Love You Like A Tree free porn video

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© Nov, 2002

Jiri found it difficult to adapt to life in Adelaide. In fact, after his experience with Karen on that train journey, Jiri was finding it difficult to adapt to life. He felt hollowed out, empty, as if something was missing in his life; actually, as if everything was missing.

During the day, he performed perfectly adequately in his job. The people he worked with were pleasant and efficient, but he did not develop any rapport with them. Time passed, he churned out reports, each day was much like any other.

The nights were worse: the nights were empty. He felt no motivation to do anything. He forced himself to eat and exercise, although he did not really know why, and spent long hours lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He felt no urges, he felt no pain, he just stared, and waited for something, anything, to happen.

Although unfeeling, he had a lot of time for thinking about the meeting that had changed him so. Had Karen taken some of himself, taken his soul, in total, or in part? Would he be broken forever, or would Karen someday return to finish off any part of him that she had missed? How would she find him?

His memories of love for Karen, although unfulfilled, and seemingly unfulfillable, still seemed fresh. Perhaps nothing else mattered in his life now, and he was simply waiting for her return?

This thought was all that sustained him, and he relived her seduction, domination, and that sweet devouring, again, and again, and waited, and hoped.

It was four weeks after leaving her that Karen rang Jiri at work.

"Jiri, hi! It's Karen here. I've missed you; would you like to meet for lunch?"

The sunny sound of her voice hit Jiri like a thunderbolt. He was thrown into confusion by her social pleasantry, while all the dark mystery of her consuming love poured back into his consciousness with full force.

His heart was beating wildly, and he tried to compose himself as they made arrangements to meet. Jiri worked quite close to the river, and they arranged to meet in a secluded part of the riverbank precinct. As he put the phone down, he was in a cold sweat. The morning passed in a horrible whirl of impatience in which he did not accomplish anything, and he left the office as soon as practicable.

He found the park bench near the water's edge, as they had arranged, and he seated himself to wait.

Warm hands suddenly covered his eyes, and he could not see. Jiri panicked, and would have jumped up to flee if they had not held him strongly. He felt the strength in those hands, and felt her hunger, and felt like nothing more than prey.

"Shhh, Jiri! It's me, Karen. Sorry I haven't called, but I've had a lot on my plate. Please forgive me."

Stroking his head, she came around to sit beside him. Today she was dressed to kill: black shoes, black stockings, black pleated skirt, black top, white skin, red lips, as if she were a young lover meeting her boyfriend for some young fun. Well, I suppose she was.

The bench was hidden in the shade of some large trees, not really visible to the rest of the park. When Jiri first sat down, he felt that it would be nice for privacy and talking; he now realized that she had him all to herself, and was both worried and excited by the possibilities.

Jiri was soon at ease. Karen entangled her fingers with his, and the next hour was taken up with conversation, as she listened to him pour out his life to her. It seemed strange to turn his life into words for someone who had experienced him so directly, indeed taken so much of himself, but it was also comforting. He tried to ask Karen about herself, and she always answered his questions pleasantly, but also without revealing much information that he could later recall.

He did discover that she had two sisters just outside Brisbane, and the three of them usually lived together in a lovely old Queenslander up in the mountains. Like Jiri, Karen was staying in Adelaide for business, and only for a short time; she would be returning home in a few weeks.

As they conversed, her answering voice was gentle, almost caressing. He fell into a kind of daze, and his field of view narrowed, until her eyes and mouth became his whole world. Jiri was almost hypnotized when he felt her fingers on his fly, gently drawing down the zip. Her eyes did not leave his own as she deftly freed him to the air and drew down his trousers somewhat, and climbed onto his lap.

Jiri groaned with pleasure and closed his eyes as he felt her wet warmth against him, and he surrounded her generous hips to pull her into him. She surrounded him with her arms, and leaned close to his ear in order to speak to him, softly.

"Jiri, I love you, I want you."

She began to gently squirm against him, and Jiri held her tight. Soon he felt the warmth and the strength of her lower tongue as that wet muscle began to emerge to lap against him.

"But Jiri, you know my love. You know my love is consuming, is all-consuming."

The tongue gave his penis a gentle squeeze and began to work lower, caressing his balls as she began to cover him. Soon her wet labia began to cover his head, and her passage moved down to slowly surround him.

"I cannot love you if there are any questions, if there are any complications. You must disappear Jiri, you must lose yourself."

Each point was emphasized by a slight thrust as she impaled herself on him deeper and deeper. As he found himself fully ensheathed, that tongue sidled past and slipped lower, and began to wriggle between his cheeks. She covered his mouth with hers, and for a time, they kissed.

"Nobody must come looking for you Jiri, nobody must care. Nobody must know, and only then will I take you, Jiri. I will cherish you and love you, Jiri, and my sisters will love you too. You will want for nothing, Jiri, it is a paradise on Earth. Give yourself to me, Jiri, promise yourself to me, seal me to yourself"

With her talking finished, she lifted her head and held Jiri against herself. With everything happening down below, Jiri could only burrow his head into her warmth as she stroked his hair with her hands and gently cooed. The lower tongue caressed him underneath his balls, warmth spreading through him with each delicious stroke. Jiri slumped in the seat a little to give it more space, more skin.

The tongue gently positioned itself against his entrance. Karen ceased all movement and gazed at him. They were two young lovers gazing adoringly into each others eyes.

Jiri exploded within her as the wet strength began to split him, to expose his soul, to penetrate the core of his being. Even as his fluids were exhausted, the sticky sweet ecstasy of Karen's surrounding him, and the terror of that penetration, kept him coming, kept him pulsing, on and on. But even the release of that orgasm was only a prelude, a preparation, for Karen's true hunger.

