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Sneaky Beaky

British Army lingo for special operations, sneaking about, up to something.
See those blokes over there?
Reeks of sneaky beaky work...
Must be from the Regiment...

Urban Dictionary

Lilian Alford, like most of the inhabitants of Demeter stood two metres tall and had a physique that back on Earth would have required hours of hard work in the gym. Here it was the product of Darjee medical technology and the thousands of nanites that now inhabited her body.

As she moved to open the door before her, you'd never have guessed that before she was extracted she'd made her living as the kitchen manager in the Military College that the Governor had been attending. Now she was one of the drones that belonged to the planet's Governor and spent most of her time as his unofficial personal assistant.

She rapped firmly on the door, an action that drew the plain grey shift she wore tight across her chest and without waiting for a response she pushed the door open and announced almost formally,

"Tribune ap Rhys to see you, Sir."

Again without waiting for a response from the man seated behind the desk she stepped clear of the entrance and waved the grey uniformed man through the door.

Like Lilian, he was two metres tall but he moved as though he was used to the body he was in and was confident that it would do what he wanted, when he wanted it to.

"David," called the Governor as he rose from his desk, "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Just by looking you couldn't tell that the Governor was barely out of his teens, or that the man who was approaching him was twenty years older. The Darjee medical technology they'd been subjected to since they'd been extracted from Earth had given both men the bodies of athletes and an apparent age to suit their positions.

"Hi, Alex," said David ap Rhys, shaking the proffered hand, "I've come up with an idea and I want to know how you feel about it?"

"Grab a seat," said Alex Flowers, Governor of Demeter before turning to the woman stood in the doorway. "Lilly, could you bring us some drinks and after that try and keep everyone else away while I have a chat with David."

The woman smiled at her owner, "Certainly, Sir," she replied before closing the door softly.

"So, David," asked Alex as he dropped into a chair opposite the head of his planet's Civil Service, "What's this idea you've had?"

"OK, you know how stretched my people are getting?" asked David by way of an introduction.

The Civil Service was the organisation responsible for all the concubines who didn't have an official sponsor; they were the only reason that unattached concubines were not recycled within forty-eight hours of losing their sponsors. They were also the closest that the Confederacy had to a combination of Education Department, Social Services and anything else that wasn't geared to helping the military fight the Sa'arm.

The biggest problem the service had was that they didn't really exist. No one had planned for them and they had no real budget or manpower, anything they achieved was down to the strength of personality of the individual Civil Service representative and the way they worked with the military around them.

When they'd met, Alex had just arrived on Demeter and David was dragging a band of surviving concubines around from the military disaster that had occurred on Neptune. Now they were both working together to look after a planet that was home to nearly seventy thousand people, a mix made up of Marines, Citizens and their families.

Fortunately David had managed to forge a good working relationship with the Governor of this planet and, as the Governor nodded in understanding he was going to make the most of that friendship.

"I've come up with a way to recruit a load of people who would suit the Civil Service and if you agree with me those new people will ease the workload on my people," he said. "The only real problem is that I need to get back to Earth and stage my own pickup."

Alex shook his head in amusement; "Well, you've got me interested," he said, "How about giving me some of the details of this idea."

It was David's turn to chuckle, "Actually," he said, "It's all your own fault."

"Mine!" exclaimed the Governor.

"Yours," replied a nodding David. "Remember when you sent Melanie to me with the idea that she should join the Civil Service?"

Alex nodded slowly, Melanie or to be more precise Sister Melanie had been a nun who'd taught at St. Genevieve School for Young Ladies. She'd been caught up in the extraction that dragged Alex and the rest of the cadets into space alongside the girls from her school and those from the Upper Lea Girls School.

"Go on," said Alex, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I had a chat with her and we discussed her CAP score," said David. "Did you know it was seven point three?"

Alex nodded again so David continued, "According to her, there were several other nuns working with her at the school that had CAP scores high enough to volunteer but wouldn't because of the military nature of the Confederacy."

"Military nature," spluttered Alex, "Don't they know what's happening..." He ground to a halt, "Forget that, of course they don't know what's happening out here, we don't tell them. Go on, carry on with this idea of yours."

"It's like this, I need manpower, or womanpower," said David, "and it appears that the Priory that supports St. Genevieve's is likely to have the sort of numbers that would make an extraction worthwhile. However the Confederacy wouldn't plan an extraction on that place in a million years as none of them have volunteered for service."

"So what exactly do you want from me?" asked Alex.

"I want you to arrange for me to go on the next extraction mission to Earth," declared David. "I'll need to run my own pickup and have sufficient pod space to bring them back here."

"Don't want a lot, do you?" said Alex with a frown. "The pickup crews are working flat out just to get the manpower here that we need for the military side of things. Getting them to agree to pick up civilians for you is going to be a tough task."

David watched as Alex ran through several scenarios in his mind but could tell that he didn't look hopeful. When it seemed that he finally given up David said diffidently, "Well I did have another idea but I'm not sure how practical that is."

Alex looked at David and screwed up his face, "Am I going to like this?" he asked.

David grinned, "That depends on how much of the little boy who likes adventures is left under that enhanced body they've got you dressed in now."

Alex was shaking his head, "I know I shouldn't ask," he said, "but go on, spill the beans."

"I happen to know where there are two assault ships that aren't doing a great deal at the moment," said David before falling silent.

The Governor's eyes opened wide, "We couldn't..." he began and then fell silent. He pondered the matter for some time and David watched in silence.

"You know," said Alex, "It may just be possible." He tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair, "I'll have to check what the actual operating instructions are for the ships but if it's as open as I think it is," he grinned, "then we may just be on to something."

