Rebbeca rsquo s Training
- 2 years ago
- 47
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It came at me out of the blue. We had just finished dinner and Becky was washing the dishes and I was drying them and putting them away when Becky said:
"Have you ever had an affair or thought of having one?"
How in the hell do you honestly answer a question like that? Had I ever had one? No. Had I ever thought of having one? Many, many times. There was only one answer that I could safely give and so I gave it:
"Of course not. Why in the world would you even ask me a question like that?"
"No reason, just idle curiosity."
"Oh no you don't Rebecca Anne. I know you better than that. You would never ask a question like that without a reason."
"That's all it was, just curiosity. Marge Holbrook told me that she just found out that George had an affair two years ago. Two weeks ago Nancy Neubert told me Tom was having an affair and a month ago one of the girls I work with told me she found out her husband was having an affair. All three of them are in marriages that have lasted over twenty years and I wondered if it was some form of late life seven year itch."
Nothing more was said about the subject and we finished the dishes, watched NCIS, Commander-In-Chief and Boston Legal and then went to bed.
I didn't buy it. Becky and I had been married a little over twenty years and I knew her. I knew her a whole lot better than she thought I did and I could tell that there was more behind her question than she was letting on. But I also knew that since she hadn't been forthcoming during our talk in the kitchen she wouldn't say any more on the subject.
I spent a day or two wondering about it and gradually I forgot about it. For about a week. And then I noticed a subtle change in Becky. It might have been there all along, but I was just noticing it. She dressed just a tad better for work. Not necessarily more sexy or more revealing, but just a little more upscale. She wore her high heels more often, spent a little time on her hair and makeup.
She had always stopped one night a week with the girls from work and she was usually home by eight, but she started coming home later; first nine and then nine-thirty and then ten. And there was a difference when she came home - she was always horny and wanted to make love. I started coming home to find messages on the answering machine telling me she was running a little late.
Then I remembered her question about affairs and the penny dropped. She had asked that question to gauge my response to it. She was trying to get a feel for how I might react and I concluded that Becky was either thinking of having an affair or was already having one. I know that some would call that jumping to a conclusion, but again, I knew Becky a lot better than she thought I did. Plus, I had the benefit of an excellent memory.
Way back when Becky and I first met I'd already had some sexual experience with several different girls while Becky was still a virgin. I made a big mistake one night after we had become engaged in letting Becky talk me into telling her of my past experiences and she got all bent out of shape. She even went so far as to suggest that maybe we shouldn't rush into things, that we should take some time off from each other and see other people and make sure that we were really right for each other.
I may have been dumb enough to tell her of my sexual past, but I wasn't so dumb that I couldn't see what was going on in her head. I wasn't going into our marriage a virgin so why should she? I had no problem with that as long as I was the one she did the deed with, but even back then I knew her better than she thought I did. I'd had sex with five girls before meeting her so she should have sex with five guys so we would go into our marriage even.
I didn't fall for it.
I flat out told her that if she wanted to date other guys then give me back my ring. I told her that once she said yes to my proposal and put on my ring anything she did with another guy I would consider as cheating. She backed down, but I know she always felt like she was short-changed on the deal.
I had no doubt in my mind that she had spent some time during our marriage wondering what another man or two would be like and I don't doubt that she had even wondered what certain specific individuals would be like. Hell, that was just human nature. I'd looked at a lot of ladies during our marriage and wondered what they would have been like, but look and wonder is all I did. I wasn't sure that I could say the same any more about Becky.
I'm a one woman guy and I expect that my significant other will be a one man woman. I'm not the type to share. As much as I loved Becky I would end our marriage in a heartbeat if she stepped out on me. I was not the type to sit and wait for things to happen either. There wasn't an ounce of 'wait and see' in me and not even a smidgen of 'what I don't know won't hurt me.' If Becky was considering an affair I would try to head it off at the pass. If she was already having one we were done.
There were no kids to be hurt if Becky and I divorced. Joan had joined the Army right out of high school and Ryan was in his second year of college (back in my day it would have been just the opposite). They wouldn't be happy about it, but they wouldn't be hurt the way they would have been had they been seven or eight.
