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She sat there tied to the chair with duct tape over her mouth and her eyes were frantically darting here and there looking for a rescue that wouldn't be coming.

I hadn't duct taped his mouth and as he struggled to get loose from the low bench he was tied to he called me every name in the book and swore that he would get me and that when he got loose my life wouldn't be worth spit.

I just smiled at him because I knew something that he didn't. To carry out threats you need to be alive.

The events that brought the three of us to that barn started at our high school prom. Actually they started two weeks before the prom when Mary Ellen Reardon who was to be my prom date was involved in a hit and run accident that had her in the hospital and in traction.

I tried to find another date, but wasn't able to come up with one. Two days before the prom Becky Saunders joined me at my table in the high school cafeteria as I was eating my lunch.

"Have you had any luck in finding a date for the prom?"

"Afraid not."

"Would you consider taking me?"

Would I? Would I ever! The best looking girl in school and she was asking ME if I would consider taking her to the prom? Hell yes!!!!!

"Of course I would" I said, "but I thought you would be going with Ben."

"Ben and I had a big fight and we broke up. It has been coming on for some time now and I suppose it could have waited until after the prom, but you know how it goes when words start to flow. Things tend to take on a life of their own. Anyway, I need a date for the prom."

"You got one!"

When I showed up at Becky's to pick her up her mother invited me in since Becky was still upstairs getting ready. Mrs. Saunders smiled at me and said:

"Actually she's been ready for an hour. She just wants to make a grand entrance." Then she laughed and said, "Like mother, like daughter. I did the same thing for my prom. I made my date wait almost fifteen minutes before coming down the stairs. The expression on his face was worth it. Excuse me; I need to get my camera."

She left me standing at the foot of the stairs and as I stood there waiting I wondered why the Gods had set me up for the night. First Mary Ellen's accident and then Ben and Becky having a fight and breaking up and then Becky asking me if I'd consider being her date. I'd asked Becky out over a dozen times since the ninth grade and she had always turned me down flat. I knew that my taking Becky to the prom would incur Ben's wrath, but I didn't care. For one night anyway I would have the best looking girl in the school – in the whore state! – on my arm.

Becky appeared at the top of the stairs and the sight of her took my breath away. The flash from Mrs. Saunders couldn't even cause me to pull my eyes away from Becky. She was a vision as she came down the steps toward me. I almost wished that we could stay frozen in time so I could keep looking at her.

The night, at least for me, was magical. I wasn't allowed to be a pig and hog Becky all to myself, but I did get two-thirds of the dances with her. Becky was pretty high up on the school social ladder and I saw girls I'd asked out and who had turned me down looking at me with Becky and I could hear their thoughts. "What does she see in him that we missed?" I saw guys looking at me and I could read their expressions. "Why him and not me?"

Ben had come stag and the look on his face when he looked at me was pure unadulterated hatred. Three times he asked Becky to dance and three times she said no. The third time he said something to her and she slapped his face and walked away from him.

When the last song played Becky molded herself against me and as we swayed to the music she said, "Kiss me." It was against the rules and there were chaperones there to enforce the rules, but chaperones and rules be damned! I thought that I'd probably never get the chance again so I kissed her. Her tongue darted into my mouth for a brief second and then she broke the kiss and said:

"The night isn't over yet baby. We have a party to go to when we leave here."

The party was at Carol Hardy's. Carol was Becky's best friend and you hardly ever saw one that you didn't see the other. Carol's parents had sprung for a keg and had gone to a motel for the night after making Carol promise that nothing would happen that would bring the cops.

The house had a finished basement and everything in the basement had been moved out of the way to make a dance floor. I had to share Becky more at the party than I'd had to at the prom, but I still got fifty percent of her time. Plus I got to dance with a lot of the girls who never had much use for me 'pre-Becky' not that I thought that any of them were interested. It was more of a "Dance with Rob and see how Becky reacts" kind of thing – a way to gauge her interest in me.

The high point of the party was the huge favor that Ben did for me and believe me when I say I was under no illusions that what happened wasn't because of Ben. He crashed the party and caused a scene. Luckily I wasn't dancing with Becky when it happened. Ben stormed into the basement, saw Becky dancing with Bill Sheppard and tried to pull them apart.

"She belongs to me asshole! Get your fucking hands off of her."

Bill went to push him away and Ben punched him and broke Bill's nose. Carol's boyfriend and two of his buddies grabbed Ben, put him in a hammer lock and tossed him out. They told him if he came back they would beat the snot out of him.

As soon as the fracas started I headed that way to 'protect my lady" and as I got close I heard Becky mutter as Ben was hauled away:

"I belong to you? I'll show you who belongs to who asshole!"

She pulled me tight to her and gave me a kiss that curled my toes. She broke the kiss, took my hand and said, "Come on" and she led me upstairs and down a hallway and into a room. When she turned on the light I saw that it was a bedroom. Becky closed the door, locked it and then led me over to the bed. She gave me another hot kiss and her hands went to my zipper. As she worked my cock out into the open air she said:

"If you are a quick cummer make damned sure you don't get any on my dress."

She bent at the waist and took my cock into her mouth. There was no chance I'd cum quick because I'd been laid twice in the past twenty-four hours. I looked down on her as she worked on me and wondered at her experience. I'd no doubt that she wasn't a virgin because Ben made no secret in the locker room of the fact that he was fucking her, but she was acting like she had a hell of a lot more experience than she could have gotten from Ben.

Becky spent several minutes on my dick while I took off my shirt, tie and T-shirt. As good as her mouth felt on me I wanted to get mine on her so I pulled out of her mouth, undressed her all the way down to her thigh highs and high heels and then I pushed her back on the bed. She lay there; legs spread wide and watched me as I took off my shoes, socks, trousers and briefs. She smiled up at me and pulled her legs back when I got on the bed. She pulled the lips of her pussy apart and waited for me to spear it with my lance of love (sorry – couldn't resist that). I surprised her when instead of dicking her I buried my face in her pussy.

