Wisdom: Antithesis free porn video

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The wonderful Wizard of Wiz, I thought, confusedly, waking up from a peculiarly Technicolor dream: Disorientated, probably still a little hypnopompic, not so much hallucinating as having a few boundary problems, reality wise. I'm never great at mornings, and I really don't like being woken unexpectedly, especially as the dream was just getting to a good bit. I tried to settle back into the bed, maybe even recapture the moment, so to speak, but...

Reality asserted itself disconcertingly quickly, starting with a small voice in the back of my head, pointing out that hypnopompic was not really my sort of word. Then came the memory of where I was - on an alien planet, of course, and not even in my 'own' part of the multiverse - and the subsequent realisation that I was being woken by my friendly local AI. Which did not make a habit of acting as the world's - no, sorry, the universes' - most sophisticated alarm clock ... or of talking directly to me, for that matter. As things came together a bit I got suddenly worried. The Wisdom had woken me? What the fuck was that about?

I got the time to decamp from my private space - well, Xav and my private space, to be strictly accurate - and to get myself slightly more organised in one of our more formal meeting rooms before the Wiz would actually tell me what was what. 'Course, by that time, I'd gone through the "can't be that important, else I'd have been told" bit and arrived, instead, at the "it must be really dire if even the bloody AI needs to do this so formally" stage. I had a brief moment of panic at that point, wondering at the various possibilities. I was in the habitat on my own - I doubted the machinery would have chosen me to talk to if anyone else had been around, frankly - but that meant ... Well, Yvonne was somewhere back on earth, in the Caribbean, in fact, making a point to someone, Patrice was now pretty permanently based at 'home', getting his own personal revolution into gear and Xav ... well, Xav was technically around but deep in Immersion. Again. He seemed to think he was on the brink of pulling a lot of stuff together, cutting a few evidential Gordian knots, as he put it; everyone else thought he was pushing himself ridiculously hard, taking risks and...

A shiver made its belated way down my spine as I realised the implications. 'Oh, god, I thought, don't let this be about Xav, not..."

Which was the cue for the AI to let me in on its little secret. It wasn't about Xav.

It was much stranger than that...

However omnipotent the Wisdom - and its associated technology - sometimes appears to be, it does have its limitations. As an example, you can't travel from place to place, locally, as directly as you might imagine. I mean, you can flick from world to world - from one plane of the multiverse to another - in the blink of an eye, but move around this particular planet and its back to more or less earth normal speeds. The 8-dimensional rotation/translation/whatever-the-fuck trick involved in the former wasn't really viable for a few 1000kms, apparently ... or so the Wisdom said.

So, when it suggested - like I had a choice - that I might want to drop in our esteemed colleague Queta's little operation, I had to do it the slow way. And that gave me plenty of time to think, given that our base was in the higher northern latitudes of the planet - more or less Arctic Norway in Earth terms, don't ask me why - while Q, an Andalusian, had sited her group rather further south. Almost two hours further south, in fact, given that the little shuttle thing in which the Wisdom was transporting me was limited to no more than a few times the speed of sound. Still, thinking was good, people were always telling me - I mean, Xav did a lot of it and seemed to enjoy the process - and I did have a fair amount to ponder. Unfortunately, this being an AI inspired 'mission', I was also lacking a lot of the basic facts I might need to actually come to any conclusions, let alone a plan of action.

So, I knew that the AI was concerned about something amiss in Queta's side of the operation, that she was contributing far less to our joint efforts than her team should have been capable of. What I didn't know was what precisely caused the concern, nor what role the second AI who was supposed to be looking after Q and her group was playing. All 'our' AI would say was that it appeared to be a 'human thing' and that it therefore did not want to make a judgement. Which struck me as being unusually considerate, by Wisdom standards, but then again it was, most probably, just another of its little games. I wondered whether I was revisiting our previous 'issue' with Queta - whether she'd somehow reverted to her earlier pathological religiosity, whether our excision of the malign implant that had been guiding her development had somehow failed. Somehow, this didn't seem to be too likely. For a start, everyone seemed to have been pretty confident at the time that our little bit of psychic jiggery pokery had been entirely successful, Queta herself had believed this to be the case and ... And somehow I thought that, if it had been that 'simple', the AI would have been less reluctant to go into details. And would probably have waited for Xav to be available to deal with it, given his previous involvement.

