Reeperbahn Pickup free porn video

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I'd like to thank Mulligan and Steve T for their assistance in turning this into a better story than my initial effort, any errors remaining are of course mine.


A special thank you to Benjin from the Swarm Authors list for improving the German used in this story.

"Sarge, what's the plan?"

Ollie Benteen looked around the small group of soldiers with him and grinned, "Get fed, get pissed and if you can manage it after that get laid," he announced.

"That's the sort of plan I like," replied the guy next to him with distinctive curly red hair.

"Red," said Ollie, "The simplest plans are always the best and this is as simple as it gets."

He cast his glance around the rest of the group and smiled. The other seven with him were single like him and part of the same unit of the British Army.

They had the dubious privilege of being members of the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, the Army's mechanics and technicians and were currently serving together in Germany where they were attached to the Seventh armoured brigade.

The 'Desert Rats' as the brigade was known was based in the small German village of Fallingbostel, which was conveniently situated so that its members could reach Hamburg with its notorious red light district, the Reeperbahn, whenever they had the time.

The bunch of them was taking the opportunity to introduce the newest member of their clique, one Corporal David White, to the joys of Germany and to have a little fun at the same time.

"Pay attention," said Ollie as the late afternoon train they were on approached Hamburg's central station. "We're going to be arriving at the Hauptbahnhof in a few minutes and I don't want any of you wandering off on your own without being sure you can make it back."

Beside him Red looked to the ceiling but didn't say anything. He'd known Ollie for nearly three years and he'd been on several of these excursions before, the speech Ollie was going to give had been given on every one of them. True, Ollie hadn't lost anybody on any of those previous trips but like aircraft safety briefings it became old very quickly.

Ollie dug into one of his pockets and pulled out a bundle of business cards, he handed them around. "Take one of these and keep it safe," he instructed. "The first sentence on the front asks a taxi driver to bring you back to this station, the second is to be used here to get you on the right train for home." He looked around and shook his head sadly; "It would be better if you took the time to learn the language but that should be enough to get you heading in the right direction if we get separated."

"On the back," he continued, "are the phone numbers for the guard room and the RMP duty station back in Fallingbostel. The last number is for the English speaking desk in the Davidwache, that's the polizei station on the Reeperbahn." He looked around making sure he had their attention, "It would be better if you didn't have to use those numbers but don't hesitate if you believe you need to. There shouldn't be any trouble if you do, I'll just have to fill in a bit of paperwork after you get home."

His statement was greeted by a series of nodding heads around the table they occupied in the middle of the carriage.

"Right, keep those cards safe," Ollie ordered and the group slid the cards into pockets or wallets. Several of them had received similar cards on previous visits and had been forced to make use of them on occasions; none of them thought it was a waste of time even if the briefing was.

"David, this is your first time here so stick with me," Ollie grinned, "but not too close."

The group laughed out loud as David blushed, not sure if Ollie was serious or not. He was the 'Nig'; the Newbie in Germany and this trip had been arranged ostensibly to introduce him to the joys of Germany. He was pretty sure the group wanted to get to know him and see how he reacted to the sights to come. He'd heard enough about the Reeperbahn and its loose women to whet his appetite but at the same time fill him with a certain amount of embarrassment due to his sheltered upbringing.

Joining the Army instead of going to university had been a step that his parents had heartily disapproved of. The training had turned out to be practical but boring and he wasn't so sure that his decision had been such a good one. Still, another two years was all he had to serve before he had a chance to leave and the experience could prove useful for later in life, especially if the stories concerning this alien invasion proved to be true.

'Red' Haskel, the only recovery mechanic in the group broke into David's thoughts, "I take it we'll be taking the U-bahn from the station?" he asked.

Ollie nodded, "I was going to suggest getting something to eat at the Hauptbahnhof before we ride the underground to the Reeperbahn. We wouldn't want to get there too early and hitting the bars on an empty stomach isn't a good idea."

"A proper sit down meal?" asked Andy Farrell, his nose curling in distaste.

