- 3 years ago
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This is another "Be careful of what you wish for" story. It is a story of how a lot of love can be as damaging as a little hate. It is a story about two people and how they managed to screw up their marriage.
Kathy and I had been married almost ten years. We met as the result of an accident. I accidentally backed into her car in a parking lot. The damage looked minor, but you can never can tell about things like that. There was no one around so I wrote a note and put it under her windshield wiper. She called me that evening about six and I suggested that we get together and exchange insurance information and all the rest of what she would need to file a claim.
She was a college student and had just gotten out of class and my office was only eight blocks from the campus so we settled on a seven o'clock meeting at Angie's which was a student hang-out just off campus. I told her that she would recognize me immediately because it was almost certain that I would be the only one there in a three piece suit and tie. She laughed and said she would probably be the only one there with flaming red hair.
I spotted her right away when I got there. She was sitting in a booth and I walked over, introduced myself and sat down. I asked her if she had eaten yet and when she said that she hadn't I waved the waitress over and ordered a large Angie's brick oven pizza.
"No anchovies work for you" I asked Kathy and she told the waitress, "No anchovies and extra pepperoni."
When the waitress was gone I pulled out my insurance card and driver's license and handed them to Kathy and she passed me a piece of paper that she had already written her information on. After she had copied my information she handed me back my stuff and said:
"You are an interesting man."
"In what way?"
"Most people would have just taken off and hoped that the damage wouldn't be noticed for days. In fact I probably wouldn't have noticed if not for your note,"
"What can I say? I just had a feeling that the car belonged to a gorgeous redhead with green eyes and I knew that the best way to meet her would be to hit her car and leave a note."
She looked at me for a second or two and then she smiled and said, "Damned if I don't almost believe you. And what were you going to do when you met this fantasy woman?"
"Get to know her better."
She was twenty-two, a senior, and working toward a degree in Marketing. She had interned at the same company two summers in a row and she had been invited to apply for a full time position when she graduated. She was single and not in a relationship at the time.
From me she learned that I was three years out of school, working for an investment firm downtown single and just out of a relationship that had turned bad. Then I asked her:
"How many am I going to have to kill to be first in line outside your door?"
"I don't know. Tell me more about this relationship that went bad. Whose fault? Hers or yours?"
"Hers mostly, but maybe a tiny bit mine."
"Do I get an explanation of that?"
"I caught her in bed with another man so I would say that the fault was mostly hers, but I have to accept the fact that I might have done something to put her there."
"Like what?"
"I've no idea, but there had to be a reason she went from me to him."
"Did you ask her why?"
"No. What would be the point? She made a choice and once that choice was made we were done. No need to talk about it."
"I'll have to say it again; you are definitely an interesting man. Most men that I know would have laid it all at the feet of the woman who cheated. Not one of them would have said that maybe some of it was their fault."
"Back to my question about the line in front of your door."
"You have my number. If you call maybe you can take cuts."
I did call and that led to a one year courtship that ended with Kathy being my bride.
Kathy was a virgin when we married, but she took to sex like a baby duck takes to water. She wanted to try it all and of course I obliged her. We quickly found that light BDSM and water sports were not for us, but Kathy did love to be eaten, loved sex in any position we could make work, had massive orgasms when we had anal sex and she would willingly swallow whatever her blow jobs could produce.
As the years went by things started to slow down a little in the sexual department. It wasn't so much a lack of desire as it was a case of same old/same old. Kathy had a higher sex drive than I did and she wasn't going to let things go stale. She began to look for ways to take the staleness out of things. Some of the things she came up with bothered me a little, but I felt that it was my lot in life to keep the woman I loved happy so I usually went along with whatever she came up with.
She thought it would be a kick to make love on the back seat of the car out at the local lover's lane at Steven's Point. We did it and I'll admit it was exciting, but I also sweated getting caught by the cops. Kathy got such a charge out of it that she wanted to do it again and over the course of the next year the back seat, and the front seat, saw plenty of action at Steven's Point, the Safeway supermarket parking lot, the Wal-Mart parking lot, two rest areas on the Interstate and various side streets in town.
One night we were sitting on the couch watching television when Kathy stood up, turned off the set and said:
"I want to go for a walk."
We walked outside into the bright full moon lit night and I asked her which way she wanted to go and she said down to the park. We walked down to the park which was eight blocks away and when we got there Kathy tried the swings for a bit, talked me into getting on the teeter-totter with her for a while and then she went over to the monkey bars. She played around for a bit and then she hiked up her skirt, pulled off her panties and told me to take out my cock. I looked around and didn't see anybody so I complied. Kathy got up on the monkey bars and arranged her body and then said:
"Get over here and fuck me lover."
Imagine if you can Kathy with her feet on one set of bars, holding on to a higher set of bars and pushing out so her body looked like a sideways "u" that put her sexy ass at just the right height and position so that all I had to do was step forward and slide right in. Add to that it was a bright, moonlit night and anyone coming into the park couldn't possibly miss seeing us. It was wild! Over the next six months we tried the swings, the teeter-totter, several picnic tables and — of course — we spent a lot of time on the monkey bars.
Then there was Kathy's prostitution phase. It didn't do much for me, but it turned Kathy into a sex fiend which in turn rocked my world. What Kathy did to me when she got wound up was dynamite.
It happened by accident. Kathy's car was in the shop and I was working late so I couldn't pick her up when she got off work. As a senior accounts manager Kathy was usually the last one to leave the office. She usually got off around five-thirty to five forty-five. She was going to come to my office and when I finished up we would go home from there. It was a little after six and just starting to get dark and Kathy was standing on the corner of Fourth and Sherman trying to make up her mind as to whether she should flag down a cab or take the bus when a late model Caddy slowed to a stop next to the curb. The passenger side window slid down and a voice said:
"How you doing Sweet pea?"
Kathy bent down and looked in the window and said, "Pardon me?"
