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Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball GT neither am I make any profit from this work.

Videl sighed happily as she pulled her car up into the drive way, the remnants of the strong breeze still blowing against the heated skin of her face and through her hair as she breathed in the scent of wild flowers that lingered in the air. It had been an extremely long and boring day, with the launch of her father's new dojo she had had to go to those bloody press seminars that he all but demanded having; and what had made it worse was that it had been a hot day, hotter than it was supposed to be in June. Even if the sun itself had set over an hour ago, its blazing heat still lingered in the air and made the married woman feel very uncomfortable in the business suit she was wearing.

As she shut the door behind her, Videl suddenly noticed that the house was unusually quite, strange; Gohan and Pan should be home by now. Quickly hanging up her dark blue jacket on the coat rack, she made her way to the living room looking for her family but found it empty. No Pan doing homework or watching TV, no Gohan working at his computer; absolutely nothing.

Videl began to look around the room as she felt her heart begin to beat faster as she begun got worried, this wasn't normal. Calling out her husband's then her daughter's names but getting no reply, she worked into the kitchen and noticed a note lying on her kitchen table.

Videl let out a comforted sigh of relief as she read the note, it was from her husband to say that he had gone round his parents, Chichi seemed to need help with something and only Gohan would do. Well that explains Gohan's disappearance but where's Pan? Walking back into the Living room, she glanced round the room one last time for any sign of where her daughter might be before deciding to check upstairs.

Quickly ascending the wooden steps to the second floor of her home, Videl made her way along the lightly lit hall towards the door to her daughter's room. As she was about to open the door, the mother suddenly had an idea and instead placed her hand against the side of the door while the other brushed a lock of her dishevelled hair away from her ear before placing it against the cool wood. In different circumstances, Videl would of probably just barged right in the search for her daughter but recently the sixteen year old had become very secretive and personnel about her room and didn't take kindly to her parents going inside it; and Videl had a very good idea why. Barley a month ago, Pan had for the first time in her life; found herself a boyfriend.

Pressing her ear closer to the door, Videl began to listen intently for any sound coming from inside the room that could explain her daughter's absence. However she couldn't hear much of anything except for a very faint sobbing. Letting her curiosity get the better of her and wondering what or who could be making that sound; the married woman lightly pressed her palm against the wood and silently forced it open a crack before looking inside her daughter's domain.

Pan's room lightly lit by the glow of her bedside lamp, casting the room in a comfortable light. Taking a second to let her eyes adapt to the low light of the room, Videl began to gaze around her daughter's surprisingly tidy room, before falling on the large queen size bed that was situated in the back of the room.

Focusing her attention on the bed, Videl was surprised to see the vague outline of her daughter against the light blue covers of the bed, her head buried in the fluffy blue pillows and the mother could now hear her daughters sobs. Quickly getting up from her crouching position by the door, Videl hurried inside and across the room before she got onto the bed beside her sobbing daughter and pulled her to her. Without hesitation, the 16 year old wrapped her arms around her mother and began to cry into Videl's shirt as her body began to shake.

Videl started to gently run her hand through Pan's dark hair, trying to provide her daughter some comfort as she waited for her to calm down. After a few minutes, she felt her daughters sobs begin to slowly subside until she stopped crying completely.

"What happened honey?" Videl asked as she looked down at her daughter, her eyes reflecting the worry that had filled her heart.

At her mother's words, Pan slowly looked up at Videl; making the mother almost cry herself at how she looked. Her face had gone pale and A stray tear had escaped from her puffy eyes and had traced down her pale cheek, her hair was damp and was even starting to puff out a little. Videl felt her throat begin to tighten and a pain rise through her chest because of what had happened to Pan as the girl tried to suppress a sob. Without thinking she put his arms around her daughter and held her closer, making the girl rest her head on her mother's soft breast.

Pan started to sniff against her mother's damp shirt before whispering, "Jeremy ... he called me a ... frigid bitch."

"He WHAT?" the mother exclaimed, her eyes suddenly ablaze with fury at what the boy had called her daughter.

She nodded, not raising her eyes to gaze at her mother as tears began to spill out the light blue orbs. "He said that, 'I was a prick teaser, that I didn't know how to take care of him, and that he was sick and tired of being with someone who turned into an iceberg every time he came near her' ... and then he dumped me." She sobbed in her mother's arms as the older woman began to soothingly stroke her hair again.

Videl began to rock her daughter as she cried, a look of horror and compassion on her face. She had known that Pan had had problems when it came to dealing with boy's since she had turned 15, not only because her sayain hormones had begun to act up but also because she had turned into a very attractive young women with curves that caught the eye of every guy within sight and to be frank it had really pissed her off; or at least until Jeremy came along. It had all started as a simple school girl crush; Jeremy had been in Pan's class at high school and had instantly caught each others eye. Within the month the two had started to date and Videl had to say, she couldn't really blame her daughter for falling for the guy either.

Videl remembered the first time she'd meet the boy and also noticed the very striking resemblance between Jeremy and someone very close to her. It had taken two months before Pan had gained the courage to introduce her new boyfriend to her parents and invite him round for dinner. As soon as he had walked in, Videl had noticed it immediately. Jeremy had dark eyes almost as black as his slightly spiked hair; he stood as about 6 foot 4 and had a slightly muscular build that completed the image. Jeremy was almost an exact replica of Gohan when she had first met him.

