A Married Marilyn
- 3 years ago
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That night we watched Saturday Night Live. I don’t normally watch it, since I thought the first cast (Chevy Chase, et al) was the best, and anybody since then had been downhill. Still, I knew after all the comedy this week they were going to have to do something about Marilyn in jail. Marilyn wanted to go to bed, but I insisted we watch. I knew something crazy was going to happen.
Darrell Hammond (as me): (In a command post, surrounded by generals and admirals.) “Are we ready for the operation?”
Army General: (Standing before a flip chart showing a building with lots of arrows on it.) “Yes, sir! The extraction of the asset is planned for later today! This is a high value asset and is being detained in a maximum-security facility. Delta Force will parachute in, breach the interior walls, and perform the extraction.”
Navy Admiral: “Navy SEALs will secure the perimeter and deal with any fast reaction forces targeting the extraction.”
Air Force General: “We have satellite reconnaissance and stealth drones in place, close air support, also.”
Hammond: “Casualty projections?”
Army General: “High, sir. The asset is closely guarded and is considered a high value target. The men are all volunteers. They know this is a one-way mission, and they understand the need.”
Hammond: “And the asset?”
Army General: (Flips a page on the chart, showing a blown-up picture of Marilyn Buckman.) “Marilyn Buckman is currently being held in the Allegheny County Jail, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! We have managed to insert an agent who reports that Mrs. Buckman is currently being forced to teach classes in knitting and crocheting.”
Navy Admiral: “The CIA reports that she will begin baking cookies as soon as they break her spirit. There are reports that a foreign consortium led by Famous Amos has been bidding for her secret chocolate chip cookie recipe!”
Hammond: “NO!”
Air Force General: “Mister President, we cannot allow enemy powers to gain access to Mrs. Buckman’s cookie technology!”
Hammond: “We can’t let that happen! The mission is approved, but first ... LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT!”
Pretty much like everybody in the studio audience, I was laughing hysterically from the moment Marilyn’s picture was shown. Even Marilyn was laughing at it. “I hope your children are seeing this. I am going to want this immortalized in video!” I told her.
“You can be eliminated!”
Later in the show we had part two of the madness. Amy Poehler, the designated Marilyn Buckman impersonator (this required a wig), was sitting in a prison cell wearing an orange jumpsuit, facing several other prisoners, and they were all knitting.
Poehler: “Remember, knit one, purl two!” (The wall next to Marilyn collapses. Two cast members in combat uniforms and carrying guns jump into the room.)
Soldier One: “Mrs. Buckman, we’re Delta Force! We’re here to rescue you!”
Soldier Two: “You have to come with us!”
Poehler: “But we were just going to start talking about mixing different yarns.”
Soldier One: “We have to leave now!”
Poehler: “Ladies, don’t forget what we learned about slip stitch!”
Soldier Two: “We have to go now!” (Both soldiers took ‘Mrs. Buckman’ by the arm and pulled her through the hole in the wall and across a computer-generated battlefield. They ended up on a different battlefield set.)
Soldier One: “Status on the extraction?”
Soldier Two: “Not good! We’re surrounded!”
Soldier One: “Casualties?”
Soldier Two: “At least half are down or captured, and the enemy is getting closer.”
Soldier One: “Choppers?”
Soldier Two: “Shot down! We didn’t know the Pittsburgh Police Department had anti-aircraft capability!”
Soldier One: “Ground?”
Soldier Two: “They have tanks. We’ve only got one choice left! You have to prepare Mrs. Buckman for pickup. I’ll join the remaining survivors and hold them off as long as we can!”
Soldier One: “Go!” (Turns to ‘Marilyn’ and opens a duffle bag.) “Mrs. Buckman, you need to put on this harness.”
Poehler: “The color really doesn’t work with the jumpsuit. Do you have something else, maybe in a light red or yellow?”
Soldier One: “Mrs. Buckman! Please!”
Poehler: “Oh, all right. Oh, damn, I broke a nail!”
