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"I feel guilty," I told Jeanette, "about treating your family as an ordeal and mine as a refuge." It was Christmas, and the two of us were driving from our annual dinner with my in-laws back to my parents' place.

"Bob, you think of my mother as a self-centered, nasty woman. Don't you?" Well, yes.

"And you don't?" I asked.

"Heavens no! That's much too mild a description. You can't -- no one raised in the Brennan family could -- imagine how evil she is." Well, she is evil enough that merely phoning her gives my brave wife the willies.

"Anyway," she continued, "I treated your family as a refuge even before we were married."

Jeanette's mother insists on having us to a Christmas dinner with what friends she can gather. Most people prefer to eat with their own families that day, but she wouldn't count that as a party. This year her sons couldn't (or wouldn't) attend. I'm never sure about these dinners; should I protect Jeanette from the pain by demanding that she not go? It would be a favor in some ways. On the other hand, this is all the family -- aside from one of her brothers -- that she has left.

My family has moved the Christmas feast to the 26th to accommodate them, but we still had our ceremonies. We had shared the tree and read "King John's Christmas" that morning with my parents and my sister Kathleen, who was home from Johns Hopkins med school. They waited supper until we got back.

We joined them. Jeanette had a glass of milk; I had some Christmas cookies. After the grace and the first talk about the food, I cleared my throat. "Jeanette and I have an announcement to make."

"That's nice," my mother said. "And, dear, I'm glad that you told your mother first." That comment was directed to Jeanette; and no, we hadn't.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Kathleen said. So much for our great surprise.

"You knew?" Jeanette asked.

"The first morning I was home, I was about to try for the bathroom when you rushed in first. From the hall, I could hear your vomiting. Then Bob came out from your room and walked downstairs slowly." I hadn't seen her at all. "Now I might not have graduated, but I do know something about medicine. Bob should have been pounding my door for help for his sick wife; so that nausea wasn't due to illness. Getting nauseated by Bob is perfectly natural, but it would be rather late for you."

Before I could respond to the last, Dad popped out: "Jeanette was sick, and you weren't even concerned?" Leave it to him to put the worst construction on the data.

"Russ, let him make his announcement, dear."

So I did. "Jeanette is pregnant. We expect a child in June." At least Dad looked surprised; they all looked pleased.

"I still don't understand how Katherine knew," said Jeanette.

"It's the initials," said my father. Mom is Katherine Grant Brennan.

"Dear, the two of you have been looking smug this entire visit, insufferably smug."

"Dad," Kathleen put in, "I knew that Bob would over-react if Jeanette were sick. He wasn't blase' because he was indifferent. He was concerned, but he said nothing because he knew the cause. And was trying to conceal it."


"And," I said, "Jeanette has consulted doctors. But this is our absolutely first announcement to family and friends." Mother raised her eyebrows, but kept her mouth closed.

"Well," said my father, "we are honored. As well as overjoyed."

Kathleen got up, rounded the table, and hugged Jeanette's shoulders. Jeanette and Mom got up, and the women did a lot of hugging.

"Well, Vi," said Dad, "you'll have to graduate on time, now. There is another Brennan in the queue." Kathleen Violet had used her middle name for more than a decade at home, and then changed back early in med school. Who could keep track? There had never been any question about her graduating on time.

"Actually, Dad," I answered, "although anything can happen, I think that we have the immediate financial problems covered." We'd been trying for a baby for some time, and we had started trying when we could just about cover the expenses. We had more in savings by the time of that conversation than I ever expect to have again until long after all the children are in school. And we both have medical insurance.

"I've brought our tentative budget with me," Jeanette said. "I'd appreciate it if you would look it over for me, sir. I keep being afraid that I've left a glaring hole."

"But," said Mom, "have you counted the costs of spoiling one's first grandchild?"

"With one room for Legos and another for teddy bears," Kathleen chimed in, "your rent bill is going to go through the roof."

"And then we'd probably have to pay for the roof repair as well," Jeanette said. "So keep the spoiling to a minimum. Okay?"

