The Standoff Miss Tiffany Saloon Owner Joe O Riley Sheriff
- 4 years ago
- 62
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I guess I always wanted to be a cop. I loved cop movies and TV shows when I was a kid. When the other kids and I played Cops and Robbers, I always insisted on being a cop. I even volunteered as hall monitor in school. It didn't make me the most popular kid in school but I always tried to be fair.
I grew up in a small town about 100 miles from Memphis. Occasionally my family and I would go to the big city but I always felt uncomfortable there. I didn't think it was a bad or evil place but it just wasn't for me.
I got decent grades in high school and played basketball on the varsity team. I was good enough to get a partial scholarship to a small college in western Tennessee. I was never a starter on the team. However, I was the seventh or eighth man off the bench. I put most of my effort into studying because they had a criminology program there that was considered one of the best in the South.
Since I only had a partial scholarship, I had to work. I got a job at a local diner waiting tables and working behind the counter. I wanted to work there because I knew that was where the cops ate. I ingratiated myself with them and asked them all kinds of questions about being a cop. It was the kind of stuff you couldn't learn in college.
When I was a senior, one of the cops asked me if I wanted to ride with him one night. I jumped at the chance and it was the best night of my life. I didn't get out of the car and nothing exciting happened but it was such a thrill.
After I graduated, I tried to get a job there. Unfortunately, there was a hiring freeze and they weren't accepting anyone into the police academy. I was heartbroken but the cop I rode with knew that the Nashville P.D. was hiring and he suggested I try the police academy there.
To make a long story short, I became a cop in Nashville. They broke in rookies by assigning them to the middle of the combat zones where all kinds of bad shit went down and the veterans had the low risk beats.
I didn't really like Nashville - except for the Grand Ol' Opry - since it was a big city. I had to deal with all kinds of people in Nashville. Since I grew up in a small town, I wasn't used to that. Many people on the force were prejudiced. I wasn't one of them, though. I was taught to treat everyone fair when I grew up.
I spent about a year in Nashville and I loved the police work but I really wanted to go to a smaller place. I called my cop friend from college and he said it was still a no-go there. A few weeks later, I happened to come across an ad for a deputy sheriff for Allegheny County in western North Carolina; specifically the county seat of Sparta. I did a little research and as it turned out it was a town of around 1500 people in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I wrote the sheriff and asked for an interview.
I received a call back to interview there and I took a couple of days off and drove to Sparta. I fell in love with the town at first sight. It was kind of like a larger modern day Mayberry. The people were so nice and the hotel room was on the house since I was interviewing for the deputy sheriff position.
I met Sheriff John Brown the next morning at the courthouse. He was an elderly gentleman - emphasis on "gentleman." He was in his early 60s and ready for retirement. We talked and he went over my resume and references. He said I was well qualified but he wanted someone who was going to replace him in a few years and who would be a big part of the community.
I told him I really loved Sparta and didn't like the big city. I said I wanted to live somewhere like where I grew up. I told him if he hired for this job, it would most likely be my last job. Sheriff Brown was an excellent judge of people. I think he could see that I was sincere and he hired me on the spot.
I went back to Nashville and gave my two weeks' notice. While my captain and my fellow officers were sorry to see me go, they knew I wasn't cut out for big city life. I could have stayed on the Nashville P.D. and lived in some small town outside of Nashville but I felt more comfortable working in a small town. I had a small apartment and not a lot of belongings so I packed up my car and moved to Sparta.
I spent three years working under Sheriff Brown and it was a great learning experience for me. I was well respected and he actually let me run the office for a week or so occasionally. Eventually Sheriff Brown announced his retirement and I was nominated to run for the office. Since I was his handpicked successor, I ran unopposed. After the election, Sheriff Brown and his wife moved to Florida and I bought their house from them.
It was a beautiful house a couple of miles outside town in a wooded area. The nearest neighbor was about a mile away. Unfortunately, it was just me in that house. I didn't have many relationships in high school and college since I was so preoccupied with studying to be a cop. When I first moved to Sparta I was the eligible bachelor there and every mother who had a single daughter tried to fix me up with them. I even dated some of the single moms too. I went on some dates, got laid some but there wasn't that one special lady.
One day, a couple of years after I became sheriff, my life changed forever. It was a quiet day in Sparta and I was catching up on some paperwork in the office. One of my deputies, Jack Felton, was with me taking inventory. All of a sudden, we got a call from the Sparta police that the bank alarm went off. Jack and I grabbed our rifles and drove the squad car the three blocks to the bank.
