The Wishes Tempus FugitApotheosis
- 4 years ago
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Like most older men, I would have given anything to have known then what I know now. Nature plays a dirty trick on us men though: by the time we learn what we need to know about life, sex for example, we are almost too old and physically limited to do a lot about it. If we try to do something about it - to somehow recreate our lives and be sexual beings again - we're labeled 'dirty, old man.' We are supposed to simply give up, rest in our rocking chairs and reminisce. That is grossly unfair.
For last few years, from fifty-five to sixty, I had ached to amend my life and in some way correct those errors of omission, more than commission, I so willingly committed for so many years. For all my blather about being liberated, I had been at heart a prude. Sex was good for me only if was 'nasty.' Power was the game, not love or even real pleasure, so I did a lot of damage to myself as well as others oh how and it hurt to remember it!
What happened to me shortly after my sixty-first birthday, with a very young woman, brought me face to face with my own failings and fears.
After several bad marriages, I was finally married for over thirty years to the same woman and when she died, I was left alone, no longer young or eligible. Society, economics, and my own earlier lack of sense, obliged me to live with my relatives. I wasn't happy about it and I don't think they were either. We got along but I was not given to aging gracefully. Every time I wanted to go or to do, I ran head on into those ugly attitudes that insist a man of my age isn't supposed to do this or that, or go here or there, or even feel a certain way. After a couple of years of playing "grandfather," for my stepdaughter and her brainless, macho husband, I was a grouchy as a bear with a sore paw. I felt that their whole attitude toward me was one of not-quite-sincere deference and patronizing patience.
Granted, I couldn't drink most men under the table - not that I ever wanted to - nor could I do physical labor all day long; nor could I hold my own in some silly brawl; nor could I get a decent job with any interesting responsibility. Sadly, if I had a woman, I certainly could not make love to her oftener than once every two weeks.
I dated, however, once in a while, usually some elderly widow with an attitude as patronizing as my step-daughter. I usually ended the so-called date by chasing the old biddy hen off with some fairly harsh words. The idea that 'you're too old for that sort of thing, ' provoked me beyond belief! Perhaps it would have resolved things had I found a woman who looked at life and loving instead of death, infirmity and dissolution as her lot in life. The other attitude I encountered had to do with deceased spouses. While I have a deep respect for any long standing union between a man and a woman, I had no desire to be a pinch hitter for some bozo who achieved sainthood merely because he had died.
So there I was, beginning to think that perhaps I was wrong, that maybe it was proper that a man my age should shut down his ambition and his sexual feelings and become a walking vegetable. Then along came Arlette.
My step-son and his wife divorced and as the courts often do, they awarded custody to the ex-wife without a close look at her lifestyle, her moral character or her ability to rear children. Suzie was a scatter-brained, artificial, dissimilating little snot, to phrase it as kindly as possible. She leached off of men using what amounted to false advertising. She would wear revealing clothes, lots of makeup and move in a way that suggested dim bedrooms and torrid nights. She was however a cold, calculating mercenary woman with very little of that elusive quality they term 'class.'. The average prostitute is far more honest and safer to associate with.
Suzie and Mark had a fourteen-year-old daughter I had not seen for most of her life. I'd seen her as a baby of course, but because of geographical separation I never really got to know her. Neither my late wife nor I cared much for Suzie so we didn't visit often I'm sorry to admit. When my step-son finally realized just how the girl was being raised, he finally did something about it and took custody. His working schedule however kept him hopping from city to city, and with no wife or live-in lady, the girl was too often on her own. So my step-daughter, Molly, volunteered to take the kid on a part time basis. That's when I met Arlette.
At fourteen, Arlette was lovely. She was just past that coltish, giggly stage and about to make the consequential step into biological womanhood. She was tall for her age - five-foot-six - blonde, blue eyed, with long limbs and a healthy, clear complexion, somehow avoiding the 'zits' some kids area cursed with at that age. When she wasn't self conscious about it, she moved with a natural grace that was awesome. Most of the time however, she went about with her eyes downcast, tiptoeing around, acting like a dog that's been kicked a few times too often. She hadn't grown sly yet like her mother, but she was headed that way. She would behave in a defiant way now and again, but always over small, incidental things that gained her very minor victories. She told stupid lies too, as if the truth wasn't good enough or interesting enough for anyone to hear. She put on a fairly good facade however, sometimes acting as if she really didn't care, but that tactic didn't work well either. She was a well trained 'victim' just waiting for some victimizer to come along. It made me furious to see it.
