AbeyanceChapter 9 free porn video

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I slept late again the next morning. I awoke relaxed, despite the nightmares. I was relaxed because I didn't have to go to that hell house in the country. But then I thought about Susan and Marie having to live out there. As bad as I had it, their situation was twice as bad. And they had to survive it for so much longer.

By the time I dressed and made it downstairs everyone had finished breakfast. They were still at the table. Laura was the only one that looked up and smiled when I came in. I winked at her and I apologized for being late.

Mom said, "That's okay, Lindsey. We understand that you are having a hard time of it. Sit down and let me make you some breakfast."

I was going to tell her not to bother. I only wanted juice. But I could hear the desperate need she had to do something for me. I smiled and said, "That would be nice. Thanks, mom."

Laura smiled. She had caught the nuances in that short exchange. She was very perceptive for a naïve fifteen year old.

Dad finally spoke to me. He really didn't know what so say. He obviously was embarrassed and so uncomfortable around me that he probably wanted desperately to leave the room. But I'll give him credit. He stuck it out. He asked, "What kinds of things do they make you do at their place?"

I glanced at Laura and it looked like she was afraid I was going to tell him. But I smiled and said, "Just the kinds of things that girls do, dad. You know, dusting and pushing a vacuum cleaner. I help with the meals and clean up afterwards. They have two women there who are responsible for most of the housework. I just help them out as they need me. They keep me busy."

I was lying through my teeth, of course. But the funny thing was that I looked at the blank look in his eyes as I told my lies and it occurred to me that I could have told him the truth and he wouldn't have heard it. He heard that I was talking. But he didn't hear the words. They were going right over his head. He just sat there and watched my lips move until he thought it was his turn to talk again.

His conscience may be bothering him. But it didn't seem like his feelings about me had changed. This was just like when he used to come home after work and hug Laura while asking me if I had done my homework. He never actually listened to my response.

Oh well. The truth is I didn't feel anything for him either. Not anymore. My mother was at least making an effort. It may be that when this was over I could establish some sort of a relationship with her. It was obvious that the apple of dad's eye was Laura and there was only room for one apple in his pie.

Mom made me a nice breakfast of bacon and eggs and then everyone sat around and watched me eat. The small room echoed with the deafening silence. Not a single word was spoken. I almost started crying when I realized that my parents would probably never be comfortable again until I was gone from their house.

I ate as quickly as I could and then I stood up and washed my plate before mom could move. I dried it and put it away. Then I said, "I'm going to go for a walk. I haven't had a chance to get any air and relax in a few days. I'll be home in a little while."

Laura didn't ask to join me. She knew that I was going to call Chris. She winked at me and smiled.

My father almost sighed with relief that I was going out. My mother ... she had a problem. She was relieved, too. But it bothered her. She didn't want to feel happy to see me go. I didn't blame her. I felt the same thing. These long, uncomfortable silences were very unpleasant.

I went upstairs and brushed my teeth. I got my purse and put my cell phone and Chris' number in it. I was just about to leave but I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "Fuck it!"

I took my t-shirt off. I removed my bra. Then I dug out a sexy halter top. This time when I looked in the mirror I was much happier with what I saw.

I turned my phone on as soon as I was outside. I had several messages, including one from Don! I went to my voice mail and listened to them. Don's was the most recent and played last. It was obvious that he had spoken to his friend Kevin and found out about my new life as a sex slave. He sounded pissed. He sounded like he blamed me for letting all of those boys rape me. He called me several very unpleasant names before he hung up. Fucking idiot!

It didn't upset me as much as I thought it might, though. I had already learned what kind of person Don was. I didn't have any feelings for him anymore. Not any good ones anyway.

I dialed Chris' number and he picked it up almost before the first ring ended. As soon as he answered I said, "Hi. I just thought I'd tell you that I'm on my way to the park, in case you still want to meet me there."

He laughed and said, "I'm already there! I'll see you in two minutes."

The park was just a small grassy field at the end of the street with a bunch of big old trees where people go to relax or get a little exercise. There is a track around the outer perimeter that people run and walk on. It isn't very big. There are a couple of benches that the residents chipped in and bought. But you can walk all the way around the outside of it in about ten minutes.

When I arrived at the edge of the park I saw Chris waiting at the end of the sidewalk. I was surprised at how happy I was to see him. I was also surprised by how pleased I was by the look in his eyes when he saw the way that I was dressed.

It was obvious that he appreciated the fact that I had changed into the halter top. After what I had been through in the last couple of days you might think that I wouldn't want to see desire in a boy's eyes. I think that if you had asked me when I woke up this morning I would have told you that. But for some reason it didn't upset me. It even seemed to make me feel better about myself.

I smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. Then I stepped back and asked, "What's the big deal? You saw me naked yesterday."

He blushed and answered, "I don't know. Yesterday I felt bad. I wanted to help you and it tore me up that I couldn't. There was nothing about what happened yesterday that struck me as sexual. I would be lying if I didn't admit that I thought you were sexy and beautiful. I haven't seen that many naked girls. But what they did to you out there just made me sick. You look pretty damned sexy now, though. And I'm going to have to believe that you were thinking about me when you put that top on."

I laughed and said, "Yeah. I was. I won't bother to ask if you like it."

Then I looked at him sideways and asked, "How many girls have you seen naked?"

He blushed and asked, "Counting you?"

I loved the way he blushed. It made him seem so, I don't know, un-jaded I guess. It was refreshing. I answered, "Yeah, counting me."

He said, "One, counting you."

I was astounded. Not so much because that meant that he was a virgin. Or at least I assumed that it did. I was shocked that he would admit it!

I took his hand and led him into the park. As soon as we were walking I asked, "Are you aware that you just admitted that you are a virgin? Guys don't do that you know."

He grinned and said, "I thought you would have figured it out by now. I blush like a little girl whenever I look you in the eye. God you are pretty!"

