Met Slutty Priya During Campus Recruitment In Lucknow
- 2 years ago
- 29
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It's strange how things come to light when we think we've hidden and forgotten them.
That was just a passing thought as I sat on my own in the bar of a hotel I hadn't been back to in over thirty years. I was having a beer while I waited for my wife to finish getting ready and join me for a meal. As I sat there at the back of the room, I looked at the other customers and was slightly startled to see a vaguely familiar face. The man, slightly older than us, turned from the bar and came across, smiled as he introduced himself and then sat down. Brett had been the Project Manager for the local company building our small estate of houses when we first moved to this part of the world all that time ago.
Now at this point I'm going to take a moment to add a Shakespearean aside.
Ours had been the first house finished and we had moved into it when the small street was still a messy, muddy building site. We had quickly made friends with the builders and kept them supplied with hot drinks when the weather was cold and wet. Indeed our kitchen became a haven for them. They had shown their gratitude, or at least I had thought so at the time, by doing little extra things in our house free of charge, and they were quite generous in doing so.
Let me offer an example - our house was small and I wanted a hobby room and so bought a wooden garden building. It had been brought to us and part of the deal was that the guys that delivered it would also set it up for us. So they duly arrived. Our building friends noted this and realizing what was going to happen, told them to hang on for a minute, we would give them a cup of tea, while they prepared the foundations. And prepare them they did! A gravel base appeared, was topped off with small sections of concrete and slabs were then laid to give a solid foundation.
So the shed was erected, power run properly in from the house, a path laid and all done in rapid time before I came home from my shift-work job later that night. Frankly it was breath-taking, a superb job and almost embarrassing in its generosity. In my naivety at the time I was just very grateful.
And that's the way I remained until quite recently. What had made me wonder was an article in a monthly magazine Janet, my wife, gets. It has an 'Agony Aunt' section and though I don't usually read them in any detail I often scan and have a quiet laugh to myself about some of the subjects that people write in about. That is until I came across a subject a few months back.
It was a letter from a lady asking how she should deal with a situation. Nothing unusual there I hear you comment. Except this lady detailed a problem that had occurred some long time before and obviously still felt guilty about. The lady had been having a house built in Scotland and she'd manage to get quite a lot of expensive extras for nothing by 'looking after' the builders with favours that had started in a small way with coffee, tea, cakes etc and had ended up with her being well and truly bedded by some of the builders involved. Her husband had not found out but she had been wrestling with her conscience, knowing that the guilt of her adultery had inhibited her sexual performance for so many years. Which was why she wanted help - should she tell her poor husband, and if so how the hell would she do so... ?
The crash of the penny dropping in my head was like the sound of a fruit machine jackpot dropping at Vegas rather than the clunk of a single penny hitting the floor. Fortunately my wife of some forty and odd years was out of the house when I read her magazine and couldn't spot either my stunned expression or my reaction to the 'Dear Abby' letter. The truth was that that was where we had lived and yes we had a huge amount of extras at the time. To be truthful I was so stunned I actually don't know what the recommendation as to how to deal with the situation was. I do know that having read the article, I put the magazine back on the coffee table and that by the next day it had disappeared.
So I said nothing. Well - what would you have done?
After all this had been some thirty and odd years ago and she was a month or so pregnant with our first son at the time. What would raking things up do or solve after all this time, other than perhaps to satisfy my curiosity. Interesting to contemplate that at the time, knowledge of what had happened might well have led to us parting. Now it would probably be very different as I had become curious as to what drove married couples who either had open marriages, or tolerated or even welcomed one or other having relationships outside of their marital bed. I had read a lot about it and as well as that curiosity I was also a lot more tolerant in my older age.
However, notwithstanding either my thoughts or any other plans I might have had - fate was yet going to play an interesting hand.
A close friend moved up to the area, North of the English Border and insisted that a few months down the line when they were settled into their new home and lifestyle, that we should drive up and stay with them. After all, her new home was less than an hour away from where she knew we used to live and at the very least we could either just drive past and have a look for old times' sake or maybe even look up friends from all that time ago.