She simply held him as the tongue penetrated deeper, and Jiri was limp as once again he prepared to let himself be devoured. He reveled in it; the excitement was palpable as he realized that he was to feed his love once more, that she would take his offerings, his self, his soul. All that was needed was his consent, his love, and these he gave, he gave for the blinding pleasure he knew would be his reward.

Then the drawing began again. The tongue pricked him deeply, freeing a flood of feelings and memories, and Karen sweetly drew them into herself, tasting them with reverence, but then pressing forward, hungrily, for more.

For a long time, Jiri was trapped in a moment. He was totally focused on the ecstasy of giving, and his penetration of Karen was forgotten as she filled him and fed from him.

He learned to find feelings, from deep inside himself, and offer them up to the greedy blind worm, that snaked inside him, slowly drawing, slowly sucking, slowly penetrating deeper and pushing up, he knew, towards his heart.

This time, Jiri felt himself begin to empty. With each drawing, he was finding it harder and harder to offer himself, to find himself, as his self was slowly slipping away.

When the tongue began to withdraw, Jiri was exhausted. It left a coolness behind it as it began to uncoil and return to Karen's body, like a cool breeze blowing against the wetness of his vital organs. His penis began to stir as the tongue's friction caressed him in passing, and the warmth of Karen's cunt comforted him as he began to regret his loss.

"Don't worry, Jiri. This is but the first part of your transformation. I want every part of you, your mind, your body, your soul. But now you must lose yourself, disappear. Then we can be together, Jiri, then my sisters and I can take you, take care of you, hold you forever. Come and find me in Brisbane when you're ready, Jiri, it's time for you to settle down."

Karen gently disengaged, kissed him, zipped him up again, and was gone.

Travel was Jiri's route to oblivion.

Selling all his possessions, he made himself quite a tidy sum, obviously very attractive to the scum of the earth who were to be responsible for his "demise".

Obtaining a selection of false papers, he contrived to leave a trail of false clues pointing towards a fatal business venture in Thailand involving trading in artificial sapphires, before leaving that country as someone else.

His family and friends would of course search for him, and would find a tale of corruption, sadness and hopelessness that touched him with its pathos. His ruined reputation, the likely repugnance of his associates, did not concern him; indeed, the more odious he appeared the better, as far as becoming a nobody was concerned.

As he traveled around the world, adopting several identities as he went, the feeling of emptiness from his last encounter with Karen slowly disappeared. Jiri had even begun to enjoy himself again. It was as if his soul had been pruned, leaving space in his existence for it to grow again in different directions, and he began to take a renewed interest in the world. By the time he returned to Australia, he was invigorated, and his love for his succubus was undiminished.

When he finally found himself in Brisbane, he began to wonder about his reunion with Karen. He had never hesitated in doing all that she asked of him, and never regretted throwing away his old life for her love. On the contrary: in the months it had taken him to "disappear", he had found a new sense of freedom and purpose in his life.

But he did wonder about his future. He knew that unchecked, her hunger could lead him to death within a few days of him giving himself over to her.

All the experience he had gathered in his travels he would gladly give up to her in a single orgy of sacrifice, if that was what she wanted; but he also rather hoped that she would keep him for a while, and he would come to understand her mysteries a little better.

Although this prospect did not hold any fear for him, her attention to him seemed to presage something more important; otherwise, why would she not have left him desiccated and anonymous in that train carriage, or in that park? There seemed to be genuine affection on her part, and he suspected that her stringent requirements for his disappearance would lead to some deeper, long-term relationship.

There was also the question of her sisters; what interest would they have in him? He knew that there would not be enough of himself to share around, although the experience of being consumed by three succubi simultaneously would certainly bear thinking about as a quick, but somewhat pleasant, route to the afterlife.

Jiri spent a lot of time in bookshops in the West End of Brisbane. He was searching for old books on the occult, in the hope of finding some information to help explain his predicament. Unfortunately, being such a new colony, Australia was a terrible place for old leather-bound books.

He felt a touch at his elbow. He knew that touch immediately.

"Jiri, so nice to bump into you here. So you've returned from your travels at last?"

Karen was again dressed for comfort; tee-shirt and shorts. Jiri also noticed her companion. She was somewhat taller than Karen, and seemed undefinably older, but otherwise they could have been two peas in a pod, with the same pale complexion, dark, lustrous hair, and red lips.

"Jiri, this is my sister, Gina. I have told her such a lot about you."

My fate was upon me, and Karen was again playing pleasant social games. I could never get used to our meetings.

"N... Nice to meet you!" I stammered, as pleasantly as I could, and managed to take her hand in a handshake. She took this opportunity to draw me closer for a kiss on the lips.

Karen was soon inviting me into her family.

"Well, Jiri, we've sort of been expecting you. Our sister, Helen, is very keen to meet you. Would you like to come and join us for dinner?"

My months spent traveling had given me a feeling of independence. I knew that I loved Karen with all my heart, but I also knew that I would likely be throwing my life away if I wanted to fulfill it. In a burst of rebellion, I decided that I would delay my reunion, and keep my life of relative normalcy a short time longer. At the time I thought it was courage, or masculine independence; I now realize it was cowardice.

"Ah, no thanks, I have a prior engagement". The three of us knew that this was a lie, of course, but it suited me fine. I would turn around, walk out of the bookshop, and escape, for now, to freedom.

Jiri had neglected that touch at his elbow. Karen's grip tightened. Gina stepped forward, and slid her hand around the other elbow. With such simple gestures, Jiri was immobilized.

Gina stepped forward, and, conspiratorially, whispered into an ear,

"Come on, Jiri, it will be fun."

