- 3 years ago
- 28
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Fat Margaret! It was a name that Maggie Wilson had been running from for most of her life. It had certainly had positive effects, she knew that. After all, she would think to herself, ‘Look at me now!’ And her reverie was true, looking at her currently meant that the name ‘Fat Margaret’ didn’t make sense at all.
It had been the brain child of her Uncle Clarence. He was so completely unlike his brother, Maggie’s lovely Dad Roger, that you would hardly give credence to the fact that they were brothers.
Whereas her dad was loving, caring and compassionate, Uncle Clarence had a mean streak in him that fed on the way that his ‘wit’ could hurt people. Early on in her life he dubbed her ‘Fat Margaret’, and it had made her cry. Clarence was tickled that he had gotten such a good hold on his niece, and forever after called her by the hated name. It never failed, during those formative years, to bring her to tears.
Nor did her Dad, who died early on, ever stand up for her, though her Mom did, after at while of putting up with it, take Clarence to task for it. His usual defense, given with a laugh was that he was only ‘joking’ and the little girl should learn to take a joke.
She’d had a life time of it, whenever Uncle Clarence and Aunt Ida would visit. She could positively count on the fact that at some point during the visit, he’d call her ‘Fat Margaret’, to see what she’d do. He was always very jovial about bringing his niece to tears, and was willing to risk her Mom, Ceilia’s wrath to get his jollies with his niece.
She’d recently been home for a brief visit. She had been happy about sharing with her Mom the details of her new life at the college where she’d gotten a position in the PE department. These times at home with her Mom were her best times.
Over the years, she and her Mom had turned into more like girl friends than mother and daughter. They genuinely enjoyed each other.
So, it was with some chagrin that Margaret realized that Uncle Clarence and Aunt Ida were to visit and say hello.
The couple arrived and exchanged greetings, and Maggie was just waiting for it. Of course, with Uncle Clarence, she didn’t have long to wait.
‘So how is life treating our Fat Margaret?’ he asked, going into his usual laugh.
It was strange how she knew it, but in Maggie’s mind she absolutely knew that this was the time, simply the time. She ignored her Mom’s facial expression that said clearly ‘Let it go, honey’ and went to him.
He was grinning right up to the time when Maggie, a bit taller than he was by now, grabbed him by the necktie. She simply gave in to her pent up anger:
‘Listen, Old Man, I am not your ‘Fat Margaret’, I am not your anything. And I give you a promise this day, I swear on the grave of my father that if you ever call me that name again, which has been my burden for a lifetime, I will kick your fat old ass!’
Clarence was non-plussed and sputtering. He said: ‘Clairice!’
And Maggie turned on him again: ‘It’s not between you and Momma, Old Man, it’s just you and me!’
She took the drink that she’d been working on, grabbed him by the belt and poured the drink down the front of his pants. Then she growled at him:
‘Next time I won’t be gentle, you make sure that there is no ‘next time’.’
Clarence ended just shaking his head ‘yes’ in agreement.
Maggie then went to her Mom and said: ‘Momma, I apologize to you for losing my temper here. I’m going back to the school now.’
She turned to her Aunt Ida who was suppressing a kind of smile and said: ‘Aunt Ida, I apologize to you too.’
Then she looked at Clarence, who was still pale and said: ‘You are warned! Next time, I’m going to hurt you!’
Maggie left then.
The name itself had been one of the factors that had spurred Maggie on, as she grew up and matured, to be who she was today. She certainly had been a fat kid. That much she realized as truth but then during high school she began to grow. She’d gotten this kind of tendency from her Dad, who had been well over 6’4′. She realized her full growth, toward the end of high school, and was 6 foot tall herself, when the growing was done.
From her Mom she’d gotten the tendency toward being big in the bosom. This was a fact that always pleased her. At the age of 18 Maggie was fully developed and had 38d breasts. She also got from her Mom the tendency to be big in the butt, although, this she worked on assiduously. It was that need to work on her physical form that pushed Maggie into her love of PE, exercising, sports. It helped to make her who she became.
So at present, at the age of 28, Maggie Wilsons was tall, and built well enough to be called ‘a renaissance painter’s dream’. She had even been called that a time or two and it certainly made the ‘Fat Margaret’ image fade.
But there were other factors at work here also. Maggie was, admittedly, short and still fat through most of her high school experience. The name, unfortunately was still apt. She became a person who could be everyone’s best friend. She was bright, she was pleasant, she was loyal and a good buddy but still through that time she wasn’t anyone’s idea of a girl whom many asked for dates. Such experiences were few and far between.