I honestly did not believe that when the night was over Becky would have any more to do with me. I was a means to an end. I got her to the prom when she broke up with Ben and had no time to sit back, look around and be choosy. I was a 'short timer' and doubting that I would ever see her again. I was going to experience Becky to the fullest while I had the chance.

I don't know if Becky had ever had her pussy eaten. She had dated a lot of guys, but locker room talk had led me to believe that most guys didn't do it because they thought it was 'yucky' but I liked doing it and I was good at it. My older cousin Rhonda got me started when I was nine. When she baby sat me she would give me candy bars if I would eat her pussy and she taught me well. Becky must have liked it because her hands grabbed my head and she pushed her pelvis up at me and moaned:

"Oh yes, oh sweet fucking baby Jesus yes yes yes!"

I stayed with it until she had an orgasm and then before she came down from it I moved up and slid my cock into her pussy and started fucking her. I fucked her hard and it wasn't any quick fuck like I'd heard most girls got from a guy my age because, as I mentioned earlier, I'd already been laid twice in the last twenty-four hours. Becky came a second time before I got my nut and just before I came I pulled out and shot my load onto her belly. I lay down next to her and leaned on an elbow and looked into her gorgeous face.

Her breathing steadied and she ran a finger through the cum puddle on her belly, looked up at me and asked:

"Why did you do that?"


"Pull out."

"I never expected anything like this to happen and I didn't bring any rubbers."

"I'm on the pill. I wanted you to cum in me."

"I didn't know."

"Where in the hell have you been hiding?"


"Yes Rob, hiding. We girls don't keep secrets from each other and nobody is talking about you. That means that none of us have ever had you, but if not us who? You didn't learn to do what you just did from any of the girls in this school so who?"

"How about we just say it was instinct."

"Bull crap Rob. Go ahead and keep your secret. I know I'm going to. No way am I going to let what you can do out. I'd be fighting half the girls in school to keep you."

"Keep me?"

"Oh yeah Rob; you are now my guy."

"Me? Your guy?"

"You betcha!"

"Aren't you afraid of what that might do to your image?"

"No lover, but think about what it will do for yours."

I did and my thoughts were on how astonished everyone would be if Becky really meant it. I've already mentioned that Becky was the best looking girl in school – as far as I was concerned anyway – and when it came to the campus 'in crowd' she was a charter member.

I wasn't.

I was the proto-typical nerd right down to the pocket protectors and the horn rimmed glasses. A straight A student who belonged to the Classical Music Society and the Chess Club. I did participate in sports, but not in any of the prestigious ball sports –foot, base and basket – that drew the most attention. I was on the swim team and I wrestled and I lettered in both although I never wore a letter sweater or jacket. I was just one of the myriad unnoticed who made up two-thirds of the senior class. If Becky meant what she said I certainly wouldn't be among the unnoticed any longer.

Becky's voice brought me back. "I have no idea who your teacher was lover" she said as she fondled my hardening cock, "but whoever she is she has my undying gratitude." She swung over me in a sixty-nine and we were off to the races.

Becky meant what she said. From prom night on she stuck to me like she had been glued to me. Rumors flew around school. Becky had been abducted by aliens and the girl on my arm was really a 'pod' being. I had discovered something about Becky and she was only with me because I was blackmailing her. Her father was disgusted with her choice in boyfriends (meaning Ben) and he was making Becky date me as the price she had to pay in order to get him to pay for college.

No one knew the real reason that she hung with me and that included me. I just could not and did not believe that the fact that I ate pussy (and liked it) would be enough reason for Becky to tie herself to me. It wasn't until her best friend Carol talked to me that I realized that my oral sex skills were indeed a big part of the reason Becky was with me. It was two months after the prom and Becky and I were at Carol's birthday party. I was leaning against the wall and watching Becky dance with Alex Voncell when I noticed Carol standing off to the side and watching me. I walked over to her and asked:

"What is so interesting?"


"Me? Whatever for?"

"Becky and I have been best friends since the third grade and we share everything. At least we did until you came along."

"I don't understand."

"I said we shared everything Rob and I do mean everything. I've sampled every one of her boyfriends and she has had a taste of all of mine, but she won't let me near you. She says that if I ever experienced your 'magic mouth' our friendship would end because I'd try to steal you away from her."

"I'm sure she is just jerking your chain."

"She's not. I've known her far too long not to know when she means something."

"I'm having trouble believing that. I'm not at all anything special."

"Oh yes you are. At least you are if what Bec says is true. I've had guys go down on me, but you can tell they hate it and they only do it because I won't do them if they don't do me. Bec says you do it because you like it and that you always get her off with your mouth before you screw. I've never had anyone get me off with just their mouth."

"So is it you want to try me because you and Becky always shared and now she doesn't want to or is it because you don't believe her?"

"Neither Rob. I want to see if I can get off with just a mouth working on me."

"Well hang in there. It just might happen."

"You would step out on Becky?"

"No I wouldn't, but I don't see us as long term. There is a line in a Travis Tritt song that says "I don't see forever in her eyes" and that pretty much says it where we are concerned."

Just then Becky came up to claim me and as she pulled me onto the makeshift dance floor I was thinking about what Carol had said about guys only going down on her because she wouldn't do them if they didn't do her. I wasn't aware that other guys didn't eat pussy or like to. It was something that was never much mentioned in the locker room although I had heard guys say that it was gross. I never gave it much thought since it had been a part of my life for almost ten years.

When I was nine my sixteen year old cousin Rhonda used to baby sit me. One day she told me that she wanted to show me something fun. She dropped her jeans and underpants and pointed at the patch of hair between her legs and said:

"This is my pussy" and she took my hand and pulled it to her muff. "Pet it Rob; rub it right here" and she put my hand on what I later found out was her clit. "Would you lick it for me?"