His will crumpled. He had missed Karen so much, and knew that he would give his soul for her. His sister seemed pleasant enough, and after months of lonely traveling, their family life, however dark and mysterious, was beginning to seem appealing. By their demeanour, a cooked dinner and a bed seemed not too unreasonable an expectation, and an immense weariness descended upon him.

"Ok, of course I'll come." His rebellious little fib was forgotten, and the three of them were soon in Gina's car, traveling to their house in the mountains.

The journey took an hour or so, and Gina was fascinated by Jiri's tales of deception, disappearance and delivery. She seemed to know all about Jiri and Karen, and Jiri's elaborate disappearance was an interesting topic of conversation, but, somehow, otherwise unremarkable, as if it was only to be expected of him.

Karen was silent during the journey; Jiri and Gina were in the front, with Karen seated behind Jiri. Soon after Gina and Jiri's conversation started, Karen reached forward and gently pulled his hand back, out of sight from Gina. The ensuing game of "handies", with rubbing and gentle stroking, seemed somehow childish, but it brought all his physical yearnings for Karen back to him with full force.

The hour passed more quickly than Jiri expected, and they were soon driving up the driveway and through the gate; it was a substantial block of land.

The house was beautiful. It was a classic Queenslander, built of wide, painted wooden planks, a high pitched corrugated iron roof, and the verandah was ten feet wide and extended around the whole house. The house was mounted high above the ground.

It provided coolness in the summer and protection from the torrential rains.

Wooden palings hid the underneath; Jiri imagined all the rusty engines and gardening implements, perhaps an old FJ Holden, that might be stashed there, forgotten.

Memories returned of lazy school holidays spent at his Grandmother's old house, and Jiri immediately felt at home.

"I'll take him for a tour around the gardens; you catch up with Helen" Gina suggested to Karen. Jiri was a little surprised, and perhaps a little disappointed; he had wanted some time alone with Karen to get reacquainted. Karen accepted Gina's suggestion without demur, and Gina linked Jiri's arm.

Jiri really began to feel welcome, and began to believe that the three sisters were planning on sharing. Gina was quite intimate in her manner, and would often lean in close when talking. Jiri often felt her body press against him whilst the two were walking, and the linked arm was soon around his waist.

The gardens were impeccably maintained, and very old-fashioned. A high wooden fence surrounded the property, and flower beds followed the fence around and enclosed a wide grassy area. Gina walked Jiri around the perimeter, pointing out her favourite flowers and inviting him to smell the delicious Daphne.

The centrepiece of the garden was a single tree, and Gina walked them to it last.

It was magnificent. It was broad and tall, and had fat, fleshy leaves bigger than your hand. It was in full bloom, with bright red blossoms everywhere visible in the foliage. Jiri had never seen anything like it. The blossoms had the complexity of an orchid, being a very unusual shape. When Jiri looked straight at them, he saw a rather strange but beautiful flower. Out of the corner of his eye, however, the shapes seemed to become like faces, curious, staring at him. He was somewhat disconcerted.

Some of the blossoms held fruit, which resembled large mangoes, but dark red, almost black. Where the fruit had dried and fallen away, large seed pods remained in the branches. Even with Jiri's limited knowledge of botany, he knew it was unusual to have foliage, blossoms fruit and nuts on the same tree.

"Unusual, isn't it?" asked Gina, as if she could read Jiri's mind. "You know, I don't know what we would do without the tree. It's a bountiful provider. There aren't many about in the tablelands, but we're hoping to propagate it. Like us, it's been here for hundreds of years, it's always been a part of my family.

"You can eat the leaves for salad, and the flowers are full of nectar, enough to feed a household if we wanted. The fruit is a bit of an acquired taste, but we've come to like it. The nuts are great, too; easy to hull, and make a great loaf. Here, you can help me pick some provisions for dinner."

From behind the tree she produced a basket. There was plenty to pick that was low-hanging, and Jiri and Gina were soon making their way back to the house.

Karen was setting the table, and she stopped briefly to hold him and give him a kiss. Jiri was surprised to see two women in the kitchen. One was short, and round, but by her features Jiri could tell that she must be Helen. The other was tall, and slim, and beautiful in a willowy kind of a way.

Gina made the introductions: "Helen, Rachel, this is Jiri, Karen's new boyfriend from Adelaide. Jiri, I'm sure that Karen's told you about Helen. Rachel's a new addition to our family, like yourself. Helen brought her home a few weeks ago, and I think they make a lovely couple."

Rachel smiled shyly, as if she were surprised that her relationship with Helen was being brought out so casually. Once again, everyone kissed lightly, and with Gina's supervision, everyone was kept busy until dinner time.

While carrying dishes around and about, Jiri admired the interior. As with the garden, the house was very old and impeccably maintained. A comforting smell of the gas oven, furniture polish and spring flowers filled the house, and he was again reminded of his Grandmother.

Dinner was an unusual affair, being vegetarian; in fact, every dish was based on some part of the tree. Gina was quite right, the tree was a bountiful provider. Jiri greatly enjoyed all of it, especially the nectar from the flowers: it was the basis of a subtle, sweetly perfumed drink. Jiri thought it might have been fermented, it seemed somewhat alcoholic. Certainly everyone became more relaxed and silly as dinner progressed!

Gina, Helen and Karen sliced up pieces of the fruit and ate them greedily; Jiri asked if he could try some, but, as Gina had intimated, he didn't like it very much. It seemed more like flesh than fruit, probably very sustaining, but too red and raw for his liking.

After dinner, they all cleared away and settled down to a game of cards. Again, Jiri was struck by a sense of unreality. After all that had passed between himself and Karen, after he had gone to the ends of the earth to demolish everything of his own life for her, here he was, playing cards with her sisters and her sister's lover. Like a teenager, Karen had found his foot under the table and was rubbing herself against him.

