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An earlier version was proofread by Janey, but she is not responsible for remaining errors.

Despite her prerogatives -- feminine and divine -- of doing exactly what she wanted when she wanted to do it, Aphrodite grudgingly forced herself awake. Why in Hades' name was the computer system blaring the emergency alert? Especially at this hour? Especially when she was so pleasantly full of her divine husband's divine cock?

And on a Sunday morning?

Her computers were programmed to respond to all but the most extreme petitions automatically. You didn't need the Goddess of Love herself to tell an over-eager man to spend a little more time getting his wife hot before trying to plunge in. If he hit a brick wall and deflated, well, it served him right. And if the woman really needed to get laid, the computer could give her a few tips on dressing more provocatively and moving her hips with a little more wiggle. No, no ordinary mortal lust should have disturbed her sleep.

This was to have been their perfect night. Nowadays the gods had such hectic schedules and she had planned everything to be alone with her mate. Hephaestus no longer had to help out only with forging plows and swords. Instead, he was the Ultimate Tech Support when an IT specialist was at the end or her tether. The last eighteen months had been Hades for her poor husband, as he had been roped into countless projects to fix the Y2K problem. The ignominy! The damned millennium wasn't even numbered after the Olympians, but who did the prayers come to? The Nazarene? Oh, no. "My kingdom is not of this world."

Then some Scandinavian trickster had come through and persuaded all the Olympians to change their computer systems to avoid the Y2K problem. Now the hardware -- made in Cathay or Zeus knows where -- was all going on the blink at the same time. And the only response from the 24-hour 800 number was, "Your call is very important to us... " And it would be a hot day in Ultima Thule before one of Loci's "service representatives" showed up in Hellas. So who did all the gods call? Her poor Hephaestus.

That came on top or the previous emergency when first ASSTR and then ASSM had gone down. Millions of porn fans started inundating the Celestial Server with demands to see their favorite dirty stories nicely saved and catalogued ASAP! And when, with the help of Hephaestus and readers who make contributions, the problem was solved, did anyone say, "Thanks?"

With all this work, her poor husband was so tuckered when he staggered back to their celestial palace every night that it was all he could do to plough Aphrodite to a few orgasms, fill her with a couple of loads, and collapse into the arms of Morpheus. It had been weeks since he had eaten her!

Aphrodite wasn't used to such Spartan sex and wasn't going to put up with the lack of attention for long. Aphrodite needed more loving than this and she was determined to get it! Threatening to make Jove give back the magic amulet that kept Hera screwing him, at least occasionally, Aphrodite persuaded the Father of Gods and Men to put a thunderbolt into the Forge's power supply, sending Heph home at mid-afternoon.

She was waiting for him. She had chosen a square cut tank top and a waist-tied skirt in a Hydra print that nicely showcased her voluptuous body. Shaking the raven locks that fell in romantic ringlets to her alabaster shoulders, she strategically placed a foot with prettily painted toes clad in a 3 1/2 inch stiletto-heel T-strap sandal on the base of a column. [Those Gucci Brothers might be Italian barbarians, but they knew how to make hot footwear!]. Heph's favorite golden loops dangled from her ear lobes. The notes of Orpheus's lyre wafted in from the courtyard. (Ok, it was only "Orpheus's Greatest Hits" from i-Tunes but it was always effective in getting Heph in the mood. ) The table was laid with her husband's favorite wines and ambrosia, but Aphrodite had a bet with herself it would never be tasted.

She won the bet. Boy did she win it!

The Goddess of Love was not surprised to see Heph's reaction as soon as he saw his divinely hot wife. It almost tore a hole in his loin cloth. "Oh, honey, is that the Sword of Damocles in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" she asked coyly.

Aphrodite didn't expect a verbal reply and didn't get one. Instead Heph grunted and lunged for her in a style to become reminiscent of NFL fullbacks trying for a fourth and goal from the one. In seconds she felt herself hefted (or was that Hephted?) and slung over her divine lover's broad shoulder. Heph might be lame, but he sure as Hades was making good time toward the master alcove. He was so sweaty and smelly and macho, her pussy tingled in giddy, inverted anticipation.

The goddess was on her back. As her head cleared she saw Heph drop his loin cloth. Yes! Her offering to Priapus -- the cum from one hundred virgins' first orgasms -- had been well rewarded; Heph's erection was as straight and hard and long and thick as she'd ever seen it. She was going to enjoy this night!

