Three Times! A Lady? free porn video

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Okay the first time it happened it took me by such surprise that I really didn't take much notice. Well now, that isn't exactly true; it came at me from nowhere and to be honest I'm still not sure of what went down that day.

The second time it happened well ... I figured that it had to be a case of mistaken identity or something.

But the third time, that a complete stranger walked up to me and slapped me around the face, I really thought it was about time I talked to the lady in question and found out what her problem was.

Look okay the first time I saw her, or rather felt her distain. I was out with the lads on Ronnie's stag do, and it was highly probable that one of the guys might have taken a verbal liberty with the young lady that she had mistakenly attributed to me. So, when I'd regained my senses, I kind-a took my punishment with a grin, and laughed it off.

Well I have to admit that evening with the quick glance I'd got of her, I'd observed that she was one very tast ... er, desirable looking female. And the guys were getting a little on the horny side; after we'd visited three of London's less reputable strip clubs in quick succession. So it was highly possible one of them had overstepped the mark.

I'll add, we'd been unceremoniously requested to make ourselves scarce from each club in quick succession. Anyway there we were, discussing which purveyor of intoxicating liquors establishment we were going to get thrown out of next, when this gorgeous brunette walks up to me and without a by your leave, clocks me one right round the kisser; much to the amusement of my mates. Then as quickly as she'd appeared, she was gone again.

Several months passed and I was standing by the exit gate to the passport and customs control area in Heathrow airport one afternoon, when the brunette made her second appearance. Once again I didn't really see her approaching, because I was watching out for my sister and her husband's imminent arrival. The brunette was suddenly standing there before me, and then, without uttering a word, she up and clouted me one again. The smack came from nowhere; well, I never saw the bugger coming anyway!

"What got her knickers in such a twist Toby?" My sister, who had unfortunately managed to witness that incident, asked.

"Buggered if I know! But I think that's the same bird who left that red mark on my face after Ronnie's Stag night."

"So, just what did you do to upset her so much that night?"

"Honest Sis, I told you at the time, I never said a bloody word to her. Shit, it was just like this time, I never even saw her until she upped and clocked me one."

"And you expect me to believe that?"

The look my sister gave me announced that my reputation as Mr Nice Guy had taken a little bit of a knock, in her eyes. I'm not too sure what her in-laws, who were also on the plane with her, made of it either.

Okay, several more months passed and there I was at a big company do at a flash hotel in town. Every bugger I work with on a daily basis was there, plus all the company top brass, including the big boss himself, and almost everyone's respective spouses as well. As a company we were celebrating an extremely successful year and several of us minions were supposed to be receiving presentations of some sort for our valiant efforts on the company's behalf; hopefully big cash bonus's.

This time I actually did spot her coming, but far too late to take any kind of avoiding action.

"Smack!" my head snapped around like Cassius Clay had just landed me one, and I staggered backwards for a few paces, almost falling over.

Something had to be done about this, I kinda had it figured that the bird had to be either working out at the gym, or she was getting more proficient at landing her slaps with practise. Whatever, I was getting just a little bit pissed that she was forever using my face to practise on.

And besides, she had embarrassed me somewhat first in front of my friends, then my family and finally in front of my work colleagues

"Just a bloody minute miss?" I said chasing after her and taking firm hold of her arm as she tried to make her usual smart get away. "What in heaven's name was all that in aid of?"

She turned and looked me directly in the eye; boy, could I see that there was real contempt in her expression. But before she on I had the chance to say anything much else, my department manager John Hewlett, an arse-kisser who I was not particularly fond of, was on the scene.

"Toby, unhand Wendy this instant. How dare you touch Miss Montague in such a manner?"

"But she just..." I tried to explain.

But Hewlett wasn't in listening mode.

"Toby I'm disappointed in you, you do not manhandle ladies like that; especially the new chairman's daughter. Well, not in my presence anyway."

"John, she just slapped me around the face for no reason whatsoever."

"Oh don't talk rubbish lad. What did you say to upset her?"

"Nothing, I've never spoken to the girl in my life. She just upped and smacked me one."

"Don't give me that sh ... rubbish boy. Nice young ladies don't go around striking people without just cause. Most likely you said something out of turn. Your trouble is young man that you're far too headstrong, I've warned you about that it the past. God, you'll be lucky if Mr Montague doesn't demand that you're contract is terminated over this! I've got a good mind to terminate it myself anyway."

