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Gabrielle patted her daughter Emma on the head as she opened the door to let her outside to walk to school with her friends.

"Bye sweetie," she said as she looked outside to see with dismay rain that was already beginning to form big droplets.

"Bye mommy!" said Emma as she raced outside to her friends, not giving a second thought to the weather.

Gabrielle smiled and closed the door as she picked up her coffee cup and sat down, trying to warm up inside her red woolen sweater.

"Lily," she said as she summoned her house computer to life.

"Yes?" answered the soft neutral reply.

"What are today's notifications?"

Lily's electronic voice spoke again, "You have five new messages."

"Three new messages from the New Singapore District Office. Subject: Bills delivered at 12:00am with amounts of-"

"Reply 'Colony ID 0098768' to all."

"Processing ... Messages delivered. No charges standing."

"Thank you, Lily," Gabrielle said. It was such a helpful number to have. "Other messages?"

Lily promptly replied, "One new message from Sam Orange. Subject: Great Time Last Week - Again? - Would you like to open the message?"

"Later," Gabrielle replied. Sam was a friend ... a friend who was always ready and willing for a good time. Gabrielle hadn't committed herself to a boyfriend and Sam was eagerly able to fill the temporary physical role that she needed for her own relief.

"Next message?"

"Final Message," Lily paused for a moment as she loaded it onto the large flat screen in the living room. Gabrielle was curious - only large files ever appeared on the screen. Lily continued after a short time, "One new message from the Federal Agency for Reproduction and Maternity. Subject: Colony ID 0098768 and Alpha ID 042. Video attachment. Would you like to open the file?"

"The Eden Institute sent me a message?" Gabrielle wondered aloud. That was the agency in charge of the health and reproduction efforts of New Singapore. She hadn't been at the Colony since Emma was born close to seven years ago ... She got up from her chair and walked over into the living room slowly, trepidation in her steps.

Gabrielle spoke up to the computer, "Open the file - full screen."

The screen flicked to black for a moment, then the video began to play. She was surprised at what she saw. There was a dim room with a bed in the middle, covered in white sheets. Atop it laid a naked women - breasts heaving and her legs splayed out as she lay supine, looking slightly off-camera. Gabrielle took a step forward to get a better look and then gasped - there was no doubt who the woman on screen, visibly excited and breathing hard from her arousal, was Gabrielle.

Before Gabrielle could recover from the shock of seeing herself on screen, a new figure appeared: his shoulders were broad and masculine, his arms and legs thick with powerful muscles, and his back obscured the much younger Gabrielle who was softly cooing and moaning just a few feet away as he stepped into the camera's line of sight. The Gabrielle of the present was transfixed as she watched the Alpha Breeder approach her, making both the bed and her body look small in comparison. The breeder moved over Gabrielle expertly as she spread he legs even further for her stud.

Back when she was at the colony, these videos were used for internal evaluation purposes only, analyzing the effectiveness of each breeder and documenting any strengths or weaknesses in his bedroom techniques. Some of these videos leaked out onto the Internet and generated enormous interest, so much so that the government conducted a study of how much revenue could possibly be generated if they had released them for public consumption. When the results came back overwhelmingly positive, the Eden Institute underwent a remarkable turnaround, beginning the production and distribution of these breeding video documentations. Administrators from the colony even went so far as to hire consultants from The Republic of California's adult and Hollywood film industries to advise them on how to most effectively run the operation. However, growing criticism from a variety of personal freedom advocacy groups criticized the decreased privacy for the male breeders and accusations of selection bias by the Institute in favor of more physically beautiful women rather than genetically healthy breedees began to surge.

Nonetheless, production continued on, becoming more and more elaborate and professional as time went on. The productions of today, with lighting, wardrobe, set design and even makeup, were a far cry from the raw unedited footage in the dimly lit room that Gabrielle was staring at on her screen. When the video began, she was instantly taken back in time, her coos turning to moans as the breeder entered her. Gabrielle shifted her body-weight from one knee to the other, watching her feet bouncing subtly on the screen as the breeder thrust into her again and again.

Like most women, Gabrielle continued to take lovers after her time at the colony and the birth of her child. There was something about the colony however that she would never experience quite the same again. It was such an odd place, like a real life fantasy land, the experiences of being there would be just long enough for you to get used to the idea of living on an island built solely for sex, but never long enough for you to get comfortable. The experience was what she had read traveling to Las Vegas in the United States was like. It was all surreal.

