My Lovely Fat Sister free porn video

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Incest! I didn’t know the word before the events told in this story. Even if I knew what the word meant, I never thought I would be involved in something like that. One never really expects something like this to happen.

I was fifteen, thankfully not a virgin anymore. Julia from down the street took care of that few months back. But, she’s moved on to other guys after making sure I knew the basics of pleasuring a girl. Julia was always looking for something new. I wasn’t new anymore and became disposable I guess.

My sister Jessy and I were never really close, just regular siblings I guess. She was a year and half older than me. She had her own things going on while I had mine. I never really paid much attention to her or her social life; she was just there.

I need to point out that Jessy has always been a big girl. 180 lbs on 5’2” makes for a very big girl. She always struggled with her weight and was chronically dieting and unhappy about her self image. She didn’t seem to be able to keep any female friends for the last few years. She didn’t have an ugly body. No apple-shape here; she was all pear. Big ass and really big boobs contrasted nicely with her relatively pinched waist. Plain face, but as her brother I was used to her appearance, so I can’t really tell you whether she was cute or not.

One day, out of the blue, walking into the house on my way back from school, I found myself in a tight hug with Jessy. It was a tight, full body contact type of hug. She had my arms pinned to my sides and her head on my shoulder in no time.

I was surprised to say the least. I could easily feel her bountiful, bra-free tits crushed against my chest and her big thighs pressing against mine.

It took me a bit to gather my thoughts, and before I could say anything, Jessy released me and turned without saying a word and walked away to her room leaving me with the smell of her lavender soap in my nose.

I was puzzled. What brought that on? I didn’t know what to say to Jessy about the subject so I chose to ignore it that day.

It happened again the next day. Again, walking through the door, I found myself wrapped in arms again! Ok, twice is the start of a pattern. This time I chose not to say anything although I wasn’t as surprised as the day before.

Again, she let go of me and walked away, although not before emitting a deep sigh.

The third day I was ready. I had my arms more spaced so I didn’t get pinned like before. I wrapped my arms around her substantial girth and held her in place.

“So, wanna tell me what I did to deserve such affection all of a sudden?”

She tried to let go and walk away, but I didn’t let her.

“Not so fast. What’s going on Jess?”

She looked up at me with a weird—to me— look in her eyes.

“Nothing, I just needed a good hug and who’s better at it than you, my little brother?”

“Little brother?”

“You’re right, younger brother, you’re not so little anymore, are you?”

“Yeah, well I am six feet. Still, it’s a little surprising.”

“You don’t like it? You don’t like to hug me anymore?”

I could detect sadness in her voice. I’m no dick, and I don’t like to see my sister sad.

“No, that’s not it. Just surprised that’s all.”

“OK, good.”

Then she pulled herself free and walked away again.

One thing to note, I don’t know if you dear reader ever had somebody fat in your life, but I guess because of her size, Jess changes her clothes to a big t-shirt and soft baggy pants as soon as she gets home. I’ve caught her quite often scratching under her boobs or rubbing her waistline while coming out of her room after changing. I guess her giant bra’s underwire puts too much pressure there or something. Anyway, this is just to say that while hugging me, all I feel is soft flesh under soft cotton cloth. It’s a very pleasant feeling.

For a while after that, the hugs kept coming.

One day, I don’t know who I was thinking about when I was walking back home, but for some reason I had a boner. Back then, I didn’t need a reason to have a boner. I had them regularly, at least once an hour or so.

So that day, I felt Jess stiffen a bit after coming in contact with my hard on but then resumed the full body hug with seemingly more enthusiasm.

For a few seconds, I was mortified that my older sister could feel my boner pressing onto her soft lower belly. But, since she didn’t pull away, I thought to pull a slight prank or something, so I just flexed my ass muscles and arched my back a bit pushing my boner into her flesh thru our clothes.

She didn’t seem phased. She didn’t pull back a millimetre.

It felt very good. While I wasn’t a virgin, my sex life at fifteen was anything but busy.

Since she didn’t pull away, I figured she doesn’t mind it. I pulled back a bit, then pushed again a bit harder, with my hard on getting even harder than before.

This time there was a reaction, I think, Jessy’s hands dropped a bit lower on my back.

I pulled back and pushed again with the same results— no negative reaction.

I didn’t know what to do after that. Do I keep humping my sister’s belly? To what end?

I decided to stop for fear of coming off as a pervert.

Jessy kept the hug going for another thirty-seconds, then disengaged with a sigh and walked away.

During all these days, we never really talked about why she’s doing this or why needs so many hugs or what has changed. Yes, I was completely clueless about these things. Although, Jessy seemed a little more cheerful after we started doing that.

