Zak's GiftChapter 7 free porn video

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Waves of aversion rolled off of Penelope like fog off a block of dry ice, keeping everyone away from her as she pounded the tar out of Pikachu on the game-demo at Wal-Mart.

"Impressive." someone said. She whirled, about to bite the head off of whoever it was, but stopped short. The first thing she saw was the turban--a big, huge Johnny Carson swami-turban. Below that was a face like the cartoon character on a can of devilled ham, and below that, a slim body dressed in eye-stabbingly bright neon colors. What she felt, though, was a power that made her feel like a candle compared to a star. She launched herself straight up, shielding herself from the roof with a telekinetic barrier, then dashed with all the speed she could muster in the direction of the hotel.

Her opponent appeared in front of her, as calm and certain as Pepe le Pew, and batted her aside. She tumbled, managing to cushion her impact just enough that she only had the wind knocked out of her instead of going "splat" on the pavement. How had she not seen this coming? Usually, her wild precognitive talent showed her what was most likely to happen whether she wanted it to or not.

Her enemy approached while she still lay prone on the ground, trying to make her muscles work. She was lifted from her crater by telekinetic fingers as cold as the shield she'd tried to build around herself. She reached out for the nearest car, but suddenly found her own telekinetic abilities blocked. Her foe shrugged off every painful memory Penelope could throw at him. Then, she felt him starting to choke off her consciousness. She managed to send out one primal, terrified psychic scream before...

"Shit!" Victor shouted. Penelope's signal had sliced through the shields and Victor's own defenses like a knife made of pure, animal terror and a single word.


"Shit shit shit shit FUCK!" he swore.

I'm sorry, Victor. Zaid's voice said when he emerged from the hotel. I wasn't able to reach them in time.

Where are they going? Victor asked, wrinkling his nose as he passed an embarrassed-looking pedestrian. It seemed as though every unshielded mind in the county had crapped their britches from the terror in Penelope's sending, and every father was trying desperately to comfort his crying children.

I don't know. I can see Penelope getting into his car, but I can't sense her thoughts. I can feel the enemy, too. It's like he's not even trying to hide himself.

Then he's not. Victor said. Observe only, do not, repeat, DO NOT engage.

Understood. Zaid responded. Pedestrians made way for him as he stormed down the sidewalk. He perceived a hole in the surrounding mental static, which left a familiar metallic whang in the back of his mouth, just like the enemy base. He looked in that direction out of the corner of his eye, and found that it was coming from a man in khakis and mirrored aviator shades. Victor's fists clenched, and the bench the man was sitting on burst into flame.

The General wasn't happy in the slightest. "Just what the hell do you think you're playing at, Agent 76667?" he demanded, gesturing to the blank-faced girl standing at the agent's side.

"Insuring the optimum outcome." the agent replied cryptically. The General touched a button on his wristwatch. 76667 screamed and fell to the floor in agony, and expression returned to the girl's face. The General released the button, letting 76667 catch his breath. Penelope looked around in confusion and tried to run. The agent siezed her will again, bringing her back to his side.

"Fit her with an inhibitor and stick her in one of the empty holding cells." the General said. "I need you out there watching for the attack that, thanks to you, is now inevitable, not here holding down the off-button on some little girl's mind."

"Sure." the agent responded impudently. He and his puppet walked out.

When this is over, we may have to reevaluate the length of your leash, "Seven Devil Seven." the General thought to himself, secure in the knowledge that the psi-blocker he wore protected his privacy.

He opened the yellow envelope into which the agent had had the girl place her personal effects. Twelve dollars and sixty-seven cents in paper money and coins, a pocket knife the General wouldn't have used to clean dirt out from under his nails much less for cutting anything, several balls of paper that had been washed in the pockets, and a locket.

Half a galaxy away, the alien being known to Earthlings as "Zak" because it was the only syllable of his name that they could pronounce, was loading provisions into a retired and restored Constellation-class cutter. The only weapons on the ship were those legally allowed for civilian use, and for the first time in his life, Zak actually regretted that.

"We're going in that thing?" asked a deep, powerful voice from nearby.

