- 3 years ago
- 35
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I gave up looking for a place in the car park and stopped on the verge. The rain had turned the grass to mud. At least it wasn't dog shit flaking off my shoes as I dragged my hangover round the office looking for somewhere to plug in my laptop.
"Marion! You're late this morning. What are you doing out here among the workers?" Phil loomed over me, his immaculate image of pinstripe suit and silk tie marred by thinning hair combed across an expanse of pink scalp.
"Hi, Phil. The bastards re-assigned my office to a team developing software to market dog food." I was long past being resentful of the vagaries of my management.
"We need to talk. Come into my office."
"You've moved up market. I could get my whole team in here." The big office had windows looking out on the car park. I prowled around, noting the squalid carpet and the damp stains on the window sills. The walls were marred by Blu-Tac stains
"There's a panic on. This is my war-room." Phil was smug, satisfied that this second-rate office shored up his status.
"War-room? The war's already happened in my head. I had a bad night. I can't remember..."
"Someone hacked Sainfield's website last night."
"They probably improved it. Those bloody supermarket sites are crap. I don't know why we tried so hard to get the business."
"Come and have a look." Phil invited me to sit in front of his laptop. "This is a copy. The guys repaired the on-line website."
"The Woman's Page. You think I'm so old that I need knitting patterns?"
"Look in the bottom right hand corner - story of the day."
"'Slap of Leather' - what!" I recognised the piece.
"Marion, it's sado-masochism - not very appropriate for the Woman's Page."
"Shut up. I'm reading ... This piece needs some editorial work but it's much better than the usual stuff that Sainfield's put up."
"One of their senior managers spotted it at three am." Phil hovered over me as I read the story.
"What's their management team doing, reading the women's pages at three am?" I muttered, distracted.
"This is serious. Our client executive spent months winning this account from JCN Corporation. He spent a fortune. And one of the big selling points was our ability to keep their website from being hacked."
"Yeah. I wrote the bullshit in the bid. But this is Sainfield's content. We're not accountable if they post unsuitable material."
"It wasn't them."
"So who did? Their website can't be hacked by Internet wierdos. I spent weeks on the design."
"Marion, you posted it."
"That's what the technical guys say. The logs say you put it up at eleven last night. Have you got an alibi?"
"Eleven last night?" My memory was hazy, and my hangover hurt enough to stop me trying to remember.
"Where were you?" He taunted me.
"Phil, give me a moment. I can't remember..."
"A bed... ?"
"Oh shit. It's coming back. Your wife..."
" ... came home early. You were sneaking out the back way at eleven. I hope you didn't drive home."
"I don't think so. Did I get off before we were interrupted?"
"You were far too drunk."
"Did you?"
"Eventually. It's very detumescing when you complain about how dull our sex life is."
"Even adultery gets boring in the end. Anyway, it's an alibi."
"Of a sort - you were shagging the security director. And my alibi?"
"You were shagging the technical leader. Sounds like conspiracy. Why didn't you call me in?"
"I did. There was no response. You were so drunk, I didn't expect much help"
"Sorry. I'll go and see what I can dig up. Is there a coffee machine working?"
"No, they're all broken."
The system logs told me which terminal had been used to hack the website. I went to it and stood behind the slim chit of a girl. Sunlight emphasised tender fur on slender arms below a white silk blouse.
"Chrissy, are you into erotic stories? And working late at night?"
She smiled up at me. Her face wasn't pretty - her teeth were far too big and her nose was squashed upwards making her look a little like a pig. But her blonde hair trailed over her shoulders, and her innocence and fragile body had captivated me for months.
"I'm wearing a silk blouse. I bought it specially for you."
"You always wear silk blouses."
"Usually I can only afford cotton. But I read what you wrote about liking tender fur on slender arms below a white silk blouse."
"You read what?"
"On a website - a forum called 'The Piranha Pool'. It's a notorious haunt of Internet erotic fiction writers."