'One square-neck tank top, finis, thirty-seven drachma, ' Aphrodite thought. (She could never get the hang of Euros.)

'Hydra print skirt, sixty-one drachma, ' the Goddess inventoried.

'Ouch! That smarted, ' she thought. 'Why couldn't he just pull it down? I would have lifted my butt, if he'd given me the chance. Oh, well, one black lace thong, eighteen drachma. '

So, what! Her credit at Nike's Secret was good for a lot more than one hundred sixteen drachma, plus tax. Money well spent if it meant she got...


... impaled on Heph's magnificent goddess-pleaser. "Oh my Zeuuuuuuuuuus!" the goddess bellowed. The first orgasm hit her before Heph was all the way in.

This was not the kind of foreplay her expert system advised for reluctant wives, but Aphrodite wasn't reluctant. Her divine snatch had been wet for hours, waiting for this moment. When Aphrodite felt Hephaestus's adamantine prick slide into her sloppy hole, she thought she had died and gone to Hea ... Wait! She was an Immortal and she was already in Heaven, but -- whatever! It felt damned good.

First fuck had been around nightfall. By midnight Aphrodite had been screwed every way known in Greater Hellas and had come so many times she couldn't think straight. Who WANTED to think straight? She vaguely remembered her Hindu friend, Shiva, bragging that she and Krishna knew thousands more positions, but Aphrodite didn't give a damn. She had been most satisfactorily pummeled, pounded, and orgamsed out. She was one happy goddess when at last she snuggled up to her sleeping husband, kissed him one last time and closed her eyes. Not intending to open them again until...

Aphrodite tried burrowing deeper into the massive chest and muscled arm of her sexy husband. Hephaestus had been fucking her silly since the Indo-Aryans were a little tribe of nomads and it STILL drove her crazy! He had the body of a Greek god -- well, he WAS a Greek god and not a wimpy one like Apollo, either. No, her Heph was built on the Sylvester Stallone model; or rather, Rambo was built on the Hephaestus model! Heph had the equipment that Dark Wanderer wives dream about and their husbands have nightmares about. And, by Jove, did he know how to use it!

Maybe this was a bad dream. Cyrphe was supposed to be night duty, but Aphrodite had seen the horny nymph giving the eye to one of the young satyrs who kept the grounds and the Love Goddess didn't need much imagination to know where SHE was right now. No, this was no dream. Aphrodite had to take care of this herself before it woke her darling mate.

The new Answered Prayer 5.0 for Windows 2007 was supposed to be almost fully automated, she groused silently as she padded her way along the colonnade to the IT room. There was no reason for her to have to attend to all these petitions personally in this day and age. That's why she had installed the expert system. At least ninety-nine percent of all the petitions fell into just four categories:

"Please let him make a move on me. "/"Please let her say yes when I make a move on her."

"Please let me be able to get him to use a condom. "/"Please let me be able to fuck her without a condom."

"Please don't let me be pregnant."/"Please let her be pregnant."

"Please let me be able to get him to go down on me."/"Please let me be able to get her to give me a blow job."

Aphrodite had been so happy when the new software arrived, especially when she saw who delivered it, a hunky demigod driving a big orange and blue Gods Ex, (not "Gods' Sex" -- get a grip, girl) chariot. The young driver went away knowing just HOW grateful the goddess was for his "service. " And when Heph had installed it for her, she spent more than two nights thanking him. And now this!

The alarm seemed to increase in volume as she sat down and hit the kill switch.

Merciful silence!

Quickly Aphrodite clicked on the diagnostics icon to see what could have gone wrong. Glancing at the control screen, she saw it going crazy with wild hieroglyphics. If this was another trick by one of her Egyptian colleagues... !


'Not very helpful, ' the goddess thought. Briefly contemplating asking Zeus to hurl a thunderbolt to blast that impious Microsoft from the face of the earth, she realized that the U.S. Justice Department would probably do a more thorough job, anyway. Quickly she ran a utility to uncover the problem. This was weird! No, understandable in a way. Two diametrically contradictory petitions of a maximum emotional urgency had arrived at the very same nanosecond, throwing the hapless computer into a Godelian loop. Quickly Aphrodite pulled up the two messages on a split screen.

