An Englishwoman In Japan Ch. 03 free porn video

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I wrote this story for Tiffany. Thanks for all your help, Tiff. I hope you’re pleased with the outcome.

Chapter Three

My heart was beating faster with each passing minute and, lingering in front of the huge residence’s heavy oak main door, I still couldn’t summon up the courage to signal my arrival. Even as I’d walked across the small cobbled courtyard and up the stone steps, the lights on either side had felt like they were leading me towards a decision I still wasn’t sure I was ready to make.

My hand had risen three times towards the ornamental bell and pulled away again each time. Should it really be this difficult?

After all, I’d finally come to terms with my continuing sexual encounters in the massage studio, accepting Yoko’s persuasive argument that I wasn’t being unfaithful to Nick. I was just the latest of many women indulging in an ancient Japanese tradition designed to keep her fulfilled while her husband buried himself in his work.

And I’d never even thought of considering the now regular sex with Yoko—sensational, mind-blowing sex— as cheating. Girl-girl sex was, well, different.

But, standing outside the residence of one of Japan’s most prominent and highly-regarded politicians, my mind was working overtime to convince my head that I wasn’t crossing the ‘unfaithful’ line.

Especially with me dressed the way I was…

It was only a couple of days ago, as I was revering from another orgasm under her skilful ministrations, that Yoko had casually mentioned her husband’s hugely important contact. A person, she’d said, who had a particular penchant for pale-skinned European women—especially blondes.

This ‘person’ could influence a parliamentary bill that had the potential to earn her husband millions. Money had changed hands to set up the arrangement, she surprised me by confiding, but before the deal could be finalised it was Japanese tradition to honour the individual by providing a gift of his choosing.

It appeared that I was to be that gift…

It would a huge favour not only to her, she had emphasised, but to her husband also. They would forever be in my debt, and the bond between me and the Kyokota would be strengthened even further. In truth, she hadn’t needed to say much more. For me, the decision—as shocking as the request undoubtedly was to me—was straightforward.

After all she’d done for me, how could I refuse?

And once I’d made that decision, that wicked little voice on my shoulder had taken to whispering in my ear again. Getting fucked by a senior member of Japanese parliament as part-payment for a corrupt business arrangement—how hot was that?

All that was left was to find a way of trying to control the guilt that continually sat at the back of my mind whenever I embarked on a new sexual liaison. I’d been fucked by six masseuses now—all different, but all just as hot in their own way—but this was as different again. I tried not to let my little voice use the word ‘whore’ but I couldn’t help but feel it was an accurate description. A married English whore, who used her body for her own sexual gratification.

Oh yes, the little voice would gleefully reply. Isn’t it wonderful?

I raised my hand again to press the bell but again I couldn’t. My reflection was staring back at me from the dark glass in the side panel and when I turned my head this way and that, the two little pigtails swung through the air.

Pigtails! How kinky was that? Almost as kinky as the outfit I was wearing under my thin outer coat, I answered myself. Yoko hadn’t mentioned that until the package containing the outfit arrived late yesterday afternoon. Then she’d called me to laughingly explain that the politician had specifically asked for his ‘gift’ to be dressed this way.

‘Just go with it,’ she’d chuckled. ‘Let your imagination free…’

I had gone with it, of course. There wasn’t any other choice.

And strangely, it had actually helped my mood in one way. Dressed like this, I really could almost pretend to myself that I was someone else, not a happily married woman who was about to cement her unfaithfulness by—

No, no, I shouted inwardly. Don’t go there.

I leant briefly against the side wall by the door to catch my breath. God, I was shaking. Beads of sweat, responsive to my frayed nerves, were prickling the back of my neck. Could I really go through with this? It was the same question I’d asked myself during the several hours I’d spent getting ready this afternoon.

Thank goodness Nick was away overnight, although I suspected that Yoko had arranged that, too.

I’d taken an extra long time in the shower, trying to drain the tension that had crept into my shoulders. Yet as I’d soaped my body, realizing that another stranger—this one powerful and influential—would possess it before the night was out, the thrill of what was about to happen was unstoppable.