But Jiri reveled in it; he realized that he really liked these people, he was having such a lot of fun. He felt like a teenager again himself, as Karen's unsubtle caresses awakened some unsubtle hormones inside himself that he had all but forgotten.

He noticed that Helen and Rachel kept exchanging meaningful glances (unfortunately, the meaning was lost to him). Gina seemed somehow above it all, and stuck to the cards. She kept the scoring and the enforcement of the rules rigidly correct, but with such an air of camaraderie that you knew that she was only playing games after all.

For a while, Gina left to do some work elsewhere in the house, and left the four of them playing together. Gina's cut of the cards had Helen partnering with Karen, and Jiri with Rachel.

Jiri and Rachel played well together, and almost beat the sisters, who had obviously worked out their bidding systems a long time before. Drinking more nectar, and snacking on the nuts, Jiri began to feel a little in love with Rachel, too. She was laughing along with his stupid jokes, and Karen, although she never ceased her hidden caresses, almost seemed to encourage their familiarity.

When it became time for bed, Jiri was almost disappointed. He felt safe and coddled with this group of people, and knew that he would not be devoured tonight. It was a time for getting to know family, and befriending. Jiri and Rachel, as outsiders, had begun to establish a bit of rapport. Jiri started to suspect that Rachel's liaison with Helen went somewhat against the grain. They obviously loved each other, loved each other very much, but Rachel did not seem to be steeped in the "culture" that seemed so much a part of homosexuality, established perforce by a minority under the gaze of a majority of often fearful, and sometimes hateful, heterosexuals.

Still, Rachel seemed quite happy as Helen dragged her away, and they closed the door behind themselves with what Jiri thought was unseemly haste.

Jiri and Karen's room was next door to Rachel and Helen's, and Jiri was quite happy to be dragged inside by Karen.

Karen was full of questions. He was gratified by her interest, but could not help wondering if she was also trying to establish the extent of his "disappearance". So sunny and outgoing was she in their first time alone together after Adelaide, however, that Jiri could not believe that this was her only objective.

They undressed, brushed and tumbled into bed. In that unseemly tangle of limbs and skin, Jiri felt completed. He had found his other half, and he loved her family. The feel of her skin was magical. Jiri rose to the occasion, but for a while they just held each other. Jiri felt the touch of her tongue, but its gentle lappings were affectionate rather than predatory. Karen soon eased Jiri inside of herself, and they spoke to each other of eternity as they made gentle love that renewed and touched his spirit.

Karen spoke to Jiri again, softly, gently.

"Jiri, you are so special. You have thrown away everything for me, and I will never let you forget it. It requires a special sort of strength to throw away everything for the possibility of love, and this you have done. Sometimes, you will find it hard living here with me, but with your strength, I know you will be saved. Trust us, Jiri, always trust us, and I will keep you until the end of time"

A dark look of sadness crossed Karen's face, and a tear rolled down her cheek. It was dark, and Jiri's head was nestled between her breasts, so he did not see.

Time passed for Jiri like a holiday with beloved friends. He came to know Karen as a woman, and the desperate physical hunger of their initial meetings did not seem to be a presence here. It instead mellowed into a more comfortable, and nonetheless deeper, love.

The house and the garden had a rhythm of their very own, and Jiri settled easily into the daily routine of gardening, cleaning, eating the lovely food, talking and playing games with his companions, and nights spent falling more and more deeply in love with Karen, as they made love and promised each other the world.

This was not to the exclusion of the others; the relaxed lifestyle and isolation from the outside world seemed to be breaking down Jiri's accustomed reserve.

The three sisters were alike enough that he could not love Karen without beginning to love Gina and Helen a little also. Rachel spent much of her time with Helen, but it was often fun for Jiri and Rachel to make alliances against the bloc of the three sisters.

One or more of the sisters would often be busy doing something in other parts of the house, so Rachel and Jiri often found themselves working or talking together. With their own relationships securely established, and with no-one else to talk to, they became quite open with each other. Jiri had always been a good listener, and Rachel was pleased to have a harmless man to talk to.

Rachel was from Scotland, and had met Helen whilst backpacking in Sydney. Unlike Jiri's meeting with Karen, Rachel's with Helen was very gentle. Helen had started talking to Rachel in a bookstore, and they had clicked immediately. Rachel became a constant visitor in Helen's share house in Glebe, which was small, and with a lesbian couple upstairs to share the rent, very cheap. Rachel was open minded enough not to object, but for a few weeks she viewed Helen only as a well-found friend, and soon moved into a poky room at the back of the house.

It was very convenient for her; being a waitress at a nearby cafe, she kept late hours and liked having accommodation so close to her work. Helen would always be awake when she came home, and they would often talk into the small hours. Rachel had had several disastrous relationships in Scotland, and began to think that she was too shy and vulnerable to find a nice man.

Rachel always began to clam up a bit at this point in her description of their relationship, but Jiri could imagine the effect of Helen's seduction on her. What sweet liberties had Helen taken with Rachel that found her, like Jiri, throwing away her whole life for love?

As with Jiri, Helen had required that she disappear before she could continue her relationship. Being a backpacker, it was relatively easy for Rachel to cover her tracks. She did feel a bit guilty about leaving her grieving family behind her, but Helen, and now her new family, were becoming more comfortable and felt more permanent every day.

Jiri, Rachel and the sisters had several months of idyllic days and loving nights, when the cohesion of the group suddenly began to fall away. Rachel began to spend more and more time alone with Helen in their room, and on some days Jiri did not see her at all. She seemed somehow distracted, or tired, and their usual familiarity seemed strained; sometimes he felt he should give up trying to talk to her. She ate nothing at dinner times, and, unusually, Gina did not complain.