Lilian Alford chose that moment to enter the room with the drinks that had been ordered. Alex sat back in his seat and pursed his lips, his fingers drumming steadily on the arm of his chair.

As Lilian rose from putting the drinks down Alex addressed her, "Lilly, see if you can track down Major Lebedev. If she's got nothing on at the moment, ask her to join us."

"Yes, Sir," replied Lilian and exited the room silently.

"AI," called Alex, "What were the operational orders for the Sir Tristam and the Sir Bedivere?" he asked, referring to the two assault ships that had been attached to the training team operating on Demeter.

"They are to provide training facilities for all units attached to the colony world of Demeter," replied the AI. "Specifically they are to provide pilot training resources and associated tasking requirements."

"What is their operational training area?" asked Alex.

"No area is specified," replied the AI.

"Who is in operational command of the ships?" asked Alex crossing his fingers metaphorically.

"Whilst attached to Demeter they fall under the command of the Governor providing that his instructions do not contravene any Confederacy standing orders," said the AI.

Alex looked at David and smiled, "It's looking good," he said. "All I have to do now is convince Svetlana to go along with us."

David settled back and smiled, it looked like his idea had hooked the Governor, so he was half way back to Earth already.

Major Svetlana Lebedev listened politely as David outlined his plan, her face betraying no emotion at all. When he fell silent she looked from David to Alex and frowned, "You two are like a couple of little boys," she said.

"It is totally ridiculous to expect a military unit to take part in such a hair-brained, ill conceived and illogical mission as this," she continued before her face lit up with a huge grin. "Gunny Archer's going to love it. He's been going up the wall being stuck here now that the training schedule is working like clockwork."

Her comments took a moment to sink in and then David grinned and Alex let out a whoop of joy.

"Seriously, though," said Svetlana, "how are you planning to achieve your aim?"

Svetlana thought back to the orders she'd been given by Boris Johnson when she was posted to Demeter, 'You are to ensure that the colony on Demeter is stable and capable of supporting the sort of operations that we expect it to carry out. Working with Alex Flowers, who is head of the colony you will make this happen and keep it happening until such time as the Sa'arm are defeated.' This idea clearly fell within that remit, now she had to see what she could do to make it happen.

Across from her David settled down and waited for Alex to do the same before he started to speak.

"To be honest I've only got an outline," said David. "I've had a quick look at the information that is available through the AI and apart from a ground plan of the convent there is not a lot else. However I have spoken to Melanie who told me something of the routine that was followed within the Priory."

David shrugged, "This is all subject to change once we get to Earth but basically the nuns all attend prayers at around eighteen hundred, Vespers or something like that. I plan to do a quick circuit of the grounds in an assault shuttle dropping cut-off teams as I do so. Then the shuttle puts down in the outer courtyard and I go and have a quick chat with the Mother Superior."

Svetlana raised an eyebrow in a Spock like manner, "As simple as that?" she asked.

"Pretty much," said David. "I'm not planning on using an interdiction field because it attracts too much attention. Eighteen hundred at this time of the year is pretty dark and if we approach cautiously there's a good chance that no one will even notice we're there."

Svetlana rubbed her brows, "I'm sure we can refine your outline plan as we prepare," she said. "But one thing's for sure, we're going to have to be a bit sneaky beaky about this. If the top brass hear about it before we get there, they are going to pull the plug on us for sure."

David and Alex nodded in agreement before Alex asked, "So where do you think we should start?"

"Decide which ship you're going to use and get the Captain involved," said Svetlana. "They know what they've got and what else they would need to do something like this. Then I'd decide whom you are taking and start running individual training courses for them just so they're at their peak before you leave. Once you're committed there's no turning back."

"Another thing," said Svetlana before either of the men could say anything, "we can't take all of my Marines. Someone has got to mind the shop whilst we're away."

Alex shook his head negatively, "You won't be going Svetlana and neither will I," he said. "This is David's mission and we, unfortunately have duties to carry out here on Demeter."

David and Svetlana stared at Alex who responded with a shrug, "Sorry, but that's the way it's going to be." He turned to David, "Unless you want to forget the whole idea?"

"No way!" responded the Tribune, "I really need those people."

Svetlana turned her full attention on the Governor but before she could say anything Alex laughed. "Don't look at me like that," he said. "I want to go as much as you do but like a Captain can't leave his ship, you and I can't leave this place. We're going to be pushing it sending the people we are."

He looked at the Russian and smiled, "How are you going to cope without half of your people for a couple of months?"

She continued to scowl but it was no longer directed at the Governor. "You're right of course," she admitted, "But I don't have to like it."

"I'm glad you agree," said Alex. "So what we'll do is have David and Gunny Archer get together with Darren Alvares and see what they can come up with. If it looks good then they can go." He pointed at Svetlana, "but if we're not happy with what they come up with then it's back to the drawing board."

Slowly Svetlana nodded.

David looked from one to the other and nodded as well. "I'll put a call in to Darren up on the Sir Bedivere and see if he's free for dinner. Once he's nice and mellow I'll put the plan to him."

"You do that," said Alex. "Now will you two get out of here and let me get some work done."

Major Darren Alvares, Captain of the Sir Bedivere had been surprised when he found he wasn't the only guest for dinner that night at Tribune ap Rhys' pod. The presence of Master Gunnery Sergeant Jacob Archer had come as a bit of a shock but the host had him seated with a drink in his hand before he'd thought to make a comment.

As the evening wore on he found that the non-commissioned Marine's presence didn't impact on his enjoyment of the meal or adversely affect the quality of the conversation. In many ways having an experienced non-officer brought many interesting perspectives to some of the topics.

It was only when David brought up the proposed mission to Earth that the Marine's presence was accounted for.

