Zak's GiftChapter 6 free porn video

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Inet clutched the covers to her chest, panting and sweating in the aftermath of her vision. Her aide, Zaid, entered the room just then, having been awakened by her cries.

"My Lady, are you well?" he asked.

"It ... it is time." she said. "We must go. Now."

"I have prepared your satchel as you requested." he told her.

"Good." she said. He turned away respectfully so she could dress. She chose a simple, white muslin dress, stepped into her sandals, and put on her mother's Bastet medallion. "Let us go."

"It's a dangerous time to be crossing borders, My Lady, especially into America." Zaid said.

"It has been dangerous for years, Zaid, and I don't see it changing in time to help us." Inet responded. "Destiny calls, my friend, and the cost of ignoring it is far higher than the cost of obedience." He nodded, and drove her to the airport, where her private jet awaited. Zaid took the controls, and began to taxi. Their permission to depart was abruptly withdrawn, and armed men began to swarm the runway.

"Hold on, My Lady." Zaid said, pushing the throttle forward as the men opened fire. They took off in a screaming blaze of glory. "We cut that escape rather fine." he said as the jet roared across the desert.

"We haven't escaped yet." Inet responded. Her eyes grew vague as another vision stole across her senses. "Those who hunt the gifted are desperate to keep us from reaching our destination."

"You have but to tell me the way to go, My Lady." Zaid said.

"It won't be easy," she said, as the images in her mind showed her what they were in for, "but it will be worth it." She could see him now, the man she'd waited for, saved herself for, since receiving her Sight. Victor, she thought with longing. Her body came awake in anticipation, nipples stiffening, vagina lubricating, heart rate accellerating, face flushing. Soon, she thought, very soon.

Victor watched his target sparring in the ring, while wishing he hadn't had so much iced tea. Arnold Turner was the model the young Malcolm X would have used if he wanted to prove the superiority of the black man. Even while pushing fifty, Turner was an imposing figure, as tall as a basketball player, with muscles optimized for power and speed. He was a former member of the Secret Service, having resigned in protest shortly after Administration officials started calling the Constitution and Geneva Convention "quaint" and "outdated" without being fired, arrested, or executed.

Vic took a quick pit-stop, and returned to his seat to continue watching his mark knock down his opponent time and time again. Eventually, Arnold decided to hit the showers. Victor plucked the location of the man's vehicle out of his mind and went outside to wait.

"You have two seconds to be off my car." Turner said when he emerged from the front door.

"It seemed like the logical place to wait until you were finished." Victor replied. "Someone should inform the manager that he's running a health club, not a cryogenics lab."

"I won't work for the government again." he said.

"Point in your favor as far as I'm concerned." Victor said. He was about to continue when he noticed a hole in his perceptions. "One second." he said, turning his head in the hole's direction. He caused a maintenence ladder to knock his observer off the roof of the nearby health-food store and into the dumpster below. The dumpster rolled into plain view under his direction. Weilding a sniper rifle, the man jumped out of the dumpster and opened fire. Victor stopped the bullet with his mind, turned it around and sent it into the unarmored shoulder of his assailant. A parked car opened its door, stopping the sniper's departure prematurely.

"You lead an interesting life, my friend." Arnold said as Victor approached his would-be assassin. Dead. The man had bitten a cyanide cap in one of his molars.

"Would you like to know the reason?" Victor asked.

"You have my undivided attention."

Arnold sat on the dock, enjoying a momentary silence. The first thing Victor had taught him was how to block things out so he wouldn't go crazy hearing every stray thought in everybody's head. That was a blessing, with the sheer number of people in the house at any given time--Victor's many mates, and also potential employees for Victor's television-station employers. The meditation training he'd received in the military helped, too.

A gunshot startled him out of his calm. Instinctively, his mind reached out, looking for hostile thoughts, while his body reflexively spun itself upright into a defensive posture. All he found was Penelope and Victor at practice.

A little warning would have been nice. he thought.

Sorry, Arn, I wasn't actively looking for you, so you sort of blended into the background. Victor responded.

In other words, you didn't see me there. Arnold thought back. What are you doing?

Bullet-stopping. Penelope answered. A spent round floated in front of her eyes, spinning slowly with whatever residual momentum it still had.

Sounds like a useful trick. Arnold thought, plucking the bullet out of the air.

Sorry, you have to start with remedial telekinesis first. Penelope taunted. Arnold focused on her feet, and slid them out from under her. She stopped herself halfway to the ground and floated five feet into the air. Oh, you wanna play, huh? The next thing Arnold knew, he was flying through the air, headed for the center of Lake Mexia. Penelope was waiting when he paddled tiredly back to shore. "Victor says dry off and get some rest. You've got a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

"Did you have to throw me so far out?" Arnold asked.

"Too many submerged tree stumps in the shallows." she responded. "Don't wanna toothpick ya. Besides, it'd be a real bitch if Victor had to go looking for another disillusioned ex-Secret Service agent."

"A lady shouldn't use such foul language." Arnold responded.

"When I see one, I'll be sure to tell her." Penelope shot back. Arnold shook his head and shuffled off toward the house. "Hey, he said dry off first!" Penelope shouted.

"Bite me, Penny." A telekinetic assault from Penelope sent him sprawling face-down in the dirt. He was still spitting out sand while he telepathically demanded what that was about.

Don't EVER call me Penny. she responded angrily. Her mind-voice carried the force and resonance as if he were talking to Unicron's daughter (if he'd had one), or at least an opera diva in full voice and amplified by all the speakers and amps of a heavy metal band. She stalked off in a huff. His perception of her cut off as she crossed into the shielded area within the house.

"Touchy." he muttered.