The first thing I had to do was find out what was going on. The obvious place to start was with the night she stopped with the girls from work. They always (at least according to Becky) stopped at the Top Hat and it was usually on a Thursday because the Top Hat had a live band Thursday through Saturday. I drove to the place on a Monday and checked it out.
There were several dark corners where you could park yourself and not really be noticed unless someone was looking for you. I never wear a hat and my vision is 20/20 so a ball cap and a pair of reading glasses with the lenses punched out combined with a dark corner should make me unobtrusive. All I had to do was get to the Top Hat early enough on Thursday to see that I got one of the dark corners.
Becky got off work at five-thirty so at five-fifteen I was sitting in a dark corner, the bill of my ball cap pulled down low. Becky and her girlfriends walked in at five thirty-five and pushed three tables together next to the dance floor. When the women sat down they didn't sit together, but were spread out with empty chairs between them and I wondered about that. I got the answer about three minutes later when a bunch of guys came in and took the empty seats. I noticed that after the guys all sat down there was a vacant chair on either side of Becky.
The band came in, set up, and then started playing their first set of the evening. Everyone but Becky got up and moved out onto the dance floor. Becky sat there sipping her drink and watching her co-workers dance. About five minutes after the music started I saw Becky get a huge smile on her face and I looked in the direction she was looking and I saw a man heading for her with a smile on his face as big as the one on hers. When he reached the table he bent down and kissed her and then sat down next to her. There was some animated conversation, some touching, and a lot of smiling and then they got up to dance to a slow number.
He pulled her close to him and they dance so close that you could not have slid a piece of paper between the two of them. When his hands slid down her back and came to rest on Becky's ass and she buried her head in his shoulder the only question I had left was, "Has the affair already been consummated?"
Becky and the man danced several times together and when she excused herself to go to the bathroom I got up and left the bar. I walked through the parking lot until I found Becky's car and then I went and got mine and moved it to where I could sit and watch Becky's. I reached into the back seat and pulled my date for the evening into the front seat with me. I had stopped at an adult bookstore a couple of days previous and had purchased a blow up doll. I'd found a blond wig at the Salvation Army Thrift Store and one of my old sweatshirts completed the costume. I pulled my 'date' close to me and settled in to wait.
At nine-fifteen Becky and the man came out of the bar hand in hand and they walked right past Becky's car and came straight towards me. I pulled my date into a clinch, made like we were necking and hoped that Becky wouldn't recognize my car. If she did it would force a confrontation and I didn't want that yet. I needed more information before I confronted her.
Either she didn't recognize the car or she was too wrapped in the guy to notice, but she walked right by me and the two of them got in the car right next to me. The two of them talked for about five minutes and then they slid together and started to make out. After about ten minutes they broke apart, talked for another few minutes and then Becky got out of his car, walked over to her car and drove away. The man started up and pulled out of the parking lot and I started up and followed him.
Twenty minutes later he pulled into the driveway of a four-bedroom ranch, got out and locked his car and went into the house. I wrote down the address so I could use the library's reverse directories to find out who he was and then I headed home.
When I got there and went in the house I found a worried Becky. "Where were you? I got home and you weren't here and there was no note or message on the answering machine."
I had an unkind thought - was she really worried about me or was she worried about where I might have been and what I might have seen or been trying to find out? I decided to take my first shot at her and see how she responded.
"I was busy helping one of the guys at work. He caught his wife cheating on him and he tossed her worthless ass out of the house. If it was me I'd have sent her to the hospital. I helped him move her stuff out of the house and throw it in the driveway. He was a lot nicer about it than I would have been. I'd have thrown her out without anything. I'd have burned everything of hers before I'd have given it to her."
As I said that I saw her eyes widen just a bit and I continued, "I don't know what tomorrow will bring. He's going looking for her lover and plans on putting him in the hospital. I may have to go down and bail him out of jail."
"Why are you letting yourself get involved?"
"Hey, when it comes to wives who are cheating whores us guys have to stick together. Right now he needs all the moral support he can get. Luckily his kids are grown up and out of the house so they won't be too damaged by what's happened. Ready for bed?"
She looked thoughtful and then said, "No, not yet. You go on up. I'll be up in a little bit."
