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"He was a hell of a man in his day," Marshal John Tillman motioned toward Elwood T. Sloan who was slowly walking down the opposite side of the main street in Prescott Arizona. As the early morning heat was building, friends, Marshal John Tillman and Lawrence Edwards, sat in heavy wooden chairs tilted back against the shaded wall of the Marshal's office. The men were drinking coffee and basically waiting for the business day to start; it was a morning ritual between the friends.

"Don't look like much," Edwards replied watching the sad looking figure.

Sloan had been tall in his younger days, topping 6' 2: but time, age, and a hard life now caused him to limp and stoop as he walked; Elwood was in his late 60's. As the saying goes, he'd been rode hard and put away wet; his body showed the effects of the years of hard work, hard riding, and truth be known hard drinking. The deep blue eyes had faded a little but still held your gaze when he faced you. He wore his almost entirely gray hair long, down to his shoulders.

"Don't let looks put you off; he was a real curly wolf at one time. Even now, there's others I'd rather face than him. He's had a real hard life, Elwood has," Marshal Tillman said. "He was one of the most feared pistolero's in the west in his day. Some say he was faster than Hickok or John Wesley Hardin. Story goes he faced down gun slinger Clay Allison over to Elizabeth, New Mexico. That was four years back in '69 when Elwood was 64. Even at his age, Sloan is a man to reckon with.

"He's still carrying a gun at his age," Edwards remarked in surprise.

"They'll get his gun when they kill him," Tillman said. The tone of his voice carried his admiration for the aging gun fighter.

Turning to his friend Edwards said, "You sound like you respect him John."

"I do respect him, maybe not his line of work, but he never shot a man in the back or from ambush. He always faced the men he was after. And he always kept his word; not all can make that claim."

Elwood Sloan's hearing was still very good, in spite of his age and he'd heard the Marshal talking about him. John's right, he thought. I stood eye to eye with each man I went after. Some didn't deserve it, but I called them out and gave them a chance. Coming to where his horse was hitched, he slowly mounted and rode out of town. He wasn't going anywhere in particular but it was a fine spring day and he wanted to see the wild flowers that had blossomed after yesterday's early morning shower.

He was about five or six miles outside of Prescott, riding at a canter along an old logging trail, surrounded by tall Ponderosa pines, when his horse stepped in a gopher hole and threw him over the animal's head. Elwood was thrown about six feet and landed on a short thick branch in a deadfall left behind by the loggers.

The branch pieced his midsection; it was like one of the Indian lances he'd face in his day. After several minutes, Elwood recovered and with a great deal of pain, slowly pulled himself off the branch. He collapsed next to it, exhausted by the effort. Elwood tried to move and found his legs wouldn't work; guess I broke my back too, he thought.

Elwood could see his horse on the ground, screaming and thrashing in pain. He slowly pulled his Remington .44; the effort almost made him black out. Gathering himself he took aim and put a bullet into the head of the injured animal; the shot ended the horse's agony. Elwood fell back, still holding his pistol. Might have to do the same thing for myself, he thought.

Elwood didn't know how long he'd been there; he kept fading in and out of consciousness. During one of his aware periods, a stranger knelt down beside him. "Take it easy old timer; I'm gonna help you," the man said to Elwood. He held a canteen to Elwood's lips and after taking a few cautious sips of water, Elwood passed out again.

The next time Elwood awoke, the stranger sat staring at the old man. He had stripped the gear from Elwood's dead animal and used the saddle as a pillow for Elwood's head. "You're Elwood Sloan," the man said. "The famous gun fighter."

"Yep I'm Elwood Sloan, though I don't know about the famous part," Elwood replied. "And I've been called a gun fighter, shootist, and a hired gun. Some called me a bastard; not many of those lived to tell about it though. Who'd you be?"

"I'm Luke Donaldson from over to Chino Valley. Was on my way into Prescott when I saw a couple of buzzards circling overhead. The higher the sun rose and the warmer it got, more vultures joined the first two. I rode over to see what had died and found you." Luke held the canteen to Elwood's lips again. "I'll tend you the best I know how old timer, then I'll go to Prescott and get help."

"No need Luke. I'm done in. That damn tree branch stickin me is as bad as being gut shot. I'd never make it until you got back; lost too much blood. Sides that, my back is broke and my insides feel like mush." Elwood sighed. "I've had a good run though." Luke and Elwood talked for a bit; Elwood to keep his mind off his pain and Luke because he was interested in the old man.

After several minutes Luke said, "Heard you faced down Clay Allison down in Texas. He had quite a reputation too; almost as famous as you."

"Not a word of truth to that story boy," Elwood replied. "Allison came into the saloon and thought I was one of the Kennedy clan; they were a mite upset at Allison for killing Charley Kennedy. I told him I wasn't a Kennedy but if he wanted trouble that I'd oblige him. I cleared my slicker away from my gun to free it and stood waiting. The bartender vouched for me and Allison pulled in his horns. He apologized and bought me a drink. And that's the way it went."

