Bobby Linda
- 2 years ago
- 33
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Normally, it would take someone months to create an intricate Cosplay outfit for a convention. Bobbie was lucky. How many people had access to a fully equipped workshop and laboratory, and a genius big sister to help out? In two weeks, she was fully prepared. The young woman stretched her arms out while looking in the mirror. "How do I look?" she asked
Her sister grinned. "The molecular chain I came up with for the basis of my experimental non-pressurized vacuum suit worked out just great." She noted how firm and upright Bobbie's breasts appeared under the glistening red skin tight covering... "How's the support feel? Didn't I tell you there wouldn't be a need for undergarments?"
Bobbie giggled. "The girls are being held up quite nicely, sis!"
"The girls?" Wendy couldn't help grinning. "I can't believe you said that!"
"Well, that's what mom calls 'em!" She turned and looked over her shoulder at the floor length mirror. "Um, do you think we cut it a little too low? I think I'm showing a little too much butt-crack!"
Wendy eyed Bobbie's firm round posterior. "I told you. I didn't cut it. That's the way I programmed the molecular chain to assemble. Anyway, I think we got it just about right. I'm glad I got the stress forces to line up properly so we could have you go backless, and still support 'the girls' in style. I'll tell you what, Kiddo. You are going to be a hit! Coming or going, every guy's eyes are going to be locked right on target!"
"Good! Maybe that'll show Alan that he doesn't need to look at other girls when I'm around!"
"Kiddo, is there something you want to talk about?" Wendy gently placed a hand on Bobbie's shoulder. "What's going on between you and Alan?"
Bobbie felt her face grow hot. "Nothing!" she snapped. "Nothing at all!" the troubled young woman tried to calm herself. "Sorry sis. Things are complicated right now." She took a deep breath. "I, I think I let things go a little too far."
Wendy smiled. "I suspected as much. Does it help you any if I told you that I'm sure Alan loves you?"
"Loves me?" she laughed. "As a buddy, yeah, I guess he does."
"No silly." Wendy gave Bobbie a hug. "He loves you. He loves you as a man loves a woman. Please be careful around him until I change you back. You wouldn't want to hurt him, would you?"
"Of course not!" her heart pounded. Love? Was that what she was feeling too? "Oh my God! Sis, maybe the convention is a bad idea! Could you change me back right now?"
"I told you. I've already started the system wide auto-check. The calibrations aren't going to be finished until Monday morning." Wendy smiled. "Just relax and enjoy yourself at the convention tomorrow. Come Monday, this will all be set right!"
"I hope so!" Bobbie frowned. How was this going to ever be set right? Things were entirely too weird between Alan and her now. Somehow she had fallen into the habit of giving him a blow-job, not to mention the occasional olive oil lubed titty fuck after they hung out together every evening these last two weeks. No, she had to be honest with herself. She and Alan had been dating. No other word fit. They still did the same kinds of things they always had together, but it was so different now. Especially different when she contorted herself in the little Smart Car in order to get her lips around his beautiful penis!
Alan even had started walking her to the door, and giving her a goodnight kiss before she went inside! Bobbie liked that even more then giving head. Every time their lips met in that simple little kiss, it always left her aching for something more, something she dared not even contemplate letting him do! It frightened Bobbie to realize her resistance was weakening with each tender kiss. What would happen if her willpower crumbled, and she allowed Alan to do THAT with her? Things had gotten so mixed up that now she had to finger herself every night before she felt relaxed enough to even think about sleeping!
What was she going to do? Would Alan hate her when she turned back into a guy? Could she dare hope he'd still let her take his penis into her mouth, or that they'd lovingly kiss each other when they were both men together? No, that would never happen! Alan would probably never want to be alone with her again once she was restored to manhood! There's no way he'd want to turn into a homosexual, just because his buddy was a pretty girl for a couple of weeks!
"Cheer up Kiddo!" Wendy smiled, breaking into Bobbie's dismal thoughts. "Everything is going to work out okay. I feel it deep in my bones!"
"Oh Wendy, I sure hope so!" Bobbie sighed. "I really do!"
Wendy glanced at the console of her transporter. The activity of the blinking lights sure looked convincing. Bobbie thought she was running system checks. It was all just a cosmetic show. The system was ready to restore Bobbie at any time. It had been for over a week. Wendy just wanted her sibling to be sure about things before that restoration took place! She was sure that Bobbie would make the right choice, given enough time.
She watched for a moment as Bobbie twisted and turned. "Here kiddo, let me do that." She took the molecular key from the flustered girl's hand, and brought the blunt emitter head to the barely perceptible seam between Bobbie's shoulders where the suit ended to expose her back. With a coded beeping, the seam split, allowing the girl to wriggle out of the tight garment. "Remember, getting in needs no tool. Don't lose the key, or you'll be stuck in cosplay until I can get there with a spare. My fastener system won't be on the market for another few months."
"Wait sis, what if I have to, um, pee?" Bobbie's face turned red. "I can't have Alan come in the ladies room with me!"
"I told you, this was meant for a prototype vacuum suit." Wendy grinned wickedly. "If you have to answer nature's call, just sit down on the pot and go. The suit will pass the excess fluids out. It's part of the cooling system, after all. Remember, urine only. Anything else will just make your butt look lumpy."
"Ew, that's nasty!" Bobbie couldn't help giggling again. "I won't be able to clean up afterward! You and mom told me I have to be very careful about hygiene, uh, down there."
"Kiddo, I think of everything. Just spread your legs wide and let it go! The urinal pore lines up with your urethra. The suit will take care of the rest. The nano valve system is auto regulating. In space, urine would exit slowly as a very fine mist over the entire surface of the suit, instantly freeze drying. That way the astronaut will be protected from extreme variances in pressure in a very delicate area. On Earth, the stream will be unhindered and flow freely. It'll wick all the excess moisture away from you too, so don't worry."
Bobbie struggled out of the suit. "I guess that's why it's giving me a bit of 'camel-toe'." Her blush deepened. "I'm glad THAT doesn't show from the outside! It's a good thing you made the surface so shiny though. If I get wet down there, um, for some reason, it won't show up."