Detective Kagawa pushed open the door to the medical examiner's office, allowing her new running shoes to squeak once on the floor to alert him to her presence. The current occupant of the examining table was an African-American from an alleged hate-killing. The alleged killer was believed to be active in the Klan. For sure, he had a long history of altercations with non-whites. COD looked to be a simple gunshot to the head--execution style. Hardly something that required her to come all the way down here.

"Ah, Detective, thanks for coming." the elderly gentleman said.

"Got a name for our DB?" she asked.

"Sure do." the man said, turning his flat-screen monitor around to show her the screen.

"Edwin Forrest?" the detective asked. "You're joking, right?" The picture beside the name--a dossier from the sex-offender registry--was of a white man with shaven head, twelve documented tattoos from his prison career, and a rap sheet mostly composed of violence against non-whites and sexual assault of non-white women. He was also the son of the alleged gunman in this case. The man on the table could no more be mistaken for Edwin Forrest than the Detective could be mistaken for Mary Poppins.

"Positive." the man said. "I ran his DNA through the registry. I tried from a bunch of different places, but it keeps coming back Edwin Forrest. I ran his dentals. Forrest again. I X-rayed his skull. The negroid features are 100% fake. There's cartilage giving his face that shape, not bone. Weird thing is, the cartilage matches his DNA too."

"So, somebody somehow implanted his own cartilage in his face without leaving surgical scars, then dyed his skin?"

"No, somehow his skin was stimulated to produce tons of melanin, which made his skin that color." the ME stated. "They also shrunk his penis."

"Why go through all that trouble?" the detective asked.

"Can you think of a better punishment for a bigot? Becoming what you hate the most?"

"How do you suppose it was done?" she asked.

"Magic." the doctor responded.

"You're supposed to be a doctor, a scientist." Detective Kagawa said, her almond-shaped eyes boring into his rounder ones.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." the ME said. "All I can tell you is that the cartilage wasn't implanted by any method I know of, and he sure wouldn't have sat still for it. I have absolutely no explanation for the melanin. I can't even tell you how his penis was altered. All his tattoos are there, even the two dragons pointing to his crotch. If you can find out where this was done and how, I'd appreciate you letting me know, because I'm stumped."

"So what do I tell Anderson Forrest? That he killed his own son because somebody altered him to look like a minority?"

"Tell him whatever you like, Rei." the ME said. "He won't believe it." Rei frowned to cover up an expression of ironic amusement. Part of her hoped that whoever had altered Forrest would share his secret with the world. It would make a wonderful punishment for hate crimes. Still, a man was dead, and it was her job to discover all the principal players in his demise.

"I should probably find out when he was last seen alive ... and white." she said.

"You do that." he said. "Just be careful, Rei. Cowards run in packs, you know."

"I know." she said. She disappeared while the doctor was doing something on the computer. It always messed with people when she did that. Her natural, catlike grace allowed her to move silently when she wanted to, even in squeaky sneakers.

Her partner was watching for her as she ascended. There would be no stealth in plain sight, but she didn't make any extra effort to be noisy.

"You just ninja-vanished on him, didn't ya?" he asked. "You know, it drives people crazy when you do that."

"I always thought it was expected." Rei replied.

"You know, Rei, not everybody thinks of ninja when they think of Japanese people."

"No, they also think of samurai, Godzilla, anime, and corporate raiders." Rei responded.

"So, who's our vic?"

"Edwin Forrest. Pretty fly for a white guy."

"I thought this one was black."

"Yeah, so did his father, that's why he shot him."

"Uh, you lost me."

"I'll explain on the way. I need you to talk to some of his friends for me."

"Why me?"

"Because these guys will be more likely to cooperate with a white male aged thirty to forty-five in plainclothes." she responded.

"I'm twenty-nine."

"Think old-people thoughts." Rei replied, elbowing him jokingly in the ribs.

Shanice was showing Kim the proper way to make mashed potatoes while Victor fried up some fish. Mr. Andersen had baited the trotline the day before, and today they'd hauled in a good catch. It would have been easier--and good practice--to have the empowered members of this growing family merely seek out and bring in large fish with their powers, but Mr. Andersen was a sportsman at heart, and the trotline was pushing his limits as it was.

"I downloaded all your assignments for the day." Penelope said, appearing next to him.

"How'd you get my password?" Vic asked.

"I decrypted the keycheck datafile on your laptop." she replied with a smug smile. "It wasn't that difficult, really. I could have done it in my sleep."

"For somebody so concerned with people's security, you sure get nosy sometimes." Victor said.

"Sometimes the only way to make people tighten their security is to show them the holes." Penelope replied.

"I think that's a discussion you need to have with Mr. Andersen." Vic said.

"Later." Penelope said. "I ... have a weird feeling like ... someone's coming." Victor turned to face her. Her eyes stared straight through him, as though he were a telescope to someplace far away.

"Who?" he asked.

"Someone..." Penelope said, her eyes glazing as though she were in a trance. "She's afraid. I ... hear her calling out for you. I see missiles..."

"Shit! Where?"

"The little airport near Teague." Penelope said. Her eyes cleared. "You need to hurry!" Vic gave her a kiss on the forehead and told Kim to handle the fish. Penelope wiped the kiss off her face while Vic and Arnold headed out the door and took off in a crew-cab pickup Arnold had brought over. It was modified for off-road police duty. A friend of his had let him keep the enforcer engine, and it now came in handy as the pair hurried through Mexia and sped toward Freestone County.