I’d had to relieve the growing excitement by instantly making myself cum.

Afterwards, sitting infront of my dressing table after finishing a whole bottle of wine and about to apply my make-up, I decided to try something different. Something that would be perfect for the outfit I had to wear, but that would also help me further remove myself from my normal world and pretend I really was someone else.

I applied a liquid eyeliner, but only the thinnest of lines to frame my eyes, a lipstick that was a couple of shades darker than my natural lip colour, making it appear as if my lips were a little brighter, before adding a tiny bit of blusher so it made me look like I actually was blushing.

Once I completed the task, and then dressed in the outfit that Yoko had provided, I checked myself out in the bedroom mirror. Perfect…

If only Nick could see me now. Even just a month ago, his eyes would have lit up and he’d have practically thrown me down on the bed, ready to fuck my brains out. Dear God, where had those days gone? And so quickly, too! Why didn’t he want me the same way nowadays?

I’d asked myself the same question in the taxi during the long drive here and still couldn’t find an answer that satisfied me. But one thing was for sure. If my husband no longer wanted me, there were plenty of Japanese men who did.

When I—finally—reached out and actually rang the ornate doorbell, I fervently hoped that the influential politician would be one of them.

On an instinct, I quickly slipped my coat off and checked my appearance again in the glass side panel. First impressions were essential in the circumstances, and he was expecting to see a St. Trinian’s-lookalike schoolgirl, after all.

The way his narrowed gaze swept over the whole of my body, and then did so again, more slowly, told me he was impressed. When his appreciate smile confirmed the fact, I felt an unexpected surge of relief flood through me.

But it was more than just relief. I was impressed, too. Although he was a little older than I expected, maybe in his mid-fifties, he had a twinkle in his eye that went well with his overgrown flock of grey hair. Michael Heseltine, I instantly thought … a Japanese version of Michael Heseltine!

Oh God, Heseltine might be old enough to be my granddad but with those boyish good looks, posh accent, that air of unconformity, he had been the only English politician that had ever been able to make me cream…

Perhaps tonight had just taken a turn for the better?

‘Tiffany,’ he said, those eyes twinkling wickedly into mine as he bowed slightly. ‘You’re everything I expected and more. Please, enter…’

I couldn’t help but check out his ass as he led the way through the hall and into a room to our left. He was dressed the way my favourite English politician might have been, too—in a crisp white shirt and tailored dark trousers—and while he was shorter, perhaps slightly more than five f
oot, I could tell that he regularly worked out. There was plenty of lean hard muscle beneath his shirt.

‘Be confident,’ Yoko had told me as part of her last minute instructions. ‘He thinks you’ve done this before so he’s expecting a self-assured woman to go along with the schoolgirl look. Quite a combination, don’t you think?’

An impossible combination, I’d thought, and the point was reinforced as I walked on trembling legs into his highly modernistic home. I glanced around, more in a vain attempt to calm my nerves than from any genuine interest, and decided that any one of the items on display in the locked cabinets dotted around would be worth more than Nick and my total possessions combined.

‘Let me look at you again,’ he suavely said, taking my coat from over my arm and casually tossing it over the sofa.

I’d left the top two buttons of my Gucci white blouse undone, so that a healthy amount of my bulging cleavage was on display above the black bra. The sleeves were rolled up to my elbows, in traditional St. Trinian’s schoolgirl style, just as I’d checked on the internet. The tie was fastened long, but with the fairly big knot pulled down a little to make it look loose, a little tardy.

The short, navy blue pencil skirt barely reached the top of my thighs, and the black thigh highs—together with the shiny patent leather Jimmy Choo shoes—were the perfect accompaniment, even if the shoes did have a much higher heel than any school would have allowed.

The first time I’d tried on the outfit I’d wondered if it looked absurd on my frame, that someone of my age couldn’t really get away with this, could they? But as he walked around me like an animal might circle his prey, his appreciative, almost lustful gaze, told me otherwise.

