Hell Hath No Fury
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It wasn't a loud sound, the distinctive screech of the owl in the distance, but it sent a slight chill through her shoulders as she reached to pick the white blossom from the tree. She tucked the flower behind her ear, burying it in the gentle folds of her hair. As its fragrance surrounded her she tried to shake off the small feeling of foreboding that the cry of the bird had laid like a nest egg in her belly. She turned and scanned the field behind her, looking for her mother.
Demeter's voice echoed softly across the waving grass. "Sephone! Where are you? Persephone! Come on back dear, it's time to move on!"
Perhaps it was guilt that gave her the shiver, Persephone thought. When the owl had screeched, Persephone had been daydreaming again, looking through the trees, making up stories about people who didn't have a goddess for a mother. Her dedication to her mother was so strong, even daydreaming seemed to be unfaithful. She quickly forgot the story she was weaving, leaving the fictional princess to come up with her own escape. Sighing softly, the young maiden stroked the rough bark of the cherry tree with her delicate hand, thanking the tree for its flower before she turned to go.
"Sephie! Now please, we don't have all day!"
"Coming mother," she called, wishing the tree a fond farewell as she let her legs carry her through the grass and back to her mother, her companion. She was also fleeing from her daydreams. As much as the world held temptations for her, she was too terrified to reap them herself.
His dark eyes watched her as she ran. He allowed himself a small smile as he absorbed the sight of her legs working beneath her skirt. The gossamer fabric floated around her thighs giving him just a tease of the lightly tanned flesh beneath. She ran easily, smoothly, appearing almost to fly across the grass. She reminded him of nothing more than one of her own butterflies, flitting from blade to blade, flower to flower. This maiden offspring, this creature of delicate wings and flowing mane, this perfect being would be his.
He stepped away from the tree, and had any casual onlooker been present it would appear that he seemed more to pull out of the bark rather than move from behind it. Such was his nature. The rough covering of the trunk matched the deep bronze of his skin, and it was difficult to discern from a distance where one stopped and the other began. But as formidable as his presence was, as overpowering as he appeared in the flesh, he moved with a grace known only to the gods. The fluidity of his motions brought to mind the flowing of melting gold, or perhaps molten lava; the empty space he left behind, the feeling of absence that was palpable when he moved betrayed his divine origins.
As he began to stride through the waving grasses, he gave the impression of leisure. There was a casualness, a summer laziness about his pace. Only if one was privileged enough, or foolish enough, to be near him as he walked would one see the muscles ripple under his skin, the set of his jaw, and the intensity of his gaze. All of which betrayed the purpose behind this seemingly innocent stroll. Not once since she had turned her back to the tree had his gaze left her. Even now, as the last image of her floating hair disappeared over the rising mound of the earth, his eyes never faltered. He didn't rush because he had no need to hurry. She would come to him when it was time. All things came to him in time whether he desired it or not.
Persephone felt, rather than saw, the presence behind her. Whipping her head around, her hair flying around her face like the wind, she knew that she 'almost' saw whatever it was watching her. She could feel the renewed presence of dread deep in her stomach, as though the owl had again passed over her on silent wings, temporarily blocking the protective warmth of the sun; leaving her with the unpleasant knowledge that all was not well in the world.
Her mother's hand on her shoulder brought her back into the safety of their world. "'Sephonie? Darling? Are you okay? Something's troubling you." Demeter's voice was kind, nurturing, and reassuring to the young girl.
"No, mother, I'm fine. It was just a passing feeling. It's gone now." She spoke firmly, to reassure herself as well as her mother.
"Well, then, dear. It's time we move on. We have a long ways to go before dark if we're going to check on the progress of the fields. Must not dawdle. We have obligations, you know."
Persephone fought back the impulse to roll her eyes at her mother's chiding. "Yes Mother, I know. Crops to oversee, weather to watch, blah, blah, blah."