As a result, Maggie was shy, when it came to boys, dating, sex etc. She wasn’t ignorant, just shy. Nor had she ever considered even remotely the possibility of being sexually active in order to win or gain popularity. She left that kind of acting out for others. She wasn’t a prude, she was just shy.
That meant that, when she got to college, with her newly gained height and her better weight to height distribution, with the added factor of her attention to her workouts and physical development, she was physically ready for dating but was still very shy, and things didn’t happen very much.
She never encouraged boys very much. She was still, in a way, living in the shadow of Fat Margaret during that time. Oh, she did do some experimenting with sex. She’d had a few partners, under the heading for her of ‘I guess I’d better try that to see what it’s like, since everyone talks about it so much.’ But those events never impressed her very much.
Maggie spent her college career devoting more and more of herself to her physical education goals and interests. She didn’t date very much, mainly because she never promoted herself very much, and was not outgoing in those ways.
During that time period, she took on projects like martial arts, becoming a red belt by the time she was a senior and achieving her goal of black belt a few years later, when she was working on her advanced degrees.
She also participated in sports, especially in college: volleyball, soccer–she was a first rate goalie– and woman’s softball. She lettered in those sports and was a popular member of those teams.
Close friends were often enough asked if Maggie was a lesbian but were quick to assure people, who were interested for whatever reason, that Maggie was indeed not. She was shy.
She’d gotten the chance to join the PE staff at a local college, and was tickled by the position. She loved teaching the things that meant so much to her. She was popular and began to receive some male attention, after all, by now Maggie was a good 6′ tall, and extremely well built, a condition that she honed constantly through her devotion to exercise.
That day, after she’d gotten back to school, she called her Mom to apologize again. However, her Mom told her that she’d told Clarence to go home and not come back ever again until he could be pleasant and not so ignorant in his use of names, and the way he treated people.
‘Don’t you cry about this, honey,’ her Mom said.
‘No, Mom,’ Maggie explained, ‘I’ve given Uncle Clarence all the tears that he’s ever going to get from me, I’m finished with that reaction but I will carry out my threat, if he ever does it again.’
No, Maggie,’ he Mom said, ‘Just calm down, he’s not worth the upset.’
‘No,’ Maggie replied, ‘I know he’s not.’
Then she changed the subject: ‘Mom, when are you going to come and visit me here at school. It’s lovely here, and I think that you’d love the trip.’
‘Honey,’ her Mom replied, ‘You look your schedule over and I will also and we’ll find a time.’
It was a pleasant prospect for Maggie, and she had a lot of time to herself. She was beginning to make friends, some of them good friends but was still relatively new at the school.
That began to change through an incident that occurred on a Friday afternoon.
Petie Doyle had come to Maggie in her office and asked if she could do the final sweep through the lockers that night. He said to her:
‘I promised my wife I’d be home early and we’d go out to dinner.’
‘Go, Pete,’ Maggie said. ‘I still have some things to do and will be on hand to do the final sweep in about an hour and a half.’
‘You’re a sweetheart!’ Pete said. ‘I owe you one. Maybe you could dine with me and Sylvie one day. We’d like that.’
‘Thanks, Pete,’ she said, ‘So would I.’
She got on with her work and in about the time that she’d mentioned was ready to go through the locker rooms before shutting down for the evening. She did a walk through in the woman’s locker area first and it was fine and secure. Then she went into the men’s expecting to find the same kind of deserted, secure scene.
She was surprised by what she saw there.
She entered the locker room and turned to walk down the row of lockers toward the shower room and just then a man stepped out from between one of the rows of lockers.
Maggie was shocked so much that she stood in place, put her hand over her mouth and made a kind of squeaking noise.
Then the man turned. As it happened, it was Dean Winslow, the dean of the college. He had just finished a work out and was dressed only in a jock strap. He’d had his back turned to Maggie at first, showing off a rather nicely formed ass. That was one of the reasons why Maggie made the squeaking noise.
With much more aplomb than she felt, the Dean picked up a towel and wrapped it around his waist.
‘Dean Winslow!’ she said, moving her hand from her mouth. ‘I’m so . . .so sorry! I’m, um,. . .making the final tour through the lockers before closing down. I had no . . .no idea . . .’
He stopped her by putting up his hand, the towel still wrapped around his waist.
‘Please,’he began, ‘It’s Maggie, Maggie Wilson, isn’t it?’
