Dreamscape The Conclusion
- 2 years ago
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The voice, smooth as silk, slipped into his ear, and slid right down into his brain, drawing him out of sleep.
"Wha?" Jeremy yawned, and sat up in bed. Blearily, he cast a glance around his darknened bedroom. No... not his bedroom. It was a teenager's room, cast-off clothing strewn about everywhere, posters of bikini chicks on every wall, and a pile of undone homework sitting on the desk. It all looked vaguely familiar, like his old room back home.
This time, the voice brought him to full consciousness, in a bed he didn't recognize in a room that was eerily similar to the one he'd had as a youth, before the house itself had been demolished to make way for a minimall. His mother had made a pretty penny on the sale of the old place, more than enough for the two of them to live fairly well for a while, until he left for college, eventually getting a job and a place of his own; mom had made a few shrewd investments with what was left after his tuition to add a hefty bonus to her own paycheck.
The bedroom door opened a crack, allowing a shaft of light to pierce the shadow. Jeremy had to shield his eyes, having grown accustomed to the dark. The shaft widened as the door slowly swung open, beating back the darkness to the far corners of the bedroom, driving the shadows underneath moldy shorts and discarded Playboys.
"Hello, Jeremy." A figure stepped into the doorway, a female figure, whose silhouette spoke of lean curves distributed nicely over a tall frame. The only discernable clothing was a pair of towering heels, as she posed in the doorframe, one hip cocked, and arms akimbo.
"What? How? Who?" Something wasn't right here. Not that he minded anonymous, naked, female visitors - he'd just prefer to entertain them in his own bedroom, on his own terms. How'd he get here, anyway? What was going on? Why was his cock so... well, that one was a no-brainer, he realized, giving the woman at the door another once-over.
She raised her hand. "Shhhhh..." With slow, deliberate steps, she entered the room, hips sashaying back and forth in a delightful rhythm. The woman stopped in front of the bed, and placed her hands back on her hips. Her shadow fell over Jeremy like a warm blanket; for some reason, he felt safe, secure...
"Don't worry, Jeremy... it's all just a dream."
"Yes." She chuckled. "Just a dream. That must make me... your dream woman."
"What?" He puzzled that one over for a moment. It sounded reasonable, but -
"Your dream woman, Jeremy. Your fantasy. The embodiment of all your lecherous desires... everything you ever wanted. That's me." She turned to present him with a profile, revealing a pair of perky, apple-sized breasts, slightly upturned, and lush, kissable lips, parted in a smile.
Jeremy's cock strained underneath the bedclothes, and he realized for the first time that he was naked under the sheets. One hand stole beneath to grab his pole, and stroke it lightly.
"That's right... wank it for me, Jeremy. Show me how much you want me... much you want this body... your fantasy woman... ME!"
Suddenly, the lights went up in the bedroom, and he saw... he saw... he saw...
Jeremy sat bolt upright in bed, sweating furiously, and with a hard-on that could have poked a hole in a concrete wall.
A quick look told him he was in his own bed, in his own apartment. A nearby clock read 3:47 AM in little red figured.
Exhaling loudly, he fell back onto the matress. That had been... intense. No matter; it was just a dream, after all.
He rolled over, and tried to get back to sleep.
The next time he awoke, it was to the shrill voice of the telephone at his bedside. After a quick grope with his head still stuck in the pillow, he grabbed the reciever, and gave a muffled "Hello?"
"Jeremy Kilborn?" The voice on the other end was officious and very, very serious. Jeremy sat up, not quite knowing what to expect, but fearing the worst.
"Yes - speaking."
"This is Dr. Richard Epphardt, at County General over in Victoria Rock? I'm afraid it's your mother..."
An hour later, Jeremy was on the highway, showing great disrespect for the speed limit.
He knew this day was coming. He'd known it since he'd moved out and away from home. Something had happened to his mom, and he was nowhere nearby to help. There had been a car accident, Dr. Epphardt had said; by and large, there had been little damage to his mother, but she had sustained a minor head injury... it would be best if he came as quickly as he could.
