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When Carol told me that she was going to have to make a presentation on Parent’s Night at her school I knew I’d have to do something to make it memorable for her. I didn’t tell her I was planning to attend; I simply arrived at her room about half an hour before the meeting was supposed to begin.

She answered my knock on the door in a dress of dark maroon silk—or some fabric that looked like silk. It was very conservative in cut and came down past her knees. It buttoned down the front and was cinched with a thin black leather belt with a gold buckle. She had on simple gold earrings and was wearing more make-up than usual. She was surprised to see me, and became a little flustered when I kissed her on the cheek and made my way into her room.

“Hi, Jonathan,” she said. “I can’t...I have a...”

“I know,” I replied. “I’m coming along to lend moral support...” Her eyes widened at this. “...And I brought something for you to wear. Lift up your dress.”

She was by now so habituated to doing what I told her that she automatically reached for the hem of her dress. Then she hesitated, caught between two self-images: the elegantly dressed future teacher who would soon be addressing an audience of parents of the grade-school children she saw every day, and the sexual submissive who thought of herself as my property and deliberately sought humiliation at my hands.
She had so far been able to keep the two separate in her mind, seemingly, and was reluctant to let the line be blurred. She remained frozen, slightly bent, her hands extended toward her knees, for several seconds, looking at me and several times starting to speak. Each time she faltered. Finally she said, “I’m wearing pantyhose. I’m sorry.”

I smiled. “Oh, that’s all right. I’ll forgive you this time.”

Still looking at me, she lifted her skirt, holding it delicately so that it wouldn’t wrinkle, and stood with her feet apart. I knelt down in front of her and quickly pulled her pantyhose down to her thighs, not noticing until I’d done so what she was wearing underneath: a pair of the ‘little girl’ panties she’d bought when we were downtown; pink cotton with big yellow, red and green lollipops. I looked up at her, grinning, and she blushed deeply. So she wasn’t keeping her lives as separate as I’d thought!

“You told me I had to...that I couldn’t wear, you know, grown-up ones,” she said, not looking at me.

I leaned forwarded and nuzzled her gently between her legs for a moment. I couldn’t see her face above her skirt, but I heard her draw a quavering breath. I nuzzled her some more and kissed her there, gradually adding my tongue. She started to moan and press herself against me, then caught herself. “Jonathan, I—I have to...oh jeez...I have to...please, I...”

I stopped. “All right. Close your eyes.”

She couldn’t see me over her skirt anyway but I wanted to be sure. After a moment I reached into the bag I’d brought, pulled out something made of soft plastic and fastened its straps around her waist and between her legs so that it nestled right against the now moist crotch of her panties. Then I pulled her pantyhose back up, stood and gently pulled the skirt out of her hands and let it fall back into place.

She opened her eyes and touched the place where the strap circled her waist under her dress. “What is it?”

“Time to go,” I said, pulling open the door.


I behaved myself all through her presentation, sitting a few rows back so she wouldn’t be distracted by my presence, though her glance sought me out a few times. She did very well, even if she was a little nervous. And she only stumbled slightly when she saw my camera as I took a couple of shots of her while she spoke.
I waited until she was done, and most of the parents had left.

She was sitting down at the teacher’s desk, checking something for one of the parents but at that moment not actually speaking with them, when I reached into my pocket for the remote control and switched it on.
With all the usual background noise—ventilation, a few people still talking—I was the only one who noticed the sudden low-level hum, and that’s because I was listening for it. I would have known that the vibrator was working anyway, of course, by the way she suddenly sat bolt upright, looked down at her lap and then just as suddenly darted a panic-stricken look at me. Just at that point the mother of one of the children leaned down to ask Carol a question, and I switched off the power.

Her relief was obvious as she looked quickly down at her lap again before turning to answer the woman who’d asked the question. Which apparently had to do with her child’s artwork, as Carol rose from her desk and led her over to a wall, which was covered with drawings in crayon. After pointing out the drawing in question and making a few polite remarks Carol turned and began walking back towards the desk. At which point I turned the vibrator back on.

She stopped in mid-stride and began to bend over as if she had a sudden stomach cramp. She looked up at me just in time to see me take her picture like that, then forced herself to straighten up and continued to her desk on somewhat shaky legs. There she allowed herself to bend over, placing her hands on the desk and looking down as if studying something there, but I could see that she was biting her lip and that she was breathing unsteadily. She glanced up at me, her eyes pleading, but I simply took another picture of her and left the power on until someone, a woman who was possibly her teaching mentor, came over and spoke to her.