"Let me get this right," said Darren putting down his whisky tumbler. "You're intending to go to Earth, pickup a bunch of nuns from a convent and bring them back here."

"That's it in a nutshell," agreed David. "All you need to do is agree to carry us there and bring us back after we've done the dirty deed."

Darren was interested; he'd spent the whole time he'd been attached to Demeter acting as an aircraft carrier for the assault shuttles as the former cadets began their training. For the first three months they'd just sat in orbit as the new volunteers underwent basic military training and his own crew were getting bored and in some cases sloppy.

Having something to do that looked like a real mission would bring them back up to the required standards in no time at all.

Would it impact on his career?

Only if it went wrong, but there had to be a good chance that it would, he admitted to himself.

"And Alex and Svetlana agreed to this?" he asked as he ran through the idea again in his mind.

David nodded and beside him Gunny Archer added, "She was just pissed that the Governor wouldn't let her go as well."

"We'd have to leave all but one of the shuttles behind," said Darren as he began to organise his part of the operation."

Gunny grinned at David who responded with a wink.

"We'd thought we'd need some of the portable medical bays," said David. "I want to make this as much like a normal pickup as I can without using a pod ship."

"Indoctrination, medical screening, initial body mods?" asked Darren.

"As much of that as I can manage," said David.

"The medical bay is pretty good," said Darren, "but I'll have to check with the Doc to see if it can do everything you want."

"What about accommodation?" asked Gunny Archer.

"It's an assault ship," said Darren, "not a passenger liner." He thought for a moment, "I suppose we could mount some extruded panels to create something like compartments."

Darren frowned, "There'd be more room if you got Abigail to bring the Sir Tristam along as well."

"That's not going to happen," replied David, "They're needed here to continue the training."

"Shame," was Darren's only comment. "I'll see what I can come up with and we'll begin making the changes."

"So you're in?" asked David just to get confirmation.

"Oh, yes!" responded Darren.

"Good," said David, "Now let's have us a celebration." He raised his voice and called out, "Megan, are you ready?"

"Coming," replied a female voice and moments later a six-foot tall blond slipped through the door. She'd been augmented in line with the Governor's preferences for everyone arriving on Demeter but the way she was dressed proved she was not one of the volunteers.

Her single item of clothing was the uniform grey colour worn by all of the concubines but that was about all it had in common with the normal smock they had to endure. The short pleated skirt was similar in length and flounciness to that in many men's fantasies when worn by a schoolgirl. This then had a simple bib attached to the front that just managed to cover her breasts as she swayed into the room.

Before any of the men could become too distracted by Megan's appearance a similarly attired Katherine followed her through the doorway.

Katherine had also been augmented to Demeter norms and matched the height of her sister in servitude but she'd retained the larger bust she'd had back on Earth. Now the large unfettered mass of her right breast had succeeded in sliding free of its concealment and was waving for all to see.

She slapped her breast, drawing everyone's attention to the errant beastie, "Get back in there," she said, "It's not time yet."

Megan rolled her eyes and David just smiled at the actions of his most outrageous concubine.

Behind her came Jodie and Felicia who managed to enter the room almost unnoticed following Katherine's antics.

Megan stood behind David's chair and the three other concubines lined up alongside him.

"Do either of you gentlemen have any objections to getting these wonderful creatures pregnant?" asked David, his casually waved hand indicating Katherine, Jodie and Felicia.

Gunny Archer knew where David was coming from but his words drew a puzzled look from Darren.

"Sorry," said David. "I'm trying to spread the gene pool of my family, a consequence of my work I suppose. Katherine had three children with her when I picked her up on Earth and has now decided it's time for some more. Jodie unfortunately had a miscarriage the last time she fell pregnant, something to do with an imbalance between our genotypes or something. I'm not prepared to throw her out but if either of you gentleman were to get her pregnant I'm sure things would go much better this time."

"And Felicia there gave birth a month ago and according to her she's now as horny as a sex starved rabbit." David smiled towards the end of the line and Felicia blushed at his words, "so it's likely that I'll need all the help I can get to satisfy her needs."

"We can't leave a lady in need, now can we," said Gunny Archer rising to his feet and offering his hand.

When David nodded, Felicia took the extended hand and was swept into the big Marine's embrace. Within seconds the man had his hands on the naked cheeks of the woman's ass and was squeezing happily. Everyone in the room heard Felicia groan as Gunny lifted her off the floor and carried her back towards his chair which had reconfigured itself as a chaise whilst he was away.

Darren looked on and smiled, "Ladies," he called, "If you'd be so kind."

Jodie stepped forward and was pushed to the side as Katherine charged past her.

"Hey," she called before accelerating her own pace towards the waiting sailor."

Megan slowly moved around David and lowered herself into his lap her eyes never leaving the action that was going on before her.

"Thanks for telling me how Felicia felt," said David into her ear.

"It's what I do best," replied Megan, "keeping my master properly informed so he can have a happy household."

"It's not what you do best," said David as he nibbled at Megan's exposed neck, "but it's a useful skill you've developed."

He worked on her neck for a couple of minutes and once she was purring he lifted his lips and said, "Now why don't you show me another of those skills you've developed."

Without a word Megan slipped off her sponsor's lap and down onto her knees.

"That's the only plan of the Priory we've got, Jacob," said David, "I've marked on it where I think the cut-off teams need to be and the probable ingress and egress routes we'll use."

Gunny Archer looked at the display floating before him and ignored the symbols that David had indicated and figured out where he'd put his people. He was happy to find that he pretty much agreed with those of the Civil Service officer.

"Pairs?" he grunted.

"That's what I thought," said David, "but that is going to raise an interesting point."

"In what way?" asked Jacob.

