Taking Morna
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor of editing assistance.
The mist completely covered the whole valley in front of the cabin. According to Monica, it was the most beautiful sight in the world. It was easy to see why she had requested that her ashes be scatter there. It was just the three of us; my son Robert and daughter Logan stood by my side as the wind picked up bits of ash from my hand and carried them off.
The cabin was on 120 acres of land that was a little bit North of Hytop and close enough to the Walls of Jericho that we could walk to it on a good day. Upon my death, it would all belong to the Nature Conservatory to become part of one of the greatest natural areas in the Southeast. It was what Monica wanted and I could never refuse her anything.
The homestead still didn't have any power. Forty years ago, I installed a water gathering system using the tin roof and a series of cisterns, but I never did get around to having electricity brought in. We did fine with kerosene lamps and an antique kerosene refrigerator that I kept running for over ten years. Monica never complained. Even after we moved to our new place in Murfreesboro, I always knew that she missed the Hytop cabin.
Monica and I married when we were both in our teens. I had a good job installing aluminum siding for a home builder in Huntsville. It was a long drive, but the money was good. The cabin and the land was a wedding present from Monica's grandfather. I am not sure how long the property had been in her family, but all of the children got a piece when they married. We lucked out and got the only part that had a dwelling.
Robert and Logan were quick to come and were a great comfort for Monica while I was down the mountain at work. It was a wonderful place to raise kids even though they hated the long walk to catch the school bus. At one point, I was going to install a generator for the house, but Monica didn't like the idea of that noisy thing ruining her peace and quiet. I never brought it up again. Running a service line to the cabin was just too damn expensive and we opted to use the funds for other things.
We had a small garden and a few fruit trees. Game was plentiful and Robert and I both became quite proficient at bow hunting. It was a lot quieter than firearms and seemed to be a little fairer to the critters.
While all of this was going on, I managed to teach myself how to play guitar. Actually, I couldn't really play it, but I simply strummed a few cords. I found myself making up little songs that I would use to entertain the kids. As I got better, the tunes got longer and a little more complex. Before I knew it, I was an actual song writer.
I kept installing siding after my first song sold, but in less than a year, it just didn't seem to be a good choice any more. I was spending more time in Nashville than Huntsville. We rented a small house just East of Franklin for about three years, before buying the place in Murfreesboro. It was larger than Monica or I had ever imagined having, but I got it for a good price. The previous owner was one of the living legends from the Grand Ole Opry. His widow was happy to know that we were not planning on changing anything that she and her husband had so carefully built. Monica used to joke that we had become caretakers of an historical monument. It was a marvelous house.
About ten years after Logan and Robert left to start their own families, Monica was diagnosed with cancer. She fought it for a while, but eventually gave up and let it take her as gently as possible. As far as she was concerned the cure was becoming worse that the disease. I was now well established in the music industry, so money was not a problem. A full time hospice staff made sure that her last few months were as comfortable and stress free as possible. I was pretty sure that she felt worse about leaving me alone than she did about dying.
It was a week before she passed on that she told me that she wanted to go back to Hytop without her hospice staff. She insisted that it must just be the two of us. She knew that her time was close and wanted to spend the rest of it alone, with me. I reluctantly agreed with her wishes, but only after spending several hours with the medical people getting briefed and, more or less trained, in my obligations.
Five days after we arrived at the cabin, Monica went quietly while she was sleeping. A friend at the local funeral parlor was able to discretely take care of the cremation for me. There was no viewing and no death announcement as per Monica's final request. My children understood and supported their mother's decision.
After spreading the ashes, we spent the rest of the day at the cabin before Logan and Robert left to rejoin their families. Logan was married to a doctor in Savannah and Robert taught school with his wife, in Fort Collins. They both made the trip to Alabama without their families at my request. It was the way that I felt it should be.
It had been a perfect farewell for the woman that I loved more than anything.
The house in Murfreesboro was in good hands. Our live-in housekeeper, Rose, and her husband Hector assured me that I could take some time away with no concerns. I didn't want to return to the empty shell that Monica and I shared for the last few years. The good memories were clouded by the dismay that I felt after she got sick. All of our friends were somehow connected to my work. They were more acquaintances than anything else. Monica was my only true friend.
I headed south towards Pensacola and the gulf. There were plenty of condos available to rent on a weekly basis, especially if you were not interested in being on the beach. I spent some time at the Naval Air Museum, but that was about it. I wasn't a sand man, so I didn't enjoy the beach or the water. The first week that I was there, I drove over to Alabama three times to enjoy the gumbo at Wolf's Bay Lodge. I used up the evenings trying to find a place to get oysters on the half shell that I felt comfortable with. No luck. The more time that I spent trying to entertain myself, the more depressed I seemed to become. The plus side was that I felt I had a lot of fodder for my next few songs, which I didn't feel like doing right now.
The condo had a small kitchen and I was getting tired of eating out by myself all the time. I decided to hit the local Winn-Dixie to stock up on staples.
It was Wednesday. The sign at the door was advertising that it was 'senior citizens' day and all old farts would get 5% off their total bill. I smiled when I realized how fortunate I was to have picked today. Little did I know that it would actually prove to be quite lucky for me.
