If I Needed Someone free porn video

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I know my ability to concentrate was greatly diminished, but I really don't think it would have made much difference. I sat behind a blue Chevy at the intersection. My mind was in turmoil and I was driving more by habit than anything else. The light turned green, so I followed the Chevy through the intersection.

At least I started to follow it. I remember seeing something from the left corner of my eye. Then the dreams, the nightmares, the hallucinations, the pain, and the misery became my constant companions. I remember seeing my family, I think. I remember people talking to me. It's funny that I could understand each word, but the words didn't make any sense collectively. They were just words, nothing more.

Everything ran together, like I was jumping from one dream, or nightmare, to the next. I never felt like I was awake, or lucid. Eventually, a part of me realized it wasn't real, that my world at present was simply a place in my mind. It didn't stop the pain, or the nightmares, but it did lessen the misery.

I opened my eyes. This was different. I could see walls and a ceiling. I could hear a voice that made sense as I listened! I began a mental rundown of my body. I could wiggle my toes. That was good. Then I tried my fingers and to my relief, they worked! The pain was a dull, constant thing, but after what I had been feeling, I was able to put it from my mind. I tried to turn my head and it almost exploded. I must have groaned.

"Mr. Hadley! You're awake!" a pretty young woman almost yelled as she moved her face close to mine and smiled. "I'll get the doctor. You just rest and I'll be right back."

I think I fell back asleep. The next thing I knew, a man younger than I was looking into my eyes and feeling my head.

"Welcome back, Mr. Hadley. You've had quite a time of it, but you are doing fine now. You were in a car accident and it was touch and go for a while, but you seem to be out of the woods. I know you have a lot of questions, but you need to sleep and heal. We've given you something to help with the pain and to help you sleep, but don't worry. You'll be seeing your family very soon."

I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them again, I knew I must have slept for hours. Jim and Tiffany were standing next to the bed on my left side, smiling at me as I looked around.

"Oh, Dad!" cried Tiff. "We've been so worried about you! I knew you were tough and you'd pull through. I love you so much, Dad!"

"Yeah, Dad, you're too mean to die!" laughed Jim. "You've got years in front of you. I guess you have Mom to thank for that!"

I tried to answer, but my mouth felt like someone had dumped sand in it. I couldn't really get my lips apart. There was no way I could form words, so I just attempted a smile and that even hurt a little.

"That's right, Dad. Mom gave you a gift that keeps on giving. She gave you a kidney, Dad! I guess you two are joined, almost at the hip, from now on," laughed Tiffany. "Go ahead and look the other way. Mom is over there."

I somehow turned my head and saw a bed next to mine. It took a minute or two for my eyes to focus. Finally I was able to make out Gwen in a sitting position in the bed, smiling at me as tears streaked her cheeks.

Was this real, or another nightmare? What were they saying about a kidney? Why would I need one? Why would Gwen give me one? It was too much to understand. I closed my eyes again.

I slept the better part of the next few days. When I had a lucid period, nurses, doctors and my kids would explain how I had come to be in the situation I found myself. Gradually, I was able to distinguish between reality and dreams. I don't know what they had been giving me, but it was some serious shit!

I had been T-boned in the driver's side by a kid trying to elude the cops. To avoid a ticket for doing 35 in a 25 MPH zone, the kid had come within an inch of taking my life. The police estimated he was doing around fifty when he hit me. I couldn't help thinking that the speed at impact didn't really matter to me. The results were the problem. The kid wasn't hurt and his old man had him released in his custody. The little fucker was probably getting laid at his prom this weekend!

I had played football in high school and I had the idea I was a pretty good wide receiver. I was fast and I could catch anything I could touch. I went to Penn State so I tried out for the team. I didn't have a scholarship. That should have been a clue how my talent was assessed by the coaches.

All the guys were trying really hard to show their abilities and desire to the coaching staff. The first time we had full contact drills, I made my cut and saw the ball coming my way. It was going to go about three feet over my head so I leapt up and grabbed it with my right hand. Even as I caught it, I knew the coaches had to be impressed.

The thing I had not anticipated was the speed and power of the guys trying to make the defensive team. Before I could bring the ball back down and tuck it in, a 245-pound linebacker hit me. He was going full bore when he lowered his shoulder and laid into my right side. I folded around him like a pretzel as he drove me to the synthetic turf of the practice field.

