- 4 years ago
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An earlier version was proofread by Janey, but she is not responsible for remaining errors.
Despite her prerogatives -- feminine and divine -- of doing exactly what she wanted when she wanted to do it, Aphrodite grudgingly forced herself awake. Why in Hades' name was the computer system blaring the emergency alert? Especially at this hour? Especially when she was so pleasantly full of her divine husband's divine cock?
And on a Sunday morning?
Her computers were programmed to respond to all but the most extreme petitions automatically. You didn't need the Goddess of Love herself to tell an over-eager man to spend a little more time getting his wife hot before trying to plunge in. If he hit a brick wall and deflated, well, it served him right. And if the woman really needed to get laid, the computer could give her a few tips on dressing more provocatively and moving her hips with a little more wiggle. No, no ordinary mortal lust should have disturbed her sleep.
This was to have been their perfect night. Nowadays the gods had such hectic schedules and she had planned everything to be alone with her mate. Hephaestus no longer had to help out only with forging plows and swords. Instead, he was the Ultimate Tech Support when an IT specialist was at the end or her tether. The last eighteen months had been Hades for her poor husband, as he had been roped into countless projects to fix the Y2K problem. The ignominy! The damned millennium wasn't even numbered after the Olympians, but who did the prayers come to? The Nazarene? Oh, no. "My kingdom is not of this world."
Then some Scandinavian trickster had come through and persuaded all the Olympians to change their computer systems to avoid the Y2K problem. Now the hardware -- made in Cathay or Zeus knows where -- was all going on the blink at the same time. And the only response from the 24-hour 800 number was, "Your call is very important to us... " And it would be a hot day in Ultima Thule before one of Loci's "service representatives" showed up in Hellas. So who did all the gods call? Her poor Hephaestus.
That came on top or the previous emergency when first ASSTR and then ASSM had gone down. Millions of porn fans started inundating the Celestial Server with demands to see their favorite dirty stories nicely saved and catalogued ASAP! And when, with the help of Hephaestus and readers who make contributions, the problem was solved, did anyone say, "Thanks?"
With all this work, her poor husband was so tuckered when he staggered back to their celestial palace every night that it was all he could do to plough Aphrodite to a few orgasms, fill her with a couple of loads, and collapse into the arms of Morpheus. It had been weeks since he had eaten her!
Aphrodite wasn't used to such Spartan sex and wasn't going to put up with the lack of attention for long. Aphrodite needed more loving than this and she was determined to get it! Threatening to make Jove give back the magic amulet that kept Hera screwing him, at least occasionally, Aphrodite persuaded the Father of Gods and Men to put a thunderbolt into the Forge's power supply, sending Heph home at mid-afternoon.
She was waiting for him. She had chosen a square cut tank top and a waist-tied skirt in a Hydra print that nicely showcased her voluptuous body. Shaking the raven locks that fell in romantic ringlets to her alabaster shoulders, she strategically placed a foot with prettily painted toes clad in a 3 1/2 inch stiletto-heel T-strap sandal on the base of a column. [Those Gucci Brothers might be Italian barbarians, but they knew how to make hot footwear!]. Heph's favorite golden loops dangled from her ear lobes. The notes of Orpheus's lyre wafted in from the courtyard. (Ok, it was only "Orpheus's Greatest Hits" from i-Tunes but it was always effective in getting Heph in the mood. ) The table was laid with her husband's favorite wines and ambrosia, but Aphrodite had a bet with herself it would never be tasted.
She won the bet. Boy did she win it!
The Goddess of Love was not surprised to see Heph's reaction as soon as he saw his divinely hot wife. It almost tore a hole in his loin cloth. "Oh, honey, is that the Sword of Damocles in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" she asked coyly.
Aphrodite didn't expect a verbal reply and didn't get one. Instead Heph grunted and lunged for her in a style to become reminiscent of NFL fullbacks trying for a fourth and goal from the one. In seconds she felt herself hefted (or was that Hephted?) and slung over her divine lover's broad shoulder. Heph might be lame, but he sure as Hades was making good time toward the master alcove. He was so sweaty and smelly and macho, her pussy tingled in giddy, inverted anticipation.
The goddess was on her back. As her head cleared she saw Heph drop his loin cloth. Yes! Her offering to Priapus -- the cum from one hundred virgins' first orgasms -- had been well rewarded; Heph's erection was as straight and hard and long and thick as she'd ever seen it. She was going to enjoy this night!
