Game of Surrogate Wife
- 5 years ago
- 34
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It was uncanny. We both started talking at exactly the same time, saying exactly the same words.
"I think we need to talk."
We had finished the cereal and coffee. I had started on my toast and marmalade. We looked at each other and out it came. We both found the synchronicity amusing and I began choking on my toast as I laughed. After I regained my composure I looked at her and almost did it again. I put out my open hand to her in a gesture for her to start.
"I've something to say to you, Frank. It's not going to be easy and I don't know how you'll take it."
"Why don't you come out with it? I'm a big boy; I can handle whatever it is."
"Okay. I want—I want you to stop seeing Mary."
I gasped and coughed to avoid inhaling toast crumbs again.
"You what?"
"I'm sorry, Frank, that came out wrong. Of course you can't just stop seeing her, that would be unreasonable, what with your mutual interests and all. No, I just want you to stop—you know."
"No, Caroline, I don't know. Suppose you spell it out for me."
"I want you to stop—I want you to stop taking her to bed. There, I've said it."
The silence that followed seemed to last forever. My wife of twenty-five years had just told me to stop having an affair with her friend and more recently my business associate. Then it hit me again. She asked me to stop; that meant she knew it was happening. It was Caroline who spoke first.
"Look, I know it's my fault. I remember what I said to you a year ago. I'm not blaming you, either of you, but things are different now and I'd like you to stop."
A year ago? Could that have been a similar breakfast conversation when I brought up the problem of my forced celibacy? I'd got to the point where I couldn't ignore it any longer. I hadn't had sex for months and when I did get any it was the "lay back and think of England" type. I soon found out we both had completely different ideas of what our married life was like and how it should be. It wasn't the first time we'd had this discussion, the conclusion was always the same, no conclusion.
I remembered us as newly-weds, not being able to get enough of each other, making love every day and twice on Sundays. My recollection was that she used to get wet when I squeezed her breasts and played with her nipples. One day we drove eighty miles down the motorway with the fingers of my left hand teasing her clit and in her pussy. It's true to say Caroline never initiated sex, but I put that down to her upbringing, Nice girls didn't do that kind of thing.
Caroline remembered things differently, she said she had never had much of a sex drive. She told me I was imagining things when I told her I thought she had gone off me after I had my vasectomy. It seemed I had an over active imagination. I told her she used to like having her breasts fondled or her nipples tweaked. I reminded her of the period when she needed a drink or two before she'd let me make love to her. When I'd asked if she realised how that made me feel she flatly denied it had ever happened. I pushed it that day. I knew she was menopausal, but I was getting desperate. It wasn't just the sex that I missed, it was the closeness it brought and the touching. Once upon a time she loved my touch, but now anything remotely intimate could only be done through at least three layers of clothing. I suggested she think about hormone replacement therapy but she refused to even consider it.
"It's my body and I'm not filling it with unnecessary medication. You seem to want a woman who will lay on her back for you any time you feel like it. Well I'll tell you now, if that's what you want you'd better look elsewhere because that woman isn't me."
That must be what she meant when she spoke about what she'd said a year ago. I must admit I remembered it. I'd analysed the statement several times and every time I still wasn't sure. Was she telling me that if I wanted sex I should find a mistress? It took two frosty weeks to get over that little chat and it didn't change a thing.
A month later I met Mary. I attended a fund-raising event for the charity Caroline managed. I'd noticed her as soon as she came in. Her red hair made her stand out from the crowd. The dress she wore didn't reveal a lot but it certainly didn't conceal her figure. I didn't dream she could be on her own, I thought she must be waiting for someone.
All the great and the good of the local area were there. I even had a short conversation with our Member of Parliament. I tended to try to keep out of people's way and played the wall flower, while the good people and the sleaze balls charities attract were busy with their networking. I found myself corners to hide in and every time I did I'd look up and see her across the room, still alone.
When you are totally bored you look for things to do and since the only thing for me to do was eat and drink I made my way to the refreshments. I was just picking up another glass of orange juice when I heard a voice behind me.
"I'd be careful if I were you. That's the third one of those you've had tonight."
I turned and looked at her. I noticed her striking blue eyes and prominent cheekbones. She gave me a beaming smile.
"Hi I'm Mary Entwistle. We appear to be the only people here on their own and you look as fed up as I am."
"Frank," I said offering my hand. "Frank Burns, but I'm not here alone. I'm Caroline's husband. Between you and me, Mary, I am bored to tears. Caroline insists I come to these things to support her. Who is she trying to kid? She doesn't need my support; she just needs a chauffeur."
"I'm sure you mean much more to her than that, Frank. She often talks about you."
"So you know Caroline."
"Yes, I am a trustee. My husband and I always supported this charity even when it was struggling. Caroline has breathed new life into it. There was a time when we thought it was doomed but she took over, shook up the organisation and got everyone pulling in the same direction. Now look at it. Even our sleazy MP wants to rub shoulders with her. You must be very proud."