The three sisters began to move around at nights. Jiri would often wake in the small hours and find Karen no longer at his side. He would sneak around the house to try and find them, but they were nowhere to be found. There was a locked door in the center of the house which Jiri suspected might contain some answers, but, knowing the layout of the house, Jiri worked out that there wasn't enough space for another room there. But if there was no room, why place a door there?

The terror and horror of his first meeting with Karen returned to him when he finally saw what Helen was doing to Rachel.

It was morning, and he was walking, alone again, down to breakfast. Passing Helen and Rachel's room, he heard a yelp, as if Rachel was in pain. Without thinking, he pushed their door open; it was already ajar. Helen caught his eye immediately, and held it, and the intensity of that look compelled him to silence.

Helen was seated, naked, on the edge of the bed. Rachel was kneeling in front of Helen, arms around her, with her face buried in Helen's crotch. Holding her by the hair, Helen was slowly thrusting her hips and forcing herself into Rachel's mouth.

Helen held his gaze as she took supreme pleasure in taking. Rachel whimpered softly.

Placing himself in Rachel's position, his arousal began to stir. Like a long-denied addiction, he again felt the ecstasy of Karen's feeding from his own soul, and saw the same promise of ecstasy in Helen's eyes as she held his gaze, raising an eyebrow in invitation.

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Sex in a hollow tree

I was thinking yesterday about that trip to that National Park in Kenya where you can walk around. You remember how we made love in the bush with the animals all around us. There was even once when we were mating at the same time as a pair of impala. You remember? But the highlight of that trip for me was the time we made out inside a hollow baobab tree. Do you still remember that? We parked the car to go for a walk, of course we were horny as usual on that trip. As soon as we were out of the...

1 year ago
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The Walnut Tree

Elizabeth was in the kitchen of her comfortable, middle-class home when the text message came in on her mobile phone. The message was short: ‘Walnut Tree – 8pm?’ Elizabeth shuddered slightly. She thought for a moment. ‘Derek, I will have to pop down to the shop. I think I have left some things there that I will need tomorrow.’ Elizabeth was the owner of a modestly sized fashion boutique in the centre of town. ‘Okay. I will watch the rugby while you’re gone.’ Elizabeth’s heart thumped in...

1 year ago
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Ambers Tree

Amber’s backyard was a place of magic and imagination. Looking back now, I realize how much I grew up in that place, how much the shimmering emerald grass meant to me, so wide and untouched, bespeckled with golden drops of dandelion buds. There are certain things in life—ordinary things that most adults have long-forgotten—that are the foundations of daily existence for children. After a while, people get so caught up in the here-and-there buzz of life that there’s no room for remembering....

4 years ago
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The Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree By Paul G. Jutras I remember how Christmas once was with the whole family. Especially the selection of the tree. After I would be all bundled in my brown snowsuit, thick black snow boots, rainbow hat with a pom-pom top and mittens, we'd all get into mom's large station wagon. The ride never seem to take long, though we would travel quite a distance. What better way to get a Christmas tree than to cut down one own....

2 years ago
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The Search For Our Christmas Tree

It was about nine-thirty on Saturday morning when my wife and I entered the local orchard.  It was several hundred acres of all sorts of vegetables, fruits, and other assorted growth.  I'd been coming to this place since I was a child to pick strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc..My wife and I had been coming here to cut our own Christmas Trees for over twenty years.  Most of the time, we brought along a child or relative to enjoy the experience with us, but this year it was just the...

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The Love Tree

I picked up my sister Sally from a party in our old neighbourhood. The morning sun was already rising ready to roast us once more in this mid-summer heatwave.Sis came out to the car wearing a long crepe white summer dress, which was quite transparent letting me see that she had at least kept her underwear on for once. "Good Party?" I asked."Not bad, a bit disappointing, I was hoping Paul King was going to be there." Paul King, that was a blast from the past. "I thought as he was still...

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The Perfect Gift Under The Tree

When I was a k** I used to love to lay on my back under the Christmas tree and look up in to it. Such a different view and very pretty. I was lying down looking up into my tree the other night and my imagination went crazy again. I closed my eyes and imagined you there with me. We were laying side by side. I looked over at you. Damn you look so beautiful. You had such a sweet smile as you enjoyed this simple moment. I raised up from under the tree and looked down at you again. OK, it...

1 year ago
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Under The Old Oak Tree

Sally Jackson was lost in the beauty of the morning as the sun chased dawn away once again, producing a gorgeous pink and sunrise.  She took in the picture in front of her, taking a deep breath. I love this country, she thought to herself as the morning sun broke over the horizon and turned the field of hay bales into a Norman Rockwell picture.  Her daddy’s old faded green and yellow tractor, hooked to a flatbed trailer, fit nicely sitting amongst the freshly made bales. Her family was still...

First Time
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Masturbating At Under The Tree

Hi guys this is Ragu name changed, I’m here to tell you about the incident which was happened to me recently, I was a normal guy finished my degree and waiting for my job, since I’m staying in my village. I was always free and do any kind of work given for me by my parents. We have small field in which we ll make to grow some stuff. Coming to the story one day I got very bored, since my friends have gone to the college and I have no one to spend time, so I planned to go to our field to get some...

2 years ago
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Love Tree

(Copyright 2002 by Musenik. All rights reserved.) I who have stood since the time of the great cedars. Those tall giants, straight and strong, were cut for ships. I who raise my arms like a cripple begging the sun, my skin bursts in spring with scented lips. Come summer, I unfurl lime hearts to cool the earth. I remember her. She was a villager fleeing up the hill to escape the smoke and shelling. She helped a man climb with her until he could not step higher, and she took him to my shade. ...