"You'll be just fine. Normal vaginal moisture will pass so slowly it won't be noticeable. It'll help keep you at a normal PH level too, and freely pass oxygen under Earth normal pressures. In space, the suit's oxygen will channel through the molecular chain and do the same thing. Yeast infections hate oxygen, it helps prevent them from forming. That's why I made sure the suit could 'breathe'. I don't want female astronauts cursing Anson MacDonald, after all. Wearing it is nearly as good as going naked."
"Sis, you're such a geek!" Bobbie grimaced. "I don't want to hear about disgusting stuff like that!"
Wendy just grinned. "I'm just giving you the facts. We girls have to be careful about such things. Oh and remember the moisture wicking system if you get, well, excited. The extra moisture won't evaporate as quickly, so be careful where you sit if you watch any hentai in the video rooms. People might talk if you leave wet spots on the chairs."
"Gee, thanks for the warning, sis!" Bobbie self consciously dressed, slipping into bra and panty, and then another of the lovely vintage dresses their mother had insisted she wear.
"Cheer up, kiddo!" Wendy took the suit and zipped it up into a garment bag. "Just think. Your cosplay outfit is worth nearly twelve million dollars. What other girl could say that?"
Bobbie surprised herself by giving her big sister a hug. Before the "Event" such an emotional display would have been unheard of. "Thanks sis, you're the best big sister a guy, um, person could ever have!"
"You're quite welcome." Wendy said with a grin. "I certainly had fun helping you create your masterpiece."
Cheeks coloring rather becomingly, Bobbie smiled back. "I wonder what Alan will think when he sees me wearing it." her voice took on a distinct edge. "I bet he won't be hitting on any other girls when I'm strutting around looking so sexy!"
"Oh, really?" Wendy asked with a knowing glance.
"I, I didn't mean it like, um, like THAT!" Bobbie sighed. "I'm just getting tired of all his talk about using me as some kind of bait so he can score a hot nerd-girl!" She looked over at her sister's machine. "I can't wait until that thing is ready to unscramble me! It won't be a moment too soon!"
"Just relax and have fun at your convention, kiddo." I should be ready for the final calibration tests Monday afternoon."
Bobbie grabbed the garment bag and stormed towards the door, cute little patent leather pumps sounding loud against the concrete floor. "Good!"
Wendy smiled as she hurried after her neo-sister. She hoped against hope that Bobbie was getting closer to making the right decision.
Friday morning Bobbie was up at dawn. One thing hadn't changed. It was nearly impossible to sleep the night before a Con! She had spent the night packing and repacking. Usually it only took a backpack to carry some clean underwear, socks, a couple tee-shirts, and a change of jeans. Now, Bobbie couldn't help packing two suitcases for the three day extravaganza. It didn't seem right to spend so much time with only one change of clothing.
Bobbie had packed her cosplay stuff, of course, but she also packed three dresses, her snug fitting "Battling Princess Rio" tee-shirt, and the low riding hip hugging jeans that went so nicely with it. Of course she needed some pretty foundation garments too, not to mention the Hello Kitty nightgown mom had insisted on getting her. With a blush, Bobbie also made sure to bring the cherry red lipstick she had bought when nobody was looking, her Secret antiperspirant, and the bottle of Bath and Body-works Japanese Cherry Blossom body spray she had swiped from mom. Nobody would accuse her of being one of the stinky unwashed conventioneers nobody wanted to stand next too!
Lugging her suitcases downstairs, Bobbie was startled to find both Wendy and their mother already awake. "Why did you guys get up?" she asked as she set her luggage by the door. "I told you I would just slip out when Alan comes to pick me up."
Wendy laughed, but their mother only groaned. "Kiddo, didn't you hear mom come in at five? Somebody is just a tiny bit hung over right now."
"I am not hung over!" Alyssa yelled, before screwing her eyes tightly closed, and grabbing her head with both hands. "Really, I'm not!" she went on in a whisper.
Bobbie and Wendy exchanged grins. "Sure mom." Bobbie laughed. "Sorry if I made too much noise packing."
Alyssa crossed the room slowly and carefully, as if fearful any sudden movement would cause her aching head to simply fall off of her body. "Don't you worry about it, honey. You just go have fun with all the other cartoon fans." She gave Bobbie a hug.
"Anime!" Bobbie corrected for the thousandth time. "I watch anime, not cartoons!"
"What about "My Little Pony: Friendship Crusaders?"" Wendy asked with a smile. "Is that anime?"
"Well, no. It is the most manly cartoon in existence though!" She laughed. "Come on sis, you watch it too. You even calculated the forces involved when Captain Scootaloo performed Equestria's first FTL Rainboom!"
"She never would have done it if Professor Twilight Sparkle hadn't created a life support spell in time!"
"It did help that Rarity came up with a pressure garment that didn't inhibit wing motion." Bobbie giggled. "It's funny. I don't feel embarrassed admitting I watch any more. G-6 ponies rock!"
The doorbell rang, and Alyssa groaned. "If it wouldn't make even more noise, I'd shoot whoever is at the door!"
"Oops, better go now!" Bobbie yanked open the door, and thrust a suitcase at a startled Alan. "Come on! Let's get moving!"
Bobbie, lugging the smaller suitcase, made a beeline to Alan's Smart-car. She giggled as she saw it gleaming pinkly in the early morning sun. "I still think it looks cute pink." she said as he rushed after her.
"Dammit! Why didn't Wendy invent a solar collector you can paint over?" he sighed. "Since the whole body of the car is collector material, I'd have to replace the entire outer skin if I wanted a different color. Who the hell decided Pepto-pink was a good color for a car?"
Bobbie laughed. "It's Hello Kitty pink, you dolt! Anyone could see that!"
Alan looked at his buddy and grinned. "Anyone can see you're a knock-out in that dress, Bob. It's a cinch I'll get me some "steal the boyfriend from the hottie" booty tonight!"
When he said knock-out, Bobbie felt all warm and tingly inside. She wore a yellow sundress in honor of one of her other favorite classic anime characters, Asuka Langley. She even had a long haired red wig and A-10 nerve clips to wear once they got settled in and registered. It always paid to have a secondary cosplay look! That warm feeling vanished when he went on to mention other girls he would be interested in. "We'll see." she muttered as she got into the car. She glared at him when he openly stared at her legs as he closed the door on the passenger side.