Outside of the shield, Victor had a better view of the outside world with his extra senses. With Arnold driving, Victor extended his perceptions out as far as they would go. A small, private jet with two people in it--a male and female, both terrified--was doing its best to make it to Teague's small airport. Two Air Force jets were putting as many heat-seeking missiles as they could between the jet and its destination. Victor reached out, bending the fin of one of the missiles to send it crashing into its brother, creating a fireball into which four others plunged, increasing the heat. Sadly, no more missiles took the bait. He severed the fuel line of another, sending it plunging into a field of cattle. The pilots of the Air Force jets were about to launch more missiles. Victor created a horrifying apparition in their minds, which frightened them into losing control. One crashed into a construction site, another a stand of trees. Turning his attention back to the missiles, he forced them together as he'd done the first pair. Too close, the missiles exploded, sending shrapnel into the rear of the jet, not penetrating the passenger compartment, but robbing it of all power and most of its control. As the pickup pulled into the airstrip, Victor's attention was focused on keeping the nose up and slowing the plane down. It skidded on the tarmac, sending flames up in a rooster-tail. Arnold parked the truck next to the wreck, and Victor emerged, ripping the plane's door off its hinges with a thought.

Shots were fired from the trees nearby, and returned by Arnold. His enhanced senses allowed him to be much more accurate than the enemy. Victor made his way into the smoke-filled cabin. The woman was unconscious. Victor picked her up and helped the male out of his seat. They got to the truck and Arnold left rubber on the pavement in their hasty departure.

"Thank you." said the man in the back seat. Victor noticed that he was clutching a satchel of some kind, but what few thoughts he could pluck out of the emotional mess that was his mindstate at the moment indicated it belonged to the woman.

Sort things out later. he scolded himself, casting his thoughts about to search for hostile parties.

Inet opened her eyes in a room she had never been in before, but had seen thousands of times in her dreams. She felt a little lost, because usually her visions began with Victor walking into the room. For now, however, she was alone with young Penelope Simms.

She'd had visions of Penelope before. In some of them she was driven mad by her growing powers of clairvoyance. In others, she grew up to be as gifted as Inet--more, if you factor in the additional gifts granted by her evolution at the hands of Victor. Possibilities; so many possibilities. She took off the oxygen mask.

"Don't do that." Penelope said, getting up and putting it back on. "We think Vic managed to get you past the worst of the smoke inhalation, but ... keep the mask on, just to be safe, ok?" She felt the girl's touch in her mind, and was unable to resist the compulsion to sleep.

Her next awakening was to a decidedly more familiar scene. The door opened, as Victor walked in to check on her. It closed behind him, and he seated himself on the bed. He was as handsome in person as he had been in her dreams. She felt him remove her mask. "How are you feeling?" he asked. She took his hand, moving it to the side of her face so she could snuggle affectionately into it. Then, she opened her mind to show him.

Memories tickled across her consciousness as he accepted her invitation. She laid bare her hopes, her dreams, her fears, her hardships and achievements, her triumphs and failures, everything about herself offered freely in a transcendental, uninhibited, total self-sharing possible only with a telepath she loved and trusted more than anything.

She became aware of the the present, the here and now, once again, held gently in Victor's arms. The scent of him filled her nostrils. The scent of her own arousal was like a delicate perfume in the background, present but not detracting from her experience of him, the sense of belonging, rightness and realization of purpose that was almost as good as the thought of making love to him. She tried to stave off the fear, in the back of her mind, that he might reject her. It was a terrifying possibility, one more horrifying than death, creeping like tentacles of ice into the safe mental haven she thought she'd found.

She saw herself in a bare room that she somehow knew was her mind, weighted with chains. Victor floated above her. She desperately wanted to join him. He smiled and sent her a key. She grasped it with a swell of gratitude, and applied it to her chains. As the first fell away, it took with it her fear. Knowledge that she had been accepted crept into its place, warming her, bouying her spirit. The next chain to fall away under the key was jealousy. Nearly free, the final ball and chain almost came up with her increase in bouyancy, but weighed her down at the last minute. Just one more thing to let go of. she thought, reaching down with the key. Inhibitions fell away, opening her to experience any kind of pleasure he could think of to bring her. She felt unbridled joy at the sense of freedom as she floated up into Victor's arms.

She was on the bed again, moaning with pleasure as Victor's hand stimulated her vaginal walls. She knew what he was doing, stretching her to prepare her for the consummation of her destiny. Where their clothes had gone, she had no awareness, but it didn't matter. Soon, he was positioning himself at her entrance. She shivered with anticipation. Gently, his mind linked with hers, blocking the pain as he claimed her at last. Only pleasure was left behind, and she welcomed it with open arms (and legs). He allowed her to see through his eyes as her virgin blood leaked onto the mattress, then she was back to herself, nothing distracting her from the pure pleasure he gave her as he moved inside her, against her, with her. He guided and controlled her where appropriate, letting his hands and mouth help him to enhance her enjoyment. There were no words, no coherent thoughts, only gasps of delight and whimpers of need. He held her close as they neared the end, culminating in an explosion of white-hot ecstasy that robbed her of consciousness.

She heard him calling for her and tried to heed him. It took so much effort, she wasn't sure she could, but she fought her way back to wakefulness, and he resumed his delightful ministrations. Now her legs were up over his shoulders, giving him greater access, deeper penetration. She had a small orgasm every time he struck her cervix. Too much, it was too much, she was sure she'd go mad. He erupted inside her, splashing her insides with his seed. She responded in kind; though she hadn't thought it possible, this new orgasm was even stronger than the first. She surrendered to sleep once more, and he let her lie.

When she awoke again, it was to a gnawing hunger that demanded to be fed despite the weakness of her exhausted body. Food was provided, and it proved delicious beyond her imaginings--though she supposed the fact that Victor was the one providing it had proven somewhat of an enhancer for her pleasure. Sated for now, she allowed herself to drift back to sleep.

Victor was still there when she awoke again. How much time had passed, she had no inkling. "Zaid is waiting." he whispered. "I should clean you up and make you presentable." She mumbled sleepily. He levitated her from the bed and into the shower. He held her up until she was awake enough to stand on her own, and soaped her body well. She liked the flowery scent of the shampoo. Her hair and skin looked radiant by the time he was done. They toweled off and he rifled through the drawers until he found an extra-large T-shirt, which she put on. Victor had put on his own shirt and pants, and was looking for something for Inet to wear under the shirt when Zaid knocked at the door.