She shook her head ‘yes’, and he went on.
‘It’s entirely my fault. I should notify you and your colleagues, when I intend to be here later in the evening and do my exercise.’
He laughed then and added: ‘At my age, things go south pretty quickly, unless you work on it hard.’
(Now Tom Winslow, the Dean of the College, was a man of 46 years, he was a widower, having lost his wife two years previously to cancer, and was a very handsome man, premature white hair that was a bit curly and not much fat on him.)
Maggie spoke before she thought and said: ‘But, Dean Winslow, you’re gorgeous!’
She realized immediately the possibly in appropriate thing she’d said and put her hand over her mouth and squeaked again.
For his part Tom Winslow just smiled a huge smile at Maggie and said:
‘Maggie Wilson, what a nice thing to say!’ Then he went on: ‘I’ll be out of your hair in a very few minutes.’
‘Take your time, sir!’ she said. ‘I can wait.’
‘It’s Tom,’ he said simply, ‘We’re here together and there’s no need to be formal.’
(The Dean did have a reputation for allowing such familiarity with staff people.)
Maggie blushed then and said: ‘Thank you, sir, . . .er . . .Tom. I’ll finish later.’
She turned to go, when he said:
‘Maggie, pretty spectacular looking this evening yourself.’
(Maggie was wearing a sports jersey that came to her waist and a pair of black stretch exercise pants, the style that are clingy. They presented her lovely hips and butt to great advantage. The Dean certainly noticed.)
That broke through to her and she smiled at him broadly and said: ‘Why thank you, Tom.’
Despite herself, Maggie was smiling and blushing, when she got back to her office.
She allowed herself only one lone comment: ‘Pretty spectacular looking.’ was the only comment that she made to herself.
She went about the business of setting up schedules and such tasks as needed to be done, and it was only a short time later that there was a knock on the door. She went to the door and found Dean Winslow standing there.
‘Sir, er, Tom,’ she stammered. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t really know which to use. I . . .’
He smiled as she trailed off.
‘I was wondering if I could treat you to a cup of coffee, Maggie?’ he asked. ‘There’s something that I need to talk to you about.’
‘Why, yes,’ she said pleased—she really liked the Dean—‘Just let me shut down here and put on a coat.’
They walked companionably to the coffee house that was on campus, both of them nodding to people that they knew on the way.
They settled themselves down in a corner of the place, which had blues music playing and was fairly quiet at this time of day.
When they were settled with coffee, Tom Winslow spoke up:
‘Maggie, I owe you an apology for what I said in the locker room. I certainly let my enthusiasm get ahead of my manners. I do apologize.’
‘For telling me how nice I look?’ she asked somewhat incredulously.
‘Yes, I thought that it might be inappropriate, given the situation or maybe just inappropriate period,’ he said.
Maggie blushed and looked down, not able to hold his gaze as she replied: ‘I thought that it was a lovely compliment!’
‘Well, it was certainly meant that way,’ he said, ‘But I didn’t want you to think that I was making inappropriate remarks to you.’
‘How nice of you to be concerned about the way you spoke to me!’ she said. (Her horrible Uncle Clarence and his constant railing at her as ‘Fat Margaret’ came to mind very quickly.)
Without much thought, not knowing why, at first, she did it at all, she went into the ‘Fat Margaret’ story.
He listened, and when she was done, said: ‘I see.’
‘Oh,’ she said half to herself, ‘I told myself that I was not going to cry about ‘Fat Margaret’ anymore at all.’
Then she finished off the story by a description of the encounter with her Uncle Clarence recently and what she’d said and done. To her surprise, he laughed.
‘Wonderful!’ he said, ‘You should have gored the old bull! Served him right! What a great way to handle that kind of crap.’
She looked at him, when he’d said this and for a few minutes simply came out of her shell. (She was always on shaky ground, when dealing with these kinds of issues, and now was no different. But his words brought out a 24 carat smile from her, and it was dazzling.)
He smiled at her in return, and finally said: ‘Maggie, I hate to end this but I have some things tonight that I have to do.’
‘Oh, I understand perfectly,’ she hastened to say, the old Maggie gaining the upper hand.
‘No, please,’ he said touching her hand, ‘I need to be clear and want you to know that what I have to do tonight must be done but I would rather sit with you or dine with you and continue our conversation. Would that be possible some time, Maggie?’
She was swept away by what he said and the implication of what he said.