"No, 'Rad, '" replied Ollie to the radar technician, "I was thinking of hitting one of the pizza places on the concourse and stuffing our faces with carbs."

Rad Farrell nodded in understanding and acquiesced, "OK."

"A quick heads up on where we're going," said Ollie as the train slowed even further. "The Reeperbahn is about a klick long, at the top it's the posh end and standards drop the further down you go. If a girl asks you to buy a drink, don't! That's not being nasty but if you agree you'll find you're presented with a bill for a thousand Euros or more for her 'champagne' and take it from me you won't get out of paying for it."

A couple of the guys looked sheepish having been caught in that ploy themselves on earlier visits.

"If you want a jump head for the Eros centre which is about half way down the strip." Ollie looked around and grinned, "Don't worry about catching anything, the girls are checked out every couple of weeks and they're more worried about disease than you are. If they catch anything from you they're off work until it's cleared up. All that happens to you is you get a jab up the arse and have to drink orange juice for a month or so."

The train clattered to a halt and Ollie got to his feet after the civilians had exited their carriage, "Now let's get out there and have some fun," he announced before leading the way.

Paul Whilley slumped down in a seat and looked around, "You know," he said, "the one thing I miss about England is the girls' legs."

Dave White looked around the concourse and frowned, 'what was Paul going on about?'

"Yeah," agreed Adam Potter, Paul's fellow vehicle mechanic, "You'd have thought that skirts had been banned or something."

"Too true," piped up Pete Lamar, an electronics technician. "The only women you see in skirts around here are fifty something Poles."

"Or their mothers," added Ollie as he lowered his body into the chair at the head of the table and indicated an ancient woman hobbling past in comfortable shoes and a long heavy skirt.

A round of laughter that subsided quickly when the trouser clad blond waitress appeared at Ollie's shoulder greeted his words.

"Bitte?" She asked looking around expectantly.

"Acht Bier, bitte," replied Ollie before taking the handful of menus the girl held out to him.

"Kommt sofort," she replied before disappearing back inside.

Ollie distributed the menus around the table, "Fill up lads, it'll absorb the beer and that'll help you last longer tonight."

"What are you having?" asked Red after looking at the menu for a couple of minutes.

"Pizza," replied Ollie, "Pizza Fungi."

"Pizza Fungi?" asked 'Eve' Potter, his nose curling in distaste.

"Fungi is mushroom," explained Ollie, "So it's a mushroom pizza."

He glanced around the table and took in the look of confusion on several of the faces as they studied the menus. "I'll tell you what," he said, "Let's have a selection of pizzas and garlic bread and we can all help ourselves."

"No anchovies," declared Chris O'Neill.

"Chris, if they come with anchovies they come with anchovies, just pick a bit without them."

The young armourer rolled his eyes, "I can't stand the things."

"We're going to have half a dozen pizzas, I doubt if there's going to be more than one with fish on it," said Ollie.

"Okay, it's not a problem," replied Chris, subsiding back into his seat.

"Has anyone else got a problem with pizza?" asked Ollie.

Shaking heads and muttered, "No's," were the only response he received.

The waitress reappeared carrying a tray containing eight frosty glasses of amber liquid and the boys around the table turned their attention to her.

"You are ready to order?" she asked in slightly stilted English.

Ollie showed her the open menu and pointed, "Ein, Zwei, Zwei, Ein und Zwei."

"Eine Margarita, Zwei Fungi, Zwei Napoli, Eine Salami und Zwei Knoblauchbrote" she repeated and Ollie nodded in agreement.

She pattered off again with several sets of eyes tracking her pert posterior before the boys passed the beers around.

Paul turned his attention back to the table, "Have you heard anything more about that speech, Sarge?"

The speech in question was the one the American president had made to the world last week concerning the threat to the planet posed by the approaching Swarm.

Ollie shook his head; "Nothing official has come through, though the speech has helped to make sense of a few rumours that have been floating around the mess."

"Rumours?" prodded Paul.