The old man coughed and grimaced in pain. "Don't want to do that again," he said. Turning to Luke he said, "You know all that hogwash about gun fights?"

"What about gun fights?"

"All those stories the dime novel writers put out about men facin each other in the street at dawn or high noon is just plain bull crap. Most time men got shot from off a distance or were ambushed. There are two exceptions; Bill Hickok and John Wesley Hardin. They'd face down any man, given the chance."

There was three," Luke said.

"Three what?" Elwood asked.

"Three that faced men from the front. Hickok, Hardin, and you. I've heard the stories from men that were there and saw you do it."

"How about you Luke? You said Chino Valley but I hear a bit of the south in your talk."

"Born and bred in Virginia." Luke was quiet and had a faraway look in his eyes. "Couldn't abide what was happenin after the war so I left."

"You serve with the South?"

"Yes sir; First Virginia Cavalry, Valley Rangers, under J.E.B. Stuart. We rode and fought for four years." Luke got quiet for a couple of minutes, thinking back over those horrible, violent years of his life. He shook himself and looked back at Elwood. "Anything more I can do for you Mr. Sloan?"

Elwood shook his head and studied Luke; he liked what he saw in the boy. Luke looked to be about 30. He was tall and straight and carried himself with a quiet confidence, moving like a big mountain lion. Elwood sort of smiled and thought I used to move like that fore I got old. "Need a favor of you Luke." Donaldson nodded and Elwood said, "Got a wife and son down in Wickenburg; I've got something I want you to take to them for me." Elwood chuckled. "Don't look like I'm gonna be able to do it myself."

"That's three days hard ride, maybe four," Luke replied.

"Yep, sure is. What kind of work do you do Luke?"

"I'm a cowhand and wrangler when I can find work. That's why I was comin to Prescott; to see if any of the spreads around there are hiring."

"What's a hand get paid these days?"

"Usually $30 a month and found."

Elwood carefully reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out a rawhide, drawstring bag. "I'll give you better than 3 months wages to make the trip to Wickenburg. Hell, that's a lot of money for a week's work." Elwood counted out five $20 Double Eagle gold coins and handed them to Luke.

"I could take your money and run Mr. Sloan," Luke said.

"You could but you won't," Elwood replied. "You don't have that look about you." He nudged the bag toward Luke. "In the bag is another $800. I'm askin you to take the money to my wife. Last I knowed she was livin close by Grant's Stage Station. Tell her I rode my last trail and won't be botherin her again."

"How long since you saw your family Mr. Sloan?"

"Close to five years now. Caleb, that's my son, was near 17 last time I saw him."

"Why so long, if you don't mind my askin?"

"Have to tell about my history to make you understand and that's a long story; but I guess I'm not going nowhere." Sloan motioned toward the canteen and Luke held it up to his lips.

"I'm not going nowhere either Mr. Sloan. I'll stay with you and see you get a proper burial, when the time comes."

Elwood nodded his thanks. "I was born in Georgia back in '05; let's see that makes me 68, I reckon. Anyway my Ma died givin birth to me and my Pa was a drunk. He didn't have much truck with a youngster that had taken his wife from him, so I sorta grew up on my own. I was about 15 when I started running with a bad crowd. Went to a work farm for two years after me and some others were caught stealing pigs."

Elwood seemed to notice for the first time that his head was propped up by his saddle. "You get my saddlebags when you stripped the gear off my horse?" Luke nodded. "I got a flask of good sippin whiskey in one of those bags. A little taste wouldn't hurt either of us." In a low voice he added, "It'd help with the pain a bit too."

Luke found the metal flask and held it up to Elwood's mouth. The old man didn't sip this time; he took two deep drinks and sighed. He motioned for Luke to help himself and continued with his story.

"I got shook of that farm when I was 18 and took off for places west. I'd had enough of Georgia and Georgia lawmen. Was two years or better I was on the trail before I lit in Texas. I rustled a few cattle or horses, and just generally did what was necessary to get by. Guess it was just in my nature, but when I got to Texas, I ran into another bunch of fellars that weren't the most law abiding citizens."

Elwood laughed and then moaned. "Damn hurts to laugh," he said.

"What's funny?" Luke asked.

Sloan took another long drink for the whiskey flask that Luke had handed back to him. "Some folks would say I should'a worked a mite more on the lawful side. I did try workin as a hand at a couple of ranches but it weren't for me. Long days and nights in the saddle bein a nursemaid to a bunch of stinkin beasts didn't set well."

Elwood closed his eyes was quiet for better than a minute. Luke thought the old man had passed out again, but Elwood roused himself. "Sorry, pain got a mite fierce there. Anyway I lit in Texas at San Felipe de Austin; was '25 or '26 as I recall. Sam Austin and others founded the town after makin a deal for settlement with the Mexican government. That was where I killed my first man."