Breaking from the memory, Videl just sat back and held her daughter close to her in a comforting hug as she cried into her shirt. It sounded like she needed to anyways. With Pan's words lingering in her mind, the mother couldn't but wonder what had gone wrong in her daughter's relationship? The last thing Videl had heard was that Pan and Jeremy were very happy in their relationship, so why had Jeremy suddenly turned into a cold hearted bastard? And what had been meant by 'turned into an iceberg'?

"Honey, can you tell me what happened?" Videl asked as she felt Pan's tears begin to subside.

It took a few seconds before Pan reacted, breaking away from her mother's arms and wiping the remaining tears from her reddening eyes, Pan looked up at her mother for the first time since Videl had rushed in the room and Whispered "With you having to go to that press seminar and daddy helping grandma, I um kind of invited Jeremy round to keep me company. After he arrived, we came into my room and started watching X-men 3, during a heated scene between Logan and Jean; we began kissing and then..." The teen suddenly broke off, looking away from her mother as tears threatened to consume her for the third time.

"What happened honey?" Videl asked gently, trying not to push her daughter to another fit of tears while her thirst for the truth driving her on.

"Jeremy began to deepen the kiss, taking it further than we had before. His hands started to roam over my body, trying to remove my clothes as he began kissing my neck. I new what he wanted to do Mum, new he wanted to fuck me but I got scared, I didn't now what to do and it scared me so I ... I pushed him away." At that the dam broke and tears once again began to fall down her checks as the 16 year old buried her face in the covers.

Despite her daughter's distressed state, Videl couldn't help but let out a comforted sigh at what she had said. A small, comforting smile grow on her lips as she moved across the queen size bed to kneel beside pan and began to rub her back in a soothing manor before whispering "It's okay honey, every girl gets scared their first time. If Jeremy can't come to terms with the idea of waiting till your ready, then he's not even good enough for you."

"No Mum!" The teen suddenly exclaimed inbetween sobs "It wasn't just that one time, every time Jeremy even tried to take it further than just light kissing, I froze up, I couldn't stand to have him touch me and I pushed him away."

Despite Pan's sudden outburst, Videl remained unfazed by daughter's outburst, instead a sudden look of understanding spread across the women's face as she lent down and pulled the girl back into her arms in a comforting hug and whispered in a soothing voice. "It's okay honey, Mummy knows what's happening. Everything will be alright."

At that, Pan looked up at her mother, a confused look on her face and her eyes were gleaming with unshed tears that made the curiosity hidden within the blue depths almost impossible to see as she asked "What do you mean Mum?"

Smiling slightly as she noticed the sad tone in her daughter's voice disappearing slightly, Videl replied "Well it's simply genetic darling, you see your dad had the same problem. You see, Grandpa told me that all Sayains will only feel an attraction to the most superior fighters for their first sexual experience to ensure that their children will be excellent warriors. So all we have to do is try and find a boy who meets up to your sayain demands."

"But it's not just Jeremy." Pan said quietly, looking away from her mother and out the window, trying to gain some comfort for her situation from the darkening sky.

"What did you say Honey?"

Pan looked up at her mother, her normally shiny blue eyes had gone almost blood red because of the amount of crying she had done in the past few hours and Videl couldn't help but notice how unusually pale her daughter's creamy skin had suddenly gone; almost as if she was frightened. "It's not just Jeremy Mum, every time a guy gets to close to me I just seem to lock up, I can't even hug grandpa any more; In fact the only person I can seem to get close to is..."

"Who Pan?" Videl asked but she already had a very good idea who had caught her daughter's sayain eye.

Pan hesitated, suddenly looking away from her mother as she tried to find the words to tell to her mother. It had all started just over a year ago, when she had just turned 15; the teen had started having these strange urges and feelings. She had tried talking to her mother about them but every time she had got to embarrassed and rushed out the room, she couldn't ask her father because she didn't think he would understand so she had asked her best friends, Bra and Marron. The blond and blue haired girls had both said with that same sense of tact which resembled something like a brick wall that they both shared, that it was puberty and it was about time she started thinking about boys.

A flush began to spread over her cheeks as she struggled to contain her train of thought. Oh she had begun to think about boys but there was one slightly big problem, She had begun to think about someone who must certainly was not a boy. While their were plenty of nice boy's at her school, and plenty of them were more than willing to go out with her and made little attempt to hide it. However, she just felt nothing for them and had made a point of showing it to any boy who got to close for comfort and thought he would try his luck with the hottest piece of ass in school.

Or at least until that day she saw Jeremy. It had been the first day of term after an agonizingly long Holiday that Pan had thought would never end. As she and Bra walked into their homeroom at the beginning of the day, there he was; sitting at the back of the room and surrounded by Girls. Pan didn't know what it was but something about Jeremy that drew her to him. Even after they had started dating however, Pan couldn't stop herself from thinking about that certain someone else. The same person she seemed only able to get close too without the feel of her blood running cold and an intense sickness that filled her stomach.

"It's Daddy" the words left her lips before she could stop them, making Pan almost clap her hands over her mouth as she realised what she had said. But it was true, ever since she had turned 15; Pan Son had been feeling a very strong desire and longing for her father, Son Gohan. She only wished she could of told her mother in a more appropriate manor.

Seconds pass in silence and Pan couldn't help but grow more and more worried by her mother's lack of reaction. Gathering what little courage and spirit that remained inside of her, the sixteen year old turned to face her mother's smiling face. "It's okay Honey, Mommy already knew and I think I might have thought of a way to help my beloved daughter."

"What—what do you mean?" Pan asked as a puzzled look appeared on her face.