Demeter smiled indulgently at her daughter. She remembered what it was like to be young and to feel as though the world existed only here and only now. Sometimes she would watch her daughter float through life, bringing Spring to whatever she touched, and Demeter would be brought back to her own youth. The carefree times when immortality meant being young forever, not simply 'being' forever. "Let her have her time," Demeter told herself. "Let her enjoy her youth and the comfort of not knowing the darkness in the world." She tugged lightly on the young maiden's arm, directing her into the movement of the wind, letting the breeze guide them to their next destination.
Persephone followed her mother willingly, watching the earth around them change as they passed. Spring, Persephone's time, was moving quickly into Summer and the crops would soon need tending. Her mother would be busy overseeing much of the activity, although the reaping of the harvest wasn't technically her position. So many jobs melded into each other, and things moved much more smoothly when the Beings simply worked together and ignored so many of the petty territorial arguments that were always threatening to boil over. The biggest advantage, of course, was that Persephone would be granted some leisure time of her own, and there were always wonders to discover. Maybe this summer, she would actually go exploring for them.
As they approached their home, Demeter motioned to her daughter. "Dear? Didn't I see some of those wonderful elderberries ripening behind the house? Go gather some. They'll be wonderful after dinner."
Persephone strolled between the bushes, gathering the ripe berries in the hem of her skirt. As she pulled the fruit from the branches, she could feel the newly ripe globes strain against their skins, threatening to burst at the slightest touch. She brought one to her mouth, savoring the feel of their shade-cool tautness against the warmth of her lips. With just a hint of pressure, the fruit erupted between her teeth, bathing her tongue with its sweetness. Her eyes closed as she enjoyed the simple pleasure of the treat, her lids fluttering lightly, her lashes brushing across the creamy skin beneath her eyes.
A cry wrenched involuntarily from her throat as her arm brushed against his rough skin. His voice was low, and she wondered at first if he had actually spoken out loud or if he had spoken directly to her soul.
"You've been waiting for me." It was just like that. A statement, not a question or an accusation, just a simple recitation of fact.
Without thinking, she nodded slowly. The voice was so confident that it demanded an answer before she could wonder who was doing the asking. An excitement bubbled within her, recognizing that she had been waiting for - something - and now it was happening.
"You know, don't you, that there's so much more than what she's shown you." He nodded towards the house she shared with her mother as he spoke. Again, he wasn't asking or seeking confirmation. It was as though he was reminding her of something she had forgotten. "She kept you shielded from the rest of us. She's kept you locked away in your world of flowers and beauty. But you know that your cage, gilded as though it may be, is still a cage."
She wanted to protest, to defend her mother against the accusations this, this, person was making, but she found herself unable to speak. His voice was like a mountain slide, threatening to bury her with their strength of conviction. The words pulled from her throat. "My mother loves me. I... I can't stay. The fruit, dinner..."
His voice flowed through her like heat moved through the air. Not the gentle, healing warmth of the sun, but the crackling heat from the flames. "Yes. Go. I'll wait."
And as suddenly as he had appeared, he was gone.
Demeter was worried. Her daughter had been "off" for a number of days now. At first she had shrugged it off to the fickle moods of young adults, but it had gone past that. Her daughter was clinging to her mother at every waking moment. She liked to believe it was due to a renewed fondness, but she was too wise to convince herself of that. She could even pinpoint when the change had happened. Since bringing in berries three evenings ago, Persephone had done little more than wander around the house, occasionally poking the embers of a dying fire or aimlessly rearranging a bouquet of blossoms, long past their prime.
Persephone sat at their small table, absently pulling segments from a ripe blood-orange. The glistening pieces lay uneaten on the wooden surface; beads of juice stained the maiden's fingertips with their sticky sweetness. Without speaking, she pushed her chair back, seemingly oblivious to the screech of the legs against the wood floor. Demeter moved to intercept the girl as she headed to the door, wanting to offer comfort to whatever was bothering her daughter, but changed her mind, choosing to let her go. "Perhaps the air will clear her head," the concerned mother thought. "Getting out has to be a good sign, I don't think she's been out of the house in days."