'One square-neck tank top, finis, thirty-seven drachma, ' Aphrodite thought. (She could never get the hang of Euros.)
'Hydra print skirt, sixty-one drachma, ' the Goddess inventoried.
'Ouch! That smarted, ' she thought. 'Why couldn't he just pull it down? I would have lifted my butt, if he'd given me the chance. Oh, well, one black lace thong, eighteen drachma. '
So, what! Her credit at Nike's Secret was good for a lot more than one hundred sixteen drachma, plus tax. Money well spent if it meant she got...
... impaled on Heph's magnificent goddess-pleaser. "Oh my Zeuuuuuuuuuus!" the goddess bellowed. The first orgasm hit her before Heph was all the way in.
This was not the kind of foreplay her expert system advised for reluctant wives, but Aphrodite wasn't reluctant. Her divine snatch had been wet for hours, waiting for this moment. When Aphrodite felt Hephaestus's adamantine prick slide into her sloppy hole, she thought she had died and gone to Hea ... Wait! She was an Immortal and she was already in Heaven, but -- whatever! It felt damned good.
First fuck had been around nightfall. By midnight Aphrodite had been screwed every way known in Greater Hellas and had come so many times she couldn't think straight. Who WANTED to think straight? She vaguely remembered her Hindu friend, Shiva, bragging that she and Krishna knew thousands more positions, but Aphrodite didn't give a damn. She had been most satisfactorily pummeled, pounded, and orgamsed out. She was one happy goddess when at last she snuggled up to her sleeping husband, kissed him one last time and closed her eyes. Not intending to open them again until...
Aphrodite tried burrowing deeper into the massive chest and muscled arm of her sexy husband. Hephaestus had been fucking her silly since the Indo-Aryans were a little tribe of nomads and it STILL drove her crazy! He had the body of a Greek god -- well, he WAS a Greek god and not a wimpy one like Apollo, either. No, her Heph was built on the Sylvester Stallone model; or rather, Rambo was built on the Hephaestus model! Heph had the equipment that Dark Wanderer wives dream about and their husbands have nightmares about. And, by Jove, did he know how to use it!
Maybe this was a bad dream. Cyrphe was supposed to be night duty, but Aphrodite had seen the horny nymph giving the eye to one of the young satyrs who kept the grounds and the Love Goddess didn't need much imagination to know where SHE was right now. No, this was no dream. Aphrodite had to take care of this herself before it woke her darling mate.
The new Answered Prayer 5.0 for Windows 2007 was supposed to be almost fully automated, she groused silently as she padded her way along the colonnade to the IT room. There was no reason for her to have to attend to all these petitions personally in this day and age. That's why she had installed the expert system. At least ninety-nine percent of all the petitions fell into just four categories:
"Please let him make a move on me. "/"Please let her say yes when I make a move on her."
"Please let me be able to get him to use a condom. "/"Please let me be able to fuck her without a condom."
"Please don't let me be pregnant."/"Please let her be pregnant."
"Please let me be able to get him to go down on me."/"Please let me be able to get her to give me a blow job."
Aphrodite had been so happy when the new software arrived, especially when she saw who delivered it, a hunky demigod driving a big orange and blue Gods Ex, (not "Gods' Sex" -- get a grip, girl) chariot. The young driver went away knowing just HOW grateful the goddess was for his "service. " And when Heph had installed it for her, she spent more than two nights thanking him. And now this!
The alarm seemed to increase in volume as she sat down and hit the kill switch.
Merciful silence!
Quickly Aphrodite clicked on the diagnostics icon to see what could have gone wrong. Glancing at the control screen, she saw it going crazy with wild hieroglyphics. If this was another trick by one of her Egyptian colleagues... !
'Not very helpful, ' the goddess thought. Briefly contemplating asking Zeus to hurl a thunderbolt to blast that impious Microsoft from the face of the earth, she realized that the U.S. Justice Department would probably do a more thorough job, anyway. Quickly she ran a utility to uncover the problem. This was weird! No, understandable in a way. Two diametrically contradictory petitions of a maximum emotional urgency had arrived at the very same nanosecond, throwing the hapless computer into a Godelian loop. Quickly Aphrodite pulled up the two messages on a split screen.