The Alpha on screen lifted Gabrielle's legs onto his shoulders - her calves looking so small and dainty as they rested there. The long broad back of a breeder was on top of her as his powerful body thrust and rutted inside tight pussy. Gabrielle slowly smiled to herself and crossed her legs instinctively as she watched, her past self gasping and clutching onto his back while he drove his impressive shaft deep inside of her. His large hands stroked up and down her pale white sides, petting her as he thrust his member into her again and again with a rhythmic technique perfected after thousands of sessions with countless numbers of women before her.

She could hear her own grunts and moans, and little coaxings of, "Mmm, yes!" and "So good!!", but soon they were reduced to just unintelligible grunts and cries of pleasure. The Alpha needed no further encouragement or direction. Watching her very own breeding was something Gabrielle had never imagined would happen to her - but now that she was, all the memories came flooding back, from the Colony, in striking detail and sensation ... She could feel her pussy getting moist already, and she rubbed her thighs together slowly, feeling the roughness of her jeans grinding against her legs and the silkiness of her panties against her juicing pussy ... She began to slip her hand down her breasts, down her stomach, and down even further...

"Mommy, what's that?" asked a curious Emma, now standing beside Gabrielle and looking at the screen.

Shocked, Gabrielle blushed profusely as she scrambled to find the remote. After a few seconds of embarrassing fumbling as her recorded cries of pleasure filled the room, Gabrielle looked behind her with relief to see the remote. She grabbed it off the couch and hit the power button, instantly sending the screen black.

"Sweetie, what are you doing back here?" shakily asked Gabrielle, wondering what her daughter was doing back inside the house to begin with.

"You forgot to give me lunch, mommy," Emma responded.

Gabrielle stood up uncomfortably as she walked into the kitchen area and started the robotic process of making a sandwich, hoping that Emma hadn't really seen enough on the screen to give it a second thought. Several seconds followed as Gabrielle made the sandwich in silence, feeling like time was slowing down just for her to wallow in her embarrassment.

"Mommy, what were you watching?" Emma asked again, finally revealing the elephant in the room.

"Sweetie you weren't supposed to see that" Gabrielle said quietly, unsure of what she should have said otherwise.

Emma walked over to the couch and pressed the power button on the remote, curious to see the image appear back on screen before her mother could stop her. Now paused, Gabrielle could see her face was clearly visible from underneath the broad back of the male breeder. Her eyes were closed and her mouth gaping in a silent moan, her face of ecstasy peeking out from underneath his thick shoulder.

Emma looked closer and realized the face belonged to her own mother, even if it was from many years ago.

"Mommy? Is that you?" she asked as she pointed to Gabrielle's face on the screen.

Gabrielle looked down at the floor. The awkward situation of her daughter pointing with innocent curiosity at Gabrielle's frozen face on a video from a breeding session taken many years ago was palpable.

"Yes sweetie, that's me..." she said shyly, now coming to the conclusion that now was as good a time as any to explain some of the details of sex to her young daughter.

Emma peered at the television again, looking puzzled as she analyzed the still-frame of the breeder buried between her mother's legs, gripping her knees and pulling them forward towards his motion-blurred hips.

Gabrielle saw the quizzical look on Emma's face and knew that this wasn't something that was necessarily okay to talk about. Pre-empting any feelings of awkwardness or guilt Emma may have been feeling, Gabrielle finished her sandwich and turned to her daughter.

"Please sweetie, just sit down and take off your raincoat. I will be gone for a minute upstairs to get something, but will be right back down."

She watched Emma sit down on the couch as she was told, then went upstairs to her bedroom. Gabrielle opened up the top shelf in her dresser to reveal a modest number of sex toys, condoms, and lubricants. She grabbed one of the soft jellyed skin-tone dildos and a small bottle of lubricant, contemplating how she would explain sex to her daughter as she returned downstairs.

Emma, having become bored in the minute her mother was gone, had resumed the video and watched with fascination while the breeder's hips thrust back and forth against her groaning mother's body, missionary style.

"Is this how babies are made, mommy?" asked Emma, not taking her eyes from the lively screen.

Shocked at her daughter's adept question, Gabrielle nodded after a brief hesitation. Despite her growing blush, she also felt a bit of pride at the intelligence of her daughter – no doubt thanks in part due to the Institute's excellent choice and pairings of male breeders...

