Dawn Of A Sleeping Beauty free porn video

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Chapter 1

Amanda opened the front door and was greeted by Ali's sweet smile. "Hi, sis," Ali said as she stepped into the hall. "WOW," she whistled. "You do look the business."

"Why, thank you," Amanda said, turning sideways on so that her sister could admire the way the green silk sheath slid over her tall, firm body, the slit in the back allowing at least the smallest steps to be taken.

Amanda turned back to her sister, her red glossed lips shining almost as much as her emerald green eyes. "You don't look bad yourself, to say you are only here to baby-sit."

With mock modesty, Ali struck a pose. The short (some might say too short) leather skirt teamed with a blue sleeveless roll neck sweater really suited Ali, as did the knee-high black patent leather boots. The whole 'rock chick' look was topped off by Ali wearing her light brown hair, attesting to her need for some more sun, in a ponytail. Although Ali was not short, she gave Amanda a good couple of inches, and with Amanda's coppery hair worn up she felt positively overwhelmed. So how could she resist when Amanda said, "Thanks for coming, sis." As she threw her arms around Ali, their lips met in a very unsisterly kiss that lasted longer than either originally intended.

When Amanda finally let Ali come up for air, Ali found she needed quite a bit of pulling and wiggling to get her skirt back into its accustomed position.

"No probs, sweetie," Ali said. "You know I love to look after Dawn whenever I can." She suddenly realised that Dawn had not come bounding up to greet her as she normally would whenever Aunty Ali came to visit. "Where is she by the way?"

Amanda smiled. "She's upstairs in bed. I told her you were coming and she asked if you'd read her a bedtime story."

Ali raised a quizzical eyebrow. "One of yours?"

Amanda laughed. "Hey, why not? I just finished the first part of a fairy story, so that should be okay."

Amanda glanced at her watch and gasped as she said, "Look, I really have to dash, sis. Thanks again, and let me know if she gives you any trouble."

Ali reached out with her finger and wiped away a small smudge of lipstick from Amanda's otherwise perfect face. With a grin, she put the finger in her mouth and licked off the glossy mixture, a soft moan forming in her throat.

Amanda laughed again, shaking her head. "You are incorrigible!"

Ali slapped Amanda's silk-covered rump and said, "Go on! I'll see you later, and don't worry about Dawn. I'll take good care of her."

"I know you will, honey," Amanda said, as she opened the door and left.

Ali stood looking up the stairs, her ears straining to see if she could hear any sounds, but everything was quiet. Satisfied that her niece was okay for the time being, Ali walked in to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and removed a nicely chilled Sauvignon Blanc. Two minutes later, she was sitting on Amanda's couch, glass in hand, watching the TV.

She flicked the remote several times, but nothing caught her attention, and she found herself thinking about little Dawn and the story Amanda had written. 'What sort of Aunt am I?' Ali castigated herself and stood, pausing only to retrieve the bottle, and quietly climbed the stairs.

A light was on in Dawn's room, and Ali popped her head around the door to see if Dawn was asleep. Dawn had her eyes closed but Ali guessed she was pretending. "You want Aunty Ali to read you your Mommy's new story, poppet?" Ali asked but Dawn kept her eyes tightly shut.

Ali glanced over to the bedside cabinet and saw the large leather-bound book Amanda wrote in. Ali never understood why her sister insisted on writing freehand but, hey, 'each to their own'.

She walked around Dawn's bed, quietly put down her glass, and refilled it from the now half-empty bottle. With a smile and a glance to make sure Dawn's eyes were still closed, Ali held the hem of her skirt and wiggled, revealing her pantiless pussy. She pulled the straight-back chair from the dressing table and sat down, her booted feet resting on Dawn's bed as she picked up the huge volume and opened it.

'Sleeping Beauty' the title page bore in Amanda's flowing script, and Ali smiled as she thought of her online friend. She turned the next page and started to read.

"Once upon a Time..." Ali began, smiling at Dawn at the corny but expected opening.

... there was a Young King and Queen and like everyone else they longed to have a pretty little girl, only in their case of course, she would really be a Princess. Well, a few years passed after they were wed and still they did not have any children. Oh they tried. Night after night they spent hours locked in the Queen's boudoir, their bodies hungry for the other, joining together in delicious unions, hoping that with each climax they might bring forth the sweet little heiress they longed for.

And when they were not screwing each other into total exhaustion, they were making pilgrimages to holy shrines, or praying on their knees in some great cathedral. And, without the slightest realisation of the hypocrisy and (as they said) just to be safe, they would also go into the woods to placate the ancient spirits of that country. An added benefit of this, of course, was that it allowed them yet another opportunity to satisfy their carnal desires-- be it beneath the moon or the sun, they cared not.

It was on one of these trips, as they lay in their post-coital haze, that they met an old woman. Stooped she was, and wrapped around her shoulders and head was a black shawl that hid her face.

'Good morning, ' the old crone rasped, showing no sign that she recognised the regality of her new acquaintances, though that would not have been surprising as they were both naked at the time, the King's dick hanging limp after its recent convulsion, traces of which still glistened on the inside of the Queen's thighs.

Now for all their highborn status, both the King and Queen were possessed of excellent manners, and they pulled their purple robes around them. 'Good morning to you, grandmother, ' the King said, using the customary term for an elder female.

'I see you have been busy, ' she cackled softly. 'I assume that as you are in this glade dedicated long ago to Diana and Athena that you wish to conceive a daughter.'

The Queen blushed and the King sort of shuffled in a most unkingly way.

'Not to demean the two illustrious goddesses, ' the old woman went on, 'but if you really desire to give birth to a beautiful daughter... '

'Oh we do, we really do, ' the monarchs chorused together.

'Then find some filly root and make a paste, and apply it to both your loins. Refrain from sex for seven days, renewing the paste each day, and then... well, I'm sure you can work that out; you seem to have had plenty of practice.'

The woman could see the same thought pass through each of their minds: 'Seven days!' but they thanked her and assured her that they would do as she had said.

'It is up to you, ' the crone said as she turned and quickly vanished into the encircling forest.

The King looked at the Queen, and she at him. 'Well, I can't see any filly root here, and seven days is such a long time, ' the Queen said, with a knowing twinkle in her eye, and they both dropped their mantles and made sure their last fuck for such a long time would be a good one...

"Well, that certainly wasn't what I was expecting," Ali said as she took another large swig of wine. Not Amanda's normal style at all. But undeterred, and checking that Dawn was okay, she continued to read.

... Just as the old woman had promised, nine months and one week after they met her in the forest, the sun rose on a glorious clear morn and the Queen was delivered of a healthy, if somewhat noisy, little girl; and so they named her Princess Aurora. Well, Princess Aurora Leigh Ann Minerva Gwynedd Davina Becca Diana, to be precise, but as that was such a mouthful, to her doting parents she was simply, 'Dawn'...

"Aww, that's so sweet, you are in Mommy's book, sweetheart."

... The whole kingdom were overjoyed at the news the heralds brought to each village and hamlet, for they knew that if their Sovereigns were happy, then life would be a little easier for the serfs and peasants.

Along with news of the birth, the heralds brought news of a most lavish banquet to celebrate the King and Queen's good fortune, and they wanted the woman who they had met in the green wood to be the guest of honour. But, try as they might, they had failed to discover any trace of her. The peasantry, therefore, were charged with finding her. They were instructed to notify the King and Queen of any women that met the general description, or of any fairies that still lived within their realm for, the heralds explained, fairies make great godmothers, despite the incongruity of the term.

