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Jeremy Voss parted the bushes in front of him and pointed toward the tavern half a kilometer away. His friend looked at it, shook his head and retreated further into the thick brush lining the road. Jeremy followed, a frown creasing his brow.

He looked down at his dark haired friend. "What's the matter, Scott? Don't we deserve a little rest and relaxation?"

The shorter youth adjusted his beret and shrugged. "What if we get caught, Jer? You know how the Commandant feels about bothering the locals. This is bigger than putting a smoke bomb in Lieutenant Reily's drawer."

"We're not going to get in any trouble. We'll just go down and see what the locals are really like. Haven't you ever wanted to meet these mysterious Highlanders?"

"What's mysterious about them? They're almost de-civilized, barely above barbarians. They sound like a quick way to get killed."

"That's not what the classified section of the library says." Jer smiled at Scott's look of astonishment, knowing his small friend would never dream of cracking the security around that section of the library files. "According to the files I scanned, these Highlanders are as civilized as we are."

"I don't believe it. What if you accessed the wrong files?"

Jer shrugged. "Then it's just a tavern filled with ordinary men and women. We're being trained to be Suto Warriors, to be rulers of the Empire. I think that qualifies us to handle any trouble some locals may cause."

Scott tugged at the edge of his green tunic. "I don't know, Jer. We've only got a few hours until evening formation."

Jer swatted a leaf with his open hand. "At which point they discover we aren't there and check the computer log. That'll tell them we're out working on our survival skills, just as I programmed it to, and they'll think nothing more of it. Now, are you with me or not?"

Scott shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "What can the locals offer us that we can't get at the Academy? I mean, what makes it worth all this trouble?"

Jer straightened and stepped back from his friend, then turned and pushed his way through the bushes. "Freedom," was his only reply.

Jer stepped aside from the door and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dim light of the tavern, forcing down the uncertainty and fear that suddenly filled him. The air was still, filled with the scent of sawdust and spilled beer. His spirits rose as his vision improved. A long bar filled the wall to the right, balanced by a huge stone fireplace to the left. The space between the two was filled with tables and chairs, only a few occupied. Without knowing why, he decided he liked it.

"Grab a table, Scott, and I'll get the beer." Before his friend could respond, he stepped up to the bar and hailed the large bartender. Within a moment, he had two large mugs of dark ale.

"I told you it would be all right," he said as he sat down across the table from his friend.

Scott gave a light snort of disbelief and eyed the large man behind the bar. "What's that he's wearing? It looks like a skirt."

"No, it's a kilt. And, if you get the next round, you'll note that the thing in his sock is a knife." Jer smiled at Scott's worried look and took a long pull on his beer.

"The locals originated on a place on Old Earth called the Scottish Highlands. Evidently, it's a traditional garment they brought with them when they moved here. If it wasn't all sewn up with pleats it would be termed a plaid. They're supposed to be made of enough cloth to fully cover a man at night; kind of like a ready-made sleeping bag."

Scott shivered, as if thinking of a cold night spent outside. "I can think of a few exercises where that would have been nice to have." He took a sip of his own beer and then smiled. "So, how did you learn all about these Highlanders?"

"I told you, I took certain liberties with the security software in the library. How did you think we got those floor plans for the instructor's hall?"

"But why? You could have pulled off those gags without screwing with the computer."

Jer took another long pull on his beer. "Yeah, but when we came up with that plan, I already had access, so I figured I might as well use everything at my disposal."

Scott's eyes narrowed, his thick eyebrows bunching together above his nose. "How long have you had access to the classified sections?"

Jer shrugged and took another drink. "Half a year, maybe a little longer."

Scott gasped. "Why? Why'd you break in?"

Jer clenched his jaw, holding distant feelings in check. "I had to find out what happened to someone. It was classified." He shrugged.

Scott sat back in his chair for a moment. "Half a year, that was just about the time of the last trials. Who did you want to track down?"

Jer made a fist beneath the table. "Drop it, Scott. I've got access, and that's all you need to know."

"Bullshit. You've involved me in a serious crime. I'm not talking about pranks anymore, Jer. They're going to be seriously pissed if they find out about it. I want to at least know why."

Jer forced himself to relax, pushing away the memories of pain and anguish. "Do you remember Sheila Norcross?" Scott nodded. "She was the one I was looking for. I had to find out what they did with her."

"Why? Once someone goes to the trials and becomes a Suto, it doesn't matter where they go. She's probably in some troop out in the Empire."

Jer shook his head. "Don't you ever wonder what happens to the ones that don't make it through the trials?"

Scott frowned. "What are you talking about? Everyone with a great enough psycho-potential to be sent to the Academy has enough strength to make it through the trials. That's what they train us for, to survive the trials and become a fully operant Suto."

Jer gripped his empty mug and looked his friend in the eye. "They lie to us. Only a little better than half of the people who go to trials succeed."

"How do you know?" Scott asked, reaching for his own beer.

"Sheila and I were out one night, looking for some excitement, and we followed an instructor to a meeting. It turned out to be the selection board for the trials. Her name was picked."

He didn't mention that his own had been discussed at some length. "She was pretty excited. Three nights later they sent for her. I happened to be with her. I don't know how they missed catching me, but they did, and I followed them and watched the trials."

Scott took a gulp of his beer. "What was it like? What did they do?"

Jer shook his head, refusing to discuss the painful memories. "It was too intense to describe. It was--" His voice caught for a moment. "Sheila didn't pass the trials. The last time I saw her, she was on her knees sobbing, begging for another chance. The Commandant walked up to her and stared at her for a moment. She stopped crying, and almost smiled. Then an attendant led her away. The next day I broke into the system to find out what they did with her. She was listed on an outbound ship to Asgard. A month later, I learned she was a bureaucrat on the capital, nothing but a fucking servant. I wrote her a letter and she replied with a note that she did not know me; that I must have gotten her confused with someone else."

Scott finished his beer and shook his head. "Maybe she just wanted to put it all behind her."

"We were lovers, damnit! We meant more to each other than that. She wouldn't have sent that note."