‘Perfect,’ I heard him say, as he stood directly in front of me again.

His smile was almost wolfish as his fingers touched my chin and tipped my head upwards.

‘Tell me, Tiffany, do you know who I am?’

‘No,’ I truthfully said, hoping that my answer didn’t offend him.

Far from it. The way he smiled suggested he was happy with my response.

‘Good,’ he softly replied. ‘For the purposes of tonight, just call me Michael.’

Michael? I almost creamed there and then. It was fate. Here I was with my very own personal Japanese version of Michael Heseltine. Just the two of us…

‘And this is my wife, Kumico.’

Oh fuck! I almost fainted with shock. His wife was there? No way!

I tried to disguise my startled reaction as I turned to see a young Japanese woman standing in a doorway on the other side of the room, sipping from what looked like a glass of champagne.

I’d never seen a woman dressed in traditional Geisha style, other than on television, and it made me wonder what sort of marriage this was. She was considerably younger than her husband, extremely slender and willowy, and looked absolutely stunning in that beautiful kimono. It occurred to me that she looked like a character who could have been drawn from a picture book.

When she began to cross the room towards me, it felt like she was floating rather than walking.

‘Welcome to our home,’ she said, in a voice that was even softer than his. ‘And thank you for taking the trouble to look so lovely. You exceed our expectations.’

I felt a blush flicker around the base of my neck as I thanked her for the compliment, and then blurting out that she was beautiful too.

‘Thank you so much,’ she softly replied, bowing slightly and taking my arm with her free hand.

She led me across the room towards a door at the far side that opened into a large, opulent bedroom. Leaving me just inside the room, she floated to a chair near the king-sized bed, gracefully sitting down and crossing her legs in the tight kimono. She tilted her champagne glass my way in acknowledgement and then continued to sip from it without taking her eyes off me.

Alarm bells were going off in my head. Yoko had never mentioned there would be two of them. Had she known? No, she wouldn’t do that to me.

I stood there for a moment, as if paralysed, wondering what to do or say, when I felt Michael’s presence behind me.

‘My wife likes to watch,’ he simply said, his hot breath on my neck.

I hesitated briefly as he slowly moved a pigtail to one side and planted a soft kiss on my neck. Despite my nervousness, the sensation made me gasp.

‘I take it you’ve no objection?’

Objection? Why should I object?

I’d got off on the taxi driver watching in his mirror as I’d put on a show fucking Nick in his cab that night, and had the same reaction at the thought of the chauffeur watching Yoko finger me in the back of her limo. The idea of this beautiful young Geisha-looking woman watching her husband fuck me might be something I hadn’t anticipated, but it was a thrill all the same.

‘No, that’s fine,’ I gasped, as his tongue found my ear.

I bent my head backwards, into his shoulder, offering him more flesh. Yoko had told me to come across as confident and that shouldn’t be too difficult when I was already as turned-on as this. I’d been in the house less than ten minutes and I was already feeling the need to have him inside me.

But the sound of a click upset my equilibrium, followed by a second. My gaze instantly flicked towards Kumico again and I saw that her champagne glass had been replaced by a camera. She took a third shot as my startled eyes stared at her.

‘For our private collection,’ Michael whispered in my ear, holding me steady against him in case I tried to pull away. ‘Our eyes only.’

That panic that had begun to rise inside me settled as I realised they had more reason to keep the photographs out of the public domain than me. Should this liaison ever be discovered, his political career would be in ruins and, worse still, he would be disgraced.

‘Why don’t you undress for her,’ he continued, easing his hold on me when he felt me relax against him. ‘She adores beautiful things just the way I do.’

I swallowed the lump in my throat as he crossed the room towards his wife and refilled the champagne glass that was beside her feet, before pouring two more glasses on the small table beside her chair.

When he turned back to me, he silently repeated his instruction with a single nod of his head and I began to fumble with the tiny white buttons on my Ralph Lauren blouse. My nipples were pushing through the material like organ stops as I nervously worked open each button, trying not to think about the continuing photographs Kumico was taking with her camera.