Soldier One: “Mrs. Buckman!” (He began helping her.)
Poehler: “What’s this for, anyway?”
Soldier One: (Reaches into the duffle bag and pulls out an inflated balloon, clips it to a wire and lets it free, to float out of sight.) “Ever watch James Bond?”
Poehler: “No. Why?”
Soldier One: “No reason. Have a nice flight!” (Poehler gets lifted up off the stage by the wire, as the soldier kneels down and starts shooting his gun.)
Curiously, Marilyn took a certain exception to the portrayal of her by Poehler I simply laughed at my wife as she stewed.
Charlie must have been the only guy on the planet who hadn’t seen the clips by the time we saw him the next day. My Sunday breakfast was interrupted by Will Brucis when he called wanting to know my official reaction to the skits. I simply told him the truth, that I had laughed until I cried, and then told him the White House wasn’t going to take an official policy stance on Marilyn Buckman’s cookie technology. It was going to be one of those ‘neither confirm nor deny’ moments.
The Sunday morning news shows were all over this whole mess. ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos ran the intro clip in full, and then George asked Fletcher Donaldson about it.
George Stephanopoulos: “Fletcher, you’ve actually been to the Buckman’s home in Hereford, Maryland. Is Marilyn Buckman’s chocolate chip cookie recipe really so valuable that we can’t allow it to fall into enemy hands?”
Fletcher Donaldson: “I can’t answer that, George. I don’t think I’ve ever had one of her cookies. I can say that her jam and jelly recipes are worth protecting.”
George Will: “I’d have to agree with that. I managed to get a jar of Buckman’s Berries Strawberry Jam one Christmas and it was pretty good stuff. It’s interesting, though, to compare Marilyn Buckman with Hillary Clinton, who once famously commented that she had no intention of staying home and baking cookies when she could do something more important. Marilyn Buckman is quite happy baking cookies and being a stay-at-home mother for her children and husband, and she considers that as important as anything else she could be doing, and I applaud her for that.”
That got into a full Roundtable discussion of the two women’s styles and whether Marilyn’s ‘career choice’ was correct and how my extravagant wealth had allowed my wife to be ‘less productive’ or if I had forced her into a ‘subservient’ role. After a bit, Marilyn looked at me and said, “Do you like my cookies?”
I smiled and waggled my eyebrows, and replied, “And your buns, too!”
“Oh my God! You’re awful!” I started tickling her at that, and only stopped when Megan wandered out of her bedroom to find the President of the United States of America and the First Lady of that great nation wrestling on the couch. Still, it showed how anything in Washington could be politicized.
Monday morning back in D.C. the political aspects were all over the place. I was treated to the latest on the witch hunt over at the Secret Service. The Senate Finance Committee planned to name a Special Investigator this week, and was dragging their heels on it, trying to delay everything past the end of the year and into the primary season. The Secret Service wasn’t waiting for them, and their internal affairs operation was crawling all over the protection details. It was expected that they would actually be questioning me and Marilyn at some point. I wasn’t precisely sure what that would gain them, but I couldn’t see an upside to stonewalling them.
During the morning staff meeting, something interesting came up, though. SNL had everybody talking, and there didn’t seem to be an end in sight to the merriment. It was Mindy who said, “Why don’t you send Mrs. Buckman out to talk to people?”
“I think that’s how we got into this mess! She went out and talked to people!” I countered.
“No, not protesters! Put her on the late-night shows!”
“Huh?” I wasn’t sure where this was going.
Frank wasn’t either, but Will had a curious look on his face. “Keep going,” he told her, making a rolling motion with his hands.
“Marilyn Buckman is one of the nicest and warmest people you will ever meet. Everybody gets along with her. She comes across as a regular person, a nice person, not a Washington person. She can relate to people. Use that! Send her out on tour! Get people on her side and, by extension, your side, and not let this be your average Washington scandal. Let her show them it’s about real people. She comes across as real people.”
“On tour? What?” I wondered. “Where?”
