GuardianChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Aesia landed the craft in a small flat area in front of the main house. She shut down the ships systems and opened the main hatch.
Tristan walked behind Aesia as she had instructed him to and followed her to the house. Traditional slave garb included a hood that could be pulled forward to cover the eyes. A slave should not make eye contact with any of the masters. For Tristan, the outfit added to the anonymity and covered the differences between him and the known species.
They had landed on a bright sunny afternoon. Well stocked flower boarders buzzed with insects, and exotic scents assailed his senses. Tristan glanced at the house from under his hood as they turned up a colonnade of trees leading to curved steps that in turn led to a double wooden door.
It was a large two-storey mansion, with delicate spires on each corner. White marble glinted in the sun. Tristan stifled a whistle. Aesia's family were aristocracy, or very rich at least, compared to some of the buildings and villages they had flown over during their journey there.
A few people were working in the manicured gardens surrounding the house. Aesia had told him, to keep up appearances, her parents had to have slaves; however, they were treated more like employees and even had time to themselves, something unheard-of in normal Sicceian households.
Aesia walked up the steps, opened the door and walked in. Tristan followed her, the air cool in the marble lined hall after the warmth of outside. A maid cleaning the polished stone floor looked up when they entered, her eyes wide with surprise. She stood, wiped her hands on her apron and bowed.
"Mistress Aesia, we weren't expecting you."
"That's all right, don't worry about it. Where's my mother?"
The woman shot a puzzled glance at Tristan standing in the shadows. "Um ... she is in the garden with Tristain."
"Thank you Nesia." Aesia looked back at Tristan with a nonchalant expression on her face. "You will attend me." Tristan bowed his head slightly. He followed her through to the back of the house. He tried to ignore the thousand butterflies that had launched themselves in his stomach. He was about to meet his daughter and Aesia's mother for the first time. They had agreed during their journey that Tristan should not be identified to the child just in case she said something to someone and put all of them in danger.
They stepped out of glass doors into the beautiful sunlit ornamental garden. A woman watching a small child draw pictures sat at a low table. The child and the woman turned as they approached.
As soon as Tristain saw her mother, she jumped up and ran to her, shouting, "Mummy, you're back!"
Aesia knelt down and opened her arms to catch the running child. With subtle differences to her ears, she was almost a small version of her mother. Aesia hugged the child, "Were you good for your grandmother while I was gone, my darling?"
The child pulled away slightly and nodded. "Oh Yes." She paused. "Did you bring me a present, Mummy?"
Aesia shook her head. "I'm afraid I didn't have time, Tristain."
A frown momentarily passed across the child's face before the smile returned. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. At least you're home safe." When Tristain stood back he saw her eyes. They were comparatively smaller than her mother's eyes, with round pupils. They were human eyes.
The older woman had stood up and was walking towards them. The child turned and started jumping up and down, "Grandmother! My Mummy is home!"
The woman nodded. "Yes dear, I can see." Tristan turned his attention to the older woman. There were lines on her face and around her eyes with streaks of grey in her fair hair that she wore pulled back in a clip. She was still, nonetheless, a very attractive woman.
Aesia kissed her mother on the cheek. "Hello Mother."
"Well, what has happened, Aesia? No one has heard anything since you left." She glanced at Tristan, a slight frown on her face "Where is your father?"
Aesia stepped back. "We can't talk here, Mother. I will tell you later." The older woman nodded. She turned to Tristan.
"And what is that?" she asked. Tristan noted she had a hard edge to her voice now. The child noticed Tristan for the first time and clung to her mother's leg, hiding in the folds of her dress.
"Mother, it is a slave I found on my way back. It is apparently very rare, and I could not resist getting it."
The older woman's frown deepened. "Have you not learned anything since you returned to us? You know what your father thinks about slavery. He would not want you returning to the old ways you learned in school."
"No, Mother," Aesia said. "But I have my reasons. Can we leave it until we are alone, please?"
Her mother's eyes narrowed, staring at her. "Hum, yes, it seems that you do have a lot to tell me, Aesia. Would you like something to eat or drink?"
Aesia nodded. "Yes please." The two women walked back to the house, holding the child's hands between them. Tristain dragged her feet so they would swing her between them.
Tristan followed behind, as he was required to do. In the house, the child ran off to play. Aesia and her mother sat down together in one of the reception rooms.