"Oh, shit!" she screamed. "I should have fucking know! Those two again! I'm going to KILL them!" She roared. She ground her teeth. Her nostrils flared and her eyes grew red with rage. Aphrodite was tired -- tired wasn't the word -- she had had it up to her aura with this pair. Actually, if she could have arranged it, the troublesome Wonder Woman and Major Steve Trevor would have been fried decades ago. Since the '40s of the Twentieth Century Col. Trevor (well, he was only a Lieutenant, then) had been trying to get into the star-spangled pants of the Amazon Princess, who had been fending him off for exactly as long.
Zeus steadfastly refused to thunderbolt Col. Trevor, pointing out that he was doing only what every red-blooded mortal and blue-ichored god wanted to do himself. And he likewise refused to let Aphrodite do anything to interfere with Wonder Woman's superheroine career; she took care of dozens of chores that would otherwise have taken Zeus away from having fun with half the maidens and all the nymphs in Hellas. Bottom line: she could do nothing to this dysfunctional couple -- and zillions of their fans -- who generated a disproportional amount of the traffic on both her website and Twitter account.
"Steve Trevor and that dammed Amazon bitch again!" she almost screamed. She guessed what had happened even before she read the simultaneous pleas.
Steve had rescued this "Wonder Woman" -- again -- and he had hoped to take advantage of it to get into her pants -- again.
"Please let me score this time."/"Please make him leave me alone."
Aphrodite had been getting these conflicting prayers every month or so for years and had long since ignored them. Couldn't Steve figure it out for himself? The Amazon in the funny red pants, although she certainly had a body built for fucking, was under a curse that kept her from doing anything about it. As an Amazon, if she gave herself to a man, she lost all her super powers. As an official of the United State Government, Col. Trevor certainly shouldn't want to deprive his nation of the services of the sexiest superheroine in the universe. Unfortunately, as a man, Col. Steve Trevor wanted nothing more that to fuck her silly and to Hades with the superpowers. Because of the curse, Wonder Woman couldn't fuck Steve, but she'd surely fucked up Aphrodite's computer. It was the last straw.
With blazing fingers she punched in the numbers on her Blackberry. "Cybernetica! Come here and get me Eros," the goddess barked at her IT support nymph.
"Yes, Oh yessss. YESSSSS. I'm coming, ... I'm COMING ... Aieeeeeeeeeee!"
"I mean NOW, Zeusdammit, not when you finish with whoever you have in there fucking your eyeballs out, you slut! If you don't get me Eros here in five minutes, you're going to find out just how it feels to have Cebrerus fuck you and Phil Phantom write about it!" the goddess fumed. There was no justice in Olympus. Athena got the seven cultivated, well-behaved Muses to do her bidding; Aphrodite got the seven wanton, misbehaving Fuses to do -- exactly what they wanted, which was to get laid morning, noon, and night!
It was closer to ten minutes when a drowsy, slightly spacey little god flitted into the computer center. Aphrodite was glowering as she sipped a new beverage brought to her recently by the AEthiopians, a black bitter concoction, but one that energized her more than the ambrosia that Hebe prepared.
"I won't bother asking what took you so long. Didn't I teach you to wash the pussy juice off face after you eat a goddess?"
"I was in the middle of making love to my wife," her son huffed. "And if we go to your alcove I'll bet we'll find Hepheastus's face needs washing, too. Why the summons at this ungodly hour, Mom? Aurora doesn't get up for hours yet?"
"What's it to you? Psyche keeps you in bed day and night, anyway."
"I don't want to go into this with you, Mom," Eros replied wearily.
"Yeah, I know what you want to go into and with whom," was his Aphrodite's sour reply.
After several more rounds of this sort of sniping Aphrodite got down to business. "I'm sick of this Col. Trevor and Wonder Woman screwing up my communications system. I want a final solution to this. And since I can't touch Wonder Woman, I've got and idea for how you can fix Col. Trevor."
"But what can I do. Zeus refuses to blast him."
"You are going to get one Col. Steven Trevor, U.S Military Intelligence -- what an oxymoron -- and one off-the-reservation Amazon, aka, "Wonder Woman," out of my hair once and for all!"
"You want me to make them fall in love for good?"
"No, you dolt, the Amazon bitch must remain a virgin to deal with alien life forms, supervillains, and natural disasters. She doesn't deserve it, anyway. No, you are going to make Col. Trevor fall in love -- really in love -- with someone else. A tennis star, a CNNfn correspondent babe, an MTV hostess, whom, I don't really care. Just make sure the woman has the hots for Trevor, too. He's kind of handsome for a mortal and deserves a frisky woman to make up for the frustration he's gone through all these decades panting for the Amazon. If you have any trouble finding a woman who really likes to fuck, ask Janey or Lucinda or Bronwen; they claim to know plenty. Once Col. Trevor is in love with someone else, he leaves the Amazon bitch alone and, voila, everybody's happy."