"You said that you froze up whenever a guy has got to close to you ... except for your Farther, right?" She watched her daughter's checks gain a little more coluor as they flushed a light pink before she nodded her head. "well if what your grandfather told me was correct, that's because you're the sayain blood running through your veins had decided that your father is the only suitable to be your first so..."

However she didn't get the chance to finish her statement as her daughter suddenly caught on to her meaning. "Mum ... you don't mean that I have to ... have to sleep with dad do you because that is just..."However the teen couldn't finish her statement because at the thought of her father, Pan felt a wave heat wash over her body. And she couldn't help but think of the man's, muscular body under her as she rode him, his name leaving her lips in a passion field cry as his hands roamed all over her body; what it would feel like to have his gigantic manhood between her lips as she sucked him dry. Trying to shack her mind from the lust filled haze, Pan asked "But Mum, isn't it incest?"

Videl took in a deep breath before she answered her daughter's question; 'now comes the hard part'. "Well in normal circumstances honey, I would have to say yes, this would be classed as incest but this isn't normal Pan."

"But-but what about dad?" Pan asked struggling to find a flaw in her mother's plan as images of her and her father engrossed in sexual acts kept popping into her head.

Videl only smiled at her daughter before saying "Don't worry about your father, he loves you and wants what's best for you and besides I know a way of 'persuading' him if he isn't to keen on the idea." With that Videl gave her daughter a wink before they both looked to the door of the room as the sound of the front door opening and shouting sounded through the house and the voice of Son Gohan sounded though the house "Pan, Videl I'm Home".

Turning to look at her daughter, Videl said "Now why don't you go and get ready for your father while I go and tell him about your situation." Before the married woman got up from the bed and made her way to the door of the room, however before leaving Videl turned to look at her daughter and said "You might want to consider changing clothes, might I suggest that dress you wore to Bra's birthday party" With that Videl left the room and made her way down the steps to her husband.

When Videl had reached the bottom step of the stairs, she had suddenly become air borne as her husband greeted her by sneaking up behind her and suddenly lifting her up in his strong arms and given her a little more than a loving kiss that set her blood ablaze. It had been quite a feet to break the intense kiss and get Gohan to put her down. Once Gohan had finally released his wife and asked her about the press seminar; it didn't take long before the subject of their conversation turned towards their distressed daughter.

"I think me and Vegeta might pay Jeremy a visit tomorrow." Gohan growled as he sipped his tea, Videl having just told him about Pan's heartbreak.

"Oh no you won't, I have had enough of the media this year. The last thing I need is to have to attend another seminar in less than 48 hours because my dad decides to save his reputation by explaining why his son-in-law and his psychotic friend decided to kill a teenage boy." Videl half scolded, half joked with her husband. While in truth Videl wouldn't mind Gohan and Vegeta going round to Jeremy's parent's house and beating the shit out of the little bastard, she wasn't sure Pan would feel the same way.

"I know but I just wish there was some way I could help Pan." The hybrid muttered before taking another sip of his drink while unknowingly giving his wife an opening.

At that, Videl gave her husband a less than innocent smile before getting up from her position on the couch opposite her husband and walking across the room to site next to him before saying "Well honey I think I might know a way you can." Before leaning forward and whispering her idea in his ear.

"You want me to do WHAT?" Gohan cried as his evening tea was sprayed across the wooden floor of the living room.

"I said I want you to make love to Pan." Videl replied calmly as she eyed her husband's tea on the wood floor disapprovingly.

Taking a few seconds to compose himself, Gohan took off his glasses and began to clean the lenses with the tip his shirt before rubbing the bridge of his nose and then placing the glasses back on. As he started to nervously run his hand through his ebony hair, all the while his wife continued to wait calmly for his response.

"Okay, let me see if I've got this straight, my wife who I love with all my heart and who in the past has never told me about any complaints she may have with either our marriage or sex life; has just told me that she believes the best way for me to help our sixteen year old daughter is by me sleeping with her; am I correct?" The man asked sarcastically as he looked across the seat at his wife.

Videl on the other hand did not find Gohan's comment at all amusing. "There is no need to start being rude Gohan, and for your information I have a very good reason for suggesting that you sleep with Pan." This however didn't seem to have the desired effect on her hybrid husband as he just stared unbelievingly at her. "I'm serious about this Gohan"

At that, the sayain feel back into the chair and muttered "You are aren't you?" and at the nod from his wife all he could say was a simple "Fuck Me"

"Maybe later Honey but please watch your language." Videl said jokingly as she sat moved back along the coach to sit beside her husband.

"Videl look, you know I would do anything for Pan but I think sleeping with her is a little to much for helping her get over an asshole of a boyfriend." Gohan muttered, trying to get Videl to perhaps see the reason of a normal person. However, instead of reacting to her husbands comment's, Videl decided to fall back to plan B. Sometimes to convince Gohan to make the right decision, she had to rob him of all reason and rationale thought from her husband.

Quickly getting up from where she was seated, Videl stood infront of her husband before she slipped to her knees in front of him and reached for the fly of his trousers and before Gohan could stop his wife, she had already undone the button of his pants and pulled them down; leaving him open to her hungry eyes.

"Videl, what are you do ... what if Pan comes down?" Gohan managed to mutter before suddenly letting out a sudden moan as he felt the warmth of his wife's breath begin to be blown lightly on his semi hard flesh.