"All those peace conferences that suddenly started making real progress for one," said Ollie. "It also accounts for sudden disappearance of half the SAS."

"The SAS have gone missing?" exclaimed Paul as several sets of eyes focused on Ollie.

"Not officially," said Ollie, "But the RSM knows a couple of guys based in Hereford and he hasn't been able to contact them. That's nothing unusual especially if they've been deployed but their families have gone missing as well, which is kind of strange."

"You think they're out there already?" asked Red.

"It wouldn't surprise me," said Ollie, "they're the sort of people you need out there to keep an eye on the threat. If people have been leaving for as long as rumours say then it wouldn't surprise me if they're targeting the military, which is probably why they needed those peace talks now."

"Makes sense," said Red, "but where does it leave us?"

Ollie shrugged, "How many of you got tested last year?" he asked indicating the badge on Rad's shirt.

Each of the boys indicated that they'd been caught up in the media frenzy that had surrounded Average Joes XV.

"And how many of you are above this six point five threshold?" continued Ollie.

Only Pete Lamar and Paul Whilley dropped their hands.

"There you have it," said Ollie. "If those scores are the same as this CAP testing score, and it seems that they are then you're qualified to volunteer for the Confederacy Defence Force."

"But can we?" asked David White when no one else spoke. "They hadn't said anything before I left the UK and I haven't seen anything in the couple of days I've been here that tells us what to do. But surely we're members of the British Army and we can't go off and volunteer for another Army until we're released or told to go."

Ollie shrugged, "Don't ask me," he said. "They haven't told me anything either. If we go by the letter of the law leaving to fight for this Confederacy would make you AWOL as far as the Army is concerned." He gave them a lopsided grin; "Whether they could do anything about it after you'd left is a different thing."

"AWOL!" exclaimed Rad Farrell. "From the way the president was talking I got the impression that we were under orders to volunteer for this Confederacy thingie."

"He did give that impression," admitted Ollie, "but he's a Yank and so far there's been nothing through channels or even on the TV concerning our position."

"BFBS probably lost the report," said Eve derisively.

The British Forces Broadcasting Service was not well thought of by the troops. It operated a single channel with news taken live from the BBC but all local programming was so biased as to be universally ignored.

Ollie chuckled, "That's possible," he said, "but I doubt if they'd be that stupid on something this important. Anyway it would be on the news and that comes over from England direct."

"Doesn't help us though does it?" said Rad glancing around. "I mean, I get the impression that things are desperate and they need troops out there immediately. Do we have to make up our own mind about this or are they going to get off their fat lazy butts and lead us?"

"I was looking at some of the things they've put out about the Confederacy," said Chris, "and if I'm reading it right the Army couldn't touch you if you volunteered."

"Why not?" asked Red.

"It seems you become a citizen of the Confederacy when you volunteer," he explained. "That means that you lose your nationality and any ties that you used to have."

"Such as?" pressed Red.

"Marriages are annulled, debts are cancelled, all that sort of stuff. It seems that you start with a clean slate for you and your concubines," finished Chris with a shrug.

"What's with this concubine thing anyway?" asked Pete.

Ollie looked at Chris, "What did you find out about that?"

Chris went a delicate shade of pink, "A concubine is a slave," he said. "That's not how the president described it in his speech or even how it's portrayed on the Confederacy website, but when you read the details that are there in black and white it becomes obvious. A concubine, and most of them will be women by the sound of it, is there to have children, look after them and keep her sponsor happy. The concubine can't do anything without the permission of the sponsor and the sponsor can do anything he likes with, or to, the concubine."

He looked around the group, "I looked up the term concubine elsewhere and she is described as a woman who lives with a man who is not her husband, solely for the purpose of reproduction. Another description is that of a woman who is kept in a harem by a sultan for sexual purposes. Take your pick," he concluded with a grin and a shrug.

"I suppose we'll find out more next weekend when they air that Defence Force special that they've been advertising," said Ollie after a moment of silence. "It's supposed to give everyone the low-down on what is involved with volunteering as a sponsor and one of his entourage."