I squeezed his hand and said, "I'm sorry I can't say the same. I was a virgin until I went to court last Monday. But the judge took care of that in a hurry. And I'm going to spend the next two months getting raped six days a week, which is why I can't figure out what is wrong with your head. Have you really thought this through?"

His grin dissolved. He said, "You didn't even know I went to the same school you do. But I've had a crush on you for a long time. I don't want to sound any more pathetic than I already do. But there were so many days that I walked home behind you and imagined what it would be like to be walking with you and talking with you. I know. That sounds awfully lame. But even if I had the nerve to ask you out, you were going out with Don."

I smiled wryly and asked, "Don't you hate it when your parents are right? They told me he was a jerk. It's all his fault I got into this mess. He stole a car and I was sitting in it with him when the cops surrounded us. And the son of a bitch wouldn't even tell the cops that my sister and I didn't know it was a stolen car!"

We walked around the park for a while and then found an empty bench and sat down. We talked about a lot of things, anything but the judge and the things that happened at his house. It didn't take long to become obvious that Chris was a very shy guy. I knew that he wanted to hold me. But he was afraid. I wasn't sure if he was afraid of being rebuffed or if he was afraid of being compared to the guys that had been molesting me at the judge's house.

I was just about to lean up against him and put his arm around me when I heard my bastard ex-boyfriend from just behind us saying, "I guess you were right, Kevin. The bitch has turned into a real slut. I guess she just needed some dude to rape her skanky ass all along. How about if we take her into those bushes over there and take turns on her ass for a while?"

Chris and I got to our feet. I glared at Don and exclaimed, "You bastard! Do you have any idea what has happened to me because of you! I could fucking kill you!"

He just grinned and replied, "From what I've heard you have been having a great time thanks to me. You've turned into a real cock whore. I know this little punk isn't going to be able to satisfy that juicy cunt of yours now."

He grinned at Chris and said, "You better run along home boy, unless you just want to stay and watch."

Chris was suddenly as cool and calm as could be. He had been nervous as could be when it was just him and me. But now he seemed confident. I was scared. But Chris calmly said, "I think you should just go. Lindsey doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. We don't want any trouble. So please, just leave us alone."

He was asking politely. But he still didn't seem the least bit nervous. Don and Kevin obviously weren't capable of telling the difference. They assumed he was afraid because there were two of them and they were both bigger than him.

Don grinned and said, "Did you hear that, Kevin? Lindsey's friend thinks we should go. He even said please! Fucking pussy! Boy, get the fuck out of the way if you know what is good for you. Me and the bitch are going into the bushes over there and she is gonna give me some of that cunt she teased me with for so long. If you get in the way I'll put your pansy ass in the hospital!"

I stepped back, prepared to run. Don came around one side of the bench we had been sitting on and Kevin came around the other. I whispered urgently, "Chris! Come on! Let's go!"

Don started to walk past Chris and reach for me. Chris grabbed his arm and said, "I'm asking nice, man. Leave her alone."

I'm not sure what happened after that. It was all over in seconds. Don pulled his arm away and brought it back as if to punch Chris. Kevin attacked from the other side. Chris moved faster than my eyes could follow. Actually, it was more like he hardly moved at all! But suddenly Don and Kevin were both lying on the ground groaning in pain.

Don started calling Chris a lot of dirty names and telling him all the things he was going to do to him. He struggled to his feet and dove at him. Chris ducked to the side and brought his hand down somewhere on Don's back. That was it. It was over!

Kevin didn't even wait for Don. He got to his feet and hobbled off. He didn't even bother to threaten him as he limped away. He just left.

Don was dazed and it took a minute or two for him to roll over and get to his feet. Chris finally helped him up. Then he walked him far enough away that I couldn't hear what they were saying. Chris held on to Don's wrist for a moment and had a serious talk with him. Then he let Don go. Don left without a word.

When Chris came back I asked, "What did you say to him?"

He shrugged and said, "I just asked him not to bother you again."

I had a hero!

I put my arms around his neck and kissed him, long and hard. It took him a few long seconds to put his arms around me. But soon we were kissing and I think that he was finally getting the message.

After kissing him for several minutes I leaned back, keeping my body in full contact with his, and said, "My hero!"

And of course he blushed.

I called home at lunch time and told mom that I had met someone in the park and I was going to skip lunch. She had no objections. I didn't think she would. She may feel bad about the state of our relationship now. But she was no less uncomfortable around me than dad was. I knew she was relieved that I wasn't coming home for lunch.

I had begun to wish that I had kept my mouth shut instead of telling my parents off and pointing out to them that I had never really been a part of the family. My home life wasn't happy before. But my parents didn't take so much pleasure in my absence and they didn't act like they were walking through a mine field whenever I was around.

Chris and I spent the day together and I experienced something that I never felt before. I actually wished that there was somewhere that the two of us could go to have some privacy.

Before I got into all of the trouble I was in now I had been just about to give in to Don's constant attempts to get in my pants. But to be honest, although I got turned on by all the kissing and the touching, I would have been doing it more to please him than because it was something I wanted to do.

Now, though, I found myself wanting very much to make love to Chris. I was no longer a virgin. But I had yet to make love to a boy for the first time. I was sure that it would be different than all of the rapes I had been subjected to. And he was so sweet. I wanted to hug him to death.

But we didn't have a place like that. So we held hands and talked and he held me in his arms. We finally called it a day, reluctantly, when it was time to go home for supper. He walked me home and we made plans to meet next Sunday. I agreed to call him when I got home at night so that we could talk for a few minutes. He promised not to let the things he saw at the judge's house bother him and not to do anything stupid when he saw them abusing me.

That Sunday was the quickest twenty-four hours of my life, up until I got home. I tried to help with supper. I had been required to for nearly as long as I could remember. But my mother wouldn't let me help.