Which got me wondering about my role, whether this was all so urgent that it had to be done by whoever just happened to be available, or whether I had somehow been selected for the task. If the latter, well, It would have gone for Yvonne if physical force had been the preferred option, Xav if transcendent analysis and general all round intellectual swankiness were required. I tried to assess my own unique skills - or, at least, the technology's rating of same - but couldn't really think of that many. I mean, I did have a sort of link with Queta, I was a woman, which might be another way in, in some circumstances ... and I was an amoral bastard with rather fewer scruples than any of my colleagues. Even, I thought, with a grin, than Yvonne, who mainly spent her time killing people - when she wasn't just leaving them wishing they were dead.

None of which prognostication was getting me anywhere at all, I thought, and realised that I was just going to have to wait and see, assess the situation on the ground and try to react accordingly.

At least the scenery was nice, I thought, looking down through the bubble canopy at the alien landscape passing by below...

Queta had built herself a genuine fake Spanish-Moorish castle, a sort of Alhambra on steroids, a massive wedding cake of a building, contained in a hemispherical biodome and perched on a high crag in a semi-arid landscape. It was all quite unlike our hi-tech steel and glass construction up North, the latter all structural efficiency and task-orientated design, this some sort of self-indulgent whimsy. As the craft slowed on its approach, I could see no sign of life, nor of anything resembling an entrance - the dome was as smooth and unbroken as it appeared to be unsupported. I felt rather than heard some sort of communication burst from "my" side, being, as I was, entirely reliant on the automatics to fly - and, of course, land - the thing, then the craft slowly circled the structure - very elaborate, I thought, but not exactly functional - and finally settled itself onto the sand just outside the dome. And then did absolutely nothing, for some time.

I wondered if I was supposed to get out and knock or something, but that would have been difficult given that Wisdom had never been keen on out-of-habitat excursions due to the danger of contamination - of the biosphere by us, not the other way round - and the interesting quirk of local geo/biochemistry which led to high concentrations of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. Which fact, apparently, accounted for the lack of 'terrestrial' animals larger than an earth nematode worm - and so made this planet particularly suitable, from the AI's perspective, for our use. No natives to perturb by our presence.

Which was all very interesting, I thought, and explained much about the view I was currently contemplating - the lack of anything resembling a flower, for instance, despite the profusion of 'plant' life all around. What it didn't explain was just quite what I was doing sitting here waiting. I mean, the AI had announced my visit in advance - or at least, it had told me it was going to do so - and I knew my machinery had been in touch on some level with theirs. I wondered whether there was a bigger problem than I'd been led to believe - such as them all being dead, for instance - or whether this was all some sort of calculated slight. We had, after all, done some pretty unpleasant things to Queta's head and, even if it had all been 'for her own good', she could be forgiven for harbouring a degree of resentment.

But none of that was getting me anywhere, so I contacted the AI, and, after a brief debate, got it on the case. Which resulted in my moving, slowly, towards the bubble, followed by a complicated sort of flux whereby the dome seemed to expand, merge with a similar skin that had expanded from my own craft and, eventually, formed an entrance through which I could pass ... but which remained completely sterile as far as the outside world was concerned. I was impressed, really I was - I'd only ever seen anything like that in computer graphics before - and I was in, but no less worried about quite why it had all been necessary.

I wondered whether bringing a gun might not have been a good idea after all.