I took one look at it and ran for my room. Rhonda followed me into my room and said:

"If you will lick it for me I'll give you a candy bar. A Milky Way. Those are your favorites, right?"

A candy bar? Now we were talking. By the time I was ten Rhonda had me trained to eat her just the way she liked. She baby sat me the day after my eleventh birthday and after doing my duty and getting my Milky Way she said:

"For your birthday present I'm going to let you fuck me. Come on, let me show you how."

That was the end of the candy bars. After that it was "If you will eat my pussy I'll let you fuck me."

During my eleventh year my dad and mom got divorced and six months later mom met and married a guy who had a daughter from a previous marriage. She was eighteen and in a college out of state so I only saw Marci on school breaks. She was okay and we got along. When I was thirteen mom decided that I was old enough to not need a baby sitter any more, but Rhonda would still stop by once or twice a week to get her pussy taken care of.

One Friday while Rhonda was sitting on the couch, legs spread wide with me between them munching away on her beaver Marci walked in on us. I tried to jump up, but Rhonda was right on the edge of her climax so she dug her hands in my hair and held me in place while she came. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Marci drop her suitcase and start to unbutton her blouse as she said:

"I'm next."

I might have only been a thirteen kid, but I was a smart thirteen and I said:

"The deal is that if I eat it I fuck it."

Marci laughed and said, "In that case you had better get your mouth over here so we can get started."

For the next four years I was doing Rhonda once or twice a week and Marci whenever she was home from school. Yeah, she was still in school. First her Bachelors then a Masters and now she was working on a PHD.

There were some changes along the way. Rhonda got married, but her husband wouldn't eat her. Even when she told she wouldn't go down on him if he didn't do her he wouldn't do it. Rhonda loved having her cum muffin munched so she still came to visit me, but there was a change.

"I can't fuck you Rob because that would be cheating, but if you eat me I'll give you blow jobs."

I didn't understand the logic behind that, but I wasn't going to argue myself out of blow jobs.

Marci had a boyfriend back at college, but that didn't stop her from playing with me whenever she came home.

I was sixteen when my step father had a heart attack and died. For months my mom was a mess. Mom and Marci had gotten close during mom's three year marriage to Marci's dad. How close I found out just after I turned seventeen. It was summer vacation and Marci was home from school and she got in the habit of slipping into my room after mom had fallen asleep.

One night after going to bed I heard my door open and close and seconds later Marci got into bed with me. I rolled over, slid down and pushed up her nightgown and then I moved up between her legs. I ate her until she came and then I moved up to slide my dick into her. She went to push me away, but I grabbed her arms and held them as I said:

"You know the rules. If I eat it I get to fuck it" and I pushed my cock into her pussy.

"No, you can't" I heard, but I ignored it and pounded away. I let go of her arms when I started banging her and a minute or so into the act her hands grabbed my ass and pulled me to her. I was concentrating on trying to get the both of us off so I wasn't aware that she was crying until after I released and started to go soft.

What's the matter Marci? Why are you crying?"

"This is just so wrong. Oh God, why did I do it."

The voice wasn't Marci's. I turned on the bedside lamp and saw that I had just fucked my mother.

To make a long story a little shorter in turned out that mom had confided in Marci that she was horny as hell, but didn't know how to take care of the problem. She didn't want to go out and randomly pick up a man and she didn't have any male friends that she could turn to. Marci told her that the solution to the problem was just down the hall.

"Rob? But he's my son and besides, he's just a boy."

"Maybe in age, but he's man enough to get me off three or four times a week."

Mom protested that it wouldn't be right to fuck her own son and Marci told her she didn't have to fuck me. Just go into my room after I went to bed and get in bed with me. I would think she was Marci and I'd get her off with my mouth. The plan they came up with was that mom would come in, act like Marci until I got her off orally and then she would say she had to go to the bathroom and get up and leave the room and Marci, who would be waiting in the hall, would come in and take over. I threw a wrench in their plans when I grabbed mom's arms and wouldn't let her leave. Fortunately once mom's tears stopped she decided that what was done was done and no use crying over spilt milk. She thanked me for giving her some sexual relief and I thought that was the end of it.

Marci stopped having to sneak into my room and more often than not she would stay and spend the night in bed with me when the sex was over. It was two weeks after my bout with my mother when the door opened and then closed and a body slid in beside me.

"Don't eat me baby" my mom said, 'just make love to me."

After that I had more than I could handle. What with Rhonda visiting a couple of times a week and either Marci or mom climbing into my bed at night I was probably the most sexually satisfied seventeen year old in the state. All that Marci going back to school meant was that mom increased the number of nights she spent with me.

I was used to eating pussy so no, it never occurred to me that other guys didn't and that girls set such a great value on having it done. Did that change the way I thought about Becky? Not in the least. If the only reason she was with me was that I ate her pussy so what. She was with me and that was what counted. I was pretty sure that high school graduation would put an end to our relationship, but until then I had the best looking girl in school hanging on my arm.

School graduation didn't end it. It continued on through the summer and didn't end until Becky went off to college in September. She made me promise to stay true to her and I promised. It was an easy promise to make since I didn't need to chase after girls for pussy since mom, Rhonda and Marci were taking good care of me at home. Even with Marci going back to school I still had my evening visits from my mom and my visits from Rhonda and Marci did come home from school occasionally on weekends.

College was not in my future. Mom didn't have the money and even though I could have gotten scholarships I would still have had to take out student loans to be able to make it. I couldn't see saddling myself with a huge amount of debt just so I could get a job where I wouldn't have to get my hands dirty. I'd spent my last five summers and a lot of my weekends working for my Uncle John in his auto repair shop. As Uncle John was always saying:

"There will always be cars and as long as there are cars there will be a need for someone to work on them."