I was a little confused the first time that I saw her. She seemed like a proud woman that had been beaten down. As I walked around the store, I couldn't help but watch her and wonder about the relationship that she was having with her escort who was pushing the grocery cart. He was a large man who appeared to be several years older than she was. He wore a flannel shirt and jeans that were two sizes too small for him. A beer gut was trying to hide the John Deere belt buckle that was struggling to hold up his pants. His mouth seemed to be in a nasty snarl that went perfectly with his squinty eyes. She walked an obedient two steps behind him, although it seemed to be by choice rather than as a required position.
I had no trouble at all figuring out that this was not a loving relationship. Of course it was none of my business and if I hadn't found the woman to be so striking, I would have forgotten the whole thing. I was not looking for a relationship. I was still grieving Monica's death and had no intention of replacing her, but something was not right here.
Mister Nasty turned toward the woman and growled something at her which I couldn't fathom. I stopped while she swiftly moved passed me towards a refrigerated counter. As she returned with two cartons of eggs, she looked in my direction. I smiled and she gave me a small, cautious smile back and then quickly looked away. She carefully placed the eggs in the cart, returned to her subservient position, glanced my way, and smiled again when she realized that I was watching her. She seemed coyly embarrassed but flattered.
I was hooked. My shopping trip had suddenly become a lot more interesting. A plain woman, with no make-up and no apparent outstanding virtues, had grabbed my attention and brightened my day. I spent the next hour following them around the store. The more that I watched them, the more I hated the guy. Any woman that allowed a man to inflict that much fear and control over her must have a severe lack of confidence.
I had remembered a fellow when I was young who always wanted a Dalmatian dog. When he finally got one, he was determined to train it properly, but had no idea how to go about doing it. I saw him with his dog a few months later and the dog had now been completely ruined. Every time he raised his hand or his voice the dog would whimper and cower away from him. He had used a newspaper to beat the dog when it didn't do what he wanted or as quickly as he wanted it to do, and now he was stuck. The Dalmatian did end up living with an old widow lady who never scolded or raised her voice. My friend never got another dog.
Today's shopping trip never got any better for 'the Dalmatian' lady. The bastard leading her around was just as ornery when they drove away in his old F100 pick-up. She smiled at me three more times before they left.
That night, I had a hard time falling asleep. All I could think about was the woman at the market. How did such a fine lady end up with that miserable man? Why did she stay with him? In some ways, she reminded me of Monica. When my thinking drifted in that direction, I found myself feeling guilty. My wife had just passed and I was thinking about another woman. There was no connection. I tried to convince myself of that. I wasn't looking for a companion, I was just trying to save a mistreated dog. Then I felt bad that I was putting my market lady in the same class as a dog.
Scrambled eggs and microwave sausages tasted good the next morning. I even made some coffee in a $9.99 coffee pot. As I was finishing my eggs, I found myself making a grocery list for the next week. When I realized what I was subconsciously doing, I couldn't help but snicker.
It was a long week. I bought a new shirt and pants, but couldn't convince myself to buy shoes. Everything that I was doing was based on the assumption that the Dalmatian family shopped each week on senior discount day. If I was wrong, I would probably never see my mystery woman again. I had no plan. I realized that I was actually a stalker. I was preparing to spend a day following a strange, probably married woman around a grocery store with the hope that something would happen. It was stupid and juvenile, but I was starting to enjoy it.
I put on my new clothes and carefully placed my mini shopping list in my shirt pocket. Then I patiently waited for over an hour until the Ford pick-up pulled into the parking lot. She had on jeans and a blue Oxford shirt. I waited until they got close to the store entrance and then I followed them in.
There was nothing to indicate that she was being abused or mistreated, other than the harsh way that she was being spoken to. I guess that was what they usually call verbal abuse. I held back and watched, fascinated by the way she carried herself despite being subject to his constant and repeated barbs. After a while, I got the feeling that most of what I was seeing was an act. Something did not seem real. Was she putting on these subservient airs or were they true?
I was trying my best to be inconspicuous, but I wasn't doing a very good job. She spotted me in the first five minutes. I dropped back some and felt like a school boy who had just been caught trying to look up a girls dress. I was lingering in the canned vegetable aisle chiding myself for being foolish when she suddenly surprised me. I froze as she reached past me and grabbed two cans of garbanzo beans.
"Are you stalking me?" I was shocked and dumbfounded. She was looking directly at me with a stern look on her face, waiting for an answer.
"I think so." I believe the most obvious answer to that question would have been an absolute 'no.' I never did follow the rules, so I didn't give the most obvious answer. I was expecting her to follow up by asking me 'why?, ' but she didn't.
"He is a very dangerous man. Be very, very careful."
She turned and rapidly walked away. It was not the reply that I might have anticipated. I thought it was interesting that she didn't tell me to stop, but just to be careful. This was getting curious. For some reason, I no longer viewed her as an abused wife, but as something that I could not define.
I was in a position to watch as she placed the beans in their cart. She quietly spoke to him, but there was no response on his part. I knew that he heard her. I guess a normal man would have gathered up his wits and quietly left the premises. I was not normal.
At one point, I thought that I saw Mister Nasty check me out, but I was not sure. Twice, the object of my eye looked my way, squinted her eyebrows, and shook her head 'no.' The second time. I smiled back at her and gave her the same non-verbal reply. I was rewarded with a frown.
I could tell that they were almost finished and then she suddenly appeared beside me in the dairy department.
"Why are you doing this?" She stood toe-to-toe with me and stared directly into my face.
"Are you being abused or mistreated in any way?" I was trying my best to act serious as well as concerned.
"What? Are you crazy? No. I am not being abused. Don't do this again. It can be very dangerous for you."