The evening meal was eaten in silence except that Laura asked me about Chris. I think she just wanted to hear the sound of a human voice. I made it sound like I had run into someone I knew from school and we spent the day talking. I'd tell Laura the full story later in my room.

The sad thing about a Sunday that passes so quickly is that before I knew it I was standing by the living room window watching for the car to take me back to hell house. And it came, right on time.

I said goodbye to Laura and my mother and went out and got in the car. Aaron did not already have his cock out and he didn't make me suck it on the ride back into servitude. He informed me, none too happily, that he had been instructed to leave me alone, just this once. Mrs. Porter wanted me in pristine condition when I arrived.

I didn't like the sound of that. But I knew when I got up this morning that I was going to be raped and abused. All I could do was try to keep from losing my mind.

Aaron didn't bother to escort me inside today. He let me out at the door and drove the car around to the garage. I noticed that Mrs. Porter had visitors. There were half a dozen cars lining the circular driveway near the door, one more reason to be nervous.

I entered the house and walked through to the room where I usually found Mrs. Porter eating her lunch. As I expected, she was not alone today. There were six women at the table. I heard them laughing and talking as I neared the room. But when I entered they all fell silent and turned to look me over.

Mrs. Porter introduced me. It wasn't your usual introduction. She said, "Ladies, here is the little slut I was telling you about. Lindsey, come over here."

I went over to stand beside Mrs. Porter and as I did I looked around at the women who were staring at me with expressions that reminded me very much of the looks on the faces of the boys that had gang raped me out in the backyard on Saturday.

I remembered her saying on Friday that the ladies were going to love me. I guess these were the ladies. They were all about the same age as Mrs. Porter. Four of them were as fit as she was. But one of them was, well, let me be generous and say plump. The sixth was fat.

No one spoke for a moment. But at last Mrs. Porter asked, "Well, ladies? Was I right?"

One of them said, "She is adorable. She is really sixteen? She doesn't look it."

Mrs. Porter smiled and said, "I know. That's why she delights me so. She just turned sixteen. But she could easily pass for two years younger. And she was a virgin until my horny husband got his hands on her last Monday. She has had a little experience since then. She is still quite new at this though. I don't want to give her a swelled head. But she took to eating pussy like you wouldn't believe. She is a real natural. You girls are going to love her."

I felt a wave of nausea wash over me as she confirmed my fears. The women saw how I felt about what I was going to have to do. They seemed to be looking forward to raping me just as much as the males around here did.

One of the women said, "It's too bad we can't do the show first. But I hate it when they get all nasty and smelly."

Another woman said, "You need to get the judge to find you another one of these little cunts, Karen. Then we could have one of them put on a show while the other keeps us happy."

Mrs. Porter smiled and said, "I like that idea. But it's harder than you might think to get these dumb kids out here. First he has to find one that is young enough and pretty enough. She has to be stupid enough to get into some situation that leaves her with no choice but to agree to come out here and let herself be used this way. A lot of things have to come together. And now, I think it's time for some cumming together. Lindsey, get out of those clothes."

While I was undressing, Mrs. Porter opened a small spiral notebook and said, "Let's see. According to this, the order today is; Donna, Jacqui, Carol, Amanda, Polly, and Justine."

Some of the women complained that they would have to wait so long for their turn. Mrs. Porter offered them the use of Susan or Marie but they all wanted to take their turns raping the new girl, me.

As soon as I was naked I was sent around the room so that the ladies could examine me. They weren't as cruel or as painful in their examinations as the boys and men were. Or at least most of them weren't. One of the women had a lot of sadist in her.

Most of them only ran their hands lightly over my breasts, tweaked my nipples and teased my pussy. But the fat woman had a cruel streak in her. She pinched my nipples until I cried out. She laughed at my response and then her hand moved down and her fingers began to squeeze my labia just as hard as she did my nipples.

I cried out again and almost fell to my knees. I had tears in my eyes when she finally stopped pinching me. She just smiled and patted my cheek affectionately. Then she said, "Don't worry, baby. By the time you have served your sentence you will get used to it. You're just a little too sensitive. We are going to take that out of you. The judge and Mrs. Porter have already started. And the show you will be putting on for us later should help."

They toyed with me for a little longer. I was passed around like a sex toy. But then, I guess that what I was to them. Finally one of the women stood up and said, "Come with me, dear. Let's find out if you are as good as Karen says you are."

I followed her out of the room but she made me precede her up the stairs to one of the guest bedrooms so that she could enjoy the show I suppose. She closed the bedroom door and ordered me to undress her.

While I removed her blouse and skirt she informed me that she was not "into" women. But, she liked the way the girls that Karen trained could perform cunnalingus. She didn't want to kiss me or make love to me. She only wanted me to eat her out better than she had ever been eaten out before.

She ordered me to remove her panties and she got up on the bed, still wearing her bra. She spread her legs and said, "You may begin now."

It was all so cold and impersonal. But that was fine with me. I had no desire to make love to her either. I climbed up onto the bed between her legs. She had apparently never trimmed the hair anywhere around her pussy. I couldn't even see it! I leaned closer and started running my tongue up through where I knew her vagina must be. Once the hair got wet and matted I could finally locate the opening. I began to eat her out the way I had been taught.

She watched me for a while. I couldn't see any signs that what I was doing was having any effect on her. I was starting to get worried because I knew I would suffer for it if I didn't satisfy her.

But even though her breathing never seemed to change she finally closed her eyes and stiffened up just slightly. She started making a strange noise over and over. It sounded like she was exhaling short breaths very forcefully. It made a sound like, "Chuh! Chuh! Chuh!" She repeated that same sound. It reminded me of a steam engine just starting to leave the station in one of those old black and white movies.

She clamped her thighs down on my head for a moment and then it was over and she pushed me away.