‘Oh, yes, it would,’ she said, giving him the smile again, ‘I’d like that. It’s so kind of you to ask.’
They got up from their table at that point and he said to her: ‘I know that the campus is safe but would still rather walk you to your car, if you don’t mind.’
‘Thank you, Dean . . .er Tom,’ she said, then giggled: ‘I’m still confused.’
‘Tom it
is then,’ he said.
She looked at him and smiled: ‘I hope you know that I will never address you inappropriately in professional circumstances.’
‘Of course, I do, I just enjoy, in these circumstances, being Tom.’
They had about reached her car by then, she turned, gathered her courage and said to him:
‘Tom, I appreciate you taking so much time with me, I mean, not as the Dean and all, just taking time with me.’
Tom Winslow grinned at her and said: ‘I’ll repeat then, Maggie, ‘pretty spectacular looking!”
‘You’re going to have me giggling next,’ she said, and got into the car, as he watched her drive off.
Maggie wasn’t aware of it until a full block away but she was humming to herself
She replayed the whole incident in her mind many, many times that night. By the next day she had all but convinced herself that he wasn’t being pleasant at all but just tolerating her and that she was probably in deep trouble.
She had lunch with her friend Lanie Schultz, who taught in the Math department, and was explaining it:
‘But I walked in on him, just as he was getting ready for a shower!’ Maggie moaned.
‘Wow!’ Lanie said, ‘Sounds hot to me!’
‘Sounds like a career ending move to me!’ Maggie said, ‘How could I have been so stupid?’
‘Stupid? What’s stupid?’ Lanie asked, ‘You were merely doing what Pete Doyle asked you to do. You had no evil intentions.’
‘Well, not at first!’ Maggie said, and then they both giggled.
‘Ladies!’ a voice said and they both looked up at Dean Tom Winslow, who was standing there with a lunch tray. ‘Mind if I join you two?’ He asked.
‘Please,’ Lanie said.
‘Yes, please do!’ Maggie echoed.
Maggie was on the lookout for telltale signs that he was upset and was going to do something unpleasant.
(The Dean did have a reputation for drifting into the dining room of the college and joining colleagues at random, so, it was no thing out of the ordinary that he asked to join them. But it was making Maggie nervous.)
‘So, how are things in PE and Math today?’ Tom Winslow asked pleasantly, to break the ice.
‘Fine,’ Maggie said, and she was echoed by Lanie. He picked up, however, on their nervousness and said:
‘Oh dear! I know what was going on here!’ he said it with great good humor. ‘Maggie was telling you about our meeting yesterday!’
Maggie blushed a deep, deep shade of scarlet.
‘Yes, uh, I was!’ she said, not sure what to do next.
He sensed it immediately and put his hand over Maggie’s, saying:
‘Please, Maggie, don’t think another thing about that, it was an accident and no one was hurt by it at all. Except maybe the retinas of your eyes!’
Lanie began to giggle at that point and Maggie followed suit. He gave her a huge smile that helped to settle her down a good deal. It was shortly after that, that Lanie left for a class.
‘You were upset?’ he asked Maggie softly.
‘Oh,’ she said derisively, ‘I had convinced myself by this morning that you were really angry about what happened, and that I was in trouble.’
‘Angry about what part, Maggie?’ he asked, ‘You seeing me without my clothes, getting a glimpse at the true me, so to speak, or me seeing you looking marvelous in what you were wearing?’
He looked at her earnestly and said: ‘Please don’t be upset by it, Maggie, it was an accident and having given us the chance to be better friends, was probably a fortunate accident.’
‘Oh,’ she said simply, liking his response.
After a moment, during which he was watching her carefully, she said softly:
‘Dean Winslow, I’m sorry, I’m not very good at this, I’ve never had much practice.’
‘Boyfriends?’ he asked quietly.
‘No, not for me,’ she said, ‘You know, ‘Fat Margaret’.’
‘Maggie,’ he said in response, ‘You’d be lovely even if you were fat, which you certainly are not.’
She grinned at him then and said: ‘Big girl!’
He gave her a responding grin and said: ‘Well, I like ’em big.’
She blushed in response, and he laughed: ‘And she blushes!’
He went on softly: ‘I like that, Maggie!’
‘Fat Margaret,’ she corrected him, not even knowing why she said it.
‘Don’t you dare!’ he said with mock severity and she giggled behind her hand.
He left shortly after that, thanking her for having lunch with him. Maggie watched his progress out of the room, noting that he spoke to many, if not most of the people who were there. It made her sigh.