All graduation meant for me was that I went to work for Uncle John full time.

The college Becky attended was a two hour drive away so she usually came home two out of every three weekends and she would call me two or three times during the week. When she called she always asked me if I was behaving myself and of course I always said yes.

We had a car hauler for picking up or delivering cars and one day Uncle John sent me off to the college town to pick up a car. I thought I would surprise Becky while I was there, but I'm the one who got the surprise. I turned onto the street her dorm was on just in time to see her get into a car, slide over next to and kiss the driver. Then the car pulled away from the curb and I trailed along behind as she sat next to him and he had his arm around her. They got caught at a light and while they waited for the green they kissed. Two blocks later they made a left turn and I got a look at the driver's profile. It was her old boyfriend Ben. The fact that she was sitting hip to hip next to him, the kisses, the possessive way he had his arm around her told me all that I needed to know and I stopped following them and headed for home.

Becky didn't come home that weekend so I went out cruising and when I saw a bunch of kids I knew in line at the miniature golf place I decided to join them. Carol was one of them.

"No Becky tonight?"

"Nope. She didn't come home this weekend."

"You once said that I should hang in there and I might get my chance. Tonight would work for me."

"What about your boyfriend?"

"He is history. I'm currently unattached."

"Then I guess tonight will work for me too."

She looked at me in surprise. "You mean it? You would really step out on Becky?"

"Why not. She's stepping out on me."

"Oh shit! You know? I told her she was being stupid to keep on seeing Ben. This will be just between us right? I mean she still is my best friend."

"I won't say anything if you don't."

Carol loved the way I ate her pussy and I had to admit that she gave superb blow jobs. She also loved to fuck and told me that I could have as much as I wanted as long as we could keep it from Becky. I had no problem with that. In fact I thought it was neat to be fucking Becky's best friend while Becky was cheating on me with Ben and whoever else she might be seeing while at school.

Becky was still asking me if I was behaving myself when she called and I had no problem with lying to her and telling her that I was. It did bother me a little that I had to sneak around when seeing Carol, but she didn't want anyone seeing us who might tell Becky.

During the time I spent with Carol I learned that Becky had gotten back with Ben two months before she went off to college and for those two months she was dating us both. Becky told her it was the best of both worlds. She had Ben and his ten inch dick and me with my magic mouth. I also found out that Ben knew about me and didn't care. He thought it was a joke that I was getting his leftovers. It seems that if you have a ten inch cock you don't need to eat pussy and he was more than happy to let me furnish Becky with that privilege. Once I knew that Carol wanted to know what I was going to do.

"Nothing. I never expected that we would last as a couple. If all I am to her is a 'magic mouth' she can be 'just pussy' to me. Unless of course you want to take up with me?"

"I can't. It would kill my friendship with Becky. I don't mind doing you behind her back because we always used to share before you came along and as long as she is going behind your back I don't feel bad about it. Besides, you and I wouldn't last anyway. I'm just too big of a slut. I like variety too much to stay with any one guy."

"At least you are honest about it. That's more than I can say about your best friend."

"Cut her some slack honey. I know for a fact that she considers herself as belonging to you, but she has a very high sexual appetite and you are here and she is there and she needs something to get her through the week. That something just happens to be Ben because he is there and he is a known quantity. The only reason she took back up with him was because she knew he would be going to the same college she was and she knew she was going to need some one to scratch her itch because you wouldn't be there for her. When she is home on weekends and school breaks she is all yours and I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but she is even mentioning your name and marriage in the same breath."

"You have got to be shitting me."

"Not even a little honey."

Knowing that didn't change anything as far as I was concerned. I still didn't expect that Becky and I were long term. I thought maybe weekends and school breaks until she graduated and then she would find someone else. I told that to Carol and she said I was totally wrong.

"She loves you baby, I know. I'm privy to all of her secrets."

There were a lot of changes over the next three years. Rhonda got careless and went home to hubby with a 'dirty' pussy. He didn't buy the "I'm so wet because I'm horny and I want you" story and he kicked her out. Her visits to me moved up to three or four a week until she met and married another guy. This one did eat pussy so Rhonda's visits to me stopped.

Marci graduated and lived with mom and me and eventually she met and married a guy and they bought a house. Six months later she was divorced. I never found out why, but a couple of times a week she would call me at work and ask me to stop by for 'a cup of coffee' on my way home from work.

Carol drifted in and out of my life. True to her word she couldn't stay with any one guy for any long period of time and I guess I was her "in between' guy. She did keep me up to date on Becky. Becky finally got tired of Ben and kicked him loose. A month later she hooked up with another guy and he lasted three months. Then Ben was back for most of her sophomore year and then they had a big fight and they split up again. Carol told me that Becky had told her that she couldn't wait until she graduated and could come home and settle in with me.

Becky still came home two weekends out of every three and she did spend all of her time with me and I did have her all to myself on school breaks, but I still had it in my mind that we wouldn't last past graduation.

My relationship with my mom was ever changing. She would slide into my bed three or four nights a week and then start feeling guilty over what we were doing and avoid me for a couple of weeks and then one night she would be back.

Twice I attempted to move out and get a place of my own and both times she fought me tooth and nail to keep me from doing it and both times she used sex to get her way. She was on me from the moment I got home from work until I left for work the next day. I'm surprised that she didn't wear the skin off my dick. Then, when she got her way and I agreed to stay, she would go into one of her guilty moods. Why she never went out and got into a relationship with any of the guys who were always after her at work I'll never know.

I was always able to tell Becky when she called that I was behaving myself and not dating while she was gone. Didn't have to date with mom at home, having 'coffee' with Marci sever times a week, and Carol dropping in on me when she was between guys.