"Forgive me, My Lady, but..."

"Yes, I know." Inet said. "The notary-public is here." Zaid nodded.

"He had this with him." he said, handing her a box. She nodded and he bowed out.

"What's that?" Victor asked.

"Something I gave to an American notary-public a few years ago to hold on to." she said. Without faltering for a millisecond, she opened the nightstand's drawer and pulled out Mr. Andersen's pocket knife, which she used to cut off the tape. She pulled out a cream-colored dress that left her shoulders bare and hinted at cleavage. It had long sleeves and went almost to the floor, while also showing off an enticing curve here and there. The neckline was decorated with a repeating square border. Next, she pulled out sandals for her feet, wrapped two tendrils of hair (one behind each ear and coming to rest just above her bustline) in gold-colored ribbons. She then added a headpiece that was mostly support for the emerald that, when she wore it, was positioned in the middle of her forehead. The effect was very like what Victor imagined an ancient Egyptian priestess would wear.

Victor knew, of course, thanks to her generous psychic sharing, that Inet's family had continued to follow the old ways, at great risk to themselves many times in history. They were persecuted by the Muslims today just as they once had been driven out by Akhenaten, only to be welcomed back by Tutankhamun later. The Bastet medallion she was even now putting on was testament to that history. She smiled as she led Victor out of the room.

A slim, balding man was waiting for them in the dining room, sandwiched between Arnold and Zaid. Since the man was obviously eager to leave, Vic decided to forego the lengthy introductions until he was gone. Zaid handed the satchel to Inet, who opened it, depositing a pile of papers on the kitchen table.

Victor read quickly--part of his gift from Zak--and saw that most of it was transfers of assets; namely, the transfer of Inet's assets into Victor's name. He could see the sparkle in her eyes as she signed the power-of-attourney forms. There were also other forms for herself and Zaid, including applications for religious refugee status as non-Muslim Egyptians. The balding man notarized the forms, took the carbon copies and was on his way as quickly as possible.

"What did you guys do to get him so jittery?" Victor asked.

"Nothing much, just the dour, imposing bodyguard routine." Arnold replied with a smirk. "His idea. I'll say this for him, he's got a sense of humor almost as sharp as his sense of duty."

"Speaking of imposing, this house is very small for the number of people it would be required to hold before too long." Inet said, fishing out a couple of deeds from their copy of the paper stack. "Here. I own two hotels, one in Waco, and one here in Mexia. I've reserved the top floor of the one here for our use for the duration of Victor's assignment."

"Is there a pool?" Penelope asked.

"Is there ever not?" Inet responded. "Hotels without pools don't remain in business long in America, or such is my understanding."

"How is it you can afford..." Shanice asked, gesturing to the property and assets whose deeds of ownership occupied the table.

"She predicts the future." Penelope answered for her. "Imagine how useful that would be, just in Las Vegas."

"I don't predict the future." Inet said. "I can see the path ahead. I can't memorize the entire maze, it would drive me insane if I tried. Instead, I had to learn how to ask for the information I needed to keep me on the path to the cheese--and keep myself away from the cats."

Victor didn't much like the rat analogy, but it seemed to fit. Penelope was going to have to learn what Inet had learned, to prevent being overwhelmed as her growing gifts showed her more of the maze than she could handle at once--and he had a feeling knowing exactly where the cats were was going to come in handier with every passing day.

Seven Devil Seven sat in a lounge chair across from the Mexia post office. It wasn't really a name, but it was the closest he had--a self-chosen nickname derived from his agent number, 76667. Coincidentally, or perhaps by fate, the ZIP code of the city in which he now relaxed was exactly the same. He'd come here without orders--without permission, to be perfectly honest--in anticipation of the moment when The General would wise up and stop repeating the tired routine of using the crappiest weapons first and gradually working up to the most powerful. Seven Devil Seven was just that, the most powerful weapon the Agency had. On the psi-scale from 1 to 20, with 1 being completely mindblind and 20 being a creature of pure psi-energy, he was a P19. The product of early experiments with alien genetic technology, he had evolved quickly. Only their paranoia--in the form of nanites in his brain cells--held back his evolution up the final rung.

Power was not without its price. When his powers had reached the P17 level, his brain had become cramped. In order to relieve pressure, the Agency was forced to resort to the ancient craft of traphanation, taking out pieces of skull to make room for the expanding gray matter. In the end, he'd ended up with a complete artificial brainpan made out of an alloy reverse-engineered from the outer hull of a faster-than-light spacecraft. It was immune to the impact of any projectile made on Earth, but it made him look like he'd gotten his head stuck in a cauldron. At the moment, he was playing the nutter, wearing a turban bigger than anything Johnny Carson ever considered, and clothes that he imagined would make blind golfers run away screaming. The eye-gouging riot of color made people want to look away, and not examine his turban too closely.

Seven Devil Seven waited with the patience of an ambush predator.

"I wish I was there with you, Master." Kim said in Chinese. He didn't need his powers to know the desire she felt was not to see the hotel, which certainly wasn't the Ritz, but it was nice. Reflexively, he checked the time, just as he always did when using his cell phone. Eighteen minutes and counting. He didn't really need to; after all, he'd just had a drastic change in financial status. H&R Block was going to shit kittens when tax time rolled around.

"I know, baby, but you do have your regular job to do, and my special assignment for you still stands." Victor said. He heard her soft moan over the connection. "I'll be there to command you in person again by week's end. Check on my place for me occasionally, and make sure Mrs. Cruz is feeding Scooby Two properly."

