The Welcomed Help
- 2 years ago
- 23
- 0
cabin tents rented for $25 a day
trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50
John Boyd 28yrs old
Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old.
Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse
Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom)
Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering
Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make
Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant
deputy Angie Davenport
Marion davenport Angyie’s mom
Clyde Summers suicide victim
Edward Gaines suicide victim while serving time with John
The deputies gave us the news, we could all go home. The lone female deputy told me. I almost went to the manager to ask,, if I could get my cherry cheese cake to go. I didn’t only because they didn’t ask us to pay our check.
“Gabby why don’t you come home with me? You could spend the night and leave from here in you own car tomorrow,” Mom said.
“You should do that Gabby. Neither of you should be alone,” I suggested.
“How about you? Are you going to be alright,?” Gabby asked me.
“Sure, I need to keep an eye on Keith’s plantation,” I said.
“God I miss Keith. He would have known just what to do,” Mom said.
“Mom, Keith couldn’t have done any more than John did,” Gabby said in my defense.
“Well it’s over for tonight. Tomorrow there will be more questions, count on it,” I said.
“They know where to find you and me John. How about you Gabby? You were planning to leave tomorrow.” mom said. “Since there is nothing any of us can do to help the police. I guess you could leave.”
“They may not see it that way Mom. If I were you Gabby, I would at least tell Sylvia I was going,” I suggested.
“Oh, Sylvia is it,” Gabby said with a laugh.
“She was Keith’s friend,” I said I didn’t want her to get any ideas.
“I saw the way that young deputy with the wide ass looked at you. I guess you are more like Keith than anyone knew,” Gabby said with a grin. She was still smiling as they wheeled the body past her.
“Not that much like him,” I said without the smile.
“What is her name,” Gabby asked.
“Hell, I don’t know,” I said.
“Angie Davenport,” mom injected. “She is Marion Davenport’s daughter. She is too young for John.”
“Mom John is only twenty eight. He is not too old for her,” Gabby said. “She has to be at least twenty one. Why don’t I know her.”
“You were away in college when her family moved here. They go to our church. It is how I know her family,” Mom said.
“Mom you need to give Angie Johns number. He won’t call her. He is shy around cops,” Gabby said.
“If she want’s to find me, It will be easy enough for her,” I said. “I’m sure she has access to the parolee list in the county. It should take ten minute to locate my address and phone number.”
“Well I’ll bet you a hundred bucks she shows up this week,” Gabby said.
“I don’t gamble. Even if I did, I can’t afford those stakes,” I explained.
“You just know you would lose,” she said. “So make it five bucks.”
“All right, are you going to stay?” I asked.
“Not bloody likely. I’ll make sure your friend Sylvia has my address and phone number,” Gabby said.
“I’m going home and to bed. Call me before you leave town,” I said.
“What town, you live in the country,” Gabby said. “I live in a town.”
“Take away the Air Force guys, the tourist and you would live in a ghost town,” I said.
“Fortunately nobody is going to take those people away,” Gabby said with a smile. “I’ll be by for my things in the morning.”
“I might not be there. I’m still fishing,” I said.
“We also have a company award dinner tomorrow night,” Mom said.
“I’ll have the three dozen fillet’s ready for you,” I said.
Since I wasn’t pretending to be a catfish cook, I would have plenty of time to get everything ready. I went home from after the restaurant. I took a quick look around the campground upon my arrival, then went right to my little house. I watched a late night talk show then went to bed.
The next day was the same as most of my days were. They had all been the same since I returned home. Well what I returned to was sort of home. The first thing that stood out about that Monday was Gabby’s late morning visit to pick up her things. I was home at the time because I had finished my morning’s ‘drag of the line’.
I was skinning catfish when I stopped to watch her load up her BMW sports edition. I watched her drive away secretly glad she had gone. Mom was about all the family I could stand having around.
Later on in the afternoon I packed the cooler for Mom’s awards banquet catfish fry. I was about to leave to deliver the cooler when the Sheriff’s detective car showed up. The reason I recognized it as a cop car was Sylvia Amos was behind the wheel.
“Sorry Sylvia, I’m getting ready to make a delivery,” I said.
“Oh who do you sell to?” she asked.
“I don’t sell, I fish for mom’s catering business. It’s a family thing,” I said.