And yet that little voice inside me was talking to me again, telling me how sexy it was to be photographed like this. Work it, it whispered, work it.

Yes, I needed to. But how?

Slow down, I told myself, and maybe imagine it was Yoko I was undressing for. Yes, that was it. Half-close my eyes and think of Yoko.

Instantly, my nervousness began to fade. Releasing the final white button from its hole, I teasingly held the blouse closed for a brief second before pulling each end apart. Thrusting my bra-covered breasts forward, I shrugged it from my shoulders and let it float to the floor.

And all the time, I could hear the sound of the camera clicking…

The blue pencil skirt went next. Each of my actions were theatrically exaggerated as I undid the button, zip, and then slid it slowly down my thighs before wriggling out of it with a delicious shimmy and kicking it to the side.

A touch of nervousness returned as I stood infront of them in just my sheer Lejaby black bra, skimpy thong, thigh-highs and patent leather heels. Had I gone too far with my act? Should I just have quickly stripped and been done with it? I found the answer in Michael’s eyes. He was practically drooling.

The confidence I was searching for returned in droves. He wanted me. And soon he was going to have me. I wanted
that too—now, more than ever.

I told myself I would undress like this infront of Nick when his work pressures had eased and our marriage had returned to normal—perhaps to music, even? But even as the thought appeared in my mind, the little voice on my shoulder was telling me that stripping like this infront of two strangers was much sexier than anything I could ever do with my husband…

It was true!

Slowly, teasingly, I unhooked the front fastener of my bra, keeping the cups in place with my hands as I leant forward so that my cleavage could spill over the top. God, was I really doing this? I could practically hear their combined gasp. Easing the cups away a little, I offered the merest hint of my nipples before suddenly dragging the bra away and letting my breasts bounce free.

When Michael licked his lips, my already hard pink nipples hardened even further. The dreamy look on Kumico’s face encouraged me too and I realised that I was getting off on this as much as they were. When I self-assuredly eased my thumbs into the waistband of my black thong and slowwwwwly pulled it over the gentle curve of my hips, I felt liberated.

Standing in just my thigh highs and heels, I cocked my hip to one side and struck as provocative a pose as I could. Yoko had said ‘confident’, hadn’t she?

‘Well?’ I heard myself cheekily ask.

Kumico took more shots with the camera even as she reached out with her free hand to lewdly stroke her husband’s groin through his tailored trousers. Even from this distance, I could tell he was rock hard.

‘You have a beautiful body,’ she murmured in that delightfully soft Japanese accent. She smiled almost innocently as she ran her hand down the outline of her husband’s cock again. ‘As you can see, you’ve awoken the monster…’

Kumico wasn’t exaggerating. Up until now, Táchira’s cock was the biggest I’d ever had, but Michael was easily his equal.

His wife had undressed him as I’d watched, sweetly staring me down while she’d unbuttoned and removed his shirt. My quick initial assessment had been right. He did have an athletic body with well-defined muscles. When she’d loosened his trousers and yanked down his black boxers, I gasped. His humongous cock was already ready for action.

‘I see you like,’ Kumico said, smiling at my involuntary reaction.

She picked up her glass and tilted it so that the bubbly liquid covered the length of his erection before dripping onto his heavy balls and then down onto the carpet.

‘Some champagne?’ she asked. That beautiful round face no longer looked so innocent. ‘Why don’t you come and get some?’

Hypnotically, I did as I was bid, crossing the bedroom towards them. Kumico took hold of my arm, pulling me down to my knees infront of her still-standing husband, her small hand reaching for her camera again.

‘Well, Tiffany?’ the Geisha-looking beauty softly asked, staring me directly in the eyes. ‘Why don’t you show us if a white woman can suck cock equally as well as her Japanese counterpart?’