“Put her out on the talk shows. She’s done Oprah before. Put her on the late-night shows. Are you telling me she couldn’t wow them on Leno or Letterman?”
“Could we get her on? It seems awfully sudden...” The thought of Marilyn on a talk show was a new one.
Frank rolled his eyes. “Mister President, she’s the First Lady! They would all kill to have her on!”
I shrugged. “When you put it that way ... What would she do?”
“Simple, talk to them,” finished Mindy. “About whatever they want to talk about. Where’s the downside? She’s not going to get into politics, since she doesn’t get into politics here. She’s a stay-at-home mom without any agenda other than taking care of her husband and children. What could she possibly say that would be harmful to you?”
“Huh.” I had to scratch my head at that. “She’ll never go for it. She’s never even campaigned for me on her own.”
“Have you ever asked her?” Mindy pushed back.
“You’re getting pushy in your old age, Mindy!” I replied with a smile. She didn’t look overly sorrowful at my characterization; she was only in her late thirties. I looked at Will. “Could we do it?”
“Piece of cake. Frank is right. Any of the shows would love to have the First Lady of the United States on as a guest. They’d probably have her as the only guest.”
I shrugged again. “What’s the worst that could happen? She could say no, I suppose.” I grabbed the phone and asked that they track down my wife. Hanging up I added, “It’s not like she knows the nuclear launch codes. I just hope she doesn’t say something like I have a two inch...” I was about to say dick when I remembered I had a lady in the room. I just snapped my mouth shut.
“I don’t think you have to worry about that, Mister President,” answered Mindy with a smile.
“Girl talk, Mister President.”
I groaned loudly. “No ... you and Marilyn ... no!”
Mindy giggled and nodded, “You don’t have to worry.”
I just groaned, as Frank and Will laughed at me. I was rescued from this line of questioning with the announcement over the intercom that my wife was on the line. I hit the button and then punched another to put it on speaker. “Marilyn, you there? I have you on speaker with my staff.”
“Good morning, Mrs. Buckman. How’s Charlie?” asked Frank.
Marilyn gave us a rundown on my son’s condition. He was improving, his condition had been upgraded to Fair, and once his ribs healed further would move up to Good. They were scheduling his next operation for Tuesday, to begin working on his leg.
“That’s good Marilyn. Make sure you give him my best, both him and Megan.” The others looked at me curiously, but I waved that off. “Honey, the reason that I called is that we want to talk to you about doing a publicity tour, sort of.”
“A tour?”
“Yes, it’s actually Mindy’s idea. Here, I’ll let her explain it.”
Mindy spoke up, and she and Marilyn talked for a few minutes. After a bit, Marilyn said, “I’ve never done anything like that!”
Will responded, “I’ll have one of my top people on this, traveling with you the entire time. Mindy will have somebody, too.” Mindy nodded in agreement.
“But Charlie, I can’t leave him...”
I snorted at that. “Honey, I love you dearly, but you are probably driving him bonkers. He has Megan with him. She can drive him bonkers. It will be good practice for the future.”
“Come home this afternoon and we’ll talk about it.”
Marilyn groused some more but agreed to come back to D.C. for a few days. We hung up, and I had some curious faces looking at me. “Megan ... I think you all met her at the wedding ... Charlie asked her to marry him, and she said yes.”
“Congratulations, Mister President,” replied Frank. “At least he’s your son. You won’t have to pay.”
I snorted. “Don’t bet on it!” The others all congratulated me as well.
My wife made it back to the White House by mid-afternoon, grousing to me that Charlie had sent her packing with a bit too big of a smile. I just promised her that we would head back up for the weekend, at which she mentioned that Megan had managed to get in touch with her parents, and they would also visit for the weekend. I nodded and made sure that we told Frank and the Secret Service about our plans. I had a new lead agent on my detail by now, also.