I waited for her to tell me that it was over, or order me to start again. But that was it. She sighed and then snapped, "Get your nasty ass out of the way so I can get up!"

I think she was just trying to hide her true feelings for me. It was probably unavoidable that she would fall in love with me after what we had just done. The cold, fucking bitch!

I got up and stood back out of the way. She swung her feet out of the bed and sat up. She never looked at me. Not once now that she had used me to get her rocks off. She got up and wiped her crotch off with a towel from a pile of hand towels on the nightstand.

She quickly put her clothes back on and ordered me back downstairs. The way she was talking to me you might have thought that I had just raped her! The psycho bitch!

As soon as I entered the room another of Mrs. Porter's friends got to her feet and said, "Ladies, don't wait up for me."

She waved me back upstairs and followed me back up to the bedroom. When we entered, Marie was just finishing up. She had rushed in to put fresh linens on the bed while I was taken downstairs and handed off.

She gave me a sympathetic look on the way out of the room and winked at me. It wasn't much. But it helped that there was someone that knew what I was going through and felt sympathy for me.

Once again I helped a strange woman undress. All of Mrs. Porter's friends looked sophisticated. But this one had more than that. There was a feel of power she gave off that reminded me of the judge. She was used to being obeyed.

She wasn't quite as cold as the first woman had been. She asked me a little about myself. I didn't really feel like sharing. But I was too afraid not to answer her questions. So I answered her prying personal questions. But it was obvious from what she asked that she already knew a great deal about me.

When I finished undressing her she put a hand behind my head and pulled me close. She started kissing me like a man would, really taking control. At the same time her other hand cupped my vulva and began to explore.

When she discovered that I was still dry she chuckled and said, "Good. Nice and clean. That Donna! She certainly is a selfish bitch, and lazy, too."

The first woman may have been selfish and lazy. But I preferred her to the second. She required me to make love to her the way Mrs. Porter made love to me that first day. It took much longer and was a lot more work.

What made it worse was that she insisted on eating me to an orgasm and seemed to consider making me cum a personal challenge. I might have tried to fake it but I was pretty sure she would know the difference. She obviously had a lot more experience with orgasm than I did.

By the time I was passed along to the fifth of Mrs. Porter's friends I was getting exhausted. Unfortunately, the fifth woman was the cruel, fat woman who took so much pleasure in tormenting me when they were tormenting me around the table downstairs. She was even more brutal when we were alone.

I led her up to the same room I had been using to entertain the previous four women. She closed the door and placed her huge purse on the bed. The feverish look on her face scared the hell out of me. And I quickly learned that I had every right to be worried.

The woman reached into her purse and pulled out a blindfold. She placed it over my eyes and the fear was instantly ramped up several notches. I heard her going back into her purse. A moment later she spun me around roughly and handcuffed my hands behind my back.

I listened closely, and very nervously, while the woman undressed. I was nervous about being blindfolded and not having the use of my hands to defend myself. But I was not that upset that I wasn't going to have to see that fat woman with her clothes off.

I heard her digging around in that giant purse again. I wasn't able to decipher the sounds that followed. Not until she stepped up and I felt her body rubbing against me. Her big stomach and her huge, pendulous breasts pressed against me and I shuddered in revulsion. At the same time something long and hard and cold was being forced between my upper thighs and rubbing against my vulva.

The woman finally spoke in a cold, heartless voice. She chuckled and said, "You've been having a pretty easy afternoon so far. Those other women don't know how to really enjoy a little cunt like you. The only reason I put up with those bitches and that arrogant Porter cunt is so that I can enjoy the pitiful little waifs that the judge brings home from work. Well, sweetheart, rest period is over."

She stepped back and I felt something press against my lips. She forced something that was large and warm and greasy into my mouth. I caught a whiff of something unpleasant before it was buried in my mouth, almost to my throat.

She fastened some straps behind my head. While she was securing that thing in my mouth she delighted in explaining what it was. "That is the butt plug that has been in my ass all morning. I've been keeping it warm for you, baby. I'll take it out later so you can eat my pussy. But we need to keep it in there for the foreplay. If you didn't have that thing in your mouth we might be interrupted. We don't want that."

She moved back around in front of me and grabbed a handful of my hair. She almost lifted me up off of the floor by my hair. With those large hands and huge arms I didn't doubt that she could have.

The reason for all of this preparation became painfully obvious a second later. I felt a horrible pain explode across my breasts. I screamed around the butt plug in my mouth but almost no sound escaped.

She struck me again before I fully realized what was going on. I nearly pulled the hair she was holding in her ham-like fist out of my head when I attempted to get away from her and from that horrible pain.

She struck my breasts twice more. Then she stopped hitting me and began to pinch and twist my nipples until I thought I would pass out from the pain.

In a brief lucid moment I wondered how a woman could do this to another female. What about this could be exciting to anyone?! But she went back to work with whatever it was she was beating me and there was no more time for thinking.

She struck my breasts again. Then she began to strike other sensitive areas of my body. She beat me on my stomach and my thighs. She moved around and covered my back and the backs of my legs with vicious blows.

The rain of blows finally stopped and I could hear her panting right beside me. I was crying hysterically, but very little sound was escaping from me. I was struggling for breath and that added to my panic. My nose was running so I had to struggle to breathe through my largely obstructed mouth.

My situation didn't improve when she bent me over and pressed my face down on the bed. I managed to turn my head enough to enable me to suck in a little oxygen between sobs. But my breath was driven from me when something was driven into my exposed pussy from behind. It was long and fat and my pussy was completely dry. I felt like I was being torn apart inside.

The woman's big stomach and fat thighs slammed into me and I figured out that she must have something strapped to her pubic area like a big fake cock or something and she was fucking me with it.

She pulled back and slammed into me again, grunting loudly with each thrust. I didn't understand. What could she possibly be getting out of this?! It was a rubber cock for Christ's sake! She couldn't be getting pleasure from that!