"Greetings, Pahs'ktab." Zak said, turning from his task and bowing as best he could in the load-lifter to the I!kajij warrior. Half again Zak's height, not counting the crown of quills that formed a highly-arched widow's peak above his ridged forehead, the I!kajij looked something like a fusion between a Saiyan and a Klingon with a little Crite mixed in for spice. His body armor creaked and rattled as he moved, and he gave off a distinctive smell of oiled leather and polished metal. His claws were retracted--hidden now behind the bony sheaths in his fingertips--to show he bore Zak no ill will, and his leathery, prehensile tail was wrapped around his waistline like a belt, the poison spur at its tip likewise sheathed. "Who are your friends?"

"My littermates." Pahs'ktab replied. "First is my brother Pahs'af," he gestured to a male who stood as tall as Pahs'ktab but whose quill-line wasn't as highly arched, "my other brother Pahs'ktool," he gestured to the other male in the group, slightly shorter than Pahs'ktab and Pahs'af, and with quills that formed a spiky frill around his otherwise bald head, something like a ceratopsian dinosaur of Earth, "and last but not least, our sister Pahs'nyi." The sole female in the litter stepped forward, every bit as tall as Pahs'ktab, looking down at Zak with an expression that said she was evaluating Zak as a fighter. Her four breasts, one large pair at the top and a smaller pair below, strained against the tight leather and metal battle gear she wore. Females among the I!kajij were, if anything, more dangerous than males. The strength difference between the genders was negligible, but females were faster, often smarter, and as ferocious as a Af'pelese fangmonger with a nest full of hatchlings. Unlike her brothers, Pahs'nyi's quill-line was almost straight at the top of her forehead, curving down at the sides.

"Greetings, mind-walker." Pahs'nyi said. "How soon is the battle?"

"Soon." Zak replied. "I only hope we don't miss it."

"Then let us not dally." Pahs'nyi responded, picking up two large crates and carrying them into the ship, one on each shoulder. The other I!kajij likewise picked up crates. Zak floated the rest in with his mind, though technically he wasn't supposed to. Bureaucrats tended to get snippy about not using proper loading equipment. The load-lifter's legs whirred as he walked it into the ship's hold, and he pressed the button to close the cargo doors with a light mental push. He stowed the lifter and climbed out, running to catch up with the I!kajij. He took the command chair, and the I!kajij distributed themselves around to the other unoccupied stations.

At the communications station sat Ishali, a female from a humanoid species that was in high demand on worlds that still allowed slavery, despite their deceptive strength and fighting prowess, since their healing abilities made them immune to sexually-transmitted diseases. Her bright-red skin was striped with white on her back, the backs of her arms and the outsides of her thighs, she had a white, mask-like marking across her eyes, and she had a well-groomed white mane that was clipped in what humans would call a pixie cut.

While Ishali transmitted the request for departure clearance to the spaceport authority, Mirisynt powered up the ship's sytems. A pitiful thing, Mirisynt was a Krei'i, a petite humanoid with short, blue hair and hands with four nimble fingers--actually, three fingers and an opposable thumb. She'd been taken from her homeworld by activists as evidence against the slave-traders occupying it. Her race had been in its "bronze age" when the traders had come, and since then, they had been artificially bred for docility and submissiveness. Zak had picked her up shortly after his own liberation from Earth. The poor girl had been living on the streets, begging passers-by to be her master. She learned tasks quickly, and knew the difference between slave and free-being, but had trouble thinking of herself as the latter. Her mind was fragile enough that Zak was afraid to try psychic psychotherapy, but with a gentle mind-brush to let her know he wasn't angry with her, he was able to teach her not to cringe when he had to touch her.

"I!kajij. Interesting." said Jahlrem, a long, slender fellow who could put his chin atop the heads of the tallest of the I!kajij if it weren't for the quills. He was hairless, with a bony frill protecting his enlarged braincase. Jahlrem was stronger psychically than Zak, but required an artificial exoskeletal support to function in what most of the galaxy considered "normal" gravity, since his race had been forced to leave its homeworld generations before they were ready, and their homeships lacked artificial gravity. He moved his willowy frame slowly, making a welcoming gesture to the I!kajij from his seat at ops. "I have not met one of your kind in person before. Is it true that you are able to conceal your minds from psychics?"

"Can't you tell, mind-walker?" Pahs'nyi asked.

"My kind make it a point not to probe without permission, ma'am." Jahlrem said. "It is ... rude."

"By all means, try." Pahs'tool said. "With me." Jahlrem nodded slowly, and closed his eyes.

"Fascinating." he whispered. "It's almost as if you weren't there."

"And with any luck, our enemy won't be able to detect them, either." Zak said.