The next day I wanted to test something. See the previous day, like most days, I was wearing my jeans which were a bit bigger than my body and definitely made of a rather stiff denim. So that day I decided to wear my workout clothes on the way back home and I left my underwear off.

As I approached the house, I started thinking about what’s coming and I got harder than I ever remember being.

Just like old faithful, Jessy was there with her close hug as I walked in. I don’t really know if she noticed the hard to miss tent in my pants before making contact.

Since I had been wearing no underwear and the pants were looser, my hard on wasn’t parallel to my belly. It was more on a steep angle, so sticking out more than the day before.

I didn’t give Jessy a chance to put her arms around my torso this time. I beat her to it and put my arms under hers, forcing her arms around my neck. My hands ended up on her lower back.

Again, she didn’t show any sign of feeling my obscene erection on her front.

I, on the other hand, could easily feel my knob pressing into her and as I flexed my hips, my cock slid up and then down against her. I’m uncut and a movement like that pulls the skin back and creates delicious feelings.

Before I humped her again, I slid my right hand under her shirt and onto her bare back. This time I got a reaction from her. A sharp intake of air and a slight moan told me she’s not averse to this.

Encouraged, I slid my left hand under her shirt and proceeded to rub her back in a clumsy attempt at a back rub.

She moaned softly, and I felt her head press harder into my neck.

I couldn’t help it, my hips seemed to have a will of their own and I started a slight humping motion against her belly. She didn’t complain, and her moans grew more pronounced.

It was crazy.

Here I was, a fifteen-year old with my older sister’s hands around my neck and I was dry humping her in the house’s foyer. Small tiny humps, but humps nonetheless.

I got carried away a little, and soon my hands were starting to slide under her pants’ elastic onto the top of her big round ass unhindered and uncontested.

I didn’t want to push things too far too fast, or maybe I chickened out a little, but I restricted my hands to just under her waistband.

Meanwhile, she was just standing there pushing her front harder against my front.

I didn’t want to make a fool of myself, so when the pleasure became too much to bear, and I was certain that I would soon have an orgasm; I stopped my motions. Shortly after we disengaged and Jessy walked away.

I went to my room, and soon my semen was flowing into the my bathroom’s toilet bowl.

I decided that from now on, thin sweatpants would be my uniform for arriving home.

I don’t know who was really guiding/controlling our hugging sessions, her or me, but they always progressed forward to more. Each day it was either a longer hug or more intense hug or a hug with something new. But, the one sure thing was that it was more than the day before.

We never discussed what was going on or why. I just went with it.

Sure enough, the next day, our hug went even further.

As we were about to hug, I spread my legs further than I would normally do, this brought my cock lower. So instead of my hard on pushing against her lower belly, it landed on her soft pubic mound. It seemed that Jessy liked that and pressed herself against me harder than ever.

Her press against me flattened my cock against my body, and she pushed hard enough for me to feel her against my balls too.

It all felt deliciously naughty.

Without hesitation, I pushed my hands under her t-shirt and soon slid them under her waistband onto the upper part of her ass. No underwear to be found.

I pressed my hips forward sliding my cock up and then down between us. Because of my lower position this time, Jessy’s face was almost level with mine. I could feel her breath against my ear and could clearly tell that she’s taking very short breaths. Even to my adolescent and not very experienced mind, it was clear that she was turned on.

Having a turned-on girl in your arms is fantastic. It’s usually the prelude to a hot and heavy sex session. But, I was on uncharted waters here. This wasn’t just any horny girl. This was my older sister with all the consequences looming overhead and had me thinking about what I can and can’t get away with.

Would it be OK to do sexual stuff with my own sister? Would this jeopardize our relationship or our house?

Despite my rational mind keeping things in check, I couldn’t help push things further. The pleasure that I was feeling from holding this soft, willing female body against me was overwhelming. The naughtiness of the situation was overwhelming. The possibilities were endless. Having a willing female under the same roof was enticing. My cock said the hell with reason and proceeded to push me to do more to please it.

My sister’s short breath kind of compelled me to take things farther faster.

As if with a mind of their own, my hand traveled further down onto the generous globes of my sister’s ass where they kneaded the pliant, firm flesh. The results of the manipulation was reciprocal humps from my sister’s hips against my raging hard on. The more I manipulated the flesh of her ass, the more responsive Jessy’s hips became.

I tried not to focus on my front for fear of losing control and ejaculating inside my own pants. My mind focused mostly on the sensations in my hands and what’s going on back there.