“Well I guess you don’t need a license for that,” Sylvia said.
“I have no idea to tell the truth,” I admitted. “If you want you can ride along and ask her, if she knows.”
“I’d rather talk to you alone,” Sylvia suggested.
“Come on Sylvia, I never met the man before,” I suggested.
“Oh I believe you, but he did threaten your sister,” Sylvia suggested.
“But he shot himself,” I said. “I had nothing to do with that.”
“I don’t know how you did it, but I’m sure you are responsible for his death,” she said.
“That’s just plain bullshit,” I said.
“Maybe, but I’M going to spend whatever time I have to spent proving it,” she said.
“Haven’t you heard you can’t prove a negative,” I replied. “If there is nothing else, I have to deliver these fillets before they get warm.”
“Be on your way, but know I’m going to watch you,” she said as she turned back to her car.
“So what else is new?” I asked.
After I delivered the fillets to Mom, I returned home to drag the line yet again. The Kayak went through the water like a fish. Keith had spent a few extra bucks on the beast. It was a little longer so it didn’t fit in the bed of the truck. For that reason I had built a rack that allowed the Kayak to sit with one end above the cab of the truck. The other end was down in the bed against the tailgate. That did require a bungee cord to hold the end above the cab in place, otherwise the plastic craft would blow out.
When I returned to the pickup, I packed my five gallon paint bucket with the days catch into the truck first. Only after that did I struggle with the kayak. I was tired of struggling with the kayak, so I took a look at uncle Keith’s kayak trailer. It was built useing bicycle tires and wheels. I knew it wouldn’t last long at highway speeds. At the bare minimum it needed better wheels, since I would be using it twice a day, most days.
I researched the hell out of wheels and tires. I found that if I built a trailer from scratch with all new tires it could easily run a thousand dollars. The best I could do was use Uncle Keith’s design and modify his trailer. Beef up the parts and make it a little more road worthy. I would also have to check it for tire wear regularly. I found that Keith was a genius or I was an idiot or maybe. It was likely a bit of both.
With my small amount of free time between my campground duties and my fishing, I worked on the trailer modifications. I went to the second chance store in Greenville and bought four sixteen inch bicycles for the wheels. I went to u-tube online to learn how to grease the wheel bearings. I reconditioned the to wheels on the trailer, and an extra one hanging on the trailer just in case. Now that was something Uncle Keith had never done. Of course he also didn’t drive the trailer around at sixty miles an hour on the county roads.
I spent two weeks on the trailer working and hour at a time here and there on it. It wasn’t a priority since the truck bed frame worked fine. I really just didn’t like the struggle to load and unload it twice a day. I had other things I needed to use the truck for during the day. Even with the new challenge, my life got boring in a hurry. Boring can be a good thing, I thought. I mean, I wasn’t worried about getting a knife, made from a tooth brush handle, in the back for some imagined insult. If not that it might be something shoved up my ass, just to prove the owner of the offending object was tougher than me. Believe me someone is always tougher and willing to show it.
The weather would be changing soon, so I tried to make use of every minute. I spent as much time on the river as possible. I even installed a second full sized chest freezer for more catfish, along with a commercial ice maker. I set up a rotating system for using the fillets with the oldest dates first. Just to cut down on freezer burn. I hated the idea of running such a sophisticated operation, but mom paid for all the improvements after she convinced me that it was necessary.
It was over a month after the suicide in the steak house when Deputy Angie Davenport showed up at the Gatehouse plantation. “John Boyd,” she said after she removed her slightly wide ass from the Sheriff’s patrol car.
“Now I know that isn’t really a question, so what can I do for you?” I asked.
“I was wondering if you had anymore information on Clyde Summers?” she asked.
“Who the hell is Clyde Summers?” I asked.
“The man who shot himself in the head,” She explained.
“Look Deputy Davenport I have no idea who or what he was. I didn’t even know his name until you told me just now. Sorry I can’t help you.” I said. “As you can see, I’m up to my ass in Catfish that I have to fillet. So if there is nothing else”
“Actually I wanted to ask you what your sister’s relationship with Mr Summers might be?” she asked.
“There is none that I know of,” I said.
“It doesn’t make sense that a total stranger would walk up to you with a gun,” she said.