"Oh, shit!" she screamed. "I should have fucking know! Those two again! I'm going to KILL them!" She roared. She ground her teeth. Her nostrils flared and her eyes grew red with rage. Aphrodite was tired -- tired wasn't the word -- she had had it up to her aura with this pair. Actually, if she could have arranged it, the troublesome Wonder Woman and Major Steve Trevor would have been fried decades ago. Since the '40s of the Twentieth Century Col. Trevor (well, he was only a Lieutenant, then) had been trying to get into the star-spangled pants of the Amazon Princess, who had been fending him off for exactly as long.

Zeus steadfastly refused to thunderbolt Col. Trevor, pointing out that he was doing only what every red-blooded mortal and blue-ichored god wanted to do himself. And he likewise refused to let Aphrodite do anything to interfere with Wonder Woman's superheroine career; she took care of dozens of chores that would otherwise have taken Zeus away from having fun with half the maidens and all the nymphs in Hellas. Bottom line: she could do nothing to this dysfunctional couple -- and zillions of their fans -- who generated a disproportional amount of the traffic on both her website and Twitter account.

"Steve Trevor and that dammed Amazon bitch again!" she almost screamed. She guessed what had happened even before she read the simultaneous pleas.

Steve had rescued this "Wonder Woman" -- again -- and he had hoped to take advantage of it to get into her pants -- again.

"Please let me score this time."/"Please make him leave me alone."

Aphrodite had been getting these conflicting prayers every month or so for years and had long since ignored them. Couldn't Steve figure it out for himself? The Amazon in the funny red pants, although she certainly had a body built for fucking, was under a curse that kept her from doing anything about it. As an Amazon, if she gave herself to a man, she lost all her super powers. As an official of the United State Government, Col. Trevor certainly shouldn't want to deprive his nation of the services of the sexiest superheroine in the universe. Unfortunately, as a man, Col. Steve Trevor wanted nothing more that to fuck her silly and to Hades with the superpowers. Because of the curse, Wonder Woman couldn't fuck Steve, but she'd surely fucked up Aphrodite's computer. It was the last straw.

With blazing fingers she punched in the numbers on her Blackberry. "Cybernetica! Come here and get me Eros," the goddess barked at her IT support nymph.

"Yes, Oh yessss. YESSSSS. I'm coming, ... I'm COMING ... Aieeeeeeeeeee!"

"I mean NOW, Zeusdammit, not when you finish with whoever you have in there fucking your eyeballs out, you slut! If you don't get me Eros here in five minutes, you're going to find out just how it feels to have Cebrerus fuck you and Phil Phantom write about it!" the goddess fumed. There was no justice in Olympus. Athena got the seven cultivated, well-behaved Muses to do her bidding; Aphrodite got the seven wanton, misbehaving Fuses to do -- exactly what they wanted, which was to get laid morning, noon, and night!

It was closer to ten minutes when a drowsy, slightly spacey little god flitted into the computer center. Aphrodite was glowering as she sipped a new beverage brought to her recently by the AEthiopians, a black bitter concoction, but one that energized her more than the ambrosia that Hebe prepared.

"I won't bother asking what took you so long. Didn't I teach you to wash the pussy juice off face after you eat a goddess?"

"I was in the middle of making love to my wife," her son huffed. "And if we go to your alcove I'll bet we'll find Hepheastus's face needs washing, too. Why the summons at this ungodly hour, Mom? Aurora doesn't get up for hours yet?"

"What's it to you? Psyche keeps you in bed day and night, anyway."

"I don't want to go into this with you, Mom," Eros replied wearily.

"Yeah, I know what you want to go into and with whom," was his Aphrodite's sour reply.

After several more rounds of this sort of sniping Aphrodite got down to business. "I'm sick of this Col. Trevor and Wonder Woman screwing up my communications system. I want a final solution to this. And since I can't touch Wonder Woman, I've got and idea for how you can fix Col. Trevor."

"But what can I do. Zeus refuses to blast him."

"You are going to get one Col. Steven Trevor, U.S Military Intelligence -- what an oxymoron -- and one off-the-reservation Amazon, aka, "Wonder Woman," out of my hair once and for all!"

"You want me to make them fall in love for good?"