Small town sheriffs and police departments aren't used to armed robberies but since I had spent time in the mean streets of Nashville, I was confident that we could handle the situation. Fortunately, the cops learned what was going down immediately and trapped the robber inside the bank. Jack and I took positions behind our car and I used the bullhorn to call him out.
I told him the sheriff, and the police had the building surrounded, and there was no way out. There was a rumor that he shot someone and that he would shoot someone else if he didn't get a clean escape. He was on PCP and wasn't thinking rationally.
I deployed officers to the back of the building but told them not to go in unless I ordered them to do so. He stayed in there for about a half hour and was getting agitated. Finally, he stepped outside with a hostage. He had Jeanne, one of the bank tellers. He had a gun pointed right at her head and said he'd kill her if we didn't let him go. He was black, ran about 6'3", and weighed about 280. Jeanne was about a foot shorter than he was and about 150 pounds lighter but surprisingly she kept her cool. He became even more agitated as the standoff continued and I knew I had to take him down since lives were at stake.
I told him to give up again and he refused. Jeanne was smart enough to know I was getting ready to shoot. She slouched down so I had a few more inches to work with. I aimed for his open shoulder but at the last second he moved and I got him closer to the heart than I wanted. It was a fatal shot and he was the first person I'd killed. Unfortunately the rumor was true and he shot the security guard but he was expected to live.
The ambulance took the robber and the guard away. We were about done with the crime scene and everything was pretty much back to normal. Then I saw a blue Lincoln Mercury with Arkansas plates and the engine running. I thought this could be the robber's car but I didn't see anyone in there. I unsnapped my holster and drew my weapon as I approached the car. I hoped he was working alone and didn't have an accomplice. When I got within 10 feet of the car I didn't see anyone in the front seat but when I looked in the back seat, I spotted a young black woman and a little girl huddled on the floor.
I looked at the woman and my heart skipped a beat. She was stunningly beautiful even though she was in fear for her life. I holstered my weapon and approached the two. I figured that they were his captives and I didn't need to frighten them even more by having my weapon drawn.
I walked over to the driver's side, reached through the open window and turned off the ignition. The woman and the girl looked up at me with fear in their eyes. I asked them if they were all right and they said they were. I said, "I'm Sheriff Pete Evans. Were you his captives?" The woman nodded yes. I said, "He's dead now so you won't have to worry about him anymore. Is there a number I can reach your family at?"
She shook her head and said, "I don't have a family, just my little girl here." Her daughter was as cute as her mother was beautiful. I looked at the girl and asked what her name was.
"Rachel," she said.
I said, "That's a pretty name. My name's Pete but you can call me Pete." She smiled at my little joke and that seemed to ease the tension.
"I'm Diane Jackson," her mother said reaching out to shake my hand. When she touched my hand, it was as if an electric current went through it. I didn't know her from Adam but I was immediately fascinated with her.
I said, "It's nice to meet both of you. Now I'm going to have you two come over to my office and answer some questions, O.K.?" Diane agreed and I radioed to Jack to finish up with the police.
I got in the car and drove them to the courthouse. I opened the door for them and they stepped out. Diane was wearing a skirt and her legs were gorgeous. I took them inside and got their information. Diane left home in Arkansas at 18 after her parents kicked her out for getting pregnant with Rachel. After she was kicked out, Rachel's father and Diane moved to a slum in Memphis.
He became a crack dealer. When Rachel was about two, he was killed doing a deal. Diane didn't love him but he was their only support. She tried to go back home but her parents wanted nothing to do with her. They were very religious and Diane committed an unforgivable sin. Diane had to go on welfare and take care of little Rachel. She squeaked by for a few years and about a month ago, a friend set her up on a date. She felt he was a nice enough guy but had a bad feeling about him.
She didn't go out with him again and several days later, around midnight, he showed up at Diane's. He was high on PCP, hit Diane, and screamed obscenities at her for not going out with him again. He kidnapped Diane and Rachel and that started an odyssey through Tennessee where he robbed banks and convenience stores.
He was very lucky not to be caught before he did. At night, he'd drive until he found some drugs. He also raped Diane a few times. It was always the same; he'd rob a bank and Diane and Rachel would stay in the car. They were too scared to escape. He would do this in small towns where he thought he could fly under the radar and outmaneuver small town cops.
After I heard their story, I thought about calling Social Services so they could do something with them. However, something stopped me from doing that. Social Services meant well but even in a small community like this, it was a bureaucracy. God knows what they would do with them and they may even have been separated.
