would like to talk to her. In answer to your question, Tamara wasn't with Tony last night. Sorry, we can't tell you anymore right now."
Tasheeka said, "Better watch it when you go see Tamara. Damon, her husband, is a maniac. I don't know if he knows about Tony and Tamara."
Bobbie and I left Tasheeka's house. What a fucking mess. Mark's wife sleeps around with God knows how many guys. He could be facing two counts of murder. His wife's dad didn't know that twelve of his agents had slept with his daughter. One of the men, Bill, loved his daughter and was willing to divorce his own wife to marry her. The last man Susan slept with was a married black man whose wife kicked him out and was sleeping with another man already.
Now we find out Tony had a girlfriend and she is married. This sure wasn't as open and shut as the DA hoped for. We stopped by Mark's mother's house on the way back to the office. We had a couple of questions for her.
"Mrs. Moore, I'm Agent Jim Lee and this is my partner Agent Bobbie Burke. We are investigating Mark's case; may we have a word with you?" I asked.
"Sure, officer. Is my Mark alright? I know he didn't do that terrible thing he's being accused of. He's a good father and was a good husband. He just wanted a good marriage and nice family. I hate to talk about the dead, but Susan was a bad woman. She had two of the greatest little kids and never spent any time with them. Oh, I'm sorry, officer, I get to talking and I can't seem to stop. What can I help you with? Anything for my Mark," she replied.
"Do you know if Mark ever owned a gun?" I asked.
"Yes, he does. His father passed it down to him before he passed away. He keeps it here at my house. Come with me and I'll show it to you."
She unlocked a drawer and there was a 9mm Luger in the drawer. She said he kept the bullets in another room because of the kids. He did take it out to the shooting range once in awhile. He also owned two shotguns that were locked up in the basement if we would like to see them.
"Did you know he was going to confront Susan the other day?" I asked.
""Yes, he took his camera to take pictures. I told him not to go but of course he didn't listen to me. He just wanted out of his poor excuse for a marriage and to keep his kids. No way would he have shot Susan and that other man," she replied.
"Well, thank you, Mrs. Moore. You've been most helpful."
The following day we stopped by the Jail to see if Mark could remember anything else. He pretty much drew a blank. He said his attorney stopped by and told him to plead insanity. He told his lawyer he was pleading not guilty, because he didn't shoot anybody. We checked to see if he had any other visitors and his friend Carol from work had showed up two days in a row.
Bobbie went to see Carol and I was called down to the autopsy lab. We were right about the shooting and how they probably occurred. Both victims died from the shot to the head. Both had the bullets removed from their skulls. Susan also had the other bullet removed from her throat area. Then the doctor hit me with some disturbing news. They had run blood tests and both victims were HIV-Positive. The virus that causes aids. Now we had a whole new ball game. Was the shooter after Tony, Susan or both? Damn, this sure wasn't getting any easier. I called Mr. Williams up and told him he needed to get all his employees together that afternoon for a short meeting. The health department and a representative of their insurance company would be present. After he balked about it, I told him his daughter and Tony both had shown positive for HIV and he could have an epidemic if it is not caught quickly. He agreed to set up the meeting. I told him not to mention it to anyone. We had no idea where it started but everyone needed to be informed together.
MERI MAA,MAI AUR DIDI By – Rahul. Mera naam rahul hai. Mere ghar mein char log hai, mere pitaji 42,meri maa 36, meri didi 22 aur meri age 18 saal ki hai. Meri maa bahut hi sexy aurat hai unka figure hai 34-30-36 unki coochiyan aur gaand dekhkar to kisi ke bhi lund se paani nikal jayega. Who aksar saadi pehanti thi mere pitaji ne hum ko paida karne ke baad apna family planning ka operation kar liya tha aur meri maa ki chudai bhi jyada nahi kar paate the shayad. Ek raat mere papa night shift...
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Hi, pornasaxena apke liye fir laye hai, ek dard bhara aah .. Mazedar mfff .. . Desi kahani. Patience rakh ke padhiye ga. Spelling mistake ya grammar mistake ho maf kariyega. Ha pasand aye to email karna na bhuliyega .. 1 sal pehle ki baat hai, tab papa hyderabad ke ek wholesale dealer ke under kaam karte the. Aj wo yaha gurugram yani gurgaon me kam karte hain. Maa ke gujre kai sal hogaye the. Ghar me mai aur papa. Mai tab 11 vi ki exam ki taiyari kar raha tha. Didi ki shadi ko kariban 2 sal...