"Great idea, Mom. I'll put an old arrow through his heart."
"They don't call me the Goddess of 'Luv' for nothing, Jr." she smirked. "Just make sure the woman falls in love with him, too. -- totally, passionately. I don't want Col. Trevor back here next week because SHE won't put out for him."
"Don't worry, Mom. I'll get them with my trick shot, one arrow through both hearts. It'll be a piece of cake"
"Yeah, wedding cake!" Aphrodite sighed, suddenly sentimental.
Flying as fast as his chubby little wings would carry him, Eros was able to arrive in Washington early Monday afternoon. Big Mistake! Though invisible, he apparently showed up on the radar at Andrews and caused them to scramble to intercept the unidentified aircraft. Then, after dodging ATA missiles, as he approached the Pentagon he could hardly get through the constant stream of flights coming into or going out of Reagan National.
It was Thursday morning before Eros could find Col. Steve Trevor in the labyrinthine corridors of the Pentagon. Eros was growing discouraged; he hadn't even started on finding a woman for him. Then he got lucky. (Not that way, you perverts. Eros is totally faithful to his Psyche.) Thank Zeus, there was a woman in the same office with Col. Trevor. Hmm. Not a bad looker, though she sure didn't know how to dress. "Zeus in Olympus!" Eros muttered to himself when he checked the woman's measurements. "Why look further? Stevie boy will fall out of his tree when he sees her naked." This meant Eros didn't need to find someone else, engineer a chance encounter, etc. He'd be back in Hellas and in Psyche's sweet snatch in time for TGIF. Zeus, he was horny!
Aiming carefully, Eros loosed his arrow and watched it fly, unerringly piercing first the heart of Steve Trevor and then, that of the woman, Diana Something-or-Other. The little god grinned and hovered around to monitor the effects of his marksmanship.
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The next contact that Ramzy El-Najjar had with the Emir was another surprise. At first he assumed that the proposed meeting with the Emir was the promised visit to look at the training methods used on quarry, but it seemed not so. Truly this new Emir was an excellent judge of character in that now he had, apparently, some plan which he wished to confide in Ramzy El-Najjar and which had had not even explained to Kamal Qumsiyeh. Clearly this was an invitation, delivered via the Chief of...
Connections. That was the name of a show that I remember seeing a few years ago on the History Channel (or maybe Discovery, who knows). It was hosted by an English gentleman and dealt with the unexpected chains of events that lead to discoveries through the ages. One of the ones that I remember was a connection from frogs to the space shuttle. In any case, human history is littered with discoveries that came about in ways that wern't necessarily intended at the beginning. It is even the case...
Shilpa, a hot MILF, was taking a massage from Peter, a masseur from Australia. By now he was massaging her thigh, running his hand up from her knee to her thigh just below her cheek. His hands were confident in their touch. When he began to caress her inner thigh she eased her leg aside more for him. His fingers caressed her inner thigh, so close to her pussy and ass opening. Shilpa was talking but deeply noticing her hands on her inner thighs and again she felt turned on. ‘You must be...
King University’s New SlutChapter 3: Quinn After the intense kissing session that I had with Jamal I realized that I had shot a load in my pants. I went up to my room to take a shower... a cold one at that. While I washed up, I thought about how good I handled that situation... with Jamal and with Quinn. Jamal could have just taken me back to my room and fucked me all over the place but I didn't let it go that far. I really didn't want him to change his perception about me because I am not that...
My training as a she-male servant began when I rang the doorbell of my lady’s home. She greeted me wearing along, tight fitting red leather gown, which covered her from neck to foot except that it exposed her prominent and luscious breasts, her long auburn hair flowed over her shoulders. She was also wearing 6′ spike heels and black stockings. The dress had a slit from her thigh to her ankles, which showed off her stocking clad legs when she walked. She demanded that I call her nothing but...
Mera naam sumbal ha meri figure 36 29 30 ha. main islamabad me rahti hun.Or islamabad me main bht he ziada decent sahelion k sath raha karti thee. is liye mere zehan ma koi galt bat nhn thee. but mera aik czn zulfi jo mera senior hnay k sath sath mera parosi or acha dost bhi tha. hum hmesha combine study karty thay.yah us wkt ki bat ha jbh main na naya naya university ma admission lia. meri age us time per 19 saal thee. Mere czn k sath meri mangni bchpan ma he ta kar di gai thee.Zulfi or mari...