Inside the dome, and outside of my transport, it felt like I could have been back on earth, holidaying in Spain as I'd done often enough in my time. OK, so the scrubby 'grass' outside the dome was rather more red than it should have been, but Q had clearly spent a lot of time on getting things right inside. It felt like a perfect summer's morning, the sun warm but moderated by a gentle breeze - which would have pleased Xav, I thought - even as I was wondering where the hell everyone was, whether they really had failed to notice my arrival.

I shrugged, picked up the small bag of gear that I'd brought with me, walked purposefully towards the elaborately castellated gateway before me. I had the AI provide surveillance data - nothing appeared to be moving in this part of the complex except for a fountain or two - and also integrate with the local systems just enough to do useful things like opening the door.

It was odd, I felt, moving into a long and ornate corridor, towards a filigreed courtyard visible at its end. There was something very definitely amiss hereabouts, or rather several things, and none of them pleasant to contemplate. The first was that the Wisdom seemed to be excessively distant - I mean, I'd never exactly got on with the thing, had always been treated with something like disdain as a result, but I'd never experienced it reacting like it was at present. Yes, it was helping, but reluctantly ... and it was a different sort of reluctance, somehow. Not the normal almost petulant air if impugned superiority, this felt uncomfortably like the thing was nervous.

And if that wasn't unsettling enough, there was the apparent absence of the local AI to contend with - the one who was supposed to be running, or supporting, this place - and, the, probably not unrelated, I realised, subtle but visible signs of decay all around me. There was dust here, cracks in some of the tiles, even stains and tears to be found in some of the carpets. Somehow the signs of less than perfect maintenance disturbed me more than anything else.

Up to and including the lack of people.

I was almost in the centre of the complex - several courtyards further on - when I first came across signs of life. Spoor, in fact - and not in the general sense of useful signs to track hunted animals with ... but actual spoor. You know, faeces. On a carpet, by a pool. And, while I'm no expert and, in any case, had no great desire to check too closely, it looked distinctly like human faeces, too.

Things, I thought, were not in immediate danger of looking up. But there was nothing much else I could do except press on, so I chose an exit at random, continued on down another corridor, this one lined with ornate and complex tapestries, increasingly stained and torn as I walked on. I tried hard to convince myself otherwise, but they looked horribly like they'd been climbed on. By something with claws.

Almost despite myself, I sub-vocally queried the AI about this, looking for an explanation, a plausible theory ... anything, really. I got resounding silence. Great, I thought. I should put in a complaint about this. Lack of service, dereliction of duty? I would have to write to my MP about it...

Before I could lapse into total hysteria, though, I heard a new sound - the first I'd heard since I'd arrived, aside from the tinkling of those bloody fountains. And this was not architectural - it was a definite scrabbling noise, a grunt such as could only have been made by an animal. I set off at a run.

And, to my vast surprise, found myself running towards the thing, not away from it.

Cornered, at last, it was unimpressive. Well, physically unimpressive: Psychically it was almost completely overwhelming. And not it, in point of fact, an it - but, rather, unfortunately, a he.

Dr Rutger Karlson, I thought, dredging my memory for details of Queta's companions on her skiing trip, the group rescued with her and subsequently transferred here to be part of the new 'branch'. Like, I thought, Xav and Yvonne and Patrice had joined me on our team. Only, whereas our lot - myself included - appeared to be thriving in our new environment, something had clearly gone very wrong for Dr K. Very, very wrong - sufficiently wrong for every cell in my body to reject my identification with a screaming frenzy, enough for my brain to scrabble wildly for another - any other - explanation.

Until the AI chipped in with a monosyllabic confirmation: This was Dr Karlson. No longer a preternaturally bright young chemist, no longer a rising star in the academic firmament. The creature cowering before me was almost apelike, matted and lank hair covering most of its body, finger and toe nails grown to talons, teeth yellow and vicious where they protruded from snarling, prehensile lips. It was partly wrapped in a filthy rag of a cloth, a garment that did nothing to conceal the monstrous phallus it was stroking with one clawed hand even as it cringed in its corner.