"Permission from tower to depart." Ishali said. Zak nodded, and gave Mirisynt the command to activate VTOL engines.

By hacking directly into Google's satellite, Zebulon had managed to get an uncensored picture of the base from the sky, a blown-up version of which was hanging in a communal dining room on the top floor, which had been converted into a sort of war room. Zaid was elaborating on the aerial view with features he'd seen from the ground. Infrared goggles provided by Zebulon had revealed the location of the big main generators and the smaller back-up generators. Psychic probing was impossible due to the inhibitor-shield, and the base was on lock-down, so Victor's "mind-riding" trick wouldn't work.

Liz came out of Victor's room, rubbing her eyes. Is Kim still asleep? he asked mentally. Liz nodded, hitching Victor's oversized T-shirt back up her shoulder and headed for the kitchen.

"How soon do you think we'll be ready to move?" Victor asked.

"Two weeks." Inet said, though Victor had directed the question to Arnold.

"Zeb can have the EMP generator ready by tomorrow, and we've already got all the back-up we're going to get." Arnold said. "The longer we wait, the more danger Penelope's in."

"We must wait." Inet said firmly.

"Can two weeks of training really make that much of a difference?" Arnold asked.

"It can, it will, and there are other reasons to wait." Inet said.

"Such as?" Arnold asked.

"Arnold, I understand that it's frustrating operating on vague hints and innuendo, but I've been in Inet's mind." Victor said. "She's not a Vorlon. If she's being vague, there's a reason."

"Vorlon?" Zeb asked.

"Babylon 5." Victor responded. When Zebulon looked no more enlightened, Victor went on. "It's a science-fiction series from several years back. The Vorlons were an ancient race with advanced technology at least a million years beyond us."

"Oh." Zeb responded.

"Come on, Arnold, it's time to get back to training." Victor said.

"What's the lesson today?" Arnold asked.

"Long-distance psychokinesis." Victor responded. "Rooftop, five minutes."

"Right." Arnold responded. Going to the roof meant taking the private elevator down to the ground floor, reentering through the lobby, and taking the public elevator up, so there was no time to waste. As the others who would be participating in the class filed past him, Victor allowed his gaze to wander to the six-inch pane of bulletproof glass at the side of the dining room. In that direction lay his enemy. Loose objects nearby rattled in their places as Victor's eyes narrowed. Inet put her hand on his shoulder, and he folded her into his arms, inhaling her scent and letting her soft warmth calm him. Kim came out of Victor's room, her bra visible as she pulled a shirt on over her head. She sent a mental brush of affection to calm Victor further before heading for the elevator. Victor went to the stairwell, a reinforced one with a camouflaged exit in the parking garage that could only be opened by a telekinetic. He leapt the railing and plummeted down the center, slowing his descent near the bottom with his powers. Extending his senses out beyond the entrance, he made sure the garage was empty of observers before manipulating the switch inside the door.

The journey was uneventful--there wasn't a hostile or shielded mind for miles. Considering his status and situation, he found that unusual. Had his enemies recalled their forces to mount a defense against his coming? And what of Penelope? He didn't like leaving her to her fate, but Inet seemed confident on that front. Victor couldn't help worrying, though.

He arrived on the roof, his students arrayed around the outer ledge, waiting for him to teach them what he'd applied on the fly when Mr. Andersen was being chased by black ops agents.

I guess they call them "black" ops for a reason. he thought to himself. Just like black magic. He took a seat on the brick rim of a potted pecan tree. Penelope had better be all right when I get there.

Huddled in the dark and cold, Penelope shivered when she wasn't crying. After implanting the inhibitor in the back of her neck, her captors had pumped her stomach, stripped her naked, subjected her to a full cavity search, allowed the operative called Seven Devil Seven to invade her mind yet again, and lowered her, still naked, into a dank, dark, smelly cell inset in the floor. The whole thing was one continuous panel, seamless and unyielding. There was a trough at one end for use as a toilet, whose smell told her that sanitizing it wasn't one of the base's highest priorities. She wasn't tall, even for her age, but the only place she could straighten up was the shaft in the center, and the one time she tried, she was subjected to a jolt of electricity from the metal floor.