My job was going great. Things had gotten to the point where Uncle John would take off for a couple of days to go hunting or fishing and he would leave me in charge. I did have a social life of sorts outside of a bedroom. I bowled in a men's house league on Tuesdays and played softball on a team that played in an inter-city league. I did go out and party with my buddies occasionally so all in all I'd have to say that my life was good.

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You are James Altair, a janator at Wendigo Corperation. You were suprized that you got the job so soon after graduating highschool. For fovr months now, you stayed on the bottom 3 floors but when you got you schedule for this week, you see you have the labs. Excited about the promotion after being dumped by Sara, you girlfriend of four years, you get on the elevator and go up to floor 12. You clean the halls and office outside the labs. You start cleaning thd last office and start cleaning but...

4 years ago
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EyesChapter 20The Neighbors Play

This was the planned weekend at the camp. The inaugural trip for Sunshine June and I to enjoy Nettie's gift of her huge cabin out at the camp. The four twins, Sunshine, June and I had arrived at the camp and had just gone down to the lake. The five other members of the group were stretched out in the sun. It was pretty plain to see Dad was the sun-loving novice. Ethel was a very deep brown, with Nettie a second, Grandpa was pretty tan but had swimsuit lines. Agnes was pretty tan from the...

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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 3 Brats Final Taboo Lesson

Chapter Three: Brat's Final Taboo Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat Fear rushed through me at my mother's fury. I ripped my pussy off Daddy's cock and threw myself from straddling him on his recliner. Mother stood at the entrance of the living room, wearing her gardening clothes. She was supposed to be out in the backyard. She wasn't supposed to come into the house and catch me with Daddy. I fled. I raced out of the living room, tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt the cum...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 29

I was immobile for two weeks. I'll tell you right now; being carried everywhere you go gets old in a hurry. If you've never used a jackhammer, they tell you to, 'Put your stomach into it.' It works fine ... the first day. The second? Not so much. I got a weeks worth of jackhammer in a fleeting second ... but it wasn't centered on my abdomen ... it was just enough lower ... hurts to tell it, and I've been healed up for almost a month. Grace and Sally worked on the boat for a week ......

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 18

"Oh man, Jim's never gonna let me live this down!" Liv rose from her hiding spot. Jim Andrews was the good-natured owner of Andrews and Sons Auto Salvage. The approaching truck, his flatbed wrecker, was a vehicle Liv was all too familiar with. She and Murphy had hitched a ride on the truck twice during the past year. Pulling the Porsche from the Drunken Engineer was something Jim would give Liv endless grief about. Though at the moment, she didn't care. Ecstatic about the prospect of...

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Role Reversal Part 1

Getting promoted to VP of finance at thirty-five had been Brett Andersen's dream. He had a gorgeous apartment filled with designer furnishings, a BMW convertible and a closetful of bespoke suits. Of course, he'd worked his ass off to attain that dream. And along with the dream came stress. Lots of it. Late nights, weekends, tight deadlines all meant that he needed a way to blow of steam. He ate well and went to the gym with what little spare time he had; he'd even tried meditation. But still,...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Caitlin Bell Caitlin Was Promised Creampies All Weekend

Sexy milf Caitlin stopped her weekend stud Michael in his tracks as he was about to leave the house and reminded him she was promised to have hard cock all weekend by her husband. Michael quickly obliges and asks Caitlin where would she like to get fucked this time, back in the bedroom, in the kitchen or on the couch as they roll onto it. Michael wasted no time slipping her wet panties to the side and licking up her sweet married pussy juices before Caitlin face fucked his hard cock down her...

4 years ago
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Making It Work

Hello, the name is Ananda, but my homies call me Ana. Just kidding, I speak slang, but my vocabulary is not limited by it. Anyway, let’s get to the main subject: ME! [wink] I’m what you would call a professional dater. In other words, I’m not too keen on settling down. I don’t really think that I ever will…maybe, there’s someone, but it’s complicated. I’ll explain it…eventually. Since it is complicated, I just kinda date. That and the fact that my parents are rushing me to settle down when I...

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Erotic Massage

Debbie had driven by the house many times, always wondering if the subtle white house that was located just outside the commercial/industrial park was legit or not. She had contemplated getting a massage, and the thought of getting a massage from "one of those" places intrigued her. She had always been so conservative, never taking a chance, or do anything wild or out of the ordinary was actually thinking of pulling in, and if nothing else checking it out. Debbie had always been intrigued with...

2 years ago
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SouthwesternStyle Ass Hair MeatLoaf

INGREDIENTS: • 1 pound ground beef, lean • 3/4 to 1 pound ground veal • 1 egg • 1/2 cup fine dry bread crumbs • 1 can (approx. 4 1/4 ounces) chopped ripe olives • 1 can (4 ounces) chopped mild green chile pepper • 1 cup corn kernels • 1/2 cup salsa, plus more for topping • 1 teaspoon onion powder • ¾ teaspoon garlic powder • 1/8 teaspoon pepper • Hair from one moderately hairy ass • 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste PREPARATION: Ass Hair - spread a portion of newspaper on the...

4 years ago
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Home from the War

Summer in England, 1945.I paused to take it all in and let peacetime wash over me. At last, it felt real. An American bomber named Enola Gay had ended it all after six years of madness and slaughter.I lit a cigarette, watching the train huff and puff slowly out of the station. Looking out over the station car park, everything was green. Peaceful, too.Picking up my case, I meandered into the street. I was a fifteen-minute walk from home and there would be no Stukas with their insane, banshee...

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DunrossiterChapter 4 Father And Sons

In the six months of her marriage, Katherine Dunrossiter had learned much of her husband’s household and way of life and had begun to suspect that her marriage had been a mistake. For one thing he was incredibly high-handed with the servants, indeed, with anyone of Irish blood. He taxed them unmercifully, worked them piteously, and was prone to chastise any errors, whether real or imagined, fiercely. Her attempts to alleviate the suffering she witnessed were only partially successful. The...