So, as the weeks between the birth and the christening went by, news filtered in from every corner of the land, and although seven fairies were found (two more than the kings statistician had guestimated), no one could tell the King anything about the woman in black. Not that several conniving old hags didn't try to claim the King's favour, passing themselves off as the bringer of the monarchs joy. These were dealt with quickly, if rather painfully, by the Royal Secret Vice Police, a service whose unfortunate initials resulted in several heart failures as people were invited to parties.

So, armed with the information gleaned by his loyal subjects, the King sent out invitations to all the nobility, higher ranked gentry and the seven fairies. Every single one that didn't succumb to seizures accepted, even the fairies, and of these all agreed to take on the task of godmother. Well, that's not entirely true; the king did receive one refusal, one that he secretly was overjoyed at seeing. It was from his elder sister, Amanda. She was the elder by all of 9 months, and had this land any notion of fairness, she would have assumed the role of monarch on their father's death; but being the eldest counted for nothing, as she was female. For her there had only been the prospect of being married off to some ugly prince to seal some treaty or other, whilst her younger brother knew he would one day be king...

"Now there's a suprise, Mommy's in here too," Ali said with a giggle in her voice. Still Dawn made no sign that she was listening, but Ali continued to read out loud as her finger started to slip inside her pussy.

... As Amanda grew, she flowered into the most beautiful girl in the land. She had long, wavy red hair, a most unusual colour in the kingdom as a whole, and the King's family in particular, as indeed were the deep green eyes that seemed to some to look straight into their souls. She was also taller than both the King and Queen, and her breasts outgrew her mother's by several cup sizes. Oh, she was beautiful, of that there is no doubt, but the courtiers, aristocracy, and even her own family saw her as being somewhat fey...

"Now ain't that the truth!" Ali exclaimed

... Her father had indeed tried to marry off his daughter, telling her on her 18th birthday. He honestly thought she would be pleased, but Amanda soon put him, and her mother, right on that score. Her father had, by turns, pleaded and demanded she obey him, as failing to honour the agreement he had made with King Stephen would probably result in war and ruination of their land.

'What if I were to take holy orders?' Amanda had asked, and the King saw a way out and told her he would call the Mother Superior, Sister Matthew, the following day.

'Don't waste your time, ' Amanda hissed. 'No way am I going to be saddled with some bloke's name! Give me the castle and lands at Farnworth and I will form my own order, ' she demanded, balled fists resting on her soft young hips...

Ali smiled as she recognised one of Amanda's familiar poses.

... The King considered this, carefully weighing up the small (in fact, almost insignificant) rents he got from Earl Farnworth, and he issued a decree there and then stripping old Farnworth of his land and titles 'For unnamed crimes against the state.' The king had always found it kept the more uppity nobles in line if he tossed one of them to RSVP every now and then; great man manager, the old King.

That very night Amanda had packed (well, her hand maidens had packed), and she left the following day with trunks full of her finest gowns and several bottles of rich red wine and the tastiest brandies from the King's own cellar, although why someone starting a convent would require such things, the King could not quite fathom. But he let it pass.

Within a year, Farnworth Castle was renamed, and Amanda surrounded herself with nubile virgins for initiates; novices they were called on arriving, but the term became meaningless very shortly after...

Ali's fingers increased their speed as she imagined her sister initiating young virgins into her 'order'.

... The present King hadn't seen his sister from that day to this, and was pleased he wouldn't have to now. Smiling, he passed the good news on to his wife. The Queen had never even met her sister in-law, and she sometimes shuddered when she heard whispered conversations about the 'goings on' at her Sanctum. But for all the gossip, Amanda was a Royal Princess, even if she renounced the title in favour of Superior Mother, and the Queen was sure she would have been able to welcome her husband's sister to the ceremony with good grace.

Anyway, with or without the King's sister the ceremony was soon upon them, and the top table was laid out for the King and Queen and the seven fairy godmothers In front of each was a beautiful gold goblet made and engraved for each of them to take away as a memento of the occasion. Things got off to a great start, and everyone cheered as after two hours of making small talk they saw the King and Queen enter, Princess Aurora held to her mother's breast. The monarchs appeared to have spared no expense in providing food and wine for their guests, and several times they remained seated as one or another of the gentry, probably to try and win favour, stood and toasted their health and the health of Princess Aurora-- for even the commoners couldn't handle all the little girl's names, nor for that matter had the Archbishop in the cathedral, but he was old and doddery and everyone pretended not to have noticed.

As the main course was starting to be cleared, the King's chancellor rapped his staff thrice upon the marble floor as he had done as each of the assembled guests arrived, announcing them to all and sundry. 'By your lords', leave, may I present Arian, Fairy of The Blackthorn.'

The whole place was stunned into silence as a wizened, bent figure shuffled through the half-open door. Immediately, the King and Queen recognised their benefactor, and jumped from their thrones and rushed to meet her. If the King and Queen were surprised to see Arian, her sisters were dumfounded, and threw each other quizzical glances, for each had believed that Arian's song had long since left the mortal realm. Yet here she was before them, small as life.

'We looked everywhere for you!' the king shouted, as he and his wife closed the gap between the top table and the newly arrived guest.

'Ha, ' scoffed the unhappy fairy. 'You can't have looked very far; for I live no more than 10 leagues from this very palace. Weeks I have waited to receive an invitation to your daughter's christening, I who had such a hand in her conception.'

'I'm afraid the meal is all but over, but come sit with your sisters in the place of honour, ' the King cajoled.

Arian looked with no love on her finely arrayed sisters and again let out a disparaging snort. 'You expect me to sit beside them, all gilded up in their finery and with golden goblets before them. No, bring me some leftovers and I'll soon be on my way.'

The King tried to convince Arian to stay but she rebuffed all entreaties, and so, defeated, he ordered his page to fetch Arian some food. With a huff she squeezed onto the end of a bench, space appearing as if from nowhere, for who wants to sup with a disgruntled and haggard fairy?

To cover their embarrassment at their wayward and dark sister's behaviour, Primrose, Fairy of the Meadow, stood and said, as she raised her apparently-never-empty gold goblet in salute to the King, Queen and Princess. 'May I thank your majesty for your hospitality to me and my kin. Long is it since we were treated with such respect.' Her words were shot like arrows from a bow at Arian, who just cackled softly as she bit into the meat sticking to a lamb's thighbone, an action that acquired her even more space on the bench.

'As a sign of our gratitude, ' Primrose continued, 'we would like to present gifts of our own to your darling little girl. I bestow on her the gift of beauty.' And with a flourish of her arms that sent half a cup of the best wine to the floor, a soft tinkling could be heard.

Similar actions were accompanied by even more tinkling, as one by one the seven sisters endowed the princess with esoteric (and frankly unsaleable) gifts ranging from patience to chastity-- this last, presented by the youngest, Rosebud, Fairy of The Hedgerows, bringing a giggle from the servants.

'Is that it?' Arian coughed, spitting gobbets of meat on to the board in front of her. 'God, I remember when fairies were respected... no, feared! What sort of wet sops have you become as your melody fades? Well, I, for one, do not intend to dishonour centuries of tradition. I also bestow a gift on your daughter, the gift that she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die.'