Looking up at her husband, Videl whispered "If I remember correctly, the fact that we might be discovered never seemed to bother you at all those parties, barbecues and conferences we went to or even at a couple of Pan's younger birthday parties." At that, she spread his legs open and used her elbows to hold them in place as she lent down and placed her face just above to his rapidly hardening manhood, "In fact I believe it rather turned you on" before she began to lightly tease the tip with her tongue and then tracing imaginary trails along his shaft, from the tip to the base and vice versa.

"It wasn't so much getting caught but the fact that my beautiful wife was trying to be innocent while she was on her knees with my cock between her full rosy lips." Gohan managed to gasp before letting out a long moan, his strong hands gripping the soft material of the couch more tightly as he felt his wife's teasing licks. However missing the sly smile that spread across Videl's lips between licks; knowing that her plan was working. Whenever Gohan started to talk dirty, it was a sign that his sayain side was coming out; a far more agreeable Gohan if given the right incentive.

"Oh really, now back to the subject of Pan." Videl muttered before taking the soft tip of his manhood past her full lips and into her damp cavity; her tongue began to teasingly pressing against his delicate skin as her teeth skillfully scraped the sensitive tip. It was a sudden rush of pleasure to his system and all Gohan could do to vocalize the pleasure he felt was by releasing a series of long, low grunts and moans. Trying to fight against the sudden rush of adrenalin and pleasure flowing through his veins, the hybrid managed to sit up and gasp "Lets not talk about Pan" before he collapsed back into the couch and started to moan louder from his wife's attention to his sensitive flesh.

"Okay Honey, lets not talk" but instead of continuing to pleasure her husband as Gohan had hoped, Videl pulled back from his rigid manhood and wiped the corner of her mouth "and I'll stop".

It never ceased to amaze Videl how Gohan who's mind had been clouded by lust mere seconds ago could become so alert so suddenly, a point that was very well proven by the way he so quickly lifted himself up to look at her as he exclaimed "No! No ... it's all right. Honey, we can talk about anything you want to." Smiling as she resumed her ministrations, Videl couldn't help but be thankful that Gohan could be so predictable at times. "So ... are you ready to hear my idea out?" Opening his mouth, Gohan tried to respond but found his voice had been robbed from him so instead nodded his head, the feel of her husbands stomach muscles contracting as he moved his head was all the signal Videl needed.

Pulling her mouth away from the flesh of her husbands cock, Videl looked up at Gohan but kept her eyes locked on his lust clouded ones as she reached out for his organ; just to make sure she had his attention as she spoke. As her delicate hand closed itself around his shaft in a gentle grip, Videl started to stroke up and down his length at a teasingly slow pace. "Do you remember that little problem you had when we started dating Gohan?"

With Gohan's nod of understanding, Videl pressed on "When I asked your parents about it, Goku told me that it was a sayain selective gene that would pick out the most suitable person for their first mate. Do you remember how it felt every time your mother hugged you while you were going through it?" Although she didn't wait for his answer, the shudder that she felt run through him was a good sign that he could remember the feeling. "Well that's what's happening to Pan, Gohan. Every time a boy comes to close, our daughter feels that and the only one who can stop it is you honey."

As another bolt of pleasure hit his senses, the man tried to shake his head in protest " No ... what about ah ... Jeremy?"

Videl's grip on his member began to tighten slightly as she mentally growled in anger, how could Gohan be so smart and yet so naïve at the same time? "Gohan, Pan chose Jeremy because he's like you, he looks so similar to you at the time when we first meet."

"Still ... can't, she's our ... daughter" the man managed to muster inbetween moans, Videl's hand was steadily picking up speed and it was driving him insane. Gohan know that if he didn't hold on, the pleasure his wife was creating would draw out his primitive side, the animal side; the sayain side. The side that would definitely agree to what Videl wanted and would fuck his own daughter with out hesitation. He'd learnt from past experience that incest wasn't a sin in sayain society, after all a powerful warrior born from both mother and son was still a powerful warrior.

Videl smiled slyly as she heard the struggle in her loves voice, she was finally getting some where and now all she needed to do was give him that final push and their daughter's sex life and sanity would be assured. "That's right Gohan, Pan is our daughter and she is suffering, suffering because the man she wants is the man that won't have her." Deciding to take it a step further, letting her hand return to its previous spot after a few more strokes, she replaced it with her skillful tongue that begun to once again trace imaginary paths along his shaft before she consumed as much as she could of his achingly hard flesh in her mouth.

"Wouldn't you ... like to help her ... in the most pleasurable ... way Gohan?" she purred as he looked down, watching as her lips were wrapped around him, surrounding him with the warmth of her mouth in between her words. "To teach Pan ... how to pleasure ... even the toughest of men, to feel those soft lips ... wrapped around your steel like cock ... To watch our ... little girl as she ... rides you giant dick ... hearing her screams ... as you turn our innocent ... daughter into a wild sexual hellcat." However what happened next was something that Videl had not prepared for.

Suddenly, the women's vision turned black and all the subtle sounds of the night that filled the room were silenced; leaving Videl in darkness. It felt as if she were floating in the darkest reaches of space, the force of gravity no longer affecting her as she glided in the darkness when suddenly she heard it, the voice that plagued every exciting dream she had ever had, the voice that would wake her in the dead of night before making all her dreams come true; the voice of her sayain husband "I'll do it ... Later"

Devouring her soft lips with his own, the cloudy eyed sayain eagerly cupped her bottom with one hand as he lay her down on the soft leather of the coach before kneading her left breast through the material of her shirt with the other, a weak whimper escaping Videl's lips as she felt him begin to toy with and pleasure her body like she had been doing to him mere moments ago. It took all the power that the woman possessed to wake herself from the pleasure haze that was consuming her, gathering her wits; Videl quickly did the only thing she could think of to temporally snap her husband out of his daze and smacked Gohan as hard as she could on the head.