Sloan was quiet and thoughtful for a spell. "Man insulted me and me being young and full of piss and vinegar couldn't let it go. I yelled something back at him and he went for his gun; I was faster and a better shot. Austin ran me out of San Felipe, he did. Said I was a 'blight on the community'; told me if I ever came back he'd hang me. I took the dead man's horse and property as ... spoils I guess you'd call it, and lit out. Worse thing about that fight was that it gave me a taste for usin my gun. Figured I could hire out as a gun hand and not have to work too hard.

"I did try to work on the right side of the law for a spell. Got jobs ridin shotgun on stage coaches, payroll guard; even worked in a big saloon once keepin the cowboys in line. I was ridin shotgun out of San Antonio and four men tried to rob the stage. I kilt three of them and got scratched a mite myself but I stopped the robbery. After that I decided I wasn't gonna get kilt protecting other people's money and lit out again."

It was getting late in the day and with the sun going down, a coolness descended on the pine forest. Luke built a campfire close to when the injured man lay. He noticed that Elwood had emptied the flask, so Luke got a bottle from his own saddlebags.

"This ain't as good a whiskey as what was in your flask, but it'll do. Was savin this to celebrate gettin a job," Luke said and handed Elwood the bottle. "Reckon the ride to Wickenburg can be considered a job."

"That stage robbery started my career as a hired gun," Elwood continued. "I'd work for anyone that would pay the freight. Some who hired me didn't want it knowed I was working for them; some wanted me to kill someone on the quiet side like. One thing I wouldn't do was shoot a man from ambush or in the back. Lost more than one job because I wanted to face the men I shot. I don't have much to be proud of in my life, but I'm proud of that by God."

The old man grunted and used his hands to pull himself up higher against his saddle. He waved off Luke's offer of assistance.

"I got a reputation as a fast gun; every so often somebody would just have to test me to see who was faster; never met a man than was better than me. Some were faster but weren't as accurate; before they could try a second shot I'd kilt them. That was my life for a lot of years; hire out my gun and defend my reputation. I probably would have done that until I finally met someone faster but I met my wife."

Luke stood and put another log on the fire; Elwood stopped until he finished stoking the fire.

"My Gillian worked in a bordello as a maid in San Antonio. She is a fine figure of a woman but she'd had smallpox when she was a youngster; left her face scarred real bad and she used to wear a veil to hide the pox marks. I was a regular customer at the fancy house and saw her once in a while, sorta in the background. Then one day outside the general store a man cornered her and started ranting about how ugly she was. Don't know what made him attack her like that, but I stepped up behind the man and tried to bend the barrel of my pistol over his head.

"Gillian hung her head, said thank you, and ran back to the house. The next evening I saw her and stopped to talk with her. At first she was shy and didn't want to talk to me, but shortly she opened up a mite. It wasn't many nights before I decided that I wanted a steady woman instead of visitin that fancy house. I tolt her I wanted her for my woman."

Elwood turned his head and looked at Luke. "You gotta understand, she was better than 20 years younger than me but I was the first man that showed an interest in her. She quit the bordello and we lived together for about two years."

Elwood looked off into the distance and said, "I'm not sure she really loved me, but she liked me a mite and I treated her right. When she found out she was going to have a baby, we decided to get married. Hell, I even gave up hiring out my gun; got a job as a deputy sheriff. But being a deputy didn't stop men from testin me, or from testin themselves. About every three months or so, some gun hand would call me out."

The old gunfighter laughed and then cursed at the pain it caused. "After every fight, I'd go home and Gillian would pester me to move or change my name or something, anything, so's I'd stop the fighting. Said she could handle me being a deputy but it worried her to death that I might not come home from one of the gunfights and she'd be all alone again. Told her I was rite proud of my name and I'd never been run out of a place that I wanted to stay."

Shaking his head, although he couldn't move it much because of the pain, Elwood continued. "Gillian told me I was about to be run out of our home. Said she didn't want to have to tell our son that his Pa was dead, because he was too proud and stupid to give up the life of a hired gun. Said she'd rather raise the boy alone than have to worry about me not comin home. Now ain't that something?"

"Sorta makes sense, at least from a woman's point of view Mr. Sloan," Luke answered. "I can see that not knowing if you was gonna make it day to day would be worse than living alone."

"Reckon so," Elwood said. "Anyway, I gave her and Caleb about a $1000 I'd saved up, saddled my horse, and rode out. Once or twice a year I tried to make it back to look in on them and I'd send money every couple of months too."

"Must be hard not being with them," Luke said.

"Yep. When Caleb was eight, Gillian told me to stop comin around. Said Caleb was startin to ask questions about the man who came to visit and then rode off again. She said she'd tolt the boy that his Pa was killed fightin Indians and that I was a friend that'd knowed him."