"I asked you how you were doing honey, but we both know that what I'm asking is how much?"
As soon as he said that Kathy knew what was going on. The man thought she was a hooker standing on a corner. At first she was pissed. Granted, she was wearing a short skirt and heels, but the skirt wasn't all that short — it was just above the knee — but she didn't think she looked anywhere like the street walkers she had seen while driving around town and she was all set to dump on the guy when she changed her mind. Why call him a pig when she could string him along and then leave him hanging.
"How do I know that you aren't a cop?"
"Oh come on honey; you know cops can't solicit. That's entrapment."
"Cops have been known to lie to make an arrest stick."
"We both know that in this town to make a prostitution arrest valid they have to have it on tape."
"Tapes can be edited."
"Okay, how about this. You don't say nothing, just shake your head yes or no. You are a classy looking lady so what do you say to a hundred and I pay for the motel room?"
Kathy shook her head no and made an upward motion with her hand.
"One fifty?"
Again Kathy shook her head no and made an upward gesture with her hand.
"Two hundred?"
She shook her head no again and unbuttoned her blouse and showed him her 34Cs encased in a frilly bra. She leaned forward and gave him a good look at her cleavage and cupped her tits with hers hands. He took a long look and then said:
"Three hundred?"
Kathy smiled and reached for the door handle. She saw the guys eyes light up and she pulled her hand back from the door handle.
"Show me."
"Show you what?"
"You know. Do the one thing that a cop would never do. Show me."
"Oh, I get it" he said and he unzipped and pulled out his cock. He stroked it a couple of times and Kathy watched as it came erect.
"Satisfied now?"
She grinned and reached fro the door handle. She had the door opened about six inches before she pushed it shut and said:
"Sorry, but something about this just doesn't feel right."
She spun on her heel and walked away smiling as he screamed, "You fucking bitch!"
When he pulled away she flagged down a cab. When she got to my building she came into my office, locked the door behind her and then asked me if I had a twenty dollar bill. I said I did and she asked me to give it to her. I gave it to her and she said:
"I could have gotten three hundred for this, but I'm giving you the family discount so you only have to fork over twenty."
She lifted her skirt, took off her panties and then turned and bent over my desk.
"Hurry baby, hurry. Fuck me like a twenty dollar whore"
She was wet when I slid into her and all I really had to do was stand there while she went nuts driving back at me. When it was over I asked her what got into her.
"It wasn't what got into me lover; it is what wanted to get into me" and then she told me the story. "You want to know the weird part? I really wanted to get into that car and find out what it would be like to fuck some stranger for money."
That was the start of it. From then on, at least once every two weeks she would go out and walk on the street until someone pulled over and tried to pick her up. I was always parked where I could watch her and be close enough to get to her if there was trouble, but there never was. She always pulled that, "Show me. Do what a cop would never do and show me" and then after the guy had pulled out his cock she would say something didn't feel right and walk away. When she'd had her fun we went home and she fucked me into near exhaustion.
The next thing that came along was the result of an accident. Kathy had gotten into a fender bender and her car was in the body shop being repaired. Until she got it back I was dropping her off at work in the morning and picking her up at night. She got off work a half hour before I did and one night instead of sitting in the lobby of her building and waiting for me she called me and told me she would be waiting for me at the lounge just down the street.
When I got to the lounge I found that it was happy hour and the place was packed. Kathy was sitting at the bar with a Rob Roy in front of her and three guys talking to her. It took me a minute or so to push through the crowd and I came up behind her just as the guy on her left said:
"It is only ten minutes from here and I really would like a woman's opinion on how to decorate it."
"I'd really like to" Kathy replied, "but I can't tonight. Maybe some other time."
"I'm here every night for happy hour."
"I'll remember that."
"Are you sure..." and at that point I tapped Kathy on the shoulder and she turned and said:
"Oh, there you are."
She picked up her purse and got up. As we walked toward the door Kathy said:
"I have to use the little girl's room before we leave."
"I need to go too. I'll meet you out front."
"Make sure you wipe it down good lover; it is going to be in my mouth as soon as we get in the car."
I was sitting in a stall when someone came in and I heard a guy say:
"I ought to kick your ass for butting in on me like that. I would have had her if it wasn't for you."
"Bullshit! She was waiting for that guy."
I recognized the voice of the second guy as being the voice of the guy who had been trying to get Kathy to go to his apartment. I could hear the sound of their whizzing as the first guy said:
"It didn't matter. She was ready. I saw it in her eyes and if you hadn't of butted in I'd have had her out of here before the guy she was waiting on got here. She wanted it dude; it was a plain as day that she wanted it."
I heard the second guy over the sounds of the sink as they washed their hands:
"If she really wants it she'll be back. I told her I was usually here every night for happy hour."
"Maybe so, but I don't know about another night. What I do know is that she was a sure thing for tonight."
"Water under the bridge my man. Lets see what we can do with those tw..." and the door closed behind them. I washed my hands, met Kathy outside and we went and got in my car. She slid over next to me and her hand went to my zipper.
"Hurry home lover" she said as she worked my cock out. "I'm horny as hell and I need to be laid."
As she was stroking my cock she said, "Did you see them trying to pick me up? They wanted me. They really wanted me. They were trying to get me out of there before you could get there."
She lowered her head and took me in her mouth and as she worked to bring me off I thought about what I had seen when I first got to the bar. I thought about it and I knew what was going to be coming up next. What had happened turned Kathy on and Kathy would do just what she had done when exhibitionist sex turned her on and just what she did when the prostitution thing turned her on. She would want to do more of it until something newer came along.
Kathy was riding me cowgirl and talking about her time at the bar.
"They wanted me lover; I know they wanted me."
"I know they did" I said and I told her about what I'd overheard in the men's room.
"They could see that? They could tell from my eyes that I wanted them? They knew from my eyes that I was ready? I was lover, I was ready. It's weird baby, but as he talked I really did reach the point where I wanted to go to his apartment. It was the same feeling I had when the guy in the Caddy tried to buy me. I wanted to get in that car. The very same feeling lover, I really wanted to go to that apartment."