Scott glanced around the room. "So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that the Commandant reprogrammed her mind when she failed. He's a full Suto. He could do it as easily as I could rewrite a piece of code."

"But why would he do that?"

Jer waved two fingers at the barman and then truned back to Scott. He smiled with cold humor. "What's the motto of the Academy? 'Loyalty.' If she remembered her shattered dreams of being a Suto, would she stay loyal to the Empire? Would she be a productive member of society? Now, she has no choice in the matter. She's loyal and supporting the Emperor to the best of her abilities. I doubt that she even remembers her life here."

They sat in silence until the barman walked up to their table and placed two more drinks before them. Jer paid him with an Imperial mark.

Scott smiled his thanks and took a sip. "So what do we do about it? It's not like we can go somewhere else. I'm not even sure I would want to if I could." Jer frowned at him. "I mean, we're being trained to become the rulers of the Empire. You said as much yourself. If we do make it through our trials, we'll be the leaders of millions of people. We'll have mental powers unequalled by normal men. Isn't that worth the risk and pain?"

"We'll be slaves of the Emperor, you should say."

"Everyone's a slave in one sense or another, Jer. Being a Suto is a much better lot than many others I can think of."

Once again, Jer stared into his mug and then looked up. "If it's such a good life, why do you jeopardize it by coming around with me?"

Scott flushed, then grinned. "Okay, maybe I dream of something different too. That doesn't mean I'm not going to make the best of what I've got and enjoy it as much as I can."

Jer smiled back. "Then what do you say we stay here tonight and see what the locals are really like?"

Scott looked at the barman and then at his beer. "Are you really sure about fixing the computer log?"

Jer grinned and raised his glass in a toast. "As sure as I am of anything, right now." The two friends laughed and turned their conversation to lighter topics as a fiddler across the room struck up a tune.

Rashid Denera, Commandant of the Imperial Academy, looked out the door field at the rows of cadets lining the parade ground before him. The ranks and files neatly meshed with the smooth symmetry of the quadrangle that was the focus of the Academy. He took a great deal of pride in that symmetry; the blending of a multitude into a single organism with one purpose and goal. Filled with the warmth of satisfaction that the evening parade always brought, he stepped out into the chill air of the drill field. The pine scent filled his lungs and he let himself relax as muster reports cascaded up the chain of command.

"Nursery Regiment, all accounted for," a senior responsible for infants called out. It would be silly to have the babies trundled out of their creches every day.

"Youngster Regiment, all present or accounted for," reported another.

"Junior Regiment, one unauthorized absence. Cadet Pierson, sir," called a third voice.

"Senior Regiment, one unauthorized absence. Cadet Voss, sir."

Symmetry crumbled. He waited a moment, received the official report from the Cadet Corps Commander, and then returned to the warmth of his office.

"Captain," he called as his door field closed behind him.

"Yes, sir?" his adjutant's voice replied through the computer link.

"Bring in the files of Cadets Voss and Pierson. I want their readings as well."

"Right away, sir." A moment later, a young man stepped through a door field across from the Commandant's desk. "It's all right here, sir," he said as he crossed the room and slipped a disk into its niche in the Commandant's screen.

The Commandant quickly scanned the data. "I thought so. This isn't the first time Voss has been in trouble. In fact, it seems that he's believed to be responsible for quite a few shenanigans."

"But sir, if you look at that last entry--" the adjutant pointed to the screen-- "it says they're both out practicing survival exercises."

The Commandant snorted. "It also documents the fact that Voss has had over two hundred hours of survival skills practice. Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd?"

The adjutant flushed. "Um, yes, sir, now that you mention it."

The Commandant touched the screen, scrolling past volumes of records to get to the cadets' mental readings. He took in the figures with a glance and converted them to images his mind's eye could search for. Forcing relaxation, he closed his eyes and began to scan the countryside.

In his mind, he soared high above the forested slopes the Academy rested on. Slowly, sparks lit the landscape as he touched minds far below. Yellow marked the minds of cadets and staff, white those seven other Suto allowed on Highland with him, and two distant sparks of red told him where the missing cadets were. Satisfied with himself, he withdrew from the search and refocused on his surroundings.

His eyes snapped open. "They're in a local pub just outside the southern boundary of the Academy. It shouldn't be difficult to find them and bring them back. Use a troop of the staff and make certain you don't antagonize the locals."

The adjutant swallowed hard. "Yes, sir."

The Commandant looked at the screen again and then leaned back in his chair. "And when they do return, bring Voss to me. He's been a bad enough influence on other cadets already. It's time we take some action to turn him around."

"But, sir," the adjutant said. "We can't do anything too drastic or we'll risk upsetting his psycho-potential. Surely you know how delicate his balance is at this age. If we handle this in the wrong manner, we may loose the opportunity to bring him to operancy."

"I don't care about his psycho-potential." He slapped his palm sharply on the desk to accent his words. "I don't care if he has the potential to become the most powerful Suto in history. He's worth nothing to the Empire if he has no discipline. That's what our job is here, instilling discipline, not coddling young rebels." The Commandant stood and paced the length of the room once. "When those two return, bring them to me. I'll get to the bottom of this lad's problems. It may destroy his chances of operancy, but he will still be able to serve the Empire in some loyal fashion."

The stress on the word loyal did not go unnoticed by the adjutant.

Jer motioned at the growing crowd in the tavern. "See, Scott, I told you it would be all right." As he looked over the mass of locals at the tables around them, a harpist joined the fiddler and they began to play a lively tune. Jer turned back to his friend.

"Now all we need to do is meet some of these people." He shot an appreciative glance at the young ladies in modest white blouses and brightly colored skirts, many with matching scarves, as they were escorted onto the dance floor.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea, Jer. Besides, how are we going to approach them? They barely speak Standard."

Jer laughed. "They speak just fine, if you take the time to decipher their accent." Seeing Scott's apprehension as he looked around the room, understanding began to dawn in Jer. "Don't tell me you still haven't gotten over the spring dance."

Scott flushed and stared at his beer. "There was nothing to get over."