Now up to a point, John Hewlett is right; I am naturally headstrong. I'm a decision maker, and that's what had made me so successful in my job. Whereas, some of my colleagues tend to procrastinate, rather than commit the company to any particular course of action; I don't beat around the bush. I make snap decisions on the information that's available at the time and usually they turn out to be correct. Of course I'd have studied every angle anyway and consequently I'd prepared for almost anything that goes down. That was the main reason I'd risen to number two in the department at such a young age, hard work and preparation, whilst the rest of the guys were wittering away to one another

Headstrong I might be, but something that I have never been, is short tempered. Unfortunately everyman has his breaking point though.

This Wendy bird striking and embarrassing me in front of my peers on three separate occasions, and without any reason that I was aware off, had pushed my self-control to the extreme limit.

John Hewlett -- never my favourite person, who had regularly taken the credit for my hard work -- stepping into the fray and making threats of dismissal, was the proverbial straw that broke the Camel's back.

"You can stuff your fucking contract right up your bleeding arse." I found myself replying. "This ain't the only company in the fucking world!"

With those words I found myself heading out of the hotel reception room, alone. None of the other guys dared come after me to try and calm me down. They knew me too well, and they were also scared shitless of John Hewlett.

I'm not completely sure of where I went for the rest of the evening. A couple of pubs to start with I think, and then at least one nightclub where I could drink until I lost track of everything.

Wherever I went, I somehow managed to get home safely and get my mobile phone lifted as well. Well, possibly I mislaid it! Anyway on the Sunday afternoon, I was awoken by the telephone with a headache to rival all others before or since.

"Toby mate, where the fuck did you get too?" A so-called mate from the office asked.

"I dunno Tony, I tied one on a bit."

"Jesus mate, I've been calling you all bloody morning, was there some hell to pay after you done a runner last night. You were supposed to be the number one star of the show, you know?"

"Who gives a shit?"

"Jesus mate, Montague was standing up on the stage singing your praises and telling everyone that you had made the greatest contribution to the company's success this year and you were a no show. He looked like a real prune when someone told him you'd left earlier."

"Did they also tell him I'd quit?"

"No, I don't think anyone dared. Anyway it was in the heat of the moment; no one believes you meant it."

I told you that I'm a snap decision maker, maybe what I didn't say was that once I've made a decision I bloody-well stick with it. Probably that was the reason that I did so well in my job; at work I was decisive and didn't get cold feet later and change my mind.

Regretfully, I hadn't always been as astute when it came to the female of our species and of late had been avoiding emotional involvement with any of them.

"Have you ever known me to change my mind Tony?"

"Oh come on Toby mate. This is a little different; your career is involved here."

"Tony, Markham's isn't the only company in the world. And besides, John Hewlett and me have been at loggerheads for so bloody long, I'm sick of it. I'm gone mate and that's the end of it!"

"But your bonus?"

"They can stuff their effing bonus right up their bleeding Jacksey's for all I care. Look Tony, I've only just woken up and I need the loo rather urgently, right now. I'll see you Monday to say good by; when I come in to pick up my gear!"

With that I hung up the phone. Tony was one of John Hewlett's arse-kissers; I couldn't really be bothered with the man.

During the afternoon, until I pulled the plug on my landline, I received several other anxious calls from concerned work colleagues. I had no idea where my mobile phone had gone and eventually figured that I must have lost it during my binge session. I never did see the thing again and had to get a replacement a few days later.

Anyway, besides hearing repeats about the debacle of my presentation that didn't happen. I picked up on some rumours about the reason why Wendy Montague had chosen to clock me one. The consensus of opinion appeared to be, that it concerned an incident that had occurred on the island of Martinique.

"Martinique, what the fuck was supposed to have happened there? Where is the place anyway, ain't it one of the places the poseurs go to? Can you imagine me going to a place like that?" I asked to the guy who first mentioned the island to me.

"I don't know for sure. In the Caribbean isn't it. Christ mate you're the bloody sailor; I figure you know where your going."

"Yeah round the coast and down to the bloody Med when I can get the chance. I ain't likely to risk taking my little boat across the bleeding Atlantic, am I? Anyway I'm not even sure Martinique is in the Caribbean, it could be one of those flash places in the Indian Ocean, for all I know."

"I weren't in any hurry to arrive at the office on the Monday morning. The boxing of your own gear and walking out with it, is always the most embarrassing part of leaving any job. I kind of hung around in a local café until I figured most people would have gone off to lunch."