The room was thrown into a deafening silence, and the Queen's face was a ghostly white.

With her gift delivered, Arian rose and walked towards the high iron-bound doors that were slammed shut in her face, and two guards inched gingerly towards her. 'You will not detain me. For my music could bring this palace and the whole of your kingdom crashing down around your ears, ' Arian said, her voice strong and commanding. The king looked at Bluebell, Fairy of the Glade, who could not meet his gaze but simply nodded in reply to his unworded question.

'Go from here and never return, ' the King bellowed.

The King's voice, so close to Rosebud, Fairy of The Hedgerows' ear that the sound woke her from her wine-induced slumber, for it was ever thus that human wine, especially served in glittering gold goblets, was extremely potent to the Fair Ones' system. 'What's going on?' she asked Daffodil, Fairy of the Hills. In a whisper, Daffodil explained what had just happened. 'Bugger!' said Rosebud. 'I knew she was up to something. I meant to go and hide so I could outsmart her by giving my gift last.' She shrugged and thought to herself, 'My bad, ' and realised she had been spending far too much time with humans in the tavern near her grotto.

Fortunately for the King and Queen, as Arian disappeared (some swore on a broomstick), a new figure entered the grand banqueting hall. There was no doubting this newcomer's lineage, her blue dress and dark blonde hair almost blinding. The guards, who were afraid they'd get the blame if any more fairies messed up the festivities, tried to bar her way, but like a tree in the wind or a river in full flow, she seemed to bend away from their outstretched hands to stand unmolested in the centre of the hall.

'Ilian!' cried Rosebud, and was rewarded by a bright smile from the vision in blue...

"That's me!" Ali laughed out loud and brought a faint murmur from Dawn. "I wonder who else she has in here!" she pondered as she continued the story, her fingers now almost dripping as she let herself go with her sisters imagination.

Amanda opened the front door and was greeted by Ali's sweet smile. "Hi, sis," Ali said as she stepped into the hall. "WOW," she whistled. "You do look the business."

"Why, thank you," Amanda said, turning sideways on so that her sister could admire the way the green silk sheath slid over her tall, firm body, the slit in the back allowing at least the smallest steps to be taken.

Amanda turned back to her sister, her red glossed lips shining almost as much as her emerald green eyes. "You don't look bad yourself, to say you are only here to baby-sit."

With mock modesty, Ali struck a pose. The short (some might say too short) leather skirt teamed with a blue sleeveless roll neck sweater really suited Ali, as did the knee-high black patent leather boots. The whole 'rock chick' look was topped off by Ali wearing her light brown hair, attesting to her need for some more sun, in a ponytail. Although Ali was not short, she gave Amanda a good couple of inches, and with Amanda's coppery hair worn up she felt positively overwhelmed. So how could she resist when Amanda said, "Thanks for coming, sis." As she threw her arms around Ali, their lips met in a very unsisterly kiss that lasted longer than either originally intended.

When Amanda finally let Ali come up for air, Ali found she needed quite a bit of pulling and wiggling to get her skirt back into its accustomed position.

"No probs, sweetie," Ali said. "You know I love to look after Dawn whenever I can." She suddenly realised that Dawn had not come bounding up to greet her as she normally would whenever Aunty Ali came to visit. "Where is she by the way?"

Amanda smiled. "She's upstairs in bed. I told her you were coming and she asked if you'd read her a bedtime story."

Ali raised a quizzical eyebrow. "One of yours?"

Amanda laughed. "Hey, why not? I just finished the first part of a fairy story, so that should be okay."

Amanda glanced at her watch and gasped as she said, "Look, I really have to dash, sis. Thanks again, and let me know if she gives you any trouble."

Ali reached out with her finger and wiped away a small smudge of lipstick from Amanda's otherwise perfect face. With a grin, she put the finger in her mouth and licked off the glossy mixture, a soft moan forming in her throat.

Amanda laughed again, shaking her head. "You are incorrigible!"

Ali slapped Amanda's silk-covered rump and said, "Go on! I'll see you later, and don't worry about Dawn. I'll take good care of her."

"I know you will, honey," Amanda said, as she opened the door and left.

Ali stood looking up the stairs, her ears straining to see if she could hear any sounds, but everything was quiet. Satisfied that her niece was okay for the time being, Ali walked in to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and removed a nicely chilled Sauvignon Blanc. Two minutes later, she was sitting on Amanda's couch, glass in hand, watching the TV.

She flicked the remote several times, but nothing caught her attention, and she found herself thinking about little Dawn and the story Amanda had written. 'What sort of Aunt am I?' Ali castigated herself and stood, pausing only to retrieve the bottle, and quietly climbed the stairs.

A light was on in Dawn's room, and Ali popped her head around the door to see if Dawn was asleep. Dawn had her eyes closed but Ali guessed she was pretending. "You want Aunty Ali to read you your Mommy's new story, poppet?" Ali asked but Dawn kept her eyes tightly shut.

Ali glanced over to the bedside cabinet and saw the large leather-bound book Amanda wrote in. Ali never understood why her sister insisted on writing freehand but, hey, 'each to their own'.

She walked around Dawn's bed, quietly put down her glass, and refilled it from the now half-empty bottle. With a smile and a glance to make sure Dawn's eyes were still closed, Ali held the hem of her skirt and wiggled, revealing her pantiless pussy. She pulled the straight-back chair from the dressing table and sat down, her booted feet resting on Dawn's bed as she picked up the huge volume and opened it.

'Sleeping Beauty' the title page bore in Amanda's flowing script, and Ali smiled as she thought of her online friend. She turned the next page and started to read.

"Once upon a Time..." Ali began, smiling at Dawn at the corny but expected opening.

... there was a Young King and Queen and like everyone else they longed to have a pretty little girl, only in their case of course, she would really be a Princess. Well, a few years passed after they were wed and still they did not have any children. Oh they tried. Night after night they spent hours locked in the Queen's boudoir, their bodies hungry for the other, joining together in delicious unions, hoping that with each climax they might bring forth the sweet little heiress they longed for.

And when they were not screwing each other into total exhaustion, they were making pilgrimages to holy shrines, or praying on their knees in some great cathedral. And, without the slightest realisation of the hypocrisy and (as they said) just to be safe, they would also go into the woods to placate the ancient spirits of that country. An added benefit of this, of course, was that it allowed them yet another opportunity to satisfy their carnal desires-- be it beneath the moon or the sun, they cared not.

It was on one of these trips, as they lay in their post-coital haze, that they met an old woman. Stooped she was, and wrapped around her shoulders and head was a black shawl that hid her face.

'Good morning, ' the old crone rasped, showing no sign that she recognised the regality of her new acquaintances, though that would not have been surprising as they were both naked at the time, the King's dick hanging limp after its recent convulsion, traces of which still glistened on the inside of the Queen's thighs.

Now for all their highborn status, both the King and Queen were possessed of excellent manners, and they pulled their purple robes around them. 'Good morning to you, grandmother, ' the King said, using the customary term for an elder female.

'I see you have been busy, ' she cackled softly. 'I assume that as you are in this glade dedicated long ago to Diana and Athena that you wish to conceive a daughter.'

The Queen blushed and the King sort of shuffled in a most unkingly way.

'Not to demean the two illustrious goddesses, ' the old woman went on, 'but if you really desire to give birth to a beautiful daughter... '

'Oh we do, we really do, ' the monarchs chorused together.