"Yes, Master!" she moaned, then gasped as she had a climax. She'd gone into the bathroom for her talk with Victor, knowing where her desires would lead. "I'm sorry, I have to go. I'm almost out of minutes."

"That's okay, babe. You and Desiree keep each other company until I return." he said. "Take care." He hung up with a pang of regret. He didn't like having any of his women so far away, where he couldn't protect them. It was nice to be able to give others some privacy. Penelope and Inet shared a suite, where Inet tried to impart the lessons of twelve years' experience. Mr. Andersen and his family were having a pretty good time in their own suite. His daughter, Liz, had turned twenty-one recently, granting her access to the mini-bar, but thankfully the Andersens hadn't thrown a "forbidden fruit" mystique over alcohol, sharing moderate amounts with her on special occasions. Thus, the object of Liz's drinking was not to get drunk and pass out perhaps to wake up in a strange bed the next morning feeling like someone had carved the night before out of her brain with a rusty knife, but to have a good time with family and friends. It was a healthier attitude, in Victor's opinion, thankfully passed down from her mother, whose family was Italian.

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Zak Is Away Kristen Plays At The Office

Kristen provides the details of the office encounter.I admired myself in the mirror. I had on sheer black stockings with a garter belt, red thong, and matching bra. I felt sexy and thought about Zak. I put on a black tight skirt which gave my ass more accent. Next was a low- cut white blouse which gave a view of the top of my breast if you were standing over me. I had to hurry to get to work to set my plan for Susan and Mary using pictures of Louis and Zak.We were working on a joint project and...

3 years ago
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Zak Meets The Mystery Person And Shows Off His Hand

I made it to Friday, and I locked up my desk and went to my car. I saw an envelope on my windshield. I was tempted to throw it away. I got in the car and opened the letter on pink paper. I started to read, "Dear Pretty Boy, well, you made it to the end of the week I know you have been trying to figure out where all of this is going."I paused to weigh my options, but nothing was attractive. I read further, "Zak, I want to explain to you what I am doing not through letters, but in person. I am...

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Zak Gets A Surprise From Kristen

It had been a week since we worked out. I glanced over at Kristen, who was in deep thought as we drove to the gym.“A penny for your thoughts.”“I was just thinking since I first met you that I see things differently. You love your dick and I love my pussy. I find myself rubbing it more and it feels good. Since I have a bald pussy, it is electric. I can’t forget when the girl at the gym touched me,” said Kirsten."There is nothing wrong with what you are doing. At least there are no visible signs...

4 years ago
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Zak Enjoys A Live InFlight Movie

Once again I was sitting at the airport. The USA Track and Field National Championship is being held in Miami and some local Philadelphia athletes are participating who have Olympic potential. It would be a boost for the city to have local athletes represented.The late-night flight out from Philadelphia International should not be crowded. I have my latest James Patterson book, Along Came A Spider to pass the time.I was turning the first page and a guy approached and sat across from me. I was...

Gay Male
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Zak Makes The Right Flight Connection

“Hurry up, Zak, you will be late for your flight,” said Kristen.I had a 5:00 PM flight to San Diego for a newspaper convention. This was an opportunity for networking. I was rushing to get out of the house.We were quiet on the drive to the airport and Kristen was busy sending text messages.“You enjoy the trip and have fun and no fooling around with the ladies. Now, if an interesting man comes your way then I do not mind. You call me every night before bed,” said Kristen.“I will be sure to call...

1 year ago
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Zak Escapes COVID19 Restrictions

I was feeling the stress of the COVID-19 restrictions and needed some downtime to relax. A resort was located in Vermont which had limited accommodation and had posted its guidelines to provide for a safe stay. I was in luck and booked the last open reservation. I was set to fly out Friday night.The evening flight was not full, and I was able to upgrade to first-class. I was fastening my seatbelt when I was interrupted by a tall brown-haired girl. Her long slender legs caught my eye first and I...

Gay Male
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Zak and Lanny The Intern Part 1

I was sitting at my desk when the phone rang. I recognized the number as my boss. I picked up."Hello Zak, I need to see you in my office.""Okay. I will be there in a few minutes.""Zak, as you know, the paper is expanding into a new market to focus more on the younger readers. We have decided to hire an intern. I decided you could be a mentor to teach the person.""I don't know, boss, if I am the right one.""You are the best we have. We have a young guy right out of college named Lanny. He comes...

Gay Male
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My b/f is French. His name is Jacques Longue. But everyone calls him Zak. I call him Zak Long. And that is no accident. He has a thick, blunt cock with beautiful, angry veins and loose foreskin that pulls easily back revealing a thick, purple helmet with a big eye and a pronounced curvature. Best of all, it is long. Over 8-inches when fully erect. And I like nothing better than riding him. Don’t get me wrong; when he grabs me roughly from behind, folds me in half and hammers 7 bells out me, it...

4 years ago
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Zak Is Interrogated By Olivia Part 2

"Zak, we are going to talk about your hidden attraction towards males. I know you do not consider yourself gay, but the way you made love to Andres makes me think twice.""I am not comfortable in talking about that. It is a subject I try to avoid. You have a way of pulling me out of my shell.""Look at me as your therapist without having to pay. I know you are going to have me horny, and we can have naughty sex. When did you first develop an attraction for anal sex?""I did not wake up one morning...

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Zak and Lanny Are Interrupted Part 2

As we were at the doorway to our office, there was a sweet odor we detected. We looked at one another; it was Olga, the executive assistant for the president. I focused on her long slender legs, which were beautiful and well-shaped. The top of her thigh-highs was visible. The top she wore provided a view of her cleavage. The red lipstick she wore matched her hair. I could feel myself get aroused."Hi, Olga. What do we owe the honor for a visit?""I was leaving you guys an invitation to the...