"As quickly as he could" meant a very long drive. There was no airport in Victoria Rock, and no train had arrived in its picturesque station for over fifty years. So, Jeremy was stuck motoring his way back home. Even breaking the speed limit as recklessly as he was, there was no way he'd get there today, which meant either a gamble on driving without sleep, or delaying his arrival by several more hours.
Find a motel, a very sensible voice told him from the back of his head. Had he been paying closer attention, Jeremy would have noticed that it wasn't his own. You'll be no good to her in jail for driving while impaired, or in an accident of your own.
"Good idea," he muttered, and gunned the engine, hoping to make as much distance today as he could, before he had to find someplace to sleep.
"Jeremy..." This time, he immediately came to attention, sitting up in bed, the motel bed, instead of some recreation of his teen-age bedroom.
At least, he tried to sit up. He found that he had been bound to the bed in some non-distinct fashion - no silk scarves, no leather straps, just something holding him down.
"Hello, Jeremy... do you remember me?" The voice came from somewhere beside the bed. Glancing nervously to the side, he could make out a female figure sitting in the dark. The butt of a cigarette flared momentarily in the shadows.
"M-my dream woman?" He stuttered, and struggled in vain against the invisible bonds holding him to the matress.
"Verrrry good, Jeremy," she purred, and took a long drag. "The embodiment of your desires... your ultimate fantasy... remember?"
"Yes," his cock rapidly started filling with blood, standing tall from his prostrate body.
"Repeat it for me," she stood, and began to approach the bed.
"Y-you're the embodiment of my desires, my ultimate fantasy," Jeremy tried to swallow saliva that wasn't there as she climbed up on the bed, and began crawling towards him, straddling his body, yet not touching any part of it, except his cock. That dragged slowly along the length of her body, leaving a trail of precum across her silken skin. She stopped for a moment to rub the bloated head of his dick against the fur of her pussy.
"Goooood boy," he could hear the smile in her voice. "Now, do you know why you're not allowed to move, Jerrrremy?"
"I-I don't know," he admitted.
"Because you can't touch me unless I say so," she sat up, knees pressing into his shoulders. The scent of her perfume, coloured by the aroma of tobacco smoke filled his head. "This is your fantasy, Jeremy, to be controlled... by me...
"Nnoo," he protested weakly; his head was muzzy, there was something happening here that wasn't right. But she was so close... so beautiful... he could detect the scent of her pussy... his cock throbbbed painfully...
"Yessss," she insisted, "it must be your fantasy, Jeremy... otherwise you wouldn't be dreaming it, you'd be able to wake up from it; you want this, Jeremy. You want this, more than anything."
"I-" the logic was inescapable, somehow. He blinked, slowly.
"Say it, Jeremy... tell me what you want..." She lowered herself onto his chest, and began to rock, slowly, grinding her wet pussy into his body; she began to fondle it with one hand, while using the other for stability.
"I want... I..."
She leaned close, and whispered into his ear. "You want this, Jeremy. Your fantasy... being controlled by me... say it!"
"I want this... I want to be controlled..."
"By whom?" Her undulations increased in pace.
"By you..."
"Verrrry good, Jerrrremy, now beg to touch me... to feel my body... to touch perfection..."
"Please, let me touch you..."
"You call that begging?"
"Please, I beg of you... I want to touch you... I need to touch you... I have to touch you..."
"And who am I?"
"Verrrry good, Jerrrremy, now... wake up!"
He sat bolt upright in bed, soaked in sweat. What the fuck was going on? These dreams... that woman...
He mouthed the word 'perfection.'
His mom!
Shit, he had to go. He leapt out of bed, and hastily threw on his clothing. Ten minutes later, he had paid the desk-clerk, and was back on the road again.
Jeremy burst through the outpatient doors several hours later, a wild look in his eyes. The desk nurse gave him a suspicious once-over as he ran up to her.
"I have to see my mom," he blurted out before she could open her mouth. "She's a patient here. What room?"
"Very well, sir." She turned to her computer. "What's your mother's name?"
"Anne; Anne Kilborn"
"Just a moment." Fingers flew over the keyboard. A few seconds later, she clucked her tongue.