Elwood sighed and was quiet for several minutes. "Didn't stop me from lookin in on them though. I still go, but I'd stay in the background; not let them know I was around. About five years ago, I ran into Caleb at the livery stable and we got to talkin; but I didn't tell who I was. Gillian caught us talkin and later came to my room and asked me not to come back. In a voice so low that Luke almost couldn't hear him, Elwood said, "That's the last time I seen my boy or his mother."

Slowly turning his head toward Luke, Elwood pushed his big pistol toward the younger man. "Sides the wages, I'll give you my Remington. It's a fine gun and you might need it on your trip to Wickenburg; heard tell some young bucks have jumped the reservation and are raising hell down that way."

"I couldn't take your gun Mr. Sloan," Luke protested. "It wouldn't be right."

"Ain't gonna do me much good. I'm not gettin up from here and I hate to think of my Remington laying here with me, rustin away or some Indian usein it. You'd be doin me a favor Luke."

Luke nodded, took the pistol and looked closer at it. The gun showed lots of use but it had been well cared for and was a fine weapon. He pulled his Colt 1860 Army .36 caliber pistol and replaced it in the holster with the Remington .44.

"That there has been a good friend to me. Always worked, never misfired or left me stranded in bad times. Bought it in '58. Course I was past my prime and gettin to be an old man, but I always did like a good weapon. Had it converted to metal cartridges in 69, so it'd a mite easier to use. There's two extra cylinders in my saddlebags and when I'm gone you take my gun belt too. The holster was made special for the Remington."

Elwood motioned for the whiskey bottle and took a drink. "I got a sorta journal in my bags too. Could you bring it to me?" Luke dug out the journal and handed it to the dying man.

"Got one more chore for you," Elwood said as he started writing in the journal. "I'd like you to take this message I'm writing to Marshal John Tillman in Prescott, you can read it first." When he finished writing Elwood added, "I wrote down my thoughts in that journal, wrote every time I had to face a man or when something important happened. Guess you could say it's a history of my life. Give the journal to my wife if you please."

Luke took the journal and the note from the old man. "Reckon I'd like another drink and then I'll rest a bit," Elwood said. "Ain't it funny, I'm not hurtin no more." He took another drink, handed the bottle back to Luke and closed his eyes.

Sometime during the night, Luke heard Elwood say "Gillian". The old man was dead at morning light.

"I'll see that your Mrs. and your boy get the money Mr. Sloan; I give you my word." Luke said as he finished a silent prayer. Then he read the note.

"Hello John,

I always said some young gun would kill me but reckon I was wrong. My horse stepped in a hole and threw me and I'm all busted up inside. Reckon my back is broke and I fell on a broken tree and am gutted like a pig.

This young fellar with this note is Luke Donaldson. He found me on the trail and tended to me the best he could. Weren't much he could do, but he tried. He'll tell you where my body is and ifin it's not too much trouble I'd like to be buried on that little knoll over lookin Lynx Creek. Always did like fishin in that little creek; never caught much but sure liked tryin.

Anything of value in my shack, give to Pastor Fuller. He'll make the best use of it. There's a Greener 12 gauge coach gun under my bed that might help you with your marshaling. I wished you'd take care of it for me until we meet again.

If the Pastor is right, we'll get together again one of these days. In the meantime thanks for being my friend.

Elwood Sloan.

Luke took the gun belt and strapped it on. He used the oilskin ground cloth from his bedroll to wrap around Elwood to protect his body from the elements. Luke started to pick up the whiskey bottle but smiled and left it next to the old man. He sure did appreciate good whiskey, Luke thought.

When Luke rode into Prescott he saw what had to be Marshal Tillman sitting with another man in front of the marshal's office. He got off his horse, hitched him to the post in front of the office, and stepped up to the two men.

"Marshal Tillman?" The lawman nodded and Luke handed him Elwood's note. "Mr. Sloan asked me to bring this note to you."

"Elwood Sloan?" Marshal Tillman unfolded the note and read it. "You Donaldson? Luke nodded. "What happened?"

Luke explained everything he knew and the job Elwood had hired him to do. "Elwood's on that old loggin road that cuts the trail to Chino Valley; about a hundred yards back in the woods; I wrapped him in my ground cloth. If that's all Marshal, reckon I better get on the trail to Wickenburg."

"Mr. Donaldson, thank you for helping my friend," Tillman said and shook hands with Luke. "I'll be headin out to get Elwood; ifin I leave him out there the varmints might get at him. If you got a mind to, I'll put you up at the boarding house and stand you to a good meal. Y'all can ride south tomorrow morning with a good night's sleep and a full belly."

"Thanks Marshal. Another day won't make a difference to me I reckon."

At first light, Luke saddled up and started his ride down the hill, as the locals said, to Wickenburg. All day long Luke rode at a slow lope for half an hour, walked his horse for fifteen minutes, and took the animal back to the lope. He stopped three times that day for about an hour at a time to water and rest the horse. He made good miles that first day and stopped just before dusk to make camp.