1 year ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 34

The Alarm went off. I opened my eyes and looked around. It was dark. There was less moonlight than when Katrina and I went to bed. I reached for her, but she wasn’t there. I slipped out of bed, worried about where she was and what was happening. I remembered the low light spell and used it. The room lit up. No one was there. Panic surged in my chest. I rolled across the bed, ever aware of the door leading to the living room, and looked down at the floor. She wasn’t there either. Something...

3 years ago
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Old friends and new lovers

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

2 years ago
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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 4

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 4, Karen’s Night of Hell Karen woke up when the trunk was opened. She noticed that they were inside a garage and there were no windows to indicate how long it had been since she left the porn shop or...

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My New Jo Buddy

It had been nearly a decade since the last time I'd stroked with any man, and the urge suddenly reappeared. I started reminiscing in my mind over the times my buddy from middle and high school shared hands with each other while watching some hot porn. Of course I became very aroused with the thought of this, and it stuck in my head for quite some time after. Finally I decided to cave on my urges and posted an ad on Craigslist for a jo buddy.Within a week, a very appealing candidate emerged. He...

4 years ago
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Mom Fucked By School Friends

Hi iss readers, mera naam vivek he. Or ye meri first story he. Ye story iss baare me he ki kese meri ma mere school friend rahul se chudi or kese usne meri ma ko randi banaya. Me abhi college ke first year me hu. Or ye story tab ki he jab me 12th class me tha(I was 18 years old ). Me indore me rehta hu or mere papa crpf me commandant he. Unki posting jyadatar tough areas me rehti he, isliye yaha par sirf me or mom rehte he. Meri mom bhot sundar he or rang dudhiya he. Unka figure 38 – 28 – 38...

1 year ago
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Use me as you like

"Hmmm, I like it like this", I say while you're standing behind me, while we're watching the sky. You hold me close and place your head in my neck and I lean back with my head. Your arms just below my breasts. "Yea, this is nice". At some point you lean very close in and I have this urge to suck your cock. I turn around and kiss you. "What are you doing?" you say, "You will see...". Kneeling down I open your zippers slowly. Seeing your underwear. Your cock is soft and small. "Wait, don't tell...

1 year ago
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A Love Letter

Dear Dave: When you caught me with your friend sucking his cock I thought I lost you forever. You know I'm going through this transformation just for you. The hormones, the therapy, the boob job. Its all for you. He just took advantage of me while you were away, and you know how I get with the rum and cokes. He was nice to me, Dave, and I was so horny for some cum. I really needed to suck him, baby, because you had been gone so long. If it helps sweety, his cock is nowhere as nice as...

3 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 10

Miss Judith decided that Julia should occupy the same cabincell as the lovely Melissa. She was the auburn-haired girl who had been made Quentin Osman’s personal slave while he had been aboard. She had rather similar looks to Julia... and a similar background too. The difference between them, of course, was that Melissa was fully trained and her owner, having taken the pleasures he wanted, had decreed that shewore the golden waist-chain of full availability.The overseer smiled to herself. The...

3 years ago
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Summer months spent with my Aunt

It was late May and we had been having some pretty fierce storms in our area. The last one that pounded the neighborhood had done considerable damage to several homes, including ours. The high winds and heavy rains knocked down some large trees, one of them crashing down on our roof making a huge hole and breaking several windows out. The next day it was determined that we would not be able to live in the house until it was repaired. My Mom and Dad had to rent a motel room nearby as they both...

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Get with the ProgramAlternative Plot Two

A thousand conflicting thoughts and emotions whirled through my mind. My whole life was turned topsy turvy. By the time I got tp the cabin, I had calmed somewhat. I met Bill at the car. He said, "Honey, are you all right? You look like you've been crying." I said, "I have been. Helen had me beaten with a cane. I'm all right, though. The woman is a pervert, Bill. She's sick. They're all sick." "That does it. We're getting out of here right now. Fuck the damn job!" I could see...

1 year ago
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A mom desires

It all began about 4 years ago. My daughter was in taking her shower and I needed to go into the bathroom so I walked in and we began to talk about how nice it would be to move to a house where someone could actually have privacy to take a shower or bath without interruptions. We were laughing about it as she turned off the water and opened the curtain. As I watched her reaching for the towel to dry off I noticed how much she had grown up. At 18 she was already big built, with breasts already...

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SugarDaddyPorn Desiree Nevada Almost Made Me Cum 4 Different Times

Deeeeeeeeeep breath….. INNNNN and OUTTTTT….. Okay. Desiree kept laughing every time I had to pull out. She knew … She knew… I couldn’t hold back much longer. Her body is an absolute dream. It would be like being a kid going to Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. If you notice, I was rock fucking solid the entire time. Even several minutes after I was finished cumming because of this new reformulated TOOHARD. That stuff fucking helps! I would recommend Desiree to...

3 years ago
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Wife on FilmChapter 9

Rex waited patiently for what was to come. He was so hot and excited down deep inside he could hardly stand it, but he was straining to maintain his calm and patience. He knew it would be worth the wait. Goddamn, he kept repeating to himself, she's gonna be great. He and May had planned everything expertly. Their innocent little game of video blackmail was working perfectly, and Rex was ready now for the final payoff -- Vikki! The knock at the door made his cock twitch in his pants. He knew...

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AndyChapter 3

Andy had been fairly frugal during his four and a half years aboard the Albatross. He didn’t gamble, only drank a little, and his biggest expense was on women in nearly every port. He had a respectable sum in the bank. So the first thing he did in Sydney that late September day in 1932 when he was paid off was find a comfortable hotel near The Domain and book in for five nights. He spent two days at the Australian Museum, finding that he was more interested in the myriad artefacts than in...