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Family Tree

Family Tree Synopsis: Grandfather takes his Grandchild to The Family Tree to grant the child's fondest wish.. [-][+][-] One day, the Grandfather led his Grandson to a lone Sequoia Red wood standing in the woods. The Grandfather laid out a picnic for them to eat as his Grandson got ready for a swim. Under his shorts and top was a girls swimsuit . The Grandson felt that he should have been born a girl and was glad when his family accepted his announcement. Now he had all girls clothing...

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The Climbing Tree

This story is paired with another one of my yarn’s ‘The Big Limousine Disappeared!’ For the greater part of the text they are the same story, however the two stories have different outcomes. For the convenience of the reader I have clearly marked the divergence point, where the individual stories go their separate ways. If the reader has recently read ‘The Big Limousine Disappeared!’ then they may prefer to scroll to down and only read the latter part of the text. My sincere thanks go to...

4 years ago
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The Angel on the Christmas Tree

This short story is an entry in the Holidays contest. It is the property of the writer and may not be used by others without his permission. It is almost purely factual. It is entered under the Romance category, and out of respect for the participants, there is no descriptive sex in the story. * 23 December 1958 The Angel was perched on the top of the Christmas Tree, in the corner of the room, looking outwards into the room, if her eyes could see, she would have seen a young mother to be...

2 years ago
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Fun Under the Christmas Tree

I usually don't mind working the Christmas holiday (thank God I don't work in retail). The work is usually light and this year I planned to telecommute from my home office so it didn't seem like work all that much. Plus, I was going to be a bachelor for the holiday anyway so why not work. My wife's youngest brother Jerry -- he's a jerk and I refuse to refer to him as a brother-in-law -- had invited us over to his cabin for the holiday and following weekend. I work at a small firm and this was...

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The Loneliness Tree

The first time I kissed Brad was under the loneliness tree. It was the night before prom. He was my date, and I considered myself lucky. My mom wanted some pictures, so we went out under the big oak tree in back and posed. It was the tree I sat under when I was feeling lonely and put upon, when my teenage angst made it impossible for me to share myself with company. After he’d pinned the corsage on me, I gave him a kiss, which Mom also got a picture of.Our first date went really well. We didn’t...

First Time
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Rockn Around the Christmas Tree

by Lastone On Christmas Eve three teens are walking home in the snow. When tragedy almost strikes the boy/girl couple can't thank the remaining boy enough. Or can they? (mmf-teens, youths, 1st) If you are under 18 this story isn't for you. If it’s illegal to read it where you are it also isn't for you. Please go elsewhere. Remember it's all fiction, no one was harmed in the writing this story and it never took place. Feedback or comments to [email protected] I felt...

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The Hoe Under the XXXmas Tree

December 5, 2019, 2:00AMAfter sucking my last daddy for the night, I pull out my little sex cell and saw that I had 18 voice mails. One was from daddy Jake. Daddy Jake is one of my regular sugar daddies, who loves to use my holes and then dump me after he is done. I love it. I love being his sex toy. He recently got married, so he doesn't get to FUCK me as often as he used to, so it got me very wet when I saw a voice mail from him."Hey whore. It's your daddy. So the wife and I are leaving to...

2 years ago
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Kitten In Tree

Kitten In Tree I was jogging along minding my own business when a cute little teenage girl came running out from between two houses calling out, “Mister, hey mister, can you help me. My kitten is stuck up in a tree.” I stopped and replied, “Isn’t that usually a job for the fire department?” She said, “We have a ladder and I can get her down if you can help us get the ladder up. Mom and I can’t do it ourselves.” I smiled at her as she explained her predicament. She was wearing...

2 years ago
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The Callgirl 8211 Under The Peepal Tree

Hey everyone! Devil here with the Last Part of The CallGirl Stories. Pls do read and mail me all your Comments, Suggestions and Feedbacks Coming to the Story.. This is Anirban’s Story. A 40 Year Old Bengali Man from Kolkata. Read on to find out what happens with him… Anirban’s Narration: “After shutting all my competition’s mouth in the day it was time for some fun at Night.” I murmured to myself as I kick-started my scooter and went on my way to SonaGachi. Recalling the jealous faces of all...

1 year ago
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My Wet Dream 3 Under the Oak Tree

... I remember that special day on our farm like it was yesterday... I love horses, and I love taking care of them. Riding my horse over our farm was probably the most satisfying thing I have ever done. I especially love riding my horse, wearing a dress with no panties. My pussy is always wet, with the hard leather seat of the saddle pressing against me until I was slick with my own cum. In the hot afternoons, I like to sit in the pasture, under a tree and watch the horses running around...

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The Treehouse

I had watched Misty from afar for as long as he could remember. We grew up next door to one another, but she was everything I wasn’t, cool, popular, and athletic. I sometimes thought I was invisible, I did well in school, but no one but the teachers knew I existed.Misty was a quandary though, she was so popular in school, but I never saw any friends at her house. In fact, I never saw her leave her house once home from school. I had a cool treehouse that overlooked both our back yards, and on...

3 years ago
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Second Christmas Tree

Viv reached for the phone. It was the first time today that it had been quiet in the house. Both Travis and Katie were down for their naps. She had intended to call her parents, but the number she instinctively punched in was that of her agent. She knew she shouldn’t be bugging Angela, that Angela told her she’s learn something just as soon as Angela heard something, but Viv was so, so very close to the end of her endurance, not to mention her savings. The phone rang but no one answered. ...

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Naked And Tied To A Tree

Naked And Tied To A Tree I took my dog out for his nightly walk. Fred is a beautiful Golden Labrador Retriever that is of show quality, but to us he is family. So as I was walking Fred around he acted funny and tried to drag me into the trees out behind my house. I decided not to fight him but at the same time I didn’t want another encounter with a skunk either. Fred didn’t take me in very far when he stopped and sat down. He just kept looking ahead. I told him to stay and then I...