She began to take more shots even before I reached for his hardness and pulled him to my mouth. Who would have thought that a camera could be such an aphrodisiac? Perhaps I would get to see the photographs at some stage? I’d have to ask for Yoko’s guidance on that one.

I swept my tongue over his champagne-covered cockhead and then dipped my head forward. His cock tickled the back of my throat before I’d taken even half of it in. Kumico was on her feet now, clicking off shots from each side, different angles, as she circled around us. Her actions only drove me on and I suddenly found myself not only pleasuring him, but also performing for her.

Placing my hands on either side of his hips to steady myself, this time I took as much of his hardness as I could into my mouth without gagging. The last blow job I’d given was to Nick had been fast and quick in the shower, because he was worried about being late for work. I intended to savour this one.

My gaze lifted to up at his face as I quickened my pace, sliding the full length of him in and out of my mouth It curved between my lips—perfect for sucking—and his hands found my pigtails, tugging them in approval as I wantonly covered his hard flesh with saliva and sucked again.

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My English student from Japan

This is a true story, all of the names except mine have been changed.I recently got certified to teach English as a second language. While I’m looking for a job overseas I am tutoring some foreign students at one of the local colleges. Sometimes we meet in groups and sometimes one on one. Sometimes on campus and sometimes out on the town. One evening I was meeting with Yumi, I had been attracted to Yumi from the first time I met her, but I never thought anything would come of it. I’ve always...

2 years ago
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Mysterious tales in japan

Dallas was not very popular, he was the one white guy in school, he was bullied somewhat subtly by many of his fellow students, a teacher or two also bullied him, he had few friends those who didn't look at him like he was second rate, he was averaging his classes but the class he was in now, he was constantly failing, History, his teacher was always mean to him, and his friends were scared to call her out on it, they'd tried once and had all been held in detention for several weeks. Dallas was...

3 years ago
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White Guys in Japan

I was in the guys toilets taking a piss at the urinal, there was another white dude student standing beside me at the other urinal. I heard some giggling and turned around to see four Japanese girls standing behind me. I noticed a couple of them from my class. I was shocked as to why they were in the guys toilets. Two of them were inspecting the dick of the guy standing next to me, which was flacid. One of them was standing around watching guard. The other one came up to me asking "May I ???"...

2 years ago
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A night at a hostel in Japan

It was December 31 night. I was in Osaka having a party with my Japanese friends from my previous job. I was living in Sapporo that time, so I came down for a couple of days, and tried to make it cheap, so I stayed at a hostel. So I went to this party, eating food, drinking alcohol, going to KTV with girls partying with us. It was a night to be wasted. From some point when one of these Japanese KTV girls was rubbing against me I lost some memory, till I was at a bar speaking with 2 Japanese...

3 years ago
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Whoring in Japan

My host brought me to the redlight district. It's a long story but I discovered that my stereotype that Japanese people are super conservative is wrong. Anyways it started with my host and I at the hot springs. We paid for a private small pool but he went off after paying saying he'll come back in a half an hour to join me. Since I got the opportunity, I started wanking hard and long. He came back beforeI was done and utter embarrasment ensued. He thought I was such an innoncent guy that I...

2 years ago
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My English student from Japan

This is a true story, all of the names except mine have been changed.I recently got certified to teach English as a second language. While I'm looking for a job overseas I am tutoring some foreign students at one of the local colleges. Sometimes we meet in groups and sometimes one on one. Sometimes on campus and sometimes out on the town. One evening I was meeting with Yumi; I had been attracted to Yumi from the first time I met her, but I never thought anything would come of it. I've...

2 years ago
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Seeing Maisie in Japan

You can't believe that you see Maisie fucking Williams stand outside the spa you just tired to enter. She is with 2 of her friends which is quiet cute, but you have always had a thing for Maisie. Her petite frame, unconventional face, her bad ass role ass Arya in GOT and her otherwise down to earth approach in real life or at least what we see of her in real life. All of this is a lethal combination that make you crush so damn hard for her and also make you so damn hard thinking about her!