"Remember, if you see a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, just go to one of the video rooms for a while, okay Bob?"
Bobbie took a deep breath as Alan crossed to the driver's side. She felt her anger rise when he so obviously enjoyed the rise and fall of her considerable assets as he leered through the windshield. "Same goes for me." she snapped. "If you see that damn sign, stay the fuck out. I'll be busy!"
"Oh yeah! You can play the closet lesbian looking for a fling. That's cool!" he grinned. "If you do, can I just have a quick peek? Girl on girl is way hot!"
That wasn't exactly what she meant, but Bobbie let it drop. She couldn't bring herself to mention her interests seemed to have drifted away from girls completely. "Just drive, dummy. I want to get there early!"
They drove in silence to the hotel hosting the convention. Bobbie's anger totally dissipated when they arrived. Once again, as with every time she was out in public since the "Event", Bobbie felt the attention of every male on her. She was sort of getting used to it, but it still made her blush. "Let's drop the bags off at the room, and then hit the Con registration lines."
Alan grabbed his backpack, but quickly realized people in the parking structure seemed to be looking in disapproval at him for letting a girl carry two suitcases. "Here, let me get those." he stated loudly as he grabbed the bags. "You shouldn't have to carry all that junk!"
Bobbie laughed as Alan tried to show the world how polite he was. "My hero!" she muttered, as they went to the front desk to get their key-cards.
When they got to the room, Bobbie felt her face grow red. "One bed." she muttered as Alan closed the door. "I forgot that's all they had left when we secured the room."
"Did you say something, Bob?" Alan asked as he lugged the bags into the room.
Ignoring him, Bobbie sighed. She'd just have Alan sleep on the floor. She didn't want their nightly oral and titty ritual to go way out of control! They'd never be able to face each other when she turned back into a guy, if she let anything like, gulp, actual intercourse happen! Worse yet, she knew in her heart that even as a guy, she'd still want the intimacy she and Alan now shared. She was sure her life long buddy would hate her if he knew she would still want to touch, fondle, and suck his lovely penis after she changed back. If they actually had sex now, she didn't know what would happen!
Her eyes opened wide. "Shit!" she had grown used to masturbating before going to sleep. Her body needed to be touched after she kissed him goodnight, and she didn't dare tell him. It was no longer a quick stroke session and popping off a hefty but single load into a bunch of tissue, either. Bobbie could now reach orgasm quite a few times over a rather satisfying long period, before being calm enough for sleep. She needed it after the stimulation of having Alan's penis in her mouth and sliding between her breasts! She'd have to do it in the shower and try to keep her mouth shut. Bobbie discovered she now had a rather embarrassing tendency to make strange noises at certain "Climactic" moments. She had to face it. She was a screamer now, on top of everything else!
"What's wrong?" Alan asked. "Did you forget something?"
"Yeah, that's it. I, I forgot to bring shampoo."
"Is that all? Hotels always have shampoo and crap free, in those little tiny bottles."
"You're right." she grinned sheepishly. "How could I forget?" Hopefully Alan wouldn't question her taking really long showers! She donned her red wig and made sure the nerve clips were in the proper placement on her head. "Let's go check out the Con!" she said before tastefully applying a little lipstick.
In the line to get their badges and programs, Alan was eying every girl in cosplay. That is, he was eyeing them when he could tear his eyes away from trying to look down Bobbie's impressive cleavage. That was okay, but when some of the girls started giving him smiles that seemed to invite more attention then just looking, Bobbie felt anger rising in her heart. She couldn't help herself. Linking arms with him, she rested her head on his broad shoulder. She also made damn sure she held his arm pressed tightly against her breast!
"Uh, Bob, what are you doing?" Alan asked in a husky voice.
"You want people to think I'm your girlfriend, right?" she whispered, while giving a sexy bikini clad girl with a sword a "Back off, bitch" glare.
"Oh, um, yeah. Thanks Bob." he grinned sheepishly enjoying the wonderful firm, yet softly yielding pressure against his arm. "You're the best!"
"You better believe that!" she snapped, with much more feeling then she had intended.
The dealer's room hadn't opened yet, so Bobbie and Alan strolled around just taking in the Con. The first time it happened, Bobbie was startled. Um, Miss, could, could I take your picture?" A nice looking younger boy asked rather hopefully.
Alan glared at him. "Get lost, twerp!"
Bobbie gave Alan's arm a not so playful punch. "Cut it out." she hissed. Giving the budding photographer a sunny smile, she said "Sure, you can take a picture." She put her hands on her hips, leaned slightly forward, giving him a nice view of developments. "How's this?"
"Oh wow!" he snapped away. "Oh wow! Thanks Miss!"
Bobbie realized that the kid was aroused. It was something she never would have picked up on as a guy. She smiled. "No problem. Be sure to check out the cosplay parade. You'll really want pictures of me in my competition outfit."
"I will!" He held his backpack strategically in front of himself, and shuffled away. "I can't wait!" he called, before ducking into the men's room.
"Thank God the little twerp left!" Alan muttered. "I should have stuffed that kid's camera down his..."
He was cut off. "Hey, can I get a few pictures too?" An older guy in a brightly flowered Hawaiian shirt asked.
"Sure!" Bobbie posed for him, too. Before long, she lost count of just how many guys wanted to take her picture. Oddly, Bobbie enjoyed it. Did Wendy feel this way when she posed naked for Playboy? It was so exciting being the center of attention! There was a nice bonus attached, too. Alan no longer seemed to be looking at other girls. He was spending most of his time glaring angrily at the swarm of photographers!
In the darkness of one of the video rooms, Alan sighed. "Jeeze Bob, what's with all the posing and pictures? You never used to be an attention whore."
"Don't sweat it, Alan." Bobbie grinned, letting the whore comment slide. "I'm just having a little fun. No guy in history has ever cosplayed a girl as successfully as me! I figured I'd just relax and have a good time this weekend. You know Wendy is going to change me back on Monday."
"Fuck fuckin' Monday! I'm sick of hearing about God Damn Monday!" Alan snapped, causing people to turn and stare.
"Shh! Alan, what's gotten into you?"