"Regular or Citizen?" responded David with a grin.

Regular was the term that was used to describe a volunteer within the Confederacy, Citizen was the term that Alex Flowers had coined to describe a former concubine who volunteered for service to the planet of Demeter when they arrived there. Like regulars they gained privileges from that service, the final one being full rights as a citizen of the Confederacy.

Jacob looked at David from under hooded brows, "I, Sir, would be happy to serve with any of the troops I've trained here."

David couldn't keep a straight face and spluttered as he tried to control his reactions.

Jacob Archer just shook his head slowly. When training had first begun he'd been handed his head in a training exercise against the so called inferior 'citizens' because he'd forgotten that prior to their pickup many of the boys in the citizens' militia had been cadets in a military academy, training to lead men in battle. They'd used that knowledge to defeat him and even now he would get reminders of it all the time, it was getting a little old but something would come along sooner or later to replace it as the topic of the day.

"It's probably going to have to be citizens," said David once he'd got control of his emotions. "Svetlana has all the regulars earmarked for training."

Jacob nodded silently; he was taking four of his people with him, so the same numbers from the citizen militia should fill the gaps nicely. This was going to remain a small, neat operation if he had any say in it.

"I'll get the word to Johnny Porter and see what he thinks," said Jacob. He pointed at the projection, "A pair here can cover the whole front side, another pair here covers the East side and a similar pair here takes care of the West. There's no need to put anyone along here because the river covers the whole of that side of the Priory."

His finger traced the route David had proposed and stopped just as it entered the cloister area, "A pair here will provide the cut-off point, after that it's just you and the Mother Superior."

"Apparently I've been wrong, there," said David.

"Wrong?" asked Jacob as his eyes snapped towards David.

"It's not Mother Superior but Prioress," he said, "something to do with religious authority or something. I'll be looking for the Prioress in the Priory, not the Mother Superior in the convent."

"Fine," said Jacob, shaking his head in relief, "I thought it was something serious for a minute."

"How would you feel if someone called you 'Master Chief'?" asked David raising an eyebrow.

Jacob frowned in response.

"The rank is the same," pointed out David whilst buffing his nails.

"I get your point," said Jacob and then shuddered theatrically, "Master Chief indeed." Then he grinned at the Tribune, "Not that it matters any more," he said smugly, "because the Master Chief is now referred to as Gunny."

David acknowledged Gunny Archer's point, "I doubt if everyone has made the change yet."

"True," replied Jacob, "and I can see a lot of people being unhappy at the new rank structure."

"It's not really new, is it," said David, "It's been there for a long time but people have been ignoring it."

"Especially in the Navy," concluded Jacob before lapsing into silence.

"Who are you taking with you?" asked David breaking into the silence after a couple of minutes.

"Emma Fletcher, Isabella Kellogg, Ava Leach and Abigail Proctor," replied Jacob

"All women?" noted David.

"It was suggested that turning up with a bunch of hairy assed apes might be a bit much for women of such a delicate persuasion," said Jacob.

"But you're still going," said David.

"And so are you," reposted Gunny Archer

"Tell Johnny of your thinking when you run the idea by him," said David. "It makes sense."

"I'll see him in the morning," said Jacob casting a final look over the image of the Priory. "You know, this may just work."

"I hope so," said David. "Things are getting just a bit fraught for my girls as it is."

"Back to Earth?"

"That's right, Johnny," said Gunny Archer. "We've got a small job to do and I could do with a few of your people to help."

Johnny Porter looked at the big Marine in wonder before frowning, "How many?" he asked.

"Five," said Gunny Archer, adding, "preferably female."

Johnny's frown deepened, "And you say Alex knows about this?"

Jacob Archer looked at the young man who ran the planetary militia and smiled. He'd liked Johnny since they'd met, especially after he'd lost to him on the training exercise and the one thing he'd found particularly refreshing was the way he looked after his people.

"Don't worry," he said, "you'll be getting them back. Look, let me run you through what is being planned and then you'll see what I need."

It took some time but Gunny Archer explained the whole mission concept to the Militia commander who listened attentively.

As he finished Johnny nodded slowly, "I'll go," he said, "and we'll take Leroy Whitaker." He pondered for a couple of seconds, "And Lydia and Melissa if they're available, along with Erika Mullen."

"Why those people?" asked Gunny Archer.

"Leroy keeps his cool no matter what and he's also a Catholic so he should know how to behave," said Johnny. "Lydia and Melissa were the original stowaways and have proved to be capable of handling anything we've thrown at them."
He grinned at the big Marine, "Erika Mullen is the most Marine-like of the St. Genevieve girls who isn't an actual volunteer and should be able to hold her own regardless of the company."

"OK," said Gunny Archer. "We'll go for Leroy and Abigail Proctor as shuttle guards, Melissa and Ava Leach can cover the East side with Lydia and Isabella Kellogg on the West. That'll put your Erika with Emma Fletcher on the main wall." He flicked a finger towards the Militia commander, "You and I get to cover the inner door whilst David has to do the selling job."

"When do we go?" asked Johnny.

"Too soon," replied the Marine. "Any training we can think of will have to be done on board the Sir Bedivere as we head for Earth."

"What about weapons?"

"My Marines are going to be carrying the heavy stingers," said Gunny Archer. "I'd like it if your people would carry their normal weapons."

The Demeter militia was equipped with the M61 assault rifle, a weapon they'd developed themselves when no comparable weapons were forthcoming from Earth or the Confederacy. It is a bullpup design, gas driven personal defence weapon that fired combustible cased ammunition comprising a three millimetre depleted uranium core with a six and a half millimetre jacketed sabot.