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 226 Seeing the Sights of Japan

I bet Hinata’s siblings and cousins would go crazy if I took them to a nudist resort. When sure that we had secured a place to sleep, the kids dragged me all over Tokyo to see everything from Pachinko palaces, to various Japanese arts, and anything else that one of them was into or wanted to see. We did a lot of shopping too, with me picking up the tab because I could. When we started getting hungry, Hinata called the sushi place her mother had said had the sushi eating contest. The loser...

1 year ago
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TGirl Japan

The list of Asian stereotypes includes a predilection for tourist photography, really bad driving, and eternally youthful appearance that makes MILFs look like teens. They also make fun of Asian dick sizes and the way Asian dudes can’t really grow mustaches. That latter trait actually helps them make for passable trannies, as you’ll see on is an Asian tranny site from the tgirl porn purveyors at Grooby Girls. If you spend any time at all beating off to shemale pornos,...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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XNXX Japan

The Japanese porn on XNXX either ruined my day or made it, depending on how you look at it. Well, what happened is I got so distracted by all those Asian blowjobs, threesomes, and weird fetish scenes that I accidentally missed jury duty. I may have to pay a fine or spend a couple of days locked up, but at least I got to ejaculate into a crusty gym sock. I won’t be suffering from blue balls, that’s for sure. On the other hand, my yellow fever might need a little more treatment, and thankfully,...

Asian Porn Sites
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Looking for uncensored Japanese porn with subtitles at Japan HDV? I’m a sucker for Japanese women. I like those tight bodies, those almond eyes, lickable complexions, and ripe titties. Plus they age more like a fine wine than bananas, like some of these other haggard porn bitches I look at. Today I’m looking at JapanHDV, a sex site offering up Japanese whores by the boatload.This one’s a paysite, so go ahead and find something else in your budget if you’re at the library with your Fleshlight...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Want to see pissing Japanese girls at Piss Japan TV? I have just renovated my bathroom last month. New shiny tiles, new shower cabin with a radio in it and a massager that my girl uses when I'm not around (I know what she's up to), elegant swan faucets, fancy soap holders, you know, the whole nine but the second I saw that toilet on the +18 warning page on I kind of figured that maybe, just maybe I've bought a god damn wrong toilet bowl! Damnit! I knew I shouldn't have trusted...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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Trannies come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but there’s something special about Asian shemales. Whether we’re talking about Thai ladyboys or the big-dicked futanari of a neckbeard’s favorite hentai, the tgirls of the orient have a natural mystique you don’t always get elsewhere. Oh, and they tend to be passable as hell! The trans sluts at TranSexJapan sure calls themselves “the finest Japanese transsexual site”. It’s the typical brag of any premium porn site, right?...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Virtual Real Japan! If there was ever a great time to be alive, it’s 2022, right? It’s never been easier to catch a devastating respiratory virus, get laid off or stung by a murder hornet than it is right now. On the other hand, all this alone-time through social distancing gives us plenty of opportunity to appreciate the high-tech marvels of the modern age. VirtualRealJapan, for example, will let you experience Asian schoolgirl sex, lesbian encounters and kinky cosplay anal bangs from the...

VR Porn Sites
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I was browsing Ero Japanese this morning, and the whole time I was thinking about how good the younger weeaboos and perverts have it these days. I remember when Japanese porn was still hard to come by in the West. A couple of times, I ordered DVDs from overseas, choosing carefully from slim catalogs that only hinted at the full scale of Japanese perversion. Then I waited patiently for weeks, hoping they weren’t region-locked so they’d actually work in my player when they arrived. And well, even...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Turning Japanese

Turning Japanese "This is not going well," I thought to myself as I untucked my blouse from my skirt and began unbuttoning the buttons. My middle school uniform consisted of a white cotton blouse and a pleated navy skirt that hung to about mid-thigh. The uniform blouse, like many seifuku in Japan, had a nautical look with its navy sailor's collar and navy cuff's on the cap sleeves. This look was reinforced by a red kerchief looped around the neck and beneath the collar and...