Same as Abeyance
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Vetted Sheila, the Aussie housewife got out of the shower and slipped on the bathroom floor. Instead of slipping over forwards or backwards, she slipped, did the splits and suctioned herself to the floor. She yelled out for her husband, Bruce. “Bruce, Bruce!” she yelled. Bruce came running in. ‘Bruce, I’ve bloody suctioned myself to the floor!’ she said. ‘Crikey!’ Bruce said and tried to pull her up. ‘You’re stuck fast girl. I’ll go across the road and get Frank.’ They came back and...

1 year ago
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Great sex in massage parlour

i am a regular client to a massage parlour. mary is the best. she have been giving me great massage for 4 months on weekly basis. usually, she will give me the sexual massage by apply acupressure on my balls and groin area. after my cock hardened, i will usually undress her. she will obliged my caressing and perform good handjob to ejaculate me. this has been my weekly relief of stress by mary. she is a young divorcee. in the recent ocassions, i hv become more daring by undressing her pants to...

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The CavemanChapter 55

We are in office again to speak with client. Linda will speak with him alone, Irving has another trial, and she asks that I come with her. “You won’t be paid for this one, darling, I can’t justify it, but I’d like you with me anyway,” she said in the evening before. “I’m not really comfortable with McDonald, and anyhow it won’t hurt to know if he’s lying.” The investigators have found much, she says, and she wishes to verify as much as pos­sible with client. So I sit with her at table where...

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Jessicas Birthday Party

Story: #1 Copyright ©2004 Written: October 31 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: TDM Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Jessica awoke to the smell of bacon being cooked by her mother in the kitchen and realized it must be morning. Thoughts of the night before still running through her head, the things that were said and the parts that were felt and used to there fullest....

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With mom

Few days later, when I fingered mom a little bit, we were alone at home.Dad was in job and mom was cooking a meal. She had t-shirt and tight trousers. Her ass was fantastic, even when she bend over, I could see her cameltoe.I was sitting at the table and looking to her lovely shapes.My cock was getting hard and I wanted to do another step in our weird relationship with my mom.I started to talk about that night. When she come drunk and I helped her to bed. Asked her if she remember...

3 years ago
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Double Trouble III

DOUBLE TROUBLE IIIThe reader is strongly recommended to read the DOUBLE TROUBLE series for background to the following narrative.CHAPTER IThe front door chimes dragged Josh away from his washing of the morning dishes.  Lori had left for an appointment just a few minutes earlier to get her hair done, and wouldn’t be back until the afternoon.  Drying his hands and picking up his coffee, Josh went to the front door to see who was calling at 8:30 in the morning.  He was somewhat surprised to see...

2 years ago
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War A Love Story Part 1

WAR by Jason Argo "Will there be a war, Herr Strasser?" The room was in shadow, the electric lights had been dowsed and heavy drapes had been drawn across the windows to block out the early evening sunshine of midsummer. On one side of the room atop a small dais stood a slender young woman, her beautiful face framed by a long fall of blond hair. She was completely naked, her breasts swollen, her nipples tight with arousal. Facing forward, she supported...

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Alone with the man I love on an island just fuckin

As you read this story, you'll soon se that time was one thing we never had on our side. For weeks we had tried to get together. Each time being interrupted or the meeting failed for one reason or the other. We had been attempting to show each other the love and wonders you receive when two people make love and offer up their bodies, minds and soles to each other. The thrill of sex with someone for the first time is one thing but when it's attached with love, the first time is usually...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 16

Chapter 16 SALLY SEDUCES TOM, SUE LEARNS THE STORY OF TOM & MARY ANN Thanks for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie!’ If you haven’t read Chapters 1-15, please do so before reading this chapter, otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’ is a story about sports, sex and romance. The story plot centers on the adventures of two high school girls during their senior year and continuing...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a chronic Masturbator

Ever since I was a k**, i heard stories from the other girls in school about the penis. To me the penis became somewhat of a mystery that I wanted to be a part of but never had the courage to be a slut like the others. Mostly because I was overweight and did not have a great clothing sense.I went online almost everyday and checked out pictures of guys showing off their "dicks", It was amazing how everyone seemed to have a different kind. Some thin and long, some short and thick, some bent like...

2 years ago
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Beccas Story

Rod Hardin looked down at Sandy as she worked his cock in and out of her mouth. She was a truly talented cocksucker but even more important she really loved sucking dick especially his. He could feel her salvia dripping down his cock onto his balls. She opened her blue eyes and looked up at him and he could see the passion and lust that had her on fire. He could see her arm extended down to her pussy as she rubbed her pussy as her mouth pumped his 8" cock. "I love your cock Rod! I could suck it...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 42

Colleen, Rebecca, Beth Ann, Regina, and the children arrived, with their nurses and luggage on a Wednesday. I reassigned my personal physician back to Bethesda Naval Hospital with my thanks, and installed them all in the big lodge at Camp David. Jim and Millie followed the next day, and I changed my mind and appointed Jim and Colleen as my co-chief counsels, bypassing everyone, and ignoring protocol. Beth Ann and Regina were introduced as family members and accepted without question. What...

3 years ago
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Broken Family Incest Chapter 01 Watching My Whore Mom

I was packing my bags with no small amount of resentment. Despite numerous talks and pleas and attempts at bargaining, every one of which ending up in a heated argument, I still couldn't understand why we had to leave our home and move in with him.Him.My biological father.I couldn't understand why, despite abandoning us when my mother was pregnant with my younger sister, my father was still the first one mom would call whenever something truly bad happened to us. I couldn’t understand why we...