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Peeping tom neighbor boy

Introduction: After she sees the neighbor boy watching her and her husband having sex …. My husband and I were in the middle of a good session of sex. We were in the missionary position with my legs tightly around his waist, pulling him deep into me when I happened to look out my bedroom window. There in the window, watching us, was our neighbors eighteen year old son, David. My first thought was to stop and let him know that we caught him and tell his parents, but I was right on the edge of an...

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dogging tv slut

It was dark enough now I thought. It was about eight o'clock on a warm spring evening and I was ready. I had started getting ready about three hours earlier. I'd showered, cleaned all those special parts, applied my make-up heavily and dressed. I was wearing a skimpy flower print top over a black silk bra, my favourite suspenders, black leather micro mini skirt, black gloss stockings and high heeled black knee length boots. I peered from out behind the curtains. Yes the street was clear apart...

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The weekend part 2

Again not sure how many parts going to make but will make sure its worth it every part. Took me a bit on how I wanted to start part 2 but think I came up with something good. If you forgot how 1 ended go back and read part 1 so this beginning makes sence here. Steve and Trish are upstairs in their room checking it out and Trish couldn't hold back anymore, after knowing that Mickie was sucking my cock as Steve drove us to the house. It was in her mind and driving her crazy but she knew her man...

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Night at the Sex Club

This story is true but unfortuantely it did not happen to me. It happened to a friend of mine, Ann, and her husband, Ken, this spring (2012) in a suburb of a large European city. They had gone there for a week of her business and then some vacation time. This happened at the conclusion of the week's business. She told me about it in great detail and we both relished her telling. I have chosen to write it in the first person simply because it is easier for me and I think conveys more...

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Larki Aurat Ban Gai

Baat tab ki hai jan main apni padhai ke liye mumbai mein reh raha tha. Mera flat building ki sabse upar tha. Main jab ghar mein rehta tha tab puri tarah kapde nikal kar rehta tha, kyunki mujhe vahanse koi bhi dekh nahin sakta tha. Mujhe friends bhi kafi kam they. Ghar se bhi koi ata nahin tha. Kabhi-kabhi main ghar pe chala jata tha , ek bar main ghar gaya tha tab meri mulaqat meri cousin shradha se hui. Usne mujhe bataya ke woh es bar mere sath mumbai padhai ke liye aa rahin hain, use 6 mahine...

2 years ago
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An ClochnChapter 19

Siobhan's Clan stirred as the morning chimes sounded. The sound startled Ahha and Mapk. Although it was softer, it triggered their memory of the horns squealing the previous morning. Both quickly sat up with anxious looks on their faces. It took them several moments to remember where they were and to realize that it was only the morning chimes. Looking through the open door, they could see their friends beginning to get out of bed. They sighed as they placed their arms around each other and...

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A peaceful place in the woods

That Tuesday at midday I decided to change the usual way I had my lunch at office. Instead of walking just to blocks to a fine little Italian restaurant, I decided to get my car and spent that free hour close to the lake banks. It was surrounded by a pine wood and the view around was nice and peaceful. I opened the driver’s door all the way and put my feet outside.Then I closed my eyes and enjoyed the silence and the peace around me.A sudden noise made me open my eyes and then out of nowhere a...

3 years ago
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Slave dance

He stood for a moment at the doorway, watching her breathe, his body stirred by the sight of her. He had never owned a slave before. Now he had two and was constantly amazed at the range of feelings both girls aroused in him. He had been away for several days, longer then expected and was quite glad to be home. He moved to his chair and watched the sunset through the window. It had been a long trip, and he was tired,but the warmth of the fire and the scent of lavender both his girls used in...

3 years ago
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First time sub domination by my date

My husband asked me several times to put some of my dating experiences in writing since he found them very exciting and felt that others may also find them exciting. This was one of my early experiences that I told him about, and he typed it all up and will post it for all to enjoy. I know I will never forget it, and he seemed to really enjoy hearing it. I hope you do as well.We have been married for many years, and everything has been great. Sometimes you just need to add a little spice to...

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I Took Him Home

Nothing out of the ordinary usually happened at this bar. People came, they ate, they drank, they danced a little, and then they left. No big deal. That is, until a new owner bought the place and transformed it into a gay bar and dance club. Being in a gay friendly neighborhood of the city, it usually attracted a nice crowd.Tonight, I was feeling good about it. I had on a new, tight fitting v-neck shirt, ripped jeans, and, just in case, my favorite pale blue thong. I grabbed my wallet, a thing...

3 years ago
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Orally Devoted

She was on fire, the first girl I saw when I walked into the party, her long hair, her sparkling eyes, her laugh that sounded like wind chimes, her slender, yet curvaceous figure.. from head to toe she was pure temptation. I loved how her dark skin shimmered as the lights brushed on and off of her to the beat of the music. I quickly pulled a friend aside to find out her name, he didn't know, she had come alone and no one knew her. A crowd of guys had already formed around her, like a pack of...

Oral Sex
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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 10 The Gathering

Hank was curled up in his blankets in the tent that Rav had put up for him, most all the other's were sleeping either outside, the dragons warming rocks and ledges for sleeping, most of the fairies and elves had set up their own small camp, Rav had told Hank that many of the group would blink home at night during the gathering, preferring their own beds. Hank had spent the day with Trink meeting all sorts of creatures, trolls, gnomes, fairies, elves, dragons of every imaginable type. There...

2 years ago
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Invitation to a Beach Chapter 6

Chapter 6. Megan’s fingers massaged my pussy, blending the lotion with my own juices. I just laid back and enjoyed the feeling of someone masturbating me. Megan was a lovely girl. I watched her face as she played with my clit and stroked my labia. When she slipped a finger into my pussy, it was smooth and wet and I loved it. I closed my eyes and let her have her way.I’d never had a woman touch me before, at least, never sexually. I was aroused in a whole new way, a completely different erotic...