The conversation came to a halt as the waitress returned with two helpers and half a dozen large pizzas.

After a third beer to wash down the last of the pizza it was time to move on. Rad Farrell took the lead by declaring that he was heading for the Eros centre.

"I'll come with you," chimed in Pete Lamar.

"Me, too," responded Paul Whilley, pushing his empty glass away.

"You coming?" asked Rad as he rose to his feet looking at the guys who'd remained seated.

"Not me," said Eve Potter.

"Nor me," replied Red Haskell.

"I'm sticking with him," said Dave White waving towards Ollie.

"We'll see you later," said Ollie with a grin, "take care and stay out of trouble."

The three lads waved casually and walked away. Chris O'Neill changed his mind and pushed his chair back, "I'm with them," he said and rushed to catch the other three as they headed for the U-bahn entrance.

"They're headed in the right direction," said Red.

"Give it a couple of minutes and we'll catch the next train," said Ollie reaching for the remains of his beer.

"Where are you planning on leading us?" asked Red.

"There's a bar on Davidstraße, just down from the police station," said Ollie.

"Near the police station," said Eve looking puzzled, "I'd have thought we'd want to stay as far from the police as we could."

"That's one way of looking at it," said Ollie. "The other is that there's never going to be any trouble there because it's always full of cops."

"Uhmm," was Eve's only response.

"Don't worry," said Red, "I've been there before. The cops are off duty and are just unwinding and the beers good." He chuckled, "it's actually a knocking shop as well but you have to pass through a curtain to move from one part to the other."

David blushed as he heard Red's comment and Ollie chuckled, "I wasn't going to mention that," he said shaking his head at the older man.

"Sorry," said Red but he didn't look that repentant.

"Come on," said Ollie getting to his feet, "the others should have cleared the station by now."

The four of them headed for the underground station and the short trip to the Reeperbahn.

The four soldiers entered Pieter's Haus on Davidstraße to be greeted by a mature buxom woman who smiled pleasantly and addressed them in English.

"Welcome, welcome, I'm Helga and if there's anything I can get for you just ask," she said before steering them towards the bar area.

Four men and a pair of women, each of whom wore a distinctive green leather jacket, tracked their progress across the room.

"What's with the jacket?" asked Dave quietly as they settled around a table.

"The Polizei changed uniforms a couple of years ago," explained Ollie. "Originally they wore a cream and green uniform that was pretty easy to spot, now it's a dark blue thing, more like our guys wear but the jacket," he nodded towards the cluster at the bar, "has been kept alive even if it is civilian wear."

"Uhmm," was all David could muster in reply.

A young woman appeared around the end of the bar and before she could cross the room to them Ollie held up four fingers and received a nod of understanding.

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Hotel pickup

All the years I'd been going to the gym when I was young and fit I never had anyone hit on me. Now I'm old, balding and stocky I had a young black guy come on to me in a hotel sauna.I'd had a little workout in their gym, took a swim and headed to the sauna. There were two guys in there, one about my age (who left soon after I sat down) and this young black guy, he must have been in his early 20's. He was sitting with a towel wrapped round his waist and his chest was glistening with sweat and...

4 years ago
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the pickup

Sue was a large black woman with soft bright eyes and a nice smile. I am not racist and she had a cute face so when she asked me if I liked oral sex I said yes!  Her lips were full and moist, the thought of placing my cock between them was pleasant. She told me she liked skinny white boys and I fit the bill. Then she told me for 50 dollars we could go to her place and have oral sex!We were on our way there anyway and I said yes. I had picked her up outside a bar. I was heading home from work...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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The Pickup

A light breeze hid the fact that it was 90 degrees. He took a long drag on his cigarette and let his eyes wander around the shade of the mall. From each of the Casinos, a melange of music and clattering coins filtered out onto the street. He saw her a few feet away, enjoying the shade, watching the people and his eyes wandered freely over her. Tall and slender, her high heels peeked from under emerald green silk pants that caressed her legs and clung to her hips. Perfectly pedicures toes...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Gay Bar Pickup

When I was in my late twenties, I had been single for a while and like most single men and women, my main form of sexual gratification was masturbating. Like most people, I have six or seven fantasies in my head that I use when masturbating. Most of my fantasies involve performing sexual acts with beautiful women, but I also had a couple of homosexual fantasies.I have always liked looking at men with an erect penis and when I watch porn, I take as much notice of the guy’s hard cock as the...