She wasn't sure where she was going, but Persephone was suddenly positive that she had to leave. She had felt the confines of her mother's house so clearly this morning; she just had to get out among the trees. Perhaps the cause of this fidgeting could be found among the greens and browns of the leaves flittering with the breeze. As she stepped into her forest, she could feel the wind pulling her, tugging her along the path, deeper into the forest.
As the shadows lengthened, the world around her was abruptly brought back into sharp focus as He appeared before her. Although he was leaning almost casually against the bark of a maple to the side of the path, Persephone knew that she could not be more unable to pass him had he been standing in the middle of the path, spanning its width with his powerful body. She stopped and stared, forgetting her home, forgetting her mother, forgetting even herself as her body reacted to his.
He gazed into her, and his eyes met her soul. As though stricken dumb, Persephone could do nothing more than stare, absorbing the sight of his body into hers. She felt herself drawn to him; the pull from her center was as irresistible as the pull of the moon upon the tide. Silently he held out his hand to her and she found herself wrapped in his grip. Although he held her lightly, she felt no urge to pull her wrist from his fingers. Rather, she felt finally as peace, the restless movement of her muscles relaxed. This is what she was seeking.
"Come, fly with me." His voice reverberated in the ears of the young goddess as the world around her began to grow less real. She felt the trees begin to melt and their roots beneath her feet began to roll, undulating like gentle waves lapping against the shore. The sounds of the forest, once so familiar and beautiful to her, gave way to the strange music of hollow winds and shifting currents. The dirt beneath her bare feet, always firm and reassuring, changed to the rough rubbing of hewn boards, planks separating her from dark water threatening to wrap around her narrow ankles. Her eyes were locked in his, but she knew without stopping to let her rational mind see her new surroundings, that she was no longer a part of the world she had inhabited. She knew that she was in his world now, and only with him would she be safe.
"What you see here may frighten you, but it may also answer those questions you have within you. What you see will open those doors within you and give you an understanding of that darker part, that desire you have but have yet to admit."
She nodded dumbly, knowing that he spoke the truth. She had seen the shadows left behind by the passing of the sun, and she had recognized their power and their beauty.
He continued, pausing only slightly to let her gaze drift to the waters below them and to the dark figures, she knew not if they were plant or animal, which dotted the shore. His hand held hers, and her fingers tightened their grip around his palm. Her pulse fluttered in her wrist, and he could feel the desire course through her body.
Her ears heard only his voice, surrounded by the angry music of the wind blowing through her hair. This was not the world she knew. This was not the world of the friendly breezes playing hide-and-seek in her tresses. This was a world of the primitive in the soul and the empty spaces between the stars.
The small wooden craft bumped lightly against the shore, and he stepped easily onto the ground. His hand still held hers, and she was pulled gently behind him from the boat. Once she stood beside the water it gradually became clear to her. She knew where she was, and she knew with whom she was traveling.
Her mind screamed at her, warned her to flee as images flashed through her mind. Stories her mother told her in her youth. Stories of darkness and warnings. This was Hades.
"This is a world untouched by your mother," he said. He reached up and plucked a fruit from a tree. "Here, taste something that your mother never grew. It's just a pomegranate, but you'll find the flavor much more enjoyable than in the other world."
Persephone held the fruit in her hand amazed that she didn't feel the slightest bit of connection with it. It was liberating. This fruit would grow, flourish and die without any influence from her at all. It might be sweet. It might be sour. Persephone wouldn't know until she tasted it. The idea was tempting, but she gave it back to him.
With no small effort, she found her voice "Thank you, but I know a little about your world," she said reluctantly. "I know that if I consume anything of your world, than I shall stay forever."
He smiled. "Your mother taught you everything you needed to know to stay in her world, and yet she neglected to teach you much else."
