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I'm a child of the fifties. If you are too, you don't need much more explanation. If you're not, then it would take too long to explain all the ins and outs of a simpler age. Few owned a t/v (which was black and white with only one channel) or a car. The main thing for me was the immediacy of the Second World War; it finished before I was born, but it was still a reality that affected our lives. In some ways, it was still continuing as the Cold War. I grew up – like a whole generation – with the expectation that the world as I knew it could end with maybe four minutes notice in a nuclear holocaust. Later, I added chemical or biological weapons to that, though the effect as far as I was concerned was much the same.

These days, after the banking crisis, we're hearing about 'austerity'. Well, maybe; but the fifties were pretty austere. Not that a child noticed. But this isn't a reminiscence about those days, merely setting a scene. I learned to 'make do and mend'. To this day I am happy I learned to work wood and metal, wire electrics and plumb; that I can take a defective appliance and, often, make it work. As soon as I was old enough, though, I wanted a motorbike. I couldn't afford one of the flashy, fast, high revving Japanese machines and owned a succession of elderly British ones – BSA, Triumph, Norton, AJS, Matchless ... I had a Francis Barnett once, but never again.

So, through my teens and twenties into my thirties, I rode and owned British motorbikes, sometimes several at a time. Because they were old, and parts were hard to obtain, I stockpiled – spare gearboxes, magnetos, camshafts – and kept the bikes in tip-top shape.

Then I got married. At first the missus joined in with the biking and seemed to enjoy it; we travelled around, camping mostly, going to various bike events, until we decided to buy a house.

In keeping with my history, we didn't buy a new, ready to live in place, but rather a rambling stone Victorian edifice, on the outskirts of the city, the house being almost derelict and hence cheap. My skills, acquired over the years, made learning the necessary abilities relatively easy and over three years or so we knocked the place into shape, with new floors, new wiring and plumbing and solid-fuel stoves for heating.

While in no way a 'survivalist', my background meant I liked to be able to be independent of public utilities, so we had a septic tank for sewage and could draw water from a spring on our property. A small diesel generator set meant that if the electric went off (which it did from time to time) we at least had power for refrigeration, lighting and those various controls you don't think about.

Our large garden was gradually developed into a kitchen garden so we were largely independent of commercial greengrocery, at least for staples; some things we were able to obtain from nearby farms.

Somewhere in the midst of all this, the bikes had to go. I couldn't spare the hours every weekend necessary to maintain them and as work progressed, I needed the space. It wasn't hard to sell either the bikes or the spares, though I hated to do it, and the money helped.

Once the house was ... not finished, a job like that is never finished ... sound and fully functioning, I considered trying to get another bike. Of course, what happened was family. Bikes and kids just don't go together. The classic British machines that I had because they were cheap, because they were considered out-dated rubbish, were now collectors' items and the prices were increasing exponentially. I briefly had a two-fifty Kawasaki to get to work but it proved to be unreliable, or, rather, that it needed skilled, trained attention at regular intervals, that I wasn't equipped to provide. Lottie needed a car, anyway.

I don't regret the kids – I love them and consider my life justified by their existence – but there's no denying they changed our priorities. Lottie had a Meriva mainly for transporting the kids – I bought a mountain bike and pedalled to work each day. Once Pauline and Sam were in school full time, Lottie managed to land a part-time lectureship at the University, teaching sociology. All in all, it worked out quite well. Until, that is, the Autumn that Pauline, the younger child, started at secondary school.

Lottie didn't come home one day. I worried, of course – called the Police and reported her missing – but no action could be taken, they said. I got the explanation the next day, at work, in the form of a petition for divorce. All communications were to be via her solicitor and she was not interested in any discussion or mediation. The University informed me she was no longer a member of staff, and refused to give any further details.

I was stunned. But you can imagine the kids' reaction. Actually, you probably can't. Sam listened and was very quiet and subdued. Pauline climbed into my lap and wept.

"Why, Daddy? Doesn't she love us?"

I had no answer. "I don't know, darling. I just don't know. I had no hint of this."

Her parents could tell me no more. Much later, when they did know the story, they sadly told me they were not permitted to tell me anything. Once I'd replaced the car, (my credit was good, though Lottie had nearly cleaned out our bank accounts) I continued to visit them with their grand-kids, but I never saw Lottie again and she never attempted to see her children.