Like most of her peers though, she was discovering boys - that's BOYS! in upper case letters that is. Boys however are jerks. They seem to be either wimps or super-macho little asses. It isn't their fault altogether; it's they way we raise them, frustrating any genuine maleness in them and giving them exaggerated aggressive attitudes and mock instruments of violence to play with. In defense, many young girls develop manipulative habits, using their sexual attraction to con boys with pseudo sex or a establishing a sham of stupidity to get what they need from them. It's a pretty sorry situation.
Arlette and I got along fairly well however and I think that was because she saw me as a grandfather image more than a viable male person. The kid had problems though and I would have bundled her off to a good therapist, post haste if I'd had my way.
I noticed how she was with the young guys who eventually began to show up at the door and I was not a happy camper about what I was seeing. She simpered and giggled and acted stupid, but when the boys were not around, she showed promise of real intelligence. She had been hammered down by her parents though, told she was stupid and generally shoved into the position of second fiddle to her slightly older sister so she of course acted stupid and awkward and self-loathing. I hated to see that, so I found the opportunity to take a couple of long walks with her and get to know her better. She indulged me - the old grandnpa - and went along with me. I tried to listen to her, to find out what she really felt, but like some others, at first she tended to patronize me. I put up with that because I needed to know whether or not she could realize the potential I saw in her.
When she got into a beef with her older sister on the telephone about some cherished item older sister had given away, I saw the anguish and awful self-doubt the kid was saddled with and I wanted to rip into the sister like the old curmudgeon I'm supposed to be. She caved in to her mom and sister, giving up on what she wanted, but the rage and heartache on her face was so very plain to see that I hurt for her. That sort of bullying is all too familiar to me! On impulse, I suddenly hugged her and said, "Tell 'em to go to hell, kid." Then I left the room, her staring after me with a dumbfounded expression on her face.
A couple of days later, after one of my compulsory evenings with one of those sour faced widows, I went on a walk again with Arlette. She was still seething inwardly about the recent ripoff so when I mentioned it, she flared up for just a moment. Her eyes flashed for a second and her righteous indignation showed, then she quickly withdrew into her 'passive kid' mode. That momentary flare of self-awareness was beautiful to see. She just might be, I thought, a real person and a glorious woman if she could shed the apathy and somehow maintain that spark of character. Half way around the open field a mile or so from the house, we came to a log and, pretending weariness, I asked her to sit with me. I was quiet so long that she asked if I were all right.
"Yeah," I said, "I'm okay. I just have a lot on my mind really."
Out of politeness, she asked, "What's the matter?"
"I'm just fed up with being jerked around," I said candidly. "I get pushed into going out with some women I wouldn't escort to a dog fight because your aunt thinks I need the exercise."
Arlette laughed - almost. "She just wants you to be active."
"Active? How active can I be around some old hen who only wants to find out how much dough I have in the bank? I don't really enjoy about hearing what a paragon of manhood her late husband was either."
"Well," she said, "you don't have to go out if you don't want to."
I looked at her without saying anything for a few seconds.
"I suppose," I said after a bit. "But I do like to go out. The trouble is, I'd rather go out, do my own thing and find my own kind of woman rather than have a planned evening with somebody's female relative who is being shoved at me just so they can get rid of her."
Arlette gazed at me, frowning for a moment. "You still want to really date?"
"Oh, you bet I do!" I put on a grin. "Did you think that I didn't care for girls anymore?"
She looked surprised, as I knew she would. "You do?"
"Sure," I nodded easily. "That doesn't change at any age."
I could see the burning question churning around inside her blonde head and I waited for it to come out. But it didn't so I pushed the question.
"Does that surprise you?" I asked her. I wasn't trying to raise the matter of sex but just attempting to get her to speak her mind.