"Hi Toby. John would like to see you. He told me to ask you to go to his office the minute you arrive."

"You told me Claire, and I don't give sweet FA about what Hewlett wants. I'll be packing my gear and then heading up to personnel. If he wants me, he better find me before I'm done."

Poor Claire, the department's communal secretary and PA, didn't know what to say. I don't believe she had seen me angry before. Well not openly hostile anyway.

I was waiting for the lift up to the fifth floor, when the two security guys arrived in a lift that was on its way down. At the time the significance of the lifts direction didn't strike me as important. Neither did the fact that they got into the lift with me for the ride up to personnel on the fifth floor. After all, I'd seen employees who'd been fired, escorted from the building a few time in the past.

What did strike me as odd though, was that one of them hogged the control panel and pressed the button for the seventh floor, where all the big knobs hang out.

"I want the fifth." I told the donkey.

"No mate, you are wanted on the seventh floor!" He replied, with a, you really don't want to argue with me, tone to his voice.

Taking into account the size of the guy, and the fact that there were just the three of us in the lift, and consequently there would be no independent witnesses; I chose to take the advice implied by his tone.

On the hallowed seventh floor, a place I'd rarely had the opportunity to visit, it was indicated that I should proceed towards the chairman's office. An inner sanctum, I knew of no man who'd ever entered and lived to tell the tale.

An very tasty, but at the same time extremely efficient looking secretary leapt from behind her desk as we approached and tried to wrestle my precious cardboard box from me. Eventually she conceded that it was my damned cardboard box and I was bloody keeping it; then she opened the gigantic door to the chairman's domain and ushered me inside.

"Toby! There you are at last, my lad. I was getting a little worried that you weren't going to put in an appearance today." Mr Montague said rising from his seat and coming around his massive desk, whilst holding out his hand in welcome.

I couldn't exactly shake the proffered hand, because I was holding my precious cardboard box of junk, wasn't I?

After a little confusion, Montague took the box from me and placed it on his desk. Then he shook my hand, somewhat overenthusiastically.

."Now, what can I get you to drink Toby; Scotch or do you prefer Brandy?"

"I er..."

"Suzy can make us tea or coffee, if you'd prefer. Now, which will it be?"

I didn't want anything really; I just wanted to know what the fuck was going on. But I found myself replying. "Coffee, I think sir!"

Hitting a button on his desk Montague asked the lovely Suzy to make two coffees, then he turned back to me.

"Now sit down, my boy?" He said, indicating towards a massive three-piece suite that adorned one corner of his office. I sat on the sofa and he settled himself into one of the armchairs.

Almost at the same instant as Suzy his sexy secretary, taking me by surprise, appeared in the office and went round behind Montague's private bar. Every time I looked in a different direction I spotted something else, and the room appeared even bigger than I'd first thought it was.

Suzy smiled at me and began making the coffees, whilst Mr Montague muttered inconsequential pleasantries to me, I think. I'll admit, that as overwhelmed by being in the big cheese's presence as I was; my concentration was all but taken up by the gorgeous Suzy. Eventually she placed a cup before both Montague and myself; then left the office again, carrying the third; for herself I assumed.

"Now my lad, are you one difficult man to get a hold of? I've had people trying to get in touch with you since first thing this morning." Montague said with humour in his voice.

"I've been a little busy, Mr Montague. I do have to find alternative employment after all."

That was a lie of course, my telephone back at the flat was still unplugged, and as I've said, I'd lost my bloody mobile. But I figured it kind-a sounded the right thing to say at the time. Sort-a rubbed the point home that I was no longer one of his humble minions.

"Now, now lad, that is a silly and short sighted attitude Toby. Sometimes, we all may say things in the heat of the moment that we don't really mean." He suggested with a grin on his face.

I had never met the man in person before. Well he was the new chairman who had the reputation of being a ruthless businessman; so I was a little surprised at his demeanour and the conciliatory line that he was apparently taking with me. But I was still on the offensive and distrusting of the bugger.

"Mr Montague. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment we get the inclination to say things we should have said much sooner. Personally I can't stand John Hewlett, I never have liked working under the guy since he took over the department. What happened on Saturday evening was bound to happen at some time or the other; the incident with your daughter was only the catalyst."