Jer reached out and hit him lightly on the shoulder. "That's the attitude." Scott looked up. "That's not what I meant. You know how they arranged dates for most of us?" Jer nodded. "I was sent with a Senior Cadet."

Jer grinned. The Academy only had one reason to match a Junior with a Senior--for experience, and not the kind of experience that could be taught in the classroom. "It must have been fun."

Scott scowled. "It was a disaster."

Jer looked away from his troubled friend. "That doesn't mean tonight will be."

"Oh, she and I performed just great, but I thought it meant more than ... I tried to see her again the next week. She laughed at me. I don't want to go through that again."

Jer stood up and looked down at his friend. "Look, Scott, there's only one way to get over that sort of thing, and that's to get right back into the thick of it."

"You mean give it the old academy try?"

Jer ignored the sarcasm in Scott's voice and grinned. "Now that's the right attitude, Cadet." He glanced toward the bar. "I'll tell you what, since we seem to be sitting at a table for four, I'll go find two young ladies and ask them to join us. Then we can dance with them or just talk." He turned and headed for the bar.

Jer slid up next to a lovely young lady as the bartender spoke to her. "Ah, Barbara, is your father nae comin' t'night?"

"No' this evenin', Charles," she said in a cool, airy voice.

Jer looked her over out of the corner of his eye--green eyes, a small, pointy nose, and dark brunette hair pulled back into a thick pony-tail.

"When I ge' home an' tell him o' this crowd, he'll probably wish he hae come."

Jer waved four fingers at the barman. She was wearing a simple outfit, a red and green plaid skirt, a white blouse with loose sleeves and a modestly high neckline, and a scarf matching the pattern of her skirt draped across her right shoulder.

"I just wish Rachel an' I could find a seat."

"Aye, there is nae a seat left in the place." The barman did not sound truly disappointed at the large crowd. He placed four beers in front of Jeremy without really looking at him.

Jer picked up the mugs and turned toward the girl. "I'd be most honored if you and your friend were to join my friend and I at our table, miss."

Barbara turned to him and smiled. For a moment, she looked him up and down and Jer wondered what she thought. Hope nearly died as he caught sight of the badge securing her scarf to her blouse--a round tower of white with "Virtue Mine Honor" on the encirling belt.

Just as he thought she was going to say no, she nodded. "We'd love to join yea."

Jer smiled and pointed over the crowd toward the table.

Before he could say anything, she laughed and patted his arm. "O' course we know where yea be sitting. It's no' like the room is full o' Imperials." Jer smiled at himself as she turned away and he made his way back to the table.

"Yea hae' no business 'ere, Imperials."

The Commandant's adjutant went cold at the sound of the voice in the darkness. "We mean no harm. We're looking for two lost cadets."

A large man stepped into the road, his hand resting on the hilt of a long sword. "They are no' lost. They be up the road a bit, enjoying a pint or two."

"But they belong back at the Academy."

"Tha' is for them to decide, just as i' is for you to decide if yea shall break the treaty. Is tha' what yea wish, Imperial?" His voice was filled with menace.

The adjutant was about to argue further, when the bushes rustled on each side of the road and a dozen additional men stepped into the scattered moonlight. Swallowing, the adjutant turned around and motioned his men back toward the Academy.

"Is it always this crowded?" Scott asked. The musicians had stopped, taking a much deserved break after an intricate piece the girls had called a hornpipe.

"Oh, no," Rachel replied with a smile. Scott realized that he might be just the slightest bit drunk when he caught himself hoping that she was smiling for him. He chastised himself for the thought. What would such a lovely woman want with the likes of him? It was not as if he was the dashing, recruiting poster type, like Jer. He took a pull on his beer and then returned his gaze to Rachel.

He had to admit that she was a striking girl. Not beautiful in the classical sense, but very pretty. She had eyes of the darkest brown and a quick smile filled with beautiful teeth. Her hair was flaming red and fell with reckless precision to accent her neck. Her skin was lightly tanned with an abundance of freckles, and Scott thought they looked just perfect on her. Her figure was just a little bit fuller than Barbara's, but Scott barely noticed Barbara, even as she began to reply to his implied question.

"Tomorrow's a gathering, so there are a lot o' people in the area who are coming ou' tonight."

"A gathering? What's that?" Scott asked as Jeremy returned with another round of drinks.

"Twice a year, all the people in the area ge' together for a huge feast an' party. I' starts tomorrow. The last gathering I went to lasted for nigh on three days."

"That sounds like fun," Jeremy said as he took his seat. Barbara turned toward him and smiled a thank you as he slid her beer in front of her.

"Oh, i' is fun. You and Scott should come an' see," Rachel said with a soft, yet penetrating voice that demanded attention.

"I don't think so," Scott said even as Jeremy motioned for him to be quiet. Rachel frowned at Scott.

"Why no'?" Rachel asked.

Scott took a deep drink of his beer and stared across the table at Jeremy, hoping he would say something. Finally, Scott said, "Because Jer and I are going to be in enough trouble when we get back as it is. They probably won't let us out of their sight for a month." Jer 'humphed' at Scott's understatement.

"Then don' go back," Barbara said softly as she placed her hand on top of Jer's.

"It's not that simple," Scott began.

"Sure it is," Jer interrupted as he entwined his fingers with Barbara's. "We can find some place to stay tonight. We don't have anything better to do tomorrow. Why don't we?" It was more of a challenge than a question.

Scott could tell that Jer planned on staying whether he did or not. He frowned and tried to think of a way to talk his friend out of such foolishness.

He was still trying to muster the courage to stand and leave when Rachel placed her hand on his forearm. "If you're going to ge' in trouble, yea might as well 'ave some fun first," she said.

Scott felt her hand softly stroke his forearm and inhaled deeply to smell her light perfume. When he thought about what was going to happen when they got back, whether tonight or tomorrow, he decided it was no decision at all; this was the first time he had been happy in years.

"You're right." He stood up and looked across the room at the musicians. "Hey, how about some music." His shout met with immediate approval from the crowd, and much to his disbelief, he soon found himself guiding Rachel around the dance floor.