I woke up in the hospital. I pissed blood for a week and the doctors seemed pretty worried for the first few days. By the end of the week, I was allowed to leave. The only problem was my right kidney had been pretty well ruined. I was cautioned to always be careful and to take real good care of my left one. It would have no trouble handling all renal functions, as long as I never did anything stupid, like play football, or get T-boned in the driver's side.

This is where it became interesting. I wasn't really banged up as badly in the accident as you would expect, except my left kidney was pretty much toast. Naturally! It was determined that if a donor could be quickly found, a transplant was the best option.

Gwen was tested, although the odds were really against her matching up. You guessed it! While I was floating in and out of my dreams and nightmares, it was decided that I would receive a kidney from Gwen. They told me I was made aware of the decision and even agreed to it! I didn't see any sense in arguing that assertion, but I didn't remember anything that happened, or agreeing to anything.

Gwen was feeling better a lot sooner than I was, but that was normal. She didn't have a foreign organ implanted in her body. I was the one they had to watch for rejection of that organ. As she recovered, Gwen was by my side constantly. She read me the paper, wiped my brow, and even helped to the bathroom. It was a difficult time for me, but I finally was allowed to go home.

I laid around for another six weeks or so, before I could return to work. During that time, Gwen was attentive and understanding. She tried hard to be cheerful and upbeat. The kids were back in college, but came home most weekends to see me and help their mother care for me.

Gwen recovered fully in a very short period of time. At least it seemed like it to me. She was back at work in a couple weeks and I lay around the house alone for a month. I gradually recovered and by the second week that Gwen went to work, I was able to walk around the block. That seemed to be the break-through event in my recovery. By the time I went back to work, I was getting around quite well. The doctors told me it would be months before I was one hundred per cent, but that day would come.

When I went back to work, I was given light duty for a couple weeks. I finally complained to the supervisor that I needed to resume my regular duties. I worked for the phone company. I'm one of those guys with the bucket trucks that check lines and poles. I'm good at it and I enjoy it. The next week I was back doing what I enjoyed, and felt better about myself. I was a little nervous driving for a few months and I still look both ways at every intersection. I knew how lucky I was that I had been in a company truck when the kid hit me with his dad's SUV. If I had been in a car, it would've been all over.

Six months after the accident, almost everything was back to the way it used to be, with one big exception. Gwen and I hadn't made love. It wasn't that she wasn't willing. She was. In fact, she was a little insistent at times, but I just couldn't get interested. I had some major issues.

The day of my accident, I had been working out by the interstate. I was concentrating on a mess caused when an excavator had ripped down a line. I had been given the job because I had done it before and they knew I could do it again.

I happened to glance across the top of a dump truck parked near by. Just beyond it was a motel, catering to motorists on Route 80. I noticed a car a lot like Gwen's pull in and park not fifty feet from where I was perched in the boom. It's funny but we seem to be invisible while we're working in those buckets.

Another car pulled in and the driver got out. It was Ben Pool, a coworker of Gwen's. As he walked around the front of his Explorer, a lady stepped from the other car and met him with a slow, hot kiss. That was no lady; it was my wife!

I watched in stunned silence as they walked hand-in-hand to room 108. Ben swiped the key in the slot and they went inside. Before Gwen was able to pull the curtain, I could see Ben feeling her tits through her clothes.

I felt ill as I considered my situation. Gwen had never been an especially sexual woman. She was attractive and always dressed well, but if I didn't initiate sex, it just didn't happen. It wasn't all that unusual for it not to happen even when I tried to get it started. I had accepted the fact that her sex drive wasn't all that great. She was a wonderful mother and wife in every other way.

At least, I had believed she was. Knowing that Ben was fucking her brains out gave me cause to rethink her rating as a wife. It just wasn't something I was going to accept. I didn't feel that rushing to the motel and demanding some sort of reckoning would solve the problem. It was a bit late to avoid being a cuckold. I knew better than to think this was their first meeting. They were far too comfortable with each other for that.

Sadly, as I thought about the situation, it gradually became apparent to me that there was only one solution, short of having them both wacked. I had no desire for revenge at the time. I was just a man in pain. I wanted to crawl off and lick my wounds in some cave. Hurting Gwen didn't even occur to me.

At the same time, I knew our marriage was over. I wasn't the best looking guy in the world and a lot of men made more money and had bigger cocks. If any of those items, or all of them, made a difference to Gwen, she should have found a different husband those 23 years ago. I wasn't a superstar, but I did have some pride and self-respect. If I didn't get rid of Gwen, I would have nothing. I had to appreciate the irony of that. If I lost Gwen, I would have almost nothing of importance left. If I continued as a cuckold, I'd have even less than nothing. It really was a no-brainer.