"Ah yes Wendy. Hmm, well, I'm afraid she can get a little headstrong herself now and again; a little like yourself actually. I'm not sure what happened between you two out on Martinique, whether it was just a misunderstanding or something. Whatever it was, she'll get over it eventually."

"Mr Montague, I've never been to bloody Martinique in my entire life. If you don't mind me saying, that sort of place, just isn't my scene!"

An expression of surprise came over Montague's face.

"That's odd, Wendy doesn't usually lie. She seemed pretty adamant that you and her were involved in a lia ... er, incident on Martinique last year."

"Then she's mistaken sir. I've never been to the place. Actually I'm not even sure where it is."

"Oh my, how odd." Montague looked thoughtful for a few moments, and then went on. "Oh dear, your sister said that Wendy had ... er accosted you in a similar manner at the airport, some weeks ago as well as on Saturday evening. That is embarrassing."

"And outside a club in town a few months back. That time she chose to clock me one, in front of my friends. Your daughter sir, is extremely efficient; she's managed to make a scene in front of my friends, my family and then finally my work colleagues. I'd call that a full house wouldn't you? My problem is that I have no idea why."

"Oh my god, the silly girl. You could have had her charged with assault."

"Yes I could have; but I'm unusually patient with the mentally challenged. I just thought she'd escaped from Shenley or somewhere."


"Yes, it's a special hospital out near St Albans."

"Oh, somewhat along the lines of Bedlam I presume. That's where her mother and I thought we were go to finish-up several times when Wendy was younger. She always has been a bit of a handful!"

"Yeah, you're on the right track. I'd never seen your daughter in my life before the first time she assaulted me. I was with some friends and we laughed that encounter off.

"After our brief encounter at Heathrow, I figured that she was just a nutcase and ignored it as best I could. Although that particular incident did carry some unexpected repercussions for me. And then at the reception on Saturday evening I figured it was time to have it out with her. I had no idea who she was, but I really can't go through the rest of my life wondering when she's going to pop up out of the woodwork, and clock me one again.

"I'm afraid that John Hewlett intervened before I had a chance to challenge her."

"Oh I see, and John Hewlett's intervention escalated the situation somewhat, did it?"

"No, not exactly sir, it changed the encounter's direction. I'm a great believer in fate Mr Montague. I'd say that your daughter's action only brought forward by a few months something that would have happened very soon anyway. John Hewlett took all the credit for the Thomas account, didn't he? I worked my bloody arse off on that one, and him coming on all righteous on me on Saturday evening was the last straw.

"Daniel Thomas is a personal friend of mine Toby; we play golf together every Sunday morning. John Hewlett might have tried to take the credit for the account. But Daniel told me all about the work you did to smooth troubled waters. Why the hell did you think you were getting that damned great bonus anyway?"

As Montague was speaking, a thought suddenly struck home in my mind.

"Just a moment sir. Did you just say, that my sister told you about the incident at the airport?"

"Yes. I told you, I've had people trying to find you all day. Your PA turned up your sister's telephone number, and I had a little chat with her this morning. Oh, you'd better give her a call by the way; she was most perturbed that we couldn't locate you this morning. She mentioned something about a yacht."

"Probably, she thinks I might have sailed off into the sunset again. My sister's never been very nautical, even when we were children and she came sailing with my father and I. She insists I let her know exactly where and when I'm sailing."

"I'd say she loves you very much, and is concerned about your health and safety."

"Following that little incident with your daughter at Heathrow airport. I'm afraid that my sister doesn't think as highly of me as she used to do sir. She's is convinced that I had to have done something to precipitate your daughter's behaviour that day."

"My apologies. Wendy can be difficult and a real trial on occasions; but I've never known her become violent with anyone before. No matter what else results from our meeting today Toby; I think we need to get you and Wendy together so you can thrash this out between you. I try to make a point of not meddling in my daughter's social life anymore. I'm sure that when she was younger, she'd take up with the most unsavoury characters just to spite me. But I feel this has to be an exception; she can't go on striking you every time you encounter each other. God man, you've every right to have her arrested. Are you free for dinner this evening?"

"Er, well, yes sir; I suppose I am." I replied.

I had no idea why I was still calling the old fart sir, or why I'd so readily accepted his offer of dinner. I had quit the company after all.

But then again, reputedly a complete bastard in the business world; Montague appeared to me to be a very nice guy. So I sat there and listened as he (after producing a mobile phone from somewhere) called his wife, and explained to her that they had a guest for dinner that evening. He also asked her to ensure that their daughter Wendy was present for the meal.

