The Strawberry Patch Book 1: The BabiesChapter 52: Welcome To The World free porn video

May – Year 2
We continued with our work and lives for the next several weeks. Erins date was approaching and we had finished the work in the nursery. Lynn was now the proud possessor of a big belly and I had to spend huge amounts of time rubbing lotion around their skin to help avoid stretch marks. It was a difficult task, but that is why they pay me the mediocre bucks.
Pregnant women are horny as hell. It was all I could do to keep up. About a month before Erin’s due date, she lost interest in everything sexual. She needed a lot more cuddling and application of lotion and I often found both of my wifes in the back yard applying lotion or just sitting straddling a lounge chair leaning forward with their foreheads touching and their hands caressing the others bellies.
The babies kept popping up in our dreams and kept reminding us that everything was fine and that they were sorry for the pain. The seventh baby did not reappear in our dreams and when asked, the other babies said that everything was fine and that things were going well.
It was a Sunday night when I got into bed and took my place between Erin’s legs for my nightly talk to my kids.
“Hi kids, dad here. I guess you are getting antsy huh? The doctor says that you two should be making an appearance any day now. I just want you to know that it is probably going to be a little rough and that you will probably be scared, but when you take that first breathe and your little body begins to work without being connected to your mother, it is going to be a glorious day. Nine months ago, your mother and Lynn Mom and I put you two in there and now we are excited to have you come out and meet you.”
“We have names picked out for you. I am not going to tell you what they are because I still don’t know if you are a boy and girl or both of one or the other. So when you come out and we see you, we will give you the names that you will be known by for the rest of your life. I think that your mother is laughing at me, but I can’t see her because you two are so big her belly is hiding her face.”
“Oh, one more thing, when you come out, you will be naked. Don’t worry about it. Your mother, Lynn Mom and I go around naked all the time. So you will learn how to play in the backyard naked and how to run and jump and play in the sprinkler naked. We even are going to find a place to go where everybody is naked and we won’t feel like we are weird. Well I have to go. I will see you two in a few days. I love you.”
I then moved to Lynn and assumed my favorite position. I moved the glorious red curly hairs to the sides and opened Lynn’s labia and for the first time, I kissed it before I spoke. Lynn giggled.
“Hi kids, dad here. Your siblings are about to make their great journey, but you already know that. The connection you have with them will continue for the rest of your lives, I hope. I pray each day that you are strong and as loving as I and your mother and Erin Mom are. I still don’t know whether you or Erin Moms babies are boys or girls. I guess I like little surprises like that. I love you with all my heart and I can’t wait to meet you in another couple of months. Good night.” I kissed Lynn’s warm pinkness.
“Paul, I know that we have talked about our dreams with the babies, but you don’t. Do they not talk to you?” Lynn looked at me with the love she exuded for me and Erin and our soon to be expanding family.
“Yes, they do. But after listening to you two go on about what the babies say, it seems that they say all of the same things to me, so I have nothing new to share.”
“So they have told you about the burps and the farts and the rumbles in our tummies?”
“Uh-um, no they haven’t shared that.” I laughed.
“They talk to me about you and they ask about what love is and about what it is like living out here in the world. I try to answer their questions simply and honestly. They all seem to have a fascination with what it is that slides into their mothers and sprays stuff. Sometimes it seeps through into the womb. I told them that was how they were made. They asked if we were making more and I told them that I was just practicing so that we would not forget how to make more babies.”
“We do like to practice. At least I do!” Lynn giggled.
“I am afraid that I haven’t been in the mood at all lately. I guess that means the time is near. I know that women I have met tell me that they wish that the babies would be out of them and they are sooo tired of being pregnant. I love carrying babies. I want to have more as soon as we can, Paul. Do you mind?” Erin touched my cheek.
“I don’t know Erin. Babies are awfully expensive.”
“Paul, I think I have enough money to afford all of the babies we want to have. We have never talked about it, but I do not want to live like a rich person. I like living a simple life. Well as simple a life as I can having a wife and husband and a lot of babies.”
“Paul, I only go to my office to manage a few day to day details. Once the babies come I will move all of that stuff into the home office and once the next babies come, we will grow into a bigger house.”
“How soon do we need to begin looking for a new place? It should be something close to Erin’s bar. I hate for her to have to drive a long way at three in the morning.”
“Don’t worry, sweetie, we will find the perfect place and raise the perfect family and live the perfect life.”
“Can life get any more strange?” I wondered out loud.
“Wake up please. It is time to meet us.”
“We would like to come out now.”
“Right now?”
“We want to meet our father and mom.”
“I’m ready.”
“Wake up mother.”
Erin woke up with me cuddled to her back and my hand on her belly. Erin had her belly against Lynn’s back. She put her hand on Lynn’s back and gently shook her.
“Lynn. Lynn. I need to go to the hospital.”
Lynn sat straight up and looked wide awake and panicked at the same time. I reacted to my wives sudden movement and sat up as well.
“Paul, please get dressed and get the car ready. I need to go to the hospital.”
“Is something wrong? Did your water break? Are you having contractions?”
“Calm down, everything is ok. The babies just told me that it was time. I have felt a few contractions but nothing bad. Let’s go.”
I got up and dressed and went down to get the car ready. It was early Spring and the air was still a little chilled. I turned on the heat and let the car warm up. Lynn and Erin dressed and with Lynn carrying her overnight bag, my wifes walked to the car.
I drove at the speed limit while my wives held each other in the back seat. Erin called Doctor Grand and told him it was time and that they were on their way to the hospital. I pulled into the parking lot near the ER entrance. Lynn and Erin walked in before me and told the lady at the desk that Erin was here to have her babies. The lady asked if Erin’s water had broken. Erin answered no, but that she felt it was time.
After a short wait a nurse came down with a wheelchair and wheeled Erin to the maternity ward with Lynn holding her hand. I stayed behind and finished filling out what forms remained, since we had done so much planning and shortly I was in the birthing room with my wives. Erin was in a gown and was sitting on the edge of the bed. Lynn was sitting next to her.
“Hi sweetie!” Erin sounded bubbly again. She stood and turned to flash me her wonderful, pillowy butt. “Do you like my outfit?”
“Personally, I think that you are a little over dressed, but I will take what I can get.” I took her in my arms and kissed her.
“Now we wait.” Lynn sat in a chair and made herself comfortable.
A nurse came in and asked Erin to get into the bed and that she needed to examine her. Erin took her place and no sooner did she do so than her water broke.
“Well that is great timing!” The nurse chuckled. She cleaned Erin up and left the room to contact the doctor and returned soon to examine her.
“She is at 3 cm so the process is on its’ way. Twins, right?”
“Yes.” Erin smiled.
“Boy or girls?”
“My wife and I know, but our husband doesn’t, so we won’t talk about it.”
“Wait. Oh! You guys! We have been talking about you three. I am so happy to be on shift now. We have been looking forward to this. Keep walking around until you feel that you are too tired or if the contractions are too hard. Then lie down and relax and change positions as often as you need. By the way, my name is Georgia.”

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