And so it went for the next twenty minutes or so: when she needed to focus I left her undisturbed; as soon as she was unattended the vibrator was switched back on. By the end of the evening she was regularly dabbing at her brow and upper lip with tissues and I had captured some of her more interesting facial expressions with my camera.

Finally there were only a few stragglers left. I switched off the vibrator, put the camera away and gave her a friendly wave before making my way out of the room. I’m sure she thought I was planning to meet her outside or back at her room. In fact, I simply waited outside the main door until I’d seen all the other visitors leave, then hurried back to the classroom, making sure the school doors were locked behind me.

I did a quick check to make sure the halls and bathrooms were empty, then made my way back to the classroom. Through the glass in the door I saw Carol. She had her back to me and was bent over one of the school desks at the far end of the room, apparently arranging papers of some kind. I switched on the vibrator for the fun of seeing her suddenly straighten and whirl around. Then I opened the door and stepped into the classroom.

Carol said nothing, just leaned her hands back onto the desk as if for support. I pulled the remote out of my pocket and showed it to her before moving the control up to the next highest setting. Her eyes closed and her mouth fell open, and she now half-leaned against, half-sat on the desk. She remained like that even when she saw me take out my camera again to capture her in that pose.

After taking the shot I hung the camera around my neck, then said, “Take off your shoes and your pantyhose.”

She quickly checked to see that we were alone and that the blinds were down then did as she was told, kicking off her shoes then reaching under her dress to remove her pantyhose. She held them out to me, and I took a picture of her doing so. After draping her pantyhose over a nearby desk I took her by the hand and helped her to climb, first up onto the chair by the desk she’d been leaning on, then onto the desk itself. It was small, designed for grade-school children, so there wasn’t much room for her to stand, but she did. She stood unsteadily, nervously biting her lip and rubbing her palms on her thighs and looking anxiously down at me as I took another picture. The hum of the vibrator was much more obvious in the empty room, as was its effect on her now that she didn’t have to conceal it. Her expression seemed almost pained, and she stared into my eyes as I reached up and removed her belt, then, beginning at the bottom, slowly began to open the buttons of her dress.

When I’d unfastened the top one and her dress was hanging open I slipped my hands inside and fondled her breasts through her brassiere for a while, molding them and gently pinching her nipples, already upright beneath the fabric. At first she murmured faint protests, afraid that we would be caught and her career ruined. My reply was to flick her dress off her shoulders so that it fell whispering into a shiny puddle around her feet. She gasped, but made no further protest, even when I reached behind her, unfastened her bra and allowed it to fall to the desk as well, leaving her wearing only her pink lollipop panties and the vibrator strapped over them.

I told her to put her hands behind her head and she did so, though the vibrator’s effects made her continue to try to press her thighs together as if to dampen the sensation, and her face contorted with the effort to remain upright. I took several pictures of her like that. Her breathing was very ragged and I saw a large semi-circle of dampness in the crotch of her panties extending well beyond the vibrator. I took a couple of close-ups then reached up and traced the stain’s edge with a fingertip. Though the room was warm she shivered under my touch.

She was facing away from the blind-covered windows, and I slowly walked behind her to have a look at them. They were the old-fashioned kind that were raised and lowered by a cord. I took the end of the cord in my hand and told her to turn around. She did so, balancing precariously on top of the desk. She stared at the cord in my hand, and gasped in horror when I gave it a small pull, raising the blinds enough so that anyone outside the window, if they were crouched to the right height, could see in, although they wouldn’t be able to see much more than her bare feet.

“No!” she cried out. But she stayed put, her arms behind her head.

“No...what?” I asked innocently, raising the blind a few more inches.

“Please don’t!” Her voice was an urgent whisper.

“Don’t...what?” A few more inches.

“Don’t open the blind!”

“Oh.” I stopped. “Why not?”

“I-I don’t want anyone to see me!”

“Why not?’

“Ohhhh...you know...”

“Tell me. Why don’t you want anyone to see you?”

A tear rolled down her face and her lip began to quiver “I...because I’m...s-standing on a desk in...in just my panties with a...with a...” She took one hand down and gestured at the humming object in her crotch and looked at me desperately.