"I am, really proud. She doesn't believe it, but I'm pleased to see her showing everyone what I always knew she could do. I was the person who pushed her to apply for job, though sometimes I wish I hadn't."
"Then why aren't you up there beside her?"
"Because I don't think that's where she wants me. Well, that and the fact that I would have to be sociable with your chairman."
"So you're not keen on David. You don't strike me as man full of prejudices. What has he done to you?"
"Nothing at all, not to me personally. but I know he tried to undermine at least one of the other trustees because the guy wanted the organisation to be more democratic."
"Would Jonathan be the man you are talking about? I remember David calling me asking for support. He alleged some sort of financial impropriety. He even suggested Jonathan might be having an affair with the bookkeeper. I told him to bring his evidence to the board meeting and we could decide there. Funny thing is it was never mentioned again."
"No, it wouldn't have been. You see, David tried to use his connections to delay payment by county hall in order to put pressure on Caroline and the board. He wanted Jonathan to stand down or be voted off. I like Jonathan, he's a straight up kind of bloke, so I made my own enquiries at county hall to see where the rumours were coming from. If David had been a younger man Jonathan would have taken him outside. As it is the only thing that prevented him taking David to court was the charity's reputation. From a personal viewpoint, ever since he became chairman and wanted to micro-manage everything, I never get to see my wife"
"Perhaps it's time we got a new chairman."
"Won't happen unless you enlarge the board. He will fight that of course, and his little harem of lady trustees, who fawn all over him, will ensure he is not defeated."
"I hope you're not including me in the harem."
"Of course not. I can't imagine you in anyone's harem. More's the pity."
I felt some embarrassment at giving voice to my thoughts. As I was struggling to find something to say that would salvage the situation, Caroline joined us.
"What are you two talking about all huddled up in the corner?"
"Frank was telling me how many hours you put in, and how proud he is of you."
"Well he's got a funny way of showing it, all I ever hear are complaints about my working too late. Poor little Frank doesn't get enough attention."
"Frank had no right to discuss our private life with strangers, but I'm glad you two are getting to know each other. I had intended to introduce you. Mary has an old motorbike in her garage, Frank. I thought you might be interested in helping her do something with it. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to work the room, as they say."
With that she was gone again. Mary looked at me.
"Everything not sunshine and roses in the Burns household I take it? Sorry, I didn't make it any better did I?"
I just stood there looking down at the floor. My wife had firmly put me in my place in front of everyone. Mary placed a card in my hand.
"My number is on the back. Call me--about the bike"
She put one finger under my chin and lifted my head so I was looking straight at her. She gave me a smile that warmed me through to my toes.
"Hmm, I might have to give the harem idea some thought," she said as she turned to leave.
I watched her all the way to the door the swing of her hips, the tightness of her arse and the way her hair bounced as she walked. I took it all in until she was out of sight.
On the way home I got a severe ear-bashing about discussing the David situation with Mary. It was apparently none of my business and should have been confidential.
"You weren't jealous then, seeing me getting friendly with another woman? A very attractive woman at that?"
"Of course not. You probably have a lot in common. She and her husband used to be really into motorbikes before he died. As I said earlier, I had it in mind to introduce you."
"Would that have been before or after you showed everyone what a wimp I am?"
"I did no such thing. Alright, perhaps I shouldn't have said what I did."
"Damn right you shouldn't. You put me in a position where it was either make a scene or look like a wimp. Unlike you I don't want the world to know about our crumbling marriage."
"I only told Mary I didn't like you working such long hours. I also told her how proud I was of you and what you'd achieved. It may surprise you, but I always had faith in you. I wouldn't have urged you to take the job if I hadn't."
So that was the way it started. I called Mary. She had a bike for me to look at after all. She made it sound like an old wreck so I offered to go over and give my opinion as to what to do with it. I went round on a Wednesday evening after work. Caroline still wasn't home by the time I left but I wasn't expecting to stay long. We could eat when I got back.
Mary lived in a nice bungalow on the outskirts of town. The house had a good-sized garden with a large detached garage. She came to the door wearing a bath robe and with her hair piled up on top of her head. She gave me that same warm smile as she greeted me.
"Hello, Frank. You're a little early. I thought I'd have time for a quick shower."
"Don't mind me, Mary. Just show me the machine in question then you can get back to your shower. Unless, that is, you want a bit of company?"
She slapped my arm "You're a naughty man, Frank Burns. Now come on I'll show you the bike."
She led the way out to the garage, switched on the light and pointed to something covered in a tarpaulin. The bike's under the tarp. Why don't you have a look while I have my shower."