She shrugged, looking away. "I guess so."
"Well," I said casually as I could, "I think anyone has the right to live their own life too, more or less."
She kept looking away and I was afraid that I was boring her. So I offered,
"Don't you want to run your own life too?"
She looked back, an instant's anger in her eyes. "Nobody can just do what they want to."
"Oh? And why not?"
She made an impatient gesture with her hands. "Because we have to live with other people, that's why. Kids have to... learn to get along with people."
"Uh-huh. Which people?"
She looked startled. "Any people," she said, somewhat impatiently.
"That can get to be emotionally expensive. If you try to live your life to please everybody," I said slowly, "then you don't have any life at all, Arlette. All you have is someone else's life to lead. And since people often have different opinions, you can end up with no real opinion of your own."
She gazed at me intently, curiously, and I think I saw the beginning of thought behind the annoyance in her expression. She didn't say anything so I plunged on.
"You know," I mused aloud, "being a bit elderly is a lot like being very young again. Everybody seems to think that you haven't any brains at all and that they have to do everything for you. Like fix you up with boring old ladies." I chuckled. "But all of us have a sense of what is right and what is not right for us, at any age."
"Maybe you do," she said in a grim tone, "but I don't. I don't know anything."
I sat up straight and stared at her, making a scowl. "Oh yeah? Says who?"
She shifted nervously. "I'm a kid."
"Oh really? A few years ago you would have been considered a woman. Even at that, it's likely someone would have told you just who you would marry and what your life would be. But happily, you have a say in the matter these days."
"Oh, sure," she said sarcastically. "I can do whatever I want to."
"Nobody can do exactly whatever they want to unless they live on a desert island, and as the man said, no one is an island. However," I went on quickly, "we have sovereignty."
"Sov - what?"
"Sovereignty," I repeated.
Then I told her a fairy tale I'm fairly sure she hadn't heard. It's the one about the prince who married the very ugly woman. She could be beautiful in the day or at night, but not both. When she wasn't beautiful, she was the most homely woman in the kingdom. She told the prince and asked him which way he preferred, having her lovely by day or by night. After a lot of thought, and some good advice from the neighborhood Wise Woman, the prince gave his bride the choice. By giving her that option, the prince broke the evil spell and the woman could be herself all the time. Of course she was beautiful prior to the spell, so that was how she appeared all the time.
When I had finished the tale, Arlette looked at me with a strange, appraising kind of expression on her features. "Why didn't she just be one way or the other? She was pretty some of the time anyway."
"Because it wasn't the way she really was. Someone else forced her to choose one way or the other. They didn't let her decide for herself."
"She was a princess, but how could any ordinary person be beautiful all the time?"
"No one really is," I said carefully. "Most of us are part beautiful and part ugly, part dumb and part smart. But whichever way we are, it's our personal decision to be that way, not someone else's decision. You see? In other words, the princess was the victim of someone else's manipulation until the prince came along and, as her husband, put an end to it by giving her sovereignty."
"I'm not ugly," she said suddenly.
"No," I said, "you're very pretty. You are also pretty bright."
She shook her head quickly. "No, I'm not. I make mistakes."
"That's how we all learn. Just because you make a mistake doesn't mean that you are a mistake. And everybody makes errors from time to time."
Her face twisted for a moment and tear started in her eyes. "I wish I didn't make mistakes."
"Hell," I said "then you'd never, ever learn anything."
"Oh, that sounds okay, but I make too many goofs. I just can't help it." She looked away, hiding her tears.
"Bullshit," I said evenly.
Her head whipped around and she stared at me, slightly shocked.
"You cussed," she wondered.
"I do that when something pisses me off too much."
"I guess you can get away with that at your age."
"At any age, Arlette. I was a juvenile delinquent and now I play the role of curmudgeon. Just like you play the role of a goof up." That was an exaggeration of course.
"Maybe I should be a juvenile delinquent," she laughed bitterly.