The tips of my fingers traveled slowly towards Jessy’s ass crack. Once they reached that destination they furrowed a bit deeper and I found myself massaging her ass cheeks and spreading her ass wider. Soon enough my hands were close to the juncture of her ass and thighs and deep enough for me to feel the intense heat of her asshole.

My mind kicked in for a bit. I wondered how far I should take things here in the foyer. I even wondered why we’re still doing this in the foyer. It’s obvious that both of us are willing to take things farther physically between us. We were clearly heading on the path to intercourse. Shouldn’t we move on from the house entrance to somewhere more secluded and less likely to get us caught by an unexpected visitor or even worse, an unexpected parent?

Usually, on school days, Jessy got home a half hour to an hour before me as I stayed for working out at the school’s gym. Our parents got home from their tiring jobs about two hours later. But who knows, what if they got home earlier.

Since this wasn’t leading to anywhere real, I chose to stop the action before my fingers touch a point of no return so to speak.

So gradually, I started moving my hands away from her sensitive and dangerous spots to a more safe place like her lower back. I also stopped my humping motions and soon enough, our breath evened out and a somewhat disappointed Jessy let go and left to her room.

I had never come so quickly after getting to my room that day.

The next day I decided to skip workout and headed home at an earlier time. I reached home and there was no Jessy in the foyer. I sneaked towards the bedrooms and sure enough I could hear music coming from Jessy’s room. Her door was open. I guess she’s used to being alone at home at this time of day that she didn’t think she needed any privacy. I walked towards her room without a sound. Padded luxurious carpeting muffling my steps.

Peeking around the door jamb, I found Jessy primping. She was standing in front of her mirror completely naked brushing her long black hair.

I admired her body, for this was the first time that I saw it in its full glory.

Yes, she was fat, but far from ugly.

Her skin was almost flawless and alabaster white. She was full everywhere, but there seemed to be an excess amount of fat in her tits and her ass. Her tummy wasn’t big, wasn’t flat by any means, gently rounded is how I would describe it.

I liked what I saw.

Afraid of being caught peeping and what it could mean to out progress, I backtracked and left the house and came back at my usual time and was met at the door by Jessy’s warm, tight hug.

That day Jessy was wearing something different. Pyjamas I guess. Whatever she was wearing, it was very thin and very supple. It almost felt as though my hands were touching her flesh. I could feel every detail on her skin.

Again I went with the spread legs stance. Even wider than the day before. I was so low that the tip of my dick landed right at the juncture of her legs and pussy. When she gasped and pushed herself tighter against me, my cock felt as though it was pushing into a hole.

Almost instantly, both of us humped our crotches against each other seeking more pleasure.

I was turned on beyond rationale. I don’t think I had an ounce of control left in my body. Sister or no sister, this girl in front of me wanted me and I wanted her.

My hands shot into her pants and onto her ass in no time. Grabbing and kneading her cheeks as much as possible and pulling her harder against my hard cock.

She humped back. She was pushing her pussy so hard onto my cock that I could feel her pussy lips separating and her intense heat surrounding my cock’s head.

No more than moments later, I pulled my right hand from her ass towards her front. I wanted to touch her pussy. But as soon as my fingers felt the soft, slick and shaved skin at the bottom of her belly, it was pulled away.

Jessy let go of my neck and dropped quickly to her knees in front of me before I realized what was going on.

She pulled my pants down quickly freeing my cock which sprang up.

Before I realized what she was doing, Jessy had her lips wrapped around my cock head and started sucking.

The sudden warmth around my cock compelled my hips to flex, pushing my cock deeper into the wet cavity that it found itself in. Good thing Jessy had her hand wrapped tightly around my base, otherwise my sudden reaction would have pushed my cock past her mouth and all the way into her throat.

I stood there rooted to my place marvelling at this turn of events. To say the least, I never expected to receive a blow job from Jessy, ever.

As great as it felt, soon enough Jessy’s inexperience at oral sex started showing, painfully.

“Ouch! Watch your teeth!”

She pulled my cock out and started examining it.

“I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to hurt you.”

She started crying.

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m totally useless. I can’t even do this properly.”

She covered her face with her hands, sat on her haunches and started weeping.

This was going so well before, I didn’t want her to stop.

“I guess you haven’t done this before.”

“No, not really.”

“Well, it does take practice to perfect.”

“But I already hurt you.”

“It’s not that bad, I still want you to do this If you want it.”

“Of course I do.”

“Alright then, lets go somewhere more appropriate and you get to practice all you want.”

I extended my hand to her and helped her up. I led her by hand to my room.

“Come, lets get comfortable and do this right.”