"No! Bad Gohan" She quickly scolded as the sayain jumped back off her, his eyes growing a lighter shade of black as he came to his senses slightly. Although Videl could hit him with every ounce of strength in her being and it would not hurt does not mean that if she smacked him across the head while he was trying to make love to her, it would not surprise him. Getting up from where she lay, Videl walked over to her husband and loving kissed the place she had hit before saying "I'm sorry honey, but if we went much further I couldn't guaranty that you'd have enough energy left for Pan. Now while I clean up that mess you made on the floor, why don't you be the loving father that you are and go up their and teach our daughter a lesson she needs to learn." And with that Videl had disappeared into the kitchen and left a very agitated and horny Gohan standing their pondering his next move.

Gohan hesitated before slowly turning the handle to his daughter's room and opening the wooden door, even with his sayain mind still partially in control; he was still slightly nervous after all it wasn't everyday that you agree to fuck your virgin daughter. However, before entering the room, the man heard a series of soft, alluring moans that began to seep through the slightly opened door. Gathering all the courage that the sayain still possessed, Gohan pushed the door open a bit further before glancing inside; Making his still semi hard cock turn rock hard and begging for some attention.

The room had become as dark as the night sky, the only source of light coming from a few scented candles that he and Videl had given Pan for Christmas; their dim flames giving the room a sensual and surreal atmosphere. Their soft light almost deceiving his eyes making the outlines of the rooms furniture almost shapeless as they emitted a powerful aroma of exotic fruits and flowers that set the Sayain's mind ablaze with memories of some of his and Videl's 'training' sessions from when they were younger, preparing for the world tournament.

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Lessons to Learn

Lesson To Learn By Eve Smith 'Please Miss, may I go to the toilet?' I asked in response to the teacher pointing at me after seeing my hand raised. 'You know that you are supposed to use the toilet during break, we have only been in class for 15 minutes.' 'Sorry Miss... but I am desperate to go!' now squeezing my legs together, the giggling of the other girl embarrassing me. 'Okay Lucy, but be quick about it.' I stood and walked to the door of the classroom and then...

3 years ago
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Lesson Learned Ch 04

“Are you sure you should do this again?” Gina asked me over lunch a couple of weeks later. Lia and I had gotten together nearly every night during those two weeks and it was like it used to be. Fantastic sex at night, friendly acquaintances during the day. “Why not?” I took a bite of my burger. “I just thought you . . . I don’t know.” Gina shook her head, then pushed her brown hair back behind her ears. “I don’t know either,” I admitted. “I don’t know what I want, or what she wants, but maybe...

3 years ago
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Lesson Learned Ch 04

“Are you sure you should do this again?” Gina asked me over lunch a couple of weeks later. Lia and I had gotten together nearly every night during those two weeks and it was like it used to be. Fantastic sex at night, friendly acquaintances during the day. “Why not?” I took a bite of my burger. “I just thought you . . . I don’t know.” Gina shook her head, then pushed her brown hair back behind her ears. “I don’t know either,” I admitted. “I don’t know what I want, or what she wants, but maybe...

3 years ago
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Lesson for a fetish stalker

I had just parked my car on the 5th floor of the car park when I saw in the rear-view mirror how a lady, dressed entirely in black nappa leather, got out of the Mercedes behind me. Wearing a fitted leather blazer, gloves and tight leather trousers, she strutted along the corridor on the probably 10 cm high heels of her knee-length leather boots. Strictly tied back long black hair framed her beautifully cut, stylishly made-up face, whose dark glowing eyes sparkled. In her mid-40s her body was...

2 years ago
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Lesson of the day Lesson 2

Bill awoke the next morning with his usual morning wood, and smiled thinking about what he was in for as the continuing education of his twin sisters. Anna and Louise had really gotten into it yesterday and he felt like it would be better today. He tried to compose himself and went to the shower to ready himself for days adventure. Anna and Louise awoke with a yell from their mother that breakfast was almost ready and for them to get up and get going. The girls looked at each other and...

2 years ago
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Lesson Learned

Lessons Learned When I walked into the club for Gina’s bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I’d left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing...

1 year ago
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Lesson Learned

Lessons Learned When I walked into the club for Gina’s bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I’d left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing music...

2 years ago
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Lesson One0

By the time I was approaching my seventeenth birthday I had been with a couple of girlfriends and fucked a few other girls. All around my age. Quite frankly that was all I was hoping for until one day when I was returning home from my girlfriend of the time. Just as I neared the flat I lived in with my parents I was passing a lady who lived two doors away from us. She was about mid fifties I would guess and although I only knew her by her surname I knew that she knew everything about...

1 year ago
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Teenage Learnings

As a young teenager growing up in the 1970's I was always eager to learn more of the secret world of sex, that seemed to be slowly emerging from the hidden confines of bedrooms worldwide. I was aware my parents received, what I now understand are two literary classics on the subject, but had not really understood the mirth around the Christmas Dinner table when they were exchanged in the annual gift giving, with close family friends and regular Christmas Day guests the Cooks.The ABC of Sex and...