Possibly the worst moment was when Pauline got her first period and woke me in the early morning with her screams. I comforted her as best I could and sent Sam back to bed. There were feminine hygiene items in the house, left by Lottie ... who had never had that talk with her daughter. So I kept Pauline off school that day and my mother came over to have a word with her.

Thus our lives reached a new equilibrium. The kids were quiet, worked hard at school and never gave me a moments' worry. I say that ... I was a little worried at Pauline's social isolation if relieved in some ways that she didn't start dating. She took on the 'lady of the house' role and ensured we always had good food in the house and clean linen. I interrupted an argument once between her and Sam over the proper disposition of dirty clothes and the putting away of clean ones. Sam and I took a long walk and when we returned he apologised to Pauline and they hugged.

At eighteen, Sam departed for Dartmouth to become a Naval Officer and a year later Pauline started University, studying computer science. When she graduated, she set up on her own – she took over the large attic bedroom and set it up as combination bedroom, study and living-room. She kept at the sharp end of communications technology and did very well; it wasn't long before I no longer had to subsidise the upgrades to our phone-line, and we were one of the first in the area to have a cable connection.

It was good having Pauline around, though I still worried a little about her social life, or lack of it, until the day she brought home Geoffrey Smart. He looked at first like your typical nerd, but I soon found he matched his surname; he was very bright indeed with a dry wit that I enjoyed tremendously. I refused to worry that they lived together in that attic room and was delighted when the time came to 'give her away' in marriage.

I was less delighted, though I hope I managed to conceal it, when they decided to buy a shop with a flat over, where they would live on top of the job, so to speak. It would be a little lonely in my now over-large house. But I still had my job and was quite used to entertaining myself with books or the occasional film.

I say I had my job ... I did until the economic downturn bit and I was made redundant. It was a blow, but I soon found I was little, if any, worse off. The firm wanted to 'buy in' my services from time to time. I have never understood how making someone redundant and paying out substantially to do it, then paying higher rates to the same person as an independent consultant, makes economic sense ... but then, I'm not an economist.

The house was paid for ... and, thanks to my background, cost little to run. I used some of my free time to maintain a kitchen garden and bought a few chickens, though I knew I would be far too squeamish to actually kill one for the table. Even with this, I had time to spare and it was thus I found myself in a part of the city I had not frequented for many years.

Johnson and Peters, Engineers, looked much as it had thirty years previously – somewhat grubby and run down. I entered and wandered among the machines standing there for sale. None of them were new. A few were modern, only a few years old, but most were the classics I had been familiar with. My eyes were drawn to a Vincent-HRD Rapide. The tag read, 'For sale by auction, Thursday 15th May' and the name of a well known, high class auction room. Next to it, a Velocette Thruxton. 'Price on application'. My heart sank. I would have loved one of the machines there, but I knew that the purchase price was just the beginning ... that there would be maintenance, not a problem, but also obtaining spares. Perhaps I'd do better with a more modern machine?

They weren't cheap, either, and the sophisticated frames and suspension were odd to my eyes. Quite apart from that, I knew that the highest casualty rates among bikers were not, as you might think, from the impetuous young, but men like myself – returning to two wheels after twenty, thirty or more years. The power and capability of the bigger modern machines were in a different class to those even of the seventies; they were just too much machine, for me at least.

"Can I help you, sir?" The enquirer was a few years younger than myself.

I looked at him. "Billy? Billy Peters? How's your father?" His eyes narrowed as he looked at me more closely. "It's been almost thirty years," I said. "I'm Ray King."

His expression cleared. "Mister King! You used to bring ... Norton parts ... for machining."

I smiled. "I did."

"Dad's semi retired and only comes in a few days each week. When he's in he's mostly in the workshop. So what brings you here?"

"Nostalgia," I told him. "I was browsing, thinking I might revisit my youth with a machine ... preferably from the late sixties, with decent electrics and brakes. But the prices look to be a little out of my range. The new machines ... well, they're not only expensive, they're terrifying too."

He nodded. "That's wise. Though with a little common sense they're as safe as any other bike."

"I was thinking of a relatively low-powered single or twin – maybe a five hundred – preferably something I'm a little familiar with."

He nodded. "What about this?" He led me to the back of the showroom, to a bright red and chrome, single-cylinder machine.

"An Enfield? I'd heard something about them – made in India? They used to be hard to keep oil in ... we called them Royal Oilfields."

"Harder than your Nortons and Ajays?"