"No, you dolt, the Amazon bitch must remain a virgin to deal with alien life forms, supervillains, and natural disasters. She doesn't deserve it, anyway. No, you are going to make Col. Trevor fall in love -- really in love -- with someone else. A tennis star, a CNNfn correspondent babe, an MTV hostess, whom, I don't really care. Just make sure the woman has the hots for Trevor, too. He's kind of handsome for a mortal and deserves a frisky woman to make up for the frustration he's gone through all these decades panting for the Amazon. If you have any trouble finding a woman who really likes to fuck, ask Janey or Lucinda or Bronwen; they claim to know plenty. Once Col. Trevor is in love with someone else, he leaves the Amazon bitch alone and, voila, everybody's happy."

"Great idea, Mom. I'll put an old arrow through his heart."

"They don't call me the Goddess of 'Luv' for nothing, Jr." she smirked. "Just make sure the woman falls in love with him, too. -- totally, passionately. I don't want Col. Trevor back here next week because SHE won't put out for him."

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll get them with my trick shot, one arrow through both hearts. It'll be a piece of cake"

"Yeah, wedding cake!" Aphrodite sighed, suddenly sentimental.

Flying as fast as his chubby little wings would carry him, Eros was able to arrive in Washington early Monday afternoon. Big Mistake! Though invisible, he apparently showed up on the radar at Andrews and caused them to scramble to intercept the unidentified aircraft. Then, after dodging ATA missiles, as he approached the Pentagon he could hardly get through the constant stream of flights coming into or going out of Reagan National.

It was Thursday morning before Eros could find Col. Steve Trevor in the labyrinthine corridors of the Pentagon. Eros was growing discouraged; he hadn't even started on finding a woman for him. Then he got lucky. (Not that way, you perverts. Eros is totally faithful to his Psyche.) Thank Zeus, there was a woman in the same office with Col. Trevor. Hmm. Not a bad looker, though she sure didn't know how to dress. "Zeus in Olympus!" Eros muttered to himself when he checked the woman's measurements. "Why look further? Stevie boy will fall out of his tree when he sees her naked." This meant Eros didn't need to find someone else, engineer a chance encounter, etc. He'd be back in Hellas and in Psyche's sweet snatch in time for TGIF. Zeus, he was horny!

Aiming carefully, Eros loosed his arrow and watched it fly, unerringly piercing first the heart of Steve Trevor and then, that of the woman, Diana Something-or-Other. The little god grinned and hovered around to monitor the effects of his marksmanship.

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Hubbys in Prison So Im Now A Whore

I guess it WAS bad on my part that it was only 5 days after he was gone that I went out to a bar the next town over and well, had one drink and was talking to a man and the next thing I knew I was outside in the parking lot giving him a blowjob! It's part of what I do though. When a man shows me his thirst for the nasty and freaky, I'm one who is apt to give in to that. Perhaps I should backtrack just a bit though. See, I've been a slut since the age of thirteen, well, I grew into...

2 years ago
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Lovely MILF for my taking

So, it was my senior year of football and I was excited to start. Not just for playing, but the football moms. Holy shit. Where I’m from there are some very attractive moms whose sons play on the team, and the majority of them are either divorced. Now, me being 18 and them being around 40 was a little out of the question for a relationship, but fucking was no problem in mine and their eyes. So, there was this one mom who was the queen of them all. Her name was Heather. She was the...

4 years ago
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Sad Mom gets fucked for relief

The voice at the other end said, “Hi Veronica” “Where are you Rod, you are away for almost 5 months now, do you even want to come home or not” The voice at the other end said, “Veronica, I may not return now, I have fallen in love with Stacy and I really like her. I would like to spend more time with her, and I…I think I would like to live with her. I know it’s going to be hard for you, but I hope you would understand.” “No, I don’t understand and you better don’t try to make me...

3 years ago
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Aging Well 2 the SequelChapter 18

[Sandy writes] Twenty minutes later, David rang the doorbell and Chastity let him in. The door was barely shut before she plastered her body against his and kissed him firmly. She said, "I'm glad you're here." He gave her a gentle smile and said, "I'm glad to be here." He grinned. "If I get that greeting every time, I may step out and come in again." Chastity said, "You don't have to waste time on the door." She plastered her body to his again and kissed him for an even longer...