"Would you have gone if I had not have shown up?"
"Of course not! Fuck me lover, fuck me hard. Get me off lover; make me cum."
It was two days later when I came home to an empty house. That was odd since Kathy always beat me home. Maybe half an hour after I got home Kathy came in. She dropped her purse on the table, gave me a passionate kiss and said:
"Bedroom. Now!"
She pushed away from me and headed for the bedroom dropping clothes along the way. I knew my lines in the play so I followed her undressing as I went. In the bedroom she pushed me back on the bed and then she mounted me. As she rode me cowgirl she said:
"I stopped by the lounge after work. He wasn't there, but I hadn't been on the bar stool long enough to get the cushion warm before I had a half a dozen guys trying to hustle me. They all wanted me."
She was pounding down hard on me and moaning. "And I wanted them baby, I wanted them. Fuck me baby, fuck me hard."
I pulled her down to me and rolled putting her on her back and then I drove hard into her. Hard and fast while she cried out:
"Make me cum baby, make me cum."
She had an orgasm and she dug her nails into my back and ass and moaned:
"More baby, more."
I was able to give her one more before I reached my climax. As soon as I was out of her she spun around and went for my cock with her mouth and went to work at getting me back up. It was an exhausting evening. When I couldn't answer the call any more we lay there and I asked:
"Do you think it is wise for you to go into that bar alone?"
"What's the matter baby, don't think I can handle myself? You don't trust me?"
What could I say to that? I gave her a reassuring pat on the arm and got up to go to the kitchen to fix us a bite to eat.
The next day was a repeat. She got home a half hour after I did and pulled me straight into the bedroom.
"He was there tonight" she said as she rode me. "He wants me. He wants me bad. We talked about his apartment and me looking at it to give him a woman's perspective. He wanted me baby, and I wanted him. I wanted to go to his apartment in the worst way. Oh God baby, fuck me."
It was two days before it happened again. Same story. "He wants me" she moaned as she bounced up and down on my cock. When we were done she said:
"He keeps trying to get me to go to his apartment." She hesitated for a moment and then said, "I told him tomorrow. I told him I would meet him for a drink and then we could go and look at his apartment."
"You what!" I almost screamed as I pushed her away from me.
"Don't go getting all wound up on me baby. I'll meet him, have the drink and when we get up to leave the bar you will walk in and say something like, "Oh there you are. I was hoping to find you here."
"One of these days Kathy your little games are going to backfire on you,"
"There you go again; not trusting me to be able to handle myself."
Wisely I kept my mouth shut.
The next day Kathy called me at work and gave me her game plan. She would walk into the lounge at a quarter to six. She would order her drink and nurse it until six and then she would order another. At six fifteen she would tell the guy she was ready to go. That would give me plenty of time to get to the lounge and get into position to intercept them as they were leaving.
It was as if I had been looking into a crystal ball the previous evening when I told Kathy that someday one of her games was going to backfire on her. I hadn't gotten a block from work when I ran into a traffic jam. An accident was causing traffic to back up for blocks. Finally the two vehicles were pushed out of the way and traffic began moving again. When I pulled into the lounge parking lot it was twenty to seven — a good twenty-five minutes later than Kathy's six-fifteen!
I went inside not having a clue as to what I was going to find. Had Kathy gone to his apartment when I hadn't showed? The first thing I saw when my eyes adjusted to the light level was apartment guy sitting at the bar taking with a couple of other guys. I looked around and didn't see Kathy. As I was looking around the place a waitress came up to me and said:
""You look like a Rob; am I right?"
""Yes, I am a Rob."
"Kathy said to tell you to go back out to your car and wait" and then she walked away.
I took one more quick glance around and then went back out to the car. I sat there maybe two minutes before I saw Kathy come out of the place, look around, see me and head for the car.
"Where were you" she asked as she got into the car. I told her what had happened and then asked her what had happened.
"We were almost at the door and you weren't anywhere around so I told him that I had to make a quick trip to the ladies room before we left. And then I described you to one of the waitresses and told her to tell you to wait in the car for me."
"You hid out in the bathroom for almost half an hour?"
"The alternative would to have come out and go with Hal to his apartment. Would you rather I have done that?"
By then I was just a little pissed by her attitude. The "would you rather" and all the recent "What's the matter, don't you trust me" she had thrown at me had me a little wound and I snapped:
"Why not? It is what you wanted to do anyway."
Kathy gave me a nasty look and we proceeded home in silence. There was no mad, passionate love making in our house that night.
That night put an end to Katy's stopping at the lounge and in a couple of days things were back to normal between Kathy and me. Kathy waited a week and then she hit me with her next idea.
"I had fun going to that lounge and teasing guys. I want to do it again, but at some different places only I don't want to risk any more traffic jams. We can go to a place and you go inside and get a seat where you can watch what goes on and then I'll come in and take a seat and we will see what happens. Or I'll go in first and then you come in."
I knew better than to say, "No thanks, I don't think so." Besides, I didn't see where things could go wrong with me being there as Kathy's safety valve. Silly me, right?
The first couple of dozen times there were no problems. Kathy would take a seat at the bar or at a table and then the guys would try to move in on her. She never had to pay for a drink (other giving out a dance or two) and after she had a sufficient number of tongues hanging out she would get up and leave and we would go home and fuck like sex crazed bunnies. Did either one of us think that what she was doing was terribly bad? Hell no! She had her wedding rings on and the guys still came after her any way. They deserved the blue balls they went home with.
But Kathy likes to push the envelope. She began dressing sexier. Low cut blouses that showed plenty of cleavage. Short skirts that showed plenty of leg. Sexy high heeled 'come fuck me' pumps. When the guys asked her to dance she let them get closer. She allowed their hands a liberty or two. I sat and watched and got more and more uneasy about things.