"Yes, sweetie. When a man and a woman want to make a baby, the woman spreads her legs and allows the man to push inside of her with his penis."

Emma's eyes move the screen of rutting bodies to stare at the dildo Gabrielle was holding gently in her hand.

"This, sweetie, is what a man's penis looks like." she said as she handed over the silicone dildo for Emma to feel. The curious child took hold of it without hesitation.

"This is the shaft," she said, pointing along the toy's veined length. "And these are his testicles," she said, massaging her hands gently along the round artificial sack. "Normally, this part will be very soft and flexible..." Gabrielle said as she realized that the toy could not become soft for obvious reasons.

Emma nonetheless paid attention with wide eyes on both her mother and the strange replica in her hand. Gabrielle continued, "When a man becomes excited by a woman and wants to make a baby with her, his penis will grow much bigger, thicken and become very hard and rigid ... just like this" she said as she gently rubbed her fingers along the shaft of the realistic toy.

"When a woman becomes excited by a man and wants to have a baby with him, her vagina..." she said, pointing to her own through the capris she was wearing, remembering how surprised and aroused she was from seeing herself with the breeder on her screen, " ... will become very wet and slippery to allow the man's penis to enter her." Gabrielle then opened the cap on the little bottle of lubricant and squirted out a small dab onto her right hand, rubbing it between her fingers so that her palm was shiny. She showed Emma the slickness of her palm, and she nodded shortly, hardly taking her eyes away from the enthralling demonstration.

"When both the man's penis is very big and hard and the woman's vagina is very wet and slick, the man will push himself inside of her," Gabrielle explained calmly as she took the dildo and eased it comfortably into her lubricated hand. "When the man pushes inside, it is very pleasurable for both the man and for the woman. It is so pleasurable that he will pull out a little bit and push back in again and again," she said as she pumped the dildo in and out of her loosely-clasped fingers.

Emma watched with fascination as she absorbed a wealth of knowledge that she previously had not been aware of. She remembered the images on the screen and immediately made sense of it all, seeing him pushing inside of her mom's vagina, recognizing his penis clearly on the screen as it slipped into her mother's body over and over, and his sack distinctly as it tapped heavily below her mother's dripping-wet folds.

Gabrielle continued with her demonstration, unsure if this was the best way to go about going about sex education, but feeling better about it. Emma was a smart, curious, and eager girl though, and Gabrielle felt she would be able to take all this new information in. She continued, "When the man feels too much pleasure from being inside the woman, he will begin to shoot out a load of semen which he has been carrying around in his testicles out the tip of his penis," Gabrielle tapped the tip of the realistic dildo, and Emma looked curiously at the little slit there.

"Semen is white and sticky and contains millions and millions of his sperm cells, each one containing instructions for everything unique about him. When he shoots them out, he pushes his penis really far into the woman's so they all get inside her, and then all the sperm race as fast as they can from his testicles through the shaft and into her vagina. Once his sperm are inside of her, they will all try and swim towards her egg, which is deep inside her belly..." To show her daughter where, Gabrielle lifted up her red sweater slightly and patted just above the hemline of her capris below her bellybutton. "While a man has millions of sperm, every woman has only one egg, and it only takes one sperm finding that egg to get her pregnant."

Emma leaned in to look at her mother's flat tummy, fascinated at the extraordinary science behind natural fertilization.

"Mommy," Emma asked, "Is 'getting pregnant' how girls have babies?" She was still looking at her mother's belly, apparently trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Gabriella smiled. "Yes, honey."

"Was that how you got me?"

"Hehe, yes..." Gabriella loved how quickly her young daughter was picking up the basics about reproduction. But soon Emma's face took on her quizzical look again, after looking at her mother's nicely toned stomach. She looked up, her innocent eyes full of curiosity.

"But how did I fit in here?" Her little hand lightly poked at Gabrielle's midsection, a feeling that reminded Gabriella of how Emma would lightly kick when she was still growing inside her. It made her grin with motherly love.

"Oh, that's right! Cause you're such a big girl, I don't think you could fit in there now." She said playfully, making her daughter smile. Gabrielle got up and placed the dildo and lube on the counter in the kitchen and returned to the living room. She continued as she stood in front of her daughter, "But before you were born, you started off teenie-tiny, like a little peanut." She made the gesture to Emma by curling her index finger under her thumb. Emma stared up in wonder at the little sliver of light that shone through her mother's curled fingers, awestruck at how small she once was, but listened attentively to her mother's story.