"I've no' ever met anyone like yea before, Jer," Barbara said as she matched his stride and nestled herself into the hollow of his shoulder.

Jer took a deep breath of her honey scented hair and gave her an impulsive hug. "Surely I'm not that different from your local boys."

They walked on a few steps before she answered. "In many ways, no, but in others, yes. Yea seem so full o' life, unafraid o' wha' might happen to yea."

"So reckless?" he asked.

She laughed. "No, no' reckless. I've the feeling tha' yea think ou' everything, but weigh the risks less than most folk."

Jer smiled, surprised at how close she was to his very method of determining what course to follow. "It's not that I don't think of them, I do. I just can't see why risk should stop me."

"Even a foolish one?"

"If the reward is great enough," he responded.

They walked on until they reached a small rise in the road. Together, they turned and looked back at the tavern. "We should head back and get Rachel and Scott," Jer said softly.

Barbara turned to face him. "Let's give them a little time together." Slowly, she rose on her tiptoes and leaned into him. Their lips met, at first tentatively, and then with greater force. Jer pulled her closer. After a moment, they separated, both with a smile.

"Yes, let's give them a little time together," he whispered.

Barbara laughed and stepped back. "Tell me wha' it's like a' the Academy. Do yea hae a girl?"

"No, I've no girl back there."

"Good. I've no intention o' sharing yea wi' another." She darted forward for another light kiss. "But wha' is i' like, at the Academy?"

Jer shrugged and pulled her closer once again. "I've nothing to compare it with. We spend our lives learning to use our minds and bodies in service to the Emperor. We study and train and study some more."

"Tha' sounds terrible." Her hand stoked his shoulder.

He brought his hand up to stroke her neck, and then her cheek. "In many ways, it is terrible. I feel that I've no control over my life while I'm there. That's why I'm here now. When I'm breaking the rules, I know that I'm doing something for myself, something free of control."

"But wha' o' the price?" she asked as her fingers brushed his jaw.

"Once, not long ago, I thought I'd rather die than continue on at the Academy. Then I realized that nothing they did to me could be worse than wanting death. It gave me a new outlook on life."

"I never knew they were so cruel." A shiver raced through her.

"You're cold," Jer said. "We'd better head back."

Barbara nodded and slipped under his arm once again. "Do yea think I'm a great enough reward for a foolish risk?"

Jer hugged her to his side and turned to kiss her ear. "You're the greatest reward I can imagine, but what's the risk? A boyfriend?"

Barbara laughed and hugged him back. "No, I've no boyfriend, but I do hae a fearsome father. My Da' may no' be to keen on my bringing a cadet home."

"Then I'll have to be on my best behavior."

She kissed his hand as it rested on her shoulder and then smiled at him. "If yea are, I'll be truly disappointed."

"Furthermore," Commandant Denera dictated, "while the treaty defines certain limits for both parties, it also implies certain obligations. It is my belief that under these obligations I am fully justified in demanding the return of Cadets Voss and Pierson to the Academy. Signed, Rashid Denera, Commandant of the Imperial Academy."

The Commandant punched the stop button and waited for the transmittal copy to be displayed on his screen for proofing. "It's just this type of foolishness that leads to problems," he muttered to his adjutant sitting across from him. "It was a similar incident, just before I took over, that lead to the Battle of Maclean's Rock, and the modification of the treaty."

The adjutant leaned forward in apparent interest. "I don't think I've heard of that battle, sir. Where was it fought?"

The Commandant looked at him in surprise, and then let his features soften. "No, I don't suppose you would have heard of it. Several cadets went over the hill and the locals would do nothing to stop them. We decided to increase the Suto presence here to help restrict the cadets. Well, the Highlanders didn't like that at all. Maclean's Highlanders took the field for the first time since the Wars of Federation, but this time in opposition to the Suto, not as allies. A full troop of Suto could barely hold them off. After a week, the treaty was modified, and the Suto withdrawn from the planet. Since then, we've been limited to eight Suto here as Academy staff."

"What did we get in return, sir?"

The Commandant snorted. "Not enough, that's for sure. Maclean, the chief of the land all around the Academy, agreed to pull all of his people away from our borders, to limit the attractions cadets have a habit of finding. That tavern those cadets went to tonight was a good twelve klicks past the border."

"Will this letter to the Planetary Council have any affect?"

The Commandant looked out the window and shrugged. "I hope it does, or we'll have more trouble on our hands than I'd care to handle. After the last time, the Emperor said he would not tolerate any further interference here. I don't think it was an idle threat."

"Yea're a beautiful sleeper," Barbara said as she stroked his chest with a delicate hand.

Jer smiled and kissed her. "But you're beautiful all the time."

She smiled and returned his kiss. Then, with a touch of cold air, she slipped from the bed. Jer watched her hurry across the room to the fire. She seemed as unconcerned about her nudity in the cold as she did about her father sleeping down the hall. She returned to the bed with a small hop and snuggled against him beneath the heavy blankets.

The log she had thrown on the fire caught, filling the room with warm light. "We hae modern heaters," she said. "But I like the fire so much more. It's more romantic."

"You make it sound as if you've had a lot of romantic experiences."

She laughed softly and kissed his shoulder. "Only enough to be thankful tha' yea are less than a perfect gentleman."

Jer stroked her long locks of thick hair and chuckled. "If your father hadn't been asleep already, I don't think I'd have had the courage to come in."

"What? A risk too great for the reward?" she asked, brushing her breast against his side.

"Well--" he paused to kiss her-- "you might have convinced me, if we had enough time."

Her lips traced a slow line from his ear to his throat. "Aye, but we've no' much time left. Soon, I'll hae to be off to my own bed." Her hand traced a spiral across his stomach. "But I'll be thinking o' yea 'til dawn."

Jer rolled on his side to face her, slipping his hand to the small of her back as their nipples grazed beneath the covers. "Tell me what it's like to live here, in freedom."

The warmth of her hand descended to his hip. "We're no' entirely free. We hae obligations to our family and clan. Sometimes it can be a heavy burden. Mostly though, we are happy, but no' so much because o' what we hae. We're happy because we need or desire so little. Yea probably think us crude, but we'd never live any other way, e'en if yea offered us an easier life."