"Dangerous? How can it be dangerous?"
She didn't answer. As she started to walk away, I asked another quick question.
"Are you happy?"
She stopped, turned, and paused. "No, I am not happy, but I am safe. That is all that matters."
"I can help you."
By the time that came out of my mouth, she was rapidly walking back to her escort. She did turn and give me a slight smile before going to the checkout counter.
I watched from inside the store as they loaded their groceries. I finished gathering my few meager items and left also. I couldn't tell if it had been a productive use of my time or a complete waste. As I started to back out of my parking spot, I spotted the Ford pick-up in my rear view mirror, a few rows away. Mister Nasty was taking pictures of me and my truck through his windshield. All of a sudden I knew that I would be back again next week with the senior citizens shopping crowd.
It was a long week. I called Rose and assured her that everything was all right. Then I called the kids, just to let them know that I was not going off the deep end in remorse. I tried the fried oysters at Wolf's Bay Lodge instead of the gumbo. I don't know why, but I just felt that I needed a change. I was anxious for the next shopping day, but I had no idea what I was going to do.
Things took an unexpected twist that week and I was not prepared for it. The Dalmatian family showed up as usual and I tried to stay inconspicuous, but did a lousy job. Ten minutes after they arrived, she approached me, alone in the produce department. She didn't confront me, but rather stood beside me picking through the avocados as if we didn't know each other.
"Arland, listen carefully. Can you be ready to leave next week?"
What the hell was going on? How did she know my name and what was I getting ready for?
In a desperate effort to maintain my self-composure I replied with confidence. "Yes."
"Good. Park your truck in the loading area behind the market and meet me here, in the produce section at 9 AM. Any questions?"
I was caught totally off guard. Yes, I had a million questions, but I wasn't ready to ask them now. I smiled and shook my head 'no.'
"Now leave before anyone sees us." She said that with an air of authority that I was unfamiliar with. As she turned to walk away, I couldn't help myself any longer.
"What's your name?"
She turned with a small smile. "Morna. My name is Morna."
Was it a joke? Was she shining me on in some fashion? I would have to wait until next week to find out. In any event the stalking game was over. If it was a ruse to get rid of me, I decided to take the hint and just return to Tennessee. If she did show up, I would be going back home anyway. It did not take long to prepare for the move. I decided to take my $9.99 coffee pot with me.
I was only in the produce section for ten minutes when she slowly walked past me.
"Count to twenty and follow me back to the rest room area."
The rest rooms were located in the rear of the market as you enter the warehouse. As I walked past them, a young girl, dressed exactly like Morna was coming out of the ladies room. She smiled at me and entered the main market. Morna was standing across from the warehouse area by the rear entrance. She motioned for me to hurry, but I couldn't help glancing back into the store. Her double was now standing beside of Mister Nasty helping him select some Grapefruit. I was snickering to myself as I walked out the back to catch up with Morna. What the hell was going on?
At some point, a soft-sided duffle had been placed in the back of the truck. I assumed it contained Morna's things. I noticed it, but didn't say anything. Ten minutes later, we had left the city limits, heading North. Neither of us had said a word since leaving the store. I still had a million questions, but felt overwhelmed by the whole scenario; so I didn't ask any of them. Morna looked straight ahead, occasionally glancing in her side view mirror. After another ten minutes, she sighed slightly and seemed to get a little more comfortable in her seat.
"So, Mister Hawke. Now that you have me what are your intentions?"
All of a sudden. I realized that I had never thought this far ahead. What the hell were my intentions? What was I doing and why had I gotten involved with this woman? I felt a little foolish because I had no answer for her simple, straight-forward question. She was looking at me with a pixie smile, as if she was pleased with the question. For the first time, I noticed that her eyes were green. Not greenish, but actually green. Although her hair was close cropped, I could also tell that it had a natural reddish tint to it; more auburn than red. She had freckles.
"Mister Hawke? Do you have an answer for me?"
"I'm sorry. My mind was wandering for a moment. What was the question again?"
I had remembered what she asked, but I was trying to stall until I could come up with some sort of explanation.
She repeated the question and I detected a slight giggle.
I replied in my most serious voice. "I am going to take you to my home and make you my sex slave."
I have no idea what made me blurt out such a ridiculous thing. As soon as it left my mouth, I regretted that I had said it; that was until I heard her giggle again.
"Is that the home in Tennessee or the one in Alabama?"
Who the hell was this woman? She knew my complete name and where I lived and had lived. I didn't answer, but gave her an inquisitive look which got me another pixyish smile. She seemed to be enjoying my discomfort. Actually, I was enjoying it somewhat. I was a poor judge of people's ages, especially women. She seemed to be in her mid to late thirties. Her nails were cut very close and there appeared to be scars on her hands and arms. The scars didn't seem to be from abuse, but from work of some type.
She didn't say anything else until we hit I-65 North. She had the upper hand in the conversation department. Up until she called my bluff, I had felt in control. Now I felt that I was being used in some fashion, but it didn't bother me; in fact I kind of enjoyed it.
"What exactly does a sex slave do, Arland?"
I knew now that she was playing with me. How did I know? Well that was Monica's favorite game. Clever repertoire was her strong point. I got the feeling that Morna would be as good at the game as my wife was and turn out to a far better companion than I had imagined; but I had no idea how long she would be staying with me.
"Actually, I was hoping that you could help me out with that. I am sort of new at this game and I was looking for someone who could teach me."