She sat there in embarrassed silence while he simply watched her. Persephone was worried that she had insulted him, but she didn't know what to say. She tried to think of what she knew about people, but then realized that it was nothing. It made her feel very lonely.
A gray horse appeared, running towards them along the shore. When the horse reached them, her host tenderly patted the huge creature. It was twice the size of the wild horses in the fields near her home, and the muscles rippling beneath its flanks could gallop effortlessly over mountains. The man swung lightly onto the horse grabbing a thick handful of the horse's black mane. Persephone felt a moment of fear when she thought he might leave her.
Without a word, he bent down and scooped her up. She almost struggled but relaxed when he sat her in front of him. His arms wrapped around her slender body and locked together at the horse's mane. His chest was a solid wall that she leaned naturally into.
"Daughter of the Above, let me show you my world," he intoned. Persephone felt her heart accelerating until it matched the rapid gate of his steed.
Demeter was beginning to panic. Although she trusted her daughter's instincts, and she knew that Sephonie was immune to the physical terrors of the mortal world, she admitted to herself that her daughter had been sheltered from the more tantalizing facets of immortality. As she searched the trees and woods of which her daughter was so fond, Demeter could feel a shift in the air around her. She felt an empty place that was her daughter.
A stillness fell across the trees, silencing the leaves on their branches and sending the small animals to their hiding places among the great roots. Demeter could feel the anger begin to boil within as she slowly became certain of her daughter's location. There was only one realm in which she had no hold, in which she had no control. Her one and only daughter, her reason, her inspiration was with Demeter' brother, Hades.
In her anger and fear, Demeter paid no notice to the sudden chilling of the air.
Hell Hath No Fury Part 1 – The SeductionI had a good job in industry, earning very good money, and used my wealth and position to seduce attractive young women. To me it was a sport. But underneath my smooth exterior, I had always been secretly attracted to dominant women, and particularly dominant cigar smoking women. I had gone out with Carol for a few months, but had become, as was usual, a bit bored with her. She was a very attractive girl when we first met, at the age of 24. She was very...
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Chapter 1 When I was growing up I liked to write stories. My favorites were the dirty ones. I could act out sexual fantasies on paper that I was prohibited to by my religion. God didn’t approved of this behavior, I knew, and I was certain my parents would have been shocked and disappointed if they had caught me. But biology trumped my good intentions. As I had no friends interested in being with me sexually, I had to find other outlets for my feelings. When I began puberty we had no internet,...
Introduction: This 5th installment of this series. I suggest you read Ch1 – Ch4 before beginning this chapter, otherwise it just wont make much sense. Hope you enjoy! Hell Hath No Fury&hellip, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, so the saying goes. But in this case, hell hath no fury like a man with a gun pointed at his face when his only focus in that of protector. Jacobs adrenaline flared when he spotted Derrick, the fact he was waving around a deadly weapon only furthered Jacobs rage. ...
Hell Hath No Fury Ch4 - Hell hath no fury like a psychopath… perhaps that’s not how the saying goes, but Derrick was furious as hell when Gabby said she’d rather die than be with him. As she blacked out from Derrick repeatedly slamming her head on the hard wood floor, all Gabby could think was this was the end. Her life hung in the balance and her biggest fear wasn’t death itself, but that she wouldn’t get to see her love ever again. The last image in her mind was that of Jacob...
Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. HELL HATH NO FURY . . . With many thanks to Stefani, who not only proofreads my German, but also comes up with helpful comments and suggestions. Vielen Dank, meine Freundin! PRELUDE: Happily Ever After? If this had been a fairytale, we should by rights have reached the part where Logan and I would live happily ever after. Somehow, as the fog clears...