“Vibrator,” I told her.

“V-vibrator between m-my legs.”

“And that’s why you don’t want me to open the blind?”


I took her hand, the one she’d gestured with, and placed the end of the cord in it. She looked down at it and then at me in confusion. I said, “All right then. You do it.”

I knew, and she must have known, that this side of the school building was at the back and faced nothing more than a swampy wooded area that was actually fenced off from the rest of the school grounds. The odds against anyone being there were infinitesimal.

But Carol didn’t care. She looked at me with horror and whispered, “No!”

I looked calmly back at her and asked, “What are you?”

She was so distracted by her panic and by the vibrations between her legs that she stared blankly at me for several seconds, before being able to marshal her thoughts –and when she did they brought her little hope of escape: “I-I’m your, your p-property,” she finally stammered, “b-but Jonathan...”

“That’s right. You belong to me—and you’ll do as your told, right?”


“Good. And just to be nice I’ll go outside and make sure there’s nobody watching, all right? When you hear me tap on the window, open the blind.”

And I left before she could protest any further. I walked quickly to the only door that led out to the back area and propped it open with a rock before making my way to the lit window and, after a cursory glance around, tapping on it.

To Carol’s credit the blind immediately began to rise like a curtain and I was soon able to see her, still standing on the desk and pulling the cord hand over hand, her small breasts jiggling somewhat with the effort, her eyes seeking me out. The look on her face was terribly anxious but she continued to raise the blind until it reached the top. Then, still holding the end of the cord she placed her hands behind her head again, her eyes imploring.

She watched me as I took a picture of her like that, framed in the window and the darkness around it. Her eyes followed my hand as I reached into my pocket and brought out the remote control. I held it up to make sure she could see it as I turned the switch to its highest setting.

Her face immediately began to contort and her mouth fell open and her body bent forward at the waist. I wanted to get another picture then, but the last things I saw were her hands, darting between her legs before she let go of the cord and the venetian blind fell with a crash, cutting off my view.


The sound of Carol’s climax was clearly audible even through the glass. I waited a few seconds, then turned off the vibrator and slowly made my way back to the classroom.

Carol was sitting on the desk, bent over, leaning her crossed arms on her thighs and gasping for breath, her face hidden by her short black hair. I gave her some time to recover, looking around the classroom as I did so. I noticed she had written her name in the upper left-hand corner of the blackboard, which gave me an idea.

I walked over to where she was sitting and said, “You let the blind close.”

She glanced up at me, then down again. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, still out of breath.

I took her chin in my hand and raised it so she was looking at me. “Go and open it again.”

Wearily she got slid off the desk and stood. As she walked past the blackboard I told her to stop. “Pick up the chalk.” She did so and stood looking at me. “See where your name is?” She glanced at it then back to me and nodded. “After it I want you to write, ‘is a nasty little girl’. She stood blinking at me for a moment, then turned to the blackboard and wrote the words I’d given her.

When she’d finished I told her to write her name again under the first one and when she had done so I said, “Now write, ‘stood on a desk in this classroom in just her panties’.” She carefully wrote the phrase after her name. Then I added, “...’with a vibrator between her legs’...” She wrote that as well, her hand shaking slightly as she wrote ‘vibrator’. When she was done she put down the chalk, turned back to me and waited. I took a picture of her standing beside what she’d written.

“Good. Now open the blind.”

She walked over to the corner of the room, seized the cord and raised the blind until it was fully open, carefully standing to one side so as not to be visible. I told her to tie it off so it would stay that way, and while she was doing that I placed a chair in front of the counter that ran along the line of windows.

“Get up there. Stand facing the window.”

Her face was a mask of shock, and she started shaking her head, but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward the chair.

She balked for a moment, whimpering, “Please, Jonathan, don’t...” Then with a stifled sob she climbed up onto the chair and then onto the counter. She stood there, breathing heavily, for a long moment then slowly raised her arms to place her hands behind her head again.

I let her stand there, peering out into the darkness, for a while. Then I reached up and loosened the vibrator, allowing it to fall around her feet. When I tapped her ankle she stepped out of the tangle of straps and stood next to it, feet apart. Unable to resist I reached up and fondled her buttocks for a while, enjoying the feeling of the warm cotton under my hands. She squirmed a little as I did so and made a few small noises, but otherwise said nothing. But when I slipped my fingers into the elastic of her panties and pulled them down to her thighs she let out a long, sad “Ohhhhhh...”