"And then every day you grew a little bigger, and mommy's tummy got bigger, and bigger, and bigger..." Gabrielle tried expanding out her stomach and holding her hands over her belly to show Emma just how her toned tummy grew with her advancing pregnancy, but Gabrielle knew that when she was carrying little Emma, she got far rounder and bigger than what she could exhibit now. But Emma watched her mother's tummy grow, the child's imagination filling the blanks in reality. "And then," Gabrielle continued, "When mommy was really big about nine months later, you told her you were ready to come out, and poof," she waved her hands outwards with a flourish, "you were here!"

Obviously Gabriella could remember that it wasn't a mere "poof" that bore her daughter into the world - more like a ten hour marathon of contractions and pushing amid a crowd of panicky doctors running about and excited Colony observers taping the whole event in detail for their records. The Colony offered to care for its clientele after their breeding was successful through the duration of their pregnancy, teaching the soon-to-be mothers how to care for their very precious children and giving them lessons on how to adjust to motherhood amid the many other pleasures the Colony had to offer.

Nevertheless, Emma was thoroughly satisfied with the "poofing babies" theory, proven by her broad smile and giggles. As Gabrielle sat back down next to her daughter, Emma tentatively touched her mother's bared stomach again, as if another baby could somehow poof out of her at any moment.

"Is there another baby inside you now, mommy?" Emma asked.

"Oh no sweety," Gabrielle said, "Remember, it takes a man's sperm to find the egg in my tummy for a baby to be in me." In her mind, Gabrielle caressed the nicely rounded tummy she had years ago. She missed it, and the Colony ... The breeders ... the wild sex ... the unreal atmosphere ... She was getting really wet from all these memories brought up by her innocent child's questions.

As Gabrielle indulged her fantasy, Emma suddenly turned back to the screen and pointed excitedly. "Mommy, mommy!" She cried, tugging at her mother's sweeter sleeve and pointing at the screen, "Does that man make you pregnant then?"

"Hmmm?" Gabrielle snapped out of her daydream and looked to where her daughter was pointing. The screen showed that the breeder had changed positions with past Gabrielle - now behind her, thrusting his hormone-enhanced member deep and hard inside her wet pussy, louder grunts and groans emanating from the scene than ever before. Gabrielle blushed - she was so caught up in the thoughts about how she was going to teach her daughter about sex that she didn't turn off the video ... No doubt Emma was not only learning from her mother's words, but her actions too...

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I wound up at Danielle’s house. I hadn’t wanted to go to the home my daughters and I shared; I was too upset. I spent an hour pacing up and down the length of Danielle’s patio when she and my daughters came walking down the lane. It wasn’t really a street. There weren’t any cars or trucks on the island. Most people just walked or road bikes to get around. “Your mother’s here,” I told Megan and Evelyn bluntly. They were both wearing bikini tops; Danielle wasn’t, but she wasn’t my daughter. I...

2 years ago
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Pipers Piece

 “This cannot be happening,” I thought as I lay awake in the luxuriously furnished bedroom and smoked yet another cigarette.I stared at the ceiling and tried for sleep, but sleep was the last thing on my mind. It came way after my husband to be at home in the house we'd bought. It came after the good, well paid job I'd given up and it even came after the man in bed with me, the man I'd made love to hours before, the man I was aching for now!It had all started three months ago with a lawyer's...

3 years ago
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My Second Affair Part II

Six months into my affair with Stan and things just could not be better. I mean how many women get to have sex with a guy then return home to their husband for more? Not wives that cheat on their husbands behind their backs but wives who are shared by a loving husband that wants his wife to enjoy life? How could it get any better? I was about to find out.My birthday was approaching and Stan and I had not been out dancing for a couple of months. My hubby insisted that I go out with Stan that...

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An Indian Guys Adventures Ch 01

** Any resemblance to any characters in this story and real persons is purely incidental ** ** This is a work of fiction ** ** The characters in the story are above the age of 18** Ajay noticed her the first day he joined college. In fact, she was the first girl he had noticed. It was the first time he had stared at a girl for so long as well. And as he continued to stare, he could feel like he was being enveloped in soft, fluffy clouds. Ajay was just one among the thousands of Indian boys...