“Like I said before I don’t know what he was up to. I didn’t get a chance to ask Gabby how she knew him before I had his brains as part of stuffed baked potato.” I explained.
“Call me if you think of anything,” she said giving me her card.
“Okay, but I’m not going to think of anything,” I said.
“By the way did you know Edward Gaines from your day in the state pen?”she asked.
“Yes I did,” I admitted only because it was well documented.
“Why did he commit suicide,” She asked.
“I have no idea,” I said.
“He hung himself in the cell next to yours didn’t he?” she asked.
“You obviously know that he did. Before you ask I have no idea why he did it either,” I said.
“You didn’t by any chance encourage him to do it did you?” She asked.
“No, but I don’t think anyone encouraged him to do anything,” I replied.
“Did you join in on the beating earlier that day?” she asked.
“No, as you can tell I didn’t have any kids, so the fact he was a child rapist had no special significance to me,” I explained. “Tell Sylvia next time to come herself to ask her dumb shit questions.”
Angie turned off the recorder then said, “Sorry about that. She thought you might respond to me.”
“Well you are younger and prettier than that cow, but I tell everyone the truth. That way I don’t have to trust my memory.”
“Look John, I’d like to make it up to you. Call me sometime and I’ll buy you a drink,” she suggested.
“I’m pretty sure it would be a violation of my parole to date you,” I said with a smile.
“Then we won’t date, since it wouldn’t do my career any good to be seen out with you socially. Why don’t you buy a pizza and a six pack and come to my house. We can watch a movie and talk about your drug dealing days,” she suggested.
“That sounds tempting, but I’m going to have to pass. Talking to a cop about those days is just plain stupid,” I said.
“We don’t absolutely have to talk at all,” she finally said.
“When do you want to watch a movie with me?” I asked.
“Sunday 7PM show up with a Pizza, beer, and a hard on,” she said.
“Okay, I can do all that,” I said.
The day before my date with Deputy Angie Davenport, my mom had a wedding. I helped Edwardo the world famous catfish chef. It was my third wedding working as an apprentice chef.
Joy and Jen worked the wedding as well. The catfish fry didn’t require a hug wait staff. After they piled the food onto the tables, the guests helped themselves. The girls mostly served ice tea and coffee. The service was called family style, Edwardo told me.
We worked before the guest arrived, and during the meal we were still working. After the guest left we were cleaning the food truck styled kitchen. Since they had worked around me twice before, Joy and Jen were comfortable around me. They enjoyed flirting with me in spite of the fact that it made me nervous. More likely they enjoyed it was because it made me nervous.
I had a hard time getting to sleep that night. I almost called Angie Davenport but I resisted the urge. I felt like hell Sunday morning, but I had to clean a cabin/tent and scrub the toilets and showers. It was true there were several thing I found less than appealing about being the boss. I had done worse things in prison, and was even more miserable while I did them.
I made a trip to the river to drag the line as I had begun to think of checking the bait and removing the few catfish I caught. I ran the line again at 4PM so that I was through in time to shower before I drove to the pizza restaurant and the convenience store for take out pizza and beer. I showed up to find Angie had dressed casually.
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She was 15, had straight black hair, about shoulder length, with a few blonde streaks, and 1 or 2 blue streaks in it. She had perfect sized breasts, the ones you can’t fit your hands around, but you can start at for ages. She wore the tightest clothing, and the shortest mini-skirts I will leave the rest for in my story. #Start – how it happened, and how it’s re-happening... It had been at-least four or more years, since me and my god-parents had seen each other, we considered them as my...
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Im new to this site and I may write a story or two when a got some time. but for now , I want to write about what I like in women who are into sex and proud of it and openly shows it."Absolutely a turn on for me!" In the old days when women were mocked and cut down for being interested in it, is not a turn on to me nor is it sexy. I found a new insight when I realized that gals who are horney and the real thing!Sex I beleave is a two way street and people should admit that women...
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When these events took place, my wife was 28 and I just passed thirtie. Like many others, I've fantasized about my wife being used by other men but I was too much of a pussy to actually tell her about it. I finally decided to try to make something happen after reading a fantasy cuckold story online. In the story, a guy put an ad online directing men to his girlfriend's resume and some erotic photos of her. He then asked the men to invite his girlfriend to an interview where they could ask her...