4 years ago
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Cronicles of MartosChapter 4 The Vampires Dusk

As the centuries passed, Martos spent more and more time in study and research, planning his next move, and caught up in his work, he stopped caring for anything else. Finding they were free from Martos's strict control, the others felt strange at first, not knowing what to do now. As time passed, they slowly became more and more decadent and out of control. They totally forgot what happened the last time humanity discovered the truth about them. Most vampires separated from the main group,...

1 year ago
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Early Summer Second Half

[If you haven't already read the first half please go to my profile and check it out.] ..I was feeling a mixture of emotions at that moment including excitement and fear and curiosity but I looked around and there was nobody around that could see what I was going to do and this man Mitch didn't know me so I knew I could do it without anyone else findind out. I got down close in front of him and opened my mouth to let his penis head slip inside. It felt odd but not unpleasant, just a little...

3 years ago
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Owned By Black Daddy PT 2 Gay

Suddenly the video cut out, Eric had been so entranced by it that he hadn't noticed Patrick return to the room. He found himself wondering what they boy had said in response to Patrick's question, thinking it might be information which could benefit him in this situation, but also partly out of pure curiosity. Patrick walked towards Eric and wrapped his large hand around Eric rock hard cock, it felt so sensitive Eric thought he was going to cum right then and there. Eric gasped and Patrick...

4 years ago
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Vous poussez un soupir de plaisir encore à moitié endormi, et ne tardez pas à comprendre tout en émergeant que le matin est arrivé et que votre femme de chambre, Suzie, se charge de vous réveiller à sa si délicieuse manière. Comme tous les jours, en effet, elle a tiré vos draps pour venir passer ses lèvres et sa langue sur votre clitoris et vos lèvres intimes. Cette petite sait y faire pour les cunis, c'est en grande partie ce qui lui a permis de garder sa place si longtemps. Vous vous nommez...

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Bildhbsche Polizistin tappt in miese Falle

Sandra, die bildhübsche 27jährige Blondine mit der Traumfigur, bei 1,80 wiegt sie 62 kg und hat endlos lange Beine, eine Wespentaille, Knackpo, eine Handvoll festen Busen und leuchtend blaue Augen, die Haare gewellt und gut schulterlang, im Dienst immer zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Sie ist erst Polizeiobermeisterin weil sie zuerst eine Ausbildung als Einzelhandelskauffrau gemacht hatte. Als die Frage kam wer bei der EM 2008 eingesetzt werden möchte und in die Schweiz und nach Österreich...

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My Mothers Moist Cunt

Before that, the idea of my 'Mother' as a sexual being was utterly ridiculous, I mean, that would be incest, wouldn't it? I had been at home alone and naturally, being at the beginning of puberty, I had snuck onto my parents pc to look at porn. We weren't exactly well off nowadays with dad losing his job and all, so it was the only computer left in the house. I had been watching one of my favourite porn clips intensely when I heard footsteps from around the corner. 'Shit, who's...

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Experience at the Yoga Class

"I'm glad you decided to finally come with me to the yoga class. You're going to love it!" Ceenie said energetically as she loaded her briefcase into the trunk of her Altima."Well, Ceenie, if it is as great as you make it out to be, it will be a nice way to unwind after work, even though I don't have any workout clothes," I answered as I stuck my briefcase beside hers."Trust me, Jenna, after a day in court, it will be well worth it. And don't worry, you won't need any."Ceenie slammed the trunk...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 175

I was up early 0400; I just couldn’t sleep. The cook fixed me pancakes, eggs over easy and two sausage patties. A couple of agents joined me drinking coffee. On my desk was the box back from the FBI. Inside the box was a letter and papers with signatures - lots of signatures. ‘‘To the honorable President Jones.’’ ‘‘I know you are very busy so I will try to keep this as short as possible. My name is Chief Petty Officer Stanley Hastings. I serve on the USS Fordson. I know you have been...

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A Pets Performance Part III

At their home...Anna and the pet come screaming and laughing into the huge central room. Master sits in his big chair looking at the big flat screen TV that hangs from the ceiling. A black stack of electronics next to it. Sound coming from all around the room.His chair is flanked by two black leather couches. Two more back two-thirds of a circle. The TV and electronics at the far end."I Love This Place!" Anna says as she flops onto the couch just to his right. Her shadow follows and nuzzles...

1 year ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 13

The next morning Devlin forced a smile as finished laying out the muffins, bagels, coffee and juice. She'd already put her sign out in the hall, and she heard comments from the hall as people saw it. She was tired, five hours of sleep did that to her. And tonight she was going to have dinner with Jeff before he went back to his apartment and his tutor. She was going to have to get to bed early Friday. Maybe she should sleep here so she wouldn't be pestered half the night by Connie. "This...

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Bitter LoveChapter 17

Yvette was dead! She was taken away by the early outbreak in Paris of the Spanish Flu. When Frank told the doctor about her dizzy spell a few weeks before but the doctor replied that he didn't think that her brief seizure had anything to do with this. He said that the flu killed in hours, days at the most, and didn't linger in the body for weeks. Yvette lay on a gurney looking as if she were only sleeping. She had a peaceful countenance about her. General Maloue could not believe that his...

3 years ago
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Savannah and ChristianBrother and Sister Part

There was a knock at the door.Then Savannah entered, it was her first visit in a year and a half so Christian, her younger brother was really excited.Savannah is a 20 year old brunette girl, with beautiful wonderful 36DD boobs, her ass is huge and bounced ever so slightly when she walked. She stood taller than most other women at 5' 10".Christian is a 15 year old horny teenager fighting through high school. He has an athletic build, standing at a healthy 6'2". His cock is 7 inches at full...

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