The worst part was, Seven Devil Seven's last foray into her mind had not only exposed all of her secrets, but left her without pretense. She couldn't lie, even to herself. Forced to face reality, denied even the refuge of her own illusions, she wept, shivered and reflected. There wasn't much else to do. Occasionally, the lid would be opened and a loaf of something would be dropped down. It wasn't very big, almost Twinkie-sized, but it was food. It wasn't bread as she knew it. She'd read about "nutrient loaves" being given to prisoners in some facilities when there was a lock-down in effect. She thought maybe this was what they meant--all the nutrients a body needed in a package that looked the same going in as it did coming out. It probably tasted the same, too, though Penelope admitted she'd never had the urge to take a bite of excrement. When the loaf was gone, the guard at the top opened the lid on a water bottle and poured it down on top of her. Penelope tried to get it to go in her mouth, but mostly ended up coughing and sputtering, wet and miserable, trying to lick the moisture from her face.

The feedings and drenchings were the only marker she had for time. She counted six before she got the hang of catching the water, and on the seventh, they hauled her out of the hole, hosed her down and interrogated her in a dark room where she was surrounded by spotlights to prevent her from seeing the face of her interrogator. After what she guessed was a week in total darkness except for her feedings, the lights hurt.

Then she was returned to her hole-in-the-floor cell, or one just like it. If it was her original cell, they'd drained the toilet trough while she was away. The inhibitor didn't let her concentrate hard enough to formulate anything resembling a workable escape plan, so mostly she fantasized. She fantasized about Victor riding in on a white speeder-bike, pulling her out of this hole and giving her a nice, hot bath before taking her to Chuck E. Cheese's. She fantasized about a warm, soft bed with a thick down comforter and a velour body-pillow, the crimson glow from a space-heater illuminating Victor's face as he set a tray of peanut butter crackers and hot chocolate where she could reach it.

She fantasized about a computer the size of the Empire State Building with all modern parts and an operating system she had written herself, and using it to hack the military computers of every nuclear-capable nation on Earth, launching the world's entire nuclear arsenal and directing the missiles to this base where she had been imprisoned, bombing it repeatedly and mercilessly until Earth's mantle was exposed and the crater filled with molten rock from below.

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There’s nothing like a good, old-fashioned quid pro quo to balance everything out. For instance: JMac’s paining the house when he spies his sister’s friend Zara Brooks near the pools. Unbeknownst to her, he even watches as she strips down naked and lubes up her tits and ass with sunning oil. But that all ends when his phone rings and she hears it…busted! So here it comes: either he strips down naked, or Zara’s gonna rat him out to his sister. J, in exasperation, pulls his big cock and balls and...

3 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 44 Shuffle

We make our way out of the build now a party of 6 rather than the party of 5 we started with. Gunga din at point, Seth and Gun flanking me and our new friend. Camulus following behind. "Why the hell do I keep end up following you," he mumbles from his place in line. "Universe, likes me," I sing out. "Your universe can bite me," He grumbles. "Knock if off you two," Gunga Din says as we near the area where we last left the rest of the Protectors. But He keeps his tone light, he...

3 years ago
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Converting the NeighborsChapter 6 The Reed Women Break Bad

Anne Reed was hanging out in her front yard, bored, when she saw Mark Mitchell across the street beckoning to her. Her parents had told Chloe and her and that Mitchells were not good Christians and would likely be bad influences, so they should stay away from them. Her mom said they shouldn’t be rude, but not to get too friendly. Ignoring him would be rude, so it wouldn’t exactly be disobeying to cross the street and talk with him. So, she did. Of course, the fact that Mark was good-looking...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 5

I took a long drink of the Cherry flavored cola, and let out that satisfied ahhh sound. "Can I have some of that?" asked Amanda across the darkness of the motel room. I got up and went over to the bed and gave her some. "Press, where are you sleeping?" she asked. "On the floor, over here," I said. "Preston, why are you sleeping on the floor?" she asked. "Well, there was only one bed," I began... "Some things never change," she laughed. The sound of Amanda's laughter broke a...

1 year ago
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Yiff Party

Do you get off to the thought of furry bitches showing their hairy pussies for bastards like you? If so, then you probably want to find a fucking site where you can jerk off to a whole host of furry pornography that is sure to make you cum your brains out. If that sounds like something you are into, then I invite you to check out Yiff Party.Here, you are going to find a wide array of content that is certain to get you off in a hurry. No matter if you want to look at straight furry porn or even...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Capramendes the Milkmaid

Corporal Jason Gray was completely fubar'ed. He tried to think of a time in his life when he'd been more comprehensibly fucked and nothing came close, not even when those bastard lawyers had gleefully picked through the carcass of his failed marriage. He lost his balance and stumbled forwards onto his knees. His captors giggled and yanked the chain binding his wrists together in front of him. Jason was dragged back to his feet. He wondered what had happened to the rest of the...