People around us were beginning to listen. "Not here," I hissed. My hangover was not improving. I no longer wanted coffee - a good big whisky was my only hope. I looked round hopelessly for somewhere private.
"It's nearly lunchtime," Chrissy stood up and ran slender fingers across the lapel of my jacket. "We could go out somewhere - more secluded."
The Porsche was parked in a prime spot close to the building's entrance. The seat absorbed me and I closed my eyes.
"Will this help?" Chrissy offered a leather covered hip flask. I sniffed, and identified an Islay malt.
Chrissy stopped the car at the end of a farm track. "We can talk here." Her large eyes were soft and sympathetic.
The whisky had dissolved my headache and cleared my brain.
"You posted 'Slap of Leather' on Sainfield's website? It's a story about two women. One of them annoys the other. The annoyed one gets the other to beat her. In a toilet stall. With a leather belt. Very erotic. You didn't even acknowledge the author!"
"I chose it because you posted a comment that the story made you think about the fuzz on my tender arms." She ran her fingers beneath the sleeve of her jacket, emphasising the thinness of her wrist.
"How did you know I meant you?"
"You stare at me sometimes. No one else looks at me like that. It makes me shiver."
"How did you know I'd posted the comment?"
"Your net-name is in the file where you keep all your account details and passwords."
"There's no way you can get access to that!"
"I guessed the password."
"How?" My hangover was coming back and I took another swig.
"It's my name and the year I was born. It didn't take me long."
She took the flask from me and drank delicately.
"You're driving," I told her.
"There's no rush to go anywhere," she said.
I opened the window. The sun shone on bright pink campion straggling among the brambles. Forget-me-nots and stitchwort were fresh among the grass. Small birds courted noisily in the trees that screened us from the world.
I followed Chrissy when she got out and picked an early rose from a rambling briar. She threaded it through the buttonhole in my lapel, sucking a finger where a thorn had pricked.
"You haven't told me why you hacked the website."
She flung her arms out to enfold the spring countryside and smiled shyly.
"It made you notice. How else could I have got you out here with me?"
"Why me? I'm old enough to be your mother."
She peeped from beneath pale lashes. "You make me feel secure. And you like me, don't you? Men think I'm boring - no tits or hips. They only want to use me like a hosepipe."
"Chrissy!" Her crudeness was shocking.
"It's true. Once they've finished, they forget about me. But you understand what I need, don't you?"
Her trousers snaked down round her ankles and she pushed her scrap of panties after them. As she bent across the bonnet of the car, her vulva parted, seeming to split her narrow loins in two. Sunlight picked out pale hair and glistened on the moist pink tenderness.
"The story isn't quite appropriate" She looked back at me. "I want you to punish me for what I did."
"Punish you?" My voice was uneven.
"On the shelf in the car..." She wriggled her bottom at me.
There was a paper bag.
"You can't! It won't!" I struggled to tear the cellophane from the biggest dildo I'd ever seen. It was a hideous shade of blue and the swollen knob caricatured the end of a penis. The bulging ribs on the shaft reminded me of the Michelin man. It seemed long enough to reach her shoulder blades.
"It'll kill you!"
"Marion! Please," she moaned and reached back to pull her buttocks apart. Her little buns blushed bright pink with excitement.
I trembled as the vast blue knob distended her vagina. Chrissy moaned and wriggled, forcing herself back onto the dildo. She howled as each rib strained past her tender membranes.
I kept on pushing until only a couple of inches remained.
"Wait!" The car's bonnet drummed as she pounded with whitened knuckles. Tears dripped onto the paintwork. I pulled a couple of ribs out of her and she howled again.
"Put it back. It's OK."
I stood panting, my loins on fire, wondering what to do next. Chrissy lay impaled, flattened against the black metal, writhing slowly.
"My handbag strap comes off."