3 years ago
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Lesson Pt 3

Like I said, I've never had a Mrs Robinson streak, so my man and I came up with a vague plan of action during a very satisfying session one evening. It would probably take three or four sessions to teach Rick the lessons we'd identified, but as he was just twenty-three, we figured he'd have the stamina.Lesson One was set for the Wednesday evening.Answering the door to Rick, he was suitably nervous but managed to appreciate my skirt and shirt combo. Offering him a drink, my man tried to calm...

Wife Lovers
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Lesson Surprise Part 2

Lesson Surprise part 2 To find out how I ended up in this situation read Lesson Surprise Part 1 ...... I looked at the clock on the wall - it was only 5 pm - it was going to be a late night. After all, during the last 4 hours I have been fucked twice by Brads 11 inch monster. I was standing there with huge EE false tits in a black lace bra, Black lace suspenders and fishnet stockings, red G string with black trim, a tiny black mini skirt and tight black top that enhanced the...

4 years ago
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Lesson For Mrs Parker

Valerie Parker sat in her car outside the coffee shop trying to stop the tears that were falling freely from her swollen eyes. As her sobs slowly subsided, a knock on the side window brought her back to reality. Standing beside the car was Jim, a boy she dated from time to time, giving her his usual big smile. As she slowly rolled down the window, Jim could see her tear stained face, as she tried to return his smile. Seeing that something was bothering her, Jim quickly went to the other side...

2 years ago
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Lessons learned

Jerome’s mind often toyed with him like a cat with its prey/food. He was powerless to stop it, so he just let it happen. He’d become a passenger in his own head; someone else was at the wheel. In a way, it was less exhausting this way, even if he wasn’t in control of the journey. Sometimes they were speeding down a bumpy road on the way to places they shouldn’t be, and his stomach began to summersault like when on a rollercoaster with lots of loops. Other times the ride was smoother and the...

3 years ago
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Lesson Time EDIT

What follows happened - about three hours ago. I have changed the lady's name, but should anyone who knows either of us read this, the game - as they say - is probably up.I teach EFL at a number of companies here ('here' will be obvious if you've read "Oh, Canada!") - have been doing so for thirteen years - and have had several hundred students in that time. Until today I have never had anything more than fantasies about a few of them......... At the turn of the year I started a...

3 years ago
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Mutual learnings

This is my first story and any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated! All characters are fictional any and all relations are simply accidental The last day of school was slowly fading. The clocks’ hands moving in slow-mo, Dylan had been watching them all day constantly peering at his watch, checking his cell. All the Seniors this year were going to have a co-ed sleepover. He knew this would be his only chance at getting into any of the high school action. His best friend Skye had...

3 years ago
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Mutual learnings

This is my first story and any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated! All characters are fictional any and all relations are simply accidental The last day of school was slowly fading. The clocks' hands moving in slow-mo, Dylan had been watching them all day constantly peering at his watch, checking his cell. All the Seniors this year were going to have a co-ed sleepover. He knew this would be his only chance at getting into any of the high school action. His best friend Skye had...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Lesson 1

The Lesson My name's Joe, and yes I'm bisexual. I have a friend named Tom who's also bisexual. Were in the electronics business together. We do very well, well enough too not have to work. We have a huge house with our own little dungeon. That's where we give our "lesson's". We have 4 special friends that come over and give the lessons. We've been doing it for a few years now, and so far we haven't got caught. Both Tom and I work out on very regular basis and are quite strong....

2 years ago
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Lesson Surprise

Lesson Surprise - Part 1 I was a completely straight guy, and used to have a different girl every week. Now I am the different 'girl' every week. I met Brad and everything changed to where I am now. He had made heaps of money and said he was "out in the mountains looking for a new opportunity." Here is my story. Brad had booked me for a week of private ski lessons. It was the first day and a bad weather day and Brad decided that he had had enough skiing and wanted to return...

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Lessons Learned

The phone rings and I sleepily reach over to answer it. Who would be calling me at this hour? I looked at the clock. It read Five AM. I pick up the receiver and answer with a half asleep tone in my voice. "Hello?" "Slave I want you prepared for my return. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Master." I reply. Now fully awake. "Good." He says and hangs up. I could not have gone back to sleep if I wanted to. The tone in Master's voice had been very harsh. He did not sound happy at all. I...

4 years ago
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Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad

Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad- Chapter 1 I am in my Stepdad's room. My parents are divorced. I am living with my Stepdad. I turned 18 yrs old a few months ago, young and horny and very curious. My Stepdad is at work (or so I think). Being the horny k** that I am - I am snooping around my stepfather's bedroom hoping to find some porno. After going through his drawers, under the bed and not having any luck, I go to his closet. Above the rack of hanging clothes is a single shelf with folded...

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Lesson of the day

Living in the rural area around Winston-Salem allowed him to hunt and fish when he wanted and still be able to go to town and have all the amenities of the city. Plus North Carolina is famous for being loaded with very attractive ladies who are extremely friendly and fun loving. Not that there weren’t a lot of wonderful ladies at school, it just seemed like they had a different attitude. Bill had a couple regular girls he dated and fooled around with, but he had not met anyone that really set...

1 year ago
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Lesson Of Passion

LessonOfPassion, aka LOP Gold! Porn isn’t all about watching videos and jerking off to them for years on end until you can recognize most famous pornstars at a glance – there’s much more to it than consuming overly-stimulating visual content on a daily basis and getting so addicted to it that your social life falls into shambles and you don’t know how to talk to women anymore. There are lots of different, healthier and more interactive ways to consume porn – and by interactive, I don’t mean...