He reacted as if slapped. "I, um, ah, I just remembered I promised to work two shifts on Monday. Yeah, that's it. I, I'm working a double." He continued in an embarrassed whisper. "I hate Mondays."
"Well keep it down! I never saw the original Sailor Moon before. I want to see this!"
After a few videos, Bobbie dragged Alan to the dealer's room. It was there she saw something she just had to have. "I never had the nerve before." she whispered as she stared wide eyed at her secret heart's desire. "I would have just died if anyone saw me buying something like this." She picked up the large plush Hello Kitty figure and couldn't help giving it a hug. "She's going to sit right on my bed." Bobbie giggled. "Even after Monday."
Alan felt a stupid grin spread over his face as he watched the lovely girl in the sexy yellow dress and red wig clutch the plush cat to her ample chest. With a sigh, he once again got out his wallet. "I'll get this, Bob." he remembered the near disaster after buying her some clothes. "No strings attached. I'm getting it for you just because you're my best friend!"
"Oh Alan, thank you!" Bobbie glanced at her wrist phone, much more delicate then her old mannish model, and gasped. "We have to hurry! I need to get changed for the Cosplay parade!"
"Oh hell." He shook his head. "Do I really have to dress in that weird uniform Wendy made me?"
"Yes, you do!"
"Oh well. At least dressing as Prince Rikki goes well with your Battling Princess Rio royal gown."
"Yeah, her royal gown." Bobbie tried not to snicker as they rode up in the elevator. She had managed to convince Alan that she was wearing the formal frilly gown Rio wore when she went off planet to finish her schooling. Just wait until her saw her in the battle suit! It came riskily close to breaking the "No costume is NO COSTUME!" rule against nudity and indecency! She was going to be a hit!
Back at the room, Bobbie grabbed one of her suitcases and headed for the bathroom. "I'll just be a minute Alan. Go ahead and get into your Rikki uniform."
"Yeah, a minute." Alan laughed. "Bob, your sense of timing went right out the window when you, uh, changed. "You always say a minute, and end up taking a half hour!"
"Oh shut up!" she laughed as the bathroom door closed behind her. She raised her voice. "Perfection takes time!"
"Time." Alan softly sighed. "Time is running out. What the hell will I do on Monday, when my dream girl turns back into a dude?"
Bobbie quickly kicked off her heels, stripping off wig and pretty yellow dress. "Oh God, Now I'm nervous!" she whispered as she slipped out of her undergarments. She grabbed a quick shower, fighting the almost irresistible urge to linger and lovingly touch her body under the warm flowing water. "Be good!" she scolded her fingers as they did more then wash between her legs. "I said I'd be fast!"
Out of the shower, she carefully blow-dried her short blonde hair. She didn't want it to look all rumpled from her usual vigorous towel drying. She was thankful that the hairstyle she copied from sis was just about exactly right for Princess Rio! No wig was needed tonight! Standing naked in the bathroom, she sprayed a rather large cloud of Japanese cherry blossom body-spray, and stepped forward into it so it could settle gently onto her skin. She was glad that the breathable nature of the suit would let the scent pass freely.
She used her antiperspirant, pleased that the treatments she had undergone for swim meets had held. True, the change had made her new skin far softer and silkier then it had ever been when she was a guy, but thank goodness it was still completely denude of hair! The thought of shaving her legs on a regular basis was just so nasty! Let's not even think about shaving the ol' pits!
Wriggling into the snug suit, Bobbie once again wondered at how the material almost seemed alive. It gave and shifted freely as she worked into it, only to snug up to cling tightly to her skin as it settled into proper place. She brought the ends of the neck piece together behind her, and they automatically zipped seamlessly together. She gave a little jump, and giggled at how her tenderly yet firmly supported breasts bounced, with no real discomfort. "I look just like an anime character! I even have the Gainax Bounce!"
Working fast, she clipped the bright yellow plastic replica weapons pods to her upper arms, and slipped her red clad feet into the blue thruster boot mock-ups she had glued over a pair of cheap rain boots. She thought it was clever how sis had worked the molecular key into the design. Bobbie had it safely stashed in the side of her right boot, just in case she had an emergency.
Lastly, Bobbie settled the golden tiara onto her head. It really sparkled, being that Wendy plated it with twenty-four karat gold. "Oh wow, I, I look HOT!" her face flushed as she noted how readily the clinging molecular chain followed the lines of her body. It was a bit embarrassing how visible her rather large nipples were. "It looks like somebody just painted me a high gloss red! Thank goodness Wendy built some modesty into the crotch! If the suit's camel-toe tendency was visible, they'd kick me out of the Con!"
She took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door. "Pretty good." Alan laughed as he turned towards her. "You were only forty-two minutes." He froze. "Oh Merciful heaven!" he gasped. He took a step toward her, and stumbled over a chair. "Oh my God! Bob, you're gorgeous!"
Bobbie's face flushed as she smiled happily. "Thank you, Alan." she stood tall as he stared at her body. Embarrassingly enough, the material of the suit adjusted against certain strain factors, and her nipples showed even larger as they grew firm and erect under his hungry gaze.
Alan had a stupid grin on his face, but suddenly it vanished to be replaced by a look of anger. "Bob, I can't let you go out like that! It, it's indecent! People will stare!"
"What happened to gorgeous?" her baby blue eyes flashed fire. "And what's this crap about you can't let me?"
"What will your mom say?" he muttered. "What will Wendy say?"
"Oh, grow up! Wendy created this suit for me. You remember Wendy, the girl who posed NAKED for playboy!" she laughed, not unkindly. "Mom just wants me to steer a few young studs her way. So there's no problem!"
"Aren't you embarrassed?" Alan shouted. "You're still a guy!"
"Not 'til Monday, bub!" she smiled. "It is a little embarrassing, but come Monday, nobody will ever see the cosplay attention whore again." She picked up the object on the chair Alan had nearly fallen over. "Here, strap on your blaster belt, and lets get going!"
They rode down in the elevator. "I feel stupid in this getup. Alan muttered as he adjusted his sky blue uniform tunic, and made sure his gleaming black belt was buckled properly. "I never do cosplay. Why can't I just be a spectator?"