2 years ago
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Something in the WaterChapter 2 It Must Be Something In The Water

Skingsley in the Spring sunshine is to Skingsley in the rain as chalk is to cheese. There was an unmistakeable bounce in my step as I strode out to my small white van (which had no logo on the side to advertise the fact that it didn't belong to the ACME Water Softener Company). I had five calls to make, and all of them were within a mile or so of Louise Woods's house. No time wasted driving around, looking for little boxes optimistically named 'Mon Repos' and 'Dunwerkin'. The major...

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First anal

Story about Christmas night with divorced woman After first time of sex experience me and neeta had sex so many time in which we had tried so many positions and so many kinky stuffs too. We don’t gave any love relationship but we were like friends with benefits she was teacher in school and i was handling established business we had spent so many nights together having lot of drinks sessions and most importantly fabulous sex and for that i will give a thank to my friend who gave me her...

4 years ago
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Gungun Di Ki Garam Jawani 8211 Part 1

Ye chudai story mai Mumbai se likh raha hun. Mera naam Karan hai aur mai abhi 28 saal ka hun aur enginnering karne ke baad job karta hun. Mai aapko apni ek dum sachhi aap biti likh kar sunane ja raha hun jo saal 2010 me ghati jab mai 22 saal ka tha. Meri height 5.10 hai aur rang sanwala, per athlete hone aur regular gym se us samay meri body bahut fit aur tight thi. Mera ling ki motai ki baat mai pehle kai females se sun chuka tha. Meri taraf kaafi ladkiyan attract hamesha se hoti thi aur mujhe...

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Manisha Bhabhi Ki Chikni Chut

Hi dosto mera naam rajiv hai. Aaj mein aapko ek aisi kahaniane jaa rhanhu jisko padhke aapka lund itni maal jhadega ki pura haath bhar jayega. to ye kahani meri bhabhi ki hai jinka naam manisha hai. wo meri kahani ki heroine hain. Mai aapko unka figure btata hu. Wo nahi zyada patli hain aur na hi zyada moti. Par ek chiz unki zarur moti hai. UNKI GAAND. wo jab chalti hai to unki gaand aise matakti hai ki bass kha jao. Unka figure 34 26 26 hai. To readers ab aate hain kahani ki taraf. Meri bhabhi...

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O Creampies! As a fan of Japanese girls, hardcore pornography, and dripping creampies, I’m often pretty goddamn frustrated with the censorship you find in Japanese porno. The country pioneered such kinky shit as bukkake and butthole-eels, yet they frown upon explicit depictions of wee-wees. Well, I’ve got some great news for my fellow sufferers of yellow fever: OCreampies has those cum-pumped pussies you’re after, unobscured and uncensored.Ocreampies.com was registered in 2007, but their...

Premium Creampie Porn Sites
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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 11 Not a Simple Stop

About ten armed Trontigmakader entered the tavern, led by an insectoid in a flashy bright blue and white armor of some kind. “The four Masters declared martial law until we can determine who released the Cleanser beasts from their hold. This place has been identified as a meeting place of the Discrepant Element. You are all considered potential collaborators, perhaps even supplying weapons to these criminals. You are...” A high pitched humming voice screamed from somewhere else. “The Four...

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Billys mom in gold spandex

Back in 2001 was a trip, I was glad to be out of highschool, I was in community college, new friends and no bullies, I was still a virgin, but masturbating was huge part of my life, I was odd, I didnt care for porn or even softcore, I loved women in spandex. Growing up in 80s and 90s played a huge role, I love watching the soul train dancer shake it up on camera, Salt and Pepper push it music video was probly what sparked everything, two beautiful chicks in shiny spandex dancing and rapping...

3 years ago
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An interesting meeting working from home

Working from home presents a lot of new challenges. From adapting to my home office and not being with my team, there were a lot of changes to get used to when the office closed in the pandemic.  One good thing to come from it was the introduction of Emma into my life. She was the same age as me, twenty-seven, stunningly attractive, funny and had a sexual appetite larger than my own. What was not to like? Not long into our relationship, we decided to make a go at living together. The pandemic...

Office Sex
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Sylvias Mother Ch 22

They ate the lunch they’d brought, swam again, and made love again before they got dressed and headed back for the cabin. Both of them were even more acutely aware of the changes that had taken place in their relationship during the time they’d spent together since arriving at the cabin, and each of them was lost in thought, trying to come to grips with what those changes really meant while they made their way back through the forest. When they walked into the cabin, they found Brenda there,...

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The Rugby Do

Simon’s story The disco was rubbish. Held in the function room of a pub hotel it was about as festive as an undertaker’s reception room. I'd been sitting there alone, quietly drinking my beer, whilst resentfully watching all my mates on the dance floor. I couldn’t believe their behaviour, taking every chance they have to get a quick feel and what’s more I couldn’t believe the women were letting them get away with it. I knew my feelings were born in jealousy. Despite my good looks and rugby...

Quickie Sex
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Small-steps The first time I saw them in my drawer, I was puzzled and held them up. They were a plain white pair of women's underwear. A cotton bikini style by Jockey which had been worn before but I couldn't tell if they were my wife's or a pair of my step-daughter. In any case, they did look a little like the male briefs I normally wore. Mine of course were cut for a man, with a kind of pouch in front, but I did have white ones, as well as a few in black, blue, and gray. I never...

4 years ago
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The pleasure of pain

She was standing in a darkened room, stripped bare but for a strict black leather posture collar and a silk blindfold covering her eyes. Her arms were held high in the air, each one tied to the ceiling on opposite sides of the room. Her legs received similar treatment, spread wide with rope attaching each ankle to the walls surrounding her. No room for manoeuvre. As she heard the door close and his footsteps disappear she tested her bonds. First her arms, trying to pull them down, inwards,...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 57 Ameacuterica del Sur Parte I

October 8, 2000, Dallas, Texas “Paola Soto López,” she said when I sat back down. “Steve Adams.” I replied. “Traveling on business?” “Yes. You?” “Heading home from a business trip,” she replied. “What do you do?” “I run a computer company in Chicago. What do you do?” “I’m a fashion buyer for a company in Bogotá. I was in New York for two weeks.” “Do you know a designer named Elena Altieri?” “Yes! She’s wonderful! You know her?” “She’s a good friend,” I replied. “I haven’t seen her...