I told her not to move and walked outside again. Standing so close to the window, with the light behind her, her features were barely discernable. Still, I took several full-length shots and a few from the waist up in that light before switching on the camera’s flash and repeating the sequence. All that time Carol stood there looking down at me, her expression nearly blank now.

When I had all the shots I wanted I went back inside and climbed up to stand behind her on the counter. I enjoyed myself for a while, pressing my erection between her naked buttocks while I reached in front of her to fondle her breasts and between her legs while she stood motionless in front of the window.

I could see she was staring at our reflections in the darkened glass, seeing what anyone standing outside looking in would see. I took a couple of one-handed shots of our reflection. Then I turned toward her and, taking her elbow slowly turned her to the left before edging around to stand facing her. Even though she was nearly naked her face was sweating, her expression more anxious than ever. Especially when I placed my hand on top of her head, indicating that she should kneel.

“No, Jonathan, I can’t!” she cried out. “Please don’t make me...” Her voice trailed off and she gestured miserably toward my zipper.

“...Suck my cock,” I prompted her.

She recoiled from my words, but forced herself to meet my gaze. “Please don’t m-make me ss-suck your cock...not here! Not in front of the window!” Her expression grew desperate. “L-let’s go back to my room. I’ll...I’ll...” She swallowed, her throat dry, then went on, “...suh-suck your...c-cock there, okay? As much as you want, okay?"

I gathered her into an embrace, Carol relaxing her arms and wrapping them around my neck while we kissed. Then I looked into her eyes and said, “There’s only one problem with that.”

She looked up at me, her eyes fearful. “What?” she whispered.

I held her gaze for a long moment, then went on, “The problem is...you really want to suck my cock right here, in front of the window where anyone can see you...right?"

Again there was that moment, that inward, almost hypnotized look, as she realized all over again just what she was...and what she wanted.

The expression on her face became one of anger, and without another word she sank to her knees and began, with swift, jerky movements, to open my pants and zipper. When she had my pants and underwear down she wasted no time, opening her mouth wide and taking in as much of cock as she could, glaring up at me as she began to caress me with her tongue and lips.

It went on like that for several minutes. Carol’s eyes never left mine as she pleasured me—I took several close-ups of her looking directly into the camera with her lips around the head of my cock. And as I watched she seemed to get angrier and angrier until suddenly she stopped and jumped down to the floor. She pulled her panties back up and stomped over to the blackboard, where she picked up the chalk, wrote her name again just below the first two and followed it with, “…sucked Jonathan’s cock in the window where anyone could see her.”

She then retrieved her purse from under the desk, opened it and rummaged around for a moment before coming up with a small prescription bottle. She walked back to me and slapped the bottle into my hands, then returned to the desk and with one sweep of her arm cleared it off, books and papers flying everywhere. She glared at me again, then turned to the blackboard, wrote her name again and followed it with “…let Jonathan pull down her panties and FUCK HER ON HER DESK,” followed by an exclamation point slashed onto the board so hard that the chalk squealed and then broke in two when she made the dot at the bottom.
She threw the remaining piece at me, coming surprisingly close to my head with it, then without another word lay down on top of the desk, legs apart and feet dangling over the side.

I looked down at the bottle she’d given me and saw from the label that it was a prescription for birth-control pills. Immediately I jumped down to the floor and, holding up my pants with one hand, went to stand at the end of the desk, looking down at her from between her knees. “Is this what you want?”

Her eyes were small glittering points as she stared at my erection from beneath her lowered eyelids and her words came out in a low hiss: “Yesss... Pull down my panties...and...fffuck me.”

Then, as if she couldn’t help it she continued, whispering as if to herself, “Pull down my panties...fuck me...fuck me...with your cock...put your cock...in my pussy...fuck me...oh, fuck me!”

I was tempted—very briefly—to glance at my watch and say, “Whoops! Gotta go!” and pretend to leave, just to see what she would do. But of course I didn’t. Couldn’t. But I couldn’t resist making her beg a little more.

She fell silent and watched as I first took a picture of her spread-eagled on the desk then removed the camera from around my neck and put it aside, then pushed my pants and underwear the rest of the way down—believing, I’m sure, that I was about to do what she’d asked.