1 year ago
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Turning Japanese

Day 1 It all started with a spell. Kaye had wanted Matt since she'd seen him behind the counter at that hobby store at the mall where all the Japanese trading card games were sold. Shy, freckle-faced and pudgy in the wrong places with forever-frizzing dirty-blonde hair, one green eye, one hazel eye, and a nose broken by one of her mother's many ex-husbands, she'd despaired of ever getting into his khakis until her friend had brought her a print-out from a website claiming to have "real,...

1 year ago
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Learning Japanese

James had only been in Japan for a week, but already found himself hankering after the stunning japanese women, the younger the better. As luck would have it, he was also teaching English at the local high school and although he knew full well of the trouble he would get into, it was still extremely tempting. The main cause of his problems turned out to be a young 18 year old girl called Aku. She was so damn cute it should have been a crime in itself...and she knew it. On the first day of...

4 years ago
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Requirements English Japanese

Being far apart from my girlfriend means that we usually leave Skype on constantly. If our ISPs charged us for gigabytes used, we'd be fucked... luckily that's not a problem. Part of being in a long distance relationship is finding ways to spend time together, and in this way, we make it work. Being on mic and camera for long periods of time can lead to various levels of intimacy. This can be as innocent as a kiss or as naughty as both of us imagining that we're fucking each other until the...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 91 Turning Japanese

"Here we are in Japan. I hope we have time to get out of the hotel room," giggled Sophia. They were in Nagano, Japan, for the Grand Prix final. "What day is it, anyhow? We left on Monday the seventh of December. And now it's what, Tuesday? I'm completely discombobulated," Warren joked. "Forget about that. We don't have practice until tomorrow--or the next day--or something," Sophia laughed. "Get over on this bed and kiss me!" "Don't have to tell me twice," Warren said, as he...

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Giving head was all new to me but I was wanting to

Reality is I love sucking cock, any time or any place as it is always on the to do list. Problem was that I didn't know anything about sex, much less the art of giving head before my husband came into my life. Coming from a small prudish family, sex just wasn't on the discussion menu. I left the small innocent family when I met my husband, who was far more versed in sex than I was. On our honeymoon, I quickly experienced many different satisfaction's from a highly sexual partner. I enjoyed his...

Wife Lovers
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MyPervyFamily Evelyn Payne Who8217s The Turkey Now

You can’t play a player. When my wife and our step-daughter Evelyn Payne try to set me (Filthy Rich) up, I’m ready for them. My wife plans to use my step-daughter to seduce me, therefore breaking our prenup agreement on cheating & nullifying any financial claims I have. Bitches trying to entrap me & split the loot! Thing is – I have their whole plan recorded – all the evidence! But like any good step-dad, I was going to teach them a lesson – my stepdaughter...

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Squirted Angel Youngs 18YearOld Squirting Angel

Angel Youngs is excited to be here at Squirted today, and we’re just as excited to have her, because she’s an 18-year-old squirter. Tony Ribas pulls her big, pierced, double-D tits out of her red lacy bodysuit, and Angel plays with and jiggles them, then turns around to show you her booty. Tony plays with her pussy, then tells her to lie back and make herself squirt, and this blonde babe quickly does! Angel sucks Toni’s cock, then gets on all fours to get fucked doggystyle...

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Basha sold the farm

Basha Bagrowski came from a proud Polish Nebraska farm family. Her father and mother died in a car crash driving back from a night on the town in Omaha. She missed her father and mother. They used to sit on the front porch in the evening and her dad would play the accordion and sing Polish songs.She had to sell the farm. Basha could not do anything about it. She could not work the farm alone. Basha had sold all the animals and farm equipment. She sat on the front porch steps with her head in...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 2 iCarlyVictorious 6

iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 6The next couple days flew by for some people. Carly prepped and presented her iCarly presentation without Freddie or Sam, who were both moping around their individual cabins. Carly wasn't entirely sure why, but involved a bet against that weird angry girl from Hollywood Arts, and it ended with everyone breaking up. Carly was also a little sad not see Tori as much, who was cuddling up to Beck rather quickly. They were kinda awkward though....