'Then find some filly root and make a paste, and apply it to both your loins. Refrain from sex for seven days, renewing the paste each day, and then... well, I'm sure you can work that out; you seem to have had plenty of practice.'

The woman could see the same thought pass through each of their minds: 'Seven days!' but they thanked her and assured her that they would do as she had said.

'It is up to you, ' the crone said as she turned and quickly vanished into the encircling forest.

The King looked at the Queen, and she at him. 'Well, I can't see any filly root here, and seven days is such a long time, ' the Queen said, with a knowing twinkle in her eye, and they both dropped their mantles and made sure their last fuck for such a long time would be a good one...

"Well, that certainly wasn't what I was expecting," Ali said as she took another large swig of wine. Not Amanda's normal style at all. But undeterred, and checking that Dawn was okay, she continued to read.

... Just as the old woman had promised, nine months and one week after they met her in the forest, the sun rose on a glorious clear morn and the Queen was delivered of a healthy, if somewhat noisy, little girl; and so they named her Princess Aurora. Well, Princess Aurora Leigh Ann Minerva Gwynedd Davina Becca Diana, to be precise, but as that was such a mouthful, to her doting parents she was simply, 'Dawn'...

"Aww, that's so sweet, you are in Mommy's book, sweetheart."

... The whole kingdom were overjoyed at the news the heralds brought to each village and hamlet, for they knew that if their Sovereigns were happy, then life would be a little easier for the serfs and peasants.

Along with news of the birth, the heralds brought news of a most lavish banquet to celebrate the King and Queen's good fortune, and they wanted the woman who they had met in the green wood to be the guest of honour. But, try as they might, they had failed to discover any trace of her. The peasantry, therefore, were charged with finding her. They were instructed to notify the King and Queen of any women that met the general description, or of any fairies that still lived within their realm for, the heralds explained, fairies make great godmothers, despite the incongruity of the term.

So, as the weeks between the birth and the christening went by, news filtered in from every corner of the land, and although seven fairies were found (two more than the kings statistician had guestimated), no one could tell the King anything about the woman in black. Not that several conniving old hags didn't try to claim the King's favour, passing themselves off as the bringer of the monarchs joy. These were dealt with quickly, if rather painfully, by the Royal Secret Vice Police, a service whose unfortunate initials resulted in several heart failures as people were invited to parties.

So, armed with the information gleaned by his loyal subjects, the King sent out invitations to all the nobility, higher ranked gentry and the seven fairies. Every single one that didn't succumb to seizures accepted, even the fairies, and of these all agreed to take on the task of godmother. Well, that's not entirely true; the king did receive one refusal, one that he secretly was overjoyed at seeing. It was from his elder sister, Amanda. She was the elder by all of 9 months, and had this land any notion of fairness, she would have assumed the role of monarch on their father's death; but being the eldest counted for nothing, as she was female. For her there had only been the prospect of being married off to some ugly prince to seal some treaty or other, whilst her younger brother knew he would one day be king...

"Now there's a suprise, Mommy's in here too," Ali said with a giggle in her voice. Still Dawn made no sign that she was listening, but Ali continued to read out loud as her finger started to slip inside her pussy.

... As Amanda grew, she flowered into the most beautiful girl in the land. She had long, wavy red hair, a most unusual colour in the kingdom as a whole, and the King's family in particular, as indeed were the deep green eyes that seemed to some to look straight into their souls. She was also taller than both the King and Queen, and her breasts outgrew her mother's by several cup sizes. Oh, she was beautiful, of that there is no doubt, but the courtiers, aristocracy, and even her own family saw her as being somewhat fey...

"Now ain't that the truth!" Ali exclaimed

... Her father had indeed tried to marry off his daughter, telling her on her 18th birthday. He honestly thought she would be pleased, but Amanda soon put him, and her mother, right on that score. Her father had, by turns, pleaded and demanded she obey him, as failing to honour the agreement he had made with King Stephen would probably result in war and ruination of their land.

'What if I were to take holy orders?' Amanda had asked, and the King saw a way out and told her he would call the Mother Superior, Sister Matthew, the following day.

'Don't waste your time, ' Amanda hissed. 'No way am I going to be saddled with some bloke's name! Give me the castle and lands at Farnworth and I will form my own order, ' she demanded, balled fists resting on her soft young hips...

Ali smiled as she recognised one of Amanda's familiar poses.

... The King considered this, carefully weighing up the small (in fact, almost insignificant) rents he got from Earl Farnworth, and he issued a decree there and then stripping old Farnworth of his land and titles 'For unnamed crimes against the state.' The king had always found it kept the more uppity nobles in line if he tossed one of them to RSVP every now and then; great man manager, the old King.

That very night Amanda had packed (well, her hand maidens had packed), and she left the following day with trunks full of her finest gowns and several bottles of rich red wine and the tastiest brandies from the King's own cellar, although why someone starting a convent would require such things, the King could not quite fathom. But he let it pass.

Within a year, Farnworth Castle was renamed, and Amanda surrounded herself with nubile virgins for initiates; novices they were called on arriving, but the term became meaningless very shortly after...

Ali's fingers increased their speed as she imagined her sister initiating young virgins into her 'order'.

... The present King hadn't seen his sister from that day to this, and was pleased he wouldn't have to now. Smiling, he passed the good news on to his wife. The Queen had never even met her sister in-law, and she sometimes shuddered when she heard whispered conversations about the 'goings on' at her Sanctum. But for all the gossip, Amanda was a Royal Princess, even if she renounced the title in favour of Superior Mother, and the Queen was sure she would have been able to welcome her husband's sister to the ceremony with good grace.

Anyway, with or without the King's sister the ceremony was soon upon them, and the top table was laid out for the King and Queen and the seven fairy godmothers In front of each was a beautiful gold goblet made and engraved for each of them to take away as a memento of the occasion. Things got off to a great start, and everyone cheered as after two hours of making small talk they saw the King and Queen enter, Princess Aurora held to her mother's breast. The monarchs appeared to have spared no expense in providing food and wine for their guests, and several times they remained seated as one or another of the gentry, probably to try and win favour, stood and toasted their health and the health of Princess Aurora-- for even the commoners couldn't handle all the little girl's names, nor for that matter had the Archbishop in the cathedral, but he was old and doddery and everyone pretended not to have noticed.

As the main course was starting to be cleared, the King's chancellor rapped his staff thrice upon the marble floor as he had done as each of the assembled guests arrived, announcing them to all and sundry. 'By your lords', leave, may I present Arian, Fairy of The Blackthorn.'

The whole place was stunned into silence as a wizened, bent figure shuffled through the half-open door. Immediately, the King and Queen recognised their benefactor, and jumped from their thrones and rushed to meet her. If the King and Queen were surprised to see Arian, her sisters were dumfounded, and threw each other quizzical glances, for each had believed that Arian's song had long since left the mortal realm. Yet here she was before them, small as life.

'We looked everywhere for you!' the king shouted, as he and his wife closed the gap between the top table and the newly arrived guest.

'Ha, ' scoffed the unhappy fairy. 'You can't have looked very far; for I live no more than 10 leagues from this very palace. Weeks I have waited to receive an invitation to your daughter's christening, I who had such a hand in her conception.'