Prescott was situated in the Bradshaw Mountains at an elevation of 5400 feet. Wickenburg was in the high chaparral of a semi desert at 2000 feet. The road was mostly downhill and was well traveled. As Luke got closer to Wickenburg, the countryside changed from high country pines to junipers to sagebrush and an occasional Acacia or Mesquite tree. There were a lot of other low bushes and desert plants that Luke didn't know as he'd grown up in the high country.

The weather changed too; from the high country coolness to the hotter temperatures at the beginnings of the desert. The mostly arid land once you got down off the mountain was the hardest part of the journey from Prescott to Wickenburg.

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Dyked Vera Bliss Serene Siren The Neighborhood Nubile

Beautiful Vera Bliss is the jewel of the neighborhood, and everyone seems to have her eye on her. But today, when she needs a ride home, she asks her favorite MILF in town, Serene Siren, to do the honors. Turns out, this blonde babe has a sweet tooth when it comes to wet pussy, and she is hungry for the MILFs love box. They talk about Serenes no good daughter for a little, and then they get into some crazy hot lesbian action in the car. Vera eats the older womans clit, licking and slurping like...

4 years ago
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Gay as Fuck

“Alright, mom,” the certified nurse midwife said to her patient. “Everything looks great! Any questions?”“No I think I’m good,” the small town stripper replied.“Dad,” asked the advanced practice nurse.“So do you think she’ll need a C-section?”The brown-skinned baby mama looked worried.“That’s not the plan right now. Did you have a preference?”“No,” Trent Sherrill answered. “Just wondering.”The extremely effeminate healthcare provider looked at the towering, bulky White man with blue-gray eyes....

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The Good YearsChapter 8

I got into the office at eight on Monday morning, and my phone rang about a minute later. I felt pretty good, well rested, and in a positive frame of mind. I had to admit that having Shirley come out for the weekend had been a real benefit to me. "Kenny, this is Virginia. Did you fill that vacancy yet?" Hi, Virginia. You're up awfully early today. No. I took the weekend off, to relax, and recharge my batteries. Do you have another candidate you want me to look at?" "Not another one....

4 years ago
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The Professional Whore 8211 Part 5 Dinner Served

Disclaimer: This is a completely fictional story and a creation of my imagination. Any similarity to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidental. If you enjoy this story, if it made you wet or hard, if it made your insides tingle, leave me feedback. Your feedbacks fuel my imagination. . – TH(the author) Waheeda rushed to the store as soon as they left. She picked a random bra and walked into the same trial room Jenny and Aaron had used. The black bra and rolled panties were still on the floor....

1 year ago
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A Mothers Desire

Note: This story is completely fictional. I had never thought of my in a sexual way, but for some reason on September 28th everything changed. It was his 16th birthday and it was just the two of us. My husband was out of town on military duty. I went up to Gabe’s room and I stopped just before reaching the door. I heard a faint moaning sound and as a mother I was shocked. I think every parent knows their children masturbate; they just don’t want to be proven right. I peeked through the key hole...

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Akiko and My Dad

My wife, Akiko, is 5 6 inches tall. She has a pretty face with cute dimples and a smile that will melt your heart. Her breasts are 34C Cup... waist 23 inches and hips 35 inches. She exercises every morning, without fail, for one hour. Her routine includes Yoga, 50 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 50 joy kicks, and 50 pelvic tilts. She also runs every other day, exactly 3 miles; the distance between our house the Kameole Beach on the island Maui in Hawaii. Needless to say, she has a firm body… especially...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 4

When Cheryl and Joe got home to their Upper Westside townhouse, he knew where he needed to go immediately. Top floor. The floor for their offices. To Moe. Who stewed in her anger. Probably had been for a while. “He’s fucking here, Joe,” she said. He opened his arms. She filled them. “What’s he doing here?” she asked. “I don’t know. I’ll find out.” “He wants another chance to fuck all your women.” “I hope not. But I don’t think so.” “Then why?” “Maybe he needs a friend.” “But he hates...

3 years ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 20

Mary's fingers slipped against the bright red blood seeping from Lou's lips. She wanted to hold his already swelling lips out of her way. Instead, she kept loosing her grip, so instead of pounding her rock against his teeth, Lou's lips were being mashed to a messy pulp. She couldn't keep the teeth exposed and level a solid blow at the same time. She simply couldn't break them loose from his jawbone. Mary was at a loss. "This isn't working, Lucifer," she complained. Mary had thought...

4 years ago
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The Swedish Holiday TripChapter 9

Showtime! All of the crew had left except a well-known Swedish Tv personality doing the introductions and a woman doing the filming and then ‘me’ the so called photographer and critical client. The models had arrived earlier but were getting ready in another trailer in the back and I hadn’t seen them yet, except from the corner of my eye a bit further away when some occasionally came out for a smoke. Anneli finally sat down next to me and reassured me that all the people who are now here,...