As we peer through an open door, we she a beautiful woman busily at work. She is wearing a very classy white suit that is knee length and has a slit at the rear, roughly twelve inches long. Her blouse is of a fine silk with a lacy tie, and her shoes are white six-inch stilettos, with a chrome-spiked heel. Her name is Marilyn, and she has long strawberry blonde hair, which she has pulled back and up in a banana clip. She is also wearing glasses, and all of this gives her a very professional yet...
Other than writing about my neighbor Marilyn, I haven't told anyone in my personal life about her. I preferred to remain discreet. Before we got together, I'd get hard just fantasizing about her but after two remarkable sexual encounters with this lady, I now get hard if I see her car in her driveway. Ever get an erection from looking at a Honda Civic? I have. What I find tantalizing about this older, married hottie, who doesn't know she's a hottie is her wonderful curvy body. I have...
With her foot up on the chair for leverage, Marilyn reached up and down her left leg, smoothing her black silky nylon. She pulled her skirt up slightly to readjust her garter and then straightened up. She was ready for her next patient. The leggy raven-haired beauty took pride in her professional appearance. Her hair was braided and rolled into a tight, matronly bun. Her suit, while very tight on her willowy body, did not reveal any of the lushness underneath. Although Marilyn was tall and...
The story begins now. Marilyn Peterson had always been the darling in whatever she did. When she was little, she looked absolutely radiant in a cute little jumper with her beautiful blonde hair pulled up in twin pigtails. As she grew older, she grew taller and more lithesome. Marilyn became very popular in school. In junior high, she was elected vice-president of the student body and earned a spot on the cheerleading team. That was important to her as she liked to be involved in sports not...
With her foot up on the chair for leverage, Marilyn reached up and down her left leg, smoothing her black silky nylon. She pulled her skirt up slightly to readjust her garter and then straightened up. She was ready for her next patient. The leggy raven-haired beauty took pride in her professional appearance. Her hair was braided and rolled into a tight, matronly bun. Her suit, while very tight on her willowy body, did not reveal any of the lushness underneath. Although Marilyn was tall and...
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Marilyn Perry lives contentedly in a "Haight" brownstone as the yuppies like call it, having managed to purchase it after a brief affair with one of the Microsoft wonder kids led her to buy cheap and sell high as it were. The Haight is a wonderful place for the adventurous with its many boutiques, galleries and eating establishments and Marilyn is surely that. It's 8:15 in the morning and she is looking out the picture window down Asbury Street past the house where members of The Grateful...
A short while back I wrote a story I called, She's Moving Away, that you may have read on this website, about the incredible, serendipitous, sexual adventure I had with a sweet, neighbor lady named Marilyn. Sweet Marilyn is an older woman on whom I've always had a crush. For years I would secretly gaze at her, from my house, as she worked in her yard and often fantasized various erotic scenarios that included the two of us being wonderfully naughty. I'm happy, for me anyway, that as I...
We fucked for a long time that night and she fell asleep in my arms. When I awoke the next morning she was still there, and she had a blissful smile on her face. It felt real good to wake up with a beautiful woman in your arms again. She stirred, and kissed me softly. She took my hand and placed it on her breast and put her hand over it. We both fell asleep again. Anna's voice through the intercom woke us up about an hour later. "Larry, I need you on the bridge. Can you find Marilyn? I...
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Hi, Here's the first chapter of my story. I just realized I need to have a note in the disclaimer to indicate that lyrics from "Eye of The Hurricane" are properties of Marc Cohn and Atlantic Records. Thanks for this... I love the site, and you've been instrumental in allowing the flourishing of a very fascinating literary genre. Anne Marie Tobias (aka Genda Bendte) Tank is full, Switch is on, Night is warm, Cops are are gone, Rocket bike is all her own, It called a...
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Mention hurricanes and most people think devastating winds, never-ending rain and widespread flooding. Mention hurricane to me and I think candle wax. Yes, candle wax. It was my first real hurricane. I had experienced remnants of hurricanes growing up in upstate New York, but this was my first in the Big Easy. It hit right as classes started that year, leaving me just in time to meet Evan in my American Lit class. I rode out the storm at his house, enjoying my first hurricane party with him,...