"Okay, but if you do, be smart about it. Go ahead and behave like a little lady most of the time, but for Pete's sake, don't buy the crap about having to be bad or ugly because someone says you have to be one or the other. You act according to how you see yourself, and if you see yourself as stupid, or ugly, or evil, then that's how you behave. You don't have a prince yet, so give yourself the right to choose who you are. Be a good parent to yourself if you have to."
"Sovereignty," she said slowly.
I thought I had it all worked out. I'd straighten the kid out and score one for the Gipper as far as her mental health and self-esteem was concerned. But she had her own way of expressing what she really felt. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.
"Ho," I grunted. "I should put that in my memory book. But don't go around kissing men just to be polite." I shouldn't have said that.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I just did it because you were being nice to me."
I grabbed her hands. "No, it's okay. You just startled me, that's all." I paused. "I was being cynical because I've become that way lately. I guess I miss being kissed by a pretty woman and I'm bitter about it."
Arlette stared at me. "But you've kissed a lot of pretty girls, I'm sure."
"Oh sure. And I still like it. It's been a long, long time though - too darned long. Like I said," I added thoughtlessly, "everyone seems to think that because I'm older I don't have any feelings about... men and women and all of that."
"You do?"
"Oh for sure I do!" I exclaimed. "I'm not dead yet."
She managed a small laugh. "That's true. But... when you get older, don't you sort of lose, uh, sort of get over that?"
In defense of us elders, I said, "No, you don't. You slow down but the same feelings you had at twenty and thirty are still inside of you, even if the body has aged some."
I saw the next question in her eyes, so I added, "And, yes, older people can still make love. It takes longer, but the result is still the same. The difference is that you don't make babies. You never get over wanting love - physically."
Her mouth dropped open. "You mean that older people do it?"
I nodded, too annoyed to even look straight at her.
"Oh my gosh!" she breathed. "That's hard to imagine."
"Why?" I asked her, a bit sharply.
"Because... because they're older."
"Physically," I admitted. "The need for physical closeness is still a part of being human. If you give up on that, then by God, you're really finished with life."
She touched my hand. "Did you and grandma... "
I nodded. "Of course. The only limit, besides slower reaction time, is how you feel about each other and your basic attitude toward loving."
She shook her head slowly, thinking. "And you both still liked it?"
Again, I nodded. "It changes, naturally, but with a whole lifetime of experience behind you, you have a great deal of knowledge and feeling to draw from."
Arlette sat silently, obviously trying to sort all of that out in her mind. Somehow we had sidetracked from the subject of her feelings and latched onto the topic of mine.
"I'd better be getting back," she said, standing. "Thanks for the story about the ugly princess though. I think you were trying to make me feel better."
As I stood, I said, "That was it. Think about it. Don't let anyone - and I mean anyone - determine how you regard yourself. We have a mind from the age of seven, but so often we allow someone with less intelligence, and less character as well, to do our thinking for us."
"I bet no one did your thinking for you."
"They did, I'm sorry to say. I messed up a lot of my life because of someone else's bull being fed to me. I was pretty old before I realized I had a mind and feelings of my own."
She took my hand and we walked for some time holding hands. At the time, I didn't think much about walking and holding hands with a girl, I was just concerned about getting my message across to her. That's the way it's always been with me, unfortunately. I was usually on the prowl, thinking sexy and more often than not I overlooked the possibility of a good relationship right under my nose.
She was half child, half woman, seething with all the health and hormones a teenager has to burn. Right then I should have called whoa, but I still felt that my age - for all I resented it - insulated me from any romantic involvement. I was woefully wrong. I really tried to convince myself that my reaction to that hasty kiss was only sentiment, but it wasn't.
We had several walks and talks and after a time I began to sense that she wasn't merely humoring a lonely old man. Our discussions covered some pretty important subjects such as religion, politics and family relationships. For a long time she seemed to play yes man to me. I had just about given up on seeing her peek out of her shell and show some independence when she firmly disagreed with me. I concealed my delight and called her to question.
"We have a natural, God given right to be who and what we are," I pontificated.
"If God is so good, as you say," she said "then why do bad things always seem to happen to good folks and vise versa?"
"God doesn't go diddling around in human affairs," I told her. "Besides, we make our own lives."