1 year ago
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Zak On One Week Notice

I had taken a week off from going to the gym. I was entering when I had to return to my car. I placed my bag down. I returned to the locker room and was having thoughts about Louis and was getting aroused. I got naked and opened my bag and saw an envelope. I was trying to figure out where it came from. Inside was a note on pink paper, it started, “Dear Zak, it was lovely seeing the show which you put on. It was really hot.”There was more, “I really enjoyed the part when your blond-haired mate...

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Private Liv Revamped Latina Model Enjoys Photoshoot And Anal

Today in Private Specials, Elegant, Young and Anal Loving 2 we have the pleasure of introducing you to Liv Revamper, a gorgeous Latina model that has come for a photoshoot with Private stud Alberto Blanco. Liv shows off her beautiful body for the camera and things soon heat up when the photographer can resist no more and dives straight in for a taste of that juicy pussy and ass. After returning the favour with a good cock sucking it’s time for Liv to put those Latina curves to work and enjoy a...

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forgotten sex

James smiled at Amy, “Babe, why don’t you go get us each a glass of bubbly.” As she turned to go down the stairs his hand shot out and tweaked her nipple through her top. She giggled and vanished down the stairs, returning a few minutes later with two glasses of cold champagne.  Coming up beside him Amy put the glasses down on the little ledge in front of him, and silently moved to stand behind him, suddenly feeling horny. As she stood behind him, she leant against his back, her breasts...

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The Senators Wife

At first, all I remembered was the noise and confusion of the kidnapping,followed by what seemed to be long days of complete and utter blackness, simplydue to my being held in a darkened room, with a blindfold. Of course, I wasbound so that I couldn't take off the blindfold, or try to escape. Later, after I had time to think, the circumstances of my abduction cameback to me. I had just hung up the phone, after promising to donate some olddresses and skirts to an upcoming Junior League auction,...

3 years ago
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Mommas Girl

Introduction: This story is all true until they fuck. Part of the fucking is even true, but halfway through it becomes exagerated a bit. I wasnt there so I added a few touches. Most of this story actually happened to a friend of mine. The names have been changed obviously, but I thought it was so hot that I wrote it all down. I mean, this is the kind of thing that youd only see in pornos. If anyone has had a similar experience, feel free to message me and tell me about it. It had been a long...

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RawAttack Jessie Saint Tiny Blonde Jessie Saint Fucked Hard And Creampied

Bubbly teen Jessie Saint is a playful slut who enjoys sex more than anything. The stunning blonde with tiny tits shares some of her experiences in the adult industry. The petite babe can’t help but get horny during the post-scene shoot. Jessie doesn’t hesitate in showing off her lustful desires. She gives the lucky guy a sensual handjob before sucking it balls-deep. Jessie deepthroats the huge dick until she gags hard. The intense blowjob ad ball-licking actions made the guy want to...

4 years ago
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Hose House Part 4

PART 4 The operations were very intensive. Dr. Small and his staff were very careful while they operated on all of the soon-to-be girls, and things went well without a hitch. The first part of the operations involved electrolysis. Dr. Small mastered this method of hair removal, and it took very little time to complete compared to what it takes for less- experienced doctors. Dr. Small made sure every bit of hair was removed, including eyebrows, head hair, and pubic hair. Some of the men...

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Locker Room

After a hard days work at the gym, you decide to take a rinse in the locker room showers, not something you typically do but hey, why not? You walk into the locker room and there is no one else around, you promptly strip naked and walk into the shower area, you select the shower in the corner farthest from the door, the warm water feels so good rushing down your back and your breasts. As you soak and lather yourself, you hear the locker room doors open and close..

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Fun with sister Ch4

I left the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around my waist. I was desperately searching for my sister. She was in here somewhere! I needed more!I walked down the hall that led to her room and her door was open. I looked in and there she was, lying on her bed wearing only a bathrobe. She signaled me to come in to her room and then opened up her robe so I could see her completely naked body. By this time I was a foot away from her. I dropped my towel so she could gaze upon my naked body. She...

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As the weather was okay we decided to have an afternoon / early evening bbq and invited a few friends.Two couples and two of my mates i used to work with were invited,drinks were sorted,food was prepared and all in the world was fine.The afternoon became the evening and we were all just sat around merrily chatting.One couple(friends of my Mrs)had to leave early to visit a relative and they gave one of my mates a lift to the station as they went.At around 9.00pm Karen and Mick our other couple...

4 years ago
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My Life in a Year Ch 01

Author note – Here is ‘Chapter’ 1, (after the first two intros) of My Life in a Year. You might want to read those first to catch up, but at this point, not needed. Enjoy, and send me feedback! January 3rd, 2005 Dylan roared up the side street, the sounds of his mustang reverberating off the rows of houses. It had snowed the night before and the grass and trees were brilliant white with snow and ice. Piles of the dirty snow crowed the curbs where the plows had come through, and the street...

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Why I Hate Magic Parts 13 Revised and Expanded

Why I Hate Magic Chapter 1 Daniel could think of several reasons why he didn't want to go to Dr. Suspendo's Midnight Magic Show. His apartment needed cleaning. Semester finals were coming up and he really should be hitting the books. There was an all-night marathon of Godzilla films playing on television. While any of these excuses would have worked, the real reason Daniel had no interest in watching a magic show had almost entirely to do with the fact that he hated magic. Hate,...

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The Birthday Surprise

I was prepared for a stress-free day, pure relaxation. Watch some television, check out the game, throw back some beers, maybe have a couple friends over, who knows. The possibilities were endless when it's your 37th birthday. However, the possibilities of me getting laid were at an absolute zero, thanks to the fact that my wife had to leave town on business.It had been 6 months since me and my wife had last had sex, and I have to admit I was getting incredibly sexually frustrated, I...