I wanted to be sick, I wanted to run, screaming, back from whence I'd come, I wanted, desperately for this not to be happening.

But it was. And I had to deal with it. Whatever the fuck it was.

Obviously, I tried to talk to the thing. It - and I could not bring myself to think of it as he - showed no sign of comprehension. I tried something more basic, offered it some of the food that I had in my pack - an apricot, to be exact. It did grab the fruit - I only just avoided getting my hand savaged in the process - and then it bolted... up the wall, over my head and into the ornate carvings surrounding the ceiling. I could just about keep track of its movements, at first, following it at ground level as best I could, but I was never going to be able to catch the thing. And then it pissed on me. With notable accuracy.

I let it go, reasoned to myself that there was nothing I could have done, that it might have chosen a much more violent form of defence, and sat on the floor for a moment or two to think about things. From what I'd seen, this was not some Lord of the Flies type of regression; the good doctor had been transformed rather more completely than that. His reflexes and climbing skills were clearly no beyond human, there appeared to be no capacity for verbal language and ... there was that penis. I had a rummage in my memory, again, couldn't dredge up anything suggesting that elephantine genitalia were characteristic of any of the apes on earth, admitted to myself that the thing was of such a size that it just had to be a huge - hah! - disadvantage in every day living. Come to think if it, it had climbed one handed, using the other to keep its monster dick out of the way.

If something - or someone - had deliberately caused Dr K's transformation, they had a truly perverse imagination. And a lot to answer for.

I found myself a sword in one of the galleries, hung onto it like a comfort blanket. I had no idea where my 'find' might be, no real idea where I was. I guess I was relying on the now apparently catatonic AI to get me back to the transport - if I ever got out of here - and was basically wandering round the buildings at random. In theory I was looking for clues, or, better yet, answers, but in practice I was just blindly wandering. It should have occurred to me that buggering off back to base and coming back with reinforcements - a small army, by preference - was the sensible course of action, but it didn't. Call it shock, stupidity, a momentary lapse of reason. Call it anything you like, in fact, except bravery: I've never been that stupid.

Luckily, my observational skills hadn't completely given up the ghost, nor were all my faculties entirely keyed into mutant ape-man spotting. Which I proved by noticing something odd about one of the innumerable doors I passed, something that caused me to double back and look a little more closely. Well, not that closely - the anomaly was obvious on second glance: This door was altogether more functional - and less decorative than any of the others. And, when tried, it turned out to be locked. Which gave me something to vent my frustration - and the sword - on, thereby breaking the sword and giving my shoulder a nasty jolt. And apparently waking the AI, which got its act together for long enough to open the damn' thing.

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1 year ago
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Sister with a helping hand

sister with a helping hand. It was just a week before my 17th birthday when I went out rollerblading with my cousins. To cut it short I went underneath a car and I broke my collar bone. I was pretty devastated I didn't want to be that one k** in class that looked like a fool. Especially the reason. Lucky enough my parents were cool to let me stay home from school for a week to 'rest' up. It was a Friday morning when I woke up I knew nobody was home. My parents were at work and my sister was...

2 years ago
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Fucking Fourth

I kept us in position with the trolling motor while we waited for the fireworks to begin. The water of the northwest Arkansas lake was shimmering with the red, green, and white running lights of the hundreds of other boats waiting too. Meg sat on my lap as I was at the helm of the fishing boat. She wasn’t simply sitting though; she was anchored by the seven inches of hard manhood buried between her legs. In the dark you might guess that was the situation but you couldn’t be sure. My wife Rita...

3 years ago
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Snowed In Part 3

She could hear him finishing up his shower. She had started the coffee and bacon when he got in so he could smell them when he was done. She had just pulled on her sweater. It was long and covered enough but she had no intention of letting him guess at what she had on underneath. It was still snowing and the national weather guy was camped at the nearest turnpike exit. That's never a good thing. Was saying it would snow until dark. The foot and a half that was down already was causing problems....