I'd though her silly to have a broad, long strap on such a small bag, but now I understood. Folded in two, the soft leather reeked of punishment and power.
Chrissy screamed.
"I'm sorry!" I bent to kiss the bright red weal. "Your bum's so small it's difficult to hit it with the flat."
"Go on. It's perfect. I like to scream." Her bottom wriggled again in invitation.
I stopped counting after eight. Chrissy's screams changed to howls as she pounded the Porsche's paintwork in her orgasm. Three or four strokes later, my vision dimmed and my knees gave way.
"I haven't come like that for years," I murmured into Chrissy's vulva as I knelt against her, smelling sweet sex and feeling wetness beneath my lips.
"I haven't come like that ever," she murmured dreamily. "There's a blanket in the back of the car."
Chrissy undressed me as we lay in the sun.
"I'm supposed to be tracking down the villainous hacker."
"I think you've found her. All you have to do is make the punishment fit the crime."
"It did fit. I'd never have believed it. Are you sore?"
"Not yet."
"It's a bloody good photograph." I clicked the mouse to zoom in on the dildo.
"Ghastly colour." Phil was leaning over my shoulder and I could feel his arousal - smell it too.
"It was all they had in stock, apparently."
"Her bottom's so small I'm surprised it holds her legs together. Wielding that strap, you look like something out of 'Die Walkure'. At least she had the decency to pixellate your face."
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Andrew and Tanya Maison were an ordinary couple. They had been married for two years, he had a small business with a home office, selling outdoor equipment that he designed himself and contracted out the production, she was a housewife who felt that she ought to have a career of her own, and resented being 'just' a housewife. She was a naturally bossy sort of person, he naturally easy going. At twenty four years old she felt that they should have been making more...
“Welcome, this is the BNN network, and I am your host Sarah Patel. The network that reveals all.” Her eyes widened in excitement, posing her tall frame for the full-frontal shot; she was loving being at the center of attention. She wore a well-tailored, black skirt-suit with a deep “V” neck blouse, flouting her huge chest. The logo of British Naked News hung in the background, the silhouette of two naked women. Sarah continued, “Greetings my lovers, let us get to the news! Time and again, we...
Static filled the air as the radio crackled to life. A loud burst of static, and then words, "'ports are coming in. Cas... of strange ou...eaks opping up all... the country." The static filled message continued as no one even listened.
INCREmental Sexual ViolencePage 1. Finally things appeared to be going well for me again. I'd had a real dry spell, almost three weeks, which was pretty well a record. I was tired of jerking off and wanted the real pussy again, but every potential kidnapping victim I'd stalked, and was ready to snatch, the plans had gone off track for various and sundry reasons and I was becoming pretty pissed. And when I got that way, I could be careless, and it wasn't carelessness that was...
A/N: Be warned! there may be the occasional bad end/game over chapter in the story where either the protagonist, protagonist's party member(s) or NPC(s) die. Said chapters may just involve the character(s) dying and it may include some smut too (no necrophilia tho cuz eww, seriously) so its up 2 u whether u wanna read it. I will put in capital letters for the bad end chapters so u can avoid it if u don't wanna read a bad end/game over chapter. If you have any suggestions then feel free to PM me...
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Thursday, July 16, 2009, 5:30 PM “I just wanted the nightmares to stop,” Joey said as he sat on the couch. Tricia and Annie sat with him. “I’m sorry.” “It’s over now,” said Tricia. “We’re just lucky that we got out of there before anyone could identify us.” “Do you think he was seriously hurt?” asked Annie. “Don’t know. He looked pretty stunned, and his ears were bleeding. He may have some permanent hearing loss from this.” Joey sat quietly and looked down in shame. Tricia reached...