2 years ago
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Raider and the Lost Lamp Ch 09

The walk back to the four wheel drive was fairly easy. The path was far from smooth, but there weren’t any arduous inclines along the way. Clara and Jeff talked the entire way. When they reached the vehicle Jeff rested by the back wheel and removed his water bottle from his pack. He drank heartily, as there was no longer a need to conserve his water, while Clara opened the vehicle’s rear hatch and threw her own pack in. Jeff had only just replaced the bottle in his pack when without warning...

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Chintadripet Harini Her Family

Hi I am Premkanth from Chennai here I am going to tell about the incident which happened approximately, one year ago. In the incident i am going to tell about the girl, her name is Harini… her house is very much near my house our house is near the temple in Chintadripet is approximately 18 years old. She is studying 9th standard in crescent school now let’s, come to that incident now. One day, it was summer holidays so, I will sleep on the terrace of my house because it’s so hot inside my house...

Group Sex
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‘Do you like that?’ he asked, his warm, wet tongue running along my painfully sensitive nipple. He knew perfectly well that I did. Scorchingly hot and cold shocks jolted through my body, making me moan in response. His mouth caressed and consumed my breast. It felt like no other lover I’d ever known knew my body the way he did, which was ridiculous because this was the first time he was acquainting himself with the most intimate parts of me. It was also terrifying. ‘Please,’ I finally...

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The Point Chapter 9

The next day Mark headed to the weight room, as usual. He was once again impressed to see Luke, Maxi, and Zach all working out together. The gym was divided into two rooms. All of the exercise equipment was in one large room. Then there was a smaller room with mostly free-weights. The showers/lockers were located off of the weight room side.Mark headed over to talk to the guys before he started his workout. When he was on that side, he noticed that the cleaning staff had left a barricade that...

Gay Male
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Born Beautiful

Being beautiful was all I have ever known, it is who I am and everything I will be. I know most of you women are jealous of my perfect features, my flawless skin and hate my body which is desired by most of the male population. I was born beautiful, which means being hated by women, especially my so called peers. Models and actresses that I work with all hate me because I am born beautiful not fined tuned by surgery. Those women that want to be my friend, desire to be around someone...

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The night me and my cousin finally gave in

Now. My cousin. Laura. Now 18, she is about 5ft 7. She is very athletic and has a perfect stomach. She has beautifully round perky breasts. Not sure the size exactly but large, yet not too large, for her frame. She has long dark blonde hair and vivid green eyes. Her smile is sexy enough to die for. Now, saving best till last. Her ass. She has the most perfect ass I have ever seen. Perfectly shaped, firm, just one look at it is enough to get me hard in seconds. But to the story, and the...

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Wild ChildChapter 16

To Juli, it seemed the flight to Melbourne, Florida took no longer than the short flight to Maryville in the small, single engine plane. From the airport, they took a taxi over to South Beach where Bill’s granddad lives. On the way, they stopped at a small lingerie shop that Doctor Shirley knew of, to buy Juli a few necessary items. “Come in with us, Bill,” Juli said as he stopped outside the front door of the shop. “Yes, come on, Bill. You can pick out Juli’s panties, that is if she even...

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Lonnie was running hard on the beach, sweating bullets. It was late on the Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend, and the sun was hot and the sky was high. Humid as hell, too. He was about halfway through his fourth mile, and in a few minutes he would be leaving the beach and getting back on the pavement. Then he would run the five blocks to his condo complex and jump in the pool. He loved running on the beach for several reasons. There was usually a breeze. The hard-packed sand was the...

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Sexy Foreplay With Komal Bhabhi

Hi, my dear readers. First of all, I’d like to thank you all for appreciating my previous story, . As soon as it was on the site, my inbox started flooding with your feedback e-mails. Many of you enjoyed reading it. Some of the readers (who are authors on ISS) have me critical feedback on how I can improve my writing skills. I’m really motivated by your feedback and will continue to write on ISS and keep entertaining you, folks. Enough of self-promotion! Let’s jump to the story. It was the 3rd...

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Ashleys First Time With a Guy

Ashley’s First Time With a Guy DISCLAIMER: Story is merely fantasy and completely fictional. So please do not believe this happened to me or ask me questions about it, thinking it is true. I am writing simply because it is a fantasy and it’s just more fun that way So it all started on Valentine’s Day of that year. My wife and I had gone to dinner and got a hotel room for a romantic evening. And of course being the fun loving couple we are, we had a couple bottles of wine at dinner and decided...

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My Sister Loves Incest Threesomes

My Sister Loves Incest Threesomes Mom took my sister Trudy into her room for a talk so of course I laid down on the floor in my room with my ear right up to the heating duct. That way I could hear everything that they said. Mom said, “Stella called me. She thinks that you are a bad influence on her daughter. What’s going on between you two?” Trudy replied, “Fern is my sex slave and I let her brother fuck her. Why?” Mom giggled and sad, “You are really something. How on Earth...

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Confessions of a Size Whore

It was some time after I had been savagely fucked by Horse Dick Harry and his horny young nephew Charlie that I realized that I was hooked on huge dicks. I would have dreams about how Daniel took me after Bruce and Charlie had ravage my high school age butt. But it was the thought of having Horse Dick Harry slipping his enormously huge male member up my tight butt that turned me on the most. Even during gym, when we went to the showers, I caught myself stealing glances at the other guys cocks....

2 years ago
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Probation Frustration

I was twenty seven and had been in a rehabilitation program for two years. It was an experimental program, and we had people in the field visit us to see what we were doing and how we did it. We had Judges, parole and probation officers, and even people from other programs. I was the public relations person for the foundation.One day, my boss introduced me to a probation officer from the southern part of the state; we were up north. She was short and thin, with shoulder length brown hair and...