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MagicChapter 57

Having nothing better to do, Sean walked down the path that led to the convenience store to pick up a soda. It was a nice Saturday afternoon and the weather had convinced him that it would be nicer to walk there rather than take his truck. Traveling the well worn path, he reached the junction that led off to Max’s house. Much to his surprise he found Max seated on a fallen tree trunk tossing pebbles across the path. After checking around to say hello to Clea, Sean realized that Max was alone...

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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure

We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing...

1 year ago
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Nicole the MILF and Her Morally Questionable Actions INCIDENTS 15 EDITS

First off, I haven’t written anything in years, something possessed me this last week and all I did was work on this. Very strange behavior, don’t expect anything else for a while, if ever. The following is a fantasy (as in porn fantasy) story about an abnormally well hung teenager and a MILF. The major theme here is mother/boy. Contrary to my older written works, this is not a xxx story filled with fucking, this is more sensual and erotic. Romantic even. ******* Nicole the MILF and...

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Im a filthy fucker its official

I've dreamed of being a man slut for so many years but wondered if it was ever really in me - pardon the pun. I think I now know the answer.I have taken pleasure from fucking many female sluts in my time, especially in my 20's. Later in life I did find women that warranted respect but loved being slutty when the opportunity presented itself. I've had mfm and fmf meets but I was always the dominant one of any encounter. I always did wonder what it would be like on the receiving end.Fast forward...

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Public Indecency

Another night out on the town, with the same ole same ole. Same friends, same kind of parties, there was nothing out of the ordinary. I thought this night would be like any other night in Lubbock, Texas. Drink a few beers have a few laughs, with the hope of no drama, and maybe a nice night cap with my party that one of our friends heard about, so she went to her room to finish. I didn’t want to get left behind in the shot taking so I stayed with everyone else while she went to get dressed. A...

3 years ago
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Beth 5Chapter 4

"How'd you do that?" Cindy demanded. "I've been trying to catch that little beast for the last three days! Now you get out of the car and have him ready to play dead at your feet." The kitten did exactly that when Beth bent down and scratched his chin. The little black ball of fur rolled onto his back, waving all four paws in the air as she scratched his belly. I couldn't blame him, I'd been known to act the same way. "What a cutie!" she said as she reached down and picked him up....

2 years ago
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Man in the Box

Hi folks. We haven't taken a trip to the dark side in a while. Those of you wh don't like violence or extreme revenge might want to pass on this one. Thanks twice as much as usual to Mikotthebaby who served as my muse on this one besides doing her usual editing magic. Note from mikothebaby – Man in the Box by Alice in Chains is my favorite song. I urge you to go to you tube and listen to it before reading this story. I made Stang write a story about the song. I wanted a dark story so blame...

2 years ago
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Helping Linda Part One

This is a true story. I was a virgin when I met and fell in love with my wife, whom I will call Alice for this story. This is despite me being 26 at the time we met. Alice who was 20 when we met was not a virgin, but had only slept with one previous boyfriend. This story tells how Alice and I went from a very conventional relationship to swinging with two other couples after we had been together about 10 years (and married 7 years). Part 1 My wife had and still does have two very close friends...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Meri Jivani 8211 Part 7

Hai myself Akky 5’10” inch ksrati sharir. Ek din jb m seema bhabhi ki gand maar rha tha tb unke makanmalik ki beti alka kiraya lene aa gyi.. Wo koi 5 km. Door dusre ghar m rhte the. Seema n ftaft kpde phne or drwaja khola. Alka- kya baat h bhabhi bdi der lagayi or itne pasine q aa rhe h. .M bhi ftaft kpde phn k drawing room m beith gya tha. Seema- are wo mere dewar ji ayein h to chai bna rhi thi or rasoi m grmi h na.Aja beith. Alka sofe p beith gyi bhabhi chai bnane lgi. Alka ka rang dark tha...

2 years ago
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Haitian and Male in Canada Ch 06

The first time I laid eyes on her, I knew she was something special. Who am I talking about? This tall young Black woman I saw walking out of this quaint Haitian restaurant near downtown Toronto. She was around five-foot-ten, with long Black hair, medium brown skin and a delightfully curvy body. Hot damn. The gal had a cute face, voluptuous body and a big booty. And she looked really good in a red silk shirt, blue jeans and tennis shoes. I just had to say something to her. My reaction to her...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Friend Took My Virginity

Hey guys this is Rahul (name changed) from Pune. I have been reading ISS since long time so I have decided to write a story of my own which I experienced few weeks ago!Let me tell you about myself! I am an average guy with normal body! I am 5’9″ height! Not gonna lie like others, but I have a 6.1″ long dick which could satisfy anyone. This is story of how I lost my virginity to my friend who studies with me! I am very good in studies and topper of my branch so many girls talk to me. I tried to...