"Okay then, why do other people influence us so much? A kid gets ordered around by her parents and if they're wrong then the kid gets messed up."
"That's life," I hedged. "We still have to make decisions."
"No we don't," she said with feeling. "A kid doesn't have any say at all. Supposing a kid knows something and the parents won't listen and then there's a problem?"
I had to collect my thoughts. "You have a point. Maybe parents should respect their kids enough to really listen to them."
She nodded with satisfaction. "But they don't. Like the kid I saw in a movie last week: he knew the monsters were coming but his father wouldn't listen so his parents got ate by the monsters."
I had to chuckle. "Served 'em right, didn't it?"
She stopped. "I'm serious," she said, hands on her hips and almost glaring at me. "Even I'm not always right!"
That was what I'd been dying to hear. I grinned at her. "You got it, kid."
"Oh sure," she snorted, walking again. "So what good does it do to be right when you're a frigging kid? Kids are supposed to mind their parents no matter what."
That was the first time I'd ever heard her say a word like that and I was set back a bit. I saw her watching me from the corner of her eye, gauging my reaction to the hard word. I gave a mental shrug about it and tried to respond to her tough question.
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Quickie SexDamned if I wasn't tired after supper and I was surprised when Taachachi joined Teechi and Teecha in the shower. "I still don't think I'm well enough to do it with you, but I'm getting very close. Teecha and Teechi have been bragging about washing your big dick in this shower and I'm well enough to help with that," she said, and took hold of the aforementioned appendage with a soapy hand. She was right as rain too; she could wash my dick anytime she wanted to. Once she'd worked up a...
I’m Chandu, 39, with a 22-year-old step-daughter, Shravanti, who was getting bi-curious. She wanted to explore a man’s body for some things a lesbian partner cannot provide. Shravanti was a confirmed gay girl since her high school days. I had caught her scissoring (moving legs back and forth, between another girl’s legs, with both cunts riding on each other’s thighs) her girlfriend when she was just 19. Soon she bought a strap-on dick and got her girlfriend to pop her cherry. Since then, she...
IncestShe had him tied on the bed, just where she wanted him. She knew she could get the information from him. Since she had him at her home, she knew she had all the time in the world. She covered him in kisses from the top of his head to his belly. She loved to hear him moan as she played with his nipples, sucking and biting. His guttural growl as she reached down to his undershorts and grabbed his cock to stroke it, was music to her. She was getting to him and she loved the power.She watched him...
BDSMBryant wandered downstairs and found Chuck sitting on the back deck. Chuck looked up when he heard Bryant descending. "Is everything okay in there?" Bryant asked. "It looks great!" Chuck enthused. "You even mopped the floor and cleaned the grill." "I've been down here while you get thing set up for the next day," Bryant said. He handed over the deposit slip that he'd carried upstairs the night before. "B'damn, boyo," Chuck said. "You had a $5,000 night! I've only had two of...
Michelle and I had dated before, but she didn’t put out until the night before her wedding.Michelle was a nurse at the hospital where I practice. I noticed her the first night she came to work and I wanted to ask her out. But to do so right away would be too obvious, so I waited three or four weeks, then asked her to have a coffee with me. While we were drinking our coffee, I asked her out and she said yes.Michelle was a gorgeous girl with brown hair just below her shoulders, nice breasts, and...
I am finally home after a long fall semester at Grad school. Its getting close now and I can finally see the finish line. One more spring semester and that’s it. It would be time to find a job after that unfortunately. I took a few years off before going to college to travel around Europe . After that I worked for a while saving up money for school. I’m close to 30 now and will have my MBA in just a few months. There was a rough patch for a few years after mom, I call her Carol because she...
Midday When they got back to the pod Sam had finished his sleep-training session and was engrossed in a video game. Currently he wanted to be a Navy fighter pilot so he was playing a fighter simulator, battling Swarm ships. The games he played varied depending on his ambition of the moment, though he was usually more inclined to the Navy than the Marines. Jane managed to pry him away from his joystick so he could help her and Viv get the others ready to go out again to eat. She was able to...