2 years ago
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25 January 2008Chapter 3

“For those of you following the game on NSN radio, Kingston will be skating from right to left for the first period,” Jim began. The Referee raised his arm, each goal judge flashed the red goal light and he dropped the puck. Joel Cross and Matt Green battled for the puck and it was shot past the defence into the Kingston end. The Frontenacs soon discovered that the Falcons they faced weeks ago had developed into a much stronger playing team. Each team demonstrated their pre-designed plays...

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The Neighbors son and hubbys sloppy se

One of Jay's, my husband, greatest thrills is to fuck me knowing I'd just had sex with another man. This is just a quick story about one of the more recent of those many times.We have a neighbor with a son named Dan who I had in school, who has always had his eye on me. We're all friendly but nothing had happened for 10 years I watched him grow up and he's in college now. He isn't someone I was actively pursuing and I think he was just shy about it. One night I went over to borrow a particular...

1 year ago
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Fun in the Woods

My name is Carl and I'm seventeen years old. I'm super horny and always masturbating. I was so excited when school ended that summer. My friends and I were going to have the best summer ever. A few of the neighborhood girls entertained me during the summer. We played a lot of truth and dare and seven minutes in heaven. I had my dick sucked a lot and even got to fuck a few of the girls. A few of my guy friends even had a threesome with a few of the girls. We had a very sexy time all summer...

2 years ago
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Turn the Tables Ch3

  My name is Katherine, Kat for short. I am the star and CEO of one of the most popular pay-for-view porn websites on the internet. My husband Jimmy started it without my knowledge. That story is told in Chapter 1. I took it over 9 months ago and made many changes. I employ a full time film crew and have used 6 different actors in our videos. We update the site about once a week with either pictures or videos. My assistant Carla really runs the show and I couldn’t have done this without her....

Wife Lovers
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An Olympic Hopeful

Early in life, I realized that I enjoyed watching younger girls. I have never acted on my attraction; still, I continually find ways to be in the areas where they tend to congregate. In the summer, I spend a lot of my time at the beach admiring the beauties in their skimpy bathing suits coming in and out of the water. Their young breasts topped with pencil-sized nipples always get my attention. I always wonder what it would be like to taste them. When they come out of the cool water, their...

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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 11

She awoke to rivulets of warm fluid cascading down her body. The four men were standing over her urinating on her face and body. She closed her eyes as tightly as possible and her fingers dug into the soft earth as Adrienne's despair deepened with each moment in which this sadistic insanity continued. "Ready to do assss the Massster wishessss?" asked Lars. "Never, never in a thousand years!" Trying to show defiance, she felt she had suffered all the indignity possible and she was...

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Charlenes Not So NonNude Angels Ch 03

‘Wow. You two look fantastic.’ Jardin Découpage and Debbie Romani turned to the speaker, both of them smiling when they saw their agent’s daughter and fellow model, Charlene Nicholson stood in the doorway, her hands behind her back. Though she wore a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt, she still managed to exude a raw sexuality that the two models couldn’t help being attracted to. Though neither of them – – nor their friend and co-model Wanda Soldado – – had admitted it to anyone, each of them...

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Aishas Journey

Aisha is a beautiful 21 year old Indian girl with dark brown hair and black eyes, fair skinned, a skinny and athletic body, 5'7 height and weight 50kgs. Aisha is from a very reputed family in Mumbai, her father is a businessman. Her mother died when she was very young and she was raised by the maids and servants. She was a very studious and smart girl during her school time and went to study at a very good college for her bachelor's degree. But something happened when she was 17 that changed...

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What Happened Last Night Pt IV

Two days later, I picked up the phone and called Tom. ‘You won’t believe what my wife said.” “I’ll bet it was pretty choice, whatever it was,” he answered. “Why do you say that?” I asked. “Well, all she had to do was snap her fingers and you dropped me like a rock,” he said. “You know I didn’t have a choice,” I said “I told you all along that my marriage and family come first.” “Yeah, but you could have called me just once, or even emailed, sent up smoke signals, anything,” he...

Gay Male
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The Blushing Sissy

The Blushing Sissy by StateRowdy [email protected] ? She'd been teasing me all week, much, much more than usual. And, now I could hear her talking to me from her bathroom tub, which by the way, used to be our bathroom. Me, I was busy ironing her long and elegant pinstriped wool gabardine black skirt with the flounced hem and her very sheer ruffled black silk halter. Ironing is perhaps one of the hardest chores I have to do. Everything had to be just so, or it was over her knee, panties down...

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When I first fucked the mother in law

This is the story about how I got to fuck my mother in law, I had been on this dating site looking for some fun between the sheets, I put in I wouldn’t to travel about 12 miles from my address, So when the pictures came back and the age’s I started to talk to one about 8 miles away she didn’t have a picture, so I tht she must be married & just wanting to fuck, She told me her name was Liz, we chatted for about a week talking about every day things, then we got a bit more sexy, I asked her how...