Aesia's mother spoke with a maid as they entered. "Shariah, can you get the cook to prepare some lunch for us please?" The maid nodded and ran off to organise some food. Tristan stood in the shadows at the back of the room.
Aesia turned to him. "You, get me a stool." Tristan looked round, saw a stool, and carried it over to her. As he bent down to place the stool under her feet, he shot her a furtive glance. Don't get too comfortable with this mistress and slave thing. A faint smile played on the edge of her mouth.
"Aesia, I don't like this," her mother said.
Aesia spoke again to Tristan. "Shut the door and the windows and then return to your place." Tristan bowed his head and dutifully did as he was told. She's enjoying this.
There was a knock on the door, and the maid brought in a tray of food. She placed it on a small table between the two women. She cast a glance at Tristan in the corner before leaving the room and shutting the door. Aesia waited for a few moments then rose and checked the door making sure no one was eaves-dropping.
Her mother watched her with a curious expression on her face. "Aesia, what is going on?"
"Mother, what you are about to hear must not leave this room. If anyone finds out, it would put Tristain's life in danger."
Her mother looked concerned. "Should you tell me then?" Aesia nodded. "Yes, as we may need your help."
"Who do you mean, we?" her mother asked.
Aesia turned to Tristan and said, "Mother, I would like you to meet Tristain's father, Tristan. Tristan, my mother Ewain."
Tristan stepped forward. "I am very pleased to meet you, Madam."
Ewain's eyes went wide; her hands flew to her mouth. "But Aesia, you told us he was dead!"
"I thought he had been killed on the ship that rescued us, but after they shipped me back home he escaped."
Ewain turned to Tristan "I'm sorry, I forget my manners." She held out her hand. "Hello Tristan, I have heard a lot about you." She paused. "I can see where Tristain gets her eyes from." Tristan took her hand for a moment and remained silent.
Aesia shifted uncomfortably in her chair. "Mother, as you know, Father and I went as part of a peace delegation to open negotiations with the leader of the League."
Ewain frowned. "Yes, I know that."
Aesia's voice cracked as she rose and went to kneel by her mother, taking her hands. Tears formed in her eyes. "Mother, none of us knew about a plot to kill the League leader. One of the aides had been a hurried replacement for Teresian who suddenly took ill. Unfortunately, he had a bomb surgically implanted. We believe he planned to detonate it once the negotiations had started. League security discovered the bomb so he tried to kill the members of our peace delegation." She took a deep breath and tightened her grip on her mother's hands. "All three senior delegates, including Father, were killed in the blast. I'm sorry." Ewain gasped. Aesia leaned forward, put her arms round her mother's shoulders, and held her.
After a short while Ewain asked, "What about the League leader? Did you still meet him, Aesia, and explain, or will this war go on forever?" She shook her head. "I had hoped this meeting was the beginning of the end and that your father would bring home the chance of peace."
Aesia dropped her arms and rocked back on her heels. "Yes Mother, I met the League's leader, Admiral Clayandrian. He is extraordinary. He has telepathic abilities as we do, only far more powerful than any of our species has ever been." She threw Tristan a quick glance.
"So where is he now? Is he going to continue with the war because of this and destroy us?" Ewain shuddered.
"No, Mother, he's here. You have just met him. It's Tristan."
Ewain's jaw dropped. "You're not serious! Tristain's father is Admiral Clayandrian?"
"Yes, I am serious."
Ewain shook her head. "I don't believe it, I can't believe it - Aesia what have you done? You have taken probably the most powerful being in the known galaxy for a mate!"
"I hadn't thought of it like that, but yes, Mother." She turned and smiled at Tristan. "Yes."
With eyebrows raised, Ewain took Aesia's face in her hands and stared intently at her. "I can see the bond is strong and fruitful."
Aesia flushed, a shy smile on her lips. "Mother!"
"Your Father will be..." A shudder shook Ewain's body; she fumbled with her hair for a moment. "Would have been fascinated and proud."
"Oh Mother."
"I'm all right, Aesia. I will mourn later."
With a sigh, Aesia rose and returned to her chair.
Shifting in her chair, Ewain turned to Tristan. "So what are you doing here, and what is someone like you doing with my daughter?"
"Madam," Tristan replied. "I have come to try and end this war and stop the needless killing and destruction."
Ewain shook her head. "How can Aesia be involved?"