But then I leaned forward and slid just the tips of my forefingers under the elastic of her panties and began moving them slowly back and forth, together and apart, across her stomach there, saying, “You’ll have to speak up, I couldn’t hear you.”

I pulled the elastic up and let it snap against her stomach a couple of times then reinserted my fingertips and continued to move them back and forth, smiling innocently at her. “Did you want me to do something with these?”

She looked bewildered for a moment, then realized she was being toyed with. She swallowed, her throat dry, then managed to gasp, “Pull them down...”


More loudly: “Pull down my panties!”

“You’re not being very polite...”

“Oh, God! Please... PLEASE pull down my panties! Oh god!

Just my fingertips, slowly moving together and apart, now tugging slightly downward.

“Now why would you want me to do a thing like that?”

Her voice fell to a whisper again. “So you can...fffuck me.”


She couldn’t take it anymore. She sat bolt upright, wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my shoulders and began rubbing herself up and down against me, whimpering into my ear, “Please... Oh, please...fuck me! Pull down my panties and fuck me...OH GOD! FUCK ME NOW!”

So after all that there wasn’t even a chance to pull down her panties—I just reached between her legs and pulled them aside so she could impale herself on me, which she did immediately. She was already so wet that there was almost no resistance as I slid my full length into her. She kept her arms and legs wrapped around me and I held her up as long as I could with a hand on each of her buttocks as she rose and descended on my shaft before I finally slammed her back onto to the desk and finished her there.

When we were both done I retrieved my camera and took one final shot of her, limp and covered in sweat and lying on her desk with the crotch of her panties still pulled aside...and the words she’d written on the blackboard - slightly out of focus but still quite readable - behind her.


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My Fetish For Panties Ch8

So here I go again! This chapter deals with my time after Rachel moved out and dumped me after finding me 69ing with my panty buddy Anthony! I was pretty heartbroken for awhile after and didn't really do anything but watch porn and smell Rachels panties until a week before classes started again. Being single I found had it's advantages and I could cum and go as I pleased, having sexual encounters with anyone I wanted to at any time and didn't have anyone to answer to! I started back on my...

4 years ago
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Book Store Stories Ch8

I could feel myself trying to wake up. Some how, I knew I was in a strange place and in a strange bed. I could feel and smell the difference. Yet, I could not identify these smells and the air currents that where swirling around my head. My eyes would not open. What is wrong with me?I was feeling pleasure and started thinking I must be in a hospital under anesthesia. Though the pleasure was so nice, I didn't care where I was.Then I heard a voice, a voice that I recognized. It was Candy, my...

2 years ago
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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch8

I attempted to clear the sleepy fog from my eyes and put the thoughts of playing with myself out of my mind. The notification light on my phone was blinking insistently and as I activated the screen I could see why. There were multiple messages from multiple platforms, all the accounts I had set up the night before had attracted a considerable amount of attention. I could only presume my streaming fans had followed my links and signed up in great numbers. There were so many alerts my phone...

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Teaching Carol Ch10

One thing that I knew made Carol uncomfortable was public behavior on my part that gave any hint of the nature of our sexual relationship—she loved being humiliated but didn't want anyone else to know because it would be...humiliating. Go figure. So of course I took any opportunity I could find to do things to her in public, such as the incident at the bus stop shelter a few days back, because first it embarrassed her, then it angered her...and then it aroused her. As we danced I noticed...

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Teaching Carol Ch 5

Although we actually did spend time together without doing anything sexual, it was obvious that the intensity of those encounters was what kept drawing us together. Carol was becoming more comfortable with her nature and seemed willing to try whatever I came up with. Some of things we did were improvised around the circumstances we found ourselves in; others were, for me at least, planned set pieces though I didn’t always tell her what was about to happen. An example of the former would be the...

4 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch 8

Teaching Carol, Ch. 8 By Zen Mackie When Carol told me that she was going to have to make a presentation on Parent’s Night at her school I knew I’d have to do something to make it memorable for her. I didn’t tell her I was planning to attend, I simply arrived at her room about half an hour before the meeting was supposed to begin. She answered my knock on the door in a dress of dark maroon silk—or some fabric that looked like silk. It was very conservative in cut and came down past her...

1 year ago
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Caroles Story 04 Carole in Porno

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. I...