I wondered if I'd reached her. I'd touched a nerve somewhere because on her nights out with the girls she was usually hot to get me in bed when she got home. It wasn't at all like her to let me go to bed alone.
The next morning I went digging through the boxes where I keep the manuals and handbooks that come with the stuff that I buy. I found the instruction book for the telephone answering machine and read it. My memory had been good. I'd thought the machine had a remote feature and I'd been right. I'd never before used it. What you did was call your number and when the machine answered you hit the pound sign and then within two seconds you entered in your remote access code and the machine would play any received messages. I wrote down the preset access code and put it in my wallet.
At lunchtime I went to the downtown branch of the library and using their reverse directories I found out that Becky's boyfriend was Stanley Piltch. A visit to the county courthouse and a quick records search showed that 411 Campbell Street was owned by Stanley and Elaine Piltch. Armed with that information I went back to work. Starting at three-thirty I began calling home every ten minutes and at four-forty the machine played back:
"I'm going to be running a little late tonight honey. I have a report I need to get out by tomorrow and I'm behind on it. Don't wait dinner on me. I love you, bye."
I was parked just down the street from where Becky worked when she came out at five-thirty, got in her car and drove off. I followed her to the Top Hat where she parked in the lot and went inside the bar. Ten minutes later Stan arrived and five minutes after that the two of them were in his car necking again.
After five minutes or so Stan stared up his car and they drove off. I followed along behind then to a Motel 6. They sat outside the office and talked for about five minutes and then Stan got out of the car and went into the office. Several minutes later he came out of the office with a room key in his hand. He got in the car and they drove down and parked in front of room 114. They talked some more and then Stan got out of the car and went to the door of 114 and unlocked it. He looked back toward the car, but Becky hadn't gotten out. He got back in the car and said something and Becky shook her head no. He said something else and again I saw Becky shake her head no. Stan got a disgusted look on his face, got out of the car and tossed the room key through the open door and then got back in the car, started it up and then drove back to the Top Hat.
They sat in the lot and talked for five minutes and then slid together and Stan took her in his arms, kissed her and then they necked for about five more minutes. When Becky got out of Stan's car and headed for hers I took off and hurried home so that I could be there when she got there.
I was sat in the kitchen drinking a beer and thinking about what I had seen. The trip to the motel was self-explanatory, but what did what happened there mean? Was it the first time and at the last minute Becky couldn't go through with it? Or had it been what she regularly did on the nights she was "running late" and for some reason this time she couldn't do it? There was no clear answer to the question and I was still turning it over in my mind when Becky came in the door.
"Have you eaten yet?" she asked.
"No, not yet."
"Good. I know how much you hate making love on a full stomach and I'm horny as hell. We can eat later" and she took my hand and pulled me along behind her to the bedroom.
I have no idea if her horniness was inspired by what she and Stan had almost done or by guilt over what she and Stan had almost done, but the sex that night and for the rest of the week was intense. Becky even let me have her ass, which is something that she rarely does. When I left the house to go to work Monday I was almost glad to get away from her.
Calls to the answering machine on Monday and Tuesday showed no calls from Becky, but at five after five on Wednesday I heard:
"I'm working late tonight honey, don't hold dinner. Love you, bye."
I got the call too late to be outside Becky's workplace when she got off so my only option was to drive over to the Top Hat and see if she was there. I pulled onto the lot just in time to see Stan walk up to the door and go inside. I parked in the back and waited and about half an hour later the two of them came out and got in Becky's car and with the exception of the trip to the motel it was a repeat of the previous Friday. Talk, some necking, more talk and then more necking and then Stan got out of Becky's car, got in his and they both drove off.
I might have been wrong, but I was beginning to think that Stan was working hard at getting into Becky's pants, but had not yet succeeded. I gave Becky a half-hour head start and then I headed for the house. On the way I made up my mind as to which way I was going to go. When I got home Becky was waiting for me.
"Where have you been? I was afraid I was going to have to find something to use as a dildo and start without you."
"I had to hold John's hand for a while."
"John? Who is John?"
"The guy I told you about the other night. He threw the cheating whore out, but he still loves her and what she did to him really messed him up. But enough about John. Your live in dildo is here and is eager to be used."