I removed the cover and was taken aback. If I was right, it was definitely worth restoring. I got out my phone and started taking pictures. I rubbed the muck away from the engine and frame numbers and took photographs of those. I was checking out the forks for rust when Mary returned. She wore tight blue jeans and an equally tight white tee shirt. Her red hair spilled down over her shoulders. For a woman approaching fifty she was really hot.
"Well, what should I do with it? Give it away or try to sell it?"
"If it is what I think it is then the answer is neither."
"Oh, I thought you would know what it is," she said as a look of disappointment spread across her face.
I had an overwhelming urge to sweep her up in my arms and explain it all to her in bed. However, I was a married man and resisting such urges was something I had grown used to over the years.
"Let me tell you what I do know. I know that it's a 500cc Velocette. That alone rules out giving it away. I am fairly sure it's a sports version which means it's a Venom, Venom Clubman or Venom Thruxton. When this machine was made the Thruxton was the bees knees. The fastest 500cc road bike in the world. Lads who couldn't afford or couldn't get their hands on a Thruxton bought the lesser Veloes and tarted them up to look like Thruxtons. I need to do some research to verify that it's a genuine Thruxton. If it is, you would be a fool to sell it in this condition. Get it restored and it will be worth a lot more."
Mary moved closer to me and I felt the pressure in my jeans. "Caroline said you knew about bikes and I have to say, I am impressed. How long before you know for sure?"
"I'll get on the internet tonight, get back to you tomorrow."
"Why don't you use my computer? Come to think of it, I'll bet you haven't eaten yet. How about I fix us some dinner while you do the research? It's been a long time since I cooked for a man."
I said I would have to phone Caroline but when the call went straight to voice mail I left a message and accepted the invitation. By the time Mary served dinner I had the answers to all her questions.
"The bike is a 1965 Velocette Venom Thruxton. The fifth one ever made. It appears to have all the original equipment. If you sell it now you might get £1,500 for it but if you have it restored it could be ten times that much."
As I sat down to eat I realised I hadn't had a proper home cooked meal on a weekday for a very long time. Caroline was always busy and working late. I cooked meals for us but I am no chef. What Mary laid before me was a feast and, boy, did it taste good.
"So, Frank, who do I get to restore it?"
"I don't know yet but I will look into it. It needs to be someone with a good reputation who isn't going to take you to the cleaners. Someone you can trust."
"Could you do it? I can trust you, can't I?"
"I'm not sure. I mean, of course you can trust me, but there's going to be some expense involved and I don't think I can cover that. I also wouldn't have a clue what to charge you."
"Please say you'll do it. I'm sure I could offer you something that would be adequate compensation."
I looked at her. I could see her lacy bra through her tee shirt struggling to contain her ample breasts and couldn't help but notice how prominent her nipples had become.
"Please, no more double entendres. In my current state of frustration I might start to take you seriously."
"Who says I don't want you to take me seriously? I take it things aren't improving at Chez Burns."
"No, things aren't improving but I don't want to burden you with my problems. Anyway my garage is far too cluttered to undertake a project like that."
"Okay, let's think about this. My garage isn't cluttered and I think it's well equipped. You can work there."
"What about the finance?"
"John, my husband, left me comfortably off. I'll pay for what parts you need and for any work you can't do. When we sell the bike I take back what the bike is worth now and my out-of-pocket expenses. After that we split the profit sixty-forty."
"So I get forty percent of the profit. Yes I can live with that."
"No, you get sixty percent. You'll be doing all the work. I'll be getting far more than I expected for the bike. So—do we have a deal?"
"Indeed we do. I can't wait to get started. Mary, I could kiss you."
"So what's stopping you?"
I had intended to give her a peck on the cheek but as I got up so did she. She threw one arm around my waist and the other hand went behind my neck. She pulled my head down and started a passionate kiss. She held me tight, pushing those gorgeous tits into my chest. One leg came around behind mine as she moulded herself to my body. As I pulled away she looked up at me.
"Feels like you need more than just a kiss, Frank."
I somehow dragged myself out of there and made my way home. I expected Caroline to be angry, instead she was remarkably calm.
"There's half a pizza and some salad in the kitchen if you want it."
"Didn't you pick up my message? I phoned just before seven and you still weren't home so I left a message saying I was eating at Mary's"
"Oh, you went to look at her bike, did you? I said I thought you would be able to help her."
"Yes, she wants me to restore it for her."
"Well that'll be nice for you. You'll enjoy that."
That was it, no attempt to explain why she had been so late. No worries about where I had been or who with and certainly no real interest in what I was about to do.
"So you don't want the pizza then?" Caroline asked.
"It'll do for lunch tomorrow. I like cold pizza."
So that's how it started. I spent about three evenings a week at Mary's house working on the bike, stripping it down and identifying parts that had to be replaced. Mary would cook for me and always there was the teasing. It didn't take long for her to wheedle out of me the problems of mine and Caroline's sex life, or lack of. I found her so easy to talk to and she seemed genuinely interested in the stories I told her of bike racing in days gone by. As the evenings went by we discovered other common interests. A look through her record collection revealed a liking for The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Cream.