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Hi friend. It’s fun fuck back after a bit long time. First I would like to thank all the readers who liked my story and contacted me to meet and chat. Anyway coming to the story, this is my real incident which happened in October 2018. It was with ISS reader. She read all my stories and showed positive interest and contacted me to meet. All began on a Thursday. I was at work and I got a mail. I was busy and ignored it. When I went out for some fresh air I saw the mail. It was from a lady. She...

3 years ago
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The Morning After Pt2 Wow Public bondage Shemal

Irea talked with Rosa for a while in between mouthfuls of scrambled eggs and small bites of bacon; inconsequential things really, just small talk and friendly jokes while the inn woke up around them. The usual regulars wandered in from their homes in the wan hours of the morning as the rising sun shone through the windows, a few casting lustful glances in the bound demon hunter's direction. Most noticed she was occupied talking to the friendly death knight, but a few approached and began to...

1 year ago
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Night with Erika

Introduction: I spend a night with my friend Erika and get the unnexpected. It was a late night and I had just got home from practicing with his band. It was friday, I had nothing to do, like any normal friday night for me. It was 6:30 going to bed early was nothing new I would sometimes I would take naps that lasted 18 hours I called them short comasI took off his blue skinnies and his t- shirt and hopped into his bed as off couse I slipped my hands to rub his 6 inch cock completely shaved....

2 years ago
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A New PastChapter 35 and Prejudice

“Colonel, do you really expect us to believe no one in the Air Force is willing to have a frank conversation with Saudis about this?” Alison asked a very nervous Colonel Conright from the Office of Strategic Security. We had flown to the labs in Nevada, our most secure home in Alison’s mind and made some calls. At first, people had denied any contract or risk. Then Alison had revealed some of her team’s intelligence and applied a little pressure to some MI-6 friends to get further...

2 years ago
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HunterChapter 8

The call from Jeb relayed by Harlow that the wagon path was ready was even later than I expected. However, it came at a convenient time for me to act. Harlow, the dogs, and I took a Saturday to look at the field and the near jungle that was the near wall of the valley. We had no trouble getting in, but there was only one place where the dogs could get to the valley in such a way that I could see them and back them up with the shotgun. A small section of the vegetation mass had been cleared,...

3 years ago
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Me And My Cuz Pt 1

The next hour went by slowly… relatives I’d forgotten about coming up to me for a chat... buying me drinks, and eventually I felt confident enough to go speak to Ashleigh. She was leaning against the wall looking around at the guests and as I approached her she looked me up and down… ‘I can do this, she still wants me.’ I told myself. ‘Hey Ash,’ I said, ‘Long time no see, how’s things?’ She smiled and replied ‘Not too bad thanx… your looking good.’ ‘Thanx, you too…..’ We began to chat...

1 year ago
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Petras 4th sexy secret about Alex 1

Petra tells us all kinds of sweet secrets about Alex in her hot sexy series of dirty disclosuresPetra secretly seduces sweet sexy Alex in her dream, which was very real - in fact in her own bedPetra knows now the second secret side of Alex: her submissiveness to her girlfriends in real sexPetra soon discovers her third sexy secret: very slutty foxy fantasies often playing with herselfPetra has a special sexy pervy plan for the occasion to learn the fourth foxy sexy secret of AlexPetra knows...

1 year ago
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Run to Mercury

Aaron Sandoval chuckled as the rear visiscreen showed ground crews scrambling away from the landing stage on Ganymede as the 'Callisto' lowered itself delicately balanced on it's aft thrusters. They were used to dealing with the new lithium-ion drive squirt bottles that landed on antigravs with minimum of fuss and no residual radiation. Fortunately, the stages had been originally constructed to handle the thrust of atomic converter engines like the 'Callisto's'. Otherwise he would have...

3 years ago
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Gail and Gina and Me

I’d been married for nearly thirty years to a woman I’d known since I was in high school. Our marriage had been fairly good but with some natural ups and downs. But I don’t want to get into that. Suffice to say, when I come home from work one day and she said, ‘I need my space. You have to leave,’ I was dumbfounded. She’d decided that she no longer loved me and I found my world crumbling beneath me. Over the next year, things got progressively worse and we were divorced. I was devastated and...

3 years ago
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A/N: Sorry for the delay in getting this out, I had an accident with my flash drive and everything on it was deleted including the first draft of this chapter. But things are on track now, so getting back in the swing of things, a rewrite of the chapter from the beginning… Read, review and enjoy! After taking Simon’s wand and returning Luna’s to her, Harry left the boy magically bound on the couch with Jacey to watch over him. Allowing him to gently pull her down the hall to the...

4 years ago
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The Network Boy 6

The Network Boy The Driving Test.Life under the wing of the network was becoming an exciting and eye opening experience. I duly passed my driving test in a fashion that could only be network organized. I had taken a course of lessons as any normal young guy would do, but when it came to the time to take my test the network took over. The person who so many people hate with a vengeance, their driving test examiner, for me was a network member. I had instructions to go to Eddie’s to be taken to...

3 years ago
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Observer to more

You are Timothy Reyes, but you always prefer "Tim" or "Reyes" for short. You are a 20 year old male with thick black hair, brown eyes, brown skin, fairly solid build standing at 6ft 2. Tim is on his new phone already dowloading an A.I. assistant and updating software "Uuugh. I just got this phone why is this taking so long?" Normally you'd be outside or watching TV something to pass the time, but it's late and a wild storm knocked out most of your power. You get up and open your window to...

3 years ago
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At the Local Rub N Tug

Today is my third visit to the local 'rub and tug' establishment. It is also my third appointment with Cian. She is approximately 25 years old, 5ft 5ins tall, slim build with a delicious set of 36D tits capped by the most wonderful set of pink nipples. Her hair is an ash blonde colour (down to the middle of her back) with a matching hairy (and fluffy) pussy. We've decided on a 90 minute session including a shared spa session, nude body slide and handjob (by her) and pussy play and touching...