I suppose I coloured slightly. The pressed steel chain cases of AMC bikes were notorious. "Perhaps not," I conceded.

"You'd be getting a fifties bike but with modern materials, electrics and brakes. Top speed just over eighty, but over eighty miles to the gallon. It has an electric start, but you can kick it into life just as well. As you can see, the previous owner had a dual seat fitted and racks for top-box and panniers too. Just over ten thousand miles on the clock in four years, full service record. We're asking £2749..." he paused, "perhaps you'll excuse me for a moment?" He disappeared behind the counter through a door into the workshop.

I thought. I had the money; even with an oversuit and helmet – mine was long past its use by date – I could afford it. I'd made up my mind before Billy Peters reappeared with his father.

"Aye-up Ray. Long time – how're you doing?"

I shook the extended hand. "Good to see you again, Frank. You're looking well."

"Thanks. Billy here tells me you might be interested in the Bullet..."

"I think it might be just what I'm looking for..."

He was looking me up and down and cut in. "Ray, I reckon you're about the same size as Arnie. I've got his leathers, and I'll throw them in with a new helmet as part of the deal if you don't mind second-hand leathers – they're in good nick. Want to take a look?"

I didn't say anything immediately. It was a shock to be offered a deal which would save me several hundred pounds, probably. But before I could speak, he went on.

"In fact, I'll sell you the lot for two and a half grand."

"It's a deal," I told him, before he said any more.

I left with two open-face helmets and a pair of 'Mark VIII' goggles ( the sort you see in pictures of Spitfire pilots, with each lens made up of two flat pieces of safety glass at about a thirty degree angle, and padded leather forming a comfortable fit against the face), plus a motorcycle, lined boots and those leathers. To be truthful, the leathers were a little on the large size, but I wasn't about to complain. A top-box held the spare helmet and rigid panniers hung from the frame each side of the back wheel. I rode the bike home, promising to return the trade plates the next day.

Insurance was easy enough to obtain but the tax-disc took a few days.

I just loved my new toy.

Pauline was ... a little less enthused. I persuaded her to ride pillion with me and we went a few miles into the country. After that, she reluctantly agreed it was 'quite fun' but made it clear she wasn't going to make a habit of it.

And that, my friends, is the rather long-winded explanation of how I came to be where I am and owning a motorbike designed in another age, which in turn is necessary to understand the rest of the story...


For the first few weeks, I just pottered around the local countryside, getting used to the machine, but then I gradually began to go further afield. I enjoy museums and the like, particularly ones with aircraft or a military connection. Okay, so it meant three hours or so on my obsolete toy ... each way ... but I visited Duxford, spent the day there, and was late getting home.

My next outing was to the Shuttleworth Collection for a Flying Day. I mean, they have stick-and-string aeroplanes from the dawn of flight; Bristol Box-Kite, Bleriot monoplane, Avro Triplane, and if the wind is light enough (like, flat calm) they actually fly them. Along with later, First World War, machines. It was a wonderful day. I was pretty tired by the time I got back on the road north. Tired, and hungry. So, about an hour after leaving Old Warden, I left the A1M at Peterborough for the service area.

It's laid out with various outlets in a semi-circle round a central seating area. Yes, there's Mickey D's and KFC, but also Le Petit Four and Mexicana, plus Costa Coffee. If it'd been earlier in the day, I'd have carried on to the truck stop at Stibbington, but it was good enough for me. Noisy, though; the only difference in the level of noise depends on the time of day.

I got into the building and stood for a moment. I say it's usually noisy and so it is, but I wouldn't expect to hear what I heard next – a loud, male voice exclaiming, "Well, fuck off, then ... cock-teasing bitch. You're on your own." A beefy, youngish man stood across the table from a woman who was wearing one of those Moslem headscarves – they call them 'hijab' I think. His chair toppled back with a crash audible even over the ambient noise, but he ignored it and marched out past me.

I don't know what came over me then; I walked over, picked the chair up and sat on it, a little way away from the table. The woman had her head down.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I said quietly, "are you okay? Do you need help?"

She looked up. She would have been pretty, except that the left side of her face was red and swollen and she had a black eye. It was a round face – that was accentuated by the swelling – with olive skin. A straight nose sat above full lips and between two large, dark eyes. She didn't speak, so I handed her one of my cards. "I've just stopped to get something to eat," I went on, "if you want to think about it, I'll be back in a minute." I got maybe halfway to the counter at LP4 before I had second thoughts and turned back. She was still there. "I'd rather not eat alone; would you like something? No strings, honestly."