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Bea8217s beast stories 4

I slept through breakfast the next morning. Jack had already left for the office when Helen appeared in the bedroom quite excited. “Someone’s found Clyde,” she announced. I opened one eye and looked at my sister. She was holding a slip of paper in one hand and begging for my attention. “Where?” I managed to ask. “It’s some kennel north of the city. The police picked him up running along the highway and brought him there.” She was elated....

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Antelope FreewayChapter 39

Six years later... Earth time: January 1, 2050 12:01 AM Eastern Standard Time I was reading a book in the main library, sitting in one of the comfortable reclining chairs. Isabelle came into the room and sat on my lap and kissed me. "Happy New Years dad!" "Huh? Already?" I kissed her back and looked at the clock. Isabelle shrugged. "I was thinking of Aina base time. They used to use Eastern Standard Time as a reference... from their connection to West Virginia..." I nodded. The...

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Cheaper By The Quarter

CHEAPER BY THE QUARTER Christine, Judy, Karen and Beth asked me to come to their apartment at noon for Champagne. They had finally saved enough money for complete make-overs and were ready to go to the clinic. By make-overs I don't mean just new hair styles and exciting new make-up. Far from it. What had taken them so long to save the money - a couple of years I was told -- was that they each had wanted to have substantial -yes, substantial - - plastic surgery. They knew exactly...

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It was almost a year since we had seen each other. Twelve worrying months, fifty two weeks when all the time I was on edge. On my gloomier days I imagined the police knocking on my door and arresting me and in my optimistic periods I felt I would never see you again. In between I imagined there was a phone call from my sister screaming about what I had done to her baby or you turning up unannounced and black mailing me into more sex, or worse trying it on and succeeding with my twenty year old...

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The morning I needed a hand job part one

I had just woken from a deep restful sleep to the sound of my sister Lori giggling in the open door way of my room . My eyes slowly opened and focused on her standing there in her pink nightie. She never wore panties or a bra to bed and I could see right though. As I realized what was happening I felt a soft tug on my hard cock I saw a feminine hand softly stroking my morning hard on. It wasmy mom's best friend Sandy. She lived with us and often came up stairs to wake me on school days when I...

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My Affair With Mrs London

Welcome to sunny Florida, my name is Aaron, and I'd like to tell you my story. I'm your average American kid, spending my time trying to pick up chicks and stealing booze just for the hell of it. But this story isn't concerned with all of that, this story concerns a one, Mrs. Bridgette London, and more importantly, her affair with her young next door neighbor, me. She was a knockout, to the truest form of the word. She was about 5'5", bright blue eyes, and body like a brickhouse; 34 DD's and an...

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My car experience

I looked in the rearview mirror. Yes, there he was, coming up to pass me again. We had been playing this little game of leapfrog for some miles now, and it had somehow taken on a life of its own. It had started innocently enough, I noticed him slowing a bit after we made eye contact on the second pass, and the game had begun. It was now the sixth time we had passed each other, and our gestures had gone from eye contact to casual flirtation. He blew me a kiss as he overtook me in the left lane,...

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Her Sisters Wedding

Eloise Goddard plugged her earphones into her iPod and picked up her book. The plastic sandwich that she’d been served didn’t appeal to her and she could smell the food being served in front of the curtain. She giggled at her envy. She could’ve been up there if only she’d agreed to her boss’s request. At 22 years old she was, in her boss Peter’s words, the world’s best PA. Obviously not good enough to put on a permanent contract, as she’d temped as his PA for the last two years. But she was...

2 years ago
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Tokyo Symphony Ch 05

Sakura’s disappearance was abrupt and unexplained. She was missing, like a visible hole, from the last-day-of-school party, showed up late to all her exams in a wrinkly uniform and greasy hair, then brushed off Natsumi when she tried to talk to her afterwards. At the post-exam party (Natsumi sometimes felt her life was nothing but a procession of identical parties) Sakura was again missing in action, leaving Natsumi to drift around with Hayato, enduring his awkward flirtation and puppy-dog...

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CelebrationsChapter 2

When April's juices got running, I changed positions, arranging her on all fours. As I drilled her from behind, I instructed mom and April to lie beneath her and suck on her tits. They complied promptly. I told them to help her come fast. April was in heaven. I kneaded her ass cheeks while giving her sucking pussy, long, deep strokes. I spit down onto her wrinkled hole and massaged it with my fingers, working some of my drool into her rectum. Then I fingered her ass with the same fucking...

4 years ago
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She was a life long cheating wife and I had no id

We dated the last year and a half of high school, and were sexually active nearly the entire time. When we graduated, she was pregnant. Although we had both made plans for college, we got married instead. Sharon miscarried that baby, but we chose to stay together. At the time of her death, we had been married over 45 years.In that time, I was aware that she had been unfaithful to me with two men. The first time, a few months after the birth of our first daughter, a former boyfriend came to the...

1 year ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 9 Mikes recaps last night

I was still Mike’s number one until selection. Normally he would have been with me but this morning I had little choice but to wait for him to appear. Finally, at 07:40 out came Jay, Pam, and Mike. There were two couples ahead of Jay in the serving line. As I approached, Pam stepped backward gently pressing into Mike. Mike took the opportunity to hug Pam from behind. Although I was behind Mike, it looked from my angle that Pam put his hands on her more than ample boobage. Both started...