Thursday, July 27th, 2006, Boston Massachusettes “Goddamn, I’m fucking sore,” I complained again for the hundredth time since leaving the hotel. I twisted in my seat, trying to find a way that I could sit without putting any pressure upon my wounded shoulder. I absentmindedly watched a couple of kids zoom by on skateboards as we sat at a red light; we were driving to a gunshop across the other side of town, and my body was throbbing. It was almost noon already; it was very sunny and hot,...
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Continued from Chapter 3: Unexpected Treasure In A 55 Plus.I absolutely cannot flipping believe this. Never in a million years would I have even dreamed that I would be doing this. I'm standing in the shower letting my sexy and voluptuous daughter Rachel, deep throat my dick. The baby girl that I brought home from the hospital and doted over for twenty plus years is so adept at giving head, she could put any porn star to shame. Hell, she would be better off financially to drop out of college...
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He took me in when I was just 17. I was innocent and very pretty. I had firm tits and a nice ass. He wanted to own me and control me but I did not know that at the time. The first night he showed me his bed which I was to sl**p in with him. He told me to get naked and get in bed. Then he got naked and joined me. He started kissing my tits and sucking them. It was strange but felt good. Then he reached between my legs and rubbed my pussy. I was not sure I liked this but I could not say no. He...
I tossed and turned in bed that night thinking that at that moment it was possible that John and Tara were having sex. My own best friend and my sister getting it on! It was pissing me off more and more. I couldn't get the picture of Tara having her long legs wrapped around John's waist and begging for his cock. She should be begging for my cock! I looked at the clock on my nightstand and it read 1:15 A.M. I groaned and began to rub my cock over my boxers slowly. It'd been a while since I...
I first met the university professor at the library on campus. Her name was Rachel and she was introduced to me by my roommate, Cindy. What struck me right away about Rachel was her beauty and how young she looked. Cindy had met Rachel at a one day seminar two months ago and it was obvious my roommate had a case o hero-worship. "Cindy has told me a great deal about you and it is so nice to finally meet you," Rachel greeted me with a smile, and it was about this time where things turned...
Life and Times of a Horny Couple – Chapter 7 This is a continuation of our real life sexual journey. All of the events described actually occurred as we explored new ways to stimulate our sex lives. We enjoy reading your comments and would love to hear about your own sexual exploits. A night with Lacey and Brad continued. Now that Lacey had cum twice, and Kristen once, Brad and I where left sitting there with raging hard-ons. Since I was the only one who hadn’t had a chance to direct the...
Hi guys im Babar rw living in sheikh colony faisalabad and doing job in nji as a assistant branch manager.i m a 30 years old married and having kid but i m very much concious about sex.now here is a girls hostle in the neighbour of my house. normally main daily roof per jata hoon or chup chup kar larkion ko dekhta hoon jo k hostle main rehti hain. hostle k wash room ki khirki meri roof kay saath hi khulti hai jahan say main kai bar larkion ko nahatay howa dekhta hoon. or sex say pagal ho raha...
This story is true and only happened 3 years ago. I was living in my first flat by myself at the age of 18 and had a couple of neighbours. Single mum with a few k**s and a older man around the 60 year old mark. He was such a nice man helped me with everything I needed. One night I was out with friends and got really drunk and headed up heading home I got to my floor and Barry opened his door he say erin are you ok I said yeah am great bit drunk but good. He then asked me to come into his for a...
I'd pulled in at my usual roadside motel. It was clean, generally quiet, and I stayed often enough that they usually were able to give me a room around the side that avoided the traffic noise. The middle-aged man at the desk greeted me by name and offered me my usual room 133. "Here you go, Mr. Foster. Let me know if it's too noisy and I can move you. Looks like a younger couple was assigned the room next to yours." "No problem Bob, once I'm asleep my snoring will be keeping them up."...
I then had a thought. "Is it set up for communications or emergency work?" Matt smirked. "No, it's a fancy sedan. It was purchased for communications and emergency use but can't be used for either. It's too softly suspended and isn't real good for a satellite phone much less radios." I was neither surprised nor impressed. "Get rid of it with as little loss as possible." "What about the driver?" I started to say, "You have to be kidding!" Instead, I said, "If there is a...