4 years ago
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The Beautiful Christmas Tree

The cold wind howls against this wintery night. The beautiful wreaths adorn the street lamps with their festive cheer. Even with the nights icy chill, people mill about searching for the perfect gift. Not my master though, he’s given me the most spectacular gift this evening.  I can hear the warm crackle of the fireplace, feeling its soft caress against my bare skin. A delicate black hood eclipses my face. I reach out for my master, but I feel the coarse leather hug my wrist above my head. The...

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Climbing a Tree

I was just coming home from football practice. It's about 6 pm and just getting dark. The two kids next door are kicking a football around when they kick it into the only tree in our yard. They're trying to boost each other up to the first branch when I walk up. My name is James. I’m 16 and play football for my high school. It's my first year on varsity and I’m a starting defensive end. I’m about 5’10” and in good shape from constant practice. I’ve never been with a girl yet but I’ve watched...

4 years ago
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Dream Weaver 2 Looking Through the Forest for a Single Tree

Thanks to Persephone for his help in editing and suggestions to make the story easier to read. This is a work of fiction, that's why it's being placed on FM'S web site, however, if any of this sounds familiar it's because as Transsexual women we will travel this journey in a number of interesting and unusual ways. Recently on the FM hyperboard there has been considerable discussion on the topic of dreams and how they play out in our journey. This is just one such accounting....

3 years ago
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Waiting by the tree

One day instead of taking the bus home from my community college I decided to walk home. I wanted the fresh air and between school and my apartment is a really nice neighborhood so I thought I'd take my time and enjoy the scenery. About 30 minutes into my hour walk back I was starting to regret my decision. It was sunset and starting to get dark. I decided to rest my ass just for a minute and then start back home again before it got too late. There was a nice big mansion on the corner that...

3 years ago
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Big Tree

Settheray To Jerry Big Tree "I don't know, I guess I've always just wondered what it feels like to get one." I said sheepishly. "That is a weird wish, chuck," she said, scrunching up her nose a little as she said it. "Honestly, I never pinned you for that type of guy." "I never pinned you a smashing pumpkins fan," I chuckled nervously, "but I don't make a huge thing out of it." "This is a little different than taste in music. I mean, a period....

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Saturday Delight 2 Jodies Treehouse

I shut off a table saw and heard the faint sound of crying coming from the treehouse. Concerned, I quietly climbed the ladder. My head poked over the edge, where I found Jodie, holding her phone and sobbing into her knees. I climbed the rest of the way into the treehouse and pit my hand on her shoulders. She looked up at me in surprise. "Daddy! Wha-?" "It's okay, sweetheart. What's wrong?" I asked, as gently as I could. Through her broken crying and restarting her sentences several...

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Colleague knows my likes and dislikes

Hello all, I am posting one more reader’s story. It’s a real incident of Ankita. I am Ankita, 37 years old. I wanted to share my sexual story as I can’t share it with anyone. I won’t disclose my contact details, company name, or other personal things. I moved to Hyderabad for a job because of the low cost of living. I was pretty happy with the job. I got a job in a good information technology company. I don’t like western dress. So I used to wear Indian dress and never exposed my cleavage. I...

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Decorating the Tree

"How about this one, honey?" The dark-haired man looked her choice over before shaking his head. "Almost, but not quite. See there at the bottom? It wouldn't last." She looked again. "Oh. I see, yes. How silly of me." She slipped an arm around his waist and laughed. "Can you just see the kids' faces if the tree fell down in the middle of Christmas?" He laughed, a full, deep-throated sound. "I don't think they'd like it too much." "Especially with Roger bringing that new pet he's so proud of."...

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The Bikini Tree

The summer had just officially started, but it was already hot, not just hot, but hot and humid. Which made the 90 plus degree temperatures feel closer to 100 degrees or more. When you live in a climate like this, you learn quickly were the best water activities are. Living near the beach there were always the touristy type places to go but crowded with people who believed, that because they were on vacation, that they were entitled to special treatment. Lines, rules, etiquette, and plain...

First Time
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What happened to me under the weeping willow tree

It was wrong for me not to have reported the attack by Bruce, Charlie and Daniel. It was wrong for me to have allowed horse dick Harry and Bruce's uncle to take me and use me as their fuck toy. It was wrong for me to allow other guys to take me when they wanted. If I had done any of the before mentioned I would be satisfied with myself, I think it was some time after their third attack that I had the urging of taken huge cocks into my anus. Yes, it was painful yet satisfying to feel a thick...

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Taras Bayou Level 1 Fresh Meat

Tara's BayouLevel 1 - Fresh MeatI am watching TV and as usual my hand is on my dick. Shit I am so fucking horny! Tired of just sitting here night after night rubbing several out! I need to fuck someone and I need tO FUCK THEM NOW! It's a wonder my right arm doesn't look like Popeye! What the hell am I watching anyway!?This is so fucked up. I am too young for this crap. I am 24 years old living in a country-like town far in the north of Sweden. This shithole is a place where people come...

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Love story Within the Bayou of Houma Louisiana

Charles Tate and I had been childhood sweethearts. Everyone within the bayou of Houma, Louisiana thought we were the perfect couple. But we discovered a terrible secret that tore through our love and hearts. We were half brother and sister. How could this be? How could this possibly happen? When we were eighteen years old we demanded to know the truth from our parents. My Mama told me that Charles’s father, Emmet Tate, had been a few years older than she and seduced by his charm and good...