'I'm afraid the meal is all but over, but come sit with your sisters in the place of honour, ' the King cajoled.

Arian looked with no love on her finely arrayed sisters and again let out a disparaging snort. 'You expect me to sit beside them, all gilded up in their finery and with golden goblets before them. No, bring me some leftovers and I'll soon be on my way.'

The King tried to convince Arian to stay but she rebuffed all entreaties, and so, defeated, he ordered his page to fetch Arian some food. With a huff she squeezed onto the end of a bench, space appearing as if from nowhere, for who wants to sup with a disgruntled and haggard fairy?

To cover their embarrassment at their wayward and dark sister's behaviour, Primrose, Fairy of the Meadow, stood and said, as she raised her apparently-never-empty gold goblet in salute to the King, Queen and Princess. 'May I thank your majesty for your hospitality to me and my kin. Long is it since we were treated with such respect.' Her words were shot like arrows from a bow at Arian, who just cackled softly as she bit into the meat sticking to a lamb's thighbone, an action that acquired her even more space on the bench.

'As a sign of our gratitude, ' Primrose continued, 'we would like to present gifts of our own to your darling little girl. I bestow on her the gift of beauty.' And with a flourish of her arms that sent half a cup of the best wine to the floor, a soft tinkling could be heard.

Similar actions were accompanied by even more tinkling, as one by one the seven sisters endowed the princess with esoteric (and frankly unsaleable) gifts ranging from patience to chastity-- this last, presented by the youngest, Rosebud, Fairy of The Hedgerows, bringing a giggle from the servants.

'Is that it?' Arian coughed, spitting gobbets of meat on to the board in front of her. 'God, I remember when fairies were respected... no, feared! What sort of wet sops have you become as your melody fades? Well, I, for one, do not intend to dishonour centuries of tradition. I also bestow a gift on your daughter, the gift that she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die.'

The room was thrown into a deafening silence, and the Queen's face was a ghostly white.

With her gift delivered, Arian rose and walked towards the high iron-bound doors that were slammed shut in her face, and two guards inched gingerly towards her. 'You will not detain me. For my music could bring this palace and the whole of your kingdom crashing down around your ears, ' Arian said, her voice strong and commanding. The king looked at Bluebell, Fairy of the Glade, who could not meet his gaze but simply nodded in reply to his unworded question.

'Go from here and never return, ' the King bellowed.

The King's voice, so close to Rosebud, Fairy of The Hedgerows' ear that the sound woke her from her wine-induced slumber, for it was ever thus that human wine, especially served in glittering gold goblets, was extremely potent to the Fair Ones' system. 'What's going on?' she asked Daffodil, Fairy of the Hills. In a whisper, Daffodil explained what had just happened. 'Bugger!' said Rosebud. 'I knew she was up to something. I meant to go and hide so I could outsmart her by giving my gift last.' She shrugged and thought to herself, 'My bad, ' and realised she had been spending far too much time with humans in the tavern near her grotto.

Fortunately for the King and Queen, as Arian disappeared (some swore on a broomstick), a new figure entered the grand banqueting hall. There was no doubting this newcomer's lineage, her blue dress and dark blonde hair almost blinding. The guards, who were afraid they'd get the blame if any more fairies messed up the festivities, tried to bar her way, but like a tree in the wind or a river in full flow, she seemed to bend away from their outstretched hands to stand unmolested in the centre of the hall.

'Ilian!' cried Rosebud, and was rewarded by a bright smile from the vision in blue...

"That's me!" Ali laughed out loud and brought a faint murmur from Dawn. "I wonder who else she has in here!" she pondered as she continued the story, her fingers now almost dripping as she let herself go with her sisters imagination.


Same as Dawn of a Sleeping Beauty Videos

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Dawns Night Out

It was Saturday night in Sunnydale. Dawn sat on the edge of her bed in her bedroom. She felt restless and bored. Buffy had told her that she had to stay home tonight. She was mad about some silly incident at school. Dawn had gone to Willow, but she wouldn’t help. So here she sat all alone in the big house. She kept trying to think of things to do, but all she wanted to do was get out of here. No one understood her. She felt like no one paid much attention to her anymore either.The group of new...

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Dawn Visits Kansas

Dawn Visits Kansas Written by Kathi Jo Daniels Prologue: In an earlier story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had stopped in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser, to former neighbors. At a swinging party the next night, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. She accompanied Dawn to Steamboat Springs on a business trip, for two nights. Dawn worked three more days, then returned to the former neighbors' home for a second weekend before returning to Florida. Meanwhile, Patti...

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Dawn reborn

DAWN REBORNDawn Carson sat at the neatly laid table at the back of the restaurant feeling worried, yet with some excitement. Why mixed emotions? Partly because she had never done anything like this before. Thirty-four years old, separated from her husband for nine months, and here she was waiting to meet a man she did not know, who could be bedding her by the end of the evening. And she had set it up herself.Her simple black cocktail dress with two narrow straps that left her tanned shoulders...

Group Sex
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Dawn was in her bed, relaxing in the dark with her long legs spread apart just enough to allow room for her busy hand. The pillows were propped up against the wall so that she could almost sit upright. Certainly she could watch herself if she wanted to. If she could have seen through the covers. It was fall and the nights were just starting to cool off, so she was using a light blanket and not the heavier comforter that she knew she’d be using in a few weeks. The clean sheets felt crisp and...

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by stevie3624 The "Coffee & Cake" was as packed as the mall since Christmas was only two weeks away. Ginny and Dawn were fortunate that a small booth in the corner opened up just as their turn came to be seated. Ginny said, "Ooh this is nice, and those cinnamon buns smell fantastic...share?" "Why not," her friend said. "But you're such a bad influence on me Ginny, you never gain an ounce, and I gain a dress size after we're together, but we do have fun – not to mention all the money you...

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Dawn drops by to play with us

This is a continuing story about an old friend of Carol’s ,who was asked if she would like to play . It was an unexpected or unplanned invite as Dawn was working in housekeeping at the hotel we were staying in. She happened to walk in to change the sheets and saw us naked ,she will definitely have to change them when we are done. Before I start let me describe Dawn to you, she was a short rather stocky woman of native american descent. She was very pretty , soft spoken and at the age of 40...

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Dawn and Patti Move To Denver

Dawn and Patti Move to Denver By Kathi Jo Daniels Background: In the first story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had visited former neighbors in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser. The next afternoon, at a party attended by some swingers, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. In the second story, Dawn Visits Kansas, Dawn travels to appraise Patti's deceased parents' property for a venture capital buyout. Patti and Dawn also enjoying swinging with another couple. In the end,...

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Dawn A Cheating Slut Wife

You could say I was fat, dumb and happy. I'm really not fat--it's just a figure of speech—but I was dumb because I thought I was in a solid marriage. I was wrong--she's a lying cheating slut. I'm John T. Miller my friends call me JT or BeerMan. They call me BeerMan because I brew 5 gallon batches of beer in my home. Most guys in my Beer Club keg their beer. I, however, bottle mine. My wife, Dawn, drinks wine. She hates beer. No, I don't have a beer belly. I work out 5 days a week at the...

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Dawn came home with me

I had noticed that most of the house lights were on as well as the bedroom so I walked her down to the beach.”Would you like to take a dip” I said then started to strip when she smiled and nodded yes. But as we both started walking naked in the lake we both stopped quickly and agreed it was too cold. We gathered our clothes and started walking back to the house stopping along the way to kiss and fondle one another.As we made our way to the patio I pointed to the windows “looks like they...