I pulled my clothes off and laid back in the middle of my bed.

“Oh, you’re naked!”

“Come here with me on the bed.”

She approached hesitantly with her eyes glued to my pulsing cock, paused at the edge of the bed and then climbed up.

I spread my legs wide.

“Kneel between my legs, that’s the best place for this.”


“Why don’t you take your clothes off too?”

“No way, I’d rather stay like this.”

“OK, if you wish.”

Jessy just stayed between my knees and stared at my cock.

“Come on. I thought you wanted to practice sucking cock.”

“You don’t have to be so vulgar you know.”

“Hey, I call it what it is. Sucking cock is sucking cock. Licking pussy is licking pussy. Fucking is fucking. What else am I going to call them?”

“You’re right, but still that makes me uncomfortable.”

“If you don’t want to do this, we can quit.”

I was gambling. I didn’t want her to ever quit, but I wasn’t going to do this on her terms. She started this and to continue it has to be on my terms.


“No what?”

“I don’t want to quit.”

“Alright then, you want to suck my cock?”


“Yes what?”

“Yes I want ... to ... suck your cock.”

“Good. You can start whenever you feel like it.”


But she didn’t move to start.

Guessing that she needed some guidance I reached forward and put my hand on her neck, gently pulling her down towards my cock.

“Open your mouth.”

She opened her mouth and I pulled her down until I felt my cock touch the back of her mouth. She gagged.

I let go of her head and she pulled back, releasing my cock.

“Ok, let’s start again. But this time cover your teeth with your lips or something. Teeth on cock are very painful and no way to perform a blow job.”

Without a word she put her mouth back around my cock again and started sucking like a baby would suck a nipple. It felt OK.

“Good, now just sucking is good, but on its own doesn’t do much. You have to move and create friction.”

I grabbed her head gently and started moving her up and down fucking her face. This time I didn’t feel any teeth scraping my skin.

“Good, you’re doing good.”

My encouragement worked and she started showing more enthusiasm.

“Take it as deep as you can. To become good at this you have to be able to take it down your throat eventually. But that would take practice to be able to control your gag reflex.”

Julia had taught me all that. Julia was a phenomenal cock sucker.

Jessy started bobbing on my cock with vigour. She was going as far as physically possible without taking me down her throat. She tried a couple of times and gagged. She wasn’t ready yet.

“Ok, now you don’t keep doing that alone, you have to vary it to make it more interesting.”

I grabbed her head and I stopped her with my cock half way in her mouth.

“Use your tongue. Pull my skin back down and run your tongue around the ridge in my cock head.”

She did.

“Oh, that feels so good.”

She kept doing it.

“Now vary between licking and sucking.”

She did. It was awesome.

“Oh yeah! You’re getting good at this. This feels great.”

The compliment worked and Jessy started sucking well.

“Now gently massage my balls with your other hand. Careful, they’re very sensitive so you need to be extra gentle.”

As soon as her palm surrounded my balls I felt that I was going to lose it.

“You’re doing awesome. I’m going to come soon. A good cocksucker swallows. So be ready. It will be a bit surprising.”

Just in case, I put my hands on her head to keep her down.

I felt my jizz shooting through my cock at great velocity. This situation had me so turned on.

As the first squirt hit, I felt Jessy gag a little and try to pull back.

I held her in place and actually pulled her enough to feel the back of her mouth.

“Swallow. Don’t keep it in your mouth. Don’t pull back, let it go down your throat directly.”

I felt her swallow hard. It felt exquisite on my cock.

I didn’t have to hold her anymore. She was pushing down on my cock on her own now.

The sensation was so strong that I didn’t even notice that my ass wasn’t on the bed anymore. It had lifted off the bed.

Spurt after spurt surged from my cock into Jessy’s mouth taking my breath with it.

Once the spasms stopped, I dropped down to the bed and felt my body relax. Jessy was a natural at this. I could easily see her matching and exceeding Julia’s oral skills.

“Wow! Jess, that was awesome. You made me feel so good. Thanks.”


“Yeah, really. You’re a natural.”


“What about for you? Come over here next to me.”

“No, it’s ok.”

“What is that supposed to mean? You made me feel great. Don’t you want some of that too?”

“No. What we did today was more than enough.”

“Huh? I don’t understand.”

“I wanted to give you oral sex and I did. I’m done for now.”

With that she turned and left my room.

“Jess! Come back here.” I called after her.

She didn’t.

I was confused. What girl would blow a guy and then decline the offer of reciprocal pleasure?

The whole thing didn’t make any sense. Why did Jessy start this hugging thing to begin with? Why doesn’t she want me to get her off or something?