Gloria was still recovering from her auto accident injuries in the hospital, and her sister Ione had made a frustrating game of teasing me with her appearance and words, and I was feeling quite frustrated and horny. One Saturday, after I had seen Ione leaving to visit Gloria in the hospital, I decided to remedy my situation. I went next door to Gloria's, and went upstairs with the thought in mind to look through Ione's lingerie, and relieve myself. The hamper was full of her street clothes and...
If you are male or female, straight or gay or bi and you have had an experience of weeing in your clothes and being sexually moved by it please I want you to write about it. I am am going to try it soon and I will post the video, maybe in a week or two. The reason is that I get hard thinking of people (mostly females I guess) wetting their panties and or jeans . There are not too many stories around and I would like to encourage some please.....! There are a very large amount of vids on hamster...
I had a free weekend and when I heard my friend Mikes wife Louise was going on a hen party giving him a night off I suggested I visited for the weekend for a long overdue catch up, this was deemed a great idea. When I arrived I was told to drop my stuff in their bedroom as they were decorating the spare room and didn't think it fit for guests - though ok for them. I was very grateful for this kindness as it also had an en-suite.Louise got dolled up while Mike and I had a couple of beers, when...
Wendy was unusually quiet when we went to bed Thursday night. I couldn't really blame her. It had to be a lot like walking in on a secret meeting only to discover that life, as you knew it, was actually run by a committee. She just cuddled real tight to me that night and kept telling me how much she loved me. I knew she needed reassurance so I just showed her with gentle kisses and soft murmurs about how much I loved her and that I never wanted us to be apart. I could feel her tears on my...
Based on a true story. ********************* We met at university. We were in a class together and the moment I saw him I was hooked. I spent the first few weeks of my first term daydreaming my way through that class, I couldn’t even tell you what the subject was. I’d watch him chatting with the other guys, always smiling and joking. He was absolutely gorgeous — tall, dark and handsome. The ultimate cliché. One of his friends, Jack, was in a few of my other classes so I made an effort to get...
When the she knocked at my door to ask me to help her with her laundry she never thought the day would come when she would be laundering the soiled linens of our passion :) She further didn't know that I would make her an object of my latest fantasy. Read on to see what it was...She is curvy, in her mid 40s with striking confidence and great conversation skills. She might come across as snobbish and reserved at first sight but i saw the passionate and the smartness she had in her. Yes I get...
It has been the few months on the job as a corrections officer at the county jail. My assignment is the overnight shift in the women’s block. Although it is technically against the rules for inmates to be sexually active with each other to keep lover quarrels at bay, it is rarely enforced.Two that were always sexually active in the middle of the night were inmates Cece and Kay. As I would make my rounds, I would stand slightly out of view and watch them through the low light. I could hear their...
As you all know, Indian students do graduation without thinking much about career. Same was the case with me. After Graduation , I worked for 1 year. After that i joined back college for pursuing MBA. It was a repudiated college (IIM). This complete story will be in many parts. It is a real story. So not delaying much, i am gonna start the story. In IIM’s , there is a procedure of collective ragging. Everybody is involved in this from seniors to administration. It was my first day. We were...
I have always enjoyed the idea of being watched while I was completely naked. Over the years I have moved on from posting naked pictures on various websites to videoing myself masturbating. I particularly enjoyed going into the woods and stripping off before masturbating on camera. The idea of strangers watching from behind the little red light on the camera added to the excitement and when the videos got good ratings and viewing figures on various sites that was an extra buzz for me. It was a...
I was naked, on my chest, and under Corey's bed. The two sisters blocked either side of me. Corey grabbed at my arm. "Don't touch me!" "Corey leave him alone for now, it's not your fault, go play in my room and don't let mom near this one." "It not your fault Corey," I mimicked angrily, "it's all mine." "No it's not, it was a misunderstanding, it's nobody's fault." Camryn was pleading with me. "Corey, just go to my room and wait, I'll fix everything." "You can't...
Hello ISS readers. This story is one of my reader friend’s . But it has been written by me on behalf of him. He wanted to post it under my ID. This story is about me and my hot saali (wife’s sister) Prerna. She is the youngest of the 4 siblings in my wife’s family. My wife Yogita is the eldest. There is a good difference of 15 years between them. So Prerna was like a daughter to Yogita, always pampered by her. This incident happened when Yogita and I were celebrating our 10th wedding...