Introduction: Please read Ch1 before you begin this part as it will make much more sense.This chapter isnt nearly as long as the first thankfully. Hope you enjoy. Ch3 is finished on paper, I have yet to copy it to the computer though. Currently working on Ch4. Thanks for reading. Hell Hath No Fury&hellip, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and poor Derrick had yet to come to that conclusion. Hed get his in due time, Gabby and Jacob would see to that. Before work Gabby stopped to...
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, so the saying goes. But in this case, hell hath no fury like a man with a gun pointed at his face when his only focus in that of protector. Jacob’s adrenaline flared when he spotted Derrick, the fact he was waving around a deadly weapon only furthered Jacob’s rage. Jacob’s fists were clenched ready to charge. “Jacob, where did you go?” From behind him came Gabby’s voice. “Gabby, get in the bathroom and lock the door!” His voice remained calm but...
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I couldn’t help but think and long for you as the days grew farther and farther apart since we had been together. I wanted you more and more with every second. All I could do was think of how glorious you made me feel when we were together. The intensity the fire the passion we felt. Like no other human existed only us and our hunger for each other. We were to meet again for another visit and I could barely contain myself. I had gotten up early and got my chores done so I could just take my...
By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. This is a fictional story, so read and enjoy. Just like you would find in “Cosmo”, all the signs were there. Jake and I had been married for over 10 years. I saw our marriage as ideal and I thought Jake had the same opinion. We handled chores around the house equally, I even liked mowing and general yard work. I even did some minor repairs around the house. If I knew more about...
Chelle had just found herself a new master, even though she had a boyfriend once she met her master Chelle just knew she could not pass up an opportunity to be stretched in every way. Her reality, her lust, her imagination and her sensuality were going to be expanded way beyond what she thought or even dreamed possible. Then there was the actual physical aspect of course underlying all the mental aspects. She would be taken from being an awkward slut to a deft whore who could serve even the...
Hellen had only been working in my office for a few weeks now but I could sense that with our flirting and sexual innuendo’s it would end up going somewhere very soon.Hellen had join my company after us chatting online and being that she was bored of her job she was more than willing to move to a different part of the country and start a new life.Our conversions in work would always end up about the things that we like sex wise and I got more and more aroused about the things that Hellen wanted...
“If you accept my offer, your husband's name will be spared public shame, all the debts he left you with at the time of his unfortunate death, will be paid. Doug's son, your step son, will be guaranteed a first class education and when he graduates from college, he will be entitled to all the prize money you bring to my stable or a minimum of a million dollars, whichever is more..." "I know my offer sounds bizarre to you now, think about it overnight. You can give me your answer at breakfast...
A Wife's Fury By Margaret Jeanette Joel and Julie Woods had a beautiful marriage. They were much in love with each other. They were married a little over three years. He was a successful novelist with three books published and his publisher after him to complete his fourth. She was a teller at a bank and enjoyed her job. They had just been out to eat. He brought her up to date on the negotiations to make his second novel into a movie. They went to see a...
Special thanks to blackrandi for the invitation to participate in “The Magical Mystery Tour. A country song, “Hell on Heels,” left me with an itch to write this particular story. It wouldn’t leave me alone until it was finished. I’ve included other “Thanks” at the end. I’m no hero, at least not now. The last time I did anything brave was a long time ago. Fourth grade, actually. There was a girl in my grade named Cindy Van Dyke. Not popular, not well dressed and not well off. She’d probably...
Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Prince Meinard Anger boiled inside of me. This foul, loathsome thing touched my daughter. He corrupted her purity. He made her into his slut. Shadows trailed after him as he flowed past my attacks. My iron body creaked and groaned. I swung my sword as his shadow rapier prodded my body without effect. He danced around, a fly buzzing around my greatness. “She is mine?” I snarled, my sword slashing at him. “Really?” he growled. “Yours? You had...
Wendy was spending more and more time in the office, and “chatting” as she put it with Hellen or as she had now named her “Hels”, Wendy always made sure that I was out in the factory or in meetings and when I did return to the office the door would be locked or I would walk in and just catch them adjusting their clothes and I knew that the “chatting” had been good. That was when Wendy wasn’t taking Hel’s out for lunches or shopping and returning back to home in the late evenings with a broad...