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Bad Day in Toulary chapter 2

Sara, still naked walks into the kitchen and starts breakfast, leaving Vance wondering what the hell is going on.He thinks to himself, "I find her in the spare bedroom, fucking this idiot and she blames me and won't get out of the house. And now she is in the kitchen naked with his stuff oozing out of her, fixing breakfast. I have to be missing something here somewhere." He walks slowly into the kitchen, Sara humming to herself, stirring pancake batter.She turns to him, "Pancakes and eggs with...

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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 01

Chapter One Cinderella’s Seduction Startled, Cindy looked up from her seat as the inner door opened and an incredibly beautiful young woman emerged. The girl looked miserably sad, shaking visibly, her lower lip trembling. She also looked … perfect, her blonde hair long and flowing, her eyes large and round and evenly spaced on her ideal face, her nose pert, her lips full and red. She had the figure of a supermodel, with firm bosom and hips framing an almost impossibly slender waist. The girl...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 46

"She finally got ya!" Sam said with a grin. He slapped me on the back and handed me a cold Sprite "Man, she's been after you since after Elissa died. She is horny as hell for you. Why don't you put her out of her misery? She's 18 and knows her own mind. Hell, I'd be proud if it was you that got her. Ever since 8th grade she's had her eye on you. I'm not certain, but she may even be saving herself for you. She only goes out in groups and doesn't keep a "Steady" boy. Says it's not...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Prelude Part 6 Naming Day

Prelude Part 6: Naming Day A new egg-shaped stone cut from a single two-ton boulder marked the grave of the little girl. The stone had been dug out from underneath the snow; a stonemason had chiseled the name Freya Olafson and the date into the stone and then it was carried to the cemetery behind the community roundhouse. There, also under a thick layer of snow, were the rock mounds and rock markers of the graves of the most revered. On a planet with so little land, the dead usually...

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My Wife Her Brother And Myself

Hi, Friends, I am not a new member here, I have been reading these stories for long, this sex story is about the real incident happened with me. Since this is a real incident, I am not going to mention any names here, I work in a city, with my wife and 3 kids living in the city, my brother in law completed his studies and he got the job in the same city and he joined us to live with us. We usually sleep down, since there is not enough space on the bed to sleep altogether. One day, I told my...

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Me Donna a young student

This happened in 2007Donna and I had a weekend in Newcastle, a large city in the north of England, the hotel we were staying in was right in the middle of the student area and the bar got crowded and lively in the evening, because it was full of students. This night we had been out for a meal and was in the bar having a few drinks when this lad kept staring at us.I went to the bar and asked him what was wrong, he denied staring and we got talking, I took the drinks over to the table were Donna...

2 years ago
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A Study in ScarletEpilogue part 2

"Oh, he just walked in, Pat. Hold on." Julia said as John strode into the office. He nodded at his secretary and told her that he would take it in his office. Closing the door behind me he sank into his desk chair and grinned as he picked up the phone. "Hi, Patty. Glad I didn't miss your call." "Hi, Johnny. Got your message to call you at your office. What's up? Everything okay I hope." Patty said. "Oh, sure. Everything is hunky dory, Pat. Couldn't be better. The sun's shining...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Girlfriend Nisha The Gujarati Girl

Hello friends, to be frank this are my first story on iss. I’m reading iss when i was 18. And at present i m Kushagra Singh 24 from Kolkata (W.B). I am not a bong. I am available for cam chats and love to have private meetings too. Till date i have fucked many girls approx. 8 to 10. And it’s true. Let’s come to the story now. I had a gf name Sonali; Nisha was her friend’s sister. She is at present 21. 34 – 28 – 32; slim figure with round boobs and brown nipples. I use to love shaved pussy. But...

2 years ago
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Tied on First

Sex. Sex. Sex. That's the three main things I thought about at age thirteen. Or, it could be: Pussy, Pussy, Pussy. Well, you get the idea. So, as it was my practice after I got home from school, I went to my room to change and when I got my shirt and pants off, well, why not take my briefs off, too, and have a little session. Oh, I dreamed about every girl I'd ever seen in a bikini, even my older sister, Carolyn. She's sixteen and has more of a figure than any of the girls my age....

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Alien DebaucheryChapter 5

For the following week Serori can’t get back to the store. She has a myriad of things she has do from Dinn responsibilities to school activities to planned events with Jo and her family. After a few days, she really needs to suck some cock in order to get herself off. Her time with Jo is productive but not as much as she’d like. Of course she gets off, but not like she would in the store with a cock in her mouth. Then finally a day comes when she has a three hour window to get away from...

3 years ago
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The ResearcherChapter 10 Miranda

Tom arrived and after greeting Jen and hearing her news he took Kim and hurried her off to Miranda's house, first taking her to his house for a change of clothing and to examine what had been bought for her. Before leaving his house he had removed her training reins ('these should have been left at the school' he said. 'You only wear them there!') and her corset and dressed her as a schoolgirl again. Miranda had an old house in town and had been eagerly expecting Kim. Tom had said she...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Isabelle Deltore Bombshell Aussie Babe

Australian hottie Isabelle Deltore comees into CherryPimps with a bang! This busty babe is excited to fuck Ran Mclane and really gets your attention being a naughty girl in her button up shirt and super tight denim shorts! She shows off that ass that is begging to be spanked and lets her bra come off making your jaw drop as you witness those perfect tits and pierced nipples! Isabelle sucks on Ryans cock and he gets lost eating out that wet pussy! Isabelle wants that cum and Ryan will be sure to...

2 years ago
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Modern Love StoryChapter 11

"Hello, is that you Ben?" The voice on the phone was familiar. Jane on the switchboard had informed me it was a personal call. "Yes, who's that?" "It's Carl. Can you talk?" I got up and shut my office door. I picked up the phone once more. "I can now." "Sorry to ring you at work but I wanted to talk to you, rather than Kelly." "Go on." "Well Ben, it's like this. Kelly might have told you I've just bought a villa in Majorca. I needed to spend some money before the taxman...

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