The high burn cartridge propelled the round in such a manner that the sabot stayed attached to the flachette and on striking a 'soft' target the whole mass penetrated the body. If the target was 'hard', like the exoskeleton of the Sa'arm or was wearing body armour, then the sabot detached on impact with a minimal degradation to the flachette velocity. This allowed the DU penetrator to punch holes in most 'hard' targets whilst still giving a round that stopped 'soft' targets, solving one of the problems of earlier flachette ammunition.

The M61 mounted a thermal sight group that included an integral laser range finder and was normally fitted with the M261 grenade launcher.

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Sneaky Gay Shower Sex while GFs are home

After a couple's trip with our gfs me and my coworker got plenty of pussy before we finally came back and stopped over at their place. We were all exhausted from all our fun and were in need of some rest. Both of our gf's quickly got in the house as me and my coworker started to unload our stuff. The girls sat in the Livingroom with their phones and after about 10 minutes, they both knocked out. We finished unloading both of us sweaty and we decided to go ahead and take a shower before joining...

2 years ago
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Sneaky Wife

I came home from college after my freshman year to see friends for a month before traveling for the rest of the summer. I went over to my best friends house a couple blocks away to see if she was home. Her mom answered the door in her bikini. She had caught her daughter and I having sex many years ago, and had seduced me when my friend wasn’t around. it turned into a beautiful friends with benefits relationship whenever she was home alone, which turned out to be often. She taught me a lot about...

4 years ago
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Sneaky Vacation Romp

As a Black man..., There are few places that myself and my family(we're an Interracial Couple of more than 20 years together! With a son nearly in his twenties, at the time of this story!). Could go on a nice, family, Holiday! Without having to deal with the usual bullshit! From obnoxious flight attendants! To other, ignorant and bigoted, vacationers. Coming from abroad and the US! We mostly had a "so-so" time together. But, enjoyed spending the time together, nonetheless. On one of the last...

4 years ago
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Sneaky fcker

It has been so cold lately. We have a big house that costs a small fortune to heat and cool. So, at night, we turn off the heater and snuggle under our fluffy down comforter to keep warm.Last night I felt my hubby snuggle up to spoon me and we fell asleep embracing. I felt so warm and safe snuggled up against him, sometimes I wish it was always this cold. I usually wear panties and a t-shirt to bed unless I’m feeling amorous; it’s my not so subtle signal that I want sex. As I was dosing off, or...

4 years ago
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My wife's 44 but she can still turn men on. When we go out she gets more than her share of lustful stares. When I'm not around, guys hit on her left and right. When I first told her about my fantasies of seeing her and other men, she didn't believe me, but it wasn't long before we were both getting off pretending there was another man in bed with us when we had sex.Thinking about it really got me hot, but not as hot as the real thing did. The fantasies were nothing compared to the reality. The...

3 years ago
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Sneaky In A Strip Club

I went to a strip club with a budget and a plan. This is a true story.I entered the small strip club with a plan of busting a nut and spending no more than $75. As I entered the small, dark club, the smell of baby powder and perfume instantly enveloped me. The club speaker were screaming Lil Jon East Side Boyz’s “Get Low.” The DJ who reminded everyone that ten more dollars would "get her nude." I made my way to the bar and ordered a Corona. I'm not really a beer drinker but having the beer...

3 years ago
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Sneaky Bitches

"I knew it!" I said to myself as I watched my uncle bone the skinny bitch next door. He was pounding her tight ass hard and she was whipping her head back and forth while she struggled to stay still for all of his nine inch cock. The bitch was panting and clutching the crisp sheets that my aunt had washed before she'd gone into the hospital for her operation. Her pussy dripping wet and making smacking sounds as it suctioned around my uncles thick hardness. I knew than I was going to get that...

3 years ago
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Sneaky creampie

My ex girlfriend had an L shaped couch and ottoman. My ex was also a fan of the rhythm method, so keep that in mind.Before watching a movie with my ex, her sister and sister's bf we moved the couch pillows on the couch make it more comfy. We inadvertently made a pillow wall that neither party could see though. We saw an opening, so my ex grabbed a blanket and d****d it over us. I don't even remember how we decided, but we did. It might have been because as we prepared to watch the movie I was...

3 years ago
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Sneaky Panty Smeller

I’m writing about the sexiest, most perfect smelling, creamy wet panties that I have ever had the pleasure of putting to my nose. Here is how it went down. I recently was working for my Mother in law at her house, doing some house projects that required a little more help. So, as the first day began, I was in and out of the house most of the day. During that time, anytime I needed the restroom, I would have too pass by Beckys room. she’s my hot sister in law. Her and her pussy...

4 years ago
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Sneaky Panty Smeller part2

A couple days had passed and it was time for work at my mother in laws place again. I was anxious and excited in hopes of what I would find this time in Becky’s dirty laundry. Wondering if she had seen the mess I had made in her panties from the other day. As we arrived, I noticed Becky was still home. I got kind of nervous at first, but when we walked into the house, he came up and gave me a big hug, asked how I was and chatted some more about some random things. All I could honestly...

4 years ago
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Sneaky Sandy

She looked unbelievably sexy in that wet bikini. I couldn’t help but look, and it was having a predictable reaction.Sandy noticed. She rolled her eyes, giggled, and said, “Honestly? Can’t you keep that under control for a few hours?”“Not around you looking so hot,” I answered.My new bride glanced around, and then ran her thumb over her already prominently displayed nipple.“That’s not helping,” I said.Before I could suggest heading back to the hotel, she sat up and said, “I’ll be right back.”I...