"Princess Rio needs her trusted right-hand man, Rikki." she laughed as the elevator doors opened and guys nearly fell over themselves when she stepped out. "Besides, I think there's a distinct possibility that nobody will even notice you're standing next to me!"
Bobbie was quite right. All eyes were on her as they made their way to the cosplay staging area. She wished she had on sunglasses. So many people were taking pictures, that the continuous flashes were nearly as bright as the noonday sun! "What should I do?" Alan asked nervously as their post at the very end of the line grew closer and closer to the microphone stand made ready for people wanting to do a little performing while in costume.
"Just move around me with your blaster drawn. Do it like Rikki does in the anime. Remember, you're protecting your beloved Princess!"
Moving a bit woodenly, Alan did as he was told while Bobbie took hold of the microphone. Just this once, Bobbie disregarded her own aversion to singing, and launched into a rousing rendition of "Home is Glory" the "Battling Princess Rio" opening theme. She had forgotten her recording of the song's Karaoke version, so she just went Acappella, singing the song phonetically in Japanese.
Bobbie didn't notice at first, but the large exhibition hall fell silent as she sang. Alan even stopped his self conscience prancing about, and stared in wide eyed wonder as his buddy sang her heart out. She held the last note for a moment, and then all was quiet. Quiet until the crowd exploded into cheering and applause!
We first met just after I started junior high school. I had entered the seventh grade like many others, in that I was awkward, felt alone and out of place most of the time. Miss Bobby as she was called singled me out on my first trip to the library in search of a research book. Even at that moment in my backward way I felt she had strange and wonderful things planned for me. What they would be was beyond my comprehension but I still felt they would be wondrous. When I noticed her watching...
Boston with its many old neighborhoods is as varied as its people. In the older seedier parts of town many people live and carry on in a world much different from the clinically clean and proper suburbs. On some streets there are rows and rows of the monotonous dark brick two, three, five or six story apartment buildings many exactly like the one next to it and just like the ones across the street. Other streets, while somewhat rundown, have a funky array of different buildings each one a...
Bobby Sue was young and wanting to please men. Her mama didn’t like the way she dressed and told her to act like a lady and not like some cheap slut. However, her mama wasn’t around to see how Bobby Sue was acting with the boys.Bobby Sue was eighteen and was always showing the local boys her breasts. Her mama’s boyfriend was always looking at Bobby Sue like she was a model. Her mama said if she caught him and her daughter together she’d throw him out of her trailer. She'd been in a...
InterracialIntroduction: This is the second part of the story… enjoy. Bobby and Spanky II By Lamia Lobato After Bobby and Spankys last visit, nothing has been the same in my life. The first night that they came I left my bedroom windows open all the way whishing with all my heart that Bobby appears there while I was masturbating, but it did not happened and I did not see him. His light remained off all the time. Still, I imagined that, hidden in the darkness, his curious child eyes watched me and he did...
It’s always an exciting time when Bobby, my wife’s stud lover, calls and announces he is coming by with a couple of young friends. It’s time for us to to prepare!We both take great care in getting ready for their arrival. She knows what he likes: seamed stockings with a garter belt, fuck-me heels, crotchless panties, and nude above the waist except for a pearl choker. She tops this off with eye shadow, bright red lipstick and dangly earrings. Boy, does she look slutty and fuckable!She is so...
BisexualIt’s always an exciting time when Bobby, my wife’s stud lover, calls and announces he is coming by with a couple of young friends. It’s time for us to to prepare!We both take great care in getting ready for their arrival. She knows what he likes: seamed stockings with a garter belt, fuck-me heels, crotchless panties, and nude above the waist except for a pearl choker. She tops this off with eye shadow, bright red lipstick and dangly earrings. Boy, does she look slutty and fuckable!She is so...
BisexualBy Lamia Lobato After Bobby and Spanky’s last visit, nothing has been the same in my life. The first night that they came I left my bedroom windows open all the way whishing with all my heart that Bobby appears there while I was masturbating, but it did not happened and I did not see him. His light remained off all the time. Still, I imagined that, hidden in the darkness, his curious child eyes watched me and he did the same with his huge cock. I told myself that I would ride a dick like...
Introduction: English Bobby y Spanky By Lamia Fangs I never thought that a dog and a child could modify my life so strongly: I keep thinking about them, especially about Sally, she said she wants to come and play with us, I would be pleased to play with her, too since I love playing with the boy and his wonder dog. However, I must be careful, it would be fatal if things do not get out of control. They could charge me of rape, statutory rape, and pedophilia at least. However, the judges in the...
By Lamia Fangs I never thought that a dog and a child could modify my life so strongly: I keep thinking about them, especially about Sally, she said she wants to come and play with us, I would be pleased to play with her, too since I love playing with the boy and his wonder dog. However, I must be careful; it would be fatal if things do not get out of control. They could charge me of rape, statutory rape, and pedophilia at least. However, the judges in the court do not know that nowadays...
Introduction: Constructive criticism welcome. I cant gey better unless I know whats wrong. I waved good-bye and watched my mom and dad drive away. As soon as they were out of sight, I pulled a cigarette from my purse and lit it. About a year and a half ago, my parents had decided that they needed a weekend away with no kids. It had been so much fun that they made a regular thing of it. Now, the second weekend of every other month was their designated alone time. That meant that my sister and...
About a year and a half ago, my parents had decided that they needed a weekend away with no kids. It had been so much fun that they made a regular thing of it. Now, the second weekend of every other month was their designated 'alone time'. That meant that my sister and I had to find a place to spend the weekend. I usually stayed with my best friend, Sara. She lived four houses down from me with her mom, Angie, and older brother, Bobby. Sara's dad was long gone and her mom let us...
It is Saturday about 3 p.m. and Bobby is due home from college any minute now.It has been about 6 weeks since I have seen him and I am looking forward toit.Doing my usual Saturday household chores, I have already changed the sheets onBobby's bed, cleaned his room and done the washing. Bobby always brings homesome clothes for me to wash.I hear Bobby come in the door and rush to meet him. I put my arms around hisneck and hug him tightly. He gives a superficial hug back. He has never beenone...