A couple of months ago I was on a business trip to a major city. I was looking forward to visiting the city and the opportunities that it should offer to have some extramarital fun, as I like to have some man-to-man action on my business trips. To my disappointment, the meeting was held at an office in a remote industrial park far from the city, where there was one lone hotel and nothing else but empty office buildings after-hours. I had to endure a business dinner at the hotel dining room and...
Gay MalePaul wants to expose his former girlfriend and current low-key office mega-slut Alex Blake to everyone. All undercover stud Bruno has to do is fix her car and take her to lunch and she’s soon revealing her whore exploits and deep throating his cock. He hammers her tight wet pussy extremely hard and sexually dominates her like the nasty dumb slut she is then blasts a huge load of cum on her glasses and face. She’s basks in being treated like a bitch until he cruelly reveals that she’s on Shamed...
xmoviesforyouDear Diary, Hello again. This is Reena. The mom. Hope your tummy is being filled enough with my family’s regular entries. At first, I had to force my daughters to write down their sex stories. They were not interested at all in the beginning. My elder baby Sindhu was shy to even think about the idea. Now, the tables have turned. They are more than willing to update each and every experience they have had. I couldn’t be more proud. Prakash was so happy seeing his daughters making their foray...
Beck’s PresentTori was scared, not the kind of scared when Trina was holding a sharp object, no, this was different. She was standing with her arms and huffed above her. She tried to move her limbs but they were restrained. She tried to scream but had a ball gag on. She couldn't even see due to the blindfold.Tori was trying to keep calm but was failing. She struggled against the restrains and tried to scream but it was muffled. She then heard a familiar voice, "Aww don't do that.” It was…...
Eddie and May went to breakfast at the diner across the street from the tea factory. They sat drinking coffee until Bart opened the front door. He walked onto the sidewalk first thing, as was his habit. He looked west toward the river and east down the main street. That street became an old County Secondary Road just outside of town. It eventually merged with a State Secondary Highway. It did finally intersect with an interstate highway after a few miles. Eddie: Well, let's go see how...
Hi, this in Neil back again to narrate another incident. This is completely true apart from the personal details. In this sex story, I’m gonna tell you about how I gave a sensual erotic massage to a young married lady and liberated her of the suffocating chains of the society. Your comments are more than welcome. You can reach me on We can even connect on the hangout. I would feel honored to satisfy any lady with complete respect to privacy. In my last story, I told you about how I had sex...
Frank Stewart was in the midst of what was unquestionably the worst day of his entire life. He had thought he'd had some bad ones before during the course of his thirty-one years on Earth. There was the time he'd found out his wife (now ex-wife) had been cheating on him with her dentist for more than a year. There was the time he'd had the kidney stone and had spent eighteen hours in screaming agony waiting for it to pass. There was the day—only four months ago now—he'd been arrested for...
by Lubrican CHAPTER ONE Megan skipped along happily on her way to her very first paying job. Not counting babysitting, of course. She had eagerly been awaiting her 16th birthday so she would be old enough to work at Uncle Bob's car wash. It was a big bustling business down on the bay by the beach, with 30 employees, almost all High Schoolers, and five lines in which cars could be washed, waxed and detailed. When a car came out of Uncle Bob's, it looked brand new. Bob's always seemed...
Jason Hood, recent birthday boy, high school senior, fuck up. Fresh 18 year old, unsure virgin, unsure future, no one. There are many ways to describe Jason, a few conditionally true and a few more absolutely true. It wasn't that he was any worse off than any other Senior about to graduate, it honestly had more to do with the uncertainty of life only making his worst points stand out. He was smart, he was a bit tall, a bit socially agreeable, and a bit better off then most of his peer thought....
IncestFor next few days I didn’t get chance to get close but I every night saw from the hole of the door. I saw Kamya bhabhi getting fucked by brother several times but every time she was left unsatisfied. She used to carve to my brother for more sex but he was not able to satisfy her fully anytime. I just thinking of getting one chance to fuck her properly and I would have satisfy her every hole and fuck her. But whenever I get chance to look her I used to stare her asset, especially when I was...