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Friday Afternoon

From [email protected] Fri Jan 10 15:15:08 1997Newsgroups: Friday Afternoon CompleteFrom: Clue Master Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 15:15:08 -0500STORY: Friday Afternoon Part 1 Bobby sat on the commode in the plush upstairs bathroom with athin, well-worn magazine of grainy photographs of nude women inhis left hand and his K-Y jelly-lubricated erection in his right.As he stared at a waist-to-head picture of a...

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Caveman CourtshipChapter 3

During our mid-day meal, Mother said, “Luna asked me to go with her to refill our water jugs.” She smiled and stopped talking. I asked, “Did you talk about me and Teal?” “Of course.” Again, Mother stopped speaking. She was having fun with me, so I had to be patient and ask the right questions. “What did you talk about?” “We discussed Teal’s mate price.” “Did you negotiate and what was the final mate price?” Mother must have been as impatient to tell me of their talk as I was to hear...

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Family Musings

Just a note: If I see more likes on a chapter, I'll be more likely to revisit the chapter, providing additional choices at the end. Not just trolling for likes, but it really does help as an author to know where to concentrate my efforts! Okay, let’s start from the beginning. I come from a small rural town on the East coast. I was born in the early 70’s and so the internet and social media didn’t play a part in my childhood. A little about me: My name's Madison and I'm 18 years old. I have a...

3 years ago
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New Years Eve

So GF and I were out at our local pub to welcome in the new year. We had a great time getting full of alcohol and seeing friends we hadn't seen in months. It was a fantastic night and we couldn't have asked for more.We managed to make our way for about 3am and by this time we were both so hammered that I really don't think sex was on either of our minds. We get into the house, turn the lights off, head to the bedroom, get undressed and into pyjamas (well she did anyway as I sleep nude) and she...

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Swinging Vacation

Pam’s skin was already warm from the sun as I rubbed and massaged the Ambre Solaire suntan oil down her back. She lay face down on the mattress from a sun lounge she had just been reclining on, now on the tiled floor in the sunshine. Pam, and her husband Frank, had joined Lisa and I on the roof top garden of our holiday apartment. We were all nude. So far in the first few days of our holiday acquaintanceship we had learnt that we had nudism, and a few other attributes, in common. We had...

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"It's a gorgeous specimen, isn't it, Frank?" June spoke brightly, taking off her glasses and undoing her bun with a toss. Combined with the lab coat, she was certain that her boss would appreciate the obvious attention to detail that she'd taken on this, her most recent achievement. "I still... those don't look like tentacles." Frank argued, his heavy black framed glasses on his face, as he pushed in closer to the creature that floated in the murky fluid. "You have to start somewhere. But I've...

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The Man of SinChapter 9

The junior and senior classes were in the university church, attending Sunday morning service. Normally, Helena would be too distracted to focus on the hymns she and everyone else was singing. After all, it was in this very church that Xavier had enslaved her, and nothing since then had worked against him. Hate him as she did, she had to admit that he was right about one thing: she was used to having him around. Unless they were sparring, he really had no intention of actually hurting her. He...

4 years ago
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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 8 New Friends in the City

This picks up where Hartstein ends, it’s a year later, and Paul is working with the editors on the finalization of his novel. Carol is no longer the leading editor working with Paul and it seemed that each day brought someone new into play as the many details of finalizing a novel before publication begin to overwhelm him. But he was buoyed by the fact that he now had a publication date and his world was spinning faster and faster with each passing day. The work and its many ramifications...

2 years ago
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Tattoo Ted Teaches Two Teasing Teen Temptresses

 The last two years had been building up to this moment; Tamsin had never stopped nagging us about having a tattoo!Of course I’d be the ultimate hypocrite if I said no, after all I’m a tattoo artist by trade, but as responsible adults her mum and I had steadfastly refused all her pleas and entreaties.“When you’re seventeen and old enough to make such a decision, if you still want one, you’ll be allowed one discreet tattoo.” I’d lost count of the number of times I’d told my daughter that!Now the...

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The man of My Dreams Continued

When the second day of my conference was over I returned to my room to change and become Melanie.  My hopes was that my beautiful, black god with his massive, uncut cock would be waiting once again at the bar.  For tonight I chose a sexy floral mini dress.  It was a white background with a floral print.  It had a tight strapless bodice and a full skirt.  My heels were 5 inches with a 1 inch platform.  Underneath I wore my blue bra with matching thong and garter belt.  Of course my panties went...

4 years ago
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Black Russian

Mary loved visiting a rough bar close to the docks. The men frequenting the place invariably appealed to her. Mary was average-looking, but had two puppies in her blouse that usually drove the men she preferred wild with lust. Large as her tits were, they were absolutely beautiful.Mary loved well-endowed males but never responded rudely when men were not up to scratch. She always let the bug-fuckers do their thing, before making one or another excuse for an early departure. The worst men for...