La semana pasada estaba tomando el sol en mi jardin cuando escuche ruido en la cerca divisoria de un costado de su casa. Me di cuenta que el perro trataba de cruzar la cerca. No puse demasiada atención pues asumí que el perro era muy grande para pasar por entre las tablas así que volví a cerrar los ojos… pasaron unos minutos y volví a escuchar ruido mas cerca de mi, abrí los ojos y cual fue mi sorpresa cuando veo junto a mi al enorme al enorme perro con su lengua colgando y chorros de...
Alicia is a very special person in my world. She is a great many things to me. She's my best friend, my confidant, my girlfriend, my lover and my mom. Mom seems to really love her role as my own personal cumslut and is always there for me whenever I need to get off. Lately, I've been able to forget about my alarm clock because every morning I awake to the feel of warm, wet lips sucking my cock. Let me tell you, it's a great way to start the day!Mom and I live alone and there is no dad to talk...
Hi ISS readers. I am Aakash, 21 years old from Kerala. I am sufficiently tall and I weigh around 90 kg. This is the first story I am publishing in ISS. I was a virgin until about 2 years back and I will publish all my earlier escapades based on the response I get for this. Please mail me your response – This story I am about to narrate is about my first bisexual threesome with a married couple which happened almost 1 year back. I had met a couple in a chat room who where looking for a...
After I dressed up for Lee a few days later i dressed for Bobby. We would fuck and suck and i would dress up but i was watching more porn and was wanting to take it further. My step dad had a video in not with the others in the box under his bed it was in a shoe box in his closet I glued one day when I was getting some of my moms clothes to wear and Fuck Bobby. The shoe box had 2 videos in it Gangbang girl 9 and Backdoor Desires, condoms, lube, and a handcuffs with a key. I watched both movies...
Bobby went upstairs heading for his mother’s room. Half an hour ago he had seen her take several sleeping pills. He opened the door. He saw his mother Cindy lying on the bed fast asleep. Bobby came closer and sat down on the bed turning on the bedside lamp. He had been planning for this day for almost a week. He touched his mother to see if the pills had done their job. Cindy didn’t react and Bobby tried again. Soon he was sure that his mother was not going to wake up. He carefully pulled the...
IncestIntroduction: English Bobby and Spanky (Phase 2) by Lamia Fangs I will continue my story avoiding useless details. So I will begin by saying that two days after our last meeting, the neighbors parents came to my house introduce themselves and to tell me that they were pleased to meet me, same as their kids, and to assure me not to worry if I notice that the kids spent too much time home alone. They know how to look after themselves. No doubt about it I answered. From that moment on, we, adults,...
They had gone together since the spring of the freshman year and had always told each other that they would refrain from having sex until they were married. But as time went on, that vow became harder and harder to keep. It was in the spring, in about April, when Bobby asked Jonnie to go to the Prom with him. Of course she said “Yes” because they were a couple and everyone expected them to go as a couple. Bobby was a gangly kid of about 6 feet in height but weighed in at only 145...
It had been a couple of weeks since I watched Bobby and Scott in the woods. I called the number they gave me, and surprisingly it worked. Bobby answered it, and we made plans to meet on the weekend. I met them at the restaurant and we had a few drinks and a good meal. They followed me back to my house and had an other drink. Scott reached over and unbuttoned Bobby's shirt. As he did I sat beside him and unbuckled his belt and pants. Scott leaned back and gave me a kiss. As Bobby stood up we...
Introduction: this is the englis versiion of my original work. Bobby and Spanky By Lamia Lobato Since few months ago, I have new neighbors in the house next to mine, they are a small family: both parents young and beautiful with two equally beautiful little children and a big and obedient dog which the kids take out for a walk every afternoon. The girl may be around 16 years old, tall and slender, with a young body but yet fully built with a round butt and a good pair of 34C boobs, and the...
Anne and Carol have received an invitation to a Girls Night Out Party at Bobby Vasquez’s estate. He also invited the wives from Dr. Carlos’s swingers group. He was there that night at the Lake. He is well known by the married ladies. There are two stipulations for the party. Plenty of food, beverage and entertainment provided. Bathing suits and wedding rings optional. My name is Anne. My best friend and co-worker is Carol. We have been invited to Bobby Vasquez’s estate for a Girls Night...
Group(Phase 2) by Lamia Fangs I will continue my story avoiding useless details. So I will begin by saying that two days after our last meeting, the neighbors’ parents came to my house introduce themselves and to tell me that they were pleased to meet me, same as their kids, and to assure me not to worry if I notice that the kids spent too much time home alone. — They know how to look after themselves. — No doubt about it — I answered. From that moment on, we, adults, became the best new...
By Lamia Lobato Since few months ago, I have new neighbors in the house next to mine, they are a small family: both parents young and beautiful with two equally beautiful little children and a big and obedient dog which the kids take out for a walk every afternoon. The girl may be around 16 years old, tall and slender, with a young body but yet fully built with a round butt and a good pair of 34C boobs, and the younger brother of about 12 or 13 years old with blond hair and blue eyes. He...
It began with a cold wet April late night knock on my door. Bedraggled, wet, and wretched, clutching a small satchel, Bobby stood at my door. “I’ve been kicked out; can I come in?” Of course I let him in. He was a young man, whom I had tutored before his university admission tests. Bright, articulate, personable, but he did lack focus. Decades younger than I, I was never tempted by him, although there was no doubt he was attractive. He just seemed too young, although he was legally an adult. He...
It was the beginning of May and the days were getting much warmer so I would sit out on the porch after I put the k**s to bed. A guy, that lived with his parents, next door, started sitting and talking to me. I felt so lonely and it really felt good to speak to someone.His name was Bobby. He was 22, not terribly good looking and was about 5" 8". But he was nice. This went on for about a week, He would always come right to the porch and sit next me and just talk, mostly about me, for a couple of...
Hi readers its housewife Bobby (just a name not real) again with continuation of my first part Housewife Bobby Fucked By Young Guy. Thanks for your emails comments. Before reading this please go through that story; since we have our first sexual session. After that just like lovers we were in bed kissing caressing and cuddling each other. Suddenly he got an emergency call so he went out leaving me at my sexual peak. I laid on bed fully naked thinking of those magical moments. Then next Monday...