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Dawn and the Foreman

The following story is about consensual, informed, extramarital sex. If this is a subject that offends you, please stop reading now and seek out one of the thousands of other stories available on this website that would be more to your liking.All events depicted in this story are absolutely true and accurate, or at least as accurate as my memory can reconstruct. With that said, the names of the guilty have been changed for their protection. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale. I have a...

Wife Lovers
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Dawn and Mike

All events depicted in this story are entirely true and accurate, or at least as accurate as my memory can reconstruct. With that said, the names of the guilty have been changed for their protection. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale.Some couples get into threesomes or hot-wifing later on in life, after the initial spark has faded and the doldrums of life start to lean in, they begin to look for a way to invigorate their sex lives.Dawn and I were not that couple.Our very first threesome...

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Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters Twelve Eighteen

Chapter Twelve: MondayPart 1: Morning – County Clerk’s OfficeI woke at sunrise, eased out of bed, trying to not disturb Patti, gathered clothing, and went into the bathroom. Showered and shaved, I put on panties and bra, did my makeup, put on my wig and stud earrings. I slipped on my navy floral V-neck dress and tip-toed out of the bedroom, closing the door before slipping on my black open-toe two-inch heels.I went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee, then to the office and powered up...

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Dawn and Carol made a bet

As Dawn tried hard to stretch her lips around Joe’s and my cock in her mouth.Carol got up,sarcastically saying she better go and get some Vaseline ,chuckling as she walked away. Dawn looked at her leaving, then up at me with some tears in the corner of her eye. I didn’t want to fuck Dawns pretty ass and I knew she didn’t want it either. So when Carol left the room I turned to Joe and said “do you remember Becky” ? Becky was a friend of Amber's and was having a gang bang that Joe...

1 year ago
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Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters Seven Eleven

Chapter Seven: WednesdayPart 1: Morning - Business UpdateI woke at sunrise, but Patti was still sound asleep, so I snuck out of bed, gathered lingerie, clothing, shoes, wig, and purse going into the bath to shower and shave. My dress for the day was a very simple, short-sleeve tie-waist shirtdress in tartan. After getting dressed and applying my makeup, I tiptoed out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Then I put on my two-inch black open-toe heels and went into the kitchen to make...

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DawnChapter 6 The Contract Expanding Her Horizons

"MAMA!" Dawn screamed at the top of her lungs. She knew that Mama hated men, hated sex. From what Mama had told her, Dawn was the seedling of Mama'a sole sexual encounter. Virginal before and chaste after that one night of pleasure — pleasure not for Rosa but for the forgotten young man who had emptied the sperm of his balls into her — Rosa had eschewed all relationships with the male of the species. Dawn had no doubt that the cock in her mother's mouth had not been invited there. And as...

4 years ago
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DawnChapter 7 The Card Game

Back at the Dean mansion, they met Alan as he drove up after work. "Well, hello, ladies, where have my two lovelies been this afternoon?" he asked. Dawn glanced at Melody, but there was no hesitation in her reply. "I took Dawn to meet Tony. We had a nice time," she said with a twinkle in her eyes. "Did you two get along?" Alan asked Dawn. "Do you mean did he fuck me? Hell yes. That man is hot, truly hot. He's almost as hot as you are, Alan. Not hung quite as well, though," she...

1 year ago
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Dawn and I have some outdoor activities

Dawn and I watched Kay leave then sat staring at each other for a few minutes”wow was that planned”Dawn asked.”What did she whisper to you”she then asked ,then stood up and sat down on my lap. “I hope she told you to take me back to bed”then wiggled her but around, “so are you’? I gave her a kiss ,sliding my hand up between her thighs,you would like that wouldn’t you. But I thought we would take a walk and maybe relive some memories down by the creek.You know , the place where we almost...

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Dawn and Ken and Maria and David

Redistribution: No restriction except that the story may not be changed/edited and the title, author’s name and email, and request for feedback must remain intact. I was in a pretty pickle, though I guess it’s one a lot of guys wouldn’t mind being in. Until a few weeks, before this began, I’d been a carefree, though overworked manager at a Dot-com start up. I had a salary I didn’t have time to spend and girlfriend wannabes falling all over me. My downfall, if that’s what it was, began after I...

1 year ago
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Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters One Six

Prologue:In an earlier story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had stopped in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser, to former neighbors.  At a swinging party the next night, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. She accompanied Dawn to Steamboat Springs on a business trip for two nights.  Dawn worked three more days, then returned to the former neighbors’ home for a second weekend before returning to Florida. Meanwhile, Patti visited her daughter in Aspen, then returned to her parents’ farm in...

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DawnChapter 5 She Meets Will in the Hallway

The problem with falling asleep after multiple orgasms — the cums, not the cocktail lounge drinks — is that a girl tends to forget that she usually pees before sleep, and that it would break the mood for her to get up and brush her teeth as well. But the memory returns before the sun rises. At about five in the morning, Dawn felt the pressure building up in her bladder, and the taste of cotton in her mouth. Common sense would have dictated that she slip out of bed and attend to those simple...

3 years ago
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Dawn Does Sister and Daddy

“I don’t know if David is happy or not and yes I got laid and it was wonderful” Dawn was not telling all. Diane noticed something about Dawn and then an idea crossed her mind, “I don’t think it was David and so who was the lucky boy?” “I am not telling you right now, maybe later after I figure it out better.” Diane was puzzled but this and then it hit her “oh god you did it with daddy, oh man was it good, you have to tell me”. “Quiet, okay but you have to promise not to say anything to...

1 year ago
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Dawn And Patti Move To Denver Part Three

Part Three: A New HomeAt one-thirty, we left for the title company offices. First American Title Company was located less than two miles from the hotel, and the same distance from our new home. Teresa met us in the lobby.“Thank you for inviting Laura and me to the inaugural party tomorrow. I understand Andrew and Marie, as well as Harry and Jean, will also be there. We look forward to the evening. It should be a fun time. Let us get you the keys to your new home!”Teresa led us into the title...

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Dawn Breaks OutChapter 4 Fertile Cruise

And so, just 6 weeks after the idea had been formed, Dawn and Gavin flew out from Cape Town via London to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They arrived the day before sailing, and spent the night in a hotel to catch up on jet-lag. It was there that Dawn hinted to Gavin what he might expect! "I've been a very forgetful girl", she confessed. "I forgot to bring my diaphragm or any panties!" "Wha... Wha... What are you saying?" For a fleeting moment, Gavin wondered whether this would be a...

1 year ago
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BTVS: DAWN'S CONFUSION PART 1A young teenager closed her door and jumped on her bed. Reaching over, she pulled her journal from a bedside table. Still laying across the bed she opened the journal and retrieved the pen laying inside and commenced writing.'I Dawn Summers, am admitting that I have no idea what to do. Things have changed as of late. Feelings have escalated and are out of my control. What started out as an educational/informal question and experiment has turned into an unexpected...

2 years ago
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Dawn her first ever BBC Published by luvcuntlickin

our friend, Tyrell giving Dawn her first ever BBCThis is a fantasy about how I would have liked things to have gone if Dawn was still with me. I like to think that she would have been very excited,hot and turned on getting her first black dick from my friend Tyrell from Xham. On several occasions Dawn and I talked about what it might be like for her to get her first black cock ... and I after meeting and talking with Tyrell I'm certain she would have loved getting fucked by him while I watched...