I made them as comfortable as possible in the courthouse. When Jack got back, I asked him to mind the store for the rest of the day. I put Diane and Rachel in the squad car and took them to my house. It seemed like the right thing to do. It's a four-bedroom house and I figured they could stay with me until I reached Diane's family.
I hadn't changed much of the decor since the Browns moved out. You could describe it as very homey. I wasn't interested in decorating so I pretty much left things as the Browns had it. I could tell Rachel was tired so I put her in one of the spare bedrooms downstairs while Diane and I talked some more. I told her I honestly didn't know what to do with her but I wanted to call her parents. She said that they didn't want anything to do with her and vice versa.
I told her that she and Rachel could be my guests in my home as long as they liked. I told her I wasn't home during the day and the bed Rachel was sleeping on was queen sized so both of them could sleep in it if they wished. Diane didn't have much of a choice and she graciously accepted.
I tried to put her at ease as much as possible and since I didn't want to bring up unpleasant memories, I talked about all the goofy shit I did as a kid and how Sparta reminded me of my hometown. She talked about her childhood and while it was a strict upbringing, she was relatively happy. We developed a rapport and talked freely for a couple of hours. I found it very easy to talk to her.
After Rachel woke up from her nap, we spent the rest of the afternoon at the hospital getting them checked out. Rachel was fine but Diane contracted a mild case of gonorrhea from being raped. Diane had been told she couldn't conceive another child because Rachel's delivery was difficult and the tests at the hospital confirmed that. We made an appointment for the next day with a rape counselor for Diane.
Word spread quickly around town about what happened at the bank and after we got back home, several of the women in the town came over with food and some toys for Rachel. I told them I was perfectly capable of taking care of the girls but they would have none of it. I was used to cooking for one but now I had two more mouths to feed.
The rest of the night was uneventful. After the women left, we watched TV and put Rachel to bed about nine. I wanted to be around Diane as much as possible. Was I falling in love or was I just being protective of her? It surely couldn't be the former since I just met her that morning. Make no mistake, I was being protective; but this wasn't some stray cat or dog. This was a woman and her daughter. Both were traumatized and I wasn't going to take advantage of that but I strongly felt they should be here.
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I went right from my office to the pub. I got there in time for a cup of coffee, and some down time before I had dinner. Dinner was also going to be from the pub. Nita agreed to cook me a grilled cheese sandwich. I have no idea why it wasn't on the menu, since she made the best one in the state. They started to drift in about eight. "Brit put all their drinks on my tab but make absolutely sure none of them drives home tonight." "Me and Jeremy will take them home. The SUV will hold seven...
"Damn that pisses me off," I said while he was still standing there attentive. "What that he is so smug," Eddie asked. "No that he thought I was a man," I replied. Eddie broke out laughing. "Well now that you mention it Sheriff," he said. "Careful I can't fire him, but I can you," I said. "You don't have a union." We were in a good mood while Wilson directed the search so that the people stayed out of his way. The lab had first priority while looking for evidence of a...
Osborn and I left the gym at 9pm. We both were absolutely exhausted. She followed me to the pub for dinner. Juanita had made a giant taco salad from which she dished a bowl of stuff for each of us. I had a dark beer and the salad, while Osborn had a bowl of the salad and a diet coke. "What's up with the diet coke?" I asked. "I'd like to have a body a little more like yours, than like mine," she said. "You have to be kidding. Didn't you see how those guys looked at you. They looked...
I placed a call back to the station. They had everything under control. Mostly they were processing evidence from all over the damn county. It was a big job, but they seemed to be on top of it. "Sheriff, we are going to need to process some of this, and pass it on to the SBI. The bust is going to be out of our jurisdiction. Should I make the call, or do you want to?" Eddie asked. "Let me look at the evidence before you send it off, then we can decide what goes where together. Now I got a...
Kara began talking, but I didn't believe a word she said. "Yeah I recognized the guy the girl in the picture left with, but believe me she didn't look like that. She looked like a hooker." "How did you recognize the guy," Eddie asked her. "We was one of my customers for a while, but he got tired of me and moved on." she said. "So what was his name," Eddie asked. "Man, I don't know," she said. I sat in the corner of the interview room. It was a big room. The lights were off...
I drove toward my home in County Seat thinking, I might have to go back to the SBI lab after all. It meant giving control of our cases to their investigators and taking a back seat to their people. I hated losing control of the cases. Damn it, if I could only get the Colonel interested in the Forensic services. He could surely come up with the facilities. Even if it meant a friendly take over of an existing private lab. I was still in the car when the phone rang. "Sheriff Porter this is...