"There, that was simple; you and Wendy can sort out whatever gripe she's got with you over dinner. You seem like a personable young man to me Toby, and from what Daniel Thomas told me, you could talk the hind legs off a donkey if you wanted too. If you two sit down and talk about whatever is eating her, then we should be able to bring an end to that little matter.

"Right, now, we'd better move on to the matter of your employment."


"No buts young man. I'm used to dealing with the likes of John Hewlett. There's a lot of dead wood around in every company. Now I suggest that we forget all about your resignation the other night. It wasn't in writing anyway, and that is how you should have submitted it, as stipulated in your contract of employment."

Montague smiled as if he'd just laid the winning hand on the table in a game of cards.

"But I don't think you can remain working with a man who you obviously dislike so much in the mean time. Even if it is for the short period he remains with us. So, for the time being at least, I'm thinking upon the lines of moving you up here to the seventh floor."

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Green Beret Loves Asian Ladyboys

Demonde Scott woke up early most days.. He leaned over and kissed his girlfriend’s forehead. He threw on some basketball shorts, a tank top, and a pair of multicolored Nike Joyride Dual Run sneakers. The 5’11”; 200-pound man headed out of his small house on the compound where Westerners lived while working in the Kingdom. He stretched then launched into morning 2-mile run. The air felt thick on his skin. It was around 65% humidity at present, but the temp was good at a little over 80 °F.He...

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That aint no way to treat a Lady

“A fucking lady? No way; how, why?” I babbled, shocked.“Lady, darling; the word is always capitalised,” Cyn, my girlfriend of four months, clarified, “I’m Lady Cynthia Fortescue-Smythe, second daughter of Edward, the Earl of Battersea."“And you are me telling this, why?” I asked, as we lay, post-orgasmic, in her Knightsbridge apartment wrapped in sheets which were, apparently, cut from Egyptian cotton of astronomical thread count.“Royal Ascot silly; we are going tomorrow, and absolutely...

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To serve and soothe the Lady

Another short tale. But only because my a.d.d. keeps me from writing long tales. As always, feedback is not only welcome but very much desired. To serve, and soothe, the Lady. The hour was late, or perhaps early as it was now past midnight, when she - who was not a she on the outside - closed and locked the door after the gentleman left. She liked this man, for he was not cold and cruel as some could be and treated her as a person with feelings. A servant, yes, but still a person....

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Education of a Ladyboi

Ever since I can remember I have been a sissy. As a very young boi, I loved playing with dolls and other girlie things. I avoided the company of other bois my age because to be honest, they frightened me. They just gave off a threatening and hostile vibe that I went out of my way to avoid them. Instead I preferred the company of the girls. I took a lot of heat all the way through school, and after puberty I began totally embracing my femininity, by overt means, such as, wearing makeup, girlie...

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The Wonderful World Of LADYBOIS

Oh god - I'm just sitting here, thinking about how lucky I am to have been born a femme! I love everything about femmes. Of course, getting to where I am today - a totally sexy and girly ladyboi - took a long and sometimes circuitous route. Being born male, and coming from the time and place I came from, announcing to the world (or even to yourself!!) was probably not the wisest thing to do. All I ever heard growing up were extremely negative things about anyone who wasn't straight sexually. It...

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91 AVIS AND HER LADYFRIENDS My friend Carol called me up one morning and asked if I would like to meet for some shopping and lunch. Since Jon and I would have the day to ourselves, I agreed and we met at the local mall. Carol approached me and unexpectedly kissed me there in the entrance way to the mall. "Good morning" she said as I looked back in mild shock. "Did I shock you?" she asked. I said I was a bit surprised, but then let it go and off we went shopping. Around noon we stopped at...

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Married Black Mans Ladyboi

Torrance Denkins was completely infatuated with transsexuals. He watched shemale porn constantly. He was married to his second wife. In total, he had five c***dren - three by his first wife and two by the current one. Torrance was forty-eight years-old. His betrothed was only 29. The homicide detective walked out of the precinct and got into his personal vehicle. He drove a black 2014 Cadillac CTS. Once he got settled in the car, Torrance started it up and then sent a text message to...