I didn’t think too much about it. I was feeling awesome after what Jessy did to my cock. My only thought about the subject was that I sure wanted this to continue.

The next day, I was dreading that I might not find Jessy at the door when I came home. But my fears were unfounded. As soon as I stepped in I was met with the same familiar body hug.

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Anal Sex With Fatima

After resting, Fatima cleaned up, got dressed and told me that she'll be back, I nodded and she left. I sat back down feeling well fulfilled. I know that I love fucking married women a lot, I knew it was all about the excitement and danger of getting caught. I didn't realised when I slept off only for me to hear the door bell ring, I went and opened it to see Fatima carrying a tray with food in it. She came in and I locked the door, she set the tray down on the center table and as she bent to...

3 years ago
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Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale By Cal Y. Pygia Derek sighed heavily, his eyes scanning the bank of security monitors, each of which showed a different view of Femme Fatale. A month ago, he'd taken the job as a security guard for the woman's clothing store because he needed the money and because he supposed that watching the store, or more specifically the ladies' dressing rooms, would provide him with the opportunity to ogle half-naked women. Unfortunately, for some reason, despite the...

3 years ago
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Aman fucking maid Fatima

Due to some function my relatives had to visit the native place for two weeks. I didn't joined them coz of my upcoming semester exams....& they left at next morning...I was little happy as I got full freedom to freakout with my friends & to do party......!!! but at same time was unhappy when my relatives told me about fatima that she would disturb my privacy with her routine works.....!!But managed my mind with that thought. Next morning I was sleeping till late when she knocked my...

2 years ago
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Fatima tries a black gangbang

Fatima tries a black gangbang One week after fucking my friend Fatima, mi black lover Jerome called, telling me he wanted to fuck her again, but this time it would be a gangbang with another two of his mates.I called Fatima; she was excited as she told me she would love to be gangbanged by three black men. She told me her husband had discovered her affair with Jerome the night after the fucking session, because he noticed her cunt was very swollen and she was still sore when he tried to have...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E02 Fatima Katirgoglou 28 from Birmingham

We start this week’s show with some establishing shots of suburban Birmingham. Graffiti covered brick walls, small shops and cafes - we’re travelling along a grey street, under a train bridge, and coming up infront of another brick wall, this one marked with a sign that reads “MIDLANDS PLANTERS” ... And beyond the wall, we’re moving through a small market garden - collection of plants, small bushes, plant pots, etc. We turn a corner and come face to face with our host – ex pornstar and...

1 year ago
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My dear ISS friends, I am glad to hear that you all enjoyed my previous story “Gloriya”. I thank you for finding time to write to me about your positive feedback. Today am going to tell you my real life experience with Fatima. First of all let me introduce you all to Fatima. Fatima is a married Muslim woman and was around 30 yrs of age and had 2 kids the time I met her about 3 yrs back. She got married at the age of 18 and gave birth to her first kid by 19 and the second by 21 yrs of age. May...

3 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 5 Mrs Fatima Cassies Surprising Delight

Chapter Five: Mrs. Fatima & Cassie's Surprising Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara Water dripped off my body as I stretched my back, my large, dusky breasts thrusting before me. My toes flexed in the soft sand of the riverbank on the autumn side of the Year's Divide. I smiled as Cassie, my young ally, swam the last few feet and reached the bank, crawling out on her knees. She breathed heavily, her red hair plastered to her face and shoulders, her round, barely...

3 years ago
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Goodbye Sex With Fatima 3

When I came out from the bathroom, she told me that she is going to prepare lunch for us, I told her ok. After about 25 minutes, she came in with a tray of Yam porridge. She set it down on the table and we started eating. As we were eating, we were also cracking jokes and laughing, just enjoying each other's company. We were having such a great time. After we finished eating, I felt Fatima's foot on my bare leg. Slowly and sexily, she began rubbing it up and down. As she was teasing me, her big...

2 years ago
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I met Fatima as I was lounging in the bubbling warm jacuzzi. There were a few others there, guys and girls, but it was me she smiled at as she climbed into the tub. The jacuzzi tub has always been one of my favourite places, a place just to hang out and enjoy the movement of the warm water as my cock floats to the top, sometimes a place to meet a lady and get close to her, sometimes a place to get hot and sweaty rubbing a pussy as my cock is played with and sucked. As always at Acanthus, every...

4 years ago
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Club Fatale Pt 10

The party was in full swing -- as were the three women hanging before the assembled mass of Clubmen and Femmes. They had only been up for a few minutes, but already I was aching in the cock. One by one, Jacob let them down from the gallows so that I could take them once more before they expired. Redheaded Cameron. Blonde-haired Kelly. And finally: beautiful, blonde Carol. One by one, I raped them, and finished with the mother. Pulling her off me, I sprayed my semen upon her tits and...