2 years ago
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Group Pickup

You sit in the Magpie bar, nursing a drink, waiting for your boyfriend to show up. This has become a bit of a pattern lately, him being late and making excuses. You were looking forward to tonight, and you were even planning to let him go all the way with you, but now you don’t know. Your friend had persuaded you that you were carrying the idea of not being an easy lay too far considering you had been dating for months, and in truth you were feeling horny. You had put on your sexiest bra and...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Pool Pickup

I was hanging out at the pool of my apartment complex one morning. Not doing anything fun, just sitting there at one of tables with the umbrella up reading a book. I had the whole pool to myself as everyone else was either at work, on vacation, or something else. Actually, the pool isn't used much as it is but was especially quiet this morning which suited me just fine. I had been reading and enjoying the quiet for a while, when I heard the gate to the pool area open. Looking up I saw a girl...

2 years ago
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The Pickup

It all started innocently enough, my beautiful wife Stacy wanted to go out for drinks after a long, hard week of working. We called a babysitter to watch our twins so we could go out and relax and enjoy an evening alone. My wife took her normal, relaxing shower and prepared herself for a nice evening out. We did not really have any set plans so I asked her again what she would like to do. My wife said she would like to go have a few drinks and then maybe some dinner. So we decided to try a new...

3 years ago
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Shoe Store Pickup

My wife of thirty years Megan and I were out on a Sunday morning at the local warehouse stores complex. We were in a shoe store - Megan was trying on some trendy leather boots when I spotted her. Her ... was a blonde haired lady. Long straight blonde hair - not a natural blonde colour but dyed ash blonde with darker streaks. What attracted my attention first were the shoes that she was trying on - strappy black heels ... very high heels. Those shoes showcased her sexy well maintained feet with...

2 years ago
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The Pickup

I woke up and found myself lying on the bed, my hands were handcuffed to the iron bedstead and my feet were also the tied securely. The person who had done this to me was lying in beside me her body covered in a fine sheen of perspiration and fast asleep. I realise what had woken me was a sound from the bedroom door, looking over to the door I saw two girls, about 14 and 16, both were looking intently at the scene in front of them. I could not say anything to them as my mouth was gagged and...

3 years ago
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Bandstand Pickup

It was seven-thirty and another Saturday night wedding reception. I play the sax. I'm probably good enough to almost have made the big time, but just NOT that well connected. This was a lively crowd and we had plenty of people dancing to our musical noise. I call it noise because we can't play our music; we have to play stuff that's been gathering dust in their musical libraries for at least ten years or so. It's automatic for us, and B O R I N G as hell. I tend to watch the women, find...

1 year ago
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The Pickup

Nora and I were just out cruising around looking for some sexual companionship---something we did each weekend beginning Friday evening. We’d had no luck last night, but Saturday around noon we were out again, looking—looking---looking, and hit pay dirt in a dirty blonde about 15 or 16 years old, dressed, well I’m not sure that dressed really applies, but attired in short, short “Daisy Dukes”, and an even smaller top—in that it barely covered the undersides of her braless tits that was...

3 years ago
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Bar Pickup

The bar was dark and still. The only motion came from a baseball game playing on the several wall hanging flatscreens. A small group sat around one table. A solitary drinker sat at the bar. The woman wandered in from the hotel lobby, paused a moment as if uncertain whether to stay or go on out and sit on the deck overlooking the beach, half the tables there were occupied. There came some laughter from one. A wave of sound from a big party going on close by seemed to decide her. She walked to a...