"The best present," said my father, "never made it under the tree." There were various murmurs of assent.

"Besides, Jeanette never even drank milk in her coffee," said Vi.

"That's true. Do you want to be excused from the feast preparation, dear?"

"Now, Katherine, you don't have to pamper me. I've gone through that with your son already. I'd like to keep away from the turkey itself if possible."

"Take it from a woman who bore two, dear. The pampering is only your due. Take as much as is offered."

"Anyway," Jeanette said, "I like the conversations in the kitchen." These are monologues, but Mom keeps them entertaining.

"A man," Dad said, "died and was taken to a luxurious room. The bed made itself and gourmet meals shimmered into being on the table whenever he got hungry. After a week, he started to go stir crazy. 'What is there for me to do?' he asked.

"Voice came from the wall: 'There is nothing for you to do. Everything will be done for you, forever.'

"'That's crazy. I might as well be in hell.'

"There was a long pause. 'Where did you think you were?'"

"Exactly!" said Jeanette.

Jeanette was employed full-time, she had primary responsibility for a house, was preparing for (and carrying) a baby, and translating bureaucratic French. (She had decided that she would not take another night class until sometime after the baby came.) I didn't think that she was in imminent danger of having too little to do.

"Well," I said when we were alone in our room after the Dylan Thomas record, "Dad was surprised."

"Yes. I don't mind your mother and sister knowing. Am I really smug?"

"You have a right to be." Mom had said it about both of us.

"And that's over for a year." She wouldn't have to talk to her mother until Mother's Day, and only by phone then.

Even so, she was tense when she came to bed. I had to pet her and talk to her until the last worries flowed away.

By then, she was purring and arching into my strokes. I shut up and put my mouth to better use. Her breasts were rather sensitive, so I didn't suck hard there. But I licked them and nipped very gently with my lips. She writhed when I blew across the nipples. On the way, I stopped to kiss her belly where our little atom was growing.

When I arrived, she was awash in her acceptance of our love. I swear that she tasted different during her pregnancy, sweeter somehow. I licked that sweetness off her lips until she grabbed my hair. Then I concentrated on her bud while she stiffened and shook. Her climax is the most erotic sight possible. And I had led her there! I reveled in it until her hands pushed my head back.

Then I climbed up over her and into her. I could still feel the aftershocks. But I kept my weight off her while she caught her breath. When her legs wrapped around me, I let myself move.

I shifted so that my hands could reach her breasts. With half my weight still on my elbows I stroked in and out. She began to respond again, moving against me as I advanced into her, falling back as I withdrew. I pressed into her all the way and moved my hips to rub against all her sensitive places. Her belly was definitely hardening by the time I resumed my strokes.

I tried that three times more, feeling her torso firm under me and her legs tighten around me. The breath was hissing through her lips even on the inhales. She managed to gasp, "Bob. Now!" I sped my strokes, driving harder. Her nails dug into my shoulders. I felt her rise into a firm arch under me. Then her warm tunnel clutched around me. It gripped me again and again. I erupted.

The two of us shook there in silent delirium. I managed to fall sidewise when I collapsed.

Later, I cleaned up and straightened out the sheets. We hugged. "I love you," I whispered. "Oh Jeanette!" We kissed good night in preparation for the spoon position.

"Let me hold you," she said. Usually it is the other way around. I turned my back to her, and one hand snaked around my waist. I held it in both of mine, brought it to my mouth, and kissed each finger before we fell asleep.

Jeanette had figured out that working, being pregnant, and giving up coffee was going to be too big a load. So she had given up the coffee as soon as we got back from France. It was an ordeal for her (and somewhat of one for me). There was probably some superstition involved: "We have to act as if a baby is certain, and then it will be." If so, the superstition worked.

But that had really changed our mornings. I showered quickly and went downstairs to breakfast alone. Mom was fixing bacon and eggs. "Aren't you getting a plate for Jeanette?" she asked.

"She isn't up yet. And breakfast won't be the first thing on her mind. I'll get her cereal if that is what she prefers."