"And you thought that I was a good candidate?"
"Absolutely! You are incredibly beautiful and you have a great body. I can't imagine anyone else for the job."
What had previously been a snicker had now turned into a quiet laugh; but the pixyish smile remained.
Things were quiet for a while. I got gas and we picked up a dozen Krystals and two cokes at a drive-thru window. Her appetite was as good as her attitude.
"How did you find out what my name was and where my homes were?"
"The license plate on your truck."
"I am not stupid. I know that there was more to it than that."
"Oh, there was. A lot more. You would be surprised at what I know about you."
"Why did you decide to leave with me?"
"I already answered that. I know everything about you, Arland Eugene Hawke; everything."
"And I, on the hand don't know a thing about you. I don't even know if Morna is your real name."
"It is. Morna Roberta Keene. So now we are on an even playing field."
"I don't think so."
Somewhere, just south of Birmingham, she turned on the radio. Of course, all of the presets were for Country and Western stations. She flicked through them and then settled in on the one with the clearest audio. Things were quiet for thirty minutes until Garth started singing "Life Goes On," a song that I had written just for him.
"Hey, Arland. How about that? That's one of your songs." She sat up in the seat and smiled my way.
How the hell did she know that?
We grabbed a sit-down meal at the Cracker Barrel along the Interstate in Athens, Alabama. We would be home in a few hours. What the hell was I going to do then?
After we crossed into Tennessee, Morna hunkered down into her seat to get settled in for the last leg of the journey.
"Arland, I was sorry to hear about your wife. It seems as if you had a good marriage. I know that you miss her. If I say or do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, I want to apologize ahead of time."
I don't know what brought that on. I just looked at her and smiled.
I called Rose and asked her to get the guest room ready. When we arrived at the house, I got an odd look from her, but she didn't say anything in front of our guest. Morna seemed happy to take a shower and go to bed. However, Rose and Hector insisted that I retire to the kitchen and explain myself over a hot cup of coffee. I felt like a little kid who had just swiped a piece of candy. Rose and Hector were not happy with my recap of the events and promised another intervention after they got to interview my captive. Monica was still warm in her grave and I bought a young, sexy creature home with no good explanation.
I didn't sleep well that night. I was now feeling guilty; as if I had betrayed the memory of my wife. I have no idea what had motivated me to do something that rash. How could I make this right?
I slept longer than usual and was finally awakened by laughter in the kitchen. It appeared as if Morna had, in some manner, won over my housekeeping staff. She had a way of speaking to people that made them feel comfortable. Was it a silver tongue, a gift of gab, or just blarney. Was Morna an Irish name? I had no idea.
For some reason, I became the brunt of several suggestive comments at the breakfast table. It appeared that Morna had told Rose and Hector about my 'sex slave' comment and they were all having a good laugh about it. The comments were of such a nature that I was both embarrassed and flattered. Morna seemed to be enjoying my discomfort.
After a hardy morning meal, things seemed to normalize. I was now in the embarrassing position of having to explain my rash actions to my guest. Did the word 'guest' even apply? At this point, I didn't know if I had rescued her, kidnapped her, or just seduced her. I immediately discarded the last possibility. I did not have the looks, charm, or verbal skills to seduce anyone.
There was a nice little brook about 100 yards behind the house. It was a year-round stream with large rocks and thousands of little unidentifiable to me, fish. The rough-hewed bench aside of the creek was made from cypress. It seemed like an ideal place to get a few things answered. We sat quietly for a few moments. I had no idea how to start the conversation. Morna saved me the trouble.
"So, Arland? Exactly why did you bring me here and don't give me that sex slave crap again?"
It was a comfortable location and a comfortable place to talk.
"I am not sure. When I first saw you with that Neanderthal I just felt the need to do something." She was smiling.
I looked over when she let out a small giggle.
"What? What was so humorous about that? I was being serious."
"Arland, that Neanderthal was my father, Shamus McCall Keene. He is loving and caring. I am afraid he looks a lot meaner than he really is."
"Oh, crap. Now I really feel like an idiot."
"And so you should. And so you should." She repeated herself just to emphasize the point.
"You are not married?"
"Heavens no! No man in his right mind would have me."
"What does that mean? You are a beautiful and intelligent woman. Any sane man would be lucky to have you."
"Alas, Arland, things are not always as they seem."
I sat quietly trying to absorb things and she sat quietly waiting for me to ask more questions. I felt like a school boy taking a girl out on a first date. We glanced at each other and both let out a little laugh.
"You are not from around here are you?"
"No. We are from Scotland; Portpatrick to be exact."
"I never heard of it." A few more moments of stressful silence passed.
"And exactly why are you here, and why do you appear to be so secretive?"
"Well, it appears that Dad and I screwed that up a bit. We were supposed to blend in so that we wouldn't be noticed."
"I noticed you, but maybe it was just because you were... ". I stopped without completing the sentence. I didn't want to look like a moonstruck teenager.
"I was what, Arland?"
"Striking. That is the best word I can think of. When I saw you, I just put all of the pieces together in my head and found myself interested."
"Did I remind you of Monica?"
"Yes and no. That first day, I felt guilty when I returned to my room. I felt that I was betraying Monica just by noticing you. She wasn't even cold in the ground and I was looking at another woman. It took a whole week for me to sort things out in my head. The good thing was that finding you brought me out of my emotional slump. Just being interested in something again was a big improvement over wallowing in self pity. I miss Monica deeply. She was my first and only love."