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margaret by romantic_for_u"I'll have my attorney make something up." He said. I laughed then replied. "Your lawyer is good at that. Mine will eat him alive." I said not knowing what attorney I'd find to represent me but knowing women always win out in a divorce. "Speaking of making things up I'll tell my attorney that you've been fucking your secretary for years." I quipped. "You can't prove that." He quickly replied. I gave him a dirty look then answered. "We just see about that." I then...
It was Sunday, and Pst was up early to help the minister with the morning service. Margaret made breakfast for the three of us, and told me I could stay home an relax due to the fact I wasn't a member of their religion. Pat left, and Margaret poured herslef another cup of coffee, and sat down at the table with me. In a soft and warm tone, she said, "Trev...what has been goin on between us may or may not be strictly moral, but I want you to know that it has made me feel more alive than I've ever...
I had to make an ovenight road trip for work. It was the same city my boyhood friend Pat's grandmother, Margaret had lived in when we stayed with her some years back, and i couldn't help remembering how it was to be intimate with her. I stopped to fuel up the truck before heading for home, and went into the gas station to grab a soda while the gas jockey serviced it. As I turned away from the vending machine, I saw an extremely attractive older woman sitting in one of the chairs, looking...
Margaret had packed for her weekend, just the essentials, sexy lingerie and bikini.... Off to a health spa with her handsome fella.... They'd been desperate to see each other again after an amazing day of lust fuelled sex recently and David had booked them into a health spa.... It was her birthday afterall....They stood at the hotel lobby staring at each other intensley, the longing in his groin becoming very evident... As she in turn found herself getting very fidgety due to the uncomfortable...
Tim’s Tails In the beginning ,,,,,,, I can look back now and realize not only how fortunate and lucky I was as a child. Many of these memories bring more than a smile to my face. If you stick around long enough you will hear all of my tales. I was raised in the house my mother was raised in in the western suburbs of Chicago in a simple Victorian home on a street of Victorian homes run by a Victorian woman. I am grateful I did not end up that way. The home to the south of us housed the Parker...
MatureI slept for what semmed like hours after masturbating to the memories of Pat's grandmother Margaret. She had me so horny I couldn't think of anyhting but her warm, curvy body, and the feel of her nylon slips. I got out of bed, listening for any activity in the house, but it was quiet, so I slowly walked down the hall to Margaret's bedroom. The heat was opressive, but her room smelled of her perfume. I walked over to her dresser, and slowly pulled a drawer open. This was her bra drawer, and...
Margaret and I had been divorced about 3 years. Our marriage had been fairly average I had thought, even including the sex we enjoyed 2.4 times a week. It struck me hard when she told me after an argument that she was leaving me, and then did just that. The divorce was fairly peaceful though, and we arranged a joint-custody agreement that the judge praised us for, as it was very liberal. Every weekend I would pick up our son and daughter, and spent the weekend with them. This continued for...
"Come in here," the scruffy inn-keeper urged with a wink. "Got somethin' I think you'll like." I followed him to a small back room under a slanting shed roof, and then on a filthy bed lay a slim, young woman, bare as the day she was born, one hand and the opposite foot tied to the bedstead and a gag in her mouth. She had a fine, strong body and dark brown hair. Her eyes pleaded, and she covered her privates with her free hand. My cock trembled to be among those fingers, beneath those...
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I was well aware that Margret had her eye on me for a long time but I did my best to ignore her advances. At first, when we had a moment alone, she would slip in a comment about how attractive I was and how she wished she had a man like me. As time went on and I ignored her blatant flirting, she began making her attraction to me a lot more obvious. During one of our visits together Margret was sitting opposite me on a pool lounger. She was wearing dark glasses which made it impossible to see...
She had charmed her dad's business partner two evenings ago at dinner and he had liked Fatima so much, he'd called yesterday and asked if he could bring over his divorced son to meet her. Ofcourse her parents had readily agreed and had gone to great lengths to prepare the best for tonight's dinner. Fatima sighed, wondering how bad this guy was going to be. If he looked anything like his father, it'd be a sad disappointment, because Ahmed Patel had just turned sixty and was short, with a...
Irfaan was delighted to find out that Fatima was the same woman from the park. He'd been afraid that he'd never see her again. He'd ended up fucking her in her parents kitchen the day before. She'd been amazing, absolutely driving him crazy with her eager willingness to submit to his every need. He wanted to know more of her. He needed to know more, to feel more, to discover more. He'd suggested to her parents he'd like to pick her up for gym every day and drop her off at the end of the...