"Oh yes!" She smiled. "I suppose that saying how happy I am is inappropriate when the subject is morning sickness."

"Well, she's happy about the baby most of the day. But these days I don't bring her coffee in the morning. Look, I know you are mostly on her side; but keep this secret, will you."

"What dear?"

"Well," I explained "since she quit coffee, she doesn't really need a husband. I used to make her coffee every morning. She really wasn't in shape to make it before she had a couple of cups. Now, I'm completely superfluous."

"I doubt that she thinks so dear."

"Thinks what?" My sister had come down late but fully dressed.

"Bob is afraid that Jeanette thinks that he is superfluous. Or so he says, dear."

"Nonsense." I waited for the rest of it. "Jeanette almost always thinks in French these days. She must think of him as de trop."

"Really, Vi," I said, "you must have been breathing too much ether at Johnny Hop. That's the weakest barb from you in years."

We were well into it when Jeanette came downstairs. One look at her face killed any idea of offering breakfast. "Can you two stop fighting for a bit?" she asked.

"Truce?" I said to Kathleen. If she wouldn't, I'd simply not respond.

"Truce," she agreed.

The women were soon hard at work preparing the feast. My mother would have felt that she had betrayed me, much less my future wife, if she had sent me off into the world unable to cook some meals. On the other hand, the women of her family gathered in the kitchen on feast-preparation days; men weren't, and aren't, invited.

I told Dad that this was one custom which was not being passed on to the next generation.

"Well, I'm not feeling guilty," he said. "I'm her audience when you kids are gone, but it's clearly not the same. Your mother is such a modern woman, and then she is more like her grandmother than like her mother, sometimes. But holidays and feasts do that; we like to go back."

That struck a chord. "You know how Victorian women covered their entire bodies? They were tainted if a man should see their ankle, let alone their collarbone?"


"Except at a fancy ball. There they wore the styles of their grandmothers, which showed decolletage which some women today wouldn't wear. Our wives, for example." Jeanette owns maybe one bra which doesn't cover more than the dresses from that day would.

"Well, Jeanette doesn't really have to cook here, you know. Especially now."

"Sir, Jeanette enjoys these sessions. I know what she likes and dislikes. These sessions, she actually likes. Mom apparently imparts the wisdom of the ages to the kitchen crew. I can't imagine that she really likes other household chores, but she loves being part of the family. She hates morning sickness, after all, but it's a price she's happy to pay."

We got on the subject of the stock bubble. "What drives me mad," Dad said, "is that otherwise-intelligent men talk about 'the immense amount of wealth creation' that has come out of the market.

"The industrial base of this country is a form of wealth, and it has grown somewhat. But the wealth of nations, to coin a phrase, is not twice as great because the market will value some claim on it at twice the price."

At that point, Jeanette came in. "You're wearing shoes," Dad said.

"Your son got there first ... and second, and third," she replied. I doubt if there is one variation of the "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen" joke that Jeanette hasn't heard since I ambushed her in our kitchen a few hours after her home- test turned blue.

"Have I mentioned how happy you have made us?"

"And your wife said that I should be pampered," Jeanette said. She plopped face-down onto the sofa. I walked over and started to massage her shoulders. This ritual actually predates her pregnancy; Jeanette works far too many hours sitting in a chair. On the other hand, she had never before asked for a backrub in public.

Dad picked up a magazine and wandered off quite soon. I kissed Jeanette's ear before letting her up. "Bob!" she said in that pleased/embarrassed way that is such fun to invoke. She went back to the kitchen while I went upstairs to do a little work.

We were translating (Jeanette) and editing (me) century-old documents from the French Foreign and Colonial Offices into a couple of books. We'd brought some rough translations with us, and I lost myself in those.

On the days of our family feasts, the women change their clothes in relays. Mom released Jeanette first, and she and I had a little snuggle while she was upstairs. She couldn't see the necessity of changing her bra, so I kissed her belly instead. When she was fully dressed, she forbade a rumpling hug; but she did allow a long kiss of tongues playing with tongues. By the time that I had donned dress shirt, tie, and sports coat, I was perfectly presentable.