Then on our twenty-sixth time things got out of hand. It started out like a usual night. I went in first and picked out a spot where I could see most of the place. Ten minutes later Kathy came in and took a seat at the bar. Within minutes she had a guy move in and offer to buy her a drink. More guys, more drinks and then she was out on the dance floor. Guys pulled her in close and grinded against her. A hand went to her tit and she pushed it away. Hands went to her ass and pulled her in tight and she didn't push them away.
I was sitting there and getting more and more pissed at what was going on and I was on the edge of my seat on the verge of going out on the dance floor and dragging Kathy out of the place when the band took a break. Kathy got her purse and headed for the ladies room and a second or so later the guy she had been dancing with, the one who had put both of his hands on her ass, got up and followed her. I still to this day don't know what made me do it, but I got up and followed along.
At the end of the hallway that led to the bathrooms there was a storeroom and I got to the hallway just in time to see the guy trying to pull Kathy into that storeroom. I hollered "Hey!" and ran down the hall toward them. Stupid move on my part. The "Hey!" gave the guy enough warning that he was able to set himself up to meet me. By the time the bouncers pulled us apart the guy was missing three teeth and I had a broken nose. Kathy was blubbering and trying to stop my nose from bleeding with a handkerchief and I pushed her hand away and snarled:
"Leave me the fuck alone!"
The ride to the hospital was silent and after my nose was set in the ER the ride home was just as silent. We were in the house before Kathy said:
"Why did you holler at me to leave you alone?"
"Because you were the one who caused it. You just had to let those assholes put their hands on you more and more and you never stopped them and that led up to me having to fight some asshole who was going to rape your teasing ass. You couldn't just let things be. You just had to dress sexier and sexier and go farther and farther to feed your goddamned 'excitement' jones and I get to be the guy who pays the price."
"You also got to be the guy who got all the benefit from it or did you forget that part?"
"Yeah, but is it worth the price I have to pay sitting there watching and seething as you let asshole after asshole take liberties with you? I don't think so. No more Kathy, no more" and I stomped off to bed.
Things were a little chilly around the house for about a week and then on a Saturday I woke up to Kathy sucking on my cock. When I was fully awake Kathy said:
"I'm sorry baby, please forgive me, I'm sorry."
Six months went by without Kathy coming up with any more ideas. Our sex life settled down some to two or three times a week. It was nice easy love making, but there wasn't any of the wild passion that had been there when Kathy played her games.
One night after we had made love Kathy asked me if I had any fantasies of a sexual nature and I told her that I didn't have any. Then I asked her why she had asked.
"I don't know; just curious I guess."
"Do you have any?"
She looked away for several seconds and then said, "One."
"What is it?"
"I'd rather not say."
"If I had said yes when you asked me that question and then tried to duck telling you what it was you would have badgered me until I told you so I'm not letting you get away with stonewalling me. What is it?"
"You couldn't handle it."
"How do you know I can't handle it?"
"I know you Rob. I know that there isn't any way you could handle it."
I wouldn't give up and I kept after her until she finally relented and told me. My jaw hit the floor when she said:
"I want to make love to another man while you watch."
I just stared at her for several seconds and she said, "Well?"
I finally found my voice and said, "Well what?"
"What do you think?"
"I don't know what to say. That was totally unexpected."
"Well at least you didn't sputter and yell out "Hell no."
"What? You expected me to say, "Sounds like a good idea?"
"A girl can hope."
"You are so dissatisfied with me that you want another man?"
"Don't be silly Rob. I am absolutely satisfied with you."
"Then what the hell is with this other man shit?"
"It isn't shit honey. You know I was a virgin when we got married and you know how quickly I took to sex. I've always wondered what I missed by staying pure until I walked down the aisle. I've always wondered what another man would be like. Remember me telling you how badly I wanted to climb into that car when the guy thought I was a hooker? And the time I told you that I really, really wanted to go to that guy's apartment? It isn't a new fantasy sweetheart; I've had it for years and years."
She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'm not at all interested in replacing you baby. You will never have to sweat that." She turned and shut off the light and cuddled up next to me and in minutes she was asleep. I was on my back staring up at the ceiling as visions of Kathy climbing into strange men's cars and going into strange men's apartments moved through my mind. It was very unsettling.
The next morning over breakfast I asked, "Could you really make love to another man?"
"It is just a fantasy Rob, not reality."
"I'm curious. Why do you want me watching?"
"So you will feel a part of it. I couldn't do it alone because that would seem too much like cheating. If you were there it would be like you were putting your stamp of approval on it."
"You would expect me to approve of you fucking other men?"
"Not "other" men honey, just one. Just to see what it would be like."
"It doesn't sound like you are talking fantasy now. It sounds like you really want to do it."
She looked away from me and didn't say anything so I let the subject drop. But not talking about it and not thinking about it are two very different breed of cat. I could not get it out of my mind that Kathy wanted to fuck another man. Kathy said that she'd had the fantasy for years and years and I wondered why she had suddenly brought it up. I wasn't stupid. I knew Kathy and I knew that she knew me well enough to know that if she asked me about my fantasies that I would ask her what hers were. And she knew that when she hedged I would stay on it until I got it out of her. The question was why did she want me to know? Why now after all these years? The answer that I came up with — rightly or wrongly — was that she was on the edge of doing it and she wanted me to say it was okay.
Well it wasn't okay!
I didn't want my wife fucking another man. It wasn't my fault that she was a virgin when we got married. That was her choice. If she would have had fifty sexual partners before we got married it wouldn't have mattered at all. I would still have married her. God knows that I spread my share of pollen before we got married. What happened before the engagement and the wedding vows was none of my business or hers. No! No fucking way did I want her sampling another man.
By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 The drive to the OB/GYN was uneventful. When we arrived, Dr. Ronda had already alerted her receptionist to move us to the top of the list. I went in with each of the ladies one by one. Jill was first. Dr. Ronda prescribed an ultra sound to check on the baby. She had moved into her second trimester. The doctor also gave her a preprinted diet plan and now expected her to begin taking prenatal vitamins. Her and Jill hugged before she left the exam room...
