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Chapter 1

Bethany finished brushing her long red hair and strolled into the bedroom, her dancer's body covered only by a towel. There was nothing, she thought, like a long hot bath to make you feel really human again. Better still, she had no classes to teach today and there was nothing that had to be done. The entire day was hers to do as she pleased.

The tune she was humming ended abruptly as Bethany realized that she was not alone. Her green eyes grew large at the sight of a strange man in dark clothes, seated cross legged on her dresser. He had reddish-brown hair; his mustache and beard framed a crooked smile.

"Hello, Beth", he said.

The sound of his voice snapped Bethany out of her shock and she turned with a cry towards the doorway. Her hand reached out for the doorknob but couldn't seem to grasp it. Each attempt fell short or went too far to either side; she had the crazy impression that the doorknob was dodging her grasp. Turning her head, she realized the intruder was still seated atop his roost.

"I'll scream!", she yelled. There was a lamp on the nightstand that might serve as a weapon.

"No you won't", he said. "Why don't you come over here and say hello?"

Bethany wanted to make a grab for the lamp but her body refused to respond. It chose instead to walk to the dresser. "Hi, Dave", said her voice. "Are we going to have fun today?"

What the hell was going on?

"We sure are, Beth", he said with a grin. "Today you start your new life".

"Yay!" Her voice had an irritating, chirpy tone. "What's my new life?".

"I'm glad you asked", Dave said, sliding off the dresser. He was tall, perhaps six inches more than Bethany. "You're going to be a present for some friends of mine".

Her voice was suddenly returned to her, though she still couldn't move. "A present? I'm going to be some kind of slave?"

He stood behind her and began to stroke her hair. "No. A doll - and a very lovely one at that. Of course, that's why I chose you".

She twitched inside. "I... I'm not a doll!"

"More of an action figure, I'd say". His grin spread as he opened a drawer and placed a pink vibrator on the dresser top. "And what interesting accessories you come with".

She reddened. "How did you know?".

"Oh, I've been hanging around for days - watching you, going through your things, tip-toeing through your mind. You just haven't been able to see me". He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "But I've been able to see you".

"I don't understand how you're doing this!"

Dave reached around her and removed the towel. "That doesn't matter; all you have to know is that you're going to be toy for a married couple. Their very own living Beth doll - beautiful, posable, lovable. You can walk..."

Bethany's body turned to face the room. Both arms dropped to her sides and each bent at a ninety degree angle. She found herself marching across the room, her arms and legs moving in the jerky fashion of a wind up doll. Of course, real dolls didn't jiggle when they moved, they didn't try to resist or worry about their nakedness. But nothing she could do seemed to have any effect on the strange hold he was exerting over her. A sudden turn sent her back towards her grinning tormentor.

"You can talk", continued Dave.

"Hi - I'm - Beth!", said her voice. "Thank - you - for - wind-ing - me - up! I - like - to - be - played - with!"

"You can laugh".

I'm a living doll, she thought, giggling. Somehow this was extremely funny. There's nothing I can do about it! It was so hysterical Bethany couldn't stop laughing and she doubled over.

Suddenly the mirth was gone and she was paralysed again.

"I could make you cry, but neither of us would enjoy that". Dave strolled behind her, placed his hand on her shoulder. Its partner found her buttocks and gave one cheek a quick squeeze before he pulled her upright. Further adjustments to her pose left Bethany with both arms held in a curve before her. Her reflection seemed to be waiting for a hug.

Bethany was still trying to fight his control, but couldn't manage to move anything except her eyes. She tried to avoid looking at herself in the mirror. If only she wasn't so exposed!

"I'm tempted to keep you for myself", he said. "But their wedding anniversary is coming up and I want get them something they can both use". He sighed. "They've already got a toaster. I don't suppose you have any idea what to get them? Go ahead and speak if you want, but quietly"

"I... I don't know, but please don't do this to me!"

"Well, it's a bit late to change my plans. The movers will be here to collect your things shortly and you need to be dressed. A quick stop so you can quit your job, perhaps an early lunch and then I'll have the whole afternoon to get you ready".


"Of course - I may be telepathic, but my friends aren't. To turn you into their perfect doll, I'll have to make some changes to your mind. But we can talk about that while I dress you".

Bethany took several steps backwards and collapsed like a rag doll onto the bed. There had to be something she could do to get out of this, but what? How could she fight someone with this kind of power? If he was a telepath, that meant that he could...