Dad mentioned "Jeanette's happy news" as the last point of the grace. Then we passed food and commented on its looks and smell. When everything had been complimented, Dad asked me if I wanted some sweet potatoes. He knew the answer.

"At least there's one thing on this table which isn't what Bob wants," Vi said. She ignored the fact that everyone but she was eating the stuffing. That and mince pie were my favorites.

"You lose, Kathleen." Technically, that name meant that I was keeping the truce. "Jeanette loves sweet potatoes. I'd have asked for them if there were any question. Happy Jeanette, happy Bob."

"And are you happy?" Dad asked. That was directed to our side of the table; since Dad would never ask that question of me, Jeanette answered.

"I think that is a much better word, Sir."

Mom laughed. "You two didn't invent parenthood, you know."

"We invented this parenthood," I pointed out.

"I'm serious," Dad said.

"The short answer is yes," Jeanette said. "If you want a longer answer, may I wait until after dinner?" He nodded, and we got into a little bit of my sister's experience over the last quarter and into every last thing that Jeanette's obstetrician had ever told her.

"Just prepare to be surprised dear. Kathleen behaved much differently than Bob did, much less matching some mythical standard baby."

"That's because I was human." I ignored her.

"I thought you had promised a truce," Jeanette said. If I hadn't known that she blushes at nothing, I would have thought that my sister blushed at that. I snuck my left hand under the table to my sweet wife's thigh. She had to put down her glass before she could push my hand away. Her color did heighten. I gave her hand a squeeze, and then I let her get back to eating.

Jeanette, Kathleen, and I cleared the table; then Jeanette went back to join my parents. When the dishwasher was full and running, I left Kathleen in the kitchen and found everyone else admiring the tree. Jeanette gestured me to the end of the couch and then lay down with her head in my lap. In minutes, I was hardening. Luckily, Jeanette completely shielded Mom, at least, from the sight.

"Happy," Jeanette said out of the blue. "Sometimes I stop what I'm doing, hug myself, and say, 'I'm going to have a baby!' I'm that happy. In our first years of marriage, I used to be like that. I'd look over at Bob studying or something and say 'I'm married to Bob.' It was a joy every time, and yet I was so scared then."

"Bob." Dad had formerly used that tone of voice before a spanking. Leave it to him to conclude that Jeanette had been afraid of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jeanette said. "I'm hogging the conversation. I thought you wanted to hear." It was her lightest and sweetest tone. Dad didn't know that this tone was a danger sign, but he shut up anyhow.

"The thing is, that there wasn't much Bob could do about it. If Mommy had done something overt, Bob would have tried to protect me. But my fear was that she would do something, something unspecific. And all he could do about that was to hug me." I gave her shoulder a light squeeze to demonstrate.

"I didn't know that you were in so much fear," I said.

"How could you? Neither did I. I'd lived with that dread so long. Anyway, you did hug me, lots."

"Poor thing," Vi said, having just entered the room. "How could you stand it?"

"I think Jeanette has the floor, dear."

"No, I do," Kathleen said. She turned 180 degrees without shifting her feet, ending up sitting on the floor with her back against the sofa. She has a nasty mouth, but even I'll admit that the girl is graceful. "Continuez, ma soeur."

"So formal! You're hardly in a position to evaluate Bob as a husband, are you? I don't make any claim for his virtues as a brother.

"Anyway, your father asked me if I were happy. I have much higher standards than I used to have for happiness. Bob has to do something these days before I remember that I'm happy that I married him. Anyway, the answer is still yes. I get sick, and I get angry, and I get tired. But more often than not, I'm happy. And, sir, Bob is a lot like you; but his job isn't at all like yours."

Mom, eager to give Jeanette the floor a minute ago, changed the subject. "I just have to know, dear, have the two of you been thinking about names." I laughed.

"It's been more of a game than anything else," Jeanette said.