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Meeta 2 Meetas bike ride with Ashok

Ashok and I had decided to sleep for a few hours before we had to leave for the station but I could not sleep. I was tossing and turning thinking about what I would do the next few days. I turned and for a long time watched Ashok sleep like a baby, he and I had a long-distance marriage and we both knew that we were fucking others whenever he had a chance. I always felt fortunate that I was married to him, because he knew just how big of a slut I was back in school and college, he was one of...

2 years ago
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New Neighbours Part 1 The Bike Ride

The new family that had moved into the road had caused quite a stir in their first few days. Their old car didn't really fit in with the expensive German cars parked outside the houses in the street. The loud party they'd held on their first night had broken the silence in the usually quiet and tranquil neighbourhood. And the way they dressed was certainly something the mainly older residents weren't used to seeing.Mikey and his wife Sarah went across the road with their three-year-old daughter...

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Like Riding a Bike

Jeremy nearly blew beer out his nose when Brad cracked an unexpected joke. He swallowed and sputtered a few times, but managed to avoid an embarrassing display. His friends were all laughing too hard to notice. It was nice to go to a party and have fun again - something he hadn't really done since Nancy had dumped him just before graduation the year before. College had been enough of a challenge to keep his mind off things, but with the return of summer, that had changed. It was time to get...

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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 11

"I want to see your father," Susan said, her voice stronger now. "And I'm so thirsty I feel like I might turn to dust and blow away." Jennifer blinked. Her face still felt hot from blushing when she realized her mother had actually heard about the masturbation and trying to get Uncle Bob into bed. But her mother's reaction threw her for a loop. She jumped up. "I'll g-g-go g-g-get a nurse!" she yipped. Wanting to see her husband seemed like an eminently reasonable and simple...

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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 6

Bob wasn't used to things being muddy or vague. Most of his adult life had been spent in an environment where things were pretty much black or white. Someone was the enemy ... or he wasn't. If he was the enemy, you killed him. If he wasn't, you watched him to make sure he wasn't. A task either needed doing or it didn't. Women were either candidates for bed games or they weren't. Jennifer was suddenly very vague indeed. She was blossoming, sexually. That much was clear. Even if it was...

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The Bike Shop

I was crazy to go to work for her. She was loud, abrasive, and had a low opinion of the male sex. I didn’t know that when I applied for her bike tech job, of course. I needed a new bike in the worst way, and faked a resume about my bike mechanic skills. I had some, actually, just not all the experience I put on the resume. Sharon was tall and mean. Twenty-two and experienced beyond her years. Married and divorced at twenty. Fought her dad and mom and got thrown out of the house at eighteen....

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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 2

She was curled up on the couch, still by the phone, when Bob walked in the front door. Exhaustion had given her sleep, though it was a twitchy, restless kind of slumber. He was riding a quieter bike, so it was the noise he made closing the door that awakened her. She blinked, cried out, and then rushed into his arms. It took him ten minutes to find out that Don and Susan weren't dead. A local driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and hit Don and Susan's car head on at high speed. Both were...

3 years ago
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Bike Shorts

Sam looked out the window of his second story bedroom on clear, sunny Saturday afternoon and realized that it would be a perfect time for a bike ride. There was a trail not far from his house and it was just warm enough and late enough in the day that he might see some interesting activity if he wondered off the beaten path. Sam loved biking. He was a naturally stocky guy of average height and biking, along with trips to the squat rack, helped keep his muscular ass from getting sloppy now that...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Dirty Patrol Bike Shorts

Sam looked out the window of his second story bedroom on clear, sunny Saturday afternoon and realized that it would be a perfect time for a bike ride. There was a trail not far from his house and it was just warm enough and late enough in the day that he might see some interesting activity if he wondered off the beaten path. Sam loved biking. He was a naturally stocky guy of average height and biking, along with trips to the squat rack, helped keep his muscular ass from getting sloppy now that...

Gay Male
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Dirty Patrol Part 1 Bike Shorts

Sam looked out the window of his second story bedroom on clear, sunny Saturday afternoon and realized that it would be a perfect time for a bike ride. There was a trail not far from his house and it was just warm enough and late enough in the day that he might see some interesting activity if he wondered off the beaten path. Sam loved biking. He was a naturally stocky guy of average height and biking, along with trips to the squat rack, helped keep his muscular ass from getting sloppy now that...