"Are these John's or yours? Mine of course, John was strictly classical in his tastes."
"It's just that your collection almost mirrors mine. Some of the things you've got are ones I always wanted. Mary, I'm beginning to think we were made for each other."
The constant flirting and goodnight kisses took all the self-control I had to resist her. With my sex life at home in free fall every day resisting Mary got harder.
After a few months I started to reassemble the bike. Then came the night when I tightened the last bolt, the one securing the fuel tank. I stepped back and admired it before pouring a gallon of petrol into the tank. I flooded the carburettor, retarded the ignition, applied full choke and gave a long hard swing on the kick-start. With a loud, deep thumping sound the bike burst into life. I kept twisting the throttle to keep the engine running and in less than a minute Mary was there.
"Oh, Frank, it's beautiful, truly beautiful! Can we go for a ride, can we?"
"Give me a chance to check it out first. You know, make sure everything is doing what it should then we can both go out on it."
For the next two nights I rode solo on the bike, making adjustments until everything was as it should be. Caroline had a fund-raising event on the Saturday so Mary and I went out for a ride. We spent the day riding around with no particular place to go. We relaxed in beauty spots and enjoyed being close to each other. I was treated to several of Mary's kisses. When we got back to her house I took some photos of the bike, then Mary with the bike.
"Of course," I said, "normally when women have their picture taken with motorbikes they aren't wearing so many clothes."
"Well I'll see what I can do but I'll tell you now if you are hoping for topless you can think again."
She went into the house and about ten minutes later came out wearing a one-piece swim suit. She looked fantastic as she posed for me while I snapped away. We finished with a couple of shots of her sat astride the bike as it stood on my paddock stand. With the pictures taken and the bike complete, we realised we no longer had a reason to be together and I reluctantly left her, not expecting to return.
Over the next month I saw Mary occasionally. She contacted Classic Bike magazine and they did a feature on the Thruxton. They used their own photographer but also took copies of mine showing the progress of the project. I was interviewed about the restoration but unsurprisingly it was Mary they seemed most interested in. After all there aren't that many women in their forties that get involved in a restoration project. There are even fewer who look as good as she did. Her story of how her husband bought the bike and that she was having it restored as a tribute to him, added to the human interest.
Caroline was surprised that I was no longer spending time at Mary's. She didn't seem happy or unhappy about it, just surprised. A couple of months went by and I got a call from Mary. She'd put the bike into a classic bikes auction at the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham. She wanted me to go with her for both the viewing and sale day.
I had two problems: could I get time off work? and how would I justify it to Caroline? It turned out the second was not a problem. Caroline couldn't see anything wrong in me being away overnight with a woman.
"Of course you must go, Frank. You know you will love it and I'm sure Mary would benefit from having you there to support her."
My boss at the college was happy to let me go if I arranged someone to cover my lessons. Mary and I rode the train up to Birmingham that Thursday morning. The Classic Bike feature had just been published and increased interest in both the bike and Mary. The photographer had taken one of my swimsuit pictures and painted on what looked like the thinnest, tightest, racing leathers you ever saw. When she saw it she grinned and told me she'd already had a proposal of marriage. We spent the viewing day fielding questions from interested parties. I got a lot of compliments on the restoration job and a number of people asked for contact details.
Between talking to potential buyers I got a chance to look around the museum. It was one of the best days I'd had in years and at the end of the viewing day we were tired but happy as we walked into our hotel. Mary was squeezing my hand as we walked up to the reception.
"We have reservations in the names of Burns and Entwistle," I told the girl at the desk.
"Yes, sir, just a moment."
Mary squeezed my hand again. "Frank, I've done something very naughty."
The receptionist looked a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry, sir, we have no reservation in the name of Entwistle. We have a double room booked for Mr and Mrs Burns, would that be the one you mean?"
Mary squeezed my hand once more. "Yes, of course," I said, "my mistake. I'm sorry for the confusion."
I filled in the registration documents and we were handed our key. We made our way to the lifts without a word. It wasn't until the lift door closed that I spoke.
"Mr and Mrs Burns?"
"I'm sorry, Frank, I know it was very bad of me. Are you really very angry?"
"To tell you the truth I feel shock more than anything else. This sort of thing has never happened to me before. What am I going to tell Caroline?"
"Do you really think she'd want to know? Things in the Burns household haven't been right for some time. It seems to me she pretty much takes you for granted and maybe, just maybe, she wants this to happen."
"What do you mean? How could she possibly want it to happen?"
"Think about it. If you are getting your pleasures elsewhere it saves her having to provide for you. Some women just go off sex and at least this way she gets to keep her husband."