"Don't name it after either of you," Kathleen put in. "Give him or her a name all their own."

"Was it so horrible, dear?"

"Not at all, mother. Jeanette, I'll tell you the truth when you next call."

"Would it be worse than naming a girl after the founder of the inquisition?" Jeanette was stretching it.

"Bishop Ximenes did not found the inquisition," I said.

"Are you sure of your baby's sex so soon, dear?"

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Max to Maxie Chapter 3 Here Comes the Bride

Max to Maxie Chapter 3 - Here Comes the Bride Today we all had a mani and pedi, an hour massage, a body wrap and scrub and an avocado mask with cucumbers over our eyes. By the time we were finished, it was time for a light, late lunch and shopping for the wedding. I didn't really realize how much there was to putting on a wedding. Even though Jacquie was having almost everything done by the wedding planner, she still wanted to check out the table clothes, dinner and silverware, the...

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Visiting My Aunt For The Second Time 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, Akash here i think you all know about me if not no worried i will introduce myself once again to you. I am Akash working as a call center employee in Hyderabad height 6 feet weight around 75 with perfect body black long hair and about my aunty my princess Divya she was a house wife with height around 5.2 weighting not more than 50 perfect figure with sexy ass she lives with her husband he is a railway contractor, went out of city for 3 days and i entered into her house for 3days...

4 years ago
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Fuzz the Cat Ch 01

Fearsome prowled around the bars of his prison, growling under his breath. Passerby stared at his ferocious gaze and sharp teeth. Grinning he flexed his claws and yowled loudly, threatening them if they stood too long to watch him. Padding up to the front of his cage he hissed, rubbing his face against the bars, showing his insanity from having been locked up for so long. Most of his life really. Big eyes appeared in front of him, startling him back. Crouching down he stared straight ahead,...

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RetreatChapter 4

She spends a long an arduous night reviewing all that has happened only now realising that the contract was cleverly written, that the words and phrases she had noted for having alternative meaning to what she believed they said, were what she could not believe. She had wanted so much to gain what she felt she had lost, that she had seen what she had wanted to see. He naivety had led her to think that the only way to interpret the double meanings were the innocent ways. Now it was all too...

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The Nipples

I went to a wedding last weekend in Central London. It was at a hall near London Bridge. I went alone as I am single, and the new couple put me at a table that had a couple of single women. Neither of them really caught my eye, but I chatted politely, as you do.You know how sometimes, you see a person, and then keep crossing paths with them over the nest few hours? For me, it often happens in airports. Show up at the check in desk, notice someone, then an hour or so later, they're just in front...

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The Greatest Game on Earth

You had gone to sleep without a hint of what was to come. It was about 1 am, although who could know that, when you awake, standing on stage of cheap game show from the 70s. The studio lights in front of you blind you to anything beyond them. The host of the show, a short man with overly-greased black hair and an incredibly superficial smile, greats you. "Welcome to the Greatest Game on Earth!" The audience suddenly comes alive. Through you can't see them, they chant the name of the show along...

Mind Control
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The Sex Encounters Of My Mom Part 3

Hi guys …This is your author south indian fucker back with the third installment of the series sex encounters of my mom… Feel free to share your fantasies with me so I could write stories about it My email id is – Give feedbacks after reading friends…. Story continues…. Read the previous parts to understand… Story begins…… We reached chennai….. I paid the taxi driver money and called varun. My friend’s brother… He told us to wait there and said he would come to pick us up… He came within...

1 year ago
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Stalking Chelsea

Stalking Chelsea By Wholeman Confession I couldn't help myself. Chelsea Charm's breasts were hypnotically drawing me to them. Large breasts have always been my greatest fantasy. I grew up in a family where the females are all hugely busted, so you can imagine my disappointment when coming of age, I discovered that it wasn't normal for all women to have big breasts. I know it is an obsession but I swear I meant no harm. I just love huge breasts. One day I discovered Chelsea...