We had accepted. Which is why after visiting our friend we were now checked into a hotel about ten miles away from our old home, for just one night.
And so here I was sat in the bar and the man who had just come and joined me was the person who had probably cuckolded me all that time ago.
There being no point in either accusative histrionics or anything else for that matter, so we passed pleasantries, as you do, and chatted over our respective drinks. Inevitably we discussed the main item we had in common - the building of our little cul-de-sac of houses. Equally inevitably of course, I just had to ask. "So, Brett, all that time ago, in the end Janet did pay for all of those extras, didn't she?"
Brett looked me straight in the eye. "Yes she did. Aye indeed - in full!"
His answer left me in no doubt as to what he meant.
At that point he looked over my shoulder and said, "I think I need to go..." and was up and leaving before I could argue.
I watched him cross the room on his way out as Janet, who he had seen entering and recognised, was coming across. He stopped briefly and said something to her as I watched. She staggered and almost fell before he steadied her by the elbow. Then they parted and she came on over to where I was sitting. I stood up as she approached, white as a sheet and with tears in her eyes.
"So you know?" was all she said.
And she then looked at me, realising I wasn't angry or shouting or upset.
I said, "I think we both need a stronger drink as a first!"
Also going to the bar gave me time to think what I wanted to say or how I was going to play out the scene.
I returned with a couple of double scotches and, sitting down, gave one to her. She just took it and as she drank it back in one, looked at me fearing her world had just collapsed.
I sighed gently and said, "Well at the very least we both need to talk - openly and honestly. However before we do I need to tell you something about my thoughts. Hear me out and let me say my piece then you can have your say. Do you want to stay here in the bar, it's open and with the background music it's also discreet, or would you rather grab a bottle of wine and go up to our room? Rest assured I'm not going to make a scene or shout or scream or worse. Or do you want something to eat first?"
Janet looked at me. "I can't eat just now, I don't feel well as it is, so perhaps cancel our table and take a bottle of wine to our room - there's some bottled water there as well if we want it. I'll go there now - I must look dreadful with my make-up running."
"OK - I'll join you there shortly."
As I went to Reception to order the wine for our room I couldn't help but wonder what my very straight-laced, convent-educated wife of forty and odd years was going to tell me - especially after I had told her how different and more open-minded I had become as I'd grown older...
Chapter 2: RealisationI got to our bedroom about ten minutes later and entered to the sound of sobs from the inner room. Not a good start. How to continue? Perhaps nothing as I waited for the bottle of wine to be delivered? No, equally not a good idea.
In the end I cleared my throat as I sat on the end of the bed beside her and put my hand on her shoulder, "I thought you were going to have a tidy up and use the time as a chance to compose yourself?"
I got the reply I half expected, "What's the point? I've been found out and you're going to leave me, which is all I deserve."
I thought I'd better come straight to my point. "No! I'm not about to leave you. I'll come to why in a moment. Little if anything will change. But in the end it would be nice to have some answers now I've come to realise and understand what happened all those years ago. But no, as I said, I'm not going to leave you - so go wash your face and tidy up a bit while we wait for the wine.
Janet looked at me as if I'd got several heads as I told her I wasn't going, but at least stopped crying as she went off to the bathroom.
A few minutes later she came out, tidier, more composed and at least no tears although her eyes were still very red. As the wine had arrived I had poured us both a glass and took one over to her, then went and sat in the chair opposite.
I cleared my throat as she sat, worried and waiting. "So let me give you some thoughts that I've been having, hear me out and then you can tell me what you think." She nodded in response.
"Let's think back to when we lived here. We were the first on the development by a long way and we both got to know Brett and the workmen pretty well. We've always got on well with people like that, it often pays dividends and it certainly seemed to do so for us. We got an awful lot of extras, some of them not so little, at no cost. Well no direct cost - I'll amend that now. I guess it's my own fault, I was pretty naive and having lost your income when you fell pregnant I was working all the overtime hours that I could to try and give us a financial cushion, having just bought our first decent house. Also, all those years ago it never crossed my mind that there might have been other forms of payment involved. But there were, weren't there?"