Gay Male
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Part 1 Bike Shorts

Sam looked out the window of his second story bedroom on clear, sunny Saturday afternoon and realized that it would be a perfect time for a bike ride. There was a trail not far from his house and it was just warm enough and late enough in the day that he might see some interesting activity if he wondered off the beaten path. Sam loved biking. He was a naturally stocky guy of average height and biking, along with trips to the squat rack, helped keep his muscular ass from getting sloppy now that...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Tim and his new bike

Almost jumping out of his pajamas as well, he removed it within seconds, and instead he put on a new pair of gray underwear, dark blue shorts and a green T-shirt with some funny comic character on the front. He didn’t bother with socks, always preferring to be barefoot during the summer as often as he could. The reason to why he was in such a hurry, was that on the day before this one, was his birthday, and the first thing he had seen when he woke up that day, was this brand new, shiny...

3 years ago
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Off the Bike Path

She made her way into the seat where she always sat. It was behind and a few over and given the nature of the desks in the room I couldn’t see her legs. That drove me even further of the edge and I had made a decision. It was a bit reckless, but I needed to. This girl’s name is Jocelyn. She’s 20 years old. She has short red hair and wears those glasses with the big frames that hipsters like to wear. Besides the maroon tights, she was wearing a white button up top with a gold pattern on...

1 year ago
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first bike ride of the summer

Well it was one fucking long winter. It was one of the worst and coldest on record. I was sick through most of it and because of that I missed my regular winter runaway to some place warm. It was finally really getting warm out the snow was all gone the grass was green the trees were all fully leaved and it was a great day to go for a run on the Hawg. I had worked on it through the winter and it was going to be my maiden run with its new paint and style. I had spent a small fortune on raking...

2 years ago
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nice bike ride

I have been in sales for over 25 years and have banged more than my share of clients, most of them in their 40's, 50's and 60's and older, as I love to flirt with and have sex with older women. Amy works for one of my clients and she is a new employee who just graduated 6 months ago from college and is studying for her CPA. Amy is thin, blond hair green eyes and an ass to die for. Your typical 22 year old hottie. Oh I'm 59 and I look 55!I have been in the office about 3 times and never really...

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The bike ride

As the day begins, another beautiful day, Stella was thinking. Wondering what she would be doing for the day, the phone rang. It was the guy who she was seeing for a couple months, George. He wanted to know if she would like to go on a ride to Seneca Lake with him. Of course, she would go, the way the bike made her feel is amazing. She never felt so free as on the bike. Stella loves the long rides, she has her arms around him, feeling so close to him. She can feel every breath he takes, every...

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Bike Ride Beginnings

Bike Ride- The beginnings of a storyThis article is actually a response I wrote to someone about my story ?Bike Ride?.  In the end I thought other people might enjoy reading about what really happened.Bike Ride is a story that is loosely based on a real event. The story I wrote started one night when I was drinking in real life. I was feeling a little horny and daring from the alcohol and decided to put myself on a little adventure. I really did go for a ride with a butt plug that vibrated and...

4 years ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 28 The Saturday Morning Bike Club Rides Again

There were no real changes in Luke or Lori's life until the spring of their junior year. Luke was thriving in California. Good grades, good friends, and good weather helped Luke to live the good life. Luke's grades were as high as the waves he loved to ride. His being in the top 20 of his class was going to get him into Stanford. The Harvard of the West Coast was his dream school. The university had one of the best, if not the best, computer engineering programs in the world. Luke's...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

4 years ago
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The Bike and more

Jeff first met Emma, his ex-wife, camping when he was on his bike.  Jeff thought she liked his leather and was sure it had made Emma wet from the look in her eyes.  The night of their first date Jeff and Emma had the explosive kind of sex that only happens rarely. However, it took some time before Jeff was able to make that happen. It was the first time she had agreed to meet him, although Jeff had seen her before with her boyfriend, Joel. Here is what Jeff told me about how he succeeded. Jeff...

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On The Back Of Daddys Bike

“Mandy, you coming?”“Be right there Dad,” I shout downstairs.I love Saturday, it’s the day when Dad and I go out for a ride on his Harley Davidson. It’s a beautiful black bike, with a nice throaty roar when he opens up the throttle. I love the smell of burnt oil that wafts upwards from the cylinders, and the freedom of having your hair blowing in the wind.My Dad loves it too.---It was Tessa that started me off down this one-way road. Well, in fact, it was Tessa and Jennie. I caught them...