It had been a long day. I went to my hotel room to take a shower and change before I went downstairs for a drink, then I would think about dinner. I was seated at a table reviewing the events of the day when I noticed a very nice looking woman sitting at a table nearby. A guy came up to her and offered to buy her a drink. She thanked him but declined. She said that she was waiting for her husband. His reply startled me when he said that he had noticed that she had been there for well over an...
High school student Gina Valentina is hot for teacher Derrick Pierce. She likes to skip his class and masturbate to fantasies of him fucking her. When her constant school skipping results in him calling her parents, she pretends to be her mother on the phone, and proposes a parent teacher meeting at the Valentina residence on Friday afternoon. Finally, Gina can be alone with Mr. Pierce and seduce him to have sex with her! When Friday rolls around, Gina dresses up in a sexy outfit, and applies...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: It wasnt like I had any choice in the matter. She had decided how things were to go and that was that. Role Play. Occasionally, just occasionally, role play in the bedroom takes on a whole new intensity and, instead of role playing, the person becomes the role and is taken to another dimension. Occasionally, what starts out as a fantasy, stitched into a session of sex, soon becomes a situation, where anything becomes possible. Where inhibitions are left behind and the...
Beyond the vastness of the harvested fields, on the eastern horizon, appeared stealthily a tint of red arc, but soon expounded itself into a huge orb of bright orange. Birds started testing the melodies of their own voices. The color of the rising sun and the sweetness in the air borne voices implied a fortunate omen…A jeep approached through the country road, raising dusts….I was steering my flock through the same country road, on the opposite direction, for grazing. A shepherdess I was. The...
IncestHi friends. Myself Rajan. I m hot male of 28 years of age. I m a bottom gay that means i wd like to satisfy my partner by offering him my ass. I was mad with this fnatasy and to search my partner i used to chat on various messengers. One day i met with a friend raghu on the net. Our wavelenghts matched. He was a top gay and wanted to apank his partners ass. We decided a spot to meet. I went there. It was a khandar. No body were there except us. After having initial commumnication he caught my...
I heard a snort of disgust from the lounger beside me. “Let me guess, ” she said, “you want your car and fifty bucks for gas.” “Pretty much, ” I said. “If this … if we can’t make this work then I walk out with what I came in with.” “It’s not going to work that way and I think you know that, ” she told me. “I think it should work that way, ” I noted. “Maybe it should, ” Liz said. “But it doesn’t. Do you know where I’d be right now if I hadn’t run into you again?” “Anywhere you wanted to...
This story will only make sense if you’ve read ‘The Education of Eva.’ Everybody in this story is over eighteen. After the weekend at the mansion, we three girls returned to our routine, ‘working’ – if work is an adequate description for what we did – from our luxury Costa del Sol pad. I, for one, knew that my attitude was changed for ever, that, for me, there was more to life than parties, and being groped and screwed. My experience during that weekend, with Monique and her husband Jean-Paul,...
My story starts off how I wanted to see my wife give a blow job to another man. I had been after her for over a year and she finally agreed to do it once for my 50th birthday. My wife is in her upper forties and is 5’4 and about 140 pounds. She is a mom of three and works in management for a large company. She is somewhat conservative and I have been her only partner. This last June I finally convince her to give another guy a blow job while I watched. She would only agree to do a blow job and...
Tara looked up into the night sky, her heart heavy with sorrow and confusion. He had lied to her, again. He had made promises and again he had broken them. She now laid on the soft ground, looking up into the sea of blackness dotted with sparkling stars. She pulled her jacket closer to her body, and crossed her legs at the ankles. Her jeans were worn and comfortable and the fleece jacket helped keep the chill away. Her eyes closed and her mind played back the images of just a few hours ago....
FantasyFor years I made love to my wife without being attached to the tight pucker that lies so closely behind the sweetest pussy in all the world, but then one day my tongue wandered into territory that had never before been shared with any other lover. As the tip of my tongue slipped past the back of her wet pussy into a field of fuzz and sweetness never before tasted, her reaction was immediate and in the opposite direction from my advancing tongue. At the time I was told not to plan on kissing her...