5 years ago
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Sneaky Love

Chapter 1 "I don't know," my wife said as soon as she had applied lipstick on her full lips. "It's a big step to take. Up till now it's only been you and me. What will happen when we get a third person into our lives?" We were getting ready to receive our guests. There was to be nine. They were my staff with wives, except for Thomas, Tom, who wasn't more than eighteen and just out of school. We used to have them around a couple of times during the year partly to keep the feelings of...

4 years ago
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Sneaky Teen Speedo Orgasm

The pool supervisor at the local college had allowed me swimming privileges on campus even though I was not a student there. I had explained to him that I was fed up with the YMCA, where there were too many bratty children, beligerent women, and degenerate guys to justify the name Young Men’s Christian Association. The kind supervisor, a muscular stud with dark hair and eyes, understood my plight, and allowed me to pay a small fee per semester to use the pool. Of course, my main interest was...

1 year ago
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Sneaky sex

He walked over to me reaching to my ear and whispering "Did my cum feel nice in your asshole...?" Shock filled my face as he lifted his face away from mine, winked, got his breakfast and left. I had sex with my brother, and I loved it. My name is Imogen, I'm a 19 year old girl, living in Western Australia. Me and my long time boyfriend (Jake) have been together for 2 years. He was the first guy I had sex with. He made is special, and romantic, with candles and rose petals. Through the first...

2 years ago
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The Sheriff and His StepdaughterChapter 1

I guess I always wanted to be a cop. I loved cop movies and TV shows when I was a kid. When the other kids and I played Cops and Robbers, I always insisted on being a cop. I even volunteered as hall monitor in school. It didn't make me the most popular kid in school but I always tried to be fair. I grew up in a small town about 100 miles from Memphis. Occasionally my family and I would go to the big city but I always felt uncomfortable there. I didn't think it was a bad or evil place but...

3 years ago
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The Music Festival

It was a pleasant June day as we all drove out to the festival grounds. There were four of us in the car. Me, Steffie, Susan, and Sally. Me being Steve made up the last part of the four S's. We had been friends since high school and all went to the same college together, and now we were headed out to my first music festival. The other three S's had been before, but I always had some other obligation which prevented me from going. But this year I was finally free, and we had picked up some...

4 years ago
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Charlies Angels

Rellik - Copyright© 2004 I had never felt so lonely in my life as the day I returned to my home after cremating my wife. Suddenly I realised just how much I missed her and had depended on her always being there by my side. I had to be truthful with myself I had taken her for granted, for she never complained, but must have been in extreme pain these last few months until that dreaded 'C' took her away. From the time I took her to the hospital, for she said she could take the pain no longer,...

2 years ago
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Harry and His Friendcontinued

Gary grunted and his penile head swelled and twitched and without a warning, Gary shot load after huge load of young semen into my mouth chanting '... swallow my baby gravy bitch, swallow my jizz...' Gulping his load between the powerful thrust of Harry was all I could manage to do. Gary pulled from my mouth and holding my head, ordered me to '...lick my dick clean, lick it clean...' As I licked at Gary's penis Harry plowed into my butt as if he was drilling for oil, he kept saying holier...

5 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 32

Stephanie and Susan’s lesbian relationship ended after the strawberry-blonde took the sexy brunette to a party at Shirley and Jeffry Hoff’s house. During the party Susan had several drinks and, while not drunk, she was certainly a little tipsy by the time the party was over. By the time the party waned only Susan, Stephanie, and the couple hosting the party were left. Unbeknown to Susan, it had been planned that way. That night the sexy brunette was wearing a nice button-up knit top and...

3 years ago
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Bad Landing

“Excuse me. I have the middle seat,” the polite effeminate man said.“Oh. Aight,” the caramel-skinned, tall, athletically built man replied as he stood.“Thanks! How are you?”“I’m good.”The chocolate sissy greeted the passenger in the window seat, “Hi!”The lady smiled back, but didn’t really speak English.As they taxied to the runway, the captain got on the intercom. He said that the flight would be smooth until they got close to Atlanta due to the hurricane that made landfall on the gulf coast...

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The Real Graziella

I am Colette. I'm 5'7 with black curly hair that comes about to my shoulders. I have blue-gray eyes framed by thick black lashes, which I am complimented on almost every day. My skin is a fair ivory color, thanks to Irish and German ancestry. I am also of Latin decent and have a good number of curves - some in the right places, some not. I wouldn't say I'm an unattractive young lady, as I get hit on enough at work that I have to wear a fake wedding band. I was working by myself one...

2 years ago
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Spizoo Alix Lynx Alixs Party Part1

So this past week I went to my buddy’s house party and I was just coming out from the bathroom and Alix Lynx just stopped on the door. I am not gonna lie, her boyfriend is my homie and I felt somehow bad for what you will see went down. Alix was wearing a mini mini mini skirt and she pushed me back into the bathroom and started to suck my cock. I could’t resist to fuck her tight little body so I bent her over and she took her like a champ. I completely destroyed her face with a huge...

3 years ago
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Surprise HoneyChapter 7

We had spent the night anchored up just inside Excursion Inlet. In the afternoon we pulled anchor and cruised up to Sawmill Bay looking around at a cannery that seemed to be running full force. We turned and cruised out and headed towards Glacier Bay late in the afternoon. Anchoring up just west of Pleasant Island for the night, we saw an Alaska Marine Highway Ferry go by headed for Hoonah. May told me that Hoonah was a native village, on Chichagof Island. It had been a base of sorts for...