"I'm sorry, sir, but you can't see her. Doctor's orders. She's not to be disturbed."
"Disturbed! What the hell do you mean, 'disturbed?' I'm her son, for Christ's sake!" He swept his arm across the desk, knocking a tin full of pens to the floor.
"Just a moment, I'll get Doctor Hartley. In the meantime, please have a seat." She gestured imperiously at the waiting area's molded plastic seats.
Jeremy had to bite back a comment on where she could stick her seat; she was just doing her job, after all, and he was tired, irritable and stressed. Maybe if he sat down, he could calm himself somewhat.
Muttering an apology, he retreated to the waiting area, and seated himself. The large, moist woman in the next chair gave him an irriated glance, and went back to her Glamour. Jeremy sighed, put his feet up on the magazine table, and set to waiting.
Damn hospitals. He tapped his foot on the table impatiently. Not only do they stink of piss and disease and God only knows what else, but they always keep you waiting so bloody long you... you could... something...
He yawned hugely. Now that he had sat down, and all his forward momentum had been taken from him, Jeremy's energy simply fell away from his body. The waiting room itself was warm, and full of that mediciney smell that just seeped straight into your brain and... and...
The fat woman gave Jeremy another irritated look when he started snoring softly.
He found himself seated in an uncomfortable plastic chair, clothes missing, and restrained once more by invisible bonds. His dick was already erect, tall and thick and slapping against his stomach.
"Hello again, Jeremy..." A pair of moist lips pressed against his ear and gave the lobe a little lick as she spoke. "Who am I?"
"Perfection," his own voice was little more than a whisper.
She purred. Her hand caressed the side of his face. He leaned into it, trying to maximize the sensation of skin on skin.
"What else, Jeremy?"
"My fantasy woman..."
"The embodiment of all you desires," she supplied, and gave him a peck on the cheek. Heels clicked on the floor, and she walked around him.
Suddenly, she was sitting in his lap, her legs straddling his, her hard nipples brushing his chest, kinky pubic hair tickling the underside of his dick, and pussy breathing heat and moisture onto his balls. She wrapped her arms around his head, and leaned close. Jeremy's heart leapt into his throat; she was so close now... touching him... the silk of her skin sliding against his... his limbs trembled like leaves in a strong wind... if he could only move... but his arms refused to lift themselves... not until she said... she was in charge... in control...
"Jeremy," she hissed hotly in his ear. "I want you to take my scent in, to breathe deeply of my aroma... feel me suffuse throughout your body... filling up every nook and cranny of your self... making it mine... inhale, Jeremy..."
He did as she asked, and filled his lungs with her scent. The heady mix of sweet-smelling sweat and tangy perfume made his nose buzz with pleasure, a sensation that quickly spread to every nook and cranny of his body.
"Look at my hand, Jeremy, and tell me what you see..."
He glanced over and saw a cigarette, burning brightly in the darkness. The end flared momentarily as she took a long drag.
"C-cigarette," he stammered.
"Good," She leaned forward and kissed him, her tongue playing with his, and pushing a thick stream of smoke into his mouth, which immediately dried up. Jeremy gagged from the noxious fumes filling his lungs, and coughed violently when she broke the kiss.
"Whatsamatta little boy? Don't like my smoke?" She mocked, sitting back on his lap.
"N-no," he mumbled.
"But Jeremy, it's sooooo sexy," suddenly, her mouth was lit by a shaft of light. Pink, moist lips curled into a smile. "Look." She took another draw from the cigarette, lips wrapping around the pristine white paper of the filter. Her hand lowered, and the smoke just trickled from her mouth, spilling down over her chin and into his face. He couldn't help wincing as the white plumes wafted past his eyes.