Then that miserable pimply-face little prick decided to outrun the police. I was only able to walk around the planet because Gwen gave her kidney to me. That really fucked up my resolve. I thought of little else since the accident. I was as far from reaching a decision, as I had been when I first learned that Gwen had donated her kidney to me. I never agreed to that! It wasn't fair. It would have been far easier if they had just let me die. Now, I had to decide how to live the life that had been returned to me, in large part by an unfaithful, cheating slut wife.

"I think you should see a doctor, Paul," Gwen told me one night as we lay in bed. She had made sexual advances that I had once again resisted. I just couldn't get interested in her sexually.

"I've spent the last six months seeing doctors, Gwen," I replied. "I really don't care to see any more. I'm pretty well healed anyway."

"I was thinking more about a psychiatrist," she responded. "You have to admit you haven't been the same since the accident and I'm worried about you. It might be something mental and a doctor can help with it."

Actually, I had been thinking along the same lines. Maybe a shrink could tell me what the hell I could do to get my shit together. I needed someone to set me straight, to tell me what to do with Gwen's cheating ass.

"Okay, Gwen. If you set it up. I'll go," I calmly answered. "That might be a good idea."

"Really? I didn't think you'd go along with it, Paul. I had a whole argument memorized to persuade you into it," revealed Gwen. "Can you tell me why you accepted my suggestion so quickly, if I may ask?"

"Sure, you can ask," I responded as I rolled over with my back to her. "It's because I'm all fucked up. Good night."

Tuesday after work saw me in Dr. Wright's office. She was a reasonably attractive woman around my age. She was dressed neatly, but conservatively. She looked the part she had chosen as her career.

"I guess if you have any children, they aren't named wrong," I surmised as we shook hands.

"What makes you say that, Mr. Hadley?" she asked.

"I've always been told that two Wrights don't make a wrong, Doctor," I replied straight-faced.

Her eyes sparkled as she attempted to maintain her poker face. I just looked at her until she broke into a big smile.

"I'm supposed to make you relax and feel comfortable, Mr. Hadley," she laughed. "Not the other way around."

Then we went through the predictable bullshit for ten minutes. The outcome was I would call her doctor and she'd call me Paul.

"Paul, I see on my notes that your wife made your appointment. She explained to my receptionist that you had a serious accident about six months ago. She, in fact, donated a kidney to you. She also said that your recovery seemed to be going well with one exception. You have lost all interest in sex. Is that accurate, Paul?" asked the lady shrink.

"Tell you what, Doc. Peel your clothes off and lie down on this couch and we'll both see how interested I am," I responded a little testily.

I was irked that Gwen had told the receptionist so much and that all the blame was placed at my feet. Gwen could have put an ad in the paper and still been more discreet!

Doctor Wright looked intently at me, gauging my temperament.

"Are you saying that you are interested in sex, Paul?" she asked. "I will decline your invitation for obvious reasons, which I'm sure you already know. Why does your wife feel you have lost interest when you feel you have not?"

"It could have something to do with the fact that she's a cheating whore," I deadpanned. "I just don't feel much attraction to a slut putting out for half the town. Does that make me sick, or crazy?"

"We don't use that expression, Paul. Why do you feel that your wife is a whore, as you call it; that she has cheated on you? She must be concerned about you to make an appointment with me, don't you think?"

"Now we're getting down to brass tacks! That's the problem. She's been very good to me. She gave me a fucking kidney! Excuse my language, Doc. You can see my dilemma, can't you?" I asked.

"You feel that your wife is unfaithful to you, yet willing to make incredible sacrifices for you? Is that what you are telling me, Paul?" questioned the doctor.

"Pretty much in a nutshell, Doc," I answered. "She's fucking a coworker of hers. I saw her with him the day of my accident. I was prepared to toss her ass out to the curb, but then I was sidetracked, as well as sideswiped, by some hormonal little prick in his father's SUV."

"So you are certain your wife is having an affair and that was caused you to lose interest in making love to her? Couldn't your concerns be a result of your accident? Is it possible that you may have not seen what you thought you were seeing, Paul? Couldn't you have made a rather hasty assumption," she asked.

"Suppose you saw your spouse meet someone at a cheap motel, kiss them long and hard, walk hand-in-hand into room 108, watch the other person run their hands all over your spouse as the drapes were being closed. Then you watch for over an hour while they remain in the room. Finally, they walk to their vehicles, kiss again, and drive off. Would you naturally assume they had a hell of a game of scrabble, or would you think they were fucking like minks?" I demanded.