3 years ago
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First Time Sharing

Kevin: The first time it happened it wasn’t planned. It just sort of happened. Early Summer. We were visiting an old buddy of mine in the small town he lived in. After dinner, which included drinks, we walked down a few blocks and took in a movie with Richard and his date. Walking back to his place, we stopped at a corner bar and had a few more drinks, talked and had a few MORE drinks When we got back to Richard’s place, he opened a bottle of wine. It didn’t take long before we all had a...

1 year ago
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Meri Vidhwa Maa Ki Rangreliyan

Yeh mere ek dost ki kahani. Usiki jubani. Hi doston mera name Rahul hai aur yeh koi kahani nai. Yeh mere dost abhi ki kahani ki tarah hi sachi ghatna hai. Main avi 24 saal ka hun aur meri mummy avi 52 years ki. Papa ka 10 saal pehle death hogaya he. Mummy Ko papa ki naukri milgayi. Ab mummy ke bare me bata dun aapko. Meri mummy ka name hai Gouri. Age 52 gori thodi moti hai. Size uska 36-34-44. Bohot khubsurat hai but agar kapde utarde toh uske gand aur dudh ka har koi deewana hojaega. Papa ke...

1 year ago
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sissy wants to be black mans slut

Hi Sweeties! Guess what? Well, adult arcade sissy, Miss Terilyn Bardot, got her ass whipped but good the other night. It happen at an adult video arcade in Providence, RI.One of the reasons Terilyn likes going there is because they could care less what kind of sex goes on in those preview booths. in fact they installed larger booths that hold up to 6 occupants. A lot of the adult bookstores, mainly the ones in Massachusetts, have signs posted to the effect of no sexual behavior allowed, or, one...

3 years ago
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The Pill Ch 4

Screaming girls and rowdy frat boys made the atmosphere less than desirable. Vallerie hated a place like this. She liked the dark and gloomy, though she wasn't a goth. She was just an average girl who had taken a pill offered to her from the man that now employed her. Employed her and the three other people that were at the table with her. Three women and one man. Not the best of company, being that under normal circumstance before she took the pill, she would never have hung out with these...

4 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 17

Things are becoming intense for Alan as the days progress. He feels that he has been doing some good, helping out Marian next door with her troubles. She came over to thank him and offer herself as a means of a thank you. Of course he fucked her, he’s not stupid. Sandy has been trying to get closer. She seems to have made it a point to watch Alan fuck the women he brings home. She has been there to help him masturbate by licking his prick or balls. She has even ensured that he is cleaned up...

4 years ago
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Sonali amar Sahakarmini 3

Mr. Shah ektu pore uthe bathroome gelen aar khoob taratari phire elen. Ami abar theke chan korar janno bathroome gelam. Ami jakhon chan kore beriye elam takhon Mr. Shah ghore theke chole giyechen aar Mr. Sen ghore bose chilen. Mr. Amake dekhe bollen, “Sonali, sattee tumi khoob bhalo. Mr. Shah tomar khoob proshonsha korchilen.” Ami bhablam keno korbe na. Uni kothaye eto boka meye paben jake matite jhunkiye uni chudte parben. Mr. Sen amake ekta envelop diye bollen, “eta tomar appointment letter,...

1 year ago
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Superman Gets Superdick After Reciting Magic Verse

Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...

1 year ago
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Marshas OdysseyChapter 7

The next two days were a living hell for Marsha. Her depression over the state of her marriage and Trent's leaving had been bad enough but now she was to become the personal concubine of Norman. Not a handsome man at all, his fourth grade education and upbringing in a rough neighborhood made him crude at best and unbearable at worst. His father had been a wife beater and he had, on a few occasions silenced Cecilia with a well placed cuff or slap. His drinking, also learned from his father,...

1 year ago
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Wonderful Journey With Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

Hi friends thanks for your response and positive comments. Read part 1,2 to understand better. When I came out side of waiting room, patient room is cleaned .I said to them room is ready for visiting they took more 10mins to discuss about treatment & discharge etc. & finally agreed to discharge day after tomorrow early morning. Rohini bhabhi went to take bath. Bro: pradu you stay here I will come @ 15:00 & pick you up to home. Lakshmi (rohini s mother): yes young boy stay. Me: ok. My brother...