Tim’s Tails In the beginning ,,,,,,, I can look back now and realize not only how fortunate and lucky I was as a child. Many of these memories bring more than a smile to my face. If you stick around long enough you will hear all of my tales. I was raised in the house my mother was raised in in the western suburbs of Chicago in a simple Victorian home on a street of Victorian homes run by a Victorian woman. I am grateful I did not end up that way. The home to the south of us housed the...
The girl that sat on the pulled-down steps of the fancy carriage looked sad indeed, nearly despondent, head down and knees wide apart. She was drawing on the ground with a stick. She glanced up as I dismounted and gave me a wan smile. There was neither team nor driver in sight so the problem was obvious. She stood and my cock stirred. She was a true stunner, dressed in the height of fashion and sporting a mop of dark red hair that cascaded over her shoulders and well down her straight back,...
Fatima swayed her hips seductively to sexy music playing in the Presidential Suite of Zain's Guest House. She wore 6 inch thigh high red leather boots with a black leather hot shorts and a matching leather push up bra. She felt like a goddess in this outfit, and danced like a professional dancer. She slowly stripped for Irfaans best friend who was the owner of the guest house. Irfaan was lying down on the bed behind Fatima and he was already naked. He also watched Fatima as she danced for his...
Fatima looked in the mirror to check her appearance once last time and smiled satisfactorily. She wore a three quarter sleeve blue and pink chiffon dress which had a slightly fitted bodice, with buttons that stopped at her waist. A blue and pink sash tied like a belt around her waist and the fitted bodice gave way to an ankle length flowing skirt. The dress was light and summery, yet it wasn't in anyway see through. Fatima wore a matching pink and blue push up bra which allowed her breasts to...
Fatima paced anxiously in the living room waiting for Irfaan to pick her up for gym. This was all his idea. He'd ended up being the same stranger from the park. She couldn't believe her handsome stranger had turned out to be the same guy she was supposed to meet as a marriage proposition. Her father's business partner had wanted Fatima and his son to meet each other.Irfaan was delighted to find out that Fatima was the same woman from the park. He'd been afraid that he'd never see her again....
Fatima grabs her gym bag and makes a beeline for the front door, hoping if she passed by the kitchen quickly enough, her mother might not see her. She's almost made it to the door when she hears her mother's voice calling her name. She halts, drops her gym bag, groans inwardly and replies irritably, "Coming mummy!""Where do you think you're going young lady? Have you forgotten about your chores? I need help making the Roti's for tonight's dinner. Your father has invited his business partner...
Fatima tries a black gangbang One week after fucking my friend Fatima, mi black lover Jerome called, telling me he wanted to fuck her again, but this time it would be a gangbang with another two of his mates.I called Fatima; she was excited as she told me she would love to be gangbanged by three black men. She told me her husband had discovered her affair with Jerome the night after the fucking session, because he noticed her cunt was very swollen and she was still sore when he tried to have...
My dear ISS friends, I am glad to hear that you all enjoyed my previous story “Gloriya”. I thank you for finding time to write to me about your positive feedback. Today am going to tell you my real life experience with Fatima. First of all let me introduce you all to Fatima. Fatima is a married Muslim woman and was around 30 yrs of age and had 2 kids the time I met her about 3 yrs back. She got married at the age of 18 and gave birth to her first kid by 19 and the second by 21 yrs of age. May...
I met Fatima as I was lounging in the bubbling warm jacuzzi. There were a few others there, guys and girls, but it was me she smiled at as she climbed into the tub. The jacuzzi tub has always been one of my favourite places, a place just to hang out and enjoy the movement of the warm water as my cock floats to the top, sometimes a place to meet a lady and get close to her, sometimes a place to get hot and sweaty rubbing a pussy as my cock is played with and sucked. As always at Acanthus, every...
I work at a desk job in a small auto-parts place where the owner, Fat Bud—as he calls himself—hired me right on the spot 3 months ago when he saw my prodigious typing and bookkeeping skills. Essentially hiring me for two jobs, reception AND bookkeeping—for $2.00 more on the hour (at my insistence, of course)—my life has been real hectic ever since. But, the money flows in, and the business is doing even better now, so I can’t complain too much. Anyway, my boss is in & out all day, usually...