1 year ago
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Dawn the white mother

Celebration at Jimmy's HouseDawn looked out the kitchen window at the friends of her son Jimmy as they swam in their pool. The high school baseball season had just finished and the team was to take part in the State All-Star Play Offs. Jimmy's Dad, Will, had excused himself from the swim party and had gone out with his golf buddies. He would probably be gone for the entire day as he always seemed to do whenever he didn't want to be bothered leaving all the work on Dawn's beautiful...

3 years ago
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Dawn and Faith

Dawn loved to watch the slayers training, they were all so hot but what she really loved was watching faith, a vampire slayer just like her sister buffy, but unlike buffy faith had this exotic side to her that made dawn tingle all over. She loved that faith always wore those leather pants which seem to cling to her body, dawn could tell that faith either didn't wear any panties or if she did they would be so tiny, dawn let out a little moan at the thought of this, she was pretty sure that faith...

2 years ago
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Dawn at Night trip to North Carolina

Recently my wife and I took a weekend trip to go visit my parents. We stayed at the hotel nearby because there was other family in town; who were staying at my parent's house. It started that Friday night with all of us going out to dinner. The night would end very quietly, tho my wife got drunk so she was a mess. We walked back into the hotel, well I did and helped her to the room. I came back around to the front desk. Before me was a young woman. Her brown hair in a tail but some covered her...

2 years ago
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Dawn and Ken and Maria and David

I was in a pretty pickle. Until a few weeks before this began, I'd been a carefree, though overworked manager at a Dot-com start up. I had a salary I didn't have time to spend and girlfriend wannabes falling all over me to spend it. My downfall, if that's what it was, began after I bought a large suburban house only to realize I didn't have time to take care of it. The solution was obvious: hire a housekeeper; I had the money. Maria was so pretty, I didn't even ask if she could cook. She...

3 years ago
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DawnChapter 2 Her

Two days later, with the house fully occupied, Alan walked past Dawn in the kitchen. Without so much as a glance at her, he said, sotto voce, "My den at midnight." Our little fledgling strumpet smiled to herself. After two nights of somewhat satisfying masturbation — her orgasms pleased her clitoris greatly but she still couldn't get the sight of the Senor's cock out of her mind — Dawn was ready to spread her legs, to take him inside her, to feel the throb of his ejaculation. The day...

3 years ago
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Dawn and Faith part 2

Dawn and faith couldn't keep their hands off each other, and with the house full of slayers in training that was hard to do. They loved to tease each other, sometimes it was a little leg caress under the table others it was a quick squeeze of the bum when taking the dishes out.Dawn was doing it as much as faith which was getting them both turned on, as soon as they were along their hands would be all over each other, dawn loved the feel of faiths tongue in her mouth exploring as her hands did...

2 years ago
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DawnChapter 2

So I called Dawn. “Okay, so, you wanna go out?” “Sure,” she said easily, “What do you have in mind?” “Not clubbing. Dinner and a movie?” Things got really quiet for a second. “What movie?” “I don’t care...” “Liar!” “Well, okay, there’s that sci-fi flick, but I understand if you want something else.” “No, I like sci-fi. I’m not big on horror, but sci-fi is okay.” “Sweeet! My kind of girl!” I bubbled. “Dinner before or after?” “After?” “Okay, I need to get you by six. Where do I pick...

1 year ago
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DawnChapter 3 Her Anus

Dawn looked around the room as she knelt naked on the bed. Her room looked as it always did; the wallpaper, the pictures, the posters hiding the solid plaster construction of the old mansion. They don't build houses like that anymore. But you probably don't care about the construction of the house; certainly you don't care as much as you might care about the way Dawn and Alan were constructed and the way they were about to join those parts. Her legs were slightly spread for bAlance and his...

1 year ago
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DawnChapter 8 Las Vegas

The next few years merged into one big sexual blur. Dawn became the official entertainment for the weekly card game. Each of the players had his own surrogate wife, but none of them were as young as Dawn and none cared to spread her legs for the entire group. In addition, Dawn wanted the work badly, planning to use the money to finance her college education. She treated each man, and most of the wives, with the attention they would have gotten had she spent the night alone with each...

1 year ago
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Dawn yawned and rolled over, tucking a few stray strands of auburn hair behind her ear and pulling it all away from her neck. The sun was warm on her naked back and curvy ass as she laid her head on her arms and closed her eyes again. She had to admit, sunbathing was one of her favorite winter past times. Sure, it was cold out, but that made the sun feel all the better on her bare flesh. The cold made her ache, too, her bare nipples as hard as diamonds against the lawn chair. By the time she...

2 years ago
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Dawn Goes Into Business

My wife has been a slut for some time now, but just recently she has become a whore. I'm still not sure how I feel about that; I was a little upset about it at first, but I had to stop and remember that it was my fault and she did think she was doing it for me. Dawn is thirty-one, has short blond hair, and a fairly decent body. We have been married just a little over ten years, happily for the most part, but there have been a few rough spots. We live a pretty comfortable life and money has...

3 years ago
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Dawn Breaks OutChapter 3 Pregnant Slut to MILF

And this became Dawn's life for the next 6 or 7 weeks! She met up with Jeff and Andy at least twice a week for a quick or slow fuck depending on circumstances. Enrico reappeared three times over that period, and this almost inevitably involved a threesome with Jeff. During the next poker game at their place, Dawn was totally naked within a couple of hours. Gavin had to play his golden chip later again, and lost to Andy. As she had nothing left to strip, Andy declared that she would have to...

2 years ago
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DawnChapter 4 She Gets to Know Melody

What Melody had said was, "It's not so bad, Dawn; you'll get used to the taste. Meanwhile, let me clean off both of you." Two heads whiplashed toward the doorway. There stood the mistress of the household, casually leaning against the door frame. I haven't described Melody Dean for you, have I? She stood a lithe five foot four, the extra few inches above some of her friends serving her to good advantage on the tennis courts. Without a moment's thought, Dawn could see that her blonde...

1 year ago
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Straight oral doggy Two married people seek something more.We agreed not to tell anyone how we met.Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemedmismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy thanthe one at home.It was craigslist.Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her funand erotic emails that grabbed my attention./Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?"//Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your...

3 years ago
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We agreed not to tell anyone how we met. Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemed mismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy than the one at home. It was craigslist. Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her fun and erotic emails that grabbed my attention. Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?" Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your vegetables. lol." The first time we met we had dinner...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Dawn and julie part 2

So here I was 15 yrs old, I had been fucking Dawn, fucking her sister Julie and her Mom and Dad as well all for the past year. It was a hot summer day in mpls.and me and Dawn decided to go swimming in her above ground, piss yellow, tin with white braces and blue liner swimming pool from Sears. The pool had a cover over it and for some reason we thought it would be fun to fuck around in the pool with the cover on and fuck around is just what we did.It didn't take long before we were butt naked....

3 years ago
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Dawn and julie part 2

So here I was 15 yrs old, I had been fucking Dawn, fucking her sister julie and her Mom and Dad as well all for the past year. It was a hot summer day in mpls.and me and Dawn decided to go swimming in her above ground, piss yellow, tin with white braces and blue liner swimming pool from Sears. The pool had a cover over it and for some reason we thought it would be fun to fuck around in the pool with the cover on and fuck around is just what we did.It didn't take long before we were butt naked....