By : Mystyle614 Hello doosto, mera naam sahil hai aur main Hyderabad, India mein rehta hun. Meri umar 22 saal hai, meri height 5’-11’’aur main ek Software Engineering student hun. Aaj main aap logon ko ek sacchi kahani batane ja raha hun. Yehh kahani bilkul sacchi hai aur ismein koi jhooth nahi. Iss kahani ka ek ek lafz bilkul sach hai. Meri ek badi behen hai joh ki mujhse takreeban 6 saal badi hai aur shadi shuda hai. 36D chuchiyaan, 32 inch ki kamar aur 40 inch ki badi moti gaand. Hamare...
Dear readers . Hum ghar main 4 log thay . Mom or bare didi seetha or chhoti didi prachi or phir main . Mian ghar main sab say chhota tha mare age 18 ki thi . Or dad out of country thay udhar he job kartay thay . Bare didi seetha jin ki age 28 thi jo 2 saal say divorce thi un kay husband ko kese or say piyar hua or os say shaadi kay liya didi ko divorce day di thi . Os kay baad didi jin ki age 24 saal thi wo aik bachi ki maa 3 month say bane thi . Or main jo sab say chhota or laadala baita or...
Hi, dosto mai pornasaxena fir apke liye ek chatpati kahani leke hazir hua hu. Agar apne meri pichli stories nahi padi to kam se kam ”kitanuo ka safaya jarur padhiye” aur reply at send your fantasy story, and I will make it to a colorful story for you. Be my critic too. Mere stories ko dheeraj rakh ke padhna hoga… Now lets start our todays story. Ye kahani tab ki hai, jab mai delhi me apne mama ke ghar me tha, college me padhta tha. Mera apna ghar jharkhand ke ek chhote se gaon me hai. Jaha...
Jiju bahut hi shant kisam ke admi hai. Aur sex me didi se bahut kam active hai. Hamesha kam me rahte aur didi ko satisfy nahi kar pate. Dusri taraf didi rang gora,umar 24 sal, ht 5’1” hip-38, kamar-30, chuche-36d. Bal kandho tak. Muh me pimple ke purane scars hai par unka figure aur unka kamar latkate chalna itna katilana tha ke koi bhi unhe nazar andaz nahi kar sakta. Par didi bhi kam nahi thi. Wo janti thi ke bhale hi uske pati use na chodte ho, par society ke sare mard uspe nazar dete hai...
Didi aur main k saath baithe they aur didi mujhe ekdum pari aag rahi thi. Maine didi ke seene par hanth rakh kar kas kar daba diya didi chillai dheeme se dabao sab tumhra hi hai aisa nahi karo tab maine aur jor se dabaya aur noch liya didi tilmila gayi aur apne doodh sehlane lagi gussa hote hue boli – kahin neel pad gayi to dard hoga. Maine didi ke pair par choom liya aur didi ki lal panti utarne laga didi boli achha apna man hai to sab kar rahe ho par pareshn mat karo.aur didi ne panti utar di...
Sunday ki ek subeh main didi ke room may baith ke laptop chala raha tha, jab didi bathroom se nikli to main shocked reh gya. Usne black colour ki silky nighty pehni hui thi jo mushkil se uske ghutno se 2 inch uper thi. Gora rang hone ki wajah didi ki thighs nighty may aise dikh rahi thi jaise badlo may suraj chupa ho. Geele baal se girti paani ki boonde unke gardan se hokar unke nighty ke ander ja ri thi. Uss waqt se pehle maine kabhi apni didi ko galat nazro se ni dekha tha per aaj pehli baar...