1 year ago
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Craigs List Cross Dresser

I find your address and knock on your door. You answer and let me in.I give you a peck on the cheek and give you a hug, with my hand on your lower back I pull you in and feel your body press against mine.I sit in a comfortable chair and ask for a glass of water. I watch your legs and ass as you walk away from me in your stockings and sort skirt. You return with the water and hand it to me. As I take it with my right hand, I put my left hand on the inside of your knee. You freeze and I rub my...

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Temptations Kiss Ch 05

Chapter 5: Monday morning started as it usually did for Randon. He’d woken up at eight o’clock, after two restless hours of sleep, ate a huge breakfast, then gone to the club to check and order inventory. His thoughts were on Cassidy the whole time. There was something about her that made her so much different than the girls he was used to dating. She was more down to earth, but it was something more than that. Sure she was beautiful, but he’d dated beautiful women. There was just something...

2 years ago
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My First College Hookup

Anyways, moving into my dorm was emotional. My mom cried. My sister cried. And then promised to visit with a whisper that we’d scour the school for our Prince Charmings. My dad tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal, but he was more nervous to see his eldest daughter move out than I was to be moving out. Anyways, I’ll spare you all the details of the goodbyes. My roommate had already moved in by the time we got there. We’d talked online a few times and she seemed really nice! I could tell by...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex April Snow Stepmoms Handyman

April Snow is all kinds of discombobulated when she comes out of her bedroom. She doesn’t know her stepson, David Lee, is home early from school and therefore is there to see her adjusting her miniskirt and shirt while flashing T&A all over the place. When April sees David watching her, she flees into the bedroom for a moment before returning to confront him. She swears that it’s not what it looks like and that the handyman had a fight with his wife. David brushes her off, so...

1 year ago
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No Way I like Cock Lesbian

Before I started thinking seriously about boys, I had thoughts about other girls. This began in more or less "innocent" ways. Fooling around with girlfriends at parties, if we felt sure no one would discover us. I'm talking about innocent little kissing dares, touching tongues to see what it feels like, and ... maybe even a little light touching under bras, and sometimes under panties.When I first got to college I learned that a lot of girls, especially Juniors and Seniors, were openly bisexual...

3 years ago
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The Immortal Man

I awoke underwater. It was warm water. It was salt water. I was naked and alone. I'm not sure how many times I had been in this position, but I was being reincarnated again. The sun was coming up, soon I would need to get out of this water and start my next life again. Maybe I misspoke; I would continue my life. I'll explain. I was born so long ago that I cannot remember the number of years that havegone by, maybe 3,000 – 4,000 years. Every time I died or was killed, I woke up later in a...

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PamHe was sweet. I could tell he genuinely cared about me. In past relationships – if you can call them that – I was a trophy: the high school or college cheerleader you bragged to your buddies about; later, arm candy to show off, add inches to your dick.But Jerry was different. He just liked being with me; he wasn’t just hanging around to get into my pants. And when he finally did, he was a thoughtful and considerate lover. And I found that – to my surprise – to be far more important than cock...

1 year ago
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I was at my house waiting on a phone call from my girlfriend when I received a call from an old fling... Her name was Candace, and she was my kind of freak, she fucked and sucked me all day when we used to chill... Anyway, I told her to meet me and we could go for a ride or something. She came out to my hood, and we chilled in her Beemer, parked up in my back yard... She wore a short white skirt that I was touching to see what kind of material it was. I asked her if she missed my dick, and...

3 years ago
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Nerdy Surprise

I was lying on the couch with the first couple of buttons on my shirt undone, my legs spreadeagled, exposing a little bit of my white and pink laced thong which hid under my skirt. No, I was not waiting for someone to rip off my clothes and have hot, steamy sex with me right here on the couch. I was in fact on the brink of passing out from the scorching heat and in desperate need of hydration. I rolled about on the couch in various ridiculous positions, hoping that it would somewhat help cool...