IncestThis is the story of Janice — a married woman in her early fifties — as told to William Humphries for the magazine “True Erotic Confessions.” The editors had decided they wanted to start a new category of stories about wives who got pleasure from sharing their husbands with other women, sort of Wife Lovers in reverse although they couldn't think of a satisfactory title — Husband Lovers didn't quite have the right ring to it. When they asked for contributions, Janice was one of the first to...
Wife LoversHot Blonde Part 4 The restaurant was pretty busy tonight, so we had to wait an extra 20 minutes. Paige and I went to the bar and ordered a couple of drinks while we waited for our table. I was looking into her pretty green eyes and noticed that they are darker than normal. They have a beautiful gloss look to them. You can definitely tell she just got fucked and had a great orgasm. We had a few drinks by the time our table was ready. The service here is outstanding and the food is great. While...
TabooMy operation had been a success only I was unable to get about and was pretty much housebound. Luckily I had very good neighbours. Mr and Mrs Khan would call in every day to see if there was anything I needed from the shops and often brought me a meal in the evening. Now Mr and Mrs Khan had a daughter Khandi. Over the years I had seen her go from a young schoolgirl and just before my operation had been to her sixteenth birthday and realised what a beautiful girl she had grown into. She was slim...
Had a few beers and the game ended. "Feel like watching a dirty movie?" "OK, sure. " I was pretty comfortable but I'd only watched a porno with other guys once, at a stag party when there loads of other people there. The conversation then was bravado and bluster. This would be different. More different than I realized when the movie turned out to be all-male. "Do you mind?" "It's not what I usually watch" "Did you ever watch gay porn?" "No, never." "But, do you...
Pregnant! The word hit me like a massive fist to the gut delivered by a prizefighter. I felt myself turning pale and weak. For a moment I thought I was going to faint. I recovered as quickly as I could and tried to act casual in front of Teresa. She didn't notice my distress. "Uh, when do you find out about that?" "Last night," Teresa replied. "Apparently my mom found Vera's pregnancy test kit. All hell broke loose after that. Mom insisted that Vera take the test right then but Vera...
After being in the room for a bit, Mio Ozora is confronted by some guy who decides he wants to ravage her body. He kisses her passionately and with little resistance from Mio, he grabs and kisses her body and slowly strips her. He pulls out his cock and has her suck on it. She plays with his cock until he shoots his load into her mouth. She then finds herself in the hallway on the phone as the guy instructs her to expose her tits and pussy and masturbate. The same guy meets her in a room and...
xmoviesforyou461 Yes Gran. To Alec`s knock an authoritive voice cried “come” he pushed open the door, quite what he expected well he wasn’t quite sure, but it was nothing like what he got. Sat up on her bed was his gran, still fully dressed, propped against the headboard of the big old double bed, stockinged feet out in front of her, and a couple of photo albums spread about. “sit,” she nodded him to the second spot on the bed, he slipped off his slippers and was soon next to her on the big old bed. “just...
Chapter 1: July 1998 - A Shoulder to Cry On.A sister discovers just how close she and her married brother secretly want to be.This is the first Chapter in a comprehensive revision of a series I wrote under the male pseudonym JGUK years ago. In those days I was less confidant about my writing and thought a masculine name would reduce the amount of unwanted attention I would receive, particularly as the subject matter is something very close to my heart. I feel differently now and am...
IncestBefore we start, I am warning u that this story is long, as I telling u my true experience and it is hard to summarize the Whole story, as everything seems to fit together so perfectly. SO ENJOY AND GIVE ME VITAL SUGGESTION IF POSSIBLE. And “yes” this is my first story I am posting and ur feedback will be greatly appreciated. My name is Tim, I am average guy of 27, and I am not big-headed by saying that I am big and muscular, but I do have a athletic body. So let’s get down to the story, it...
The next couple of months were hectic to say the least. We picked up two large contracts at Luke Air Force base and several smaller contracts in Phoenix. Brenda was working full time in the office and Peggy described her as our office manager. By the end of two months I don't know how we ever got along without her. The extra contracts were stretching us a bit thin and I spent a good deal of my time arraigning a line of credit in case the money was slow coming in. Anyone that has ever had to...