Hi guys myself satish from nagpur.Hamare parivar me hum char log hai mom dad me and my sweet elder sister jo ki mujse 2 sal badi hai.Meri umar 22 sal hai aur didi ki 24 sal filhal me mumbai me eng. Kar raha hu aur didi ke sath rahta hu.Didi bhi vaha medical ki padai kar rahi hai. Ab me story par ata hu.Bat 3 sal purani hai jab me 1st year me tha.Didi aur me sath h ek 1bhk flat me rahte the.Mujhe sex stories padne ka bohot shock tha me rooz iss me stories padta tha.Par ek din incent story padne...
Hi Every One, I love this sites. it the only place to where you express feeling. Thank Indian Sex Stories. It is the story about my sister, age 34 having 4 yrs. old kid, 5.8 tall fair bold and beautiful, she is IT professional lives in Pune married to hot hunk working in same company. They are happy couple understands each other feeling very well. There was marriage of my cousin, so we all have go there even didi was coming this time, it was long time when she will be with us. I was having...
IncestHello indian sex stories dot net friends, I hope all of you are doing well. Mera naam sameer hai or aj jo story m apko batane jara hu vo bilkul sachi hai or recently mere or meri badi behen k beech hui. Padne k baad aap log apne comments or feedback zarur dijiyega par. Zada time na waste karte huye story par aatey hai. Meri family m chaar log hai, papa, mummy, mai or meri badi behen riya. Meri age 20saal hai or didi mjhse 4saal badi hai. Didi dekhne m ekdum zabardast hai. Her measurements are...
IncestHi guys, I am Rahul a new member in this site. Here I am going to share you a really hot story of my didi. For better feelings, I am going to write it in Hindi… Main Ek software company mein engineer hoon, main west Bengal Se belong karta hoon, filhaal job k silsile mein Bangalore mein hoon. Family mein mera parents Hai, aur Ek didi jo ki mujh Se 9 saal ki badi Hai, Unka shaadi 10 saal pehle hi ho chuka, shaadi k Baad ab woh Delhi mein shift ho gayi aur unko 7 saal ka beta bhi Hai. Main...
Bat 6 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 19 saal ka tha aur Reena didi 21 saal ki thi. Garmi ki chhutiya chal rahi thi aur mere ghar mere do cousins aaye huye the jinki umar 8 saal aur 10 saal thi. Hum sab mil julke ke khela karte the. Hamara ghar jyada bada nahi tha so hum pancho bhai behan khana khane ke bad ek he bed par so gaye. Reena didi apne legs mere head ki taraf karke soye the. Mai half pant aur t shirt pahne tha aur Reena didi ek hulki salwar suit pahne thi. Raat ko lagbhag 2 baje mujhe didi...
Amar nam joy, ami thokhon class 8e pori, amar boyes thokhon hobe pray 18. Ami siliguri te thaki. Aj je ghotonatar kotha bolbo seta hoychilo amar pasher barir ak didir sathe nam tar mou. Amader barir side o der dui tola bari ar didir room ta chilo amader barir bathroomer thik uppore. Didir roomer janala die amader bathroom o tar sider kol par ta ke poriskar dekha jeto. Amra du jone chotobela theke pray ek sathey boro hoychi o du joney chilam khub bhalo bondhu. Ei bar ghotonata boli, sei din...
Doston aapne pehle meri savitri wali kahani padhi hai now there is my anothersex story of urmila didi who is very much sexy and hot in every style cloths and nude. Uski figure toh maru hai aur rang doodh jaisa gori aur husn shabab hai.unki figure 36d-28-36 ki hai aur woh is waqt 35 ki hain. Par kahani 12th ki hai jab mai 18 ka tha aur woh 25 ki thi. Woh bahut sexy thi aur main hamesha unse chipka rehta tha.guddi didi meri mausi ki badi ladki hain aur unho ne musje bachpan se anga dekha tha.ek...
Hi iss readers. I am a regular reader of iss . My name is rashid. I am very much interested in reading stories in iss. Most probably i use to read insect, desi and maid servant stories. This is my story. Yeh kahani mere bada bhai aur ho meri cousin sister ki hai mere bhai ka naam raja hai, aur meri cousin sister yani mere didi sheela hai. Raja ki umar 35 hai aur didi ka bi 35 hai. Mere didi ki figure tho ultimate hai 40-32-38 Saali ek dum sexy lagthi hai. 18 saal ke umar me uska shaadi hogya ek...