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Need For Revenge Ch 04

You may want to read the previous chapters before this one. Thank you to Estragon for his editing and making this a much better read. * Things sure change in a hurry. One day everything is going along fine and the net day ‘Boom!’ everything changes. It was on a Saturday and Kathy was working at Bob Evans. I went and sat in her section. It wasn’t as crowded as usual so we had a chance to talk a little. My feelings for her were strong but not much I could do about it. As I was ordering my...

3 years ago
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Sarah was eighteen, excited as she drove home in her hand-me-down clunker of a car. Alex, her brother, was coming home to visit from college for fall break, and she hadn't seen him in nearly four months. They'd always been close, and she missed him. A part of her was excited in more than a sisterly way. With thick brown hair and striking green eyes, she'd always harbored a forbidden crush on her older brother.Twenty four year old Alex was excited as well. His parents would be out of town for a...

3 years ago
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Needful Things 2 Stop the World

Timothy Fishlake had a problem. Wait, let’s correct that: Timothy Fishlake had at least two problems. One was that at the ripe old age of 20, he was still a virgin, a fact that was a constant source of embarrassment to him. But that was not the problem that was uppermost in his mind at the present time. The prevailing problem was Gloria Goodhead. Mrs Goodhead was the office manager of the shipping department of Amalgamated Widgets plc. And she was a real bitch. At least so far as Timothy...

2 years ago
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Need a ride

I had just turned eighteen and managed to buy my first car with the money I earned during the holidays. It was great. I finally had the freedom to go wherever I wanted, when I wanted. Since I was in my senior year we were allowed to drive to and from school, which was a relief on this particularly hot summer day. I was on my way home when I saw Sarah, Sally’s younger sister, walking along the sidewalk. I knew Sally well and she was part of my circle of friends. Sarah was only one year below us...

2 years ago
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Needs and Wants

Needs and Wants by Lyssa The waitress placed a glass of white wine on the table in front of me. "I didn't order any wine," I said to her. "It is compliments of the gentleman there," she replied in an accented voice. I turned in my seat and looked the way she was facing. A man at a table in the back corner of the dark Italian restaurant raised a glass of wine towards me. "He also would like you to join him. You are both eating alone so maybe you have some nice company. I bring...

2 years ago
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Need Insurance

Introduction: Selling insurance has never been so much fun Im only in my early thirties, but I have already experience so much as far as job employment. Not that I cant hold down a job, but I like to explore my options. When I find something I like, I tend to stay with it for many years. One road led me to insurance sales. I worked my ass off preparing myself for the state exam, spent many long hours training with my managers to prepare me to go out on my own one day and make a living. Our...

4 years ago
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Need to CUM

I woke up on the dirt floor, chain around my ankle, and an absolute mess.I had so much cum on and in me, welts and scratches all over my chest, arms, stomach, ass, legs, feet and my cock area. My asshole was all loose and wide open, leaking what seemed to be gallons of cum. I had gobs of cum oozing out of my mouth and in my mouth and all over my face and beard. My swollen cock and balls had not been allowed to cum and were rock hard and guess what, soaked in cum. I was covered in dirt and grim...

2 years ago
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Need your advice friends

Hi friends,, i'm not going to write a story., In fact i need your advice,. I've a decision to take, but i'm confused, don't know what to do.. Here's the problem: i've got two guys(friends) at work, they are both vry tall handsome cute,.. They both work in the sales department, and since about 1 month they are flirting with me, and no need to say, they are flirting so much that they even give me whatever i'm asking.. I know what they really want from me., but the problem is how can both of them...

2 years ago
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I was so wet. My nipples tingled. I needed him so badly. Where was he? What was taking so long? Didn't he know that I needed him? I lightly touched my nipples through my thin cotton shift, the only thing I was wearing. Their hardness gave testimony to the intensity of my desire. Dinner was warm on the stove, but I knew that I would probably have to reheat it. No way would I delay the ultimate physical pleasure for simple nourishment. I knew I should feed him first, but the throbbing in my...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Need for Black Cock

Whenever I got out of a relationship I would go a little wild. You know blow off some steam, not to mention other things. The thing was, I loved sex and when I was in a relationship I got it all the time, so whenever I was single...you can guess what happens. I try to just masturbate, I love to play with my pussy anyway. So for awhile I can keep that up, just reading some dirty stories and watching a hot porn film and of course my trusty vibrators. I could just sit there for hours, little vibe...