4 years ago
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The Journal of Darin TaylorChapter 1

My name is Darin Taylor. I started a journal shortly after I turned twelve. The journal itself is just a collection of bits and pieces of my thoughts and ideas about things that have happened to me and my mom. I have kept the journal secret, but perhaps one day someone else my age may use what I have learned, so I have rewritten it as a continuous narrative. I just turned seventeen a few days ago. I received a scholarship to the university and will be starting college in a few weeks. This...

1 year ago
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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 364

Wednesday was a breeze at KCC, just nothing going on. I had plenty of time to think about how to make the drones more useful, especially if we got all of Africa as Victor had said. The only problem was half of Africa was at war with itself and anyone who happened to be in the way. I had just finished one skirmish in Morocco that had cost me two men. I did not want that to happen again; that’s why I was pleased with Robert and Burt’s continuous monitoring and the information they were...

3 years ago
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The homeless girl

THE HOMELESS GIRLI was quite free on that day, no lingering memories of the nightmare I had endured in the previous night or for the past two years ever since my beloved wife had passed away. As I strolled down the streets of my beautiful neighbourhood, I thought I saw a figure huddled in the shadows of the night. My curiosity was suddenly piqued. Being part of the neighbourhood watch and all I immediately changed course and drew near that location. As I approached, something moved slightly...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends Brother

He was looking at me. Well, honestly, he had been checking me out since I walked into the house. I kind of knew him. He was my girlfriend’s older brother, a bad boy. She would always try to keep me away from him, but I never knew; I just knew he wasn’t good and people left it at that. Not that he looked like they were lying. He had long, beautiful, golden-blonde hair that came to his broad shoulders, green eyes, the most amazing color of ember in the world, and beautiful pale white skin. When...

2 years ago
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outdoor fun

I was chatting to a woman on a swing site for a while and she was telling me she really wanted to try some outdoor fucking as she had never done it but had from time to time played with her pussy outside and loved the feeling of maybe someone seeing her We decide as it was her first outdoor fuck we would go somewhere very quiet and she how she felt about itI picked her up and as we started to drive to a quiet spot I know she said she was so excited and horny and to prove this she grabbed my...

1 year ago
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Sexy Candid Girls

SexyCandidGirls could not have a more obvious name as to what it has to offer, so I am pretty sure you can all guess what sexycandidgirls.com is all about. Of course, there are always the ones who are a bit on the dumb side, which is why I am here to tell you everything you need to know. If you love to look at spontaneous pics of hot and cute chicks, you’ve come to the right place.A very basic picture site, with lots of naughty posts.If you’ve clicked on this site, that means that you are...

Porn Pictures Sites
4 years ago
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The call

She awoke with a start. It was 5:55am. Exhaling in a half frustrated, half indulgent groan, she sank back into the new winter sheets she had just pulled out three days ago. The season was changing. Outside, Fall was making its graceful exit and the gritty cold winds of Winter were approaching. Four months it had been, and yet it was with her. ‘Wake up 5 minutes before My call’ he instructed her. He had no authority over her except that which he exuded. The decision to obey him was...

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Rhaan Debt of Honor two

Introduction: An awakening happens for her… Rhaan danced about in short, swift, sensuous circles. She remained oblivious to most of the watchers in the street, as they often crashed into one another at the glance of her in the shops window. Her shapely, tightly honed muscles of those legs, tanned to a finer brown than before, tantalized from under the flows and swirls of a short robe dyed sapphire blue, and woven with cherry blossoms in pink and white. Her eyes gleam playfully in the...

3 years ago
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KellyChapter 10

Todd woke up to the feeling of a warm mouth gently sucking on his very erect cock. He had been dreaming, or so he thought, a very erotic dream filled with vivid sensual imagery of a sexual night spent with Kelly. As his eyes slowly took in the sight of Kelly's head bobbing up and down on his shaft, he realized it had not been a dream. It had finally happened. He and Kelly had totally consummated their relationship. "Good morning, beautiful," he said. Kelly stopped only long enough to...

3 years ago
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Amissum Codex The Book of LossChapter 11 Malleus Hammer

September 14th 1993 Marco and I strolled into the Sand-Dune hotel about 9 PM that night. I could feel an electric ozonitic crispness to the air about me, alive with possibility. I settled into a booth in the lounge off the casino and Marco curled up at my feet. I closed my eyes. I came unstuck. I went away. Vegas pulses at night with a sexual beat. Warm bodies in tiny clothes dance on stages to tribal rhythms. Businessmen from Pacoima prowl for strange pussy. Nurses from Nashua feel set...

1 year ago
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Dogging suprise

It was dusk up At Black Hill Sabden (UK), a Tuesday night in late May. I was really into biking at the time and I made the effort to go up to the forest once a week to do some night riding. I loved Tuesday nights up there - I always got an early finish from work on a Tuesday which allowed be to get a good 7 or 8 miles in before it got too dark to see anything.I had really bright lights on my bike and and was just coming down into one of the car parks when the sound of a car door closing made me...

2 years ago
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The Mirror CrackedChapter 4

"Ah there's nothing like a night time glide over the city," Brooklyn said while banking right... riding the breeze. "Yup," Broadway voiced from where he was gliding along side of Angela. "One more sweep of the area and we can head back to the castle." "Oops! That reminds me, I have to make a quick stop at the Doughnut King, and pick up some goodies for Delilah and Tammy," said Argent. "You want someone to go with you?" Angela asked. "Thanks, but I can handle a doughnut run on...

4 years ago
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Mamar Bari Bhari Moka 03 Bangla Galpo

Mami jei bathroome dhuke gelo takhon Ronendu kaku amake bollo, “aaj ke to tui amake merephe chillee. Kemon kore tomar mami pond marabar someye chenchachilo ami to bhabhchillam je para sob loker joro hoye porbe aar amara dhora pore jabo, bat or mami mami pond marate marate hoeyeto morei jabe, aar tai ami to bhison bhoeye peye giyechilam.” Kakaur kotha gulo shune ami kaku ke bollam, “bhoeye to amio peye giyechilam, kintu ki orbo amar mamir ponder bhetore banra dhukiye thap marte bhishon...