2 years ago
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My New Point of ViewChapter 3

Billie knelt on the floor and put her face on Mike's thigh. "Please let me come with you. I will work hard for the family. They will never know I am not a woman." I sat up straight caught a big handful of her hair, pulled her close to my face and growled, "What did you say?" I waited. She answered, "I said they will never know I am not a woman." I shook her head, and said, "Do you love us?" "Yes" "Are you going to make love to me as often as you want to?" "Yes" "Are you...

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Am I Gay

When I was young I used to hitchhike as I had no other mode of transportation. I came from a very poor background and hitching gave me the means to get to jobs and other places I needed to go. I was grateful for the lifts and always thanked my benefactors. When I grew older and had the means to buy a car, I made it a practice to pick up hitchhikers as a way of paying back for all the rides I received in my youth. One day I picked up a young hitcher on my way home. “Where are you heading,” I...

2 years ago
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Missguided By Samantha Michelle Copyright 2001 Our family is certifiably strange. See, there are four parents and six children, and all of us children are related. Except for my sister Mathilda, who is the same age as me. Rebecca and Jeff, they're my biological parents, and Penny and Chuck are Matty's biological parents. Anyway, just after we were born both sets of parents got divorced, and not too much later Rebecca married Chuck and Jeff married Penny. So Matty's and my...

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My Dad Seducing My Friend8217s Mom

Well to begin with this incident goes way back to the times when I was a teen. I lived with my mom and dad. My dad is a real sex freak. He is crazy about sex and I was really lucky to see him in action many times. My dad was 38 and my mom was 35. My dad is a hairy guy he keeps himself well in shape and loves to check out all the hot women. Okay getting to the point. I had a very close friend of mine who I used to often call over to my place to play video games. Those were the days when all the...

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Story of an Indian Mom and Son 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, I’m back. This is the continuation of the previous story. Please check that out if you haven’t already. Thank you so much for your lovely response on mail and hangouts. I didn’t know so many people in India were interested in mom-son incest. So as I said in my previous story, Dad was going out of town for 2 days. We were alone at home. The same evening my mom and I had our dinner at 10 PM. At 11, she said we should sleep now. I asked her if I could sleep with her. She thought...

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Scotts SituationChapter 15

Scott awoke in a sea of scattered wives. “How could anyone sleep in such a tangled mess?” He thought. He felt his ankles pinned under Afia’s tiny ass, and his left arm had become Sula’s pillow while Jenny was using his chest as her pillow. He struggled to free himself and lightly kissed each of his three wives on an exposed tit or ass cheek. One by one, they stirred and stretched their slender limbs. “I trust you slept well, my husband?” Sula asked, coming to him. Her breasts flattened...

4 years ago
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A Fantastic RingChapter 6

After supper, we did our homework in our rooms. Hazel must not have had much or else she rushed through it, because I still had plenty to do when she came to tell me that she was ready to go to bed. She was so excited that I didn't have the heart to put her off. I just closed my book, knowing that I was going to have an extra load of work to do tomorrow night. I followed Hazel to her room and embraced her for our first kiss of the evening. The kiss was deep and extended, but Hazel broke...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 61

The more I thought about my business plan the more that I wanted to speed up the implementation and avoid the years of investing that it would take to save enough to do everything by myself. To make this happen, I knew that it was important for me to improve my organizational skills, gather all the data and finish the business plan. I had a professor for my finance class that was the head of the business department at the school. I stopped by during office hours to speak with Dr. Stahl. I...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend 22 Homecoming Pt 3

Author’s Note: Last we saw of the love infatuated couple, they were at a party with Jay’s cousin Moira. A party that was being held by Jeanette and just as we left off looks like there was going to be some games at this party. Jay didn’t know what these games were until he was cornered into saying yes. Does this new twist mean this is the beginning of the end of the relationship between Jay and Amanda? Will Jeanette’s confession change the dynamic between her and Amanda? Will Jay’s dick be the...