3 years ago
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Need you NOW

We'd been moving during the kiss and she playfully pushed me back. I smirked as I let my body fall back on the queen sized bed behind us like she wanted. She bent over pressing those lovely massive 42 E's against my chest as she kissed me again. Then I felt her hand on my belt and knew just what she wanted. My baby loves giving head, loves having my cock in her mouth almost more than sex. So I kicked off my boots and she began to slowly undo my pants. She looked like a little girl...

4 years ago
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I was so wet. My nipples tingled. I needed him so badly. Where was he? What was taking so long? Didn’t he know that I needed him? I lightly touched my nipples through my thin cotton shift, the only thing I was wearing. Their hardness gave testimony to the intensity of my desire. Dinner was warm on the stove, but I knew that I would probably have to reheat it. No way would I delay the ultimate physical pleasure for simple nourishment. I knew I should feed him first, but the throbbing in my...

3 years ago
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Needing it badly

Since my introduction to sex with men a few years before, I had handled and sucked off quite a few cocks and I have to say, many years on, it has been a lifetime of cock sucking pleasure. I had recently started to cum properly, my cock had grown, my voice deepened and hair sprouted in odd places.My first proper cum had come as a bit of a shock. One day I was wanking away with nothing but a pleasant sensation and a dribble of pre-cum to mark the event and the next I was pumping out great spurts...

3 years ago
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Need for Revenge Chapter 4

Things sure change in a hurry. One day everything is going along fine and the net day "Boom!" everything changes. It was on a Saturday and Kathy was working at Bob Evans. I went and sat in her section. It wasn't as crowded as usual so we had a chance to talk a little. My feelings for her were strong but not much I could do about it. As I was ordering my breakfast I saw her look up at another customer. My back was to them and I had no idea who it was. Then I heard a voice; "Fuck, Kathy,...

4 years ago
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Need You Now Ch 03

Tony was absolutely, utterly, fucking miserable. Christmas Eve was one week away, but he had no Christmas spirit at all. Yeah, he made the rounds at all the parties, but his heart wasn’t into it. Besides his season going completely to shit, he had also lost Kristy. Well, technically he didn’t ‘lose’ her. She had decided to stay with Jason and try to work on making things better in their marriage. She couldn’t be with him again. She had taken a vow and she wanted to be the wife she wasn’t...

2 years ago
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need a lift

In a tall building near you, we meet as strangers in a lift. Between floors 4-5 the lift breaks down. you've just been for an interview and are dressed smart but very sexily, we have some small talk about our predicament, after raising the alarm and being told via intercom that an engineer has been sent for, but will be over an hour. As we chat, you catch my eyes, slip from your eyes, down to your tits and perky nipples, you return the compliment of such blatant lust by unbuttoning a couple of...

3 years ago
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need a lift

In a tall building near you, we meet as strangers in a lift. Between floors 4-5 the lift breaks down. you've just been for an interview and are dressed smart but very sexily, we have some small talk about our predicament, after raising the alarm and being told via intercom that an engineer has been sent for, but will be over an hour. As we chat, you catch my eyes, slip from your eyes, down to your tits and perky nipples, you return the compliment of such blatant lust by unbuttoning a couple of...

2 years ago
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need a lift

In a tall building near you, we meet as strangers in a lift. Between floors 4-5 the lift breaks down. you've just been for an interview and are dressed smart but very sexily, we have some small talk about our predicament, after raising the alarm and being told via intercom that an engineer has been sent for, but will be over an hour. As we chat, you catch my eyes, slip from your eyes, down to your tits and perky nipples, you return the compliment of such blatant lust by unbuttoning a couple of...

4 years ago
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Needs MustChapter 3

I had to pull over to the side of the road for a few minutes as the implications of what I'd done sank in. Not only had I (probably) impregnated my daughter in law Joanna, it was possible I'd impregnated her mother Irene too and was now fairly close to visiting and possibly impregnating her other daughter Alice. Eventually though I pulled away again, deciding that as Irene had told me that they were all adults and capable of living with the consequences of their actions, besides despite my...

1 year ago
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Need money

Steven spotted the treasure. He was about the same height as Steven. His hair ran shoulder length, and his skin was pale. Slim, but muscled, he was what Steven had been looking for. Checking the bills in his pocket, he glided over to his target. In his mind, the man was already his slut. He placed himself in front of the man, looked him straight in the eye, and asked: "Need some money?" "How much are you paying?" replied the man. He was already interested. This would be too easy. "Three...