Becky led me into the bedroom and reduced me to a quivering wreck. Again I was asking myself was her ardor caused by guilt over what she was doing with Stan, or was she really glad to be with me and would I ever really know the answer to that question.
The next day was Thursday, Becky's night to stop with the girls from work. From the fact that Becky had met Stan at the Top Hat on Wednesday I deduced that my statements about what I would have done to a cheating wife hadn't registered or given Becky any pause so I resolved to end things one way or another before the evening was over.
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One afternoon I was visiting my neighbor and best friend Carol-Anne, who is 15 like myself. We were sitting out by her pool in our bathing suits.Carol asked if I would put on the sunscreen for her and she would do the same for me. So of course I agreed. Nothing happened there.But later on as the afternoon got hotter, Carol decided to remove her top, and she applied some sunscreen to her breasts. I found myself looking at her nakedness, not because I'm particularly attracted to other women, but...
(AUTHORS NOTE: I wrote this story about my first wife. I’ve posted it on a couple of other erotic story sites, and have corrected a few grammar and spelling mistakes and posting it here now.) Anne It was another hot Texas summer day! Anne, I and Tom decided to head out to the quarry for a swim. Anne was beautiful! I can still see her standing there with us, 5′ 6′, and short brown hair in a pixie cut. Her tanned 34 22 34 body was almost covered in a tiny little bikini that she crocheted. What...
I really get a kick out of Mary. She is so straight. I mean, she means what she says, doesn't fool around with games. I thought up the panties-on-the-hook thing, and who was the first to use it? Mary. I love it. And hearing her laugh when she comes is another kick. And, I wasn't far behind. I have basically the same courses as Mary, but we aren't in any of the same sections. Instead of her Statistics, I have Business 101, that's the only difference. I don't want to deal with the heavy...
I liked Will, and I was glad he and Mary hit it off so well. I'd sort of hoped she'd find someone besides Tom, especially since I now have Alex and Saul. I walked around the museum with them, listening to Will's talk. He does know his stuff, and even though he really didn't have eyes for anyone but Mary, he really grew on me. Of course, he also took care to look down the front of my dress when I gave him the chance, and he kept trying to see through Mary's shirt as well. She'd left the...
I walked into the Union and sat down next to Alex. Tom came in right behind me. I realized I didn't have my earrings on, and I started to put them back in my ears. "Hope you don't mind if I get dressed again, guys. I really feel naked without them." "Where you been?" Tom asked. "I do figure modeling at the Art School. It's been twice this week, now. This was supposed to be Mary's day, but she had to go out to the riding stables." "So, you've been sitting around bare ass since...
We had a good workout, and I was really tired when Saul, Alex and I got to the Union. The guys went off somewhere for a few minutes, and I was just sitting in the lounge, when a girl from my economics class sat down next to me. "Hi, Anne." "Hi... Oh, sorry, I'm pooped. I've been swimming all afternoon and I think my blood sugar is about minus 60 in the shade." "That's all right. Waiting for someone?" "Two of the guys I study with, don't know where they went really, probably to...
I really enjoy the mornings on weekends. We sleep late, sort of. That is, if we wake up and it's not too late, we look around for something to do. Or someone to snuggle up to and sleep some more. Plenty of times, we make love and then go back to sleep. It's a swell way to start the day. When we have to, we get up and settle down on the cushions for coffee and muffins, still naked, still touching and loving each other. It all feels so comfortable. Eventually we got going that weekend; Tom...
"No," said Saul. "Why not?" Mary asked. I looked at him and smiled. I thought I knew what was coming. "Understand, Sigrid and Tom, I'd love to have her with us. I like you a lot, Sigrid, you're great looking and I think you'll be a terrific lover. But you've overlooked something." "What, Saul?" Tom asked. "I thought we'd thought of everything." "Sigrid gets to fulfill her promise to be a virgin until she marries by marrying you. That's cool. It meets her religious or...
Luanne was 18 years old and a freshman at --- College. She was stunningly pretty, even beautiful; five-foot-four with long chestnut-brown hair that fell in gentle waves to her shoulders, sparkling hazel eyes, milky-white, perfect skin, and an innocent smile that could break your heart with its sweetness. Her body was perfect; just a touch on the chubby side, but curvy and delicious, with full hips, a beautifully round and protuberant bottom, and breasts just a little too large for her frame....