"Read your thoughts as well as change them, yes", said Dave, who was kneeling beside the bed. "Here we go - pushed it a bit too far under there". He held up a box. "But the answer is - you can't. Not unless I'm lying so you don't discover my secret weakness".

She didn't like the way he chuckled.

"To continue", he said. "You've seen what I can make you do. It would be simple to just remove your will, but that would be sloppy work and no fun for me".

Dave was sliding something up her leg - stockings? His hands wandered across her thigh.

Several moments passed in silence.

"What... what are you going to do to me?"

He finished her other leg. "You need new reflexes, new patterns of thought more suitable for a doll. I'll be giving you those this afternoon. Some of those will be immediately obvious, others will take time to appear".

Shoes came next. She couldn't see them, but Bethany was pretty sure they were high heels. "What sort of... reflexes?".

"Ones that will make both your new owners and you very happy. Do you really want me to spoil the surprises?" Dave took Bethany's hands and pulled her onto her feet, causing a blush-inducing bounce. "I bet you peeked at your Christmas presents when you were a girl".

They were high heels. "It's not a matter of wanting", she said. "I have to know what - who I'm going to end up as".

"Well, I always was a sucker for a pretty face - or was it the other way around? No matter; here's a quick preview". He traced the outline of her lips for a moment, then gently pushed his finger between them.

To her surprise, Bethany began to suck on it. Her tongue worked the underside of the finger as Dave moved it farther in. She was suddenly aware of how much she needed to do this - and how satisfying it felt. When he pulled back, she was actually disappointed.

"I told you", said Dave. He fastened a garter belt around her waist.

"Oh, shit". Her voice was almost a whisper. This wasn't possible, was it?

"That's all for now". He raised her arms over her head. "We've got a busy day ahead of us and you're not dressed yet".

She remained motionless as Dave slid a sleeveless black dress onto her. It had a plunging neckline and was slit high on the right side. A thrill ran through her as he began to smooth the dress out, arranging it over her breasts, then working his way down. That isn't me, Bethany had to remind herself. It's his doing.

The last piece of her outfit was a white ribbon around her neck. "It feels very strange", mused Dave as he tied it into a neat bow. "To let myself into a nude woman's apartment and then dress her against her will".

The doorbell rang. Bethany tried to yell, but then recalled she was only allowed - only able - to speak if she did so quietly. She tried again.

"Help", she said in a conversational tone.

"Help, indeed - must be the movers. I'll get them started; you just stand here like a good doll. No talking!".

He started to walk away, then turned back. "Let me change your pose first. We do have company, after all". The doorbell rang again.

"They would have to show up early", said Dave. When he left again, Bethany stood leaning slightly forward, hands held behind her back and her mouth formed into a surprised little "O".

She could hear the door open, and the sound of voices. After a moment, footsteps approached the bedroom.

"Okay if I start in here?", called a man's voice.

"That'll be fine. Just put the small things in boxes. Someone will be by for the clothes and whatnot later", yelled Dave.

A brown-haired man entered, carrying a stack of unassembled boxes. He was wearing a green baseball cap and coveralls. Dropping the boxes on the floor, he turned to face Bethany. The name "Steve" was embroidered over his left breast pocket.

Bethany tried to think of some way she could communicate. Blinking was the only thing that occurred to her.

"Wow", said Steve. His eyes roamed over her body. He looked quickly towards the doorway, then walked over to Bethany.

He must have noticed she was blinking - maybe he could help.

"Wish I had a toy like you", he said with a cheerful grin. "Wonder if I'm supposed to box you up, too?"

That didn't sound like a prelude to her rescue.

"I'd like to play with you, but someone would probably come in and complain if I did". He patted her head. "So you just watch me work, Red".

Steve began to assemble boxes. Sounds came through the doorway - furniture being moved, men talking. Music joined this and Steve began to whistle along with it.

In her fairy-tale world she's a lost soul singing
in a sad voice nobody hears.
She waits in her castle of make-believe
for her white knight to appear.

Dave appeared in the doorway. "I'm about to head out", he said. "Can you take her to my car? It's the grey sedan parked out front".

"Sure thing. Does she go in the front? She ought to be packed up if you want her in the trunk".

"Front seat, of course". Dave walked over to bed and removed a black purse from the box, then put her vibrator into it. "I think Beth will want to keep this".