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the barlady

After a long day at work and a meeting with my boss that ended badly. I decided to dive into the local pub the young guys at work always talk about. I walk in and plat myself by the bar. Greeted by a young black woman. I pay no attention with my head down. Whiskey on the rocks.. Make that a double!! She slides my drink over asking.. Rough day? as I take off my tie. I reply with a negative voice.. You can only imagine. And that's when I make eye contact with her.. A pure beauty. Tied up hair in...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Ladyboss

An awesome moment with the busty manager. Hello friends, I am from Kashmir my first story in ISS hope you ll like it. I have been an avid reader of iss. If any women who seek no strings attached fun, or friends with benefit fun can contact me on please be assured of the safety, women’s safety is my first priority. About me, I am a fair handsome looking guy I am a single guy have a decent tool whose sole aim to is to satisfy women, I’m on the heavier side, funny guy. This story goes back in...

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I was just about finished cleaning the house for Mr. Gustavsson, the whole house had been out of a womans touch for years. I had recently got my driverslicense and this was my first real job. I lit lighter and waited for the familiar cloud of Smoke that came when i cigarrette fires up, while Mr. Gustavsson leanedaround the corner and asked if everything was O.K. "No problem Mr. Gustavsson all finished," I said,as i wiped my hand with an old rag , "I'll be out in a minute!"After gathering up...

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You Ladygirl

You Ladygirl Preface If this were a true story, and it isn't, but if it were, I would need to protect the innocent. The innocent in this case is a culture rather than individuals. So to protect a fictional culture I have changed the fictional name of the fictional culture to "Chinese." Me, I am, like the protagonist, of European ancestry second generation on my father's side. I admit knowing little about Chinese culture. There is a high likelihood that this story is chock full of...

2 years ago
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Visit to Mistress LadyJulia

below is a real account of a visit I had to a professional Mistress. It was a bitter sweet memory that I will treasure for the rest of my life So here at last is the account of my first visit to a Mistress. That being Mistress LadyJulia. It is not as eloquent as I would have liked but I was trying to capture the emotions I was feeling. It has been read but not censored by my Mistress as I may have stated in my diary. She did not want to change my words but was concern I may have given...

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Second Visit to Mistress LadyJulia

My appointment with Mistress LadyJulia was at 11 again and I arrived on the dot flowers in hand. It was a strange feeling to be standing there again. All through the previous week I had berated myself for wanting this. I had even talked myself out of coming a couple of time, but I so much wanted this! So now as I stood waiting I felt calm and ready, tinged with anticipation of what was to come. I knocked at the door and stood back head bowed as ordered. Seconds later Mistress answered the...

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The Shack Ladykiller

The Girls of Hollywood Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri “Hey, Hollywood!” I was just bringing the micro van around the first set of barricades when one of the assistant instructors, Chrissie, jogged around the corner waving for me to stop, long blonde ponytail streaming through the back of her “Instructor” cap. I brought my vehicle to a stop. “Mac told me to tell you they aren’t taking it seriously. They’ve aced everything, but they’re getting cocky. It’s an all-female squad of Reserve MPs,...

1 year ago
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Ladyboy Gold! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Tonight’s sexual entertainment is full of beautiful ladies, and uh, hot boys? Sorry, no. I’m still a little fuzzy from all the Everclear and Cialis last night. LadyboyGold is a premium site that doesn’t specialize in ladies or boys, at least not in the traditional sense. I’m sure I don’t have to explain that to somebody browsing my list of shemale sites, though.LadyboyGold claims to be the number-one reviewed TS site in the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Since I know the majority of my public are the horny lads who are just looking for some delightful wanking, let me start this review by saying that r/ladybonersgw/ is not for everyone. If you did not get the memo, the name itself states ‘Lady Boners GW,’ where GW stands for Gone Wild. Now, I know that some of y’all might be expecting to see chicks with dicks, but that is not what Lady Boners implies.So, what the fuck is r/ladybonersgw/ all about? It is simple… it is a subreddit where dudes can...

Porn for Women Sites
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Do you know what time it is? It’s time for ladies to show that they can have sexual tastes too and that they can get aroused just like men have. That being said, chicks like to keep it a bit classier when they are looking at the content, which gets their blood pumping. So, if you’re a girl who wants to get her groove on and explore her sexuality in an inclusive environment, then you’ve come to the right place. Today we are looking at a sub called /r/LadyBoners, and while I’m not someone who...