4 years ago
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Worst Night of your Life

Your day starts as it always does, you get up in the morning and go to work. When you get home you take quick shower before you go out to your favorite club to hang out with your buddies for a few hours. Tonight you stay at the club with one of your buddies later than you normally do. You know that you’ve had a few too many drinks but you don’t think you’re drunk just yet. After a last shot you decide that you shouldn’t drink any more tonight, as you have to go to work in the morning and...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Satisfied At Club And Home

Hello friends, I am studying in my final year engineering in Mumbai and this is my story that happened 6 months back with my girlfriend at a club in Mumbai. Let me first Describe her, she has wavy brownish hair, brown eyes, fair complexion somewhat tanned which is hot, 32B size breast, a tight ass and long legs. I have a fetish for legs and hair so this is what got me attracted to her. We were studying in the same college and slowly and gradually became best friends and then started dating. So...

3 years ago
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A genie and three wishes

I was normal 20 year old boy. i was 5ft 6, had a chubby body. I had a good thick 7 inch cock though. I was a very horny boy though, but girls dont go out with tiny chubby boys. I didnt like any girls in my college though, i had my eyes on someone close to me. My step sister, Irina. She was 18 and had a curvy body, 36-32-38. I wanted to fuck her and its not like i didnt try, i tried my best to seduce her but nothing worked infact things got bad. She didnt wanted to indulge in sexual activities...

3 years ago
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Wifes first gangband and Impregnation

When my wife was 19, we decided to have a new yrs party at our duplex and invite a few close friends. my wife(girlfriend at the time) had heard her first boyfriend from highschool was in town and she thought it would be nice to see him again. she also invited 2 other guys who she had dated for a little while in highschool befroe she met me. she had 2 girlfriends invited but one was sick and declined to come over. Her other friend was in town staying with us over the holidays, and was more...

2 years ago
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The Tutor

Introduction: Emma is failing her chemistry class, so she must be tutored. But she gets tutored in more ways than one. Emma stared at her mid-term grade, long and hard. An F, she thought, How am I suppose to graduate with an F in chemistry? She glanced at her teacher. Mr. Wood, who had just finished passing out everyones mid-term grades. Well class, Id like to tell you all that I am proud of you and youre all passing but that is not the case. Mr. Woods gaze flickering over Emma for a slight...

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A Susie Party

(Author’s Message: The organization and people mentioned in this story are purely figments of the author’s imagination. No such organization and no such people are truly meant or actually exist.) PROLOGUE: They were all at the breakfast table, Earl, Mandy and Little Susie were seated and Susie, who’d gotten it read for them, was only then sitting down. Earl was drinking from his coffee cup and talking softly with Little Susie, when Mandy spoke up: ‘Mommie, Daddy, how did you two meet?’ Earl...

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Weapon of Choice

1. Inside the club it was like being at the bottom of the ocean, a dim, uncertain place filled with random movement and sound. Grant Blackley moved through it like some great marine predator, shoals of lesser creatures parting before him as if unconsciously realising all of this was his territory. Because it damn well was, Grant thought. He took up one of his regular positions at the top of a flight of stairs, overlooking the dance floor. At six foot five he hardly needed the extra...

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Bioterrorism AftermathChapter 6

When the troops were all ashore, they began unloading equipment. The two Blackhawks started up and flew ashore. While the four tanks drove off the ship to the dock from the modified lower deck hatch, one Blackhawk flew cover while the other went in search of the first group. One tank was left alongside the ship and ten guards were left aboard to guard the women. The previous group had left signs spray-painted in Arabic along the route to their compound. Finding the compound empty and signs...

2 years ago
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The Prom Part 5

As Renee started to run the vacuum cleaner she began to think about how her summer had changed in ways she would have never imagined even 6 months ago. What started out as just some fun and games for her turned out to be some life altering realities. She suddenly started to think about what has happened over the last few weeks and that she will probably have to make some decisions soon. As she mindlessly moved the vacuum cleaner back and forth her mom came up from behind. "Earth to...

3 years ago
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Deputy MarshalChapter 7

Eddy went back to the jail and made sure that the prisoners were properly taken care of. There was a problem of crowding, but none of the other prisoners were willing to be in the same cell as the Chinese giant. Finally, everybody was sorted out and the handcuffs were removed. Eddy sent the temporary deputies home with his thanks and the request that they all come back at 1:00 PM tomorrow. He had something important to discuss with them, but he needed to get to Bill's parents' house before...

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Rich Guy 1Chapter 5

The idea that Cassie had been masturbating to Candace and me fucking had my blood on fire. Cassie’s constant flirting glances didn’t help either. The summer was beginning to wind to a close and with everything that had happened, I’d neglected my workouts. I hoped that some motivation from Lindsay would help clear my mind a bit so I called her the next day to come over. Sometimes I was really stupid. “Come on pretty boy, get to it! You’ve gone soft this summer!” Lindsay teased. “Bend over...

3 years ago
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Call Me Daddy Part 10

Continuation, Written from her perspective:I felt Daddy's thick cock begin to spasm and throb and it was too much for me. This woman above me was relentless in her pulling and twisting of my nipples and it was all too much for me. I erupted in my own orgasm, screaming up into her gushing pussy. I then felt Daddy spray His hot cum DEEP into my womb about the time this woman rubbing her groin on my face ground down hard on my mouth and climaxed. Once we all calmed, I felt Daddy withdrawal and the...

4 years ago
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Jackyes Story

by rmnixon Permission It was pouring, as it had for days. The wipers were clickety-clacking at top speed. I peered through the car window, straining my eyes to find the ark and the line of animals walking up the boarding plank two by two. I wondered if this truly would last a full forty days and forty nights. "I'll drop you off at the front door, Jackye. You go on up to her room. I'll be up as soon as I can find a place to park." "Thanks, Uncle Max." The two steps from the car to...