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The OutsiderChapter 4 A Meal Together

The next morning Mike went to the Student Center to buy his usual cup of coffee. He showed up slightly before 7:00, eager to have something better than the brown water they served in the dorm, but also with the vague hope of having a few more minutes of conversation with Ruthie. She was dressed in a pair of loose-fitting gym shorts and an old t-shirt under her apron. Mike had expected that, because he had been noticing what she wore. The dress was something she put on only once a week,...

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Linas Lament Chapter Two An Unexpected Guest

"Oh jeez. Did I interrupt something?" Lina gasped. Oh shit. She was afraid to look up. She was already embarrassed... her shorts were past her knees and her shirt was rolled up under her neck, exposing her little breasts as she lay on her back, her hand still thrust down her underwear. She daren't move... perhaps if she didn't the intruder wouldn't notice her any further. "Not going to move? Fine. Have it your way then." With that, the intruder stepped into the room, shut the door and walked...

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My sweet sweet Daddy

“Daddy, I'm home!” I hollered as I came banging through the front door after another boring day at school. Anyone who said that high school was the best time of your life was sadly mistaken. Freshman year was long and drawn out. I threw my backpack on the floor and grabbed a drink from the fridge. I poked my head into the living room to see if my favorite person was in there. “Daddy? Where are you hiding?” I climbed the stairs leading to the second floor. “Oh dear, sweet father of...

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DevilsFilm Violet Starr Rachael Cavalli StepMommy Likes To Watch

Rachael Cavalli asks her stepdaughter Violet Starr how things are going with her boyfriend, Juan Loco. Violet says her relationship with Juan is going fine, but then Rachael specifies that she’s talking about their sex life, and asks what Juan’s cock is like. Violet is shocked at the naughty question, but Rachael says that Violet should be grateful to have a stepmom who cares about her happiness. Violet says that Juan does indeed have a nice cock, and that he’s coming over...

3 years ago
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Housewife Enjoys Indian Lesbian Sex

I am Sarika, recently married. My husband works in an MNC in Gurgaon. We stay in an apartment near his office. I am a housewife. After my husband goes to the office, I complete the household chores. As we have a family of two only, I become free from these household pieces of stuff by noon. After lunch, I generally watch some movies, web series or surf the Internet. One day while doing FB, I came across the profile of my college best friend, Ipsita. Ipsita and I were roommates and best friends...

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A made up love story

Who in here believes in fairy tale romances? I knew you’d say that so I’m going to tell you my story. It is a fairy tale romance. Some parts are funny, some parts are sad, but it was all written by God before time began. I met this guy named Randy in Algebra class when we were juniors at Washington High School. I’d love to tell you it was love at first sight, (so that it would go along with the rest of my fairy tale) but it wasn’t. I was seeing a sophomore in college at NC State named Brian and...

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The Wishes Tempus FugitGeronimo

James had discovered another issue with the wishes, minor though it was. He remembered everything, of course. The problem had now become that he had already finished all of the lessons before. There were some ripple effects but nothing notable; if he finished homework, the classes pretty much rolled on as expected and he sat in the class bored out of his fucking mind. He found that even half-listening to the teachers, he seemed to subconsciously soak up the information. At the end of class,...

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Collision Course and AfterChapter 30

For two years, Tom Spathsky had been traveling the country, stopping only to work and to move on. He started out touring the US on his twenty-fifth birthday. He had bought a small RV and was self sufficient, for the most part. He ran out of money two months into the trip and decided to work his way across the country. He had the occasional breakdown he had to pay to get fixed when he couldn't do it, himself. Sometimes, those took a lot of money. Still, over all he was having a good time....

3 years ago
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Sex With Hostalite From Jammu

Hi all Indian sex stories readers, This is Cheetah (names private) I stay in Bangalore I am doing my engineering I am 5’8″ well built body and my monster is of 6.5″ length and 2″ thick. I die for sex, my monster can come out any time for sex .And I have a good stamina without Viagra. Unsatisfied ladies or girls can contact me @ we can have a great fun and trust me everything will be kept private. I had many sex encounters but this one I love the most The heroine of this story Deer ( names...