Hi, I am Anirudh from Mumbai. I am a reader of ISS and I like the sex stories of elder sister and brother. My height is 5 feet 5 inch and my age is 19 years. My sister age is 25. Her height is 5 feet 6 inch. Her name is Rikta. She is clever and innocent and sexy girl. This is my first story. Bas bohot bore ho gaya. August month me mai padhai se chutkara pana chahta tha me bore ho gaya tha. Mere mom dad ne kaha ki tu thode din chacha ke ghar chala ja. Mai ghar se nikal gaya. Uncle ka ghar Mahim...
Hi , dear iss readers. i am rahul from orissa. i am a big fan of ISS. Main ISS me se pichle 3 salose story padh raha hun. bahat bar socha k apni b kahani aap logon tak pahchaun lekin kabhi subidha nai mila tha. sayad aaj wo subh ghadi agaya he. Ha ha ha. Ish story me safety k karan kuch naam change kiya hua he. (aau mo odisha bhai tama manaku mora request je plz a story padhi ki kehi mo upare kharp bhabiba nahi kintu reply nischaya deba) As i told am from odisha so mera hindi aur english dono...
Hi after a long time I m writing a sexiting story.hope u all will like it. And don’t forget to respond ok? It goes like this….. I was living alone at my rental home and my mooh boli behen was also living next door.well,now you all must have got the idea what the story will be about right? Well u all have guessed correctly. NILIMA was nice looking lady aged between 32-35.bhara hoova sharer but not that fat. Gora badan achchhey naak naksh aur very nice skin. That I came to know after I fucked...
IncestNamshkar dosto main phli story likne ja rha hu dosto mera naan kunal h ar main varanasi ka rhne wala hu. Ab main seedhe khani pe aata hu mere pados ek khub surat didi rhti thi jinka naam poonam tha wo kafi sexi lgti thi apne figur ki vajah se main unko dil hi dil me khub pyar krta tha main unko dekhne ka mauka kabhi bhi nai chodta tha wo mujhpe kafi vishwas karti thi ar mere sath kabhi kabhi market bhi jaya krti thi jb wo bike pe mere piche baithti thi to mujhe lgta tha ki main apni biwi ko...
Hey, this is Prayash. Long time reader, but posting for the first time… This is the story of my relationship with my sister through many ups & downs in our life .And how we finally found our place… I & my elder sister Lisa used to be pretty close since childhood. We belonged to a lower middle class family where siblings shared everything.. Starting from books to chocolates to bed… It was innocent really…I am a hugger & used to hug anyone who sleeps next to me, which happened to be my sister or...
IncestHi friends this is my 4th story in my 3rd story I told you how I and my friend fucked my younger sister in this story I will tell you how we all fucked my elder sister Arti and Younger Sister Preeti at a time This story start when my elder sister mom and dad came from village. One day on Sunday I ,Preeti and Arti was enjoying sex then Preeti : Didi did you Know we enjoyed Group Sex. Arti Didi What ? Preeti : Yes, Group Sex.. Arti Didi : With whom? And when ? Preeti : with 3 Boys ( Bhai, Amit...
IncestMera naam Rajeev hai, yeh ek sachi kahani hai joh, Aaj meri age 19 hai. Baat un deno ki hai jab mai 7 class mai padtha tha. Meri age 14 year thi. Ek bar ki Baat hai mai cricket khel kar ghar aya mujey ball se chot lagi thi maine ghar per aah kar baith gaya aur rone laga ise deikhkar meri bhabhi aur didi mujey rone ka karan puchne lage maine bol ki bol se lag gayi hai tab unone pucha ki kaha lagi hai toh maine bola ki meri nuni per toh who bole ki dikha do per maine sharam ki wajay se nahi...
Hi friend me surat kaa hun me apne exam k liye friend k yaha padne jata tha usske uncle & mera frnd aaju baju me rehte the me harr exam me waha paddne jata tha so wo mujhe karib 6 yrs se jante the mere friend raju ki 1 cousin sis thi jisne apna mba pura ker liya tha uska naam rinkel tha me abhi usse apni saggi didi se kam nahi mananta tha so aage ki baat this happened when 1 din bhul se mene apne mob se usske 4-5 non veg masg bej diya… Wo nxt day aayi mujhe bahar bula ker khinch kar 1 thappad...