I was sipping at some sludge that Steve had made insisting it was coffee, and though a large array of scientific tests could factually prove he might have been telling the truth, I could not think of it as anything other than a cup of swamp water with some mud thrown in for flavor. He made lousy coffee, but perfect Heimlich maneuvers. We had been talking for the better part of an hour, old Mama Adele still lying on the floor since no-one had bothered to even move the body out of the way, not...
The briefings and the charts, all the various documents and maps they had shown me could not have relayed the fact that going through the damnable gateway was like filling your stomach with bricks and sand, before violently vomiting everything through your nose. My head felt like it had already been donated to science and then returned as if it hadn't been found useful at all. I looked around and saw I was in the same chamber, only the pond, the gateway, was curiously enough placed on the...
So given it is a clandestine relationship, meetings are hard to come by between Bobby and Rani. Our last bang was on 29.12 when we decided to end 2016 with a bang literally. And since then, it has been days of desirous fb chats, sexting, you name it. We even celebrated my birthday by driving out of town on some work but since we had to return the same day, there was simply no scope of doing it in a car in broad daylight and hence, the celebrations were quite celibate – save for the kisses and...
Hi friends this is bobby bob here again after a long time. This is in continuation with my previous post “bobby’s friend sonal”. Me and sonal were in touch with each other and used to speak as and when we get time. We had sex sessions also twice after that. She used to be very happy when i was around. She shares everything with me. One day she called me and said that her cousin sister had come to her house and sonal herself had told everything to her about me and she wants to meet me and if i...
"More strudel, herr Barhoe?" ventured the Baron, even as he cut a hefty slice and put it in his plate. "No, no, thank you. I'm full," I said and declined politely because indeed I had eaten as much as a starving bull. I hadn't quite expected this sort of reception, especially with what I'd been told up to that point about the Baron. Had I based my expectations solely on the merit of what I'd been led to believe, brutal torture would have been the order of the day, instead of a...
Circa march 2014, our seemingly platonic dinner left us questioning why we were drawn to each other. There were lust and longing and neither of us wanted to express it lest the other one was not feeling the same way. I did not want him to think I was a girl of loose morals or attracted to his position and hence ready to jump into bed with him. He did not want to seem like a tharki. Hence, we both continued to chat normally on WhatsApp. The desires kept building through our chats and a girl...
Bobby Gets More Then He Bargined For by Joney Cunningham I discovered I liked wearing girl's clothes when a lady across the street made me dress in her daughter's clothes after I got muddy, because she was baby-sitting me. I spent the whole day in Kelly's clothes. Even wore one of her bathing suits to go swimming. I was seven then, but found out my sisters had the same clothing and I would wear them when ever I had the chance. My parents were away shopping and would...
Bobby learns how to be Joney. Athor: Joney Cunningham There I was laying on the couch next to the pool table with my sister, Julie, screaming at me. "What the hell are you wearing my stuff for?" "Are you a faggot?" I was scared. I didn't want my sister to know my secret, but then something even worse happened, she yelled for my parents. "Mom, Dad, come down here, Bobby is wearing my clothes!" I just sat there stunned as my Dad walked in followed by my mother. "Explain yourself...
I guess that no one really thinks about their c***dren beingsexual individuals until they move away and start a family of theirown. That's pretty much the way I thought about Bobby, my son, untilone day, when I was taking his bed clothes in order to do the laundry, and found a reallylarge cum stain on his sheet. I looked at the sheet closely at first, wondering what the stainwas. Then, I thought back just a few years, and remembered stains likethat from my older brothers' beds, my bed,...
Dear Friends this is Bobby Bob here again. I am 37/m from Delhi. I am tall 6’1” and people say I am handsome. I am thankful to the ISS and the readers of ISS who have reverted back with a positive note. It was around 15 days back I met a very old friend Sonal nearly after 13 years. She was the receptionist there and I was into sales. We were very close friends and share our problems and happiness. She was a tall girl with nice features. We also got many opportunities to fondle with each other...
We were sitting in the den just in shorts since it was hot neither of us were wearing shirts. Frank was getting a nice chest full of hair. It went all the way down ti his pubes. Watching television one Tuesday afternoon everyone else was out of the house. We surfed onto this documentary about firefighters and some of them were in a competition and had their shirts off, covered in sweat and very brawny. I had never admitted this to anyone before but I found myself growingly attracted to...
As i started to lick and suck on her pussy lip's, clit i got a very big suprise when she was able to take my cock all the way in her throat as i could feel it at the back of her throat and she had no problem's with it either wich was good cause that meant that i could sit there and rock my hip's up and down driving my cock deeper into her throat as i ate out her pussy at the same time. and if u ask me it just add's to the sexual feeling's if u can both get into a rythym...
Dear friends this is bobby here again with new bang. It’s in continuation with one of my previous post i.e. personal secretary. I and neeta were sharing a very good relationship. We had numerous events wherein we shared bed with each other. How do like this pls revert at She had also met my friend’s sunita bhabhi, neeru, shalu, ranjana, veena, priya etc. One day sunita bhabhi and i were discussing something when i got the call from neeta saying that she got some urgent work and wants to meet...
When I came to, I opened my eyes tentatively, half-expecting John the ghost to greet me to my new fixed abode. Instead, I was cheerfully greeted by Steve who had conveniently propped me up against an apple tree which looked like it might have been as old as the one that had led to the discovery of gravity (a non-trivial force which I could vividly remember having challenged with little success). "So, how are you feeling?" The list of possible answers was easily narrowed to just...
Bobby’s Punishment “Bobby, where is your report?” I asked. “I…I left it in my dorm, Miss Janine,” stammered the tow-headed youth. His fingers twitched nervously at the top button of his blue shirt. “But it’s not completely done. Could I please have another night? I know I’ll finish it and turn it in tomorrow, miss.” A hiss of inhalation showed how Bobby’s classmates reacted to this bit of mildly defiant nonsense. “I know you’ll turn it in tomorrow, Bobby, because you won’t want to repeat the...
Bobby Becomes Pussy, the Babysitter Part I By Tammie Latte "Bobby, how would you like a job working as a babysitter for a week or two?" my mom asked as I entered the kitchen wondering what kind of cereal I was going to have for breakfast. "Aunt Julie has a friend who has to go away unexpectedly on business and needs someone reliable to watch her little boy until she returns. It pays big bucks and Aunt Julie is willing to help out whenever she can. The job is yours if you want...