"Hmmm", said Steve, looking her over. He bent forward to put her over his shoulder, straightened and headed for the door.

Dave made a sweeping gesture.

"Your destiny awaits", he said.

Bethany's couch followed as she was carried from her apartment.

Chapter Two

The trip to the dancing school passed mostly without words, though not in silence. Vivaldi's Four Seasons filled the car, accompanied by her captor's cheerful humming. Bethany, unable to speak, had no choice but to hold her new purse and watch the city pass by. When they arrived at the building, Dave sprang out of the car to open her door and lead her inside.

The third floor hallway was deserted. She didn't think anyone was likely to be around on a Sunday morning. Whether anyone could help her was a question Bethany wasn't sure she wanted to ask.

They walked arm in arm to the door of the school. The frosted glass window was lit from behind and Bethany could hear faint music. It sounded like Vivaldi.

"The G. H. Harmon School of Dance", announced Dave. He swung the door open and bowed as Bethany's legs carried her inside.

The main room was a large dance studio, occupied by two women. Bethany recognized both - Caroline Davis, who ran the school, and Olivia Alexander, her fellow instructor. Ms Davis smiled as the newcomers approached.

"Bethany, Mr du Bois. I'm glad to see you both". The older woman extended her hand, which Dave kissed. "Perhaps now you can share that big secret you hinted at?"

"I'd be happy to, Caroline - only it's not really my announcement, it's Beth's".

"It just seems so exciting for some reason" said Olivia. "Oh - would you like something to drink, Mr du Bois?" At his nod, the little brunette went into the bathroom. The sound of running water followed.

"Let's take this to the office", said Dave, leading the way. "I suspect we'll all be more comfortable there".

He appropriated the chair behind the desk and Beth found herself sitting on his lap, her hands folded over her new purse. Ms Davis settled into a chair; Olivia entered and handed Dave a glass of water before picking a desk corner. Mrs Harmon's portrait watched from above.

Ms Davis leaned forward. "I do hope this is good news".

"Good news and bad, I'm afraid. Beth?"

Bethany was suddenly very aware of Dave's hand between her shoulder blades. Even before he raised the glass to his lips, she knew exactly what was about to happen.

"I've really enjoyed teaching here". It was her voice, but not her words. "But it's time for me to move on".

"You're leaving us, Bethany?". Ms Davis seemed shocked. "But why? I know we can't pay as much as some of the larger schools..."

"It's not the money, Ms Davis". Her face felt like it was on fire and Bethany wondered what she was about to say. "Dave has promised to turn me into a living doll - a plaything for some of his friends. I just can't say no".

The room became very quiet.

Olivia smiled. "What lucky friends Dave has".

"We're very happy for you, of course", said Ms Davis. "Though I will miss you, Bethany. But who will teach your classes?"

Bethany's head tilted as she spoke. "I bet Dave can do something for you!"

"Already taken care of". He placed the glass on the desk. "An acquaintance of mine will stop by tomorrow; you'll find her perfect for the job".

"I'm more interested in what you've done with Bethany", purred Olivia.

"Yes", said Ms Davis, "I know it's all very normal, but I'm not certain I understand it either".

Bethany found herself rising with Dave. He led her to the front of the desk and cleared off a section so he could make her sit.

"It's fairly simple, Olivia", he said. "I can look into Beth's psyche - sense and alter her thoughts, her memories, her perceptions. Since most people aren't very resistant to the effect, I generally do as I please - and so do they, for that matter".

"About Bethany?", prodded Olivia.

"Let me give you a demonstration first", said Dave with a grin. "Nothing up my sleeve...". He raised his right hand slowly, fingers moving as if across a guitar neck.

Bethany was wondering why nothing was happening to her when Olivia suddenly arched her back and shivered.

"I felt fingers running up my spine", said the brunette. "Was that you?"

A tingling sensation started in Bethany's feet and slowly began to inch its way up her legs. She managed to wiggle her toes with effort. Was the effect wearing off? She might be one of those resistant people!

"I made you think you felt it. Counterfeiting a stimulus is pretty much the same as altering a thought - or adding new ones. Just think of her mind as a canvas I'm painting over".

Bethany almost jumped when the tingling hit the top of her legs. It continued upwards, but she barely noticed. Her pussy felt as if it was being savored by an electric tongue. For the first time since she'd seen Dave, the smile frozen on her face wasn't a lie. The important thing was that she not move at all - if he wasn't paying attention there might be a way out.