2 years ago
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Scourge of the Air Pirates an Aerocities Adventure

Prologue Following the development of the Flettner Ion Drive in the late 22nd Century, United Mankind's interstellar explorations began. Initially, exploration vessels crewed by pilots, scientists, soldiers, technicians and medical personnel were sent to star systems that were determined to have planets capable of human colonization. Many were never heard from again. Such was the case of the exploration vessel 'Copernicus' which discovered an Earth style planet the size of Jupiter in the...

3 years ago
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Rider Express

UM-3/ Avalon Hills of snow were melting as furious Gale slowly abated and the continent passed into Sede. Kray and four others in the squad he’d drawn from the company, Harley, Amhatiens, Elroy, and Booster hunkered down behind a low hill running alongside a beige, fibrocrete river that meandered across the bombarded, cratered landscape- the vehicle access running from Freeport to Solstice. “Command knows what they’re doing here,” Booster complained and scratched at his neck. “They can get...

2 years ago
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Excerpts From My Inexperience T

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.I’ve always been a bit of a loner. Even in my daydreams, which largely featured a handsome prince who saw me completely differently to how I really am, more time was spent waiting and dreaming of him in those solitary imaginings than I did actually with him in them. I believe that was prophetic, leading into (or perhaps from?) pathetic. When it comes to sex, with two startling exceptions, all of that...

First Time
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Carolines MomChapter 6

After we finished making love, or then again maybe it was just really nasty fucking, we fell asleep in each others arms. The sound of some hot sex in the next room woke us. That was Jeff's room and for a while I was worried that Rachel would be upset. She just grinned at me and whispered. "Enjoy" Then she crawled down between my legs. "You won't mind if I suck you off while you listen." "It will be almost like getting a blow job while watching porn." Her head dipped and she began...

3 years ago
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Summer stories2

A few minutes earlier they’d unexpectedly met on the landing, she in bra and panties, he naked. He’d followed her into her bedroom and he had delivered hasty sex; its youthful thrusts had been both urgent and surprisingly harsh, coming inside her after only a minute or so. He had left her lying on the carpet where she’d earlier slipped, ‘Sorry mum’ he’d said as he left the room to return to his own bedroom. She was unhurt from the fall but her mind was racing through many confused thoughts....

2 years ago
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Week 3 Class 2

Week 3, Class 2 (Sensual Attire) As the trio of friends made their way home from class, they excitedly chatted about all the body decoration they had just seen, and Jen gave Kelly a good grilling about her bleaching. When she had had her fill, they next turned to discussing the Thursday class requirement: sensual attire. ‘Now this is one we can definitely have some fun with,’ began Jen. ‘Think of all the sexy and/or naughty choices us gals will have to choose from. It might even be hard to...

1 year ago
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Infatuated by sisterinlaw

night I went in the house to get Betty (not her real name) to go out for the evening. There she was, Rosie(also not her real name) , Betty's younger sister. She appeared to be about 19 or 20. She was sitting in an easy chair in their front room, and had her legs curled under her butt. She had a set of summer pjs on which consisted of short pj bottoms. I could almost make out the color of her pussy hair and noticed that her short pants were drawn up into her fat pussy lips. I now know...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Linda

My deepest, darkest fantasy has always been to watch my wife fuck another man. I wanted to watch her in the throes of passion, clamping her legs around and digging her nails into someone else. I finally got up the courage to mention it to her and she laughed at me, "Get serious Vern." Even though she wouldn't admit it the idea did turn her on. I could tell she was turned on by how wildly she would fuck me after I mentioned it. In a one hundred and eighty-degree turnabout Linda began to tell...

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What he doesnt know

Working late again, on a Friday even? You have to start to wonder if it’s on purpose or just piss poor time management. Oh well, you’re getting used to it, truth be known, it doesn’t even bother you that he’s not home, again. You used to pay attention to what was going on with his work. Then the interest started fading away, until one day, who knows when, either he stopped telling you what was going on or you just stopped hearing it. You can tell when his stress level is up but it’s not like...

1 year ago
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Pax MultiChapter 7

“No, I do not have a knife, my lady,” Lou said, his voice somehow not managing to fall into giggles once more. But it was hard to resist the urge. His wife, Beatrice Benoit, a seven hundred million year old hive mind with her consciousness spread across three solar systems and several trillion bioforms, had managed to get her latest body stuck fast into a few strands of spiderwebbing. This made sense, considering her latest bioform was a spider: Six arms, two legs, eight eyes which fanned out...