Janet started to say something so I put my hand up and she stopped.
"I'll finish in a moment and then you can tell me about it. Brett didn't tell me you know, he just confirmed it. Not that I had guessed or really thought about it up until the time I read that piece in the Agony Aunt column in your magazine six or so months ago - the one that disappeared from view very quickly."
I knew right then that I'd been correct as Janet went "Ohhh!", put her hand up to her mouth and actually went red rather than white as she had been.
"That's right, the one where the wife confessed her affair with the builders to have all the nice extras she wanted. Hubby had not found out but she wanted to know how best to deal with it and get past her guilt and her repressed sexuality. What was the advice by the way? For some reason having read that, I never managed to read the rest and when I next looked for the magazine it had gone. I'm not sure why you wrote the letter, but I'll turn things over to you now, I've pretty well guessed what might have happened, so spare me any attempts at glossing over it. At this point I think I'd rather know the truth, difficult as it may be to tell me. Neither of us can afford a divorce so we'd better talk about it and see what conclusions we can come to. Given that I had more or less worked things out six months ago and was waiting for a possible time to talk to you I can see little point in being bitter or nasty or vindictive. I'd just like to know why."
Chapter 3: Confessions are good for the soulJanet looked at me, took a large gulp of her wine and started, her voice at first quiet with a tremor in it, but becoming steadier and more normal as she spoke.
"First of all, you're quite right that there was a price to be paid for all the things we had. I might as well say it up front - it was sex!"
Janet's eyes started to tear up again at this point, but she wiped her eyes with a tissue thoughtfully provided by the hotel, composed herself and continued.
"So how did your demure, Convent-educated, non-risqué, stay-at-home and pregnant wife effectively become a whore and get paid for sex?"
This time it was her turn to silence me with her hand and I decided that from now on I would stay silent and let her talk herself out. Janet got to her feet and poured some more wine into her glass and I think I was glad at that point I'd ordered two bottles, not just one, it looked as if we might need the second one before the evening was done. She stayed on her feet and walked gently up and down the room as she continued talking, not really looking at me.
"Well, you were right when you said we looked after our workmen, as you also added, we always have done so in those sort of circumstances, but I was unprepared for the way events panned out although perhaps I was being naive myself in hindsight. You were also right when you said you were working too hard and yes, I did feel as if I was being neglected. In truth I was lonely. The place was nothing like the friendly local area down in the South West where I grew up.
"You know growing up with elderly parents meant they were very protective. On a Friday or Saturday night when my friends went to the pub, or to the cinema or even worse, dancing, I was never allowed to do that. My reputation had to be spotless - out for an ice cream or a coffee with my girlfriends, flirt a bit with the boys, but then always home by nine o'clock. Good old Janet - boring as bloody sin. We gossiped amongst our friends about the 'Bad' Girls - the ones who'd gone all the way in the back of a car - at least one of the girls left school and it was rumored she was pregnant. I don't think we ever did find out the truth. And then there were the two or three who still lived in the village - before they met their future partners. I marveled at the fact that still living there a husband might be in the pub, sharing a beer with a friend ... both knowing that not many years before his future wife was on her knees happily sucking his friend's ... thing..."
Janet saw my slightly raised eyebrow at the use of the term 'thing' and continued:
"uhh, OK, 'cock' then."
She sighed and then went on. "And so I came to realise that ... they had all the fun. No one cares. Few even remember. What do they remember about me? Nothing! Except, well of course ... she was a 'good' girl. So I've been carrying the guilt of being 'Good' for all these years. I suppose that is why our sex life has been, shall we say less than spectacular. I've never even been very good at initiating sex between us. I was always taught that girls who liked sex for other than having children weren't 'Nice Girls'. I experimented like all the 'other' girls, but never lost my virginity until you came along. I found I loved sex after you initiated me into it. Then we married and after a time I began to think of all the lost years. I even thought of some of the guys I would have ... done ... ok, fucked. But I hadn't. What a dummy.