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From frigid wife to Black Whore wife

have been married for over 30yrs to a 62yr wife I love but after our 2nd c***d was born she went off sex which I thought was due to pregnancy and baby but over the years nothing changed and there was always an excuse no matter what I tried ,Flowers , Kissing cuddling, Romantic weekends breaks, Underwear, Sex toys and more .So it was down to the wrist work and porn and few times got caught and get an earful from the wife usual thing dirty old man pervert etc this didn't help our sexual...

2 years ago
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Main Meri Biwi Aur Mera Dost Part 12

Hi, this is Ajit Roy again, come with another fantabulous part. Rahul ke dwara tracksuit neeche ki taraf khisakte hue Manali ki ankle tak aa kar ruk gayi. Kaise vidambana ki stithi thi woh. Manali ki t-shirt kandho tak aur tracksuit (trouser pant) ankle tak utari hue thi. Rahul naa uski t-shirt ko aur naa hi tracksuit ko jism se poori tarah nikala tha. Rahul ka hoth (lip) opposite direction mein (upwardly) Manali ki ankle se poore sexy taang (leg) ke seher (ride) pe nikal pada. Naram chamri se...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 304 Paula Play Date

Time to see Paula’s progress. Following my parent’s wishes, as part of my being on “house arrest” until after my birthday, I hopped on the newly updated version of my messenger bike. There was a note from the factory thanking me for beating the hell out of their previous models so that they could improve their bike designs. Hmm. I guess one downside with this much muscle is that the companies designed bikes for smaller and leaner riders. Before I got my license, I would never have thought...

2 years ago
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Bhabi Ki Ek Saal Ki Pyaas Bhujai

Hie frnds mera name Abhey hai age 21 or mai Kurukshetra ka rehne wala hun ye kahani meri or meri bhabi ke beech hai or haan ye meri pehli or sachi story hai mei bhabi ka name Seema ( name changed)age 25 hai unki figure thk thak hi hai not good par nain nakshek dum kaatil jin par mai fida tha or rang gora unki shaadi ko do saal ho gye hain or ek beti hai unki ek saal ki and bhaiya ka name Amit hai woh ek gov. employee hain or jyada tar office me hi rhetey hai raat ko dus bjey hi ghr aatey...

3 years ago
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Step By Step

I couldn’t help but feel annoyed and slightly angry after this morning. All I wanted was to relieve my frustrations before I had a long hard day at work. What better way to do that then fucking my wife while she’s half asleep, getting my fix and making her feel like she’s having a sex dream. But all she did was moan with displeasure and tell me no as I pushed my morning glory into her back while my hand found its way between her thighs. I had given up trying when I knew she wasn’t budging and...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Busty Maid

By : Satis03 Hello everyone, I would like to share a true incident which happened about 4 years ago. I was 24 years old back then, I was a bachelor, living with my mother and brother in a Tamil nadu. We had a maid, her name is Meena. She was about 30 years old, 5ft.2inchs in height. She was average looking, a little bit of body fat around her hips and ass. She definitely was not a gorgeous woman, but her 36 D breasts were an eye catcher. She had worked at our place for over 5 years, when the...

2 years ago
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SargeChapter 37

The rustic wooden picket fence I had build while I was commuting back and forth to Raleigh was going to come in handy, I decided. It would be my own dogie daycare. I thought it over and decided that Tiger would need to be in a fenced in area while I was out of town on a case. I didn’t think he would get into trouble on his own, but I still wanted someone to check on him. I called the night before, so Tonya’s daughter was going to stop by the lock shop after school. She was going to play with...

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Back Stage

John Walker was not a small man but he was almost dwarfed by the company's CEO. John always had a little squeamish feeling when he talked with Mr. Offenbach. As a fairly tall man himself he was not used to look up to someone else's eyes and therefore he was always slightly irked by the fact that he had to do so when he had to talk to Offenbach while standing. Jim Offenbach skillfully steered the conversation to the object that interested him lately, a young lady whom he wanted to meet at...