My name is Bobby Brown and I am really just a normal teenage boy with no sense of kinkiness or deviancy hidden deep inside. I know the newspapers and the court system say otherwise but I can assure with utmost sincerity that I am not that kind of person. My mom and my stepdad have pretty much thrown up their hands and shoved me into the "return to sender" slot at our happy little home not wanting to face up to the accusations that their son is some kind or pervert. My sister Ronnie thinks it...
Midnight was approaching fast. Eileen had gone to great lengths to explain her idea fully, but somehow I still had my reservations. I always did when things approached the hour of truth, and this wasn't that different. It actually was far more important than any job, heist, robbery or con I had pulled off before. She had made it perfectly clear that Novorski, the demon, was to be killed and burned, but not before she had a chance to ask a few very important questions. If we didn't get what...
Even when I was very young, my body was already tuned to sexuality. I remember getting a boner when in the bathtub or shower with my little sister up until I was 10 years old. About that time, Mom decided that we probably shouldn't be bathing together anymore. Funny that Mom cared about this but blew-off worry about so many similar cases. In the bath, my sister would grab my pointing 2" penis, bend it down, and watch it spring back up. Even then, somebody else touching me was somehow electric....
IncestThis story will pretty much show that I am what I've always known I am – an asshole! But so what? If you are an asshole and know you are an asshole you don't give a shit about what other people think about you anyway. Some background here. I am Robert James Dalton; I am thirty-three years old and I am a Vice President of Operations in a company that I am not going to name for what will become obvious reasons. I am not going waste time describing myself because my appearance has no bearing on...
I had just passed my seventeenth birthday and was sad because both my foster sister Ronnie and her best girlfriend Trudi had gone away to the shore for an extended vacation at Trudi's parent's vacation condo. I was not invited. I still had a bit of a bad reputation because of my problems with the authorities with bonking the babysitting parent who happened to be a deaconess in the respected church downtown. I got off because I was still underage in the eyes of the law even if I was over...
What Jules told me on those few minutes, made no sense at all. I had questions, lots of them, and he promised that people of a much higher authority than himself could fill me in with the details. All I'd gathered was that there was some kind of war going on. Not on communists, drugs, or terror, but a war with the forces of evil at large. I think I just shrugged, thinking that I didn't really care about that sort of thing as long as it didn't involve me; after all, there's wars going on...
So it Tuesday night, Spring Break in my 8th grade year, and I’m at home. It’s about 7pm. I’m lying on my bed, butt-naked and looking at the ceiling, reflecting upon the events of the past couple of days. My recap of revelations looks something like this: 1. I had sex with my babysitter, Velma Samuels, who is 27 years old. It was great! By the way, Velma and her husband, Tom, are best friends of my parents. 2. Velma saw me fingering her 18 year-old daughter, Kelly, in the stream today. I didn’t...
IncestI didn't know what pre-cum was, but I would soon find out.I didn't have it but Bobby did, big time.I'd blown him two or three times but never engaged in forplay before doing it. We were on a double date so to speak.These two girls came to his house to visit us.He was fooling around with the brunette, I was with the redhead.We were having fun in our own parts of the room but I couldn't take my mind off what he was getting that I wanted to do to him myslef.We didn't get far and the girls left,...
GayEar pressed against a water glass held tight to the bedroom door, Wendy laughed when she heard Bobbie's little fib about never again! She stuck out her hand. "I told you! There isn't a guy on Earth who could resist going for a little 'test drive' if he ended up in Bobbie's shoes! Now pay up!" With a sigh, Alyssa handed her daughter a fifty dollar bill. "You win! I thought she would hold out because it was such a traumatic change for the poor dear!" She removed her own glass from the...
When Bobbie awoke, she greeted the sunny day with a smile. That was really odd. When Wendy had left her last night, she had climbed into bed and sobbed herself to sleep! She got up and went into the bathroom. It was a nice change of pace to have no struggle with 'morning wood' as she sat down on the toilet to relieve her bladder. She finished up, washed her face, and brushed her teeth. After a moment's thought, she sighed. "I may as well use what ass-hole bought me!" With a slight smile...
Introduction: Some of this story is true, some just hasnt happened . . . yet! My wife, Dana, and I have been experimenting with bondage and other kinky activities for a year or two now. She is not interested in being the submissive/bottom, and I prefer that role. So with that decided from the beginning we have slowly added more and more to our list. I have fantasized about all kinds of things for some time, but was hesitant to bring it up with her. Finally I did and we started with simple...
On Wednesday last it was a lovely morning so I had an idea to go up to the downs for a walk, I stopped by the tea hut to get a nice cuppa, sat on the bench to drink it, spoke to a few dog walkers as they went on theyre way across the race course. Which is where I had planned to go also. after finnishing my cuppa. Well I thought I had better go for a pee before heading out for my walk. I headed down to the public toilets about 200 yards away from the tea hut, when I went in, there were 2 guys...
‘Go on in, I’ll be up in a second,’ Mrs. Larson told Bobby when he arrived. Even in heavy-duty leather gloves, the woman looked sexy. Her tank top was tight, white, and it was obvious to Bobby that Mrs. Larson had opted not to wear a bra that day, her nipples poked out against the sheer fabric stretched over them quite visibly. Bobby made an effort not to stare as he made his way past her, up the cobblestone path to her front door. She turned back to her roses as he passed, allowing him a...
Since the job at the beach was over at 2PM in the afternoon each day, I kept up my babysitting jobs because they were a good way of meeting horny mothers and sometimes older sisters too busy with homework to take care of the small ones. Most of the girls on the trash collection duties at the beach were not in the category of the lifeguards with their suntanned, perfect figures. Still I met a couple who were willing bend over in the restroom for a hot dog and a drink at lunch. I was funny the...
A pair of furry dice hang from the rear mirror. Instead of numbers from one to six though, each face sported an extremely detailed depiction of men engaged in activities of a sexual nature, involving sheep nonetheless. Steve was looking at the dices with mystified awe as if he was, for the first time in his life, challenged to believe people could do such things. The truck driver's name was Ivan Kerrilov, and when he spoke he never failed to make me think he had picked up English inside a...