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MomSon part 6 his version Learning the ropes

This was my dream as Mommy woke me. She was sitting on the edge of my bed, stroking my forehead. “Wake up Ronnie.” she cooed. “It’s time for breakfast.” I opened my eyes and my cock got even harder, because I was looking between her heavy breasts, into that deep cleavage where I longed to work my cock. Momma’s eyes held mine as she ran her fingers through my hair. I flicked my eyes between hers and those delicious jugs. “Oh, mommy, good morning, nice view.” She was telling me that...

3 years ago
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Cherry 18

The lights were off in the bedroom I shared with my sister, Chey. A glimmer of light from our bathroom pierced the pitch black, it was kept on to help with my fear of the dark. It was late, we were both supposed to be sleeping as it was a school night. A soft sigh parted my tender mouth, sleep was beyond my grasp. I looked over to the other bed where Chey slept, peacefully. Her features are identical to my own even in repose. Chey and I are twin sisters, identical twins, and as much as we look...

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In the mountains

I was remembering the time that an old girlfriend and I had taken a short trip out of town to this small secluded park up in the mountains. We had been teazin each other for hours, so we were both all horny. We drove to a small camping area, off the main park. There was a picnic table there. I made my girlfriend get totally undressed, and laid her face down across the table. I grabbed some pre-cut ropes and tied her arms to the table on one side and her legs to the bench on the other side. I...

3 years ago
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Just a silly story part 2

It had just about driven me mad, locked away for all those weeks, seeing only my family. I was as horny as hell, I seemed to be walking around with a permanent erection. The house today was empty, I wandered into my younger sister's room hoping she had left something lying around, lucky today, two pairs of panties. I picked a pair up, I couldn't resist sniffing them, the beautiful aroma of her pussy was still just evident. I couldn't help myself, I had to try them on, not for the first time,...

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An Unusual Seduction VIII

Carol had just given John a spectacular blow job and then had been cuddling with him, giving soft kisses and sweet murmuring in the afterglow of sex.  I had watched, and once the cuddling began, I had an emotional breakdown over fear of losing Carol to John.   I had been reassured by John and Carol that they did not mean to leave me out and that they loved me. I had some lingering insecurities.Carol said, "Dick, you're my husband. John is an intimate good friend.  We don't know how this will...

Wife Lovers
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WildOnCam Kayla Paige Jasmine Jae Get Wild

Jasmine Jae is excited to get to finally meet and fuck the gorgeous babe Kayla Paige. These girls know how to have a fucking good time together and really know how to make you cum! They simultaneously suck on a dildo and go ass to ass grinding on their double sided dildo loving how great it feels the deeper it goes! Jasmine wants to feel your hard cock in between her massive tits making you wank your cock harder and harder for her. Kayla and those sexy gorgeous eyes will stare right at you as...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ke Sath Ras Bhari Chudai

App logo ne meri bahut sari stories padhi aur muje dher sare app ki taraf s email aaye uske liye sukriya. Aj mein appke samne nyi story leke aaya hun. Padh ke muje batana kaisi lagi app logo ko. Meri mail id hain “” and “”. Meri aunty ki age sirf 32 saal h…and unka 4 saal ka ladka h…bhot modern aur kaafi padhe likhe hone ki vajah se khafi frank h…ab tak main unke 18 bar chod chuka hua. Starting aise h ki…last year mainre gharwale bhar gye thy…sirf main and mainra chota bhai ko chodke 2 din k...

3 years ago
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This blog is dedicated to all readers who have had sex OUT BEHIND THE BARN. Or in the barn. Or in front of the barn. Or beside the barn. Me, I’ve never had sex in those locations. However, I have jerked off behind the barn. And in the barn. And beside the barn. And in front of the barn. Anyway, this is about Tom and his wife Sally and Tom’s brother, Harry and his wife April. When I was a teenager, I needed all the money I could get and one Saturday I was working in Tom’s barn. Tom is a friend...