1 year ago
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Fat Bud Part 1 By BOBtheBEAR

I work at a desk job in a small auto-parts place where the owner, Fat Bud—as he calls himself—hired me right on the spot 3 months ago when he saw my prodigious typing and bookkeeping skills. Essentially hiring me for two jobs, reception AND bookkeeping—for $2.00 more on the hour (at my insistence, of course)—my life has been real hectic ever since. But, the money flows in, and the business is doing even better now, so I can’t complain too much. Anyway, my boss is in & out all day, usually...

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Fat Bud Part 2 By BOBtheBEAR

I was amazed. Fat Bud seemed even bigger naked than he was clothed, if that can be believed. He was completely smooth, other than a few chest & pubic hairs. He had such soft, white skin of which he obviously took good care. Unlike most chubs, he didn’t even have any stretch marks on the sides of his massive belly! As he stood in the doorway for a few seconds checking me out, I could see his decent endowment beginning to pop out beneath that belly of his. On a superchub, it is very...

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Fatima and Ahmad

buxom woman, lived in 6th of October City, in Giza, Egypt. She was originally from Fayyom. Her face features are pure Egyptian, like ancient Egyptian queens, women, and naked Pharoahnic dancers. Beautiful like Nagwa Fouad, and Sohair Zaky, the famous belly dancers. Her vulva is very delicious and honey-sweet like none of European or American women can do. Her husband Hussein is alive and they had three children, their elder son Ahmad is in the final year of secondary school. She...

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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 5 Mrs Fatima Cassiersquos Surprising Delight

Mrs. Fatima Samara Water dripped off my body as I stretched my back, my large, dusky breasts thrusting before me. My toes flexed in the soft sand of the riverbank on the autumn side of the Year’s Divide. I smiled as Cassie, my teenage ally, swam the last few feet and reached the bank, crawling out on her knees. She breathed heavily, her red hair plastered to her face and shoulders, her round, underage breasts swaying. My futa-dick throbbed at the sight of her. I had a harem of teenage...

2 years ago
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Fatimas Escapades Part 4

First her push up bra came off and her voluptuous breasts bounced beautifully as she danced. Her nipples were already hard and Zain shifted in the armchair he occupied. His bulge was clearly visible and this excited Fatima even further. Fatima wore a Zorros mask and her long hair cascaded in waves down to the middle of her back. Her bangs framed her face, covering the top of the mask, and she had applied a deep red lipstick with clear lip gloss for shine. She was an absolute vision in her...

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Fatimas escapades part 11

"Where do you think you're going young lady? Have you forgotten about your chores? I need help making the Roti's for tonight's dinner. Your father has invited his business partner over and we were hoping to introduce you to him because his son is recently divorced and would be perfect for you. Your father says he's a handsome, well mannered boy who helps his dad in the business." Fatima rolls her eyes, and grits her teeth to stop herself from the nasty retort she's about to...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 3 Mrs Fatimas Fertile Harem

Chapter Three: Mrs. Fatima's Fertile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 A nervous energy filled the apartment as the girls rushed through the house to get ready for college. All but poor Alesha were dripping with futa-cum. My futa-cum. Sa'dia, my eldest daughter, twenty and lovely, flounced by, her green eyes flashing. Those emerald orbs set in her dusky face gave her such an exotic beauty. “Thanks for breakfast, Mother,” she said, snagging a plate and hurrying to the table to join...

2 years ago
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My First Fat Pussy

Always one to date thin, tight-bodied girls, I was between girlfriends for a couple of weeks and was getting horny for pussy, any pussy. It’s proven I guess that as the night at the bar goes on the girls get prettier, they also get thinner as you drink more. When I arrived that night a fat girl asked me to dance and I turned her down. My cousin always liked plumpers and he thought I was crazy. Finally, towards the end of the evening I spotted a pretty hot, black haired beauty with...

2 years ago
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My First Fat Pussy My First Sex Slave

Always one to date thin, tight-bodied girls, I was between girlfriends for a couple of weeks and was getting horny for pussy, any pussy. It’s proven I guess that as the night at the bar goes on the girls get prettier, they also get thinner as you drink more. When I arrived that night a fat girl asked me to dance and I turned her down. My cousin always liked plumpers and he thought I was crazy. Finally, towards the end of the evening I spotted a pretty hot, black haired beauty with...