"But I also knew that when we made love – oh, ok then, when we had sex - in the context we're talking it certainly was sex not love! When we had sex I loved it. And when I was pregnant I wanted even more and you weren't there. No. I'm not blaming you, please understand that, but let's just say that your absence didn't help things at all. However I do understand that I could and should have stopped things before they got out of hand. But I also knew with being pregnant my life had changed for ever and if I wanted to sample some of the wilder side of life it was going to be now or never. So when Brett made the advances I quickly decided not to fight it.
"What started it all off was me asking Brett about the extra flooring in the loft. He was having coffee with me. On that occasion no-one else was in the kitchen. Fortunately I'd just put my coffee mug down or I think it would have gone everywhere. I was totally unprepared for what happened next. I was stood at the window, both hands leaning against the sill and looking out. Brett put his coffee down and came and stood very close behind me. Close enough that he could put his hands around my waist and pull me back against him. I nearly had a heart-attack as it was still so unexpected and I put my hands over his and just said 'Brett - stop that, I'm a pregnant, married woman! And I'll scream.' 'I don't think you will you know, ' he said in my ear as he pulled me back to him, then 'To do something like that, as big as that job is, I think you might have to make it more worth my while'.
"Fortunately again there was no one out the back that morning as they would have seen very clearly what was going on and what happened next. Brett moved his hands up and cupped my breasts - you remember they grew in size from early on - and as he did so I felt him push himself against me from behind. I could feel his cock pushing into me. The bastard was already hard. I turned round inside his hold on me and faced him. At that point he dropped his hands to my ass-cheeks and pulled me into him and I was left under no illusion either to his state or what he wanted. I was paralysed, not with fear, but with the thought that I could feel myself getting wet down there."
My eyebrows must have twitched again, 'cos she went on: "My pussy was wet and I wanted him. From that point on I think he knew he'd won because I let him undo my blouse and un-cup my breasts. He bent towards them and suckled on them gently and I had an orgasm on the spot. He had to stop me falling over. You know he's quite strong? Well he just half-bent his knees and picked me up and carried me into our bedroom.
"At that point nothing was going to stop either of us. I hate the word but I knew he was going to fuck - there I've said it - fuck me and I wanted him to do so!
"He laid me on the bed and started undressing me. He wasn't very good at it though and in the end I took over and undressed for him. As he watched me undress, he took his shirt off, then his trousers - he'd left his shoes at the backdoor - at least at that point he also took his socks off.
"So he stood there in his underwear, his cock-head sticking up above the waistband. Then he walked across to me and I touched him, it ... his cock. So hot. I pulled his pants down and it sprang free. He was dripping fluid from the end he was so turned on. He's circumcised you know, and the end was purple he was so hard.
Hey horny girls and guys, hope you are all doing well. They story that I narrate is a true incident that happened with me during my current stay in Lucknow. I have been in Lucknow for the past one year and have found plenty of opportunities to explore its vices and other evils. This happened during the hot month of August getting Straight to the story the girl in the story is Priya (name changed for Privacy Reasons). Let me describe myself. I am 5’9″ in height, weighing about 200 pounds and...
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Hello! Welcome to the waiting room for the World of Fucknowswhat. Now, this is my very first story so I apologise for any inconsistences, (I will do my best to rectify as immediately as possible) spelling errors, (I'm an idiot mostly) and any other flaws within said story, that being said, I hope you can enjoy regardless! Now, onto the good stuff, I shall act as a narrator from now on, I won't be around all too often, I will just act as more of a recapping ethereal figure, now, the World of...
FantasyThe list of people who have helped with this story is almost too great to list. However, it would be churlish in the extreme to not at least try. I am using their screen names and could never have done this without them! So, thank you, thank you, thank you to: Rotorhead, N12614, wino, stjoe56, ednelson, wd40, TeotwawkiTommy, HJ, ProxyAccount, and pharang. Any errors are mine, not theirs!