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Max is a freak part 8

Chapter 1 Joyce and Carol were both ballgagged , naked & tied up downstairs in the dungeon. Meanwhile Max and Joan were upstairs waiting for Arthur and his sexy slave mom Sonia. Joan wore nothing but her dog-collar, leash & heels and Max had purposely ballgagged her also. Joan would speak when he determinied it to be necessary Chapter 2 As Charlie pulled into Max's driveway, Arthur unloaded a massive load of jism all over his moms's face. It was so large Sonia could hardly see. As...

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With Laborers In Public Washroom 8211 Part 2

Ye meri story ka second part hai, first part padne ke liye link on top. Yahan se meri last story continue hoti hai…. Main public washroom mein tha aur do laborer ke land ka swad le chuka tha aur merei muh mein abhi bhi uske maal ka bura swad aa raha tha… Mujhe baut acha lag raha tha… Unke lad abhi ache se baithe bhi nai the ki fir se khade hone lag gae aur mera mann mein bas unko apna banane ki chah thi… Main unke land hath mein liye aur unko hilane lage wo dono laborer baut khush the and unhe...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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I Found My Heart in San Francisco

Call me "Ishmael." (hold on, Herman Melville estate, that was a simple typo.) Call me Emma, Emma Gravel. I own and manage a revival movie theater in glorious San Francisco, where I will go after stopping at Boudin's Bakery for a steaming bowl of butternut squash soup with walnuts and dried cranberries, all dumped into a crispy, crunchy sourdough bread bowl. (Fuck "Rice-A-Roni", this is the true San Francisco treat.) Watching the always napping sea lions on Pier 39, which cheers me every...

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The Meeting Pt1

On arriving at the hotel and having booked in we made our way to the bar. The journey of 30 miles had been made in excited anticipation and silence. We looked around and immediately spotted Jon sitting by himself slowly drinking a pint of lager. He had described himself down to the last ‘t’. About 6’0’’, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, short hair, and black (of Caribbean descent). We went over and introduced ourselves. ‘Hi! I’m Lisa and this is Martin’. Formalities over with I sat down next to...

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Half a loaf

Half a Loaf By Olivia Evans "Mike, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" Pamela asked her husband of two years. She had been in the process of pulling on her panties and had suddenly felt her husband's eyes on her. The look hadn't been the normal one she received when Mike admired her figure. Mike glanced away, obviously embarrassed. "No reason," he shook his head. He started toward the door. "Wait!" Pamela commanded. "There was a reason for that strange look,...

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The Adventures of Eric and Donna Save the Last Dance For Me

The Adventures of Eric and Donna: Save the Last Dance For Me! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eric's life-long friend Steve bounded down the outside cellar stairs towards Eric's basement, the default hang out for all of Eric's friends since elementary school. As was the custom, he walked in without bothering to knock, jumped over the back of the sofa, and landed on the cushion next to Eric. As was also their custom, he referred to Eric...

4 years ago
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Nina is Spanked for Masturbating

Oh crikey I thought. Yes, masturbating when on the naughty spot has earned me a second spanking. What an idiot. The second spanking will be much worse. 38 years old, I have just been put across my Mum’s lap and given a hard hand spanking, and now, just a few minutes later, I am on the naughty spot again, my nose touching the wall, naked from top to toe, knowing my bottom is going to be thrashed again.   My extra 10 minutes facing the wall were awful as I pondered what will happen.   I...

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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

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Delivering Presents to Marys House

I live in a small town hours from the nearest large city. At 43, I am a loan officer in a small town bank. I am not getting rich, but I am able to pay my bills and save a little. Christmas is my favorite time of the year and my opportunity to give back to the community. For the past ten years, I have anonymously played Santa for ten struggling families each Christmas. It is the highlight of my year to sneak up to a door on Christmas Eve, dressed in a Santa outfit, leaving gifts on the doorstep,...

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My Affair With Mrs London

Welcome to sunny Florida, my name is Aaron, and I'd like to tell you my story. I'm your average American kid, spending my time trying to pick up chicks and stealing booze just for the hell of it. But this story isn't concerned with all of that, this story concerns a one, Mrs. Bridgette London, and more importantly, her affair with her young next door neighbor, me. She was a knockout, to the truest form of the word. She was about 5'5", bright blue eyes, and body like a brickhouse; 34 DD's and an...


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