Porn for Women Sites
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Luck Be A Lady

Luck Be a Lady By Anonymous "Dealer showing three. Player showing eleven." The woman dealer was quite expressionless, as most casino employees were expected to be. It was obvious she didn't like me, particularly since I'd spent the last hour cursing her existence for the cards she was dealing me. I was down. Way down. Down to my last $20,000, half of which I had riding on this hand. I'm a professional gambler. Blackjack is my game. My luck has been less than...

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The Landlady

Just a silly story I wrote over a couple of nights. Completely fictional, hope you like it.NEW TENANTSJack started seeing Lorna and it became serious. Trouble was that Jack being eighteen was a little naïve regarding women and couldn’t see that she was basically selfish. They say that love is blind and it was in this case, fortunately Lorna wasn’t prepared to become tied down with marriage and suggested they merely live together. That would give her a get out clause when she tired of...

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My Landlady

My LandladyI had been having a bit of a problem, uncontrollable erections around my landlady! I am in my thirties and found myself needing to work in London though I live out in the country, so I got a Monday to Friday room let in a nice place with a family. I am in the attic so get left to myself and all was fine. I miss my wife through the week and get a bit horny so my eyes wandered a little. At first it was the landlady’s daughter but then it became the landlady. She is in her early...

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I fancied my landlady from the first time I met her. I had been wondering how I could orchestrate a situation where bye I could expose myself without making it too obvious and possibly being thrown out into the street. Then one morning my patience was rewarded….I was in the shower, lazily enjoying the sensation of the hot water spraying like rice grains on my swelling member which was resting in the palm of my hand. As it swelled I went into that world which is private to all except the one who...

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Saroj the Landlady

Hi ISS Readers. Here I am back with a real sex encounter I had just few days back with my Boss niece Landlady. My Boss has asked me to locate a good house for her niece. With the help of my friends I was able to locate a good house for her Delhi. After finalizing all the things my friend has arranged meeting with Landlady to complete the formalities like security advance, agreement etc. I went there and had meeting with Saroj (Landlady) who told that she is widow and her only son is doing B....

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To the Manor Born Part 2 Becoming a Lady

To the Manor Born Part 2: How to Become a Lady Chapter 1 - Changes I struggled toward consciousness, trying to shake the cobwebs from my drugged mind. I shifted in my bed (at least I assume it was a bed) and winced in pain. My backside hurt like heck, my throat felt like sandpaper, my stomach felt like I'd been worked over by the Hell's Angels, and it felt like a large animal was sitting on my chest. All of this came as a significant surprise to me. The last thing I remember was...

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Cathy Calusa, an exemplary teenage girl with high moral values, who took a vow to keep her virginity until she is properly married. She is an honor student at the Christian High School she attends. She loves tutoring young c***dren with their school work, and instilling them with good Christian values. Cathy is very thankful for her strict Christian upbringing by her mother, who taught her how to be a proper Christian lady. Cathy has been baby setting since she was twelve years old, so she...

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A Ladys

A Lady's by Nefertari CHAPTER 1- ANNIVERSARY "The eternal feminine draws us onward" Goethe The cab headed downtown, then west, windshield wipers flapping, a cold rain falling. From my current prospective, it seems like another lifetime in another world. I was a young accounting clerk in my first real job on the way to an important company social function that Friday evening. The firm had always been involved in importing and exporting and was easily the oldest commercial...

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Lake Lady

Lake Lady, by Armond "And there I saw mage Merlin... And near him stood the Lady of the Lake, Who knows a subtler magic than his own- Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful. She gave the King his huge cross-hilted sword, Whereby to drive the heathen out: a mist Of incense curled about her, and her face Wellnigh was hidden in the minster gloom..." -Idylls of the King, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson "And when I was fifteen yeere old, then was I...

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The Cleaning Lady

The Cleaning Lady Belladonna I had spent some of my weekends working as a cleaning lady in my own office from time to time for over 20 years. I began doing it not long after I started my company. No matter where the office was located, I always found time to go in and clean it up when no one was around. My company's office is currently situated in a building that the company owns. The office occupies a full floor of that four story building. I had built up the corporation...

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Dark Knight The Lady

This short story is a bit longer than my usual ones. But to take away events of the story to make it shorter, would take the integrity and true power of this story. Please read it careful and you wont regret it, this story means alot to me…it took me 6 months to write it, because I wanted it to be just right. thank you. London, England May 1785, Standing alone on the Stanhope terrace, Lady Georgia Kent watched, as the first ball of the season was in full swing. This was her coming out...