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Incredible ChangesChapter 292 This Is Yours

The room fills with their pheromones, and yet none could maintain their arousal if they tried to act on their lust. I’m not here to fuck them, and we all know it. Melinda and Rain refused to allow me to dress. They needed skin on skin contact with me. Many did things to them against their will. Others were permitted to do something to them in exchange for what they needed to remain alive. Each came to peace with those things already. It was the things they did with their abilities that...

1 year ago
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All Yours

Relieved, bewildered, excited and horny all at once, I picked my way through the flailing bodies on the dance floor wondering how exactly we would get away with it. “Again,” she had texted. And she would get it again, no doubt about that. The only question was how, and, more pressingly, where. She was looking directly at me as I walked towards her, sitting with her legs crossed in the centre of a low couch. She looked seductive, in control and serene - not at all like the nervous, unsure woman...

3 years ago
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Eternally Yours

I was in a fatal dormancy. After existing for uncounted lifetimes, I’d lost connection with my mortal self and succumbed to the curse of immortality. It’s not an uncommon fate for my kind. The more we lose the emotions of life, the more we disconnect from the world around us. Some eventually awake, emerging as mummified monsters, driven mad with an overwhelming thirst. Others, lost in their increasingly distant thoughts, remain motionless forever, bodies crumbling to dust. None return from this...

Mind Control
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Six Times A DayPart 131 Signed Sealed Delivered Im Yours

Another problem Alan had was that he'd forgotten just how far away Stephanie's lingerie and sex shop was. It had been chosen precisely because it wasn't the closest sex shop around, so there was less of a chance of running into someone they knew. (Unfortunately, other people used that same logic, which is why even Christine had gone there.) He knew it would take about another fifteen minutes to get there, even driving fast, so he consoled himself that he should make it there by six...

1 year ago
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Orally Yours

"Oh yeah baby, lick and suck my cock. You're making me feel so good." Rhonda bobbed her head taking all of his eight inches down her throat. She cupped his heavy cum filled balls gently pulling them feeing his cream roiling around inside. "Now baby I'm gonna cum now. I can feel my seed ready to shoot down your cock sucking throat." Fred felt his cock swell thicker as his balls released his pent up load. Thick hot gushes of his sperm filled her mouth until she began swallowing. When his...

2 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 29 My Place or Yours

After everyone had had a lovely dinner together of bangers and mash with lots of onions and hot gravy followed by generous helpings of Hokey Pokey icecream with homemade caramel sauce all the campers started feeling a little bit randy. After all they were all naked now and had been for nearly an hour after spending the afternoon undressing each other and talking dirty into each others ears. So it was that after that very tasty meal they were all ready to lift the game up a notch. Emily...

1 year ago
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Primarily Yours

It should have been a time of happiness but it wasn’t. Instead, it seemed like Laura was trying to put a puzzle together that she would never see the end of. It seemed her mother, Charlotte, was more excited about the wedding than she was. Her mother was determined to make everything perfect. Laura had wanted everything to be perfect too at first, but she was to the point now that she didn’t care. She just wanted to get the planning over with so they could move on the next step. Charlotte had...

4 years ago
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Tell me one of yours

You make me watch you fuck a slut while she eats my pussy and I finger myself till I cum all in her mouth. The whole time you are fucking her you are telling me how you are going to fill her pussy up with cum just so you can watch me eat it out of her. After you fill her up you make me eat your hot cum out of her pussy. Then we both suck and lick your cock, balls and ass until you get rock hard again. Then I ride you while she fingers my ass until I gush all over your cock. Then when you are...

3 years ago
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Tell me one of yours

You make me watch you fuck a slut while she eats my pussy and I finger myself till I cum all in her mouth. The whole time you are fucking her you are telling me how you are going to fill her pussy up with cum just so you can watch me eat it out of her. After you fill her up you make me eat your hot cum out of her pussy. Then we both suck and lick your cock, balls and ass until you get rock hard again. Then I ride you while she fingers my ass until I gush all over your cock. Then when you are...

3 years ago
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Make me yours

The club was hopping tonight. The rhythmic beats from the high tech sound system could be felt outside. Jenny closed her eyes and leaned against the warm concrete wall. Tonight she would give her body wholly, not just on a casual level, but on every level. Tonight she would be his. Dressed exactly as her master instructed, her latex skirt was short enough that when she bent over, her entire ass made an appearance. Jenny’s breasts were encased in a leather bra that had no cups, leaving the heavy...