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I am a construction superintendent for an international construction company headquartered in the Houston area, and we had just won the bid for a large housing and hotel project in Veracruz, Mexico, which is on the Gulf of Mexico. My name is Ed, and at forty-two years old I was usually the go-to guy to start new international projects. It was sometimes difficult for my wife when I was gone for months at a time. I was traveling to Veracruz with my boss, Ted Ferguson, who was forty-five years old...
BisexualStory My Sister and 50 Shades of Hurricane Sandy? By Reeb It was a rainy somewhat warm day leading up to that October 29 th night. Hurricane Sandy was soon to make landfall somewhere on the New Jersey coast sometime that night. Living about 150 miles from the Jersey shore in eastern Pennsylvania, we expected the highest winds and rain overnight. The winds grew stronger as the night progressed. It wasn’t long after 8pm that the lights flickered and then out went the electric, phones and cable...
IncestJets didn't land here often, even private ones. This was really a small field for general aviation. I saw the small jet touch down and taxi over to the terminal and me. I was standing in front of my truck leaning back against the hood. I had watched her show, "live from Birmingham," this morning. She had changed clothes. She was now wearing shorts and a blouse with sneakers. She looked lovely. When she saw me, a big smile lit her face. I walked toward her but she flew down the steps and...
Blake changed into the old pair of boxers he slept in, blew out his candle and slipped into bed. The hurricane outside roared as it blew ashore. The creaks and groans of the house kept Blake from sleeping as well as he normally did. He had just fallen asleep when he awoke with a start as a big piece of debris crashed into the side of the house. He rolled over and tried to fall asleep again. A tap on the shoulder startled the boy. “Blake, I’m scared.” He rolled over to find Sarah standing...
Hurricane Taboo'sMature/Younger, Flashing/Up Skirts, Voyeurism, Naughty, Kinky, Extreme Mike and Betsy had swapped driving through the rain for 3 hours on a usual 2 hr trip going to pick up Lewis, he was her stepson by marriage. Lewis had lost it when his dad was sentenced to 20 years in prison on a financial scheme. Mixing in the wrong crowd, he got 18 months in addition to having served 6 months in jail. Lewis's dad and Betsy divorced but she kept Lewis as family.She had Mike had been...
I tripped over the metal threshold of the doorway as I hurried into the gas station’s store. I looked down immediately to see what my foot had hit then looked up, embarrassed, to see the reactions of the other two people who were inside. They averted their stares as soon as I looked over their way. I wanted a quick cup of cappuccino to drink as I drove the long distance from Cincinnati back to Michigan and fill my tank before the rush. Ignoring everything except my personal mission,...
by TW, aka Ratfink Harry, a recently retired contractor that had done pretty well during San Antonio's housing boom, was fleeing his home on Mustang Island, a narrow barrier island on Texas's gulf coast. His truck was one of the last vehicles to squeeze on to the very last ferry making the run to the mainland at Aransas Pass. What a ride that was! He didn’t know the Laguna Madre could get that rough. He shoved the emergency brake pedal as far down as it would go and kept a foot on the brake...
Here I sit, on a cold floor…alone…to gather my thoughts. Sometimes I wonder if love will ever happen to me. It seems absurd really, wondering that at my age, and with my life. Maybe when I settle down one day…but there’s one thing wrong with that. I don’t want to settle down. That’s not what love is anyway, you can’t have love that’s settled down. It has to be bruising, exciting, painful, wonderful and…everything that I need right now. I’m alone, more alone than I’ve ever been in my life. ...
It was not until days after the storm, when things started to get back to a slight normalcy that he returned. I collapsed into a heap of sobs the second he came through the door and I cried and shook in his arms for a very long time until I was too weak to even hiccup. We fell asleep for a while. I woke up to him booting up his laptop. My eyes heavy but my voice was back. I told him to check for the email I sent him while I was waiting for his return. Hi sweetheart: I know you do not have...