Wife Lovers
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Vacation Turned Horny With Friendly Couple

Hello, everybody. Hope all readers are doing fine…And keeping good health… This is raj here with our new update after many years… My wife and I went to one of the club Mahindra resorts…For a short vacation of 4 days…It was a vacation after 4 years of planning and then canceling… Anyways let me introduce us…Myself raj and dear wife…Nisha…We are 36 and 33 respectively. Finally we arrived at this club mahindra resort where our vacation was planned for 4 days…We checked in the morning only to...

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Priyanka8217s Farewell Treat

Hello readers… This is Rajesh again. Hope you enjoy this site very much like me. I got few gentle comments to my previous story but not expected proposals. So I am here with my 3rd story and is dedicated to my fans, I earned through this gate. This is my 3rd episode with Priyanka but unfortunately I have to end the episode with this. I think it will be nice for you to read my previous stories titled as “PRIYANKA’S BEAUTIFUL TREAT ENDS MY LONG DESIRE” and “HUNGRY TREAT WITH PRIYANKA….AGAIN”. You...

4 years ago
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18 Saal Ki Ladki Soonam Ka Doodh Piya Desi Garam Ladki Ka Doodh

Hello doston This is Rahul from Mumbai. Iss story aaj se ek saal pehle ki hai tab main 12th Maine padhtatha. Hamari class ki sabse brilliant ladki aur topper ladki ka naam tha Sonam Rajput.Uski umar 18 saal tha aur uske breasts,eye,lips & hair par main dibanatha. Sonam hamare class ki sabse sundar ladki bhi thi.Hamare saare ladke,seniors,juniors sab uske piche the.she is gifted with beauty & brain.Lekin Bo kisiko bhao nahin deti thi hamesa Bo ek intense aur serious look main sirf...

2 years ago
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The Guitar Players Personal Lesson 2

“Take your bottoms off Jack and let me show you how it’s really done!” Jo said to me. Those words were like lightning striking my short hairs. I had just had an incredible encounter with Jo and she wanted more. She was gently rubbing that warm moist pussy against my still hard dick and for a moment I could not respond except to moan a little and stare at her beautiful body. Looking up at me from the sofa, Jo said, “Come on honey, I wanted you to cum outside of me the first time so we can...

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The Taylor family 2

Perhaps her athletic lifestyle gave her a bit more stamina, but Ruth managed to hold out a little longer than her big sister. Seeing that Kristen was coming though, she redoubled her efforts and worked frantically, feverishly until she too fell off that cliff into the yawning abyss of insensible ecstacy. Ruth arched her back, shook violently, croaked out her big sister's name, had her eyes roll back into her head, and then simply collapsed bonelessly on top of the other girl.With that, all was...

1 year ago
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Orphan 2

Orphan 2 By Susan Brown Mandy lived in a semi on the nice side of the town and the garden looked pretty and well looked after. As I walked up the path I remembered the garden at my house. I had helped my mum and dad in the garden, it was fun. I loved getting all mucky and everything. We had a nice house; it was detached and had a lovely back garden. I sighed as I walked up the path. Mandy had a key in her hand and she opened the front door with it. I followed her in and...

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An Adventure in Minot Ch 02

I was enjoying the exhilaration of freedom, having just divorced the bane of my life. I was financially wounded from the experience, but I was free. I had decided to celebrate by taking a vacation all on my own, to go wherever I wished, see what I wished, and stay as long as I wished. It was working out very well, but for one thing: seeing America alone is… lonely. I decided that next time I would find someone to share it with me if I could. My travels had taken me through some of the more...

2 years ago
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Costume for Life

Costume for Life by Leslie Leigh It was when my wife suggested that she wanted to be a man for Halloween that perhaps I should have sensed something askew. Or perhaps fate dealt us a full house. As I tell you my tale I am waiting for my "Man" to come home from the office and I have a secret.. I came home from the office on Friday, October 30, and was exhausted from a long week of work. I was an art director at a small advertising agency in Evanstown, Virginia and we had four...

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Best Friend Rishita Tricked And Fucked In College Classroom

Hey guys, my name is Preetam. This is my first time on ISS. Hope you like it. This incident happened to me last month with my best friend – Rishita. I have an average personality and a 6 inches long dick. My friend Rishita has a beautiful figure with a bubble butt and curvy boobs. I and Rishita were best friends from childhood and we were very open with each other and talk about everything including sex, boobs and etc. From recently, I was having the thought to fuck her as I started noticing...