IncestI had read about Little Diggers (nude beach) on a Cruising For Sex website and organised a two day stay at a resort on the main beach adjacent to it as part of my trip to Byron Bay on the NSW North Coast. Leaving in the early hours of the morning, a 7 hour drive from Sydney got me into my hotel a little after midday. I settled into my room for an afternoon nap before going for a walk over the rocks to Little Diggers. Being a Friday there were only a small number of people, mostly in small...
EroticIntroduction: My second story! Im realy excited about this one, I actually started writing it before I wrote Desmond and Lyle, but got a HUGE case of writers block. I read your comments for the first story, and I think I fixed the problems with the paragraphs and details. If you like it, tell me! If you hate it, tell me! I want to know what you my readers want to see in stories, I want to know Im doing all that I can to keep you guys enthralled So again, whether or not you liked it, please...
Don't take it from the way that Jocerlyn talks to me, that she's a simple, naïve, uneducated little girl. Simple little Jocerlyn is top or near top in every advanced class in all subjects for her form at the high school. They had wanted to send her to another distant high school for gifted students but Gail, Flubberguts and I discussed it at some length before the commencement of year seven and decided that as good as it would have been for her education it would have been total poison to...
New Year 1981, and after all the hoo-ha surrounding the opening of Elvestone Hall in the autumn, followed by the official press launch on January the 1st, I had one of life's more pleasant surprises. I was at my desk in the new admin block when the phone rang. I readied myself to repeat the usual spiel when the caller's voice jolted me back a decade. "Ed? Is that you?" "Jill? Yes, of course it's me! How the hell are you? All grown up and crusading?" "Yes, that's me! It took a...
Was chatting to a guy I met on a swingers web site another story altogether on why I was on there, we exchanged numbers and the naughty texts were flying back and forth I made him ring ne once in his car while he was on dinner for work, I was sprawled on my bed naked and very wet I don't think he realised at first until my breathing got heavier he asked if he could listen to see how wet I was so I put the phone towards my pussy and proceeded to finger fuck myself the feeling someone listening...
My name is rick and i had just moved to a new college. This wasn’t like the one in New York, Everyone here had their own dorm and you could move in to another person’s dorm. A few weeks after moving in i noticed a flyer saying tryouts for football team. I had always been a good player back at my old college so I thought I would try out. I went down to the field with all the other guys trying out. I was a long day and I made it in. “Alright rick, here ya new team”. The coach said to me in a deep...
GayWould you ever steal your teacher’s lingerie if you had the chance? Of course you would! And Bambino would, too – and does! He pilfers Professor Bridgette B.’s panties when he sneaks into her house to grab the answers to the next test! But his plot is foiled when the sexy Latina teacher spies her undergarments in her student’s backpack! Upon confrontation, Bambino ‘fesses up to everything, including the fact that he took her lingerie because he wants to jerk off to her...
xmoviesforyouAnna Deville is the slut who can surely make men all hot and horny. This tattooed lady loves playing with fire, both literally and figuratively. She loves fire dancing as much as she enjoys getting fucked by a big cock. Anna looks stunning in black and red lingerie, with matching latex gloves and silk stockings. The beautiful slut wastes no time at all making Yves Morgan experience intense pleasure. She gives his huge cock a sloppy blowjob and deepthroat before letting him eat out her pussy....
xmoviesforyou"Honestly!" She exclaimed. "How do you expect to have anybody over and them not thinking 'what a mess'?" She pouted, starting to pick up the books and stuff she dropped and knocked over. I sighed, setting my book aside and helping her. "You should know by now," I stated, "I have no intentions having anybody in my room. You, is one thing. Anybody else, not so much." I paused, reaching over to grab a book beside her. "Having guests over in the living room or kitchen or --"...
Not a whole lot, Hugo realises. His intern hasn’t put his iPhone down for the last five minutes, just endlessly scrolling something he’ll probably tell Hugo he’s too old for, with his stupid pretty face a mix of sass and sympathy. “I wouldn’t let anyone else catch you staring like that,” Ellis is looking at him now, looking like he knows everything there is and that Hugo’s a fool. ...Hugo is a fool. “No one else catches my eye,” he responds, setting his face in an attempt at...