A hour must of passed since I had left the girls on their own I could hear the moans and groans coming from the bedroom and knew that I could not resist in re-joining them , My cock was throbbing and I want to see what Hellen and Wendy had been up too.As I stood in the doorway, Wendy was standing between Hellen’s spread upright legs her long blonde hair sticking to her face and tits and with Hellen moaning every time Wendy moved her body towards her, as I got closer I could see that Wendy had a...
Uss din mujhe samajh aaya ki mera andaza galat nahi tha. Sach mein Shalini ander hi ander ghut ghut ke mar rahe hai. Par woh mujhe uski ehesash bhi nahi hone dena chati hai taki mujhe bura na lage. Mujhe Shalini ke liye bohut bura laga. Aankhir aur kitni sacrifice use karni padegi mere iss halat ke liye. Main uss raat thik se soya nahi. Agle din main use phone pe apne Kolkata ke ek purani dost se baat karte hue suna. Main chupke se uski baate sun ne lage. Shalini: Haan yar Kavita, tu jo jo kaha...
Namaskar adab mai akshit ludhiane ka rehne wala ek sidha sadha insaan. Vaise to meri girlfriend hai but usse kabhi chudai nhi ki. Kiss karna fingering krdeni ue sab am thi bt wo kabhi sex ke liye nhi mani. To bina time gvaye mai apni apne bare mein bta doo fair 5.9 height aur lund ka size 7.5 inch. Meri padosan ka naam seema hai vaise meri padosan ka ek bacha hai jo ki 12th class mein padta hai. Seema ka figure aisa hai ki koi bhi usse dekh ke ba chodne ke liye tadap uthe uske motte motte boobs...
Jija apne jawaan sali ko nahate hue garden mein le aakar chodta hai. Chandni raat mein khule mein sali chudti hai.Yeh chudati salli ladko ka lund khada karegi aur unki muth maregi aur jija ka lund har is story ko padne wali aurut ko apni chut main mehsoos hogga,plz ye story bilkul free hokar aur doob kar padna,aapka sexysam aapke liye new 2 stories lata rahega. agar kissi ladki ko mere sath hindi roleplay karna ho to aur agar aap khud par story likhawana chahe to mere yahoo id pe mere sath chat...
“Fuck me you bastard! Fuck my ass!” Rochelle screamed as I pounded my cock deep into her back door. It had been a few weeks since our adventure at the swingers club and Jennifer and Chrissy were out of town on a cross country adventure race so I decided to take the opportunity to violate my favorite cheating wife. I had been pondering how else to use Rochelle after her bait comment at the club and my mind was filled with possibilities as my cock filled her ass. I eventually blew my cum deep...
‘Ohhhh, Milt!’ Heidi Tate cooed while the man sitting next to her on the sofa tickled her neck with his fingertips. Warmth and delight began to spread through her. Her companion was Milt Bingham, the assistant principal of Jamestown High School, where Heidi was employed as school nurse. The assistant principal was about five-six, balding, and somewhat portly. He had been very attentive to Heidi ever since he assumed the assistant principal’s position at the beginning of the school year. He had...
A husband comes to grips with infidelity and seeks revenge. Bill Trebelov stood frozen and helpless, watching his beloved wife snuggle warmly into the arms of their next door neighbor, Roger. Emily smiled so brightly, she seemed to illuminate from within. She wore a flimsy yellow sundress that left little to the imagination. Her shapely body fit perfectly in Roger’s embrace, as if they were two pieces of a puzzle. They were laughing, surrounded by friends and neighbors with familiar, yet...