1 year ago
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A Gay Outdoor Dirty Muddy Pissy Ball Busting Fat P

The man who turned me into a pig. A gay, outdoor, dirty, muddy, pissy, ball busting, fat pig fantasy story.I met this older man online at this gay personal ad site. He looked like a gentle kind old man with a cardigan sweater, slacks and loafers. I was 21. I really hadn't had that much sex yet. I had sucked a couple cocks but that was it. I wasn't sure how gay I was. I did like sucking cock but I was really wasn't interested in more than just trading blowjobs and maybe I've let him fuck me I...

1 year ago
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Nasty Fat Fuck Part 2

I woke up the morning after my “experience” with a raging hard-on. The only thing I could fantasize about was that morbidly obese woman ordering me to put my dick in her rolls of fat. I jacked off to a great orgasm. I wanted to go back and beg her to do it again. What had really piqued my curiosity was her promise to “do something even nastier” the next time. I really couldn’t figure out what could be nastier than being forced to fuck a smelly fat woman’s sweaty tummy folds. Would she actually...

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The fat mans revenge

Ethan Harrington was a large man by any measure. He topped out at over 6 feet tall and was over 400 pound. Right now he was trying to squeeze his way into a sub compact. He was a mechanic with his own body shop and he needed to get this car up on a lift. "Fuck" he shouted as he managed to wedge his way in. "Fucking women with fucking tiny ass cars." He got the car up on the lift and struggled his way out. "It's never fucking easy." He ran the lift up when suddenly a car...

3 years ago
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Fat Chance

Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her with....

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Fat Chance

Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her with....

2 years ago
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Gracie 04 Fucking the Fat Little Pig

Gracie and I had a Big Day Out on Monday, the Queen's Birthday Holiday. There were events on all over town and we went to a free concert in the Park and I discovered that Gracie shares my love of classical music, especially the baroque. They played Vivaldi, Brandenberg Concertos and Mozart and we lay on the grass in the sun enjoying the music for hours. We had lunch on the Boardwalk and strolled along the riverbank than sat and watched the boats on the river. We stayed till dark and watched the...

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The Little Fat Fairy and the Fucking Fungus

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen."Oh, Mr. Wankles! You just don't understand." The little fat fairy plonked herself down onto the dandelion pouffe, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal her rather substantial knickers."Ooo, purple lace today, Daisy," leered Mr. Wankles."Certainly is, young-fella-me-lad," she sighed."And what sort of a problem cannot be solved by purple lace knickers?" The gnome sat back in his cumbersome velour...

1 year ago
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The Fat Lady and the Nun

I stood in the shower the next morning, hard as a rock, stroking myself thinking about the blubber monster’s asshole and how she squeezed my cock to a ball-wrenching orgasm. I wondered what sick sexual punishment I was going to receive at the hands of this mysterious “Betty.” I drove to the fat lady’s apartment as instructed at about 10, and saw the behemoth pouring herself into their car. “About fucking time you got here,” she said as I walked over to them. “Get in. We’ve got something a...

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about Fatima

It was Friday night.Fatima´s life was a mess and she knew it. She had lost her job and because of bureaucracy, she can NOT get a meeting about getting welfare before Thursday. She was behind with everything; her phone has already gone dead and she is also behind with the rent. Talking to her relatives is out of the question. They don´t have any contact any more, due to her wild past. It was one small photo-shoot where all she did was take her clothes off and pose a little. Several of her...

3 years ago
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Son fucks Fat Mother

Few days back my sister joined with our home with her six months aged daughter. Her hubby married with another girl and compelled sis to share him with new wife, but sister was not interested the same, she told him clearly to keep away from her and live with your new wife. He finally called my grandma and told to convince her to co operate with him, but gm also cursed him in very worst language like sinner, insolent, libertine, bastard and beaten on his cheek. Grandma told him as, she is taking...

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Fat Margaret

Fat Margaret! It was a name that Maggie Wilson had been running from for most of her life. It had certainly had positive effects, she knew that. After all, she would think to herself, ‘Look at me now!’ And her reverie was true, looking at her currently meant that the name ‘Fat Margaret’ didn’t make sense at all. It had been the brain child of her Uncle Clarence. He was so completely unlike his brother, Maggie’s lovely Dad Roger, that you would hardly give credence to the fact that they were...

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I'd chatted with a fat slut online constantly. Both us really into eachother. Always talking about how we'd fuck all day and night. How he wanted to so badly to fuck him and use him. He constantly claimed he was better than my gf and I'd tease him saying he wasn't. That seemed to get him going and it usually turned him up a notch trying to compete with my gf. With weeks of constantly talking and cumming together online, It escalated and soon we found ourselves wanting to make it happen for...