Hi dosto ye kahani meri ek story reader ki jisne muje request ki apni kahani iss par publish karne ke liye, aage ki kahani uski zubani. Mera naam sunita he, me 28yrs ki housewife hu, mere pati ki medical shop h or humara ek beta h 5year ka. Hum do behne h dusri behen mujse badi h 33year ki seema. Me unhe didi hi bolti hu. Ye bat karib ek saal pehle ki h jab me apni didi ke ghar rukne gayi thi. Jiju ka transport ka business h or wo jyadatar bahar hi rehte he. Unke kaam ka koi fixed time nahi...
By : Jonynayan Hi, ame Jony from Bangladesh ISS ame shai 2years dora porce, tai vablam abr amr kicu story aapna der boli ame chittagong a thaki age 28. height 6″ penis- 7 inch abar golpo ta ashi ata aaj thaka prai 3years agar gotono ame gram a khub kom jetam tokon grammar barita amr boro jeta jetima amr 2bowde r ame jettutho bon lakki didi thaka lakki didi’r bia holo prai 5yrs. figure tao darun. 36-28-38 deklai j karo matha guria utba kintu ame didi k khub voi petam tai asob chinta vulao...
Yeh ghatnaa kaee saal pahle ki hai jab meri umar 19-20 saal ki thi Aur main BA mein padhta thaa. Main dekhne mein gora chitta Khoobsoorat insaan tha. Meri lambai 5 feet 11 inch thi aur mera Shareer hatta katta tha. Main hockey team ka captain tha aur roz Swimming bhi karta tha. Mera badan athlete ke badan jaisa thaa. Mere pados mein ek Colonel sahab apne parivaar ke saath rahte the. Parivaar mein voh swayam, unki patni aur ek beti thi. Colonel sahab Ka naam Col.Balwinder Singh tha unki umar...
Hiii friends this is rahul gigolo back again with a new story of my self mai aap kooo is story mai bataunga kii kaise maine aapne ek puranee dost kii behen koo chooda. Kripa kar story padkh kar mail kare aur mail ke reply bhi jaldi kare my mail id is please mail me aur jabalpur ki aunty aur ladkiya koi tooo milo yaar. Please jabalpur aunties mail karna mere age 22 hai mere height 5’7 hai aur mera lund 8.5 inch lumba aur 3inch mota hai so plz contact me for having sex. Mai kaise bhi sex karne...
hi friends mera nam ajay hai aur main west delhi mein rehta hun. meri age is samay 22 sal hai aur main apna graduation complete kar chuka hun aur naukri ki talash kar raha hun. meri height karib 5″9′ hai aur mere lund ka size karib 6.5 inch hai. ab main apko apni soma didi ke bare mein batata hun. unki age karib 30 sal hogi aur unka figure size lagbhag 36 32 38 hai. unki shadi ho chuki hai lekin unka pati unko kafi marta tha isiliye unke parents unhe wapash apne ghar le aaye aur ab wo apne...
Hi Readers..mera naam Manish hai..age 24 height 5’ 9” and smart ladka hoon…Main jo story batane jar aha hoon wo meri fuferi didi ke saath kiye gaye sex ki hai….Unka naam Babli hai….or abhi unki age 28 hai….unki shadi 5 saal pehle ho chuki hai…or unke do bachhe hai ek 4 saal ka ladka or ek 2 saal ki ladki….abhi unka fig. 38..32..40 hai or wo milky white hai or height 5’ 5” matlab gajab ki khoosurat hai…waise ab unse mulakat bahut kam ho pati hai kuonki shadi ke baad wo dusre sahar chali gayi or...
Hi dosto mera naam Atul hai. Meri umer 20 saal hai ye kahani abhi do mahine pahle ki hai. Ye kahani meri, mere mummy aur behan hai. Meri mummy 42 saal ki hai. Unka naam sangita hai. Wo dikhne me jyada sunder nahi par fig mai achhi hai. Boobs bade bade hai aur patli kamar hai. Wo hamesha saari pahan ti hai. Ghar mai bhi saari hi pahanti hai. Mere papa ka gov. servent hai aur ek behan hai jo mujhse badi hai. Wo dikhne bohat sunder hai aur fig. bhi achha hai. Ye do mahine pahle ki baat hai. Us...