I’ve been walking to work for the past few months. It’s a two mile walk and it allows for some quiet time, exercise, plus it’s that much gas I’m not burning. I love it. About a mile into my walk is one of my favorite parts. At this halfway point of my stroll, I get to lay my eyes on a cute housewife in a small brick house on my left. It’s your stereotypical young family house, with a white mini-van, tricycles, and toy cars in the driveway. For some reason, most mornings the woman of the house...
Hi..This is Vijay..I’m a final year college student…I’m a lover of sex..I like every bit of gay sex…a bit afraid to try it but I love it…always had a weakness for super cute asses and big hard dicks….love public exhibitionism and guys groping in public.. I’m 21 years old…pretty slim body…nice chest with brown nipples..I like it hard always…I shave my body when I’m horny..and its super sexy..gotta nice bouncy ass that like to dance with every step..always been proud of my ass…I have a...
Gay Male"Walking a Mile" Conrad Lee & Zaccely Mohh The A.S and a dream come true It was a bright day as Jenna Turner donned her sunglasses and walked towards the mailboxes her apartment complex provided, turning the key in the lock she hoped for something other than hospital bill she never intended to pay or an array of stupid store adds that tended to "accidentally" fall from her hand to the ground; opening the box she instead found a manila envelope no bigger than a deck of cards...
My name is Veronica, I'm 19. Good figure, 4 breast size, rather large butt, height 155, long black hair. It was the beginning of the summer, we decided to celebrate with friends and went to the end of the session to the cottage to one of them, Lena. There were seven of us and we all met at a forum devoted to mysticism. Often met for that would try to hold on what may be a ritual, but every such meeting ends revelry and orgies. This time it promised to be exactly the same. Lena Cottage located...
Ben Benedict was surprised to see his two stars arrive on time – together and with a girl he recognized as Sahara Rain and another hot girl in tow. He shook his head and smiled. His father had assured him that Derrick Driller would arrive exactly when expected. But Ashley Malibu was a wild card. She had walked out of scene a few months earlier and he had heard she was a bit of a head case. But she was smiling and laughing when she walked in and greeted the hairstylist/makeup artist with a...
The Kick Part 1 - As a Freshman (Andrew finds high school much different than middle school, goes out for the Track and Cross Country teams, makes friends with Jeff and mistakenly buys some girl's panties.) Man, is high school different than middle school - at least when you're a Freshman - and not only being in a different school where at least 75% of the other kids are older than you - but all of a sudden you're sharing the hallways with these seniors that are at least a foot...
I am currently working as a door to door salesman, who is pushing the latest and greatest product, and I must say I love my job. So I walk up to my next door, knock and give it a few seconds. The door swung open and a tall handsome fellow answered. like most reactions I get his jaw dropped. Let me explain the product I am selling is a state of the art lycra fabric workout gear which is designed to instantly dry when coming in contact with fluids. When the door opened I was wearing one of...
Monday again. Emma was settling into her office for another long week when the door to her office opened and, “Hi honey, I am home,” was laughingly said in her direction. She spun around so fast in her chair she nearly fell off. And there he was, laughing all the way up to his greenish gold eyes. It was Kyle, the company’s sales and technical director from the big city. He was her favorite and also least favorite coworker. She spoke to him nearly every day and they had a great working...
Office SexThe night before Valentine I caught my parents in the living room.I noticed some noise when I was already in bed. I was sure what's happening in there so I sneaked to the door.Saw dad's naked ass between mom's spreaded legs. He was fucking her like a youngster. Fast and hard. Both of them were breathing heavily and mom moaned a little bit. She spanked his ass and begged him for more. She played with his hair and nipples and dad liked that.I was standing behind the corner and jerking of my hard...
White wine concubine!Bubbly, vivacious, out going, fun, pretty blond, 27 year old milf, big boobs, blue eyes and are words the could describe the wife Wendy on any normal day. Oh and while she is lovely she is not very bright - but hey she has the other attributes When she has had a drink, particularly white wine for some odd reason, one could add the words; daring, uninhibited, up for anything, promiscuous and little or no self restraint.They have been married 5 years and her husband Steve...