1 year ago
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My Daughters Gang Bang

I had just finished licking her cunt to orgasm, and now as I held her on my lap her sweet little pussy was good, and wet. "Shh, shh, shh, you don't have to be scared." I whispered, as I began to slowly slid into her hot little vagina. "Daddy's put his cock in you before baby." Yeah, like every night when her mother was at work. "But who-who are th-they?" she panted looking at the several men who were clustered around us, and stroking their cocks as they watched me fuck my baby...

2 years ago
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First Sex Experience Of My Life

Hello Guys. This is Ajay. I am from Karnataka and currently stays in Bangalore. Until last year I was working in Hyderabad. This is a real story. Just trust me nothing is fake here. I met a girl in my company who was very attractive and lively. She didn’t have a great figure but had a charm on her face and everyone could easily get attracted towards her. When I met her for the first time, I was more nervous then her. She is a easy going girl. We just talked for 2 days and she gave me her...

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My Wife 8211 Part 18 Incest Sex With Inlaws

Avantika finished her bath, and she went to her room. As she went in to change her dress, she saw her father-in-law entering from the main door. Surender came and sat in the dining in the hall. Avantika felt weird about her father-in-law coming in the middle of the day. He usually comes from the farm in the evening. She then thought that he might have come because of some work. But again, she thought that if he had come for work, why was he sitting in the hall. Meanwhile, her mother-in-law...

3 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 16 Whateley Fan Fiction

This will be the last chapter before I have to take a break for a trip and then company coming in. Most likely my next post will be in the first or second week of the New Year. (It would probably be sooner if I have some comments :-) ) This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity,...

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Auto Rickshaw Driver In Bangalore

Hello all!  I’m Anil from Bangalore. aged 27. Weight is 76 kg and height 5.10. This is my first time of writing a story after coming out of engineering college (you know what I mean). Please forgive for me any mistakes or the format in which I’ve written this. I figured out I’m attracted to guys from a very early age. But the place I was studying didn’t have much gay scene then. So it was difficult to meet any gay guys. So I used to masturbate to the hot and dusky guys I used to see. From the...

Gay Male
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A raunchy monday

Hi everyone….I am Rajeev from Chennai…just finished my Eng and waiting for my placements….this is my first post in Iss-hope you like it….I am a big fan of Iss for a long time and I love the site for its simplicity and no-strings attached service…great work guys….keep it up… Some intro about myself….I am 22yrs old….stay with my parents in Chennai…only son…prototypical middle class guy :) the incident which I am going to share now happened two weeks back….I had just finished my grad and like my...

3 years ago
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How it started and what I desire

I remember the very first time I took a dick, well it was really three dicks over a period of four or five hours one right after another. I was a true virgin, having never been with a girl and not even knowing that two guys could have sex! The very first dick that entered my virgin butt was Bruce. His dick was normal size I guess. Bruce was about seven to eight inches long and may be an inch and a half in thickness. He rode me till he shot a load of baby batter into my anus it was the very...

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Gyn-Gym By Jennifer White I moved in with my girlfriend Brooke. We were very happy together. We did everything together. But there was only one problem: she was such a great cook, that we both were gaining weight. She liked to cook us big meals. And dessert. And before you knew it, I was getting a little hefty. And her too. So she enrolled us at a local gym, so we could work out together, and lose weight. The gym was once only for women, but had recently opened up to men...

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She opened the bedroom door and entered. Without a word she lifted the plain cotton nightie over her head revealing a nicely shaped mid-twenties body to the somewhat older man lying expectantly on the bed. She approached him and pulled the sheet off the tenting erection. With practiced ease the young woman straddled him and took the bare cock inside of her. She smiled as he fondled her breasts while she rode him. Her beauty and talented cunt ensured that he soon thrust into her groin and...

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Book Lover

Faye had always loved old books. Loved their smell, loved the sound of the turning page, loved the weight in her hands, loved the feel of the worn leather covers. Most of all she loved to read. It was magical to her. Nothing else could transport her to other times and places, even to other lives. She felt she had lived so many lives, seen through so many pairs of eyes, books had enriched her existence like nothing else ever could. Faye loved nothing more than to immerse herself fully in a...

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Off The Deep EndChapter 10

The week leading up to the first of our district meets was one of the busiest I can remember. After riding home from training, I collapsed into bed and slept until the late afternoon sun shone orange through my bedroom window. When I dragged myself downstairs, mum was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and making notes on a stack of assignments from her job at the university. "It lives," she said, removing her glasses. I grunted and got myself a glass of orange juice from the...

1 year ago
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Into the moonlight

When I got the phone call from my sister that our parents were getting a divorce I was definitely not ready for it, seriously who could be? I knew they argued a lot but I attributed that to them having been together for so many years. My mom got pregnant with me when they were only 17 and they were married soon afterwards. I was 25 when I got that phone call and I'm 35 now, putting mom and dad just into their 50's.My mother is still an attractive woman, she is short, standing just 5'2 but she...

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