AnalI lay on the bed, hands tied to the posts above my head making my large round breasts stand out from my chest. My ankles tied to the posts at the foot of the bed, one either side spreading my legs exposing my most secret intimate parts to the cool evening air. Blindfolded my other senses becoming more acute picking up the moment when the door quietly opened and he entered the room.I could hear his breathing quicken at the sight of me laying on the bed totally at his mercy. My own breath caught...
He has been home all day cleaning and cooking. Throughout the day he’s considered how things have gotten to this point. He no longer works and his wife is a CEO for a trading company in the city. She’s had two k**s and his job is basically taking care of the k**s, making sure they get off to school, as well, he keeps the household kempt and ordered. She’s given him the keys to the castle and he spends his days vacillating between keeping the yard manicured, gardening and tending to the herb and...
My wife and I have been married for 12 years. We're both very horny and very kinky. We decided to have an open relationship, even after we got married. We could have sex with other people, but not in front of each other. It's workedout well, for the most part.Two years ago, the dynamics changed somewhat, but actually for the better. Two years ago, we took our vacation in Costa Rica. We had a great time.The best part of the trip was our stay in San Andres, an island off Nicaragua.It has pristine...
If you want a continuation of this story or others I have written please send me feedbacks and requests at [email protected]. It’ll make me to write follow-ups!!!!! "Sveta, this is Mr. Avdushev," her father shouted after Sveta had cheered her final high school game. "He is from the university and he wants to talk with you about a cheer scholarship, honey." ???? His daughter was a sweet-faced blonde with hair to the shoulders. She worked hard to keep in good shape, working out 3 times a...
Chapter 1Wed., 07-21-07 Even after a year and a half after my husband died I still didn’t feel like dating. I do get offers. I’m 38 but look younger. I have a ?full figure? and have to work hard to keep the pounds off but as a result I have very large breasts and ample hips and still a slim waist. With long auburn hair and killer big eyes, I get lots of second looks. I still get horny but just can’t bring myself to be with some other guy after 19 years with Bill. I am a high school...
I sat sullen with discontent behind the wheel of my Jaguar XKE, an old convertible that my father had bought me for a high school graduation present. It was forest green, with a cream colored leather interior and a wonderfully powerful 12-cylander engine that demanded a tune-up every other month, but I loved that car. It was everything I wasn't. Sleek and sexy, pretentious and posh, and the envy of every other student on campus. A few of the professors, too. When people saw me driving by, I...
before we get started i need to tell you that this might not be for everyone. my mom is a large woman. she is 56 about 5' tall around 200lbs with huge 44dd tits. everything started about 3 months ago. i had gone to my mothers house to visit and kill some time. the visit was about normal when my mom looked at me and said " son i think i am going to lay down for a few. i was up all night last night and i just want some sleep." "ok mom just get some rest. im just gonna hang out and see whats on...
I was at this RSL club with some friends from the hospital that I work at. 4 female nurses, the oldest, in her late 30-ies, Helen, was there with her boyfriend. And the youngest, Anna, about 20 was also with her boyfriend. There was Karen, about 30ish, divorced. She was the one I was interested in. And there was Vicky, a Pilipino girl also about 30. She was also there on her own. There was a singer on stage. Singing 60's, 70's type of music. Fairly good looking lady in her 40-ies. She had...
She opened the door and stormed in. Alec was on the bed, in his boxers. “What the fuck?” He started to get up but she pushed him back down on the bed. “Bailey,” he said, “what are you doing?” “Your brother cheated on me,” she replied, “now I’m going to give him a taste of his own medicine.” She was on the bed, on her knees. She was wearing her old grey off the shoulder t-shirt, a black g-string and no bra. “I just found some very incriminating messages on his Facebook.” “What do you mean?” he...
Straight SexThe town in which Mike worked and outside of which he lived was quite large, about 200,000 people, on the outskirts of the City of Manchester. It had long since been assimilated to become a satellite town within the greater Manchester area. When Tom was out looking for women, it was to Manchester City Centre he would go, and it was to Manchester Mike now went to meet Tom in a club. It was a large club, with a very good restaurant, a bar and a large dance area, and it was known as a pickup...
Cheerleading head coach and blonde bombshell, Alexis Fawx needs to whip young beauty Jill Kassidy into shape, as the head cheerleader she is lacking and Alexis has the tips to take her all the way! Alexis knows the best way to teach technique is to show Jill the right moves. But, Alexis and Jill have more than cheer in common as they explore each other’s tight and tone bodies–they both crave the touch of a beautiful woman. Alexis drives her skilled tongue deep inside Jill’s...