2 years ago
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Dawn of the 70s

Dawn of the '70s by Jojo A recent photo-layout in the "Times" on corked platform shoes started a string of recollections of my first forays into fashion, of David Bowie's "Rebel, Rebel," and of courses of Lisa Brown. I smiled to myself remembering that first time ... Lisa and I had known one another for a long time. We had gone through grammar school together but we became friends during our freshman year in high school when we realized that we were the only students who had been...

1 year ago
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DawnMy gym manager was apologizing while telling me that all of the massage ther****ts he trusted were completely booked. I asked him if they could give him any names and he laughed and said, “Yeah, each others....”He had stopped before finishing so I finished for him.“And you?”“It would be inappropriate.”“Why, because you are gay?”He gave me a small smile and shrugged his shoulders.“I didn’t think you knew.”“I was clued in by the blonde that sneered every time she walked past you. I asked her...

1 year ago
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Dawn of The Anal

This is a continuation of my relationship with my 66 year old lover Dawn, we had just spent the night having dinner at a posh resort. To my surprise Dawn had rented a room and I had just finished our usual half hour love making session and I knew she must have been exhausted. I had only cum once and my 43 year old body was not done for the evening. I knew granny would be getting a second load of my sperm before the night was over. Dawn was lying on her stomach with her head buried in a...

1 year ago
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Dawn of The Anal

This is a continuation of my relationship with my 66 year old lover Dawn; we had just spent the night having dinner at a posh resort. To my surprise Dawn had rented a room and I had just finished our usual half hour love making session and I knew she must have been exhausted. I had only cum once and my 43 year old body was not done for the evening. I knew granny would be getting a second load of my sperm before the night was over.Dawn was lying on her stomach with her head buried in a pillow. I...

2 years ago
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Dawn Breaks OutChapter 2 Swanning Around

Just the very next week, Dawn needed to go to a week-long conference in Johannesburg (two hours flying from Cape Town). On the Monday morning, she was scheduled to give a talk on new systems which they had been developing and wanted to market. She had been well-coached on the presentation, but her bosses urged her also to socialize with other delegates. A few months earlier, that might have been a frightening instruction, but she was now much more relaxed. Hilary was roped in to advise her on...

1 year ago
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Dawn Arrives

DAWN ARRIVES BY JANICE Anita and I have been friends since we first met in High School. She was a cheer leader and I was a nerd. She could have any guy she wanted and she had guys following her around like puppy dogs. I knew that a guy like me would never have a chance with her so I could just worship her from afar, which I did. After high school we went our own way and ... as sometimes happens... we found...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 10 Sleeping Beauty

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Ten: Sleeping Beauty Tuesday, June 14th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Southern Oregon My cheeks were warm and my leg throbbed when I woke up. How could a stupid scratch cause so much trouble? My upper thigh ached worse as I sat up. I reached for the pouch of willow bark, pulled out a piece, and chewed on it. It was bitter, but as I swallowed, the fever and ache diminished. “How are you feeling?” Reina whispered as I painfully crawled out of the...

4 years ago
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Dawn And Patti Move To Denver

Part One: Preparing to MoveI returned from two weeks in Kansas with Patti. During that time, she insisted I dress as a woman. This had worked until my purse spilled and Patti’s friend Brenda Hess picked up my driver's license. Fortunately, Brenda was very accepting, even encouraging me to transition into living as a female full-time.Patti and I were introduced to swinging with Brenda and her boyfriend, Martin. The initial purpose of my trip was to appraise the property Patti’s parents had owned...

1 year ago
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DAWNS STORYSOMEWHERE BETWEEN NORFOLK AND SCOTLAND 1960Dawn Effingham was on her way back to Scotland after spending three weeks with Major Webley at his place in Norfolk.She'd gone there after the car her husband had bought her before he'd died had finally given up the ghost.Not that she would ever sell said car but she still needed a car that would run.So she decided to put her old car into a Barn at Rednam riding school where she lived and worked.Major Webley had invited her down to his place...

3 years ago
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Dawn And Patti Move To Denver Part Two

Part Two: Finding a New HomePatti and I woke about the same time Tuesday morning. I got up first, undressed, showered, shaved, put on a bra and panties, applied my makeup, and cleared out of the bath. Patti then showered, applied her makeup, and dressed. We would not be wearing heels today, walking sandals would be much more appropriate, so I chose a short sleeve, coral red crinkle top with a navy midi flared skirt. Patti selected a multi-color peasant blouse with a denim mid-calf...

1 year ago
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I was first given Fatema for my wife when I was only 10 years old. She had been my nursemaid when I was an infant and was a friend of my mother. At that time, she was 30 years old, four years older than my mother and 20 years older than me. As a child, I remember her bathing me, and fondling my penis until I had a climax, even before there was ejaculate. Later, when I had physical cum, she would suck on me, draining the juice from me. It was an exercise I learned to enjoy and looked forward to...

3 years ago
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Twisted Tales Sleeping Beauty

It started a long time ago, when Maleficent and Briar’s mother were teenagers experimenting with their newly found sexuality. Maleficent soon developed a huge crush on the beautiful young queen, and the queen in her innocence, loved her in return. However, she had a duty to her people, to marry and produce an heir for the throne. And she tried to explain this to the besotted Maleficent, the reasoning behind her having to choose a husband, having to marry and bear a child, the reason of why...

2 years ago
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Dawn in Nam

Even the medical tent was under fire. We had six guys strapped to stretchers, ready to be air-lifted as soon as the chopper came. Captain Ventura shouted, ‘Dawn, line ’em up for triage—worst to first.’ ‘Sir, yes, sir!’ I replied, although such military formality was more sarcasm than protocol. I was halfway through a nine-month tour in country. Captain Gregory Ventura, MD, was a draftee, who thought his four years of pre-med and six years of medical school would have kept him out of the Army....

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Dawn the Secretary

About 5 years ago I was on a Petro Chem site were we had a contract and we had to reduce the workforce so I had a young Girl from Head office seconded to help me with the HR stuff. Dawn was about 19 very pretty if a little on the plump side so here tits were fairly big and pert,. I already knoew Dawn from HQ but only spoken a few times to her and the other girls, but I did know her Dad used to live in the same road as me when I was growing up so we had stuff to talk about and they were all...

2 years ago
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A retelling of the Sleeping Beauty

Clifford picked up the quill pen and carefully dipped it into the bottle of ink. He made one last notation on the parchment that lay before him and then he set the paper aside to dry. He glanced at the sunlight as it shone through the window of his tower room and reckoned that it was mid-afternoon. Clifford put away the quill, and smiled to himself. It was time for a break. He went to the only door to his chambers and carefully threw the bolt that would lock out any visitors. What he was...

2 years ago
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Dawn Seeding Breeding Part 3

Chapter 3: Neil and Dawns Point of ViewPhil had arrived in Saudi as scheduled and had sent confirmation emails to Head Office and to myself, informing everyone that he had arrived safely as was the protocol with the company. He had sent Dawn an email outlining the same sentiment but with a more familiar structure. He didn’t phone anyone in the UK on his arrival due to the time difference but he was looking forward to hearing Dawns voice once again. Back home the day was just beginning, Dawn was...

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