I had to stop and pause for a few seconds. Morna put her hand on my knee, not in a romantic way, but in a comforting way.
"Arland. Was your interest in me romantic or something else?"
"I don't know. I wasn't looking for sex or romance. I think I was just worried about spending the rest of my life alone. If that sounds as if I am using you in some manner to replace Monica, I apologize. That is not and never will be my intention. Oh, crap. I am doing it again."
"Doing what?"
"Morna, I write songs for a living. Lyrics I can handle, but every time I try to have a conversation with somebody the words always get tangled up. I am just afraid that if we talk any longer, I will say or do something stupid that will hurt your feelings and make me feel bad. Maybe we should just go back up to the house?"
"I am pretty thick-skinned, Arland. Don't worry about me so much."
As we started back up to the lodge, I felt the need to ask another question.
"Morna. Why did your father let you leave with me? You have no idea who I am or what I might do?"
"That is not really true. I couldn't stay with my father too much longer for many reasons. The most important was that he had to get back to work. We had been looking for a safe place for me to stay for a while when he returned home. We were not having a whole lot of luck until you showed up."
"Why couldn't you just go home?"
"It was just not safe."
"Oh, I see. You are a fugitive."
"Sort of. I am not a criminal or anything like that, but there are people who would like to get their hands on me."
"Morna. I am not going to ask you any more questions. I think it is better that people have a few secrets from each other."
"You are a wise man, Arland." She gave my arm a little squeeze as we entered the house.
Hector was busy outside working at something. Rose gave us a glance as we entered the house and I swear that she gave Morna a wink. Morna continued on to her room as I grabbed a mug and starting pouring myself a fresh coffee.
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Straining her neck, Abby gasped for breath amid the thick hot air that surrounded us as she was wedged between two male bodies. Above her, her fiancé was planted in her ass, his balls pressed against her taint as he ground against her. Abby held herself up on her hands and knees while I lay beneath her, squeezing her boobs and sliding my body up, sinking my erection deep into her pussy as sweat leaked out all over me and mixed with the perspiration that was dripping from Abby. Her pale, lightly...
Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 11: Shelly’s VIP PerformanceShe definitely had our attention. With just her bra and thong on, Shelly sat back down with Jim. She had her hand on his thigh and was stroking her way to his crotch. She expertly unzipped his fly.Let’s turn on the audio. Every station has isolation microphones in each arm of the chair or couch. We’ll hear their voices, but not the loud music that’s playing. Ariel told us. “We’ll be able to hear almost...
Taking Back BrookebyBraindard©Brooke tossed her hair to the side and looked seductively into the webcam, a look she had by now perfected. The petite little blonde had been running her webcam-blog site for years and now had not only a big following, but a real grasp on how to turn them on and keep them interested. Her body being her most important asset, Brooke spent a fair amount of time exercising it, she was flexible and toned in all the right ways. As her new camera shoots and videos were...
'Where is she? I need to get me a dose of seeing Skylar Smith in math class,' I thought, biting down on my bottom lip. 'Maybe it’s because she is just as popular as Haven and Inessa, so the teachers must not give a damn. I have to ask her out, it’s not like either of them is going to let me get away with not doing it eventually. They know me,' I thought before I glanced back behind me. 'Having them as friends has its perks, but I still don't know how to get Skylar in bed.'"I'm sorry,...
LesbianCatherine Emerson met Tom Quimby quite by accident one afternoon when he sat down on the park bench across from her in Rittenhouse Square. This was where she often ate her lunch, usually yogurt with peaches, or strawberries, before returning to work as a bookkeeper and office manager at Bronson and McGee’s Law office. Two days earlier, Catherine and her husband, Martin, had celebrated their thirty-fourth anniversary at the Avalon Bistro where they’d had their first date. It was a tradition...
Mature"Drink up" he said offering me the cold bottle of water. I was lost in the endorphin rush, more lust than I had ever felt before, a need unlike anything I thought I would feel tonight...I wanted him inside me, taking me, using me...after that expert flogging which, before then, I had never thought of as foreplay...I could only beg for him to fuck me, it seemed like the last thought I would ever have... "Trisha!" he said sharply, realizing that I was in dreamland staring at him with...
Taking One For The Team: (M/F,Dare,alcohol,true story) This story begins as most of you know when I was asked, then "Dared"To fuck the brains out of one my sons and daughter inlaws friends Mom. As you can tell by the picture above(i hope it works this way) she by no means is a raving beauty in the least. Actually the opposite is true.Now believe me she used to be a damn beautiful woman in her youngeryears. But she got herself into d**gs, and then hooked on...
I stood waiting at the airport for a man named Michael. A man I’ve never laid eyes on before. Let me go back. I met Michael online, he instant messaged me one night. It was funny, he said, ‘I read your profile and found it interesting, read mine and see if you want to chat. If you do, I have a question. So I went and read his. In it Michael listed foreplay as one of his hobbies, his personal quote was ‘There is nothing more delicious than the scent of a woman [especially if she’s...
Based on a XXX-rated video by Rodney Moore with Chelsea Blue [sorry, don'tremember the name of it but it was damn hot.]Jenny Carter wanted to do something nice for Rob. The couple had been marriedfor nearly ten wonderful years. In fact, it was the rapidly approachinganniversary date of her exchange of fidelity vows that was motivating Jenny'sdesires to show her lover just how much he still was near her heart.The past year had been a little stressful despite the fact she still "loved"Rob more...