I was amazed. Fat Bud seemed even bigger naked than he was clothed, if that can be believed. He was completely smooth, other than a few chest & pubic hairs. He had such soft, white skin of which he obviously took good care. Unlike most chubs, he didn’t even have any stretch marks on the sides of his massive belly! As he stood in the doorway for a few seconds checking me out, I could see his decent endowment beginning to pop out beneath that belly of his. On a superchub, it is very...
buxom woman, lived in 6th of October City, in Giza, Egypt. She was originally from Fayyom. Her face features are pure Egyptian, like ancient Egyptian queens, women, and naked Pharoahnic dancers. Beautiful like Nagwa Fouad, and Sohair Zaky, the famous belly dancers. Her vulva is very delicious and honey-sweet like none of European or American women can do. Her husband Hussein is alive and they had three children, their elder son Ahmad is in the final year of secondary school. She...
First her push up bra came off and her voluptuous breasts bounced beautifully as she danced. Her nipples were already hard and Zain shifted in the armchair he occupied. His bulge was clearly visible and this excited Fatima even further. Fatima wore a Zorros mask and her long hair cascaded in waves down to the middle of her back. Her bangs framed her face, covering the top of the mask, and she had applied a deep red lipstick with clear lip gloss for shine. She was an absolute vision in her...
"Where do you think you're going young lady? Have you forgotten about your chores? I need help making the Roti's for tonight's dinner. Your father has invited his business partner over and we were hoping to introduce you to him because his son is recently divorced and would be perfect for you. Your father says he's a handsome, well mannered boy who helps his dad in the business." Fatima rolls her eyes, and grits her teeth to stop herself from the nasty retort she's about to...
Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her with....
Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her with....
LesbianDay 230 Monday Denise arrived home from work and stripped out of her clothes. Victoria was seated on a chair in the living room watching television. She looked like a beached whale and about as lively as road kill. Denise looked around the room and said, "The house is a mess. Did you do any cleaning today?" "No," Victoria answered. "Why not?" Denise asked getting angry. Victoria was fighting the program in ways that she had never considered. One of them was by doing absolutely none...
This is something that happened to me when I was s*******n in high school, my friend Niki asked me to come out to her boyfriend's house they were having a pool party. I said sure sounds like fun it was a beautiful hot sunny day, we arrived at Jay's house there were 3 other guys there all drinking beer. They offered us a beer we undressed into our bathing suits, Niki is a tall 5.7 Long Blonde hair with large tits, very tight and curvy body. She was wearing a blue sting bikini that didn't cover...
100% fiction! "Well, uh, look, Mom...we're both adults. I think I can talk to you frankly, can't I?" I couldn't believe I was about to tell my mother Fatima I wanted to fuck her. She nodded her head and I went on. "You know, when I was a kid, I used to fantasize a lot about you." "Most 18yo boys do, you know," she interjected. "Well, after awhile, it sort of melted into the background, but it was something I never forgot. When you came here, and I saw how beautiful you look, well, those...
IncestShannon sidled across her bedroom, undoing the buttons on her blouse, thinking about what the night ahead had in store for her. She'd sucked her grandfather's huge cock a couple of times now, and tonight, he'd promised to fuck her with it. She couldn't wait. She stepped across to the bed and saw two large boxes lying on top of the covers, each one done up with a big colorful ribbon tied into a bow. One had a tag attached that said: "FOR DINNER TONIGHT" and the other said: "FOR...
I was lying on my bed reading a book for Uni when I heard the key in the door. I wondered which one it was. It made little difference which one took there turn first. I saw the son step around the corner and lean against the door frame. He had a big grin on his face. He was still wearing a white shell suit which was not very attractive, but he had a few less spots on his face and was slim and young and better looking than his Father. “I guess you came for the rent,” I mumbled and...
I worked on a road construction crew and spent a lot of time away from home. On one occasion we were put up in this small town, my buddy Javion and I were in a scuzzy bar drinking and playing pool. There was this woman in there who joined us, her name was Amber. She was about 32 Long dirty blond hair, Big Fat Ass Belly with massive Tits, she was wearing very tight jeans & white t shirt that left nothing to the imagination, she was what you would call Very Curvy with a Skanky look to her. It...
Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her...
3 fat girls, a birthday party business, and a circus of hot sex WARNING: Reading this story may cure your fear of female clowns! I have to be honest when I tell you that I never really thought about fucking a fat girl. It just wasn’t my thing. Of course I don’t have anything against overweight women in general , I mean my sister is overweight , my cousins are overweight , and a lot of my family in general is overweight so I don’t have a bias against overweight people. I just never...