Strum-dum, Strum-da-da Dum! Acknowledgments and Afterword I’d like to thank several people for assistance in this book. First, my proofreaders, Bozo, Greg, Ryan, and Steve. You find the strange little mistakes that I couldn’t see, and gave me confidence when you couldn’t find mistakes. To Lexi, Annie’s sister, for your story of confidence and vulnerability. To SpacerX, for unabashed assistance and advice. To Michael Wex, author of the book “Just Say Nu: Yiddish for Every Occasion (When...
The list of people who have helped with this story is almost too great to list. However, it would be churlish in the extreme to not at least try. I am using their screen names and could never have done this without them! So, thank you, thank you, thank you to: Rotorhead, N12614, wino, stjoe56, ednelson, wd40, TeotwawkiTommy, HJ, ProxyAccount, and pharang. Any errors are mine, not theirs!
A heartfelt thanks to the many people who have helped me with this book. Where it shines, it is due to their diligence and help. Where it fails, it is because of my own stubborn bull-headedness. I especially want to thank my wife who read and re-read the story in different drafts and corrected my spelling, grammar, and treatment of women. A second valuable aide was Jason Black, the book doctor, who read the first draft and told me exactly what was wrong, then read it again in time for me to...
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Lasting Impressions: Chapter 7 By: ASTRO Day 25-30 I woke up this morning feeling a little off. I was for the most part really tired. AJ had set the alarm for me like he always did, but for some reason I was pissed off that he set it to wake me up. I calmed down pretty quickly and thought that I was acting a little irrational. I pulled the silk sheets off and stretched as I got out of bed. I was happy to be waking up as a woman, and I was starting to...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 4 By: ASTRO Day 6-7 I woke up to the alarm clock going off at noon. I rolled over realizing that my plan to stay up late last night worked out. I had to work the night shift tonight as Jessica and I was a little nervous. I had not tried to use her memories yet, and I did not know what that was going to be like. I rolled out of bed without any surprise from the feelings of my body. I had come to accept the swaying of my...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 5 By: ASTRO Day 14 It has been two weeks since the switch and I felt fantastic. I never realized being a woman could make me feel so energetic and alive. Working part time was nice too, because the hospital did not need me this weekend. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face and grabbed whatever underwear was easily available. I grabbed some jean shorts ... really short shorts, and a tight feminine t-shirt with...
Linus woke up normally, just as any other. But one thing felt odd, he felt a bit too loose - like after having a really good massage. He didn't think more about it besides it feeling really good, all of his normal stiffness was gone. He checked his phone but nothing interesting got his interest. After a few minutes, he decided that it was time for breakfast, so he sat up, placed his legs over the edge and sat there staring at his stomach. Normally his stomach was flat, with a bit of excessive...
FantasyI'll be updating this story as often as I can, and as inspiration comes. For now, I hope you enjoy what's here! Atlanta, Georgia, 1988. The hottest summer of the past fifty years. The Cold War is reaching its climax, but things have never been hotter. America is absolutely burning up, and the temperature is only rising. In one of the busiest cities in the South East, even finding a place to cool off is starting to become a rarity. An ice cold glass of Coca-Cola, even one that's lukewarm is...
InterracialLife is all about memories. You never know when a small incident can turn up into a memorable time and long lasting memory in your life. Well, I am Anand; I am working in Bangalore now in an IT industry. About myself, I am a very average looking guy. The incident I am going to share with you is of about 13 years back when I was a student studying in a college. I used to travel by train to reach my college everyday which is 60 Km away from my home town. Very first day in my class, I saw a very...
I can't remember when Amy and I weren't best friends, we were both very small when they moved in next door to us and my parents tell me that within half an hour Amy and I were playing together in out garden. Our parents quickly became friends with each other too and we were always in and out of each other's house, we all went on holiday together and Christmas days were always spent in company with them, both sets of parents even invested in an extra bed so we could stay over as often as we...
Back to the fall after their trip to Maui... Amie is crazy about fall. It always seems to her that it is the start of something new and exciting. This year, she and Lex are seniors in high school and only one more year and she'll start college. "Your father must be home Amie, his car is in the garage." "Yes, Mom, he said he would be home today. He must've caught an early flight because I didn't expect him until around 6:00." Marnie pulled the car up to the curb and Amie threw the...