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Cost of TimeChapter 12 What It Means To Be a Lady

It was a grueling two and a half day ride for Gryllos to where he was supposed to rendezvous with the Ruthani. They reached the spot in late morning. Leem simply rode up to a single man, standing alone in the desert, slid off his horse and then saluted. Gryllos wished he could be as elegant getting down from his horse, but he'd never have been able to do it on his best day. Gryllos saluted the old man, older than any he'd ever seen before. "Sir, Captain Gryllos, Sixth Mounted...

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There is this liquor store in the mall where I usually do my shopping for groceries. I’ve been coming in there for several years every now and then to buy my booze. Most of the time when I came in the store, there was the same lady behind the counter, who really attracted my attention. She was in her early fifties, I guessed, not too tall and somewhat chubby. She wasn’t exceptionally beautiful. Her face was nice and friendly, with kind blue eyes and nice full lips, but rather plain...

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Boss Lady

Boss Lady by Tim Roberts Diane was the first female supervisor I had ever had. The first day she arrivedin the office I was stunned by how beautiful she was; early 30's, long brownhair and brown eyes, about 5'6", and slender with a great build. Yes, she wastruly very pretty. But what really turned me on was the way she dressed andhow she handled herself in the office. She managed to do a real good job oflooking business-like and sexy at the same time, wearing suits but with thedress cut short...

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My Elegant Lady

“Go piss off and walk your fucking dog!” My girlfriend shouted at mefor coming home drunk late last night. My girlfriend and I share a flat. A new place we recently moved into and a new neighbourhood for us. As you have gathered, we have, well it’s my dog. I had slept most of the day and it was around six o’clock Friday evening. Yeah I know, lazy bastard. Well we both had a few days off work for the move. It was Friday, and we had the weekend off. I was out with a few mates drinking, chatting,...

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A Portrait Of A Lady

"Lorenzo. So good to see you. I was wondering when you would be so good as to call."I am Lorenzo. I am an artist. I am Hispanic and my family have lived here in California for longer than any Anglos present here today. Only the Native Americans have been here longer. I am proud of my heritage. It had been a year's time since I painted Lady Gwen portrait. Always since then I had wished to come by her brothel and observe my work in its permanent home. My work is shown in many homes and salons...

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The liquor store lady

When I came in on Saturdays, when it was always very busy, there often was a girl about sixteen or seventeen years of age with her. I always assumed this was the lady’s daughter who was helping her out, because there was a certain resemblance in both women’s facial features. They shared the same blue eyes and full lips. Otherwise the younger woman looked quite different, being quite slim and substantially taller than the older one as well as having much longer, curly blond hairs. Though she was...

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Fucking Insane Lady

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

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Threes Company Scene 2

“Laura, why don’t you just eat a cunt!” Alyson blurted across the room. “You know what wench, why don’t you just eat me!” Laura retorted in the same shrill voice. “LADIES!!” Leo popped his head out of his door. “Why don’t you use your inside voices, and why don’t you cut the potty mouth talk. That really is enough.” Leo turned back into his own cage, and he slammed the door behind him. All of the women laughed in unison, even Dana, and they all got a good laugh from the tyraid. “Whore!” You...

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Threes Company0

When the clock moved a few minutes passed the top of the hour, her vehicle rode up the incline, onto the parking pad, and I walked toward the door to greet her she walking in the door. To my surprise, another car was coming in behind her, and I watched as she moved to the back of her car to greet the visitor. She disappeared around the corner of the house, and I hesitated for a moment with wonder of the goings on. I reached for the knob, unlatching the door, and headed toward the side of the...

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Threes A Crowd0

I did the best I can to contain myself for all this time. Quite often she tried to get me alone and have her way with me but I had to turn away out of respect for Carla my fiancé. This time it was different. She was a masseuse and my Carla insisted that I set up an appointment with her mother, bragging how good she was. When I came over Pam’s house (Carla’s mother) she was outback sunbathing in a string bikini beside the pool. We were alone, Carla was working. It was a hot summer...

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Threes A Party At The Concert In The Park

My excitement matched the general buzz on the train as it departed towards its dedicated destination, a benefit concert in Ellis Park.  We were a group of strangers on our way to the same party so everyone was bent on having fun. Clearly, the party had started early for some, as I could smell the odd whiff of alcohol.I had to work that morning, so I was traveling alone and would be meeting two friends, Mack and John at the station.  They had planned to arrive earlier so that they were there...


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