What happened was my own fault so I guess I can't cry too loud, but Adrianne gets a little bit of the blame - she didn't have to do what she did. It all happened because I'm a basically insecure guy where my wife is concerned. Adrianne is drop dead gorgeous and had every guy in town hot after her ass from the age of fourteen on. I on the other hand was the type of nerd who never even could get a date until I hit the eleventh grade. How I ended up with Adrianne I'll never know, but I was...
It was the fifth day of our family vacation in Cuba, and we had been having a great time, sailing, swimming, snorkeling, and enjoying all that this beautiful resort had to offer. However, after having spent several days with my sons and husband, I began to miss the girlie things in life. I wanted to go do some shopping in the cute little town just outside of our resort. When I voiced my desire, it was as if I had asked them to consider going to the dentist. I realized that I was going to have...
"It's...something else, confessing this to you." Anne's face flushed a little red as she looked down into her coffee cup. "I mean, I like you plenty tutoring me in physics and maths and what not, but..." she looks back at me just over the rim of her round glasses.I smile back without saying anything. She's sitting across from me in my living room, legs crossed underneath her in the comfy chair she likes. She's wearing black jeans with wide pantlegs today, she's in good shape, they still reveal...
Hi friends I’m Nevil here from Kerala and ladies, if you like this story, do contact me to and this is a story that happened when I was 18 and now I am 20 doing my BE and it was then, my aunt let’s call her Anne came back from Ahmedabad as her husband passed away in an accident and they were settled there after their marriage as her husband was doing business there. She would be around 28 or 30 years old then she got married early but still, was having an awesome figure. She was fair, cute and...
IncestFor anne For my whore, my slut, my bitch, my slave, my pet, my loverand most of all my friend In my dreams is always was forever. If you are under the age of 18...LEAVE NOW Comments and Suggestions are always appreciated. Flames will be ignoredand all serious inquiries I will make all efforts to reply to [email protected] I arrive at her place unannounced. She is pleasantly surprised to see me needlessto say. A quick hug and a quick peck on the cheek and she invites me in....
I met Stephanie Anne on my first day at college. We were attending freshman indoctrination and ended up sitting next to each other. I've never been shy and she was good looking so I immediately hit on her. We left indoctrination to go for a pizza and ended up back in my room where we practically ripped each other clothes off. Steph had my cock in her mouth before I even got my T-shirt off. I hadn't been laid in months and she had me ready to cum in less than a minutes and I told her I was...
When Mom and Dad brought me home from the hospital, Mom put me into a crib next to the bed where she slept with Dad and Frank, my two-years-older brother. When I woke up and cried, she'd just pull me into the bed and plug me onto her breast. When I was two, my kid brother Ralph came along, and the same thing happened for him. I would snuggle up with Dad or Frank and go back to sleep. Sometimes Frank or I would take a little from Mom's other breast. Frank, of course, was four, and he...
Sigrid came back to North with us and hung up her heavy coat. The room was hot. She looked great in her slacks and red flannel shirt. I made coffee. "Tom says nude cappuccino is great," Sigrid said. "It is. Maybe later. What's up?" "Couple of things. First. I want to tell you and Mary about some stuff that happened over Christmas." She set her coffee cup on the shelf. "I don't know, but I guess you think I'm in some religious group that takes the Bible literally. I'm not. I'm...
Transvamporia Two: Jeannette by Bloodspell Moone Introduction: Welcome to the second installment in the Transvamporia story, if you have not read the first part, I would recommend that you read it first, as this is a giant story that builds upon the previous parts. Now, I guess the best way to describe this story is to say that it is different than almost all of the stories you are use to reading here. I am a plot driven writer, and as such, the story line and the plot are going...
The Players: JuliAnne, 33 – black hair – 5"5' – 34c, 22, 32 (Mom) Daniel, 36 – brown hair – 5"10' – 195lbs (Dad) William, 15 – black hair – 5"8' – 166lbs (ME) The Setup: Mom and Dad met when she was still in high school, and he was visiting a friend who lived down the block from her. They met, had a whirlwind courtship, and were married all in about eight months. I was born seven months later. About eighteen months ago, Mom was pregnant again, but it wasn't to be....