Spring, a month before high school graduation... "Did you ask my mother about going to Maui with Dad and me after graduation, Lexi?" "Yes. She raised a huge fuss, but I told her if I couldn't go for the month, then I was going to move out. She relented, but she is not at all happy. I don't really give a shit if she is or not actually." "I didn't want to cause trouble, but I know how much you liked the last trip. Dad wants to show us 'the other side of Maui'. The side that is away...
The wind was howling and there is a light snow falling. School was out for the day and Alexis wouldn't drive in the snow, so the girls are spending the first "alone time" together in awhile. Amie and Alexis were sitting on Amie's (and her father's) bed looking through some picture albums together. They were dressed casually in panties with a top and nothing else. Amie's back was to her best friend who has her arms around her and her chin on Amie's shoulder trying to see over her...
My life was short. It was only half entertaining. I truly disobeyed my one goal to live long and prosper. My name is Tanya and I am dead.It had not been my fault that I had died, but when is the one who passes away, the one who is guilty? I shall here, recount the story of my death, and my afterlife to this day as best as I can:My deathday was my 20th birthday. A sad thought, but yet death, was possibly the best birthday gift I could have gotten.You see ever since I had been 15 I had been a...
James and Rebecca had always enjoyed an erotic lifestyle in the bedroom and got up to loads of fun such as tying each other up in bed while making out and while Rebecca enjoyed this, she wanted to push it further.Rebecca had been trawling through the internet sites on kinky fun looking for something she could entice James into trying out and stumbled upon a picture of someone wearing a latex catsuit while covered in plastic, the sight of this picture made her horny and she really wanted to try...
true story: Many years ago, I loved to chat on the internet.... it was still new. I've been enjoying self bondage since puberty. Essentially straight, I would fantasize about a dom leather couple making me their little sissy slave. I love bondage, plastic and submission. One evening, I started chatting with a dom... a guy. It was hypnotizing. This is what happened on one of the rare times I cammed. I could see him from the waist down. Leather vest, chaps and gloves. His man parts not...
If you're not familiar with the Naked in School shared universe, Karen Wagner started it and those of us hooked on the concept thank her profoundly. In addition, Gary, then Tenyari and now Orblover and Jorey May maintain a site (other the Universes on SOL) so thanks and high honors there as well. The basic premise is that high schools across the world are allowing - indeed forcing - students to attend class naked. There's more to it than that, but I'm not going in to it here - go to the...
Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown Introduction This is another of my stories depicting possible real-life situations, no magic, no science fiction, no unknown chemicals, though adult situations of sexual activity, coercion, kidnapping and some limited violence are involved, so consider yourself forewarned. My intent here is to explore the nature of friendships and relationships, and how people respond to events that are verging on the impossible to deal with. And the ending...
Dear friends, sorry it's been so long. You can buy the dress online, just use a search engine... ------------------------------- The dress was his idea. You like black, frilly, satin maid's dresses, yeah OK, even pink.... But Daddy knew that you liked that and Daddy didn't want you to feel too sexy. Not today, not the first time. Daddy knew what you wanted deep down. He knew that guys like you, who end up in this situation, talking to him, listening to him, dressing for...
Introduction: Birthday Surprise! Blast from the past part 2: Birthday Surprise! This part of the story isnt true, although I wish some parts were&hellip,happy reading. It was Saturday November 3rd, the day before Doms birthday. I havent heard much from him since I met his mom. He said Katie (the girlfriend) didnt suspect anything, but she was still pretty pissed about it. I couldnt believe that she wasnt blowing up my phone. I know if the situation was reversed that is probably what I would...
Plastic Surgeryholics By Leticia Latex (formerly BlowMuP) (c)2002 "So...? What do you think?" asked Amber as she walked out of the surgeon's office. "I love them and I can't wait to try them," answered Mike as he reached out for her. A wicked smile formed on her full lips, "Try them? Michael Fraser, you perverted little tease!" she said. Amber Fisher and Mike Fraser had found in each other a common passion for plastic surgery. Their combined salaries allowed them to start...