3 years ago
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Make me yours

The club was hopping tonight. The rhythmic beats from the high tech sound system could be felt outside. Jenny closed her eyes and leaned against the warm concrete wall. Tonight she would give her body wholly; not just on a casual level, but on every level. Tonight she would be his. Dressed exactly as her master instructed, her latex skirt was short enough that when she bent over, her entire ass made an appearance. Jenny’s breasts were encased in a leather bra that had no cups, leaving the heavy...

2 years ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 22 Very Pregnantly Yours

Two days later everything had been crated and trucked to Sir Willy's ancestral estate. To allay the suspicion of any hostile observers we covered the artifacts with canvas and sent them by semi down the road. The bills of lading listed them as machinery to be dismantled for salvage. Just by looking at them no one would give them a second glance. Their dull gray exterior and oblong shapes suggested nothing more than things, stuff of no interest. We planned to wait a few days and then send...

4 years ago
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Take Me Daddy Im Yours

I suppose it all began with a compliment made to me by my best friend, Linzi, on our way home from school about six months ago. I had just gotten myself a date with Bobby, the best looking boy in the class. Linzi was happy for me and not at all envious when she said:'Becky, you're such a beautiful girl. I'll bet you could have any man you wanted in, like, the entire world.'I smiled appreciatively but said nothing.'Well, any man except one that is,' Linzi added.I was a bit put out by this...

3 years ago
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Reluctantly Yours

The ride home from Rockport was going to be a long one. I could tell by the way she was scraping her fingers along the clasp of her purse. I decided to engage my talent for saying exactly the wrong thing at any given moment. "She's just trying to get a reaction..." And she got one. Kelly was just itching to begin her tirade, but was waiting until I was on the highway so that she could rant without interruption. Yes, this was going to be one very fucking long ride home, and here came the...

1 year ago
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You Can Have Mine If I Can Have Yours

It was early in our dating, Karen and I had read several articles about the "new" swinging lifestyle that was becoming so popular in New York City: several new clubs had recently opened, and with some research, we found that right here in our village was a very large and famous club called "Michael’s Lounge."Our first trip out was a bit of sensory overload: the entire club was filled with happy, fun loving couples, dancing, drinking, socializing and just plain making out on the dance floor. At...

3 years ago
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You Can Have Mine If I Can Have Yours

It was early in our dating, Karen and I had read several articles about the "new" swinging lifestyle that was becoming so popular in New York City: several new clubs had recently opened, and with some research, we found that right here in our village was a very large and famous club called "Michael’s Lounge."Our first trip out was a bit of sensory overload: the entire club was filled with happy, fun loving couples, dancing, drinking, socializing and just plain making out on the dance floor. At...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Anally Yours

I married a dominant anal queen that loves to use me and abuse me. It all started out pretty simple, every time we would smoke a joint she would bring the subject up about kinky sex. For some reason she loved to play with my asshole while she sucked my cock, I didn’t mine this much. She would apply a generous amount of vaseline to my asshole, and gently slide a finger in. As always, I was beside myself. It was like losing my virginity all over again. She would start moving her finger in and...

3 years ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 39 Ok Girls Hes All Yours

For Jack that boundary line of reality seemed to be crossed when he thought he saw the gorgeous Rachel Tims appear from nowhere and begin beckoning him to follow her. At first he just stared into the night as he lay beside the sleeping Susan. When he didn’t stir the naked Rachel Tims came right up close and gently pulled on Jack’s arm. Jack found himself getting to his feet almost involuntarily and following Rachel as she pulled him along. Jack followed behind meekly and silently as he looked...

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My Hot Fucking FantasyIs it yours

My pussy and ass holes are very, very tight. Never bearing children…no big thick cocks pounding my ass to oblivion and back on a nightly schedule. But when I bought my first vibrator – a super thick & long, robotic rubber penis –“getting off” had an entirely different meaning!The first time this huge, erotic, pulsating, vibrating, battery operated tool touched my clit – cum started oozing out my pussy, soaking the bed, my asshole, and my thighs. :60 later, I SHOT a load of cum out my pussy....