3 years ago
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The Pickup

Copyright© 090303 Tales from my youth... Friday night. Whew, the week is done, time to go out and get loose. Being fairly new in town, I don't know many folks so I thought I'd just go out. I got a bite to eat at my apartment and climbed into my trusty 510 sedan and set out to blow off steam. The bar I went to was in a strip mall. Down a flight of stairs into smokey, dark noisey place. The music was pouring up the stairs at a throbbing beat. Late '70's and early '80s rock, Police,...

3 years ago
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Piccadilly Pickup

During the bus ride into the city, Janet had slipped into her new stilettos and dabbed some final cosmetic touches, thinly disguising her innocence of being only sixteen. The autumn twilight had now faded into darkness on the streets of London. “Piccadilly Circus!” hailed the conductor and Janet rose from her seat. Stepping from the red double-decker she instantly felt conscious of being a young female alone in Piccadilly; easily mistaken for a prostitute. Her dark hair contrasted against...

3 years ago
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Trials and TribunationsChapter 11 Saturday Pickup

Extraction Day, or "E-Day" as the Haywood daughters had been referring to it, dawned cool but clear. By 9:00, Marianne had finished with the checklist, confirmed that all members of all the families were present and accounted for. By 9:30, everyone was hearing the momentous news: a scoop type extraction. Everyone who wanted to go was going immediately, without the usual "cattle call". The sorting out of which concubine belonged to which sponsor would be done in orbit. A quick poll...

1 year ago
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Fatty woman pickup

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); It was a night of drinking and partying a few weeks ago…….I ended up in my usual watering fountain to have one last drink before going home, I was buzzing really nice and felt good!! at the same time felt a little horny as well. In the bar my eyes caught a glimpse of a latin looking women to the best of my guessing she was about 45 years old dark to medium color skin and the CLEAVAGE she had on her was mind blowing, for the...

1 year ago
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The Disco Pickup

Roshni and Kirk danced by the bar as Roshni scoped out the area. “You ready, darling?” Kirk asked her. Roshni smiled. She had loved the plan that they had made up. “Certainly….and that’s the girl I’ve picked.” Roshni pointed to her. Kirk turned to see a , 5ft 7in, huge breasts, waist 26in and she looked like 22yrs old. Kirk pulled Roshni closer to him. “Then let’s go.” They both went on the dance floor and hugged up while dancing. Roshni kept her stare on the lonely girl who was not taking on...

1 year ago
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The Pickup

Jerry asked, "Are you sure this is what you want?" daughter said, "We have to expand our horizons." Wife said,"And they both need to be really good looking." Jerry went off in a cab to a downtown area where he knew there were some bars. It had been several years since he was in a bar and did not really understand the changes that had occurred. The bar he entered was considered a gay bar but he did not know what that was so he went on in. He was shocked to see some women and men dancing with...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Early Encounter

In the early days of Internet there was dial-up modems, AOL, and chat rooms. I ventured into these rooms regularly and had interesting as well as disappointing experiences with people. In those beginning years of technology I was really more curious than anything, it seemed a safe and anonymous way to meet people with similar interests and share ideas and fantasies. Meeting someone was beyond anything I thought feasible, it was a way to explore and learn. So then I found rooms listed by state...

3 years ago
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Different Pastures

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: A kind hearted rancher discovers that his unfaithful wife and her biker lovers have tried to poison him and he turns the tables on them unexpectedly, and finds new love in a quite different pasture. Technically not really a Lovett County story, but features characters that will appear there later. No overt sex. Sex contents: A bit of Sex Genre: Romantic Revenge Codes: MF, Cheat Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-07-16 Revised: 2010-04-15 ****** Thanks to...

3 years ago
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The Girl Next Door

A knock at the door, it was her of course! She came in and look a little drunk too, we sat and talked for a short time. I was wearing shorts and she noticed that my dick was slowly get a semi just checking her out. Thats when i noticed her hands go down on to my shorts where my dick is, she looked at me licked her lips knowing that i wasn't very experianced told me tonight she would be boss, i eagarily agreed. She took my pants down and while kisses me was rubbing my cock up and down, wow this...