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Teaching Carol Ch5

Some of things we did were improvised around the circumstances we found ourselves in; others were, for me at least, planned set pieces though I didn't always tell her what was about to happen. An example of the former would be the Friday night I noticed her heading into the university library. I followed her in without alerting her to my presence. The library was mostly deserted, as was to be expected on a weekend evening. I trailed her at a distance as she made her way toward the stacks...

2 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch 4

I didn’t see Carol at lunch the next day, though I waited until nearly closing time. When she didn’t come to dinner, I casually asked a classmate of hers if she’d seen Carol, and she told me Carol hadn’t been at her classes that day. It was pretty obvious that Carol was upset about last night and was too embarrassed to show her face in public. Or at least where she might run into me. This needed to be dealt with. I sat down at one of the dining tables, tore a piece of paper out of my notebook...

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Caroles Story 05 The Rape of Carole

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. ...

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Teaching Carol Chapter 10

That weekend there was a salsa band playing in the town square late one afternoon. Carol and I hadn’t planned to meet but I was passing by and had stopped to listen for a moment when I spotted her. She was standing near the front of the crowd that formed a semi-circle around the flatbed truck where the band was playing. Within the semi-circle a lot of people were dancing enthusiastically and I could see Carol was watching them. She was wearing sandals, a pair of baggy red shorts that came...

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Teaching Carol Ch 1

It was dusk, nearly dark. A warm, late-September evening. Carol and I were sitting on top of a picnic table near the reservoir, she in the center, her feet on the bench, and I behind her with my legs on either side of her as I massaged her shoulders.  We didn’t know each other that well, but there had been a slow flirtation going on and we had somehow decided to take a walk together and wound up here. She was small and dark—her last name was Spanish-sounding—and her petite figure looked very...

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The Evolution of Carol 2

Carol broke the kiss and sat up looking at Bob as she said, “I love sucking your cock now and the taste of your cum. I love sharing it with you. Do you like your own taste? I love it.” Bob smiled and kissed her and sucked her tongue into his mouth. She knew he enjoyed the idea as much as she did. She had been stroking his bare ass with her hand and now she raised her hand high and came down sharply on his ass. Bob’s eyes popped open wide and Carol winked at...

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The Evolution of Carol

Carol looked around the room at all the bodies in various stages of undress. Now all of them were asleep, or passed out, or for whatever reason seemingly inert. It had been quiet a night…and she had been the Queen of it all. As she looked over the room, she thought back to the beginning of the summer. What a great day it had been, a Saturday of hiking in the awe inspiring Rocky Mountains. Bob and Carol Maddox had met their hiking club at a familiar trail head just west of Boulder,...

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Taking Carol

Taking CarolChapter I The New NeighborCarol Sizemore couldn't think of anything her part-time neighbor would want tomeet with her about. She had known that someone had purchased the house nextdoor six months earlier, but hadn't seen or met anyone associated with it since. She had been satisfied to see the lawn care company keeping it well maintainedevery Wednesday, and didn't much care whether anyone ever lived there. It was odd to have a complete stranger call her and insist that they meet...

2 years ago
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Carol Learns About Spanking

Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One:  Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears.  Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill.  And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month.  Last month it was more than $200.  Now it was more than double.  When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences.  And, she...

4 years ago
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Christmas Carol part 5 Vegas Vacation

Reese had been after us for years to come out and stay for awhile. Now that he was married, Karen felt it was proper. We were going out to Vegas for nearly a month. I hadn’t taken an actual vacation in years, Karen and I never could get our schedules to mesh. Seemingly, the gods intervened, and everything came together. Carol met us at the airport and I loaded the luggage in the truck. I don’t think D-Day needed this much stuff, but Karen wanted to be prepared for everything, so she brought...

1 year ago
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Christmas Carol part 3 Vegas

Finally, June and time for the conference in Vegas. Due to scheduling problems, I would arrive one day before Carol. For the first few days we would be staying with my college buddy Reese. We were frat brothers back in school and best man at each others weddings. Any time I was in Vegas, we’d get together and raise some hell. Reese is a plastic surgeon, so Vegas is a goldmine for him.Boobs, butts, facelifts, you get the idea. He has an estate about 40 minutes out of town. Huge house, pool,...