Aesia interrupted, "Mother, it is a long story, and we do not have time now. Tristan has blocked all news of the bombing from getting out. So far, the plotters know nothing. They will be reluctant to make a move until they are sure the League leader is dead. As far as they are concerned, the only person who knows anything is me. The plan is I will lead them to Tristan, who will take the necessary action."
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Tristan sat in the lounge section of his quarters, staring out the view port. Countless stars shone back at him. The Milky Way arched across thick and dense in this region of space. The ever-present hum of the ship masked Aesia's breathing as she lay sleeping in the bed across the room. The steward had knocked to tidy his room, but Tristan had sent him away. Aesia was an integral part of the plan he had devised and had to be willing to help. It would put her in danger, something Tristan...
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At first light, Tristan awoke. The quiet whispering in his mind invading his thoughts like the gentle touch of butterfly wings. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, realisation returned, and a chill shivered down his spine, entering his stomach in a twisted knot. A crashed ship in his back yard and an alien in his bed upstairs. He had to get the ship covered quickly. If anything got reported to the authorities they would be all over his secluded patch of England like ants. He quickly washed...
Tristan woke the next morning to the sound of clattering and banging from his kitchen. He sighed. "What is she doing now?" He pushed off the covers, stood, and walked through to the kitchen. Open tins and boxes, their contents scattered about, lay on the work surface. Some beans in tomato sauce dripped, forming a lumpy orange puddle on the floor. The Alien had finally settled on breakfast cereal and sat, quietly eating them from the box. Tristan groaned, but she just turned and smiled. He...
Tristan turned a key then pushed a large green button. A cranking noise followed by a loud roar filled the cabin. Aesia grabbed her seat tightly as the noise subsided to a steady rumble. Tristan pushed a long vibrating leaver forward with a loud crunch. Aesia gasped as the vehicle lurched forward, bumping over Tristan's pot holed drive then out to the long dirt track that ran in front of his house. After about half a mile they reached a small narrow lane. Aesia sat in silence, she found it...
The next day Tristan woke early. The sun streaming in through the partly closed curtains left bright patches on the opposite wall. He lay still, the faint whispering in his mind when Aesia was near, had stopped. So she must be working on her ship. He checked the wound in his side and it had almost completely healed. He swung his legs round and stood up; the expected nausea did not happen. He rubbed the side of his forehead, noting that he hadn't suffered any pain or headaches since she had...
Tristan groaned, and his head throbbed. Something cut into his chest and shoulders making it hard to breathe. He attempted to shift position to ease the pressure but he couldn't move. "What the fuck?" Full consciousness returned. He was hanging upside down from the straps of his seat! Without thinking, he reached for the strap release and punched it. The straps gave way and he fell with a grunt to what once had been the roof of the cabin. He glanced round in the dim light of the emergency...
Eight days after leaving the forest, a low circle of hills appeared on the horizon off to the right of their path. As they drew closer, Tristan noticed a faint mist hanging over them in the morning chill. They were setting up camp for the night when he pointed them out to Aesia. "I think we should make for those hills. We may find water and game. If there is we could rest for a few days and regain our strength." She stood and looked where he pointed "But that's out of our way." "Yes,...
Aesia and Tristan boarded the shuttle sent down to collect them. The pilot took off once they were seated behind her. Tristan was fascinated to see another Sicceian. This one was, slightly older than Aesia, but had the same slim body shape, white almost silver hair, and similar fine elfin features. While he had become accustomed to the gentle warm touch of Aesia's mind, this woman's mind was hard and controlled. He did note her eyes were sky-blue like Aesia's were when he first met her. He...
Da'ren slumped in the pilot's seat and wiped his brow with a shaking hand. He looked at Tristan. "That should not be here!" One of the others turned from the view port "It looks like the remains of ships." Da'ren was about to engage thrusters to get them away from the debris field when Tristan put a hand on his arm. "Wait." They all turned questioning faces towards him. "Something destroyed these ships, so we should stay in the debris field for the moment and check." Da'ren...
The sun felt warm on his face as he turned on his side and pulled the covers up over his head, he hovered in that place between awake and asleep, relaxed. Aesia had asked him something, what was it? No, she had left. Memories came flooding back and Tristan sighed. He opened his eyes. He was in a small room. The window had a cloth covering it, but sunlight was streaming through around the edges. As he sat up a queasiness gripped him. He lay back down and looked at the ceiling, it was dirty...