Taking My Sister "You can't tell mom and dad," my sister said. She was sitting on her bed, covering herself with her comforter. "You know what they'll do." Her eyes were welling with tears. She was upset for good reason. I had come home early from work and found her with a large, black cock in her mouth. The owner of the cock has long since vanished. Our parents were both hard working and successful lawyers. As well, they were incredibly religious, and were strongly against many things...
IncestThey played high school sports together. They also rode bicycles together, fished, and hunted together. In the summertime, they took turns sleeping over at each other’s house. They felt so much at home at each other's house; it was like each boy's mother was a mother to the three of them. For each mother, it was like having three boys instead of just the one they gave birth. The three boys preferred to spend most of their time at Scott’s house playing online video games because Scott’s Dad...
Taking Off Belladonna Jack Brown walked through the airport parking lot knowing that it would be the second to last time that he would make the walk. He had finally gotten a job commensurate with his education in accounting and could not be more thrilled by it. It had been two years since he graduated and found no luck in obtaining employment in his chosen field. With no luck finding work as an accountant, Jack had taken a job as a steward. He had, largely, been able to get...
My grandparents lived in a beautiful colonial home near downtown. My grandpa was an active senior, he went to the gym regularly and was active community Elks member. While my grandma was usually a stay at home, plant and play in her precious garden. One summer night a severe thunderstorm hit the downtown area. My grandpa was away with his Elks lodge planning for the upcoming Fall town fair, by the time he got home there were fire trucks surrounding the block. My grandparents house was struck by...
I put down the empty champagne flute, starting to feel the Prosecco inside my body, warming and relaxing me, my inhibitions dripping away. "Pour another glass, bitch," he said as he turned away from me. Wha..?....yes, Daddy, I thought and picked up the bottle watching him walk purposely into the master bedroom. As I poured I listened intently; what is he doing in there? I waited just a minute or so.. Then he came out. Oh my god....Daddy... He chest was naked now, his...
“Whadda ya fucking crazy? It’s fucking hot as fuck. What the fuck do I want to fucking go all the way to fucking Manhattan for a fucking game of fucking basketball to further sweat my big, hairy fucking balls off at 10 o’clock at fucking night? Are you fucking kidding me?” Ernesto’s cousin Vinny had the vocabulary of a Soprano and the basketball skills of a third grade girl so there was no way in hell he was gonna go anywhere to play basketball at any time. He needed to play it off so he...
“Let’s head over to West 4th for a pickup game, whadda ya say?” It was a hot summer New York night, the kind where it doesn’t dip below 80 degrees and anyone and everyone is out and about, looking for something to do. The idea sounded like a great one to Ernesto; his friends, however, weren’t as enthusiastic. “Whadda ya fucking crazy? It’s fucking hot as fuck. What the fuck do I want to fucking go all the way to fucking Manhattan for a fucking game of fucking basketball to further sweat my...
"I love you, Kaylee," I whispered, placing her hands onto her butt. "You are one in a million," I made clear before I kissed her."I know, you don't have to keep reminding me," she let me know, letting her palms onto my butt as well. "I'm the one that went to your moms to help me be able to please you. I'm the one that got you to say 'Yes.' to me, but yet you keep praising me.""I just want you to remember how lucky I know I am. Even though we never showed each other our naked bodies until that...
Incest"I love you, Kaylee," I whispered, placing her hands onto her butt. "You are one in a million," I made clear before I kissed her."I know, you don't have to keep reminding me," she let me know, letting her palms onto my butt as well. "I'm the one that went to your moms to help me be able to please you. I'm the one that got you to say 'Yes.' to me, but yet you keep praising me.""I just want you to remember how lucky I know I am. Even though we never showed each other our naked bodies until that...
IncestFor those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...
This is an old story my husband wrote on Literotica after we did a roleplay. Hope you all enjoy it.._____________________________First off, I'll be polite and I'll introduce myself. My name is Rick. I live in a little dingy floating on the banks of the Seine. I used to work as a trash collector in my thirties and now I'm pretty much unemployed after I was fired because one of the guy's who's thrash I used to clear had me fired for doing something that him and my employer both found pretty...
First off, I'll be polite and I'll introduce myself. My name is Rick. I live in a little dingy floating on the banks of the Seine. I used to work as a trash collector in my thirties and now I'm pretty much unemployed after I was fired because one of the guy's who's thrash I used to clear had me fired for doing something that him and my employer both found pretty unforgivable.Years back, when I was around 38 or so, I worked around the villages around Lyon, going from house to house collecting...
I could hear the hot shower head pouring down on Daddy's back, and feel the steam rising around us....my body had been used by him in so many ways now, my throat and my sissy pussy sore and stretched, my ass and thighs reddened and flogged, I was in a kind of endorphin state feeling high and foggy, I loved it, thank you Daddy, I thought as he gave me his latest order. "Use...your whore....mouth" he said Just a few minutes before this, he had taken my sissy cherry in the way I had...
I had been friends with Belinda for about a year. She had a boyfriend the entire time, and I just looked at her as a hot friend with good looking friends I could try my luck on. She viewed me as pretty much genderless, I always was the perfect gentleman to her, buying her drinks at the town, dinners, etc. I of course thought she was hot, but the relationship with her boyfriend seemed strong, and I knew I didn't have a chance with her, so I was content with being her friend. The night...