4 years ago
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They were both shy nerds. Neither dated much and neither got laid often. Their lives revolved around their work so neither was aware that they were lonely. He was twenty-five and she was twenty-four. Each had graduated cum laude from their high schools and universities. Each had a good job and made more money than they needed. Each lived in modest apartments two blocks from the park. Their jobs were one block from the park and they ate lunch in the park. The problem was that their jobs and...

2 years ago
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Nipple Rings A SunDress

I spent the morning doing what I always do, classes first at the local college I attend, and then off to breeze by Dads office to bring him lunch, and today I thought perhaps Id go to the gym and work out for a bit. I pulled my Honda into the parking garage at Dads office, I adjusted the mirror to put on some lip gloss and ran my fingers through my hair. I grabbed the Chinese I had picked up for Dad. I locked the door and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button to the elevator and the door...

1 year ago
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Whiskey JackChapter 3 Adjustments

Zelda was amazed at how good she felt when she woke up in a nice bed with no lumps and sags in it. She took a fast shower and put on yesterday's underwear and Jack's tee shirt and shorts. She wrinkled her nose. She remembered Jack promised her an advance on her salary, however he was paying her. This meant she could get something better to wear than what she had now. She felt great all over as she walked out of her bedroom and stretched her body. She came into the living room and gave her...

3 years ago
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Pretty Little Slave

Almost a month has passed since Alana has been under my instruction. She is a good little slave and I have enjoyed her perfect pussy in every way possible. She knew to have that cunt ready when I called her and told her I was on my way. Shaven, wet and ready so I could dive in and eat her til she came or fuck her and abuse her until I was finished. Upstairs in her room I finished dipping into her ass with a vibrator while I shoved one head of the double dong into her snatch. She came like the...

1 year ago
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Boodigo.com is a search engine that helps users cut the chase and go straight to the thick of the action when it comes to searching for adult entertainment material online. The site adopts a no-nonsense approach when it comes to finding you high-quality material in unbelievably high speeds and even better, blocks any results that looks threatening or remotely spammy.Whether you care to admit it or not, searching for porn online can be a pain in the ass. Sometimes it’s a long fucking process of...

Porn Search Engines
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat Scheduled Delivery

After work, I dashed home for a quick shower and change. Just before six o’clock, I was on her doorstep with a take-out bag and a six-pack. A thunderstorm had cooled the afternoon, and she was wearing a silky blouse loose over another pair of baggy cotton trousers. The TV was on in a corner of the living room.We looked at each other a little awkwardly, and I leaned down to peck her cheek. This was feeling like a first date.“Star Trek,” I said. “Voyager is my favorite.”She took the bag from my...

Straight Sex
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teens 2 xxxxxxx

So there i was in just my heels tiny skirt and jacket my D size tittys were trying to bust out and also covered in spunk! so I walked but into the woodland to find the two boys and an older guy wanking into my red pantys that i gave them ! thay all took turns cumming on them red thong with cream all over them! can i put them back on now i asked ! fuck yea said the older guy! my thong was still warm with there cum as i slipped them back on omg very wet too i pulled my skirt back down and off i...

4 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 97 How to Fuck Your Dragon

Introduction: A quick and kinky supernatural bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read...

2 years ago
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Runners World

RUNNER?S WORLD RUNNER?S WORLD ??????????? I was out doing my daily six-mile run when I heard footsteps rapidly approaching from behind.? I waited a moment then turned around expecting to see some male running-ace flying past me.? Instead, it was a young woman and a young man running together at a good pace of just over six-minutes per mile.? We exchanged a brief look, and in that instant flash, I focused on the beautiful woman's bright emerald eyes.? I was hooked.? She smiled at me and...

3 years ago
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Deflowering Jeanette

As stated at the end of this story: “Stud” of the shelter, https://xhamster.com/stories/stud-of-the-shelter-871189 I promised a woman named Lynette that I would meet her granddaughter, Jeanette, and possibly have sex with her. I met Lynette at a battered women’s shelter that my, mom, sister and I had to stay at because of a domestic situation at home. I also had the pleasure of fucking Lynette several times while staying at the shelter. I was still a minor teenager as were the girl I deflowered...