The Star Drive shut down on the outer reaches of the Mylian system, and Tristan handed command of the ship over to Da'ren. It would be far safer for a Mylian captain to bring the ship to his home planet. Tristan retired to the Captain's Ready Room and watched events unfold from there. Communication was established and several hours later an escort fleet surrounded them. The Mylians were being cautious. A Sicceian ship in normal circumstances could not be operated by any species other than...
The officer at the lectern cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome the alleged saviour of one of our colonies." They all glanced at Tristan, their expressions stern and unsmiling. "I have been ordered to give a detailed deposition of the Sicceian forces and our home fleet, and hand command to our guest." Tristan stifled a gasp turning it to a cough, his heart skipped a beat. Command! No wonder there was an atmosphere. They were all silently looking at him. His...
Vague shapes and lights moved around him, sensations and sound that meant ... something? He groaned, then blackness. Lights returned, shapes moved. Someone touched his forehead with cool hands. Tristan's head felt as if it was being beaten from the inside by a hammer. Voices and faces faded in and out and he had strange dreams. Sometimes they were pleasant ones, other times not. Many of his dreams centred on a beautiful alien with eyes of brilliant blue. He opened his eyes. He was lying in...
Nearly four years had passed since Tristan led the Mylians to their first victory against a major Sicceian fleet. As worlds and systems were freed from the Sicceian yoke, more and more species joined what had become the Free Planets League. Not all the battles went the League's way, but the balance of power had finally tipped in the League's favour. The Sicceians were now losing resources faster than they could replace them. The last major League victory, in the Achean Nebula, had lost the...
Geoff woke up alone, had a shower and made his way down to the kitchen, half expecting to be alone as normal. Instead he found Helen searching through cupboards. She'd already made coffee and toast. "I was going to start breakfast but I didn't know what you liked. I was just trying to find something to iron my skirt. Do you have an iron and ironing board?" Geoff went to the cupboard under the stairs and got out the required implements and took them to her. "Thank you, my skirt is so...
At the station They got to the station as the London train departed. Faced with an hour wait for the next train Geoff and Helen found the station cafe and settled in for the wait. "Geoff, when I asked you why you helped me, you said you owed someone. I don't think it was money, so do you think you could tell what you owe to whom?" "The short answer is that her name is Vanessa Richardson and I owe her my life. Nothing special just something I can't pay back." "You can't expect me...
2nd August 2003 Geoff was in his element. He turned off the water from the hose and stood and looked at his pride and joy. He sniffed taking in the wonderful smell of Gunk. The Vincent Black Shadow gleamed in the sun light. Geoff took his chamois leather and started drying the paint and chrome work. He noticed the taxi pull up. Crouching down he picked up his tube of Solvol Autosol and started to polish the tappet covers. He heard the cab door close but didn't turn to look. He knew who it...
————————————————– May the golden butterfly lead you throughout your reading of the journey of the last MacEirc royal bloodline ————————————————– Chapter 1 The story began when Coinneach was just a little boy. The servant picked him up and kissed him once on the cheek. Tears streamed down as she cradled his tiny body in her arms. Together they penetrated through the chilling mist of the border-crossing bridge, leaving the lines of carriages due for another transit post in Beinn Dearg....
Anastasia Brokelyn and Gina have met up for “tea” but we know that’s just an excuse to get together and get kinky like they always like to do. These hot college lesbians love to play these dirty mind games with each other until they simply must give in to their curious desires for each other. Join the glamour models as they lustfully lick, probe, and prod each other’s wet pussies with their toys, tongues, and fingers and end this XXX 4K Euro Girls On Girls premium porn...
xmoviesforyouI’m jimmy from bathinda. Any sexy girl ,bhabhi ,married lady want to meet send email to reply must. Lets start I finished my 12th and got good marks in math. Near my house my school teacher named neha was living. She used to come to my house and ask certain doubts regarding math as she doesn’t know 11th math but she was appointed as their teacher. I should tell about her. She was a fair lady with well built body. Her figure was 38-30-38.she was so sexy in her sarees. When she walked her buts...
IncestOVER THE TOP "Tell Billy what you're going to do for him tonight," I said. Jan was shaking her head. I saw tears in her eyes. My dick was hard. "Tell him, Jan. What did I tell you to do for him? Tell him now." She couldn't stop shaking her head. "Don't. Please Donny don't. Please," Jan said. "Tell him, Jan." We were sitting at a round table in the school cafeteria. Jan and Billy and Tony and Brick and me....