3 years ago
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One Last Night

The sound of boots on stone echoed as Aurianna made her way down the dungeon steps. This time of night was cool, but her blood simmered in her veins, growing hotter as she drew closer. She was thankful for the dim torchlight in cells, hiding the rosy blush on her skin. “Matthias? I hope I didn’t wake you.”He was sitting in his usual spot, up against the wall. "No, Ari, you didn't wake me." Crimson eyes glanced up at her. Was she imagining them lingering over her? "I've been a little...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Ini-Herit and his family lived in Cairo. He was a minister in the Ministry of Antiquities, his wife, Rania a professor and his son, Latif and daughter, Kesi were students at Cairo University.Saturday morning, Ini-Herit and Rania strolled through the markets, holding hands and appreciating their time alone.  Ini-Herit noticed, sitting on a table, half-hidden by tattered books, a small rectangular box with hieroglyphs on the top that he recognized to be thousands of years old.He haggled with the...

2 years ago
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Brian Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 I woke up early, around 6:00 am. I went ahead and took a shower. While I was in there, I decided to 'take care' of myself. I hadn't gotten off since this whole thing started. I tried to fantasize about a girl, but eventually my mind just kept coming back to Larry Oquendo. I imagined us back in biology class, only this time he was naked too, and he was running his hands all along my body, over my chest, my ass, and finally my dick. At this point, the image was...

1 year ago
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GF with her cousin

Note : This story is completely fictional! hello every1.. this is my first story here. i have a girlfriend whom i am gonna marry in a couple of years.. we have a strong relationship of 5 years.. i am very experimental in our sex lives and She participates too but hesitantly.. we both had been discussing of having to get her fucked by some other people after our marriage.. i really enjoy the idea.. and now she has started enjoying it too.. so we had been discussing this alot and were also...

2 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 49 Down by the Shoreline

I slumped in the front seat as Sarah started the car. She drove slowly, winding through the short-term parking lot, then out into the seemingly hundreds of ramps and exchanges that strangled the airport like a concrete octopus. Eventually the stress of navigating lanes and fighting off aggressive taxis dissipated as she started heading east on the Southern State Parkway. East, yes, because we had a stop to make. In fact, the twins would be sleeping in their own beds again before I did. Then...

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Erin stood out in their backyard, her skin flushed red from embarrassment. She was dressed in the skimpiest 'bunny' costume she had ever seen; a white, fishnet teddy with a white bunny ears headband, white nylon stockings and an uncomfortable fluffy little cottontail. But the costume was the least of her worries. Also part of her costume was a pair of white leather cuffs around her ankles, another pair of cuffs holding her wrists behind her back, a white leather collar and a neon pink ballgag...

3 years ago
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One Blissful Rainy Night

It was a cloudy night with forecasts of thunder showers. Distant lightning could be seen from the southern horizon. I lay awfully frustrated on the bed, my overtly rich husband lying on one side of the king sized bed, fully sated after his 2 minutes fuck session with me. An impotent male chauvinist, whose money bags lured me in his trap and now I am stuck with him. I know some of you are thinking ‘why not divorce him?’ It’s true the thought also entered my mind, but then, I am the sole...

4 years ago
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A Middle Earth Odyssey Chapter 4

Chapter 4: GRUND ! Mogash orders me back on Gorfuk's thick cock. I slide down his shaft with ease. Starial squirts another blob in her palm and lubes Balzak's cock from tip to base. She strokes him several times, ensuring his orc rod is thoroughly covered with lube. Balzak slides his cock inside, the thick head only causing minimal pain. His hard cock glides right inside in one stroke until he can go no farther. He withdraws to the head and back inside again, and after only three strokes, I...

Group Sex
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Eviction Week 06

Week 6: Fragile Busted Gwen could not stand to be in the same room as him let alone look at him. As soon as Drew left, she went to the kitchen. She had been hiding in her room for the last few hours, not wanting to face Tyler. Even when he knocked on her door, she refused to come out, although the idea of opening it just to tell him off did cross her mind. Now hunger was gnawing at her stomach and she could not ignore it any longer. Gwen was standing with the fridge door open, welcoming the...

5 months ago
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A Sexy Doll

A mad scientist has transformed a sexy fashion model named Isabella into a doll. But now she has become a part of his collection... The lights got dimmed, and the audience whispers. Beautiful Isabella Williams, the renowned model, stood backstage, radiating her charisma. A fusion of anticipation and confidence surged as she prepared to own the runway. Backstage air was thick with the scent of hairspray and the hum of last-minute adjustments. Isabella noticed her reflection in the mirror, her...

3 years ago
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Introducing Scarlet Part 1

Don’t be shy and just stand there. Come on in… if you dare. There you go, get yourself comfortable and welcome to my world. I’m Scarlet. Actually it is Jasmine, but Scarlet has been my nickname ever since my high school days because of my crimson red hair. Many people would call me a very attractive woman if it weren’t for one thing that makes me… let’s say, ‘special’. Ok, I’ll stop beating around the bush—I’m a transexual. I never got surgery or anything, I was born like this. Most people...

3 years ago
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Thoughts of Him

At work I am so distracted that anyone who has somewhat similar traits or even the same name gets me thinking of him. Just thinking of him gets me wet, and I cannot afford to loose this job. My Sister in law owns a boutique and she left me in charge for a few weeks while she is in her honeymoon. If I am good she'll help me pay for school and help me out financially. So it's 6:58 and its close to closing time, and I am just finishing cleaning the counter and about to start sweeping when HE...

2 years ago
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The mysterious party

One day I as visiting a friend of mine. A few years earlier we had a relationship for two years but we both agreed we were no marriage material. One thing was always perfect between us and that was making love. After we broke up we decided to stay friends ‘with benefits’. So we did. That day I was visiting she told me I couldn’t stay for the evening because she had a girl’s party. Five of her best female friends were going to visit that evening for some selling party, like a Tupperware...

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