4 years ago
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Facing Erika

Facing Erika But my bliss was short lived. I was abruptly wakened from my dreamlike state by a jarring shove into my shoulders that snapped my neck back and sent me reeling forward to the floor. I tried to reach out my arms and break my fall, but one hand was pinned between my pantied crotch and thighs. I reached out with the other and managed to get it in front of me, but it only tended to cause me to roll to the side, throwing my shoulder into the floor and toppling me...

1 year ago
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Rupali Ki Chudai

Hello dosto mera naam rahul hai aur main ist ka bahut purana member hun…main yahn dusron ki sex stories ke bahut kisse sune…kabhi mujhe aisa lga nhi ki main bhi kabhi yahan apni kahani likhunga aur aap sab se share krunga….So,mera naam rahul hai aur main ek 5’8” ek smart guy hun…jo ki kafi ladkiyan kehti h.Mera lund approx. 6inch ka hai. So,main siddha kahani pe aata hun yeah kahani rupali(changed name) ki h jo mere ghar ke paas hi rehti thi….Ooh by the way I am from chandigarh and main kisi...

4 years ago
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Helping a coworker

this starts at work in the post office years ago. I have worked there and with this women for over 25 years her name we'll say is D. She was Married I was a widower losing my wife five years earlier. D was always very friendly and touchy feely but she was a little depressed for a long while and after asking what was wrong at least a dozen time she finally told me one day in the parking lot. She said her husband was totally ignoring her after their daughter left for college and they work...

3 years ago
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Dance for Me Chapter Two

Brandon sat in the worn armchair in his one bedroom apartment, staring vacantly at the television screen. His finger pressed idly at the channel changer. Nine hundred and ninety nine channels and not a thing to watch. His head ached almost unbearably and it hurt to keep his eyes open but he dared not close them in case he fell asleep and missed Caroline’s call. He’d been expecting the phone to ring for two days now and each time it did he would start forward with pitiful excitement only to see...

3 years ago
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EdenChapter 20

Considerable tension pervaded the lander as it cleared the Gardener, tension of more than one sort. Uppermost in the minds of all twelve was, of course, the uncertain reception they anticipated on Eden. Igwanda and his troops were girding mentally for a possible battle, while the seven civilians could only sit by and view what was to happen. There was also an undercurrent of resentment among the civilians for what they saw as the colonel's autocratic intransigence. Toshimura and Shaw had...

1 year ago
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Fucking my best friend hot milf mom

I usually enjoy some weekends with my friend at his house. As his father goes out of the town every weekend, he doesn’t get bored with my company. We enjoy the days, watching TVs, playing games etc. No, you don’t think that we have sex because we are not gays! We are both straight! Sometimes his mother also joins us in card games. Well, I think from this place we should start particularly! About his mom, she looks pretty sexy like a mature porn star. She has got big boobs, blond hair, sexy ass...

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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 11

Tucker’s head usually emptied of dirty thoughts after he came. His mind was clear and clean. He could focus on his homework or video games after a good spank in the bathroom. However, after fucking his Aunt’s asshole through the cage bars, he could only think more dirty thoughts. Tucker replayed the encounter over and over in his mind in slow motion. He could visualize her big butt cheeks pressed up against those metal cage bars. She had a waffle style imprint when they were done. He could...

1 year ago
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Sex with my Exs Best Friend

Closing my hand in a duck-bill shape I slid all of my fingers and thumb into her cunt up to my knuckles. She positioned herself waiting for the onslaught of my fist sliding into her hole. “Yes, yes do it! Please fist me – please! I want it shove it in there!” she pleaded. “Can you take it? Are you a good enough slut?” I asked. Still feeling down about my divorce I decided to go out with the boys to one of our local clubs to watch a band and have a drink. Beers were plentiful and I was feeling...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 28

Midmorning, Fred pulled into the first rest area they came to on I-75. "Feels odd to take the truck side," he said, swinging the RV to the right toward the truck parking area. A couple of minutes later, he picked a place and eased into one of the long pull-through parking spots. "Georgia does a job on their rest areas, don't they?" he said as they all sat looking at the mowed grass under the acres of trees that surrounded the large parking area, and the almost manicured lawn and hedges...

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