Best Porn Games
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Lesson Learned

You are Mr. Saunders, a new teacher at Phillips Preparatory Academy. It's your first day on the job. You quickly straighten your tie (how nerdy of you) and walk out your room at the school. Phillips Academy is a school where the rich bastards that own the economy send their children, and you have been warned about not crossing them, but you know yourself: your anger management, and your slightly-shaded past. As you walk in, you are greeted by a lovely brunette lady who introduces herself as a...

3 years ago
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Lesson Learned

Eric's instructions were clear. "Four things, Sweetheart. Nothing on but a black thong. The butt plug in place. The implement box on the dresser, with the blind wand across the top. Pillows off the bed." I flipped and flopped all night, knowing full well that Eric was very serious about these consequences. We'd been playing around on the phone, laughing about little flirtatious infractions that were used to get our juices flowing before he came home again. A mouthy text. A naughty picture. My...

1 year ago
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Lesson Learned

My name is Josh and this is a story about my girlfriend, our teacher and me. My girlfriends name was Ashley and we had been dating for over the past 2 years. We both were 18 years old and seniors in high school. I was 5’11”, had long black hair and since I was on the soccer team had an athletic build. Ashley was 5’3”, had straight black hair and an amazing body (34C-24-32), she was a cheerleader. During high school we both were parts of the popular crowd. Ashley and I had been very experimental...

Group Sex
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Lesson One

Introduction: Alyssa gets more than one lesson from her big brother Alyssa walked into the house, throwing the keys, along with her backpack, down on the kitchen table. She smiled, satisfied with the jingle they made, as she had just gotten her license two days before. Just then she realized she heard music from upstairs. Brad?! she cried, racing toward the stairs. She ran up them with her long honey colored hair streaming behind her, thinking this was way too good to be true. Her older brother...

3 years ago
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Lesson pt5

For a week or so after our encounter with Rick, my man and I would debate whether there was more to teach the youngster. His oral skills had been improved, he'd had tips for his self-control, and there was nothing to improve in regards to his cock. During many sex sessions, we debated and reminisced.Then decided. Rick arrived one Saturday afternoon, looking a couple of inches taller and a lot more confident. He told us he'd been practising what we'd taught him with a girl he'd met the day...

Wife Lovers
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Lesson Pt 1

We were out one night, having a nightcap in a busy hotel bar, when a youngish lad tried chatting me up at the bar. Pretty average looking but had a sparkle in his eye and his cheek; had me shaking my head in wonder. He couldn't have been above twenty-five at the most, and I was approaching forty.I've never had a Mrs Robinson streak so I just gave him cheek back and headed back to my man. As I sat, my mister told me the lad hadn't taken his eyes off my rear the whole way back to our table. I...

Wife Lovers
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Lesson Three The device

The last thing you can remember was the wine, and how it went to your head so quickly. But now, as you wake there's something wrong. Very wrong. Where is this? You are captured within a strange device made of steel pipes bolted to the floor. It is a series of clamps that hold you completely immobile. Cold metal holds you down at the ankles and wrists. The wood under your hands and knees is rough and hard. As you try to look around the room, you see that there's is really no escape from this...

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Lesson 1

The last boyfriend I write about was a special person. Jack was a lover, a friend, my disciplinarian [when I needed it] and a gentleman. He’d had a good marriage, with a loving woman but, told me several times that, I was more female than she was. After being together [but not living together] for about six months; he not only started telling me that he loved me but…proposed.He could be very strict with me, as I said above, when I needed it.He was one of the three or four guys that, after being...

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Lesson learned I expect this fat man was my fina

This afternoon my ass still hurts. Ken calls and asks if I can prep a larger dinner as he is bringing a friend home.Sure. Veal Marsala for 3 versus 2 is no big deal.Thank god I do not know this guy. A c***dhood pal I'm told and I swear he was around 350 pounds. I clean up after dinner, come back and I don't see him. Bathrooms empty too and Ken is putting on his hat. "Ken, I didn't hear him leave. Are you guys going out?". Ken says "You still need to learn. This is the last lesson. He...

2 years ago
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Lesson Cousins

Another lesson.Being bi-racial, I grew up in two cultures.I recently discovered that two cousins of mine (same ages now in 50s) have always liked me, especially one.She is a bit chubby, but with a nice face, a nice girl in other words.But her hubby was a player with younger women at his business and divorced her.She spent last summer with me and we went out and pretended to be man/wife, boy/girl friend etc, as a woman had dumped me and was at same places. After a few drinks one night we danced...

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LessonChapter 2

Doctor John Holcomb turned away from the old gentleman in the hospital bed. Intern Holly Jackson could see the sadness in his eyes. It's never easy to tell someone they are dying, and it is especially hard when the man's wife of fifty four years is in the room. John turned to her in the hallway. "That was a tough one," he said. She nodded. "I felt sorry for his wife," she told him. John nodded and smiled gently. "You handled it well, though," he told her. "A lot of interns...

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Lessons to Learn

...Six weeks earlier… “Hey Dawson get over here.” I looked over my shoulder and saw my boss waving his hand at me form behind the kitchen counter. I excused myself from the table that I was helping and walked through the small diner I’d been working at for a decent seven months now. “Yeah boss.” The tall, soccer coach looking man gestured for me to follow him to his back office. For the life of me I always wondered why Steve was a fast food restaurant owner. He looked like he was...

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Hi just a few short lines to ryme feel free to comment and we will all see how dark we get.. I remember walking in and seeing my sister in the bath.. I was addicted from that moment I knew her body will be mine to enjoy and have.. Could not resizt Even though Am 6years older. [email protected] looked at her smile saying it’s OK don’t worry if I see you naked am your brother then I told her.so long as nobody else finds out.. Specialy as I should know better no doubt.. I Even laugh and say...