"Still don't like it?" He shook his head. "I don't know why... it looks just like a little cock... like your cock... would you like to see me wrap my mouth around your dick, Jeremy?" She didn't wait for him to stammer out a reply, but forged on. "That's all it is... me kissing a stiff little pole... yours..." She took a drag. He groaned loudly, almost feeling the sensation of her mouth on the pulsating purple head of his erection. "And the smoke... it's just like your cum, Jeremy... oooooozing over my lips... down my chin..." As she spoke, he could see it, trailing out of her mouth... the warm buzz suffusing his body had centred on his cock, tingling along the ridge of the mushroom cap, tickling his balls; he felt as if he were about to blow, right there and then, all over her torso, without her ever having laid a hand on his dick.
"You like it now, don't you?" He could only nod. "Good." She took a draw, and swooped in to kiss him again. The smoke was thrust into his mouth once more, and down into his lungs. His head whirled... it felt so good... perverted... tasting his own semen... or was it... or... or...
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Oral SexI admit it. Sometimes, I'm an asshole. Actually, that's really not much of an admission, so let me try that again. I admit it. On more than one occasion, I have found that I can become the biggest asshole in existence. We had been in the process of deciding what we were going to do, now that we were all together in Washington, and I was explaining to Mary that I trusted Aimee's investigator, a Mr. Voder. I was quite taken aback when Mary asked me if I only trusted Mr. Voder because...
Dream Six. ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream telephone...
Dream Six. ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream telephone...
First Time"Dream Cream" By Louise My name is...err was Lou. A few months ago after work I decided to go to the city's newest gentlemen's club. They were promoting the nation's newest porn star, Kristi Peaks (56G-26-36) and one luck guy would have a free VIP "dream" dance with Kristi. I ordered my drink and made small talk with Danielle, one of the very buxom bar maids; she was something to dream about. The DJ made the announcement with all the hoopla expected: "Here is the one all you guys...
ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream telephone call and...
First TimeForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream telephone call and...
First TimeShe came to me very quietly, the bed moved as she moved across the end of the bed on her knees. Her long brunette hair swung seductively from side to side and as I lay with my head on the pillow I could see down her blouse. Her tits were perfect and swung side to side as she moved between my legs. She had to push my legs apart and I knew I was fully erect before her hand touched my bulge.She reached inside the leg of my briefs and pulled that hard fleshy shaft into view and she blew gently...
The next few days, Ethan barely missed any school days, when he as there, we were always together. Since that day at the cemetery, life seemed easier to bear, it felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. Since that same day, my nights were mostly dreamless, Ethan didn’t appear in my dreams as much. I still had that kickass attraction to him, but I didn’t know if he felt the same way. There were times when he always managed to find a way to touch me, brushing our hands in class, having...
I sit in the chair by the bedside, watching you as you sleep. Your breath, slow and even and your body only half covered by the sheet and comforter. I see your dark nipples as they rise and fall in time with your breathing, your round and firm behind the exotic sleeping gown you bought for yourself in Asia last year. The sleeping tablet you had taken doing what it was prescribed for. I love to watch you as you sleep, your full lips slightly parted, the long lashes on your eyes as they flutter...
EroticOn that day I went to the market and bought lots of flower so that I could decorate my bedroom. It was around 11pm I heard my room door open only to see my mother well dressed in red wedding saree with a glass of milk in her hand. I was shocked to see her that way. She is all dressed up and reminded me of a bride. Normally the newly-wed brides enter the room that way with a glass of milk. For a moment I thought it can’t be!!! I could not believe my eyes! As she entered she locked the bedroom...
IncestDream Girl By Roxy Nylons Kelly Vincent had a dream. Kelly's dream was to leave behind the humdrum world of her everyday, 9-to-5 existence and become a world-renowned Broadway actress. Ronald Horner, Kelly's longtime secret admirer, also had a dream. Ron's dream was also for Kelly to become a world- renowned stage performer, only not as an actress. Ever since the beautiful Kelly gently and innocently rejected Ron, several years ago, he has longed for revenge. Then, with no...
The Operation, Physically forced or blackmailed, Chemical or drug induced change. Dream girl CBA Preface I have read some exceptional stories on a couple sharing sites. Several of my favourites were written by She Devil, oh how I miss not seeing more from this author, it's like they wrote them just for me. The stories are so perfect. Anyway it's been years and years since anything new from them, and I'll likely never write at their level, but I'm going to see if I can't write...