2 years ago
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Porn Theatre

My experience with porn theatres began gradually. I had an incredibly beautiful eighteen-year old girl I had begun to see. We did things together, going places. Somehow, she decided to start working as a dancer. It was easy money; she was always the center of attention. It was easy to go to the porn theater. They had little booths where you could put a dollar in, and watch a porno movie. We went there because of the quick and easy access with privacy. I didn't really know what that hole in...

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When Joe met Mary Aly met Sam both for sex h

This is the first story although they can be read in any order. Joe & Aly came to Sam & Mary for help with their sex lives. They agreed to certain conditions chief of which was that they could not say no to anything suggested to them. They also had to agree to do anything they were ordered to do. When they hesitated they were led to the front door, at which point they both pleaded to Sam & Mary to take them on as clients. At that point they were told another condition is they would...

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Scarletts Fingers

I rolled a joint, and we passed that back and forth till it was gone, and then we just sat and listened to the birds chirping in the trees. After a while, I realized the leaves weren't rustling, which I thought was strange. Usually when you're around trees, you can hear the leaves rustling. Our worms had been underwater for quite a long while. I wondered if they were still alive down there. Poor things. From their point of view, I guess we were pretty evil, impaling them on big barbed hooks...

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Re-Inked Written by Mr. Pec Carl slid down a narrow slide at high speed. He heard a 'sproing' sound and suddenly realized he was naked. Above and behind him he saw his clothes hanging from hooks that extended from the sides of the chute. The slide suddenly ended and he fell face first on a soft rubber mat. After a moment of groaning, he realized the mat was moving. Trying to sit up, Carl felt two large hands push him back down on his chest and start hitting his back and legs....

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Expect the Unexpected Sometimes

There is an old saying of "expect the unexpected" in all sorts of situations, particularly those with a degree of certainty. This goes for anyone.In the past year, my wife has adapted nicely to being a full-time housewife for the very first time after leaving a very stressful job. So that she doesn't get bored, I call and text her from work during the week just to keep her from being bored. Sometimes I'll do things such as texting a dick pic of myself letting her know what she'll get after I...

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Alexandrias Genesis 1 Alice Gray

Introduction: My first story ^.^ Please leave constructive criticism and comments on what you want to read (Im sure youve heard this a million times, but please have patience with me to read all the text and all the series. Though there isnt any sex in this, you will get to grips with Alice and Elixir. Im aspiring to be a novelist and decided to try my hand at this. Please leave constructive criticism and dont comment saying you dont get the story later on, because my reply will be you havent...

3 years ago
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Carrying OnChapter 12

The entire fourteen acres resided as an elongated rectangle. On the north side was the nearest road. The driveway intersected it at an angle and the veered off toward the southwest in such a way that no one could see into it easily. The entire property was surrounded by a wall which Bryan, always miserly, had constructed out of used tires. Initially Bryan had gotten some used tires to serve as planters for a potato bed. Some people on a web forum which he frequented had reported success...

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RomanceChapter 16

Romance: Another country heard from:16. Jack called for his box ... ok ... he stuck his ID finger in the hole. The box whooshed in and Jack started passing out weapons, saddles and tack. He left some Conchs for a rainy day. The lid closed with a snap ... air molecules rushing and colliding with other air molecules. A small thunderclap. Seven said, "Jack? I don't think we should go out there right this minute. Somebody is robbing ... or trying to rob the bank." "How do you know?" "I...

3 years ago
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Akshay 8211 The Watchman

I am Nilesh and this is my first sex experience with a man which I wish to share with everyone in the form of a story. I live in a reputed society and there are two watchmen in my society and day duty watchman and night duty watchman. One evening, as usual, I came back from my college and entered my society, when a man dressed in watchman’s uniform stood up swiftly and threw the half burnt cigarette that he was smoking from on the floor.Crushed it with the well polished black shoes he was...

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