3 years ago
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Samanthas Dubai Nightmare

Samantha’s Dubai NightmareSynopsis: A petite, gorgeous 19-year-old blonde American gets lured into working for an escorting agency in Dubai. Once there, she is quickly sold into slavery and forced to pleasure her owner in the most terrible of ways.Chapter 1: An Offer Too Good to Refuse        ?So,? Malia Jackson said, leaning forward and smiling at the young blonde across from her. ?Have you thought about what Kyle told you? About the Dubai gig??        ?I have, I don’t—I’m still not sure...

1 year ago
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The Pool Hall

I guess, unless you are a total dumb shit, that you can pretty much figure that your marriage is over when your wife comes home trailing three black guys behind her and the four of them head straight for the bedroom. It is a rather blunt way of saying, "Fuck you dear." But I guess that I had asked for it. Well, the marriage was dead but I still had my pride and it was my house. I went into my den and unlocked my center desk drawer. Taking out the Colt 1911A1 I slid a magazine in and racked...

1 year ago
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CoTeacher and Daughter Part 2

Beth pushed my hand from within her and she sank down into the water, coming back up to float on her back.  Her gorgeous swollen and puffy nipples pointed to the sky.  Her shaven pussy, now visible to me between her splayed legs, still exhibiting the red swell of excitement.  Fran similarly pushed my hand from between her legs before she moved up the board.  She nibbled on my ear, sending goosebumps throughout my body and mind as I continued to drink in the visage of her daughter.  She...

2 years ago
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My Sexy StepMom With Added Flavor 8211 Part 3

In a few minutes, I reached home (my biological mom’s home). Since I had keys, I opened the door and dared to get inside. Natasha was nowhere downstairs, so I went upstairs to check her out. I called her name but no answer! So I knocked on the bedroom door and made my entry. She was not there either. But as soon as I opened the washroom door to check, I heard the sound of water as she was taking a bath. Since she did not know about my arrival I took advantage, peeping into the washroom where...

3 years ago
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Finding BalancePart 7

The team and friends were going to grab pizza at the mall and then go over for the movie. As usual, Zack found us seats at the table with the prettiest girls. Zack sat down beside Sally Edmonds, a knock out and a junior on the cheerleading squad. I sat beside Jessica Hamilton, a sophomore and friend of Sally's. We ordered our pizza and talked. Zack flirted outrageously with the girls. I bantered with Sally, Jessie, Annie and Laura, just trying to keep up with Zack. It took me months, but I...

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Big Mutha Truckers0

Lethbridge building in Mahwah and made his way to his cubicle, as he had done nearly every workday for the past 10 years. "Morning Yrral!" Einreb said as he passed Yrral Allemoc's cube at 10 to 9 on a Monday morning. "Morning Einreb!" Yrral called back. "Where's Gerg?" Einreb asked. "I don't know; he's going to be late in a minute," the boss said. Sure enough, the receptionist then announced over the PA system, "Attention please! The time is now nine...

2 years ago
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Leda and the SwanChapter 5 Mice at Play

Rick carried a paper sack to the apartment and rapped on the door. "It's open," he heard Brenda reply. He stepped inside and she greeted him in another peplos, this one made of a sheer, gauzy fabric. "How many of those outfits do you have?" he asked. "You've seen them all. They have no shape, so they fold flat. I have a box of fabrics from Mom's store and I keep them in it." She handed him a piece of off-white cloth. "Here -- I made toggles to fasten it at the shoulders." She...

4 years ago
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I first spotted him out the back of the house, extending the deck. He was bare from the waist up, had biceps well worth breaking laws for, a chest that glistened with sweat, and as I found out later, a gorgeously innocent, naive smile. It took me three days to convince him his conscientious half-naked body would be comfortable in the pool. I talked him from there to inside the house much more quickly. The pink bikini top I shoved down the front of his shorts might have helped. That or the...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 33 A Fresh Start

December 26, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Shit!” I swore vehemently, and in English for effect, when I walked out onto the porch on Sunday morning. “Mikhail Petrovich!” Mom said sternly. I picked up the box on the front porch and turned to show her. “«Говно»!” she replied. I nodded, “Nice to know you agree with me.” The box was the one that held the two stuffed rabbits I’d bought for Jocelyn. The fact that she’d returned them spoke volumes, and short of putting up a tombstone, I wasn’t sure...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 72

It wasn’t until they managed to unpack the truck – because no one but Phil had clean clothes – and sat down for a light supper that Phil got to tell them what he’d been meaning to tell them for hours – but it wasn’t easy. “Uh, what I wanted to talk to you about earlier is the apartment in the city,” he said. He had planned the words out in his head but now he wasn’t sure of how he wanted to broach the subject. “We made sure everything was clean and neat,” Tiffany said. “I went through and...

1 year ago
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Herbie The Reunion Part 2

My longtime friend, Herb, and I had just finished edging each other's cock while watching a hidden cam video Herb had set up of us engaged in some hot cocksucking from earlier in the day. The plan was to edge to the video and then get down to some raw sex, so when I got close to cumming I moved Herb's hand away from my throbbing cock. Almost too late. When the video ended he had gotten up to put his laptop back on the dresser and was now setting up his video camera to record some more. He...

2 years ago
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Professor Se Hawas Ka Akarshan

Mera naam Lavanya hai. Jo mard mujhsee aur mere jism se wakif hai woh mujhe Lava bulate hai. Woh chahe purush mere family ka ho, bhai ka friend ho ya papa ke friends. Sab mujhe lava bulate hai. Jaise lohe ko chumbak chipakta hai waise mujhe tharki purush jakadte hai. Mujhe mere jism par bohut naaz hai. Main gori chitti hu, kad mera 154 cm hai, boobs 36d hai. Aur gand meri kisi bhi umar ke purush ko ghayal karde utni ubhri hui hai. Waise mere gand dekhe to ghayal hona avashya hai. Jab main short...