The evening is warm in the English countryside as I pull into Deb’s driveway. It is dusk and I can see a light burning through the front window. I park the car and walk to the front entrance. This is our first meeting and even though we have been chatting for quite a while on the internet, we have never met face to face, though we did exchange photos. Her husband is gone on another business trip and her daughter is spending the night at friend's home. I ring the doorbell and hear a cheery voice...
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AnalWhen I was 16 I got a job in a men's clothing store. This was very high line stuff. Top labels and tailored clothing.I quickly discovered that I was the only heterosexual in the store. That is if you could call my life sexual. The only person I'd been naked with was my mom's best friend, but that's another story.The guys were really great. They taught me about quality and fashion. I have a unique ability to recall color perfectly and they thought it was crazy that I could pick something up and...
My girlfriend and I had gone to a local sex shop and bought a few things including a remote controlled vibrating egg and some vibrators. We were playing with them when we got home. She loved the vibrating egg and was getting really wet when she asked me if she could invite John over. I agreed willingly and she started texting him while the egg was inside of her and I was playing with the vibrator in her ass. She usually doesn't allow me to play with her ass except when she gets really horny for...
Robbi had, unknowingly, struck a nerve with her new sister. She had an adventurous side that she seldom revealed. This time was different, though. Between Rick's butt fucking her, and Robbi's suggestion to flash anybody that was out on a busy Friday night, her mind was racing through several daring, to her, possibilities. One of them had been crying out, within her, since she had had one of the most intense orgasms she had EVER had, and the other was looking like it might just come to pass this...
So there I was, sitting in my apartment, perusing the internet looking for a masseuse in my area. I had been extremely tense and stressed out lately, and I decided I needed to pamper myself and do something to relax. What better than a massage? As I scrolled through the listings, I realized that most of them were for massages from people who were not professionally trained, and they were all at the person's home. Not exactly what I was looking for. However, in the middle of all the illegitimate...
First TimeRiley Reid has a boyfriend, and it’s his birthday! But let’s face it…Riley is WAY out of his league, but she sticks with him for a couple reasons: he’s an earner (and makes a lot of money); he also never questions where Riley goes or who Riley “hands out” with; and, finally, he’s very generous with his credit card in order to fund Riley’s many shopping sprees. Something else Riley likes about her man — his favorite kind of porn is...
xmoviesforyouTwo of the slaves were sufficiently submissive and worked well all day to make proper place for themThey will be spanked for pleasure to reward them for their commitment to the tasks which I gave themThe third - out of our sight for most of the day - suffered from an illusion she could sin unnoticedShe will be spanked for punishment, which means she shall - unlike the two - not enjoy any orgasmingOf course I'm no fool and easily unveiled her break of my rule of having an orgasm without...
"You seem very perky this morning Claire Causton, and for once I guess that redness in your cheeks is due to the wind and not blushing. I suppose you enjoyed your cuddle with Jerry in the back of the boat while we suffered untold pains in the cabin." Rachel arrived for work a little later than usual and didn't look to have fully recovered from her ordeal. "No doubt he deliberately took us through that storm to get close to you with us out of the way." The hint that Jerry had gone out of...
“No auntie, absolutely no way!” “Now stop being so silly, Sophie. A cunt is for glory not the worms, even a good Catholic girl like you can`t stay a virgin her whole life. For heaven`s sake girl you`re twenty-two.” “But auntie, he`s old enough to be my father!” “Grandfather. And he has the most wonderful cock. Long and thick and as hard as any teenager. He could ride you all night long. You`re a lucky girl, Sophie. You should be thanking me.” “Thanking you for prostituting me! You really...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am Ronit living at Ranchi, Jharkhand (India). I am a constant reader of incest stories in this site and each and every story gives me a new sense and courage to screw some one and this wish arouses after every new story. As I’m here now to narrate a cool incident happened to me that introduce me to a new world of pleasure , that is a pure fantasy and no reality in it. This is about how i fucked my innocent mom very innocently. I never met my father...