Hii friends this is Rajeev from Delhi. I am going to narrate my first sexual relation with my own married sister used to call her didi. I am 24 now and my didi is 35. I was just 16 years old when my didi got married. I was in my village with mumy and papa, didi was studying in local city. She was residing in the hostel. At the age of 16 I had no knowledge or feelings abut sex. My didi got married and after few days jijiji left for banglore. He was there in a job and thought to take didi there...
IncestHiiii… Aaj Me Aap logo se jo story share karne ja rahi hu wo Meri khud ki real story hai. Jise me aap logo ke saath share karna chahati hu and this is my first hot lesbian story jo maine apne my real life me experienced liya hai. Mera Naam smita hai, Age 20 year, figure 34, 28, 34, brown rang 5-3 height, aur main Hyderabad main rahati hu. mare family me 5 log rahate hai papa, mummy, bro, sis and me. Mare dad bank me kam karte hai and mom ek primary school main teacher hai. brother muj se 3 sal...
Hy mera naam amit hai main aaj aap logo ko apni sachhi kahani batane jaa rahan hoo meri age aaj 25 saal ki hai aur yeh baat kuch 4-5 saal purani hai meri ek maasi ki ladki thi jiska naam puppy tha main unhe didi bulata tha meri nazar unpar jab karabh hui jab unka ek bacchha hua tha aur poore ek saal baad jab woh maasi se milne calcutta aai woh madras mein rahti thi jijaji ka achha business tha tab main bhi us din maasi ke gayaa hua tha maine us din unko jab dekha tab mujhe maisus hua ki ye toh...
Hi friends, today I would like to write down my story. We are two sisters. My sister is recently married .it is the real story about me, my sis and Jiju. My sister Mansi and I are quite open. My sister and Jiju stays a noida in a two bedroom flat and my Jiju is working in a mnc and my sis is also working in a call center. Now after her wedding I visited at her place, my Jiju came in evening and we chatted till late night. After 12 my Jiju and didi gone to there bed room and I had gone to...
SEX IN MUMBAI WITH RUCHI DIDI AUTHOR:RAHUL SHARMA EDITOR:Admin Hello Readers, iss is an excellent site to share your true encounters. This is my third submission & a true incident. Incident, that I cherish in my memories for my life. Although it happened long time back, I remember each and every moment and conversation word to word. hi all readers i m rahul from mumbai.i regular go to gym to keep my body fit.i am a very health conscious person.please give me response at unsatisfied...
My cock did not rest till I was able to complete my story which and i am sure wont let your cocks and cunts rest in peace during and after reading it. I dedicate this story to all my brothers who want to fuck their sisters and my sisters who love their brothers’ cocks.Let all my sisters email me their comments and so should my horny brothers at Deepa, my elder sister had come back to my house when her husband Ravi had gone to UAE for a month. My Jijju’s friends were saying that Ravi goes to...
IncestThis is a real story of mine and its first time for me so forgive for any mistake.When i just got 18 i felt like i am free i can browse any porn site and have fun and no one can ask me. It is my sexual encounter with my maternal uncle’s daughter sunita didi my cousin my good she was damn sexy any male can faint by seeing her size 36 boobs and big round ass and such a good figure at 21 age.From childhood i used to play with her and shared my secrets but never had any bad thought about her.But...
Let me tell you a little more about my Didi. Her name is Bipasha Didi. She is in her late thirties with a fair skin color. Bipasha Didi is short with a womanly body, big soft boobs and a big round ass that sticks out like two footballs from under her shalwar. I love looking at Bipasha Didi’s round ass when it jiggles when she is working in the house, and when she bends over to pick up something from the floor. I live with my Didi’s family because I go to college in their city so I get to see...
IncestHell I am Jatin and this is the story of what happened between my elder sister Suman and I three years back. Suman was twenty-five years old that time and had been married to a Doctor two months before. Her husband had gone on foreign training for six months and Suman Didi decided to stay with us. I am three years younger than Suman Didi so I was twenty-two years old at that time. It was a usual morning when I was in bathroom. That day I was feeling little horny so I decided to have a quickie...