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Streetwalker My wife and I enjoy a little roll playing in our marriage. My two favorite roll-playing games are the “Little Catholic Schoolgirl” and the “Streetwalker.” I love it when my beautiful wife puts on a “Catholic Schoolgirl” outfit that she got at a yard sale last summer. Usually I’m the “Head Mater” and have to punish her for something. She really gets into it too. It sure makes for some really good sex afterwards. Now the “Streetwalker” allows my tall slender wife to...

4 years ago
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The Loneliness Tree

The first time I kissed Brad was under the loneliness tree. It was the night before prom. He was my date, and I considered myself lucky. My mom wanted some pictures, so we went out under the big oak tree in back and posed. It was the tree I sat under when I was feeling lonely and put upon, when my teenage angst made it impossible for me to share myself with company. After he’d pinned the corsage on me, I gave him a kiss, which Mom also got a picture of. Our first date went really well. We...

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Kitten In Tree

Fbailey storyI was jogging along minding my own business when a cute little teenage girl came running out from between two houses calling out, “Mister, hey mister, can you help me. My kitten is stuck up in a tree.”I stopped and replied, “Isn’t that usually a job for the fire department?”She said, “We have a ladder and I can get her down if you can help us get the ladder up. Mom and I can’t do it ourselves.”I smiled at her as she explained her predicament. She was wearing a Catholic schoolgirl...

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The Christmas Tree

I’ve always loved Christmas and this was my first Christmas having a boyfriend so I decided to make it special for both of us. I put on my special Christmas outfit which was a pair of red see through panties, a red and white corset and I taped a piece of mistletoe to my stomach pointed directly at my pussy so when he took off the corset he would find a surprise. I topped it off with a Santa hat and red stilettos. Mike (My boyfriend) arrived at my place after his day at work was over and he...

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A Tall Tale About A Tall Tree

As we grew up, my big sister and I would always make bets about stupid stuff all the time. She was two years older than me and always underestimated me, so I usually won the bets. But not always. Still, Sis had a tendency to overbet sometimes when she shouldn't.And so it was that one day she bet me that I couldn't climb to the very top of a very tall tree that was growing outside a drugstore we'd just come out of. "You'll chicken out before you get that high," she insisted."No, I won't," I...

2 years ago
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Tied to a Tree

I was running along, my feet bare and the tree branches wiping my face. I was being chased but I couldn't remember by whom. I fell but before I could get up, hands grabbed me and pulled me upright. I was eleven again, wearing that silly squaw outfit my mother had made for me but now it was a little too small for my growing body. "Lets tie her up," said a familiar voice. There in front of me was my big brother Tom and two of his friends. I was dragged to a nearby tree and my hands forced...

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Playing the GameChapter 4 The Tree

The next morning, I was scheduled to referee an under-eight boy's game. All during the preparations for the game, I kept on thinking of my morning with Kayla. It wasn't until kickoff that I was able to even begin to get my mind on the game. During the game, I felt a little disconnected from things, and afterward I almost went over to the two coaches and apologized. The game had ended in a 2-2 tie, so both coaches and all the players were happy. I opted to leave well enough alone, and ended...

2 years ago
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My Asian Domination pt 2 Fuck me under the Christmas tree

sky planned on taking me to his parents house for Christmas. i didn't protest because at least his drunk family would be entertainment. they live way out in the middle of no where. it takes four hours to drive out there and the only thing in sight are trees and hills. " hey baby, don't worry my parents are going to love you" " whatever" i said rolling my eyes not caring. " don't be like that" " like what?" " don't have an attitude! i didn't do anything wrong! what the...

1 year ago
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My Asian Domination pt 2 Fuck me under the Christmas tree

Introduction: sorry for the grammer errors it was December 24th and it was my two year anniversary with sky. i dont know how i survived through it. since that night with Chris i havent been the same. its only been three months but Ive noticed Im more dominate. sky planned on taking me to his parents house for Christmas. i didnt protest because at least his drunk family would be entertainment. they live way out in the middle of no where. it takes four hours to drive out there and the only...

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Taras Bayou Level 2 ndash Evil Dong

Tara's BayouLevel 2 – Evil DongI can’t believe in all of Britain, I can’t find one bloke to fuck me. All I do is work, come home and sit in front of the tele thinking about getting shagged. I do fancy a good porn film whilst I pet my pussy into some calm state. I love giving me self a good orgasm but damn I need a good shag!I think tonight I will try and play Tara’s Bayou again. That is one intense video game. It makes you feel like you are right there in the game and everything that is...

3 years ago
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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 13 The Treehouse

Saturday, June 5, 1971 Sixteen mostly sleepy women were exiting the dining room as I descended the main stairs. I stood there as they filed by, headed out the front door to board the chartered coach that would take them for their day at the spa. Being beautiful is hard work sometimes. Vickie and Nicky both detoured when they saw me, stopping to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck!" Vickie thought to me. Liz just smiled and winked as she walked by. I sensed that Beth and Penny were...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter VIII The Bird in the Tree

Much like the buildings that made up Pheffer-on-the-nusse The Bird in the Tree was quite whimsical. Bird cages, filled with exotic looking birds with brightly hued plumage, hung from the ceiling or were set upon stands everywhere Alice looked. Many of them were either whistling or singing softly. Tables filled the room, all occupied by a variety of guests.Nearest Alice a walrus slurped oysters from a shell whilst a rough man with crooked teeth gnawed upon a drumstick. Beyond them, a plump woman...

Mind Control
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The cabin in the tree

She looked at her boy , smiling wide and happy , the neighbor mom and her had such a great idea for this covid timethe cabin was nice and sturdy, the teen boys built a really nice little tree house in the tree in the little wood zone behind the houseit was a relief, her boy now having somewhere to go safely to play as she stayed home between remote work tasksshe left them to play and later when ge came back for dinner , pleaded to stay the night in their new construction.Mike the neighbor boy a...

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