We found our way to the room and my head was still spinning. When I saw two large beds I felt a surge of relief. I might still emerge from this with my integrity intact. We changed and went out to dinner. I was quiet throughout the meal. Mary chatted about the interest in the bike and the forthcoming auction. In fact we spoke about anything but our sleeping arrangements. It was Mary who finally brought it up.
"What is so terrible about sleeping with me, Frank? I know you find me attractive."
"Nothing, nothing at all, quite the opposite in fact. What would be terrible would be my being unfaithful to Caroline."
"I've developed strong feelings for you and I think you have those same feelings for me. We need to do this. I need it and I'm pretty damn sure you do too. If Caroline is half as smart as I think she is, she knows we are more than just friends, so ask yourself why she was so keen for her husband to spend the night away from home with a woman he desires."
I could see the logic in everything she said but I just couldn't believe it.
"I can't see it, Mary. If I couldn't give her what she needed I'm damned if I would be pushing her in the direction of someone who could."
"Now that's your male ego talking. If you really love Caroline then you would want to hang on to her no matter what. If you couldn't keep her sexually satisfied you would be worrying yourself sick in case she found someone who could keep her happy and that someone would take her from you. Surely it's far better to find someone you know and trust to fill that void, to keep her satisfied while she remains your loving wife."
The more drinks we had the more I could see her argument. I just couldn't believe my Caroline would think that way. We drank we danced and slowly the subject disappeared from our conversation. With each dance Mary moulded her body closer to mine until she was grinding her pussy against me at every opportunity. My dick was making me painfully aware of where his sympathies lie and we made our way back to our room with arms around each other's waist.
I lay in bed watching her as she came from the bathroom. She wore a short pink satin nightie with a lacy top around her ample chest. She walked over to me, her hips swaying as she did so. She bent over to kiss my lips, giving me an exciting view of her tits. Little Frank had already formed himself into a tent pole holding up the bedclothes.
"Well what's it to be, Frank?"
Without a word I pulled back the covers as an invitation for her to join me. She didn't need telling twice; she slipped in alongside me. The nightie didn't last long, and in no time at all we were both naked and holding each other tightly.
I feasted on her breasts, nibbling on her nipples then sucking on them. Her head pushed back into the bed lifting her shoulders and chest as she offered them to me. I moved down between her legs where I found that she was a natural redhead. I stopped and looked at her. Her pussy was completely smooth with a small strip of red hair running down to her slit.
"Do you like it? John always liked me smooth but I can let it grow if you like."
"It looks beautiful just the way it is. In fact it looks good enough to eat."
"Oh, yes, please. I'd love that."
I licked at her smooth pussy lips and slipped my tongue into the slit. Her legs fell wide apart, offering herself to me. I sought out her clitoris and licked around it. Mary's hips lifted, forcing her pussy into my mouth. When I started to suck on her clit I could hear her starting to gasp. As my tongue entered her love channel her hands came down to push my head firmly down onto her pussy as she bucked and thrashed beneath me. I moved back up to her breasts and she pulled me tightly to her.
"I need you, Frank. I need you inside me now."
I climbed between her legs and positioned my cock at the entrance to her vagina and started to enter her. Her hands grab hold of my bum, she pulled me into her and in no time my balls kissed her arse. As I started moving in and out her mouth closed on my neck. I pulled away.
"No marks, Mary. I'm not rubbing her nose in what we are doing."
"Okay, sorry."
I brought my hands up under her shoulders massaging her as I pounded her pussy. In no time at all her legs were wrapped around me and her fingernails were digging into my back. Feeling her coming beneath me was almost enough but when I felt my semen pumping into her the ecstasy was complete. My heart pounded and I was gasping for breath as Mary wrapped her arms around me and pulled me hard into her body. When she released me I climbed off her and lay down beside her. She snuggled in under my arm pressing her breasts into my side as she ran her fingers over my chest.
"It's been a long time but that was definitely worth waiting for. I hope you're not planning on getting a lot of sleep tonight."
We certainly didn't get a lot of sleep. Whenever one of us woke from our slumber we would start all over again. We did it missionary, doggy style, she even rode me. We only just made it to breakfast in time, then had to rush off to the sale room.
When the auction started I was disappointed by the prices some of the bikes were fetching. Then it was our turn.
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My name, by the way, is Kimberly and I am the reporter for this story. This story is based what was told to me by the son and his stepmother. There is another story about when I come into the picture and that is when the stepson, Randy later on wants to marry me. Then I have do decide whether I am willing to marry someone who wants to retain his sexual relationship with his stepmother. Of course, I was shocked when Randy told me about his unnatural relationship with his stepmother. ...