4 years ago
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Bayfront Park afternoon

We had been enjoying our uninhibited lifestyle for several years. My girlfriend and I would get away on our days off work whenever we could to someplace where we could be naked and where we might be able to watch others and where we might be watched too. It was something that we both looked forward to and planned for during the week. If we couldn't get away for camping in the Florida Keys our closest alternative was Bayfront Park. Our days off were usually during the week so when we would go to...

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A Shot In The DarkChapter 4

Jennie went through the next day at school in something of a mini panic. Her emotions ran the gamut, while she repeatedly indulged in behaviors that she had never dreamed that she would allow herself to even consider, let alone act on. In History class, during third period, she had deliberately spread her legs apart while Terry Gilman was checking out her legs, after he pretended to drop his pencil for the third time in less than ten minutes. Watching the look of surprise on his face was...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 6 London System

June 9, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I’ve figured out what’s wrong with this game,” Dona said after we’d played the first nine holes. “What’s that?” “Using as few strokes as possible to get it in the hole!” I guffawed. “I mean, seriously, who wants FEWER strokes than average?” she continued. I laughed harder. “And who thinks that the best possible way to score is one stroke, then you take it out and move on to the next hole, never to put it in the first one again? GUYS! That’s who!” I...

2 years ago
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Ugly Duckling part 5

Back home, in the days to come, I found it difficult to think of anything other than Barbara. My fiancé noticed that I seemed to be aloof and my desire for her body had faded somewhat. I had taken to frequent masturbation sessions as I recalled what Barbara and I had done. To make a long story short, I caught the whore who was to be my wife out on the town with another guy. I was saddened, angry, and pissed. But at least now I knew that I could see Barbara again without fear of...

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Love and Football Intro

“Wake your ass up Ramesses,” she said quietly, as she smacked my literal ass. She was a morning person. I was not. I checked my phone to see the time. 4:46 AM. “Ramesses, let’s gooo,” Geneva said urgently, shaking me. I rolled out of bed, threw some shorts on, grabbed my football and followed Geneva back out of my window, down the fire escape, and through the streets of Harlem to her dad’s garage about a half-mile away. We arrived at 4:52, which was “on time” since it was at least 5 minutes...

4 years ago
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The ExperimentChapter 3

Emma enjoyed playing the hostess. The chief guest, beside whom she sat at dinner, was a Professor Colin Wedderburn. Alex had referred to him as "The Professor". "He's my top research man, Emma. I think a lot of him. I hope you like him as much as I do." Emma was not too sure that she would ever really like this man, but he certainly interested her. He was as tall as the Count, but thinner and stooping where her host and rescuer was straight and well built. Emma realised that she was...

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Midsummers Eve

I hate camping. For thousands of years mankind lived in caves and mud huts. They hated it so much that they spent their time inventing bricks and mortar and running water and electricity. So every summer my parents dragged us off to spend a week in a rain soaked mud field for what they called a ‘holiday’. For craft folk, camping is a necessary evil. Anywhere that is far enough from prying eyes is even further from running water, electricity and sewers. By the time we arrived it was late...

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MyFriendsHotMom Reagan Foxx 24123

Reagan Foxx is lonely. Not only has she been down since she and her husband divorced, but now that her son is away at school in Budapest she has no one. On top of that, it’s Mother’s Day weekend! Her only refuge is with Logan, her son’s friend who comes over every week to help her around the house. But because nobody else is around, it gets Ms. Foxx to thinking…of fucking Logan! She designs a plan and fake calls Logan, pretending to be her son, and telling him to fuck her! Logan falls for it...

2 years ago
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Waiting for Him

I was feeling out of sorts as I sat waiting for him to get home from work and to log on to IM for our "date".  I was full of sexual tension, my pussy was dripping with moisture and throbbing, literally.  My clit was engorged and erect, and I hadn't touched myself today at all.  There were butterflies lurching in my stomach and I desperately needed something.  At this point, anything would do.   I had a favorite glass dildo that I love to use.  It has a gentle curve to it, for G-spot...


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