I'm a 100% top man. I love to fuck and have never had the slightest thought of letting someone fuck me. In all my years, I've never had anyone lick my ass. I don't let anyone play with it either. I'm a fucker and enjoy dishing it out to hot little bottoms with a tight hole. The holes are few and far between these days now that I'm 25 years old. I don't get as many hot bottoms. I prefer guys 20+, but I'll talk with anyone.A few weeks ago, I was chatting with this high school sophomore guy...
If Cindy thought Frisky's young prick was nice to suck, it was nothing compared to Prince's. The next Friday night, when she babysat for the Turners again, Prince was glad to see her. He had been licking his prick all week, just as Cindy had been playing with her pussy every day after school. They were both horny when they got together on Friday night. Once the Turners were out of the house and the children were asleep, Cindy stripped off her tight denim cut-offs, and spread out on the...
First up is my first lesbian experience.So I decided to do a post on my first "Girl/girl" experience. Well not my first girl, girl experience but full on Sex I guess. I was a lot younger and skinnier when this happened! (before my training days) But it was one of my best memories and even though I love cock. I still love to play with a good pair of tits or dominate a small petite woman.So before getting into the good stuff, let me just give you a short "how did we get here?"A good friend of...
When she awoke to sunlight streaming in, she had no memory of having dozed off. Everything was peaceful and clear for a few moments. She looked at the wall clock; first period had already started. She could not remember the last time she was still in bed after 8:30 am. It was almost sinful. There was a tap at the door and a nurse entered with a tray of breakfast and a sheaf of incomplete paperwork from her admittance. She took her time finishing both and wondered how long it would be before...
XIX ‘An irresistible chemical assault’ Over the next several hours, with brief breaks only for food (once) and sex (twice), I was to learn more about human physiology and neurology than I had in the previous forty-nine years. I also learnt more about Uncle Albert than I had ever suspected before, more, indeed, than I wanted to know, for overall the picture that slowly emerged was not a pretty one. It became evident that Uncle Albert had devoted virtually his entire adult life to this...
"Good mornin', men. Please be seated. I've called y'all into my office to discuss a new assignment for ya up near El Paso. I trust that neither of you have ever been up there?" Ezra answered for the both of them, "No, Sir, Maj. MacGregor. Sean nor I ain't never been to El Paso." "That's good. That way y'all will see the place with fresh eyes. There's a problem with Comanches movin' in an' trying to drive out the Anglos an' Mexicans what have settled in southeast of El Paso....
Nikki looked up into her son’s eyes as she slid her hand down to his crotch and cupped her hand over his bulge, which caused him to groan in pleasure. Groan turned to moan when she rubbed gently back and forth. “You’re right, David. That does feel really hard. My, oh my.” They kissed more passionately as Nikki one-handed his belt buckle, the clasp of his pants, then his zipper. “Mom, one handed? You have skills. You’ve done this before, I think.” “Yes. I’m a slut, whore, pervert,...
I am admittedly bisexual from boyhood. I had some experience with another male but nothing I am going into detail about here. I have never lost my excitement over watching male porn or reading bisexual stories. My wife has made it very clear that she doesn't like my sexual fantasy of having a male encounter again. But the need to be with another man is like an itch I can't reach. So I started chatting with people with like urges and found our electronic home away from home, here. We...
Part I – The EncounterI've been a crossdresser since my early teens. I'm a 5'3”, 28 years old, 130 lbs, latina sissy. I have long black hair and green eyes, with a dark silky brown tan and very athletic figure with a big ass and small tits. I love feminine things and have always had an intense desire to be a full time girl.Whenever I'm home, I always wear women's clothes. I just love weekends because I transform into a very sexy and exotic girl. Every Saturday morning I get up early and...
Changing Channels-The Miniseries By Zouscha I felt myself breaking out in a cold sweat when I gunned the engine and piloted the panel van down the street. Man, how could I be so stupid, breaking into somebody's house just to prove I had big enough balls to join Iota Gamma Fraternity. I'm willing to bet they didn't make everybody do this. But I had a house off campus, so to fit in I had to work a little harder. My friend Ron was in the back seat and my girlfriend Karen was in...
Introduction: First sharing Sharing her has become a pleasure. The foreplay is already taken care of by another man and I dont think its my imagination, she is all the hornier after being with other men. Hearing her whisper in my ear how she was fucked by my best friend would have pissed me off at one time but now as we fucked it turned me on. He was enjoying my wifes pleasurable pussy like I had hundreds of times. He suddenly pulled his wet cock from her muff and forced it immediately into her...
Sunset Model Agency was located in a nice storefront in the university district. There were about a half dozen beautiful people, both male and female, sitting in the waiting room and a short, round bespectacled man behind the desk. When he looked up at me, his face lit up. ‘Sara!’ he said. ‘You’re back! How are you feeling? Ready to go back to work?’ ‘I’m feeling great,’ I said. ‘I just thought I’d stop by and see what was happening.’ ‘Courtney is going to be tickled to see you. Come on...
We had eliminated all of the Bustol camps that were close enough to us for our Eagles to hit them without at least one refueling. Unless they sneaked in on us, we thought that we were reasonably safe from attack unless they were willing to spend the money necessary to make a move by transporter. I doubted that the criminal lords would be willing to spend that kind of money, so I didn't worry about it. Much to my surprise, it seemed that the old military axiom that "You can't win a war...
108 Avis and Jon visit tony Tony had kept his word Jon and I was invited over to his house for dinner one day to meet his wife. Their k**s were grown and out of the house so they had ample room to receive guests either for an evening or overnight stay. Jon rang the door-bell; Tony opened up and greeted us both then invited us in. He shook Jon's hand and moved up to me and kissed me on the lips. By now his wife had come to the door and I was nicely surprised; she looked about my age, nice...