Carol laughed her way through dinner, and then stated that this was the first time in her life that she’d ever sat through a meal and been completely naked along with her dinner partners. We laughed. Penny said, “Maybe when we get old and flabby, we’ll stop with the nudity, but we love it. Besides, Misty and I love to tease our daddy.” Penny got up and came around the table and planted a kiss on my lips. She rubbed her breasts against my shoulder in a blatant display of flirting. As she sat...
It was at a public audience the following day that the Emir made her position crystal clear to his subjects. He asked her to attend in a trouser suit and had her seated next to his throne on the dais. After the Major Domo signalled for all to rise from their obeisance he opened the audience with a statement. "The Princess Elaheh is to be accorded all the rights and privileges of a male Prince of my blood. She is a full Kobekistani citizen and shall be treated as any other Kobekistani...
Plastic Danni Chambers reached for the small plastic object on the desk, and then pulled her hand away as if it had been burned. She put her one hand on top of the other, trying to stop the trembles that started at the tips of her fingers and went all the way to her core. It was just a piece of plastic, after all, an innocent object. In fact its presence here represented the best news of her life - she was finally whole, complete, and its purpose was to make sure that the...
It was my last summer before going off before starting college. I was this scrawny, 18yr old, pale skin, long blonde hair who thought he had it all figured and in reality, didn't know much at all. I had a great paying job for that summer, working for a local photographer. Initially, I thought I got the job base on my enthusiastic interview but later would learn it wasn't my personality that won me the job.On my first day my boss Wayne had me prepare the backroom for what was to be a swimsuit...
i am a submissive woman… i find pleasure, joy and fulfillment from being submissive to another in a loving relationship i am not weak, or stupid. i am a strong woman, with firm views and a clear concept of what i want out of my life. i do not serve out of shame or weakness, but out of pride and strength. i look to my loving Master for guidance and protection, for never am i more complete than when He is with me. i know that He will protect my body, my mind and my soul with...
As it is often important and often even necessary for one human being to have certainty and a clear understanding of the intentions, desires, motivations, and needs of another, I offer this testimony in trust and sincerity. I am a dominant man. I am just that. I am not dominant because of any superiority on my part. Not because I feel more intelligent or wiser. I am not dominant because of the strength or the mass of my body. I am not, nor would I want to be dominant with all women. ...
Frankie pulled into the first motel he found, it was late and he had been driving all day. After checking in, he went to the room and tossed his suitcase on the desk and flopped on the bed. Frankie was on the road for one reason, he just left his wife of eight years and his kids, a son and a daughter. The problem wasn’t with them, it was him. For years now, he’s been struggling with his inner self about his sexuality. Anita, his wife, was a very beautiful woman. At twenty-eight her...
Todd and Daisy had grown up in a small town. In high school there was definitely an attraction but they never got enough courage to act on those feelings. They missed their chance at romance. For years, both had thought about what could have been. The feelings remained the same even though the physical distance between them grew. One day, Daisy was checking her e-mail when she noticed that Todd had sent her a message. In the message, he was apologizing for not making an effort to be with her in...
My name is Bobby. I have one sister, Tammy, 13 months than me and one sister, Beth, 11 months younger than me My Dad is a career Army Officer so that would make us what people call military brats. No matter where Dad is stationed we have always lived off Post in mostly middle upper class neighborhoods. As long as I can remember we have always been a very close family. Dad has to go TDY from time to time but when he is home he spends most of his time is with the family. We have always...
He walked down the cellar stairs, keeping his eyes rooted firmly on the floor a the bottom of the stairs and unable to fully believe he knew what was about to happen. He woke up from sleep just a few minutes ago, right out of an incredibly realistic dream. Nothing didn’t make sense, nothing transitioned strangely...almost as if it wasn’t a dream at all. But when he opened his eyes after the not-dream, he was possessed of a new...knowledge. A knowledge he was entirely confident in, even if that...