It was another bright spring day as James and Bayonetta made their way up the long walkway to Jeanne's estate. The compound was well fortified with a chain link fence, a brick wall, a guard station and several guard dogs. James couldn't help but feel intimidated as they approached the gate in Bayonetta's GTO, but the guards had waved them through as soon as they spotted her in the driver's seat. The warm sun and the smell of freshly cut grass greeted them as they made their way up to what...
At sixteen she was sweet, young and innocent. At seventeen she was a virginal, blushing bride. And now? She's only eighteen and is already an accomplished slut. Not that I mind all that much, after all, I'm the guy who made her one. I was twenty when I met Carrie Ann, and, as I mentioned above, she was only sixteen. I knew the minute that I laid eyes on her, without a single doubt in my mind, that she was meant to be my soul mate for life. In most places, and under most conditions, it would...
It was another bright spring day as James and Bayonetta made their way up the long walkway to Jeanne's estate. The compound was well fortified with a chain link fence, a brick wall, a guard station and several guard dogs. James couldn't help but feel intimidated as they approached the gate in Bayonetta's GTO, but the guards had waved them through as soon as they spotted her in the driver's seat. The warm sun and the smell of freshly cut grass greeted them as they made their way up to what...
Maryanne was a loner. She had been all her life. She'd never had any real friends, and her parents had died when she was young. She'd hated her foster parents, all of them, and drifted into retail work after school. Although she was competent enough, and had never really been sacked, she'd had more jobs than she could remember. She was pretty enough to have had her fair share of boyfriends, but had never felt anything special for any of them. Inevitably, each one had drifted away,...
Chapter 2: Barocca Duz JeanneBarocca smiled warmly at Jeanne, and she quickly undid the two knots that held her bikini panties on, and tossed them to the side. Barocca focused her thoughts, and released the mental control over her cock. Almost instantly, Barocca's cock lengthened and expanded so that it was now eight inches long, and as thick as several of Jeanne's fingers were. Jeanne shook her head in disbelief. "Damn. You weren't k**ding about some of the things you can do with your...
I married my college sweetheart the summer after we both graduated, and after our honeymoon in Nassau with lots of sun and love making, we moved into our new home, a small apartment just outside of Boston. The apartment was in an old house that had been divided into four apartment units. Before we were married, without knowing many details, I was aware that Maryanne had a bit on a reputation back in her home town, and liked to flirt with other guys and men, and perhaps fool around some, but I...
I used to own a shop in which I sold all kinds of art books, posters, prints and stuff. Not much after I opened, a young woman came in early on a Saturday morning. I knew her, her name was Susanne, we had worked in the same company two years before. I knew she was married and had a little daughter, I kew where she lived – and I knew she wasn’t interested in art at all.It was a busy day in the shop, lots of customers, but Susanne was there all the time, looked at everything and pulled out books...
We wondered if Molly had meant it when she’d said “see you soon,” fresh from her orgasms with us in the woods and the subsequent public dumping of Ryan. Holidays can be full of such momentary intentions (except that Molly lived in the nearby town, of course) which are rarely followed through when people return to their routine lives. Time would tell, though, and we just had to avoid getting our hopes up. The next morning’s breakfast, shared with our neighbours, Bill and Dianne, across the space...
SwingersThe Breaking and Making of MariannePart 1 – AbductionMarianne set the alarm, shut the front door, and locked it shut - she was always meticulous when it came to security. She walked down the short path forth house to the road, setting out for her daily constitutional walk. She took pride in keeping her figure trim, and walked at least 3 miles each day. She may have been 35, but she had the lithe body of a 25 year old. She weighed only 7 1/2 stone, and fitted comfortably into a UK size 10....
(I hope John Mellencamp will excuse me) They got off the elevator and headed down the hall toward their room. Two twenty-five year old recently promoted executive assistants sent to this conference by their employer.Their respective bosses had decided that it would be team building, not to mention expense saving, to have the women share a room while attending the three days of workshops and seminars covering various tasks they would be required to perform in their new roles. Jill joined the...