"I really should not be doing this!" I said to myself as walked down the hallway toward to gym.My nerves were on edge but I also could feel the lust already burning in my blood. My conscience told me what I was about to do was wrong and a betrayal of my marital vows but the worst feeling was the self-doubt that was at the heart of my inner fears. “What if he is not interested?” I asked myself.Just then I turned the corner and almost collided with the Principal, Mrs. Warren."Hi there Kate. You...
Chapter 1: Nick’s Bar He lit his cigarette and looked over the bar’s dark atmosphere taking a deep inhale. ‘So, you really want to know why I’m here?’ A question that didn’t need asked. Of course, we do, and so does John as he listened to his friend speak. We all want to know. So why don’t we float around this little bit of smoke and watch the two men drink their beer. One speaking the other nodding. One who will speak is about 5’11’, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, a tanned skin that must be...
“I have been to the speed of God, sir ... and I discommend it.” —John Ringo, A Hymn Before Battle We practiced all day Sunday, focused on the program. Sophie and Brittany were with us as well as the six of us playing instruments or singing. Donna was making notes in a score to work with the tech crew. Nanette, Emily, and Beca just kept us fed and hydrated. I ran Monday and Tuesday mornings so we could rehearse in the afternoon right after school. Monday night we rehearsed until after...
By : Rajgupta1987 My Dear friends mai ISS ka bohut bada fan hu. Mera naam Raj Gupta hai. Mera ag 30 hai. Mujhe incent stories jada pasand hai. Mai kuch pehle ki baat hui ghatna bata raha hu. Pehle mai apne family ke bare mai bata du, mai apne mummy – papa ke sath rehta hu. Meri do behene hai, ek mujhe badi ek mujhse choti. Dono ka shadi ho gaya hai. Choti ka last December hua hai. Meri do cousin sister hai. Badi ka naam Sonam aur chhoti ka naam Payal hai. Payal ka age 22 yrs hai Bohot gori aur...
If I was there in the meeting with you, I would rub my hand along your thigh. I would laugh to myself as you jumped with surprise. Then you would lean closer to me, looking for all the world like you were paying attention to the boring meeting. My hand is sitting on your thigh. You take my hand and rub it against your hardening cock. I practically purr with approval as I feel your large size and long length. I laugh, as you cover a gasp with a fake cough as I unzip your pants. I listen intently...
My heart pounded with panic. I was in the back seat of a carbetween two big black guys, my head held down forcibly and lying on thecrotch of one of my captors, like they didn't want anyone to see me as wedrove god knows where. With my cheek, I can feel the guy's bulge gettinghard inside his pants, his big hot hands holding my head down onto hiscrotch. The guy on the other side puts a hand on my ass and squeezes everynow and then. He then slips a finger in my crack and plays with my...
Hi doston, hum phir se aa gaye ek nayi story le ker…Isme meri biwi aur do ladke hain jo meri biwi se chudai seekhte hain…. Jaise aapne pada hai part 1 and 2 mein meri biwi aur ek chhote ladke ke maze lete hue….. Ab woh chhota ladka meri biwi ke uper paagal ho gaya tha…..Woh meri biwi ke hamesha paas he rehne ki koshish karta rehta….Uska jab bhi mann karta to woh apna lauda meri biwi ke samne nikal leta aur samne he muth maarna shuru ker deta……Ohir kabhi meri biwi ke paas aa ker apna chhota sa 4...
It was a fun day and we enjoyed our time with our parents. I think the four of them genuinely enjoyed spending time together ... We didn’t go out Friday night though it was tempting to go to the club for dinner and dancing. We would leave in the morning for our apartment to give us some time before Sunday when it was our turn to teach. It would give us some “alone time” to enjoy each other without inhibitions, too. Saturday night was lovely and we woke up rested and energized. In Sunday...
September, 2010Marie: I was nineteen when we married. My ex-husband, the Jerk, was twenty-five. I was madly in love with him, can you believe it? He was a third year Medical Student and I was an Art major. He was drop dead gorgeous handsome and could charm the Devil to let him out of hell. I dropped out of college and worked as a waitress to help support us. I threw away my scholarships to help put him through Medical School. Mom and Dad were livid, but they helped us out with our rent. Thank...
Dear Diary #3"You are a wonderful kisser, and it was a perfect first kiss, but you might want to move that unless you plan on taking my virginity tonight." It was an open invitation, and I certainly wouldn't object, but I doubted he was quite ready for that step."I don't mind us giving each other pleasure, but you should save that for someone you truly love," he said as he started kissing his way down my body.God, he was dense sometimes, but his lips were magical. Remember how I said my breasts...
When I was younger I used to ride my bike a lot. On one of my rides on the greenbelt I found a black pair of women's running shorts. Intrigued at how small and short they where I kept them. Once home I put them through the wash. Late that night I went for another ride. About a block from my house I changed into them and was shocked at how small they where on me. Like almost briefs, Plus the fact they where for women it made me hard instantly. Riding in these where awesome! My cock and balls...
I awoke the next morning with a feel good attitude. I felt pretty much back to normal. I felt like I had slept for what felt like a year. There is a few things going on in my head as I lay in my bed. I was excited to be hanging out with Jessica and Melody today. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through the Laura and the cam footage situation, it couldn’t go on forever, could it? Then there was my sister, there was a deep connection we shared and our recent encounters were beyond amazing. It...
The others were all waiting for us in the booth this morning. They're obviously looking forward to another morning spent using and abusing me. Just like yesterday, as soon as I entered the diner the eye of every customer in the place locked on me as if guided by radar. And just like yesterday every conversation in the room came to a sudden stop while everyone watched me cross the room dressed like the lowest kind of prostitute. This morning it was even worse. This morning I'm wearing that...