IncestDear Bill. I am writing to apologize. I do not know what came over me when I introduced you to my coworkers as my stepfather. Of course I know you and Mom are not married, not even living together, it just slipped out. I am sorry if I embarrassed you and grateful you did not correct me when I did it. Again, sorry. And thanks for the ride home last Sunday. Gregg still has not apologized for leaving me stranded at Mom’s. Sorry it cost you a long drive. Julie **************************** ...
She looked at me and asked " so where did you shoot your load at?" i was suprised " Mom! Thats gross im not telling you" she looked at carolyn, carolyn smiles an tells her "first my mouth then on my stomach" mom looked at me smiled " oh he cummed twice , well good for you sweetie hope it felt good" i look at carolyn smile really big "it felt really good, now can we stop talking about this?"my mom says " okay baby im done" I go to the kitchen then come back in living room a...
Hello Readers. Its been sometime since I started following ISS and thought of sharing my own story. It all started way back in 2009 when me and the girl(Kavya) became close friends. Let me introduce her first. She is 5 feet 3 inches height, fair in color, flawless face, strawberry lips, well shaped figure(32-26-32). I’m of 5 feet 7 inches in height with athletic body and 6-7 inches dick. We became good friends as soon as we met and slowly I started loving he and expressed her the same. She did...
It was a rainy day. Last week, I had a small accident, so my car was in the garage. It was 7 p.m. and I was standing outside my office, waiting for a taxi. I didn’t even have an umbrella, and I regretted wearing this white shirt, which had become transparent now. Everyone could see my white bra through my wet shirt. Seeing this heavy rain, I remembered the day when I had sex with Adam for the first time. A smile came on my face, as I remembered how innocent and shy he was, the first time he...
MILFWaking up, he walked naked (as required by her very strict rules) into the kitchen to make coffee, his wife of 15 years already gone to work. Even though she was nearing 50, she still had a hot body that men were more than willing to sample, 5' 2" and 125 pounds. She had fairly large tits with huge nipples that swelled up when she was hot. On the counter, he found a neatly written note, always very precise and exacting, which he read as he sipped his coffee.Cuck-slut:I have special date for...
With the kids in school, my wife, Meg, has had more time on her hands during the day. I've started coming home for lunch when I can, and she always greets me with some new culinary delight - yesterday was no exception. I arrived home and and found Meg busy on the deck. She had a large, ripe strawberry in her hand and I watched with intense interest as she brought it to her red lips. After so many years together, I easily recognized the desire in her eyes, and my body responded to the tease...
Love StoriesSally was awakened with another dose of smelling salts. When she realized that she still had that right nipple attached to her tit, she was so relieved that she almost thanked the man with the knife. Her gratitude didn't last long as the man moved to remove the clothing below her waist. Sally was wearing some short shorts that were fashionably tight. There was very little flare at the leg openings, but there was plenty of room for the man to insert the knife blade. He cut along the...
"You're awake," the voice he knew so well murmured beside him. The crash still rang in his memory. As always when he remembered it, and when did he not? there was the bitter thought that anywhere else on that road, he'd've had time to grab the wheel and kick Steve awake. Cold air brushed his cheeks. A truck roared overhead. He felt a wave of bitter anger and loss and futility. A hand found his thigh and slid around to his cunt. "Let's fuck," the voice drawled lazily, "I'm tired of...
Victoria was at home sleeping one morning when she received an untimely phone call. The phone had startled her so that her adrenaline brought her to her feet fast to answer it, but her mind was still sleeping so she was half out of it. Vicky: "He-Hello? Oh Hi Karla...It's kind of early isn't it? Noon? Yeah I guess I could be there. Okay Bye."Vicky looked at her clock it was almost 4am. She put her head in hands as she tried to completely wake up and process the call. Why was Karla calling her...