3 years ago
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Needing money

That night she headed into town wearing the most revealing clothes she owned and she had to admit she looked very sexy. Her shining and silky blonde hair glowed in the moonlight, her large breasts, a double d cup, bobbing as she walked due to not wearing any underwear. She headed to a small alleyway near a pup. It was a Friday night and she could see boys from her highschool heading in and out with sluts tied to their arms. It wouldn't be long until she was one of those sluts, but it had...

2 years ago
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Need a Ride

He was about halfway home and riding along a residential street when he felt a shudder from beneath him. The rear tire locked up and skidded along the pavement a few feet before Joey lost control of his bike and felt himself thudding against the hard pavement of the sidewalk. He felt tears welling in his eyes, and struggled to hold them down. He looked around to see if anyone had seen him, but the street looked deserted. Looking down at his arm, he saw a big scrape running along most of his...

2 years ago
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Need You Now Ch 02

It was Halloween…Kristy’s favorite holiday. She looked forward to this night every year. She had a lot of visitors to her house, from itty bitty pea pods to a guy dressed like Jimmie Johnson. He had two tire tracks over the front of him and a bruised and bloodied face. He scored kudos and an extra handful of candy for his costume! Actually, there were lots of kids dressed like NASCAR drivers this year. Seeing them made her miss Tony even more than she normally did. July seemed like such a...

2 years ago
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Need A Hand

The ticking of the clock was clear and distinct in the café, like the torturous dripping of a tap. The sound of rattling dishes being clumsily loaded into the dishwasher was but a murmur on the wind compared to the brutal tick that indicated each passing second. Cal’s heart beat to the rhythm, only twice as fast, with his eyes fixed firmly on the door. The coffee before him grew cold as he continually stirred it with a slow, unfaltering pace. She was late. Not very late, but late. Every passing...

4 years ago
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‘Rob, you don’t mind putting some sun screen on my back, do you?’ I asked my brother’s friend. I always found him attractive, though I will nott ever dare admit it. The way his brown hair fell perfectly against his face, or is it those full pink lips and that tan, toned skin. I did hint it a few times, but he never caught on. If he did, he certainly did not make the first move. ‘Yea, no problem!’ he said with a little too much excitement. I just brushed it off and handed him the lotion. It...

2 years ago
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Need For Nothing

I arrive at a place located miles and miles from any form of organized civilization. It is a great place of majestic serenity only known by those worthy enough of its grace. I find myself on a narrow dirt path leading to a grassy grove surrounded by massive trees so big that the powerful sun itself can barely penetrate their branches. Beautiful soft green grass covers the earth inside the grove untouched by man or machine. Birds and wildlife flock freely inside this grove having no fear of...

3 years ago
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Needing Better

Tyler and I met when we were Sophomores in college and quickly we fell in love, though as the years went on I felt the excitement leave the relationship. I was so close to breaking up with him during senior year but then life after college came with all its changes. When everything was new it was all so exciting, new apartment, new job, and a whole new town to explore. But then Tyler did something I was not prepared for and he proposed, I don't why but I just blurted out "yes". It was all just...

2 years ago
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Need a Paw

“Agh!!! Agh!!! Ahhhh!!!” came from an owl as Stephanie was currently being eaten out by her new friend Tanya Winters, who was a zebra and model for High Tail Hall. “A lot tastier than most girls I know. You really have something special, dear.” Tanya stated seductively as she kisses Stephanie’s pussy. Stephanie moaned and fingered herself as Tanya got up smirking at her handiwork she did on the owl. She climbed on top squeezing Steph’s boobs together as Tanya leaned down kissing her new partner.

3 years ago
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Needs of a Son

By the time I was 13 years old, my mother had finally told me the truth. After years of asking where my father was, she came out and told me that I wasn’t a normal k**. And that my real father was…her real father. It hit me pretty quick when I realized what it meant: I was an i****t c***d. I kept that secret for much of my life up until I turned 17. Knowing that I was born of i****t, my curiosity grew on it, and I wanted to learn more about it. I delved into the world of i****t, and found out...

4 years ago
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Need for cock

Many years ago before there was the internet if you wanted to see porn you went to an adult book store. This one time I was there and an old man asked me if I wanted a blow job, I declined because I was afraid to do anything in a semi public place. Well go forward 25 years and the only cock I've had is jerking myself off and that nerve seems to be enough. I've had the urge to head to the nearest book store and try my luck, I've talked myself out of doing this many times but now the urge is so...

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