1 year ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 27

Amanda squirmed as she slowly rose to wakefulness. Her eyes fluttered open, and she let out a husky sigh. For a moment she thought she was still asleep and had slipped into an erotic dream. Why else would her sex feel so warm and achy? Her eyes finally focused and saw Sirinna smiling down at her. "About time you woke up," she whispered softly. "Huh? Sirinna, did you ... oh!..." A hand had slid sensuously over the inside of her thigh. Amanda shivered and moaned. "I missed doing this...

1 year ago
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Bad Week For Mommy Chapter 1

I want to THANKS to ALICE522 @ XHAMSTER to correct and edit my text:Bad Week For MommyChapter 1 It was Monday, 10th of January 2011 . Mother was allowed to meet with her lady friends who meet almost every weekday, to chat, drink coffe, and have a good time together. I told her I expected her at home at 05,30 pm, and turned my eyes to the place in our bedroom where our toys including the whip, were kept, ready for instantaneous use. She was a good girl, and good mommy to me, her only son....

2 years ago
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Used By a Younger Woman Part 3

It had been a torrid time, I thought, as we quietly sipped champagne and made small talk. We could have of been any two women with an age difference chatting about girly things. Of course that wasn’t true. I’d given up my older body to the body and mind of this younger woman and I had been thoroughly used. We were both naked. My tits were still red, my nipples still on fire, my cunt had been ferociously used and throbbed deeply, my asshole had been well stretched. Tegan stretched out naked on...

2 years ago
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Punishment of NatalieChapter 1

Natalie was a bitch! She was rude to everyone. She was a luscious piece of 17-yr old ass and she knew it. She thought this gave her the right to put down anyone and everyone. She was wrong as she would soon find out. Natalie opened her front door. She was wearing tight hot pants that showed her cunt-crack. She was wearing a tight tee top that was stretched almost translucent over her firm tits. Her nipples poked eagerly though the fabric. She looked out at 15-yr old Bill with disdain. He...

1 year ago
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Tranny Secret Story Part 3

” Nee enna dee shonnaey ‘about baby’ “Shankar said. Ramya ” aammannaa Amma kooda chollindu irrundhaa, avaallukku oru paeraen venumnu, avaa irrukrathaeyaey paakanumnu”.So shall we adopt one dear”.(what did you say about the baby said shankar. Ramya chimed in,”yes mother was also saying that she wanted see a grandson before her time’) “Illaeydee nee ippo enna shonnaey kuzhandaiyaey pathi , adha dhaan yosinchindu irukkaen naan ,oru crazy idea nekku thonradhu, yenna theyriyummaa?”(What you said...

3 years ago
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Teasing some elegant gentlemen

My loving Victor invited me to go with him and spend some days at Boston, where he would be busy on a boring business trip.His company sent him to a very comfortable hotel overlooking the city. In those days I really enjoyed the stay there; fine restaurants, theaters and nice parks for walking and jogging as my husband was busy…One night Victor asked me to dress sexy, because come client would have dinner with us at the hotel restaurant.I chose a sexy black short dress, my back naked and my...

4 years ago
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Hello Lover First half

            On my way to the airport, I realized I was meeting up with a man that I never met, to have sexual relations during the span of the weekend. We spoke online only, and this would be our first meeting. Morally I wasn't sure how to go about it, only addressing the fact that I was highly attracted to this older man living 2 provinces away. I just knew I wanted him. Does this make me a slut? Probably. I decided that it didn't matter, and I did not care as nobody knew about us. We were...

4 years ago
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Candida and How She Caught My Eye and Then Me

After having a long time live-in girlfriend situation dissolve over religious and medical reasons I wasn't anxious to get back in the game. That was 5 years ago, and except for a few one night flings, a string of 3 and 4 date semi-commitments that didn't progress to interest me any further; I have been a single guy who has some interest in the natural urge to get laid from time to time, but pretty picky about who might stay beyond leaving a wet spot in the sheets. I've been to the Mustang...

1 year ago
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Revelations Pt12

Karen says we need to get these to the lawyer immediately, James says whats the hurry. Dad wants to marry Paula during the midnight candle light service Christmas Eve. He wants us all to spend Christmas at the Cabin and he has a lot of arrangements over the next week. But they pulled it off, the guys got together and made all the arrangements with the church, getting the devorce finalized, the girls decorated the cabin for Christmas and most importantly Danny took Paula out and purchased a...

3 years ago
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Bahamas Vacation 6

(Background: I took a trip to get away from memories after my fiancee's, Debby’s, death. We had planned to be here, Nassau, Bahamas, on our honeymoon. I met Cinnamon, an employee at the hotel, when I checked in. We have spent the last few days and nights together. It is Friday morning and I am leaving for another island Saturday afternoon.) We woke up and took a shower together. We each explored the other's body with our hands. Because Cinnamon was having her period she did not want me...

2 years ago
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Kinky caravan old couple

Several summers ago, my old buddy and I booked a caravan in Devon but at the last moment he had to back out leaving me on my own.But it turned out to be to my advantage. Arriving on the Friday, I found that I had been allocated a van at the far edge of park. After unpacking I took a beer and my book to relax on the deck. After about an hour a couple in their late sixties passed by and being pleasant, I said good evening. They stopped and introduced themselves as my neighbours Basil and Thelma....

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A White Sissy Boy Story Of His First Big Black Coc

A White Sissy Boy Story Of His First Big Black CockThe other day I met a black man on the street and he took me back to his place. As soon as the door was closed I stripped down completely naked. He asked me to give a little turn so He could see the whole package. I gave a slow little spin then bent over to show him my “boy pussy” (as he called it).He dropped his pants and kicked them to the side revealing his 10” swinging member. He sat down in a big chair and told me to get on my hands and...

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Swap Week Chapter 3

Swap Week: Nicole Prepares for Swap Week By RogerGirl The next morning Nicole woke up eager to spend her first fill day as a girl. When she went to the bathroom to pee she instinctively stood in front of the toilet for a moment before remembering she was a girl now and had to pee sitting down. After finishing her business and washing her hands, she went back to her room and signed into Nick's Facebook on her laptop. As she looked through the newsfeed she found that many of the...

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