4 years ago
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Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt

                                             Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt.                                                 CHAPTER ONE     ?You'll enjoy it so much, Jane,? Carol told her enthusiastically. ?Just think; a whole three weeks in role together!?  Jane was dubious. Her cousin's proposal was exciting, but Jane had never role-played before strangers and she inwardly quailed at the very idea of appearing naked in public. But, deep within, a queer little thrill at the prospect...

2 years ago
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Carol Brady decides whether or not to have sex with her daughter Marcia

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol’s love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

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Part IJilli, Cassie, Barb, and Abbey were in the small break room of their office, laughing and scheming on their post-work Friday night adventure. They were having such loud fun that Carol heard them two offices away. Carol was far less fun than she looked, and her temper was shorter than her tolerance for those who misbehaved, especially at work.Carol stepped through the break room door, scowling, "Haven't you gaggle anything better to do than to interrupt those of us who actually work for a...

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Loving Carol Part II The Dark and the Dawn

Charlie finally transferred to a college far away, as far from Carol and his memories as he could manage. He began again there, trying to find a way to find something to live for without her. He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him; with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn't like it when he cried, but sometimes...She offered him no hope, but at least she didn't...

Love Stories
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Carol and Lyn episode 14

Introduction: It was a horny ride to Paris coupled with each others spouses, Dot in the front seat with Carol and her husband in back with Lyn… The morning after Lyn and Carol were both feeling the pain of a hard night of drinking…and fucking. And what a fucking it was! Without Lyns knowledge, Carol had been out on the balcony getting head from Dot. It dawned on Lyn that the party was turning into an orgy and wanted very much to leave probably not because she didnt want to get laid that night...

3 years ago
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Bob and Carol and Gemma and Alice

A work of FICTION for ADULTS only. Do NOT read this if you are under 18 or if you are not an adult according to the laws of your state or country. Do NOT read this if you are offended by fantasies involving sexually explicit material. Comments welcome, send to: [email protected] Bob and Carol and Gemma and - Alice? - by Bethany Jacques I sat there, in the kitchen, suddenly very nervous again. The previous half-hour had started out nerve-racking enough but I had settled, more...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 36 First Explorations of Carol

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) I got home just before dinnertime, that being an excellent habit to get into. I was impressed with Julia when I saw that Carol was doing some cooking in the kitchen with Mom. Mom was in Teaching Mode, telling Carol what needed to be done, why, in what order, and that sort of thing. Seeing me watching her, Carol proudly announced, "I've decided I want to be a much better cook. Mom's going to be giving me lots of lessons from now on." I would write "her...

3 years ago
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Carol and Lyn episode 14

"I was drunk, Carol. I was drunk and horny and it s daytime now and I don t want to be held responsible for something I said when I was in that condition. I'm adamant about this Carol, I m not going to fuck Ted or anybody else. Forget it!" Weeks before the party they had made plans with Dot and Ted for a motor-trip to Paris. It was to be their first trip to the CIty of Lights. It was where Dot and Ted went for their honeymoon and where Dot had spent a year as an exchange student. It...

4 years ago
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Carol Part Twelve

Carol and her friend Jill had removed all of their clothes and had been playing with my cock. Carol, the instigator behind this quickly emerging threesome, had suggested that we all move upstairs to my bedroom. Carol led the way, followed by Jill and then me. I could see Carol’s tits sway back and forth as she climbed the stairs, and I watched Jill’s ass as she took each step. My hard shaft swung side to side and up and down as I followed. I put my hand on Jill’s ass, and she stopped for a...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Brady Bunch Carol and Marcia

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol's love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

3 years ago
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Carol Marsha Brady A leasbian brady bunch s

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol's love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

2 years ago
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Carol the prop girl

This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site. A tale from my distant past.I had finally reached my 20s, and still had hopes of being famous - member of a popular amateur dramatics group which produced a dozen plays a year, including lots of Shakespeare.That season we were doing The Winter's Tale. A bit of a dirge, with my character only appearing at the beginning and end of the script, with a couple of walk on-walk...

3 years ago
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Loving Carol Part II the dark and the dawn

He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him; with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn't like it when he cried, but sometimes... She offered him no hope, but at least she didn't hang up. He remembered bits and pieces of some of those calls for years: "Charlie, I promise you'll get over me. Someday you're going to find someone really special." She...