2 years ago
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My Former Succubus 2 A Holiday to RememberChapter 6 Making My Brother Happy

"Hey. I've got some bad news," I said to my brother. "You talked to AM, right?" asked Dave "Yeah." "She told you she wants to break up with me?" "Yeah. She said that since you both are going to different colleges..." "Her college being ten miles away from yours," he sneered. I didn't bother to respond. "That's why you should end things now," I finished. "Why?" I responded, "Because she knows that you like somebody else ... somebody who'll be going to State with...

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A Mothers Seduction

The movie was hot. It showed this really hot looking older woman doing all kinds of stuff to this young stud. It wasn't long before I had my pants off and my dick in my hand when all of a sudden I heard "What the hell do you think you're doing young man?" I jerked my head around and saw my mom standing off to the side of the sofa with her hands on her hips glaring down at me as my mouth dropped open is shear horror at being caught. "Is this what you do on MY sofa when nobody's...

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Husband8217s Cousin Prakash

Once again thanks to all my sweet readers who have proved to be lovers of love stories. My last story “Friend’s Wife Smita” (Link : ) is admire by many readers. My stories are adding new friends to my email list. New persons start sending me emails, praising stories. The story “MIL in Daughter’s Shoe” (Link : ) is still attracting new readers to read the story and write emails appreciating MIL’s Love. Here is a new love story between cousin BIL and SIL....

3 years ago
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The class teaches their teacher

The four girls had made endless trouble in class and were flunking out. They had a plan to teach the young teacher her place. Once everyone was seated Alyssa began the class and soon had everyone working on their problem areas. Two hours into the class the janitor stuck his head in and told Ms. Woods he was done and was leaving and to lock up when she left. She agreed and he left leaving Alyssa and her students alone in the building. Now alone the girls enacted their plan. The head cheerleader...

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Tonights the Night0

If it turns out that my words suit your palette, then do leave a comment; letting me know if I should continue, this sordid little fantasy. _ _ _ He arrived to discover her front door just slightly ajar, exactly as how she had told him it would be on this particular night. His instincts told him ever still, to knock, call out, but he pushed the thought away, and ever so quietly through the door he went. Once inside, closing it behind him and securing the lock in place. Now it...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 14

Steve sat at Marie's kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee, wondering to himself how long it had been since he'd so much enjoyed a sunrise and a simple breakfast. Marie sat opposite him. Her dark eyes studied his face. "You are troubled. You are walking a knife-edge, yet you have already decided where your destiny, your allegiance now lies. Is this not so?" she questioned, her voice barely above a whisper. He looked up, startled. Her eyes, flashing black, bored into his. Her face,...

3 years ago
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First time ass played with Fuc

Ok so one night my wife calls me an tells me she wants to try something an that it will be a suprise, so she gets home an i am in the living room playing a game. She grabs the controller an puts it on our chair. She then grabs my shorts an underwear an yanks them off me, an immediately seeing my cock she puts it in her mouth. My cock starts hardening as she is sucking my dick. She moves her finger close to my ass, an just pushes on my hole as she goes down on my cock, almost instantly my cock...

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Sams Secret Pt2

This story merely has some public groping and some oral in it. Main character is a Femboy. EnjoyIt was nice for a change to wake up in the morning and still be sore from the anal pounding you took the night before. That’s how I felt this morning. Sore, but in a good way. Blaine had truly screwed me good last night. I could still almost feel the way his big cock had been able to invade my second sphincter. He’d had a good 2 inches more than he’d needed for that, which was probably why I was so...

4 years ago
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Halloween Treatpt2

(continued...) She kissed me hard and guided my hand down to her exposed pussy! I felt the soft, curly, hairs against the back of my hand and wetness between the small, pink, lips of her pussy!This was definitely...REAL!! My fingers probed Mary's slippery, pussy! She grunted, softly, into my chest and gyrated on my hand! The sounds of her loosening pussy getting more moist with each thrust of my fingers was starting to drive me wild! In one quick motion, I lifted Mary's shaking and panting body...

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Saga of a musicdue in films 1

She’s attractive pretty oval-faced having large eyes with both pranks and temptation written in them; tall, wheatish, and endowed with a voluptuous body which men dream of savouring. Menka was struggling for her singing career in the filmdom and was as usual badly exploited in the hands of C-graded or B-graded film Producers or film-men etc in the initial years of her struggle for career. Then eventually some time in mid-2004 Menka came across an exceptionally talented music composer,...

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