It was not until days after the storm, when things started to get back to a slight normalcy that he returned. I collapsed into a heap of sobs the second he came through the door and I cried and shook in his arms for a very long time until I was too weak to even hiccup. We fell asleep for a while. I woke up to him booting up his laptop. My eyes heavy but my voice was back. I told him to check for the email I sent him while I was waiting for his return. Hi sweetheart: I know you do not have...
Straight SexAs soon as she and Charles went outside, they were mobbed. I moved out to listen. A reporter said, "Eve, tell us about your day yesterday." Eve nodded and, to me, seemed to brace herself. "It was a long day after my SUV crashed. Richard Chamberlain, my manager, was driving. He was killed instantly by a large tree branch. I was rescued by an amateur radio operator who was prepared to help people. I wound up going with him and performing nursing that I haven't done in years. It was a very...
That ended the drama for a while. I continued to eat from the excellent buffet while Eve went to her dressing room. After a moment, Joan joined her. She came out later and said, "Eve and I want to talk to you over lunch again. We need help with a guest." I said, "Whatever I can do, I will be glad to help. This seems to be that week." Joan smiled at me and said, "Good." The show went off without a hitch and Eve seemed to be happier with it like she was yesterday. Once everything was...
We went in the building and no one else got in the elevator. Elevator rides with Eve were getting erotic and this was no exception. We made it inside her condo still fully clothed though only just. We lost clothes on the way to her bedroom and made love on the bed. It was lovely and I was totally captivated by her body and the way she used it on me! We wandered into the kitchen and snacked for a late lunch and then returned to her bed to snuggle until time to clean up and dress. We made it...
We woke together and pulled on enough clothing to be decent and went into the kitchen. It was early and the morning mist was visible out the window as the coffee dripped. I fixed her coffee and poured mine. We continued to look out the window with our arms around each other just enjoying the quiet. After a few minutes, Joan wandered in sniffing loudly. "Coffee, I smell coffee." She fixed her cup and joined us looking out the window. She said, "It is so quiet and beautiful here. It's...
We went south to the first road below mine and I turned right into it. It was a graveled road and had suffered from Horace. We hadn't traveled a hundred feet when I had to stop for a tree in the road. I stopped and pulled my chain saw from the back of the pickup along gloves and safety glasses. Eve took the lopers and she and Joan added gloves and safety glasses. They started collecting limbs and casting them to one side or the other of the road. I cut a hole big enough for my truck to...
Eve said, "That takes care of them through one round. How long can you stay?" I grinned. "I could say that I would stay as long as you want me but I think that might be longer than I could plan. I could drive you down to Birmingham and then meet you back up in Atlanta for a week." She said, "I would like that. Of course, you could stay with me in Birmingham?" I gently shook my head. "I could fly from Birmingham that Friday and then you could drive me to Atlanta after church." I...
That night, I picked up the phone on the first ring because I had awakened it to call her. "Good evening, Missus Anderson." "Good evening, Husband. That was a quick answer." "I had the phone in my hand to call you, Lovely Eve." She laughed sultrily. "That sounds nice. So far, all the comments have been positive about the name change on my show. One of my guests acted surprised. He said that he thought I would continue to use Baylor. I told him that I was proud of my husband and to...
Monday morning, I went into work early but parked out of the way. Matt pulled in next to me as I was getting out. He said, "Good morning, Boss. Tracey and I enjoyed the reception Saturday." He looked around. "She's already inside. We talked all the way to and from your reception. I'm going to ask her formally Wednesday evening at Bible study." I smiled and said, "Congratulations. That's good news." Matt said, "We're keeping it quiet until Wednesday evening. Tracey wanted you to...
In the morning, we had coffee in the room as we cleaned up and dressed. We quickly realized that the bath was too small for both of us. Eve said, "If I'm going to visit you often here, you will have to move." She chuckled and I joined her in the mirth. I said, "You will admit that, just for me, it's quite adequate." She nodded. We went out for breakfast. She said, "Where is the house you're thinking about?" "I will take you there. We can meet the Merkers who have just bought a...