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Slave for Hire

                       SEX SLAVE FOR HIRE                           Chapter 1                    My first Day on the Job     I've been beaten and tortured, had rigid cocks and worse stuffed into me fore, aft, andtopside.  And I consented to it.  I did it for money.     Do you know what it's like to be without a job, with rent to pay, a family to support?  Ido.  I walked a hundred miles, it seems, trying to get a job.  Even the fast food places weren'thiring.  I pawned everything of value that I...

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Fun and games in Brisbane with Samotron

After we finished in Sydney we moved onto Brisbane for the last leg of our holiday Down Under.After doing the touristy bits and pieces we ended up in a bar most nights having a few beers and something to eat We were lucky as each night we meet the same waitress, a cute brunette called Sam who had a great sense of humour and certainly looked after us.On our penultimate night we were in there talking about what we wanted to do the next day. My wife and sister in law as usual wanted to go...

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After the Energists Start of the 11th GradeChapter 8 Walk Like an Egyptian

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 4:12pm, Friday, October 19, 1979 “Okay, guys, I want to diagram a couple of new formations. I think they will work against these bigger guys,” Coach St. Georges said at half time of our game against Parkside Collegiate. The score was 10-8 for the Stampeders as Adam Peawtrowski made a 34-yard field goal, while our kicker, Matt Connell, missed a 28-yarder with us picking that single or ‘rouge’ point when the kick went out the back of the large...

2 years ago
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Winter in Sweden Part 19

Chapter 49 – The Bug in my EarLooking for help I tell Masha: “I don’t know how I can manage the things that happened between me and my boss. I fear the future”. “Tell him that you are engaged”, she helps me. “You don’t need to say that your love is a woman. Just tell him you will marry soon. I believe that’s the best way”. During the night I can’t forget Masha’s words: “You will marry soon”. Should we talk about wedding? Am I ready for this step? Can I bear the prejudices against lesbian pairs?...

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The Latex Witch

The Latex Witch Bliss Alexandra wants power, and will stop at nothing to obtain it, but will she get what she asks for? The Latex WitchBy Darqside Bliss was irritated, it had been a long day at the corporate headquarters in Salem,Massachusetts.? Why in the world their business was headquartered in such a backwater state, she had no idea, but walking among a bunch of country bumpkins (to her at least) wasn?t even the worst part. It was that blasted Glass Ceiling.? It always got her...

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DanicaPart 4C

Danica heard a knock on her door not long after she had risen from her bed the next morning. She answered it and saw it was Celes. She opened the door wide and let the woman in. Danica grabbed her up in a hug once the door closed. "I was worried. I haven't heard from you in so long." "I'm fine dearie," Celes said, breaking the hug after a few moments. "I was jus' about business an' away." "I'm so glad you're back," Danica said with a smile. "I want to show you something,"...

3 years ago
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Comforting Mom pt 6 Christmas Cruise Day 45

“Merry Christmas. How do you feel?” She yawns and stretches but replaces her hand on my cock. “Like I drank all night and had a lot of sex with a room full of women.” “Oh, me too!” She busts up laughing. “I’m not sure how any of that happened, but I’m sure if I live to be a hundred it will never happen again.” “I thought you were in college?” My turn to laugh. “It reminded me of the free love days back in the early seventies.” “I’m glad you could relive another memory.” More...

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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 25 Yeah I Know

There's nothing to write about here. It's a piss boring trip from Armadillo to Albuquerque and up to Durango. It's desolate waste land that has no value. That's why the Native Americans got it. Washington had no use for the land and less use for the Navajo. Any time a white found a use for a piece of the rez, Washington took it. No compensation, and no apologies. Just took it. I highly recommend reading Lazlo Zalezac's John Carter series. He stirred my mind and my stories poured...

2 years ago
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Sisters Instructions

I smiled and looked down, just in time to see Karen smile and wipe some of the cum from her chin. The little blonde kissed the head of my cock and gave it a flick with her tongue."Hmmm, good," she said, smacking her lips loudly.On the sofa next to me, sat her older sister Alicia; Alicia had been fingering her pussy while she watched her sister suck me off. Alicia's nakedness and mine was all the more exciting since Karen was still fully dressed."I want to watch you fuck him," Karen said. "But...

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Loose Vignettes

This is just a repository for short stories and fragments that don't really have a home yet. Feel free to suggest where some of these paragraphs could lead to next in the comments, or if you want to write the next paragraph to one, that would be cool too. If you've got a story that you think one of these could be adapted to, send me a message and I'll see what I can do. Finally, if you've got a bit of a story that doesn't fit anywhere else, feel free to add it here.

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 8 Thursday Morning

Robin - Thursday morning before school I woke up with the new sensation of someone laying down next to me. Now that in itself is not unusual, since many of the times that both of my bodies sleep in the same bed I wake up with them pressed against each other. The unusual part was that I had never woken up with Robert's cock against a girl's ass and Roberta's tits against a guy's chest. Still half asleep I raised up Robert's head. Looking at the alarm clock, I saw that it was about half...

4 years ago
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Beare Hamlet on National Nude Day

We all decided to be on hand for the midnight deNUDEment in the little town of Beare Hamlet at the foot of the mountain. Sue, to put it mildly, still wasn't sure if she would strip in public or walk thru town naked. The town renamed itself after ski legend Billy Beare, born locally, won the gold for skiing. A big banner and strings of lights arched over the town's entry portal, somewhat like Reno's gaudy entries. It proclaimed the town was the county center for National Nude Day festivities...

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Georgia goes to University Part 0007

by Vanessa Evans Part 07 – Second Party. The Saturday started with a surprise facetime call from my father. I was still asleep and staggered, half asleep, to my phone. “Good morning my darling daughter, did I wake you up?” “Yes daddy.” “Sorry but I got up an hour ago and I’m off to Australia in about half an hour so I had a bit of time to kill.” “That’s okay daddy, it’s always good to see and talk to you regardless of the time of night.” “Georgia, it’s 10 o’clock in the morning; you...

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