Author’s forward: I am not and probably will never be a professional writer. I have however had a great time, trying to tell a tale creatively that I have not had an opportunity to do since Freshman College Creative Writing class, over 38 years ago. Yes I’m sure I need an editor. After self-editing this story well over a half-dozen times, declaring it ready to publish, then sharing it with someone I trust to give me an unabashed critique and edit, the value of an editor seems obvious. I...
We should leave. Now. Alaina stepped forward and was immediately blocked by Taylor, who was trying to leave. “I’m taking off now that you’re all acquainted,” said Taylor, looking back over her shoulder. “Becks, give me a call when you’re done.” “Just like usual!” Becks said cheerfully. “Take care now,” Floyd called. Taylor waved and exited the room, forcing Alaina back. “See what you think after today,” Taylor said to the redhead as she started back down the hallway. Alaina followed...
This is a slow, romantic build to eventual hot sex in later chapters, between two lovers who find each other. Character based the story is about people who care and want to give pleasure to each other, in all aspects of their lives. If you like romantic stories please enjoy, and please feedback as the ending is not yet written! Just like in real life. * The week had gone by in such a blur, each night Misha had come round, either taking her and Jace out for supper, or coming over to eat, with...
Her Parents had a big family get together at her Uncle John's house to celerbrate her birthday, and had invited many of her friends to the party. The party started at 12:00 with a DJ playing Happy birthday and everyone singing to her. On each birthday the birthday person would stand in front of the tables set up for the food and everyone else would walk past giving them a hug or kiss and wishing them happy birthday. As each guest past they gave her a hug and some gave her a kiss on her cheek,...
If it's possible for a team to back into the playoffs, that's what my ice hockey team had been doing for the past couple weeks. With a berth in the postseason all but locked up, the team had now lost seven games in a row -- more losses in two weeks than we had in the previous two months! -- and the playoffs were suddenly no longer a sure thing.The losing streak was obviously weighing heavy on the guys, especially my buddies Jack, Howard, Gus and Moe, who had been the ones to form the team to...
He didn't take the flogger from my hands right away; instead he walked to the radio/bluetooth music player thing - you know the kind in all the decent hotels - and to my surprise he turned on some low music. I didn't know what it was, and looking back on it, it could have been most anything. I heard some trance-y, slow electronica beats type of thing, very sensual..I was wondering what Daddy is up to when he came up right behind me and quickly put an arm around my waist, kissing...
Winter mornings here in Houston had been excellent running weather: light breeze, mid to low 50's, low humidity. Other than feeling exceptionally horny that morning, that particular morning in mid January was no different. At least the early part of the morning wasn't. It was uneventful, I had finished my run and gone into my home gym to work on some weights and stretching. It felt good to loosen up the old body. After a pretty intense workout, I stood in front of the mirror. A lingering look...
First TimeNatalie was really nervous now. The thought of what she was about to do made it incredibly hard to even swallow. It felt like her heart was in her throat.The pretty teenager was used to being in "situations" and even found some pride in being in trouble sometimes. She was a rebel and proud of it. Only this time, things just might have gotten a little out of hand, she thought.Riding up in the elevator of the big flashy hotel, Natalie thought about the events that had led up to this moment, and...
My name is Kevin McCarthy; my wife is Gail. When my story begins, we were both 27, married for six years, childless by choice. I won’t bore you with the details of how we got together. It was typical of thousands of other relationships: We met, hit it off, fell in love and got married. At the time of our marriage, I would say that we were very average. Neither of us had to beat off the opposite sex with sticks, but children and dogs didn’t run off howling either. We had sex a comfortable...
TAKING MOM Maybe it was one too many Buds…or taking one too many tokes before I got home. Or maybe it just finally came down to my uncontrollable want to take her. Whatever the reason or reasons when I got home that night I was pretty fixed on the fact that I was going to take my Mom, have my way with her, and let the cards fall where they may. I had been living back home for about three weeks and I was miserable. I moved out when I was seventeen, went to college, got a graduate degree, and...
IncestIt was a week before Jonah got in touch. I admit I’d been a tad unsure whether I was going to hear from him again. Even so, there was not a chance that I would text him first.Okay, I probably shouldn’t have slept with him the first time we met but I was horny. And, anyway, I don’t buy into that three date bullshit or whatever it is that girls and guys set themselves. My friend Cassandra is a big fan of that rule and, trust me, she has many more and longer sexual droughts than I do.‘I haven’t...
AnalPaul and I had completed the job we were sent to do in minimum time. We got up early Saturday morning, checked out of the hotel and were on the road by seven o'clock. The day was going to be sunny and cool, perfect for traveling the hours long trip home. The miles rolled by without my noticing. I was thankful that Paul had volunteered to drive because my mind was in turmoil debating how to handle the situation. Should I tell her. Should I not. Paul must have known what was going on in my...
Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 4: The next morningThe Next MorningI showered, then dressed in a tee shirt and cargo shorts. Entering the living area I started a pot of coffee brewing in the small kitchen area. Opening the suite door, I retrieved the newspaper, intending on reading it until the girls awoke.The aroma of brewing coffee filled the room. I was pouring myself a cup of the strong brew when I heard the girls bedroom door open then softly close. Turning...
My friend Victor had come to me earlier that morning before class with news about yet another neighborhood party his m0ther was throwing at his home tonight. It was more than an invitation but rather a plea to come as we would serve as the buffer from his charismatic mother. On such short notice, only I and another mutual friend, Herman could make it. Luckily so as it meant even more food for us at the party. At the sound of the final bell, we bailed from our high school, and headed to...