Hello ISS readers I am Amit of age 17yrs living in Hyd i want to tell you a true story with took place in Oct month of 2007 i used to live in Hyd and we had a maid who was 20 yrs and her name is Sunitha she looked amazing she was very slim and had round boobs i used to see her whole body while she was working one day it was raining heavily and my parents have to leave to their native place for 2 days they called Sunitha to stay with me to cook food me she came to my house at 9 pm he became wet...
Hi this is Kartik Sharma from Jaipur. Aaj mai aapko last month hua 1 incident batata hu,jo ki mera aur samne vali aksha didi k sath hua. Vaise to didi bahut sexy hai,age 23,figure ki size ka mai janta nahi,bus bade boobs aur unki butt to bahut hi sexy hai. Mai unhe chup-chup kar dekha karta hu. 1 din unhone gaurav tower sath chalne k liye kaha,maine meri bike nikali aur unka wait karne laga,vo aayi to mai to dekhta hi reh gaya, black sari mai bahut hi sexy lag rahi thi.mai drive to kar raha tha...
As it is with apartments, our long time neighbour’s, the Patel’s, a Gujarati family, were almost a part of ours. So when Deepak Patel, who was leaving for his married sisters place in Surat, for some business work with his Jijaji, and requested me to accompany him, there was no way I could have turned him down. Deepakbhaiya, as I knew him, was eight years elder to me, and his sister Anju, at 30, was a good twelve years elder to me. Like Deepak, I had always been a kid brother to Anjudidi, who...
This was the time in the early 2000’s when there were no mobile phones and the only internet connection was a dial-up modem connection. My elder sister is 3 years elder to me. I was studying. Don’t remember exactly when but around that time. My sister, lets call her Didi, was doing her higher secondary studies. At that time we were in a smaller town called Durgapur, in West Bengal. My school would usually end at 1 PM and I would be at home max by 1:30 PM. My sister’s school would end at 1:30 PM...
IncestHello friends, main aapke liye apni pyari behna Sonica ki kahani le kar hazir hoon. Meri behna meri kahanion ki fan bhi hai aur meri ashik bhi hai. Ye kahani main apni Sonica Didi ko samrpit kar raha hoon. Meri behan Sonica ki shadi Rahul se ho chuki hai. Sonica Delhi mein ek bade office mein kam karti thee aur usska affair apne boss Rahul ke saath chal pada tha. Mere papa jo ki Shimla ke ek jamindar hain, iss rishte ke liye razi ho gaye kion ki Rahul ek bahut amir vidhwa Shanti Devi ka beta...
Narrated by Akash Theek 4:30 baje main Bhawna ke flat ke samne pahuncha aur Bhawna ko phone lagaya. Bhawna: Hello, kaha ho? Main: Apke main door ke samne. Bhawna: Ok ok, mere in-laws living main hi hai, chai pee rahe hai. Tum ghanti bajao. Woh kholenge to fir main aungi apne kamre se. Iske bad woh phone kaati aur maine khudko all the best bolkar ghanti baja di. Kuch second baad darwaza khula. Samne ek mahila kareeb 50 ke umar ki boli: Haan kaon? Main: Ji main Akash, Bhawna ka… matlab Bhawna...
For a long time, I had been observing her. She looked very much disturbed. Her hubby was most of the times out of city. I had taken a bottle of champagne with me. As we sipped on it, I asked her casually about her life. She looked depressed. She told me her hubby seems to love money more than her. “He is only trying to give you all the comforts didi, don’t worry” I tried to console her. But, she continued to sob. I went near her and sat next to her. “Look didi, I am here till next semester. I...
IncestI am Rajveer, from Hyderabad, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in bed), This sex story is about how I was seduced and had sex with a very distant older cousin sister Shalini who is married and has a son. She wasn’t my cousin by relation, though our families were very close and our fathers were like brothers so we considered their daughter...
IncestHi guys, this is rahul biswas, a regular reader of iss. My age is 19,i am 5’9 tall, fair complexion & have an athletic physique. My family includes my mom, dad & my elder sis about whom my story evolves. her name is paromita, she is 25, very fair complexion, 5’3 tall & her figure is slightly plump(38/32/40), but the most attractive part of her body is her huge round fleshy butts & her perfectly shaped boobs which fascinated me very much. Now the incident which I am gonna share with u all is a...