4 years ago
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Carol Alicia

Frank had been seeing Carol for about six months, and during that time, they'd had some great times. Carol was a lovely brunette with pale blue eyes and a penchant for oral sex. Frank loved the way she looked up at him with those soft blue orbs when her mouth was full of him. She often smiled around his shaft, an impish delight shining in her eyes, while she worked her mouth up and down. Carol's figure is nice too. Slender, yet filled out with the curves of a mature, sexy woman. Her breasts...

2 years ago
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Carol and me no 1

RudeolphChapter 1 Carol jumped into the waiting vehicle, eager to see her friend again, it must have been a few months since that eventful weekend when they spent virtually the whole time locked in moments of intense passion. She recalled how she had found that so much attention after such a long time of abstinence had made her rather tender in the nether regions for a few days afterwards, but consoled herself that it had all been worthwhile. She leaned across and gave Rudeolph a tender kiss...

2 years ago
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Seasons Greetings A Carol Christmas

Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its entirety at Fictionmania (go to search by authors and select Joel Lawrence). This story takes place approximately one year to a year and a half after the conclusion of "Tales of the Season: Darla's Story" in the branch of the "Seasons of Change" Universe that I started with "A Losing Season", also archived at Fictionmania. Of course, this is a play...

4 years ago
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‘I wouldn’t know,’ said Carol, blushing furiously ‘I’m still a virgin!’ I looked at her in astonishment. ‘Still a virgin? But you went out with Roger for five years. Didn’t you ever do it?’ ‘Roger didn’t believe in sex before marriage and, well, you know me. I’m too bloody self-conscious and nervous to say anything.’ she replied, her cheeks turning scarlet. Carol is my best friend. We met at University and we’ve been close ever since, to the point of taking jobs in the same company. She was the...

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'I wouldn't know,' said Carol, blushing furiously 'I'm still a virgin!' I looked at her in astonishment. 'Still a virgin? But you went out with Roger for five years. Didn't you ever do it?' 'Roger didn't believe in sex before marriage and, well, you know me. I'm too bloody self-conscious and nervous to say anything.' she replied, her cheeks turning scarlet. Carol is my best friend. We met at University and we've been close ever since, to the point of taking jobs in the same company. She was the...

First Time
1 year ago
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Loving Carol part I the beginning

Her name was Carol, and his name was Charlie. Charlie had always been shy with girls; he had hardly dated before college. He was still a virgin, though he did know what a girl's breast felt like and how to feel her pussy to give her pleasure and make her come. He even knew that he was very good at that. He had never wanted to date a lot of girls, anyway. He only wanted one, a girl whom he could love and who would love him, and who would be his soulmate forever. Just one. And when...

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The Seduction Of Carol Chapters One And Two

(((((Re-written)))))(Please read my Naughty Nighties... story first.) Carol was sleeping deeply. Exhausted and, if like me, fully satisfied from our sex the night before. I certainly was satisfied. Carol had never been with a woman before last night but she'd learned quickly how to eat pussy. Leaning against the door jam leading to the bathroom, I could smell our pussy juices that had spotted the bed with wet spots. We'd stayed up most of the night making those wet spots. Remembering all we'd...

4 years ago
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Loving Carol Part I The Beginning

They met in early September, on their first day in college. The year was 1968. Her name was Carol, and his name was Charlie. Charlie had always been shy with girls; he had hardly dated before college. He was still a virgin, though he did know what a girl's breast felt like and how to feel her pussy to give her pleasure and make her come. He even knew that he was very good at that. He had never wanted to date a lot of girls, anyway. He only wanted one, a girl whom he could love and who would...

Love Stories
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 246 Mom Isnt Happy About Carol Showing Everyone Her Pussy

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) Carol arrived in the study, having been let in by Robert. Julia immediately started showing Carol pictures of our preferred choice and explaining our plan. Before they got too engrossed, I interrupted loudly, "Excuse me everyone. I want to ask a quick question about my light blobs. Everyone who knows about them is here now, so this would be a good time. I'm thinking of showing them to Andrew and Robert. I'm still thinking about my reason, and I'm not...

4 years ago
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Carol Learns About Spanking

Chapter 1: Carol's First Spanking Carol could not believe her ears. Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill. And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month. Last month it was more than $200. Now it was more than double. When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences. And, she had an idea what that meant. She...

1 year ago
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George and Carol

Template George and CarolSynopsisCarol, a convicted thief, twice steals from an employer who tries to help her.  George and Carolby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...

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