"You bitches are all the same!" You yell at your girlfriend Shannon. She responds with a narrow-eyed, exasperated look. Your angry, and rightfully so, she cheated on you, repeatedly with your best friend. You've been together for nearly 3 years, and this is the first bout of unfaithfulness in your entire relationship. Of course there have been signs, you've spending a lot of time at work, less and less with her. The love has been fading from your relationship for a while to say the least....
He has the virus. It had become more common over the past ten years, but thankfully the therapy has grown increasingly effective. He himself has been receiving treatments for the past six months. They make him feel lousy, weak, libidinous almost to the point of priapism - and they've withered his body, shrinking him several inches. An improvement, certainly, over treatments of the past which left some men less than a foot tall before fighting off the virus. But still unpleasant. Sherri, his...
A husband comes to grips with infidelity and seeks revenge.Bill Trebelov stood frozen and helpless, watching his beloved wife snuggle warmly into the arms of their next door neighbor, Roger. Emily smiled so brightly, she seemed to illuminate from within. She wore a flimsy yellow sundress that left little to the imagination. Her shapely body fit perfectly in Roger's embrace, as if they were two pieces of a puzzle.They were laughing, surrounded by friends and neighbors with familiar, yet...
I wrote this story about two years ago for an Image Pool Writing Contest, a contest by the TF-TG-Contests Deviantart group page. This was a contest where people write stories based on Before/After gender swap pictures. For the record, I didn't win. Anyway, it recently occurred to me that I only posted this story on my Deviantart page (search for "Amber Smyth") and decided to share my story on other TG story sites as well. Hope you enjoy and also wouldn't mind some feedback/constructive...
Apparently Jill did tell Rochelle about our adventure in the car, because Rochelle pulled out some new tricks for her next attempt to one up her friend. I think that Rochelle was getting scared that I was losing interest in her, since I’d been spending the most of my free time fucking Jill. I’d also hooked up with Jennifer a few times and the college girl had a really fun mix of energy and naiveté’. There was a knock on my door late one night, which I had grown accustomed to. It was a pretty...
Josh is twenty and lives at home with his parents. He is a student, at a local university and commutes in for lectures, so he can save money on accommodation and so on. In this way he will not leave university, several thousand pounds in debt. His room at his parent's house is a spacious double room. He has all the tech and modern conveniences he needs, a nice big double bed and a en suite bathroom, so the only reason he needs to leave his room is the get fed. Josh’s parents, Steve and Bev,...
Straight SexI was on all fours in Shelley's living room, my legs spread wide, head up, waiting in anticipation. I gasped as I felt the cold lubricant sprayed on my bumhole. "Let me just get you ready, sweetie" said Shelley, rubbing her wet fingers up and down over my twitching tight opening to my tightening ball sac. My cock, which had been relaxing, now twitched and stiffened as Shelly's fingers and palm lightly brushed along the length of it and back to my slit. I felt more lube run down the crack of my...
Shelly's Spell By Mia Pink It all happened so innocently. All I wanted to do was to run my fingers through her silky and satiny panties that called to me. They had always called to me, you see, because I've been a crossdresser all my life. I've been putting on my mother's bras and panties and pantyhose and makeup on since I was a little transgendered boy. I always looked at Mom as she was putting on her makeup and felt a little exquisite pang of jealousy. I would watch how...
Continued from ‘The Liquor Store – Hooked’ (part 2). It had been a while since we played with Mike, Michelle’s hung stud. Many different things had been going on. My wife, Michelle had started working with a catering company and our store had started supplying the liquor for special events like weddings. Michelle was constantly traveling between the store and the catering company, improving our business but by the end of the day, she was usually exhausted. On a rare slow night, we decided to...
Continued from ‘The Liquor Store - Hooked’ (part 2).It had been a while since we played with Mike, Michelle’s hung stud. Many different things had been going on. My wife, Michelle had started working with a catering company and our store had started supplying the liquor for special events like weddings. Michelle was constantly traveling between the store and the catering company, improving our business but by the end of the day, she was usually exhausted. On a rare slow night, we decided to...
Wife Lovers