Not long after our doctor put us on our hormone meds to help assist in achieving conception, my husband had to go out of town on business. We knew this was going to be somewhat of a challenge to get though w/the drawbacks & side affects the doc had told us about. He was to be gone for five days. Thankfully, w/ our fingers, toys & our private portfolios that we made of each other, we got through it. He had already been gone four days & he would be home some time in the morning. I...
Taking Over By Shrike "Everybody on the floor or we'll kill you." I looked up and saw the shouting person was a classicly dressed super villain in what looked like spandex, but probably was the new Neolastane. It was the latest fashion using nanotube reinforced synthetic fabric. The man threatening everyone in the pharmacy wasn't alone however. There were three more similarly classic dressed villains. They were undoubtedly MORFS survivors with superpowers. The one who yelled...
By Randy MacAnus NOTE: All rights are reserved by the author. If you are underage in your jurisdiction or you are offended by stories of gay sex, that includes bondage, Dominant/submissive themes, pain and humiliation, then do not read this. The author does not encourage or condone the use of manipulation or dishonesty to get laid in the real world under any circumstances. The whole point of fantasy, is that it's a safe release for our emotions and no one gets hurt. Stay safe. Stay...
This all started when my wife was trying to quite smoking. She had been have a hard time of it, and was seeing hypnotist shrink to try to quit. Personally at the time, I thought it was stupid ideal, but she felt it was helping. One day I went with her to see if she was throw away our money on with this type of treatment. I was upset to be told that I couldnt go in with my wife for her session. While I waiting, I asked to use the restroom but the doctors public restroom was out of order. Already...
He walked me to the house quickly, letting me steady myself step-by-step on the damp stone entrance. I loved holding onto his big arm and shoulder, my heels definitely not made for anywhere but the house, and maybe a stripper pole. He knew a short code that he typed into the keypad. I hung on him, staring at him, seeing myself so needy and horny from the drive, never wanting to be out of physical touch with him until he's satisfied... He opened the door for me and I stepped into the...
The past three weeks were very eventful for me. Especially at work Lauren was insatiable when it came to pleasing her sexually. Not that I was complaining I had never had as much sex in as many positions and public places as I had in these weeks.I opened the door to my apartment, putting my keys down on the table next to the door. I slumped down into my couch. Today was the only day that I had gotten actual work done without Lauren seducing me with her cleavage or her tight ass in body-hugging...
AnalPlease note: This short story was written for people over 18, about people over 18. It is a simple fantasy. The author does not in any way condone kidnapping or rape in real life. If you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, go read someone else's story.Jason was a planner. He had never believed in rash actions or spur of the moment decisions, and he certainly did not intend to start now, as he planned the abduction of Becky Smith.She had caught his eye a year ago when he saw...
Taking An XHamster Lover and Teaching Her PT 1 Recently I have met a beautiful woman on here who has shared some amazing images of herself with me. While I am not at liberty to share either her user name or any of the pictures, I have taken what she has shared with me and written a story of what it would be like if she would just relent and consent to meeting with me for a night… or two… or four…..[/Image] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For my vacation, I was riding my motorcycle...
I awake with a start. I allow me eyes to adjust to the dark room and check my watch. 2:13am. What woke me? Wasn’t a nightmare or dream, of that I am sure. So what woke me? No idea. However, I do know I am thirsty so I head for the kitchen and as quietly as I can grab a glass of water. Having wet my dry mouth and quenched my thirst I head back to my room. But on the way, I pause. A sneaky idea came into my head. But no, go back to bed Gav, jeez! But hey! Think Gav. You and your Mum have...
IncestRhonda begins to notice that the dick she is sitting on is now sliding in and out easily as her other dick pushes harder into her pussy. The men cum close to the same time and they all collapse together. As they all uncouple Rhonda reaches for another hard dick and pushes him back onto the bed. Smiling all the while, she crawls up onto him and lowers her pussy onto his hard dick while facing him. Moving slowly once again she wanders back into orgasmic bliss, she then feels a finger press into...
I work at a shipping firm. Mainly I just take orders from my boss, then tell others what she wants. Normally the moment she comes in she heads straight to her office, closes the door then calls for me over the intercom. Then the barking begins. Today I looked up at the time. Four minutes from now the doors will open up and she will walk in. As usual I had her coffee ready, the sales reports ready, as well as a few other things that she had texted me earlier that she wanted when she came in....
InterracialClaudia and her daughter, Desiree were tending Claudia's beautiful garden. Claudia was in her late forties, but only she knew just how late. Standing around five-feet six or seven, she had a magnificent bosom that threatened to spill out of her shirt every time she bent over. The long sleeved shirt she wore was unbuttoned down several buttons in the front and the overflowing peaks of soft, pink flesh were obviously apparent through the opening. And today she wore a pair of long pants to...
Ava stood hesitantly, watching the girl suck Mr. Lewis. Mr. Gibson explained that Ava had been watching them through the window, had gotten hot and got herself off while watching them, and now wanted to join them. Mr. Lewis said he was more than happy to have another participant. The girl never stopped sucking his cock, just gave a thumbs up. Mr. Gibson told her, “It looks like you’re in.” He smiled devilishly at her, and moved her hand to his cock. She was eager to taste him. She asked him to...