Pleasure In Plastic Panties Ch. 01 bytranslucen©The following started as a PLImail to RubberPanties with the writing of which I became so engrossed that it became a story and in the end I never actually sent it, (so sorry RubberPanties, I hope you enjoy it now). I've tried to describe the pleasure I get from masturbating in feminine lingerie and plastic panties, so if plastic panties don't appeal to you, you may not want to read on. I think though that the enjoyment of sissy girly garments...
Felicity stood atop the hill overlooking the large town below. She drew a deep breath; crisp, cool, morning air tingled her nose and infused her lungs with rejuvenating oxygen. It was the perfect elixir to assuage the residual lag from the red eye bus ride she took across the country the night before.Her eyes wide, she took in the picturesque scene like an angel overlooking the clouds below the heavens. She witnessed the sunrise about half an hour ago revealing the snow-covered tiled rooftops...
Outdoor“Wake up, guys,” barked Russell Mack, Sr. as he opened the door to the bedroom his sons shared.“Unnnnh,” whined the younger.“Come on! Five minutes.”“Dad,” groaned the older one. “Can we stay home.”“Fine,” the funeral employee and pastor hissed walking away leaving the door open.The husband and father of three walked downstairs and into the kitchen. He heated up a microwavable breakfast sandwich consisting of an English muffin, American cheese, egg, and turkey sausage. He poured a glass of...
TOM “Is that the house?” I ask Mom as I pull along the curb of the quiet Des Moines cul-de-sac. Mom looks out of the passenger window and nods. “He still has the black Explorer,” Mom says, gesturing to the truck in the driveway, “you were conceived in the back seat, Tom.” “That’s more information than I needed.” I reply. Mom gives me an exaggerated look of shock, and I smile. “What about me?” Laurie perks up from the back seat. “You were made behind the dumpster of a...
Caleb’s enraged hormones are surging through his body. Twice now he has come close to release and twice now he has stopped. This only serves to cause him some discomfort in that his cock and heavy balls are aching, craving release. And now he is headed to pick up the girl who had started all of this. Pulling up outside of Candace’s friend’s house nearly a half hour’s drive away, the man finds that he is still rock hard. He had thought about stopping and jacking off on the way, but he knew...
Mother and lover 2 We just laid there and cuddled for a little bit, not saying a word. She curled up to me. My hand was gently caressing the hot, soft, smooth flesh of those plump buns, hips, and legs. She started to caress my chest with her hand and sliding up and down my torso with her fingers, a soft gently feeling. "Baby, this was wrong, but, it felt so wonderful right!" she said. "Mom, I don’t know about you, but...
IncestThe honeymoon was over in a flash. They were blessed with fine weather and could walk or go sightseeing as they wished. It was a time for talking and laughing and loving. The more time they spent together the deeper grew their love and the intertwining of their minds. They arrived home mid-afternoon to find a note from Sharon on the kitchen table. 'There's cold pie and salad in the fridge. Enough for three, ' it read. 'Hope you had a lovely time. See you Wed. Lots of love....
I lay in my marriage bed last night. My beloved breathing deeply beside me; his slow, even breaths a constant reminder of his trust, and I dreamt of you. Dreamt of your fingertips owning my soul. Dreamt of your hands; hard and rough, digging into the softness of my flesh. Controlling, demanding... My body aches, and my small breasts heave; the tips swollen and hard, desperately awaiting your touch. My hips left to writhe and twist, lifting ever upward in a never-ending, futile search… for...
Straight Sex[When I found that a journalist friend of mine had been to report on Iron Henge I was naturally anxious to read the story. After some persuasion she sent me the story spiked by her editor, followed a few weeks later by the (much longer) ‘original draft’. Then when I mentioned that Lush was doing a fall equinox competition she sent me the ‘extended edition’ that follows. For obvious reasons, all names have been changed.] Chances are the Lush people have never heard of Iron Henge. It isn’t...
Forced to Slavery By Heather2837 It was our honeymoon. My new bride and I were traveling to many sites in the world prior to my joining my new law firm and beginning my career. My new wife, Beth, had been my long time girl friend throughout college and when I finally graduated from law school, we took the big plunge and became engaged. She had always been the love of my life and this was just a natural continuation of our relationship. Beth was 22 years old and was a naturally...
Mary Campton is 40yrs. today she is married to John Campton 42yrs. they have three k**s April 20yrs. John jr. 17yrs. and Gina 15yrs. they live in a upper crest big house in a very well off development. At 7am. Mary wakes to get the moring started as her hubby and k**s come down to eat no one says Happy B-day to her, her feelings hurt but she keeps her cool and says nothing. After the family leave she calls her close friends for lunch but all have plans already, her phone rings and John...
We'll start writing right away. Lesbos ho! Note: All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.
I was home alone and extremely horny, so I went to my room and pulled out my favorite vibrator. Being alone I didn't shut the door. About 5 minutes in I looked over and noticed my stepdad had came home early from work and was watching me, I also saw he was stroking his large thick cock, and I wanted it. I started off asking if he liked what he was seeing, of course he said yeah. I told him mom doesn't need know about anything, and got up and took his hand and led him to my bed. He started...
Love StoriesHello friends , regular reader of Indian sex stories , best platform to share your story and for some guidance, reading on ISS from last 2 years and now I would like to share my own story . Hope you would like my story and give feedback at My name is ankit gujju guy from Mumbai , age 22 done B.E and now working in reputed company . Story revolves around me and my aunty (chachi) , its started back when I was 18 , my uncle and aunt leaves just 2 block away , their family consists of uncle(39)...
IncestSince I posted my How it started a few things have changed. I still borrow my wifes used panties to jerk off into and still really enjoy doing that. BUT I GOT CAUGHT AGAIN. This… Since I posted my How it started a few things have changed. I still borrow my wifes used panties to jerk off into and still really enjoy doing that. BUT I GOT CAUGHT AGAIN. This time by the daughter of a close friend. Last winter I spent a week at our cottage. The first few days our place was just to cold to stay...