Surrogate Mother By: Janet Jean Rating: R A young man becomes a "Surrogate Mother" to save the life of his sister's newborn daughter. Nature takes its course and there may be no turning back, as he becomes a woman, does he want to turn back? Author's Memo: This is a work of "Pure Fiction" it is my hope and intention that this becomes a good story. Is this impossible? At FM nothing is impossible. My sister and I are very rare identical twins, when my mother had...
Chapter 4 Carl followed his twelve year old daughter into his bedroom; his eyes were glued to her as she stepped into the room. He was captivated watching her fluid movements, the way her elegantly sculpted back swayed in time with the flexing of her shapely butt muscles, down to her slim legs. She was glorious and beautiful and she was about to be his. This was the moment he'd been waiting so desperately for all these weeks. After all the cum shots he'd pumped into that crusty towel he kept...
A young woman, desperate for cash, becomes a surrogate. She soon wishes she'd read the contract as she becomes a breeding machine.I'm flicking through Craigslist and an advert catches my eye “Want to spend a year in a luxury villa and earn £20K for your time?” Yes please I thought and read on. The advert went on to explain they were a group looking for surrogate mothers for c***dless couples. During the time you would live in a group house with the other surrogates, then get paid £20K at the...
The Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - The Ranch "When the Reverend's great grandfather founded the Sons of Jehovah back in the thirties, the congregation deliberately sought isolation so they would be free to practice their religious beliefs without interference." "But the Reverend was also an astute businessman and knew that to keep his flock happy he would need to provide for them so the Sons of Jehovah would still need to engage with the outside world." "Redhaven...
The Surrogate Ch. 06 By MicheleNylons© Chapter Six - The Sharing Sarah insisted that Mila tell Peter about their tryst as soon as possible. She did not want Peter and Mila breaking the tenets on the first day that they had been accepted into the church of the Sons of Jehovah. But first she had some pressing religious instruction to provide. Mila invited Sarah to dinner that evening so that she could furnish them both with the order of service for the Sunday observance....
The Surrogate The feminine sultry voice on the other end of the phone was familiar but for the life of me I couldn't place it. It was quite obvious to other party that I was having difficulty and I could sense her enjoyment in the situation. The conversation, if that is what you would call it, had lasted a little more than 5 minutes when she finally ended my torment. "Since you obviously have no idea who this is and you're still too proud to ask, I'll go ahead and get right to the...
The Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Becoming Mila Mila slept in a satin nighty and panties that night but she was untucked of course. There was no sign of Peter Randal and she had the apartment to herself. She had practiced her makeup for a while and walking in heels and then after a light dinner she retired. She had tried on her sister's clothes and divided them into two piles, those which fit her and suited her and those that didn't. Peter had left her some...
The Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - A Fresh Start Mila was glad when Sarah returned from her holiday. Sarah had been to Bali with two other Redhaven spinsters and came back fit and tanned. "Sit here and tell me all about it," Mila insisted when Sarah turned up for work. "But Mrs... but Mila, there is so much housework to do; I've been gone for so long," Sarah complained. "Oh pooh to the housework; it can wait. I want to hear about what you and your...
Introduction: This is a continuing storyIt is about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter two Any concern for Deanna about a gynecology examination had now quickly vanished? This was replaced by feelings of anticipation for...
The pretty brunette was executive secretary to the president of the company where she worked. Still not quite thirty she had risen quickly in the organization. In only a few short years she had risen from receptionist all the way to the top administrative position she held now. Theo was a tall assistant manager at the same company Mary worked. Only in his mid thirties he was on the fast track for success, too. He had finally decided to ask her out and now that the date was at its...
Introduction: Poor Milly abducted to become a surrogate. Not even her own eggs are used and no idea the father. Her Fate … well, best you read oops .. forgot Id published before. Anyway, for those that missed my little epistle … [b][Milly inseminated Ah Mr and Mrs Jameson. Im Drss. Dragonmage, but my friends call me Misty. Hi Im Don and this is my good wife Melinda. The handshakes were firm and purposeful. Please take a seat, while I explain the procedure to you. She waved towards two...
Todd and Becky had been happily married for nearly 15 years. He loved her very much and never even looked at another woman. And Becky couldn't imagine life with anyone but him. They lived a pretty idyllic life too... a nice three bedroom house with a white picket fence located on a tree-lined street in a nice neighborhood. They had a good circle of friends and were pretty well-liked. Todd had a good job as a lawyer, and she was perfectly happy being his devoted housewife, taking care of the...
Straight SexMy fiancé, Randy, had been a sex surrogate to his stepmother for his father who was away on work most of the time. He wanted to continue his sexual relationship with her after we married. He contended that their physical relationship was central to both his and his stepmother’s identities. This made me pause in accepting his marriage proposal but I did. This story is about our meeting to sort this out. Our solution may help others if they find themselves in a similar predicament. I, Kimberly,...