2 years ago
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Up Yours

BIG MISTAKE!!! As a van pulled up and stopped, and the sliding door opened, I realised this may not be such a good Idea. There were 4 black guys in there, and I had to make a choice, continue to walk, or take their offer of a ride. What the Hell it was only 5 miles, right? WRONG!! As I got in the van, and the door slid shut, I noticed there was no door handle to open it back up. The guy nearest the door had removed it after letting me in. One of the guys in the front asked me if I'd...

4 years ago
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All These Worlds Are Yours

The year is 43 After Expansion and the Imperial Republic of Man is crumbling. What began with a golden era of hyper-expansion and booming trade prosperity has faded into under-supplied colonies, rapid inflation and defunct lines of communication. The formerly rigid caste system of the empire is losing purchase. Craftsmen are rising above their station, the once desperately poor are preforming cutting-edge A.I. research, and the idealistic students are taking up banners of freedom and liberty...

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You Scratch My Back I Scratch Yours

Carolina and her three friends stumbled tipsily into her bedroom; all soaking wet from their previous midnight swim. Her parents were gone for the weekend, so Carolina decided to have a few friends over for a little get-together. They were all seniors in high school, about to graduate, so it’s not surprising the four of them found their way into her father’s liquor cabinet for a little drink here and there. None of them were drunk, but had just enough to get a giggly buzz on. Surely to make...

2 years ago
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You Rubbed My Back Ill Rub Yours

“Well, just don’t let it happen again, Tim. We can’t afford to lose a single client these days,” my boss fumed. Soon after answering his call I had switched from speaker phone and picked up the handset, now held away from my ear as he launched into one of his tirades. He was grossly over-reacting to Megan’s boo boo. The customer would be mortified if he knew she would get chewed out like this over a simple mistake. If we were to lose a customer, it would be due to the way George treated good...

2 years ago
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05 You Show Me Yours

Paula Akron and Paul Macon continue to peruse Paul’s copy of a certain magazine. So do Fred Conyers and Frida Dayton, who both turned fourteen years old in June, and I can tell you about them. 5:45 P.M., Friday, March 27, 2015 Honolulu, HI The two kids were back in the shed. This was the fourth time they’d shared Hustler between them, and together they had read and discussed some of the letters and articles. Much of this material, being about politics, whiskey, and other such issues, was of...

1 year ago
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Only Yours

Auther’s Note: This is my first attempt at writing a story and it turned out to be a very long one. Please be advised that this is a love story with a little erotica, not the other way around. I really hope that you will like the story. The feedback on this story has been amazing, I really appreciate all the positive comments. As suggested, I have fixed some of the errors, though I know that I don’t have the skill to write such a long story without making a few mistakes. I haven’t used an...

1 year ago
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You Can Have Mine If I Can Have Yours

It was early in our dating, Karen and I had read several articles about the ‘new’ swinging lifestyle that was becoming so popular in New York City: several new clubs had recently opened, and with some research, we found that right here in our village was a very large and famous club called ‘Michael’s Lounge.’ Our first trip out was a bit of sensory overload: the entire club was filled with happy, fun loving couples, dancing, drinking, socializing and just plain making out on the dance floor....

2 years ago
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Im Yours

You get home from work early, and go immediately home to kick back on the couch and watch some TV. Little do you know, I’m already home as well. You enter the bedroom just in time to see me shrug off my shirt. My back is to you, so you assume that I don’t know you’re there. As you watch, my hand drifts over my breast and caresses my tender nipple through my bra. I let out a breathy moan and move my hand even lower.  From behind me, you can’t see exactly where my hand is going but knowing that...

3 years ago
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Forever yours

He is a spell of darkness upon my innocence, the sinking of lust, embeded under my skin.I am blinded by my hearts ability to love. His touch burns me like a white hot flame, I am streaked with red, his hand to blame. A tingle of ice crawls down my spine, set there by his velvet caress. Desire lurks there behind his milk chocolate gaze, his stare mezmerizing puts me in a haze of heaven and hell combined. I long to be tanted and taken, I yearn to burn and bleed for his pleasure. He knows I am...

4 years ago
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You Scratch My Back I Scratch Yours

Carolina and her three friends stumbled tipsily into her bedroom, all soaking wet from their previous midnight swim. Her parents were gone for the weekend, so Carolina decided to have a few friends over for a little get-together. They were all seniors in high school, about to graduate, so it’s not surprising the four of them found their way into her father’s liquor cabinet for a little drink here and there. None of them were drunk, but had just enough to get a giggly buzz on. Surely to make...

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