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More of the Story S and the fat b

So that first time with S was great. Like I said I've been around and i have to say S's pu**y was easily in the top ten. I couldn't get enough of that sweet wet slot of hers. It was damn near a crime how I use to treat her. A crime with respect for her wishes. Let me explain. One time I'm minding my business listening to my music of course, cleaning the back steps when S walks pass me up the steps. She's wearing a little jean skirt, cute blouse and calf high leather boots. She tried to walk...

3 years ago
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The Fat Older Men Change

Introduction: The Thai girl find new love and friendship from 3 fat older men. The Fat Older Men Change The life is so terribly for Nun, the 29 year old Thai girl whos living in Great Britain. Last year she worked in a Thai restaurant and met the young black stud who said he loved her with a true heart and promised many things to her. Everything looked so perfect at that time. Now shes jobless, and thats not the worst part, when she got back to her BFs flat from job seeking she found him...

1 year ago
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Fat FarmChapter 24

Day 230 Monday Denise arrived home from work and stripped out of her clothes. Victoria was seated on a chair in the living room watching television. She looked like a beached whale and about as lively as road kill. Denise looked around the room and said, "The house is a mess. Did you do any cleaning today?" "No," Victoria answered. "Why not?" Denise asked getting angry. Victoria was fighting the program in ways that she had never considered. One of them was by doing absolutely none...

3 years ago
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Orgy and my fat wife

Sharon was 26 and already a big girl when John met her. After 10 years together, she had grown huge. It had been her large breasts and curvy ass that had first attracted him to her, but now she was enormous all over and it had reached the point that John was having trouble getting aroused enough to have sex with her. It wasn’t that she didn’t want it; in fact she was hornier now then ever, but her body just didn’t do it for him as it once had. Although he sometimes felt bad...

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Fat Pig Cum Slut

This is something that happened to me when I was s*******n in high school, my friend Niki asked me to come out to her boyfriend's house they were having a pool party. I said sure sounds like fun it was a beautiful hot sunny day, we arrived at Jay's house there were 3 other guys there all drinking beer. They offered us a beer we undressed into our bathing suits, Niki is a tall 5.7 Long Blonde hair with large tits, very tight and curvy body. She was wearing a blue sting bikini that didn't cover...

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Title: lovelylaura22Rating: NC17Summary: Not k**ding. I keep getting these emails in my spam folder from "lovelylaura22" with the subject "Looking For A F-Buddy??" Well, what if this was the real thing?Always Jan got these email messages in his "spam" folder. Always he immediately deleted them without a single thought.But as Laura's birthday got closer and closer, he imagined that one of them did contain the real thing, that it really was from the Laura Dianne Vandervoort that he was in so very...

4 years ago
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Goodbye Sex With Fatima 4

After we rested, we both knew that we had very little time before her husband comes back from work and also my departure time is less than 3 hours away. I leaned closer and took a deep breath of her pussy. The smell gave me a boner instantaneously. I stuck my wet tongue out and licked from her pussy all the way to her tiny ass hole. She moaned softly and rolled onto her back, exposing her clean- pussy with her legs spread open. I started kissing her inner thigh. I used my middle finger to...

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Fatima and Ahmad

100% fiction! "Well, uh, look, Mom...we're both adults. I think I can talk to you frankly, can't I?" I couldn't believe I was about to tell my mother Fatima I wanted to fuck her. She nodded her head and I went on. "You know, when I was a kid, I used to fantasize a lot about you." "Most 18yo boys do, you know," she interjected. "Well, after awhile, it sort of melted into the background, but it was something I never forgot. When you came here, and I saw how beautiful you look, well, those...

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The Fat Older Men Change1

The life is so terribly for Nun, the 29 year old Thai girl who’s living in Great Britain. Last year she worked in a Thai restaurant and met the young black stud who said he loved her with a true heart and promised many things to her. Everything looked so perfect at that time. Now she’s jobless, and that’s not the worst part, when she got back to her BF’s flat from job seeking she found him fucking another girl. He tried to explain but it was too late. She decided to pack her bags and...

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Recently, I was at work and all I could thing about was sucking a CUT HARD WHITE COCK. (I'm a Black Gay man with a Black Gay boyfriend who I love very much) but, for about the past 10 years I have a need to SUCK CUT HARD WHITE COCKS and SWALLOW their CUM. I made plans after work to go to a Sex Party. I sometimes go to this party when I tell my boyfriend that I have to work late. This month in particular, my need to SUCK CUT HARD WHITE COCK was at an all-time high! So, I told my boyfriend that I...

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