IncestBikini Beach: Surrogate Mother By Elrod W "What do you want to do today, dear?" John Robinson's question was directed at his lovely bride, seated across the breakfast table from himself. "I don't know," Sheila answered unenthusiastically. "Whatever." John frowned. The spark in Sheila's eyes, that delightful free spirit that had so attracted him to her, was gone. He gazed lovingly at his wife, wishing he knew how to rekindle the life in her soul. She was still as beautiful as...
After a brief relationship with Beulah, my +2 results were out. I came out with flying colours while Beulah’s results were average. I got an engineering seat in a good college in Coimbatore so I had to move to the college hostel to continue my studies there. But Beulah got a science seat in a evening college. So I lost touch with her. I visited home only during semester leaves. During my first semester end when I visited home I was in for a huge disappointment as my father was at home as he was...
IncestThis following story is the continuation of “lactating Surrogate Mother.†Before I continue with the story I should thank those readers who sent me wonderful, encouraging feedback. Without mentioning the names of two lovely women (one lactating) who sent me emails inquiring my place of residence I should tell all the readers. I live abroad and I am not in India. I have no plans of visiting the country in near future. It was getting late for Mala to catch the bus. She hurriedly prepared my...
IncestSpecial thanks to JackO for editing my story. Mary and I have been married for 25 years now; both of us are 46 years old. She was my first love, starting in high school, through college and getting married after graduation. We had 3 wonderful children? Jonathan (Jon), 23 years old, who had graduated from college a year ago and was now a successful architect working in a large architects company in our town. Suzy, 20, in her third year of college studying American history, and our youngest,...
The Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Redhaven To say that Mila was excited when she was handed the keys to the silver BMW Z4 would be an understatement. She followed Peter who was driving his new Mercedes A-Class, who was in turn following Brian and Dianne Hislop who were driving a late model SUV. When they flew into Redhaven yesterday Mila had been amazed by the wide expanse of the plains below and then the imposing majesty of the snow- capped Rocky Mountains. ...
The Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter One - An Indecent Proposal "She's gone. She left for Australia yesterday with her fucking yoga teacher. How fucking clich?!" Peter Randal stared down into his drink. "I mean the guy even looks like Chris Hemsworth for fuck sake... and that accent! What a joke! I should have seen it coming a mile away." Peter choked down his scotch and poured another. Miles Francis sat nursing his own drink listening to his brother-in-law and c...
Chapter two Any concern for Deanna about a gynecology examination had now quickly vanished? This was replaced by feelings of anticipation for helpless kinky sex,... and she was the one that was going to experience some of the most stimulating and kinky, a young woman like her had ever been exposed to? The breast and clitoral attachments were only the start. The small amount of tasteful slickem nurse Joy had applied has gone from a wonderful relaxed feeling that was content and...
Introduction: This is a continuing story of a young white womans quest to bare a child for a black childless couple and her travels with kinky and abusive sex with numerous black men! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter four Deanna laying there in the alley still terrified and dreading what she thought for sure,.. was going to find, and with her heart pounding harder than ever, her trembling hands passed by the upper region of her pubic mound then stopped short, hesitant… almost afraid...
Introduction: This is a continuing story of a young white womans quest to bare a child for a black childless couple and her travels through rape and abusive sex with numerous black men! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter three With the belt around her neck, the one brother buckled it choking her to the point of being difficult to breathe! Once this was done it allowed Deanna some relief, she had been told that to fight back and resist would guarantee the most brutal and abusive rape!...
Introduction: This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife a white woman is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My...
Milly inseminated "Ah Mr and Mrs Jameson. I'm Drss. Dragonmage, but my friends call me Misty." "Hi I'm Don and this is my good wife Melinda." The handshakes were firm and purposeful. "Please take a seat, while I explain the procedure to you." She waved towards two chairs across her desk. "Would you like a coffee before we start?" "I'm too excited for coffee I'm afraid." Melinda giggled. Drss.Dragonmage smiled. "That's perfectly natural, after all it is your first time. Now as you already know...
Looking for easy cash, I found an interesting advert on Craiglist. Getting paid £20K and living in a private villa for up to 1 year, to be a surrogate. And that’s how I found myself where I am now. Well that and not reading a contract before signing it. Naked, I sit next to the window in my room. I stare out at the beautiful gardens, surrounded by the highest of walls. No escape that way I think to myself. All the doors to the front of the house are locked too. The only open doors are those to...
I’ve been divorced for over a decade. Left my annoying as fuck wife, moved to southern Oregon, and immersed myself into the local culture; a little redneck, a little hippie, a little woo-woo, a little folks-with-money-who-don’t-flaunt-it. Most of my friends fell into the first three categories, and many of those ladies satisfied my sexual urges without any hope of anything beyond that. I also made a few friends, all happily married couples, in the latter set. It’s a particular one of those...