3 years ago
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A Better Me Through Genetics

I was running late again. I knew that Dr Hollister was going to be hugely displeased with me. He was so close to finishing his DNA Sculpting formula, Project Pinnacle, and considered me a barely tolerable assistant. Not to say it was all one sided. I had been worked damn hard on my Phd in Genetics and dealing with this man was not easy. He was definitely a fringe researcher. He had a really problem being ethical and we had quite a few arguments over it. When he casually suggested we bring...

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People of the TigerPart 6

After the Chinese had left, Davdan took Tira aside to inform her that there would be Meds arriving to speak to her in a little over three hours. Then she had Raz light a fire, and gathered them all around it. "Know this; when one becomes an Elder, and ceases fighting and hunting for excitement, most of us contest with one another with our power. We compete for status, influence, wealth, and yet more power. It is fun, and often allows us to do important work. "Aside from my other feelings...

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Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud At Home

Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud - At HomeIt’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going to do it, someone else has. You love your toys as well but you urge to feel skin on skin. It hasn’t been easy for you either since you get eye fucked all day long by these young boys. They have all of this hot teen ass they could be going for but they...

2 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 27 A Game Of Cards

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. After touching her pussy while giving a massage, Amy asked to stop. So I went back to bed and lay next to her. Amy was lost in deep thoughts for a long time. Me: What, honey?...

2 years ago
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The Jade Box Part 3

Amy hung back after class had finished and slowly approached the Teacher. 'What can I do for you Miss. Denton?' He asked. 'Um...this play thing.' 'Shakespeare.' 'Yeah. I...ah...I'm not good at that acting thing.' 'Well now is your chance to get good then. I intend for the class to perform it in front of the school.' Amy tried another tact. 'Is there any way I can get out of doing this?' 'Well one was to be on time for my class. But I guess there is one other...

4 years ago
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The New Neighbor Girl

My fascination with her started with one glance, one small smile. I had seen her around before, but never really noticed her. One day it changed. I had gone to the corner store for some snacks before the game that night, and she was visiting her dad, who lived downstairs in my building. As I got home, she was sitting outside on his front step, listening to her music player. I glanced up as I turned down the driveway, and she looked up enough to see me coming. She tilted her head ever so...

Straight Sex
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Daddy8217s boy

We drove for a couple of hours and finally reached the plot of land that belonged to a friend of his who was letting us borrow it. We set up camp and went fishing and were having a great time. It was a rather hot day and the night didn’t cool it off too much, so daddy recommended that we just sleep nude. This sounded like fun to me so I was innocently quick to oblige, we both stripped down and I couldn’t help but notice how big daddy’s penis was. We sat down on the queen sized...

1 year ago
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Rupali Ki Chudai

Hello dosto mera naam rahul hai aur main ist ka bahut purana member hun…main yahn dusron ki sex stories ke bahut kisse sune…kabhi mujhe aisa lga nhi ki main bhi kabhi yahan apni kahani likhunga aur aap sab se share krunga….So,mera naam rahul hai aur main ek 5’8” ek smart guy hun…jo ki kafi ladkiyan kehti h.Mera lund approx. 6inch ka hai. So,main siddha kahani pe aata hun yeah kahani rupali(changed name) ki h jo mere ghar ke paas hi rehti thi….Ooh by the way I am from chandigarh and main kisi...

2 years ago
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Found Pride On An African Adventure

I have never been the type to believe in fate, that things would eventually come my way. And I certainly never expected that, one day, my life would dramatically change.But let me go back a few steps. I’m thirty years old and my name is Connie Taylor. Until recently, my sexual experiences had only been with a few select men although I confess that I occasionally checked out women at the gym. I even fleetingly wondered what sex would be like with another woman. That said, it didn’t really occur...


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