IncestMy name is Abhijit, age 25 working in a software company in Kolkata as junior programmer. I am 5.5ft in height, well built figure and my dick is normally very small but expands to huge size when excited. Nobody will believe it can become such a thick and gigantic. My nature is introvert, nervous and my face cutting is quite innocent like a little boy. I never have girlfriend nor any sister, so i was unaware of how to act with a girl. Due to my nature, everybody in my office treats me as a...
IncestSoni 22 saalon ki thia aur uska chota bhai sonu us se 5 saal chota yaane 17 saalon ka tha. Soni ek bahut hi khoobsurat aur milansaar ladki thi. Woh sabse prem ka vyavhaar karti. Logon ki peeda usko ek aankh nahi bhaati thi. Uski ek kutti thi jo ab jawaan ho chuki thi aur jawaani ke naaye naaye andaaz seekh rahi thi uska naam tha dolly. Dolly ko soni ne apni aunty ke yahaan se jab woh paida hoyi thi tab laaya tha.soni dolly ko bahut pyaar karti thi aur usko apne hi saath sulaati thi. Pichle dino...
Hi, I am Ricky from a Bengali middleclass family. I am a 6ft tall, bit yellowish skin tone, muscular and curly hair guy. I did kickboxing since my teenage, so I have an athletic body. I am handsome, you can say. I am here to describe about the incident between me and my virgin didi. After clearing my JEE exams, I got selected in NIT Dur**pur. My dad is a government employee and my mom is a housewife. My sister loves me a lot. She was doing her graduation and wanted to do MBA. She was very...
IncestHi doston, mera naam Ronit(ronu) hai, 24 sall ka bhala ladka hu. Mein ISS ka regular reader hu aur aaj mein aap ko ek bahot hi garam or mast kahani sunane jaa raha hu jo mere sath sachhi meh huwa tha. Mein peheli baar likh raha hu, so, mere language mein koi gadbadi hui to mind mat kijiyega lekin mujhe biswash hai ki aapko mera story pasand aayega. Yeh ghatna tab ki hai jab mein 18 saal ka tha, mera cousin, sonu bhi 18 ka hi tha. Uski badhi behen, suhana, humse 1 saal badhi thi, 19 ki, lekin...
It had been my guilty pleasure for a few months by then, though my hands were clammy and my heart beat like mad each time I could find the nerve to actually go through with it. Yes, it felt exhilarating, and it gave me the most intense orgasms of my short life, but I also felt depraved and carried a bad conscience afterwards. However, something about it was addicting. I was sure by then that something was seriously wrong with me, but hey, there were some other issues that couldn’t be denied...
It had been my guilty pleasure for a few months by then, though my hands were clammy and my heart beat like mad each time I could find the nerve to actually go through with it. Yes, it felt exhilarating, and it gave me the most intense orgasms of my short life, but I also felt depraved and carried a bad conscience afterwards. However, something about it was addicting.I was sure by then that something was seriously wrong with me, but hey, there were some other issues that couldn’t be denied...
LesbianFriends … I am sharing my story with you … I’m a fan of ISS … I am writing story in kannada language . Hope you guys like my story and give me feedback on … Guys who don’t understand kannada please don’t read… Let’s begin the sex story in kannada… Nan hesru surya from raichur karnataka. Nanu school alli fda agi kelsa madtidini. Nam schoolalli 3 jana lady teachers idare nodoke obriginta obru beautifulagidare. Avra hesru suma, rekha,kavitha antha. Nan story suma la bagge. Avlu recentagi nam...
Disclaimer: More than meets the reader. *COUGH* Yeah, right. Warning: Contains adult material: such as nudity and suggestive dialogue. (|.|; How cute.) Discretion advised for the narrow-minded and those who pretend to be repulsed by their humanity for absolutely no reason at all. We were born to be naked! Live with it! Or is there a reasonable excuse for spying naked flesh when it's convenient for you? Weirdoes. Author's note: This concept has probably been used somewhere...