CrossdressingNearly a month ago my wife and I drove to New England to visit her mother and brother and his family. She lived in an assisted-living facility that had a small number of guest suites for out-of-town visitors. We were booked for four nights. I wasn't at all crazy about seeing my mother-in-law; she loved to talk and talk and talk and, well you get the idea. Plus, even though my wife and I are both in our early 50's and have grown c***dren and successful careers, she treated us and her son who was...
At first glance he seemed very happy. Not the most handsome guy. Alex was his name, in the middle 30s and wearing an expensive double colored shirt covering his middle age belly, Italian shoes and chinos. Me and my husband worked so much that we almost never had time to spend any night out together. I had put everything in to the marriage and the two c***dren for a long time and now actually got fond of the attention I got from other males when I was spending nights out with my two best...
Debra wrestles Luna to the mud, and Luna feels Debra's thigh as it presses against her bare pussy. Debra rubs her thigh between Luna's legs, making Luna's pussy hotter and wetter. Debra's hand slips between Luna's legs, and she lightly brushes against Luna's swollen clit. Luna moans softly. Tori grabs Debra's bra strap and rips it from her shoulder. She tugs firmly on the mud covered lace bra until it rips from Debra's body. Debra's large firm breasts stand proudly, Tori grips both...
Karen Miller found herself in circumstances she would never have guessed she’d ever be in. She was lying naked on top of a large king size bed as an anonymous woman was crawling between her eagerly spreading legs. She wasn’t gay or even bi-sexual, at least not before she arrive in this hotel room, but yet this beautiful woman reeking sexual desire was on top of her and she knew that she would refuse her nothing. She was so totally captivated by her, and almost forgot the man the woman came in...
As I have mentioned in my other sex stories, I have a 32F-25-38 figure. I have a big boobs so men always stare at me. In the apartment my friends and I live, there is a pervert who always stares at my boobs openly whenever he gets the chance. This pervert is the apartment’s electrician. So he is always around. He gets his chance when we are in elevator. Even when other people are around, he positions himself towards my direction and stares at my boobs. I’ve been used to this so I ignored...
My husband is privileged to be able to watch me self-abuse myself, it's and act, considered very private and personal, that to share it with all men, says something about the importance attached to it.I suspect when men want to have a wank they want a dirty slutty woman to be there with them.Being blond, tall, slim and very horny I also want men, to there in the room with me taking turns to put your cock inside me, but more importantly, for me to be your slutty bitch, so I wear a pair of netted...
The house was quiet the following morning. The three lovers slept soundly, and as promised, Leyota coaxed another helping of seed into her woman's tunnel while Bralan bathed. "I will bring your child with me to Emertland," she whispered into Jorgarn's ear as she cuddled next to him. "This is supposed to be my egg time, right now. I have not had it in two months. When I return, I will be almost ready to birth your child. I wish I could stay and give Freeland its first infant but I fear...
The next day, Cynthia drove her c***dren to her mom’s house and phoned Joey through her mobile phone and instructed him to go to her house at around noontime. By noontime Cynthia was already at her house making some coffee and waiting patiently for Joey to come. After she finished her coffee the doorbell rang so she excitedly went out of the kitchen and then ran to the door. When she opened it she was disappointed to see that it was not Joey but her neighbor Alita. “What brings you here this...
My Wife Got Fucked at the LakeMy wife is 48 now – she was 39 when this happened. I took the attached photos. Sorry - no faces. I apologize for the exposers. This was before smart phones were so prevalent and I was shaking cause my dick was so hard.We went camping near a lake we like to frequent. She loves the outdoors and is always begging to go. We had been drinking as we always do when we go to the lake. She loves to let her beautiful tits out in the sun. She covers them when boats go by but...
There’s some serious tension between Robby Echo and his stepsister, Jane Rogers. Their family h as a maid who comes in and cleans, but Jane really likes to leave a mess. Robby is sweet on the maid, so he tries to get Jane to clean up. While they’re bickering, Robby realizes that Jane has a maid outfit on her bed. He questions Jane about it, and she claims that she purchased it for the maid to wear. Robby accepts that and takes off. Later, Jane decides to try on the sexy maid...
xmoviesforyouHello there. Come right on in. I hope you don’t mind my nightgown and me talking to you here from my bed. No! Don’t you go getting the wrong idea! My name is Mary Margaret Hawthorne and I’m eighty-six years old. This bed that you see me here in is my hospital bed. You see, I’m dying. No, don’t be sad for me. I’ve lived a long life and all of these people you see crowded around the room are my family and closest friends. The doctors say that I slipped into a coma late last night and there’s...
Chapter Six: BustedFor the next 10 months, each week was a repeat of that glorious week. Monday and Tuesday nights, and Wednesday morning, I had sex with Keven. Wednesday and Thursday nights, and Friday morning, I spent with Bryan. The weekends I would spend with my husband. Other than when I was on my cycle, I never refused any of my three lovers.One weekend, in the kitchen, I decided to experiment with a different way to cook the skinless chicken breasts I had out for dinner. I was about to...
CheatingI had just found out that the hot girl I fucked over Spring Break was in fact my cousin. Now sitting at my Aunt's house trying to listen to conversations and answer questions was really trying. After about an hour, my Aunt emerged from the kitchen and asked Cara if she would run to the store since her car was easiest to get out. Cara agreed and went to get her shoes and keys. When she returned, she looked over at the group and asked “Anybody want go with me?” I noticed that my mom was...
Warning: This story is totally fictional! Not real at all! Hi. I'm Rachel. I'm a sexy 19 year old redhead. I've got a great body (except for a bit of a belly), 36C boobs and a nice bubble butt. Despite my great body, I'm a virgin... or at least I was.... This is a story about how me and my cousin Tommy explore each other... It's early one Saturday morning, around 9:30 AM. I'm in the middle of making myself a coffee when my mom comes downstairs. "Honey, Uncle Tim and Cousin Tommy are coming over...