I’d started the day as a virgin with absolutely no close encounters of any type with any females. I finished the day with a very deflated cock – my balls drained firstly by Ann and then by her daughter Megan. Ann is a strikingly beautiful blonde lady in her early forties, and Megan is her equally beautiful 24 yr old redhead daughter. Ann relieved me of my virginity after she had greeted me at the door – greeting me totally naked. She led me to her bedroom and fucked herself (and me)...
I just could not breathe like that. It started off OK, if you call having a woman sit on your face OK, but she kept scooting forward. If my head wasn’t in the way she would have been sitting on her heels. As it was her calves and thighs were pressed to my ears and her cunt was resting on my open mouth. I could tell she was letting her weight rest on my face instead of her legs. Even so I could have breathed through my nose if she didn’t have both her hands full of my hair, pulling my head up...
Chapter 1 There are all kinds of terms for it: lolita, nympho, skank, tramp, hottie, slut, well, you can probably add to the list. Some of the names are pretty low-class but that really doesn't apply to my little sister. She's hot, she's sexy, she's just obsessed about boys and sex but she's not exactly low-class about it. But you won't miss it either. Her name is Kim, Kimberly, and she's three years younger. When she was little, she was really cute, everyone just oohed and aahed over...
Mia and I have been friends for years and we have always been there for each other. I considered her to be my best friend and we were very close. So close that we would always share intimate details of each other’s sex life with one another and also shared a mutual secret obsession for porn although we had never watched it together. I started to feel this sexual tension between us and I had a hunch that she might be feeling the same way. I noticed that she lingered on the hugs she gave...
Continuing my Sex memoirsChapter 5 – The Return of a School ExBack when I was at school, I knew this girl called Lara. She wasn’t pretty, she didn’t have big tits, she wasn’t someone you could have social fun. She was chubby, stupid, and always smelt slightly of piss. But she did have one redeeming factor – she was obsessed with me, and I had an extremely over-active sex drive and I wanted to get fucking!I told Lara I’d like to be her boyfriend and we started an awkward relationship. At...
“‘The window’s in the wrong place!”I woke up suddenly and my brain was sort of rebooting itself. My memory was coming back in unconnected bits and pieces. The dream was a happy dream and I was having a good time in it. Now the window and the rectangle of sunlight and I was back, in my hotel, in my room, in my bed. And Justyna was kneeling on the bed and kissing me and telling me that she had to go to work and I knew where to find her and…“I lof you Suzy.”"I lof you too, Justyna," I said,...
LesbianBlake stepped into the empty elevator, pushed the button for the seventeenth floor, and waited for the car to begin its ascent. Just as the doors were beginning to close a hand shot between the doors and a thirty something man slipped on board, pressed the button for her floor and turned to face Blake, giving the twenty three year old a quick once over. The man was dressed in a dark blue business suit and would have been considered handsome, except for the fact that he had a large scar on his...
GayWednesday I woke up kind of groggy, either from the drinks, the massive about of physical fun or both. Going right into the bathroom I started the shower and took a leak in the toilet. The shower woke me up and I packed up my things for the day. I was planning on picking up Millie at her cabin, going to breakfast and we arranged to be on the same tour of Cozumel. Twenty minutes before I was supposed to meet Millie there was a knock on the door. Looking through the peep hole I spotted Millie in...
Introduction: After lunch Amber has some fun with a friend while her father peeps in on their little show. Lunch was spectacular. Amber made chicken quesadillas with Serrano chilies and white cheddar. She said it was something off Food Network and wanted to give it a try. I also found out Ron, her stepdad, never let anyone in the house cook. He said that was why he employed a full time chef. I often thought it would be awesome to have one, which is if I could even afford it. But I enjoyed...