I was awoken by voices. I lie there trying to go to back to sleep but heard them in the living room. I was on a twin bed and the doorway to the bedroom was off the living room. There was no door, just the framed opening for one. Light from the living room spilled into the bedroom and partially lit it. There was enough of a glow in the room to make everything distinguishable – not enough to read by, but enough to see fairly well. The TV was on and drowning out most of the voices but I knew...
Day 3 Friday Denise sat in the office doing her work. Her mind was only half on what she was doing. The morning had started off with her giving Dale a blowjob. She had tried her best not to be too brutal, but she could tell that he wasn't happy. She had a feeling that he wasn't going to get close to her that evening. She didn't know how she felt about that. It didn't make her feel very good to know that a man would rather stick his cock in a meat grinder than her mouth. Lost in her...
Day 31 Friday Feeling depressed, Denise struggled to get out of bed. It was the beginning of her second month in the program and she didn't think she could continue. Although she had noticed over the past week that all of her clothes were too big, she didn't care that none of her clothes fit her anymore. The previous evening had been the most degrading of her life. There had been a lot of degrading evenings over the past month, but the previous evening had made them all pale in...
Day 119 Tuesday Susan looked at the suitcases that contained her clothes. Despite having lived with Dale for sixteen months, she had not acquired any personal belongings other than new clothes. She went over to the computer on her desk and double-clicked the icon for the movie of her weight loss. She watched the fat woman transform into a beauty that men desired and women wanted to be. She said, "I can watch that video every day and never get tired of it." "It is quite a change," Denise...
Kathy and I were always friends. We grew up together. She lived next door. She was the first girl that I had a crush on when I was in kindergarten. Back then before I allowed mass marketing, advertising, commercials, Playboy Magazine, and Miss America Contests to alter my definition of beauty, I saw her for the person she was kind, personable, and smart. If a boy could have a girl as a best friend, then she was mine. Through the years we stayed close, walking to school together and coming home...
We had a temporary receptionist at work that was covering for a maternity leave. He name was Mandy and she was a BBW in every sense of the word. She was 24 about 5.7, long blondish hair, very cute face with a big belly and massive tits. Id gotten quite friendly with her over the past couple weeks and found she was very pleasant, she seemed very innocent. One Friday I was leaving for the weekend and found her packing up the front desk for the weekend. I stopped said have a good weekend she said...
Copyright© 2004 by Carlos Malenkov She peeked over her shoulder at the cruel wardrobe mirror. The new jeans more or less fit, but, oh, those gigantic globes jutting out like basketballs. That huge ass of hers ruined everything. Everything. Too fat! Jenna was just too damn fat. Even on her big-boned 5'10" frame, 280 pounds was way too much payload, and much of the weight was below the waist and concentrated especially in that enormous, pear-shaped ass. Just think, she measured an...
Day 7 Tuesday Denise found it difficult to believe that she had actually managed to last an entire week in the program. The exercises had progressed a little in difficulty, but she was managing them without a problem. The meals were great. She was still living in the basement. All in all, things would have been pretty good except for being naked all of the time and the continual demands for sex by Dale. That morning, Dale had intercourse with her. She had been in the closet on her hands and...
Day 227 Saturday Denise knelt in front of Dale and slipped his cock in her mouth. With practiced ease, she worked it down her throat knowing that he enjoyed the sensation during first half of a blowjob, but preferred that she concentrate more on the head during the last half. She reached up and gently fondled his balls. With her other hand, she tickled his asshole. Dale groaned at the triple assault on his nervous system. "I want to come on your face," Dale grunted barely able to get the...
Mike got in from work around 8:00pm that evening after having a few beers at a local tavern. He strode into the living room where I was lying on the couch watching TV. He plopped down into the recliner beside the couch and yelled out “What’s for supper?” “Meat loaf and mashed potatoes” Elsie replied. “Bring me some” he demanded. Elsie brought a plate of food to him. “Where’s my beer at woman!” “Just a second” she replied. When she returned with his beer he shoved the plate back into her...
As you may remember from the last story, I lost my job and I let my landlord, the old fat bastard, to fuck me in lieu of rent. He filled my pussy with spunk and treated me like a whore. I spent the next three weeks looking for a new job, but with classes it was very difficult. I also started looking for a new apartment, but without a job very few landlords wanted to take the risk of not getting there rent. One of my friends, Kate, confessed that she found her room through a special...