2 years ago
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vacation 10

For the first time since meeting up I awoke during the night. I lay there for a minute, flat on my back, with you snuggled up against me. As I lay there I wondered what might have been the cause of my waking up. In mere moments I knew exactly what was going on. The next door neighbours were obviously fucking very enthusiastically. The previous two nights had been very quiet, but then that was easily explained by the fact that we were the last room in the row before the building took almost...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Billie Star Brittany Bardot ParentTeacher Conference with Billie Star And Brittany Bardot Turns to Hot DP Orgy

After hearing about some of their students having sex in the bathroom teachers Billie Star and Brittany Bardot are meeting with the alleged perpetrators’ parents to get to the bottom of the incident. Halfway through the meeting, Erik, the father of one of the boys, calls Brittany Bardot, who he knows has slept with many of the parents, out for being a hypocrite. From there, the meeting’s tone becomes very personal, before ultimately turning sexual – highly sexual. Next, Brittany and Billie...

2 years ago
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Daniel Too Far Away

I had just gotten on my Xbox to relax for the night. I had a rough night at work and it was already one in the morning. I had gotten myself something to eat while lying down to prop my legs up. I always had to work the late shift because most of my coworkers hated it. I thought, it gives me hours and I'm normally up at that time anyway. I've always kind of been a night owl. I am twenty-seven working in a grocery store; even though it isn't the ideal setting, it gives me the flexibility to...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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A Dream Comes True ch15

A Dream Comes True. Ch 15. By Julian Irwin. It was about 3:45 when I heard the sound of a car coming up the driveway. It could only be one person, well two to be exact. I rushed downstairs ready to open the door soon as the dinky bell chimed. So excited about it all, I even forgot to leave Chrissy sitting on the bed with Shelly. Oh never mind I put her on the side table in the hallway, as Mummy had done once when I arrived. I noticed Mummy now standing behind me as I waited...

3 years ago
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Lady in White

I could see her standing in the window of the hotel room, all I could see was a flowing white figure. She was watching me as I got things out of my car, walking back into the hotel I took the elevator to the 17th floor. I walked slowly down the corridor toward her room. Swiping my card I let myself in. She still stood by the window, and was wearing a long flowing white gown, as she turned to face me, it was low cut her breast poured over the top. Her black hair was spiked up and she looked very...

1 year ago
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First time with the girls

As they got older we started to talk about more sexual things and about how we couldn't wait for the first time we would get to have sex. I knew that Lucy liked me and I always thought maybe me and her would do it together, as they grew, they grew more and more different, Beth developed a beauty spot on her forehead and that was how I usually told them apart, and Lucy was recognizably skinnier than her sister. I couldn't talk to any of my friends about this stuff because the girls were 3...

2 years ago
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Tight foreskin in the massage parlour

Tight foreskin in a massage parlorHaving read some of the stories in this section I thought you may be interested in a story I have to tell. If the gentleman concerned recognizes himself, I send my best regards!In 1985 I worked for a time in a massage parlor in east London. We had a few regulars; one sweet guy I remember came once a month or so for a year. He was from out of London, a single man probably mid 20s. He was quite plump and had ginger hair, His name was Ben. He was always dressed...

1 year ago
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Date Night With a Twist

We decided to go out to a romantic dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. The evening was just right! It had been hot during the day, but by 6:00 p.m. it was a very comfortable 80 degrees. I decided to wear a little black dress and some strappy sandals. It makes me smile to look sexy for my man. We arrived at the restaurant and knew there would be a wait, but that was okay. We went to the bar and ordered some drinks, wine for me and Pepsi for him. As we were waiting, I made it very clear...

1 year ago
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Honor Thy Mother Thy Father Ch 08b

Note: This is a work of Fiction. Although the areas this story takes place in are real, the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are Not Real. As you read this story, try to remember: THIS IS A NOVEL. Subtext: As many of you will remember, there was a problem with Chapter 8 being displayed on Literotica. Although they finally got it right, after I submitted an edit, I believe it was much too late for those who read...

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