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The Bike Fall That Started It All pt1

DADDY! Daddy! Dont let go!! I was panting and laughing as I jogged closely behind Cassady. At my ripe 32 years of age, I had to admit all this running was really starting to tire me out! I had a light hold on the back of her bike seat, but I could tell she had finally gotten the hang of riding her new bike on her own and didnt need me to help guide her much. I decided on her 6th birthday to surprise her with the pink bike she had fell in love with while shopping one day. The moment she laid...

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A nice day for a bike ride

It was a weekday. Working only part time, I had the day off. My husband of two years owns his own business and takes time off whenever he wants. He took this day off so we could take advantage of the unusual warm weather together. First, I must tell you that my husband and I have a very open and sexual marriage. We love to have sex with other people, in groups and whenever and wherever we can. We try to keep our sex lives very spicy. It seems like the both of us are always horny....

3 years ago
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The Bike Shoppe

The following story is fictitious. This is an original post. Do not copy and post to any other sight without expressed permission of the author.Comments are always welcomed after reading. “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out”. Those were the last words spoken to my wife of 15 years. I came in from the shop one afternoon and she was standing in the middle of the living room with a suitcase. She said she fell in love with a co-worker and was leaving. In some way I understand...

2 years ago
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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 9

She was all business at the hospital, and even Bob couldn't tell she'd been having orgasms on the way there. They were again denied access to ICU, this time by a different nurse. "Your father will be moved to a regular room today. We're getting him ready to go now. You'll have to wait until he's in his new room to see him," she said. "Your mother is still in a coma and will remain that way for at least another day. She's doing better, though. You'll have to be satisfied with that....

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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 16

Bob didn't run after her. She was standing at the elevator doors, fuming, when he caught up with her. He didn't say anything then, or in the elevator, or as they left the hospital. At the bike he stopped and faced her. "I'm going back to the motel. You can walk or ride. It doesn't matter to me." "I'm not walking back there!" she snapped. "Well, the last thing in the world I'd want is for you to get your clitty whizzed against your will!" he snarled. She got red in the face and...

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Bike Ride Blow Job

Two years after she graduated from college my wife, Regina, went on a Labor Day weekend bike ride. The rides all started and ended at a biking club located in a medium size town about 50 miles from where she had gone to college. The rides were through rural and farm areas with easy to moderate difficulty.  Regina had registered to do a 50 mile bike ride on Saturday and shorter rides on Sunday and Monday. The sign-in was at a school gym near the bike club. After she signed in and got a map of...

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Bike ride

Today was the good day which I so needed. I got word last night that my guy had Bruins’ play-off tickets and he had to be in town by four to eat and get the train with his friend. Great!I took half-a-day from work and, instead of going to the gym, put the rack and bike on my car and headed to a rail trail I love. Of course, I’d thought about sex but I really wasn't doing well with people on the website. It was all “Hey, nice cunt, I want to fuck you” or “Hey slut,” so I simply thought, ‘Well,...

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Bike Riding And Cock Riding

For all those who missed my earlier story, you can go through the below link Here it is my new experience which happened couple of years ago with one of my office mate. She’s from karnataka, I’m from Andhra and the incident happened in Tamil Nadu. She was my office mate, looks like innocent, well reserved but she was never an innocent. We soon became good friends. Coffee breaks, lunch breaks, teasing bla bla bla. We used to chat and exchange some adult funny texts initially. One day we along...

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Jiva My First Love 8211 Bike Ride Part 3

Hello guys! Its Rohan here. I hope all of you have read my previous story, I have received thousands of emails and many requests for real meet ups, I have replied to all of you and met few of them as well, I will share those stories in some other time. Now many of my ISS friends asked me for the continuation of me and jiva sexual life experience. So im narrating our story, i hope many of you have read previous part, if not please read it once for better understanding So we both successfully had...

Gay Male
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My First Bike Ride

We were returning home from our annual trek across the country in our pick up truck. Leaving the east coast, we took the southern route back across interstate 10. It was the typical hot scorching temperate in the 90's as we made our way past Houston, turning and heading northward. We were ready to take a break and camp for a day or so. We found a camping area just off the beaten path, in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. For the most part it was deserted and the tiny so called town was...

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