It took two days to get Jamison back to County Seat. During that time I rode along with the swing and the midnight shift deputies. It was a bit of a learning experience. I would rather have been an undercover boss, but they knew me quite well by then. We had been through most of our first year together. I had ridden with both deputies several times. In doing so they talked to me like a cop not a boss. We told stories about our days working the roads in Warren County. We answered calls and...
It took me all day to move past my anger at the FBI. I beat the crap out of the heavy bag before I really felt better. It was two weeks later and I was already running, when Osborn showed up at the softball field. She sat on the bleachers until I was in sight, then started to run. "You didn't tell me you were coming to run," she informed me. "I didn't know I was going to run till I pulled into the parking lot. I think I'm running on autopilot in more way than the obvious one. Damn...
"Mrs. Novak, I have some very bad news for you. We found Tommy. It appears now that he had an accident in the woods. I'm so sorry but Tommy died in the woods. I don't know if this is any comfort at all, but I'm very sorry for you loss." She broke into wails of high pitched screams. It was a terrifying sound. I finally took hold her to try to calm her down. I let her cry it out. I knew I should let her grieve before I questioned her, but she would have to be one less vote I received next...
I gave some serious thought to pulling Randy Ralph over, jerking him out of the truck and beating the crap out of him. We were finding all kinds of crap he did wrong but I still couldn't pin the rapes on him. Instead I went back to the Railroad B&B for Wilson. "So what the fuck would he pick up at the docks and deliver to a taco truck?" I asked Wilson. "Maybe they are distributing drugs," was his answers. "If it was drugs they would never throw them over a fence and hope their...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
As Rachel got older, we settled even more into a normal family life. Diane still worked at the restaurant but she wanted to improve herself. She began taking classes over at the University of North Carolina Charlotte in bookkeeping in hopes of getting into that line of work. Eventually she quit waitressing and started her own bookkeeping business. She had several clients all over the area and while she wasn't making a lot of money, she worked out of our home so overhead was very low. It was...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
At about 7 pm there is a knock at the door. I have just gotten off the toilet and am washing my hands. I dry them hastily and run to the door. Cautiously, I open it a crack and peek out. At first no one seems to be there. I open the door a bit more and then I see him, peering a little shyly back at me through the screen door. He is a thin man with precise features and twinkling eyes that immediately draw me in. I raise my eyebrows in a question mark. Suddenly he breaks into a grin. ‘Sinthia?’...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestJessica is getting nervous as she looks around at the clothing on display. But this is just the kind of stuff Bud and I are looking forward to seeing her wearing. We went up and down aisles selecting clothing. The garments we selected were all the kind of thing that, if you don’t know the town Sheriff, could really get you in trouble. We started loading up Jessica and then Dylan with sheer blouses, low cut tops and tiny miniskirts. We also found a selection of sexy, flirty little dresses...
Dylan and I both looked up when the patio door opened. I didn’t see Dylan’s reaction. But I was shocked. They’re holding hands and smiling and they look like the best of friends. No, they look like lovers! Judy must be pretty damned good! Judy stopped as she was passing Dylan. She reached down and rubbed her hand over the bulge in his panties. She smiled and said, “That’s funny, mine don’t fit me like that!” Then she went around and returned to her seat on the other side of me. Jessica...
"So Detective Thorn, you like your job?" I asked. "I sure do Sheriff," he said looking all serious and shit. "Well you need to be better at it. See I took a quick look at the crime stats." I said. "Yeah, most crime is down all over the board," he said all proud of himself. "Yeah and statewide most crime is up in almost every category. You know why crime goes down in one area like that?" I asked. "Because we are doing a better job, than those other places," he said. "I...
I called dispatch and told them to have the officer backup for Simpson to swing by the courthouse to pick me up. It took about twenty minutes for the chubby little blond twenty five or so year old to show up in my office. She was cute in the thirty pound overweight way. "Hi there, I'm Deputy Melissa Osborn. Dispatch said to report to you," she said. "Yes you and I are going on a little road trip," I said. "I'm going to Dobson and I need a ride. So you get to be my driver." "Of...
I woke up Sunday morning in the middle of the night to the sound of my phone. I searched through the pile of my clothes till I found it. "This better be good Simpson," I said. "Actually it's bad. There was a high school basketball game last night at the northern high school gym. There was an accident outside the gym as the crowd left." Simpson said. "How bad," I asked. "Car ran into the crowd. Six kids are in the hospital, one is in critical condition," he suggested. "I'll get...