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Jack grunted and stopped, looked at her. He had been in a bad mood for the last three days. Half buried memories had haunted his dreams and even being on the road for eight hours straight yesterday had not helped blocking them out. He had planned to travel on, spend the night at a bus station and take the first bus available to anywhere. And now, at just three in the afternoon she wanted to stop. “Come on, a real bed, pizza and some beers. You look like you need it.” He grunted again. What...

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By: YT Chapter 1 Houston, Texas Monday, June 23rd, 2016 9:00AM Roger Healy pulls his car up in front of Maj. Anthony Nelson’s house in Houston, Texas, on a beautiful sunny Monday morning. For years Roger and Tony have been riding together to the NASA base several times a week. Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left but he decides to go inside anyway and maybe score a cup of coffee from Jeannie. “Good morning Jeannie”, he calls out as he walks...

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Well, here it is, I hope you enjoy... As we sit on the couch in the early evening the movie we are watching has just ended and we are curled up together. I run my hand down through your hair, giving it a light pull when my fingers reach the end and whisper quietly, “I have a surprise for you tonight, one I am sure you will enjoy.” Then, as you look up at me, I can’t help but grin and pull your hair a little more, causing you to arch your head back so I can kiss you and, give...

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In each shed, contained some kind of torture, or breaking machine. Designed to break the will of the boys or girls he took, he didn’t care what happened to them so long as he got his money, that’s all that mattered. Most of the kids wouldn’t last out the year, supply and demand. Some of them did, and they were the ones who were returned to him, in trade for new ones. On this particular evening, Michael, was down at the pub, getting a drink, everyone here knew what he did, they didn’t try...

1 year ago
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A Lesson Better Left Unlearned

       A Lesson Better Left Unlearned        Part One        By Razor7826 (Copyright 2009)Thoughts?  Encouragement? Email me at [email protected].  I’m always interested in hearing from my readers.  This story in no way reflects the views of the author.  It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only.  Any resemblance to persons real or imagined is entirely coincidental.                         Livia sipped her latte while she leaned against the building's wall and stared straight...

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Lessons from Duddy Lesson two

Lessons from Duddy (Lesson two)A play on the story written by tuggit4me.https://xhamster.com/stories/lessons-from-duddy-9745876It was one week after my first lesson that duddy asked me to join him back in his office.I was a tad less enthusiastic about going back in, because the taste of his sperm was still lingering in my mouth, and I did not particularly enjoy it that much.However I obeyed like a good girl and entered promptly when he called me over.He sat in his chair behind his big wooden...

1 year ago
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Lessons Learned

“Eddie? This is Lisa. How are you? I’m moving into my new place, and I need your help. Do you have time?” I asked. I was so excited to be moving into my new place, but I had so much stuff! I decided to call my cousin, Eddie. He’s a big, tough guy and can handle moving the big stuff. “Of course. It’ll be no problem. I’m on my way over,” he answered. A few minutes later, Eddie was knocking on my door. “Come on in, Eddie! The door is open!” I yelled from the bedroom. I heard footsteps coming down...

3 years ago
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Lessons Learned

When I walked into the club for Gina's bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I'd left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing music and whirling...

2 years ago
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Lessons Learned

If I told you that I was just a little nervous and only slightly intimidated from the view in front of me, that would be flat out lying. I am hoping that when you read my story about this one day in my life, you will understand why it is that I feel that lying isn't always the best answer. So I bring you this story with as much truth as I can remember and leaving out as much lying or stretching-of-the-truth as I can. I was so scared I was shaking in my seat as my mother's car(with me in the...

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Lessons In Life

This story is basically about my first lessons in sex and maybe my appreciation of mature women to this day. At the time I was sixteen and had my second girlfriend. Second girl I had had sex with that is. The first one was a girl who lived on the other side of Birmingham who was more of just a sex thing than anything else. The second one was closer to home who I sometimes took out on dates and we acted in proper boyfriend/girlfriend manner.One day Mrs Hood ( changed for obvious reasons ) was in...

2 years ago
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Lessons From The Librarian

Codes: M/f, caning, school setting, BDSM, real, romantic, consensual, Real Life Synopsis: Shannon routinely gets into trouble at school, until she finally meets her match, in the form of the school’s librarian. Her lessons eventually extend beyond those the school teaches. Author’s notes – This story started based on a photo as a task for Qmoq. I enjoyed writing it so much that I’ve continued working on it. There are more chapters to come. I have to thank Q for being the inspiration behind...

3 years ago
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Melia A Feminist Learns

Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II   Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II (Below, when it suits me, I shall write what I? know to be true in the third person, omniscient voice.? I, of course, usually prefer the first person as it privileges my own voice. But as Master, I assume Melia and know her thoughts and being.? Sometimes the third person can say more about ownership than any other because of its omniscience.) (Victor)  ------------------------Melia woke out of her fitful sleep.? Forced...

1 year ago
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Lessons in Physics

I was sixteen, an awkward teenager that wanted to do the things that any male teenager would want to do, but shy and nervous around women. I was not too bad looking, being tall, blondish, and evenly featured. But I suppose I was a bit of a geek, being scientific- minded and wedded to my schoolbooks. I'd also been a bit socially handicapped by the fact my father's job had us move to a new town every year or so, which is not really enough time for a teenager to break into any really cool social...

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