MatureThey met at a motel just off the A14 north of Cambridge.Peter and Jan had opted for natural insemination. It was no problem for Jan. She knew her husband would have to insert his penis into the body of another woman but she knew her man. To him it would be no more significant than planting seeds in his neighbour's garden. She also knew he was doing it for her. It was she who yearned, at 56, for the child she could never conceive.He arrived in good time, parking his car and checking into a room...
Straight SexI will share this unusual story which may help other men and women who find themselves in similar predicaments Our solution may help them. work through this. I, Kimberly, will tell the story from my fiance's, Randy, perspective since it begins before I entered the picture. A year after Margie married Randy’s father. Randy is speaking. My father died tragically six months ago in a car crash in the country of Qatar. I did not deal well with it the first three months but did...
From my point of view, nothing had changed.I mean, even if I am a smart-ass, I've always been a nice guy. So when I left work one night, and Angie from the Parts Department had a flat tire, I didn't think twice about offering to help. No, she isn't some hot, young woman that I was trying to impress. She and I are both in our late forties. Sure, it was cold out, and the snow was going to make it tricky to place her jack, but I wasn't going to leave her to do it herself.Besides, I knew there...
Office SexMilly inseminated "Ah Mr and Mrs Jameson. I'm Drss. Dragonmage, but my friends call me Misty." "Hi I'm Don and this is my good wife Melinda." The handshakes were firm and purposeful. "Please take a seat, while I explain the procedure to you." She waved towards two chairs across her desk. "Would you like a coffee before we start?" "I'm too excited for coffee I'm afraid." Melinda giggled. Drss.Dragonmage smiled. "That's perfectly natural, after all it is your first time. Now as you already know...
One-Handed Tales #4: Surrogate Schoolgirl By Sarcastic Slut At age eleven I was in the last year of junior school. Some time next year we would be going to the secondary school in the village. The secondary school had been mixed but had changed hands and was going to become a boy's school. The council were planning on sending all the girls to the next town (a round trip of nearly 20 miles a day) to attend the school there. The residents of the village pleaded and begged but...
The doctor was preparing my wife in a special fuck bed which is designed to restrain her in the best position for getting the sexual stimuli that the doctor was giving her now. And later, she will be impregnated by her cousin Somu in that same special fuck bed, lying on her back restrained in a position for deepest penetration during intercourse. Though the doctor said that he was just making my wife ready for the impending impregnation of her beautiful helpless body in a few minutes, he was...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
He wandered around the reception Hall of the conference, nodding recognition to people he met last year. He remembered who they were, though often not their names. If he remembered them, they might also remember him. That was the trouble. He was looking for a very special woman. He didn't know whom, but he would be certain when he found her. He didn't want people who knew him see him picking that special girl. That could lead to complications. He had an acute sense of smell, trained perhaps...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
It’s a clear spring night outside the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace’s windows. The warm spring air has just come in for the season, pushing out the frigid air brought about by winter. With their apartment almost ten stories above the city below, the bedroom window is wide open letting the nice air in. Mrs. Wallace is lying on their bed, lost in a deep sleep. Her blonde hair covers her pillow, while the covers are down enough to show the outline of the nipples, sitting on B-Cup breasts under...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyChapter four Deanna laying there in the alley still terrified and dreading what she thought for sure,.. was going to find, and with her heart pounding harder than ever, her trembling hands passed by the upper region of her pubic mound then stopped short, hesitant... almost afraid to go any farther?... The burning feeling was of a strange numbness that seemed to be at the very root of her sexual nerve endings! It was kind of like that tingling feeling when the circulation in your arm...
Chapter three With the belt around her neck, the one brother buckled it choking her to the point of being difficult to breathe! Once this was done it allowed Deanna some relief, she had been told that to fight back and resist would guarantee the most brutal and abusive rape! But the tight belt left her helplessly under his control, as all it took was only a slight tug to restrict and detour...
This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife a white woman is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! Chapter five For Deanna naked blindfolded, and tied helplessly apart, could do nothing to stop the “Eight Ball” only being able to scream out the word no! The ball like a black...
When I found a place to park and dragged my rollaboard across the parking lot, I was so deep in thought that I walked right in front of a taxi. Suddenly, I realized my precarious situation and although I had the right of way, I should have been watching for traffic. Nothing bad happened, except the driver was hostile. Two fleeting thoughts whizzed through my head as I put my things on the x-ray belt. The first was a quick regret that I hadn’t gone to bed with him. I chastised myself. You...
“Is there anything the doctor has told you that you’ve missed?” asked Hillary, rubbing Clinton’s knob over her tits. “No, I’m sure,” he sighed woefully. “It’s just not possible, I mean if you can’t do it for me, no one can darling,” he lied guiltily, thinking about Meg. His cock surged slightly at the images of his beloved Meg and Hillary felt the distant tremors. It lifted her hopes and she rubbed her hand urgently over his purple tinted dome. She aimed her face over it and let a dribble of...