There is something magical about wearing a dress. I don't know what it is but when I put one on it feels special. I wish I could find a woman who could appreciate the fact that I like feeling pretty and vulnerable and maybe I enjoy the one who needs to be protected. It's a fantasy, I know, but I can dream. Speaking of dreaming it's time for bed. I put on my nightie because I can. No-one has to know and it feels so nice. That night I have a strange dream. I feel like I run into...
Dream Girl by: Serenity The chit chat of foreign voices. The smell of harsh chemicals. The feeling of someones hands working on mine. Dreams are funny things. Unfocused, fleeting. Sometimes though, you have dream like mine was becoming. Almost too real, too exact. Too easy to believe. As the dream fills in, it is obvious I'm somewhere I don't belong. The bright fluorescents illuminate a nail salon like every other, filled with bright colors, mirrors, and row after row of tiny...
There's a knock at the door. Sam heaves a sigh and slams the clamshell of his laptop closed. He makes it to the knob in a few long strides. His disappointment is apparent when he opens the door and sees her standing there. "Hey, Sam," she says in her haughty accent. She walks past him into the room without invitation. That's how she is. She takes. Whatever she wants. He stares after her, watching her take in the cheap furnishings. The cheeky Brit's audacity is unsurprising. Yet, as...
(Due to the large amount of copyright notices in this story, I have listed them in Author's Note's in order to not give away any details.) Dream Doll Story by Garath Xion Editing by Cedric Hasten "Can we go now?" James asked for the third time since entering the store. "Hold your damn horses alright? Geez, we're in a sex shop for crying out loud. You should be excited at the possibilities. What are you gay or something?" Ben shot back at him. James mentally sighed. He hated...
Here is a little story, You are free to archive this story at any no-fee website. Dream Girl By Rena So I've been given this gift. I have the ability to fulfill my own dreams. What do I mean? Everynight when I sleep my dreams are reality. Every touch, taste, sense, that I experience in dream world is just as real as going to work or eating breakfast. In my dreams I choose the plot and the natural laws. I have to formulate the rules before I go to bed and come up with an...
NOTE #1: If you are offended by stories that lack crude, foul, or profane language, then this story is not for you. Likewise, if you are looking for descriptions of explicit sex or violent and aggressive behavior, you will have to look elsewhere. NOTE #2: This story is my property, but you may post it anywhere that makes it available to readers for free. If you do post it somewhere, please include all of it. And please let me know at: [email protected]. NOTE #3: All...
Chapter One She visited me again tonight. Like she had done before. I think she has been here at least 6 or 7 times, but never on two consecutive nights. She may have been here more often, but in the beginning I did not really notice her. She was just one in a long line of women, who visited my dreams. And like the others, I may not really have noticed her at all. When I woke up, all I could remember about them was: Did they have small tits or big tits, hairy pussy or shaved? They all had open...
Things were progressing as we moved into the most dangerous part of the game. Another couple died in an accident the second week of November. Two wasn't enough to establish even the semblance of a pattern, so for now we were still okay, but that wouldn't last. Eventually the numbers catch up, and they start to question the coincidence factor. For this reason, Jamie was targeting the most sadistic members of the group first – the ones like Essex who seemed to really get their kicks...
Normally, I am a science fiction writer. I mostly write about time travel. After experiencing this dream the other night, I had to write everything down. I’m still trying to figure out how to combine time travel and erotic fiction. Maybe someday I’ll figure it out. Please try to forgive the humor in the first part of the story. I add a little humor in my stories and it doesn’t change the outcome. ©2003 Sweeper43™ Productions ***** It all started on a Friday night. You see, I work two jobs and...
Allison Damn, sometimes I hate being right. And I know it drives Jimmy nuts. It was not even three months since Christine came into Jimmy's life – roughly ten weeks with him full time – and the change was complete, or seemed to be. Ten weeks ago, when she first found herself in the deep end of our little pool, she had been aghast at discovering that twenty-two year old 'David' was really sixteen year old Jimmy. She was so upset about it that she asked him to hide the knowledge from the...